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Present Tenses- Complete the text with the verbs in the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Present


I _____________ (always/have) a pet. My dog is eight years old and my two cats are five
years old. My best friend _____________(never/own) a pet because her parents__________
(be) frightened of animals,Right now we _____________ (take) Rover, my dog, for a walk in
the forest. We usually______________(walk) here, but sometimes we ___________(go) to
the beach with him. He____________ (love) to swim in the sea. However, we have to be
careful because he ______________(always/chase) birds.

Past Tenses Complete the text with the verbs in the Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect.

Last week, Mrs Naseby_________(visit) her mother in hospital when thieves ________
(break) into her house. When she arrived home, she____________(notice) that someone
____________(leave) her front door open. She___________(go) inside and saw that they
____________(steal) her laptop, some jewellery and some money. While
she_____________(talk) to the police on the phone, there____________ (be) a knock at the
door. When she opened it she found two policemen who_______________(carry) a bag with
her laptop, jewellery and money inside.

Complete the sentences by adding the past participle for each infinitive verb in

1. I (be) ____________________ to France twice.

2. I (complete) ____________________ three computer courses.
3. He (speak) ____________________ to his bank manager since June.
4. They (just leave) _______________________ the building.
5. I (eat) ____________________ Chinese food before.
6. I think Jim (have) ____________________ enough of Lauren.
7. Ben (drive) ____________________ 300 miles in the past two days.
8. We (sell) ____________________ many ice creams this week.
9. They (never ask) ______________________ their parents for any help
10. I (just see) ____________________ that bag at a lower price in a different shop.
11. I think the manager (offer) ____________________ him a job.
12. We (make) ____________________ a dozen cakes for the party.
13. ___________ he (clean) ____________________ the car yet?
14. How long (you live) ____________________ in the UK?
15. I (never hear) ____________________ of that play. Is it any good?
Read the letter below from Alan to his friend Ethel. All the irregular verbs have the wrong ending
a regular -ed ending! Underline each one. Write the letter again, using the correct past simple
form of each irregular verb.

Dear Ethel
Im writing to tell you about something that happened yesterday. I getted up at the usual time
about 10am haved a shower and maked breakfast. I eated a big bowl of cereal and some toast
and watched TV for a while. Then I goed into the kitchen where I heared a funny noise. I thinked it
comed from behind the cooker. I getted my tool box and moved the cooker out of the way.
The noise getted louder but I couldnt see anything. I ringed my uncle to ask his advice. He sayed
that he thinked it could be a gas leak. When I heared this I just panicked! I putted the phone down,
runned outside, getted in my car and drived to the local police station. I telled them about my gas
leak but the constable losed his patience with me. He sayed that I should have phoned the
gas company. He writed his report, then ringed the gas company for me. Then I remembered that
my house doesnt have gas only electricity! I feeled really stupid and knowed that the constable
would be angry with me for wasting his time, so I runned out of the police station while he ised
still on the phone. I goed home to try to find out what the noise ised. On the way I buyed a
newspaper and I readed about an escaped llama that breaked out of the city safari park last
When I getted home I putted my key in the door, turned it, goed inside and straight away heared
that funny noise again. I holded my breath and opened the door slowly. Guess what? I finded the
llama hiding in my cupboard! I letted him stay and he sleeped in my garden last night. The snoring
ised so loud! This morning I taked him back to the safari park. They ared really pleased to see him
again and gived me a reward of 50!
Hope you are well. Write soon and let me know how you are. Your friend,

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