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Staphylococcus aureus Nonribosomal Peptide

Secondary Metabolites Regulate Virulence

Morgan A. Wyatt, et al.
Science 329, 294 (2010);
DOI: 10.1126/science.1188888

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pheromones exist in several Gram-positive coc-
ci, many of which are not pathogenic (7–11). Al-

Staphylococcus aureus Nonribosomal

though referred to as the “master” regulator of
S. aureus virulence, expression of agr is not
always detected in vivo, and agr-deficient clinical
Peptide Secondary Metabolites isolates are known, which raises the possibility
that other small molecules factor prominently

Regulate Virulence in the regulation of virulence factor expression

A major class of bacterial secondary me-
Morgan A. Wyatt,1 Wenliang Wang,1 Christelle M. Roux,2 Federico C. Beasley,3 tabolites comprises the nonribosomal peptides,
David E. Heinrichs,3 Paul M. Dunman,2 Nathan A. Magarvey1* which are produced, in microorganisms, by mul-
tifunctional enzyme assembly lines known as
Staphylococcus aureus is a major human pathogen that is resistant to numerous antibiotics nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) (13).
in clinical use. We found two nonribosomal peptide secondary metabolites—the aureusimines, Antibiotics are the best known nonribosomal
made by S. aureus—that are not antibiotics, but function as regulators of virulence factor peptides produced by soil-dwelling microbes,
expression and are necessary for productive infections. In vivo mouse models of bacteremia showed which use them as weapons and for cell-cell
that strains of S. aureus unable to produce aureusimines were attenuated and/or cleared from communication (14). Penicillin, for example, is

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major organs, including the spleen, liver, and heart. Targeting aureusimine synthesis may offer not constructed ribosomally but is dependent on
novel leads for anti-infective drugs. an NRPS that uses valine, cysteine, and a-
aminoadipic acid precursors (15). Although pen-
taphylococcus aureus is a human pathogen tissues (e.g., fibrinogen and fibronectin-binding icillin was the first nonribosomal peptide used for

S commonly causing hospital and community-

acquired infectious diseases (1). It has an
array of virulence factors, including surface pro-
proteins), exoproteins responsible for immune
evasion (e.g., chemotaxis-inhibitory protein), and
numerous hemolytic and pore-forming toxins
S. aureus infections, S. aureus itself has not pre-
viously been shown to construct nonribosomal
teins responsible for adhesion and invasion of host (e.g., hemolysins, leukocidins, and enterotox- Cryptic nonribosomal peptide assembly
ins) (2–4). For successful infection, a coordi- in Staphylococcus. An NRPS uses adenylation
nated release of virulence factors is necessary, (A) domains and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to
Department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences,
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, M. G.
and redundancies exist, such that, if one factor activate adenosine monophosphate esters of se-
DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Research, McMaster is ablated, a productive infection can still en- lected amino acids and delivers them to post-
University, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3Z5, Canada. 2Department sue. Early research by Novick and colleagues translationally modified (phosphopantetheine)
of Pathology and Microbiology, University of Nebraska Med- identified an accessory gene regulator (agr) that NRPS thiolation (T) domains (13). Condensa-
ical Center, Omaha, NE 68198, USA. 3Department of Micro- controls several virulence factors (5). Expres- tion reactions of the T domain–tethered amino
biology and Immunology, and Centre for Human Immunology,
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 5C1, sion of the agr locus is positively regulated by acids produce growing peptide chains, which are
Canada. the agr pheromone, a ribosomally encoded sec- released by thioesterase or reductase (Re) do-
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: ondary metabolite (6). Subsequent genomic se- mains at the C terminus of the NRPS, the latter quencing has revealed that homologs of the agr as peptide aldehydes or alcohols that frequently

Fig. 1. Identification of A
a cryptic NRPS biosyn- AusA
thetic gene cluster within S. aureus Newman ausA ausB
S. aureus. (A) Genetic loci ( NWMN_0123) (NWMN_0124) A A H
H N 2
Predicted Structure
T Re O
of S. aureus Newman con- A-T-C-A-T-Re T C H
taining the NRPS gene. O
The NRPS locus is found O O
in all sequenced S. aureus C H H
NH 2
NH 2

genomes. The NRPS cluster N O N O

contains two open reading HO
frames: ausA (the NRPS HO N N
Aureusimine A (1) Aureusimine B (2)
gene) and immediately S. aureus Newman
(Phevalin) D S. aureus Newman ausA
downstream of it ausB
(phosphopantetheinyl transferase). ausB encodes the enzyme (AusB) pre- ERM

dicted to posttranslationally modify AusA with a 4′-phosphopantetheine 1

prosthetic group. (B) S. aureus NRPS is a dimodular nonribosomal peptide


assembly line encoding a putative cyclic dipeptide. Domains A, C, T, and

Re within the S. aureus NRPS (AusA) are shown as round spheres shaded in
yellow. Curved blue lines originate from the T domain and indicate the
phosphopantetheinyl arm that is predicted to be delivered via action of 10 20 30 10 20
Time (min)
Time (min)
AusB. Amino acid substrates (valine and tyrosine) were predicted
according to established NRPS codes (fig. S2) (17, 21). Release of a linear valine-tyrosine dipeptide aldehyde and the predicted nonribosomal peptide structure
are shown. (C) Identification of S. aureus nonribosomal peptides. Structures of aureusimine A and aureusimine B (phevalin) were determined by mass spectrometry
and NMR experiments (figs. S4 to S7). (D) Liquid chromatographic separations (HPLC chromatograms) of organic extracts of S. aureus Newman and S. aureus
Newman DausA (19). Aureusimine A (peak 1) and aureusimine B (phevalin) (peak 2) are present within extracts of S. aureus Newman but absent in extracts of S.
aureus Newman DausA strain. ERM, erythromycin.

294 16 JULY 2010 VOL 329 SCIENCE


Fig. 2. Gene regulation

by the aureusimines.
(A) Differential gene ex-
pression caused by the
presence of aureusimines
A and B in S. aureus in
early and late exponen-
tial phase growth. Re-
sults are presented as
mean fold up-regulation
(shades of red) and down-
regulation (shades of
blue) in three separate
experiments (see scale
bar). The complete micro-
array results of genes
regulated by the aur-
eusimines can be seen
in tables S2 to S5. (B)
Aureusimines induce he-

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molysis. (Left) S. aureus
Newman wild-type and
(center) S. aureus New-
man DausA were grown
on 5% sheep blood
agar; (right) S. aureus
Newman DausA was
grown on 5% sheep
blood agar supplemented with 100 mg/mL aureusimines A and B. Zones of clearance around colonies indicate hemolysis.

undergo intramolecular cyclization reactions Kidneys Livers
(13, 16). Details of NRPS-catalyzed reactions,
structural assignments of several NRPS domains,
and assembly rules for nonribosomal peptide on
Log10 CFU

Log10 CFU
NRPSs are reasonably well known. Genes
% Weight

encoding for a given nonribosomal peptide are

also clustered. Coopting these genetic and/or
biochemical parameters with microbial genomic
sequencing has created a link between gene
and small-molecule prediction, which has as- Newman ausA Newman ausA
sisted in the discovery of unidentified, or “cryp- D E
tic,” nonribosomal peptides, a process referred Newman ausA Spleens Hearts
to as secondary metabolite genome mining Fig. 3. (A) Weight change (4 days
(17, 18).
Log10 CFU

Log10 CFU

after infection) for mice infected with

We used a genome-mining approach to pre- S. aureus Newman (filled circles) or
dict nonribosomal peptides that are exclusive S. aureus Newman DausA (open circles).
and highly conserved within S. aureus (19). Solid bars represent average weight
Scanning in excess of 50 S. aureus sequenced change. (B to E) CFUs obtained from
genomes led to the identification of a universal- kidneys, livers, spleens, and hearts 4
ly conserved (average of 97% identical and 97% days after infection. Solid bars represent Newman ausA Newman ausA
similar), yet undescribed, NRPS gene cluster the average log10 CFUs for the group.
(annotated as a gramicidin synthetase or hypo-
thetical protein) (Fig. 1A and fig. S1) (20, 21). humans, we predicted the structure of the en- promoted by nucleophilic attack of the aldehyde by
This cluster contains an NRPS gene (7.17 kb) coded nonribosomal peptide. the a-amine of valine (Fig. 1B) (16, 23).
that takes up 0.25% of the S. aureus genome. An The S. aureus NRPS (2389 amino acids) is a Isolation of tyrosine-valine dipeptides. To
ortholog is present in other staphylococci path- dimodular NRPS with two adenylation (A) do- isolate the cryptic S. aureus nonribosomal pep-
ogenic to humans, including Staphylococcus mains having strictly conserved NRPS codes for tide, we collected organic solvent extracts of
epidermidis (53% identical and 71% similar), valine and tyrosine for all staphylococci contain- S. aureus culture broths and subjected them to
Staphylococcus capitis (53% identical and 70% ing the NRPS (Fig. 1B and fig. S3). A Re domain high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
similar), and Staphylococcus lugdunensis (53% is found at the C terminus of all the S. aureus and mass spectroscopy analysis with mass-
identical and 70% similar), but is absent in other NRPSs and probably releases the valine-tyrosine spectral filtering software to identify products
staphylococci or Gram-positive cocci (figs. S1 dipeptide as an aldehyde (23). The proposed lin- within the range of the predicted dipeptide
and S2) (21, 22). Buoyed by the association of ear dipeptide aldehyde is likely to assume a cyclic mass (19) (fig. S4). Two peaks were obtained,
this NRPS with staphylococci pathogenic to imine conformation (predicted mass of 262.17), one providing a nearly exact match and the SCIENCE VOL 329 16 JULY 2010 295

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30. This work was supported by generous gifts from
(A600) = 0.3] and late exponential phase (A600 = mice infected with wild-type bacteria, as de-
McMaster University (N.A.M.), Canadian Institutes of
1.2). mRNA was isolated from each strain and termined by the Student’s t test (Fig. 3, B to E). Health Research (MOP-38002 to D.E.H.), and NIH
used for microarray experiments (19). In three In fact, we could not recover detectable CFUs (RA107380 to P.M.D.). For animal infections, all
separate experiments, primary metabolic genes from the hearts of mice infected with the ausA protocols were reviewed and approved by the University
were largely unchanged in the DausA strain, a mutant (Fig. 3E). of Western Ontario’s Animal Use Subcommittee, a
subcommittee of the University Council on Animal
result consistent with growth studies (fig. S6). The aureusimines are previously uniden- Care. Gene microarray data have been deposited in
However, in comparison with its isogenic par- tified nonribosomal peptide secondary metab- National Center for Biotechnology Information,
ent, the ausA mutant displayed significant dif- olites that are integral to the ability of S. aureus NIH (accession no. GSE21373). N.A.M. declares no
ferences in expression of a large number of to act as an infectious agent. Discovery of the competing financial interests but does declare patent
applications related to this work (U.S. patent
virulence genes, including genes encoding im- aureusimines’ control over a wide range of S. applications, no. 61/183,152 and no. 61/306,239).
munomodulatory proteins, host cell adhesins, aureus virulence factors presents opportunities
chemotaxis-blocking proteins, and host-targeted for novel anti-infective strategies. Unlike many
Supporting Online Material
lytic proteins and cytotoxins (Fig. 2A) (tables S2 other nonribosomal peptide secondary metab-
to S5). For example, genes encoding chemotaxis- olites produced by soil microbes, such as peni- Materials and Methods
inhibiting protein and formyl peptide receptor– cillin (29), they do not appear to act as antibiotics. Figs. S1 to S8
like 1inhibitory proteins, important for S. aureus However, the original isolation of phevalin Tables S1 to S5
immune evasion, are massively up-regulated by (aureusimines B) from a soil-dwelling actino-
aureusimine production, >100 times (145.9) and mycete suggests a possible origin of the aureu-
1 March 2010; accepted 25 May 2010
>50 times (73.5), respectively (3, 25). S. aureus simine NRPS (24). For S. aureus, acquisition of Published online 3 June 2010;
adhesion molecules, such as fibrinogen-binding the aureusimine NRPS biosynthetic machinery 10.1126/science.1188888
protein (Efb) and fibronectin-binding protein A was a defining moment. Include this information when citing this paper.

296 16 JULY 2010 VOL 329 SCIENCE

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