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PROHIBITIONS Employers are goneraly prohibited rom requiting oF requesting any employee o ob ‘applicant to take a le detector teat, and from discharging, disciplining o discriminating ‘Sguinst an employee or prospective employee for refusing to take a testo for exercising ‘other rights under the Act EXEMPTIONS Federal, State and local governments are not affected by the la. Also, the law does not apply to tests given bythe Federal Government to certain private individuels engaged in national securtyrlated activites “The Act permits polyeraph (a kind of le detector) tests tobe administered in the private sector, subject to restrictions, to certain prospective employees of secur servic firms (armored ca, alarm, and quar and of pharmaceutical manufacturer, distributors and sponsors. ‘The Act also permits polygraph testing, subject o esr private fms who are reasonably suspected of involvement ina workplace incident (het, ‘embezzlement, ete) that resulted in economic loge to the employe “The law does not preempt any provision of any State or local aw or any collective bargaining agreement which Is more restrictive with respect ole detector test, EXAMINEE Were poygraph test are permite, the are abject onumrovs strict standards RIGHTS soncaran te conc on logth eect ares have mumbo epec fags ncn trang to aren notice before tevin, tight refuse or Glecontnue atest and tet not to have fst resus dacloned to nathorzed eons ENFORCEMENT The Secretary of Labor may bring court actions to restrain vations and assess chil [Benates upto $10,000 againt violators. Employees or ob applicants may also bring {her own cour actions. ‘THE LAW REQUIRES EMPLOYERS TO DISPLAY THIS POSTER WHERE EMPLOYEES AND JOB APPLICANTS CAN READILY SEE IT. For additional information: 1-866-4-USWAGE SNHE (1-866-487-9243) TTY: 1-877-889-5627, “Neuron Be |WWW.WAGEHOUR, DOL.GOV This Organization Participates in E-Verify This employer will provide the Social Security Administration (SSA) and, if necessary, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), with information from each new employee's Form 9 to confirm work authorization, IMPORTANT: If the Government cannot confirm that you are authorized to work, this employer is required to give you written instructions and an opportunity to contact DHS ‘and/or the SSA before taking adverse action against you, including terminating your employment. Employers may not use E-Verify to pre-screen job applicants and may not limit or influence the choice of documents you present for use on the Form 9. E-Verify Works for Everyone For more information on E-Verify, please contact DHS: 888-897-7781 To determine whether Form I-9 documentation is valid, this employer uses E-Verify’s photo matching tool to match the photograph appearing on some permanent resident cards, employment authorization cards, and U.S. passports with the official U.S. government photograph. E-Verify also checks data from driver's licenses and identification cards issued by some states, If you believe that your employer has violated its responsibilities under this program or has discriminated against you during the employment eligibility verification process based upon your national origin or citizenship status, please call the Office of Special Counsel at 800-255-7688, ‘800-237-2515 (TDD) or at UChr Recrairaee nie emer Se rear ke eer ed ®t ‘Be Ete nga mat ae ted ademas eprnet Holand ‘Ser Comercio 5 pester ee one EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THE FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT Basic Leave Entitlement "MLA rogues covered employers provi upto 12 wesks of uni {ob protected leave to eligible employees for the following reasons “for inapucy de to pregnancy, prenatal meal cre reid birth ‘to cae forthe employees child ater ith, or placement fr adoption foster ae so cae forthe employee spouse, so, daughter o parent, who tas setous ral condton | ‘Tora serios health condition tat makes he employee unable 19 ‘perform te employee's jb. Military Family Leave Entitlements lie employees whore pou, on, dager or parents on cover cv dy cal wo covered active day status may sete 12-eek Tea etement to adres certain qualifying exigencies. Qualifying edgmiies muy elude avenging certain mila eves, aangig fot Serauve cucre,aresing cova Manca andlezalaranemers, tending certain counseling sessions andatending pst- deployment eitgrabo bing. FMLA ne teats special eave entitlement ht permis lige ‘employes to take up o 26 necks of eave to eae fora covered serie member diringa single 1-monh period. A covered servicemembers (acurrent menber of the Amed Foes, including a member of he National Guard or Reserves, th i undergoing medical eaten, recuperation rte. othrwise noutpatent sans oi there fm the temporary disability retired is fra serious injury o less", (2) aveteran who as discharged or leased unde condtions athe than dishonorable at any me dutng the five-year pio pie wo the fateh alge employee kes FMLA lave tocar ote covered ‘veteran, and who is underping medial restmen recuperation. or (Geary Sr serio ny ores * ‘The FMLA definitions of “serious injury oF illness” for current servicemembers and veterans are distinet from the FMLA definition of “serious health condition”. Benefits and Protections Daring FMA eve the erpoyer mas mainain the employee's heath coverage under any “group heath plan” on the sme terms a ifthe ‘erloyee had cortiaed wo Wok. Upon feu fom FMLA lve, mos ‘mployes must be restorc to her vigil or equivalent psivons| ‘wih uve py, Denes and her employment rms Uscof FMLA lee cannot resulta the las of ry cmployment bet ‘hat cere ror othe tof an employer's ewe And ifatieast 50 employes are eae byte employe hin 75 mies, ‘Special hours of service eligibility requirements apply to airline fight crew employees. Definition of Serious Health Condition ‘feo health condition ia lies iar, mpament, pyieat ‘crmenal condition that involves ctr an overnight stay ina medial fare fel ocominuing treatment bya healthcare provide fora ‘ond tht thr prevents the employe from performing the fnctons ‘eth employee's Jo, or prevents the qualified fly member om Parting school or oe ail activites Subject conan conditions the coniuing water roquement my tbemet ya period ofnagciy of more than conecte clea as ‘combined what leet 0 vit to eh car evi one vist nd a regimen of continuing touimant, incapacity duet pregnancy, oF Incapacity dew achrnic cnet Other condos ray mec the ysom ay) uy uoryeUIUNLADSy Secretaria aun aajosos 01 Arunioddo we nox eae ig go asniesaq, worstta sir sonsnp yo uot sedoq “ABME JI OB] QUOAU Jo] 1,U0G STYOM OL LHS AHL JAVH NOA Al

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