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Physics: Entrance Exam Study

Nature of the Physical World and
-:- Scope of Physics - Click Here
-:- Physics, Technology and Society - Click Here

-:- Forces of nature - Click Here

-:- Measurement - Click Here

-:- Derived quantities and their units - Click Here

-:- SI standards - Click Here

-:- Rules and conventions for writing SI units and their symbols -

Click Here
-:- Expressing larger and smaller physical quantities - Click Here

-:- Determination of distance, mass, time - Click Here

-:- Accuracy and precision of measuring instruments - Click Here

-:- Measurement: Significant figures - Click Here

-:- Measurement: Rounding off - Click Here

-:- Classification of Errors in Measurement - Click Here

-:- Dimensional Analysis - Click Here

-:- Uses and Limitations of Dimensional Analysis - Click Here

-:- Kinematics - Rest and Motion - Click Here
-:- Motion in one dimension (rectilinear motion) - Click Here

-:- Equations of motion - Click Here

-:- Graphical representations - displacement, velocity,acceleration

with time graph - Click Here

-:- Representation of a vector quantities - Click Here

-:- Different types of vectors - Click Here

-:- Addition of vectors: Triangle and Parallelogram law of vectors -

Click Here
-:- Subtraction of vectors - Click Here

-:- Resolution of vectors and rectangular components - Click Here

-:- Multiplication of two vectors - Click Here

-:- Projectile motion - Click Here

-:- Motion of a projectile thrown horizontally - Click Here

-:- Motion of a projectile projected at an angle with the horizontal

(oblique projection) - Click Here

-:- Newton's first law of motion - Click Here

-:- Three types of the inertia - Click Here

-:- Examples for Newton's first law of motion - Click Here

-:- Newton's second law of motion - Click Here

-:- Impulsive force and Impulse of a force - Click Here

-:- Newton's third Law of motion - Click Here

-:- Applications of Newton s third law of motion - Click Here
-:- Proof and Applications of Law of conservation of momentum -

Click Here
-:- Concurrent forces and Coplanar forces - Click Here

-:- Parallelogram and Triangle law of forces - Click Here

-:- Experimental verification of triangle law, parallelogram law and

Lami's theorem - Click Here

-:- Uniform circular motion - Click Here

-:- Relation between linear velocity and angular velocity - Click Here

-:- Centripetal acceleration, Centripetal force and Centripetal

reaction - Click Here

-:- Applications of centripetal forces - Click Here

-:- Banking of curved roads and tracks and Condition for skidding -

Click Here
-:- Motion in a vertical circle - Click Here

-:- Motion on a level circular road - Click Here

-:- Work : Work done by a constant force and variable force - Click

-:- Potential energy and Kinetic energy - Click Here

-:- Principle of work and energy (work - energy theorem) Statement

- Click Here
-:- Conservative forces and non-conservative forces - Click Here

-:- Collision: Types - Elastic collision and Inelastic collision - Click

Dynamics of Rotational Motion
-:- Centre of mass - Click Here
-:- Centre of gravity - Click Here

-:- Equilibrium of bodies and types of equilibrium - Click Here

-:- Rotational motion of rigid bodies - Click Here

-:- Rotational kinetic energy and moment of inertia of a rigid body -

Click Here
-:- Theorems of moment of inertia : Perpendicular and Parallel axes

theorem - Click Here

-:- Moment of a force - Click Here

-:- Couple and moment of the couple (Torque) - Click Here

-:- Angular momentum of a rigid body - Click Here

-:- Relation between torque and angular acceleration - Click Here

-:- Conservation of angular momentum with Illustration - Click Here

Gravitation and Space Science

-:- Newton's law of gravitation - Click Here
-:- Acceleration due to gravity - Click Here

-:- Acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the Earth - Click

-:- Variation of acceleration due to gravity - Click Here

-:- Gravitational field: potential difference and potential energy -

Click Here
-:- Inertial mass and Gravitational mass - Click Here

-:- Escape speed derivation and with the atmosphere of a planet -

Click Here
-:- Satellites: Orbital velocity, Time period and Energy - Click Here

-:- Geo-stationary satellites and Polar satellites - Click Here

-:- Uses of satellites - Click Here

-:- Indian space programme: List of Indian satellites and Indian

Launch Vehicles (Rockets) - Click Here

-:- Weightlessness, Rockets - principle and Types of fuels - Click

-:- The Solar system - Click Here

-:- Kepler's laws of planetary motion: The law of orbits, areas,

periods - Click Here

-:- Size, Surface temperatures, Mass, Atmosphere of the planets -

Click Here
-:- Conditions for life on any planet - Click Here

-:- Asteroids, Comets, Meteors and Meteorites inthe Solar system -

Click Here
-:- Stars, Constellations, Galaxy in the Solar system - Click Here

-:- Milky Way galaxy - Click Here

-:- Origin of the Universe - Click Here

Mechanics of Solids and Fluids
-:- Mechanics of Solids and Fluids - Click Here
-:- Intermolecular or interatomic forces - Click Here

-:- Elasticity: Stress, strain Elastic limit, Hooke's law - Click Here

-:- Experimental verification of Hooke's law - Click Here

-:- Study of stress - strain relationship - Click Here

-:- Three moduli of elasticity - Click Here

-:- Relation between the three moduli of elasticity - Click Here

-:- Determination of Young's modulusby Searle's method - Click

-:- Applications of modulus of elasticity - Click Here

-:- Pressure due to a liquid column - Click Here

-:- Pascal's law and effect of gravity - Click Here

-:- Applications of Pascal's law: Hydraulic lift and brake - Click Here

-:- Co-efficient of viscosity - Click Here

-:- Viscosity: Streamline flow and Turbulent flow - Click Here

-:- Stoke's law (for highly viscous liquids) - Click Here

-:- Determination of coefficient of viscosity of water by Poiseuille's

flow method - Click Here

-:- Surface tension: Intermolecular, Cohesive, Adhesive force - Click

-:- Experiments to demonstrate surface tension - Click Here

-:- Molecular theory of surface tension - Click Here

-:- Fluid Surface energy and surface tension - Click Here
-:- Pressure difference and pressure inside a liquid drop and a soap

bubble - Click Here

-:- Capillarity and Illustrations of capillarity - Click Here

-:- Experimental determination of surface tension of water by

capillary rise method - Click Here

-:- Factors affecting and Applications surface tension - Click Here

-:- Total energy of a liquid: Pressure, Kineti, Potential energy - Click

-:- Fluid Equation of continuity - Click Here

-:- Bernoulli's theorem - Click Here

-:- Application of Bernoulli's theorem - Click Here

-:- The projection of uniform circular motion on a diameter is SHM -
Click Here
-:- Important terms in simple harmonic motion - Click Here

-:- Dynamics of harmonic oscillations - Click Here

-:- Angular harmonic oscillator - Click Here

-:- Horizontal and Vertical oscillations of spring - Click Here

-:- Oscillation of liquid column in a U - tube - Click Here

-:- Oscillations of a simple pendulum - Click Here

-:- Laws of pendulum - Click Here

-:- Kinetic and Potential in simple harmonic motion - Click Here
-:- Types of oscillations - Click Here

Wave Motion
-:- Characteristics of wave motion - Click Here
-:- Mechanical wave motion - Transverse and Longitudinal wave

motion - Click Here

-:- Relationship between velocity, frequency and wavelength of a

wave - Click Here

-:- Velocity of wave in different media - Click Here

-:- Laplace?s correction - Click Here

-:- Factors affecting velocity of sound in gases - Click Here

-:- Equation of a plane progressive wave - Click Here

-:- Characteristics of progressive wave - Click Here

-:- Progressive wave : Intensity and sound level - Click Here

-:- Applications of reflection of sound waves - Click Here

-:- Applications of refraction of sound - Click Here

-:- Superposition principle of waves - Click Here

-:- Interference of waves - Click Here

-:- Experimental demonstration of interference of sound - Click

-:- Beats - Analytical method and Uses of beats - Click Here

-:- Analytical method and Characteristics of stationary waves - Click

-:- Standing waves in strings - Sonometer - Click Here
-:- Vibrations of air column in Organ pipes - Click Here

-:- Resonance air column apparatus - Click Here

-:- Doppler effect : Different cases and Applications - Click Here

Heat and Thermodynamics

-:- Heat and Thermodynamics - Introduction - Click Here
-:- Postulates of Kinetic theory of gases - Click Here

-:- Pressure exerted by a gas - Click Here

-:- Degrees of freedom of molecule - Click Here

-:- Law of equipartition of energy - Click Here

-:- Thermal equilibrium - Click Here

-:- Molar specific heat capacity of a gas - Click Here

-:- First law of thermodynamics - Click Here

-:- Relation between Cp and Cv (Meyer's relation) - Click Here

-:- Indicator diagram (P-V diagram) - Click Here

-:- Isothermal process and Workdone in an isothermal expansion -

Click Here
-:- Adiabatic process and Work done in an adiabatic expansion -

Click Here
-:- Thermodynamic : Reversible and irreversible processes - Click

-:- Second law of thermodynamics- Kelvin's, Clausius, Kelvin -

Planck's statement - Click Here

-:- Carnot engine - Essential parts, Working, four stages of
operations - Click Here
-:- Refrigerator : Coefficient of performance and Inferences - Click

-:- Transfer of heat - Conduction, Convection, Radiation - Click Here

-:- Perfect black body - Click Here

-:- Experimental verification of Newton's law of cooling - Click Here

-:- Surface temperature of the Sun - Click Here

-:- Angstrom pyrheliometer - Click Here

Ray Optics
-:- Reflection of light - Click Here
-:- Image in a plane mirror - Click Here

-:- Reflection at curved surfaces - Click Here

-:- Total internal reflection - Click Here

-:- Applications of Total internal reflection - Click Here

-:- Michelson's method - Click Here

-:- Importance of velocity of light - Click Here

-:- Refraction of light - Click Here

-:- Refraction at a spherical surface - Click Here

-:- Lens maker's formula and lens formula and Magnification - Click

-:- Combination of thin lenses in contact - Click Here

-:- Refraction of light through a prism - Click Here

-:- Dispersion of light and Dispersive power - Click Here
-:- Spectrometer - Click Here

-:- Basic Parts and Adjustments of the spectrometer - Click Here

-:- Determination of the refractive index of the material of the

prism - Click Here

-:- Formation of rainbows - Click Here

-:- Earth?s magnetic field and magnetic elements - Click Here
-:- Basic properties of magnets - Click Here

-:- Force between two magnetic poles - Click Here

-:- Magnetic induction at a point along the axial line due to a

magnetic dipole (Bar magnet) - Click Here

-:- Magnetic induction at a point along the equatorial line of a bar

magnet - Click Here

-:- Mapping of magnetic field due to a bar magnet - Click Here

-:- Torque on a bar magnet placed in a uniform magnetic field -

Click Here
-:- Tangent law - Click Here

-:- End-on (or) Tan A position- Deflection magnetometer - Click

-:- Broad?side on (or) Tan B position - Deflection magnetometer -

Click Here
-:- Magnetic properties of materials - Click Here
-:- Properties of diamagnetic, paramagnetic, ferromagnetic
substances - Click Here
-:- Hysteresis and Hysteresis loss - Click Here

-:- Uses of ferromagnetic materials - Click Here

-:- Electrostatics - frictional electricity - Click Here
-:- Basic properties of electric charge - Click Here

-:- Definition of Coulomb's law , Principle of Superposition, Electric

Field, Electric Field Intensity (E) - Click Here

-:- Electric Field: Definition of Electric lines of force and Properties

of lines of forces - Click Here

-:- Electric potential: Definition of Electric potential and Relation

between electric field and potential - Click Here

-:- Gauss's law and its applications - Click Here

-:- Electrostatic induction - Click Here

-:- Principle of a capacitor and Energy stored in a capacitor - Click

-:- Lightning conductor -Van de Graaff Generator- working principle

and construction - Click Here

Current Electricity
-:- Definition of Electric current and discription of Current Electricity
- Click Here
-:- Combination of resistors: Resistors in series and parallel - Click

-:- Kirchoff's law and Potentiometer - Click Here

-:- Superconductivity Defination and Applications of

superconductors - Click Here

-:- Carbon resistors and Colour code for carbon resistors - Click

-:- Temperature dependence of resistance and Internal resistance

of a cell - Click Here

-:- Electric energy and electric power - Click Here

-:- Faraday's laws of electrolysis | Chemical effect of current |

Verification of Faraday's laws of electrolysis - Click Here

-:- Electric cells and Voltaic cell - Click Here

-:- Primary Cell - Daniel cell, Leclanche cell - Click Here

-:- Secondary Cells - Lead - Acid accumulator - Applications of

secondary cells - Click Here

Effects of Electric Current

-:- Applications of Joule heating - Click Here
-:- Seebeck effect - Click Here
-:- Neutral and Inversion temperature - Click Here

-:- Peltier effect and Peltier Co-efficient () - Click Here

-:- Thomson effect and Thomson coefficient () - Click Here

-:- Thermopile - Click Here

-:- Biot - Savart Law - Click Here

-:- Tangent galvanometer : Theory and Construction of Tangent

galvanometer - Click Here

-:- Solenoid and Right hand palm rule - Click Here

-:- Magnetic Lorentz force - Click Here

-:- Cyclotron- Principle, Construction, Working and Limitations of

Cyclotron - Click Here

-:- Moving coil galvanometer : Principle, Construction, Pointer type

moving coil galvanometer, Current sensitivity of a galvanometer -

Click Here
-:- Heating effect : Joule's law - Click Here

-:- Verification of Joule's law - Click Here

-:- Magnetic effect of current - Click Here

-:- Magnetic field around a straight conductor carrying current -

Click Here
-:- Magnetic field due to a circular loop carrying current - Click Here

-:- Biot Savart Law and Magnetic induction - Click Here

-:- Ampere's Circuital Law - Click Here

-:- Magnetic induction due to a long solenoid carrying current -

Click Here
-:- Magnetic Lorentz force and Cyclotron - Click Here
-:- Motion of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field - Click

-:- Force on a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field

- Click Here
-:- Force between two long parallel current-carrying conductors -

Click Here
-:- Torque experienced by a current loop in a uniform magnetic

field - Click Here

-:- Conversion of galvanometer into an ammeter - Click Here

-:- Conversion of galvanometer into a voltmeter - Click Here

-:- Current loop as a magnetic dipole - Click Here

-:- The magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron - Click Here

Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating

-:- AC generator (Dynamo) - Single phase and AC generator
(Alternator) - Three phase - Click Here
-:- Eddy currents and Applications of Eddy current - Click Here

-:- Transformer Principle - Efficiency of a transformer - Energy

losses in a transformer - Click Here

-:- Electromagnetic induction - Click Here

-:- Magnetic flux - Click Here

-:- Induced emf and current - Electromagnetic induction - Click Here
-:- Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction - Click Here

-:- Lenz's law - Click Here

-:- Self Induction - Click Here

-:- Coefficient of self induction - Click Here

-:- Self inductance of a long solenoid - Click Here

-:- Mutual induction and Coefficient of mutual induction - Click

-:- Methods of producing induced emf - Click Here

-:- AC generator (Dynamo) - Single phase - Click Here

-:- Eddy currents - Click Here

-:- Transformer - Click Here

-:- Long distance power transmission - Click Here

-:- Alternating current - Click Here

-:- AC Circuit with resistor, inductor and capacitor - Click Here

-:- Choke coil: Construction and Working - Click Here

Electromagnetic Waves and Wave Optics

-:- Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman(C.V.Raman) Life - Click Here
-:- Uses of electromagnetic spectrum - Click Here

-:- Types of spectra - Emission spectra, Line spectrum, Band

Spectrum, Absorption Spectra -Click Here

-:- Fraunhofer lines - Fluorescence - Phosphorescence - Click Here

-:- Theories of light : Corpuscular theory, Wave theory,

Electromagnetic theory, Quantum theory -Click Here
-:- Scattering of light : Tyndal scattering, Raman effect - Click Here

-:- Wave front : Huygen's principle - Click Here

-:- Condition for sustained interference and Young's double slit

experiment - Click Here

-:- Newton's rings : Experiment, Theory - Click Here

-:- Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction - Click Here

-:- Diffraction grating explanation with Theory - Click Here

-:- Polarisation of transverse waves - Click Here

-:- Double refraction - Click Here

-:- Polaroids explanation and Uses of Polaroid - Click Here

-:- Nicol prism and Types of crystals - Click Here

-:- Optical activity - Click Here

-:- Specific rotation - Click Here

-:- Electromagnetic Waves and Wave optics - Click Here

-:- Characteristics of electromagnetic waves - Click Here

-:- Hertz experiment - Click Here

-:- Types of spectra - Click Here

-:- Theories of light - Click Here

-:- Scattering of light - Click Here

-:- Wave front - Click Here

-:- Superposition principle - Click Here

-:- Diffraction - Click Here

-:- Polarisation - Click Here

Atomic Physics
-:- Discharge of electricity through gases at low pressure - Discovery
of electrons - Click Here
-:- Properties of Cathode rays - Click Here

-:- Canal rays and Properties of Positive rays (or) Canal rays - Click

-:- Thomson's method - Determination of specific charge (e/m) of

an electron - Click Here

-:- Millikan's oil drop experiment - Determination of charge of an

electron - Click Here

-:- Thomson atom model and its Drawbacks - Click Here

-:- Rutherford's - particle scattering experiment - Click Here

-:- Rutherford atom model and its Drawbacks - Click Here

-:- Bohr atom model - Click Here

-:- Spectral series of hydrogen atom and Energy level diagram -

Click Here
-:- Excitation and ionization potential of an atom - Click Here

-:- Shortcomings of Bohr's theory - Click Here

-:- Sommerfeld atom model and its Drawbacks - Click Here

-:- Production of X-rays - Modern Coolidge tube - Click Here

-:- Types of X-rays: Soft and Hard X-rays - Click Here

-:- Properties of X-rays - Click Here

-:- Detection, Diffraction and Absorption of X-rays - Click Here

-:- Laue experiment - Click Here
-:- Bragg's law for X-ray diffraction - Click Here

-:- Bragg's X-ray spectrometer - Click Here

-:- X-ray spectra - continuous and characteristic X-ray spectra - Click

-:- Moseley's law and Applications of Moseley's law - Click Here

-:- Medical, Industrial and Scientific Applications of X-rays - Click

-:- Spontaneous and stimulated emission of Laser - Click Here

-:- Ruby laser - Generation Process and Energy Level - Click Here

-:- Helium neon laser - Generation Process and Energy Level - Click

-:- Medical, Industrial and Scientific Applications of laser - Click


Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter and

-:- Photoelectric effect - Dual Nature of Radiation - Click Here
-:- Hallwachs Experiment - photo electric effect - Click Here

-:- Effect of potential difference on the photoelectric current - Click

-:- Effect of frequency of incident radiation on stopping potential -

Click Here
-:- Laws of photoelectric emission - Click Here
-:- Einstein's photoelectric equation - Click Here

-:- Photoelectric cells and their types, applications - Click Here

-:- de Broglie wavelength of matter waves and an electron - Click

-:- Electron microscope: Construction, working, Uses, Limitations -

Click Here
-:- Relativity: Concept of Space and Frame of reference - Click Here

-:- Special theory of relativity - Click Here

-:- Einstein's mass-energy equivalence - Click Here

Nuclear Physics
-:- Classification of nuclei and Properties of nucleus Nuclear size -
Click Here
-:- Explanation of Nuclear binding energy curve - Click Here

-:- Bainbridge mass spectrometer - Determination of isotopic

masses of nuclei - Click Here

-:- Nuclear force and Radioactivity - Click Here

-:- Properties of Alpha , beta and gamma rays - Click Here

-:- Radioactive displacement law - Click Here

-:- Neutron - Discovery and Properties of neutrons - Click Here

-:- Artificial radioactivity - Click Here

-:- Applications of radio-isotopes - Click Here

-:- Biological hazards of nuclear radiations - Click Here

-:- Artificial radioactivity transmutation and Particle accelerators -
Click Here
-:- Geiger - Muller counter: Construction and Operation - Click Here

-:- Energy released in Nuclear fission - Click Here

-:- Radioactive Chain reaction - Click Here

-:- Atom bomb - Principle and construction - Click Here

-:- Nuclear reactor: Design and Function of parts, Uses - Click Here

-:- Nuclear power programme in India - Click Here

-:- Nuclear fusion: Hydrogen bomb and Stellar energy - Click Here

-:- Cosmic Rays: Latitude effect, Altitude effect, Cosmic ray showers

- Click Here
-:- Elementary particles of atom - new nuclear particles - Click Here

Semiconductor Devices and their

-:- Semiconductors: Energy band in solids - Click Here
-:- Semiconductors: Valence band, conduction band and forbidden

energy gap - Click Here

-:- Insulators, semiconductors and conductors - forbidden energy

gap - Click Here

-:- Electrons and holes in semiconductors - Click Here

-:- Intrinsic semiconductor - Click Here

-:- Extrinsic semiconductor: N and P -type semiconductor - Click

-:- PN Junction diode: Forward and Reverse bias characteristics -

Click Here
-:- PN junction diode as Half wave and Bridge wave rectifier - Click

-:- Avalanche and zener Breakdown mechanisms - Click Here

-:- Zener diode and Zener diode as voltage regulator - Click Here

-:- Light Emitting Diode (LED) - Click Here

-:- Junction transistor - Click Here

-:- Working of a PNP transistor - Click Here

-:- Transistor circuit configurations - Click Here

-:- Characteristics of an NPN transistor in common emitter

configuration - Click Here

-:- Transistor as a switch - Click Here

-:- Transistor amplifier - Operating point, Working - Click Here

-:- Transistor biasing - Voltage divider bias - Click Here

-:- Single stage CE amplifier - Click Here

-:- Multistage amplifiers - Click Here

-:- Feedback in amplifiers- Principle of feedback and - Click Here

-:- Transistor oscillators - Barkhausen condition for oscillation - Click

-:- Generation of sinusoidal waves by a tuned LC circuit - Click Here

-:- Essentials of LC oscillator - Click Here

-:- Colpitt's oscillator - Click Here

-:- Integrated circuit (IC) - Click Here

-:- Digital electronics - Analog signal, Digital signal and logic levels -
Click Here
-:- Basic logic gates using discrete components - Click Here

-:- Operational amplifier (OP - AMP) - Click Here

-:- Circuit symbol and Pin-out configuration of an OP-AMP - Click

-:- Basic OP-AMP circuits: Inverting, Non-inverting, Summing,

Difference amplifier - Click Here

-:- Cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) - Click Here

-:- Multimeter - Click Here

Communication Systems
-:- Propagation of electromagnetic waves - Click Here
-:- Amplitude modulation (AM): Modulation factor, Analysis,

Advantages, Limitations - Click Here

-:- Frequency modulation (FM): Advantages and Disadvantages -

Click Here
-:- Phase modulation (PM) - Click Here

-:- Radio transmission - AM, FM transmitter and AF, RF section -

Click Here
-:- Radio reception: simple, AM and FM receiver - Click Here

-:- Television: Construction and Working of Vidicon camera tube -

Click Here
-:- Television: Scanning and synchronising - Click Here
-:- Monochrome picture tube - Click Here
-:- Monochrome TV transmission - Click Here

-:- Monochrome TV receiver - Click Here

-:- RADAR: Principle, Applications, Transmission and reception of

radar - Click Here

-:- Analog communication and digital communication - Click Here

-:- Modem and Fax (or) Facsimile - Click Here

-:- Wire and Cable - Click Here

-:- Fiber optical communication: Advantages, Applications - Click

-:- Satellite Communication: Merits and Demerits - Click Here

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