Dialog Asking For Repetition

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Contoh Dialog Asking for repetition

(in the School)

Teacher : So, do you understand about the lesson students? (jadi apakah kalian mengerti tentang
pelajaran nya anak-anak?)
Student : could you repeat the explanation about comparison maam? (maukah anda mengulangi
penjelasan tentang perbandingan bu?)
Teacher : Okay, which part Hasan? (oke, bagian yang mana hasan?)
Student : about comperative maam (tentang comparative bu)
Teacher : well, please listen (baiklah, tolong dengarkan)
Student : alright, maam (ya bu)

(On the Road)

Tourist : excuse me (permisi)
Me : yes, please (ya silakan)
Tourist : I want to know the post office near here (aku ingin tau kantor post dekat sini)
Me : mmm you can turn right and find the post office near the mosque (mmm anda bisa belok ke
kanan dan akan menemukan kantor pos di dekat saa dekat sebuah masjid)
Tourist : pardon? (maaf, ulangi?)
Me : you turn to the right and will see the post office near the mosque (anda belok ke kanan dan
akan menemukan kantor post dekat sebuah masjid)
Tourist : okay, thank you (oke, terimakasih)
me : You are wellcome (sama-sama)

(In the restaurant)

waitress : what you want to order sir? (apa yag anda ingin pesan tuan?)
Sir : is there a steak? (apakah ada steak?)
Waitress : Yes, what kind of steak? (ya, steak apa tuan?)
Sir : beef steak please (stik daging sapi ya)
Waitress : could you repeat sir? (dapatkah anda mengulanginya tuan?)
Sir : Beef, beef steak (daging sapi, dteak daging sapi)
Waitrees : alright sir, any another? (baik tuan, ada yang lain?)
Sir : no, thanks (tidak terimakasih)
Waitress : please wait sir (tolong tunggu tuan)
Sir : okay (oke)

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