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Original Paper

Audiol Neurotol 2013;18:201207 Received: September 27, 2012
Neurotology Accepted after revision: February 11, 2013
DOI: 10.1159/000349913
Published online: May 14, 2013

Smartphone-Based Hearing Test as an

Aid in the Initial Evaluation of Unilateral
Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Ophir Handzel a, c, d Oded Ben-Ari c Doris Damian f Maayan M. Priel b
Jacob Cohen bd Mordechai Himmelfarb b, d, e
The Cochlear Implant Program and b Institute of Audiology, Speech and Swallowing, Department of
Otolaryngology/Head, Neck and Maxillofacial Surgery, and c Department of Otolaryngology/Head,
Neck and Maxillofacial Surgery, Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, and d Sackler School of Medicine,
Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, and e Department of Communication Disorders, Ariel University, Ariel, Israel;
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated, Cambridge, Mass., USA

Key Words rion of a loss of 2 hearing grades over at least 2 frequencies

Sudden hearing loss diagnosis Smartphone and tablet the sensitivity was 0.96 and specificity 0.86. The correlation
application Hearing test coefficient for the comparison of the average hearing grade
across the 6 measured frequencies of the study and standard
audiogram was 0.83. uHear more accurately reflected hear-
Abstract ing thresholds at mid and high tones. Similarly to previously
Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) can cause signif- published data, low frequency thresholds could be artificial-
icant morbidity. Treatment with steroids can improve out- ly elevated. In conclusion, uHear can be useful in the initial
come. Delay in initiation of treatment reduces the chance to evaluation of patients with single-sided SSNHL by providing
regain hearing. For this reason SSNHL is considered an emer- important information guiding the decision to initiate treat-
gency. Diagnosis is based on history, physical examination ment before a standard audiogram is available.
and a standard audiogram, the latter requiring specialized Copyright 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel
equipment and personnel. Standard audiogram may not be
available at the time and place of patient presentation. A
smartphone or tablet computer-based hearing test may aid Introduction
in the decision to prescribe steroids in this setting. In this
study the uHearTM hearing test application was utilized. The Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) is consid-
output of this ear-level air conduction hearing test is report- ered an otological emergency. The mainstay of treatment
ed in hearing grades for 6 frequencies ranging from 250 to are steroids [Wilson et al., 1980; Chen et al., 2003], giv-
6000 Hz. A total of 32 patients with unilateral SSNHL proven en systemically or locally by intratympanic injections.
by a standard audiogram were tested. The results of stan- Chances of regaining hearing in response to treatment
dard and iPod hearing tests were compared. Based on the are inversely related to the time elapsed from hearing loss
accepted criterion of SSNHL (at least 30 dB loss or 2 hearing to initiation of treatment [Rauch, 2008]. SSNHL is sus-
grades in 3 consecutive frequencies) the test had a sensitiv- pected based on medical history and physical examina-
ity of 0.76 and specificity of 0.91. Using a less stringent crite- tion. The diagnosis is verified by an audiogram obtained

2013 S. Karger AG, Basel Ophir Handzel, MD

14203030/13/01840201$38.00/0 The Cochlear Implant Program
Department of Otolaryngology/Head, Neck and Maxillofacial Surgery
Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, 6 Weizmann St., Tel-Aviv 64239 (Israel)
Color version available online
in a soundproof booth by a qualified audiologist, which
is considered the gold standard for diagnosis. Audiolo-
gists capable of performing this test and a suitable facil-
ity are rarely available 24 h a day, 7 days a week. This may
leave the clinician facing a patient with suspected SSNHL
with the dilemma of treating the patient based solely on
medical history and physical examination, or withhold-
ing treatment until a standard audiogram is obtained.
The sensation of a sudden drop in hearing can be a symp-
tom of etiologies other than SSNHL such as inadequate
pressure in the middle ear. On the other hand, SSNHL
can manifest itself in a variety of symptoms such as aural
pressure or distortion of sounds. Since steroids have po-
tential significant side effects, it is best to limit treatment
to patients with high probability of suffering from
Fig. 1. Screenshot depicting the results of the uHear hearing test.
SSNHL. Each ear is presented separately. The columns represent the tested
Smartphone and tablet computer-based hearing tests frequencies: 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 and 6000 Hz. The rows are
were developed mostly as screening tools to identify pa- grades of hearing loss: normal 025 dB, mild 2640 dB, moderate
tients with hearing loss. uHearTM is a hearing test applica- 4155 dB, moderately severe 5670 dB, severe 7190 dB and pro-
tion developed by Unitron. It is an ear-level pure-tone found >90 dB. The name of the subject tested was masked.
hearing test designed to measure air conduction thresh-
olds in each ear independently. This application has been
previously evaluated [Himmelfarb et al., 2012; Szudek et
al., 2012]. Smartphone and tablet computer-based hear- The results of the uHear hearing test are depicted on a screen
ing tests may improve the accuracy of history and physi- divided by frequencies and severity of hearing loss (fig. 1). The
hearing thresholds are grouped into 6 grades from normal hearing
cal examination in the initial screening of patients being
to profound hearing loss. Standard audiograms were similarly
evaluated for unilateral SSNHL and indicate initiation of grouped following the American Speech-Language-Hearing As-
treatment in the absence of an audiogram. In this study sociation (ASHA) categorization [ASHA, 2012], with the excep-
the accuracy of the application-based hearing test in the tion of uniting the normal and slight hearing loss into the same
evaluation of SSNHL was estimated and compared to the grade of hearing (in decibel hearing level): normal = 025 dB,
standard audiogram. mild = 2640 dB, moderate = 4155 dB, moderately severe = 5670
dB, severe = 7190 dB and profound >90 dB. Together these com-
prise 6 grades of hearing sensitivity. The term hearing grade will
be used throughout this paper.
Materials and Methods A total of 32 consecutive adult patients presenting to the
emergency ward with unilateral SSNHL as reflected by a standard
An ethics committee approval was obtained for the study audiogram were included in the study. For all patients, the inter-
(0483-11-TLV). An iPod touch (Apple Inc., Cupertino, Calif., aural difference in hearing thresholds was used as the base for
USA) was used in this study to avoid any possible effects of mobile computing the degree of hearing loss. For each frequency the dif-
phone capabilities. Wi-Fi connectivity was turned off. The uHear ference in the thresholds between the diseased and nondiseased
application (Unitron, Victoria, B.C., Canada) was downloaded to ears was used as a basis for decision making. Patients were in-
the iPod from the iTunes store [uHear, 2011]. It is available free of cluded in the study if hearing loss based on the standard audio-
charge. This application has three modules for testing hearing. The gram was deemed sufficient to warrant treatment. Of the 32 pa-
study utilized one of the modules designed to test hearing sensitiv- tients, 20 had hearing loss of at least 30 dB in 3 consecutive fre-
ity or pure-tone thresholds. The software uses the bracketing tech- quencies. The remaining had either a loss across 3 frequencies
nique (testing for sounds louder and softer than thresholds) to not amounting to 30 dB and/or a loss in less than 3 consecutive
determine thresholds at 6 separate frequencies ranging from 250 frequencies that was still interpreted as significant. Subjects were
to 6000 Hz. Of note is the lack of testing for 8000 Hz. Creative EP admitted and treated with systemic oral steroids in accordance
630 (Creative, Singapore) earbud speakers with replaceable rubber with our institutes protocol. All participating patients signed a
covers were used for all subjects. One of three available sizes was written informed consent form to participate in the study. Stan-
chosen by the examiner based on his best judgment and comfort- dard and study (application-based) hearing tests were separated
able fit was verified by the test subject. The study hearing test can by no more than 12 h. Standard audiograms were obtained at our
be completed in an average of 6 min. Completing the test required medical center. Study hearing tests were supervised by either the
no learning curve. first or the second author.

202 Audiol Neurotol 2013;18:201207 Handzel /Ben-Ari /Damian /Priel /Cohen /

DOI: 10.1159/000349913 Himmelfarb

6 6

Difference audiogram
4 4

Difference uHear
Fig. 2. Difference in grades of hearing levels
of the diseased minus the nondiseased ear
(y-axis) for each frequency (x-axis) for sub- 2 2
ject 12. This difference is the basis for clin-
ical decision making. Subject 12 represents
a typical result as uHear measured the 0 0
hearing loss accurately at mid and high
tones but underestimated the hearing loss 2 2
in low tones. This deviation was the result
250 500 1000 2000 4000 6000 250 500 1000 2000 4000 6000
of increased thresholds at low frequency Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
for the nondiseased ear and the reduced in-
teraural difference.

Patients with a conductive component to the hearing loss based Results

on standard audiogram were excluded as it would have made in-
terpretation of an air conduction-based hearing test impossible. The age of the 32 patients (24 male and 8 female)
Other exclusion criteria were hearing loss evolving in more than 3
days and patients presenting more than 2 weeks after the initial loss included in this study ranged from 20 to 82 years (aver-
of hearing. Patients treated with intratympanic injections were age 51.4 years); 14 subjects had hearing loss in the right
also excluded from the study. ear and 18 in the left; 18 subjects had normal hearing on
All study audiograms were performed in the same room. This the contralateral ear as measured by a standard audio-
is a relatively quiet office space in a hospital that is not sound- gram.
proofed. The level of noise present in the room was measured at 3
different times of the day and night using a sound level meter,
In order to compare the results of the study and stan-
model TES-1350A (TES Electrical Electronic Corp., Taipei, Tai- dard hearing tests for the complete cohort the averages of
wan). Ambient noise varied between 41 and 42 dBA measured at the differences between the nondiseased and diseased
7 a.m., 3 p.m. and 1 a.m. ears at the 6 tested frequencies were used. First, for each
The commonly accepted definition of SSNHL is an increase of subject two graphs depicting the difference in hearing
hearing thresholds of at least 30 dB in 3 consecutive frequencies
grades between the diseased (higher score) and nondis-
[National Institute of Deafness and Communication Disorders,
2000] compared to a prior audiogram or the contralateral ear. eased ear were plotted for the standard and study audio-
However, patients with lesser degrees of hearing loss are often con- grams (fig.2). For each frequency the hearing grade of the
sidered candidates for steroid treatment since their hearing loss nondiseased ear was subtracted from the grade of the dis-
can cause significant morbidity even when the above-mentioned eased ear. The average differences were then calculated.
criteria are not met. Hence, the study population included patients In subject 12 the average was 1.83 for the standard audio-
with hearing loss of less than 30 dB and/or less than 3 consecutive
frequencies. Accordingly the data were analyzed using 3 separate gram and 1.33 for the study test (fig.2). Lastly, a graph of
hearing loss definitions: (1) loss of 2 or more hearing grades of the this relationship for the complete cohort was plotted,
uHear hearing test in 3 consecutive frequencies, compatible with with the average of the standard audiogram on the x-axis
the commonly accepted definition of SSNHL, (2) loss of 2 hearing and the average of the study hearing test on the y-axis
grades over 2 consecutive frequencies and (3) loss of 1 hearing (fig. 3). Spearmans correlation coefficient was used to
grade over 2 consecutive frequencies.
The hearing grades as obtained through the audiogram were compare the averages for the standard versus the study
considered the truth relative to the particular definition of hear- hearing test and was found to be 0.83.
ing loss. Namely, a subject diagnosed with hearing loss based on The accuracy of the study hearing test in the evaluation
the audiogram was considered as indeed suffering from hearing of SSNHL was measured compared to standard audio-
loss (diseased). Similarly, a subject not diagnosed with hearing gram. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated using 3
loss based on the audiogram was considered as normal. The sen-
sitivity and specificity of the uHear test were estimated as the pro-
different definitions of hearing loss (table 1). The most
portion of diseased diagnosed with hearing loss and the propor- stringent criterion that was used reflects the most accept-
tion of normal found normal by the test, respectively. ed definition of SSNHL and was defined as a loss of at least
2 hearing grades across 3 or more consecutive frequencies

Smartphone-Based Hearing Test in Audiol Neurotol 2013;18:201207 203

Unilateral SSNHL DOI: 10.1159/000349913
5 1

4 2

Hearing grade

0 1 2 3 4 5 250 500 1000 2000 4000 6000
Audiogram Frequency (Hz)

Fig. 3. Relationship between the standard and study hearing tests Fig. 4. Average hearing thresholds (in hearing grades) at each fre-
for the cohort. For each subject a graph depicting the difference quency for the study and standard audiogram and for the diseased
between the hearing grades of the nondiseased and diseased ear at and nondiseased ears. uHear measured inaccurately elevated
each frequency was plotted (as seen in fig.2). The average differ- thresholds at low frequencies. The deviation is more pronounced
ence was calculated for each test separately. This average repre- for the nondiseased ear. The solid line depicts the standard audio-
sents the result of the hearing test. The correlation between the gram and the dashed line depicts the uHear results. For each of
average of the standard vs. study audiogram was 0.83 (Spearmans them the bottom line is the diseased ear and the top the nondis-
correlation coefficient). eased ear.

(table1a). Sensitivity was estimated to be 0.76 and speci- hearing happens in 32% [Wilson, 1980] to 64% [Mattox
ficity 0.91. The second criterion was loss of at least 2 hear- and Simmons, 1977] of patients. Treatment with steroids
ing grades across 2 or more consecutive frequencies (ta- can improve a patients chance of regaining hearing [Wil-
ble1b). Sensitivity was estimated to be 0.96 and specific- son et al., 1980; Chen et al., 2003]. There is an inverse cor-
ity 0.86. The least stringent criterion used was defined as relation between the chance to respond to steroid treat-
a loss of at least 1 hearing grade across 2 or more consecu- ment and the time elapsed until its initiation [Rauch,
tive frequencies (table 1c). Sensitivity was 0.94, but not 2008]. Hence, SSNHL is thought of as an emergency.
enough normals were found through the audiogram to The gold standard for the diagnosis of SSNHL is a stan-
calculate specificity. For all 3 definitions, the point esti- dard audiogram performed in a soundproof booth by a
mates of sensitivity and (when estimable) specificity were qualified audiologist. Unfortunately, this test may not be
reasonably high. However, the sample size of 32 was too available 24 h a day, 7 days a week. In addition, some
small to provide tight confidence intervals. populations such as military personnel or those in small-
uHear reflected hearing thresholds more accurately in er or remote communities may not have this service read-
mid and high tones compared to low tones (fig.4). Low- ily available. Since steroids have potential significant side
tone inaccuracy is more prominent in the nondiseased effects, treatment is best reserved to patients with a high
ear. probability of suffering from SSNHL. Medical history and
physical examination are often insufficient to reliably in-
dicate the need for treatment. For example, commonly
Discussion available tuning forks are 512 and 1024 Hz, leaving a wide
spectrum of hearing frequencies untested during physical
SSNHL was first recognized in the medical literature examination. If a standard audiogram cannot be obtained
in 1944 [De Kleyn, 1944]. Although almost 70 years have at initial presentation of a patient complaining of a sud-
elapsed since this publication, the etiology remains un- den drop in hearing, the clinician faces a decision to start
known in most cases [Chau et al., 2010]. SSNHL can be treatment based on history and physical examination or
associated with significant morbidity as a result of hear- to delay treatment until an audiogram is made available.
ing loss, tinnitus and dizziness. Spontaneous recovery of This dilemma was the motivation for the current study.

204 Audiol Neurotol 2013;18:201207 Handzel /Ben-Ari /Damian /Priel /Cohen /

DOI: 10.1159/000349913 Himmelfarb

Table 1. Estimated sensitivity and specificity of the study hearing ify that the medical history validates the single-sidedness
test using 3 criteria for hearing loss of the complaint and the sensation of symmetric hearing
a Hearing loss is defined as 2 or more hearing grades in 3 or prior to the sudden hearing loss. For all subjects in the
more consecutive frequencies reported cohort these conditions have been met and the
uHear contralateral ear is used as a baseline for comparison.
As detailed in Materials and Methods the hearing
normal hearing loss
thresholds of the uHear hearing test are reported as hear-
Audiogram normal 10 1 ing grade per frequency rather than in sound intensity.
hearing loss 5 16 The software does not assign a numerical decibel thresh-
Sensitivity = 0.76 (0.53, 0.92); specificity = 0.91 (0.59, 0.99). old for the results. For this reason we have used hearing
grades rather than thresholds in decibels in this study.
b Hearing loss is defined as 2 or more hearing grades in 2 or Applying a decibel value to the results of the uHear hear-
more consecutive frequencies ing test would have added unnecessary inaccuracy to the
uHear results. In these circumstances it is better to grade the
hearing loss of the standard audiogram and perform a
normal hearing loss
comparison of hearing grades between the test and stan-
Audiogram normal 6 1 dard audiogram.
hearing loss 1 24 A commonly used definition for SSNHL is a sensori-
Sensitivity = 0.96 (0.82, 0.99); specificity = 0.86 (0.42, 0.99). neural hearing loss appearing within 3 days and encom-
passing at least a 30-dB loss at 3 or more consecutive hear-
c Hearing loss is defined as 1 or more hearing grades in 2 or ing frequencies [National Institute of Deafness and Com-
more consecutive frequencies munication Disorders, 2000]. This definition is a widely
uHear acceptable one but does not represent a distinct patho-
normal hearing loss
logical, etiological or therapeutical entity from lesser de-
grees of hearing loss. The NIDCD definitions equivalent
Audiogram normal 1 0 as reflected in the uHear output is a loss of at least 2 hear-
hearing loss 2 29 ing grades over 3 or more consecutive frequencies. For
Sensitivity = 0.94 (0.81, 0.99); specificity = sample size too small this definition the sensitivity of the study hearing test
to calculate. compared to standard audiogram was found to be 0.76
Values in parentheses are 90% confidence intervals. and specificity was 0.91. For a patient meeting this uHear
hearing test criterion the diagnosis of SSNHL can be
made with good certainty. However, if the loss does not
fulfill this criterion an audiogram should be obtained be-
fore the need for treatment is dismissed.
Internet-based hearing sensitivity screening has been Often, patients suffering from hearing loss not
previously studied [Bexelius et al., 2008]. Smartphone amounting to the 3 days/3 frequencies/30-dB rule will
and tablet computer-based applications may be a useful still be candidates for treatment with steroids as reflected
tool for this purpose, utilizing widely available hardware, by the recent guidelines from the American Academy of
being cheap and not necessitating specialty training to Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery [Stachler et al.,
perform. The present study used uHear (Unitron) which 2012]. Milder forms of hearing loss can result in a sig-
has been previously evaluated [Himmelfarb et al., 2012; nificant handicap and as a consequence are included in
Szudek et al., 2012]. The application is available for free. the current study, e.g. 1 of our subjects had hearing loss
Evaluating a sudden loss of hearing requires a baseline of 60 dB or more in 4000 and 6000 Hz. Such a patient may
for comparison. In the great majority of cases a recent benefit from treatment with steroids although his condi-
audiogram preceding the hearing loss is not available. In tion does not fit the commonly accepted definition for
the most common situation, the patients report symmet- SSNHL. For patients with a loss of at least 2 grades of
ric hearing prior to the sudden decrease in hearing in one hearing in 2 or more consecutive frequencies the sensi-
ear. In these circumstances the contralateral ear can be tivity of uHear is very good at 0.96, although the specific-
used as a base of comparison [Stachler et al., 2012]. In or- ity of 0.86 had a very wide confidence interval. This sub-
der for this comparison to be valid the clinician must ver- group of patients should be candidates for treatment be-

Smartphone-Based Hearing Test in Audiol Neurotol 2013;18:201207 205

Unilateral SSNHL DOI: 10.1159/000349913
6 6

Difference audiogram
4 4

Difference uHear
Fig. 5. Subject 6 had severe hearing loss at
6000 and 8000 Hz as reflected in a standard 2 2
audiogram. In the study test 8000 Hz is not
measured, resulting in measurement of
0 0
hearing loss limited to 6000 Hz. A loss lim-
ited to 1 frequency could be considered in-
sufficient for treatment with steroids. The 2 2
y-axis represents the difference in grades of 250 500 1000 2000 4000 6000 250 500 1000 2000 4000 6000
hearing levels of the diseased minus the Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
nondiseased ear; the x-axis represents the
frequencies tested.

fore a standard audiogram is available. For the most This inaccuracy probably results from the acoustic
relaxed criterion of hearing loss studied, i.e. loss of at characteristics of the particular earbuds used in the study
least 1 grade of hearing over 2 or more frequencies, the and from the presence of ambient noise in the test envi-
sensitivity was high (0.94) as expected but the cohort was ronment. Imperfect fitting of earbuds, especially if creat-
too small to calculate specificity. As a result, it is impos- ing a vent effect, can cause this phenomenon as well.
sible to draw a conclusion regarding treatment for this Szudek et al. [2012] found that testing in a soundproof
group based on the studys data. Milder forms of SSNHL room did not eliminate this low-tone deviation.
have a better chance for spontaneous recovery [Rauch, The regulatory and legal status of smartphone and tab-
2008] and may not warrant treatment even when proven let computer-based applications for clinical use has not
by a standard audiogram. been established [Sherwin-Smith and Pritchard-Jones,
The comparison of the average differences between 2012]. An application aiding clinical decision making
hearing in the diseased and nondiseased ears for the study may be viewed as a medical device. Such applications are
versus standard hearing test resulted in a high correlation currently exempt from the usual approval procedures for
coefficient of 0.83 (fig.3). The average difference can be medical devices. Ideally, applications used for clinical de-
used as a single factor representing the overall output of cision making and treatment will be prevalidated inde-
the hearing tests. The good correlation between the aver- pendently for a particular indication such as the one pre-
ages of the study and standard audiogram is another sented in this paper.
method to validate its use for the evaluation of single- A few additional limitations of this study are worth
sided SSNHL. mentioning. Accuracy of the iPod-based hearing test is
uHear reflected hearing thresholds more accurately in sensitive to variables such as the quality and characteris-
mid and high tones compared to low tones (fig.4). These tics of the software application and earbuds and ambient
findings corroborate those of Szudek et al. [2012] and noise during testing. These variables may restrict some
Himmelfarb et al. [2012]. This can result in wrongly ex- aspects of generalization of the data and analysis present-
cluding eligible patients from treatment. The clinical im- ed in this paper to other applications, earbuds and envi-
plication can be seen in the results of the testing of subject ronments. However, most of these limitations can be
12 (fig.2). uHear accurately measured hearing thresholds overcome by evaluating the smartphone-based hearing
at mid and high frequencies; however, due to elevated testing of normal hearing ears prior to evaluating dis-
thresholds at low frequencies in the nondiseased ear the eased ears. As hearing at 8000 Hz is not tested, accuracy
interaural difference is reduced, masking some of the of the study test is reduced for patients suffering from
hearing loss. In addition, since low-tone sensitivity is high tone loss, for example subject 6 (fig.5), who experi-
moderate, prognostication based on the type of the au- enced hearing loss in excess of 60 dB at 6000 and 8000 Hz.
diogram [Kuhn et al., 2011] will have limited accuracy. Based on these findings he was treated (successfully) with
systemic steroids. However, based on the study test he

206 Audiol Neurotol 2013;18:201207 Handzel /Ben-Ari /Damian /Priel /Cohen /

DOI: 10.1159/000349913 Himmelfarb

would probably not be eligible for treatment since hear- Conclusion
ing loss was limited to a single frequency. Hearing tests
performed solely with the popular ear-level hearing buds uHear, a smartphone and tablet computer-based ear-
cannot differentiate conductive from sensorineural hear- level air conduction hearing test, has a role in the initial
ing loss, resulting in potential over- or underestimation evaluation of single-sided SSNHL. The test can help the
of SSNHL. This could be partially addressed by careful clinician decide whether treatment with steroids is indi-
otoscopy and testing hearing with tuning forks of a num- cated until a standard audiogram is available. Accuracy of
ber of frequencies. Bone-level hearing buds are commer- the hearing test is best at mid and high tones tested.
cially available (i.e. for swimmers) and may provide ad-
ditional data, but they have not been validated for these
medical diagnostic purposes. Due to its limitation, uHear
hearing test is not designed to and cannot replace a stan-
dard audiogram.

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Smartphone-Based Hearing Test in Audiol Neurotol 2013;18:201207 207

Unilateral SSNHL DOI: 10.1159/000349913
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