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Ann Southam Glass houses Cmc CANADIAN MUSIC CENTRE CENTRE DE MUSIQUE CANADIENNE ANN SOUTHAM was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1937 but lived most of her life in Toronto. After completing musical studies at the University of Toronto and the Royal Conservatory of Music in the early 1960's, Ann Southam began a teaching and composing career which included a long and productive association with modem dance. As well as creating music for some of Canada's major modem dance companies and choreographers including The Toronto Dance ‘Theatre, Danny Grossman, Dancemakers, Patricia Beatty, Christopher House and Rachel Browne, she was an instructor in electronic music at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto and has also participated in many “composer-in-the-classroom" programs in elementary and high schools. While a great deal of her work was electroacoustic music on tape, in her later years she became increasingly interested in music for acoustic instruments. She composed concert music for a variety of acoustic instruments and instrumental ensembles, working with such artists and ensembles as Eve Egoyan, Christina Petrowska Quilico and Arraymusic. Ann Southam's work was commissioned through the Canada Council, the Ontario Arts Council, and the CBC, and has been performed in Canada, Europe and the U.S. She is a member of the Canadian Music Centre, the Canadian League of Composers and a founding member of the Association of Canadian Women Composers. ‘She was the recipient of the Friends of Canadian Music Award in 2001 Ann Southam passed away November 25, 2010. a s z & a at CS Mort a Pa Yaad fe 10 = a\ ee ee Fret arc io CN ee IS, : et” aT aoa O98) Ann SouMery . Reve 2009 LePh hard oBtina le = — H1/2,#2/) ae Le hard ciliate Ann SuiKam O198/> Revised 2009 \ [4 at Fer a dy’ 8 4} at won #2/0 Id GLAS Houses Ya. 3 et Le tae = : P ee we oat Tt ? p (6 EG + #3/! Rearsed 2009 woutam ~ ©1981 Orn Waar t LA hard ES Nog GLASS Howe [ Vy Lasy cS 7B PON RB OP) Onn Sova . Keursed 209 # Let hand asteats lass Houses No. s etete efelle — = ©1981) Ann SulKane» Revived 2009 ¥ Lefh hard o8/rate a as/a a YS Sy SN Glass Houses #6 fe O78! Ann Coulton. GLASS HouS&S No? a rr rs — = t Ht Sau Yr. 1981 Ax task ¥ Lefh hand of) 1 Left have aitrat O11 Ann Gillan. Revered im 2007 13 ft Ko tet Pag * 17 ¢. + aS Sa tet te, &. 3s FER eS No.7 LASS HOU ij =e re rele el iis) stat te US TSt Ths rx I ee ee = UT rat Ht | ell /. os nS tt is tu onl yy Nath t TT Lea a Lowey Hee M aay en) it gait st Su oy iS ay ‘ira Tot alll fw SEP ote My ll 4 a | call ta at te Th to ae he SO ge a t i of de 6 + Te io * ye eS 9) Pee *~ + 1 } of opal f ole ze =A - St = a Fi ~~ f + in at atest PEEEE Oe Dty\ Ey Va eee ps a SEE + eee Fd \¢ ae Fe ie HA 7 AE = a] ie iy {d 4 os eof QOD 2uiSe Sau itam 1 Bn. ©? HLL hard OStoate H b W + stl os 1 Fars aa le + #92 GLASS Houses Ne./o V 2395 6787 bmn ae fe Be Bale, H Leflhaed ost GIP Arn Sarin. os #io/a L433 Houses No. I] > 3H ot ree, ~ ne eo ee } + t oY 4 Pel Ms rm * g y ' 3 + = i $ 1 a it < + db o 1 ® U y 4 3 = * 4° ar i = se * * = alfa rt ot { = = = St oe = “7 = =a = = * = = te tee HE #/2//) Le ° a“, By a i yj brine oe tel Peres t—5 EERE + * = yt = s EE eed x wy rt] Wh! ul iT {te toes 8 wy Man etd 8 wa = ‘|| te i ry en ed wt ty pC 4 ¢ He TF 4 at mit ft ‘| \ + i TI Crh, ine YT : | gir | 4 an KS Ry & ay | SRY [IN 4 t \ AS. aa, GT - it y IFA ae FF (a By lat A Hu IRR) a L A A a i (ee 4 hk Np |G UT | ES ey ah a # ea ww! ti TD (get s ( Pt | sepa & . = G —v J pe =) ps f Ata fash Rmpo 1 2dpyhre7 8: f 3 Sum. Keurted 2009 O98] Ann * lef ford atic # 1/2 at a fest mee E239 667 Jiue ¥ Leb bond nals ©)l981 Ann Subir. Rerrted 2009 we Oy Sire el ge = Hea GLASS Hausts No. & Aba fast Fmpo. oe e i i a ff ES : F lett hand ostinate ©1931 Ann Soulum . Revirecl 2009 = : : = ual 1m LASS HOUSES No IS “—s = 1239967 Atal lempo eS ©1938) Ann Buen, . fevrsed Bare Left hard astoa THE CANADIAN MUSIC CENTRE Created for Canadian composers, by Canadian composers FIND SCORES Search, sample and borrow scores for over 2,000 works through our library DISCOVER CANADIAN COMPOSERS. Access over 800 profiles with thousands of score and sound samples from Canada’s composers STREAM MUSIC Our online streaming service CentreStreams gives you access to over 14,000 recordings for free MUSIC PUBLISHING Purchase or rent scores and parts from the world’s. largest catalogue of Canadian composers MUSIC LICENSING Find the perfect music to tell your story BUY & DOWNLOAD CDS. Browse and sample 1,300 recordings available for download and on CD FILL YOUR CONCERT CALENDAR Hear the music of Canada’s composers! Visit our ‘events calendar for upcoming concerts and events AUTHORIZATION / AUTHORISATION RECHERCHEZ LES PARTITIONS. Cherchez, consultez et empruntez des partitions de notre musicotheque contenant plus de 2 000 ceuvres DISCOVER CANADIAN COMPOSERS Accédez @ plus de 800 portraits de compositeurs, accompagnés de milliers de partitions et d’échantillons de musique ECOUTEZ Notre service de musique en continu Musiflots vous donne un accés gratuit a plus de 14 000 enregistrements EDITION Achetez ou louez des partitions et du matériel dorchestre tirés du plus vaste catalogue de compositeurs canadiens LICENSES Trouvez la musique idéel pour raconter votre histoire ACHETEZ ET TELECHARGEZ LA MUSIQUE Parcourez et échantillonez 1 300 enregistrements téléchargeables et sur CD CALENDRIER Ecoutez la musique des compositeurs du Canada ! Consultez notre calendrier des concerts et événements venir In agreement with the composer, the Canadian Music Centre is the sole authorized party permitted to reproduce this title for sale and/or rental En accord avec le compositeur, le Centre de musique canadienne est la seule partie autorisée a reproduire ce titre aux fins de vente et/ou de location, Cmec CANADIAN MUSIC CENTRE CENTRE DE MUSIQUE CANADIENNE CONTACT To purchase a score or rent performance material, please visit our website, or contact us by telephone or email Pour acheter une partition our louer du matériel d'orchestre, veuillez visitez notre site Web our nous contacter par téléphone ou par courriel Canadian Music Centre | Centre de musique canadienne Music Services | Atelier 20 St. Joseph St. Toronto, ON M4Y 1J9 Canada 416.961.6601

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