Property Provisions and Case Digest Topic: Co-Ownership: Vic Lim

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Property Provisions and Case Digest

Topic: Co-Ownership
Article 484. There is co-ownership whenever the (2) When the adopted minor has
ownership of an undivided thing or right belongs abandoned the home of the adopter for
to different persons. more than three years;

In default of contracts, or of special provisions, co- (3) When by other acts the adopted
ownership shall be governed by the provisions of person has definitely repudiated the
this Title. (392) adoption.

Implied Trust:Article 1452. If two or more Eastment of Party Wall - Article 658. The
persons agree to purchase property and by easement of party wall shall be governed by the
common consent the legal title is taken in the provisions of this Title, by the local ordinances
name of one of them for the benefit of all, a trust is and customs insofar as they do not conflict with
created by force of law in favor of the others in the same, and by the rules of co-ownership.
proportion to the interest of each. (571a)

Partition: Article 1078. Where there are two or Article 494. No co-owner shall be obliged to
more heirs, the whole estate of the decedent is, remain in the co-ownership. Each co-owner may
before its partition, owned in common by such demand at any time the partition of the thing
heirs, subject to the payment of debts of the owned in common, insofar as his share is
deceased. concerned.

Article 1753. The law of the country to which the Nevertheless, an agreement to keep the thing
goods are to be transported shall govern the undivided for a certain period of time, not
liability of the common carrier for their loss, exceeding ten years, shall be valid. This term may
destruction or deterioration. be extended by a new agreement.
Article 573. Whenever the usufruct includes
things which, without being consumed, gradually A donor or testator may prohibit partition for a
deteriorate through wear and tear, the period which shall not exceed twenty years.
usufructuary shall have the right to make use
thereof in accordance with the purpose for which Neither shall there be any partition when it is
they are intended, and shall not be obliged to prohibited by law.
return them at the termination of the usufruct
except in their condition at that time; but he shall No prescription shall run in favor of a co-owner or
be obliged to indemnify the owner for any co-heir against his co-owners or co-heirs so long
deterioration they may have suffered by reason of as he expressly or impliedly recognizes the co-
his fraud or negligence. ownership.

Article 472. If by the will of their owners two Article 1778. A partnership of all present
things of the same or different kinds are mixed, or property is that in which the partners contribute
if the mixture occurs by chance, and in the latter all the property which actually belongs to them to
case the things are not separable without injury, a common fund, with the intention of dividing the
each owner shall acquire a right proportional to same among themselves, as well as all the profits
the part belonging to him, bearing in mind the which they may acquire therewith.
value of the things mixed or confused. (381)
Article 1780. A universal partnership of profits
comprises all that the partners may acquire by
Article 348. The adopter may petition the court their industry or work during the existence of the
for revocation of the adoption in any of these partnership.
Article 1775. Associations and societies, whose
(1) If the adopted person has attempted articles are kept secret among the members, and
against the life of the adopter; wherein any one of the members may contract in
his own name with third persons, shall have no

Vic Lim
Property Provisions and Case Digest
Topic: Co-Ownership
juridical personality, and shall be governed by the The same rule and presumption shall apply to
provisions relating to co-ownership. joint deposits of money and evidences of credit.

FAMILY CODE: If one of the parties is validly married to another,

his or her share in the co-ownership shall accrue
Property Regime of Unions Without Marriage to the absolute community or conjugal
partnership existing in such valid marriage. If the
Art. 147. When a man and a woman who are party who acted in bad faith is not validly married
capacitated to marry each other, live exclusively to another, his or her shall be forfeited in the
with each other as husband and wife without the manner provided in the last paragraph of the
benefit of marriage or under a void marriage, their preceding Article.
wages and salaries shall be owned by them in
equal shares and the property acquired by both of The foregoing rules on forfeiture shall likewise
them through their work or industry shall be apply even if both parties are in both faith.
governed by the rules on co-ownership.
Art. 90. The provisions on co-ownership shall
In the absence of proof to the contrary, properties apply to the absolute community of property
acquired while they lived together shall be between the spouses in all matters not provided
presumed to have been obtained by their joint for in this Chapter.
efforts, work or industry, and shall be owned by
them in equal shares. For purposes of this Article, CASES:
a party who did not participate in the acquisition
by the other party of any property shall be 1. PARDEL VS BARTOLOME
deemed to have contributed jointly in the
acquisition thereof if the former's efforts FACTS: Appeal by bill of exceptions.
consisted in the care and maintenance of the
family and of the household. Spouses Miguel Ortiz and Calixta Felin died in
Vigan, Ilocos Sur, in 1875 and 1882, respectively.
Neither party can encumber or dispose by acts Prior to her death, Calixta, executed, on August 17,
inter vivos of his or her share in the property 1876, a nuncupative will in Vigan, whereby she
acquired during cohabitation and owned in made her four children, named Manuel, Francisca,
common, without the consent of the other, until Vicenta, and Matilde, surnamed Ortiz y Felin, her
after the termination of their cohabitation. sole and universal heirs of all her property.
Manuel and Francisca were already deceased,
When only one of the parties to a void marriage is leaving Vicenta and Matilda as heirs.
in good faith, the share of the party in bad faith in
the co-ownership shall be forfeited in favor of In 1888, the defendants (Matilde and Gaspar),
their common children. In case of default of or without judicial authorization, nor friendly or
waiver by any or all of the common children or extrajudicial agreement, took upon themselves the
their descendants, each vacant share shall belong administration and enjoyment of the properties
to the respective surviving descendants. In the left by Calixta and collected the rents, fruits, and
absence of descendants, such share shall belong to products thereof, to the serious detriment of
the innocent party. In all cases, the forfeiture shall Vicentas interest. Despite repeated demands to
take place upon termination of the cohabitation. divide the properties and the fruits accruing
(144a) therefrom, Sps Gaspar and Matilde had been
delaying the partition and delivery of the said
Art. 148. In cases of cohabitation not falling under properties by means of unkempt promises and
the preceding Article, only the properties acquired other excuses.
by both of the parties through their actual joint
contribution of money, property, or industry shall Vicenta filed a petition for partition with damages
be owned by them in common in proportion to in the RTC.
their respective contributions. In the absence of
proof to the contrary, their contributions and RTC decision: absolved Matilde from payment of
corresponding shares are presumed to be equal. damages. It held that the revenues and the

Vic Lim
Property Provisions and Case Digest
Topic: Co-Ownership
expenses were compensated by the residence husband was residing outside of the said province
enjoyed by the defendant party, that no losses or the greater part of the time between 1885 and
damages were either caused or suffered, nor 1905, when she left these Islands for Spain, it is
likewise any other expense besides those not at all strange that delays and difficulties
aforementioned, should have attended the efforts made to collect
the rents and proceeds from the property held in
Counsel for Matilde took an exception to the common and to obtain a partition of the latter,
judgment and moved for a new trial on the especially during several years when, owing to the
grounds that the evidence presented did not insurrection, the country was in a turmoil; and for
warrant the judgment rendered and that the latter this reason, aside from that founded on the right
was contrary to law. That motion was denied by of co-ownership of the defendants, who took upon
the lower court. Thus, this petition. themselves the administration and care of the
property of joint tenancy for purposes of their
ISSUE: WON a co-owner is required to pay for rent preservation and improvement, these latter are
in exclusively using the co-owned property. not obliged to pay to the plaintiff Vicenta one-half
of the rents which might have been derived from
RULING: Article 394 of the Civil Code prescribes: the upper story of the said house on Calle Escolta,
and, much less, because one of the living rooms
Each co-owner may use the things owned in and the storeroom thereof were used for the
common, provided he uses them in accordance storage of some belongings and effects of common
with their object and in such manner as not to ownership between the litigants. The defendant
injure the interests of the community nor prevent Matilde, therefore, in occupying with her husband
the co-owners from utilizing them according to the upper floor of the said house, did not injure
their rights. the interests of her coowner, her sister Vicenta,
nor did she prevent the latter from living therein,
Matilde Ortiz and her husband occupied the upper but merely exercised a legitimate right pertaining
story, designed for use as a dwelling, in the house to her as a coowner of the property.
of joint ownership; but the record shows no proof
that, by so doing, the said Matilde occasioned any
detriment to the interests of the community 2. GATCHALIAN v. COMMISSIONER OF
property, nor that she prevented her sister INTERNAL REVENUE
Vicenta from utilizing the said upper story
according to her rights. It is to be noted that the FACTS:
stores of the lower floor were rented and an On December 15, 1934, the plaintiffs, all 15
accounting of the rents was duly made to the of them, each contributed in order to buy a
plaintiffs. sweepstakes ticket worth Php 2.00.

Each co-owner of realty held pro indiviso That immediately thereafter but prior to
exercises his rights over the whole property and December 16, 1934, plaintiffs purchased, in the
may use and enjoy the same with no other ordinary course of business, from one of the duly
limitation than that he shall not injure the authorized agents of the National Charity
interests of his coowners, for the reason that, until Sweepstakes Office one ticket bearing No. 178637
a division be made, the respective part of each for the sum of two pesos (P2) and that the said
holder can not be determined and every one of the ticket was registered in the name of Jose
coowners exercises together with his other Gatchalian and Company.
coparticipants, joint ownership over the pro
indiviso property, in addition to his use and The above-mentioned ticket bearing No.
enjoyment of the same. 178637 won one of the third prizes in the amount
of P50,000 and that the corresponding check
As the hereditary properties of the joint covering the above-mentioned prize of P50,000
ownership of the two sisters, Vicenta Ortiz, was drawn by the National Charity Sweepstakes
plaintiff, and Matilde Ortiz, defendant, were Office in favor of Jose Gatchalian & Company
situated in the Province of Ilocos Sur, and were in against the Philippine National Bank, which check
the care of the last named, assisted by her was cashed during the latter part of December,
husband, while the plaintiff Vicenta with her 1934 by Jose Gatchalian & Company

Vic Lim
Property Provisions and Case Digest
Topic: Co-Ownership
were taken to the house of Maharaja Butu and left
Thereafter, Jose Gatchalian was required by it to the care of Ahamad. All 22 persons made an
income tax examiner Alfredo David to file the agreement that they were to be the sole owners of
corresponding income tax return covering the the ambergris and that none of them could sell it
prize won by Jose Gatchalian & Company and that without the consent of the rest. Some went to
on December 29, 1934 Zamboanga to sell the ambergris and eventually
sold a half sack. Meanwhile, Mr. Henry Teck
The defendant made an assessment against offered to purchase the ambergris remaining with
Jose Gatchalian & Company requesting the Ahamad, who refused to sell. Mr. Teck insisted
payment of the sum of P1,499.94 to the deputy telling Ahamad not to be afraid of his companions
provincial treasurer of Pulilan, Bulacan. Tthe and that he would answer for whatever might
plaintiffs requested exemption from the payment happen. With this promise of protection, Ahamad
of the income tax but it was rejected. The plaintiffs agreed to sell the amber.
paid in protest the tax assessment given to them.
Defendants should deliver to the plaintiffs the
ISSUE: Whether the plaintiffs formed a amber in question or in default thereof, to pay
partnership, thus not exempted from paying them the value of the amber or P 60,000. There
income tax was an agreement between the co-owners not to
sell the amber without the consent of all. Both
HELD: Yes, the plaintiffs formed a partnership sales having been made without the consent of all
owners, the same have no effect, except as to the
The Supreme Court held that according to the portion pertaining to those who made them.
stipulated facts the plaintiffs organized a
partnership of a civil nature because each of them
put up money to buy a sweepstakes ticket for the
sole purpose of dividing equally the prize which 5. TWIN TOWERS CONDOMINIUM
they may win, as they did in fact in the amount of CORPORATION v. CA, ALS MANAGEMENT &
LITONJUA and SEC GR No. 123552 February 27,
The partnership was not only formed, but 2003
upon the organization thereof and the winning of
the prize, Jose Gatchalian personally appeared in FACTS:
the office of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes, in
his capacity as co-partner, as such collected the Twin Towers filed a complaint w/ SEC against ALS
prize, the office issued the check for P50,000 in and Litonjua
favor of Jose Gatchalian and company, and the said Allegation:
partner. in the same capacity, collected the said o Twin Towers non-stock corp
check. organized for the sole purpose of
for the sole purpose of holding
Having organized and constituted a title to and managing the
partnership of a civil nature, the said entity is the common areas of Twin Towers
one bound to pay the income tax which the Condominium
defendant collected under the aforesaid section 10 o Membership in petitioner
(a) of Act No. 2833, as amended by section 2 of Act corporation is compulsory and
No. 3761. limited to all registered owners
of units in the Condominium
3. Siari Valley (Ranch/Cattle) o ALS registered owner of Unit
No. 4-A
4. Punsalan vs. Boon o Litonjua, corporate president of
ALS, occupies it
Liat Plaintiffs (21 men) and one of the defendants o It collects from all its members
named Ahamad, found a whale and quartered it. quarterly assessments and dues
They found a great quantity of ambergris in its as authorized by its Master Deed
abdomen and placed it in three sacks (2 sacks and By-Laws
were full and the third is only half-full). The sacks

Vic Lim
Property Provisions and Case Digest
Topic: Co-Ownership
o Records of account show that SEC En Bancs Decision: nullified the award of
ALS failed to pay assessments damages and attorneys fees to Litonjua on the
and dues starting 1986 up to ground that the SEC had no jurisdiction over
the first quarter of 1988 Litonjua
Prayer: ALS and Litonjua be ordered to There is no intra-corporate
pay solidarily the unpaid condominium relationship between petitioner and
assessments and dues with interests and Litonjua who is not the registered
penalties covering the four quarters of owner of the Unit and thus, not a
1986 and 1987 and the first quarter of member of petitioner
1988. Petitioner could not invoke the doctrine
of piercing the veil of ALS corporate
ALS and Litonjua filed a joint Answer w/ fiction since disregarding the corporate
Counterclaim entity is a function of the regular courts
Assertion: No cause of action It remanded the case to the Hearing
o ALS and not Litonjua is the Officer to determine the value of the
registered owner of the Unit and services petitioner failed to render to
member of petitioner exonerates ALS because of the latters non-use of
Litonjua from any liability to the Condominium facilities, and the
petitioner. value of these services could be
o While ALS is a juridical person deducted from the unpaid assessments
that cannot by itself physically and dues that ALS owes petitioner
occupy the Unit, the natural
person who physically Twin Towers appealed to the CA.
occupies the Unit does not
assume the liability of ALS to CAs Decision:
petitioner. Neither does the It found the petition defective for failure
agent who acts for the to contain a sworn certification of
corporation become non-forum shopping
personally liable for the Affirmed the decision of the SEC en banc
corporations obligation that there is no ground to pierce the veil
Claims damages: of ALS corporate fiction
o For preventing ALS, its agents Sustained the claim of petitioner against
and guests from using the ALS for unpaid assessments and dues but
parking space, swimming pool, found that petitioner failed to
gym, and other facilities of the substantiate by preponderance of
Condominium evidence the basis for computing the
o Litonjua also claims damages for unpaid assessments and dues
including his name list of Twin Towers is not expressly authorized
delinquent unit owners which by its Master Deed and By-Laws to
was posted on petitioners prohibit delinquent members from using
bulletin board the facilities of the Condominium
Interest and penalty charges - exorbitant
SECs Decision: or grossly excessive
Twin Towers to pay Litonjua moral and
exemplary damages ISSUES/SC RULING:
ALS to pay the assessment and dues
However the SEC Hearing Officer did not 1) W/N Petitioner can collect assessments and
determine the exact amount to be paid by dues despite its denial to ALS of the use of the
ALS because petitioner failed to lay down Condominium facilities pursuant to House Rule
the basis for computing the unpaid 26.3 YES!
assessments and dues
ALS asserts that the denial by petitioner to ALS
Both parties filed their appeals to the SEC En Banc. and Litonjua of the use of the Condominium
facilities deprived petitioner of any right to

Vic Lim
Property Provisions and Case Digest
Topic: Co-Ownership
demand from ALS payment of any condominium which both petitioner and the Condominium
assessments and dues. Stated another way, ALS project were created.
advances the argument that a contracting party
who is guilty of first breaching his obligation is Petitioner would be unable to carry out its
excused from such breach if the other party main purpose of maintaining the
retaliates by refusing to comply with his own Condominium common areas and facilities if
obligation. members refuse to pay their dues and yet
continue to use these areas and facilities. To
This obviously is not the law. In reciprocal impose a temporary ban on the use of the
obligations, when one party fulfills his common areas and facilities until the
obligation, and the other does not, delay by the assessments and dues in arrears are paid is a
other begins. Moreover, when one party does not reasonable measure that petitioner may
comply with his obligation, the other party does undertake to compel the prompt payment of
not incur delay if he does not perform his own assessments and dues.
reciprocal obligation because of the first partys
non-compliance. 2) W/N ALS can validly offset against its unpaid
assessments and dues the value of the services
Thus, before ALS incurred its arrearages, withheld by petitioner NO!
petitioner allowed ALS to use the facilities.
However, ALS subsequently defaulted and thus ALS has no right to a reduction of its assessments
incurred delay. It was only then that petitioner and dues to the extent of its non-use of the
disallowed ALS and Litonjua from using the Condominium facilities. ALS also cannot offset
facilities. Clearly, petitioners denial to ALS of damages against its assessments and dues
the Condominium facilities, after ALS had because ALS is not entitled to damages for
defaulted, does not constitute a valid ground alleged injury arising from its own violation of
on the part of ALS to refuse paying its its contract. Such a breach of contract cannot
assessments and dues. be the source of rights or the basis of a cause of
action. To recognize the validity of such claim
House Rule 26.3 is valid. It is expressly would be to legalize ALS breach of its contract.
empowered by the Condominium Act,
petitioners ByLaws and the Master Deed. The Also, ALS claim for unrendered repair services
Condominium Act clearly provides that the Master barred by estoppel was never raised before the
Deed may expressly empower the management SEC Hearing Officer or the SEC en banc. The issue
body, petitioner in the instant case, to enforce all on these alleged unrendered repairs, which
provisions in the Master Deed and Declaration of supposedly caused ALS Unit to deteriorate, was
Restrictions. Pursuant to Section 9 (a) (1) and (3) raised for the first time on appeal. The Court of
of the Condominium Act, the Master Deed Appeals did not pass upon the same. As this claim
expressly authorizes petitioner to exercise all the was a separate cause of action, which should have
powers granted to the management body by the been raised in ALS Answer with Counterclaim,
Condominium Act, petitioners Articles of ALS failure to raise this claim is deemed a waiver
Incorporation and By-Laws, the Master Deed, and of the claim.
the Corporation Code.
3) W/N a remand of the case to the proper trial
Petitioners ByLaws expressly authorize court is necessary to determine the amounts
petitioners Board of Directors to promulgate involved
rules and regulations on the use and
enjoyment of the common areas. Moreover, While the SC sustained the ruling of the CA, it
House Rule 26.3, which prohibits delinquent ruled that this case can no longer be remanded to
members from using the common areas, is the SEC Hearing Officer. Republic Act No. 8799
necessary to ensure maintenance of the common transferred SECs jurisdiction over cases involving
areas. Petitioners purpose in enacting House Rule intra-corporate disputes to courts of general
26.3 is to enforce effectively the provisions of the jurisdiction or the appropriate regional trial
Master Deed. House Rule 26.3 is well within the courts.
powers of petitioner to adopt as the same is
reasonably necessary to attain the purpose for

Vic Lim
Property Provisions and Case Digest
Topic: Co-Ownership
Based on the Resolution issued by this Court in
AM No. 00-8-10-SC, the Court Administrator and
the Securities and Exchange Commission should
cause the transfer of the records of SEC-AC Nos.
377 and 378 to the proper regional trial court for
further reception of evidence and computation of
the correct amount of assessments and dues that
ALS shall pay to petitioner.

4) W/N the penalties prescribe din House Rule

26.2 are grossly excessive and exorbitant

House Rule 26.2 clearly provides for a 24%

interest and an 8% penalty, both running
annually, on the total amount due in case of failure
to pay.

To reiterate, the Condominium Act expressly

provides that the Master Deed may empower
the management body of the Condominium to
enforce the provisions of the declaration of
restrictions. The Master Deed authorizes
petitioner, as the management body, to
enforce the provisions of the Master Deed in
accordance with petitioners By-Laws. Thus,
petitioners Board of Directors is authorized to
determine the reasonableness of the penalties and
interests to be imposed against those who violate
the Master Deed. Petitioner has validly done this
by adopting the House Rules.

The Master Deed binds ALS since the Master Deed

is annotated on the condominium certificate of
title of ALS Unit. The Master Deed is ALS
contract with all Condominium members who
are all co-owners of the common areas and
facilities of the Condominium. Contracts have
the force of law between the parties and are to be
complied with in good faith. From the moment the
contract is perfected, the parties are bound to
comply with what is expressly stipulated as well
as with what is required by the nature of the
obligation in keeping with good faith, usage and
the law. Thus, when ALS purchased its Unit
from petitioner, ALS was bound by the terms
and conditions set forth in the contract,
including the stipulations in the House Rules of
petitioner, such as House Rule 26.2.

An award of attorneys fees and expenses of

litigation is proper under the instances provided
for in Article 2208 of the Civil Code.

Vic Lim

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