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Please find the notes for GST Solution Implementation Issues

2413682 GST India: Missing Objects when Implementing SAP GST Notes

2418631 GST India: Issues while applying SAP Note 2415115

2419803 GST India: GSTIN not updating/saving in Business place view

2433412 GST India: J_1I_CUSTOMS Data element definition missing

2435176 GST India: J_1IG_INV gives dump for FM J_1IG_GET_PLANT_DETAILS

2410053 GST India: Control Code and GST Vendor Classification fields not available in F

2417939 GST India: Vendor classification issue in FV11

2412663 GST India: Error VT510 Select a document field for XXXX occurs

2428298 GST India: Control code not fetched for condition record TAXINN

2431425 GST India: Error 00002 Enter a valid value, J_1IEXCDEFN

2438376 GST India: FF713 Tax code XX country IN does not exist in procedure XXXX

2441735 GST India: Tax not calculated in MIRO

2441042 GST India: Maintenance of State Codes

2440978 GST India: Migration from CIN to GST [Consulting]

2456575 GST IN: New GST fields not visible in MIRO/FB60 tcodes

2431602 GST India: Plant Abroad Not Supported

2435112 GST STO Error in transaction code J_1IG_INV

2460798 GST IN: STO Configuration for GST and Stock Transfer Process

2458686 GST MIRO HSN code description gets updated rather than the code when

2446764 GST IN: Error during GUI status J_1IG_STO_STAT creation

2459388 GST IN: Tax number 3 field not visible in XD01/XK01

2420891 GST India: Maintenance of Business Place wise GL Determination

2460396 GST India: Outbound GST Invoice not Fetching GL as per Business Place

2448075 GST India: Error F5670 while Releasing Outbound GST Invoice to Accounting

2430349 GST India: Maintenance of HSN/SAC Codes

2469458 GST India: Tax Tariff Code Field not available in Service Master

2448047 GST India: Separate GST Invoices for each GSTIN Registration (Business Place)

2469505 GST IN: SAC code not updating in MIRO for Service PO

2469543 GST IN: Tax ind. f. material field is not visible in material master

2468361 GST IN: Taxes Tab hidden in service line item

2459379 GST IN: BSEG table not updated with GST fields while releasing billing

2474348 GST India Control code field value is not autopopulated from masterial maste

2474945 GST India: How to include fireight cost into GST tax amount during MIRO

2479100 GST IN: Business area and Profit center error in J_1IG_INV

2476293 GST IN: Excise tab and No excise entry in MIGO

2475533 GST IN: Assessable value field in MIRO is not editable

2478499 GST India : Syntax Error Component CUSTOMS_VAL is missing

2471819 GST IN: Information on Tax Indicator(TAXIM)

2480864 GST IN: CIN Tab is not activating in Vendor Master(XK02, XK03)

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