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2 M

Beginners Programme

In this part of the course we will learn the words of the Thamizh Alphabet.
The Thamizh Alphabet consists of

Vowels - 12
Consonants - 18
Aaytham -1
Vowel Consonants - 216

216 Vowel consonants are formed by the combination of vowels and

Beginners Programme 3

Key to Transcription
a k/g tR / R
A ng n
i s / ch sh
I nj s
u t/d j
U N h
e th / dh ksh
E sri
ai p/b
o m
O y
au r
q l
4 M

- 1


In Thamizh, the letter is pronounced either as Ta or Da.


Ta As in the word Tusk

Da As in the word Dusk

words with the letter

Patam Picture

Katal Sea
Beginners Programme 5

Kutam Pot

Matal Letter

In Thamizh, the letter is pronounced either as

Pa or Ba

Pa As in the word Puppy

Ba As in the word Bulb

words with the letter

Pasu Cow

Pahzam Fruit
6 M

Pattam Kite

Ya As in the word Royal

Vayal Field

Muyal Rabbit

Puyal Storm

Kuyavan Potter
Beginners Programme 7

Ma As in the word mug

Maram Tree

Mayil Peacock

Amman Goddess

Malai Mountain

Zha As in the word pazham

8 M

Nizhal Shadow

Kuzhandai Baby


Letter is pronounced as it

It As in the word Cut

Kattam Square

Sattai Shirt
Beginners Programme 9

Vattam Circle

Letter is pronounced as ip

Kappal Ship

Appam Food Item

Appam Food Item

PappaLi Papaya

Letter is pronounced as iy

Iy As in the word Boy

10 M

Kaiy Vegetable

Naiy Dog

Caiy Baby

Letter is pronounced as im

Im As in the word Room

KampaLam Carpet

gk;guk; pamparam Top

Beginners Programme 11

mk;kh ammA Mother

Flk; kutam Pot

Letter is pronounced as izh

H; izh As in the word Thamizh

H; vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter

jhH; thAzh Latch

ahH; yAzh Harp

FkpH; kumizh Bubble

12 M

u r f j
Letter u is pronounced as ra

u ra As in the word Orange

u vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter u

kuk; maram Tree

gk;guk; pamparam Top

rf;fuk; cakkaram Wheel

murd; arasan King

Beginners Programme 13

Letter r is pronounced as ca

r ca As in the word Church

r vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter r

cangku Conch

re;ij canthai Market

rl;il cattai Shirt

rd;dy; cannal Window

griy pacalai Spinach

14 M

trk;g[ vacampu Sweet flag

bert[ necavu Weaving

Letter f is pronounced as ka

f ka As in the word Cut

f vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;:

words with the letter f

fly; kadal Sea

fl;llk; kattatam Building

fg;gy; kappal Ship

fuo karati Bear

Beginners Programme 15

Letter j is pronounced as tha


j tha As in the word Thamizh

jtis thavaLai Frog

jo thati Club

jr;ru; thachar Carpenter

jl;L thattu Plate

Letter u; pronounced as ir

u; ir As in the word Car

16 M

u; vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter u;

ghu; pAr World

nju; thEr Chariot

kyu; malar Flower

Cu; Ur Village

Letter r; pronounced as ich


r; ich As in the word Church

r; vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter r;

kr;rk; macham mole

Beginners Programme 17

jr;rd; thachan Carpenter

Fr;rp kuchi Stick

cr;rp uchci Peak

Letter f; pronounced as ik

f; ik As in the word Desk

f; vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter f;

rf;fuk; cakkaram Wheel

g{f;fs; pUkkaL Flowers

gf;fk; pakkam Page

18 M

ru;f;fiu carkkarai Sugar

Letter j; pronounced as ith


j; th As in the word Cloth

j; vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter j;

ej;ij nathai Snail

bkj;ij methai Bed

kj;jsk; mathaLam Percussion


g[jj; fk; puthakam Book

Beginners Programme 19

- 3

m M , <


Letter m is pronounced as a

m a As in the word animal

m vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter m

mk;kh ammA Mother

mg;gh appA Father

md;dk; annam Swan

mzpy; aNil Squirrel

20 M

Letter M is pronounced as A

M A As in the word Armour

M vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter M

ML ATu Goat

MW ARu River

Mykuk; Alamaram Banyan Tree

Mik Amai Tortoise

Letter , is pronounced as i

, i As in the word ink

Beginners Programme 21
, vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
words with the letter ,

,iy ilai Leaf

,l;lyp iTTali Idly

,e;jpah inthiyA India

,kak; imayam Himalaya

Letter < is pronounced as I


< I As in the word Steel

< vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter <

< I Housefly
22 M

<l;o Itti Spear

<r;rk;gHk; Ichampazham Dates

Letter lh is pronounced as TA

lh tA As in the word Tall

lh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter lh

thlhkyu; vAtAmalar Non-fading


ehlh nAtA Tape

Tlhuk; kUtAram Tent

jlhfk; thatAkam Pond

Beginners Programme 23

Letter gh is pronounced as pA

gh pA As in the word path

gh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter gh

ghy; pAl Milk

ghg;gh pAppA Baby

ghujp pArathi Barathi

gg;ghsp pappALi Papaya

24 M

Letter ah is pronounced as yA

ah yA As in the word yacht

ah vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter ah

ahid yAnai Elephant

tpahghup vyApAri Merchant

jhahu; thAyAr Mother

tpisahL viLaiyATu Play

Letter kh is pronounced as mA

kh mA As in the word model

Beginners Programme 25

kh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter kh

khd; mAn Deer

khkuk; mAmaram Mango Tree

mk;kh ammA Mother

khL mATu Cow

Letter Hh is pronounced as zhA


Hh zA As in the word
vizhA (Festival)

Hh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter Hh

MHhf;F AzhAkku A Thamizh Measurement

26 M

THh fy; kUzhAngal Pebble

VHhapuk; EzhAyiram Seven Thousand

Letter uh is pronounced as rA

uh rA As in the word Rock

uh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter uh

jpuhl;ir thirAtchai Grape

juhR tharAcu Balance

uhzp rANi Queen

Beginners Programme 27

Letter rh is pronounced as cA

rh cA As in the word Song

rh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter rh

rhl;il chATTai Whip

mr;rhzp achANi Axle Pin

rhtp cAvi Key

rhg;ghL cAppATu Food

Letter fh is pronounced as kA

fh kA As in the word Cock

28 M
fh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
words with the letter fh

fhfk; kAgam Crow

jf;fhsp thakkALi Tomato

fhis kALai Bull

fhJ kAthu Ear

Letter jh is pronounced as thA


jh thA As in the word Thaw

jh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter jh

jhkiu thAmarai Lotus

Beginners Programme 29

jhahu; thAyAr Mother

jhs; thAL Paper

bghj;jhd; pothAn Button

Letter o is pronounced as Ti

o Ti As in the word Ticket

o vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter o

<l;o ITTi Spear

jo thaTi Club
30 M

fl;oy; kaTTil Cot

bjhl;o thoTTi Tank

Letter O pronounced as TI

O TI As in the word Teacher

O vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter O

nfhO tud; kOTIsvaran Billionaire

gl;O tud; paTTIsvaran patiswaran

nfl;Onuh> KETTIrO Did you listen?

Beginners Programme 31

fz;Onuh> kaNTIrO Did you see?

Letter gp is pronounced as pi

gp pi As in the word Pig

gp vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter gp

gpd;dy; pinnal Plait

ifg;gpo kaippidi Handle

jk;gp thambi Younger Brother

fk;gp kambi wire

32 M

Letter gP is pronounced as PI

gP PI As in the word Peak

gP vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter gP

gP fhd; PIngkAn Porcelain

; ha; PIppAy Barrel

Letter ap is pronounced as yi

ap yi As in the word ear

ap vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter ap

nfhapy; kOyil Temple

Beginners Programme 33

thapy; vAyil Entrance

Letter aP is pronounced as yI

aP yI As in the word
effle Tower

aP vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter aP

; eRiyITTi Javelin

; g
; [ puviyIrppu Gravity

Letter kp is pronounced as mi

kp mi As in the word milk

kp vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter kp

kpd;dy; minnal Lightning

34 M

kpsF miLaku Pepper

Letter kP is pronounced as mI

kP mI As in the word meter

kP vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter kP

kPd; mIn Fish

kPir mIcai Moustache

Letter Hp is pronounced as zhi


Hp zhi As in the word vizhi (Eye)

Hp vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter Hp

nfhHp kOzhi Hen

Beginners Programme 35

Letter HP is pronounced as zI

HP zhI As in the word vAzhi

(Long live!)

HP vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter HP

jhHPh; thAzhIr Stoop not!

Letter up is pronounced as ri

up ri As in the word Ring

up vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter up

eup nari Fox

Vup Eri Lake

Letter uP is pronounced as rI

uP rI As in the word Ream

36 M
uP vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
words with the letter uP

ruPuk; SarIram sariram

uP fhuk; rIngkAram Buzz

Letter rp is pronounced as ci

rp ci As in the word sickle

rp vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter rp

rp fk; cingam Lion

cr;rp uchi Peak

Beginners Programme 37

Letter rP is pronounced as cI

rP cI As in the word seat

rP vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter rP

rPty; cIval beetlenut

; [ cIppu Comb

Letter fp is pronounced as ki

fp ki As in the word kick

fp vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter fp

fpsp kiLi Parrot

fpz;zk; kiNNam Bowl

38 M

Letter fP is pronounced as kI

fP kI As in the word keel

fP vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter fP

fPup kIri Mangoose

fPiu kIrai Greens

Letter jp is pronounced as thi


jp thi As in the word Thick

jp vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter jp

jpz;iz thiNNai Pial

fj;jp kathi Knife

Beginners Programme 39

Letter jP is pronounced as thI


jP thI As in the word ThIef

jP vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter jP

jP thI Fire

jPtl;o thIvaTTi Fire torch

40 M

- 4


Letter e is pronounced as na

e na As in the word ornament

e vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter e

ez;L naNdu Crab

eldk; naTanam Dance

ej;ij nathai Snail

eup nari Fox

Beginners Programme 41

Letter is pronounced as gna


gna As in the word Finger

vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter

v ; dk; enggnanam In what manner?

m ; dk; anggnanam In that manner

, ; dk; inggnanam In this manner

Letter e; is pronounced as n

e; n As in the word Gandhi

42 M
e; vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
words with the letter e;

ge;J panthu Ball

re;jdk; Santhanam Sandal

je;jk; thantham Tusk

Rfe;jk; sukantham Fragrance

fe;jd; Kanthan Lord Murugan

Letter is pronounced as ng

ng As in the word Bank

Beginners Programme 43
vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
words with the letter

br fy; cengkal Brick

j feif thangkanakai Gold ornament

e if nangkai Lady

rp fk; cingkam Lion

Letter ep is pronounced as ni

ep ni As in the word nib

44 M
ep vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
words with the letter ep

epwk; niRam Colour

epyk; nilam Land

epyt[ nilavu Moon

epjp nithi Fund

Letter eP is pronounced as nI

eP nI As in the word niece

Beginners Programme 45
eP vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
words with the letter eP

ePyk; nIlam A colour

ePjp nIthi Justice

ePu; nIr water

ePrr; y; nIchchal swimming

46 M

- 5
y t


Letter y is pronounced as la

y la As in the word love

y vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter y

cyfk; ulakam World

gyif palakai Slate

g[ytu; pulavar poet

epyt[ nilavu moon

Beginners Programme 47

Letter t is pronounced as va

t va As in the word Rival

t vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter t

tiy valai Net

til vadai A food item

tz;L vaNdu Beetle

tl;lk; vattam Circle

Letter y; is pronounced as l

y; l As in the word Fill

48 M
y; vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter y;

gy;yp palli Lizard

ky;ypif mallikai Jasmine

fy; kal Stone

gy; pal Tooth

Letter t; is pronounced as V

t; V As in the word give

t; vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter t;

tt;thy; vavvAl Bat

Beginners Programme 49

brt;thdk; CevvAnam Red sky

brt;thiH ChevvAzhai Red banana

Letter yh is pronounced as lA

yh lA As in the word Language

yh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter yh

epyh nilA The moon

gyhg;gHk; PalAppazham The jackfruit

Letter th is pronounced as vA

th vA As in the word Valve

50 M
th vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter th

thuk; vAram Week

thdk; vAnam The Sky

Letter yp is pronounced as Li

yp Li As in the word Lilly

yp vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter yp

vyp eli Rat

g[yp puli Tiger

Beginners Programme 51

Letter yP is pronounced as lI

yP lI As in the word Leaf

yP vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter yP

fy;yPuy; kallIral Liver

Letter tp is pronounced as vi

tp vi As in the word village

tp vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter tp

tpuy; viral Finger

g[tp puvi World

52 M

Letter tP is pronounced as vI

tP vI As in the word vIdeo

tP vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter tP

tPL vIdu House

tPjp vIthi Street

Beginners Programme 53

- 6

v V

Letter v is pronounced as e

v e As in the word Elephant

v vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;:

Words with the letter v

vWk;g[ eRumpu Ant

vUJ eruthu Bull

vl;L eTTu Eight

vz;gJ eNpathu Eighty

54 M

Letter V is pronounced as E

V E As in the word Agent

V vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter V

Vzp ENi Ladder

Vup Eri Lake

VG Ezhu Seven

Vu; Er Plough
Beginners Programme 55

Letter is pronounced as nja


nja As in the word namali (Dog)

vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter

kd; njaman The Lord of Death

hapW njAyiRu Sun

hyk; nJAlam World

Letter is pronounced as nj

nj As in the word Tanjore

56 M
vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter

k rs; manjchaL Turmeric

g R panjchu Cotton

C ry; Unjchal Swing

fpsp ry; kiLinjchal Shell

m ryfk; anjachalakam Post Office

Letter is pronounced as nji


nji As in the word njimiRu

Beginners Programme 57

Letter Z is pronounced as njI


Z njI As in the Word painjnjIlam

(Greenish Blue)

Letter bl is pronounced as te

bl te As in the word Test

bl vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter bl

Rz;blyp chuNteli Mouse

fhl;blUik kAtterumai Bison

58 M

Letter nl is pronounced as tE or dE

nl tE or dE As in the word Date

nl vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter nl

cld;gnly; utanpatEl Disagree

fz;nld; kaNdEn Saw

cld;gl;nld; utanpattEn Agreed

nfl;nld; KEttEn Heard

Beginners Programme 59

Letter bg is pronounced as pe

bg pe As in the word pen

bg vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter bg

bgz; peN Woman

bgl;o petti Box

Letter ng is pronounced as pE

ng pE As in the word paper

ng vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter ng

ngR pEsu Speak

60 M

ngij pEthai Innocent girl

ngdh pEnA Pen

ngupf;fha; pErikkAy Pear

Letter ba is pronounced as ye

ba ye As in the word Yellow

ba vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter ba

ifbaGj;J kaiyezhuththu Hand writing

gilbaLg;g[ pataiyeduppu Invasion

Beginners Programme 61

Letter na is pronounced as yE

na yE As in the word ear

na vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter na

ifnaL kaiyEdu Handbook

jdptHpna thanivazhiyE On a lonely path

btspna veLiyE Outside

Letter bk is pronounced as me

bk me As in the word men

62 M
bk vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter bk

bkj;ij meththai Bed

bkl;o metti Toe-ring

Letter nk is pronounced as mE

nk mE As in the word map

nk vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter nk

nksk; mELam Percussion Instrument

nkil mEdai Dais

Beginners Programme 63

Letter bH is pronounced as zhe


bH zhe As in the word yazhe


Letter nH is pronounced as zhE


nH zhE As in the word kIzhE


Letter bu is pronounced as re

bu re As in the word red

Letter nu is pronounced as rE

nu rE As in the word kairEkai

(Line on the Palm)
64 M

Letter br is pronounced as che


br che As in the word Second

br vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter br

brk;g[ chembu A Vessel

bro chedi A Plant

Letter nr is pronounced as chE


nr chE As in the word safe

nr vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter nr

nrty; chEval Cock

Beginners Programme 65

nriy SElai Saree

Letter bf is pronounced as ke

bf ke As in the word kettle

bf vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter bf

bfz;o keNTi Container

bfk;g[ kembu Coral

Letter nf is pronounced as kE

nf kE As in the word cane

66 M
nf vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter nf

nfzp kENi A well

nfs;tpf;Fwp kELvikkuRi Question Mark

Letter bj is pronounced as the


bj the As in the word Therapy

bj vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter bj

bjd;id thennai Coconut Tree

bjg;gk; theppam A kind of Float

Beginners Programme 67

Letter nj is pronounced as thE


nj thE As in the word Third

nj vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter nj

njs; thEL Scorpion

nju; thEr Chariot

Letter be is pronounced as ne

be ne As in the word neck

be vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter be

bey; nel Paddy

bert[ nesavu Weaving

68 M

Letter ne is pronounced as nE

ne nE As in the word nation

ne vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter ne

neU nEru Nehru

neu;nfhL nErkOdu Straight Line

Letter by is pronounced as le

by le As in the word leg

Letter ny is pronounced as lE

ny lE As in the word Rope Ladder

Beginners Programme 69

Letter bt is pronounced as ve

bt ve As in the word Vegetable

bt vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter bt

bt fhak; vengkkAyam Onion

btz;ilf;fha; veNdaikkAy Ladys Finger

Letter nt is pronounced as VE

nt VE As in the word vaccine

nt vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter nt

nty; VEl Spear

ntyp VEli Fence

70 M

- 7


Letter c is pronounced as u

c u As in the word wood

c vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

words with the letter c

cyf cUz;il ulaka uruNtai Globe

cLk;g[ udumbu Iguana

cLf;F udukku A small drum

cz;oay; undiyal Hundi

Beginners Programme 71

Letter g[ is pronounced as pu

g[ pu As in the word push

g[ vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter g[

g[wh puRA Pigeion

g[yp puli Tiger

; puRRu Anthill

g[jj; fk; puththakam A Book

72 M

vWk;g[ eRumbu Ant

fUk;g[ Karumbu Sugarcane

brk;g[ chembu A container

mUk;g[ arumbu Bud

cg;g[ uppu Salt

gUg;g[ paruppu Nut

Beginners Programme 73

fUg;g[ karuppu Black

rptg;g[ civappu Red

Letter a[ is pronounced as yu

a[ yu As in the word Uranium

a[ vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter a[

Ma[jk; Ayudham Weapon

a[j;jk; yudhdham War

a[td; yuvan Youngman

74 M

kiya[rr; p malaiyuchchi Mountain peak

Letter R is pronounced as chu or su


R Chu As in the word sugar

R vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter R

fhR kAsu Coin

gR pasu Cow

Rtu; chuvar Wall

bfhYR kolusu Anklet

Beginners Programme 75

g R panjchu Cotton

fj;jpupg;gp R kaththirippinjchu Tender Brinjal

e R nanjchu Poison

k R manjchu Cloud

Letter t[ is pronounced as vu

t[ vu As in the word wood

t[ vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter t[

fjt[ kathavu Door

76 M

bert[ Nesavu Weaving

cHt[ uzhavu ploughig

epyt[ nilavu Moon

Letter L is pronounced as either tu, or du


L tu As in the word Took

L du As in the word fraudulence

L vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter L

tPL vIdu House

khL mAdu Cow

Beginners Programme 77

mLg;g[ aduppu Stove

ML Adu Goat

vl;L ettu Eight

gl;L pattu Silk

jl;L thattu Plate

btl;L vettu To Cut

78 M

Letter K is pronounced as mu

K mu As in the word municipality

K vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter K

Kfk; mukam Face

Kl;il muttai Egg

Kg;gJ muppathu Thirty

Kj;J muththu Peral

Letter G is pronounced as zhu


G zhu As in the word kazhugu

Beginners Programme 79
G vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter G

fGij kazhuthai Donkey

bkGFtu;j;jp mezuhkuvarthi Candle

vGgJ ezhupathu Seventy

Letter U is pronounced as ru

U ru As in the word Rupee

U vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter U

fUk;g[ karumbu Sugarcane

80 M

mUtp aruvi Waterfall

KUfd; murugan Lord Muruga

beUg;g[ neruppu Fire

FUtp kuruvi Sparrow

Letter F is pronounced as ku

F ku As in the word cook

Beginners Programme 81

F vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter F

Fil kudai Umbrella

Fu F kurangu Monkey

Fapy; kuyil Cuckoo

Letter F is pronounced as ngku


F ngku As in the word Mangoose

F vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter F

Fu F kurangku Monkey
82 M

E F nungku Tenderpalmyra fruit

r F changku Conch

fpH F kizhangku Root vegetable

Letter f;F is pronounced as kku


f;F kku As in the word Ruckus

f;F vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter f;F

ehf;F nAkku Tongue

\f;F mUkku Nose

Beginners Programme 83

njf;F thEkku Teak

brf;F chekku Oil-press

Letter J is pronounced as thu


J thu As in the word Throat

J vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter J

Jzp thuNi Cloth

JLg;g[ thuduppu Oar

Jk;gp thumbi Dragonfly

84 M

Jyhf;nfhy; thulAkkol Balance

Letter e;J is pronounced as nthu or ndhu


e;J nthu As in the word


e;J vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter e;J

gUe;J parundhu Vulture

kUe;J marundhu Medicine

ge;J pandhu Ball

gj;J paththu Ten

Beginners Programme 85

thj;J vAththu Duck

Tj;J kUththu Folk drama

Letter E is pronounced as nu

E nu As in the word Numeral

E vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter E

E F nungku Tender Palmyra


Edp nuni Tip

EiuaPuy; nuraiyIral Lung

86 M

Ezy; nuNal Frog

Letter Y is pronounced as lu

Y lu As in the word look

Y vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter Y

vYk;g[ elumbu Bone

bfhYR kolusu Anklet

bfhY kolu Array of figurines

bfhYU koluru Trowel

Beginners Programme 87

- 8

Letter C is pronounced as U

C U As in the word woofer

C vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter C

C ry; Unjcal Swing

Cjy; Udhal Whistle

Crp Uci Needle

Cjhepwk; UthAniRam Violet

88 M

Letter g{ is pronounced as pU

g{ pU As in the word pool

g{ vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the Letter g{

g{ pU Flower

g{l;L pUTTu Lock

jk;g{uh thampUrA A a string


fw;g{uk; kaRpUram Camphor

Beginners Programme 89

jhk;g{yk; thAmpUlam Betal leaves

and areca nuts

Letter a{ is a pronounced as yU

a{ yU As in the word you

a{ vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter a{

a{fypg;l!; yUkaliptas Eucalyptus

ka{uk; mayUram Peacock

a{ju;fs; yUtharkaL Jews

Letter N is pronounced as cU

N cU As in the word soup

90 M
N vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter N

Nupad; cUriyan Sun

Nwhtsp cURAvaLi Tornedo

Ndpaf;fhup cUniyakkAri Witch

Nyha[jk; cUlAyutham Trident

br Nupad; cenjcUrian Redsun

Letter t{ is pronounced as vU
t{ vU As in the word wool
Beginners Programme 91

t{ vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter t{

tYt{l;L valuvUTTu Strengthen

j rht{u; thanjcAvUr Name of a place

in Thamizh nAdu

Letter ? is pronounced as TU

? TU As in the word Do

? vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter ?

it?upak; vaiTUriyam A precious stone

bfh?uk; koTUram Cruelty

Letter \ is pronounced as mU

\ mU As in the word Move

92 M
\ vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter \

\f;F mUkku Nose

\d;W mUnRu Three

\ fpy; mUngkil Bamboo

\l;il mUTTai Sack

Letter = is pronounced as zhU


= zhU As in the word makizhUrthi

(pleasure car)
Beginners Programme 93
= vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter =

T=w;wy; kUzhUtRRal A ritual

Letter + is pronounced as rU

+ rU As in the word Root

+ vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter +

+gha; rUpAi Rupee

Letter T is pronounced as kU

T kU As in the word Coup

T vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter T

Tz;L kUNdu Cage

94 M

Tl;lk; kUTTam Crowd (or) meeting

TL kUTu Nest

Te;jy; kUnthal Hair

e Tuk; nangkUram Anchor

Letter J} is pronounced as thU


J} thU As in the word thUN

Beginners Programme 95
J} vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter J}

J}f;fzh FUtp thUkkaNAng Weaver Bird


J}ju; thUthar Emissary

J}sp thULi Cradle made

with a long
piece of cloth

bre;J}uk; centhUram Calcined powder

red in colour

bre;J}f;F centhUkku Straight upward

Letter E} is pronounced as nU

E} nU As in the word Noose

96 M
E} vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter E}

E}y; nUl Thread

E}W nURu Hundred

E}yfk; nUlagam Library

Ke;E}W munnURu Three Hundred

Letter Y} is pronounced as lU

Y} lU As in the word Loom

Beginners Programme 97
Y} vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter Y}

fy;Y}up kallUri College

ty;Y}W vallURu Falcon

ghY}l;o pAlUTTi Mammal

98 M

- 9

w I
Letter w is pronounced as R

w R As in the word Run

w vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter w

,wF iRaku Feather

Kwk; muRam Winnowing Pan

gwit paRavai Bird

Vw;wk; EtRRam Shadoof

Beginners Programme 99

Fw;wthsp kutRRavALi Culprit

Letter I is pronounced as I

I I As in the word aisle

I vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter I

Ie;J aInthu Five

Ie;E}W aInnURu Five Hundred

Inuhg;gh aIrOppA Europe

Iadhu; aIyanAr Village Deity

100 M

Letter W is pronounced as Ru

W Ru As in the word putRRu


W vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter W

Cw;W UtRRu Spring

ehw;W natARRu Seedling

fPw;W kItRRu Small protion

of a coconut leaf

Letter wh is pronounced as RA

wh RA As in the Word Rocket

Beginners Programme 101
wh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter wh

fhw;who KAtRRATi Kite

Fw;whyk; kutRRAlam A place

rpw;whW sitRRARu Stream

fw;whiH katRRAzhai Aloe

Letter wp is pronounced as Ri

wp Ri As in the word River

102 M
wp vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter wp

brk;kwpahL chemmaRiyATu Sheep

md;wpy; antRil Love birds

gd;wp pantRi Pig

tprpwp visiRi Fan

Letter W} is pronounced as RU

W} RU As in the word Room

Beginners Programme 103
W} vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter W}

rpw;W}u; chitRRUr Hamlet

fw;W}z; katRRUN Stone hench

Letter bw is pronounced as Re

bw Re As in the word Red

bw vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter bw

rpw;bwWk;g[ ciRReRumpu Red ant

rpw;bwyp chitRReli Mouse

104 M

Letter nw is pronounced as RE

nw RE As in the word Radar

nw vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter nw

rw;nw satRRE Just a moment

fw;nwd; katRREn (I) Learnt

Letter if is pronounced as kai


if kai As in the word kite

if vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter if

iff;fofhuk; kaikkadikAram Wristwatch

Beginners Programme 105

g[if pukai Smoke

fhf;if kAkkai Crow

ifjp kaithi Prisoner

nt if vEngkai Tiger

j if thangkai Younger Sister

Letter ir is pronounced as chai or sai


ir chai As in the word Sign

106 M
ir vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter ir

gr;ir pachchai Green

bkhr;ir mochchai Bean

kPir mIsai Moustache

njhir thOsai Dosa

j ir thanjsai Thanjavur

g ir panjchai Poor

e ir nanjchai Wet land

Beginners Programme 107

g{ ir punjchai weak

Letter i is pronounced as njai


i njai As in the word majnjai


i vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter i

cHpi uzhinjai A flower

Letter il is pronounced as Tai


il Tai As in the word Tie

il vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter il

Mil ATai Dress

108 M

Til kUTai Basket

gfil pakaTai Dice

nkil mETai Dais

Letter ij is pronounced as thai


ij thai As in the word thigh

ij vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter ij

ijaw;bghwp thaiyaRpoRi Sewing Machine

Beginners Programme 109

tpij vithai Seed

bkj;ij meththai Bed

ej;ij naththai Snail

Me;ij Anthai Owl

ke;ij manthai Herd

re;ij canthai Market

110 M

je;ij thanthai Father

Letter ie is pronounced as nai


ie nai As in the word Nitrogen

ie vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter ie

bghUie MW porunai ARu River


iey; MW nailARu Nile river

ieahz;o nksk; naiyANTi mELam Percussion

Beginners Programme 111

Letter ig is pronounced as pai


ig pai As in the word python

ig vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter ig

igad; paiyan Boy

mfg;ig akappai Wooden ladle

ig pai Bag

nfhg;ig kOppai Trophy

fUk; ig karum pai Black bag

112 M

Kk;ig Mumbai Mumbai

Letter ik is pronounced as mai


ik mai As in the word mike

ik vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter ik

Mik Amai Tortoise

fz;ik kaNmai Kohi

vUik erumai Buffalo

Beginners Programme 113

Letter iu is pronounced as rai


iu rai As in the word Rice

iu vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter iu

jhkiu thAmarai Lotus

Mw;w fiu AtRRangkarai River bank

jpiu thirai Screen

Tiu kUrai Roof

114 M

Letter iy is pronounced as lai


iy lai As in the word like

iy vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter iy

kiy malai Mountain

jiy thalai Head

tiy valai Net

rpiy silai Statue

Beginners Programme 115

Letter it is pronounced as vai


it vai As in the word Viva voce exam.

it vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter it

ituk; vairam Diamond

nghu;it pOrvai Bedsheet

itf;nfhy; vaikkOl Straw

itif vaigai A river

116 M

Letter iH is pronounced as zhai


iH zhai As in the word Thazhai

iH vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter iH

kiH mazhai Rain

miHg;gpjH; azhaippithahz Invitation

thiH vAzhai Plantain

jhiH thAzhai Fragrant

screw pine
Beginners Programme 117

Letter iw is pronounced as Rai


iw Rai As in the word SunRise

iw vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter iw

ghiw pARai Rock

rpiw ciRai Prison

fw;fhiw kaRkARai Cement

fw;iw katRRai Bundle

118 M

- 10
s d z
Letter s is pronounced as La

s La As in the word Lung

s vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter s

bts;sk; veLLam Flood

tpsf;F viLakku Lamp

gs;sk; paLLam Pit

Letter d is pronounced as na

d na As in the word nurse

Beginners Programme 119
d vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter d

rd;dy; cannal Window

thdk; vAnam Sky

kd;dd; mannan King

kpd;dy; minnal Lightning

Letter z is pronounced as Na

z Na As in the word vaNakkam

120 M
z vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter z

fpzW kiNaRu Well

gzk; paNam Money

fpz;zk; kiNNam Bowl

tz;zk; vaNNam Color

Letter s; is pronounced as L

s; L As in the word Full

s; vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter s;

k rs; manjcaL Turmeric

Beginners Programme 121

gs;sp paLLi School

gs;S paLLu A kind of

Thamizh Literary

jpUts;Stu; ThiruvaLLuvar Thiruvalluvar

Letter d; is pronounced as n

d; n As in the word Fan

d; vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;:

Words with the letter d;

khd; mAn Deer

gd;dPu; pannIr Rose water

122 M

njd;TL thEnkUddu Honey comb

kPd; mIn Fish

Letter z; is pronounced as N

z; N As in the word win

z; vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter z;

ez;gu; naNpar Friend

fz; kaN Eye

Beginners Programme 123

kz;lgk; maNTapam Stone Pillared

structure open
on all sides

Letter sh is pronounced as LA

sh LA As in the word Law

sh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;:

Words with the letter sh

tpshk;gHk; viLAmpazham Wood Apple

fsh fha; kaLAngkAy A berry

bts;shL veLLATu Goat

124 M

fhshd; kALAn Mushroom

Letter dh is pronounced as nA

dh nA As in the word Novel

dh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter dh

ngdh pEnA Pen

md;dhrpg;gHk; annAsippazham Pineapple

rPdh cInA China

Beginners Programme 125

Letter zh is pronounced as NA

zh NA As in the word Nought

zh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter zh

fz;zho kaNNAdi Spectacles

mz;zhJiu aNNAthurai Annathurai

Rz;zhk;gf[ f; suNNAmpukal Lime stone

gpz;zhf;F piNNAkku Oil-Cake

126 M

Letter sp is pronounced as Li

sp Li As in the word Lip

sp vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter sp

ts;sp vaLLi A girls name

md;gspg;g[ anpaLippu Gift

Letter sP is pronounced as LI

sP LI As in the word Leap

sP vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter sP

nfsPu; kELIr Listen

Beginners Programme 127

gsPu; paLIr Bright

Letter dp is pronounced as ni

dp ni As in the word nick-name

dp vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter dp

fdp kani Fruit

gdp pani Mist

Letter dP is pronounced as nI

dP nI As in the word niecel

128 M
dP vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter dP

; rk;g[ pannIrsembu A container
with Rosewater

njdP thEnI Honey Bee

Letter zp is pronounced as Ni

zp Ni As in the word Nil

zp vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter zp

kzp maNi Hour

fzpdp kaNini Computer

Beginners Programme 129

Letter zP is pronounced as NI

zP NI As in the word Neam Tree

zP vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter zP

fz;zPu; kaNNIr Tears

jz;zPu; thaNNIr Water

Letter S is pronounced as Lu

S Lu As in the word Look

S vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter S

jpUts;Stu; ThiruvaLLuvar A thamizh poet

130 M

Letter ~ is pronounced as LU

~ LU As in the word Loop

~ vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter ~

bg f~u; BengkaLUr Banglore

cs;~u; uLLUr Local place

Letter D is pronounced as nu

D nu As in the word numerals

D vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter D

kD manu Petition
Beginners Programme 131

g[DF punuku Perfume prepared

from Civet

Letter D} is pronounced as nU

D} nU As in the word Noon

D} vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter D}

ed;D}y; nannUl Thamizh grammar

thD}u;jp vAnUrthi Aeroplane

Letter q is pronounced as Nu

q Nu As in the word Nutrient

132 M
q vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter q

fqf;fhy; kaNukkAl

Letter q} is pronounced as NU

q} NU As in the word Nook

q} vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter q}

tpz;q}u;jp viNNUrthi Rocket

Letter bs is pronounced as Le

bs Le As in the word Letter

Beginners Programme 133
bs vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter bs

thbsL vALeTu

Letter ns is pronounced as LE

ns LE As in the word Lake

ns vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter ns

ehnsL nALETu Newspaper

Letter bd is pronounced as ne

bd ne As in the word Neck

bd vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter bd

gd;bdL fhyk; pannetungkAlam A long time

134 M

vd;bdd;d ennenna What ever?

Letter nd is pronounced as nE

nd nE As in the word Name

nd vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter nd

jd;ndupy;yh thannErillA Incomparable

Letter bz is pronounced as Ne

bz Ne As in the word Next

bz vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter bz

vz;bza; eNNey Oil

btz;bza; veNNey Butter

Beginners Programme 135

Letter is is pronounced as Lai


is Lai As in the word Life

is vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter is

tisay; vaLaiyal Bangle

khJis mAthuLai Pomogranate

Letter id is pronounced as nai


id nai As in the word nylon

id vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter id

g{id pUnai Cat

136 M

bjd;id thennai Coconut Tree

ahid yAnai Elephent

Letter iz is pronounced as Nai


iz Nai as in the word Knife

iz vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter iz

jiyaiz thalaiyaNai Pillow

Vt[fiz EvukaNai Missile

Beginners Programme 137

tPiz vINai A String

138 M

- 11
x X xs

Letter x is pronounced as o

x o As in the word one

x vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter x

xl;lfk; oTTakam Camel

xd;gJ onpathu Nine

xl;lfr;rptp fp ottakachchivingki Giraffe

Beginners Programme 139

Letter X is pronounced as O

X O As in the word Open

X vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter X

Xlk; Otam (small) boat

Xzhd; ONAn Lizard

Xiy Olai Palmyra leaf

Xtpak; Oviyam Painting

140 M

Letter xs is pronounced as au

xs au As in the
word cow

xsljk; autatham Medicine

xsitahu; auvaiyAr A Thamizh poet

xsu frPg; aurangkachIp A moghul


Letter bfh is pronounced as ko


bfh ko As in the word koran

(Holy book)
Beginners Programme 141
bfh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter bfh

bfhk;g[ kompu Stick

bfhz;il koNTai Hair-do

bfhR kosu Mosquito

br bfho chengkoTi Red colour


rhtpf;bfhj;J chAvikkoththu Bunch of Keys

Letter nfh is pronounced as kO


nfh kO As in the word coke

142 M
nfh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter nfh

nfhHp kOzhi Hen

nfhg[uk; kOpuram Tower

nfhL kOTu Line

br nfhl;il chengkOttai Red fort

br nfhy; chengkOL Sceptre

Kf;nfhzk; mukkONam Triangle

Letter brh is pronounced as cho


brh cho As in the word solution

Beginners Programme 143
brh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter brh

brhf;fl;lhd; chokkattAn Dice

brhf;fha; chokkAy Shirt

nrhW choRu Rice

Letter nrh is pronounced as chO


nrh chO As in the word choke

nrh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter nrh

nrhHp chOzhi Shell

144 M

nrhiy chOlai Garden

nrhsk; chOzhLam Corn

Letter nrh is pronounced as njcO


nrh njcO As in the word

(rare word)

nrh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter nrh

kh nrhiy mAnjchOLai Mango Groove

g{ nrhiy pUnjcOLai Flower garden

Beginners Programme 145

Letter blh is pronounced as To


blh To As in the word octopus

blh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter blh

gl;blhsp pattoLi Shine of silk

Letter nlh is pronounced as TO


nlh TO As in the word Door

nlh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter nlh

ehnlho AtOti Nomad

146 M

nfl;nlhu; KEttOr Those who listened

el;nlhu; attOr Those who planted

fz;nlhk; kaNtOm We saw

Letter bzh is pronounced as No


bzh No As in the word

viNNoLi (lightning)

bzh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter bzh

fz;bzhsp kaNNoLi vision

Beginners Programme 147

Letter nzh is pronounced as NO


nzh NO As in the word notice

nzh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter nzh

fz;nzhL kaNNOTu With the eyes

kz;nzhL maNNOTu With the mud

Letter bjh is pronounced as tho


bjh tho As in the word thorax

bjh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter bjh

bjhl;o Thotti Tub

148 M

bjhg;gp Thoppi Hat

gj;bjhd;gJ paththonpathu Nineteen

bjhL thotu Touch

bjhiyngrp tholaipEci Telephone

Letter e;bjh is pronounced as tho


e;bjh tho As in the word Virunthotu

e;bjh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter e;bjh

ge;bjhL pathotu With the ball

Beginners Programme 149

Letter njh is pronounced as thO


njh thO As in the word thorium

njh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter njh

njhl;lk; thOttam Garden

njhg;g[ thOppu grove

njhzp thONi Boat

njhL thOTu Ear Stud

njhif thOkai Tail feathers

150 M

Letter beh is pronounced as o


beh o As in the word notarial

beh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter beh

behz;oMl;lk; oNtiATTam Hopping game

behr;rp,iy ochchi ilai Nochileaves

beha;auprp oyyarichi Broken rice

behWf;Fj; jPdp oRukkuththIni Small eats

Letter neh is pronounced as O


neh O As in the word noble

Beginners Programme 151
neh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter neh

nehahsp OyALi Patient

neht[ Ovu Pain

nehd;g[f; f rp Onpukkanjchi Porridge

+gha;nehl;L rUpAyOttu Ruppee note

Letter bgh is pronounced as po


bgh po As in the word poem

bgh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter bgh

bgh fy; tpHh pongkal vizhAPongkal festival

152 M

bghk;ik pommai Doll

bghl;L pottu Bindi

; ghwp thIppoRi Spark

Letter k;bgh is pronounced as mpo


k;bgh mpo As in the word Rambo

k;bgh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter k;bgh

brk;bghd; chempon Pure gold

Beginners Programme 153

mk;bghL ampotu With the arrow

Letter ngh is pronounced as pO


ngh pO As in the word Pogo

ngh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter ngh

nghu;it pOrvai Bed sheet

jlfsg; nghl;o thaTakaLappOtti Track Event

nghsp pOLi Food item

nghu;ff; sk; pOrkkaLam Warfare

154 M

brk;nghj;J chempOththu Tender branch

Letter bkh is pronounced as mo


bkh mo As in the word mauritius

bkh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter bkh

bkhl;ilkho mottaimAti Open Terrace

bkhl;il mottai Bald

bkhl;L mothu Bud

bkhl;ilj;jiy mottaiththalai Tonsure head

Beginners Programme 155

bkhr;ir mochchai Beans

Letter nkh is pronounced as mO


nkh mO As in the word most

nkh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter nkh

nkhu; mOr Buttermilk

nkhjy; mOthal Clash

nkhjpuk; mOthiram Ring

156 M

Letter bah is pronounced as yo


bah yo As in the word violin

bah vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter bah

ghbahL pAyotu With the mat

nrbahL chEyotu With the child

Letter nah is pronounced as yO


nah yO As in the word Yoga

nah vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter nah

nahfp yOki Saint

Beginners Programme 157

nrnahd; cEyOn Lord Muruga

Letter buh is pronounced as ro


buh ro As in the word romantic

buh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter buh

buhl;o rotti Bread

buhf;fk; rokkam Cash

158 M

Letter nuh is pronounced as rO


nuh rO As in the word rose

nuh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter nuh

njnuhl;lk; thErOttam Charioteering

Vnuhl;lk; ErOttam Ploughing

nuh$hg;g{ rOjAppU Rose flower

Letter byh is pronounced as Lo


byh Lo As in the word location

Beginners Programme 159
byh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter byh

fhbyhoe;J kALotithu Fractured leg

ghbyhL pAlotu With milk

Letter nyh is pronounced as lO


nyh lO As in the word lotus

nyh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter nyh

fg;gnyhl;oa jkpHd; kappalOttiya A freedom

thamizhan fighter

cnyhfk; UlOkam Metal

160 M

Letter bth is pronounced as vo


bth vo As in the word vortex

bth vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter bth

xt;bthU ovvoru Each

vt;bthU evvoru Which ever

Letter nth is pronounced as vO


nth vO As in the word voter

nth vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter nth

xt;nthu; ovvOr Each one

Beginners Programme 161

mz;zhnth> aNNAvO Is it Anna?

Letter bHh is pronounced as zho


bHh zho As in the word yAzholi

(music of Harp)

bHh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter bHh

fPbHhL KIzhotu With the bottom

Letter nHh is pronounced as zhO


nHh zhO As in the word KAzhor


nHh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter nHh

CnHhL UzhOtu With fate

162 M

ghnHh> pazhO? Spoilt?

TnHh> kUzhO? Porridge?

Letter bsh is pronounced as Lo


bsh Lo As in the word locate

bsh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter bsh

thbshL vALotu With the sword

kf;fbshL makkaLotu With the people

Beginners Programme 163

bts;bshsp veLLoLi White light

jp fbshL thingkaLotu With the moon

Letter nsh is pronounced as LO


nsh LO As in the word load

nsh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter nsh

cs;nshu; uLLOr People present

nfnshk; kELOm We wont listen

bts;nshl;lk; veLLOttam Trial run

164 M

thnshL vALOtu With the sword

Letter bwh is pronounced as Ro


bwh Ro As in the word Row

bwh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter bwh

kw;bwhUtu; maRRoruvar Another person

gw;bwhL paRRotu With affection

kw;bwhd;W maRRonRu Another one

brhw;bwhlu; choRRotar Phrase

Beginners Programme 165

Letter nwh is pronounced as RO


nwh RO As in the word Road

nwh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter nwh

fw;nwhu; kaRROr The learned

bgw;nwhu; peRROr Parents

Mw;nwhuk; ARROram River side

Letter bdh is pronounced as no


bdh no As in the word valcano

166 M
bdh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;
Words with the letter bdh

khbdhL mAnotu With deer

njbdhL tEnotu With honey

gjpbdhd;W pathinonRu Eleven

Letter ndh is pronounced as nO


ndh nO As in the word


ndh vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter ndh

kd;dndhL mannanOtu With the king

Beginners Programme 167

thndhu; vAnOr Angels

Letter bfs is pronounced as kau


bfs kau As in the word Cow

bfs vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter bfs

bfsutu; kauravar Gauravas

bfsjkg[jj; u; kautnama-puththar Buddha

bfskhuk; kaumAram Lord Muruga cult

168 M

Letter brs is pronounced as chau


brs chau As in the word South

brs vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter brs

brsup chauri False hair

brse;ju;ak; chautaryam Beauty

Letter bgs is pronounced as pau


bgs pau As in the word powder

bgs vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter bgs

bgsu;zkp paurNami Full Moon

Beginners Programme 169

bgstk; pauvam Sea

bgsj;jk; pauththam Buddhism

Letter bks is pronounced as mau


bks mau As in the word mouth

bks vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter bks

bksdk; maunam Silence

bksupau; mauriyar Mauriyas

bksOfk; mauTIkam Ignorance

170 M

bksty; mauval Jasmine

Letter bas is pronounced as yau


bas yau As in the word yowl

bas vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter bas

bastdk; yauvanam Youthhood

bastdu; yauvanar Youth

Letter bts is pronounced as vau


bts vau As in the word vow

Beginners Programme 171

bts vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter bts

btsthy; vauvAl Bat

172 M

- 12

Letter ` is pronounced as Ht
` As in the word October

` vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter `

v`J eHthu As in the word which?

m`J aHthu As in the word That

,`J iHthu As in the word This

Beginners Programme 173

- 13
mfu tupir
The Alphabetical Order
In the 12 Lessons that preceded, we had presented to you all the Thamizh
letters. The presentation has been made in the order of simplicity in the written forms.
In this lesson, we present to you the Alphabetical order of the Thamizh vowels and
the Thamizh consonants. You should know the Alphabetical order. It will help you in
the use of dictionaries as the entries in the dictionaries are arranged in the alphabetical
order. It will also help you in locating the information you need in an address book,
an anthology of poems, a glossary, an encyclopedia or any such collection where
entries are listed in alphabetical order. So learning the alphabetical order is of practical

bka; vGj;Jfs;

In the second part of this lesson, we present the Thamizh consonants in their
alphabetical order. As you see, all the consonants are marked with a dot above them.
These consonants are mute because it is difficult to pronounce them in isolation.
Usually the vowel i is prefixed while pronouncing the mute consonants. Listen to
their pronounciation now in the same alphabetical order. You may now turn to the
song given here by clicking the icon. As you listen to the song, check the order of
highlighted consonants in the first syllable of each line. If you remember this song,
you will remember the alphabetical order of the 18 Thamizh consonants.
174 M

capu;vGj;J = capu;bka; vGj;J

l; + m = l g; + m = g
k; + m = k a; + m = a
H; + m = H u; + m = u
r; + m = r f; + m = f
j; + m = j l; + M = lh
g; + M = gh a; + M = ah
k; + M = kh H; + M = Hh
u; + M = uh r; + M = rh
f; + M = fh j; + M = jh
l; + , = o j; + < = jP
g; + , = gp a; + , = ap
k; + , = kp H; + , = Hp
u; + , = up r; + , = rp
f; + , = fp j; + , = jp
l; + < = O g; + < = gP
a; + < = aP l; + , = o
k; + < = kP H; + < = HP
u; + < = uP r; + < = rP
f; + < = fP j; + < = jP
e; + M = eh + M =
y; + M = yh t; + M = th
y; + , = yp t; + , = tp
g; + v = bg a; + v = ba
k; + v = bk H; + v = bH
u; + v = bu r; + v = br
f; + v = bf j; + v = bj
e; + v = be + v = b
y; + v = by t; + v = bt
+ v = b l; + V = nl
k; + V = nk H; + V = nH
u; + V = nu r; + V = nr
Beginners Programme 175
f; + V = nf j; + V = nj
e; + V = ne + V = n
y; + V = ny t; + V = nt
+ V = n + M = h
g; + c = g[ a; + c = a[
r; + c = R + c =
t; + c = t[ l; + c = L
k; + c = K H; + c = G
u; + c = U f; + c = F
j; + c = J e; + c = E
y; + c = Y + c =
g; + C = g{ a; + C = a{
r; + C = N + C =
t; + C = t{ l; + C = ?
k; + C = \ H; + C = =
u; + C = + f; + C = T
j; + C = J} e; + C = E}
y; + C = Y} + C =
w; + , = wp w; + < = wP
w; + c = W w; + C = W}
w; + v = bw w; + V = nw
f; + I = if + I = i
r; + I = ir + I = i
l; + I = il j; + I = ij
e; + I = ie k; + I = ik
a; + I = ia u; + I = iu
t; + I = it H; + I = iH
w; + I = iw z; + M = zh
s; + M = sh d; + M = dh
z; + M = zh
176 M

Observe the pure consonants and the vowel consonants of all

consonants with x and X

f; + x = bfh f; + X = nfh
+ x = b h + X = n h
r; + x = brh r; + X = nrh
+ x = b h + X = n h
l; + x = blh l; + X = nlh
z;+ x = bzh z; + X = nzh
j; + x = bjh j; + X = njh
e; + x = beh e; + X = neh
g; + x = bgh g; + X = ngh
k; + x = bkh k; + X = nkh
a; + x = bah a; + X = nah
u; + x = buh u; + X = nuh
y; + x = byh y; + X = nyh
t; + x = bth t; + X = nth
H; + x = bHh H; + X = nHh
s; + x = bsh s; + X = nsh
w; + x = bwh w; + X = nwh
d; + x = bdh d; + X = ndh
xs is added to a consonant letter by omitting the dot above it,
prefixing the sign b and adding the sign s after the consonant.

f; + xs = bfs + xs = bs
r; + xs = brs + xs = bs
l; + xs = bls z;+ xs = bzs
j; + xs = bjs e; + xs = bes
g; + xs = bgs k; + xs = bks
a; + xs = bas u; + xs = bus
y; + xs = bys t; + xs = bts
H; + xs = bHs s; + xs = bss
w; + xs = bws d; + xs = bds
Beginners Programme 177

- 14
$ # ! & Q |
Letter $ is pronounced as ja


$ ja As in the word jungle

$ vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter $

$y;ypf;fl;L jallikkattu Bull fight

$fk; jakam World

$lhKo jatamuti Matted hair

$y;yp jalli Road metal

178 M

Letter # is pronounced as Sha


# Sha As in the word Station

# vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter #

#z;Kfk; ShaNmukam Lord Muruga

##;o Shashti An auspicious


tU#k; varuSham Year

(xg;ge;jk;) Sharaththu Clause

Letter ! is pronounced as sa

! sa As in the word son

Beginners Programme 179

! vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter !

!u!;tjp sarasvathi Goddess of


; k; sarppam Snake

Letter & is pronounced as kSha


& kSha As in the word shut

& vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter &

g&zk; pakShaNam Snack item

j&zk; takShaNam Fee

nkh&k; mOkSham Heaven

180 M

ghf;&p pakShi Bird

Letter Q is pronounced as ha

Q ha As in the word hut

Q vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter Q

Qy;th halvA A jelly sweet

Qhu;nkhdpak; hArmOniyam Harmonium

nQhkk; hOmam Sacrificial fire

Qp vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter Qp

Qpe;jp hinti Hindi

Beginners Programme 181

Letter | is pronounced as SRI


| SRI As in the Word Srilanka

| vGj;J cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with the letter |

|uhk; SRIrAm A name

|kjp SRImathi A name

b$a| JayaSRI A name

|u fk; SRIrangkam A Place

Vowel consonants are formed in the same way as vowel consonants are formed
in Thamizh except c/ C.

In the case of c/ C different symbols are used in the Grantha Letter.

Observe the pure consonants and corresponding vowel consonants of five 5

GRANTHA LETTERS (except |) on the screen.
182 M

$; !; #; &; Q;

$; As in the word page
!; As in the word purse
#; As in the word mesh
&; As in the word baksheesh
Q; As in the word hill

fpue;j vGj;Jfs; cs;s brhw;fs;

Words with grantha letters

nuh$h rOJA Rose

!u!;tjp sarasvathi Goddess

#uj;J sharaththu Agreement

jh$;kQhy; thAjmahAl Tajmahal

Beginners Programme 183

- 15



184 M



Beginners Programme 185



I !
186 M

K !





Beginners Programme 187


C, , N

F c !




188 M




Beginners Programme 189

! ! !

! ! !


Q !


! ! !
190 M
capbuGj;J mwpKfg;ghly;

md;ng flt[s;

md;ng flt[s; mwptha; ghg;gh

Mil mzptjpy; J}a;ik fhg;gha;

,dpik Mfg; ngrpg; gHFtha;

<if bra;J ,d;gk; bgWtha;

cyfk; Rw;w Mir bfhs;tha;

Cuhu; bkr;r cau;eJ
; epw;gha;

vFk; epiwe;j ,iwia ntz;o

ViHf;Fjt[k; cs;sk; bgWtha;

Iak; ,d;wpf; fy;tp fw;gha;

Beginners Programme 191
xd;wha;f; To thH epidg;gha;

Xjp Xjp cau;tha; ehSk;

xsit bkhHpfs; mwptha; cau;tha;

vfha; clypy; cWjp bfhs;tha;


m Kjy; xs tiu capbud mwpe;J
md;idj; jkpGf;F mzpaha; vd;Wk;

bka;baGj;J mwpKfg;ghly;

mf;fhs; tPlL
; j; njhl;lk;

mf;fhs; tPlL
; j; njhl;lk; ghu;
mnf bro bfho mHifg; ghu;
192 M
gr;irg; gnry; vDk; g[yb
; tspapy;
krs; ,rpf; Fiyfs; ghu;
tl;l totf; fpzw;iwg; ghu;
jz;zPu; gha[k; tsg;gk; ghu;

fj;jup btz;il KUifbahL

Ke;jpup bjhFk; bfhoiag;ghu;
gg;ghsp khJis bfha;aht[ld;
vk;khk; bgupa gyhf;fdp ghu;
fha;j;Jf; FYFk; bjd;ida[ld;
ehu;j;ij vYkpr;ir kufs; ghu;

Ky;iy nuh$h rhke;jpapd;

btt;nt whd tz;zk; ghu;
thH;ehs; KGJk; kfpH;e;jplnt
bfhs;is ,d;gk; bgw;wplyhk;
rw;nw vd;brhy; nfl;Lj;jhd;
,d;nw te;J njhl;lk; ghu;
Beginners Programme 193
,d vGj;Jfs; mwpKfg;ghly;
vfs; mk;kh

vfs; mk;kh ,dpats;

vd;Wk; md;g[ jUgts;
jff; Fzk; bfhz;lts;
jaf;fk; ,d;wpr; brhy;Yntd;

gR nghyj; J}ajha;
gz;g[ eyk; bfhz;lts;
bfhrpf; bfhrpg; ngrpna
FHe;ij vk;ikg; ngqths;

gz;lk; gyt[k; Mf;fpna

gF itj;Jj; jUgts;
fz;l jpy;iy mtisg;nghy;
fdpt[ kpf;f flt[is.

ge;J nfhyp gk;guk;

ghz;o Ml;lk; Mol
ve;j neuk; rupbad
vkf;Fr; brhy;ypj; jUgts;
194 M

jk;gp jif ,UtUk;

; j; jUtu; bjhy;iyfs;
tk;g[ bra;j nghjpYk;
thup mizj;J kfpH;gts;

ehSk; vkf;F Cl;Lths;
vd;Wk; thH;tpy; caunt
,dpa bewpfs; fhl;Lths;

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