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11th Std Class - Importance questions

with Answer Key

TamilNadu Higher Secondary First Year 2017-2018 Syllabus


-:- Taxonomy and Phylogeny - Click Here
-:- Two Kingdom System of Classification - Click Here

-:- The Five Kingdom System of Classification - Click Here

-:- Viruses - Introduction And General characteristics - Click Here

-:- Viruses : Size, Shape And Structure of a Virus - Click Here

-:- Classification of virus - Click Here

-:- Lytic and Lysogenic Life cycle of a phage - Click Here

-:- Plant viral disease : Bunchy top of banana, HIV, cancer, SARS

Virion - Click Here

-:- A new disease called SARS Virion - Click Here

-:- Bacteria : Introduction, Occurrence, Size - Click Here

-:- Classification of bacteria based on the shape and arrangement -
Click Here
-:- Flagellation in Bacteria - Click Here

-:- Nutrition in Plant Bacteria - Click Here

-:- Respiration in Plant Bacteria - Click Here

-:- Reproduction of Bacteria - Click Here

-:- Harmful activities of Bacteria in Plants, Animal, Human beings -

Click Here
-:- Beneficial Activities of Bacteria - Click Here

-:- Fungi : Salient and Distinguishing Features, Structure, Nutrition,

Saprotrophs - Click Here

-:- Fungai : Saprotrophs and Parasites - Click Here

-:- Fungi Symbiosis - Click Here

-:- Classification of Fungi - Click Here

-:- Economic importance of Fungi : Useful and Harmful aspects of

fungi - Click Here

-:- Mucor : Occurrence, Reproduction, Somatic structure - Click Here

-:- Algae : Salient Features, Occurrence and Distribution, Thallus

organization - Click Here

-:- Algae : Cell Structure & Pigmentation - Click Here

-:- Algea : Arranagement of Flagella - Click Here

-:- Algea Reproduction : 1. Vegetative 2. Asexual 3. Sexual - Click

-:- Classification of Algea - Click Here

-:- Economic Importance of Algae - Food, Agriculture, Industry, space

travel, Single cell protein, Sewage Disposal - Click Here

-:- Harmful effects of Algae - Click Here

-:- Spirogyra : Detail, Occurrence, Structure - Click Here

-:- Algea : Reproduction - Click Here

-:- Bryophytes : Salient and Distinguishing features of Bryophytes -

Click Here
-:- Bryophytes : Alternation of Generations - Click Here

-:- Classification of Bryophyta - Click Here

-:- Riccia And The structure of mature gametophyte - Click Here

-:- Reproduction of Riccia - Click Here

-:- Riccia - Fertilization, Sporophyte Generation - Click Here

-:- Life cycle of Riccia - Click Here

-:- Pteridophytes : Salient features and Salient features - Click Here

-:- Characteristics of Pteridophytes and Economic importance - Click

-:- Morphology of sporophyte - Click Here

-:- Anatomy of Nephrolepsis - Click Here

-:- Reproduction of Nephrolepsis - Click Here

-:- Nephrolepsis : Fertilization - Click Here

-:- Classification and Characteristic of
Spermatophytes(Gymnosperms) - Click Here
-:- Salient features and Distinguishing features of Gymnosperms -

Click Here
-:- Cycas - Morphology of sporophyte - Click Here

-:- Anatomy of Cycas - Click Here

-:- Cycas - Reproduction - Click Here

-:- A brief history about the discovery of cells - Click Here
-:- Dynamic nature of cell , Difference Between Plant Cell And

Animal cell - Click Here

-:- Development of Cell Theory And Exception to cell Theory - Click

-:- prokaryotic cell And Ultra structure of a prokaryotic cell - Click

-:- Eukaryotes - Click Here

-:- Different Between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cell (Plant Cells) -

Click Here
-:- Light Microscope and Electron Microscope (TEM - Transmission

Electron Microscopy & SEM - Scanning Electron Microscope ) - Click

-:- Formation of the cell wall - Click Here

-:- Structure of the cell wall - Click Here

-:- Plasmodesmata, pits and Functions of cell wall - Click Here

-:- Ultra structure of the cell membrane - Fluid mosaic Model, Lipids,

Proteins - Click Here

-:- Functions of plasma membrane - Click Here

-:- Cell Membrane Transport - Click Here

-:- List of Plant Cell Organelles - Click Here

-:- Plant Cell Nucleus And Functions of Plant Cell Nucleus - Click Here

-:- Plant Cell Mitochondria - Power house of the cell - Click Here

-:- Plant Cell Plastids - chloroplasts, chromoplasts and leucoplasts -

Click Here
-:- Plant Cell : Ribosomes - Click Here

-:- Plant Cell Division - Cell Cycle 1.Amitosis 2.Mitosis 3. Meiosis -

Click Here
-:- Cell Division : Mitotic cell cycle : 1.Prophase 2. Metaphase

3.Anaphase 4. Telophase - Click Here

-:- Cell Division - Meiosis Cell Cycle : Prophase, Metaphase,

Anaphase and Telophase - Click Here

-:- Morphology of flowering plants or Angiosperms - short notes -
Click Here
-:- Plant - Root System : Regions of a typical root and General

Characteristic features of the root -Click Here

-:- Types of Root System And Functions of roots - Click Here

-:- Root Modifications for Taproot, adventitious roots - Click Here

-:- Characteristic features and Functions of the stem - Click Here

-:- Modifications of stem : 1. Aerial modifications 2. Sub aerial

modifications 3. Under ground modifications - Click Here

-:- Parts of a Leaf : 1. Leaf base 2. Petiole 3. Lamina - Click Here

-:- Leaf Venation : Reticulate, Parallel : Pinnately, Palmately - Click

-:- Leaf Modification - Click Here

-:- Inflorescence : Racemose, Cymose, Mixed and Special types -

Click Here
-:- FLOWER - A Metamorphosed Shoot : Evidences to support that

flower is a modified shoot -Click Here

-:- Description of a flower - Click Here

-:- Types of Placentation : Axile,Marginal, Parietal, Basal, Superficial

Placentation - Click Here
-:- Androecium And Gynoecium - Click Here

-:- Plant Aestivation And Types of Aestivation - Click Here

-:- Corolla : Shape of the petals in the corolla and Forms of Corolla -

Click Here
-:- Calyx : Variations and Duration of calyx - Click Here

-:- The receptacle (thalamus) : Variation of the Receptacle, Insertion

of floral leaves on the thalamus - Click Here

-:- Parts of a flower - Click Here

-:- Fruit : Types and Structure of fruit - Click Here

-:- Simple fleshy fruits : baccate,drupaceous - Berry, Drupe,

Hesperidium, Pepo, Pomo - Click Here

-:- Simple Dry Fruits - .1. Dehiscent 2. Schizocarpic 3. Indehiscent -

Click Here
-:- aggregate and multiple or composite fruits - Click Here

-:- Structure and Types of Seed - Click Here

-:- Structure of gram seed - Click Here

-:- Structure of Maize Grain - Click Here

-:- GENETICS : Concept of Heredity and Variation - Click Here
-:- Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance - Click Here
-:- Intermediate Inheritance (Incomplete Dominance) - Click Here

-:- Epistasis - Gene Interaction - Click Here

-:- Inheritance Laws of Mendel - Click Here

-:- Biography of Mendel And Mendel's Experiments on Mendel's

Laws of Inheritance - Click Here

-:- Cell as a Physiological Unit - Click Here
-:- Properties of Protoplasm : The Physical and Chemical Nature -

Click Here
-:- Cell - Water Relations - Click Here

-:- Cells : Absorption and Movement - Imbibition, Diffusion - Click

-:- Demonstration of Osmosis - Potato Osmoscope - Click Here

-:- Plasmolysis and Significance of Plasmolysis - Click Here

-:- Plant Cells : Permeability and Water Potential - Click Here

-:- Water Transport in Plant - Click Here

-:- Transpiration Pull Theory in plant water transport - Click Here

-:- Factors Affecting Rate of Transpiration in Plant - Click Here

-:- Structure of Stoma and Mechanism of Stomatal Opening and

Closing - Click Here
-:- Factors Affecting Stomatal Movement - Click Here

-:- Functions of Minerals Nutrition - Click Here

-:- Hydroponics : Advantages and Disavantagges of Hydroponics -

Click Here
-:- Essential Major Elements and Trace Elements for Plant - Click

-:- Plant Physiological Role and Deficiency Symptoms of Mineral

Elements - Click Here

-:- Theories of Translocation for Plant : Passive absorption and Active

Absorption - Click Here

-:- Plant Physiology : Translocation of Solutes - Click Here

-:- Plant Physiology : Nitrogen Metabolism - Click Here

-:- Plant Movements : Movements of locomotion and curvature -

Click Here
-:- Geotropism - Click Here

-:- Phototropism And Turgor Growth Movements - Click Here

Reproduction in Angiosperms : Vegetative Propagation - Click

-:- Natural Methods of Vegetative Propagation : Root, Stem, Leaves -
Click Here
-:- Advantages of Vegetative propagation - Click Here

-:- Artificial Method of Vegetative Propagation : Cuttings, Grafting -

Click Here
-:- Reproduction in Angiosperm : Micropropagation - Click Here

-:- Self Pollination - Sexual Reproduction : 1. autogamy 2.

geitonogamy - Click Here

-:- Cross Pollination (Xenogamy, Allogamy) - Sexual Reproduction -

Click Here
-:- Development of male and female gametophyte - Click Here

-:- Development of female gametophyte : Megasporophyll,

Megasporangium or ovule, Megasporogenesis - Click Here

-:- Types of Plant Ovule - Click Here

-:- Plant Reproduction : Double fertilization - Click Here

-:- Development of dicot embryo - Click Here

-:- Parthenogenesis and parthenocarpy - Click Here

-:- Germination of Seed : Parts of Seed - Click Here

-:- Process of seed germination - Click Here

-:- Types of seed germination : Epigeal, Hypogeal germination,

Vivipary - Click Here

-:- Factors necessary for seed gamination - Click Here
-:- Abscission and Importance of Abscission - Click Here
-:- senescence : Types, Physiology , Importance of senescence - Click


-:- Organisms and their Environment - Click Here
-:- Organisms : Environmental Climatic Factors - Click Here

-:- Organisms : Environment : Edaphic Factors - Click Here

-:- Organisms : Environmental factors - Climatic, Edaphic, Biotic -

Click Here
-:- Relationships among Organisms : Positive and Negative

Interactions - Click Here

-:- Hydrophytes And Classification of Hydrophytes - Click Here

-:- Morphological and Anatomical adaptations of Hydrophytes - Click

-:- Xerophytes and Classification of Xerophytes - Click Here

-:- Morphological, Anatomical and Physiological Adaptations of

Xerophytes - Click Here

-:- Mesophytes - Click Here

-:- natural resources and Types of natural resources - Click Here

-:- Sources of Energy resources - Click Here

-:- Conservation of Energy - Click Here
-:- Forest Resources - Click Here

-:- Social Forestry and Conservation of Forests - Click Here

-:- Conservation of Water and Types of Harvesting Rainwater - Click



Nature of the Physical World and

-:- Scope of Physics - Click Here
-:- Physics, Technology and Society - Click Here

-:- Forces of nature - Click Here

-:- Measurement - Click Here

-:- Derived quantities and their units - Click Here

-:- SI standards - Click Here

-:- Rules and conventions for writing SI units and their symbols -

Click Here
-:- Expressing larger and smaller physical quantities - Click Here
-:- Determination of distance, mass, time - Click Here
-:- Accuracy and precision of measuring instruments - Click Here

-:- Measurement: Significant figures - Click Here

-:- Measurement: Rounding off - Click Here

-:- Classification of Errors in Measurement - Click Here

-:- Dimensional Analysis - Click Here

-:- Uses and Limitations of Dimensional Analysis - Click Here

-:- Kinematics - Rest and Motion - Click Here
-:- Motion in one dimension (rectilinear motion) - Click Here

-:- Equations of motion - Click Here

-:- Graphical representations - displacement, velocity,acceleration

with time graph - Click Here

-:- Representation of a vector quantities - Click Here

-:- Different types of vectors - Click Here

-:- Addition of vectors: Triangle and Parallelogram law of vectors -

Click Here
-:- Subtraction of vectors - Click Here

-:- Resolution of vectors and rectangular components - Click Here

-:- Multiplication of two vectors - Click Here

-:- Projectile motion - Click Here
-:- Motion of a projectile thrown horizontally - Click Here

-:- Motion of a projectile projected at an angle with the horizontal

(oblique projection) - Click Here

-:- Newton's first law of motion - Click Here

-:- Three types of the inertia - Click Here

-:- Examples for Newton's first law of motion - Click Here

-:- Newton's second law of motion - Click Here

-:- Impulsive force and Impulse of a force - Click Here

-:- Newton's third Law of motion - Click Here

-:- Applications of Newton s third law of motion - Click Here

-:- Proof and Applications of Law of conservation of momentum -

Click Here
-:- Concurrent forces and Coplanar forces - Click Here

-:- Parallelogram and Triangle law of forces - Click Here

-:- Experimental verification of triangle law, parallelogram law and

Lami's theorem - Click Here

-:- Uniform circular motion - Click Here

-:- Relation between linear velocity and angular velocity - Click Here

-:- Centripetal acceleration, Centripetal force and Centripetal

reaction - Click Here

-:- Applications of centripetal forces - Click Here
-:- Banking of curved roads and tracks and Condition for skidding -
Click Here
-:- Motion in a vertical circle - Click Here

-:- Motion on a level circular road - Click Here

-:- Work : Work done by a constant force and variable force - Click

-:- Potential energy and Kinetic energy - Click Here

-:- Principle of work and energy (work - energy theorem) Statement -

Click Here
-:- Conservative forces and non-conservative forces - Click Here

-:- Collision: Types - Elastic collision and Inelastic collision - Click Here

Dynamics of Rotational Motion

-:- Centre of mass - Click Here
-:- Centre of gravity - Click Here

-:- Equilibrium of bodies and types of equilibrium - Click Here

-:- Rotational motion of rigid bodies - Click Here

-:- Rotational kinetic energy and moment of inertia of a rigid body -

Click Here
-:- Theorems of moment of inertia : Perpendicular and Parallel axes

theorem - Click Here

-:- Moment of a force - Click Here
-:- Couple and moment of the couple (Torque) - Click Here

-:- Angular momentum of a rigid body - Click Here

-:- Relation between torque and angular acceleration - Click Here

-:- Conservation of angular momentum with Illustration - Click Here

Gravitation and Space Science

-:- Newton's law of gravitation - Click Here
-:- Acceleration due to gravity - Click Here

-:- Acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the Earth - Click Here

-:- Variation of acceleration due to gravity - Click Here

-:- Gravitational field: potential difference and potential energy -

Click Here
-:- Inertial mass and Gravitational mass - Click Here

-:- Escape speed derivation and with the atmosphere of a planet -

Click Here
-:- Satellites: Orbital velocity, Time period and Energy - Click Here

-:- Geo-stationary satellites and Polar satellites - Click Here

-:- Uses of satellites - Click Here

-:- Indian space programme: List of Indian satellites and Indian

Launch Vehicles (Rockets) - Click Here

-:- Weightlessness, Rockets - principle and Types of fuels - Click Here
-:- The Solar system - Click Here

-:- Kepler's laws of planetary motion: The law of orbits, areas,

periods - Click Here

-:- Size, Surface temperatures, Mass, Atmosphere of the planets -

Click Here
-:- Conditions for life on any planet - Click Here

-:- Asteroids, Comets, Meteors and Meteorites inthe Solar system -

Click Here
-:- Stars, Constellations, Galaxy in the Solar system - Click Here

-:- Milky Way galaxy - Click Here

-:- Origin of the Universe - Click Here

Mechanics of Solids and Fluids

-:- Mechanics of Solids and Fluids - Click Here
-:- Intermolecular or interatomic forces - Click Here

-:- Elasticity: Stress, strain Elastic limit, Hooke's law - Click Here

-:- Experimental verification of Hooke's law - Click Here

-:- Study of stress - strain relationship - Click Here

-:- Three moduli of elasticity - Click Here

-:- Relation between the three moduli of elasticity - Click Here

-:- Determination of Young's modulusby Searle's method - Click Here
-:- Applications of modulus of elasticity - Click Here

-:- Pressure due to a liquid column - Click Here

-:- Pascal's law and effect of gravity - Click Here

-:- Applications of Pascal's law: Hydraulic lift and brake - Click Here

-:- Co-efficient of viscosity - Click Here

-:- Viscosity: Streamline flow and Turbulent flow - Click Here

-:- Stoke's law (for highly viscous liquids) - Click Here

-:- Determination of coefficient of viscosity of water by Poiseuille's

flow method - Click Here

-:- Surface tension: Intermolecular, Cohesive, Adhesive force - Click

-:- Experiments to demonstrate surface tension - Click Here

-:- Molecular theory of surface tension - Click Here

-:- Fluid Surface energy and surface tension - Click Here

-:- Pressure difference and pressure inside a liquid drop and a soap

bubble - Click Here

-:- Capillarity and Illustrations of capillarity - Click Here

-:- Experimental determination of surface tension of water by

capillary rise method - Click Here

-:- Factors affecting and Applications surface tension - Click Here

-:- Total energy of a liquid: Pressure, Kineti, Potential energy - Click

-:- Fluid Equation of continuity - Click Here

-:- Bernoulli's theorem - Click Here

-:- Application of Bernoulli's theorem - Click Here

-:- The projection of uniform circular motion on a diameter is SHM -
Click Here
-:- Important terms in simple harmonic motion - Click Here

-:- Dynamics of harmonic oscillations - Click Here

-:- Angular harmonic oscillator - Click Here

-:- Horizontal and Vertical oscillations of spring - Click Here

-:- Oscillation of liquid column in a U - tube - Click Here

-:- Oscillations of a simple pendulum - Click Here

-:- Laws of pendulum - Click Here

-:- Kinetic and Potential in simple harmonic motion - Click Here

-:- Types of oscillations - Click Here

Wave Motion
-:- Characteristics of wave motion - Click Here
-:- Mechanical wave motion - Transverse and Longitudinal wave

motion - Click Here

-:- Relationship between velocity, frequency and wavelength of a

wave - Click Here

-:- Velocity of wave in different media - Click Here

-:- Laplace?s correction - Click Here

-:- Factors affecting velocity of sound in gases - Click Here

-:- Equation of a plane progressive wave - Click Here

-:- Characteristics of progressive wave - Click Here

-:- Progressive wave : Intensity and sound level - Click Here

-:- Applications of reflection of sound waves - Click Here

-:- Applications of refraction of sound - Click Here

-:- Superposition principle of waves - Click Here

-:- Interference of waves - Click Here

-:- Experimental demonstration of interference of sound - Click Here

-:- Beats - Analytical method and Uses of beats - Click Here

-:- Analytical method and Characteristics of stationary waves - Click

-:- Standing waves in strings - Sonometer - Click Here
-:- Vibrations of air column in Organ pipes - Click Here

-:- Resonance air column apparatus - Click Here

-:- Doppler effect : Different cases and Applications - Click Here

Heat and Thermodynamics

-:- Heat and Thermodynamics - Introduction - Click Here
-:- Postulates of Kinetic theory of gases - Click Here

-:- Pressure exerted by a gas - Click Here

-:- Degrees of freedom of molecule - Click Here

-:- Law of equipartition of energy - Click Here

-:- Thermal equilibrium - Click Here

-:- Molar specific heat capacity of a gas - Click Here

-:- First law of thermodynamics - Click Here

-:- Relation between Cp and Cv (Meyer's relation) - Click Here

-:- Indicator diagram (P-V diagram) - Click Here

-:- Isothermal process and Workdone in an isothermal expansion -

Click Here
-:- Adiabatic process and Work done in an adiabatic expansion - Click

-:- Thermodynamic : Reversible and irreversible processes - Click
-:- Second law of thermodynamics- Kelvin's, Clausius, Kelvin -

Planck's statement - Click Here

-:- Carnot engine - Essential parts, Working, four stages of

operations - Click Here

-:- Refrigerator : Coefficient of performance and Inferences - Click

-:- Transfer of heat - Conduction, Convection, Radiation - Click Here

-:- Perfect black body - Click Here

-:- Experimental verification of Newton's law of cooling - Click Here

-:- Surface temperature of the Sun - Click Here

-:- Angstrom pyrheliometer - Click Here

Ray Optics
-:- Reflection of light - Click Here
-:- Image in a plane mirror - Click Here

-:- Reflection at curved surfaces - Click Here

-:- Total internal reflection - Click Here

-:- Applications of Total internal reflection - Click Here

-:- Michelson's method - Click Here

-:- Importance of velocity of light - Click Here

-:- Refraction of light - Click Here
-:- Refraction at a spherical surface - Click Here

-:- Lens maker's formula and lens formula and Magnification - Click

-:- Combination of thin lenses in contact - Click Here

-:- Refraction of light through a prism - Click Here

-:- Dispersion of light and Dispersive power - Click Here

-:- Spectrometer - Click Here

-:- Basic Parts and Adjustments of the spectrometer - Click Here

-:- Determination of the refractive index of the material of the prism

- Click Here
-:- Formation of rainbows - Click Here

-:- Earth?s magnetic field and magnetic elements - Click Here
-:- Basic properties of magnets - Click Here

-:- Force between two magnetic poles - Click Here

-:- Magnetic induction at a point along the axial line due to a

magnetic dipole (Bar magnet) - Click Here

-:- Magnetic induction at a point along the equatorial line of a bar

magnet - Click Here

-:- Mapping of magnetic field due to a bar magnet - Click Here
-:- Torque on a bar magnet placed in a uniform magnetic field - Click

-:- Tangent law - Click Here

-:- End-on (or) Tan A position- Deflection magnetometer - Click Here

-:- Broad?side on (or) Tan B position - Deflection magnetometer -

Click Here
-:- Magnetic properties of materials - Click Here

-:- Properties of diamagnetic, paramagnetic, ferromagnetic

substances - Click Here

-:- Hysteresis and Hysteresis loss - Click Here

-:- Uses of ferromagnetic materials - Click Here


Inorganic Chemistry
Chemical Calculations
-:- Chemical Calculations : Formula Weight (FW) or Formula Mass -
Click Here
-:- Mole Concept and Molar Mass with Example Problems - Click

-:- Converting Grams of Substances to Moles and Grams with Solved

Problems - Click Here

-:- Calculation of Empirical Formula from Quantitative Analysis and

Percentage composition -Click Here

-:- Stoichiometry Equations - Click Here

-:- Rules for writing stoichiometric equations - Click Here

-:- Balancing chemical equation in its molecular form - Click Here

-:- General Rules for assigning Oxidation Number to an atom - Click

-:- Balancing Redox reaction by Oxidation Number Method - Click

-:- Methods of Expressing the concentration of solution - Click Here

-:- Volumetric Analysis - Law with Solved problem - Click Here

-:- Determination of equivalent masses of elements - Click Here

-:- Equivalent mass of acid, base, salt, oxidising agent and reducing

agent - Click Here

-:- Determination of Molecular Mass Victor-Meyer's Method - Click

-:- Calculations based on Principle of Volumetric Analysis - Click Here
General Introduction to Metallurgy
-:- Metallurgy - Ores and Minerals - Click Here
-:- Sources from earth, living systems and in sea - Click Here

-:- Metallurgy - Purification of ores - Click Here

-:- Metallurgical processes - Click Here

-:- Metallurgy - Purification of metals - Click Here

Atomic Structure I
-:- Rutherford's Scattering Experiment - Click Here
-:- Defects of Rutherford's model - Click Here

-:- Postulates of Bohr's model of an atom - Click Here

-:- Limitation of Bohr's Theory - Click Here

-:- Electronic configuration and quantum numbers - Click Here

-:- Shapes or boundary surfaces of Orbitals - Click Here

-:- Pauli's exclusion principle and Uses - Click Here

-:- Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity - Click Here

-:- Aufbau Principle - Click Here

-:- Stability of orbitals - Click Here

Periodic Classification I
-:- Brief history of periodic classification - Click Here
-:- Earlier periodic classification - Click Here

-:- Modern Periodic Law - Click Here

-:- IUPAC Nomenclature for Elements with Z greater than 100 - Click

-:- Electronic configuration and periodic table - Click Here

-:- Types of elements: s-, p-,d-, f- Blocks - Click Here

-:- Atomic and ionic radii - Click Here

-:- Variation of Ionization Energy in the periodic Table - Click Here

-:- Factors Influencing Ionization Enthalpy - Click Here

-:- Electron affinity - Click Here

-:- Electronegativity - Click Here

-:- Anomalous periodic properties in terms of screening constant,

stability etc. - Click Here

Group 1 sBlock elements

-:- The structure of the three isotopes of hydrogen - Click Here
-:- Deuterium: Methods of Preparation, properties and Uses - Click
-:- Tritium - preparation, Properties, Uses - Click Here

-:- Ortho and Para hydrogen: Conversion and Properties - Click Here

-:- Heavy water: Preparation, Principle, Properties, Important

reactions, Uses - Click Here

-:- Hydrogen peroxide: Preparation, Properties, reactions, Uses -

Click Here
-:- Liquid hydrogen as a fuel - Click Here

-:- Alkali Metals: General characteristics, Physical Properties - Click

-:- Lithium : Extraction, Physical and Chemical Properties, Uses - Click

-:- Sodium: Extraction, Physical and Chemical Properties, Uses - Click


Group 2 sBlock elements

-:- Group 2 s - Block Elements - Click Here
-:- Magnesium: Important Ores, Metallurgy, Properties, Uses - Click

-:- Compounds of alkaline earth metals - Click Here
pBlock elements
-:- p-Block Elements - General Characteristics - Click Here
-:- Group 13 - Boron Group (B, Al, Ga, In, Tl): Extraction, Properties -

Click Here
-:- Carbon group elements: properties, Structure, Uses - Click Here

-:- Structure of Diamond, Graphite, Buckminster fullerenes - Click

-:- Metallic character of Carbon group elements - Click Here

-:- Nitrogen Group - Click Here

-:- Nitric acid: Preparation, Properties - Click Here

-:- Importance of molecular oxygen - Click Here

-:- Oxygen: Oxides Classification - Click Here

-:- Ozone: Laboratory preparation, Properties, Uses, structure, layer

- Click Here
-:- Factors affecting ozone layer - Click Here
Physical Chemistry
Solid state I
-:- Crystalline solids and Amorphous solids - Click Here
-:- Difference between Crystalline and Amorphous Solids - Click Here

-:- Characteristic parameters and seven classes of unit cell - Click

-:- Miller Indices - Click Here

Gaseous state I
-:- Properties of gases - Click Here
-:- The gas laws: Boyle's law and Charle's Law - Click Here

-:- Numerical values of gas constant (R) - Click Here

-:- Dalton's law of partial Pressures - Click Here

-:- Graham's Law of Diffusion - Click Here

-:- Causes for deviation of real gas from ideal behaviour - Click Here

-:- Vanderwaal's Equation of state : Units, Significance, Limitations -

Click Here
-:- Gaseous state - Critical phenomena - Click Here
-:- Joule-Thomson Effect and Inversion temperature (Ti) - Click Here
-:- Conditions of liquefaction of gases: Linde's Method, Claude's

process - Click Here

Chemical Bonding
-:- Elementary theories on Chemical Bonding - Click Here
-:- Kossel-Lewis approach to Chemical Bonding - Click Here

-:- Ionic (or) Electrovalent bond - Click Here

-:- Lattice energy and Born - Haber's cycle - Click Here

-:- Determination and Calculation of lattice enthalpy of NaCl - Click

-:- Properties of electrovalent (or) ionic compounds - Click Here

-:- Covalent bond: Lewis dot structure and Double bond formation -

Click Here
-:- Characteristics of covalent compounds - Click Here

-:- Fajan's rules: Covalent character of ionic bonds - Click Here

-:- Polarity of Covalent Bonds - Click Here

-:- Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory (VSEPR) Theory -

Click Here
-:- Directional Properties of Covalent Bonds - Click Here

-:- Theory of Hybridisation - Click Here

-:- Chemical Bonding: Concept of Resonance - Click Here
-:- Co-ordinate-covalent bonding or Dative bonding - Click Here

Colligative Properties
-:- Colligative Properties and its Scope - Click Here
-:- Lowering of Vapour Pressure - Click Here

-:- Raoult's Law and Dynamic method (or) Ostwald - Walker method

- Click Here
-:- Depression of freezing point of dilute solution - Click Here

-:- Measurement of freezing point depression by Beckmann method

- Click Here
-:- Elevation of boiling point of dilute solutions and Cottrell's Method

- Click Here
-:- Osmosis in solution - Click Here

-:- Determination of molecular weight and osmotic pressure by

Berkley-Hartley method - Click Here

-:- Abnormal Colligative Properties - Click Here
Thermodynamics I
-:- Introduction and Terminology used in Thermodynamics - Click
-:- Thermodynamics: State functions of a system - Click Here

-:- Thermodyanamic processes - Click Here

-:- Different between Exothermic and endothermic processes - Click

-:- Thermodynamics: Difference between Irreversible and Reversible

process - Click Here

-:- Nature of thermodynamic functions - Click Here

-:- Zeroth law of thermodynamics or Thermal equilibrium - Click

-:- Thermodynamics: Work, heat and energy - Click Here

-:- First law of thermodynamics - Click Here

-:- Relation between enthalpy `H' and internal energy `U' - Click Here

-:- Thermochemical equations - Click Here

-:- Enthalpy of combustion - Bomb calorimeter - Click Here

-:- Enthalpy of neutralisation - Click Here

Chemical Equilibrium I
-:- Scope and Nature of Chemical Equilibrium - Click Here
-:- Dynamic Equilibrium: Characteristics, Equilibrium in physical and

chemical processes - Click Here

-:- Law of chemical equilibrium and equilibrium constant with

example - Click Here

-:- Formation of HI from H2 and I2 - Equilibrium constants in terms

of degree of dissociation -Click Here

-:- Dissociation of PCl5 - Equilibrium constants in terms of degree of

dissociation - Click Here

-:- Characteristics of Equilibrium constant - Click Here

-:- Heterogeneous equilibria - Click Here

Chemical Kinetics I
-:- Scope of chemical kinetics - Click Here
-:- Rate of chemical reactions - Click Here

-:- Factors influencing reaction rates - Click Here

-:- Chemical Kinetics: Unit of rate constant - Click Here

-:- Molecularity of the reaction - Click Here

-:- Classification of rates based on the order of the reaction - Click
-:- Characteristics of organic compounds - Click Here

-:- Purification of Organic compounds: Crystallisation - Click Here

-:- Sublimation - Purification of Organic compounds - Click Here

-:- Methods for the purification of liquids Distillation - Click Here

-:- Chromatography and Different Chromatographic Techniques -

Click Here

Organic Chemistry
Basic Concepts of Organic Chemistry
-:- Basic Concepts Of Organic Chemistry - Introduction - Click Here
-:- Classification of Organic Compounds: open chain, cyclic

compounds - Click Here

-:- Biodiversity Explanation and Biodiversity in India - Click Here
-:- Taxonomic systems - Click Here

-:- Introduction to taxa and species - Click Here

-:- Phenetic method or Numerical taxonomy and Cytotaxonomy and

Chemotaxonomy and Palaeotaxonomy Explaination - Click Here

-:- Nomenclature methods and Basic principles of nomenclature and

Identification keys - Click Here

-:- Methods of grouping animals - Click Here

-:- Phylum : Protozoa, Porifera and Coelenterata or Cnidaria - Click

-:- Phylum: Platyhelminthes - Click Here

-:- Phylum : Nematoda and Annelida - Click Here

-:- Phylum : Arthropoda - Click Here

-:- Phylum Mollusca and Phylum Echinodermata - Click Here

-:- Phylum Chordata and Diversity and General Characters of

Chordates - Click Here

-:- Classification of Phylum Chordata - Click Here

-:- Sub phylum : Vertebrata (Craniata) and Classification of

Vertebrata - Class : Pisces and Tetrapoda - Click Here

-:- Class : Amphibia - sub phylum Tetrapoda - Click Here
-:- Class : Amniota - Reptilia - sub phylum - Tetrapoda - Click Here

-:- Class : Aves - sub phylum : Tetrapoda - Click Here

-:- Class : Mammalia - Reptilia - sub phylum : Tetrapoda - Click Here

-:- Monotremata, Marsupialia and Placentalia -Classification of Class

: Mammalia - Reptilia - sub phylum - Tetrapoda - Click Here

-:- Scientific Names of Animals - Click Here

-:- Plasmodium - Click Here

-:- Life cycle in the mosquito - sporogony - Click Here

-:- Control of Malaria - Click Here

-:- Types of Malaria - Click Here

-:- Earthworm : External features , External apertures - Click Here

-:- Earthworm - Body wall ,Body Cavity,Locomotion - Click Here

-:- Earthworm - Digestive System, Feeding - Click Here

-:- Earthworm - Circulatory System - Click Here

-:- Earthworm : Excretory System - Click Here

-:- Earthworm : Excretory System - Click Here

-:- Earthworm : Nervous System - Click Here

-:- Earthworm : Reproductive System - Click Here

-:- Pigeon : External features - Click Here

-:- Pigeon : The wings - Click Here

-:- Pigeon : Exoskeleton , Quill feather - Click Here

-:- Pigeon : Endoskeleton : Flight muscles, Pectoralis major,
Pectoralis minor or subclavius, Coracobrachialis - Click Here
-:- Pigeon - Digestive system - Click Here

-:- Pigeon - Respiratory System - Click Here

-:- Pigeon - Circulatory system and Venous system - Click Here

-:- Nervous system and Sense organ of Pigeon - Click Here

-:- Pigeon - Urinogenital system and Male, Female reproductive

organs - Click Here

-:- Cell Biology - Click Here
-:- Microscopy and Anton van Leeuwenhoek simple microscope -

Click Here
-:- Compound light, Dark field, Phase contrast, Oil - immersion and

Electron microscope - Click Here

-:- Cytological Techniques - Click Here

-:- Plasma Membrane - Click Here

-:- Mitochondria - Click Here

-:- Ribosomes - Click Here

-:- Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) and Function of Endoplasmic

Reticulum - Click Here

-:- Golgi apparatus - Click Here
-:- Lysosomes - Click Here

-:- Centrioles - Click Here

-:- Animal Nucleus or Human Nucleus - Click Here

-:- Chromosomes of Animal Nucleus or Human Nucleus - Click Here

-:- Cancer biology - Click Here

-:- Molecular biology of cancer - Click Here

-:- Types of cancer and factor causes cancer - Click Here

-:- Cancer and death - Click Here

-:- Management of cancer : Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy - Click


-:- History of Human anatomy - Click Here
-:- The Integumentary System - Skin and hypodermis - Click Here

-:- The Integumentary System - hypodermis, Epidermis, Callus, Skin

color, Hair, glands, Nails -Click Here

-:- Human Skeletal System - Click Here

-:- Structure of a typical long bone - Click Here

-:- Skull - Human Skeletal system - Click Here

-:- Vertebrae - Human Skeletal system - Click Here

-:- Rib cage - Human Skeletal system - Click Here
-:- Appendicular skeleton - Pectoral girdle, Pectoral girdle, Pelvic

girdle or pelvis, Wrist, Hand, Leg, Ankle, Foot, Kinds of joints,

Fibrous joints, Cartilaginous joints, Synovial joints - Click Here
-:- Human Muscular System and Types of Muscular System - Click

-:- Skeletal muscles - Human Muscular System - Click Here

-:- Shapes of muscles and Naming of muscles - Human Muscular

System - Click Here

-:- Distribution of human muscles - Muscles of the human head,

Muscles of the Neck region, Muscles of the Trunk region, Muscles

of the upper limb, Muscles of the lower limb - Click Here
-:- Human Entire Digestive system process with diagram - Mouth or

Buccal cavity, Tongue, Teeth, Salivary glands, Pharynx, Stomach,

Small intestine, Duodenum, Jejunum and ileum, Liver, Gall bladder,
Pancreas, Caecum, Colon, Rectum, Anal canal - Click Here
-:- Human Respiratory system with diagram - Nasal cavity, Pharynx,

Larynx, Trachea, Lungs, Thoracic wall and muscles of respirations -

Click Here
-:- The Human Circulatory System - Systemic and Pulmonary

circulations - Pulmonary circulation, Systemic circulation, Portal

circulation - Click Here
-:- Components of Human Circulatory system : Blood vessels, Types
of blood vessels, The Heart -Click Here
-:- The Human Heart structure with diagram - Click Here

-:- Human Lymphatic system - Lymphoid cells and tissues, Thymus,

Lymph nodes, Spleen, Tonsils, The lymphatic circulation - Click Here

-:- The structure of a peripheral nerve : Central nervous system (C N

S) Peripheral nervous system Autonomous nervous system , brain -

Click Here
-:- Human Brain : Prosencephalon (Fore brain), Mesencephalon (mid

brain), Rhombencephalon (hind brain), Brain stem, Pachymenix,

Leptomeninges - Click Here
-:- The Eye - Sensory Organ - Click Here

-:- Ears (The organs of hearing) - The Sensory Organ - Click Here

-:- Endocrine system and glands : Pituitary gland (or) Hypophysis,

thyroid, parathy roids, pancreas, adrenals, testes and ovaries - Click

-:- Urinary system : kidneys (renes), ureters, the uri-nary bladder

(vesica urinaria) and the urethra - Click Here

-:- Male reproductive organs - Click Here

-:- Female reproductive organs - Click Here

-:- GENETICS - Click Here
-:- Quantitive inheritance - GENETICS - Click Here

-:- Genetics : Sex determination in Human beings - Click Here

-:- Male haploidy or Haplo-diploidy mechanism - Click Here

-:- Genetics : Sex - linked Inheritance - Click Here

-:- Genetics : Pleiotropy - Click Here

-:- Developmental Biology - Gametogenesis, Spermatogenesis,
Oogenesis, Fertilization - Click Here
-:- Types of eggs - Click Here

-:- Cleavage and types - Frog's egg - Click Here

-:- Gastrulation in frog embryo - Click Here

-:- Organogenesis of Frog - Click Here

-:- Corals - reef builders - ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY - Click Here
-:- Earthworm - Vermiculture - Click Here
-:- Uses and types of Beneficial Insects : Productive Insects - Honey

bee, Silk worms, Lac insects. Helpful Insects : Insect - Predators -

Click Here
-:- Prawns, Lobsters and Crabs - ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY - Click Here

-:- Pearl Oyster - Click Here

-:- Fishes - Nutritive value - Click Here

-:- Guano (Bird excreta) - Click Here

-:- Aquarium - Setting up an aquarium tank - Click Here

-:- Vivarium ( Zoo ) and List of important Zoos - Click Here

-:- Disease causing organisms - Vectors : Housefly - Musca

domestica, Sand flies - Phlebotomus papatasi, Rat fleas -

Xenopsylla cheopis, The human louse - Pediculus humanus,
Mosquitoes : Anopheles, Culex, Aedes sp - Click Here
-:- Poisonous Organisms : Physalia, Scorpion, Centipede, Honey bees

and Wasps, Poisonous fishes, Poisonous snakes - Click Here

-:- Poisonous snakes : Cobra, Krait, Vipers, Sea Snakes and Poison

Apparatus of a Snake - Click Here

-:- Fouling Organisms - Click Here

-:- Pests - Pests of Crops : Cotton, Paddy, Sugarcane, Vegetables,

Coconut palm, Stored grains, household goods - Click Here

-:- ORIGIN OF LIFE - Theories - Click Here
-:- Geological time scale : Palaeozoic era, Mesozoic era, Cenozoic era

- Click Here
-:- Fossils : Fossilization, Evolutionary significance of fossils, List of

Important fossils - Click Here

-:- Extinct animals-mass extinction : Causes and Pattern of

extiniction - Click Here


1 Economic Growth and Development

-:- Indian Economy : Economic Growth and Development - Click Here
-:- Characteristics of underdeveloped countries - Click Here

-:- Role of the State in Economic Development - Click Here

-:- Rostow's Stages of Economic Growth - Click Here

2 Population
-:- Population and Factors determining population growth - Click
-:- Causes of Population Explosion - Click Here

-:- Population Explosion as an obstacle to Economic Development -

Click Here
-:- Steps to check rapid growth of population - Click Here

-:- Theories of Population : Malthusian, Demographic Transition -

Click Here
-:- Census and The Use of Population Census - Click Here

-:- Population growth in India and National Population Policy 2000 -

Measures, Action Plans -Click Here

3 Poverty and Unemployment

-:- Definitions of Poverty - Click Here
-:- Types of poverty - Click Here

-:- Poverty Line and Characteristics of Poor Households - Click Here

-:- Causes of Poverty in India - Click Here

-:- Land Reforms in India - Click Here

-:- Unemployment - Click Here
-:- Measures to Solve Unemployment Problem in India - Click Here

4 National Income
-:- Definitions of National Income - Click Here
-:- Basic Concepts of National Income - GNP, GDP, GNI, NNP, NNI,

PCI - Click Here

-:- Circular Flow of Income and Need for the Study of National

Income - Click Here

-:- Methods of Calculating National Income - Click Here

-:- Problems in calculating National Income - Click Here

-:- National Income Series in India - Click Here

5 Economic Planning
-:- Meaning and Need for Economic Planning and Laissez faire - Click
-:- Characteristics of Economic Planning - Click Here

-:- Types of Planning - Click Here

-:- Evolution and Objectives of Planning in India - Click Here

-:- National Income - Hindu rate of growth - Click Here
-:- Ninth(9th) Five Year Plan (1997 - 2002) - India - Click Here

-:- Tenth(10th) Five Year Plan (2002 - 2007) - India - Click Here

6 Agriculture
-:- Role of Agriculture in Economic Development - Click Here
-:- Relationship between Agricultural and non-agricultural sector -

Click Here
-:- Components of Agricultural Growth - Click Here

-:- Agricul.tural Crops and Cropping Pattern - Click Here

-:- Importance of agricultural marketing - Click Here

-:- Nature and Causes of food problem in India - Click Here

-:- Food policy of Government of India - Click Here

-:- Public Distribution System (PDS) - Click Here

-:- Agricultural Price Policies of the Government - India - Click Here

-:- Trends of Agricultural Productivity in India - Click Here

7 Industrial Sector
-:- Need for Industrialisation - Click Here
-:- Patterns of Industrial Development - Click Here
-:- Significance of Public Sector - Click Here

-:- Pattern of Indian Industrial Growth - Textiles, Cement, Sugar,

Steel Industry - Click Here

-:- Indian Industrial Policies - Click Here

-:- New Industrial Policy 1991 - India - Click Here

-:- Liberalization and Privatization - Click Here

-:- Environmental Hazards - Click Here

-:- Role of Small Scale Industries in Economic Development - Click


8 Banking
-:- Indian Economy :History of Banking - Click Here
-:- Definition of Banking - Click Here

-:- Role of Banks in economic development - Click Here

-:- Commercial Banks and Functions of Commercial Banks - Click

-:- central bank - Definition, Functions - Click Here

-:- Methods of credit control employed by the central bank - Click

-:- Nationalisation of Banks - Click Here
9 Foreign Trade
-:- Foreign Trade : Globalization, Liberalization - Click Here
-:- Foreign Investment - Click Here

-:- Evolution of Trade from barter system to money economy - Click

-:- Need for International Trade - Click Here

-:- Contribution of foreign trade to economic development - Click

-:- International Monetary Fund (IMF) - Click Here

-:- Trends in Foreign Trade - Click Here

-:- Volume of India's foreign trade - Click Here

-:- Composition and Direction of Trade - Export, Imports of India -

Click Here
-:- Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment - Click Here

-:- The Role of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) -

Click Here
-:- World Trade Organization (WTO) and Major Functions - Click Here

-:- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) -

Click Here
-:- Special Action Programme (SAP) and Structural Adjustment
Facility (SAF) - Click Here
-:- IFC, IDA, MIGA - Click Here

10 Human Resource Development

-:- Human Resource Development - Click Here
-:- HRD and Economic Development - Click Here

-:- Educational Development in India since 1951 - Click Here

-:- Educational progress in Tamil Nadu - Click Here

-:- Non - Formal Education (NFE) and Adult Literacy - Click Here

-:- Early childhood care and education programme in India - Click


11 Statistical Analysis and Measures of

Central Tendency
-:- Statistical Analysis and Measures of Central Tendency - Click Here
-:- Statistical Analysis : Classification of Data - Click Here

-:- Difference between classification and Tabulation - Click Here

-:- Types of Diagrams : 1.Bar chart 2.Pie chart 3.Pictograms or

cartograms - Click Here


-:- The Himalayan Mountains - Click Here
-:- The Indo-Gangetic Plain - Click Here

-:- The Southern Peninsula - Click Here

-:- India - A Land of Unity in Diversity - Click Here

-:- Paleolithic or Old Stone Age - Click Here

-:- Mesolithic or Middle Stone Age - Click Here

-:- Neolithic Age - Click Here

-:- Metal Age - Click Here

-:- The Harappan Civilization - Click Here

-:- Salient Features of the Harappan Culture - Click Here

-:- The vedic culture - Click Here

-:- Rig Vedic Age or Early Vedic Period (1500 - 1000 B.C.) - Click Here

-:- Later Vedic Period (1000 - 600 B.C.) - Click Here

-:- Causes for the Rise of Jainism and Buddhism - Click Here

-:- Life and Teachings of Vardhamana Mahavira (539- 467 B.C.) and

Spread of Jainism - Click Here

-:- Life and Teachings of Gautama Buddha And Spread of Buddhism -
Click Here
-:- The rise of magadha and alexander's invasion - Click Here

-:- Persian and greek invasions - Click Here

-:- Alexander's Invasion of India - Click Here

-:- The mauryan empire - Click Here

-:- Political history of the mauryas chandragupta Maurya - Click Here

-:- Extent of Asoka's Empire - Click Here

-:- Mauryan Administration - Click Here

-:- Post-mauryan india - Click Here

-:- Foreign Invasions of Northwest India - Click Here

-:- History : Kanishka (78 - 120 A.D.) - Click Here

-:- Sangam age and Sangam Literature - Click Here

-:- Sangam age Political History - Cheras, Cholas, Pandyas - Click Here

-:- Sangam age - Society, Religion, Position of Women, Fine Arts -

Click Here
-:- Economy of the Sangam Age - Click Here

-:- History : Gupta empire - Chandragupta I, II ,Samudragupta - Click

-:- History : Samudragupta and Extant of Samudragupta's Empire -

Click Here
-:- History : Chandragupta II - Estimate, Successors, Western India
Conquest - Click Here
-:- Gupta Administration and Social Life - Click Here

-:- Gupta Empire - Art, Culture,Architecture, Literature, Science -

Click Here
-:- History : Harshavardhana - Early Life of Harsha - Click Here

-:- Harshavardhana - Harsha's Military Conquests - Click Here

-:- Harshavardhana - Kanauj Assembly, Allahabad Conference - Click

-:- Harsha's Administration, Society and Economy - Click Here

-:- Harshavardhana - Nalanda University - Click Here

-:- South Indian Kingdoms - I : PallavasOrgin and History - Click Here

-:- Pallavas - Mahendravarman I - Click Here

-:- Pallavas - Narasimhavarman I (630-668 A.D.) - Click Here

-:- Pallavas - Narasimhavarman II or Rajasimha - Click Here

-:- Administration and Society under the Pallavas - Click Here

-:- Pallava - Education, Literature, Pallava Art and Architecture - Click

-:- South Indian Kingdoms : Chalukyas, Pulakesin II - Click Here

-:- Art, Architecture, Administration, Social Life under the Chalukyas

- Click Here
-:- Rashtrakutas - South Indian Kingdom - Click Here

-:- Rashtrakutas - Administration, Society, Cultural, Economy, Art

and Architecture - Click Here
-:- Imperial cholas - Rajaraja I, Rajendra I - Click Here

-:- Chola Administration - Government, Revenue, Provincial, Military

- Click Here
-:- Chola Kingdom : Socio-economic Life - Click Here

-:- Chola Kingdom : Education, Literature, Art and Architecture - Click

-:- The spread of indian culture in other asian countries - Click Here

-:- Indian Culture in South East Asia - Click Here

-:- Indian culture in Central Asia - Click Here

-:- Early medieval india - Click Here

-:- Rajput Kingdoms - Click Here

-:- Arab Conquest of Sind (712 A.D.) - Click Here

-:- Mahmud of Ghazni and his Invasions - Click Here

-:- Muhammad Ghori and The Battle of Tarain - Click Here

-:- Delhi sultanate - Qutbuddin Aibak - Click Here

-:- Delhi sultanate - Slave Dynasty - Click Here

-:- Delhi sultanate - Ilbari dynasty by Iltutmish - Click Here

-:- Delhi sultanate - First Ilbari dynasty : Iltutmish, Raziya, Balban -

Click Here
-:- Delhi sultanate - Second Ilbari dynasty : Balban, Khalji, Alauddin

Khalji - Click Here

-:- Era of Balban (1246-1287) - Click Here
-:- Delhi sultanate - The Khalji Dynasty - Click Here

-:- Delhi sultanate - The Tughlaq Dynasty - Click Here

-:- Delhi sultanate - Firoz Tughlaq - Click Here

-:- Delhi sultanate - Muhammad bin Tughlaq - Click Here

-:- Delhi sultanate - Sayyids and Lodis - Click Here

-:- India under the delhi sultanate - Click Here

-:- Delhi sultanate - Administration and Government - Click Here

-:- Delhi sultanate - Social Life - Click Here

-:- Delhi sultanate - Art, Architecture, Literature and Music - Click

-:- Bhakti movement in medieval india - Click Here

-:- Bhakti Movement - Click Here

-:- Bhakti Movement - Ramananda, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Chaitanya,

Gnanadeva, Namadeva, Ekanatha - Click Here

-:- Vijayanagar and bahmani kingdoms - Sources, Political History -

Click Here
-:- Krishna Deva Raya - Click Here

-:- Krishna Deva Raya - Administration and Social Life - Click Here

-:- Krishna Deva Raya - Economic Condition, Cultural Contributions -

Click Here
-:- Bahmani Kingdom and Mahmud Gawan - Click Here
-:- The mughal empire : Babur - Click Here
-:- The mughal empire : Humayun - Click Here

-:- The mughal empire : Sher Shah Sur - Click Here

-:- The mughal empire : Humayun and Sur Interregnum - Click Here

-:- The mughal empire : Akbar - Administration, Mansabdari System -

Click Here
-:- The mughal empire : Jahangir and Nur Jahan - Click Here

-:- The mughal empire : Shah Jahan - Click Here

-:- The mughal empire : Aurangazeb - Deccan and Religious Policy -

Click Here
-:- Causes for the Downfall of the Mughals - Click Here

-:- India under the mughals - Click Here

-:- The mughal empire : Art and Architecture - Click Here

-:- The mughal empire : Paintings and Music - Click Here

-:- The mughal empire : Rural Masses, Agriculture, Growth of Trade -

Click Here
-:- The Marathas - The Rise of the Marathas - Click Here

-:- The Marathas - Shivaji : His Life, Conquests and Administration -

Click Here
-:- The Peshwas - Balaji Viswanath, Balaji Baji Rao, Baji Rao I - Click

-:- The coming of Europeans to India - Click Here


Human and their Environment
-:- Human and their Environment - Click Here
-:- The impacts of science technology and industrialization on

environment - Click Here

-:- Earth System Science - Click Here

Earth System Science

-:- The Earth system - Click Here
-:- The Planetary System and The Solar System - Click Here
Lithosphere and Tectonic Plates
-:- Lithosphere and tectonic plates - Click Here
-:- Lithosphere : Convergent Boundary - Click Here

-:- The Continents and its features - Click Here

-:- Classification of Rocks : Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic

rocks - Click Here

-:- Weathering and Products of Weathering - Click Here

Hydrosphere and Currents

-:- Hydrosphere : Sea and Ocean Differance - Click Here
-:- Ocean Floor topography - Click Here

-:- Ocean Wave, The Currents : 4 currents of North Atlantic Ocean

Gyre - Click Here

-:- E1 Nino years and La Nino years - Click Here
Atmosphere and Solar Radiation
-:- Atmosphere and Solar Radiation - Click Here
-:- Layers of the Atmosphere - Click Here

-:- Ozone - Depleting Substances and Urban heat islands - Click Here

Nutrient Cycles and Ecosystems
-:- Nutrient cycles and ecosystems - Click Here
-:- The Carbon Cycle - Click Here

-:- The Nitrogen Cycle - Click Here

-:- The Phosphorous Cycle - Click Here

-:- Major Components of an Ecosystem and Ecosystem Types - Click


The Biomes : Natural and Agricultural

-:- Natural Biomes : Forests, Grasslands, Deserts, Tundra - Click Here
Agricultural Biome : 1.Nutrients 2.Seeds: 3.Water 4.Agri Chemical

Products - Click Here

Ecosystem Management and

-:- Ecosystem - Concept Maps - Click Here
-:- Ecosystem management and conservation : Current Extinction

Rates - Click Here

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