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1. Suggestion Expression is the statement for giving advice to make someone better next time.
A suggestion is usually an expression of an idea for someone else to do something.
To ask and give suggestion to someone and give responses to the suggestion whether
accepting or refusing it.
To help someone who needs any suggestion or advice by giving our personal idea and
opinion in our daily life.
What do you recommend we do Its a good suggestion
about .....? Thanks, Ill do it
What would you advices us to I think good way
do? I guess yes
Do you have any suggestions? Yes, I suppose I should
What would you do about ...? Yes, I will
What do you think I should do? Good idea.
What do you suggest? Yes, that sounds interesting
Would you like to ..... (wonderful/ great/ fantastic..).
Shall we go .... Thats interesting. Lets do it.
Thats marvelous.
I would recommend that you .... D. REFUSING SUGGESTION
My advice would be to Sorry. Thats boring. Lets do
May I suggest that we ... something else.
If I were you, I would .... Its a bad idea. What about ...?
No, lets not. Lets
I think you should ....
Im afraid, we/ I cant.
Maybe you should ... No, I dont think so
Why do not you ...

a. S + Should + Verb1
Budi should apologize to Mr. Rohmat
b. S + Ought to + Verb1
Your friend ought to study hard this semester
c. S + Had better +Verb1
You had better study hard this semester
You had better go to work today

A: I have a task from my teacher. I must search a song in English. Do you have any ideas?
B: It's okay. Let search in internet.
A: I know, but what song must download?
B: Greenday song in DOS album. That must be great.
A: That's a good idea. Thanks for your advice.
B: Never mind.
1. An offer is an expression of willingness to do something. Offering also the act of making an offer.
2. PURPOSE: To present, introduce, or propose a help or an assist considerate. It propose a help
which can be accepted or refused.
Can I help you?
May I help you?
If you like, I/we could. C. REFUSING OFFER
Could I help you? Thats very kind of you but I can do it
Do you need my help? myself. Thanks anyway
Could I be of any help? I appreciate that but I can do it myself
Should I help you? That would be marvelous but I can do it
May I be of any assistance? myself
Would you like me/us Thank you for your kindness but I can
to help you? do it myself
Will you be happy to receive Please dont be bother (yourself)
my help? Im sorry ..
Would you like me helping Im sorry I cant. I have to
you? Oh, Id love to, but I dont
What can I do for you? think I cant. Its all right.
Is there anything that I can do I can
for you? No, thanks.
B. ACCEPTING OFFER No, I really wont thank you.
Yes, please Not for me, thanks
Yes, of course D. Offering to friends
Want some?
Of cours I can
Have some.
Thats very kind of you Chocolate?
I appreciated that Glass of lemonade?
That would be marvelous Grab some for yourself.
Would you like to have a pancake?
Thank you Why dont you have some lemonade?
Thanks a lot What can I get for you?
Thanks, Id love to What will you have?
Many thanks
E. Offering to older people:
Yes, please
Would you like a cup of coffee, Mr. Green?
Id like it very much Should I get you a bottle of water?
Thank you, I would Could I offer you a glass of lemonade, Mrs.
That would be very nice Lina?
Would you care for some sal
what can i get for you?
won't you have a pancake?
have some?
like one?
would you like something to drink?
could i offer you a glass of lemonade?
would you mind joining us?
shall i get you a bottle of water?

A: Hi, what can I do for you?

B: Yes, I need a new shirt, but I cant find the right one.

A: Would you like me to give some advice?

B: Yes, sure. I really appreciate it.

A: Oh, I forgot to bring my pen.

B: Could I help you with one? Here it is.

A: Thank you.

a. Suggestion
Means to present a suggestion that is to introduce o propose an idea or a plan for
A suggestion is usually an expression of an idea for someone else to do something.
b. Offering
Means to give something physical or abstract to someone, which can be taken as a gift
or a trade.
An offer is an expression of willingness to do something.

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