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The Pride of Italy

Nandini Goel of Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata writes a

piece admiring the man who restored Italy to its former glory.

The sun sets yet again and all is blanketed in darkness. The
Depression struck Italy like a plague and didnt leave anyone
unaffected. The incompetence of the Italian government to pull its
nation out of the dredges of poverty caused hopelessness to run
rampant in the narrow alleyways of this nation. But the earth
rotates on its axis and it brings about a new day. Everything starts
looking a little better with the rise of the sun; with the rise of

Benito Mussolini is the one-man army that the country needed to

sustain itself and to re-establish its name along the superpowers.
He follows in the footsteps of Mazzini, the spiritual father of
modern Italy, and Garibaldi, the Chevalier of Humanity, with
promises of a greater Italy, painting the perfect Italian picture of
strength, dominion, and belief.

He has reignited the self-respect that the Italians lost at the Battle
of Adua and with every man in the street wearing an olive uniform
and carrying a gun in hand, he is determined to make the Allied
powers suffer for their actions.

The gifted propagandist; the trumpeter of a Caesarean Italy. He

appeals to the pride of his countrymen and asks for nothing but
their willingness to spill blood for their Fatherland.

This is the man the country needed to make Italy into what the
preachers of democracy never could. With their crumbling pillars
and infested foundation, the democratic nations were all going
bankrupt, and there was nothing their governments could do about
it. For bringing about a revolution, you need a leader, not a

From the balcony of Venezia Palazzo, Mussolinis voice rings loud

and clear as he advocates the reasons for his vengeance. A
vengeance well-deserved and one that could end their plight for
once and for all.

The Italians didnt have any allies, and there were 52 nations
against them. With Mussolini eye set on Egypt and Ethiopia,
theyve had a chance at mushrooming their territories.

With slogans like The Italian in black-shirt is and will be

invincible! and The more the enemies the greater the honour!
the Duce drove the need for a fascist government and for war, into
the minds of every Italian.

The Italians are well-aware that Il Duce is the one who decrees
every action in their nation and they glorify it. Why shouldn't
they? There is no need for pyramided bureaucracy with fancy
titles. The unequivocal division of power just weakens the head of
the state.

The future of a strong and rich Italy will allow any true Italian to
endure personal deprivation. The destiny of the country is in the
hands of those who were born into, and so they shall protect it
unto death.

Theyre prepared to march into Abyssinia, and proud, for it is a

matter of honour and self-preservation. It had to be some nation,
so why not Abyssinia?

The Mussolini government put an end to the long, hopeless

months that Italy has suffered since the days of the Armistice. To
shed light where there is darkness, resurrection of fascism is
Italy must win the World War since it has been excluded from
nearly all talks of peace and its greatness must be displayed to the
world on shining banners of victory.

After a year of misfortune, Mussolini is slowly disentangling Italy

from uncertainty and weakness, and bringing about pacification
and power for the nation.

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