Soal UAS Translation II

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Name : Amelia Fazriani
Class : PBI-B/IV
SRN : 122301261
Subject : Translation II
Lecture : Dhafid Wahyu Utomo, M.A.

A. Please translate these sentences into English
1. Expecting for the rain fall, do not wasted the water jar.
2. Still water runs deep
3. Wherever ground is stood on, the sky is hold high.
4. She is more beautiful than her mother.
5. Artic sea-bird have long been on the top rank as the bird with the longest migration distance.
6. I must say regretfully that your loan refused.
7. My father will have pension.
8. I see that child bullied by the child friend.
9. The tectonic caused many old buildings collapse.
10. The machines now can make several time-consuming activity.

B. Please translate this text into English

Service Charge Hotel

Service charge is a component that become a unity with certain product service price on the
sale transaction in hotel. A large range of common service charge percentage is 10 % suspended
from sale transaction in hotel. Service charge received will be calculated every month and most of
hotel operator management will be distribute the service percentage to the employee however there
is also management does not distribute the service charge. The wisdom of distribute service charge
is a management wisdom as a hotel operator.

C. Answer these question briefly

1. Translation is to transfer the meaning from source language into target language.
Collocation is semantically arbitrary restrictions which do not follow logically from the
propositional meaning of a word. (Baker, 1992:47).
The relationship between collocation and translation is where there is an accepted collocation in
the source language, the translator must find and use its equivalent in the target language if it
Example: Verb and Noun
Source Text Translation Based on Literal Translation Based on
Meaning Collocation
Melakukan perjalanan Do a trip Make trip
Melakukan kunjungan Do a visit Pay a visit
Minum obat Drink medicine Take medicine
Mengalami kecelakaan Experience an accident Have an accident

2. Translating is not an easy task, because some problem may arise, such as:
1) Problem in collocation from Indonesian to English or English to Indonesian.
2) Lacking of knowledge about mastery linguistic science from source language and target
3) Lacking of vocabulary building.
4) Problem of ambiguity (when a word or a phrase or a sentence has more than one meaning).
Then, the manner to overcome/ minimize the problems, there are:
1) Increase reading English book such as novel, magazine, or newspaper in English not in
2) Learn educated vocabulary, grammar, and conversation patterns.
3) Try to do not translate from our target language (English) to our mother language
4) Force our self to think in English, and translating will come naturally.
5) Do not ever stop to learn and learn.

Dalam sebuah perjalan seorang ayah dengan puteranya, sebatang pohon kayu nan tinggi
ternyata menjadi hal yang menarik untuk mereka simak. Keduanya pun berhenti di bawah
rindangnya pohon tersebut. Anakku, ucap sang ayah tiba-tiba. Anak usia belasan tahun ini pun
menatap lekat ayahnya. Dengan sapaan seperti itu, sang anak paham kalau ayahnya akan
mengucapkan sesuatu yang serius. Adakah pelajaran yang bisa kau sampaikan dari sebuah
pohon? lanjut sang ayah sambil tangan kanannya meraih batang pohon di dekatnya. Menurutku,
pohon bisa menjadi tempat berteduh yang nyaman, penyimpanan air yang bersih dari kotoran, dan
penyeimbang kesejukan udara jawab sang anak sambil matanya menanti sebuah kepastian.
Bagus jawab sang ayah. Tapi, ada hal lain yang menarik untuk kita simak dari sebuah
pohon tambah sang ayah sambil tiba-tiba wajahnya mendongak ke ujung dahan yang paling atas.
Perhatikan ujung pepohonan yang kamu lihat. Semuanya tegak lurus ke arah yang sama.
Walaupun ia berada di tanah yang miring, pohon akan memaksa dirinya untuk tetap lurus menatap
cahaya, jelas sang ayah. Anakku, ucap sang ayah sambil tiba-tiba tangan kanannya meraih
punggung puteranya. Jadikan dirimu seperti pohon, dalam keadaan apa pun, tetap lurus mengikuti
cahaya kebenaran, ungkap sang ayah begitu berkesan.

A Tree
In a journey of a father with his son, a high tree wood apparently to be an interesting thing
for they see. Both of them were stop under the leafy tree. My son, said the father suddenly. The
teenager also stared at his father. With greeting like that, the child understand that his father would
say something serious. Are there any lessons that you can tell from a tree? continued the father
while his right hand grabbed the tree tunk nearby him. I think, a tree could be comfortable shelter,
storage clean water from dirt, and air coolness balancer replied the son while his eye wait a
Great said the father. But, there are other interesting thing to be discussed from a tree
add the father while suddenly his face looking up to tip the topmost branch. Look the tree tip you
see. All tree tip perpendicular to the same direction. Although it was on sloping land, the tree
would force itself to keep straight staring at the light, said the father. My son, said the father
while suddenly his right hand grabbed his son back. Make yourself like a tree, in circumstance,
stay straight follow the light, said the father.

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