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Jaysette nery B. Carumba Descripted paragraph

My Father

This essay is about how a perfect father looks like for me.
People could say that the perfect father does not exist, I actually do not know if that is true, but what I
surely know is that my father is perfect for me: Everything in my father is special; the way he dresses,
the way he moves, the way he behave, the way he speaks etc. Sometimes, I just think that it could be
great, if I could be a petit percent of what he is. But lets start to describe the way that my father looks

At first sight, you could see that his clothes are classy and formal; however, if you know him as I do, you
could notice that he dresses all kind of clothes; tight-fitting, dark clear, cheap, expensive, soft, formal,
informal, sportive. All his clothes are different, and I like them, but being honest, there is a jacket that I
do not like at all, it is heavy, brow and in my opinion a little bit oldie. His clothes fit well with the way he
looks, my father is tall and slightly fat, he always has his hair cut short, and he is grey- haired. In other
words my dads appearance is simply unique.

Moving to his appearance, I could say that the way he acts and moves is an important part of his
personality. For example soothing particular of him is that he tends to walk very quickly, this may be the
reason about why he is that thin, he walks a lot everywhere, and I frequently believe that he does not
walk, he jogs! Taking about the way he eats, he has a particular way to twist his tortilla and to make
some kind of cone, then he chews it without noise, he loves to eat and every time that I eat with him, I
wish I could enjoy my food as he does. When he eats, he tends not to speak; however, when he speaks
is another story. When he speaks is easy to notice his expressions, because he always frowns; when he
has doubts, he always smiles when he is happy, and he always is serious when he is worried. His
expressions are something that makes even more interesting to listen to him.

He is the kind of person that is interesting to listen. I could say that when I listen to him I can learn
something. Every time that I want to have an honest opinion, I always go with my father, because he
gives me his opinion from the bottom of his heart. In the other hand when he needs to tell me
something, he waits the perfect time to tell me, somewhere where it is calm and relaxed. And if it is
something bad; he always tries to give me his advice, when he gives me some advice, it is important for
me because I can feel the support that everyone needs, when my father gives me his support, I can feel
confident and safe

My father is the kind of person that does not show his feelings a lot. But I could say that he can be
though; however, when his with me it is not like that at all, he might not kiss and jug me every single
day, but when he does, it is what I consider the most sincere actions that someone can ask for. When e
hugs me, I feel warm and loved, his hard skin becomes a soft thing. To conclude, some people may think
that this essay is a little bit too cheesy, and maybe it is, but I do not care because there was not
someone else that I wanted to describe like this. I have the wonderful opportunity to have this awesome

Problem solution
Problem and Solution is a pattern of organization where information in a passage is expressed as a
dilemma or concerning issue (a problem) and something that was, can be, or should be done to remedy
this issue (solution or attempted solution). The problem and solution text structure may seem like it
would be easy to recognize, but it can be moderately difficult to identify because it is frequently
confused with the cause and effect pattern of organization, as they both have relational structures;
however, if you read the passage and look specifically for both a problem and a solution to the problem,
you should find it pretty easy to distinguish from cause and effect, as cause and effect passages do not
propose solutions to any negative occurrences within the passage but rather just explain why or how
they happen.

Problem solution paragraph

Marriage problem and solution

Love is indescribable and unreliable, when we fall in love with someone, we get eager to express our
love feeling in front of them, which is in our heart. However, some of us can express feeling in front of
their desired one, but you know all of us dont have such valiant, which can easily confess their feeling,
consequence of this; they live life without loved and eager. To keep this thing in mind our Specialist, Pt.
Pan Sharma provides love problems solution.

A person who is in love with someone who doesn't allow justifies their beloveds from the superstition of
caste, religion, and creed. Love is a connection of two holy souls, which connected to each other without
any selfishness purpose. It is sweeter feeling and intimacy of romance, people goes drowns in this
feeling with their partner again and again. There's no space remain for any kind of conflict and rift
because a couple has a genuine feeling to each other and dedicated life forever. Nevertheless,
sometimes something went wrong cause of that misconception and suspects occur that make love
relation imperfect and seem like, love doesnt remain for a long time.

Every couples dreams about prosperous and healthy life but all can make it true sake of having a
deficiency of destiny. But if you indeed want to accomplish your dream come true and get love problem
solutions then you never need to go anywhere because our astrologer Pt. Pan Sharma will provide you a
perfect and incredible solution. Our specialist incredible services will resolve your all kind of love related
issues such like an eye blink and marvel.

Once a while, we seem that many love couples, whose relation work optimally for few months and
years, but sudden some changes occur which is totally unimaginable, in fact, a couple also doesn't even
think that about that, such a kind of moment they will ever face in their life. Because sometimes
circumstance makes couple life worse and cant get that point. This is the only reason, most love story
ends. But if you ever go through such a complicated situation and your love relation seem like unworthy
to survive then you should take help of our astrologer Pt. Pan Sharma will provide you love problems
solution within few times and help to keep away all kind of conflict away from your relation

Our love astrology specialist Pt Pankaj Sharma ji has knowledge of many tantra/mantra and ancient
astrology as well as all segment of astrology, for this reason, they can resolve all type of issues in a few
weeks, whatever issues, pre-marriage or post marriage with perfect results. They dedicate their whole
life to those people, who undergo through love problems but not able to get a love problems solution. If
any of you ever go through love problems, where you feel hopeless and unable to get overcome by it
then as per my personal opinion, you should consult with our specialist, Pt. Pankaj Sharma ji at once. He
will provide you love problem solution within 72 hours with 100% satisfy results.
Compare and contrast

When studying a particular subject, students are often asked to write essays that compare and contrast
various aspects of that area of study. It is common to be assigned to write essays in all areas of study,
not just when taking a composition course.

For example, in a social studies course, a class is working on a unit about the places where people live:
rural, urban, and suburban. The instructor assigns everyone a compare and contrast essay on life in a
city compared to life on a farm. The instructions are such that the essay must both compare, provide
similarities, and contrast, provide differences, for living in both types of areas. How would a student get
started? How would this essay be structured? A strong, well-written, and organized compare and
contrast essay will show the instructor that the writer understands the differences between life in the
city and life on the farm.

Love and Friendship paragraph

Emotions and love gets mixed up. Some people can't tell the difference between them, they think that
they are in love but really it is their deep Infatuation. Infatuation is instant desire - one set of glands
calling to another. Love is friendship that has caught fire. It takes root and grows, one day at a time.
Infatuation is marked by a feeling of insecurity. You are excited and eager, but not

genuinely happy. There are nagging doubts, unanswered questions, little bits and pieces.

Love is the quiet understanding and mature acceptance of imperfection. It is real. It

gives you strength and grows beyond you - to go with your beloved and you feel comfortable with them
instead of impressing them and working hard to impress them and becoming someone who your not.
because when you love them they love you back an equal exchange, to love and be loved then you will
feel warm and secure with them.

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