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Magazine Questionnaire

1) What colour scheme would bet suits the magazine?

A) B) C)

2) Should the main dominant image on the front cover be a shot from the poster or the movie?

A) Poster B) Movie

3) Should the masthead (magazine title) be normal or have some effects?

A) Normal B) Effects

4) Should the main dominant image be behind the mast head or in front of it?

A) In front B) Behind
5) Should the main dominant image have direct address (looking at the camera)?

A) Yes B) No

6) Should there be only one main image on the front cover or multiple photos?

A) One B) No

7) Should there be a strap line referring to the movie

A) Yes

B) No

8) How many cover lines (stories) should the magazine?

A) 1-3

B) 4-6

9) Should the front cover have similar films / same sub genre films on it?

A) Yes

B) No

10) Select two aspects that you would expect to see on a magazine cover?

1: Offers and promotions

2: Exclusive information about upcoming events and films

3: Multiple storylines about different movies

4: Giveaways
5: Eye-catching front cover image

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