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Hall Ticket No: Objective Question Paper Set No: 1
II B. Tech - I Semester- I MID EXAMINATION, Aug, 2016
(Common to IT)
Date : 9 AUG, 2016 Time :20min Max. Marks : 10M
Answer the following, each question carries half mark.
1. A trail that traverses every edge of G is called a _________ trail of G.
(A) Connected (B) Line (C) Euler (D) None of the above
2. An Euler tour is a tour which traverses ________ edge exactly once.
(A) Selected (B) Each (C) 1 (D) 0
3. A graph is____________ if it contains an Euler tour.
(A) Eulerian (B) Non- Eulerain (C) Straight (D) Curve
4. A connected graph G has an Eulerian trail iff G has exactly ________ odd vertices.
(A) Three (B) Four (C) Zero (D) Two
5. If G, a connected planar graph has n vertices, e edges and r regions, then, n -e + r = 2
(A) Surface Formula (B) Line Formula (C) Eulers Formula (D) None of the above
6. If G is a simple connected planar graph on n vertices, e edges and r regions and does not contain any triangle, then 2r e
_________ .
(A) (2n - 4) (B) (2n+4) (C) (4n2) (D) (4n1)
7. If G is a connected simple planar graph without loops and has n vertices, e 2 edges and r regions, then, 3/2 r e
(A) (4n6) (B) (3n-6) (C) (6n2) (D) None of the above
8. A subdivision of a graph G is obtained by inserting ____________ (of degree 2) into the edges of G.
(A) Line (B) Column (C) Vertices (D) Row
9. The complete graph of fine vertices is_______________ .
(A) Planar (B) Circular (C) Non-planar (D) Straight
10. A graph G is said to be _____________ if there exists some geometric representation of G which can be drawn on a
plane such that no two of its edges intersect.
(A) Non-Planar (B) Planar (C) Circular (D) Both (A) and (B)
11. A graph that cannot be drawn on a plane without a cross over between its edges is called______________.
(A) Non Planar. (B) Planar (C) Straight (D) None of the above
12.How many ways can we get a sum of 8 when two in distinguishable dice are rolled?
A) 9 B) 10 C)11 D) 12
13. In a railway compartment 6 seats are vacant on a bench. In how many ways can 3 passebn\ngers can sit on their?
A) 120 B)110 C)100 D)90
14. A person has to arrange 5 books on a shelf. In how many ways can he do so?
A)100 B)110 C)115 D)120
15 . How many different 8-bit strings are there that begin and end with one?
A)58 B)60 C)62 D)64
16. In how many ways can be draw a king or a queen from ordinary deck of playing cards?
A) 4 B)6 C)8 D)10
17. Recurrence relation is also called as
A. Difference equation B) reverse equation C) forward equation D)backward equation
18. The recurrence relation an=an-1+5, with a1=2, he sequence is

1. 6, 11,16-----

2. 7,12,17----

3. 8,13,18----

4. 9,14,19-----
19. The recurrence relation an=an-1+an-2, with a1=a2=1, the sequence is
A) 1,2,3,5,8 B) 2,3,5,8,13 C) 1,1,2,3,5,8,13 D)2,5,8,13
20. Find the coefficient of X10 in (1+X+X2+X3+&.)2

1. 10
2. 11
3. 12
4. 13
Hall Ticket No: Objective Question Paper Set No: 2
II B. Tech - I Semester- II MID EXAMINATION, OCT, 2016
(Common to IT)
Date : 14 OCT, 2016 Time :20min Max. Marks : 10M
Answer the following, each question carries half mark.
1. The minimum number of colours required to colour the following graph, such that no two adjacent vertices are assigned the same colour, is

(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5

2. Let G be an arbitrary graph with n nodes and k components. If a vertex is removed from G, the number of components in the resultant graph
must necessarily lie between
(A) k and n (B) k 1 and k + 1 (C) k 1 and n 1 (D) k + 1 and n k
3. How many perfect matchings are there in a complete graph of 6 vertices ?
(A) 15 (B) 24 (C) 30 (D) 60

4. A graph G = (V, E) satisfies |E| 3 |V| 6. The min-degree of G is defined as . Therefore, min-degree of G cannot be
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6
5. The minimum number of colours required to colour the vertices of a cycle with nodes in such a way that no two adjacent nodes have the
same colour is
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) n 2n/2 + 2
6. Maximum number of edges in a n node undirected graph without self loops is
(A) n2 (B) n(n 1)/2 (C) n 1 (D) (n + 1) (n)/2
7. Let G be a connected planar graph with 10 vertices. If the number of edges on each face is three, then the number of edges in G is
(A) 24 (B) 20 (C) 32 (D) 64
8. A graph is self-complementary if it is isomorphic to its complement. For all self-complementary graphs on n vertices, n is
(A) A multiple of 4 (B) Even (C) Odd (D) Congruent to 0 mod 4, or 1 mod 4
9. In a connected graph, a bridge is an edge whose removal disconnects a graph. Which one of the following statements is True?
(A) A tree has no bridge (B) A bridge cannot be part of a simple cycle
(C) Every edge of a clique with size 3 is a bridge (A clique is any complete subgraph of a graph) (D) A graph with bridges cannot have a cycle
10. What is the number of vertices in an undirected connected graph with 27 edges, 6 vertices of degree 2, 3 vertices of degree 4 and remaining of
degree 3?
(A) 10 (B) 11 (C) 18 (D) 19
11. How many ways can we draw a club or a diamond from a pack of cards?
A)24 B)26 C)30 D) 32
12. In how many ways can be drawn an ace or a king from an arbitrary deck of playing cards?
A)4 B)5 C) 6 D) 7
13. How many possible out comes are there when we roll a pair of dice, one red and one green?
A) 36 B) 38 C)40 D)42
14.In how many different ways one can answer all the questions of a true-false test consisting of 4 questions?
A) 14 B)16 C)18 D)20
15.How many ways 16-bit strings are there containing exactly five 0's?
A) 4367 B)4366 C) 4369 D)4368
16. From 10 programmers in how many ways can 5 be selected when a particular programmer included every time?
A) 126 B) 128 C)122 D)124
17. Determine the value of n if nC4=nC3.
A)4 B)5 C)6 D)7
18. . Find a generating function for ar=the number of ways of distributing similar balls into n numbered bones where each box is non empty.
A) (X2+X3+----)n B)(X+X2+X3+----)n C)(1+X3+X4+---)n D)(X+X5+X6+----)n
19. Find a generating function for ar=the number of ways the sum r can be obtained when 2 distinguishable dice are tossed.
A) (X+X2+X3+X4+X5+ X6)2 B) (X2+X3+X4+X5+ X6)2 C)(X+X2+X4+X5+ X6)2 D)(X+X2+X3+X5+ X6)2
20. Find a generating function for ar=the number of ways the sum r can be obtained when2 distinguishable dice are tossed and the first shows an
even number and second shows an odd number.
A) (X2+X4+X6)(X+X3+ X5) B) (X2+X4)(X+X3- X5) C) (X2+X4-X6)(X+ X5) D) (X2+X6)(X+X3+ X5)
Hall Ticket No: Objective Question Paper Set No: 3
II B.Tech - I Semester- II MID EXAMINATION, OCT, 2016
(Common to IT)
Date : 14 OCT, 2016 Time :20min Max. Marks : 10M
Answer the following, each question carries half mark.
1. A trail that traverses every edge of G is called a _________ trail of G.
(A) Connected (B) Line (C) Euler (D) None of the above
2. An Euler tour is a tour which traverses ________ edge exactly once.
(A) Selected (B) Each (C) 1 (D) 0
3. A graph is____________ if it contains an Euler tour.
(A) Eulerian (B) Non- Eulerain (C) Straight (D) Curve
4. A connected graph G has an Eulerian trail iff G has exactly ________ odd vertices.
(A) Three (B) Four (C) Zero (D) Two
5. If G, a connected planar graph has n vertices, e edges and r regions, then, n -e + r = 2
(A) Surface Formula (B) Line Formula (C) Eulers Formula (D) None of the above
6. Maximum number of edges in a n node undirected graph without self loops is
(A) n2 (B) n(n 1)/2 (C) n 1 (D) (n + 1) (n)/2
7. Let G be a connected planar graph with 10 vertices. If the number of edges on each face is three, then the number of edges in G is
(A) 24 (B) 20 (C) 32 (D) 64
8. A graph is self-complementary if it is isomorphic to its complement. For all self-complementary graphs on n vertices, n is
(A) A multiple of 4 (B) Even (C) Odd (D) Congruent to 0 mod 4, or 1 mod 4
9. In a connected graph, a bridge is an edge whose removal disconnects a graph. Which one of the following statements is True?
(A) A tree has no bridge (B) A bridge cannot be part of a simple cycle
(C) Every edge of a clique with size 3 is a bridge (A clique is any complete subgraph of a graph) (D) A graph with bridges cannot have a cycle
10. What is the number of vertices in an undirected connected graph with 27 edges, 6 vertices of degree 2, 3 vertices of degree 4 and remaining of
degree 3?
(A) 10 (B) 11 (C) 18 (D) 19
11. How many ways can we draw a club or a diamond from a pack of cards?
A)24 B)26 C)30 D) 32
12. In how many ways can be drawn an ace or a king from an arbitrary deck of playing cards?
A)4 B)5 C) 6 D) 7
13. How many possible out comes are there when we roll a pair of dice, one red and one green?
A) 36 B) 38 C)40 D)42
14.In how many different ways one can answer all the questions of a true-false test consisting of 4 questions?
A) 14 B)16 C)18 D)20
15.How many ways 16-bit strings are there containing exactly five 0's?
A) 4367 B)4366 C) 4369 D)4368
16. In how many ways can be draw a king or a queen from ordinary deck of playing cards?
A) 4 B)6 C)8 D)10
17. Recurrence relation is also called as
B. Difference equation B) reverse equation C) forward equation D)backward equation
18. The recurrence relation an=an-1+5, with a1=2, he sequence is

1. 6, 11,16-----

2. 7,12,17----

3. 8,13,18----

4. 9,14,19-----
19. The recurrence relation an=an-1+an-2, with a1=a2=1, the sequence is
A) 1,2,3,5,8 B) 2,3,5,8,13 C) 1,1,2,3,5,8,13 D)2,5,8,13

20. Find the coefficient of X10 in (1+X+X2+X3+&.)2

A) 10 B)11 C) 12 D)13

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