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English 11 Unit One Essay Nonpawit Kanjanapisan

I. Introduction
A. Thesis statement: In The Handmaids Tale, Margaret Atwood uses the theme, the
power of independence, to reveal the Commanders needs, to give freedom to Moira,
and to increase the purpose of Offred to live.

II. Body Paragraph #1

A. Topic sentence: The power of independence reveal the Commanders needs in
Atwoods The Handmaids Tale
B. Supporting evidence:
i. He wants to see you. In his office (p. 99)
ii. I want you to kiss me (p. 139)
iii. Not like that. . .As if you meant it (p. 140)
C. Clincher sentence: The Commander uses his power and be independent to
satisfy his needs of love from Offred, the theme of independence also motivates
Moira to be free as well

III. Body Paragraph #2

A. Topic sentence: The power of independence give freedom to Moira in Atwoods
The Handmaids Tale.
B. Supporting evidence:
i. Ill fake sick. . .the possibilities are- (p. 89)
ii. She had gone. . .Aunt Elizabeth couldnt see what was poking her back. . .She
was a brave woman (p. 130-131)
iii. Dont move or Ill stick it all the way in (p. 130)
C. Clincher sentence: Moira uses her idea of independent to escape from the
society to freedom, the theme of independence also motivates Offred to live in this

IV. Body Paragraph #3

A. Topic sentence: The power of independence increase the purpose of Offred to live.
Offred, main character of this story.
B. Supporting evidence:
i. I keep the knowledge of this name like something hidden, some treasure Ill come
back to dig up (p. 84)

C. Clincher sentence: Offreds independence creates something for her to hold

on and live with that thing till the end.

V. Conclusion
A. Rephrased thesis statement: The theme that Atwood uses to describe
the desire of Commander, freedom of Moira and reason to live of Offred is the power
of independence.
English 11 Unit One Essay Nonpawit Kanjanapisan

The Power of Independence

Dystopia is an unreal place in imagination where people live with an unfair society and

fear. Even though, dystopia is happening in many people vision, but dystopia is also happening

in the real world. The Handmaids Tale is a literature that uses the idea of dystopian to relate

the story to real life dystopian and the theme of the story as well. Theme is the main ideas or

subject of literature that the story and actions of characters have relevant on, theme can also be

use to describe the literature as well. In The Handmaids Tale, Margaret Atwood uses the

theme, the power of independence, to reveal the Commanders needs, to give freedom to Moira,

and to increase the purpose of Offred to live.

The power of independence reveal the Commanders needs in Atwoods The

Handmaids Tale. The Commander in this story has the most power compare to the handmaids

and his wife. But Atwood creates this character to be imperfect and add his need that will affect

his actions. In chapter six, Nick tells Offred about the Commanders request, he say, He wants

to see you. In his office (p. 99). It shows that the Commander wants something from Offred.

This mean that he is breaking the rule of the society. Offred meets the Commander in his room.

Then, he asks her to play a scramble game with him. Before the Commander lets Offred go, he

tells her, I want you to kiss me (p. 139). He says something that isnt allow, so that he can

get a kiss from Offred. After the kiss, he says, Not like that. . .As if you meant it (p. 140), to

describe that he really wants this kiss to be realistic for him, so that he can fulfill his desire.

Later in the story, the Commander still meet up with Offred without letting his wife and law

knows about it. The Commander uses his power and be independent to satisfy his needs of love

from Offred, the theme of independence also motivates Moira to be free as well.
English 11 Unit One Essay Nonpawit Kanjanapisan

The power of independence give freedom to Moira in Atwoods The Handmaids Tale.

Moira, a handmaid who has high idea of independence and rebellion compare to other

handmaids. Atwood creates Moira to be independence by making her do something that other

handmaids wouldnt dare to. She always plans a way to escape and actually do it without doubt.

In chapter six, Moira tells Offred about her firsts plan to escape, she says, Ill fake sick. . .the

possibilities are- (p. 89). This conversation shows that Moira is using the power of

independence to escape and get to her freedom. She tries again the second time. In section

eight, Aunt Lydia tells a story of Moira escaping the red center, she says, She had gone. .

.Aunt Elizabeth couldnt see what was poking her back. . .She was a brave woman (p. 130-

131). After Moira stab Aunt Elizabeth, she says, Dont move or Ill stick it all the way in (p.

130). This action of Moira shows that she can do or say anything that help her escape. Moira

uses her idea of independent to escape from the society to freedom, the theme of independence

also motivates Offred to live in this society.

The power of independence increase the purpose of Offred to live. Offred, main

character of this story. She is the only character that uses the idea of independence to be herself

and want to remain in this society. Atwood creates Offred to be herself and not forget who she

truly is. In section six, Offred is thinking to herself about her old name, she describes, I keep

the knowledge of this name like something hidden, some treasure Ill come back to dig up (p.

84). Offred is keeping her name is like she is hiding her identity and her true self, then she will

reveal them in the time that she is free from this society. Offreds independence creates

something for her to hold on and live with that thing till the end.

The theme that Atwood uses to describe the desire of Commander, freedom of Moira

and reason to live of Offred is the power of independence. The Commander has his own desire,
English 11 Unit One Essay Nonpawit Kanjanapisan

but he completes it with his action. Moira escape from the dystopia with her bravery. Offred is

keeping her old name, so that she can being herself and live on. All three characters use the

same idea to satisfy, escape and being alive. The idea of independence in The Handmaids Tale

is how each character is using their own reason to achieve their individual goals. In the end, it

shows that the power of independence can be happening at anywhere and anytime.

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