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Myasthenia gravis

Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a neuromuscular disease Consequently, some aected individuals choose to wear
that leads to uctuating muscle weakness and fatigue. In sunglasses.[4] The term ocular myasthenia gravis de-
the most common cases, muscle weakness is caused by scribes a subtype of MG where muscle weakness is con-
circulating antibodies that block nicotinic acetylcholine ned to the eyes, i.e. extraocular muscles, levator palpe-
receptors at the postsynaptic neuromuscular junction. By brae superioris and orbicularis oculi.[7] Typically, this
blocking the ability of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine subtype evolves into generalized MG, usually after a few
to bind to these receptors in the muscle, these antibod- years.[7]
ies keep motor neurons from signaling the muscle to con-
tract. Alternatively, in a much rarer form, muscle weak-
ness is caused by a genetic defect in some portion of the 1.2 Eating
neuromuscular junction that is inherited at birth as op-
posed to developing through passive transmission from Weakness of the muscles involved in swallowing may
the mothers immune system at birth or through autoim- lead to swallowing diculty (dysphagia). Typically, this
munity later in life.[1] means that some food may be left in the mouth after
an attempt to swallow,[8] or food and liquids may re-
Myasthenia is treated with medications such as
gurgitate into the nose rather than go down the throat
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors or immunosuppressants,
(velopharyngeal insuciency).[5] Weakness of the mus-
and, in selected cases, thymectomy (surgical removal of
cles that move the jaw (muscles of mastication) may
the thymus gland).
cause diculty chewing. In individuals with MG, chew-
The disease is diagnosed in 3 to 30 people per million ing tends to become more tiring when chewing tough,
per year.[2] Diagnosis is becoming more common due to brous foods.[4] Diculty in swallowing, chewing and
increased awareness.[2] The condition occurs more fre- speaking is the rst symptom in about one-sixth of
quently in women than in men and begins most com- individuals.[4]
monly between ages 20 and 40 years of age.[3] The word
is from Greek muscle, Greek asthenia weakness,
and Latin: gravis serious. 1.3 Voice
Weakness of the muscles involved in speaking may lead
to dysarthria and hypophonia.[4] Speech may be slow
1 Signs and symptoms and slurred,[9] or have a nasal quality.[5] In some cases
a singing hobby or profession must be abandoned.[8]
The initial, main symptom in MG is painless weakness of
specic muscles, not fatigue.[4] The muscle weakness be-
comes progressively worse during periods of physical ac- 1.4 Head and neck
tivity, and improves after periods of rest. Typically, the
weakness and fatigue are worse towards the end of the Due to weakness of the muscles of facial expression and
day.[5] MG generally starts with ocular (eye) weakness; muscles of mastication, there may be facial weakness,
it might then progress to a more severe generalized form, manifesting as inability to hold the mouth closed[4] (the
characterized by weakness in the extremities or while per- hanging jaw sign), and a snarling appearance when at-
forming basic life functions.[6] tempting to smile.[5] Together with drooping eyelids, fa-
cial weakness may make the individual appear sleepy
or sad.[4] There may be diculty in holding the head
1.1 Eyes upright.[9]

In about two-thirds of individuals, the initial symptom

of MG is related to the muscles around the eye.[4] There 1.5 Other
may be eyelid drooping (ptosis due to weakness of levator
palpebrae superioris)[7] and double vision (diplopia,[4] The muscles that control breathing (dyspnea) and limb
due to weakness of the extraocular muscles).[5] Eye movements can also be aected, but rarely do these
symptoms tend to get worse when watching television, present as the rst symptoms of MG, and they develop
reading or driving, particularly in bright conditions.[4] over months to years.[10] In a myasthenic crisis, a paralysis


of the respiratory muscles occurs, necessitating assisted

ventilation to sustain life.[11] Crises may be triggered by
various biological stressors such as infection, fever, an ad-
verse reaction to medication, or emotional stress.[11]

2 Cause
This neuromuscular disease is caused by transmission de-
fects in nerve impulses to muscles. The neuromuscu-
lar junction is apparently aected: acetylcholine, which
produces muscle contraction under normal conditions no
longer produces the contractions necessary to muscle
The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor

3 Pathophysiology system malfunctions and attacks the bodys tissues. The

antibody in myasthenia gravis attacks normal human pro-
tein, targeting a protein called an acetylcholine receptor,
or a related protein called a muscle-specic kinase.[13]
Human leukocyte antigens have been associated with MG
susceptibility. Many of these genes are present among
other autoimmune diseases. Relatives of MG patients
have a higher percentage of other immune disorders.[14]
The thymus gland cells form part of the bodys immune
system. In those with myasthenia gravis, the thymus
gland is large and abnormal. It sometimes contains clus-
ters of immune cells which indicate lymphoid hyperpla-
sia, and it is believed the thymus gland may give wrong
instructions to immune cells.[15]

3.1 Associated conditions

Myasthenia gravis is associated with various autoimmune
Neuromuscular junction: 1. Axon 2. Muscle cell membrane
diseases, including:
3. Synaptic vesicle 4. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor 5.
Mitochondrion Thyroid diseases,[16]
CNS disease[17]

3.2 In pregnancy
For women who are pregnant and already have MG, in a
third of cases they have been known to experience an ex-
acerbation of their symptoms, and in those cases it usu-
ally occurs in the rst trimester of pregnancy.[19] Signs
and symptoms in pregnant mothers tend to improve dur-
ing the second and third trimesters. Complete remission
can occur in some mothers.[20] Immunosuppressive ther-
apy should be maintained throughout pregnancy, as this
reduces the chance of neonatal muscle weakness, as well
A juvenile thymus shrinks with age.
as controls the mothers myasthenia.[21]
Myasthenia gravis is believed to be caused by variations 10-20% of infants with mothers aected by the con-
in certain genes. The disorder occurs when the immune dition are born with Transient Neonatal Myasthenia,
4.3 Blood tests 3

which generally produces feeding and respiratory di- 4.3 Blood tests
culties that develop within 12 hours to several days af-
ter birth.[19][21] A child with TNM typically responds If the diagnosis is suspected, serology can be performed:
very well to acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, and the con-
dition generally resolves over a period of three weeks as One test is for antibodies against the acetylcholine
the antibodies degregate and generally does not result in receptor,[22] the test has a reasonable sensitivity of
any complications.[19] Very rarely, an infant can be born 8096%, but in ocular myasthenia, the sensitivity
with arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, secondary to falls to 50%.
profound intrauterine weakness. This is due to maternal
antibodies that target an infants acetylcholine receptors. A proportion of the patients without antibodies
In some cases, the mother remains asymptomatic.[21] against the acetylcholine receptor have antibodies
against the MuSK protein.[26]

In specic situations, testing is performed for

4 Diagnosis Lambert-Eaton syndrome.[27]

MG can be dicult to diagnose, as the symptoms can be

subtle and hard to distinguish from both normal variants 4.4 Electrodiagnostics
and other neurological disorders.[22]
Three types of myasthenic symptoms in children can be

1. Transient Neonatal: occurs in 10 to 15% of babies

born to mothers aicted with the disorder, and dis-
appears after a few weeks.
2. Congenital: the rarest form; genes are present in
both parents.
3. Juvenile myasthenia gravis: most common in fe-

Congenital myasthenias cause muscle weakness and fati-

A chest CT-scan showing a thymoma (red circle)
gability similar to those of MG. The signs of congen-
ital myasthenia usually are present in the rst years of
childhood although they may not be recognized until

4.1 Classication
Photograph of a patient showing right partial ptosis (left picture),
When diagnosed with MG, a person is assessed for his the left lid shows compensatory pseudo lid retraction because of
or her neurological status and the level of illness is estab- equal innervation of the levator palpabrae superioris (Herings
lished. This is usually done using the accepted Myasthe- law of equal innervation): Right picture: after an edrophonium
nia Gravis Foundation of America Clinical Classication test, note the improvement in ptosis.
scale, which is as follows:
Muscle bers of patients with MG are easily fatigued,
and a test called the repetitive nerve stimulation test can
4.2 Physical examination be performed. In single-ber electromyography, which is
considered to be the most sensitive (although not the most
During a physical examination to check for MG, a doc- specic) test for MG,[22] a thin needle electrode is in-
tor might ask the potentially aected person to look at serted into dierent areas of a particular muscle to record
a xed point for 30 seconds and to relax the muscles of the action potentials from several samplings of dierent
their forehead. This is done because a person with MG individual muscle bers. Two muscle bers belonging
and ptosis of their eyes might be involuntarily using their to the same motor unit are identied, and the temporal
forehead muscles to compensate for the weakness in their variability in their ring patterns is measured. Frequency
eyelids.[22] The clinical examiner might also try to elicit and proportion of particular abnormal action potential
the curtain sign in a patient by holding one of the per- patterns, called jitter and blocking, are diagnostic.
sons eyes open, which in the case of MG will lead the Jitter refers to the abnormal variation in the time inter-
other eye to close.[22] val between action potentials of adjacent muscle bers

in the same motor unit. Blocking refers to the failure of 5.1 Medication
nerve impulses to elicit action potentials in adjacent mus-
cle bers of the same motor unit.[28]

4.5 Ice test N O

Applying ice for two to ve minutes to the muscles re- N
portedly has a sensitivity and specicity of 76.9% and
98.3%, respectively, for the identication of MG. Acetyl-
cholinesterase is thought to be inhibited at the lower tem-
perature, and this is the basis for this diagnostic test. This
generally is performed on the eyelids when a ptosis is
present and is deemed positive if there is a 2mm raise
Neostigmine, chemical structure
in the eyelid after the ice is removed.[29]

4.6 Edrophonium test

This test requires the intravenous administration of

edrophonium chloride or neostigmine, drugs that block
the breakdown of acetylcholine by cholinesterase
(acetylcholinesterase inhibitors).[30] This test is no longer
typically performed as its use can lead to life-threatening
bradycardia (slow heart rate) which requires immediate
emergency attention.[31] Production of edrophonium was
discontinued in 2008.[11]

4.7 Imaging

A chest X-ray may identify widening of the mediastinum

suggestive of thymoma, but computed tomography or
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are more sensitive
ways to identify thymomas and are generally done for this
reason.[32] MRI of the cranium and orbits may also be
performed to exclude compressive and inammatory le-
sions of the cranial nerves and ocular muscles.[33]

4.8 Pulmonary function test

Azathioprine, chemical structure
The forced vital capacity may be monitored at intervals to
detect increasing muscular weakness. Acutely, negative Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors can provide symptomatic
inspiratory force may be used to determine adequacy benet and may not fully remove a persons weakness
of ventilation; it is performed on those individuals with from MG.[38] While they might not fully remove all symp-
MG.[34][35] toms of MG, they still may allow a person the ability
to perform normal daily activities.[38] Usually, acetyl-
cholinesterase inhibitors are started at a low dose and
increased until the desired result is achieved. If taken
5 Management 30 minutes before a meal, symptoms will be mild dur-
ing eating, which is helpful for those who have di-
Treatment is by medication and/or surgery. Med- culty swallowing due to their illness. Another medica-
ication consists mainly of acetylcholinesterase in- tion used for MG is atropine, which can reduce the mus-
hibitors to directly improve muscle function and carinic side eects of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.[39]
immunosuppressant drugs to reduce the autoimmune Pyridostigmine is a short-lived drug, with a half-life of
process.[36] Thymectomy is a surgical method to treat about four hours with relatively few side eects.[40] Gen-
MG.[37] erally, it is discontinued in those who are being mechan-

ically ventilated as it is known to increase the amount of 6 Prognosis

salivary secretions.[40] There have been few high-quality
studies directly comparing cholinesterase inhibitors with The prognosis of MG patients is generally good, as is
other treatments (or placebo); it has been suggested that quality of life, given very good treatment.[46] In the
their practical benet is such that it would be dicult to early 1900s the mortality associated with MG was 70%;
conduct studies in which they would be withheld from now that number is estimated to be around 35% which
some people.[41] The steroid prednisone might also be is attributed to increased awareness and medications
utilized to achieve a better result, but it can lead to the to manage symptoms.[40] Monitoring of a person with
worsening of symptoms for 14 days and take 68 weeks MG is very important as at least 20% of people diag-
for it to achieve its maximal eectiveness.[40] Due to the nosed with it will experience a myasthenic crisis within
myriad symptoms that steroid treatments can cause, it is two years of their diagnosis requiring emergent medical
not the preferred method of treatment.[40] intervention.[40] Generally, the most disabling period of
MG might be years after the initial diagnosis.[38]

5.2 Plasmapheresis and IVIG

If the myasthenia is serious (myasthenic crisis), 7 Epidemiology

plasmapheresis can be used to remove the putative
antibodies from the circulation. Also, intravenous Myasthenia gravis occurs in all ethnic groups and both
immunoglobulins (IVIGs) can be used to bind the sexes. It most commonly aects women under 40 and
circulating antibodies. Both of these treatments have people from 50 to 70 years old of either sex, but it has
relatively short-lived benets, typically measured in been known to occur at any age. Younger patients rarely
weeks, and often are associated with high costs which have thymoma. The prevalence in the United States is
make them prohibitive; they are generally reserved for estimated between 0.520.4 cases per 100,000, with an
when MG requires hospitalization.[40][42] estimated 60,000 Americans aected.[11][47] Within the
United Kingdom, it is estimated that there are 15 cases
of MG per 100,000 people.[31]
5.3 Surgery

Main article: Thymectomy 8 History

As thymomas are seen in 10% of all people with the MG, The rst to write about MG were Thomas Willis,
patients are often given a chest X-ray and CT scan to eval- Samuel Wilks, Erb, and Goldam.[7] The term myas-
uate their need for surgical removal of their thymus and thenia gravis pseudo-paralytica was proposed in 1895
any cancerous tissue that may be present.[11][31] Even if by Jolly, a German physician.[7] Mary Walker treated a
surgery is performed to remove a thymoma, it generally person with MG with physostigmine in 1934.[7] Simp-
does not lead to the remission of MG.[40] Surgery in the son and Nastuck detailed the autoimmune nature of the
case of MG involves the removal of the thymus although condition.[7] In 1973, Patrick and Lindstrom used rab-
there is no clear consensus that it would be benecial ex- bits to show that immunization with puried muscle-like
cept in the presence of a thymoma. However, thymec- acetylcholine receptors caused the development of MG-
tomy should not be done in ocular myasthenia.[43] Cur- like symptoms.[7]
rently, there is no literature that gives meaningful con-
clusions in regard to the benet of thymectomy in af-
fected individuals. Some observational studies indicate
that thymectomy could be prudent in MG.[43] 9 Research
Immunomodulating substances, such as drugs that pre-
5.4 Physical measures vent acetylcholine receptor modulation by the immune
system, are currently being researched.[48] Some research
Patients with MG should be educated regarding the uc- recently has been on anti-c5 inhibitors for treatment re-
tuating nature of their symptoms, including weakness and search as they are safe and used in the treatment of
exercise-induced fatigue. Exercise participation should other diseases.[49] Ephedrine seems to benet some peo-
be encouraged with frequent rest.[44] In people with gen- ple more than other medications, but it has not been prop-
eralized MG, some evidence indicates a partial home erly studied as of 2014.[50][51] In the laboratory myas-
program including training in diaphragmatic breathing, thenia gravis is mostly studied in model organisms, such
pursed lip breathing, and interval-based muscle therapy as rodents. In addition, in 2015 scientists developed an
may improve respiratory muscle strength, chest wall mo- in vitro functional all-human neuromuscular junction as-
bility, respiratory pattern, and respiratory endurance.[45] say from human embryonic stem cells and somatic mus-

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12 External links
The Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America

The Myasthenia Gravis Association (MGA) for the

United Kingdom

14 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

14.1 Text
Myasthenia gravis Source: Contributors: General Wesc, Vicki
Rosenzweig, Mav, The Anome, RoseParks, ErdemTuzun, Alex.tan, Gabbe, Jiang, Lancevortex, Tpbradbury, Dcsohl, Romanm, Diberri,
Cutler, DocWatson42, Lproven, Piquan, Michael Devore, Jfdwol, Eequor, Decoy, Chowbok, Zeimusu, Kiteinthewind, Maikel, Rich Farm-
brough, Guanabot, Nina Gerlach, Bender235, Balok, Jpgordon, Stesmo, Davidruben, Arcadian, Pacula, Terrypearson, Arthena, Wouter-
stomp, Sleigh, Throbblefoot, Japanese Searobin, Woohookitty, Lkjhgfdsa, Prashanthns, Palica, RichardWeiss, Graham87, Rjwilmsi, Ge-
oO, Brighterorange, FlaBot, Nihiltres, Brimcmike, Stevenfruitsmaak, Celebere, Bgwhite, YurikBot, Mikalra, RussBot, Pigman, Gaius
Cornelius, Mccready, Nephron, Osnimf, Killdevil, Igin, Drdr1989, David Biddulph, Zvika, SmackBot, Delldot, Eskimbot, Yam-
aguchi , RDBrown, Moshe Constantine Hassan Al-Silverburg, Lesnail, Rcktmanil, Cybercobra, DMacks, Kukini, Khazar, Howardj,
Optakeover, Novangelis, MrDolomite, Jetman, StephenBuxton, Theyer, ChrisCork, JForget, BrettMontgomery, CmdrObot, Philbradley,
Martiniminister, Salicyna, Mig11, TheTito, Kupirijo, Cunningpal, Clarifythis, ST47, LMAnthony, Alaibot, DavidSteinle, PizzaMan,
Thijs!bot, Gacggt, Omicron619, Ninad 1999, Headbomb, Marek69, Copperman, Marlberg, Cyclonenim, QuiteUnusual, DR, NSH001,
Freazer, Patxi lurra, Ph.eyes, TAnthony, Hb2019, RHSydnor, Ojh2, Think outside the box, Philgress, Scottalter, Mmoneypenny, Anax-
ial, Nono64, Lilac Soul, Xargque, J.delanoy, MITBeaverRocks, Spidrak, Nbauman, Xris0, Rod57, Joe Back, Jeepday, Mikael Hg-
gstrm, Betswiki, Tbone762, RJASE1, Wikieditor06, Magaera, AndyLeja~enwiki, TXiKiBoT, Dj stone, Rei-bot, Melsaran, LeaveSleaves,
Bengisuk, Shanata, Sevela.p, Doc James, AlleborgoBot, Daveh4h, SieBot, Mikemoral, WereSpielChequers, Rhcastilhos, Moletrouser, Nip-
sonanomhmata, Efe, D cavel-greant, Elbonia, ClueBot, The Thing That Should Not Be, Abe (or Abraham), FritzLaurel, GoDawgs1, Shin-
pah1, Boing! said Zebedee, Mallapurbharat, Ecuadmd, Sanjpatel1, Estirabot, Peter.C, Dekisugi, Delldot on a public computer, Matt362,
Dthomsen8, Triptropic, JzoJames, Alexius08, Addbot, Giftiger wunsch, DOI bot, Kongr43gpen, Cadence13, Diptanshu.D, Looie496,
Eivindbot, Diculttoguess, Orlandoturner, SpBot, SamatBot, JGKlein, Dayewalker, Verazzano, Jarble, TundraGreen, Luckas-bot, Delux-
Nate, QueenCake, AnomieBOT, 1exec1, Choij, StormBlade, BASWIM, Ulric1313, Materialscientist, Citation bot, DirlBot, Xqbot,
LA1213, Gigemag76, Gilo1969, XZeroBot, Tjonez, Levesque2177, Swua, Jestorg, SD5, Theletterone, Jzivku, FrescoBot, Xadrezista,
TimonyCrickets, Citation bot 1, Scootercatter, Rokaszil, TobeBot, Wlduggan, Minimac, Ajmelville1, Stephane.rainville, Ripchip Bot,
Whywhenwhohow, EmausBot, Milkunderwood, SingleIntegral, Kittainter, Dcirovic, Ocaasi, Cforrester101, Orange Suede Sofa, Toralinda,
Jehovahrapha, Gwen-chan, ClueBot NG, This lousy T-shirt, Shka, Pepetiktak, DAAllegretto, Helpful Pixie Bot, Maxsherman, BG19bot,
Everybodyjones, Davidiad, Watermelon mang, Vartan Balian, BattyBot, Valleyforge2012, Cyberbot II, TheGnerd, Biolprof, YFdyh-bot,
TylerDurden8823, Allenor Tan, Crepuscular ray, Mdscottis, Vetteranger, Lugia2453, SynapticSage, Corinne, Me, Myself, and I are Here,
Sadkins1953, Ozzie10aaaa, Christensenka, Pratibha1, Anrnusna, Glee gg, Butcan, Koteswara rao manne, Monkbot, Myasthenia Gravis,
Cbb002, Stacie Croquet, Matthew Ferguson 57, Niscarpi, Mastermindful, Waldo is Somewhere, Hulkstrong, Stewader91, Monicatulia,
7phillip7, TaylerH20, Mariapilavakis and Anonymous: 287

14.2 Images
File:Azathioprine.svg Source: License: Public domain Contrib-
utors: PubChem Original artist: Ayacop
File:Gray1178.png Source: License: Public domain Contributors:
Henry Gray (1918) Anatomy of the Human Body (See Book section below)
Original artist: Henry Vandyke Carter
File:Myasthenia_gravis_ptosis_reversal.jpg Source:
ptosis_reversal.jpg License: CC BY 2.0 Contributors: Rare association of thymoma, myasthenia gravis and sarcoidosis : a case report.
Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2008;2:245. doi:10.1186/1752-1947-2-245 Original artist: Mohankumar Kurukumbi, Roger L Weir,
Janaki Kalyanam, Mansoor Nasim, Annapurni Jayam-Trouth.
File:Neostigmine.svg Source: License: Public domain Contrib-
utors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Nicotinic_Acetylcholine_receptor.png Source:
receptor.png License: Public domain Contributors: No machine-readable source provided. Own work assumed (based on copyright claims).
Original artist: No machine-readable author provided. S. Jhnichen assumed (based on copyright claims).
File:Synapse_diag4.png Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Tumor_Thymoma1.JPG Source: License: GFDL
Contributors: Own work Original artist: Tdvorak

14.3 Content license

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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