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BREXIT: Between the Devil and the Deep Bl-EU Sea

Nandini Goel
After the referendum in June, as Britain announced its decision to leave the European
Union (EU), the whole world went frantic trying to understand the implications of this
excessively severe step taken by the country.
One matter of major concern was the fate of one of Europes most powerful
economies post-Brexit. According to numerous presages made by established
economists, Britains economy shouldve faced grievous repercussions. However, as is
evident four months later, these predictions turned out to be falsifiable.
De facto, the British economy continues to gain momentum through June and its
financial market seems reasonably positive.
Analysts and experts are calling this situation as extremely uncertain and despite
their unfounded calculations, they continue to call it a tricky time for the British
economy. Britain still isnt entirely unthreatened by the possibility of an economic
fall. Its long-term outlook for its economy is full of uncertainty as it bails out of the
Great Britain has always played a moderating role within the EU. Though they might
seem parochial and nationalistic in their approach to detach themselves from a group
that was initially intended to be a free-trade area that could also give all the
European nations a more powerful voice, the exit was in the best interests of the
country according to many.
The European Union, over the decades, has morphed into a power-hungry
directorate bespeaking many of the most unfavourable aspects of long-established
penchant toward governments controlled by those in authority, becoming as
convoluted in practise as it sounded good in theory.
Nonetheless, with all the talk about its journey into the unknown, UK must remain on
guard and bring out all the tools in its arsenal to counter any possible adverse
ramifications. Plans to bring about changes to their fiscal measures and stimulation of
their economy are already in the process of being formulated.
Now only time can tell the actual future of British economy. Will they sustain
themselves and successfully steer themselves off the designated crash course, or will
their potentially impending doom claim them despite all their efforts?

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