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ARE RAR, CAT AATF, Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence, FETT FIRM, CHT AFT Principal Directorate, Defence Estates © aferr ware, Bear art, Southern Command, Kondhwa Road, ial Yee —411 040. Pune Cantonment —411 040. ‘$m : Fax / Email / Speed Post No, 3044-DE-SC-L-GEN-LEASES-2017 Fears : are, 2017 ari, are yer after aftr - except Dehu Road, Babina, Morar, Aimer ‘afro are rat errr a & Cannanore favT: (1) Extension of expired / expiring Cantonment Code Leases of 1899 & 1912 and Cantonment Land Administration Rules, 1925 & 1937, (2) Renewal of Cantonment Code and CLAR leases whose full term has not expired. Cantonment Boards Belgaum, Deolali, Kirkee, Wellington have forwarded drafts of public notice. The Dte. has finalized a draft notice, to be published by Cantonment Boards and the same is enclosed herewith for taking immediate necessary action as per the instructions / guidelines contained in DGDE letter No. 18/48/L/DE/87 dated 10th March, 2017. The notice may be published in local language as well. Since all salient points cannot be covered in the public notice, a detailed letter containing the salient points be conveyed to the affected Lessees within 15 days. 2. A report alongwith photocopy of published notice/s be submitted by 10th April, 2017, Seth ergy nets otre Seeroyentsh o U, WaT Ut] A Bh Reddy aera : waa fear | Director at wart fear | for Principal Director ‘Tet AFTaT | Defence Estates Copy to :- i) werfieers, For information wart. their letter Terreerers, aT AETAT (AA AAT) cited above. AIT ALA, TAT HATTA, AT APTET aM, SoA TER ATF faectt erat - 110 010 ii) AI DEOs~ except DEOs Goa & Vizag For information. Please take & ADEO Port Blair. necessary action to communicate / publish about the policy to the lessees. ili) Float Cantonment Board / DEO Circle NOITCE TO LESSEES It is notified for the information of lessees / ex-lessees of defence land granted under Cantonment Code 1899 & 1912, Cantonment Land Administrative Rules (CLAR) 1925 & 1937, that Government of India, Ministry of Defence has formulated an interim policy to deal with (i) Extension of expired / expiring Cantonment Code Leases of 1899 & 1912 and leases under CLAR 1925 & 1937 (ii) Renewal of Cantonment Code & CLAR Leases whose full term has not expired. The instructions relate to the leases whose full term of lease period expired or are expiring before 31.12.2018 and renewal of lease whose first or second terms has expired but the sanction for renewal could not be given due to breach of certain conditions of lease, subject to certain terms and conditions. It is further informed that where the full term of those leases has expired or about to expire on or before 34% December, 2018, they will be renewed upto 31% December 2018, subject to certain terms and conditions. The policy delegated powers to Committees headed by Principal Director, Defence Estates, Southern Command, Pune to decide on these cases. The policy letter is displayed on the Notice Board and Website of the Cantonment Board. The lessees / occupants of such properties are hereby requested to contact the Cantonment Board, | Defence Estates Officer, during working hours and submit their request within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice for renewal of lease alongwith willingness to make payment of rental and also to submit necessary documents for condonation of breaches, if any, where applicable. No. CEO / DEO To 2. BY EAX/E-MAIL No.13/48/L/DE/57 Govt of India, Ministry of Defence Directorate General Defence Estates UlaanBataar Marg, Delhi Cantt-1 13 010 Dated: 17 March, 2017 ‘The Principal Director Defence Estates, Ministry of Defence Central/Eastern/Northern/Southern/Western Commands Lucknow/Kolkata/Jammu/Pune/Chandigarh Sub; 1. Extension of expired/expiring Cantonment Code Leases of 1899 & 1912, and Cantonment Land Administration Rules, 1925 & 1937 2, Renewal of Cantonment Code and CLAR leases whose full term has not expired Reference DGDE letters of even number dated 10.03.2017 and 24.03.2017. Dtes have been asked to forward Action Taken Report by 31.03.2017 confirming issuance of public notices by all DEOs and CEOs in pursuance of the MOD policy letter dated 10.03.2017 and DGDE letter of even number dated 14.03.2017. 3, To facilitate timely implementation of the policy guidelines and to avoid unnecessary delays, the following points are to be adhered to by each Dte: (Principal Direcior should immediately constitute the Committee for civil area as per para 2(a) of the MOD policy letter dated 10.03.2017. It is advised that the CEO of the concerned Cantt Board whose cases are to be considered for expansion/renewal of leases may also be co-opted as Member of the Committee if the senior most CEO is made a Member in the Committee, (ii) As regards the Committee for bungalow area (outside civil area), GOC-in-C of the Command should be requested by the PDDE to nominate an Armyy officer to the Committee within a stipulated time. (i) In cases, wheze the Cantonment Board has already resolved renewal of lease which may or may not involve condonation of breach of lease condition, it will not be necessary to refer the case back to the Cantt Board for a decision. Such proposals alreedy recommended by the Cantt Board should be irumediately taken up by the PDDE for condonation of breach or renewal of lease, as the case may be. However, PDs DE shall review all pending proposals received from DEOs and CEOs and check if those require resubmission in terms of the new policy and accordingly take action to decide these or to retum in a time-bound manner. 4, Proposals sent by the Dtes earlier for determination and/or for ccndonation of leases involving either breach of lease cenditions or failure on part of the lessees or successors-in-interest to come forward ard apply for renewal of leases, ere also being, returned by the Dte Gen for giving an opportunity :o the lessees/successors-in-interest to apply for either condonation of breach or renewal o: lease, as the case may be, in terms of the policy guidelines issued under MOD letter dated 10.03.2017. Such cases will have to be dealt with ab-initio and by the CEOs or DEOs concerned. However, cases pertaining to “outside civil area’ where breach of leese condition cannot be condoned, will not be sent back, 5. DGDEhas approved. (AJAY KUMAR SHARMA) Addl Director Gereral (L/LA) Defence Estates Copy to: 1, The Principal Director For information please Defence Estates, Ministry of Defence South Western Command, Jaipur. 2. AIIDEOs 3. AICEOs 4, DMS BY FAX/E-MAIL No.18/48/L/DE/57 Govt of India, Ministry of Defence Directorate General Defence Estates UlaanBataar Marg, Delhi Cantt-110 010 Dated: 14"March, 2017 To ‘The Principal Director Defence Estates, Ministry of Defence Central/Eastern/Northern/Southern/Western Commands Lucknow/Kolkata/Jammu/Pune/Chandigarh Sub: 1.Extension of expired/expiring Cantonment Code Leases of 1899 & 1912 and Cantonment Land Administration Rules, 1925 & 1937 2. Renewal of Cantonment Code and CLAR leases whose full term has not expired ‘This has reference to MOD policy letter No.11013/2/2016/D(Lands) dated 10.03.2017 and DGDE letter of even number dated 10.03.2017. 2, It has already been emphasized in the Dte Gen letter under reference that specific timelines have been given for taking action by all concemed and that the maximum number of lease renewal cases are to be finalized during the given period. ‘The first step in the process is the mandatory requirement on part of DEOs and CFOs to give wide publicity and also publish public notice in the local newspapers, apprising the Cantonment residents/interested persons about the salient features of the policy. Itis, therefore, necessary, that the public notices are issued by the CEOs and DEOs by incorporating all salient features of the policy. ‘There should be no ambiguity in the language of the public notice and all stakeholders, including DEOs, CEOs and general public should have no doubts on any aspect while dealing with the policy guidelines and procedure to be followed. 3, PDs DE are requested to issue suitable instructions to the DEOs and CEOs under their jurisdiction to forward draft public notices to the Dtes for prior approval to avoid any ambiguity therein. If felt appropriate by the PDDE, the Dte may also circulate the draft public notice to the field officers so as to maintain uniformity in the language of public notice within a Command. 4. One copy of the MOD policy dated 10.03.2017 may be sent to the GOC-in-C of the Command for information and necessary action at their end. 1 5, The entire action of giving wide publicity by CEOs/DEOs and issuance of public notice needs to be completed within 10 days. An action taken report may be sent by the Dtes to the DGDE confirming issuance of public notices by all DEOs and CEOs, by 31.03.2017. ny (AJAY KUMAR SHARMA) ‘Addl Director General (L/LA) Defence Estates 1. The Principal Director : For information please Defence Estates, Ministry of Defence South Western Command, Jaipur. 2. AIIDEOs 3. AIL CEOs BY FAX/E-MAIL No.18/48/L/DE/57 Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence Directorate General Defence Estates Raksha Sampada Bhawan Ulaan Bataar Marg, Delhi Cantt-110 010. Dated: 10" March, 2017. To The Principal Director Defence Estates, Ministry of Defence Central/Eastern/ Northern /Southern/South Western/Western Commands Lucknow/Kolkata/ Jammu Pune/Jaipur/Chandigath. Sub: 1, Extension of expired/expiring Cantonment Code Leases of 1899 & 1912 and Cantonment Land Administration Rules, 1925 & 1937 >. Renewal of Cantonment Code and CLAR leases whose: full term has not expired Please find enclosed herewith Govt of India, Min of Defence letter Nos11013/2/2016/D(Lands) dated 10.08.2017 issuing therein interim measures to deal with the following: i) Extension of expired/expiring Cantonment Code Leases of 1899 & 1912 and Cantonment Land Administration Rules, 1925 & 1937 ii) Renewal of Cantonment Code and CLAR leases whose full term has not expired 2, The instructions issued by the Ministry of Defence under Part 1 are intended to

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