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Bernard SM Hutabarat; dr, PAK


ODD SEMESTER ( III ) 2017 / 2018





1. Follow Code of Ethic of Anatomy ( Based on Mortui Vivos Docent )

1.1. Respect the cadavers as the students respect their living teachers.
1.2. NOT make fun of cadavers or parts of the cadavers whatever the condition of the
cadavers or parts of the cadavers might be
1.3. NOT throw part of the cadaver if fellow student wants to borrow the
1.4. Give / take directly the specimen from fellow student if he / she wants to lend / borrow
the specimen.
1.5. NOT damage cadavers or parts of the cadavers on purpose or for fun.
2. Prepare him / herself for Laboratory practice, including :
2.1. Study the Lab. Manual accordingly
2.2. Bring along Anatomy dissecting instruments ( minimum 1 for each group )
2.3. Bring along Lab. Manual, Anatomy atlas and ( if necessary ) lecture materials
2.4. Wear the required Laboratory dress properly
3. Work very carefully to avoid accidents from dissection instruments.







After finished laboratory practice Student should be able to identify:

1. Bones of the lower extremity and their parts
2. Joints of the lower extremity
3. Difference between coxa and pelvic bone
4. Proximal and distal parts of each long bones of the lower extremity
5. Chopart and Lisfranc lines of amputations ( lineae amputationes Lisfranci et Choparti ).
6. Muscles of the lower extremity ( Flexors / Extensors , Adductors )
7. Femoral triangle of Scarpa ( trigonum femorale Scarpae )

1. Identify parts of the hip bone ( os coxa ).
1.1. Ilium. Look for :
2.1.1. Ala/Wing of ilium ( ala ossis ilii )

2.1.2. Iliac crest ( crista iliaca )
2.1.3. Anterior superior iliac spine ( sias : spina iliaca anterior superior )
2.1.4. Posterior superior iliac spine ( sips : spina iliaca posterior superior )
2.1.5. Iliac fossa ( fossa iliaca ). What is the name of the muscle that
originated from this fossa ?
2.1.6. Arcuate line ( linea arcuata )
2.1.7. Anterior, posterior and inferior gluteal lines ( lineae gluteae anterior,
posterior et inferior )
2.1.8. Body of ilium ( corpus ossis ilii )
2.1.9. Sacropelvic surface ( facies sacropelvica ) : Auricular surface ( facies auricularis ) Iliac tuberosity ( tuberositas iliaca )
2.1.10.Discuss among the group with what bone do sacropelvic surface
articulate What is the name of that joint ?
1.2. Ischium. Look for
2.2.1. Body of ischium ( corpus ossis ischii )
2.2.2. Ischial spine ( spina ischiadica )
2.2.3. Ischial tuberosity ( tuber ischiadicum ):
2.2.4. Greater sciatic notch ( incisura ischiadica major )
2.2.5. Lesser sciatic notch ( incisura ischiadica minor )
2.2.6. Superior and inferior ischial ramus ( Rami superior et inferior ossis ischii )
1.3. Pubis. Look for :
2.3.1. Body of pubis ( corpus ossis pubis )
2.3.2. Pecten pubis , pectineal line ( pecten ossis pubis )
2.3.2. Iliopectine eminence ( eminentia iliopectinea )
2.3.3. Superior and inferior pubis ramus ( rami superior et inferior ossis pubis )
2.3.4. Discuss among the group what is the name of the joint between right and left
pubic bone
2.3.5. Discuss among the group what is of the arc that located directly
underneath that joint. What is its clinical application ?
1.4. Acetabulum
1.5. Discuss among the group with what part of bone do acetabulum articulate ? What is
the name of that joint ?
1.6. Obturator foramen ( foramen obturatum )
1.7. Obturator groove ( sulcus obturatorius )
1.8. Discuss among the group what is the name of the structures that pass through
obturator groove
2. What are the differences between pelvic bone and coxa ? Discuss it !
3. Identify proximal, middle and distal parts of the femur Look for :
3.1. proximal parts of femur. Look for ::
4.1.1. Head of femur ( caput femoris )
4.1.2. Discuss among the group with what part of the bone do head of femur
Articulate. What is the name of that joint ?
4.1..3 Fovea for ligament of head ( fovea capitis femoris ). What is the name
of ligament that attached to that fovea? What is the clinical application
of that ligament ?
4.1.4. Neck of the femur ( collum femoris )
4.1.5. Greater trochanter ( trochanter major )
4.1.6. Lesser trochanter ( trochanter minor )
4.1.7. Intertrochanteric crest ( crista intertrochanterica )
4.1.8. Intertrochanteric line ( linea intertrochanterica )
3.2. middle part ( shaft of femur ). Look for :
4.2.1. Linea aspera : Lateral lip ( labium laterale ) Medial lip ( labium mediale )
4.2.2. Discuss among the group what is the name of the continuation of lateral and
medial lip of linea aspera at the proximal part of the femur .
4.2.3. Discuss among the group what is the name of the continuation of lateral and
medial lip of linea aspera at the distal part of the femur. What is the name of
the part bounded by that continuation ?
3.3. distal parts. Look for :
4.3.1. Lateral condyle ( condylus lateralis femoris )
4.3.2. Medial condyle ( condylus medialis femoris )
4.3.3. At what part of the tibia do lateral and medial condyles articulate with?
What is the name of that joint ?
4.3.4. Discuss among the group what is the difference in diameter between
lateral and medial condyles ? What is the effect of that difference to
movement at the knee joint ?
4.3.5. Intercondylar fossa ( fossa intercondylaris )
4.3.8. Patellar surface ( facies patellaris )
4.3.9. Discuss among the group the name of the bone that patellar surface articulate
with. What is the name of that joint ?.
4. Identify at tibia :
4.1. Lateral condyle ( condylus lateralis tibiae )
4.2. Medial condyle ( condylus medialis tibiae )
4.3. Intercondylar eminence ( eminentia intercondylaris )
4.3.1. Lateral intercondylar tubercle ( tuberculum intercondylare laterale )
4.3.2. Medial intercondylar tubercle ( tuberculum intercondylare mediale )
4.4. Anterior intercondylar area ( area intercondylaris anterior )
4.5. Posterior intercondylar area ( area intercondylaris posterior )
4.6. Tibial tuberosity ( tuberositas tibiae )
4.7. Soleal line ( linea musculi solei, linea poplitea )
4.8. Mediial malleolus ( malleolus medialis ). With what bone do medial malleolus articulate ?
What is the name of the joint ?
4.9. Malleolar groove ( sulcus malleolaris ).
4.10. Discuss among the group what is anatomical structure that pass through malleolar groove?
What is clinical application of that anatomical structure ?
5. Identify at fibula. Look for :
5.3. Head of fibula ( caput fibulae )
5.4. Apex head ( apex capitis fibulae )
5.5. What is the name of the joint between head of fibula and tibia ?
5.6. Lateral malleolus ( malleolus lateralis )
5.7. Articular facet of lateral malleolus ( facies articularis malleoli lateralis ). With what bone do
this part articulate ? What is the name of the joint ?
5.8. Lateral malleolar fossa ( fossa malleolaris lateralis )
5.9. Discuss among the group :
5.9.1. Anatomical structure that pass through lateral malleolar fossa
5.9.2. Other name of lateral malleolar fossa in Latin word according to Basle Nomina
Anatomica ( BNA ).
6. Identify the tarsal bones ( ossa tarsi , ossa tarsaliae ) Look for :
6.3. Talus. Identify :
6.1.1. Head of talus ( caput tali )
6.1.2. Neck of talus ( collum tali )
6,1,3, Sulcus tali
6.1.4. Trochlea of talus ( trochlea tali ).
With what bone do this bone articulate ?
What is the name of the joint ?
6.1.5. Groove for tendon of flexor hallucis longus ( sulcus tendinis musculi flexoris
hallucis longi )
6.4. Calcaneus. Identify :
6.2.1. Sustentaculum tali , talar shelf ( sustentaculum tali )
6.2.2. Calcaneal sulcus ( sulcus calcanei ).
6.2.3. Calcaneal tuberosity ( tuber calcanei )
6.3. Cuboid bone ( os cuboidea )
6.4. Cuneiform I , II and III ( ossa cuneiformiae I , I, et III )
6.5. Navicular bone ( os naviculare pedis )
7. Make reconstruction of sinus tarsi.
Discuss among the group components of sinus tarsi and its clinical application.
8. Identify Chopart and Lisfranc lines of amputation.
What is their clinical application ?
9. Identify at the cadaver muscles of inner pelvic. Look for :
9.3. Psoas major ( M. psoas major )
9.4. Psoas minor ( M. psoas minor )
9.5. Iliacus ( M. iliacus )
Discuss among the group what is the name of those muscles distal to inguinal ligament of Poupart (
lig. inguinale Pouparti )
10. Identify at the cadaver ventral muscles of the thigh ( extensor muscles ). Look for :
10.3. Sartorius ( M. sartorius )*
10.4. Quadriceps femoris ( M. quadriceps femoris ) :
10.2.1. Rectus femoris ( M. rectus femoris )
10.2.2. Vastus lateralis ( M. vastus lateralis )
10.2.3. Vastus intermedius ( M. vastus intermedius )
10.2.4. Vastus medialis ( M. vastus medialis )
Discus among the group the name and clinical application of quadriceps femoris tendon that
inserted to tibial tuberosity.
11. Identify at the cadaver medial muscles of the thigh ( adductor muscles ). Look for :
11.3. Superficial muscles :
11.1.1. Pectineus ( M. pectineus )
11.1.2. Adductor longus ( M. adductor longus )
11.1.3. Gracilis ( M. gracilis )*
11.4. Deep muscles :
11.2.1. Adductor brevis ( M. adductor brevis )
11.2.2. Adductor magnus ( M. adductor magnus )
11.2.3. Adductor minimus ( M. Adductor minimus )
12. Identify at the cadaver femoral triangle ( trigonum femorale Scarpae ). Look for its boundaries :
12.1. superiorly : inguinal ligament ( lig. inguinale Pouparti ).
12.2. medially : medial border of Adductor longus ( M. adductor longus )
12.3. laterally : medial border of Sartorius ( M. Sartorius )
13. Discuss among the group
13.1. What makes the floor femoral triangle and its name.
13.2. Contents of femoral triangle.
14. Identify at the cadaver muscles of gluteal region. Look for :
14.1. Gluteus maximus ( M. Gluteus maximus )
Discus among the group clinical application of this muscle. What does line of safety at the
muscle mean especially connected to its clinical application?
14.2. Gluteus medius ( M. gluteus medius )
14.3. Piriformis ( M. piriformis )
14.4. Triceps coxae ( M. triceps coxae , Rotatores triceps ) :
12.4.1. Gemellus superior , Superior gemellus ( M. gemellus superior )
12.4.2. Obturator internus ( M. obturatorius internus )
12.4.3. Gemellus inferior , Inferior gemellus ( M. gemellus inferior )
14.5. Quadratus femoris ( M. quadratus femoris )
14.6. Obturator externus ( M. obturatorius externus )
14.7. Tensor fasciae latae ( M. tensor fasciae latae )
15. Identify at the cadaver muscles of posterior femoral region ( Mm. Femorales dorsalis : Flexor
muscles ). Look for :
15.1. Ischiocrurales ( M. ischiocrurales , Hamstring muscles ) :
13.1.1. Semimembranous ( M. semimembranosus )
13.1.2. Semitendinous ( M. semitendinosus )*
13.1.3. Long head of Biceps femoris ( M. biceps femoris caput longum )
* Joint tendons of Semitendinosus, Gracilis and Sartorius at the medial side of the knee is
called pes anserinus ( looks like goose feet )
15.2. Short head of Biceps femoris ( M. biceps femoris caput brevis )

16. Identify at the cadaver anterolateral muscles of the leg ( Mm anterolaterales crurales : extensors ).
Look for :
16.1. Tibialis anterior ( M. tibialis anterior )
16.2. Extensor hallucis longus ( M. extensor hallucis longus )
16.3. Extensor digitorum longus ( M. extensor digitorum longus )
16.4. Peroneus tertius , Fibularis tertius ( M. peroneus tertius , M. fibularis tertius)
16.5. Peroneus longus , Fibularis longus ( M. peroneus longus , M. fibularis longus )
16.6. Peroneus brevis , Fibularis brevis ( M. peroneus brevis , M. fibularis brevis )
17. Identify posterior muscles of the leg ( Mm. Dorsales crurales : flexors ):
15.1. Triceps surae ( M. triceps surae ) :
15.1.1. Gastrocnemius ( M.gastrocnemius )
15.1.2. Soleus ( M. soleus )
15.1.3 Discuss among the group : The name of joint tendons of M. triceps surae nthat inserted to
calcaneus. What is the clinical application of that tendon ?
15.2. Plantaris ( M. plantaris )
16. Identify at the cadaver deep posterior muscles of the leg ( Lamina profundi mm. crurales ). Look for :
16.1. Flexor digitorum longus ( M. flexor digitorum longus )
16.2. Tibialis posterior ( M. tibialis posterior )
16.3. Flexor hallucis longus ( M. flexor hallucis longus )


1. Bones of the lower extremity ( Ossa membri inferiores )

2. Cadaver
3. Plastinates


1. Atlas of Anatomy
2. Federative International Programme on Anatomical Terminologies 2nd edit; Terminologia
3. Lecture materials
4. Textbook of Anatomy


1. Bernard SM Hutabarat,dr,PAK
2. Stefanus S. Sumali,dr,MBiomed
3. Deisy Budiono,dr


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