2013 English Standard Notes

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Discuss the effects of coming into the world for your given text and one related text.

New stages of experience often bring about growth and change in ones life. As one experiences
new phases in their life, change is an implied part of moving into the world. This is clearly
demonstrated in the play Educating Rita, by Willy Russell, where Ritas growth and change comes
about with her education and experiences. I Was Only Nineteen by the band RedGum also
demonstrates how new stages of experience can bring about growth and change in ones life leading
to a transition into a new world.

Growth and change often comes about when new stages of experience allow a transition into the
world. This is illustrated in Educating Rita as Rita grows with knowledge and changes as a result of
moving into the world of education. We see Rita leave behind the things keeping her from being
with the proper students, this includes her husband Denny and her social class pressures while
slowly gain confidence in herself and towards her tutorials. Rita desires to know and expects Frank
to teach her everything in order to have choice and direction in her life, [Frank] . Why did you
enrol in the first place?. [Rita] Because I wanna know. [Frank] what do you want to know? [Rita]
everything. Choice, to Rita, is incredibly important, she feels that once shes educated she will be
able to make and form an opinion as well make up her own choice. She must also sacrifice parts of
her life in order to make a smooth transition into the educated world.

Stage directions employed by Willy Russell allow us to see this growth and change in Rita. We first
see Rita struggling to open the door to Franks office, a barrier to her new stage of experience and
moving into the world. We continue to see Rita burst through the door in Act One and wandering
around the room showing her enthusiasm and curiosity towards education.[Frank] Dont you ever
just walk into a room and sit down? However, this enthusiasm gradually decreases as Rita becomes
more educated and a role reversal between Frank and Rita is seen this shows the audience the effect
of coming into the world for both Rita and Frank

It is Rita who shows the effects of coming into the world the most. It is Rita who ends up waiting for
Frank in his office, Rita who begins to use less pop-culture terms, with Frank using these terms
more and more. Rita, also, almost avoids any type of educational conversation with Frank on her
first few tutorials, quickly interrupting or changing the subject to a more personal level [Frank]The
thing about Howards End[Rita]why did y split up? We see this change dramatically in Act Two
where Rita discusses more literature with Frank than her personal life which Frank does not like, It
struck me that there was a time when you told me everything. This enforces that the effect of
coming into the world

An important techniques used by Russell to show the effect of coming into the world is
intertextuality. Before Rita goes to summer school, we find her still struggling with her confidence
and transition into the world of education. It is demonstrated through the uses intertextuality in her
essays, especially of Peer Gynt, where she believes one simple sentence, Do it on the radio, can
answer the given question. The gap between Rita and Frank also demonstrates the amount of
growth and change required for her transition into the world. Russell also uses humour to
demonstrate this gap where both Rita and Frank find it difficult to understand one another
especially with Ritas colloquial language oh sod it, off me cake. by the end of the play Ritas
dialogue has altered and become more refined which is the effect of entering the world of
We are able to see this change in Rita as she fought her old-self at summer school when approached
by a professor in regards to Ferlinghetti. Instead of Rita persisting to say Only when its served with
Parmesan cheese she holds back and replies with Actually Im not too familiar with American
poets. This is a clear indication that Rita has changed her ways to move into the world of education
and her new life. When Rita returns from summer school Rita not only has become more confident
but she has bought new second hand clothes, a symbol of her growth into the world. As Rita
discovers she now has choice and has achieved this through education, she feels she has found a
better song to sing.

In the Red Gum song lyrics, I Was Only Nineteen, we are also introduced to the young man, who is
the narrator of the song before he and others enters the defence force and the Vietnam War.
Described through emotive adjectives like young, strong and clean the men are proud to be
representing their country however their opinion drastically changes by the conclusion of the song.
I Was Only Nineteen shows the challenging transition of a boy turning into a man when being
forced to grow up when pushed into war because of conscription, and it was me who drew the

The song uses a first person view point and has a descriptive and personal tone throughout to show
the feelings and emotions of war. he song used both past and present tense when the person
reflects on his experiences and with the repetition of the phrase and a little of the title God help
me, I was only nineteen. This self-pity from the persona is emphasised through the refrain during
the song and shows his questioning of his role in this conflict. The song writer presents these horrors
in the phrase each step could mean your last one on two legs indicates that the deadly
environment faced by these young men is an effect of entering into the world of war and conflict. .
As well as the suffering, the world they entered into was a one for the soldiers as it has a lasting
effect on them as evident in the question, And can you tell me, doctor, why I still cant get to sleep
this clear in present tense spoken by a man who is struggling with the after-effect of wartime
conflict. This question is asked in the present tense and suggests that the effects of entering this new
world of war and conflict had a long lasting effect on the narrator of this song as well as the young
men who fought with him.

The composers of both texts shoe that the effect of entering the world can be both challenging and
confronting. In the song I Was Only Nineteen we are presented with a contrast to the play,
Educating Rita. In Educating Rita we see the positive effect that going into to the world has on
both Rita and Frank however we are able to understand the damaging and horrific effect that
coming into the world has on the person in this song.

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