Qms Manual Iso 9001 2015

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Chicago Maintenance and Construction Company LLC

Quality Management System


ISO 9001 : 2015

This document is the property of CMC LLC and contains information which is proprietary. This information to be held in confidence.
No disclosure or other use of this document is to be made without the prior written consent of CMC LLC.
Chicago Maintenance and Construction Company LLC

Quality Management System

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Revision Revision
Section Revision Description
No. Date

00 Sep 2010 -- First Issue

01 Jun 2011 All Incorporation of Procedure Reference

02 15-May-2012 All Incorporation of Procedure Reference

03 28-Jan-2014 All Addition of FM, Joinery Procedures

Manual Revised as per ISO 9001:2015 revision

New Document Control Procedure incorporated
04 02-Aug-2017 All Design & Development Section included
All sections contents reviewed and modified
New procedures added
Chicago Maintenance and Construction Company LLC

Quality Management System

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CMC-QMS-M-01 04 02 - 08 - 2017 Page 3 of 44

This QMS Manual is the property of:

Chicago Maintenance and Construction Company LLC

Dubai Islamic Bank Building,

1st Floor, Office No 6
Al Quoz Industrial Area 3,
P.O Box 27499 ,Dubai

Phone : +971 4 341 7100

Fax : +971 4 340 3800
E-Mail : info@chicago.ae


No part of this document may be reproduced in any form by print, photocopy, or any other means, wholly or in
part or disclosed to any third party outside CMC without the expressed written consent of the Management.
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S. No. Hard Copy Submit to Type of copy


3 Director - Human Resources

4 Director - Finance

5 All Department Heads Construction Dept. Controlled Copy

6 Procurement Head

7 Project Managers - Construction

8 Manager IT Operations

9 Clients

10 Suppliers
Uncontrolled Copy
11 Sub-contractors

12 Others
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S. No. Description Page No.


1.1 Scope & Purpose 07

1.2 Approval, Amendment & Distribution 07


2.1 Overview 09

2.2 Contact Information 09


3.1 References 10

3.2 Definitions 10


4.1 Understanding context of the organization 16

4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested Parties 16

4.3 Determining the scope of the quality management system 16


5.1 Leadership & Commitment 18

5.2 Policy 19

5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities 19


6.1 Actions to address risks & opportunities 22

6.2 Quality objectives & planning to achieve them 22

6.3 Planning of changes 23

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S. No. Description Page No.


7.1 Resources 24

7.2 Competence 26

7.3 Awareness 26

7.4 Communication 27

7.5 Documented Information 27


8.1 Operational planning and control 30

8.2 Determination of requirements for products and services 31

8.3 Design and Development 32

8.4 Control of externally provided processes, products and services 34

8.5 Production and service provision 35

8.6 Release of products & services 38

8.7 Control of non-conforming outputs 39


9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis & evaluation 40

9.2 Internal Audit 41

9.3 Management Review 41


10.1 General 43

10.2 Non-conformity & corrective action 43

10.3 Continual Improvement 44


A Policy
B QMS Process Model
C Organization Chart
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This Quality Manual is the property of CMC and has been developed to comply with : ISO 9001:2015 Quality
Management Systems

1.1 Scope & Purpose

This document describes the Quality Management System (QMS) of Chicago Maintenance & Construction Company
LLC (CMC) and provides the scope and structure of CMC's QMS - the policies, the organizational structure,
responsibilities, processes, procedures as well as the controls needed to ensure quality in work processes,
products, and services.

The quality system requirements of this manual are aimed at achieving customer satisfaction by consistently
providing conforming product and meeting customer and applicable regulatory requirements through application of
the system, continuous improvement and the prevention of nonconformity.

To build quality into the organization, CMC plans, implements, documents, and assesses work activities for
continual improvement. CMC's goals are to ensure products, services and decisions are fit for their intended use,
and that resources and processes are aligned with CMC's policies and objectives.

The scope of the Quality Management System as described by this Quality Manual satisfies the Quality Assurance
requirements as required in ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System, subject to permissible exclusions and
applies to all of CMCs activities, which can be summarized as "General Contracting of Building Projects".

The requirements of this Quality Manual relate to all of the Company divisions and departments and extend to all
employees with responsibility for implementing and maintaining the quality system referenced in this manual.

1.2 Approval, Amendment & Distribution

1.2.1 Approval

This Quality Manual is prepared by the QA/QC Manager, reviewed by the Unit Head of Construction and approved
by the CEO.

1.2.2 Amendment

All amendments to this Quality Manual shall be done by the QA QC Manager (Management Representative),
reviewed and approved by the CEO. The revision, updating and distribution will be the responsibility of the QA QC
Manager. Individual recipients will be responsible for identifying and/or destroying the obsolete copies of the

In case of minor changes requiring the revision of one or several pages of Quality Manual, only such page or pages
shall be revised. In such case, the revision number of relevant pages will be incremented and issued. Whenever
there are a large number of revisions, over a period of time, then, the entire document shall be issued
incorporating all the changes.
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All employees can give their feedback for the amendment in this manual. The feedback shall be addressed to
QA/QC Manager at HO.

1.2.3 Distribution of the Quality Manual

Distribution of Quality Manual shall be controlled and authorized by the QA/QC Manager. Controlled copy of the
Quality Manual will be issued in accordance with established distribution list approved by the QA/QC Manager. The
QA/QC Manager will ensure that the controlled copies will be updated promptly by distributing all amendments of
the Quality Manual to all controlled copyholders.

Uncontrolled copies of the Quality Manual may be issued to the clients on demand for reference purposes. The
uncontrolled copies may not be updated.

Reference Procedure / Document :

CMC-QMS-P01 Control of Documents

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2.1 Overview

Founded in 1978, Chicago Maintenance & Construction Company LLC (CMC) is a Construction Company & a
Facilities Management Operator based in the United Arab Emirates. For over 35 years, CMC has built a reputation
as a leading construction company specializing in providing social infrastructure in the UAE and Middle East.

The approach of the company involves Customer Satisfaction, Safe Workplace, Environmental and Health Issues
and also outsourcing of certain activities making it not only effective but a very resourceful company that is able to
always fulfil its commitment and still adhere to the high standards of quality and service.

Our dedicated team of professionals provides the impetus and is focused in offering solutions and expertise to all
aspects of Residential, Commercial and Industrial Properties.

Under the able leadership of all of CMCs management team, we deliver top quality construction projects and
facilities management in alignment with our vision: TO BECOME THE LEADING SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE

2.2 Contact Information

Dubai Islamic Bank Building,

1st Floor, Office No 6
Al Quoz Industrial Area 3,
P.O Box 27499 ,Dubai

Phone : +971 4 341 7100

Fax : +971 4 340 3800
E-Mail : info@chicago.ae

Reference Procedure / Document :

CMC Organisation Chart

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3.1 References

The following reference documents have been used in the preparation CMC quality manual.

ISO 9000:2005 Quality Management Systems- Fundamentals and Vocabulary

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems- Requirements

ISO 9004:2000 Quality Management Systems- Guidelines for performance Improvements

ISO10001:2007 Quality Management Customer Satisfaction Guidelines for codes of conduct for

ISO10002:2004 Quality Management Customer Satisfaction Guidelines for Complaints handling in


ISO10003:2007 Quality Management Customer Satisfaction Guidelines for dispute resolutions external
to organizations

ISO 10005:2005 Quality Management Systems- Guidelines for Quality Plans

ISO 10006:2003 Quality Management Systems- Guidelines for Quality Management in Projects

ISO/TR10013:2001 Guidelines for Quality Management System Documentation

ISO 19011:2002 Guidelines for Quality and / or Environmental Management System Auditing

3.2 Definitions

The definitions of terms & abbreviations used in this manual are given below:

Term/Abbreviation Definition

Audit An audit is a systematic evidence gathering process. Audits must be

independent and evidence must be evaluated objectively to determine how
well audit criteria are being met. There are three types of audits: first-party,
second-party, and third-party. First-party audits are internal audits while
second and third party audits are external audits.
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Audit criteria Audit criteria are used as a reference point and include policies,
requirements, and other forms of documented information. They are
compared against audit evidence to determine how well they are being met.
Audit evidence is used to determine how well policies are being implemented
and how well requirements are being followed.

Audit evidence Audit evidence includes records, factual statements, and other verifiable
information that is related to the audit criteria being used. Audit criteria
include policies, requirements, and other documented information.

Audit findings Audit findings result from a process that evaluates audit evidence and
compares it against audit criteria. Audit findings can show that audit criteria
are being met (conformity) or that they are not being met (nonconformity).
They can also identify best practices or improvement opportunities.

Audit program An audit program (or program) refers to a set of one or more audits that are
planned and carried out within a specific time frame and are intended to
achieve a specific audit purpose.

CMC / Company / We Chicago Maintenance & Construction company LLC

Characteristic A characteristic is a distinctive feature or property of something.

Characteristics can be inherent or assigned and can be qualitative or
quantitative. An inherent characteristic exists in something or is a permanent
feature of something while an assigned characteristic is a feature that is
attributed or attached to something.

Competence Competence means being able to apply knowledge and skill to achieve
intended results. Being competent means having the knowledge and skill that
you need and knowing how to apply it. Being competent means that youre
qualified to do the job.

Complaint In the context of ISO 9001, a complaint refers to an expression of

dissatisfaction with a product or service and is filed by a customer and
received by an organization. Whenever a customer lodges a complaint, a
response is either explicitly or implicitly required.

Concession A concession is a special approval that is granted to release a nonconforming

product or service for use or delivery. Concessions are usually restricted to a
specific use and limited by time and quantity and tend to specify that
nonconforming characteristics may not violate specified limits.

Conformity Conformity is the "fulfilment of a requirement". To conform means to meet or

comply with requirements and a requirement is a need, expectation, or
obligation. There are many types of requirements including customer
requirements, quality requirements, quality management requirements,
management requirements, product requirements, service requirements,
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contractual requirements, statutory requirements, and regulatory


Context of the organization An organizations context is its business environment. It includes all of the
internal and external factors and conditions that affect its products and
services, have an influence on its QMS, and are relevant to its purpose and
strategic direction.

Continual improvement Continual improvement is a set of recurring activities that are carried out in
order to enhance performance. Continual improvements can be achieved by
carrying out audits, self-assessments, and management reviews. Continual
improvements can also be realized by collecting data, analyzing information,
setting objectives, and implementing corrective and preventive actions.

Contract A contract is a binding agreement between two or more parties.

Correction A correction is any action that is taken to eliminate a non-conformity.

However, corrections do not address root causes. When applied to products,
corrections can include reworking products, reprocessing them, regarding
them, assigning them to a different use, or simply destroying them

Corrective action Corrective actions are steps that are taken to eliminate the causes of existing
nonconformities in order to prevent recurrence. The corrective action process
tries to make sure that existing nonconformities and potentially undesirable
situations dont happen again.

Customer The owner /Employer or his representative, Including Engineer

(Consultant)employed by owner/Employer

Customer satisfaction Customer satisfaction is a perception. It's also a question of degree. It can
vary from high satisfaction to low satisfaction. If customers believe that
you've met their requirements, they experience high satisfaction. If they
believe that you've not met their requirements, they experience low

Data The term data is defined as any facts about an object.

Defect A defect is a type of nonconformity. It occurs when a product or service fails

to meet specified or intended use requirements.

Design and development Design and development is a process (or a set of processes) that uses
resources to transform general input requirements for an object into specific
output requirements.

Determination To determine means to find or to identify the value of a characteristic

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Documented information The term documented information refers to information that must be
controlled and maintained and its supporting medium. Documented
information can be in any format and on any medium and can come from any

Effectiveness Effectiveness refers to the degree to which a planned effect is achieved.

Planned activities are effective if these activities are actually carried out and
planned results are effective if these results are actually achieved.

Feedback The term feedback is used to refer to a comment or an opinion expressed

about a product or service or an interest expressed in a product or a service.
It may also be used to refer to the customer complaints-handling process

Improvement Improvement is a set of activities that organizations carry out in order to

enhance performance (get better results). Improvement can be achieved by
means of a single activity or by means of a recurring set of activities.

Information system In the context of this ISO 9001 standard, an information system is a network
of communication channels used within an organization.

Interested party An interested party is anyone who can affect, be affected by, or believe that
they are affected by a decision or activity. An interested party is a person,
group, or organization that has an interest or a stake in a decision or activity.

ITP Inspection and Test plan

Management The term management refers to all the activities that are used to coordinate,
direct, and control organizations. These activities include developing policies,
setting objectives, and establishing processes to achieve these objectives. In
this context, the term management does not refer to people. It refers to
what managers do.

MR Management Representative

The detailed activities and control of the QMS is delegated to the QA/QC
Manager as Management Representative (MR) who irrespective of other
responsibilities, is responsible for the QMS in its processes, their
implementation and ongoing maintenance.

Measuring equipment Measuring equipment includes all the things needed to carry out a
measurement process. Accordingly, measuring equipment includes
instruments and apparatuses as well as all the associated software,
standards, and reference materials.

Nonconformity Nonconformity is a non-fulfilment or failure to meet a requirement.

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A requirement is a need, expectation, or obligation. It can be stated or

implied by an organization or interested parties.

Objective An objective is a result you intend to achieve. Objectives can be strategic,

tactical, or operational and can apply to an organization as a whole or to a
system, process, project, product, or service. Objectives may also be referred
to as targets, aims, goals, or intended outcomes.

Objective evidence Objective evidence is data that shows or proves that something exists or is
true. Objective evidence can be collected by performing observations,
measurements, tests, or using other suitable methods.

Project An awarded contract with defined completion time, duly

signed by client and company

Policy A policy is a general commitment, direction, or intention and is formally

stated by top management. A quality policy statement should express top
management's commitment to the implementation and improvement of its
quality management system and should allow managers to set quality

Product A product is a tangible or intangible output that is the result of a process that
does not include activities that are performed at the interface between the
supplier (provider) and the customer.

QA QC Quality Assurance & Quality Control

Quality The adjective quality applies to objects and refers to the degree to which a
set of inherent characteristics fulfils a set of requirements. An object is any
entity that is either conceivable or perceivable and an inherent characteristic
is a feature that exists in an object

QMS A quality management system (QMS) is a set of interrelated or interacting

elements that organizations use to formulate quality policies and quality
objectives and to establish the processes that are needed to ensure that
policies are followed and objectives are achieved. These elements include
structures, programs, practices, procedures, plans, rules, roles,
responsibilities, relationships, contracts, agreements, documents, records,
methods, tools, techniques, technologies, and resources.

Quality objective A quality objective is a quality result that you intend to achieve. Quality
objectives are based on or derived from an organizations quality policy and
must be consistent with it. They are usually formulated at all relevant levels
within the organization and for all relevant functions.
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Quality policy A quality policy should express top management's commitment to the quality
management system (QMS) and should allow managers to set quality
objectives. It should be based on ISOs quality management principles and
should be compatible with your organizations other policies and be
consistent with its vision and mission.

Risk-based thinking Risk-based thinking refers to a coordinated set of activities and methods that
organizations use to manage and control the many risks that affect its ability
to achieve objectives. Risk-based thinking replaces what the old standard
used to call preventive action.

Site Any location, Other than the companys established premises where work is
undertaken as part of a formal contact

Service A service is an intangible output and is the result of a process that includes at
least one activity that is carried out at the interface between the supplier
(provider) and the customer.

Supplier External organization supplying materials to the company

Subcontractor External organization, executing part works on behalf of company, based on

a specified(sub)contract

Tender Any Inquiry/Invitation to bid

Top management The term top management normally refers to the people at the top of an
organization. It refers to the people who provide resources and delegate
authority and who coordinate, direct, and control organizations.

Validation Validation is a process. It uses objective evidence to confirm that the

requirements which define an intended use or application have been met.
Whenever all requirements have been met, a validated status is established.
Validation can be carried out under realistic use conditions or within a
simulated use environment.

Verification Verification is a process. It uses objective evidence to confirm that specified

requirements have been met. Whenever specified requirements have been
met, a verified status is achieved.
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4.1 Understanding context of the organization

Chicago Maintenance and Construction Company LLC (CMC) has determined the internal and external issues which
have the potential to effect on achieving its intended results of its Quality Management System. CMC conducts and
maintains detailed analysis by considering the external and internal issues. CMC periodically reviews this data
during the management review meeting.

Chicago Maintenance and Construction Company considered the positive and negative issues, which rose from
external or internal origin while understanding the context. The main sources of issues from external origin
identified by CMC can be classified as arising are from legal, technological, competitive, market, cultural, social and
economic environments, whether international, national, regional or local. The internal issues which have been
identified are related to values, culture, knowledge, structure and performance of the organization.

4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested Parties

Chicago Maintenance and Construction Company has determined the interested parties and their needs and
expectations according to the Procedure for Determining the Context of the Organisation.
This information is important to the organization due to their effect or potential effect on the organizations ability
to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory

Reference Procedure / Document :

CMC-QMS-P12 Context of the Organization

CMC-QMS-P13 SWOT Analysis

4.3 Determining the scope of the quality management system

CMC has established and implemented the QMS, which is maintained and continually improved according to the
requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard including processes needed and their interactions. CMC is involved in
the following processes needed for the QMS and their application through the organization.
Business Development Process.
Tendering and Estimation Process.
Commercial Process.
Design Control Process
Planning Process.
Purchasing Process.
Constructions Process.
Quality Control and Quality Assurance
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The Quality Management System defined applies to all types construction process executed by the company. This
section describes the structure of the documented quality management system established and implemented by
the organization. The documented quality system covers all departments in the organization except financial
matters / Accounts.
Following activities have been carried out to define and effectively implement the system needed to accomplish
QMS requirements.
All QMS processes are monitored and analysed to achieve results as per the companys strategic business plan.
The continual improvement of these processes is measured and monitored by periodic Analysis of Data, Quality
audits & Management Review. All these activities are planned and implemented in the framework of ISO
9001:2015 QMS.
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5.1 Leadership & Commitment

5.1.1 General

The top management of CMC takes accountability for the effectiveness of the QMS and provides resources to
ensure that the Quality Policy and Quality Objectives will be compatible with the strategic direction and the context
of the organization.
The top management ensures that QMS requirements are integrated into CMC processes, and that the QMS is
achieving the intended results.
The top management communicates the importance of an effective QMS, promotes continual improvement, a
process approach, and risk-based thinking, and supports relevant management roles to demonstrate leadership to
their areas of responsibility.

The management is committed to deliver the promised products and services to its valued customers. To achieve
this objective, adequate competent resources are ensured, processes are identified and responsibilities are
delegated to various personnel who add value to processes. The quality management system established is aimed
to add quality to all activities which are part of converting customer requirements into products.

5.1.2 Customer focus

CMC management determines customer needs and requirements including regulatory and legal requirements and
converts them into the form of defined requirements with the goal of achieving customers confidence.

The aim of the QMS is to ensure all customer requirements as detailed in the contract, and reasonable
expectations of the Client and those required by local statutory laws are complied with, thus leading to and
enhancing customer satisfaction.

Besides meeting contractual and client specifications, CMC conducts Customer Satisfaction Surveys to determine
level of satisfaction and takes adequate actions to improve product and service offering as identified by the
surveys. During execution, there is day to day interaction with client representatives and participation in meetings.
Specific Client requirements are addressed and met for the best interests of the project and the client.

Reference Procedure / Document :

CMC-QMS-P05 Management Review

CMC-QMS-P06 Continual Improvement
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5.2 Policy

The organisations commitment to quality is encompassed in our quality policy statement.

5.2.1 Establishing the quality Policy

A Quality Policy is declared by the CEO with an objective to achieve customer satisfaction. This policy is
communicated to all level of employees and stake holders in the organization to ensure their commitment to
quality. The effectiveness of quality management system is evaluated periodically and analysed whether the quality
policy objectives have been achieved. New goals are set and necessary improvements are made in the system to
ensure effective operation. Quality Policy is controlled in the same way as other documents and it is ensured that
all individuals in the organization understand objectives of the policy.

5.2.2 Communicating the quality Policy

The process sequence, linkage, interrelation, interactions, method of operation & control and process criteria of
monitoring & measurement are carried out as stated above in section 4 and are communicated to all employees
through this document.

Where the performance of one process affects the other process, concerned Managers & MR will initiate
appropriate actions. Effective internal communication system is established by the following:

Notice board
Verbal communication to Staff
Internal Memos
E mail
Display of Quality policy and objectives
Management Reviews / minutes of meetings
Internal training activities

Reference Procedure / Document :

CMC Quality Policy

5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities

The responsibility, authority and the interrelation of all personnel who manage, perform, and verify work affecting
quality has been defined and documented. The documented procedures of the company indicate the process
owner who is responsible for effective operation of the process. Also the QMS Procedures detail responsibility for a
given activity within the procedure. Key responsibilities and authority for effectively implementing the quality
system is described below. Detailed responsibilities are defined as job descriptions and communicated to the
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CEO manages the Company. He will chair the management review meeting. Quality Policy statement shall be
signed and validated by him.

Department Heads
The Department heads, within their specific areas of authority, ensure that the management of the Companys
activities follows the agreed procedures to achieve the quality specified by the Client and required by the

QA/QC Manager
The Quality Manager shall be responsible for implementing and co-coordinating the operation, monitoring and
auditing of the system to ensure that the requirements of SO 9001:2008 are fully met.

Project Managers
A suitably qualified person, who is normally resident on site having responsibility for all activities and processes of
the project. Their quality responsibilities are the same as for Senior Managers.

HOD Project HOD HOD Other

ISO 9001 : 2015 CEO
QA QC Manager HR Procurement HODs
4 Context of organization P P S S S S
Understanding context of the
4.1 P P S S S S
Understanding the needs and
4.2 P P S S S S
expectations of interested Parties
Determining the scope of the
4.3 P P S S S S
quality management system
5 Leadership P P P S S S
5.1 Leadership & commitment P P P S S S
5.2 Policy P S S S S S
Organizational roles, responsibilities
5.3 P P P S S S
and authorities
5.4 Leadership P S S S S S
5.6 Leadership & commitment P P S S S S
6 Planning P S S S NA NA
Actions to address risks &
6.1 P S P P NA NA
Quality objectives & planning to
6.2 P S P NA NA NA
6.3 Planning changes P S P NA NA NA
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HOD Project HOD HOD Other

ISO 9001 : 2015 CEO
QA QC Manager HR Procurement HODs
7 Supports P S P NA S P
7.1 Resources P S P NA S S
7.2 Competence P S P NA S S
7.3 Awareness P S S NA NA S
7.4 Communications P NA P NA P NA
7.5 Documented Information P S P NA S S
8 Operations P P P S S S
8.1 Operational planning and control P P P S S S
Determination of requirements for
8.2 S P P S S S
products and services
8.3 Design and Development S P P S S S
Control of externally provided
8.4 P P P S S S
processes, products and services
8.5 Production and service provision P P P S S S
8.6 Release of products & services P P P S S S
8.7 Control of non-conforming outputs P P P S S
9 Performance evaluations P P P S S S
Monitoring, measurement, analysis
9.1 P P P S S S
& evaluation
9.2 Internal Audit P P P S S S
9.3 Management Review P P P S S S
10 Improvements P P P S S S
10 General P P P S S S
10 Non-conformity & corrective action P P P S S S
10 Continual Improvement P P P S S S

Reference Procedure / Document :

CMC-QMS-P08 Human Resources

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6.1 Actions to address risks & opportunities

While planning the QMS, CMC considers the context of the organization, needs and expectations of interested
parties, and the scope of the QMS.

CMC will determine risks and opportunities related to providing assurance that the QMS can achieve intended
results, enhance desirable results, prevent or reduce undesired effects, is compatible with the context of the
organization, and can achieve continual improvement.

Reference Procedure:

CMC-QMS-P12 Context of the Organization

CMC-QMS-P13 SWOT Analysis

6.2 Quality objectives & planning to achieve them

Measurable quality objectives are documented, which is consistent with the documented Quality policy.
Department Managers/ Heads, in coordination with quality manager, review (and revises where needed) these
measurable parameters during the Management Review/ changes in the existing product requirements.

In establishing new or revised quality objectives, Management may consider information generated from sources
such as customer needs & market trends. Details of quality objectives are discussed and agreed by the managers
and communicated to staff.

The Quality Policy forms the basis of this QMS and for drafting the Departmental objectives. Necessary
Documentation, implementation and periodical monitoring are identified and implemented as per ISO 9001: 2015

For meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, General Requirements, all the essential systems, practices,
methods are deployed as described in the procedures and a reference to the procedures is given in this manual.
Planned achievements of Quality Objectives are monitored during periodic management reviews. The suitability &
integrity of the QMS is ensured by MR when QMS changes are planned and reviewed during the Management

Reference Procedure:

CMC-QMS-P08 Human Resources

CMC-QMS-P06 Continual Improvement
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6.3 Planning changes

When the organization determines a need for changes to the Quality Management System, Quality Manager takes
responsibility to carry them out in a planned manner.

Quality Manager will plan changes to the QMS considering the following:

the purpose of the changes and their potential consequences

the integrity of the Quality Management System
the availability of resources
the allocation or reallocation of responsibilities and authorities

Anyone in the organization can recommend a change. The review of the change will be done by the immediate
superior of the initiator / Process Owner / Head of the Department. The approval authority lies only with the Top

Reference Procedure / Documents :

CMC-QMS-P12 Continual Improvement

CMC-QMS-P01 Document Control
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7.1 Resources

CMS determines and provides resources needed for establishment, implementation, maintenance, and continual
improvement of the Quality Management System.

7.1.1 General

As part of CMC strategy, current levels of resources will be reviewed in line with company objectives and
forthcoming business levels.

The concept of this process is to continually improve and meet or exceed our customers expectations.

To ensure that all personnel are adequately qualified, job related training will be in operation. Appropriate records
of all such training will be maintained in accordance with the requirement of ISO 9001:2015.

The company will provide training for all employees in the skills and knowledge required to carry out their duties
safely, efficiently and to the desired standard.

7.1.2 People

Personnel performing work affecting conformity to construction and facilities requirements shall be competent
based on appropriate education, training, skills and experience.

7.1.3 Infrastructure

The basic infrastructure facilities like appropriate location, work area, necessary hardware and software, building
floor space, necessary utilities, communication facilities both internal and external that are required for effective
functioning of CMC are identified, provided and maintained to suit the growing and potential needs to achieve
conformity to construction site and office requirements.

The management team will review periodically the following:

Buildings, workspace and utilities

Process equipment - hardware and software
Transportation Resources
Information & Communication Technology

Reference Procedure / Documents :

CMC-QMS-P08 Human Resources

CMC-QMS-P07 Information Technology Management
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7.1.4 Environment for the operation of processes

Employees are the most valuable assets for our organization. We believe any employee can contribute to quality
only when he is comfortable and satisfied in his job and with their work environment. The Management reviews
the suitability of the work environment needed to achieve the conformity to product requirements and to enhance
the organizational capability in achieving the Quality Policy, Objectives and the Customer Satisfaction, through
planned periodic Management reviews.

CMC will provide a clean, safe and adequately lit working environment to achieve the desired working environment
for all employees.

Reference Procedure / Documents :

CMC/EHS/M/02 HSE Manual

7.1.5 Monitoring and Measuring Resources

Management actively seeks the valued opinions of its customers through customer feedback, assessment and
reporting during the management review. This information is collated. The survey obtains the customers
perspective and expectations. Based on the outcome of the review, necessary corrective action is planned and
implemented to enhance customer satisfaction level and to achieve continual improvement of the products /
services offered by the organization.

7.1.6 Organizational Knowledge

CMC fulfils requirements for the handling of organizational knowledge in the following four phases, which are
analogous to the PDCA cycle:

Determine the knowledge necessary for the operation of processes and for achieving conformity of
products and services
Maintain knowledge and make it available to the extent necessary
Consider the current organizational knowledge and compare it to changing needs and trends
Acquire the necessary additional knowledge

CMC always considers Organizational knowledge gained from:

Internal sources Intellectual property

Knowledge gained from experience
Lessons learned from failures and successful projects sites
Capturing and sharing undocumented knowledge
Experience of quality management system and project site documents
Results of improvements in construction processes
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External sources Standards

Gathering knowledge from customers or external providers
Statutory & Regulatory requirement

Reference Procedure / Documents :

CMC-QMS-P28 Organisational Knowledge

7.2 Competence

CMC gives critical importance to ensuring that all personnel, performing activities influencing quality, have
adequate qualifications. This is achieved by recruiting suitably qualified personnel and provision of adequate

Selection of personnel is done by reviewing Curriculum Vitae (CV), comparing related Job Profile with respect to
qualifications, training and experience, personal interview and review of testimonials and certificates and/or
managements judgment on future potential.

All new staff recruits are given induction training, while labour and skilled tradesmen are inducted on site including
QHSE requirements. The induction training includes a brief discussion of the QMS, the Quality policy, the HSE
policy, the organizational structure and the importance of the personnel's activity and their contribution to the
achievement of Companys objectives.

Training needs of personnel are reviewed by the department managers, and based on this assessment; the plan
for further training is established. In cases where it is deemed necessary and justified, CMC will hire competent
external personnel and organizations from relevant fields for training for which the organization does not have
adequate resources.

Records of completed training and training effectiveness are kept by the Human Resources department.

Reference Procedure / Documents :

CMC-QMS-P08 Human Resources

7.3 Awareness

CMC ensures that persons doing work under the organizations control are aware of:

The quality policy

Relevant quality objectives
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Their contribution to the effectiveness of the quality management system, including the benefits of
improved performance
The implications of not conforming to the quality management system requirements

7.4 Communications

CMC Management maintains an open internal & external communication on all levels throughout the Company
which will involve managers and staff in quality improvement and attain the quality objectives. Communication
takes place every day on a continuous basis. This communication can take the form of project documentation,
planning meetings, progress meetings co-ordination meetings, etc.

The company has also established and maintains a procedure for internal communication between various levels
and functions of the organization regarding the quality management system and its effectiveness. This ensures
that the quality policy, goals, procedures, and records are properly communicated to relevant persons on time to
keep them fully aware.

All the new information that is in the interest of all employees is displayed on the notice boards at Head Office well
as all sites and other establishments.

Reference Procedure / Documents :

CMC-QMS-P03 Control of Correspondence and Technical Documents

7.5 Documented Information

7.5.1 General

Documented information of the Quality Management System is carried out through the following documents:

Quality Policy, Quality Objectives

Quality Manual
Procedure for Document and Record Control
Documents, including records, required by ISO 9001:2015.
Documents, including records, which CMC has determined to be necessary

Reference Procedure / Documents :

CMC-QMS-P01 Control of Documents

CMC-QMS-P02 Control of Records
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7.5.2 Creating and Updating

All quality system documents and data maintained by the organization on its computer systems are regularly
backed up with secure copies. Important documents and data will be reviewed and approved for adequacy prior to
issue. A master set of documents is established. This control will ensure that:

The correct issues of appropriate documents are available at all locations where activities essential to the
effective functioning of the quality management system are performed;
Obsolete documents are promptly removed from all points of issue or use, or otherwise assured against
unintended use;
Any obsolete documents retained for legal and/or knowledge-preservation purpose are suitably identified.
External documents are recorded and expiry dates noted, it is the responsibility of the Management
Representative to ensure that external documents are kept current.

Changes to controlled documents and data will be reviewed and approved by the same person that performed the
original review and approval, unless specifically designated otherwise. The designated person will have access to
pertinent background information upon which to base their review and approval. Where practicable, the nature of
the change will be identified in the appropriate document attachments.

7.5.3 Control of documented information

A documented procedure is established and implemented throughout the organization for control of documents in
line with ISO 9001:2015, sub clause 7.5.3 Control of Documents, to ensure that:

The documents are established and the authority / responsibility for preparation, identification, and review
for adequacy, approval, re-approval and issue are defined.
Legibility and clarity of QMS documents are ensured
External originated documents are identified. The circulation and usage is controlled according to their
importance and applicability
Invalid and obsolete documents are withdrawn from all points of issue or use to prevent unintended use.
Any obsolete documents retained for legal/ knowledge / historical purpose / preservation purposes, are
suitably identified
The MR will maintain a Master list of Procedures, Work instructions, forms etc. A record is maintained for
documents issues mentioning the issue date, and the name of the person holding the document
All approved and amended documents will be issued to the respective persons. The superseded pages
shall be destroyed by the copy holder.
Amendment records are maintained suitably on the documents.

CMC has established document & records control procedure that describes how quality records are identified, filed,
safeguarded and maintained, either as hard or soft copies. This is to ensure their safekeeping and subsequent ease
of retrieval. Quality records are retained for a minimum period of three years, after which they may be archived or
destroyed. Quality Records stored on computer file are backed up periodically.
The four levels and their hierarchy are depicted pictorially in the Figure below.
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QMS Document Structure

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8.1 Operational planning and control

CMC has determined the processes needed to fill customers' requirements. The processes are consistent with the
requirements of this manual, the 1SO 9001:2015 standard and our QMS documentation.

This planning includes defining customer objectives and requirements for the products during our contract review
process and then embedding them within our Project Specific Quality Plan.

Each project is unique; contractual requirements on the product quality, documentation, progress reporting, HSE
requirements vary from Client to Client. Project specific quality requirements are therefore incorporated into the
Project Quality Plan for all major projects and/or as per Client's specific requirements. For all other projects, all the
contractual requirements are satisfied with CMCs QMS without any further elaborated documentation. All projects
are executed strictly in accordance with the contract, specifications, drawings and any other project specific

Planning for product realization (Construction and Facility Management) is done at the start of each project and
includes the following items:

Quality Objectives and Requirements for the product: contractual Requirements of quality, time of
completion, etc
Need for additional documentation of processes, procedures, method statements, reporting formats
Provision of Resources - Human, Plant and Equipment, Infrastructure and Work Environment
Required Verification, Validation, Monitoring, Inspection and Test Activities- generally achieved by
documenting design validation/verification requirements and the Inspection and Test Plan which
includes acceptance criteria

Records needed to provide evidence that the realization processes and resulting product meet requirements is
identified in the individual procedures and the quality plan.

Refer Project Quality Plans, Inspection and Test plans, and Project Schedules, Project Management, Quality
Control & HSE Management Procedures for more details.

Reference Procedure / Documents :

CMC-QMS-P16 Project Planning and Reporting

CMC-QMS-P23 Inspection and Testing
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8.2 Determination of requirements for products and services

8.2.1 Customer communication

The Company has defined and implements effective liaison with customers /their representatives, with the aim of
meeting customer requirements.

During contract execution, the Project Manager become the focal point of all communications with the Client. All
correspondence is therefore routed through the Project Manager. Co-ordination requirements/ procedure for
submissions and correspondence as operated by Clients are complied with.

Amendments and Variations in contracts are normally agreed in writing. Where verbal instruction is given, this will
be confirmed in writing with the client.

Customer's feedback on the Company's performance and area requiring improvement is obtained by requesting
Client to complete Customer Feedback Survey Questionnaire at least once in the project or at least once in a year.
Customer complaints with respect to product or system non-compliance are attended to immediately.

Reference Procedure / Documents :

CMC-QMS-P09 Estimation and Tendering

CMC-QMS-P18 Construction Operations

8.2.2 Determination of requirements related to product/service

Requirements are specified by clients in the form of tender. Most of the cases drawings or specifications are
supplied along with such inquiries. In addition to that, unspecified but other relevant requirements are also
considered by the management, which are applicable to the type of inquired product/service. Applicable legal and
regulatory requirements such as product related and local/regional regulations are taken into consideration while
review of inquiries. After reviewing the enquiry, Estimation & Tendering department will prepare the estimation
according to the customer provided drawings, specification and BOQ. CEO will review the estimation and forward
to the customer.

8.2.3 Review of requirements related to products and services

Customer requirements are reviewed for completeness and, if necessary, to gather more information the
respective project manager shall initiate it. CMC understands that specification and drawings are main input for
review of scope. Product and service requirements, labour requirements and other related cost are studied;
quotations are prepared based on the study. Upon reviewing the inquiry, if it is felt that clients requirements cant
be met, it is regretted.
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8.3 Design and Development

CMC are not involved in the development of Design and development activities. Design & Build department
manages the design and development process. CMCs overall responsibility in the design process is the
coordination between the different design consultants & ensure the design outputs meet clients expectation and
delivered on a timely manner.

Where design and development is required, these are either done in-house mainly architecturally or subcontracted
to approved specialists / design engineering consultants. Design works generally involve developing concept,
preliminary and detailed designs in coordination with the Client, Specialists and Authorities. Appropriate measures
are established to ensure that design is executed, reviewed and checked in a controlled manner, in accordance
with established plans and requirements.

A procedure is being implemented for controlling all aspects of design processes. This procedure also defines, for
each activity, the various work process phases, the information required, the documents issued, the checking and
approval criteria, specifying the responsibilities, review and validation requirements.

Reference Procedure / Documents :

CMC-QMS-P15 Design and Build

8.3.1 Design and Development Planning

During the Design and Development planning, the company determines with the communication of Consultant
Company which is provided by the customer:

a) The design and development stages, such as concept, schematic, design development and detailed design
b) The review, verification and validation that are appropriate to each stage, and
c) The responsibilities and authorities

These activities are coordinated by the Design & Build department and it ensures that the appropriate interfaces;
effective communication and clear assignment of responsibility between groups involved in design and
development are defined. The necessary information related to these activities are discussed, reviewed and
documented, as appropriate, as the design and development processes.

8.3.2 Design and Development Inputs

At the initial stage of Design and Development processes, the company gathers information related to the project
requirements / regulations from Client & authorities. This information is used as design inputs and these may
include :
Client brief/needs on project scope and functional and performance requirements
Applicable statutory and regulatory requirements/ regulations
Information derived from previous design and developments
Information /proposal from various specialists
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All these information are reviewed by Design & Build department during the design and development process for
its adequacy, completeness and clarity. All records relating to the determination and collection of design inputs are

8.3.3 Design and Development Outputs

Design and development outputs are the result of the design process and will be in the form of drawings,
specifications, schedules, relevant computation, etc

These outputs will be checked by our Design Department during the design review to :

Ensure that they meet input requirements

Ensure that these are appropriate for the construction including procurement, inspection & testing and
acceptance criteria
Ensure that any safety issues connected with performance are specified

Design and development outputs will be available at each stage of design processes such as at concept design
stage, design development stage and detailed design stage. Design Department will ensure these outputs are
suitable to enable verification against the inputs and are approved by Client and Authorities prior to its release.

8.3.4 Design and Development Review

At planned stages, CMC reviews the design and development process to ensure design works are progressing as
planned, to evaluate ability of the design process to meet requirements, to evaluate results of changes and
subsequent actions and to identify any problems and propose necessary corrective actions. Reviews are carried out
taking into account the project objectives and the Client's requirements and needs.

It also aims to identify and examine the critical aspects of the project through an analysis of the solutions adopted,
the optimization measures taken and feasibility of execution within the established time and cost objectives.

Design & Build Department coordinates and conducts all the reviews and records such as documented minutes of
meeting or commented design documents or related correspondence are maintained. Design & Build Department
will also determine the review participants which may include subcontracted specialists/ consultants, Client
representative, other departments involved, etc.

8.3.5 Design and Development Verification

Design verification is performed at agreed stages by Design & Build Department and specialists (during submission
of deliverables to Client/ Authorities) to ensure that the design and development outputs meet the input

Design verification includes performing alternate calculations, comparing with previously successful and proven
designs, undertaking tests as required, and by reviewing the design stage documents.

Records of design verification and subsequent action are retained. These include submission letters, marked up /
commented drawings, comments from the client, minutes of meeting, resubmissions and approvals from the Client,
and local Authorities.
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8.3.6 Design and Development Validation

Design and development validation is performed in accordance with planned arrangements (section 8.3.1) by our
Design & Build Department. For a project, validation is progressive and full validation is possible only when
construction is fully completed, handed over and no major complaints arose thereafter. Prior validation is possible
before the execution of the design by comparing similar successful design in existing structures. Some of the input
criteria are not practical to validate for example, full plant load conditions, 100% load on building, or extreme wind
loads, etc. We will also do the design validation through verification of the final inspections, testing and
commissioning reports, snag lists/defects, client/ occupant complaints, feedbacks from client, etc.

8.3.7 Control of Design and Development Changes

Design changes may result from the Client requirements or possibilities identified during the design stages,
changes to the regulatory/ statutory requirements, from problems encountered during execution, etc. All these
changes affecting design are recorded, reviewed, verified and validated as appropriate by our Design Department.

Our Design Department will control the design changes by :

Identifying, recording and tracking changes

Assessment of overall impact, other design packages, procurements, schedules, and on-going
Approval of change from Client before implementation
Communication of changes to all affected parties
Maintaining modified drawings, related correspondence because of changes and subsequent actions

8.4 Control of externally provided processes, products and services

8.4.1 General

CMC ensures that effective and efficient procurement processes are defined and implemented for the evaluation
and control of suppliers, subcontractors and purchased products, in order that purchased products satisfy our
needs and requirements.

We evaluate and select suppliers/ sub-contractors based upon their ability to supply product and/or services based
on client requirements/approval, past performance, previous experience and ability to meet the company's
requirements, quality and HSE system compliance and competitive prices. Evaluation, re-evaluation and selection
process for suppliers/ sub-contractors are established and maintained.

Where processes are outsourced, Procurement/Commercial Department is responsible for communicating quality
requirements to the contractor including control & acceptance requirements. The type and extent of control is
dependent on the effect of the purchased product and /or service(s) upon final product.

Reference Procedure / Documents :

CMC-QMS-P01 Control of Documents

CMC-QMS-P02 Control of Records
CMC-QMS-P26 Hiring, Monitoring & Processing of Invoices for Operatives from Labour Suppliers
CMC-QMS-P27 Hiring, Monitoring & Processing of Invoices for Operatives from RMC Suppliers
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8.4.2 Type and extent if control if external provisions

Our Procurement documentation will contain information clearly describing the product and/or service(s) ordered.
The Procurement department reviews and approves purchasing documents for adequacy with the specification
requirements prior to release. Records of purchasing activities are maintained. If there is only single source to
provide such service or there is any legal requirement to avail service from specific sources, a feedback about the
service is provided, once in a year to maintain quality of service.

8.4.3 Information for external provider

We determine and implement the inspection or other activities necessary for ensuring that purchased product
/service meets the specified requirements.

Generally, subcontracts are made in such a way that the client/contract requirements are made applicable back to
back to the Subcontractors.

The LPO's and LOIs/subcontracts include where applicable, inspection requirements at source and any verification
requirements by the Client, compliance to Company operated QMS and HSE System by the Subcontractor.

For all purchased materials, there will be an inspection by our receiving personnel comparing LPO & DO
information, material approvals, product types, quantity and other conditions as required. All permanent materials
used in the projects will be inspected and verified by our Quality Control Engineers/ Project Engineer prior to use in
construction. All the sub-contractor's work will also be inspected as per the Inspection & Test Plans prior to

When discrepancies are found for any material/ work, non-conformity procedures will be followed.

Where the company or the company's customer proposes to perform verification activities at the suppliers
premises, the company specifies the required verification arrangements and method of product release in the
purchasing documentation.

8.5 Production and service provision

We plan and carry out the construction and service provision activities under controlled conditions. In every
project, we will make sure that:

The latest copy of spec1ficat1ons, BOQ, R.F.I, Drawings and any other contracts amendments that define
the characteristics of the product is available w1th the Construction/ Facility management team

The approved Quality and HSE plans, Method Statements/Work Instructions and Inspection & Test Plans
are available and works are carried out as per these procedures

Criteria for workmanship are set up where necessary

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Works are executed as per the construction program/ works schedule, progress and cost are monitored
and program is adjusted to take care of slips
Suitable equipments and materials are being used by our Construction Team

Availability and use of calibrated testing, measuring and monitoring equipments

Inspection and testing are carried out at agreed stages; including at Manufacturers premises or by Third
Party Agency as per contract requirements

Corrective and preventive actions are taken when there is a non-conformance

Implementation of defined processes for hand over and post-handover activities

Reference Procedure/ Document :

CMC-QMS-P17 Project Mobilization

CMC-QMS-P16 Project Planning & Reporting

CMC-QMS-P18 Construction Operations

CMC-QMS-P22 Project Closeout & Defect Liabilities

CMC-QMS-P21 Management & Control of Customer Property

CMC-QMS-P19 Work Productivity Planning & Monitoring

CMC-QMS-P26 Hiring, Monitoring & Processing of Invoices for Operatives from Labour Suppliers

CMC-QMS-P27 Hiring, Monitoring & Processing of Invoices for Operatives from RMC Suppliers

8.5.1 Control of production and service provision

Our construction processes/ methods are mostly based on the international standards, approved and monitored by
third party agency (Consultant) and best practices of the industry. So the validation of our construction processes /
methods is not necessarily required. But in all our projects, we do mock-up for every activity / areas / sub-
contractor work to verify the final product and resolve any co-ordination issue.

We also determine and validate any processes where the resulting output cannot be readily or economically
verified by subsequent monitoring, inspection or testing. This includes any product where processing deficiencies
may become apparent only after product is in use or the service has been delivered.

Depending on contract requirements as applicable, the Company ensures that all processes which need validation

Defined criteria for review and approval

Approval of Equipment & Personnel
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Method Statement and Procedures or reference to standards

Record requirements
Revalidation as may be required

Reference Procedure / Documents :

CMC-QMS-P23 Inspection and Testing

CMC-QMS-P24 Control of Non-Conforming Products
CMC-QMS-P25 Control of Inspection, Testing and Measuring Equipments

8.5.2 Identifications and traceability

All received components and materials are identified within the projects by utilizing the manufacturer's
identification. Traceability, when required will ensure an item equipment is easy to trace back to the point of origin
through the purchasing /store receipts and test records. All traceability documents like Mill Certificates,
Manufacturers Test Certificates, Delivery Notes, etc. are retained on site.

We satisfy traceability requirements in accordance with the demands of any given project as required by the client.

Reference Procedure / Documents :

CMC-QMS-P23 Inspection and Testing

CMC-QMS-P20 Store Control

8.5.3 Property belonging to customers or external providers

CMC takes necessary measures to ensure that any customer property which is under our control or being used or
incorporated in our products or services is properly safeguarded. The control measures include identification,
verification, segregation, protection and safeguarding customer property provided for use or services.

In case of loss or damage to customer property, it is immediately reported to customer and related records are

Reference Procedure :

CMC-QMS-P22 Management & Control of Customer Property

8.5.4 Preservation

The company ensures that during the construction process and final handing over of product to client, the
conformity of product with requirements is maintained. This includes product identification, protection of
completed works during construction, safe and undamaged storage/ preservation/ handling.
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When handling project material or equipment or during transportation within/ between site, the manufacturers
handling recommendations, good engineering practice and appropriate safety precautions are followed to avoid
damage to materials.

Suitable methods for protecting the material/manufacturer's recommendations are followed for materials within the
store, to prevent damage or deterioration. The Company operates a documented system to correctly store, handle
and protect materials and equipments, while being transported, during storage and when installed.

8.5.5 Post-delivery activities

Product and service provided on customers sites will be handed over in compliance with customers requirements.

Reference Procedure / Documents :

CMC-QMS-P22 Project Closeout and Defect liability

8.5.6 Control of Changes

CMC reviews & control changes for production or service provision in compliance with customers requirements.

Reference Procedure/Document:

CMC-QMS-P14 Variation

CMC-QMS-P02 Control of Records

CMC-QMS-P03 Control of Correspondence & Technical Documents

8.6 Release of products & services

CMC has implemented planned arrangements, at appropriate stages, to verify that the product and service
requirements are met.

The release of products & services to the customer shall not proceed until the planned arrangements have been
satisfactorily completed, unless otherwise approved by relevant authority and, applicable, by the customer.

Reference Procedure/Document:

CMC-QMS-P22 Project Closeout & Defect Liability

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8.7 Control of non-conforming outputs

CMC ensures that the product which does not conform to requirements is controlled to prevent unintended use or
delivery. The controls and related responsibilities and authorities for dealing with non-conforming products are
defined and documented Control over Non-confirming products procedure.

Material / equipment non-conformity found during the inspection stage are kept isolated from use. Items are
labelled if necessary. Non-conforming materials are not used or incorporated on the project site, unless allowed
and approved by client.

Non-Conforming work activity, as soon as it is identified is stopped and immediate corrective actions as directed by
the Client are taken. Where a work activity non-conformance is given in writing by the client, the proposed
corrective and preventive actions are agreed with the client and after completion, the non-conformity issue is
closed out.

Following actions may take in the event of non-conforming material / product identification:

Eliminate the detected nonconformity

Authorize its use, release or acceptance under concession by the relevant authorities
Preclude its original intended use or application

Records of nature of non-conformity and any subsequent actions taken are maintained. Any non-conforming
product that has been corrected is subjected to re-verification to ensure conformity to the requirements.

Any non-conformance detected after delivery will be handled according to the potential effects of the non-
conformity and shall be recorded under corrective action procedure. Appropriate actions will be taken based on the
magnitude of the problem.

Reference Procedure:

CMC-QMS-P24 Control over Non-Confirming Products

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9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis & evaluation

9.1.1 General

Top management and Line managers in CMC define what will be monitored and measured, as well as the methods
and timing for monitoring and measuring. Results of the monitoring and measuring will be evaluated at appropriate
levels and functions in the organization and the top-level management will evaluate the performance of the QMS
during the management review.

Reference Procedure / Documents :

CMC-QMS-P16 Project Planning and Monitoring

CMC-QMS-P23 Inspection and Testing
CMC-QMS-P24 Control of Non-Conforming Products
CMC-QMS-P04 Internal Audit

9.1.2 Customer satisfaction

The company has determined and established processes for monitoring customer satisfaction and/or
dissatisfaction and to assess whether the company has met the customer requirements.

Customers are surveyed on an annual basis. Construction Manager and Management Review meetings review
customer satisfaction based on these surveys and may take action as appropriate to improve our quality system
and customer satisfaction.

The methods and measures for obtaining this information and its use are defined in the relevant procedures.

Reference Procedure / Documents :

CMC-QMS-P06 Continual Improvement

9.1.3 Analysis & evaluation

The data is collated from the monitoring and measurement activities defined within the quality management
system. Analysis techniques such as statistical process control are applied selective

Appropriate statistical analysis of data is prepared by the concerned Manager / Quality Manager and reviewed in
the Management Review. Analytical data are prepared in line with the defined Quality Objectives. The data may
include information related to any or all of the following:

Customer satisfaction / dissatisfaction and their trends

Conformance to customer requirements
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Quality audit data

Appropriate actions against the non-conformances
Characteristics and trends of processes and products including opportunities of preventive action
Supplier performance monitoring and the rating
Sub- Contractor Performance
Project Progress.

9.2 Internal Audit

The quality management system is fully audited twice in a year to ensure that current practices conform to the
policies set out in the quality manual. Audits are carried out systematically, on a predetermined frequency as per
audit plan and with due regard to the status of and importance of the activity.

Audits are prepared and planned by trained auditors. The procedure ensures that in all cases the auditor(s) will be
independent of the function or area being audited.

All non-conformities discovered during audit are recorded and an audit report is prepared. The results of audits are
communicated to respective managers who are responsible for defining and timely implementing corrective and
preventive actions.

Corrective actions are monitored to ensure their effectiveness; through this process the organisation continuously
improves and refines its quality management system. Re-audits are carried out to verify that all non-conformities
identified have been addressed.

Findings of audits are presented and reviewed during management review meetings. This information is evaluated
to help assess the effectiveness of the Quality System in satisfying the Customer, the requirements of ISO
9001:2015, the quality policy, and to determine if any improvements in the system are required.

Reference Procedure / Document :

CMC-QMS-P04 Internal Audit

9.3 Management Review

9.3.1 General

The Management review is carried out annually, following the internal audit carried out by qualified internal quality

This demonstrates the commitment and method for

Review of the implemented system

Review of continuing suitability and effectiveness
Determining the frequency of review and audit
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Quality Management System

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Review Inputs and Outputs

Records of evidences

Participants of the Management Review will consist of top management and respective department heads.

9.3.2 Management Review Inputs

The efficiency and effectiveness of QMS is evaluated by considering the customer needs and organizational

The inputs considered for Management Review are as follows:

The status of actions from previous management reviews

Changes in external and internal issues that are relevant to the quality management system
Information on the performance and effectiveness of the quality management system, including trends in:
o Customer satisfaction and feedback from relevant interested parties
o The extent to which quality objectives have been met
o Process performance and conformity of products and services
o Nonconformities and corrective actions
o Monitoring and measurement results
o Audit results;
o The performance of external providers
The adequacy of resources
The effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities (refer section 6.1)
Opportunities for improvement

9.3.3 Management Review Outputs

Management review outputs as a minimum will consist of the following:

Improvements of the effectiveness of the QMS and the processes

Service improvements related to customer requirements
Resource needs and their management

The copy of the minutes will be circulated to all participants / concerned.

Reference Procedure / Document :

CMC-QMS-P05 Management Review

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10.1 General

The defined quality management system is aimed at continuous improvement in all processes, achievement of
customer satisfaction and growth of the organization. Various control mechanisms used for measuring the
performance are aimed to identify the weakness in the system and hence for improvements. Procedures are
established for corrective actions and preventive actions (improvement actions), which are communicated
throughout the organization.

10.2 Non-conformity & Corrective Action

CMC will handle nonconformities in order to control and correct them and deal with the consequences. CMC will
establish a corrective action system to investigate and document the root cause and actions to correct supplier,
internal, and customer reported nonconformities. Corrective actions will be assigned to a responsible individual and
tracked by number and completion date.

Corrective action is used as a tool for improvement. The significance of the problem is evaluated and the root
cause is determined. Suitable corrective actions are planned and implemented. A documented procedure is
established and implemented detailing the following:
Review of non-conformities arising from all areas
Determining the cause of non-conformities and suitable corrective action.
Evaluation of the proposed action to ensure that the non-conformance will not recur.
Implementation strategies
Review and verification of action initiated
When any non-conformance within the quality management system, including customer complaints, is identified,
the cause is determined and eliminated with appropriate corrective action as per defined procedure. Corrective
actions are reviewed to monitor their effectiveness and are subject of regular management reviews. All corrective
actions are recorded and periodically analysed to establish the need for any preventative actions.

Reference Procedure / Document :

CMC-QMS-P04 Internal Audit

CMC-QMS-P23 Inspection & Testing
CMC-QMS-P24 Control of Non-conforming Products
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10.3 Continual Improvement

CMC is committed to the concept of continual improvement through constant refinement and improvement of this
Quality Management System.

We strive for continual improvement in all processes & activities we perform. We have developed QMS objectives
that serve to keep us in this continual improvement mode and support our policy. The quality objectives are
upgraded gradually on a routine basis. for improving performance of different departments/ divisions.

We constantly review all data for trends and opportunities to improve our systems and products through the use of
quality policy, quality objectives, and audit results, analysis of data, corrective action and preventive action.

Finally, we utilize our management review process to not only review the conformance and integrity of our systems
and its products, but also to look for and uncover all opportunities to improve.

Reference Procedure / Document :

CMC-QMS-P06 Continual Improvement


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