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Rubrica primer ciclo

contenido 4 pntos
content 4 ptos Habla claro Habla todo
Speak Clearly Speaks clearly and sin inventor
distinctly all (100-95%) palabras
the time, and Colabrora con Es capaz de
mispronounces no words. los pares escuchar y
Almost always listens to, apoyar a su
Collaboration grupo. Se
shares with, and supports
with Peers the efforts of others in the mantiene unido
group. Tries to keep al grupo
people working well Respeta el Su exposicin
together. limite de tiempo tiene un tiempo
limitado entre 5
Time-Limit Presentation is 5-6 a 6 min
minutes long.
preparacion Esta reparado y
Preparation Student is completely demuestra
prepared and has haber ensayado
obviously rehearsed. contenido muestra
Shows a full comprensin
Content del tema
understanding of the

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