Technical Specification

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This document describes the detailed technical specification and overall

safety policy for operation for the hot cell facility of Isotope Applications
Division (IAD), BARC; Mumbai.

The High Intensity Radiation Utilisation Plant (HIRUP) is situated on the

sea side of Central Avenue Road, behind the MOD Lab A-block, adjacent
to Technical Services Division (TSD).

The scope of the HIRUP hot cell is:

1. Fabrication of sealed sources of high specific activity for use in

Industrial irradiators and commercial teletherapy machines in Hot Cell
(Capacity of 1MCi of 60Co). This involves:

Receiving radioactive sources from RAPPCOF/reactors in shielded

Unloading sources
Retrieval of the sources.
Encapsulation of the source in stainless steel tubes by welding for
fabrication of source pencils
Testing and quality control of source pencils
Decontamination of source pencils
Transportation of the fabricated pencils to the irradiators
Loading & transport of teletherapy sources in various teletherapy
Dispatch of radioactive consignment





High Intensity Radiation Utilization Project (HIRUP) of Isotope Applications

Division in BARC, Trombay was set up in the year 1972. This facility is
situated inside BARC behind Modular Laboratories and is located adjacent
to Technical Services Division (TSD), and housed along with the Food
Technology Division (FTD), as shown in (Fig 1.1). HIRUP building proper
measures 40m long by 15m wide by 15m in height.

This facility is utilized for receiving the radioactive source from RAPPCOF,
Kota that is used for fabrication of 60Co Sources of high specific activity for
use in irradiators and medical teletherapy machines. The process involves

a) Unloading of 60Co slugs in the hot cell

b) Double encapsulation of slugs in SS tubes by TIG welding.
c) Testing and quality control
d) Decontamination and dispatch

This facility has the following areas

2.1 High Bay Area

The high bay area is 20m long by 15m wide by 15m in height. It
encompasses the following areas:
Mega Curie Hot Cell- for fabrication of sealed 60Co sources.
Water pool for storage of fabricated sealed 60Co sources.
D. M. plants- for providing demineralised water to the water
20 /5 Ton E.O.T Crane- for handling lead flasks.
Flask storage area - for storing various empty lead flasks.
Cell exhaust blowers for the hot cell ventilation with two filter
banks containing four HEPA filters each.
Two rolling shutters one for vehicle entry and other for
personal entry.
Exposure room
Non radioactive material storage room

2.2 Low Bay Area:

Low bay area consists of

Health Physics room,
High bay air supply plant,
Power panel and compressor room,
X-ray computer tomography laboratory and offices,
Water supply points,
Electrical power panels.


2.3 Major activities carried out:

Fabrication of sealed 60Co sources in multi-kilocurie levels for

supply to industrial irradiators (0.4 to 0.5 Mega Ci /Y)
Fabrication of sealed 60Co sources, for loading in lab scale
irradiators (50 kCi /Y).
Loading/unloading of cobalt teletherapy sources in different
teletherapy heads namely Theratronics, Siemens, Philippines,
Alcyon, Picker etc. 30 to 35 sources of 125 to 200 Rontgen
per Minute at one Meter(RMM)
Maintaining inventory of sealed sources to ensure the safety
and security of sources.

2.4 Personnel Movement and Access Control

2.4.1 Procedure to be followed by personnel while entering the

active zone:

a. Only those radiation workers with TLD are permitted to enter the
high bay area.
b. Eatables / food articles shall not be taken beyond white zone.
c. Work in the active area shall be carried by wearing protective
clothing and dosimeter devices such as TLD and DRD.
d. Hot cell entry, under water cutting operation in water pool shall
be done only with special work permits under health physics
e. All the active work such as decontamination of equipment,
flasks, tools etc. work on active material that involves significant
amount of exposure to the persons shall be carried out with the
work permits under health physics coverage.
f. Visitors shall contact Officer-in-charge, HIRUP, IAD and get
approval for entry. Before entering into the active area, they
take radiation safety measures as advised by the health
physicist and are accompanied by one of the staff member of
the facility.
g. Temporary workers TLDs shall be issued along with personnel
monitoring devices by the Health Physicist on duty as per AERB

2.4.2 Procedure to be followed by personnel while leaving

different zones

a. All persons coming out of red zone and amber zone shall be
monitor for personnel contamination, at the monitoring points
provided inside the high bay area. They shall wash their hands
before monitoring. They shall leave these zones only if they are
found free from any radioactive contamination. If found
contaminated, they shall follow the instructions of the health
physicist on duty for decontamination and leave the area only
after obtaining the clearance from the health physicist on duty.


b. All persons leaving green zone shall monitor themselves at the
monitoring point provided in the change room to ensure that
they are free of contamination before leaving the facility.
c. They shall deposit their TLD badges in the respective places at
TLD rack before leaving the facility.

2.4.3 Procedure for Opening of Hot Cell Door and Vehicle Entry

a. The Hot Cell door shall be opened only after obtaining Special
Work Permit and clearance from Officer-in-Charge of the facility.
Clearance from the Health Physicist shall be obtained to carry out
the active work. Necessary protective equipment/clothing shall be
worn, as instructed by the Health Physicist.
b. Cell door shall be opened in presence of the Health Physicist on
duty. Guidelines for opening the cell door shall be strictly followed
as per the check list given in Annexure-3.1
c. The rolling shutter for the vehicle entry / exit to active area shall
be opened after obtaining the special work permit from the
officer-in-charge of the facility. The clearance from Health
Physicist shall be obtained to carry out the loading / unloading
operation of the radioactive consignments.
d. Rolling shutter shall not be opened, if hot cell door or roof plug is
e. Any transfer of radioactive material from pool to hot cells shall be
done in presence of the Health Physicist and with special work
f. Any person getting contaminated shall report about the event to
the Health Physicist on duty.

2.5 Mega Curie Hot Cell

The hot cell at HIRUP is designed for handling 1 Mega Curie of 60Co.
This hot cell is used for the fabrication of sealed 60Co sources for
irradiators and for source loading /unloading operations. The cell is
made of steel reinforced cement concrete (RCC) of density of 2.4
g/cc. The overall dimensions of the hot cell and the cell door are
given below:

Description Dimensions (mm)

Internal dimensions 4000 x 5000 x 5000
Wall thickness 1830
Height of cell 5000

Cell door size 2440 x 1430 x 750


The hot cell is equipped with

Four pairs of master slave manipulators, two with extended

Four radiation-shielded viewing windows.
One external transfer drawer.
One remotely operated, 3 T capacity in-cell crane
One manually operated, personnel access door.
Four over-ground shielded enclosures for storing 60Co sources.
Two in-cell gamma monitors, installed on the operating side of
the hot cell
A roof plug at the top of the cell for lowering the hook of EOT
crane during any emergency.
Four 400 W mercury vapor lamps and a 1000 W halogen lamp
mounted on the in-cell crane trolley for in-cell illumination.
Rechargeable battery operated emergency lamp to take care of
illumination during class IV power failure.
Stainless steel lining on the internal surface of the cell wall.
A conveyor connecting to the water pool.
A mating transfer port for the horizontal transport container
(HTC) on the cell wall for loading and unloading of ISOMED type
Two exhaust blowers 7.5 HP, 10 static WC, 2500 CFM capacity,
(one operating and the other stand by) for maintaining cell
negative pressure during the operation. These exhaust blowers
are operated using class IV electrical supply. Air is exhausted
through HEPA filters and let off to the atmosphere at a height of
3 meters from the roof of high bay area.
Two in-cell radiation monitors with their out put connected to a
radiation interlock on the cell door to prevent the opening of cell
door of the internal radiation field is more than 700 mR /hr.

Main functions of the hot cell

This hot cell is mainly used for primary and secondary

encapsulation of the irradiator source pencils using Gas Tungsten
Arc Welding (GTAW) and subsequent decontamination, testing as
per ISO:2919/AERB-SS-3 and finally loading the prepared source
pencils in transportation flasks.

Loading/unloading of teletherapy sources and loading/unloading

sources in laboratory scale irradiators is also carried out in this hot

2.5.1 Master Slave Manipulators (MSM)

HIRUP hot cell is equipped with two pairs of 3-piece, extended

reach, Master Slave Manipulators (MSM) and two pairs of heavy
duty MSMs. These manipulators are located on the two opposite
walls of the hot cells with reach to cover the entire region of the hot


cell up to 3m height from the floor level. These MSMs are capable
of handling jobs up to 20 Kg. These manipulators are mounted on a
250mm diameter sleeve located at about 3m above the floor level.
Flags mounted at the sleeves indicate the direction of flow of air
from the operating area into the hot cell.

2.5.2 Radiation Shielding Windows (RSW)

HIRUP hot cell is equipped with four oil filled type radiation
shielding viewing windows, two each on opposite walls, with
viewing dimensions 1080 x 900 mm on operating side and 1080 x
1000 mm on cell side. The overall size of the windows is 1170 mm
x 1250 mm x 1550 mm (thick). The windows are constructed with
five high density lead glass slabs. Light transmission efficiency of
fresh windows is ~ 40 %. The radiation shielding provided by the
window is equivalent to that of the concrete wall. Provision for
nitrogen purging exists in this RSW.

2.5.3 External transfer drawer (ETD)

External Transfer Drawer is used for transfer of operating tools and

other objects from outside into the cell and vice versa. It is
provided with two lead filled doors that are mechanically inter-
locked. Each door provides the shielding equivalent to that of the
cell wall. It has a trolley for transfer of objects of size 800 x 350 x
200 (in mm).

2.5.4 Access door

Hot cell access door is made of mild steel, hinged, manually

operated type with two flaps opening out side. Each flap of door
weighs about ~8.5 T and the net weight of the door along with its
frame is around ~33 T. Clear opening of 1430mm width x 2440
mm height is available, when the door is fully open. The door is
used for personnel access into the cell and also for taking in
shielded casks into the cell for loading / unloading of sources. The
shielding provided by the door is equivalent to that provided by the
concrete wall of the cell.

A radiation interlock system is installed on the hot cell door.

The system consists of an ion chamber kept inside the cell and a
monitor located out side the cell door with a radiation inter lock
mounted on the cell door, that prevents the opening of the door if
the radiation level inside the hot cell is more than 700 mR /hr. In
addition, lock and key arrangement is also provided with the facility
in-charge for opening/closing the door manually, under
administrative control. A manual over ride is provided for the


interlock to be used in case of necessity with the permission of the
Health Physicist and the facility-in-charge.

2.5.5 Roof Plug

The ceiling of HIRUP Hot Cell is 1600 mm thick. A roof plug with a
clear opening of 1530mm x 2440mm and provided with a step of
100 mm all around to minimize radiation streaming. The opening in
the roof will be used to lower the 20/5 tonne hoist of EOT crane
inside the hot cell for installation and maintenance of 3T in-cell
crane and for handling of material in case of need.

2.5.6 Service Plugs

Service Plugs are provided on the operating face of the hot cell.
Each plug has two 12 mm diameter pipes bent into an S-shape to
prevent the streaming of radiation through them. Through these
service plugs services like compressed air lines, instrumentation
cables and electric power supply cables can be routed into the cell,
as and when required.

In addition to service plugs, sleeves for incandescent lamps and for

crane cables are provided at appropriate locations in the cell wall.
These sleeves will house the plugs filled with steel balls/concrete to
provide adequate shielding. Steps are provided in the sleeves and
plugs to prevent radiation streaming. Shielding compensation is
provided, wherever necessary.

2.5.7 Turn table and rail system

Embedded rails and turntables with a load capacity of 5T are

provided starting from the truck entry area of high bay into the hot
cell for the movement and turning of trolley with lead flasks by 90.
This system is operated manually.

2.5.8. Ventilation System

Hot cell ventilation system consists of two exhaust blowers (one

operating and one stand by) each of 7.5 HP, 10 static WC, 2500
CFM capacity; each has design capacity of 40 air changes per hour
(ACH) inside the cell. This is necessary for reducing the airborne
activity inside the cell to a permissible level. The ventilation system
is switched on daily during the first general shift operation and runs
on class IV electrical supply.

The air is filtered through a HEPA filter bank of 99.97% efficiency

for trapping 0.3-micron size particles before exhausting to
atmosphere through a stack about 3 meters above the roof of high
bay area. The flow of air in hot cell is from top to bottom. The filters
are changed whenever the pressure drop across them as measured


by the U-tube manometer approaches 100 mm of water or
whenever the radiation field on contact exceeds 200 mR/hr.

2.5.9. Change Room

The assigned personnel work in amber and red zones change their
clothes and wear protective clothing, as advised by the Health
physicist. The room is provided with a bathroom with a shower to
aid in personal decontamination. Monitors available in the adjacent
Health Physics room are used for monitoring the personnel after

2.5.10. EOT Crane

High bay is provided with a pendent operated 20/5 Ton capacity

EOT crane. The speed of different movements available in the
crane is given below:

Type of motion
Fast (m/min) Creep (m/min)
Main hoist, 20T 3 0.6
Auxiliary hoist, 5T 9 1.8
Long travel 15 3
Cross travel 15 3

Areas up to 2 meters from the high bay walls are not reachable by
the crane hook. The crane is driven by induction motors. Main hook,
cross and long travel have been fitted with slip ring type motors
and others are squirrel cage type motors. Limit switches have been
provided for all motions. EOT crane is operated using class-IV
electrical supply.

2.5.11. In-Cell Crane

The hot cell is provided with a 3 T capacity, single hoist in-cell

crane. This is operated using a control console from the operating
area kept in front of the viewing window. The different available
speeds are:

Type of motion Speed (m/min)

Main hoist 3
Long travel 4
Cross travel 4


The crane is driven by squirrel cage type induction motors. Limit
switches are provided for all motions. This EOT crane is operated
using class-IV electrical supply.

2.5.12. Entry into the High bay area.

Access to the high bay area is by two rolling shutters, which are
normally kept locked. The keys are kept in the custody of security.
One of them is used for vehicle entry and the other is for entry of
personnel, equipment etc. from the building corridor. Movement of
trucks carrying radioactive source transportation flasks is monitored
and recorded in a logbook.

2.5.13. Radiation Monitoring Instruments

The following instruments are available in the hot cell area:

1. Hand and foot contamination monitor

2. GM counting systems for counting samples.
3. Six area gamma monitors installed on the hot cell / high bay
walls set to give audio and visual signals whenever radiation
fields increase beyond set limits.
4. Area gamma monitors are situated near the pool railings, hot
cell door and near rolling shutter.
5. Farmars thimble ion chamber for activity measurement.
6. Ion chamber based monitors are installed in the hot cell as
sensors for the radiation interlock of shielding doors.

The settings of the various radiation monitors for the

maximum field are given below:

Area monitor location Setting levels (mR/hr)

Pool railings 20
Hot cell door 2.0
Rolling shutter 2.0

The following survey meters are available for high bay and hot cell
area survey:

Type of survey meter Range (R/hr)

Teletector 0-1000
Victroreen 0-10
Range (milli Rem)
DRD 0500, 0-5
EPD 0.1-106


2.6 Water pool:

The water pool is designed for storing 1 million Curie of 60Co

sources. Its walls are made of reinforced cement concrete (RCC) of
density 2.4g/cc. Depth of the pool is 6.2 meters and the water level
is maintained at 5,500 100 mm above the pool bottom. The pool
walls and floor are lined with 3mm thick SS 304 L plates to prevent
ground leakage of any contaminated water to the ground water. It
also provides a smooth, non-corrosive metallic surface for easy
decontamination. This pool is divided into three compartments
using SS 304 L partitions that are designated as pool-1, pool-2 and

Pool-1 has dimensions in mm of 1370 x 2410 x 6200 and is

used for storing doubly encapsulated 60Co Sources.

Pool-2 has dimensions of 1740 x 2410 x 6200 and is used for

storing sub-assemblies and containers filled with Zircaloy debris.

Pool-3 has dimensions of 2260 x 2410 x 6200 and is used for

storing absorber rods. Under water cutting of absorber rod is
carried out in this pool for separation of sub-assemblies.

All operations in the water pool are carried out with special work
permit from the facility-in-charge and the Health Physicist.

2.6.1 Pool water management systems:

The following systems are available for the management of pool

water a water demineralization plant used for initial filling of the
pool and also to provide make up water for compensation of
evaporation losses.
A submerged ion exchange (IEX) unit used for cleaning and
polishing of pool water. (CATRIDGES)
A multipurpose pool water cleaning system used for removal of
radioactive dust, muck and chips from the water.(RESINS)

2.6.2 Demineralization plant (DM Plant):

D.M. Plant is provided for filling de-mineralized water in the pool and
also for supplying the make up water for evaporation losses. The
plant consists of a pressure sand filter, an alum dosing unit and a
mixed bed deionizer. All pipes and valves are made of either
internally rubber lined carbon steel or made of stainless steel 304L.
Steel tanks and columns are internally rubber lined.

The municipal water is used as the input to the plant. The mixed bed
has a capacity of supplying ~50 m of deminearlised water per
regeneration. Two stainless steel centrifugal pumps with a capacity


of 7 m /hr at a discharge pressure of 3.5 kg/cm facilitate the
operation of the plant. The pH level of the water is maintained in the
range 6.8-7.2. The output deminearlised water conductivity is
maintained below 10 Siemens/cm. The plant is equipped with
pressure gauges, flow rate meter and conductivity meter for process
monitoring. It is also equipped with a conductivity meter with alarm
to monitor the quality of treated water.

2.6.3. Submerged pool water cleaning and D.M. plant for polishing
the pool water:

Pool-3 is provided with purification system to remove suspended and

dissolved particles from the pool water to reduce the radioactivity of
water thereby protecting the operating personnel from beta and
gamma radiation. The purification system provides a benign
environment for the under water machinery and helps in providing a
good visibility for under water operation.
The purification system is of re-circulating type, consisting of a
centrifugal pump, cartridge type filters to filter 15 and 5 particles
and a disposable cartridge type mixed bed resin.
The ionic load on the water treatment plants would be mainly due to
leaching of absorber bundles, particle generated during the cutting
of the absorber rod central tube, corrosion products and suspended
particles. The type of activity present in pool water is , and the
visibility of pool water is good enough to carry out under water

Removal of suspended particulate matter: The pump sucks

water from the pool and passes it through 15 filters, ion exchange
cartridges, 5 filter and discharges it back to the water pool.
Removal of oil: Another pump sucks water from the surface of the
pool and passes it through 15 filters, activated carbon filter, 5
filters and discharges it back to the water pool.

Pool water cleaning and D.M. plant ensure the following;

a) To maintain water quality in the pool with pH nearly neutral (6.8

to 7.2), low sp. conductivity (less than 10 Siemens/cm) and
total dissolved solids (TDS) less than 1 ppm.
b) To limit the pool water activity level to <2500 Bq/ ml (To restrict
the dose rate in amber zone)






Accident prevention is of primary importance in all phases of operation

and administration. It is the intention of the management to provide safe
and healthy working conditions. It is to establish, insist upon adoption of
safe working practices at all times by all employees. The primary safety
policy is to:

Achieve freedom from accidents

Comply with environmental safety norms
Provide safe and healthy work environment to all

Overall radiation safety principles are guided by the following statement of

Dr. Homi J. Bhabha:

Radioactive materials and sources of radiation should be handled

in the atomic energy establishments, in a manner which not only
ensures that no harm could come to the workers in the
establishment or any one else; but also in an exemplary manner,
so as to set a standard which other organizations in the country
may be asked to emulate.

The general safety policy of the facility has been formulated as follows:

All staff members associated with the facility shall accept joint
responsibility for radiological, chemical, industrial and fire
preventive safety.

The senior officers of the facility shall train the personnel under
their control and ensure that they are working in a safe manner
with utmost care.

Senior officers of the facility will organize refresher courses and

up-grade day-to-day handling methodology and procedures for
the staff.

The facility management shall ensure that all the necessary

protective and safety equipment are available.

The facility management shall ensure to have a good safety

culture embedded in the staff for preventing untoward incidents
like fire, spread of radioactive and chemical contamination and
radiation exposures to the staff.

The facility management shall comply with various acts and

rules and follow the instructions issued by BARC Safety
Council (BSC) and Operating Plant Safety Review
Committee (OPSRC) from time to time.


The facility management shall constantly review procedures for
maximum capacity utilization of instruments and the
infrastructure facilities.

For safety and security of sealed sources, proper inventory of

the sources shall be maintained

Additional safety measures of sealed sources after office hours

After office hours, the facility is double locked & keys are kept with
security & also if any source is exposed overnight, necessary
information is passed on to the security.

HIRUP hot cell is designed to handle kilo Curie levels of 60Co sources.
Therefore, every care has been taken in the design to provide the
necessary safety features to avoid any release of activity to the
environment. Multiple containments have been provided in this facility for
handling 60Co source.

Primary Containment: The primary containment is the shielding walls of

the hot cells that help to reduce the radiation field and contains the source
within its walls.

Secondary Containment: The secondary containment is the ventilation

system which is once-through that helps to contain the activity within the
hot cell and to prevent it from becoming airborne.

The once through ventilation system supplies pre-filtered and washed air
to the high bay area with the help of 2000CFM capacity blower. The
outdoor air is filtered through a 4-ply HDPE coarse filter bank. The treated
air is supplied to high bay area from a height of 3 meters. The supply air
system consists of supply blowers (One working and the other stand by),
coarse filters, air washer and ducting system.

The air from high bay area is exhausted through the hot cell on once
through basis. There is no direct supply of air to the cell. Air is flown into
the cell by virtue of the negative pressure developed by the exhaust
blowers within the hot cell. There are two exhaust blowers (one operating
and the other stand by) each of 7.5 HP, 10 static Water Column (WC),
2500 CFM capacity each. The ventilation system is designed to provide 40
Air Changes per Hour (ACH) in the hot cell. The exhaust air from the hot
cell is filtered through a HEPA filter bank consisting of 4 HEPA filters
having 99.97 % efficiency for trapping 0.3 (micron) size particles before
exhausting to atmosphere through a 3m-high stack located above the roof
of the high bay building. The air enters from the top of the hot cell and
then flows out through the exhaust point at the bottom of the cell. Water
filled U-tube manometers are used to measure and display the pressure
drop across the filter and between the hot cell and the high bay area.


The ventilation system (number of air changes) in hot cell is designed to
exhaust the generated noxious gases like ozone and NO2, in addition to
restricting the spread of activity to the surroundings. Also provision of
ozone monitors is under process to detect traces of ozone.

Tertiary Containment (Outermost): The high bay is the final barrier

between environment and 60Co sources and acts as the tertiary
containment. The high bay has been provided with two rolling shutters.
Access to the high bay is through one rolling shutter and other rolling
shutter normally kept in locked condition, is used only for vehicle entry.

In the case of the water pool, the water acts as the primary containment
and confines the radioactivity within the pool. The pool is located within
the high bay that provides the final containment for the radioactivity.

Entry into the high bay area and for operations related to the
radioactivity handling the following safety procedures are to be

1. Entry into the high bay is controlled under the surveillance of the
health physicist.
2. Operations in the facility are conducted in accordance with the
laid out procedures and under the surveillance of the health
3. Activity handling in the hot cell and water pool is carried out with
radiological work permits issued by authorized person to ensure
complete safety.

During operations migration of activity to the environment is

controlled by;

1. Adhering to the Zoning concept are demarked the areas into

four, viz.: Red, Amber, Green and White. The requirements for
different zones are explained in Table 2.1.
2. By providing graded ventilation to facilitate the flow of air from
white to green to amber and finally to red zones from where the
air will be filtered through HEPA filters and discharged through
the stack. The highest negative pressure with respect to
atmosphere is maintained in the red zone to aid the aforesaid
direction of air flow.
3. Provision of shoe barriers between green and amber zone
4. Provision of personnel change room and shower room
5. Routine health physics monitoring of personnel,
equipments/materials going out from amber zone to white zone.
6. Routine monitoring of radioactivity of air discharges
7. Provision of special work permit for carrying out active
maintenance jobs, which can affect normal operations.

Further, the hot cell and its associated areas have been provided with
various radiological monitoring and alarm systems like Area-Gamma
monitor, contamination monitor for cloth and hand. Provision of half-face-
masks; full face-masks and air line respirators have also been made for
personnel protection. Several industrial and fire safety features have also
been provided in the facility, like breathing air and fire extinguishers.

In addition, various committees have been formed to ensure safety during

normal operations as well as in emergency situations.

Plant Level Safety Committee (PLSC), IAD is formed with one senior
officer as the Safety Coordinator and five officers as members. PLSC (IAD)
meets regularly, once in a month, to take stock of the laboratory safety
status and is empowered to inspect and document the
compliance/violation of safety regulations.

3.1 Zoning philosophy and access control procedures:

This enables to

i. Have a better contamination control during unusual events.

ii. Achieve a safe radiation work practice
iii. Achieve a better radiological safety.
iv. Bring down the dose received by the persons as low as
reasonably achievable (ALARA)
v. Ensure safety and security of sealed sources

The area-wise categorization of various zones, the relative pressures, the

numbers of air changes provided by ventilation and occupancy details are
given in the following Table-3.1

3.1.1. White Zone

Area from the entry point of the facility up to high bay area rolling shutter
is treated as the white zone. This area consists of office, health physics
room, change room, high bay area air supply room, electrical panel room,
work shop, computer aided tomography room and other sitting rooms.

Handling of radioactive materials is not permitted in this zone

and this area is kept free of contamination at all times.

These areas are designed to have comfort ventilation.

Health physics monitoring of individuals working in this is
There is no special plant clothing (protective) requirement.
The entry to this zone is not restricted.



Table 3 .1 Different types of Zones

Number of
Zone Area Pressure air changes Occupancy
per hour
Office rooms
and lobby area
White Atmospheric 23 Continuous
as listed in Para
4-7 8 hours per
Green High bay area Atmospheric
Once through day
Between water
pool boundaries
4-7 8 hours per
Amber and fenced area Atmospheric
Once through week
surrounding the
Duration as
Red Water pool Atmospheric permitted
Once through
by the HP
Approximately 5
mm WC w.r.t. The Duration as
Red Hot cell green area, permitted
Once through
maintained by by the HP
Exhaust Blower.

3.1.2. Green zone

The change room and high bay area comes under the green classification
of zone.

In this zone shielded flasks containing radioactive materials

are stored. The upper limit of flask skin temperature is 70C,
and it is measured by thermometer.
This area is not likely to be contaminated during normal
operations. However, the chance of the areas getting
contaminated at times is not ruled out, because of personnel
movement from the amber zone
Periodic area monitoring is required in these areas.
Plant foot wear and laboratory coat / boiler suit are to be
used by regular workers, depending on the type of work
being carried out by them.
Regular housekeeping shall be carried out to keep this area
free from contamination.

3.1.3 Amber zone

The area between pool railing and pool boundary is treated as the amber
zone. The entry to this area shall be only with protective clothing. Lab


coats/ boiler suits/ cotton shoe covers must be worn while entering this
area. Additional protective equipment needed as per the work will be
recommended by the health physicist on duty.

Probabilities of contamination (personal, equipment, and

floor) in these areas are considered to be above average.
Entry to these areas is restricted as per the standard
operating procedures. Only persons with full plant clothing,
gloves, and over-shoe shall be allowed.
This zone contains potential sources of contamination.
Periodic decontamination of these areas shall be carried out
as and when required.
In these areas contaminated equipments that could be
Depending upon air borne activity, use of respiratory
protection is necessary.
Continuous use of area/air monitor with alarm is prevailing.
Additional protective equipment and monitoring needed as
per the work shall be recommended by Health Physicist on
Personnel monitoring devices like TLDs, DRDs should be used
by the personnel before entering this area.

3.1.4 Red Zone

Hot cell and the water pool area are situated in the red zone.

This zone contains open form of activity.

In this zone, radioactive material is handled.
There is a very large possibility of radioactive surface
contamination and air borne activity in this area.
Entry to this area is permitted by the officer-in-charge, HIRUP
under special circumstances in presence of the health
Protective equipment needed as per the work, shall be
recommended by health physicist on duty.


1. Access to various zones should be from white zone to green

zone and green zone to amber zone. Personnel entering from
white zone to green zone or amber zone should use plant dress
i.e. lab coat/boiler suit in addition to plant issued footwear.
Change room has two separate lockers, one for plant use and
another for personal clothing to enable change of dress.

2. Material coming out from the amber and green zone shall be
monitored by the health physicist.


3. Final exit points shall be from the green zone to white zone.

3.2. Review of Technical Specifications

a) Technical specifications shall be reviewed and revised

periodically in a stipulated period.

b) Subsequent to such revision/view in the technical specification

by competent authority, actual modification if any changes in
any section of technical specification become necessary,
consequent to addition or modification of equipment / system,
appropriate revisions of the pertinent para / sections shall be
prepared and arranged for review by PLSC / SCRO/OPSRC. After
getting approval from BSC, these will be included in the
Technical Specifications





This chapter defines the limiting conditions required for the safe handling
of radioactive materials. Any deficiency in the availability or supply of the
essential services shall be immediately notified to the divisional authorities
so that remedial actions are planned before the arrival of the staff.

4 Limiting Operation Conditions

All operations involving handling of radioactivity in HIRUP Hot Cell is

carried out by authorized personnel, who are trained for this purpose
(Radiography Testing Level-2 Certification) and under the
surveillance of the Health Physicist. Verification and approval of stipulated
checklist and radiological work permits for each operation is obtained from
the authorized personnel before starting the operations.

4.1. Normal Water Supply

The normal water is supplied to HIRUP at a pressure of 2 kg/cm2 from the

centralized system of BARC, Trombay. The various parameters of pool
water are

Specific conductivity < 10S/cm at 30 C

pH 6.8 to 7.2 at 30 C

Temperature < 55C

Beta, gamma activity of pool water 2500 Bq/ml

TDS <1ppm


This water is supplied for source storage pool for shielding,

personal decontamination and public health requirements.

4.2. Electrical power supply

Class-IV normal power supply is provided by TSD to meet the normal

power requirement of HIRUP. DG power supply is not available in this


Ventilation requirement, illumination requirement and the power

load to run the equipment and instrumentation.
4.3. Ventilation System

4.3.1. Cell Exhaust System

There are two exhaust blowers each of 7.5 HP, 10 static WC, 2500 CFM
rated capacity. Out of which one is operational and the other is stand by.
These are operated using normal Class-IV power supply.

These blowers will maintain the hot cell at a negative pressure
with respect to the high bay area and provide the necessary air
changes to the Hot Cell.

4.3.2. Hot Cell Exhaust Filter Bank

There are two exhaust blowers, for hot cell exhaust each ducted through a
filter pit. The filter pit consists of a pre-filter and a HEPA filter. At a time
only one set of blower and HEPA filter pit is in operation and the other set
is kept standby. The rupture / breaking pressure of the filters are .The
efficiency of the filter bank shall be a minimum 99.97% for particle size
down to 0.3 micron. The saturated filter pressure drop shall be less than
4 W.G.


This blower along with the filter pit will maintain the hot cell at a
negative pressure with respect to the high bay area.

Avoids any release of particulate activity into environment

through hot cell exhaust system.

4.4. Fire Protection

The fire hydrant system in and around HIRUP is periodically tested for the
availability of water supply at the hydrant point at the requisite pressure
(Average Pressure is 4-5 Kg/cm2). Portable fire extinguishers are
available in sufficient number and at the location as suggested by the
CFO, Fire Services Section.


This provides adequate fire protection measures for the

laboratory and associated areas.

Hot cell staffs are regularly sent for Fire-fighting refresher courses &
various mock drills are also arranged with assistance from Fire station,
BARC. The details are mentioned in standing fire order (ref. chapter 6.10).


4.5. Waste disposal

4.5.1 Solid waste

The wastes generated inside the Hot Cell are classified into the following
two types.

Compressive waste- cellulose (cotton, tissue paper), plastic

(neoprene, PVC) etc.

Non-compressible waste- metallic and glasses.


To restrict the passage of radioactive solid waste into the public


To control the radioactive waste generation within the

authorized limit stipulated by the BARC Safety Council (BSC).

4.5.2 Gaseous waste

All gaseous products are filtered through an elaborated filtration system,

before being discharged through a stack, which is placed at a height of 3m
above the top of our high bay area roof.


To prevent any discharge of radioactivity to the environment.

4.6. Radiation and radiological monitoring systems

4.6.1 Types:

Radiation survey instrument and contamination monitors one of each type

shall be provided in amber zone areas, where radioactivity is handled.
These are listed below:

Continuous beta, gamma air monitor

Beta, gamma hand contamination monitor

Contamination monitor (beta, gamma)(, )

Gross beta, gamma counting set up( with shield)

Area Gamma monitor

Teletector, survey meter

Continuous air sampling points

Air sampler (500lpm)



Sufficient numbers of these instruments are required to ensure

the monitoring of radioactivity during normal operations & in
case any accident or spillage or release.

4.6.2 Radiological safety:

All incidents involving air activity more than 100-DAC averaged over 24
hours will be investigated.


To restrict the internal exposure to the working personnel.





5.1 Receiving and transportation of the Co transportation flask

5.1.1 Normal operating conditions:

The relevant code AERB SC/TR-1 for safe transport of radioactive

sources will be fulfilled. The following aspects of the source
transport container will be adhered to:

a) Use of AERB approved transport container.

b) Limits on surface dose rates (, ). (i.e. <200mR /h)

c) Limits on surface contamination level (i.e. 3.7mR/h)

d) Limits on surface temperature. (i.e. <85C)

The operation remains suspended, if any of the limits is exceeded

and requirements are not fulfilled. The work is resumed with special
authorization granted by the competent authority (facility-in-charge
of HIRUP).

5.1.2. Surveillance requirement during transport

To ensure the effectiveness of tie down arrangement as per AERB

SC/TR-1, the following requirements will be met:

1. Tie down is to be checked during transportation.

2. The transport consignment containing the 60Co sources is
received and stored in a specially assigned area.
3. Flask closure bolts are checked during transportation.

5.2. Operation of hot cell door

5.2.1. Normal operating conditions

Ensure that before opening of Hot Cell, administrative approval is

taken and all the monitors are working. The operation shall remain
suspended under the following conditions:

a) There is no approval for opening the Hot Cell door in the work
b) Non availability of Hot Cell ventilation/electric supply
c) Relevant checklist has not been completed, verified and
d) The in-cell radiation-monitoring instrument is not functioning,
e) The audio-visual alarm indicating high radiation field is not
f) Radiation interlock is not functioning.
g) Area gamma monitor is not working
h) Non availability of the Health Physicist.

5.2.2 Surveillance requirements

To ensure the proper functioning of Hot Cell door interlock, the

following operations shall be carried out:

i) Dummy trial operation of door opening including checking of

interlock functions, at least once in a week.
ii) Checking the in cell radiation monitors including working of the
audio-visual alarms once in a month.
iii) Checking of in cell radiation monitors including their calibration
is to once in a year.

5.3. Remote handling operations inside hot cell:

5.3.1. Normal operating conditions:

All normal day-to-day operations inside the Hot Cell require the

a) Approved work permit

b) Availability of Hot Cell ventilation and electrical supply
c) MSMs are not in working condition,
d) Viewing window shall be clear enough for working
e) The illumination on the working table shall be sufficient
f) In-cell radiation monitor is functional.
g) The hoist of in-cell crane is functional.

5.3.2. Surveillance requirements

1. All MSMs are checked in every fortnight for their proper

2. Checking of in-cell crane is done before every operation.
3. Preventive maintenance of the in-cell crane shall be conducted
once in a week.
4. Transmission efficiency of the viewing window is checked once in
two years. Windows shall be taken up for cleaning/replacement
if the light transmission efficiency falls below 10%.(=1.8-1.9
for high density lead glass)
5. Working of in-cell lights is checked half yearly.
6. In-cell radiation monitor is checked monthly for their proper
7. Cell negative pressure with respect to the operating area is
checked daily.


8. Fire Drill is done once every quarter.
9. Frequency of Emergency Drill is once in a year.
10.Items maintained in Emergency cupboard (Annexure-I) is
checked once every 6 months.

5.4. Fabrication of sealed sources and their transportation.

5.4.1. Normal operating Conditions:

To ensure that sealed sources are fabricated as per ISO 2917, the
following operating conditions are followed:

a) Fabrication of sealed sources is carried out as per the approved

b) The transportation flask is never loaded with more than
designed (100kCi for BLC-100 and COF-100 Flask) capacity.
c) All regulations regarding surface dose rate (<200mR/hr),
temperature (<70C), surface contamination (BDL) are followed.

5.4.2. Surveillance requirements for fabrication of sealed sources:

i) Checking of in-cell crane for its proper working.

ii) Checking of MSMs, external transfer drawer, access door and in-
cell lights.
iii) Checking of welding fixture in hot cell.
iv) Checking of equipment for conducting various tests on the
sealed sources.
v) Maintenance of the transport flask.
vi) Cell ventilation should be kept on during operations.
vii) Cell negative pressure with respect to the operating area is

5.5. Surveillance requirements

To ensure the functioning of radiation monitors;

1) All monitors are checked once a week for their functioning.

2) All monitors are to be calibrated once a year.

5.6. Minimum staff requirement

An officer is authorized by the Head of Division (HIRUP facility-

in-charge) for all the 60Co handling operation in hot cell.
Manpower required for each operation as mentioned in the
operation manual should be available.
For a smooth & time bound radioactive operation in Hot Cell a
team consisting minimum of 2 officers & 5 supporting staff is


5.7 Storage Pool

Sl. Parameters/ Sampling Range /

No Constraints Frequency Limits
5,00,000 Ci with
1 Stored Activity Yearly 3,00,000Ci permission from
Head, IAD
2 Water Level Fortnightly 5.50.1m
Specific < 10S/cm
3 Weekly
conductivity at 30 C
6.8 to 7.2 at
4 pH Weekly
30 C
As checked by
5 Temperature Fortnightly < 55C
chemical lab
Beta, gamma
6 activity of pool Fortnightly 2500 Bq/ml
7 TDS Weekly <1ppm
8 Tritium - NA
Radiation level at Checked by the
9 Daily < 1 mR/h
pool railings Health Physicist

If the values exceed the limits, then recirculation through disposable Ion-
exchange column is immediately started and sampling done weekly.
In addition to the above, analysis for tritium is done at the end of
receiving adjusters and for Beta Gamma activity after every under
water cutting operation.

5.8 Ventilation Systems

5.8.1 HEPA Filters

Sl Parameter /
Range / Limits Remarks
No Constraints

Filtering efficiency Checked after each

1 99.97 % for 0.3
for the bank replacement of filters

Pressure drop
2 ~100 mm of WC Monthly once
across Filter bank

Less than 200 Monthly once on top of

3 Radiation Level
mR/h on the filter the filter pit

5.8.2 Blowers

Sl. No Parameter/Constraints Range / Limits


1 Hot Cell Exhaust Blower 7.5 HP, 10 static WC, 2500 CFM (max)
2 High bay air supply blower 7.5 HP, 10 static WC, 2000 CFM (max)

5.9. Hot Cells

Sl Parameters/ Inspection Range /

No Constraints Frequency Limits
Work starts after
1 Ventilation Half yearly ---
switching on the blower
HPMV 400 W x 1, 125 W
lamps each
x 2, Halogen 500 W x 3,
2 Lights Half yearly 250Watts
100/500 W x 1 portable
for each
2 monitors set at alarm
3 Weekly Functional level 700 mR/hr are
provided in the cell
General Refurbished within 2
Window Once in transmission years when
Transmission two years not less transmission falls below
than 10% 10%.
If any one motion fails
All motions during operation,
5 MSMs Fortnightly should be further work is
available suspended till the fault
is rectified.

5.10. 20/5 Ton EOT crane and 3 Ton In-cell crane

These cranes are load tested (As per IS-3177 -1999) every year
and certified by the competent authority.
Preventive maintenance is carried out monthly by an outside
agency under the annual maintenance contract (AMC)

5.11. Radioactive Waste Disposal

Only solid and gaseous waste is generated during the operations in the

Solid Waste:

Category-I waste produced is generally packed in polyethylene / PVC

bags and sealed immediately after the work is over. Radiation levels on
contact and at one meter are measured and bags are tagged. These bags
are packed in 200 liter waste disposal drums and kept in the high bay
area at a designated place, prior to handing over to WMD.


Category- II waste produced is generally packed in polyethylene / PVC
bags and sealed immediately after the work is over. Radiation levels on
contact and at one meter are measured and bags are tagged. These bags
are packed in 200 liter waste disposal drums and stored in 2 thick lead
containers at a designated place in the high bay area. The dose outside 2
lead container is to be monitored after placing the drum inside it. These
wastes are cleared by RSMS/WMD on periodic manner.

The activity and volume of each category of waste that are annually
disposed of are within the limits specified by the BSC (CRAASDRAW). Prior
approval of BSC (CRAASDRAW) is obtained before disposal of any waste
exceeding the limits on activity or volume.

The annual limits on volume and activity of each kind of waste to

be disposed as approved by CRAASDRAW are given below:

Volume Activity
Particulars Category Limited / Constraints
(m3) (MBq)

Solid waste I 15 10 x103 1. Waste disposal only

through RSMS,
II 2.5 20 x103 WMD
2. Prior approval of
BSC is needed for
exceeding any limit
III 1.5 100 x106 3. All consignments to
be surveyed and
tagged by HP
Discharged through
Gaseous 16.8
NA NIL stack after passing
Waste x106
through HEPA filters

5.12. Radiation measuring instruments

Different types of radiation measuring instruments are available in

HIRUP, IAD facility for safe operations.

Instrument Functional Test Calibration Test

Area Gamma Monitor Monthly Yearly
Geiger Counting System Fortnightly Half yearly
Contamination Monitor Fortnightly Half yearly
In-cell Monitor Monthly Yearly
Teletector Fortnightly Half Yearly
Hand and foot Monitor Fortnightly Monthly
Cell Door Interlock Weekly Yearly
Electronic Pocket Dosimeter Weekly Yearly
5.13. Transportation of Radioactive Material


The radioactive sources are moved inside the plant with prior intimation to
the Health Physicist. Surveillance requirements given below are
specifically for transportation through public areas.

Sl. Parameter/ Sampling

Range / Limits Remarks
No Constraints Frequency

D.P. test and If no accidental conditions

magnetic are encountered, the flasks
Before particle test on can be used within the
Approval of
1 renewal of all welded validity period of the AERB
Flask COF-100
approval joints. No approval. otherwise, used
indication of only after clearance from
flaw is allowed AERB

Before each As Permission is sought from

Non approved
2 transportati recommended AERB before and after
on by the AERB transportation.

Before each
Radiation level Less than
3 transportati
on contact 200mR/h
Certificate to be obtained
Before each from the Health Physicist in
4 transportati Less than 10 prescribed form for all the
on values

Before each
5 transportati < 3.7 Bq/cm2

Before each
Documents like Complete in all
6 transportati
TREMCARD respects

dispatch Complete These are the responsibility
Intimation to and arrival information of of the consignor
AERB, at consignment
consignee and destination and date
consignor of each departure /
consignmen arrival





Functional responsibilities of various management positions to conduct

safe, orderly and efficient operations in the facility are as follows.-

6.1. Responsibilities of the Section Head

i. Ensures that all personnel assigned to work in radioactive area

are properly instructed about the hazards involved in their work
and the applicable safety precautions.
ii. Ensures that individual responsibilities are discharged
satisfactorily by all and the personnel exposures are kept to a
iii. Prepares operating instructions along with health and safety
iv. Conducts training in radiation safety and emergency procedures.
v. Procures and maintains adequate stock of personnel protective
equipment as recommended by the Health Physicist and
industrial safety agency.
vi. Procures and maintains necessary radiation measuring
vii. Makes arrangement for packing and disposal of radioactive
wastes, generated in the facility on a regular basis.
viii. Procures and maintains adequate stock of chemical reagents and
materials required for the decontamination work.
ix. Maintains inventories of all radioactive materials handled in the
facility and make them available to the regulatory authorities
and the Health Physicist for verification.
x. Notifies the Health Physicist about loss/replacement/movement
of radioactive materials during storage, operations or transit and
assist in tracing and accounting the material.
xi. Supplies any information to assist Health Physicist in carrying
out the necessary investigations in any unusual
occurrence/incident and shall implement the relevant
recommendations of health physicist.
xii. Organizes emergency drills in consultation with the Health
xiii. Make arrangement for routine /non-routine medical check up of
all radiation workers of the facility.
xiv. Ensures the use of change room by the personnel before and
after any radioactive work.
xv. Ensures that equipment from active areas and radioactive
material are transferred only after obtaining clearance from the
Health Physicist.
xvi. Ensures that sufficient time is allowed for personnel to use
showers when prescribed by the Health Physicist.
xvii. Ensures that there is a continuous availability of ventilation. In
case ventilation fails, Health Physicist clearance in Hot Cell must
be taken after ventilation resumes.
6.2. Responsibilities of the Supervisors


i. Responsible for the strict compliance of the procedures by
ii. Informs Health Physicist about any non-availability of safety
iii. Gives detailed information of any incident to Health Physicist.
iv. Ensures that the exposures to the personnel working in
radioactive areas are kept to a minimum.

6.3. Responsibilities of Health Physics Unit (HPU)

i. Advices Head of Section/ officer in-charge of the work on

matters regarding radiation hazards.
ii. Evaluates, specifies and recommends protective equipment
required for the plant and keep them for use under proper
iii. Conducts indoctrination courses on all aspects of radiation safety
for all workers.
iv. Maintains the records of personnel exposures by the use of TLD
and DRD and internal exposures by whole body counting.
v. Inspects the status of ventilation system, air cleaning equipment
and their testing during use.
vi. Undertakes special surveys in the event of accidents and
unusual occurrences involving radioactive material.
vii. Advises the Head of Section/ officer in-charge for special medical
examination of the personnel suspected of over exposures /
internal contamination.
viii. Initiates action for investigation of unplanned over exposures to
the plant personnel.
ix. Takes a survey of whole operations involving radioactive
x. Conducts survey of personnel exposure in all plant operations.
xi. Accompanies any consignment of radioactive material including
radioactive waste not conforming to normal transport

6.4. Responsibilities of Individuals

i. Shall be conversant with radiation protection procedures and

shall strictly adhere to them.
ii. Shall acquaint oneself with all operating instructions, emergency
procedures and proper use of radiation protective equipment.
iii. Shall use protective clothing as prescribed by Health Physicist.
iv. Shall not take any personal belongings into active areas.
v. Shall not under take any radiation jobs without prior approval
from Health Physicist.
vi. Shall keep personal radiation exposures to a minimum
consistent with the duties and shall keep working carefully and
safely the exposures of co-workers as low as possible.
vii. Shall report any injury or significant ailment and any suspected
over exposure to external radiation or any suspected intake of
radioactive material.


viii. Shall report any unusual incident during any operations to the
supervisor and Health Physicist.
ix. Shall monitor his body and work clothes at exit of the
radioactive areas and shall report to Health Physicist in case of

6.5. Operating Procedures:

The plant shall be operated and maintained in accordance with approved

manuals. The following manuals / procedures shall be available in the
facility at all time:

a) HIRUP Facility operation Manual

b) Radiation Protection Procedures
c) Emergency Operating Procedures
d) Fire safety Procedures
e) Technical Specification of the facility

6.6. Plant Documentation

Records shall be maintained for all the changes / modifications

incorporated in the plant procedures / equipment/ systems. Record shall
be maintained for violation of any technical specifications including actions
taken subsequent to the review and recommendations by the safety
committee. The following operational records shall be maintained:

a) Radioactive Work Log Book

b) Daily Operation Log Book (Ventilation, status of monitors)
c) Records of inventory and movement of all radioactive materials
including radiation sources.
d) Log book should be maintained for regular checks carried out on
various interlocks and other similar systems.

6.7 Functions of Safety Review Committees

6.7.1. Plant Level Safety Committee (PLSC)

i. Plant Level Safety Committee is constituted by Head IAD (vide

letter no IAD/2008/136(A) dated March 3, 2008) in order to
strengthen the safety of operations in the facility.
ii. The committee shall meet at least once in a month or whenever
any specific issue is to be discussed.
iii. Shall discuss and review routine operations, HP reports any
incidence / aspect of radiological significance.
6.7.2. Over Exposure Investigation Committee (OEIC)

a) Over Exposure Investigation Committee is re-constituted by

Head IAD vide letter no IAD/50/303 dated May30, 2008.
b) The committee shall meet to review cases of over exposure if
any or whenever some specific issue is to be discussed.



6.8. Reporting Requirements

6.8.1. Quarterly Report

A report covering salient features operation in the facility during

each quarter shall be submitted to Head, IAD.

6.8.2. Annual Report

A report covering all activities of operation in the facility during

each calendar year shall be submitted to Head, IAD.

6.9 Training and Qualification

6.9.1 Training of radiation workers:

The radiation workers are trained in radiation protection and emergency

preparedness procedures in addition to receiving training to respective
jobs, before they are assigned work in radiation areas.

Training programmes for various categories of radiation workers are

organized by RSSD, BARC. The training programme has the approval of
director, HS&EG, BARC. Retraining in radiation protection is carried out at
least once in three years.

Where work involving significant exposure to radiation is under taken,

mock and simulations are carried out to ensure that the work will proceed
as smoothly as possible and the individual and the collective exposure are
kept ALARA.

6.9.2 Radiography Testing Level-2:

To ensure that workers have the most up to date knowledge relevant to

their work and they do not become complacent about work place hazards,
appropriate training in radiation protection is given to the plant personnel
commensurate with the level of responsibility. Training programme is
jointly arranged by IAD, BARC and MSME, Mumbai, twice in a calendar
year. For this training RT Level-2 certificate is awarded.

6.9.3 Documentation:

Documentation regarding training of plant personnel and temporary

workers are maintained in log book for future reference.



Chapter - 7

Emergency Procedures


Emergencies are abnormal/unusual incidents/events that may occur

in the facility due to;
Power failure,
Ventilation failure,
High radiation level or air-borne radioactivity in certain areas,
Fire in a certain area or inside an enclosure.

7.1 Emergency procedures

Procedures to be followed for each type of above mentioned

incidences are outlined below:

7.1.1 Power failure

Failure of normal electrical power supply (class IV electrical supply)

will result in a condition of HAVING NO VENTILATION. All
personnel shall evacuate from the amber and green zones and
assemble in the assembly area out side HIRUP building. All
appliances in use shall be switched off, by laboratory personnel
before vacating the area.

After the restoration of electrical power supply, entry shall be made

in respective workplaces only after obtaining clearance from the
Health Physicist.

7.1.2. Ventilation failure

In such a case also the procedure described as in 7.1.1 shall be

followed. Members of the emergency squads shall ensure that
personnel working in the laboratories and Health Physicist staff
are immediately informed.

7.1.3 Event due to Radiological incidences High radiation level in certain areas.

Area gamma monitors (AGM) with continuous audio alarms are

installed at different locations in high bay area. On hearing the local
alarm, occupants of the affected area shall leave the work place
immediately and inform the health physicist and then to the
respective Head of the Division and the Safety coordinator. They, in


mutual consultation, shall investigate the cause of the alarm along
with the HP and do the needful. Contamination incident

In case of personnel / Area contamination of more than derived

working levels (DWLS), the cause for contamination would be
investigated. The other lab workers involved in the same operation
shall be checked for contamination.

Entry to the contaminated area shall be restricted to only personnel

involved in decontamination, area in charge & to HP staff.

Contaminated articles/equipments/materials shall be segregated &

tagged with assistance from HP staff.

Entry to the affected area is restored after thorough

decontamination & clearance from Health Physicist. High Air activity at work place

On suspected high radioactivity release in the workplace, the area

in charge shall intimate Health Physicist to asses the air activity in
the suspected area.

Health Physicist shall assess the air borne activity at the work place
by suitable monitoring technique.

If the air activity at the work place is estimated to be more than

100 DAC-h, the personnel in the area shall be directed to suspend
the job 7 assemble at White zone of the facility.

Person involved in the salvaging operations shall use Personal

Protective Equipment (PPE) as advised by Health Physicist.

Health Physicist shall periodically monitor the air activity at the

affected workplace.

On estimation of normalcy in air borne activity, clearance for the

entry to the entry personnel shall be advised by HP.

Persons with suspected intake of activity, shall be referred to bio-

assay monitoring/whole body counting by the Health Physicist for
follow up.

Cause for incident shall be investigated & reported.



7.1.4 Fire in a certain area or inside an enclosure

Instructions and procedures as given in Standing Fire Order (ref.
6.10) for HIRUP shall be adhered to. Safety coordinator and fire
safety coordinator will have to play their roles.

7.2. Duties and Responsibilities

7.2.1 Duties of the person who first notices emergency/fire:

a. He/She shall alert the persons in the vicinity about the

incident by shouting Fire! Fire! Specify the location, in case
of a fire, event.

b. He/she shall direct persons to inform the incident to Duty

Officer, Head of the Division, Safety coordinator and Health

c. He/she shall try to contain the fire/fumes by taking suitable


7.2.2 Duties of the Duty Officer/Alternate Duty Officer

On receipt of information of an emergency he/she shall

proceed to the scene of incident to confirm and assess the
He/she shall try to notify the incident to Security
Officer/Health Physicist with instructions to alert the persons
from the affected zones. If the situation calls for an alert on
the neighboring zones, he shall direct Security/Health
Physicist to do so.
He /She shall instruct the security to notify the incident to all
listed emergency services and officers and shall have the
action confirmed with the Security Officer.
He/She shall order complete shut down of all operations in
the affected zone.
He/She shall in case of fire, direct the fire fighting and
salvage operations by Centralized Fire Station (CFS)
personnel after ensuring that they are using proper
protective equipment.
He/She shall ensure that members of emergency squad are
available for help.
He/She shall at the earliest opportunity inform the details of
the incident to the Head IAD/Safety Coordinator or in their
absence to the next senior most people in the facility.

7.2.3 Duties of Head of the Division and Safety Coordinator

The Safety Coordinator shall take charge of any emergency

arising in the facility. He/She shall work in close liaison with


the Head of the Division on receipt of information of
emergency at HIRUP.
He/She shall proceed to the scene of incident and shall guide
the duty officers and emergency squad members in fire
fighting and salvaging operations.
He/She shall direct all operations in consultation with the HP
In case of fire, he/she shall inform Centralized Fire Station
and seek their help.
He/She shall ensure that evacuation of personnel from the
affected area is done properly.
He/She shall direct Health Physicist to give all clear signals
at the end of emergency.
He/She shall submit a report to Head of the Division
regarding the incident and remedial measures taken who, in
turn, shall apprise concerned higher authorities.

7.2.4 Duties of the HP Personnel

As soon as any emergency is declared, the Health Physicist shall:

Make him / her, along with the other health physics staff
available to the safety coordinator with all the necessary
safety and monitoring systems and equipment.
Take necessary steps to contain the contamination.
Organize segregation of contaminated or over exposed
persons and make arrangements for their decontamination &
refer to Trombay Dispensary for follow up.
Periodically check the emergency equipment cupboard for the
contents and display the contents outside the cupboard.
Give all clear signal as soon as the emergency is over.

7.2.5 Duties of the Security Officer

On receiving information regarding emergency due to fire at HIRUP,

the Security Officer on duty shall:

Immediately inform Centralized Fire Station giving

location of the fire in case of fire incident.
Ensure that all listed services and officers are informed of
the incident over phone (given in Annexure-II).
Report the emergency event to site Emergency Response
Centre (EPARC) during office hours or to Central
Emergency Post (CEP) at CIRUS, during silent hours, and
make himself available to the Safety Coordinator. He shall
carry out the instructions to organize evacuation and
rescue of personnel and medical aid to the affected
Regulate the movement of personnel and see that only
authorized persons are allowed to enter the affected area.



7.3. Planning for emergencies

7.3.1. Emergency equipment

Emergency equipment is kept in cupboards near the Health

Physicists room. The contents of the cupboards are displayed
outside the cupboards. The list is given in annexure I.



Chapter 8

Reporting and Investigations

The Plant Level Safety Committee (PLSC) is constituted by Head,

Isotope Applications Division and all safety related matters related to
HIRUP, IAD are discussed by this committee. One senior officer of IAD is
nominated as Safety Coordinator and 4 officers from IAD and one officer
from HP unit are nominated as the members.

The composition of the present PLSC is given in Annexure-III

8.1. Significant Events

All significant events shall be promptly reported to PLSC. The

following significant events shall be promptly investigated by PLSC;

8.1.1 Fatalities or disabling injuries to plant personnel or to

workers employed by any other agency within the plant
8.1.2 Radiation exposures to or contamination of plant personnel
or workers employed by any agency within the plant beyond
the prescribed limits (Annexure-IV).
8.1.3 Release of radioactive materials in liquid, gaseous or
particulate form through unauthorized and uncontrolled
routes in the working areas or into the environment and
undesirable radiation fields in occupied areas and in the
vicinity of the plant beyond the prescribed limits (Annexure-
8.1.4 Discharge of radioactive effluents through authorized routes
but in excess of the authorized limits. (Annexure-IV)
8.1.5 Discovery of degradation in plants, main process, auxiliary
services, and utility systems beyond the limits assumed and
provided for their design.
8.1.6 Human errors or procedural inadequacies that result in or
have the potential to lead to an unsafe situation.
8.1.7 Conditions arising from natural or man made events that, as
a direct result of the event, require plant shutdown or
initiation of special protective measures or declaration of
8.1.8 Discovery of any deficiency in the design or operational
procedures or administrative controls, made in course of
operating the plant or in similar plants elsewhere, which had
not been specifically considered in the original safety analysis
of the plant and which require remedial actions or corrective
measures to prevent the potential unsafe condition.
8.1.9 Failure of any of the plant protective systems, with limiting
safety settings or of other systems to initiate and complete


the required protective function upon the relevant monitored
parameter(s) exceeding the set limits.
8.1.10 Violation of the limiting conditions for operation as stated in
this document.
8.1.11Failure or malfunction of one or more components of the
engineered safety features, which prevent or could prevent
the fulfillment of the functional requirement of the system(s)
to cope with the design based accidents.
8.1.12 Inadequacies in implementation measures that threaten to
cause reduction of the degree of redundancy provided in the
critical safety related systems or engineered safety systems.
8.1.13 Failure or non-availability of instruments for the
measurement of safety related parameters in order to meet
limiting conditions.
8.1.14 Loss, theft, misplacement, misuse or accident involving
radioactive materials during transportation or storage under
the jurisdiction of the divisional authorities.
8.1.15 Fire involving radioactive materials or any other plant
system requiring intervention by the Centralized Fire Station.


There will be two types of reporting:

Prompt Reporting
Routine Reporting

8.2.1 Prompt Reporting:

Fatal accidents as well as certain other types of significant events

would require prompt reporting, e.g. Clauses 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.1.3,
8.1.7 and 8.1.14 as stated above. These significant events shall be
reported telephonically and the report shall follow within 24 hours
of occurrence of the event. The formats for prompt reporting and
fatal reporting are given in Annexure-V and Annexure-VI.

8.2.2 Routine Reporting

All other types of significant events shall be reported by Head of the

Division within 20 days of the occurrence of the event. The format
for reporting fire incident and other significant events are given in
Annexure-IX and Annexure-X.






The HIRUP hot cell facility is housed in the same building along with the
FIPLY. Fire occurring in any part of the Food Irradiator Processing
Laboratory (FIPLY) could lead to serious consequences and it should be
fought with utmost speed and efficiency. These standing orders give lay
down the principle and practices for fire fighting operations and the
activities of the staff and the procedure to be adopted during any

Note: Though prevention of fire is not within the scope of these orders,
everyone shall be constantly vigilant to avoid any condition, which may
lead to even a minor fire.

9.1 Duties

Irrespective of their normal duties and not withstanding the instructions

laid down in these orders, all members of staff shall be prepared to carry
out any assignment given to them by the Head, FTD on in his absence,
the senior most officers present in the FIPLY.

These Orders prescribe how the fire fighting operation shall be organized
and state the duties of all the personnel present, in particular, the

The person who detects the fire/accident

Duty Officer
Emergency Fire Squad
Security Officer/ Asst. Security Officer
Duty Officer, Fire Station, BARC
Medical Officer, Trombay Dispensary
Maintenance Section
Head of Division
Safety Coordinator
Duties of other staff members

9.2 Fire Zones

In order to facilities fire fighting operations, the FIPLY Bldg area is divided
into three zones and the Zone Numbers and the area covering the
respective zone are as per Annexure I of these Orders.


9.3 Fire Squads

Fire Squads comprising one Duty Officer, one Alternate Duty Officer and
Six Emergency Squad Members shall be formed by the Head, FTD to fight
the fires in each Fire Zones. Each member of the Fire Squad shall have a
definite allotted task he shall be conversant operation to be carried out by
other members of the Fire Squad.

The list of Fire Squad members shall be displayed on prominent places in

each zone. The list shall be reviewed by the Head of the Division/ Unit
from time to time so that the same is kept always up to date.

In case of a fire, the Officer-in-charge of the affected Zone should see

which members of the Fire Squad can be relieved from work ad
immediately with their fire fighting appliances and await further orders
from the Officer-in-charge of the affected zone or the senior most officers
present. They should start the fire fighting operation and salvage the
materials on receiving instructions from the officer-in-charge or in his
absence, the senior most officers present.

Note: While formulating the Squad, it is to be ensured that no location of

the zone remains un-represented, including round-the-clock shifts
wherever in operation.

The list of Fire Squad Members is as per 9.15

9.4 Duties of the person who detects a fire/accident

The person who detects a fire shall immediately:

Shout Fire, Fire, Fire specifying the area.
Shall actuate the nearest alarm and make announcement on PA
system (if Available)
Shall try to extinguish/control the fire using appropriate fire fighting
Shall direct a person to inform the incident to the Officer-in-charge
of the affected zone, Duty Officer, Shift-in-Charge, Health Physicist,
Security Officer and Head of Division/Section.
If Possible shall try to salvage the equipments and materials not
involved in the fire.

The person who detects an accident shall immediately:

Shall take appropriate action warranting the situation
Shall direct a person to inform about the incident to the Duty
Officer/Alt. Duty Officer of the area, shift-in-charge, Security Officer
and Head of Division/Section.


9.5 Duties of Duty Officer

9.5.1 In the event of a fire/accident in his zone:

a) He shall immediately proceed to the scene of the fire and take full
control over the situation and start fire fighting/rescue operations.
b) He shall ensure that:
The officer-in-charge of the plant/ Head of Division/Section
or the senior most people working in the area shall be
informed immediately about the occurrence of fire/accident.
The BARC Fire Station is informed
The Health Physicist and the Security Officer is informed
depending upon the nature and intensity of the fire/accident.
Inflammable materials and important documents, if any, are
removed from the scene of fire and kept as far away as
On arrival of the fire Services personnel, the duty officer
along with his Emergency Fire Squad shall assist/coordinate
with them in the fire fighting/rescue operations.
As soon as the Officer-in-charge of the area/ Head of
Division/ Section arrive, he should report on the situation and
action taken.

9.6 Duties of the emergency fire squad

On receipt of call for emergency in their own areas, the members of

Emergency Fire Squad:
a) Shall immediately proceed to the scene of incident and report to the
Duty Officer and start fire fighting/ rescue operations.
b) Shall strictly follow the instructions of Duty Officer and work under
him as per his directions.

On receipt of call for emergency in the neighboring zone, including

the zone on immediate floors, all the members of emergency Squad shall;
a) Immediately report to their Duty Officers and the Squad shall then
proceed to the scene of incident.
b) Strictly follow the instruction of their Duty Officer and work under
him as per his directions.

9.7 Duties of Security Officer/Asst. Security Officer

On information regarding the emergency in a zone:

a) He shall note the timing of the occurrence

b) He shall ensure that the fire Station, BARC is informed about the
location and details about the fire.
c) He shall also inform the Officer-in-charge of the area affected, Head
of Division/section and Medical Officer in-Charge of Trombay
Dispensary, if the situation warrants.
d) He shall make himself available to the Officer-in-charge of the
plant/Duty Office of the zone and carry out the instructions to
organize evacuation of personnel, rescue of personnel, first-aid/ to


the affected persons and arrange transport facilities that may be
required during the emergency.
e) At the time when there is a fire inside the FIPLY, he will ensure that
no outsider except the fire service personnel or the personnel
permitted by the Officer-in-Charge/Head of Division/section are
allowed to enter the affected area.

9.8 Duties of the Duty Officer, Fire Station, BARC Fire Services

On receiving information regarding an emergency, the Fire Officer on duty

of BARC Fire Services Section shall:

a) Immediately turn out to the scene of incident with his fire engines
and fire crews.
b) Contact the Duty Officer and ascertain the situation and work in
coordination with the Duty Officer.
c) If required, shall carry out rescue operations without any delay.
d) In case of causalities, render necessary first-aid to the injured and
arrange for further medical assistance with the help of other
agencies, without delay.
e) Summon the Bombay Fire Brigade if the situation so permits.
f) Ensure that all the members of Emergency Fire Squad are well
equipped with safety and fire fighting equipments.

9.9 Duties of Medical Officer, Trombay Dispensary

On receipt of information of an emergency, the Medical Officer along with

his medical staff shall arrive at the site of fire and:

a) Shall contact duty Officer/ Security Officer and render medical aid
to the injured, if any.
b) If deemed fit, shall continue to remain at the place of incident or
shall take appropriate action informing the Duty Officer.

9.10 Duties of Maintenance Section

On receipt of message of emergency, the Officer-in-Charge of

Maintenance Unit of FIPLY shall immediately:
a) Proceed to the place of incident along with his staff,
b) Contact the Duty Officer/Fire Officer and if instructed, shall,
Switch off electric supply to the effected zone/area
Close the air-conditioning system
Mechanical maintenance staff shall also take necessary action as
asked by the Duty Officer/Fire Officer.

9.11 Duties of Head of Division/Section

a) The Head, FTEED shall ensure that these orders are read at regular
intervals and understood by all staff working under him.
b) He shall ensure through occasional drills, that the members of staff
are thoroughly conversant with the letter and spirit of these orders.


c) He shall also ensure that proper care and maintenance of the first
aid fire fighting equipments are carried out regularly.
d) As soon as he comes to know about a fire/emergency, he shall
prove to the scene of fire/emergency and take control of the
e) He shall ensure that the duties allotted to different agencies in
these orders are carried out properly.
f) He may at his discretion call the Mumbai Fire Brigade (Tel.No.101)
if the same is not done earlier.
g) If he considers necessary, he may inform about the incident to his
higher authorities.
h) When he has satisfied that there exists no longer any danger after
consultation with Fire Officer/Duty Officer, he shall order to return
to work.
i) He may nominate a senior officer working under him as the Safety
Coordinators of the respective Division/Plant giving him the
responsibilities of fire safety and emergency activities of the
j) In the absence of the Head of Division/Section, the senior most
officers available in the Division/Unit will perform the duties laid
down under Sl.No.9.11

9.12 Duties of Safety Coordinator

a) He shall assist the Head of Division/Section in coordinating the fire

fighting operations.
b) He shall ensure after the fire fighting operation that the first aid fire
fighting equipments are refilled/recharged and kept back in the
c) He shall also coordinate the Fire Officer and Duty Officer to find out
the cause of fire and to assess the loss due to the fire.
d) He shall ensure that the safety equipments are again kept back in
the appropriate locations for its further use.
e) He shall arrange fire fighting/fire prevention training by-
coordinating with the Fire Services Section, BARC.
f) He shall also assist the Head of Division/Section for arranging the
occasional fire drills.

9.13 Duties of Other Staff Members from the Division / Section /


On hearing the emergency alarm or about the fire/accident, all the other
staff members of the affected zone and from the Division/Section

a) Shall not create panicky, but to remain calm and collected and
follow instructions in an orderly and disciplined manner.
b) Shall ensure that all working gadgets, such as electrical,
Mechanical, gas etc. are closed or shut down, taking care that
closing or shutting down should not lead to any additional hazards
and proceed to the nearest assembly point.
c) Before leaving the working area, shall ensure that all the windows
and doors are properly closed.


d) If directed to vacate the affected zone, shall proceed to the
assembly point in an orderly manner and await further instructions.
e) Shall see that the persons assigned with specific duties in an
emergency are not disturbed or obstructed.
f) Shall not try to use telephone during the emergency.

9.14 General
During non-working hours, the Security Officer/Asst. Security
Officer shall act as the Duty Officer and take actions accordingly.

9.15 Fire zones and Fire Squad Members of FIPLY


Areas Covered Fire Squad Members

Safety Coordinator : Dr. K.K. Surendranathan

Zone A R.No. 1 to 18, 36 : Fire Squad Members

Irradiation Labs Area & Ist floor 1) Shri V.R. Pardeshi-Duty Officer
Store 2) Shri B.Y.K.Rao, Alternate Duty Officer
3) Shri Karunakaran Member
4) Shri J.S. Melo Member
5) Shri Rajendra R-Member from Store
6) Shri Vaidya-Member
7) Shri K.T. Bhatti-Member
8) Shri A.B. Salunkhe-Member

Zone B-R No. 38 to 49 and 1) Dr. M.D. Alur-Duty Officer

Processing Lab 2)ShriS.P. Shashtri-Alternate Duty Officer
3) Shri Pillai-Member
4) Dr. BrijBhushan-Member
5) Dr. (Smt.) A.S. Kamat Member
6) Shri M.S. Pawar-Member
7) Smt Kalpana Bagade-Member
8) Dr. S.G. Shirsat-Member

Zone C-R.No. 51 to 81 1) Shri K.K.V. Nair Duty Officer

2) Shri A.G. Behere-Alternate Duty Officer
3) Shri K.D. Patil Member
4) Shri B.S. Kubal- Member
5) Shri V. Menezes Member
6) Shri K.K. Sharma Member
7) Shri I.G. Elasangi Member
8) Shri S.K. Kumbhar Member


9.16 Types of Fires and their Extinguishing medium


Sl. No Type of Fire What to use?

1 Ordinary combustible like papers, Dry Soda Acid Fire Extinguishers,
cloth, rubbish, lead etc. Dry Chemical Powder (DCP)
Fire Extinguishers, CO2 Fire
Extinguishers, HALDN fire
extinguishers, Water Sand,
2 Flammable liquid Foam fire extinguishers, co2
fire extinguishers DCP fire
extinguishers, Halon fire
extinguishers, dry chemical
powder and sand.

3 Flammable gases in cylinders CO2 Fire Extinguishers, DCP

fire extinguishers Halon fire
extinguishers, etc to be used
to knock-out the flame
provided the supply of gas
can be closed and cylinder
can be removed to a safe
places of the areas.

4 Combustible Metals Dry Chemical Powder Fire

Extinguishers and sand

5 Electrical equipments Switch Off the equipment

and use CO2 Fire
Extinguishers and DCP Fire
Extinguishers or Holon Fire



9.17 Important Telephone Numbers.



1. Head, FTEED 25742 25554631

2 Dr. K.K. Surendranathan, 22544 25512503

Safety Coordinator

3 Director, Bio-Medical Group 23781 23620563

4 Chief Fire Officer/Dy. CFO 22973/22954

5. Chief Security Officer 22960

6 Duty Officer, BARC Fire Station 22952

7 BARC Fire Station 22222

8 Mumbai Fire Brigade 101

9 BARC Hospital 25598000

10 Director, BARC 25505300 25568791

11 Controller, BARC 23644 25505354





Materials Quantity Particulars

Comfort Respirators 4 Nos
Plastic suits + Hoods 10 Nos
Boiler Suits 10 Nos
Cloth Shoe covers 20 pairs
Post Mortem Gloves 10 pairs
Surgical Gloves 24 pairs Of size 8
Surgical Gloves 24 pairs Of size 9
Lab coats 4 Nos Size XL
Oxalic acid 2 bottles 2 x 500ml each
EDTA 4 bottles 4 x 100gm
Tartaric Acid 1 bottle 1 x 500 ml
Citric Acid 1 bottle 1 x 500 ml
KMnO4 1 bottle 1 x 500gm
Absorbent sheets 20 sheets
Towels 12 Nos
Monsoon tape 2 rolls Size 1 inch
Battery Torch 3 Nos
Spare Batteries for torch 5 Nos Size large
Sample Bottles 3 Nos 20 ml size
PVC Bags 10 Nos Large
- do - 10 Nos Medium
- do - 04 Nos Very small 1x1
Switch Board with 30 meter
3 Nos
Teletector PVC sleeve 10m roll
Acetone 1 Bottle (small bottle)





Shri. Kushwaha, H.S.
Chairman, BSC and 2550 5313 23603 25578852 9821623031
Director, H S and E Group
Dr. Venugopal,V.
2550 5321 23664 27864414
Director, RC and I Group
Dr. Gursharan Singh,
2559 3735 23735 25512579 9820302099
Head, IAD
2784 0005
Dr. A.K. Kohli
2566 5535 7000 25512993
Chief Executive, BRIT
2550 5345
Dr. D.N. Sharma
25505259 23818 27665857 9869427151
Head, RSSD
Shri S.K. Mishra
O.I.C., BARC Safety -- 25327 25513840
Council Secretariat
Shri A.K. Pradhan
25592570 22570 25500189 9004174493
Safety Coordinator, IAD
Dr S.Murali
RSO, RHC Unit, 25592718 22718 27812202 9867632981
Officer in charge
25595333 23201 25564729 98697632981


Fire Service BARC: Control Hospital
24222 28100
Room Duty Officer Casualty
Officer in charge, SECC 25333 IAD Office 2559 3736
BARC Safety
RHC Unit-CIRUS 25394 Council 22211
Office ( M L)
Chief Security Officer 22956

RLG Security 22953

Trombay Dispensary 22003

HP Unit,HIRUP 22578



Composition of Divisional Safety Committee* (DSC) as on


Dr. Umesh Kumar, Head, Industrial Tomography

1 Convener
and Instrumentation Section.
2 Dr.U. Saravana Kumar, SO/F, IHS Member

3 Shri V.K. Sharma, SO/F, Radiotracers Applications Member

4 Shri A.S.Tapase ,SO/F, NDT & SS Applications Member

5 Shri S.K.Suman, SO/C, Health Physicist, HIRUP Member

6 Shri A.K.Pradhan, SO/E, HCOS Safety Coordinator

*Divisional Safety Committee was constituted by Head IAD, on June

19, 2009, Ref IAD/86/334

Annexure -IV

Over Exposure Investigation Committee* (OEIC) as on


Shri P.S. Ramakrishna, Head, NDT and Sealed

1 Convener
Source Applications Group
2 Shri B.G. Avhad, SO/E, ESG Member

3 Shri A.K. Pradhan, SO/E, HCOS Member

4 Shri Rajesh Acharya, SO/D, IT & IS Member

5 Mrs. Shashikala Ojha, Health Physicist, HIRUP, RSSD Member

*Over exposure investigation committee was re- constituted by

Head IAD, on June 19, 2009, Ref.: IAD/86/333



Radiation Exposure and effluent discharge limits for SRUOs

a) Personnel Radiation exposure limits

All exposures exceeding 20 mSv (investigating level stipulated by
b) Personal Alpha, if any >6 Bq/cm2
contamination levels Averaged over 100 cm2
Beta, if any >7 Bq/cm2
Averaged over 100 cm2
c) Radioactive Alpha, beta,
Contamination gamma
In amber area : >30 Bq/cm2 averaged
over 100 cm2
In green area >2 Bq/cm2 averaged over
100 cm2
d) Air-borne activity Continuously 100 DAC-h.
occupied Averaged over 24 hours
Amber area
Intermittently 200 DAC-h.
occupied Averaged over 24 hours
Amber area
e) Radiation levels White area: 0.5 mR/h.
Green area: 5.0 mR.h.
Amber area: 10.0 mR/h.
(Excluding 5 times the limits set in design report and persisting for
more than a month).
f) Effluent discharge
Liquid discharge > 0.35 Bq/ml
Gaseous discharge >0.3 MBq/year

Prepared by :
(Name and Designation)

Countersigned by :
(Head of the Division) :
Date :

Chairman & Member Secretary,

Safety Coordinator
Health Physicist



Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
Format for Prompt Reporting of Significant Event
[To the submitted within 24 hours of occurrence]

Ref No:
Time of Occurrence
Time of Occurrence
Date of Occurrence
Description of the incident/ Accident
Brief spot assessment.
( Functional / Engineering)
Immediate action Taken.
( in brief)
Type of incident /accident

Both (Radiological and Industrial)

10. Detail of the radiation dose received

and/or Personal injuries

Radiological condition at the site of

If the accident is purely Radiological, send this form to
member secretary, OPSRC.
If the accident is purely industrial, send this form to
member secretary, OFSRC.
If the accident is due to both Radiological and industrial,
send this form to member secretary, OPSRC.
The case of fatalities if any is reported to the director,
BARC and Chairman, BSC as soon as information is

Signature and Name of Head of the Division


Chairman & Member Secretary,


Cc: Secretary. Unit/Plant level Safety Committee.

Health Physicist




(To be filled in for all fatal accidents taking place at work sites or at
Departmental Residential Colonies. This is inclusive of accidents involving
all vehicles on departmental work)
Name of the Unit
Date and time of occurrence
Date of prompt notification
Number of Fatalities
Details of persons involved
(Use additional sheets if more
than one person is involved)

Type of Employee
Describe how the accident
Root cause of the accident
Hit by falling object
Fall Toxic material
Vehicle accident Asphyxiation
Electrical Reptile/Insect/Animal bite
Buried/crushed Burn Drowning
Any other (specify)
8) Preventive Actions taken
9) Additional information useful in
assessing the accident

Prepared by :
(Name and Designation) :

Countersigned by :
(Head of the Division) :

Chairman & Member Secretary,

CC :
Safety coordinator

Format For Overexposure Reporting



1. (a)Date of Incident:

(b) Time of the Incident:

(c) Brief Description of the Incident


2. Name of the Individual:

3. TLD Number of the Individual: _______________


4. Whether exposure is INTERNAL or



(a) exposure incurred during the

current year:

(b)exposure in the FIVE-year block

period :

(c) Cumulative Exposure Details


(d) If exposure is INTERNAL, any

previous known or suspected

(e) If exposure is INTERNAL, Date

of Last Internal Monitoring

(f) If exposure is INTERNAL,

Committed Effective Dose
receivable on follow -up

(g) Any Physical Injuries during the

incident of Exposure?

6. (a) Work Location:

(b) Work Details during which the

Radiation Exposure was reported:


7. Recorded statement of the exposed
INDIVIDUAL and his /her

8. Reported Dose as per TLD Dose

Evaluation Report:

9. Details of observations and

investigations especially

(a) Genuineness of Exposure:

(b) Root Cause of Exposure:

10. Recommendations of the Committee:

a) Medical Follow up if any:

b) Assignment of Dose for inclusion in

the dose records :

c) Further action in respect of work to

be allocated to the individual:

d) Other recommendations(if any):

11. Names of the Exposure Investigation Committee (EIC) members

present during the investigation:

Name & Official Position Signature






(To be filled for isolated fire incidents which do not have any affect on
plant/site operation Standard SRUOR to be filled for fire incidents affecting
plant/site operation)


Date and time of the incident
Date and time the fire was
Details of the incident
Cause of the incident
Loss of property
Preventive Action taken
Additional remarks

Filled by :
Name and Designation :

Reviewed and approved by :

Head of the Division :

Copy to

Chairman & Member Secretary,

2. Chief fire officer
3. CSO
4. Safety coordinator
5. Health Physicist




(Chemical and Industrial Units)

1. Title of the occurrence
2. Installation
3. Report No
4. Date and time of occurrence
5. Date of prompt notification
(Telex/Fax/Telegram, etc.)

6. Narrative Description (Event description including systems affected,

observed Cause, consequence of the occurrence, actions taken to bring
the situation Under control and termination of the event)

NOTES : 1. Strike out whichever is not applicable

2. Additional sheets may be added where

7. Safety Assessment of Seriousness of Incident

8. Root cause of the incident
9. Corrective actions
(Immediate and long range actions)
10. Local Safety Committee Report Reference No.
(Attach a copy of the extract of the report)
11. Details of similar occurrence taken place earlier
(Mention those recommendations, which are still
12. Lessons learned
13. Additional information useful in assessing the
14. Status of the installation prior to occurrence
(More than one box may be ticked)
Operating at rated capacity
Operating at reduced capacity
Start up
Shutting down
Shut down

15. Affected systems/equipments components

16. Effluents released to the environment


Chemical effluents
Inside the plant boundary outside

Form : Liquid Gaseous

Name of the effluent(s):

Authorized discharge limit of
b) Any other effluents :
(including radiation)
17. Cause of the occurrence
(More than one box may be ticked)
1. Mechanical failure
2. Electrical failure
3. Chemical failure
4. Hydraulic failure
5. Instrumentation failure
6. Environmental (abnormal conditions)
7. Human factors
a) Design deficiency
b) Manufacturing/construction/installation
c) Procedural deficiency
d) Operator error
e) Violation of Technical Specifications of
other procedures
f) Inspection/Maintenance/Testing error
g) Inadequate training
h) Inadequate industrial safety measures
i) Inadequate Health Physics measures
8. Any other

18. Consequence of the occurrence

(More than one box could be ticked)

18.1 Effect on installation

(a) Effect on operation

No significant effect on operation
Shut down
Reduction of capacity of the installation
Outage extension
(b) Technical Specification/operating limits violation
i) Safety limit exceeded
ii) Administrative control not compiled with
iii) Any other violation

(c) Damage to machinery and equipment


(d) Loss of property (Rs. 50, 000.00 and above)

18.2 Effect on personnel (Give number of persons

Injury (disabled)
Exposure to toxic chemicals (specify)
Name of the toxic chemical for item 18.2 (c)
Any other exposure (including radiation)

19. Present condition of the installation after occurrence

Encl: 1. Drawings/Sketches, Prepared by :

Tables, Reports, etc. Name :
Designation :

2. Copy of the extracts of the

Local Safety Committee Report
Countersigned by :
Name :
Designation :

Approved by :

Head, IAD

Copy to

1 Chairman & Member Secretary,

2 Safety coordinator
3 Health Physicist




Dr Gursharan Singh
Head, Isotope Applications Division,
Head Hot Cell Operations Section,
Facility in charge, HIRUP Hot Cell

Shri A. K. Pradhan Dr. S. Murali

(O &M) Group Leader, HP, RLG

Shri A. Acharya Shri T.P Rao Shri Sanjay Kumar Shri S.K Suman, SO/C
O&M-Mechanical O&M-Electrical O&M-Chemical Ms. S. Ojha, SA/C
Health Physicist





1. Open the door only in the presence of health physicist.

2. Look through the hot cell window and ensure that all sources are
inside the shield.

3. Confirm that the dose rate on the in-cell radiation monitors is less
then 200 mR /hr.

4. Confirm that the area monitor installed in front of the hot cell door
shows green light. Otherwise, reset the same and get green light.

5. Check dose rate at the trolley track below the hot cell door.

6. Finally open the cell door slightly and monitor the dose rate
through gap between the door and wall, before fully opening the

Emergency telephone numbers:

1. Head, IAD -2559 3735 (O) 2551 2579 (R)

2. Head, RSSD -2559 3818 (O) 2766 5857 (R)
3. Shri A K Pradhan - 2559 2570 (O) 2550 0189 (R)

Health Physicists:

1. Dr. S Murali - 25592718

2. Shri Santosh Suman - 25592578
3. Smt Shashikala Ojha - 25592578


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