Senior High School: Learn or Earn

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A Quantitative Analysis of the Factors Affecting

the Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Senior High School Students Career Path
After Graduation in April 2018


Joshua Lorenz F. Anicete

Maria Yoshabel G. Bernardo
Jasmin M. Cruz
Brithney Queen C. Lorono
Ma. Elaine Moreno
Ma. Bernadette M. Palermo
Shiela Mae C. Tolentino

SEPTEMBER 25, 2017


Education is universally recognized as the answer to socio-economic problems of

the world. Nations and individuals look up to education to provide a cure for poverty,

ignorance, drought, excessive rainfall, mental deficiency, joblessness, bad government,

poor communication system, hunger and inadequate shelter among other things. Every

nation of the world aspires toward quality of life and social status. Career selection is one

of many important choices students will make in determining future plans. This decision

will impart them throughout their lives. The essence of who the student is will revolve

around what the student wants to do with their life- long work. Career path exploration is

important during adolescence as adolescents begin to engage in self-exploration and

explore potential career options (Dupont & Gingras 1991; Gati & Saka 2001; Julien 1999;

Super 1990).

Career refers to a variety of work and non-work situations which usually span

through the entire life of an individual according to Okobiah and Okorodudu (2004). It is

generally related to a pattern of education, transaction and adjustments which affects

ones role in work, education, family, community development and leisure. Career path

decision is the problem most of the students have. They will decide if they want to pursue

college or find a job to earn money. The National Career Development Association NCDA

(2003) stated that career is the totality of work paid and unpaid one does in his/her

lifetime. There are factors that affect the students career path decision. These factors

are considered as the reason why students choose the path their taking.

In the year 2012, the Department of Education officially implemented the k-12

curriculum as prescribed in the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 and in June 2016
Department of Education launched senior high school (SHS) nationwide. In Asia,

Philippines is the last country, and one of only 3 countries (Angola and Djibouti)

worldwide, with a 10-year pre-university cycle.

According to Philippine Government official gazette, Senior High School (SHS)

covers the last two years of the K to 12 program and includes Grades 11 and 12. In Senior

high school, students will go through a core curriculum and subjects under a track of their

choice Academic track, Technical-Vocational Livelihood, sports track and Arts and

Design It provides sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong

learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development,

employment and entrepreneurship. Students that completes the senior high school level

can already work or pursue a higher degree in education.

There is no assurance that senior high school graduates will get a job immediately

due to insufficient knowledge and skills about the work field and the standards of the

company in meeting their requirements for a job they are applying. The K-12 program

was precisely supposed to either prepare students for gainful work after basic education

or prepare students for college. The either/or has become a both/and. It intends both to

equip the students with the skills necessary for gainful employment and to prepare them

for college within the same time constraint. Despite the fact that the K-12 reform was

inspired by the conviction that not all need to go to college, it is designed so that all can

go to college. This either disrespects the requirements for work, or disrespects the

requirements for college. Department of Education has chosen to disrespect the

requirements for work. For Fr. Inocensio to continue respecting the requirements for

work, he must sacrifice the Department of Education requirements for senior high school.

There is no denying that not all senior high school student would pursue higher

education after graduation for reasons caused by the factors affecting career path

decision of the student. Some of the reason are stated below:

1. Lack of financial ability, they dont have the ability to pay for the tuition fee and

other miscellaneous fees.

2. Some students think that opportunities offered after graduating as a senior high

school student would be able to support their needs in the future they think that

some jobs like call center agent, Airline Booking Associate, and CSR-internet

does not require a college degree could be a better option that going to school

because call center agent who graduated senior high school has a salary of

14,000 pesos monthly and Airline Booking Associate have about a 17,000

pesos of salary. Considering they are just high school graduates their salary is

pretty good and can provide the needs of their family.

3. Some student is loose interest in studying

4. Some senior high school student envisions their future and for them to make

it happen, is to start working as early as possible that provides them a head

start and experience throughout the years. Examples of these are the students

engaging in networking, students that are offered with job opportunities abroad.

Also there is a program offered by TESDA where in a senior high school

graduate can be certified for work after finishing the K-12 program without the

need to go to college.
5. Some senior high school student believes in the idea of the earlier you get a

job the higher the chance in earning money to save or spend. Some senior high

school students saw work as a chance to immerse themselves in the industry

and see if it is for them. Some Professionals open up slots in their companies

for senior high school students, giving the students a chance to see if that job

fits them and to train those students in the real world. Examples are a STEM

student working for an Engineering firm, an ABM student trained as a

bookkeeper in an Accounting firm and an ICT student that helps in repairs in a

computer shop.

6. Some senior high school student is left undecided what would they pursue in

college and in order to make up for the time that will be lost they would engage

in the labor force. Thats the reason why some students in the PUP are not yet

decided if they are going to pursue college or work.

The researchers aim to analyze the factors affecting the decisions of senior high

school students in choosing their career path after the graduation. There have been many

studies conducted in analyzing factors that affect the students career path decision in

foreign countries and no study have been conducted in the Philippines.

Based on the Department of Educations Learner Information System (LIS), senior

high school enrolment in Central Luzon reached 114,044 in June 2016 and an estimated

5,000 of this students are enrolled in the Polytechnic University of the Philippines

expected to graduate in the year 2018.

The study will be conducted inside the Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Mabini Campus with one hundred senior high school respondents under the following


List of strands in PUP main campus.

ABM (Accountancy, Business, Management)

STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics).

GAS (General Academic Strand)


The study aims to analyze the factors affecting career path decision of senior high

students in the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. The data gathered will then be

analyzed and interpreted by the researchers using appropriate statistical tools.

Career development as defined by the National Career Development Association

NCDA (2003) as the absolute conglomeration or constellation of psychological,

sociological, educational, physical, economic and chance factors which influence the

nature and significance of work in the total lifespan of any given individual. It is a process

by which individuals choose a career path or occupation, continue to develop in it

throughout their lives, and have several major career changes as personal needs and

interests change. A thorough study of these factors should reveal a highway towards

career path.

1. What career path would the student pursue after graduating as a senior high

school student?

2. What are the factors considered in PUP SHS career path decision?

3. What are the reasons behind the factors considered?

4. How do the factors affect the career path decision of senior high school students

graduating in April 2018?


For this study the following hypothesis will be tested:

The individual factors, internal factors and external factors plays a major role in

students career path decision.


In the sampling procedure, there were one hundred (100) senior high school in the

Polytechnic University of the Philippines selected randomly and in convenience.

One of the sampling techniques used in this study was convenience sampling.

Shavelson (1996) explained that a sample may be selected because it is convenient or

readily available. The respondents in the study was selected because it was available

and accessible, and allowed the researchers to operationalize the study. It consisted of

one hundred (100) senior high school students graduating in the year 2018 who were

enrolled in the Polytechnic University of the Philippines during a 2016-2017. Cornfield

and Tukey (1956) stated that such a sample limits the external validity of the study. While
the results may be generalizable to all of the students in the school used in this study, the

results may not be valid for other schools. Additional studies should be done, drawing

from a broader population, before attempting to generalize the findings of this study to

other senior high school students in other institutions.


The researchers hypothesized that the factors affecting the students career path

decision plays a major role in the students career. The significance of this study was in

determining what factors influence students choosing a career path.

This study will be of significance to the following people:


The findings of this study will help the parents better understand and know how

and why children decide on their career. The parents will then be able to fully support

their children in career path decision-making.


If the problem of student attrition were better understood, schools would be better

equipped to initiate new programs that assist students in achieving their career goals.

Moxley et al. (2001) explained that one challenge of retention is to understand students

educational aspirations, which relate to their reasons for making career choices.

The study provides information that the teachers could use in their daily teaching

routine. Since teachers comes in direct communication with the students they could

provide children with basic information that would help them in making decisions.


The study provides knowledge and information that will guide them in choosing

their career path.


Since such a study does not appear to have ever been conducted in Philippines,

participation in this study will help us to know what factors influence senior high school

students in the Philippines graduating in the Philippines academic and career path

decision, and also to make possibly make comparisons with studies done in other



The future researchers can use this research as basis for future researchers.

Career Path in the study this refers to whether pursuing college or deciding to work.

Career Selection/ Career Choice selection of a particular path or vocation in terms of


Career Path Exploration process of find a rewarding career path.

Career Exploration learning about yourself and the world of work; identifying and

exploring potentially satisfying occupations; satisfying occupations; developing an

effective strategy to realize your goals

K-12 Curriculum a term used in education and educational technology.

Career Development lifelong process of managing learning, work, leisure, and

transitions in order to move toward a personally determined and evolving preferred


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