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Modern care Creating our future St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust

St George’s Hospital Blackshaw Road

London SW17 0QT
Waiting times fell following extensive work to modernise the care we give We want to make St George's a hospital that everyone can be proud of. Tel: 020 8672 1255 Fax: 020 8672 5304
our patients and make it more efficient. E-mail:
We made good progress this year improving the “2003/04 was another busy year for St George’s, Annual report 2003 – 2004
More operations were performed. We appointed A new outpatient clinic for women needing a care we give our patients. one that was filled with a number of challenges. Produced by the Communications Unit, Summary
extra medical and nursing staff. New services hysteroscopy means patients can return home “Next year however will just as busy and just St George’s Hospital
But where do we go from here? Designed by Hildebrand.
were launched built around the needs of patients. after just one hour rather than spend up to three as demanding. Photography by Sam Tanner
Building on the achievements of this past year,
Old services were brought up-to-date. And the days in hospital. our ambition is to transform St George’s into “Hundreds of thousands of patients will expect For a full copy of the trust’s annual report or
power of new technology helped doctors and And finally, the launch of a home visit service for one of the best hospitals in the country, with the care they receive to be even better than it annual accounts, please call 020 8725 5151,
nurses deliver better care for patients. e-mail
sufferers of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease a reputation for outstanding patient care, was the last time they visited us. or visit
Here are just a few ways we modernised saved nearly 700 patients from making an high-quality teaching and innovative research. “But with our sights set firmly on the future
care this year. uncomfortable trip into hospital this year. rather than on the past, there is no doubt we
In 2004/05 and beyond…
We performed an extra 139 operations have the ability and the ambition to establish
1 We will continue to improve clinical care for our St George’s in its rightful place as one of the
and procedures every month.
We appointed over a hundred new
patients by making treatment more efficient.
2 We will continue to reduce waiting times for
UK’s top hospitals.” Deborah
staff, including:
surgery, emergency treatment, outpatient
• 51 consultants, registrars and other appointments and diagnostic tests Deborah Livermore is a midwife –
medical staff
3 We will continue to create the financial security a member of the busy, award-winning
• 15 nurses we need to plan for the future midwifery team at St George’s Hospital.
• five radiographers 4 We will continue to refurbish and upgrade Last year the team delivered over 4,000
• four midwives the hospital’s buildings. babies – 370 more than the year before.
• and two physiotherapists. 5 We will continue to work to improve the health Deborah is a midwifery sister responsible
Naaz Coker Chairman
X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, and ultrasounds of our local community and increase access
for co-ordinating care on the labour ward.
went ‘digital’ in January with the launch of a new to healthcare for people living across South
She has worked at St George’s for the past
system that replaced films and allows doctors and West London
four years.
radiographers to view diagnostic images from 6 We will continue to develop our workforce
almost every computer in the trust seconds after so that there is the right number of staff in
they have been taken. the right place at the right time with the right
skills to meet the needs of our patients
Peter Homa Chief Executive
Clinical excellence Waiting times fall

St George’s is one of the country’s Francis April 2003 to March 2004 was another busy year for St George’s but we There is nothing we prize more highly at St George’s than the quality of our care and Services became more convenient this year as waiting times for operations, emergency
Francis Johnston is a neurosurgeon. made a number of improvements in that time to the way we care for patients. our mission is to make it better, safer and faster with every year that goes by. treatment, outpatient appointments and diagnostic scans continued to fall.
leading teaching hospitals with an
Every year, he and his consultant
international reputation for colleagues each perform 500 highly The quality of our care improved. We opened the We treat over half a million patients every year, We are also a hospital at the forefront of medical Our control of infections strengthened following By the end of March, no one was waiting more In the final three months of the financial year,
education and research. complex and invasive operations on Atkinson Morley Wing – a state of the art medical every one of whom expects the care they receive innovation and discovery. work to link infection control practice into the than nine months for surgery or more than 17 nine out of ten A&E patients were seen and
patients who have injuries and conditions facility for neurosciences and cardiothoracic to be of a high quality. everyday treatment of patients. This included weeks for an outpatient appointment. Two out of treated in four hours despite a huge rise in the
The strong partnership that exists between us and
A local hospital based in Tooting, affecting the brain and the nervous system. medicine – and continued to make the hospital This year, St George’s Hospital Medical School allows us not making it easier for staff to wash their hands and three patients needing an operation waited less number seen by the department.
Francis specialises in repairing aneurysms a more comfortable place in which to work and only to advance our knowledge of the human so prevent the spread of infection by distributing than 62 days. Similar progress was made in radiography.
London but also a national centre and damage to the spinal cord. be cared for. We appointed new medical and
• We treated over 52,000 inpatients and 22,000
alcohol gel throughout the trust.
day case patients body and the diseases that affect it, but use that • The wait for an MRI scan was 17 weeks and is
of excellence, we provide care He has been a consultant for ten years clinical staff. And we continued to drive down knowledge to benefit the patients in our care. And our ability to improve standards of care now ten weeks
waiting times for surgery, emergency treatment, • 100,000 outpatients had a first appointment
There were a number of clinical achievements was enhanced by the launch of a brand new
for thousands of families in diagnostic scans and outpatient appointments. while a further 274,000 patients had follow-up
surveillance system for monitoring mortality
• The wait for a CT scan was seven weeks and is
consultations this year. now four weeks.
South West London, and offer Staff in A&E improved the speed at which
and a new clinical audit team to investigate
• 86,000 patients were seen and treated in A&E the quality of treatment. • And the wait for an ultrasound was ten weeks
an advanced range of pioneering victims of heart attacks are given life-saving, and is now a fortnight.
• Over 4,000 babies were delivered
St George’s up close thrombolytic medication.
Despite the improvements we have made, we
treatments and therapies to • Over 5,000 staff
• 27,000 women were screened for breast cancer
Renal surgeons pioneered a breakthrough know that some patients still wait far too long for
• And 207,000 x-rays, CT, MRI and ultrasound procedure using an artificial artery to allow
patients from across the UK. • Over 1,000 beds examinations were performed
treatment. Over the course of the next few years
patients with end stage kidney failure whose we will continue to drive down waiting times.
• A budget of more than £300m a year blood vessels are blocked by dialysis to
By December 2005, we will cut the maximum
• 27 operating theatres continue receiving the treatment.
waiting time for surgery to six months and the
• A two-star trust Nearly 400 research projects and clinical trials Brian maximum waiting time for a first outpatient
• Services are split between three sites: were hosted at St George’s. Brian is 66 years old. He lives in Guildford. appointment to 13 weeks.
the Wolfson Neuro-Rehabilitation Centre, A new nurse-led team responsible for the For people needing emergency treatment, we will
Four months ago, he was diagnosed with
the Bolingbroke Hospital and St George’s placing of central venous catheters has reduced seek to ensure that by January 2005 98% of A&E
a heart condition called angina.
Hospital complications and infections caused by the patients are seen and treated within four hours.
procedure and has taught hundreds of junior He has now at St George’s for a major
• We offer specialist treatment for cancer
doctors and nurses how to perform it safely. operation on his heart called a coronary
as well as for injuries and illnesses that
artery bypass graft.
affect the brain, heart and chest.
Modern care Creating our future St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust
St George’s Hospital Blackshaw Road
London SW17 0QT
Waiting times fell following extensive work to modernise the care we give We want to make St George's a hospital that everyone can be proud of. Tel: 020 8672 1255 Fax: 020 8672 5304
our patients and make it more efficient. E-mail:
We made good progress this year improving the “2003/04 was another busy year for St George’s, Annual report 2003 – 2004
More operations were performed. We appointed A new outpatient clinic for women needing a care we give our patients. one that was filled with a number of challenges. Produced by the Communications Unit, Summary
extra medical and nursing staff. New services hysteroscopy means patients can return home “Next year however will just as busy and just St George’s Hospital
But where do we go from here? Designed by Hildebrand.
were launched built around the needs of patients. after just one hour rather than spend up to three as demanding. Photography by Sam Tanner
Building on the achievements of this past year,
Old services were brought up-to-date. And the days in hospital. our ambition is to transform St George’s into “Hundreds of thousands of patients will expect For a full copy of the trust’s annual report or
power of new technology helped doctors and And finally, the launch of a home visit service for one of the best hospitals in the country, with the care they receive to be even better than it annual accounts, please call 020 8725 5151,
nurses deliver better care for patients. e-mail
sufferers of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease a reputation for outstanding patient care, was the last time they visited us. or visit
Here are just a few ways we modernised saved nearly 700 patients from making an high-quality teaching and innovative research. “But with our sights set firmly on the future
care this year. uncomfortable trip into hospital this year. rather than on the past, there is no doubt we
In 2004/05 and beyond…
We performed an extra 139 operations have the ability and the ambition to establish
1 We will continue to improve clinical care for our St George’s in its rightful place as one of the
and procedures every month.
We appointed over a hundred new
patients by making treatment more efficient.
2 We will continue to reduce waiting times for
UK’s top hospitals.” Deborah
staff, including:
surgery, emergency treatment, outpatient
• 51 consultants, registrars and other appointments and diagnostic tests Deborah Livermore is a midwife –
medical staff
3 We will continue to create the financial security a member of the busy, award-winning
• 15 nurses we need to plan for the future midwifery team at St George’s Hospital.
• five radiographers 4 We will continue to refurbish and upgrade Last year the team delivered over 4,000
• four midwives the hospital’s buildings. babies – 370 more than the year before.
• and two physiotherapists. 5 We will continue to work to improve the health Deborah is a midwifery sister responsible
Naaz Coker Chairman
X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, and ultrasounds of our local community and increase access
for co-ordinating care on the labour ward.
went ‘digital’ in January with the launch of a new to healthcare for people living across South
She has worked at St George’s for the past
system that replaced films and allows doctors and West London
four years.
radiographers to view diagnostic images from 6 We will continue to develop our workforce
almost every computer in the trust seconds after so that there is the right number of staff in
they have been taken. the right place at the right time with the right
skills to meet the needs of our patients
Peter Homa Chief Executive
Clinical excellence Waiting times fall

St George’s is one of the country’s Francis April 2003 to March 2004 was another busy year for St George’s but we There is nothing we prize more highly at St George’s than the quality of our care and Services became more convenient this year as waiting times for operations, emergency
Francis Johnston is a neurosurgeon. made a number of improvements in that time to the way we care for patients. our mission is to make it better, safer and faster with every year that goes by. treatment, outpatient appointments and diagnostic scans continued to fall.
leading teaching hospitals with an
Every year, he and his consultant
international reputation for colleagues each perform 500 highly The quality of our care improved. We opened the We treat over half a million patients every year, We are also a hospital at the forefront of medical Our control of infections strengthened following By the end of March, no one was waiting more In the final three months of the financial year,
education and research. complex and invasive operations on Atkinson Morley Wing – a state of the art medical every one of whom expects the care they receive innovation and discovery. work to link infection control practice into the than nine months for surgery or more than 17 nine out of ten A&E patients were seen and
patients who have injuries and conditions facility for neurosciences and cardiothoracic to be of a high quality. everyday treatment of patients. This included weeks for an outpatient appointment. Two out of treated in four hours despite a huge rise in the
The strong partnership that exists between us and
A local hospital based in Tooting, affecting the brain and the nervous system. medicine – and continued to make the hospital This year, St George’s Hospital Medical School allows us not making it easier for staff to wash their hands and three patients needing an operation waited less number seen by the department.
Francis specialises in repairing aneurysms a more comfortable place in which to work and only to advance our knowledge of the human so prevent the spread of infection by distributing than 62 days. Similar progress was made in radiography.
London but also a national centre and damage to the spinal cord. be cared for. We appointed new medical and
• We treated over 52,000 inpatients and 22,000
alcohol gel throughout the trust.
day case patients body and the diseases that affect it, but use that • The wait for an MRI scan was 17 weeks and is
of excellence, we provide care He has been a consultant for ten years clinical staff. And we continued to drive down knowledge to benefit the patients in our care. And our ability to improve standards of care now ten weeks
waiting times for surgery, emergency treatment, • 100,000 outpatients had a first appointment
There were a number of clinical achievements was enhanced by the launch of a brand new
for thousands of families in diagnostic scans and outpatient appointments. while a further 274,000 patients had follow-up
surveillance system for monitoring mortality
• The wait for a CT scan was seven weeks and is
consultations this year. now four weeks.
South West London, and offer Staff in A&E improved the speed at which
and a new clinical audit team to investigate
• 86,000 patients were seen and treated in A&E the quality of treatment. • And the wait for an ultrasound was ten weeks
an advanced range of pioneering victims of heart attacks are given life-saving, and is now a fortnight.
• Over 4,000 babies were delivered
St George’s up close thrombolytic medication.
Despite the improvements we have made, we
treatments and therapies to • Over 5,000 staff
• 27,000 women were screened for breast cancer
Renal surgeons pioneered a breakthrough know that some patients still wait far too long for
• And 207,000 x-rays, CT, MRI and ultrasound procedure using an artificial artery to allow
patients from across the UK. • Over 1,000 beds examinations were performed
treatment. Over the course of the next few years
patients with end stage kidney failure whose we will continue to drive down waiting times.
• A budget of more than £300m a year blood vessels are blocked by dialysis to
By December 2005, we will cut the maximum
• 27 operating theatres continue receiving the treatment.
waiting time for surgery to six months and the
• A two-star trust Nearly 400 research projects and clinical trials Brian maximum waiting time for a first outpatient
• Services are split between three sites: were hosted at St George’s. Brian is 66 years old. He lives in Guildford. appointment to 13 weeks.
the Wolfson Neuro-Rehabilitation Centre, A new nurse-led team responsible for the For people needing emergency treatment, we will
Four months ago, he was diagnosed with
the Bolingbroke Hospital and St George’s placing of central venous catheters has reduced seek to ensure that by January 2005 98% of A&E
a heart condition called angina.
Hospital complications and infections caused by the patients are seen and treated within four hours.
procedure and has taught hundreds of junior He has now at St George’s for a major
• We offer specialist treatment for cancer
doctors and nurses how to perform it safely. operation on his heart called a coronary
as well as for injuries and illnesses that
artery bypass graft.
affect the brain, heart and chest.
Modern care Creating our future St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust
St George’s Hospital Blackshaw Road
London SW17 0QT
Waiting times fell following extensive work to modernise the care we give We want to make St George's a hospital that everyone can be proud of. Tel: 020 8672 1255 Fax: 020 8672 5304
our patients and make it more efficient. E-mail:
We made good progress this year improving the “2003/04 was another busy year for St George’s, Annual report 2003 – 2004
More operations were performed. We appointed A new outpatient clinic for women needing a care we give our patients. one that was filled with a number of challenges. Produced by the Communications Unit, Summary
extra medical and nursing staff. New services hysteroscopy means patients can return home “Next year however will just as busy and just St George’s Hospital
But where do we go from here? Designed by Hildebrand.
were launched built around the needs of patients. after just one hour rather than spend up to three as demanding. Photography by Sam Tanner
Building on the achievements of this past year,
Old services were brought up-to-date. And the days in hospital. our ambition is to transform St George’s into “Hundreds of thousands of patients will expect For a full copy of the trust’s annual report or
power of new technology helped doctors and And finally, the launch of a home visit service for one of the best hospitals in the country, with the care they receive to be even better than it annual accounts, please call 020 8725 5151,
nurses deliver better care for patients. e-mail
sufferers of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease a reputation for outstanding patient care, was the last time they visited us. or visit
Here are just a few ways we modernised saved nearly 700 patients from making an high-quality teaching and innovative research. “But with our sights set firmly on the future
care this year. uncomfortable trip into hospital this year. rather than on the past, there is no doubt we
In 2004/05 and beyond…
We performed an extra 139 operations have the ability and the ambition to establish
1 We will continue to improve clinical care for our St George’s in its rightful place as one of the
and procedures every month.
We appointed over a hundred new
patients by making treatment more efficient.
2 We will continue to reduce waiting times for
UK’s top hospitals.” Deborah
staff, including:
surgery, emergency treatment, outpatient
• 51 consultants, registrars and other appointments and diagnostic tests Deborah Livermore is a midwife –
medical staff
3 We will continue to create the financial security a member of the busy, award-winning
• 15 nurses we need to plan for the future midwifery team at St George’s Hospital.
• five radiographers 4 We will continue to refurbish and upgrade Last year the team delivered over 4,000
• four midwives the hospital’s buildings. babies – 370 more than the year before.
• and two physiotherapists. 5 We will continue to work to improve the health Deborah is a midwifery sister responsible
Naaz Coker Chairman
X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, and ultrasounds of our local community and increase access
for co-ordinating care on the labour ward.
went ‘digital’ in January with the launch of a new to healthcare for people living across South
She has worked at St George’s for the past
system that replaced films and allows doctors and West London
four years.
radiographers to view diagnostic images from 6 We will continue to develop our workforce
almost every computer in the trust seconds after so that there is the right number of staff in
they have been taken. the right place at the right time with the right
skills to meet the needs of our patients
Peter Homa Chief Executive
Clinical excellence Waiting times fall

St George’s is one of the country’s Francis April 2003 to March 2004 was another busy year for St George’s but we There is nothing we prize more highly at St George’s than the quality of our care and Services became more convenient this year as waiting times for operations, emergency
Francis Johnston is a neurosurgeon. made a number of improvements in that time to the way we care for patients. our mission is to make it better, safer and faster with every year that goes by. treatment, outpatient appointments and diagnostic scans continued to fall.
leading teaching hospitals with an
Every year, he and his consultant
international reputation for colleagues each perform 500 highly The quality of our care improved. We opened the We treat over half a million patients every year, We are also a hospital at the forefront of medical Our control of infections strengthened following By the end of March, no one was waiting more In the final three months of the financial year,
education and research. complex and invasive operations on Atkinson Morley Wing – a state of the art medical every one of whom expects the care they receive innovation and discovery. work to link infection control practice into the than nine months for surgery or more than 17 nine out of ten A&E patients were seen and
patients who have injuries and conditions facility for neurosciences and cardiothoracic to be of a high quality. everyday treatment of patients. This included weeks for an outpatient appointment. Two out of treated in four hours despite a huge rise in the
The strong partnership that exists between us and
A local hospital based in Tooting, affecting the brain and the nervous system. medicine – and continued to make the hospital This year, St George’s Hospital Medical School allows us not making it easier for staff to wash their hands and three patients needing an operation waited less number seen by the department.
Francis specialises in repairing aneurysms a more comfortable place in which to work and only to advance our knowledge of the human so prevent the spread of infection by distributing than 62 days. Similar progress was made in radiography.
London but also a national centre and damage to the spinal cord. be cared for. We appointed new medical and
• We treated over 52,000 inpatients and 22,000
alcohol gel throughout the trust.
day case patients body and the diseases that affect it, but use that • The wait for an MRI scan was 17 weeks and is
of excellence, we provide care He has been a consultant for ten years clinical staff. And we continued to drive down knowledge to benefit the patients in our care. And our ability to improve standards of care now ten weeks
waiting times for surgery, emergency treatment, • 100,000 outpatients had a first appointment
There were a number of clinical achievements was enhanced by the launch of a brand new
for thousands of families in diagnostic scans and outpatient appointments. while a further 274,000 patients had follow-up
surveillance system for monitoring mortality
• The wait for a CT scan was seven weeks and is
consultations this year. now four weeks.
South West London, and offer Staff in A&E improved the speed at which
and a new clinical audit team to investigate
• 86,000 patients were seen and treated in A&E the quality of treatment. • And the wait for an ultrasound was ten weeks
an advanced range of pioneering victims of heart attacks are given life-saving, and is now a fortnight.
• Over 4,000 babies were delivered
St George’s up close thrombolytic medication.
Despite the improvements we have made, we
treatments and therapies to • Over 5,000 staff
• 27,000 women were screened for breast cancer
Renal surgeons pioneered a breakthrough know that some patients still wait far too long for
• And 207,000 x-rays, CT, MRI and ultrasound procedure using an artificial artery to allow
patients from across the UK. • Over 1,000 beds examinations were performed
treatment. Over the course of the next few years
patients with end stage kidney failure whose we will continue to drive down waiting times.
• A budget of more than £300m a year blood vessels are blocked by dialysis to
By December 2005, we will cut the maximum
• 27 operating theatres continue receiving the treatment.
waiting time for surgery to six months and the
• A two-star trust Nearly 400 research projects and clinical trials Brian maximum waiting time for a first outpatient
• Services are split between three sites: were hosted at St George’s. Brian is 66 years old. He lives in Guildford. appointment to 13 weeks.
the Wolfson Neuro-Rehabilitation Centre, A new nurse-led team responsible for the For people needing emergency treatment, we will
Four months ago, he was diagnosed with
the Bolingbroke Hospital and St George’s placing of central venous catheters has reduced seek to ensure that by January 2005 98% of A&E
a heart condition called angina.
Hospital complications and infections caused by the patients are seen and treated within four hours.
procedure and has taught hundreds of junior He has now at St George’s for a major
• We offer specialist treatment for cancer
doctors and nurses how to perform it safely. operation on his heart called a coronary
as well as for injuries and illnesses that
artery bypass graft.
affect the brain, heart and chest.
Clinical excellence Waiting times fall

St George’s is one of the country’s Francis April 2003 to March 2004 was another busy year for St George’s but we There is nothing we prize more highly at St George’s than the quality of our care and Services became more convenient this year as waiting times for operations, emergency
Francis Johnston is a neurosurgeon. made a number of improvements in that time to the way we care for patients. our mission is to make it better, safer and faster with every year that goes by. treatment, outpatient appointments and diagnostic scans continued to fall.
leading teaching hospitals with an
Every year, he and his consultant
international reputation for colleagues each perform 500 highly The quality of our care improved. We opened the We treat over half a million patients every year, We are also a hospital at the forefront of medical Our control of infections strengthened following By the end of March, no one was waiting more In the final three months of the financial year,
education and research. complex and invasive operations on Atkinson Morley Wing – a state of the art medical every one of whom expects the care they receive innovation and discovery. work to link infection control practice into the than nine months for surgery or more than 17 nine out of ten A&E patients were seen and
patients who have injuries and conditions facility for neurosciences and cardiothoracic to be of a high quality. everyday treatment of patients. This included weeks for an outpatient appointment. Two out of treated in four hours despite a huge rise in the
The strong partnership that exists between us and
A local hospital based in Tooting, affecting the brain and the nervous system. medicine – and continued to make the hospital This year, St George’s Hospital Medical School allows us not making it easier for staff to wash their hands and three patients needing an operation waited less number seen by the department.
Francis specialises in repairing aneurysms a more comfortable place in which to work and only to advance our knowledge of the human so prevent the spread of infection by distributing than 62 days. Similar progress was made in radiography.
London but also a national centre and damage to the spinal cord. be cared for. We appointed new medical and
• We treated over 52,000 inpatients and 22,000
alcohol gel throughout the trust.
day case patients body and the diseases that affect it, but use that • The wait for an MRI scan was 17 weeks and is
of excellence, we provide care He has been a consultant for ten years clinical staff. And we continued to drive down knowledge to benefit the patients in our care. And our ability to improve standards of care now ten weeks
waiting times for surgery, emergency treatment, • 100,000 outpatients had a first appointment
There were a number of clinical achievements was enhanced by the launch of a brand new
for thousands of families in diagnostic scans and outpatient appointments. while a further 274,000 patients had follow-up
surveillance system for monitoring mortality
• The wait for a CT scan was seven weeks and is
consultations this year. now four weeks.
South West London, and offer Staff in A&E improved the speed at which
and a new clinical audit team to investigate
• 86,000 patients were seen and treated in A&E the quality of treatment. • And the wait for an ultrasound was ten weeks
an advanced range of pioneering victims of heart attacks are given life-saving, and is now a fortnight.
• Over 4,000 babies were delivered
St George’s up close thrombolytic medication.
Despite the improvements we have made, we
treatments and therapies to • Over 5,000 staff
• 27,000 women were screened for breast cancer
Renal surgeons pioneered a breakthrough know that some patients still wait far too long for
• And 207,000 x-rays, CT, MRI and ultrasound procedure using an artificial artery to allow
patients from across the UK. • Over 1,000 beds examinations were performed
treatment. Over the course of the next few years
patients with end stage kidney failure whose we will continue to drive down waiting times.
• A budget of more than £300m a year blood vessels are blocked by dialysis to
By December 2005, we will cut the maximum
• 27 operating theatres continue receiving the treatment.
waiting time for surgery to six months and the
• A two-star trust Nearly 400 research projects and clinical trials Brian maximum waiting time for a first outpatient
• Services are split between three sites: were hosted at St George’s. Brian is 66 years old. He lives in Guildford. appointment to 13 weeks.
the Wolfson Neuro-Rehabilitation Centre, A new nurse-led team responsible for the For people needing emergency treatment, we will
Four months ago, he was diagnosed with
the Bolingbroke Hospital and St George’s placing of central venous catheters has reduced seek to ensure that by January 2005 98% of A&E
a heart condition called angina.
Hospital complications and infections caused by the patients are seen and treated within four hours.
procedure and has taught hundreds of junior He has now at St George’s for a major
• We offer specialist treatment for cancer
doctors and nurses how to perform it safely. operation on his heart called a coronary
as well as for injuries and illnesses that
artery bypass graft.
affect the brain, heart and chest.
Modern care Creating our future St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust
St George’s Hospital Blackshaw Road
London SW17 0QT
Waiting times fell following extensive work to modernise the care we give We want to make St George's a hospital that everyone can be proud of. Tel: 020 8672 1255 Fax: 020 8672 5304
our patients and make it more efficient. E-mail:
We made good progress this year improving the “2003/04 was another busy year for St George’s, Annual report 2003 – 2004
More operations were performed. We appointed A new outpatient clinic for women needing a care we give our patients. one that was filled with a number of challenges. Produced by the Communications Unit, Summary
extra medical and nursing staff. New services hysteroscopy means patients can return home “Next year however will just as busy and just St George’s Hospital
But where do we go from here? Designed by Hildebrand.
were launched built around the needs of patients. after just one hour rather than spend up to three as demanding. Photography by Sam Tanner
Building on the achievements of this past year,
Old services were brought up-to-date. And the days in hospital. our ambition is to transform St George’s into “Hundreds of thousands of patients will expect For a full copy of the trust’s annual report or
power of new technology helped doctors and And finally, the launch of a home visit service for one of the best hospitals in the country, with the care they receive to be even better than it annual accounts, please call 020 8725 5151,
nurses deliver better care for patients. e-mail
sufferers of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease a reputation for outstanding patient care, was the last time they visited us. or visit
Here are just a few ways we modernised saved nearly 700 patients from making an high-quality teaching and innovative research. “But with our sights set firmly on the future
care this year. uncomfortable trip into hospital this year. rather than on the past, there is no doubt we
In 2004/05 and beyond…
We performed an extra 139 operations have the ability and the ambition to establish
1 We will continue to improve clinical care for our St George’s in its rightful place as one of the
and procedures every month.
We appointed over a hundred new
patients by making treatment more efficient.
2 We will continue to reduce waiting times for
UK’s top hospitals.” Deborah
staff, including:
surgery, emergency treatment, outpatient
• 51 consultants, registrars and other appointments and diagnostic tests Deborah Livermore is a midwife –
medical staff
3 We will continue to create the financial security a member of the busy, award-winning
• 15 nurses we need to plan for the future midwifery team at St George’s Hospital.
• five radiographers 4 We will continue to refurbish and upgrade Last year the team delivered over 4,000
• four midwives the hospital’s buildings. babies – 370 more than the year before.
• and two physiotherapists. 5 We will continue to work to improve the health Deborah is a midwifery sister responsible
Naaz Coker Chairman
X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, and ultrasounds of our local community and increase access
for co-ordinating care on the labour ward.
went ‘digital’ in January with the launch of a new to healthcare for people living across South
She has worked at St George’s for the past
system that replaced films and allows doctors and West London
four years.
radiographers to view diagnostic images from 6 We will continue to develop our workforce
almost every computer in the trust seconds after so that there is the right number of staff in
they have been taken. the right place at the right time with the right
skills to meet the needs of our patients
Peter Homa Chief Executive

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