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For my mask, I chose to create one for the character Zanni. Zanni is a very curious character.

Although he is very poor, being the very bottom of the social ladder, he is very loyal to his master whom

could be either Dottore, Capitano, or Pantalone. The mask Ive created for him is designed to portray

these qualities about his character. Firstly, I decided to keep the classic look of the mask but add a few

qualities that emphasize more on his character. I made the mask represent two sides to emphasize the

notion of his loyalty versus his incompetence. His two sides are black and white. The white side

represents his loyalty to complete the task that was given to him and how he means well for his master,

while his black side represent his incompetence, driven by sex and hunger. I gave him a fairly big nose,

spaced out eyes, and low eyebrows to represent his stupidity, curiosity and laziness. His movements are

almost as if possessed or dog-like, so I brought this out in the black side, giving half of his mask horns to

represent an erection which are majorly looked upon as uncontrollable urge, and temptations. The black

side also has a jagged edge in the middle of his nose to represent teeth, for his hunger. The back of the

mask has a drape which covers that hair, therefore, covering the rest of his human qualities, making

him more animalistic and instinctive- like a dog.

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