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A dan B Sedang berjalan di mall, A bertemu dengan C yang telah saling kenal dan

mengenalkan B kepada C

A : Good afternoon C .

C : Oh, hi A . Are you going to eat Karedok too?

A : Yes I am. My cousin just come from Jogja, and (he/she) want to try
Karedok from Karawang. Let me introduce (her/his) to you. (her/his) name is B. And
B (He/She) is my friend C.

C : Nice to meet you B.

B : Nice to meet you too C . So you live in Jogja?

C : Yes. I will be at Karawang for this holiday. A and me are planning to go all
around Karawang. Right A?

A : Yes. We have a week to visit interesting places in Karawang.

C : Wow. So it will be a busy week for you two.

A : Yes, it will be.

B : But it will be fun.

C : Yes, sure it is fun to have a holiday at Karawang. Started the night, I had to
go back.

B : Okay . See you next time.

Keterangan: he/she her/his tergantung lawan bicara apakah perempuan/laki-laki

A,B dan C adalah nama masing masing.

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