Somali Prime Minister Praises Uganda For Contribution in Ending Civil War in Somalia

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STORY: Somali Prime Minister praises Uganda for

contribution in ending civil war in Somalia

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1. Med shot, Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) soldiers entertaining guests at
the Uganda Independence Day celebrations marked Mogadishu
2. Med shot, Deputy Special Representative of Chairperson of the African Union
Commission (DSRCC) for Somalia, Simon Mulongo, arriving for the celebrations and
being welcomed by Ugandas Ambassador to Somalia Major General Nathan
3. Med shot, Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union
Commission (SRCC) for Somalia, Francisco Madeira, arriving for the celebrations and
being welcomed by Ugandas Ambassador to Somalia Major General Nathan
4. Med shot, soldiers dancing
5. Med shot, Somalia Minister of Defence, Abdirashid Abdullahi Mohamed arriving
6. Wide shot, soldiers dancing
7. Med shot, guests at the ceremony
8. Med shot, British Deputy Ambassador to Somalia arriving
9. Med shot, Somalia National Army and Police Force senior officers arriving
10.Med shot, guests arriving
11. Med shot, guests arriving
12. Wide shot, Prime Minister of Somalia,Hassan Ali Khayre, arriving
13. Med shot,Hassan Ali Khayre, being welcomed by Ugandas Ambassador to
Somalia Major General Nathan Mugisha
14. Wide shot, Hassan Ali Khayre, waving at guests on arrival
15. Med shot, guests
16. Close up shot, Ugandan flag
17. Med shot, Ambassador,Major General Nathan Mugisha observing the Ugandan
national anthem
18. Med shot, SRCC Francisco Madeira and other guests
19. Med shot, AMISOM and Somali Police and Army officers salute
20. Close up shot, Ugandan flag
21. Wide shot, AMISOM and Somali Police and Army officers salute
22. Close up shot, Somalia national Flag
23. Wide pan shot, AMISOM and Somali Police and Army officers salute as the
Somali national anthem plays
24. Close up shot, Prime Minister Ali Khayre and AMISOM Force Commander
25. Wide shot, Prime Minister Ali Khayre and AMISOM Force Commander and other

26. SOUNDBITE: (English) H.E Hassan Ali Khayre; Prime Minister of Somalia
Uganda led the rallying call to deploy forces to Somalia in 2007. These brave forces,
working together with our Somali troops, and other Troop Contributing Countries
have facilitated the return of hope for the Somali people; given them an opportunity
for freedom and prosperity that they have not experienced for many years, the
Prime Minister stated, paying tribute to all Somalia and other African soldiers who
have lost their lives in the quest for peace in Somalia.

27. Wide shot, Hassan Ali Khayre, Prime Minister of Somalia speaking at the
28. Med shot, Ambassadors of Turkey and China listening
26. SOUNDBITE: (English) Hassan Ali Khayre; Prime Minister of Somalia
While immense gains have been made, a number of tasks still remain. We ask
Uganda and our other African brothers and sisters and AMISOM for continued
support. Your support at this point is very crucial not only to build on our successes
so far but also to address the outstanding challenges and build further on the gains
we have made together. We know the Mission in Somalia is not without its
challenges but we are confident that we will together soldier on.

28. Wide shot, Ugandas Ambassador to Somalia Major General Nathan Mugisha
speaking at the ceremony
29. SOUNDBITE: (English) Major General Nathan Mugisha, Ugandan Ambassador to
Uganda congratulates the Federal Government leadership, the Somali National
Forces, AMISOM, the people of Somalia and the international community for the
hard earned security gains. Suffice to note however, the urgent requirement for the
sustainability of these achievements through enhanced support of AMISOM
capabilities, securing predictable funding and coordinated effort by all stakeholders
to timely build the Somali National Army and Somali Police.

30. Close up shot, Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khayre listening

31. Close up shot, SRCC Francisco Madeira listening
32. Med shot, AMISOM Force Commander and Somalia Minister of Defence,
Abdirashid Abdullahi Mohamed
33. SOUNDBITE: (English) Major General Nathan Mugisha, Ugandan Ambassador to
I have met politicians, elders, business people, soldiers and am struck by how there
is much that unites them, than separates them. They all want better roads, better
schools, better health facilities and more access to basic services like clean water,
electricity. They want more economic opportunities for themselves and their
families. They want to live in peace and security and above all, they aspire to live
harmoniously, united and at peace with themselves and their neighbors. It is
therefore imperative to us all to support them in their desire to achieve these goals.

34. Wide shot, soldiers dancing

35. Med shot, AMISOM Sector One commander Brig. Kayanja Muhanga and
AMISOM Police Commissioner, Anand Pillay, at the ceremony
36. Wide shot, soldiers entertaining guests
37. Close up shot, Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khayre and SRCC Francisco Madeira
38. Med shot, soldiers entertaining guests
39. Wide shot, soldiers entertaining guests
40. Close up shot, soldiers clapping

Somali Prime Minister praises Uganda for contribution in ending civil war in

Mogadishu, 10 October 2017 - Somali Prime Minister, Hassan Khayre, has

commended the Ugandan government for contribution made in ending the decade-
long civil war and bringing back hope for peace and security in the horn of Africa

Mr. Khayre made the remarks at a ceremony hosted by the Ugandan embassy in
Somalia, Monday, to mark 55th Independence Anniversary of the East African Nation.

He noted that the two countries had strong historical relations, which had seen them
help each other in times of need.

Uganda led the rallying call to deploy forces to Somalia in 2007. These brave forces,
working together with our Somali troops, and other Troop Contributing Countries
have facilitated the return of hope for the Somali people; given them an opportunity
for freedom and prosperity that they have not experienced for many years, the
Prime Minister stated.

Somalia plunged into civil war in 1991 after the collapse of President Siad Barres
government, leading to the deaths of hundreds of civilians before the intervention of
the United Nations and the African Union.
The ceremony held in Mogadishu was attended by representatives of Troop and
Police Contributing Countries in Somalia, United Nation officials and members of the
diplomatic corp among others.

The Prime Minister, who was accompanied by senior government officials, paid
tribute to all African soldiers who have lost their lives in the quest for peace in
Somalia, saying their efforts have not been in vain.

He praised AMISOM for the progress made, including the holding of successful
elections and the eventual establishment of an independent government under the
leadership of President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo.

Mr. Khayre, however, noted that a lot more needs to be done to ensure the country
achieves lasting peace and security.

While immense gains have been made, a number of tasks still remain. We ask
Uganda and our other African brothers and sisters and AMISOM for your continued
support. Your support at this point is very crucial not only to build on our successes
so far but also to address the outstanding challenges and build further on the gains
we have made together. We know the Mission in Somalia is not without its
challenges but we are confident that we will together soldier on, he added.

The Prime Minister commended Africas founding fathers whose sacrifices, he noted,
had made it possible for the people not only to rule themselves but also determine
their destiny and values.

On his part, the Ugandan Ambassador to Somalia, Major General Nathan Mugisha,
congratulated the people and government of Somalia on the gains made in the past

Maj. Gen. Mugisha reiterated Ugandas commitment to continue helping Somalia

stabilize by ensuring, among others, training and mentoring of its security forces.

Uganda congratulates the Federal Government leadership, the Somali National

Forces, AMISOM, the people of Somalia and the international community for the
hard earned security gains, the Ambassador said.

Maj. Gen. Mugisha, nonetheless, cautioned that there was need to ensure the
sustainability of the achievements made through enhanced support of AMISOM,
securing predictable funding and building the Somali National Army and Somali

He appealed to the international community and stakeholders to continue

supporting the Somali people, to enable them build on the socio-economic and
political progress so far achieved.

Uganda has the highest number of troops in Somalia and was the first country to
heed to the international communitys appeal to intervene and help bring back
peace and stability in Somalia.


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