FMWRC 2009 Annual Report

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2009 Annu

Table of Contents
Commander’s Message_______________________________________ 4

Army Family Covenant______________________________________ 5

Executive Summaries_______________________________________ 10
The Basics of Family and
Morale, Welfare and Recreation___________________________ 12
Financial Overview______________________________________ 13
Internal Review and Audit Compliance______________________ 22

Financials________________________________________________ 14

Family and Morale, Welfare & Recreation Command _


Business Initiatives Group
Clubs and Food, Beverage and Entertainment___________ 24
Bowling_____________________________________________ 24
Golf________________________________________________ 26
Joint Services Prime Vendor Program_ __________________ 27
Recycling_ __________________________________________ 27
Recreational Lodging_ _______________________________ 28
Armed Forces Recreation Centers_ ______________________ 32
ual Report
Family and
Morale, Welfare and
Recreation Command

Hospitality Programs___________________________________ 29
Child,Youth & School Services__________________________ 38
NAF Construction/Public-Private Ventures_ _____________ 44
NAF Contracting_ ____________________________________ 45
Family Programs_ ______________________________________ 49
Human Resources_ _____________________________________ 58
Marketing_____________________________________________ 59
MWR Academy_________________________________________ 63
Operations____________________________________________ 66
Public Affairs Office___________________________________ 67
Soldier and Community Recreation
All-Army Sports_____________________________________ 69
Arts and Crafts_ ____________________________________ 72
Automotive Skills____________________________________ 73
Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers_______________ 73
Community Recreation Centers________________________ 75
Entertainment_______________________________________ 75
Leisure Travel Services/Information,
Ticket and Reservation Office_________________________ 78
Libraries_____________________________________________ 79
Outdoor Recreation_ ________________________________ 80
Sports, Fitness and Aquatics__________________________ 82
World Class Athlete Program_ _______________________ 83
Family and Morale, Welfare and
Commander’s Message
Recreation Command

Maj. Gen. Reuben D. Jones

Welcome to the Family and Morale, Welfare & Recreation Command’s Fiscal Year
2009 Annual Report. The AR09 highlights the continuing efforts of FMWRC to
provide exemplary programs that fulfill and support the Army Family Covenant.
Our Soldiers and their Families sacrifice each and every day to serve and protect
our nation and it is our mission to give back to those who give so much.
While recognizing the commitment our Soldiers make, FMWRC also recognizes
that Army Families make increasing sacrifices while providing the strength Soldiers
use every day. This makes our mission vital to the successful service of each and
every Soldier.
I, and the entire worldwide FMWR workforce, pledge to continue to provide
quality programs and services for Soldiers and their Families as we execute this
Command’s role in the Army Family Covenant

Reuben D. Jones
Major General, US Army

4  Fiscal Year 2009

Army Family Covenant:
Keeping the Promise

Never before in the history of our Army have we asked so much of Families. They serve
side-by-side with Soldiers, endure their hardships and provide the unconditional love and
support that truly make our Army strong.
Unveiled on October 8, 2007, the Army Family Covenant institutionalizes our pledge to
support Soldiers and their Families — Active, Guard and Reserve — with resourced programs
that deliver a quality of life commensurate with their service and sacrifice to the Nation. It
commits the Army to enhance Soldier and Family readiness by:

 Standardizing Family programs and services

 Increasing accessibility to health care
 Improving Soldier and Family housing
 Ensuring excellence in Child, Youth & School Services
 Expanding education and employment opportunities for Family members

The commitment expressed in the Army Family Covenant has strengthened over two years. The Army has made
significant progress in fulfilling its promises, but there is more work to be done to build an environment where Army
Families can prosper and realize their full potential. The promises of the Army Family Covenant endure.

Army Family Covenant:

2.1 Family Programs and Services
2.2 Health Care
2.3 Soldier and Family Housing
2.4 Child, Youth & School Services
2.5 Education, Careers and Libraries
2.6 Recreation, Travel and BOSS
2.7 Communities and Marketplace

Annual Report  5
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

2.1 Family Programs and Services Financial Counselors to improve outreach, referrals, life
skills and investment education, and estate planning.
The Army is committed to standardizing Family pro-  Provided single portal access, via ARMYOneSource.
grams and services. com, to standardized programs and services, information
 Standardized Army Community Service staffing and and connectivity services at garrisons, Army National
programs at the garrisons and created 477 ACS staff posi- Guard Family Assistance Centers, and Army Reserve Cen-
tions to meet operational and staffing shortfalls. ters for the geographically dispersed. As an Army asset
 Added 1,079 Family Readiness Support Assistant integrator, it ensures access to support before, during and
positions to provide administrative and logistical support after a deployment.
to the Commander, Rear Detachment Commander, and the  Supported 249 Army National Guard Family Assis-
Family Readiness Group Leader. tance Centers which provide Soldiers and their Families
 Increased number of Military Family Life Consultants support services, regardless of their geographic location.
from 144 to 212.  Funded approximately $8 million for Exceptional
 Increased staff for the New Parent Support Home Visit Family Member respite care providing up to 40 hours of
Program to reach high risk Families. The program operates program care per month for Families with Exceptional
in 33 U.S. and 29 overseas garrisons. Family members.
 Established Army Survivor Outreach Services, a stan-  Developed Soldier and Family Assistance Centers at
dardized, multi-agency, decentralized approach to improv- garrisons with Warrior Transition Units. Centers provide a
ing support for survivors of fallen Soldiers. SOS recognized safe haven where Wounded Warriors and DoD Civilians and
the need and developed Survivor Support Coordinators and their Families can gather for mutual support and camara-
derie to aid physical, spiritual and mental healing. Services
include transition support, financial counseling, child care
and education counseling. Centers serve as a conduit for
other federal, state, local, and non-governmental agencies.
 Conducted more than 1600 chaplain-led “Strong
Bonds” marriage and Family enhancement retreats for
62,000 attendees to increase marital satisfaction, enhance
readiness and reduce potential for divorce.
 Added 33 Family Life Chaplain positions to deliver
effective Family ministry and training. Provided approxi-
mately $35 million for marriage and relationship enhance-
ment programs.
 Conducted more than 100,000 religious services
around the world, including at home stations and on the
battlefield. Ensured better access to religious support at
the battalion level by adding 21 Chaplains and Chaplain

2.2 Health Care

The Army is committed to increasing accessibility and
quality of health care.
 Created 36 Warrior Transition Units to support more
than 7,700 Soldiers. An additional nine community-based
WTUs are now serving more than 1,450 Warriors in Transi-

6  Fiscal Year 2009

Army Family Covenant:

Keeping the Promise

tion residing at home.

 Increased primary care visits to more than seven million in FY08, meeting access standards for 90 percent of patient
acute, routine, and specialty appointments.
 Hired 189 of 259 new contract Behavioral Health providers (does not include providers who converted from contract
to government employment) and launched an intensive marketing campaign to hire more BH providers.
 Funded 46 Marriage and Family Therapist positions.
 Filled 72 percent of the Army Substance Abuse Program counselor positions, an increase of 2 percent from last year.
 Provided Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder chain teaching to more than 900,000 Soldiers
and conducted neurocognitive testing on more than 240,000 Soldiers prior to deployment. Educated 750 providers on
TBI care and programs and provided advanced PTSD training to 950 BH providers (600 received Web-based training).
FY09 improvements included increasing the PTSD Training program from 12 to 24 courses and training 720 additional
BH providers.
 Committed to providing depression and PTSD training to all Primary Care providers ensuring they have the skills
and tools needed to treat patients.
 Created 200,000 training products for military children and Families to strengthen their resilience and ease the
effects of deployments on children, spouses, and dual-military Families.
 Established a Center of Excellence for Children and Adolescents at Madigan Army Medical Center to develop ap-
propriate prevention and resiliency-based psycho-educational support products.
 Strengthened partnership efforts with the Department of Veterans Affairs to improve the transition process for Soldiers.
 Authorized TRICARE Standard coverage for more than 500,000 eligible members of the Selected Reserve and their
Family members and lowered the co-payment by 44 percent for individuals and 29 percent for Family members.
 Augmented Family Life Centers with U.S. Army Reserve Chaplains to increase access to supportive Family counseling
and education as part of comprehensive counseling initiatives.
 Conducted regular suicide awareness, prevention and
intervention training for Soldiers at their home station and
while deployed.

2.3 Soldier and Family Housing

The Army is committed to improving Soldier and Family
 Automated and enhanced housing services by offering
the Automated Housing Referral Network, a home buying ser-
vice, and Army Housing OneStop, a garrisons and community
information source.
 Continued the Residential Communities Initiative that
provided the Army with the ability to leverage private sector
capital and best business practices, ensuring quality facilities
and communities will be sustained through the next 50 years.
Through April 2009, RCI has privatized 43 of 45 planned gar-
risons, built more than 19,000 homes and renovated another
14,000. The planned goal calls for 87,747 homes or 98 percent
of all Army Family Housing in the United States.
 Expanded the RCI model to include Unaccompanied
Senior Enlisted/Officer Quarters at five garrisons (Forts Irwin,
Drum, Bragg, Stewart, and Bliss) to address the shortage of
adequate/affordable off-post rentals. The plan is to construct
1,396 one and two bedroom apartments.

Annual Report  7
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

 Received the 2008 President’s Quality Award from the  Delivered community-based outreach services (includ-
U.S. Office of Personnel Management for the RCI program. ing 60,000 Hero Packs) in 49 states and the District of
RCI also won the Urban Land Institute’s Award for Excel- Columbia to geographically dispersed children of deployed
lence in 2008. Active, National Guard, and Army Reserve Soldiers through
 Funded the Training Barracks Modernization Program Operation: Military Kids.
at $930 million to allow 11,306 Soldiers to move into newly  Adopted the DoD Interstate Compact on Education
designed or renovated barracks in FY09. New construction Opportunity for Military Children in 20 states to date.
or modernization of 19,746 barracks spaces is scheduled Addressed four categories — eligibility, enrollment, place-
for completion by end of FY09. ment and graduation — the compact removes “barriers to
 Introduced the First Sergeant’s Barracks Initiative educational success” imposed on children of military Fami-
to enhance: single Soldier quality of life; reduce overall lies due to frequent moves and deployment of parents.
unprogrammed single Soldier basic allowance for housing;  Collaborated with more than 373 school districts to
maximize barracks utiliza- support military-connect-
tion while reducing the ed students transferring to
number of certificates of new school systems.
non-availability; and real-
 Obtained National Ac-
locate Soldier time from creditation of 103 eligible
non-war fighting tasks. Child Development Cen-
 The Army approved ters and 96 eligible School
$500 million (FY08 GWOT Age Programs.
supplemental) and $100
million (American Recov- 2.5 Education,
ery and Reinvestment Act Careers and
of 2009) for Warrior Tran- Libraries
sition Barracks.
The Army is committed to
2.4 Child,Youth & expanding education and
School Services employment opportunities
for Family members.
The Army is committed to ensuring excellence in child,  Placed more than 41,000 military spouses through
youth, and school services. The Army Spouse Employment Program, a partnership
 Ensured all garrison-level CYSS Programs are certified with Fortune 500 companies and government agencies to
by the Department of Defense (equivalent of state licensing provide employment opportunities. An updated Web site
requirements). ( serves as a portal for military spouses to
 Reduced the financial burden on Army Families by elimi- post resumes providing them the opportunity to achieve
nating CYSS registration fees and reducing program fees. employment goals through career mobility and enhanced
 Increased support to Warriors in Transition Families employment options.
by providing child care during medical appointments, re-  Partnered with The National Endowment of the Arts
ducing child care fees, and eliminating fees for children of Partnerships for Arts and Humanities bringing classic
Wounded Warriors to participate in four CYSS instructional literature, teacher, and reader’s guides to more than 2,900
classes and two individual sports. students in 30 Army communities.
 Funded 72 FY08 Child Development Center construc-  Launched the Military Spouse Career Advancement
tion projects, programmed 29 additional Centers FY09-14, Initiative with the Department of Defense and Labor to
approved 18 new Youth Centers in FY08 and programmed provide spouses with up to $3,000 annually for education,
seven additional Youth Centers FY09-14. training and certification.

8  Fiscal Year 2009

Army Family Covenant:

Keeping the Promise

 Offered 39 library reference databases through

ARMY OneSource and Army Knowledge Online to
support education and life-long learning pursuits.
This centralized purchase saved $7.1 million.
 Purchased enterprise-wide DoD funded
library databases through the Army Library Pro-
gram. The databases support Family educational
needs such as improving literacy among children.
 Developed a 24/7 General Library Informa-
tion System which offers library services to Soldiers
and Family members including the National Guard
and Reserves, anytime, anywhere.
 Initiated the Army Library Program “Reach
Out and Read” that provides pediatric literacy
training to hospital personnel at 20 locations.
Children at well-baby/child appointments receive
a free book and parents receive instructional tips porate adaptive bowling education into the Army Bowling
on teaching reading. Manager certification program, ensuring high quality sup-
 Provided a database of reading and audio materials, avail- port to Wounded Warriors and Army Family members with
able upon request, to Family members of the deployed. Subjects special needs.
include self-help, educational, literary classics, and best sellers.  Approved requirements for 48 full-time BOSS positions
to enhance quality of life and morale for single Soldiers.
2.6 Recreation,Travel and BOSS  Developed a bowling promotion that brands bowling
centers as Family-friendly environments, while teaching
The Army is committed to providing Soldiers and Fami- children about the centers and the game.
lies a quality of life that is commensurate with their service  Increased recreation facility operating hours and pro-
through quality Recreation, Travel and Better Opportuni- gramming, and provided on-site child care at locations with
ties for Single Soldiers (BOSS) programs and services. deployed Soldiers.
 Developed Warrior Adventure Quest, a Soldier pro-  Deployed Morale, Welfare and Recreation profession-
gram supporting reset and re-integration that combines als into Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan to provide quality of
high adventure outdoor recreation activities with Battle- life, entertainment and recreation support.
mind training to help develop Soldier coping skills. Com-  Developed the Web-based Army Arts and Crafts Con-
prised of Army medical, psychology, behavioral health, and test to allow geographically dispersed Soldiers and Family
safety professionals, WAQ targets units during the first 90 members to participate in the program.
days of home-station return.  Standardized and increased the quality of fitness
 Coordinated a four-day training course with Pennsyl- center exercise equipment across the Army.
vania State University that trains recreation professionals on  Provided Soldier entertainment including the U.S.
how to integrate Wounded Warriors into existing programs. Army Soldier Show and USA Express Band.
 Teamed with the National Amputee Golf Association  Provided multiple money-saving travel opportuni-
and the United States Golf Association to provide Warrior ties to popular domestic destinations through the In-
Transition Units with golf instructional clinics. These clin- formation, Tickets and Reservation Office and online at
ics enable Soldiers to use golf as part of a total transition
back to an active lifestyle.  Planned renovations are underway at three lodging
 Created the Wounded Warrior Sports Program to pro- locations: Fort Stewart, Ga., Fort Lewis, Wash. and Camp
vide a goal-oriented sports program for physically disabled Zama, Japan. New lodging hotels have opened at Camp
Soldiers remaining on active duty. Humphreys, South Korea, Dugway Proving Ground, Utah,
 Partnered with a bowling industry coach to incor- Fort Knox, Ky., Fort Lewis, Wash. and Hohenfels, Germany.

Annual Report  9
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

New lodging hotels are under construction at Chievres, Army and Air Force and completed 17 long-range capital
Belgium, Fort Jackson, S.C., Grafenwoehr, Wiesbaden, and projects at a cost of $159 million.
Stuttgart, Germany and Vicenza, Italy.  In FY08, 423 AAFES associates volunteered and de-
ployed in support of OEF/OIF operations. Additionally, the
2.7 Communities and Marketplace number of AAFES Impress Fund Activities, serving remote
sites downrange numbered 16 in Iraq and 25 in Afghanistan.
The Army is committed to providing Families a strong,  AAFES leveraged a variety of communication avenues
supportive environment where they can thrive. in support of Military and ARMY OneSource. AAFES placed
 Provided military Families in 35 states with continued commercials on the BX’s and PX’s in-store television and
in-state college tuition benefits after the military sponsor radio networks, advertised through e-newsletters and the
leaves the state. Exchange Online Store, and also provided content regard-
 Conducted 86 Community Covenant signing ceremo- ing exchange benefits to Military and ARMY OneSource.
nies in 2008 and more than 60 signing ceremonies in 2009
with dozens more in various planning stages. Leveraged
public and private support for Soldiers and Families through
the Community Covenant, and more than 1,500 best com-
munity support practices on the Covenant Web site.
 Supported more than 30 bills enacted by states in
2007 to address flexible and expedited processes to aid
military-connected voters in deployed areas.
 Integrated resources in 38 states through Inter-Ser-
vice Family Assistance Forums to assist military Families
with child care, resources for schools, teachers and youth,
and to facilitate easy access to information, services, and
support. The Department of Defense is continuing to in-
crease utilization and coordination with high-level state
officials and agencies.
 Programmed ten new commissary projects with a $210
million investment over the next three years.
 Provided the Commissary benefit that saved an average of
more than 30 percent on purchases by Soldiers and Families
compared to commercial prices. Savings totaled $3,400 annu-
ally for a Family of four.
 Conducted Commissary on-site sales at 104 locations
for Guard and Reserve Soldiers and their Families. Guard
and Reserve Families purchased $14 million worth of com-
missary products.
 Army and Air Force Exchange Service is a major source
of employment; approximately 25 percent of the more than
43,000 AAFES associates are military Family members. An-
other 1.1 percent of associates are military members who
work part-time in exchanges during their off-duty hours.
 In FY08, AAFES provided $589 million in direct
support via MWR dividends and capital investment to the

10  Fiscal Year 2009

Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

Executive Summary
The Basics of Family and Morale, Welfare & Recreation

In FY09, Army Family and Morale, Welfare & Recreation
received $1.9 billion in appropriated funds from Congress and
$1.3 billion in nonappropriated funds primarily from cash
register sales of goods and services.

Our major business partner, the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, provided a $148
million dividend to Army FMWR based on two distinct agreements. In the first, the Army
shares 50 percent of AAFES net income after depreciation with the Air Force based on the
number of active duty Soldiers and Airmen in each service—currently the Army receives 30
percent and the Air Force 20 percent. And second, through the Army Simplified Dividend,
garrisons receive 100 percent of Class VI profits, 80 percent of pay telephone revenue, and 0.4
percent of all local AAFES sales. The latter component is deducted from the Army share of total
AAFES profit with the remainder going to the Army Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Fund.
Revenues received from Army Lodging room charges are used solely to sustain and
recapitalize the Lodging program and its facilities.
Monies derived from user fees and sales, AAFES, and recreation and amusement
machine operations are invested and earn interest to benefit Army FMWR operations. When
combined, NAF represents 42 percent of all funding that allows
Army FMWR programs to continue to serve more than 3.9
million patrons.
Most of this money goes to Army installations
and is used to run FMWR operations, programs, and
services. What is left is focused on Army-wide capital
improvements and minor construction and capital

12  Fiscal Year 2009

Executive Summaries


Financial Overview
All Army Morale, Welfare and Recreation Funds
Field operating MWR programs and nonappropri- For NAF, revenue increased $28 million over FY08.
ated fund instrumentalities, the Army Recreation Ma- Major increases were seen in operating income (user fees).
chine Program, and the Army MWR Fund comprise Sales were relatively stable despite deployment. The Army
Army MWR operating funds. Collectively, $2.7 billion in and Air Force Exchange payments to the Army amounted to
total APF and NAF funding supported FY09 operating $148 million, a $1 million decrease from FY08.
and capital requirements worldwide—a $209 million in- Figure 1 shows total FY09 funding support and uses
crease from FY08. including Lodging and Army Community Services. The ra-
For APF, a $181 million increase was primarily due to tio of APF to NAF support was 58 percent to 42 percent,
the Army support for the Soldier Family Action Plan of the respectively. The APF increased 13 percentage points from
Army Family Covenant. The biggest increase was in Opera- FY08, primarily due to the increased support for construc-
tions Maintenance Army with $1.206 billion funded, an tion. The major use of funds continues to be personnel,
increase of $76 million from FY08. The positive change in at 44 percent of the total, up four percentage points from
OMA was primarily due to the continuation of the Child/ FY08. After operating costs, $792 million was available for
Youth capitalization initiative. capital requirements—$201 million more than FY07.

Global Army Program Overview

MWR, Lodging and Army Community Service
FY09 ($ in millions)
Inclu RRA
/ A
OCO 0M Sources
AAFES Dividend Other Expenses
Other MWR NAF $148 (5%) $1,053 (32%) Capital Investment
$602 (19%) $792 (24%)

Gross ARMP
Revenue Military Personnel
$103 (3%) Account
$16 (1%)
$229 (7%)

NAF Personnel Uniform Funding

Lodging Appropriated Funds GS Personnel and Management/U.S.
$508 (16%)
$269 (8%) $1,899 (58%) $388 (12%) Army Personnel
$492 (15%)
The Global Army Program is $3.2 billion
Figure 1

 Addresses total universe of all resources and uses

 Sources: 58 percent APF and 42 percent NAF
 Uses: 44 percent personnel; 24 percent capital investment; and 32 percent other expenses

Annual Report  13
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

DoD Funding Metrics

For Category B, the minimum ratio is 65 percent APF and
In November 1995, the DoD published fiscal standards 35 percent NAF.
for MWR requiring that, regardless of category, 100 per- The Army supports these standards. MWR long-range
cent of authorized costs are funded with APF. Metrics to fiscal planning is based on matching the right funding
measure these standards allow for incidental program-re- source with APF/NAF requirements, and the MWR leader-
lated resale operations that are not authorized APF. The ship established tracking mechanisms to ensure proper ex-
metrics focus on the relationship of APF and NAF operat- ecution. MWR is now in its 14th year of monitoring these
ing support for Category A (Mission Sustaining Programs) standards. Figure 2 illustrates FY09 results. Army MWR
and Category B (Basic Community Support). They exclude reported Category A APF rising from 84 percent in FY08 to
costs of goods sold and depreciation. For Category A, the 89 percent in FY09, and Category B rose from 77 percent in
minimum standard is 85 percent APF and 15 percent NAF. FY08 to 79 percent in FY09.

Army MWR Operating Funds

APF as Percentage
of Total Expenses
FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 Minimum
Category A 91% 92% 93% 89% 83% 83% 84% 89% 85%
Category B 67% 69% 71% 66% 67% 65% 77% 79% 65%
Figure 2

Critical Indicators
The MWR Army Leadership uses many tools to moni- versus liabilities due and payable at specific points in time
tor MWR operating funds and evaluate the program’s col- throughout the fiscal year. These actual indicators are then
lective health. Two major “critical indicators” are the cash compared with the plan to ensure the Army is on track.
to debt ratio of the collective funds and the relationship of As of Sept. 30, 2009, the Army’s collective MWR op-
the outstanding Army MWR Fund loan to the Army Bank- erating cash to current field liabilities was 2.8:1 (Figure
ing and Investment Fund with field Nonappropriated Fund 3). The AMWRF loan ratio to field cash deposits continues
Instrumentality cash deposits. For the cash to debt ratio, at zero percent. This position is due to the AMWRF hav-
the Army Leadership reviews the total Army’s cash in the ing paid off in FY07 without any subsequent loan require-
Army Banking and Investment Fund, excluding the loan, ments in FY09.

Critical Financial Indicators

FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09

Percent Army MWR Loan to Field NAFI Deposits 12% 9% 0% 0% 0%

Total Cash to Field Current Debt Ratio 1.6:1 1.9:1 2.5:1 2.1:1 2.8:1
Total Cash to Army Current Debt Ratio 1.4:1 1.8:1 1.2:1 0.8:1 1.2:1
Figure 3

14  Fiscal Year 2009

Executive Summaries


Total MWR Operating Funds

Direct Appropriated Fund Support

The Management Decision Execution Packages that directly support MWR
and Family programs in the Soldier Family Action Plan reflected execution at
100 percent of the Army’s total base and supplemental funding.

The Family (i.e., Army Community Service) and MWR (i.e., Soldier Recreation and Child and Youth Services) MDEPS
execution versus targets and funding resulted in the following: all base funding was executed at 100 percent; and supple-
mental targets and funding were executed at 100 percent.

Nonappropriated Funds
For FY09, Army-wide field MWR Funds reported net Total MWR NAFI Worldwide NIBD/NIAD
income before depreciation of $200.4 million (22.7 percent
$ in millions
of net revenue) versus FY08 NIBD of $160.1 million (18.1 201
percent of net revenue). Net income after depreciation was  Budgeted
 Actual
$57 million for FY09 versus $16 million in FY08.
Figure 4 reflects the level of NIBD earned in FY09 156 160
which exceeds the Army’s NIBD standard by 14.7 percent- 140
age points.
Figure 5 shows the Army exceeding MWR standards for
13 consecutive years.
Figure 6 depicts the field’s NAF operating results by
category. Category A reflects a slight decreased reliance
on NAF support over the past year. Category B reflects in-
creased earnings of $2.4 million over FY08. Category C also 57

reported an increase in earnings of $6.8 million in FY09 36 35

compared to the previous year.
The cost of NAF overhead declined in FY09 by $24.5
million as compared to FY08. FY09 NIBD FY09 NIAD FY08 NIBD FY08 NIAD

Figure 7 displays the sources of non-operating income Figure 4

for the field. With the exception of Army and Air Force Ex-
change Service dividend revenue, all categories were less
than budget projections.

Annual Report  15
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

MWR BoD Actual NIBD % Total MWR Program Functional
NIBD Standard $ (in millions) Revenue
NAF Operating Results
1996 5% 65.1 7.8
$ Millions FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09
1997 5% 75.8 8.9
Income Generators
1998 7% 66.9 8.8 Category C Programs $74.4 $91.6 $89.9 $96.7
1999 8% 88.6 11.4 External Revenue 142.7 167.5 144.5 129.2
2000 8% 116.7 14.3 Subtotal 217.1 259.1 234.4 225.9
2001 8% 117.1 14.7 Income Users
2002 8% 103.8 13.5 Category A Programs -5.5 -4.9 -5.3 -5.0
2003 8% 91.6 12.1 Category B Programs 2.9 6.2 5.8 30.0
2004 8% 99.4 13.0 Overhead Expense -77.3 -91.1 -74.8 -50.3
2005 8% 104.5 12.7 Capital Reinvestment 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2006 8% 137.2 16.3
Subtotal 79.9 89.8 -74.3 -25.3
2007 8% 169.3 18.9
NIBD* $137.2 $169.3 $160.1 $200.4
2008 8% 160.1 18.1
%of Net Revenue 16.3% 18.9% 18.1% 22.7%
2009 8% 200.4 22.7
Figure 6
Figure 5 Note: FY06-FY09 percentage based on UFM/USA for MWR – Adjusted revenue.

Non-Operating Revenue

85.5 $ in millions
 FY08 Actual
 FY09 Budget
 FY09 Actual


20.7 32.4
4.4 0 0
AAFES ARM Interest Guest House Payback

Figure 7

16  Fiscal Year 2009

Executive Summaries


Army Operating Funds

This section addresses individual Headquarters, Department of the Army funds managed at the FMWRC and presents
a summarized balance sheet and statement of income and expense.

Army Morale, Welfare and Recreation Fund

The long-range Morale, Welfare and Recre-
ation financial plan redirected field Nonappropri-
ated Fund Instrumentality-revenue to the Army Uses of an AMWRF Dollar
Morale, Welfare and Recreation Fund for world-
wide application to modernize MWR NAF facili-
ties and program investments. The plan also au-
thorizes borrowing from the Army Banking and Field
Investment Fund. Services
In FY09, this plan paid out $17.4 million for and
regular construction, $10.8 million for manage- Construction
ment information system support, and $12.7 and Program
million for other program investments such as 26%
master training, interns, patron surveys, and
marketing research. The next allocation is for
field exemptions and services such as self-suf- USACFSC
ficiency exemption dividends, capital purchase Operations
and minor construction grants, Army sports, 23%
and Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers. The
fund also supports a portion of the NAF admin-
istration budget for FMWRC. Figure 8 shows the
AMWRF FY09 allocation. Figure 8

Army Recreation Machine Trust Fund

The Army Recreation Machine Trust Fund administers on hand at the beginning of the year) were $30.1 million in
the Army Recreation Machine Program operating profits. shared distributions to Regions and payouts to the AMWRF
In FY09, the ARMTF received $30.6 million in profit dis- and $2.2 million for internal Army Recreation Machine op-
tribution, a $20.8 million decrease from FY08. Major uses erations capital expenditures.
of cash in FY09, on a cash flow basis (which includes cash

Army Central Insurance Fund

mercial property insurance which serves as re-insurance
The Army Central Insurance Fund provides comprehen- against catastrophic loss. During FY09 claim payments for
sive property and casualty insurance through a self-insured damage to NAF buildings and contents Army-wide were
program for all NAF activities. The ACIF purchases com- $1.3 million for the year. Accidents causing damage to

Annual Report  17
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

NAF-operated vehicles resulted in losses of $300 thousand. pensation costs rates were reduced in FY09.
Losses resulting from the theft or robbery of NAF money The cost of unemployment compensation for FY09 re-
and securities resulted in claim payments of $28 thousand. sulted in payments of $3.4 million to former NAF employ-
The cost of general and vehicle tort claims for bodily injury ees. The ACIF had a net operating loss of $1.8 million for
and property damage due to negligence amounted to $927 the year. This loss is attributable to the increase in self-in-
thousand. Although there was an increase in workers’ com- sured claims expense and a reduction in some rates.

Army Banking and Investment Fund

The Army Banking and Investment Fund manages a pool of U.S. Government securities on behalf of participants and
pays interest based on portfolio earnings. During FY09, the ABIF provided cash management and investment services to
400 Army and DoD entities. Participants earned a compounded rate of 2.29 percent on their average deposited balance.
During the year, the ABIF distributed $30 million as interest income. Invested cash rose from $1.337 billion in FY08 to
$1.596 billion in FY09 (Figure 9).

Army Banking and Investment Fund

Depositors’ Balances — Net of AMWRF Loan
$ millions





409 432

’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09

Figure 9

18  Fiscal Year 2009

Executive Summaries


Army Central Retirement Fund

This report can be found on page 23.

Financial Report: Army MWR

Army MWR corporate finances are the combined total performance from field operating NAFIs, the ARMP and the
AMWRF. The Financial Overview section (page 3) of this report shows how these elements, taken in the aggregate, per-
formed from FY08 to FY09. In addition, The Financial Overview section reviews field operating results for the same pe-
riod. Below are the Summarized Balance Sheet (Figure 10) and the Summarized Statement of Income and Expense (Figure
11), which support the analysis in the Executive Summary.

Summarized Balance Sheet/Income and Expense Statement

Summarized Balance Sheet: Army MWR Operating Funds
The collective financial position (see Figure 10, as of crease was offset by accounts payable, -$2.1 million and
Sept. 30, 2009, reflected a current ratio of 0.7:1 versus 0.9:1 an increase in other current liabilities, $306 million. Major
attained at the end of FY08. Cash to current liabilities was increases in cash (sinking funds) and liabilities is largely
calculated at 0.6:1 compared with 0.7:1 as of Sept. 30, 2008. attributed to the Uniform Funding and Management pro-
The ratios are in line with the strategy to reinvest maximum cess where Appropriated and Nonappropriated Funds are
cash in capital requirements while sustaining appropriate merged for the purposes of providing MWR services using
levels of operating cash to meet daily recurring needs. NAF rules and procedures. A large portion of the Other As-
Major changes in current assets were reflected in Cash, sets is under NAF certification awaiting execution of Child
+$73 million and receivables, +$7.5 million. This net in- Care construction being accomplished under UFM.

Summarized Income and Expense Statement

Figure 11 illustrates the statement of FY09 APF and to the increased number of approved CDC projects and
NAF operations compared with FY08. The NAF revenue and overseas contingency operations funding.
expenses transacted through UFM and MWR Utilization, The collective NAF revenue for the Army Operating
Support and Accountability have been eliminated from this Funds for FY09 was $1,081.2 million, a $27.5 million in-
display in order to preclude overstatement of combined crease over FY08. The AAFES dividend to the Army de-
APF and NAF support. In FY09, $909 million was executed creased $1 million; and the gross Army Machine Recreation
through these processes, versus $737 million in FY08. Program revenue decreased $26.6 million. While sales re-
Total APF support increased $181 million compared mained relatively stable, there was a $77.1 million increase
with the previous year. Major increases were reflected in in other operating revenue due to an extraordinary income
Operation and Maintenance, Army, +$76 million, illustrat- APF payment for prior year APF authorized costs.
ing the material effort on the part of the Army to support On the expense side, labor continues to be the larg-
MWR priorities in the Soldier Family Action Plan. The re- est element of operations for MWR. The FY09 labor costs
ported costs for military personnel working in MWR was overall reflected a 4.8 percent increase over FY08. Other
up $11.2 million, reflecting an increased effort in the field costs declined however compared with the previous year
to capture and report these indirect costs more accurately by $173.3 million. This was primarily due to increased em-
than in the past. The Military Construction, Army level of phasis on construction requirements versus recurring op-
$314 million was the highest ever reported for MWR, due erating costs.

Annual Report  19
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

The NIBD was recorded at $316.3 million, a $118.8 mil- NAF revenue. Major reasons for the positive condition are
lion increase from FY08. Net income was $164.9 million, or attributed to decreased operating costs, increased appro-
15.3 percent of NAF revenue. This is an increase from FY08 priated fund support, increased NAF revenues and extraor-
when NIAD was reported at $47.7 million, 4.5 percent of dinary income for prior year APF authorized costs.

Summarized Balance Sheet: Army MWR Operating Funds

Sept. 30 FY09 Sept. 30 FY08 Change
Assets Current Assets
Cash/Investments $496,864,731 $423,869,798 $72,994,933
Receivables 97,009,118 89,508,433 $7,500,685
Inventories 21,902,623 22,693,035 ($790,412)
Prepaid Items 15,585,219 10,804,866 $4,780,353
Total Current Assets 631,361,691 546,876,132 $84,485,559

Fixed Assets 2,920,048,521 2,802,516,794 $117,531,727

(Less) Accumulated Depreciation 1,574,566,732 1,492,422,399 $82,143,333
Book Value Fixed Assets 1,345,482,789 1,310,094,395 $35,388,394

Other Assets
Capital Commitment/Sinking Funds 702,451,792 408,430,000 $294,021,792
Separation Sinking Funds 1,349,410 1,445,000 ($95,590)
Other 46,708,265 802,840 $45,905,425

Total Assets $2,727,353,947 $2,267,648,367 $459,705,580

Liabilities Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable $57,522,135 $59,577,778 ($2,055,643)
Other 836,618,816 530,418,856 $306,199,960
Total Current Liabilities $894,140,951 $589,996,634 $304,144,317

Total Long Term Liabilities 129,916,888 134,919,558 ($5,002,670)

Total Liabilities 1,024,057,839 724,916,192 $299,141,647

Fund Equity 1,703,296,108 1,542,732,175 $160,563,933

Liabilities and Fund Equity $2,727,353,947 $2,267,648,367 $459,705,580

Figure 10

20  Fiscal Year 2009

Executive Summaries


Summarized Income and Expense Statement: Army MWR Operating Funds

FY09 FY08 Change
Revenue APF:
Military Personnel $16,409,605 $5,182,242 $11,227,363
OMA 1,205,936,545 1,130,120,495 75,816,050
Other Operating 32,521,012 16,707,621 15,813,391
DLA/DoD 25,429,523 13,090,000 12,339,523
MCA 313,900,900 248,167,000 65,733,000
Sub-total $1,594,196,685 $1,413,267,358 $180,929,327

Sales 229,057,988 232,343,918 (3,285,930)
Gross ARM Revenue 101,761,221 128,400,000 (26,638,779)
Central Fund AAFES Dividend 60,979,062 67,344,700 (6,365,638)
ASD/Other AAFES 86,695,268 81,749,294 4,945,974
Other Revenue* 583,389,420 506,292,377 77,097,043
Interest Income 19,330,426 37,501,141 (18,170,715)
Sub-total* $1,081,213,385 $1,053,631,430 $27,581,955

Total Revenue and Appropriations $2,675,410,070 $2,466,898,788 $208,511,282

Figure 9

Revenue APF:
Operating Labor** $121,229,560 $128,607,950 ($7,378,390)
Overhead Labor** 27,105,060 29,152,123 (2,047,063)
APF Support for UFM Labor 492,401,484 366,806,454 125,595,030
Other Operating Costs 490,027,349 640,533,831 (150,506,482)
Sub-total $1,130,763,453 $1,165,100,358 ($34,336,905)

Cost of Goods Sold 96,963,696 96,446,675 517,021
Operating Labor* 347,473,834 361,974,165 (14,500,331)
Overhead Labor* 49,217,827 103,705,800 (54,487,973)
Other Operating Costs* 271,273,210 294,049,195 (22,775,985)
Sub-total* $764,928,567 $856,175,835 ($91,247,268)

Total Operating Expenses 1,895,692,020 2,021,276,193 ($125,584,173)

Military Construction Army 463,433,232 248,167,000 $215,266,232

Net Income Before Depreciation 316,284,818 197,455,595 $118,829,223

Depreciation 151,422,886 149,731,798 ($733,405)

Net Income (Loss) $164,861,932 $47,723,797 $117,138,135

* Net of UFM/U: SA/MWR Revenue: FY09 $909,233,517; FY08 $737,181,354

** Includes General Schedule, Foreign Nationals, Wage Grade and Military Personnel Army

Figure 11

Annual Report  21
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

Internal Review
Nonappropriated Funds Audit

DoD policy requires annual financial statement audits
of the Army nonappropriated funds by independent
commercial auditors.
For FY08, an unqualified audit opinion was rendered for the NAFs below except for the Army Morale, Welfare, and
Recreation Fund and the Army Lodging Fund. These two Funds each received qualified opinions. The AMWRF and ALF
accounting documentation did not support the account balance for Construction-In-Progress. The accounting documen-
tation is being corrected. Financial statement audits for these funds for FY 2009 are in progress.

 Army Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Fund

 Army Central Insurance Fund
 Army Banking and Investment Fund
 Army NAF Employee Retirement Plan
 Army Medical Life Fund
 Army NAF Employee 401(k) Savings Plan
 Army Lodging Fund
 IMCOM MWR NAF Major Construction Fund
 Army Recreation Machine Trust and Operations Fund
 Korea Region MWR Single Fund
 Armed Forces Recreation Centers Funds Group, which include the
AFRC hotels in Europe, Korea, Florida, Virginia and Hawaii.

The following NAFs are being audited for FY08 and FY09:
 Northeast Region MWR Single Fund
 Southeast Region MWR Single Fund
 West Region MWR Single Fund
 Pacific Region MWR Single Fund
 Europe Region MWR Single Fund (FY09 only)

These audits have been delayed since consolidated Regional MWR Funds financial statements are not produced by
Defense Finance and Accounting Service NAF Financial Services, the accounting office. Financial statement audit reports
will be issued for both years. DFAS NAF Financial Services does not produce an auditable financial statement combining
the Region and Garrison MWR Funds. Consolidation only occurs at the cash level via the daily cash sweep, and in the
Standard Management Information Reports for Finance reports library. Consequently, extensive data collection by the
commercial auditors is required to perform the audits for a certified financial audit of the consolidated region’s statement.
The Army’s nonappropriated audit committee is monitoring these audits being performed by independent auditors.

22  Fiscal Year 2009

Executive Summaries


Army Central Retirement Fund

The Army Central Retirement Fund represents the total tions on which the plan is based. The plan paid NAF retirees
of employee and employer contributions and investment and their beneficiaries $39.8 million in FY09 including a 4
earnings on those contributions (plan assets) for the U.S. percent cost of living increase beginning April 1, 2009.
Army NAF Employee Retirement Plan. The fund pays accrued On Sept. 30, 2009, the market value of the plan’s assets
benefits to participants and their survivors as determined by totaled $769 million (see Figure 1). The return on investment
a formula based on salary and years of service when they are earned by these assets for the year ending Sept. 30, 2009 was
eligible for retirement. As of the end of FY09, there were 5,873 -3.3 percent.
retirees and survivors receiving monthly annuities from the
NAF Retirement Fund and 1,464 deferred vested members. Army Medical/Life Fund
As of Oct. 1, 2009, the date of the last actuarial valua- The Army offers health, dental, and life insurance ben-
tion, the value of benefits participants have earned (actu- efits to its regular NAF employees. The AMLF collects pre-
arial present value of accumulated plan benefits) was $883 miums from employers and employees based on participant
million. This is the amount required to satisfy all the plan’s enrollment in the health benefits options. Employees may
obligations if it were terminated today. The market value of elect health benefits coverage in either the DoD Health Ben-
assets available on Oct. 1, 2009 was $769 million, compared efit Plan or through Health Maintenance Organizations in
to $785M on Oct. 1, 2008. some locations. Claim expenses for the DoDHBP are satis-
A more important measure of the plan’s financial health is fied by direct disbursements to affiliated medical service pro-
its ability to meet obligations for benefits that will be earned viders after the plan takes its discounts. When services are
in the future. An enrolled actuary makes these computations provided from outside the network or for any dental claims,
annually. As of Oct. 1, 2009, the total actuarial accrued liabil- participating employees are reimbursed directly. In order to
ity was $1.003 billion compared with $910 million one year preserve the tax-preferred status of life insurance benefits,
before, with the actuarial value of assets at $923 million, for the Fund reimburses a contracted insurance carrier for ben-
a funded status of 92 percent. This represents the continued efits paid to beneficiaries of deceased participants in the life
strength of the fund in spite of the generally poor performance insurance program.
of the financial markets. In response to the decline in the mar-
kets, the 2009 COLA was limited to 4 percent, as opposed to 401(k) Savings Plan
the 5.8 percent increase in the Consumer Price Index. Addi- The U.S. Army NAF 401(k) Savings Plan continues to be
tionally, the employer contribution rate was increased from a valuable benefit for employees. The total individual 401(k)
6.5 percent to 7.0 percent, effective Oct. 1, 2009. Savings Plan account balances were $321 million at the end
Retirement plan assets are in a trust fund that can only of FY09, an increase of $32 million from FY08 (see Figure 2).
be used to provide benefits to participants as authorized by This increase was a result of participant contributions and
the plan. Five trustees are responsible for investing assets some improvement in the performance of the stock market.
in authorized investments. Assets are invested so that, over As of Sept. 30, 2009, there were 13,827 active participants,
time, the return on investment meets the long-term assump- which was 70 percent of the eligible employees.
U.S. Army NAF 401(k) Savings Plan
Army NAF Retirement Fund (Average Total Returns, Period Ending Sept. 30, 2009, in percent)
Asset Allocation Investment Fund 1 Year 5 Years Life of Fund
Asset Class Amount ($M) Percent
Retirement Money Market 1.27 3.35 4.38
Common Stock 542.6 70.2 U.S. Bond Index 10.02 4.60 7.13
Bonds and Debentures 125.7 16.9 Balanced Fund 3.73 4.36 8.98
Cash and Equivalents 24.9 2.7 Davis New York Venture Fund -6.56 1.57 11.79
Venture Capital 38.8 5.4 Growth Company 0.70 5.65 12.38
U.S. Government 11.9 1.9 Overseas -2.43 5.64 10.87
Spartan Equity -6.86 0.98 8.95
Insurance Contracts 25.1 2.9
Dodge and Cox -3.69 0.81 10.75
Total 769.0 100.0
T. Rowe Price 0.48 3.52 12.56
Figure 1
Figure 2

Annual Report  23
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

Business Initiatives Group

Clubs and Food, Beverage and

Entertainment architectural design, menus, recipes, training, in-house
marketing promotions and much more. There are currently
Army Club and Food, Beverage and Entertainment ac- 92 total MWR Branded Restaurants in operation under the
tivities are an increasing and integral part of installation eight brands in the portfolio. Seven of these are located on
business operations; contributing essential funding to sup- and managed by Air Force and Marine Corps bases.
port MWR programs. The Army operates 173 CFBE activi- The Army’s Name Brand Fast Food program further ex-
ties (Officers’ and Community Clubs, Catering Centers, pands the quality of food services to the total Army commu-
Stand Alone Branded Restaurants, Food, Beverage and En- nity, and generates reasonable earnings for the Installation
tertainment activities, and Snack Bars) worldwide. They of- Morale, Welfare and Recreation Fund. There are currently
fer a wide variety of programs and services to enhance unit 12 NBFF operations in MWR facilities. In FY09, these pro-
readiness and support community social needs. duced $600 thousand in NIBD for the IMWRF.
Bingo is one of the most profitable Army MWR pro-
grams in the CFBE portfolio–producing $8.9 million in NIBD
“MWR Branded on $45.3 million of revenue. It is important to note that 95
percent of bingo revenue and 92 percent of the NIBD comes
Restaurants are from the top 10 programs. Bingo programs afford our pa-
comprehensive packages trons fun and excitement in a social setting and are project-
ed for expansion at several garrisons in FY10. FY10 bingo
that can be customized program expansion will include introduction of 24-Number
to fit the needs of the Bingo (Quick Shot) at selected Bowling Centers.
In 2009, the revitalization of Army MWR catering con-
installation...” tinued to move forward. Aggressive development of the
“Army Catering Program” began with the goal of providing
a comprehensive set of tools designed exclusively for MWR
For FY09, CFBE recorded net income before deprecia- managers and catering personnel. The new Army Catering
tion of $14.5 million on total revenue of $149 million, a concept was introduced at Fort Riley, Kan. and Fort Lewis,
return of 9.9 percent compared to the IMCOM standard of Wash. The program is being enhanced based on lessons
8 percent. Total revenue for CFBE decreased by $5.4 million learned from these implementations.
compared to FY08; while NIBD decreased by $1.9 million.
Appropriated funding reimbursements increased to $3.0
million for FY09 versus $2.8 million for FY08. Bowling
The Army’s MWR Branded Restaurant Operations
compete with popular off-post establishments to achieve The Army operated 86 Bowling Centers with 1,650 lanes
business success and give Soldiers what they want. MWR during FY09. These Family-oriented entertainment centers
Branded Restaurants are comprehensive packages that can hosted 6.9 million patron games bowled and offered — in
be customized to fit the needs of the installation; whether addition to open, league, and tournament bowling — a wide
it’s a retrofit of an existing facility, in-line service counter or array of amenities such as Strike Zone snack bars, video and
brand new construction. FMWRC offers market assessment, internet gaming machines, meeting and party rooms, rec-

24  Fiscal Year 2009


Initiatives Group

reational machines and bingo. A few centers have expanded sored promotions and events of this type. To date, 28 cen-
into laser games, miniature golf, and soft play areas for chil- ters signed up for the program. To enhance Bowlopolis and
dren. Extended deployments and back-to-back troop rota- provide a turn-key educational program, a children’s train-
tions made traditional league bowling difficult and resulted ing kit and lessons manual were sent to participating gar-
in predominately open play. risons. Child, Youth & School Services, as well as schools,
Both category B (41 locations) and C (45 locations) cen- churches, and other organizations, partnered with local
ters performed well financially in FY09, exceeding Installa- participating bowling centers to bring Bowlopolis to Army
tion Management Command standards. Collectively, Cat- youth. Managers submitted quarterly after-action reports
egory B bowling activity net revenue was $7.3 million, with to measure the return-on-investment for the program. Af-
$1.1 million in NIBD or 15 percent NIBD as a percent of net ter a successful launch in FY09, the program is planned to
revenue. The standard for Category B Centers was break- continue in FY10.
even. Category C bowling activity total net revenue was Bowling Center Manager certification training was
$45.8 million, with $7.4 million NIBD or 16 percent NIBD provided in June 2009 as part of a Joint Services train-
as a percent of net revenue. The ing venture. Managers re-
IMCOM standard for Category ceived instruction in facility
C Centers was 15 percent. and equipment management,
FY09 bowling program in- coaching, pro shop operations,
vestment saw design start for lane inspection and certifica-
a new state-of-the-art 16-lane tion, and new IMCOM initia-
Soldier and Family Entertain- tives. One of the country’s top
ment Center at Wiesbaden, bowling coaches, Dick Ritger,
Germany. Project validation provided an Adaptive Needs
assessments for proposed bowling coaching program,
projects were completed for developed for Wounded War-
a new 32-lane center at Fort riors and other Family mem-
Gordon, Ga. for $15 million, bers with special needs. Bob
and for a new 32-lane center at Rea, a leader in children’s
Fort Lee, Va. for $15.6 million. bowling instruction, provided
These proposed centers are en- a class for managers wanting
visioned to include lounges, to learn more about children’s
Strike Zone snack bars, meet- coaching under the Bowlopolis
ing and party rooms, game umbrella. Both new coaching
rooms, and pro shops. programs were incorporated
To assist garrisons with into the bowling management
the Army Family Covenant and certification training require-
to provide quality Family pro- ments. A new FMWRC, Busi-
gramming, FMWRC Bowling partnered with the Bowling ness Initiatives Group training program was implemented
Proprietor’s Association of America and Strike Ten Enter- in FY09 whereby 18 bowling center managers were central-
tainment on a new children’s program called Bowlopolis. ly funded to attend the training. Attendance was funded
The program-themed Army centers are child and Family locally for another 40 Army Managers and 140 Managers
friendly. Children were attracted to Army centers through from other Services.
the periodic release of DVDs — only available at the local The FY09 bowling Excellence in Management award
bowling centers. The DVDs contained an ongoing serial nominees were: Teresa Day, Coyote Bowling Center, Yuma
cartoon story of a little boy who must learn to bowl. Army Proving Ground, Yuma, Ariz.; Frank Jacobson, Thunder Al-
Bowling Center membership in the BPAA and Strike Ten ley Lanes, Fort Carson, Colo.; Barbara Cox, Phantom War-
Entertainment enables garrisons to join nationally-spon- rior Lanes, Fort Hood, Texas; Diane Clark, Strike Zone

Annual Report  25
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

Bowling Center, Fort Polk, La.; John Howard, Redstone tant $10. On average, installations collected $362 in entry
Lanes, Redstone Arsenal, Ala.; Abdul Qayyum, Fort Myer fees from contestants resulting in 720 attempts to qualify
Bowling Center, Fort Myer, Va. to win the $10,000 grand prize. Ensign Ryan Hixson of the
Coast Guard defended his 2007 and 2008 titles by pulling
off the three-peat, and once again taking home the $10,000
Golf grand prize.
Army Golf has set up Professional Golf Association
For FY09, the Army’s 53 golf courses recorded NIBD of Certification Training to provide “affiliated” memberships
$7.7 million on net revenue of $69 million, a return of 11.2 to properly certify Army Golf Course Managers that are not
percent versus the IMCOM standard for installations of 15 PGA Class “A” Professionals. Level I of the training is sched-
percent. FY08 NIBD was $9.6 million on net revenue of $73 uled in January 2010, in conjunction with the PGA Mer-
million, a return of 13 percent. chandise Show in Orlando, Fla. Level II will be conducted in
During this period of high operational tempo and nec- August 2010 in Las Vegas, Nev., prior to the PGA Fall Expo.
essary changes to operational approach, Army Golf focused The golf managers will earn their Army Golf Certification
on programs supporting authorized users in special circum- upon successful completion of Level II.
stances. A discount program reducing golf green fees and Training for managers and superintendents remains
lessons was offered to Family members of deployed Brigade a priority. The Army was represented at the Golf Course
Combat Team Soldiers. Army Golf, in conjunction with Superintendents’ Course held at Texas A&M in FY09; 55
the National Amputee Golf Association, sponsored “First Army Golf course managers and supervisors attended the
Swing” learn to golf seminars under a grant from the Unit- PGA/Armed Forces Golf Managers’ Seminar in Orlando,
ed States Golf Association. This partnership supports in- Fla. which was followed by the PGA Merchandise Show in
troduction of Warriors in Transition to the enjoyment and January 2009.
benefits of golf as a leisure activity. The program is offered The IMCOM corporate strategy recommends courses
as an on-site train-the-trainer model teaching military golf with excess capacity initiate requests to open for general
professionals adaptive golf techniques suitable for players public play or for Veterans’ usage. To date 26 courses are
with disabilities. Hands-on instruction to our Warriors in open to public play and 12 are approved to allow access by
Transition is provided during these golf clinics. The “First honorably discharged Veterans.
Swing” instructors relate to participants as they are all am- Enterprise golf cart acquisition continues to provide
putees who have served in the military. From this regard benefits with approximately 3,300 golf cars having been
it becomes a peer-to-peer environment creating a dynamic purchased from Club Car through FY09 with realized sav-
training opportunity. FMWRC organized “2009 The ings of approximately $3.1 million. FMWRC initiated
First Swing Tour” offering instruction at Forts a bulk purchase request for golf course
Sam Houston, Belvoir, Campbell, Jackson, maintenance equipment encompassing
and Stewart, as well as the Navy Depot all 53 golf facilities worldwide. This
in San Diego. contract covers 14 individual com-
The 2009 Military Long Drive mercial products configured to the
Championship sponsored by Snap- Army’s specifications, along with ad-
ple was held at 20 military instal- ditional accessories. This contract was
lations around the world. This in- awarded in March, in time for the spring
cluded 19 Army Golf Courses, and 2009 golf season. To date, a total of 54 separate
one Navy Golf Course. Golf manag- pieces of equipment have been purchased, rep-
ers reported that over 300 contestants competed resenting a savings of $121 thousand.
in the events, averaging 17 contestants per site. FMWRC purchased 26 Specialty (adaptive)
Entry fees for each six-ball attempt cost a contes- Golf Carts this past year designed for Wounded Warriors.

26  Fiscal Year 2009


Initiatives Group

Delivery of these carts was targeted to 13 garrisons with ticipation except the Southeast and Pacific Regions. Major
Warriors in Transition populations of six or more. The pur- improvements in participation occurred at several garri-
chase brought availability of the adaptive carts to a total of sons. Fort Belvoir, Va. improved by 19 percent compared to
64 carts at 31 Army Garrisons. Adaptive carts assist players FY08 and improved 34 percent over the last two quarters of
with their swing as well as facilitate course navigation. FY09. Fort Myer, Va. improved 2 percent compared to FY08
The 2009 Excellence in Management Award nominees and improved 31 percent over the last two quarters of FY09.
for golf operations were Song Yong Pak, Camp Casey, Korea; Fort Lee, Va. improved 30 percent compared to FY08.
Gary Groff, Stuttgart, Germany; Mark Smith, Wiesbaden, Research on opportunity buys of food inventory surplus-
Germany; Michael McDonald, Fort Lewis, Wash. and Rob- es and promotional programs continues to identify greater
ert Taylor, Fort Bragg, N.C. The Excellence in Management opportunities for cost savings. Such buys, can provide up to
Award was Mr. Pak. a 50 percent cost savings for products already in use.
A logistics/warehouse optimization initiative is pres-
ently underway in Korea in order to reduce overall costs
Joint Services Prime Vendor and streamline operations.

The Joint Services Prime Vendor Program continued to Recycling
provide all Service participants savings in time, labor and mon-
ey in FY09 through new contracts, increased program aware- Installations with approved Qualified Recycling Pro-
ness, and effective contract management. grams, deposit the proceeds from recyclable item sales into
FY09, JSPVP purchases totaled $140.2 million, a two a special Suspense Account, as required by law. After reim-
percent increase from $137.5 million in FY08. Added to bursing QRP expenses, Commanders may use up to 50 per-
the program were 19 Navy lodges resulting in additional cent of account balances for pollution abatement, energy
$600 thousand in purchase volume. Contract price and re- conservation, and occupational safety and health projects.
bate savings in FY09 totaled $17.5 million, an increase of Commanders should monitor the special Suspense Account
two percent over FY08. Cost savings included savings over balance, as at the end of a fiscal year any funds not used for
street costs and rebates, which are estimated at 12-15 those areas (up to 100 percent of the account), with a bal-
percent. Additionally, the customer ance in excess of $2 million, must be returned to the U.S.
transaction audits captured Treasury. Commanders need to ensure that funds are
over $75 thousand in con- distributed from the Suspense Account in a timely
tractor overcharges that manner, and that items recycled through the QRP
were subsequently paid have a positive or a breakeven return. The other
back to the ordering ac- contributor to the Suspense Account is the De-
tivities. fense Reutilization & Marketing Office as their
Product rebates in- sales of qualified recycling material are also de-
creased 21 percent from posited there. The proceeds from certain materi-
$1.15 million to $1.4 mil- als, such as precious metals and metals from military
lion. This was primarily due hardware may not be credited to the Suspense Account.
to a reduced withhold cost for rebate In the 25 years of direct MWR involvement in instal-
program management, new rebate programs with Clement lation QRP, the business of recycling has changed substan-
Pappas, Burry Foodservice, Lactalis Foodservice, Sterno tially. The “easy to get” materials, such as from accumulated
Group, and Ralcorp, and enhanced rebate programs with metal piles, junk yard storage holdings, base clean-ups, and
McCain, McCormick, Ventura, and Advanced Foods. initial firing range clean-up drives, have already been col-
Army participation in the JSPVP program increased 2.9 lected, sorted, and recycled. This leaves daily recycling from
percent from FY08. Garrisons in all Regions increased par- solid waste as the normal routine for recycling programs,

Annual Report  27
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

including household recyclables, office paper and card- descriptions. The ultimate objective is to provide customers
board, small arms brass, and the usual turn-ins to Defense a consistent expectation for Recreational Lodging quality
Reutilization Management Office. and services and easy access to reservations information
All MWR operated QRP’s in FY09 reported a positive through a centralized reservations process.
NIBD. Total revenue was $18.3 million with a $10.2 mil- There are 29 garrisons offering Category C Recreational
lion NIBD. Revenue remained consistent compared to the Lodging activities with various levels of products and ser-
previous year and NIBD dropped $0.7 million. This drop in vices categorized as two major types: Stand-Alone Lodg-
NIBD was expected, as in FY08 ing (cabins, cabanas, cottages and manufactured/modular
there was a higher than homes); and Multiple-Unit Lodging (lodges, hotels and
usual transfer of funds apartments). For FY09, Recreational Lodging program ac-
by commanders from tivities recorded a NIBD of $4.3 million on total revenue of
the Suspense Account $11.6 million.
to MWR. Additionally, Utilizing the Army Lodging model, new Standards for
recyclable material Service and Operations have been drafted. Recognizing the
prices have dropped need to enhance the facilities, the garrisons/regions in co-
in the last year, some ordination with Headquarters will facilitate training of the
substantially, and un- garrison employees in Rectrac (property management sys-
til the overall economy tem) and Customer Service Training beginning in FY10.
recovers, a downward In FY09, the Recreational Lodging potential was exam-
trend in revenue and net ined at Fort Hamilton, N.Y. and Fort Benning, Ga. using
earnings is likely in FY10. Project Validation Assessments. Demand was substantially
QRP results are dependent on quantified at each location but, to date, funding for these
the variations in marketability of products, the daily pric- projects has not been identified.
ing of recyclables items, and the timing of transfers by the Additional program emphasis for FY10 will be utiliza-
garrison commander of funds from the installation recy- tion of the cost-saving benefits of the Enterprise Buy Pro-
cling Suspense Account to the recycling program. gram and developing a comprehensive program to solidify
Category C Recreational Lodging as a professionally oper-
ated chain of leisure opportunities for authorized users.
Recreational Lodging
Category C Recreational Lodging is receiving new focus
within Business Operations. Working with Soldier and Com-
munity Recreation, clear definitions were developed to dis-
tinguish Category B and Category C operations. The Category
C Recreational Lodging program mission to provide quality
Recreational Lodging accommodations to Soldiers and their
Families seeks a high quality environment providing guests
with a temporary living environment that enhances rest and
relaxation. Customer service is our number one priority.
A field data call commenced pursuit of actions target-
ing development of operating and services standards; con-
sistent organizational structures; and standard position

28  Fiscal Year 2009


Initiatives Group

Hospitality Programs to training and Reserve personnel traveling in a TCS status,

who are on orders for more than 180 days. In FY09 the TCS
Army Lodging’s mission is to provide customer-focused program saved $44 million. These savings continue to grow
lodging services supporting the readiness of the Total De- as the program grows with national contracts. Potential an-
fense mission. Accommodations in Army Lodging facilities nual savings could be as high as $236 million if we assume
are available to all official travelers: Temporary Duty; Perma- the difference between placing Soldiers on the economy at
nent Change of Station; and other Department of Defense 100 percent per diem versus leveraging contract lodging
travelers. The mission also supports wounded warriors, and 55 percent per diem.
emergency lodging during natural disasters, and support Both programs are supported by a Central Reservation
for anti-terrorism missions. In addition, military members, Center located on Redstone Arsenal, Ala. The CRC booked
retirees, and their Families may stay in Army Lodging ho- 12,029 reservations during FY09, resulting in 468 thou-
tels while on leisure travel, when rooms are available. sand booked room nights for LSP and 873 thousand booked
In FY09 Army Lodging provided over 4.54 million room room nights for TCS.
nights to over 5.6 million guests at 72 Garrisons worldwide
with average occupancy rate of 74.8 percent. Occupancy in- Army Lodging Wellness Program
cluded 4.4 million room nights associated with guests on Army Lodging’s Wellness Program opened a 95 room
Temporary Duty and 0.5 million room nights for travelers hotel at Chievres Air Base, Belgium and added 58 Family
on PCS status. suites to the Ederle Inn in Vicenza, Italy in FY09. The hotel
Army Lodging hotels provide a range of facilities from provides extended stay rooms, Family suites and accessible
standard rooms designed for short term business travel- rooms, featuring high speed internet access, kitchenettes,
ers to larger accommodations complete with kitchenettes enhanced furniture packages, guest laundry, and continen-
designed to meet the needs of Families and/or long term tal breakfast service. These hotels provide quality, afford-
TDY travelers. Army Lodging’s accommodations are com- able lodging services and accommodations contributing to
plete with standard amenities and services comparable to mission accomplishment and quality of life for short- and
mid-priced commercial hotels. Army Lodging transitioned long-term Temporary Duty travelers as well as PCS Fami-
10 hotels to Privatization for a total of 3645 rooms, on Aug. lies. One of the major benefits of on base Lodging is the
15, 2009. These hotels are now operated by Intercontinen- reduction of stress on Families, as they become familiar
tal Hotel Group and are no longer official lodging. with their host nation. Army Lodging has projects under
construction in: Wiesbaden, Stuttgart, Grafenwoher, and
Army Lodging Success Program and Ansbach, Germany; and Fort Jackson, S.C. Renovations
Temporary Change of Station Program are under way at Fort Stewart, Ga., Fort Lewis, Wash., and
When on-post lodging is unavailable, the Lodging Suc- Camp Zama, Japan.
cess Program, in partnership with private industry, is a spe-
cial benefit for official business travelers to key DoD business Army Lodging Award Program
travel destinations. The LSP allows traveler and conference The Lodging Operation of the Year Award (see 2009
attendee access to quality name brand hotels at or below winners on next page) competition assesses financial man-
lodging per diem rates in major metropolitan areas. agement and operating performance against Army Lodging
The LSP has 19 locations and provides overflow accom- Standards for Service, Operations, and Facilities. All Army
modations at 56 contracted hotels. The program provided Lodging activities complete the Garrison Lodging Opera-
cost avoidance to the Army travel budgets of $3.4 million or tion Self Assessment. These assessments are forwarded to
11 percent in comparison to local lodging per diem rates. FMWRC Hospitality Programs for review and selection.
Army Lodging supports Installation Management Three Garrison lodging activities are selected from each re-
Command and Temporary Change of Station requirements gion. On-site visits are conducted by teams from FMWRC
by contracting for commercial apartments to meet long and prior year winners. The LOYA competition categories
term requirements exceeding on-post capabilities. Over- are: Small (1-49 rooms); Medium (50-99 rooms); Large
flow accommodations primarily support Soldiers traveling (100-499 rooms); and Super (500 + rooms).

Annual Report  29
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

The LOYA nominees receiving the highest scores will be Standard Product Program
recognized on Jan. 27, 2010 during the FMWRC Sympo- The Central Army Lodging Contracting Office manages
sium in Louisville, Ky. LOYA winners receive an operation- all Army Lodging procurement processes. Standard Product
al cash award to be used for lodging activity improvements Program acquisition initiatives provide either direct savings
and a cash award for each employee. or cost offsets in the form of rebates. Army Lodging con-
Manager, Supervisor and Employee of the Year are also tinues to minimize overhead costs by consolidating capital
selected annually. Each Region may submit two nominees purchases and participating in the Enterprise Buy Program.
per award category. Nominations are evaluated by a panel
comprised of a prior winner, Region Army Lodging Program Future Army Lodging Demand
manager, and FMWRC staff. The winner in each category A market analysis study indicated the need for a 1,000
receives a Commander’s Award For Civilian Service and a room Army Lodging facility at Fort Lee, Va. The new lodge
cash award. will be adjacent to the new Army Logistics University and
the Fort Lee Military Entrance Processing Station. It will
Professional Development Program have 900 extended stay rooms and 100 Family suites with
Army Lodging provides centrally funded Professional separate bedroom and sitting/living area. Each guest room
Development programs to Army Lodging employees. Pro- will include private bath/shower facilities, and a kitchen-
fessional Development for Army Lodging focuses on the ette (extended stay/Family suites), telephones and data
Pennsylvania State University’s Army Lodging curricu- ports (Internet access).
lum. Penn State offers a well-rounded curriculum of man- Planning is also in process at Fort Benning, Ga. for an
agement and supervisory courses including two certifica- 860 room Army Lodging facility adjacent to on-post hous-
tion programs that include 12 hospitality-related courses. ing and community facilities. The hotel will consisting of 60
By completing the first five basic courses attendees will standard rooms, 740 extended Family rooms and 60 Family
earn a Certificate in Advanced Hospitality Management suites with separate bedroom and sitting/living area. Each
and upon completion of an additional six courses the at- guest room will include private bath/shower facilities, mi-
tendees will receive a Certificate in Strategic Hospitality crowave oven/refrigerator (standard rooms) or kitchenette
Leadership. (extended stay/Family suites), telephones and data ports
(Internet access).

2009 Lodging Operation of the 2009 Army Lodging Employee

Year Award Winners Awards for Excellence Winners
Small Large Employee of the Year Supervisor of the Year
Fort Monroe Vicenza Paula Skinner Freeman Tyler
Virginia Italy Fort McCoy, Wisconsin Fort Bragg, North Carolina

Medium Small Manager of the Year

Camp Walker Fort Leonard Wood David Roach
Korea Missouri Stuttgart, Germany

30  Fiscal Year 2009


Initiatives Group

Rest and Recuperation Program are now operated by InterContinental Hotel Group: Fort Ri-
Soldiers arriving or departing the United States on Rest ley, Kan.; Fort Sill, Okla.; Fort Rucker, Ala.; Fort Sam Hous-
and Recuperation from Operation Iraqi Freedom or Opera- ton, Texas; Yuma Proving Ground, Ariz.; Tripler AMC/Fort
tion Enduring Freedom are supported by commercial con- Shafter, Hawaii; Fort Hood, Texas; Fort Leavenworth, Kan.;
tract hotels administered by Army Lodging on behalf of the Fort Polk, La.; and Fort Myer/McNair, Va.
Army G1. There are a total of six contracts; three in the At- The PAL initiative is developed and implemented by the
lanta airport area and three in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army, Privatization and
A fourth hotel for the Atlanta area will be added in FY10. Partnerships.
Combined, these contracted properties provided lodging Privatization of Army Lodging will take place in CONUS
and meals for over 15,000 Soldiers, during FY09 for a total only. Overseas privatization is complicated by various land
cost of $1.1 million. and building ownership scenarios. The Wellness Plan will
continue to revitalize transient lodging in overseas areas.
Privatization of Army Lodging A schedule for Privatization for remaining Army lodges
Privatization of 10 Army Lodging operations took place has not been published.
on Aug. 15 2009. The following lodges were privatized and

Annual Report  31
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

Armed Forces Recreation Centers

Overlooking the dunes and beaches of historic Fort Story, Va.,
where the Chesapeake Bay meets the Atlantic, The Cape Henry
Inn and Beach Club is the latest addition to the Armed Forces
Recreation Centers organization.
Located on the Eastern Seaboard, The Cape Henry Inn is
the second AFRC leisure destination in CONUS to serve military
personnel. With the Virginia Beach oceanfront as the backdrop
and many other entertainment and historic points of interests,
all within a 30 minutes drive, The Cape Henry Inn and Beach Club
offers a wide range of affordable room types and accommodations,
and rates starting as low as $40 a night. The private boardwalk
allows easy access to the beach for both
wheelchairs and strollers and cycling
along the uncongested roadways makes
for an enjoyable Family activity. From
private decks, most rooms at the main
hotel and cottages offer scenic views of the
Chesapeake Bay. Outdoor grills, located
near the rooms, are also available for Family
Occupancy year round has historically
been around 60 percent, with a high
seasonal demand from May through
September, averaging close to 100 percent.
To improve occupancy during the off-season
months, there are extensive expansion
plans on the horizon for FY10. The plans
outline an addition to the 150 hotel room
Conference and Catering Facility, complete
with dining, lounge and spa facilities. The existing 50 room Inn, 45 cottage units 17 log cabins and 10 bungalow
units will also be receive renovations in FY10. These improvements and the expansion will enhance guest
facilities and improve service for local military community conference needs, and offer additional options to
Washington, D.C. meeting planners as well.
In FY09, The Cape Henry Inn was visited by 78,015 Service members and their Families, who stayed on
average three days. Revenues for The Cape Henry Inn and Beach Club for FY09 were over $3.4 million, meeting
the key financial objectives with an NIBD of $1.75 million exceeding budget expectation by $321 thousand.
Until becoming an AFRC, The Cape Henry Inn and Beach Club had been a well kept secret of many as a year
round getaway destination, offering hospitality and a great place to build lasting memories away from life’s
daily stresses! Here Service members can enjoy fun in the sun, leisure recreational activities, dolphin watching,
strolling on the beach, or just relaxing on the private deck to watch the sunset.

32  Fiscal Year 2009

Armed Forces

Recreation Centers

Resting in the heart of Seoul, Korea, the Dragon

Hill Lodge reflects its elegant style and Asian décor in
its 394 spacious guest rooms, premier health club with
indoor pool, and four unique restaurants to serve military
personnel, Department of Defense Civilian employees,
and their Family members. With a 91 percent annual
occupancy rate, $36.7 million in total revenue and $17.4
million in NIBD, the Dragon Hill Lodge met all of its key financial objectives for 2009.
The resort prides itself on high quality coupled with affordability. With room rates starting at $59,
Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines from throughout South Korea and Asia can experience a multitude
of cultural venues along with a
plenitude of shopping nestled inside
one of Asia’s most important and
modern capital cities. A total of
178,544 Service and Family members
visited the Dragon Hill Lodge this
past year with an average length of
stay of 3.2 days.
Thousands of miles from home,
in downtown Seoul, the Dragon Hill
offers our Service members all of the
culinary comforts of home at one of
several restaurants and retail food out-
lets. During FY09, a total of 570,978
guests visited the Dragon Hill Restau-
rants to enjoy home-style menus such
as Tex-Mex, Barbecue, Steaks and Fish
along with the Dragon Deli which of-
fers grab and go meals, sandwiches
and baked goods made fresh daily.
As the ongoing drawdown and
relocation of U.S. Forces in Korea
progresses, the Dragon Hill is actively engaged with long term planning for support to USFK after end state.
In the interim, operational adjustments for near term impacts of declining USFK troop strength continue to
be a top focus.
Recognizing the commitment and increasing sacrifice that the military and their Families continue to
make every day, it is the Dragon Hill’s philosophy that service members and their Families are entitled to
the utmost quality in service and commitment from our staff and facility. It is our charge to “Serve Those
Who Serve,” which makes the Dragon Hill Lodge one of the best places to stay in Asia.

Annual Report  33
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

As the Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors and Marines of the European and

Central Commands continue their heroic efforts to battle terrorism and
rebuild countries in the middle east, far away in a tranquil Alpine setting
more than 350 employees at the Edelweiss Lodge and Resort continue to
support and care for these brave Service members and their Families by
providing a world class destination resort experience.
Amidst unprecedented combat deployments and theater transition,
supporting readiness and retention is the most important mission of
the Edelweiss Lodge and Resort. Since the start of the war on terrorism,
more than 54,000 Service
members and their Families
have taken the opportunity to
spend a portion of their Rest
and Recuperation leave at
Edelweiss Lodge and Resort to
enjoy important and relaxing
Family time in the beauty of
the surrounding Alps.
The Edelweiss Lodge
and Resort finished its fifth
year of operation with FY09
occupancy at 91.1 percent and
NIBD of $7.0 million. Resort
management focused on
evaluating each process and
system to identify avenues to
reduce annual overhead costs,
as well as through various
initiatives and operating
efficiencies to increase revenue and decrease costs; always with the focus on adding value to the guest
The resort must make wise resource investments so that the next generation of Service members
will benefit from the programs offered by AFRCs. In an environment of shifting European Command
troop positions and heavy deployment rotations, maintaining high hotel occupancy levels is critical. By
utilizing innovative marketing technologies such as the “Edelmail” electronic newsletter, and exploiting
cross-brand promotional events with American Forces Network radio and other service providers, the
Edelweiss Lodge and Resort is able to keep in touch with existing markets while growing relationships
across geographic boundaries both in the European theater, and in the United States, at a fraction of the
cost of traditional marketing media.
In a tranquil setting far removed from day-to-day stresses of military life, the management and
staff of the Edelweiss Lodge and Resort stands ready to welcome America’s Service members and their
Families to a vacation experience that will create memories that last a lifetime.

34  Fiscal Year 2009

Armed Forces

Recreation Centers

The Hale Koa began the fiscal year in the midst of the
renovation of its original 33 year-old Ilima Tower. The
renovations continued into early 2009 for guest rooms
and the Main Kitchen. Renovations of Happy’s Snack Bar,
Warriors’ Lounge, and DeRussy Hall were also completed.
With the completion of the Main
Kitchen, was the return of the Sunday
Champagne Brunch in late April.
The hotel continued to show strong
occupancy through mid August 2009
with the effects of the recession felt
mostly by the Food and Beverage
Facilities. The Hale Koa still managed
to obtain an average occupancy of
91.1 percent through implementation
of innovative marketing promotions.
The Hale Koa Hotel had $72.1 million
in revenue and a net income before
depreciation of $18.7 million in
FY09. Since May 2004, the AFRC
has supported more than 4,308
Service members on R&R and Block
Leave along with 6,430 of their
Family members and guests since the
program’s inception in May 2004.
The period of renovation followed
by the impact of recession were reflected in lower room occupancy. Hale Koa Hotel used advanced
marketing techniques such as updating the Web site and servers to provide for e-blasts to recipients
to increase occupancy. Subscribers increased from 20,000 e-mail addresses to more than 180,000, in
addition to implementing survey and statistical reports to assist in recording data and to better explain
what our guests are thinking. Social networking, including a profile and friend page on Facebook, a
Twitter Account, and placement of the property video on You Tube, was also implemented, along with a
promotional video produced with the assistance of the Navy that is currently on the Military OneSource
Web site.
The Hale Koa Hotel also established a partnership with a Hawaiian country radio station, whose
listenership is more than 70 percent military, for several events throughout the year, from a new spin on
our Super Bowl party to two Motorcycle Madness events in our Barefoot Bar and Warriors Lounge. We
partnered with Na Leo, a premier local recording group, to provide a wonderful Mother’s Day Concert for
our guests in the Luau Garden. In addition, the hotel completed a full year of partnership with ITT offices
selling Hale Koa Hotel evening show tickets.
The Hale Koa staff is committed to “Serving Those Who Serve” through customer service training
with the commitment to outstanding guest services which reflect the Aloha Spirit.

Annual Report  35
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

The Shades of Green is located in a serene setting with oversized guest rooms, and
spectacular views from private patios and balconies. With diverse dining options,
plenty of kids activities and a premier location on Walt Disney World Resort, Shades
of Green is a great vacation destination.
While local area hotels were affected by the declining economy and the changes in
travel and spending habits, the Shades of Green was experiencing normal occupancy
percentages of 90 percent with the help of the great value of the 2009 Disney
Military Discount, which will be amended, but continued in 2010. In FY09, the Shades of Green sold 216,520
local area attraction tickets, compared to 176,595 in FY08. Since May 2004, the AFRC has supported more than
2,940 Service members on R&R and Block Leave along with 7,545 of their Family members and guests since the
program’s inception in May 2004. The
Shades of Green had $35.8 million
in revenue and a net income before
depreciation of $11.6 million in FY09.
The year ended with the renovation of
285 guest rooms in the original wing
that was completed in six weeks.
As a small token of appreciation for
their past, present and continued
service, the Shades of Green celebrated
the birthday for each branch of
service, Memorial Day and Veterans
Day. Each event included a small
gathering of guests and employees in
the Resort Lobby with cake, cupcakes
and a reminder of our mission to
“Serve Those Who Serve.” The AFRC also hosted two Town Hall Meetings for the local area Wounded Warriors
Program, helping support the mission of Hope for the Warriors™ who have been adversely affected by injuries or
death in the line of duty.
The holiday season began with a new tradition; our official Tree Lighting Ceremony. We had the great fortune
of having a Soldier who had just returned the day before from serving in Afghanistan and his Family, who
officially started the holiday season by turning on the lights to our Christmas tree. Guests were entertained with
a reading of a Christmas Story, and enjoyed hot cocoa, apple cider, eggnog and cookies. Our holiday celebration
continued on Christmas Eve with a visit from Santa Claus and Carolers. Staff and guests said goodbye to 2008
and hello to 2009 with our 5th Annual New Years Eve Party that celebrated the disco era. In addition, Raytheon
sponsored a second Disney Character Breakfast for our guests, which was a huge success, serving 1,300 guests.
Our Eleventh Annual Shades Oktoberfest was a success due to the authentic German Buffet, and featured the
Stratton Mountain Boys. Oktoberfest was quickly followed by the Children’s Miracle Network Walt Disney World
Golf Classic event.
Shades of Green management and staff had the pleasure of being a “home away from home” to our very
deserving guests. We are honored to serve all branches of Department of Defense, including Active Duty, Ready
Reserves, National Guard, Retired Military and DoD Civilians. It is our promise to continue to provide the best
possible service at the most affordable prices.

36  Fiscal Year 2009

Annual Report  37
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

For Families with children, programs
offered by CYS Services are among the
most critical factors in reducing the conflict
between mission requirements and parental
responsibilities. To fulfill its responsibility,
CYS Services has focused on the Soldier Family
Action Plan.

SFAP is the practical implementation tool for the Army Family Covenant, which specifies the Army’s commitment
to providing Soldiers and Families a quality of life commensurate with their voluntary service and daily sacrifices. CYS
Services serves almost 500,000 children and youth from the Families of Active Duty, Reserve and National Guard. Of the
Active Duty Families, one in every four utilizes CYS Services.
CYS Services continues to meet its SFAP commitment to:
 Provide quality programs for a larger number of children and youth
 Expand its child and youth construction program
 Increase garrison mission support
 Boost respite care
 Offer more care options and reduce fees
 Fully utilize video security systems and Youth Technology Labs to keep Soldier parents in touch

CYS Services Demographics

Nearly half of deployed Soldiers have children under two years old. CYS Services customers are pre­dominantly young-
er parents with infants and toddlers who often need services 10-to-12 hours a day, includ­ing early mornings, evenings,
and weekends.
Pro­grams must include a variety of short‑ and long-term options for Families that are geograph­ically dispersed. These
separations cause increased stress. Another source of stress for children and teens is changing schools often. The CYS
Services workforce itself is heavily weighted with spouses and Family members of deployed Soldiers.
Within this environment, CYS Services were offered in 2009 at 115 on-post locations in eight countries and U.S. ter-
ritories. All 50 States had Army-Affiliated and Sponsored Programs.

CYS Services Programs

Child, Youth & School Services supports Army and civilian DoD Families where they reside, on‑ and off‑post, with
consistently high-quality programs:
 Child Development, including full‑ and part‑day care; hourly, respite, and on‑site care; shift care; care during special
openings; and extended hours or “round the clock” care.
 School-Age, including before‑ and after‑school options; summer care and camps; and weekend activities.
 Middle School and Teen, including after-school options; summer supervision and camps; evening and weekend
activities; and school transition services.
Children and youth with special needs are included in all options.

38  Fiscal Year 2009

Child,Youth &

School Services

Program Delivery Systems

In 2009, CYS Services were delivered through an integrated system
of services and program options as follows:

Army-Operated (on-post):
 Child Development Center Facilities...........................147
 Family Child Care Homes........................................ 2,690
 School Age Centers / Sites...........................................135
 Youth Centers...............................................................124
 Sports & Fitness programs............................................77
 Boys & Girls Clubs programs.......................................189
 4-H Clubs......................................................................329

Army-Affiliated (community-based):
 School Districts supporting school transitions..........369
 Boys & Girls Clubs..........................................................17
 4-H Clubs........................................................................90
 Army Child Care in Your Neighborhood
 Army School Age Programs in Your Neighborhood
 Army Youth Programs in Your Neighborhood
Photos in this section courtesy of CYSS

Army-Sponsored (community-based):
 Subsidized child care options..............................................................50 states
 Youth outreach services......................................................................34 states
 Boys & Girls Clubs open to military youth.........................................50 states
 4-H Clubs open to military youth.......................................................50 states, D.C., & 3 territories

*See more about ACCYN, ASPYN, and AYPYN under “CYS Enduring Garrison Support”.

Program Fees
The Army-parent partnership has a vested interest in the well-being of every child. And because parents are the most
important people in their children’s lives, their support of and involvement with CYS Services is crucial to those children’s
success. That’s why the Army contributes funds to substantially reduce child care fees — and why parents paying their
own fair share make a huge difference. Every penny is invested in CYS programs. Neither CYS nor MWR makes any profit
from those dollars. Families in the deployment cycle during 2009 also paid reduced program fees and were exempt from
registration fees.

DoD Certification
The Department of Defense certified all Army Child, Youth & School Services programs in 2009. DoD Certification is
the military version of state licensing and is awarded to Garrison CYS Services programs that meet DoD and Service stan-
dards. Region and Army multi-disciplinary teams conduct annual inspections in the areas of fire, safety, facility, health
and sanitation, program content, and program administration, and determine compliance with established standards.

Annual Report  39
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

National Accreditation CYS Services Technology

By the end of 2009, nearly every eligible Army Child The Child & Youth Management System is a dynamic
Development Center and School-Age Program became na- and proprietary information management tool that has
tionally accredited, exceeding the DoD metric of 95 percent. evolved into a core element of CYS Services program man-
National Accreditation is an external benchmark, required agement and reporting. In 2009, significant progress was
by law, which ensures that CYS Services programs meet made in improving and expanding CYMS technology to
high standards of quality. Results are tracked by the Army streamline processes, particularly online registration and
Senior Leadership and are included in the DoD Status of records transfer. Three major installation pilot sites proved
the Force Briefing to Service and DoD Senior Leaders. the efficacy of the concept, setting the stage for what will
 Child Development Centers (0-5 years) were 99 per- become a “one stop shop” that handles intake of child re-
cent accredited by the National Association for the Educa- cords, enrollment placements, transfer of records, waiting
tion of Young Children. list management, and Parent Information services. Parents
 School Age Centers/Sites (6-10 years) were 100 per- will be able to register online and update their own records
cent accredited by the National AfterSchool Association. from home. This interactive content will provide a height-
ened degree of customer service. Administratively, records
CYS Services Facilities transfer will be Web-based, eliminating time-consuming
The year 2009 saw the continuation of an accelerated manual data entry.
Child Development Center and Youth Center construction
program. These new on-post facilities will assist in the ef-
fort to accommodate a higher percentage of demand. On- CYS Services Enduring Garrison
going facility construction represents the reality of the CYS Support
Services commitment to the Army Family Covenant pledge To supplement and complement on‑post child care and
of “ensuring excellence in schools, youth programs and youth supervision options, CYS Services has established
child care.” community coalitions with local Child Care Resource and
Child Development Center construction projects: Referral Agencies, schools, and youth-serving organizations
 Approved/funded 55 centers in FY09 and capitalized on its partnerships. The resulting spaces
 Programmed four additional centers through FY13 meet strict military standards and are an integral part of
Youth Center construction projects the CYS Services delivery system, included in the DoD child
 Approved/funded five centers in FY09 care space and youth participation allocation assigned to
 Programmed two additional centers through FY12 participating garrisons.

Army Child Care in Your Neighborhood

Army Child Care in Your Neighborhood helps Families
find affordable, high-quality care wherever they live. In
2009, two new ACCYN sites were opened in the catchment
areas of garrisons highly impacted by deployments, for a
total of 14 locations with an enrollment of 1,892 children.
The ACCYN program supports Active Duty Soldiers who are
single or have working or student spouses, as well as Army
Eligible Families receive assistance in locating and en-
rolling in quality child care and pay reduced fees, compa-
rable to those charged on-post. Participating civilian Child
Care Centers and Family Child Care Homes must meet stan-

40  Fiscal Year 2009

Child,Youth &

School Services

dards equivalent to those required in the Army CYS Servic- enhance educational technology, youth leadership oppor-
es system. Like Centers and Homes on-post, these off-post tunities, character education and accreditation assistance,
Centers and Homes receive ongoing training and oversight and support for each garrison’s Child & Youth Information
while serving both Army Families and other Families living Management System, security surveillance system, and
in the community. Youth Technology Lab.

Army School Age Programs In Your

With application and organizational support from
the National Association of Child Care Resource and
Referral Agencies, Army School Age Programs in Your
Neighborhood provides subsidized after-school care
in schools and youth-serving organizations within
garrison catchment areas. In 2009, nine ASPYN pro-
grams were fully operational, a 50 percent increase
over the previous year, with an average enrollment of
nearly 1,075.

Army Youth Programs In Your

Army Youth Programs in Your Neighborhood, also
with support from the National Association of Child
Care Resource and Referral Agencies, provides subsi-
dized programs for youth ages 13-18 years within gar-
rison catchment areas. In 2009, the AYPYN program was
fully operational with an enrollment of 450 youth. AYPYN Boys & Girls Clubs of America
providers must participate in the Army technical assistance In 2009, the Boys & Girls Clubs of America continued
program to become accredited. Eligible Families pay re- its partnership with Army CYS Services in a relationship
duced fees comparable to those charged on-post. that benefits both organizations. Two particularly notewor-
thy events marking this relationship involved ‘awardees.’ A
Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood youth from the Fort Monroe, Va. BGCA club was selected
Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood is for Active as the Youth of the Year for the Commonwealth of Virginia
Duty Families who have an enduring need for child care. — the first military club winner in the state. The Jeremiah
Many either live in communities that are not within rea- Milbank National Gold Medallion — a prestigious BGCA
sonable commuting distance to a military installation, or award given to individuals for ‘outstanding service to boys
they cannot access on-post child care programs due to long and girls’ – was presented to Ms. Ingrid Osewalt, Chief of
waiting lists. As with ACCYN, the cost is subsidized. Enroll- Army CYS Services Center of Expertise for Youth Programs,
ments at the end of 2009 were 1,751 children. to honor her for her “visionary role” in the Army-BGCA

4‑H/Army Youth Development Project

During 2009, nearly 10,000 youth participated in on- CYS School Support Services
post 4‑H Clubs that received funding, programs and ser-
vices from National 4‑H, its Army Youth Development Proj- Army School Transition Plan
ect, and State 4‑H Military Liaisons. Young people, as well Collaboration between garrisons and communities is
as CYS Services staff, benefited from efforts to establish or formalized through the Army School Transition Plan. Au-

Annual Report  41
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

thored by the School Support Team and updated through ment. Two key continuing programs are Transition Coun-
2013, it details ways to address the effect of deployment selor Institutes, which prepare educators to address school
stress on military students and to assure Families that their transition concerns of mobile students; and Living in the
children’s academic well‑being is an Army priority. In fact, New Normal Institutes, which teach educators, community
Families with graduating seniors are encouraged to apply professionals, and Family members how to support military
for Senior Move Stabilization, keeping them in place until children during times of uncertainty, trauma, and grief.
the end of the school year; by 2009, over 5,000 waivers had
been granted, with a 97 percent approval rate. Also covered Community-Based Support
under the program is coordination of A key element covered
exit testing so that nothing is omitted by the Army School Transition
or missed, consistent transitions from Plan, and critical to develop-
kindergarten to first grade, and atten- ment of Local Action Plans, is
tion to the needs of non-deployed cus- School Transition and Deploy-
todial parents. ment Support. Each garrison
SLO is responsible for negoti-
Garrison-Based Support ating a Secondary Education
The Army School Transition Plan Transition Study Memoran-
specifies the role of the garrison School dum of Agreement with every
Liaison Officer. In 2009, funding was neighboring school district that
provided for an additional 40 SLOs, formalizes reciprocal practices.
increasing the total to 140 Army-wide. Beginning in 2002 with nine
Also during the year, 72 DoD Child Be- signatories, SETS MOAs totaled
havioral Consultants were assigned to 385 in 2009. Army Families can
44 garrisons with high OPTEMPO and be confident that their school-
high transition locations; and 67 DoD Military Family Life age children will relocate with smooth transfer of records,
Consultants at 40 garrisons were assigned to Summer En- correct course sequencing, and no surprises about gradua-
richment Programs, both internal and school-based. tion requirements.
At 22 garrisons highly impacted by rebasing and BRAC,
Parent2Parent Cadres also play key support roles. Composed
of three to five members, they conduct transition-related CYS Deployment and
workshops for parents, students, and school personnel. Transition Support to Active
School-Based Support Component
For 2009, another 112 Military Family Life Consultants
joined school staffs on and off post in both the CONUS and Expanded Program Services
OCONUS. Going above and beyond services offered in normal op-
The P2P initiative is paralleled in high schools by Stu- erations, CYS lengthened operating hours for many child
dent2Student, and in middle schools by Junior Student- and youth programs well past the normal duty day; the Ex-
2Student. These are student-led transition training pro- tended Duty Day program served 94,824 children. Another
grams that include modules on academics, relationships, 59,535 children received Kids On Site care during Family
and community and culture. Also covered in the Army Readiness Group meetings, Strong Bonds and unit-spon-
School Transition Plan is professional development for sored events. By the end of 2009, the amount of no-cost
school staff, addressing children’s needs during deploy- Respite Child Care provided totaled 685,875 hours.

42  Fiscal Year 2009

Child,Youth and

School Services

Wounded Warriors and Warriors in The American Legion and other Veterans service organiza-
Transition tions, and National Association of Child Care Resource and
Special considerations to ease Soldiers’ recovery and Referral Agencies. Core program elements include training
transitions included: for state teams and community partners, Mobile Technol-
 Bereavement and follow-on care for surviving Families. ogy Labs for youth, and “Speak out for Military Kids” Am-
 Caregivers made available during medical treatment bassadors. Through OMK, more than 18,000 Hero Packs
appointments. have been distributed to youth with deployed parents. As a
 Child care offered at the lowest fee category, regard- new initiative in 2009, OMK distributed more than 93,000
less of Family pay status. “Give A Hug” dolls with clear plastic face pockets. Young
 Fees waived entirely for children and youth to partici- children can put a picture of their deployed Soldier-par-
pate in four CYS Services instructional classes and two CYS ents, then ‘talk and play’ with the representation of their
Services individual sports. deployed parents. Garrison CYS Services Programs in OMK
states are encouraged to have staff members on their state
teams participate in OMK activities.
CYS Deployment Support to
Reserve Component
CYS Services is #1
Operation: Military Child Care
Operation: Military Child Care supports the child care Perhaps the most gratifying cap to 2009 was provided
needs of Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve Soldier by NACCRRA which, with more than 800 state and local
parents who are mobilized or deployed. In partnership with child care resource and referral agencies nationwide, has
National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral become DoD’s major partner in helping military Families
Agencies, OMCC helps eligible Families locate child care find and afford care that suits their unique needs.
options at reduced rates in lo- A 2007 National Association of Child Care Resource
cal communities. It also reduces and Referral Agencies “report card” on the quality of na-
child care fees of Families who tionwide child care, including the Department of Defense,
are already using licensed or le- found that the DoD child care system “stands alone as a
gally-operating community child model for states.” Military child care ranked first among the
care programs and providers. Ad- 50 states and the District of Columbia, and was the only
ditional assistance is available for entity to score in the Top Ten for both Standards and Over-
up to 90 days while the non-mili- sight Criteria.
tary spouse is looking for work. In a 2009 update report, DoD again ranks #1 and con-
Enrollments were 5,334 children tinues to be a national model for a coherent child care sys-
at the end of 2009. tem. Army Child, Youth & School Services, having been at
the forefront of this effort, is individually cited as “the first
to support initiatives to help military Families find child
Operation: Military Kids care in civilian communities if those Families couldn’t be
A collaborative effort with America’s communities to served on a military installation.”
support “suddenly military” kids impacted by deployments,
Operation: Military Kids expanded its 2009 network of or-
ganizations and resources from 41 to 49 states and the Dis-
trict of Columbia, reaching more than 83,000 youth. Begun
by CYS Services and National 4‑H, the roster of national
partners now includes Boys & Girls Clubs of America, the
Military Child Education Coalition and K‑12 Public Schools,

Annual Report  43
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

NAF Construction

Centralized management of the Nonappropriated Fund Major
Construction Program enables the Army to pool community-generated
resources, meet critical construction priorities, and reinvest Soldiers
dollars to improve existing facilities and build new, high-quality facilities.

In FY09, Army FMWR delivered $172 million in NAF facilities to

garrisons. There are 124 NAF major construction projects in process
and the Interior and Foodservice Design Office is currently working
215 projects for a total value of $1.2 billion in facility construction and
renovation. In addition, the FY10 Installation Management Command-
approved NAF Major Construction program (valued at $80.67 million) is
currently awaiting Congressional approval.
Construction was completed on the $65 million renovation of the Ilima
Tower, Hale Koa Hotel which included a total renovation of guest rooms,
corridors, kitchen, and other public and back-of-the-house areas. Newly
renovated guest floors were back on-line beginning third quarter FY08
Courtesy photo, Camp Carroll, Korea
and were completed second quarter FY09.
Concept development for Warrior Zone, a new gaming, Internet, and
video entertainment facility for Soldiers began and currently there are projects in design for Warrior Zones at Fort Riley,
Kan. and Fort Lewis, Wash. FMWRC and IMCOM continue to deliver permanent modular Child Development Centers to
Army installations supporting the Army Family Covenant and restationing and modularization actions within the Armed
Forces. Currently in design/construction — to be completed FY10-11 — are 75 child care and 16 youth center facilities.
The FMWRC also provides professional interior design services as referenced in the “Commander’s Guide: Army
Installation Standards,” at no cost to garrisons. Products which meet environmental and energy savings goals and are
durable and aesthetically pleasing provide a long-term cost-effective solution to MWR activities. Selection of these
products save on frequent maintenance and replacement costs.
Army FMWR supports other military services by executing construction projects on a reimbursable basis. In FY09,
the Army was reimbursed $500 thousand for project management, contracting, and legal support of projects valued at
$205 million in construction for the Marine Corps.

Public-Private Ventures
The goal of the Army’s MWR Public-Private Ventures contracts for Category C MWR facilities.
program is to secure private sector expertise to deliver FMWRC initiated a Name Brand Casual Dining Request
facilities and services and decrease the burden on Army for Proposals producing possibilities for approximately
construction funds. The program also provides support 16 public-private venture projects for consideration. Two
to commanders with MWR facility requirements, but lack developers were selected to build 16 projects (Huddle House,
the funding to provide the needed service to Soldiers and Chili’s, and Old Chicago) at 14 installations. As part of the
Families. The FMWRC PPV office is the sole Army agency FY10 program, five of these projects have been submitted to
given responsibility to facilitate the process and award PPV Congress in order to satisfy the notification requirement.

44  Fiscal Year 2009

NAF Contracting

NAF Contracting
Executive Summary

The stand-up of a unified Army Nonappropriated Fund Contracting activity in
July 2007 began the transformation to Family and Morale, Welfare & Recreation
Command responsibility for all NAF acquisitions to include service, supply, and
construction in support of Army MWR, worldwide.

Through this period of transformation, Army NAF Contracting continued to support Soldiers and their Families
through the development and execution of contracts which reflected sound business practices. Our efforts included mi-
nor and major construction; service and supply contracts; consolidated/enterprise buy contracts; public/private ventures;
information technology; the use of an automated procurement system; and policy.
Continuous improvement remained a primary function of our organization and was achieved through Performance
Management Reviews, leadership development, and through the standardization of NAF contracting processes. The goals
established for Army NAF Contracting continue to include timely and responsive support to the MWR community, estab-
lishment and support of strategic sourcing initiatives, and preserving the integrity of the acquisition process. Army NAF
Contracting will continue to align with the MWR mission to better serve the Army Family by continually asking whether
we are we doing the right things, doing things right, and what we are missing.

Four Pillars

• Regulatory • Localized • Performance • Career

Adherence Responsive Metrics Development
• Standardized Support to • Enterprise Buys • Training &
Procedures the Regions & Certification
Garrisons • Innovation
• Setting & & Creative Program
Enforcing High • Fair Treatment Approach • Leadership
Standards • Clarity Development
• Fraud Prevention

Corporate Customer Achieve Workforce

Stewardship Service Economies Development

Annual Report  45
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

The Army NAF Contracting Family

Army NAF Contracting worldwide consists of 199 U.S. employees, and eight local national contracting professionals.
The NAF Contracting Directorate, consisting of 53 employees, is located at FMWRC , and includes three operational divi-
sions and one division responsible for program compliance and analysis. These divisions support the mission of FMWRC,
the Armed Forces Recreation Centers, the Army Recreation Machine Program, Army Lodging, garrison MWR Programs,
and other Department of Defense NAF agencies.
In compliance with Base Realignment and Closure requirements, the FMWRC NAF Contracting Directorate began its
transition to Fort Sam Houston, Texas, in the summer of 2009. By September 2011, all positions affected by the law will
be transitioned to Fort Sam Houston.
NAF contracting support to the regions consists of five regional NAF contracting offices. There are three in CONUS (North-
east, Southeast, and West), and two in OCONUS (Europe and Korea). Additionally, the Pacific region has three branch
offices aligned to its three geographic areas: Hawaii, Alaska and Japan.
Army NAF Contracting provides NAF acquisition services to FMWRC business units, Army garrisons, and other
DoD Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities. Our goal is to provide our customers with a return on investment that
presents them better ways of getting what they need — where and when they need it — with the lowest possible price.
Army NAF contracting is embracing industry best practices to improve its business processes using programs such
as consolidated/enterprise buy
initiatives to provide contract-
ing support that positions the Army NAF Contracting Staffing
garrisons for success. FMWRC/Regions/AFRC’s
Newly implemented Army (as of Sept. 2009)

NAF Contracting Training, Cer- ive

p etit
tification and Career Manage- Comth APF 14
ment Program is similar to the e c ruit wi Field
and er
established Defense Acquisition a i n LN
C are
Tr (8 Positions)
Workforce Improvement Act
with minor changes to incorpo- NF-03 & NF-02 NF03 = Apprentice Level
rate the distinct requirements (58 Positions) NF04 = Journeyman Level
Contract Specialist NF05 = Leadership/Technical Expert
of Army NAF Contracting. There Procurement Clerk
Purchasing Agent
are three levels of certification Administrative Assistant

within the program. Attaining in

Tra re
t u
certification at a specific level re- (104 Positions) Fu ers
Chief/Lead Contract Specialist e a d
quires completion of core cours- Contract Specialist
es, educational requirements, Program Analyst
Procurement Analyst
Level I (a) = 14 employees
specialized experience, and con- Administrative Assistant
Level I (b) = 17 employees
tinuous learning requirements. NF-05 Level I = 44 employees
Level I is the basic or entry level; (33 Positions) Level II = 75 employees
Region Chief Level III = 6 employees
within Level I there are two sub Division Chief
Senior Program Analyst
levels. Level II is the intermedi- Senior Contract Specialist
Supervisory Contract Specialist
ate level, and the Level III is the
senior or executive level.
Total Army NAF Contracting Employee Staffing: 199 U.S. Employees; 8 Local Nationals (includes vacancies)

46  Fiscal Year 2009

NAF Contracting

Program Highlights FY09 Army NAF Contracting continued in FY09 to achieve

In FY09, Army NAF Contracting processed 19,696 efficiencies through leveraging buying power and realizing
contract actions with a total value of worldwide executed economies of scale through consolidated and enterprise
and managed contracts in excess of $700 million. The buys. These contracts included commodities such as lodg-
NAF purchase card program had 436,450 in transac- ing; golf carts; bed, bath and linen needs; defibrillators;
tions. Users’ prompt approval of their billing statements multi-activity buses; child care furniture, strength equip-
earned the Army $2,519,952 in NAF purchase card re- ment; cardiovascular equipment; Army NAF vehicles, and
bates during FY09. ice machines. Total value of purchases in FY09 for these
During FY09, Army NAF Contracting also awarded contracts amounted to approximately $119 million.
and administered major construction contracts exceed- Army NAF Contracting continued to build and strength-
ing $880.1 million in value, to include more than $278.1 en partnerships to optimize cost efficiencies.
million in contracts awarded and managed for the Marine A new initiative in FY09 resulted in a Memorandum of
Corps, Navy and Defense Logistics Agency. Agreement between FMWRC and the Army and Air Force

Army NAF Contracting Directorate

Fiscal Year 2009
Award Dollars: $761,448,911
Total # of Awards: 19,696

Various Contracting
Europe Contracting $19,320,203
Office 3% Pacific Contracting
$19,708,355 Office
3% ARMP $18,496,187
$18,864,430 2%
Northeast Region 2%
West Region DLA
$36,317,453 $145,563
3% 0%
Korea Contracting Office

Stars & Stripes $406,229,673
$52,298,751 53%


Southeast Region

Annual Report  47
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

Exchange Service. Under this MOA, AAFES will provide Army NAF Contracting – The Way
supply chain analysis and support to the FMWRC for the Ahead
potential transportation and storage of equipment and Army NAF Contracting will continue to align with the
merchandise. In addition, Army NAF Contracting contin- MWR mission, hone performance metrics, emphasize pro-
ues to build and strengthen established partnerships with curement integrity, develop and retain talented contracting
other entities, including Navy MWR, U.S. Senate Dining professionals, and identify and implement best practices.
Room, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Army Post Res- We will continue to ask, and answer, those three questions
taurant and Civilian Welfare Funds, Navy Exchange Service that will ensure we remain focused and on course:
Command , Marine Corps, and with the other Services and  Are we doing the right things?
Exchanges for operation of the DoD NAF Health Benefits  Doing things right?
Program.  What are we missing?

Activities Using Army NAF Contracting

Garrisons & Installation

Regions Management Navy MWR
U.S. Naval Academy Command (IMCOM) AAFES
Fisher Houses
Stars & Stripes
Army Lodging
Marine Corps Success Program

Customers Coast Guard
NAF Health
Benefits Air Force
Army Centralized
Civilian Welfare Fund Lodging Procurement

Post Restaurant Fund AFRCs &

ARMP MWR Training
FMWRC Academy

Walter Reed U.S. Senate Pentagon Athletic

Medical Dining Room Center

48  Fiscal Year 2009



From the Director, Family Programs

According to the Army Posture Statement, the Secretary of the Army established
2009 as The Year of the Noncommissioned Officer in recognition of commitment
to service and willingness to make great sacrifices on behalf of our Nation.

Our combat-seasoned Army, supported by strong and resilient Families, although stressed by seven years of war and the
longest ever fought by our all-volunteer force, remains steadfast and professional. Our Army – Active, National Guard,
and Reserve — continues their committed response to domestic emergencies while restoring global peace.
The concerns faced today by our Army Family are challenging as Families strive for balance in their home, work
and community. Research on Army Families suggest that most Families are resilient, despite the fact that many are
experiencing challenges balancing work and Family as a result of on-going operations. To sustain excellence in our
all-volunteer Army and to ensure balance, Family Programs is focused on delivering high quality, consistent, reliable,
programs and services.
To restore balance, Family Programs stands shoulder-to-shoulder alongside the mission Commander working in
partnership with the Army Family Covenant to support the Army Force Generation process by providing a constructive
Family Readiness Support System. Family Programs has expanded several initiatives to include: Survivor Outreach
Services, a multi-agency effort to provide care and advocacy for the Families of our Soldiers who made the ultimate
sacrifice; institutionalized Army OneSource; increased the number of Military Family Life Consultants; expanded
the Army Spouse Employment Partnership Program; and increased the number of home visits under the New Parent
Support Program.
President Barack Obama in his Inaugural Address, January 2009 stated, “As we consider the road that unfolds
before us, we remember with humble gratitude those brave Americans who, at this very hour patrol far-off deserts and
distant mountains. They have something to tell us, just as the fallen heroes who lie in Arlington whisper through the
ages. We honor them not only because they are guardians of our liberty, but because they embody the spirit of service; a
willingness to find meaning in something greater than themselves.”
We at Family Programs remain committed to our Nation, the Army Family and to the challenge of maintaining
balance. We remember that our most precious resources are our dedicated Soldiers, Army civilians, veterans, retirees,
and their Families who support them. From Family Programs to you; for all you have done, for all you do now, and for all
you will continue to do, we pledge our support and extend our gratitude.

Annual Report  49
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

Army Community Service

Mission Statement
Army Community Service facilitates the commander’s ability to provide comprehensive, coordinated, and responsive
services that support readiness of Soldiers, civilian employees, Families, and authorized patrons.

ACS Centers:
 Serve as the principal readiness resource assisting commanders in meeting the needs of
Soldiers, civilians, retirees and their Families.
 Support the Army Force Generation process and unit commanders by providing
comprehensive, coordinated and responsive services.
 Directly influence the Army’s ability to sustain mission readiness.

Enterprise Approach to Family Programs

Army OneSource  The average amount of time each user spent on AOS
Army OneSource standardizes Soldier and Family during 2009 was approximately 28.5 minutes.
support programs and service delivery regardless of com-  Online training opportunities are a single click away
ponent or geographical location. The AOS portal (www. and allow the user to participate in Rear Detachment Com- compiles important, credible, up-to- mander Training, Family Readiness Group Leader Training,
date information in a single location for Army Soldiers and Battlemind Training, Financial Readiness Training and all
Family members to access at any time of day, regardless of three levels of Army Family Team Building.
component or physical location.  Utilization of the Volunteer Management Informa-
AOS maintains alignment with the Soldier and Family tion System searching for volunteer opportunities and
Action Plan by organizing articles, videos and resources in tracking volunteer hours have been made easier with the
the following major categories: Family Programs
and Services; Healthcare; Soldier and Family Hous-
ing; Child, Youth & School Services; Education, Ca-
reers and Libraries; Recreation, Travel and Better
Opportunities for Single Soldiers; and Communi-
ties and Marketplace. Content management of all
functional areas is owned and maintained by the
Installation Management Command functional
point-of-contact. New technologies introduced
during 2009 include:
 Site personalization, social networking tools,
site translations available in eight different lan-
guages including English, online gaming, and vir-
tual environments.
 There are 355,755 registered users on the
Army OneSource Web Portal as of Oct. 1, 2009.
 There were in excess of 212 million site hits
to AOS during 2009.

50  Fiscal Year 2009



Army Community Service Facilities

addition of new Web gadgets accessible on the registered
 Updated the ACS Facility Standard Design in support of
users “My AOS Page.”
IMCOM Soldier and Family Support Center Sept. 30, 2009.
 Registered users are afforded the opportunity to per-
 Integrated ACS Facility Spacing Designs into IM-
sonalize their own “My AOS Page” by adding content of
COM task initiative for Campus Strategy Area Design
their interest, local Weather Watch, Really Simple Syndica-
Guide Oct. 9, 2009.
tion Feeds, forums, and blogs.
 Fully funded the 77 worldwide ACS Centers based on the
 Registered users can join ARMYBook, a social net-
ACS U.S. Army Manpower Analysis Agency requirements.
working community. ARMYBook allows registered users to
create their own profile page; find others who share their
interests, make themselves a resource for others to utilize, Relocation Program
and keep in touch with friends using messages and updates The Relocation Program helps reduce or eliminate
to their profile. problems arising due to frequent moves. Specialized pro-
 Technical support representatives are available Mon- grams and services include: individual or group counseling;
day through Friday from 8 a.m. EST to 8 p.m. EST via a Live sponsorship and pre-arrival information; mandatory over-
Chat service. seas briefings and post-move orientations; lending closet
 Community Support Coordinators identify and assess services; Military Homefront Web pages on DoD Web sites;
potential gaps in services for the geographically dispersed Citizenship Immigration Services; multi-cultural programs
and populate the service locator tool accessible on the por- and Hearts Apart activities for waiting Families. Program
tal. The service locator tool provides the ability to search for successes include:
services by zip code, city/state, or military community. It is  In 2009, over 827,800 Soldiers and Family members
a critical tool for those geographically dispersed, i.e., those accessed the Military Installation Web site.
not near an installation.  Relocation Program Managers contacted over 837,150
 Initial CSCs were hired in February 2008. There are individuals to provide Citizen and Immigration Services for
currently 61 CSCs who are responsible for CONUS, Hawaii, 27,014 clients and offered Immigration and Multi-Cultural
Alaska, Japan, Guam and American Samoa with Services to 27,014 participants.
43 additional locations identified for placement.  Provided education and training classes to 346,277
 CSCs have made 4,054 contacts to date resulting in individuals; command awareness services to 34,705 clients;
several Community Covenant partnerships. They connect cultural adaptation classes to 19,045 clients; Hearts Apart
and partner with community leaders to invite them to host (waiting Families) to 13,717 Family members; overseas
Community Covenant signing ceremonies. orientation to 21,936 clients; and relocation planning to
 CSCs partner with National Guard and Army Reserve 33,067 Soldiers and Families.
Family Programs in support of Yellow Ribbon Event and  135,418 first-term Soldiers or their spouses attended
build on partnerships with community organizations to education and training classes.
provide an extension of services traditionally offered by  Established the Relocation Manager/Global Mobility
garrison programs. For Service members and their Families Specialist credentialing program; certified 23 Relocation
who do not live near an installation, these partnerships cre- Assistance Program Managers.
ate the ability to access services wherever they reside.  Launched the George Mason University Graduate
Student Survey of German Spouses of Soldiers.
 Initiated the DoD Joint Services Initiatives-Virtual
Program Highlights 2008–2009 Sponsorship Program for all services.
 Completed the update package for the DoD Military
ACS Accreditation Program Homefront Installation file.
 In 2008 – 2009, accreditation teams recommended 27  Citizenship and Immigration Services changed their
ACS Centers for full accreditation. policy to accept the Army’s physical exams and fingerprints
 96 percent of ACS Centers worldwide are fully accredited. for Soldiers to obtain citizenship.

Annual Report  51
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

Exceptional Family Member Program This number can be adjusted up or down based on specif-
The EFMP works with other military and civilian agen- ic requirements of the installation. In addition, provided
cies to provide a comprehensive, coordinated, multi-agency off-post MFLC support (12 MFLCs) at six Army garrisons
approach for community support, housing, medical, edu- (Forts Hood, Bragg, Campbell, Carson, Riley and Lewis) for
cational, and personnel services to Families with special afternoon and evening hours. These efforts are designed to
needs. New strategies in this area have included: strengthen the RESET and ARFORGEN support to Soldiers
 Convened an EFMP Summit to develop a Strategic and Families.
Action Plan to improve services for exceptional Family  More than 35 Family Advocacy Program Managers
members in the following areas: management information from across the Army attended the first FAPM course held
systems; policy; training and education; strategic commu- at the AMEDD Center and School.
nication; and case management.  During FY09, the Military OneSource and MFLC pro-
 Obtained $8.2 million to support EFMP respite care. gram increased the number of non-medical counseling ses-
 Published revised respite care guidance. The Family sions from six to 12 per person/per issue.
Services Needs Matrix determines allowable respite care  Provided 62 clinical social workers to 30 military in-
hours and cost per month. stallation medical treatment facilities through a central
 Conducted annual worldwide EFMP training in coor- contract.
dination with the Military Child Education Coalition and  The 2009 FAP Worldwide Training was held August 9-
Army Child, Youth & School Services. 14, 2009 at the Hyatt Regency in Louisville, Ky. The theme
 Conducted regional respite care training at 11 garrisons. was “Family Advocacy Prevention and Treatment within an
 Provided respite care training in conjunction with the Expeditionary Army.” Approximately 170 installation and
Defense Finance and Accounting Service to facilitate pay- Region FAP Managers, Chiefs of Social Work Service and
ment of providers. other approved FAP providers attended.
 Awarded a central contract for a network of respite  Assisted victims of domestic violence with processing
care providers to improve consistency in respite care deliv- more than 4,558 domestic abuse unrestricted reports and
ery across state garrisons. over 297 restricted reports.
 Launched an EFMP respite care web site  Assisted victims with
on Army OneSource. processing more than 1,192
unrestricted reports of sex-
Family Advocacy Program ual assault and over 266 re-
The Family Advocacy Program provides a stricted reports.
holistic approach to address child abuse and  Assisted with the devel-
neglect and spouse abuse to include preven- opment of more than 5,000
tion, identification, reporting, investigation, risk assessments and safety
and treatment. Initiatives include: plans for victims of domestic
 Published and forwarded to Office of the violence and sexual assault.
Secretary of Defense the HQDA Annual Do-  Provided services dur-
mestic Violence and Child Abuse Fatality Re- ing after hours to over 4,060
view Report (Fifth Update). victims of domestic violence
 Revised the Operational Guidance for and sexual assault.
conducting installation Fatality Reviews.  Conducted Domestic
 Obtained approval from OSD for 15 ACS Abuse Victim Advocate Le-
Military Family Life Consultants and two Per- thality Assessment and Safety
sonal Financial Counselors to provide baseline Planning Training during De-
support to rotating Brigade Combat Teams. cember 2008. A total of 130

52  Fiscal Year 2009



FAP Managers, FAP Social Workers and Victim Advocates  Increased staff for NPSP Home Visitor initiative to
participated in the training. The training was developed, reach Families at risk in order to mitigate child and domes-
modified and finalized based upon feedback from the 30 tic abuse.
FAP Managers, FAP Social Workers and VAs at Fort Bragg, Reach Out and Read partnered with the NPSP at Fort
Fort Hood and the North East Region Office who partici- Hood, Texas; Fort Bragg, N.C.; and Walter Reed Army Med-
pated in pilot trainings during September 2008. ical Center to train Home Visitors on the ROR Model. The
 Developed a non-clinical Domestic Abuse Lethality training provides instruction to Home Visitors in the devel-
Assessment Checklist to assist VAs and First Responders opmental strategies of early literacy. As a result, they can
in the identification of risk factors associated with domes- encourage parents to read to their young children and offer
tic abuse. age-appropriate tips. The ROR and NPSP partnership allows
 Created and disseminated a VA Self Inspection Check- the message of early literacy to be delivered to Families in
list as a tool for FAPMs/VAs to prepare for Army Commu- their homes and provides parents with additional tools to
nity Service Accreditation and to ensure compliance with bond and communicate with their young children.
policies directed by the Department of Army and Depart-  Fort Hood NPSP-HV implemented the Fort Hood Preg-
ment of Defense. nancy and Postpartum Training Program. This program is
 Developed and disseminated Victim Advocacy Do- applicable to all Fort Hood active-duty pregnant and post-
mestic Abuse Records Management and Maintenance Stan- partum Soldiers. The FHPPPT consist of 32 classes, 16 on
dard Operating Procedure. topic areas around pregnancy and 16 on topic areas around
 Facilitated Virtual Victim Advocacy Training for over the postpartum period. The intent is to reduce child abuse
77 FAP Managers, VAs and FAP Social Workers during July and is centered on the challenges new Soldier-mothers face
2009. This scenario-based training included a review of the during and after pregnancy. Issues addressed may include
new Victim Advocacy Competency Course CD-ROM. depressions, sudden infant death syndrome, shaken baby
 Revised the Victim Advocacy Competency Course CD- syndrome, nutrition, infant health and stress management.
ROM to incorporate information on the Domestic Abuse/
Sexual Assault Restricted Reporting policies. Converted Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
the CD-ROM format to meet Section 508 of the Americans Program
with Disabilities Act requirement, which extends access to The primary function of the Sexual Assault Prevention
visual and hearing impaired users. and Response program is to ensure that victims of sexual as-
 Conducted quality surveillance spot checks to ensure sault are treated with dignity and respect and not be re-vic-
27/7 response standards were met. timized for disclosing an assault. A Sexual Assault Response
 Launched Victim Advocacy Domestic Abuse/Sexual Coordinator is designated at each installation. The Fam-
Assault Tracking System designed for ACS staff to track ily Advocacy Program Manager provides oversight for the
workload, case load levels, Sexual Assault Prevention and SAPR Program within the Army Community Service Center
Response trainings and compliance with Family Advocacy and the SARC ensures that Victim Advocates, Unit Victim
and Sexual Assault Prevention and response requirements Advocates and deployable SARCs are trained prior to pro-
for Army Community Service. viding services to victims. The UVAs and deployable SARCs
are Soldiers who are trained to provide advocacy services to
New Parent Support Program victims while in theater. The program expanded to include:
This program provides professional social workers and  Conducted five IMCOM Regional Focus Groups to re-
nurses who offer supportive and caring services to mili- ceive ideas from the Installation SARCs on updating and
tary Families with children from birth to six years of age. improving the FMWRC Training Support Packages for the
Through a variety of programs including home visits and SAPR Program.
parenting classes the NPSP provides opportunities to learn  Collaborated with the FMWRC Marketing Office and
to cope with stress, isolation, post-deployment, reunions, the BOSS Program to have Army SARCs assist the BOSS
and the everyday demands of parenthood. Progress in the Soldiers in the Army I. A.M. STRONG Campaign Booth to
program has resulted in: promote the SAPR Program during Army Soldier Shows

Annual Report  53
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

and major celebrity concerts. Advocate General co-facilitated seven teleconference train-
 Facilitated an 8-hour deployable Sexual Assault Re- ings on the Army’s Transitional Compensation Program
sponse Coordinator training for 30 newly appointed DSARCs that provides benefits to eligible abused Family members.
with the U.S. Army Reserve Command in Atlanta, Ga. A total of 131 FAP Managers, VAs, and Victim Witness Li-
 Facilitated 19 virtual SARC Trainings for 46 newly aisons participated in the training.
hired/appointed SARCs during FY09. Evaluations reflect
that 100 percent of participants rated the training as “ex- Mobilization and Deployment
cellent” or “good.” The Deployment and Mobilization Program encom-
 Facilitated and coordinated with Army G1, four train- passes assistance and support services provided to Soldiers
ings on the Sexual Assault Data Management System , for and Families of Active and Reserve Component forces and
46 SAPR personnel. to emergency-essential civilians in support of military op-
 Participated on the 2009 Sexual Assault Awareness erations, deployment or mobilization to include mass ca-
Month Committee to develop materials for Installation sualties, evacuation, natural disasters, and acts of terror.
Army SARCs and SAPR Program Managers to use for pro- Program accomplishments include:
motion of SAAM.  Conducted Family Readiness Symposium, Sept. 29-
Oct. 1, 2009, to determine the evolving needs of Soldiers
Transitional Compensation for Abused and Families in the 21st century resulting in the formation
Dependents of a process action team to address the way ahead.
Transitional Compensation is provided to dependents  1,099 Family Readiness Support Assistants autho-
of Soldiers who are separated from active duty under a rized positions have been added to Unit Augmented Table
court-martial sentence resulting from a dependent-abuse of Distribution and Allowances and funded as permanent
offense, administratively separated if the basis for separa- positions to include conversion efforts for current employ-
tion includes a dependent-abuse offense, or ees from temp/term to permanent employees in FY10.
sentenced to forfeiture of all pay and allow-  Published ALARACT
ances by a court-martial that has convicted 120/2009, HQDA EXORD
the Soldier of a dependent-abuse offense. 183-09 Family Readiness Sup-
Program actions include: port Assistants , May 2009, to
 Processed 96 new Transitional Com- establish roles and responsi-
pensation cases and obtained approval for bilities, standardized position
three Exceptional Eligibility Cases. On April descriptions and standardized
14, 2008, a memorandum was released to the training for FRSAs.
Military Service Branches which authorized  Supported the FORSCOM
the Secretary of the Army to review and ap- RESET Rehearsal of Concept
prove cases in which a Soldier was separated Drill as part of the Service In-
from the Army for a non-dependent-abuse frastructure Core Enterprise.
offense, even though the Soldier committed  Opened online store to
such an offense. expedite ordering OP READY
 TC Program Manager conducted TC materials.
training for 45 Victim Witness Liaisons at  Increased virtual Fam-
the Office of the Judge Advocate General. The ily Readiness Groups to 1,909
training covered TC policy, eligibility, benefits with 245,822 users on the sys-
and procedures for submitting an Application tem.
for Transitional Compensation to FMWRC.  Published NETCALL
 FMWRC and the Office of the Judge to provide clarifying Family

54  Fiscal Year 2009



Readiness Group funding guidance to the garrisons. tion of National Workforce Development to certify Em-
 Provided $1 million to garrisons to provide child care ployment Program Managers as Workforce Development
in support of Family Readiness activities and the Army Professionals.
Family Covenant.
Financial Readiness
Army Spouse Employment Partnership The Financial Readiness Program provides compre-
The Army Spouse Employment Partnership is a self- hensive educational and counseling programs in personal
sustaining and expanding partnership between the U.S. financial matters. The program educates Soldiers and Fam-
Army and corporate America. Working in liaison with the ily members on self-sufficiency; reduction of indebtedness;
Employment Readiness Program, the partnership provides and reduction of high demand for emergency financial as-
Army spouses the opportunity to attain financial security sistance through classes on money management, credit,
and achieve employment/career goals through mobility predatory lending, financial planning, and insurance and
and enhanced employment options. The program: consumer issues. Program accomplishments for FY09:
 Hosted two partnership meetings; recruited and  Conducted 17,472 classes with 285,593 participants
signed eight new partners in 2009 increasing the number (61 percent E-1 thru E-4); 15,452 clients were provided fi-
of partners to 39. nancial counseling and assistance (59 percent E-1 thru E-4).
 Since its inception ASEP partners have hired 57,000  Launched the Interactive Financial Readiness pro-
Army spouses. gram located on Army OneSource.
 In 2009 ASEP partners hired over 15,000 Army  Requested and received funding for 70 Association for
 Introduced the International Account Manager posi-
tion to expand the program overseas.
 Conducted a joint training for ERP Managers and
ASEP partners to enhance employment and career oppor-
tunities for spouses.

Employment Readiness Program

The Employment Readiness Program provides comprehen-
sive educational and counseling programs for clients seek-
ing employment.
ERP serves to assist Soldiers, Families, and DoD civilian
employees in acquiring skills, networks, and resources that
will allow them to participate in the work force and to de-
velop a career/work plan. Developments in FY09 included:
 Conducted 2,452 Employment Readiness classes with Financial Counseling and Planning Education certifications.
77,600 participants (8.9 percent E-1 thru E-4); 79,618 cli-  Sponsored the Army Emergency Relief Conference
ents were provided employment counseling (4.2 percent with 101 attendees.
E-1 thru E-4); and more than 173,000 clients obtained em- In 2009, the Financial Readiness Program established
ployment from local employers. a partnership with OSD, sister services, and more than
 33,000 Army spouses have enrolled in the Military 35 non-profit organizations to operationalize the Finan-
Spouse Career Advancement Account Program affording cial Roadshow. Financial Roadshow events are designed to
each spouse up to $6,000 for their secondary education. augment the efforts of commanders in equipping service
 1,500 spouses completed the Army Career Assess- members with the necessary tools and skills to reduce debt,
ment Tool. build wealth, and attain financial freedom. DoD coordi-
 Launched the Employment Readiness Managers cer- nated a plan for each event, leveraging existing installation
tification plan in cooperation with the National Associa- programs and partnerships with trusted governmental and

Annual Report  55
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

non-governmental organizations. After events, “leave be- site to be able to accept monetary donations to support
hind” teams of financial counselors can remain to provide their Warriors in Transition.
face-to-face counseling as needed. Command support is
crucial in order for these events to be successful. Survivor Outreach Services
Survivor Outreach Services seeks to improve and expand
Survivor assistance programs and services through a holis-
Soldier Family Assistance Centers tic, multi-agency and multi-component approach. The SOS
The Soldier Family Assistance Center provides tailored framework addresses issues regarding staffing; standardized
integrated support services in a centralized one-stop loca- training; long term support; benefits and entitlements and
tion for support to Warriors in Transition and their Families a single portal for information. Milestones include:
at installations with Warrior Transition Units. The centers  The SOS Working Group developed a Strategic Ac-
are located near Warrior Transition Units in a campus set- tion Plan.
ting which provide specific support services and informa-  Developed the technical guidance manual providing
tion. Services are to equip and aid Warriors in Transition for full funding for SOS in the POM 10-15.
and their Families in making life changing decisions as they  SOS Summit convened in October 2009 to conduct
transition back to duty or to a new life in the private sector. assessment of the casualty assistance process and SOS.
Program initiatives include:  SOS Web site developed and operational.
 The SFAC NCOIC conducted 18 staff assistance visits  Concept Plan developed to make Support Coordina-
to discuss and evaluate programs, services and personnel. tor and Financial Counselor positions permanent authori-
 In close coordination with the Warrior Transition zations on the garrison TDAs.
Command , completed four development workshops to re-  Marketing Kits developed for Active and Reserve
view, expand and refine services to the Warriors in Transi- components.
tion and their Family members.  Began development of Virtual World social network-
Opened and have operational at most SFAC locations ing site.
a full functioning ID processing section under the Human
Resources personnel. Army Family Action Plan
 Awarded two contracts which will support future SFAC The Army Family Action Plan identifies the most critical
conference/workshops and resource training materials. well-being issues facing the Army today and presents those
 Implemented the donations guidance for each SFAC issues to Army leadership. Issues of concern are brought to
the attention of the Army leadership, starting at the lowest
level and raised as appropriate to HQ Department of the
Army level. During 2009, AFAP:
 Celebrated its 25th Anniversary as 117 delegates
from all Army demographics met to discuss 64 issues el-
evated from AFAP conferences across the Army and from
the Army Wounded Warrior Symposium. The delegates
identified 16 issues for adoption into the AFAP. The five
top conference issues as voted on by the delegates:
 Bereavement permissive TDY.
 Official and semi-official photographs for Soldiers.
 Secure accessible storage for Soldiers residing in barracks.
 Shortages of medical providers in military treatment
 Availability of standardized respite care for Wounded War-
rior caregivers.

56  Fiscal Year 2009



 The General Officers Steering Committee closed 25 is- Course to local staff. Consolidated evaluations to update
sues resulting in 110 changes to legislation, 155 revisions the training curriculum.
to policy and 177 improvements to programs or services.
Enlisted Spouse Initiatives
Army Family Team Building  Enlisted Spouse Outreach and Training: Piloted First
A global educational program with the primary objec- Sergeant Spouse Seminar. Finalized Drill Sergeant Spouse,
tive to improve the overall readiness of the force by teach- Recruiter Spouse and First Sergeant Spouse Seminars for
ing and promoting personal and Family readiness through fielding in 2009/2010.
standardized, progressive, and sequential education of
Family members. AFTB assists members of the Army to Army Volunteer Corps
Army life, manage change, and accept challenge. Significant There are several types of volunteers: statutory; indi-
advances include: viduals providing gratuitous service; volunteers for private
 Conducted an AFTB Program Managers’ Course for organizations; and student interns. Volunteers are recruited
U.S. Army Recruiting Command. and trained to provide voluntary services in areas such as:
 Provided AFTB training to 20,781 Family members, medical, dental, nursing or other health-care related servic-
 During 2009, 16,509 Family members completed on- es; museums or natural resources; or in programs providing
line AFTB training. services to members of the Armed Forces and their Families
to include but not limited to Family support; Child, Youth,
ACS Training Standardization and School Services; library and education; religious activi-
The purpose of the ACS Training Standardization Program ties, and other services. Developments include:
is to provide a standardized, structured, integrated train-  Conducted first Army Volunteer Corps Coordinator
ing program for ACS clients; to standardize lesson plans for Program Managers’ Course at the Academy.
all required ACS classes at ACS programs Army wide; and  On June 24, 2009, the Office of the Chief Information
increase proficiency of ACS Program Managers, staff mem- Officer/G6 released the Army Implementation of Logical
bers, and volunteers in briefing, facilitation, and instruc- Access Credentials for DoD Volunteers providing general
tional skills. Accomplishments include: guidance for the Army’s pilot providing some volunteers
 Conducted Senior Spouse Leadership Seminars at the access to DoD networks.
Sergeants Major Academy, Fort Bliss, Texas and the Army  On July 7, 2009, the Army Human Resources Com-
War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pa. mand released the Volunteer Logical Access Credentials for
 Updated and revised the curriculum for the ACS Mas- Department of Defense Volunteers (Pilot Program) to pro-
ter Trainer Course and the Instructor Training Course, Fa- vide initial implementation guidance for this pilot program.
cilitator Training Course and Briefer Training Course.  The Family and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Com-
 Conducted three ACS Master Trainer Courses in Or- mand identified initial installations to implement the VOLAC,
lando, Fla. certifying 399 Master Trainers to teach the three identified points of contact, and began training staff.
local training courses: Instructor Training Course, Facilita-
tor Training Course and Briefer Training Course at their
FY09 Execution QACS
home stations.
CLS Service #10 Execution
 Conducted the bi-annual ACS Core Trainer Training
Course certifying 86 ACS Core Trainers to teach the ACS AFTB/AFAP $10,610,462
Master Trainer Course. Community Information Services (includes 77,667,756
Outreach and Information & Referral)
 Conducted an ACS Standardization Work Group con-
sisting of current Program Managers and developed the Deployment and Mobilization 8,654,879
content for 27 standardized classes/briefings and 10 pro- Employment Readiness 20,143,284
gram orientations. Exceptional Family Member 10,152,173
 Finalized the results of the Pilot Programs from six Family Advocacy (includes Emergency Placement) 13,740,263
ACS/Family Programs sites teaching Instructor Training Financial Readiness 13,810,627
Course, Briefer Training Course and Facilitator Training Relocation 9,097,901

Annual Report  57
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

Human Resources

The Human Resources Directorate recruits, trains, and retains professional leaders
who accomplish Army goals and foster a corporate culture of excellence. This mission is
accomplished through the NAF Human Resources Office, the MWR Career Referral Program,
the NAF Management Trainee Program, and the Leader Development Assignment Program.

Leader Development/Assignment this 36-month training program, future MWR leaders are
Program groomed. During the first 24 months, trainees’ primary
To assist garrisons in selecting and providing upward focus revolves around on-the-job training and professional
mobility to the best qualified candidates, the Family and development opportunities. During the last 12 months,
Morale, Welfare & Recreation Command centrally funds trainees implement the knowledge, skills and abilities de-
NF-5 FMWR and designated senior NF-4 FMWR positions veloped in an NF-4 position. The NAF Management Trainee
in Career Field 51 Leader Development Assignment Pro- Program provides for the development of highly trained
gram positions. Central funding of Permanent Duty Travel MWR professionals to meet future leadership demands.
moves are limited to those candidates selected from a re- During FY09, 16 graduates from the FY09 program
ferral list issued by the Army NAF Career Referral Program completed their on-the-job training and were placed into
Office or a non-competitive reassignment approved by the permanent positions. In FY09, 20 trainees were recruited
FMWRC Commanding General or designee. for the following functional areas: Child Youth and School
Services, 4; Food and Beverage, 3; Marketing, 2; Sports &
Army Civilian Training, Education and Fitness, 1; Community Recreation, 2; Outdoor Recreation,
Development System Plan 2; Financial Management, 2; Professional Golf Manage-
The Army Civilian Training, Education and Develop- ment, 1; and Human Resources, 2.
ment System Plan documents a structured, progressive In addition to the 20 trainees, FMWRC hired four De-
and sequential approach to employee development with- velopmental Chefs as part of the Developmental Chef
in Career Field 51 (Family and Morale, Welfare & Recre- Program. Two of the developmental chefs received on-site
ation, Army Community Service and Army Lodging). The training at Edelweiss Lodge and Resort, Germany and two
FMWRC ACTEDS Plan is a competency-based, career pro- chefs received on-site training at Dragon Hill Lodge, Korea.
gressive “road map” that blends training and self-develop- In FY09, the program placed five Management Train-
ment to systematically enhance individual performance ees at training locations in Europe (Ansbach, Grafenwoehr,
and potential. ACTEDS fully integrates the Army Leader Heidelberg, Kaiserslautern and Stuttgart).
Development model for civilians, embraces the Army FM-
WRC vision, and incorporates the Civilian Education Sys- Career Referral Program
tem into a continuous, dynamic system of learning and The FMWRC continued to assist installation command-
growth. The current version is Web-based and is hosted on ers in filling Morale, Welfare and Recreation NAF vacancies
the FMWRC server. in grades NF-4 and above. During calendar year 2009, a
total of 31,778 active applicant resumes were received for
NAF Management Trainee Program applicants seeking employment opportunities in MWR
The centrally funded NAF Management Trainee Pro- programs, Army Lodging and Army Community Service. A
gram actively recruits college graduates, Wounded Warriors, total of 767 requests for referral lists were received in cal-
and current or former NAF employees for opportunities in endar year 2009 for positions worldwide. These requests
Morale, Welfare and Recreation functional areas. Through were filled in an average of 30 days.

For NAF Employee Benefits information, see page 89.

58  Fiscal Year 2009



The Marketing Directorate completed its initial year of operations in 2009 realizing
full and operational capability delivering enterprise support to the field as well as
internal and external customers located worldwide. Created following recognition
by senior leadership that an enterprise approach to marketing would contribute
to Family and MWR Command’s success, the Directorate comprises five divisions:
Marketing Research and Analysis; Creative Services; Marketing Communications
and Account Management; Events and Promotions; and Corporate Partnerships.

During FY09, the Family and MWR Command realized the power of a fully operational Marketing Directorate attain-
ing full capability, while delivering assistance, guidance and coordinated marketing efforts across directorates and to the
field. While program managers are ultimately responsible for programming decisions and operating efficiency, marketing
provides support resources to assist program managers in identifying unmet demand and unfulfilled customer wants.
Customer feedback and assessment as well as comprehensive, consistent and expanded marketing outreach play a critical
role in identifying and fulfilling the needs of Family and MWR customers.
During its first year of operation, the Directorate’s top priorities included:
 Research and analysis capabilities to provide timely and actionable data to better understand customer priorities
 Communication initiatives critical for brand and message standardization
 Account management support across
program functional areas to improve
coordination across the enterprise
 Delivery of “turnkey” marketing mate-
rials to the field promoting the Army
Family Covenant and Soldier Family
Action Plan messages
 Consolidated customer-facing activi-
ties into the organization

Army Family Covenant

Outreach Remains Top Priority
In October 2007, the Army unveiled the
Army Family Covenant, institutionalizing the
Army’s commitment to providing Soldiers
and Families — Active, Guard, and Reserve
— a quality of life commensurate with
their service. In support of the AFC, Family
Photos courtesy of Marketing

Annual Report  59
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

and MWR continues its efforts with a marketing

campaign composed of a series of strategic initiatives
focused on informing, educating and acknowledging
the Army’s commitment to Soldiers and Families.
The campaign highlighted the Army’s commitment
with testimonial messaging from Soldiers and Family
members and serves to speak also to parents, friends,
community members and employers in conjunction
As part of numerous outreach marketing efforts,
each garrison marketing office received a toolkit and
standardized messaging tools to ensure all AFC mes-
sages speak in one voice to all audiences on all Army
installations. Toolkits also promoted key messages
in surrounding civilian communities. “Army Fam-
ily Covenant: Keeping the Promise” messaging was
also integrated into Army and Air Force Exchange
marketing efforts, Defense Commissary Agency fa-
cilities, Soldiers Magazine, and Guard and Reserve
Magazine throughout 2009.

Marketing Research and Analysis Division

The Marketing Research and Analysis Division regularly for the Family and MWR Command. The database saved
utilizes research instruments to measure the level of all MWR numerous labor hours for AED and compiled all garrison
efforts and their impact on Soldiers and Families. This year entertainment venue capabilities into one easily searchable
marked the commencement of three major research projects and accessible application. Additionally, the division pro-
on Soldier and Family quality of life that will continue into vided surveys and data instruments for Warrior Adventure
2010 and directly impact Family and MWR programs. Quest and Soldier Show efforts that helped provide impor-
The research team executed a tremendous effort tant customer impact results and feedback.
throughout the year in developing both the 2010 Survey When Army Leadership wanted to evaluate knowledge
of Army Families VI and the 2010 Leisure Market Survey. and awareness of the Army Family Covenant, the Research
Deploying in January 2010, the Survey of Army Families VI and Analysis Division designed and conducted an online
will collect Army Family data including levels of satisfaction survey to gather baseline data. The Army Family Covenant
with lifestyle and issues affecting military life. The Leisure Survey, fielded from Aug. 15 through Sept. 15, produced
Market Survey, designed to gather garrison-level data and 16,716 unique surveys and valuable data to help guide fu-
information about satisfaction with MWR and issues affect- ture initiatives.
ing military life, will deploy in April 2010. A third instru- In addition to Soldiers and Families, employees and
ment planned throughout 2009 for execution in 2010, will managers were also in the spotlight as the division con-
provide an online database of garrison Soldier information ducted two key instruments – a Family and MWR NAF Em-
to garrison marketing offices and program managers sup- ployee Survey and a Manager Satisfaction Survey designed
plying valuable insight into select target market segments. to measure both MWR employee and manager job satisfac-
FY09 also saw the creation and execution of a Venue tion. Data from this project provided baseline information
Database for Army Entertainment Division which in- for employee satisfaction prior to the rollout of a new MWR
creased efficiency of the entertainment booking process Customer Service Excellence Program.

60  Fiscal Year 2009



Corporate Partnerships Division to enable effective communication among sports profes-

The mission of the Family and MWR Corporate Part- sionals and serve as a venue for Army Olympians from the
nerships Division is to partner with corporate America World Class Athlete Program and athletes from the All-
to enhance vital Family and MWR programs by obtaining Army Sports Program to share accomplishments.
private sector funding, services or supplies in exchange for The division delivered enterprise-wide tools and tem-
promotional and advertising opportunities within the Army plates to numerous customers and programs throughout
community. The division also develops national partnership the Army and held its 2009 Marketing, Sponsorship and
programs to create additional funding for garrisons and pro- Advertising Symposium in June in Indianapolis, Ind. This
vides training, consultation and policy overview to Family key training effort was designed to (1) provide insight into
and MWR sponsorship and advertising professionals. what civilian programs do to retain their sponsors and gain
Army-wide sponsorship and advertising income for new ones; (2) provide branding updates in conjunction
FY09 was $13.4 million with cash revenue totaling $6.8 mil- with the establishment of the Marketing Directorate; and
lion and in-kind sponsorship totaling $6.6 million. Overall, (3) encourage collaboration between marketing and public
corporate partnership initiatives generated and transferred affairs. The marketing function played a key role through-
more than $916 thousand, in sponsorship and advertising out the event as speakers and participants learned how to
income directly to garrisons in FY09 resulting in a 14.5 per- further support the AFC and Soldier Family Action Plan ef-
cent increase over FY08. forts throughout all missions.
In FY09, the Family and MWR Corporate Partnership
Division successfully negotiated new and renewed several Events and Promotions Division
existing corporate sponsorship and advertising agreements The Events and Promotions Division continues to focus
directly benefitting Army installations with additional rev- on programming support and turnkey event development
enue and special event programming.

Marketing Communications and

Account Management Division
The Marketing Communications and Account Manage-
ment Division is a key component to strategically planning
the success of Family and MWR marketing efforts world-
wide. The MarCom and Account Management team pro-
vides strategy and marketing planning guidance to inter-
nal and external customers with the use of consistent key
messaging, a strong, cohesive MWR brand and Web tools as
well as other initiatives.
In 2009, the division led numerous initiatives and cam-
paigns incorporating both print and digital media that en-
hanced an enterprise-wide communication strategy. Key
accomplishments included: the creation of an AFC mar-
keting toolkit provided to all garrisons; enhanced AAFES/
DeCA partnerships; and an Army Knowledge Online portal
to house standardized marketing materials for access and
use by all garrisons. Additionally, Web sites developed for
Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers, Warrior Adven-
ture Quest and All-Army Sports provided central resources
for communication and programming needs. The MarCom
team also helped increase public awareness of the Army
Athlete program through the Army Athlete Twitter feed

Annual Report  61
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

for revenue generating programs. In addition to a change at 19 Army locations in a turnkey promotion, the promo-
in venue, the division streamlined its operating procedures tion culminated in the Military Long Drive Championship
with standardized promotion kits and an online after-action aired on ESPN television. The event offered another great
reporting process. Highlighting promotions that offered ex- opportunity for military members with 21 top military long
citing opportunities to current participants while generating drivers featured at the World Long Drive Championship in
new patrons for Army clubs, bowling centers, libraries, golf Mesquite, Nev. The winner took home a cash prize and was
courses and other MWR programs, many promotions were featured on the ESPN broadcast of the RE/Max World Long
youth-oriented while several were cross-promoted with oth- Drive competition in December 2009.
er elements of the Family and MWR Command. Outreach to Army bowling centers partnered with the Bowling Pro-
Youth and Child, Youth & School Services patrons continued prietors Association of America Bowlopolis program at
with Bowlopolis and a new youth “learn to bowl” program. 28 Army bowling centers in 2009. Bowlopolis, a cartoon
Spouses of deployed Soldiers were offered support and net- DVD series and an online interactive Web site created by
working opportunities with a Bunco promotion held in clubs BPAA, have generated significant interest in youth bowl-
and marketed through the Army ing programs. A Youth Bowling
Community Service Family Readi- Education Program, written by
ness Groups. Life-changing experi- FMWRC staff and a well-known
ences were also provided to the win- bowling coach, was introduced
ners of Operation Rising Star and along with the Bowlopolis pack-
Military Long Drive programs. age. The Youth Bowling Educa-
Another successful and highly tion program included a series of
anticipated promotion at partici- lessons targeted at age-specific
pating Army garrisons was the Tex- groups of children, complete
as Hold ’em tournament now in its with tools to make teaching suc-
third year. After-action reports re- cessful.
veal this promotion averaged sales Another favorite, the
of $968 per location totaling a 115 2009-2010 Business Managers’
percent increase in sales and a 259 percent increase in foot Planning Calendar was distributed to all garrisons in Au-
traffic compared to an average night of operations. gust, with additional copies distributed at MWR Academy
The Army Golf Program, the Warrior Transition Com- courses. This popular 15-month planning tool was de-
mand and the Events Division partnered to bring profes- signed to provide hundreds of promotional ideas, custom-
sional golf training to select Army garrisons and local er service tips, industry events, a month-at-a-glance view
communities in FY09. Garrisons with a need for ongoing and daily calendars.
adaptive golf programs were identified and provided with As the directorate looks ahead, it continues to forge new
professional trainers, a day of teaching instruction and a bonds with garrisons as well as internal and external cus-
free clinic. Clinics were open to golf professionals, thera- tomers, while working to provide consistent and compre-
pists, physical education coaches, recreational instructors, hensive tools and templates for use throughout the Army.
and other industry professionals. The result was a first-hand Leveraging the experience of numerous professionals from
experience that illustrated both the rehabilitative qualities military and private sector backgrounds, the team looks
of golf and how it can be taught and played by anyone, re- forward to a strong second year of operation. Research con-
gardless of their disability. tinues to be a top priority as the directorate and command
The 2009 Military Long Drive promotion not only in- work to make data-driven decisions and learn more about
creased awareness of Army Golf programs through out- their customers. Communication, continued transforma-
reach to National Guard and Reservists, but also increased tion and professional development of the staff round out
driving range sales. Offering a professional long drive event the key priorities for the coming year.

62  Fiscal Year 2009

FMWR Academy

FMWR Academy
Training and Performance Support

The Family and Morale, Welfare & Recreation Academy, a workforce success multiplier, offers
training and performance support for the Army and its sister services. Located in Alexandria,
Va., the Academy supports the FMWR Master Training Plan and trains entry-level employees
through general officers. Providing results-driven support, the FMWR Academy strives to
embed learning in the workflow and is a critical organizational change agent.
Web-based learning remains a critical component of and materials continues to decline, and more staff skills
bringing skill and technical training to the FMWR work- have been developed to provide a more cost effective and
force. In FY09 development and implementation of courses quality product.
continued, bringing to 35 the total online courses offered. The FMWR Academy provided performance support to
In FY09, 10,713 courses were completed, an additional installations and programs through professional develop-
4,179 course enrollments were in progress of completion ment and project management. Six installations (Fort Hood,
Texas; Fort Knox, Ky.; Fort Sill, Okla.; USAG Stuttgart, Ger-
many; USAG Schinnen, The Netherlands; and Camp Casey,
MWR Master
Korea) received Exemplary Employee Development awards
Training Plan Exec & consisting of training, recognition, and tuition support for

garrison excellence in workforce development and front-
line training. Performance management support for Fort


Bragg, N.C. and Fort Myer, Va. was provided through fo-

Multi-Program Level

cused training.

Program Management Level


The American Council on Education evaluates FMWR


Skill and Technical

Professional, Basic Academy courses and recommends college credit for many
Management and Leadership
offerings. ACE recommendations encourage colleges and
MWR Orientation Operation Excellence
universities to award credits to students participating in
applicable degree programs. This recommendation sup-
ports the strategic vision of FMWRC; confirms the stature
of the FMWR Academy as a professional learning institu-
for a total of 14,892 enrollments. This included personnel tion; and provides added value to our FMWR workforce in
from other services. In course completions, 19.5 percent their pursuit of formal education or certification require-
was delivered at the installation or Armed Forces Recre- ments. Currently, a total of 39 courses sponsored by the
ation Center (2,083 students), 3.5 percent was at the Acad- FMWR Academy have received college credit recommenda-
emy (372 students), 0.5 percent was by contractor off-site tions. In addition, students receive Continuing Education
(57 students), and 75.1 percent was through Web-based Units for Academy courses.
and blended instruction (8,192 students). If one includes Support to broader Installation Management Command
the total number of online course enrollments (including training efforts was provided as the Academy facilitated the
those in progress), 76.5 percent of learning was through FMWR portion of the Garrison Pre-Command Course, the
online instruction. Reliance on contractors for delivery Garrison Sergeants Major Course, the Region Installation
of classroom training and development of online courses Support Team Course, and the Director of Public Works

Annual Report  63
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

FMWR Academy FMWR Academy

FY2009 Student Totals by Course FY2009 Student Totals by Course
Classroom: 40 Recreation Program Management and Leadership
20 ACS Relocation Readiness Program Management 21 Results Achieving Teams
ACS Exceptional Family Member Program 11 STA/LMS for Timekeepers – Fort Myer
Management 2,512 TOTAL
ACS Mobilization and Deployment Program Blended:
9 Marketing Plans for Activity Managers
24 ACS Army Volunteer Core Program Management
24 ACS Soldier Family Assistance Center Course
Online Completed
13 Army Recreation Machine Program Management
1,145 Applied Financial Planning (4 Courses)
32 Army Five Star Catering Fundamentals
452 BOSS (3 Courses)
23 Business Program Management & Leadership
91 Bowling Basics
11 Effective Writing for Contracting Officers
742 Child and Youth Management System
Executive Leadership & Management for Division
43 260 Commercial Sponsorship
Exemplary Employee Development Award Training 53 CYS Mobilization and Contingency
– Camp Casey 101 FMWR Budgeting and APF Support
Exemplary Employee Development Award Training 127 FMWR Budgeting in the NAF System
– Fort Hood 38 Food Sanitation Refresher
Exemplary Employee Development Award Training 363 FCC On-line (3 Courses: Directors, Providers, CER)
– Fort Knox
Exemplary Employee Development Award Training
17 139 Marketing Plans – Short Version
– Fort Sill
Exemplary Employee Development Award Training 43 MCCS Applied Financial Planning (4 Courses)
– Schinnen 765 MWR Basic Management Course
Exemplary Employee Development Award Training 2,636 MWR Orientation Course
– Stuttgart 213 NAF Contracting Basic
22 FMWRC Team Member Orientation 331 ServSafe Sanitation/Alcohol
32 Internal Controls – Fort Bragg Space Census (4 Courses: FCC, CDC, CYS Coord,
21 MIS Functional Administrator Part I SSA/MS/T)
25 Management for Golf Course Superintendents Sports (4 Courses: Events, History/Theory, RecTrac,
28 NAF Acquisition Management Tournaments)

39 High Performing Teams 8,192 TOTAL

1,662 Professional Development Program Training On-site Online in Progress

95 Programming and Special Events Management 4,179 Enrolled in Progress

Recreation Division Chiefs Leadership and

Management 14,883 TOTAL FY09 Enrollment

64  Fiscal Year 2009

FMWR Academy

Course. Development and piloting a Garrison Command gaps as well as tracking individual performance develop-
Spouse Course was also completed. ment. Aggressive deployment of the system began in July
Support to external organizations included facility use of 2009 with garrison level training in the Pacific, followed by
160 requests totaling 265 days of usage for meetings, train- training at garrisons in the Southeast and West Regions.
ing and conferences not directly related to Academy training. The purpose is to train supervisors in the use of the sys-
Academy staff served as facilitators or trainers for six pro- tem. Training on this system will be completed for the rest
gram proponents, and served on two special Headquarters of the garrisons in FY10.
projects. The FMWR Academy registration system provided The FMWRC Commanding General and Executive Direc-
support was provided to the European Training Center and tor/Chief Operating Officer directed the Academy to develop
to program manager training, as reflected below. a comprehensive, holistic Customer Service Program for
Army Family and MWR that creates and sustains a customer
service culture. Paramount to creating and sustaining a cus-
Army Lodging Training: tomer service culture is leadership’s commitment to provid-
11 Army Lodging Training Seminar ing employees a strong, supportive environment where they
27 Hotel Operations can thrive. The FMWR Customer Service program calls for
24 Lodging Group Leader Program establishing Customer Service Training Coordinators that
21 Lodging Strategic Financial Management
are strategically placed across garrisons to support all of
FMWR and to support all the elements of an employee- and
25 Lodging Supervision
customer-centered culture. The expected outcomes of the
23 Lodging Supply Chain Management
FMWR Customer Service Program are increased customer
15 Effective Organizational Leadership
participation and satisfaction, higher employee job satisfac-
16 Strategic Communication for Lodging Managers tion, retention of high-performing employees, and contin-
23 Strategic Leadership for Hospitality Managers ued employee engagement and commitment.
22 Value Creation in Hospitality Organizations Full implementation of this program and facilitation of
207 TOTAL the culture change will be a cornerstone of the FMWR Acad-
Other Training Support emy effort in the coming years.
239 BOSS Forum
414 European Training Center
137 Inclusive Recreation Training
3 SLO Orientation Course

1,000 TOTAL FY09 Other Training Supported

A major initiative of the FMWR Academy was the FY09

deployment of the Professional Development Program.
The PDP is a tool to improve the professional performance
of FMWR employees. The PDP is a comprehensive devel-
opment plan that addresses competency, knowledge, skill,
and ability development, in addition to identifying train-
ing or learning elements designed to help improve perfor-
mance. The system can auto-generate employee training
plans, and supervisors can analyze organizational training

Annual Report  65
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command


The Family and Morale, Welfare & Recreation Command Operations
Directorate manages strategic and current initiatives and is the facilitator
and integrator of actions that span the organization. Some actions include,
but are not limited to, coordination of Common Levels of Support,
Installation Status Report, Key Garrison Measures, and the Organizational
Inspection Program.

In March 2009, the Operations Directorate facilitated shape the future of FMWRC, and the employees that make
the establishment of the FMWRC Working Group to guide up the workforce, by ensuring that FMWRC is positioned
the way ahead for Family and MWR programming and ser- to meet full operational capability in support of HQ, IM-
vices. The FMWRC WG enables FMWRC and the Region COM’s transformation. In 2009, Directorate staff worked
FMWR leadership to transform FMWR programs in sup- diligently to facilitate the relocation of 65 FMWRC person-
port of the Army Family Covenant from the enterprise nel from the National Capital Region to Fort Sam Houston,
approach. The FMWRC WG meets quarterly to define the Texas. There, FMWRC established command and control
roles and responsibilities of the teams and develop a Stra- and a split base operation in order to facilitate the remain-
tegic Action Plan that applies a cost culture approach to der of FMWRC’s relocation currently scheduled for FY10
FMWR operations. and FY11.
The Operations Directorate provides oversight of the This Directorate organized and coordinated an Army
Army’s Gift and Donations Program. In FY09, monetary Family Covenant Team comprised of several FMWRC func-
and non-monetary gifts valued at $4.8 million were donat- tional subject matter experts to work Joint Base initiatives
ed to Soldiers and Families. Examples of donations received and actions as a result of BRAC 2005. The team partici-
in FY09 include: popcorn; live Christmas trees; an pated in numerous Memorandums of Agreement
exercise room for an Army lodging facility; a development workshops affecting the Army
Family Technology Center for an Armed installations involved in Joint Base trans-
Forces Recreation Center; coffee; and formation. As a result of the team’s in-
many items to Soldier and Family As- volvement, the Services were able to
sistance Centers. Many generous do- craft 12 effective MOAs, allowing
nors used the “Gifts to Army” Web the Joint Bases to proceed toward
site with its capability to accept reaching their full operational ca-
on-line donations to show their pability. Currently the Operations
support to Soldier and Family Pro- Directorate assists ACSIM, IMCOM
grams. and OSD in their efforts to resolve
In compliance with 2005 Base issues and concerns that relate to
Realignment and Closure Law, the delivering the Army Family Cov-
Operations Directorate helped to enant on Joint Bases.

66  Fiscal Year 2009



Public Affairs Office

It was a year of change for the Family and Morale,
Welfare & Recreation Command’s Public Affairs
Office in FY09.

As a result of the Installation Management Command’s version three of, the main Web site of
Transformation Plan to streamline like-services and func- FMWRC with the capability of handling up to one million
tions and eliminate redundancies within IMCOM and its page views per month and features a Content Management
sub-commands, PAO prepared to become an IMCOM System for ease of input from FMWRC Directorates; de-
Shared Service. This transition took the PAO from a Special velopment and implementation of the FMWRC Strategic
Staff section of the FMWRC Commanding General to the Planning Integrated Resource Information Tool, which or-
MWR Branch of the IMCOM Public Affairs Office, effective ganizes FMWRC programs, schedules, and processes into
October 1, 2009. a visible and actionable system to which the Command
The mission of the FMWRC PAO, and the future mission Group, Directors, and other managers have 24/7 access;
of the MWR Branch, is to provide communications support and establishment of a FMWRC social media presence, us-
to FMWRC through the use of internal and external com- ing Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.
munications products, a media relations program, and an The Army Family Covenant was a key focus topic for
Internet and social media presence. The FMWRC PAO com- many of the FMWRC PAO products. In order to get the
pleted FY09 with an operating budget of $922.6 thousand. Army Family Covenant message out to a wide audience of
The FMWRC Public Affairs Office created a historical Soldiers, Family members, and senior Army leaders, many
collection/preservation office and hired a Command Histo- of the 107 office-generated articles included how the Army
rian to document and archive FMWRC and MWR historical Family Covenant played a significant role or effect in the
information and artifacts. This function and position was news event.
transferred to the FMWRC Command Group, effective Oc- FMWRC Public Affairs ventured into the social media
tober 1, 2009. venue in March 2009, by establishing the Family MWR sites
During FY09, the FMWRC Command Group directed on Twitter and YouTube. Activation of the Family MWR
the reestablishment of an FMWRC magazine, which had Facebook site occurred in June and, at the end of FY09, had
last been published in December 2007, and was temporar- more than 650 fans. FMWRC posts news articles and short
ily discontinued due to manpower shortfalls and overrid- messages to this site. Fans can, and do, interact by posting
ing mission requirements. The Public Affairs Office added personal comments. The FMWRC Commanding General,
two personnel in the third quarter of the Fiscal Year to Brigadier General Reuben D. Jones (now Major General), es-
accomplish the development and publication of the quar- tablished his own social media site on Twitter upon his ar-
terly magazine. rival to the organization in July 2009. Social media enables
The FMWRC PAO accomplishments during FY09 in- two-way or multi communications with and between our
cluded 107 news releases; 210 media queries; launching customers and provides an excellent feedback mechanism.

Annual Report  67
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

Soldier and Community Recreation

Soldier and Community Recreation supports the Army Force Generation
Model by providing the resources and services that enhance region and
garrison capabilities to support the expeditionary Army and deliver a
quality of life for Soldiers and Families commensurate with their service.

The Family and Morale, Welfare & Recreation Command Soldier and Community Recreation Directorate support
deployment for Soldiers both at home station or deployed. This support is provided in three ways: regulatory oversight;
procurement of kits designed to provide off-duty entertainment in the form of sports; fitness, and recreation; and man-
aging the MWR professionals that deploy to Iraq to provide hands on recreation and entertainment opportunities for US
and Coalition Soldiers.
In 2009 Soldier and Community Recreation contributed to the Field Manual 1-0 which defines Army guidance and
operational procedures used to provide guidance during current and future deployment contingencies. This guidance
specifically identifies the processes and procedures that the Army will use to deploy MWR personnel and equipment into
any theater. It contains timelines necessary for the timely arrival and set up of MWR programs and services that provide
Soldiers an outlet during operations.
Community Recreation procures three types of kits for deployed Soldiers. The first is the Unit Recreation Kit, designed
to support a company sized element for 60-90 days after arriving in theater. The Kit contains sports and fitness equipment,
and recreational equipment in the form of board games and cards. The second kit, the Electronic Games Kit, comes with a
popular home video game unit, games, and TV, along with all necessary cables and power converters. The last Kit, the The-
ater in a Box Kit, contains an LCD projector, DVD player, movies, a sound system, and a 10 foot x 10 foot screen, to provide
a theater that can be set up in 20 minutes. This year — for the first time — 833 Unit Recreation Kits were sent to home
stations, enabling the deploying companies to send the kits at the same time as their equipment. In addition, 36 Theater in
a Box Kits and 47 electronic games kits were sent directly into Theater to support existing brigade-sized units.
Community Recreation deployed 22 MWR professionals into theater in direct support of theater requirements. Three
personnel provide guidance and oversight of MWR and entertainment programs at the headquarters level, while seven
professionals worked at the division level scheduling and escorting professional entertainers to over 175 locations in Iraq.
Teams of 11 MWR professionals are phased in every six months.

All photos in this section courtesy of Soldier and Community Recreation

68  Fiscal Year 2009

Soldier and

Community Recreation

All-Army Sports
Boxing  Pfc. Sidney Williams, USAR, Ky.
Army entered boxers in nine of the 11 weight classes  Spc. Jeffery Spencer, Fort Carson, Colo.
at Armed Forces Boxing Silver:
conducted at Fort Hua-  Sgt. Reyes Marquez, Fort Myer, Va.
chuca, Ariz. They took
seven Gold Medals and
one Silver Medal out of Bowling
the nine weight classes. The All-Army Men’s and Women’s Bowling Teams both
Army’s medalists in- captured first place in the Armed Forces Championship in
clude: Fort Bliss, Texas. Both the men and women had two bowl-
Gold: ers who were recognized and selected to the Armed Forc-
 1st Lt. Michael es Team. The Soldier-athletes selected for the men’s team
Benedosso, Fort Carson, were: Sgt. 1st Class. Thomas Wynne, Fort Hood, Texas; and
Colo. Capt. Vincent Gothard, Fort Bragg, N.C.. The women select-
 Spc. Adrian Ghisiou, ed were: Sgt. 1st Class. Karen Brown, Fort Sill, Okla.; and
Fort Hood, Texas Lt. Col. Celethia Abner, Fort Gordon, Ga.
 Sgt. John Franklin,
Fort Carson, Colo.
 Spc. Alexis Ramos, Fort Carson, Colo. Men’s and Women’s Basketball
 Pfc. Connor Johnson, Fort Carson, Colo. The Men’s and Women’s All-Army basketball teams were

2009 Recreation Award Winners — Outstanding Programs and Personnel

MWR Employee of the Year Career Employee
Karen Lazzeri Hermann Edd Ellis
USAG Bamberg, Germany Fort Rucker, Ala.

Garrison Awards Automotive Skills Medium Garrison Large Garrison Jerry Racz
Small Garrison Bamberg, Germany USAG Hawaii USAG Benelux, Belgium
Medium Garrison
USAG Livorno, Italy Vicenza, Italy Leo Kosley
Large Garrison Sports, Fitness & Aquatics USAG Kaiserslautern, Germany
Medium Garrison Large Garrison Fort Carson, Colo. Small Garrison
USAG Camp Red Cloud, Korea Kerri Pangmann
Schweinfurt, Germany Livorno, Italy USAG Kaiserslautern, Germany
Outdoor Recreation
Large Garrison David Schwab
Entertainment Medium Garrison Medium Garrison
USAG Hawaii USAG Kaiserslautern, Germany
Medium Garrison Vicenza, Italy Vicenza, Italy
Bamberg, Germany Mary Hirsch-Justice
Program Awards Large Garrison Large Garrison Fort McCoy, Wisc.
Arts & Crafts Large Garrison Fort Carson, Colo. Fort Bliss, Texas
Col. Laura Richardson
Medium Garrison Fort Lewis, Wash. Fort Myer/McNair,Va.
Recreation Centers Friends of Recreation
Vicenza, Italy Grace Kilburn
Library Medium Garrison Micheil Devito
Fort Bragg, N.C.
Large Garrison Small Garrison Bamberg, Germany USAG Heidelberg, Germany
Stuttgart, Germany Livorno, Italy Command Sgt. Maj. Robert
J. Felder
Fort Rucker, Ala.

Annual Report  69
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

rebuilding with many new squads. The All-Army Women’s Ironman

Basketball team went 3-3 in the Armed Forces Basketball The All-Army Ironman team made up of Maj. Christopher
Championship and the men were 1-5. All-Navy won the Bachl, Presidio of Monterey, Calif. and Staff Sgt. Tina Ea-
tournament on the women’s side, and All-Air Force took kin, Redstone Arsenal, Ala. took first place honors in the
the gold on the men’s side. Military Division of the Ford Ironman World Champion-
The All-Army Women’s Basketball team had one play- ship conducted in Kailua Kona, Hawaii. Eakin overcame a
er, Spc. Aquanita Burras, Fort Bragg, N.C. named to the flat tire in the bike portion of the race and was the Women’s
“All Tournament” team at the Armed Forces Basketball Military leader. She finished 10th in her age group with an
Championshipn. She, along with Sgt. Shamyra Daigle, overall time of 10:51:20.
also from Fort Bragg, and Capt. Caitlin Chiaramonte, Fort
Benning, Ga. participated in the Tournament of Stars in Marathon
Lake Charles, La. as part of the Women’s Armed Forces The All-Army Marathon Team ran against the other
All Star team. services at the Marine Corp Marathon held in Washington,
Four Army men were named to the Armed Forces All D.C. The All-Army Women’s Team placed fourth and the
Star team that competed to a Third Place finish in the All-Army Men’s Team placed third. 2nd Lt. Kenneth Foster,
Consiel International du Sport Militaire (World Military) Fort Bliss, Texas was selected to compete in the World Mili-
Basketball Championship in Lithuania in June. The All tary CISM Marathon Championship and placed 34th over-
Star selectees included: Sgt. Ron Bartley, Fort Lee, Va.; all and 27th in the CISM division. He was the third finisher
Sgt. Brett Thomas, Camp Stanley, Korea; Sgt. Russell for Team USA.
Queener Fort Huachuca, Ariz.; and Sgt. Vernardo Harris,
U.S. Army Reserve. Army Coach Capt. David Smith, Los Rugby
Alamitos, Calif. was selected as the assistant coach for The All-Army Rugby team took fourth place with a 1-3
the team. record at the Armed Forces Rugby Championship held at
Fort Benning, Ga. Two outstanding Soldier-athletes were
Cross Country named to the All Tournament Team: Sgt. 1st Class Noah
The All-Army Cross Country team competed in the Tupea, Fort Sill, Okla. and Capt. Nathaniel Conkey, West
Armed Forces Championship in conjunction with the USA Point, N.Y.
Track & Field Winter National
Cross Country Championship. Soccer
The All-Army Women’s Team The All-Army Men’s Soccer Team placed first at the
placed third amongst all servic- Armed Forces Championship in an overtime shoot-out tie-
es and the All-Army Men’s Team breaker. The Army finished the tournament with a 3-2-1 re-
placed fourth. Capt. Michelle cord with Pfc. Jason Van Broekhuizen, Schofield Barracks,
Kelly, Fort Carson, Colo., was Hawaii named to the All-Tournament team.
the Army’s top woman finisher The following Soldier-athletes were selected to the All-
coming in fifth place overall in Armed Forces Team to compete in the CISM Military Con-
the competition. She was fol- tinental Soccer Championship hosted by the U.S. at Dyess
lowed by 1st Lt. Kelly Calway, Air Force Base in Abilene, Texas:
Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, who  Capt. Andrew Filauro, Fort Carson, Colo.
came in ninth place. The Men’s  Staff Sgt. Jose Alfarohernandez, Schofield Barracks,
top finisher was Capt. Matt Ca- Hawaii
vanaugh, Fort Huachuca, Ariz.,  1st Lt. Kurt Hunt, Fort Rucker, Ala.
placing in the top 15 of the  Spc. Tyler Stratford, Fort Myer, Va.
Armed Forces Championship.  Staff Sgt. Titus Kamau, Walter Reed Army Medical

70  Fiscal Year 2009

Soldier and

Community Recreation

Center, Washington, D.C. Eichenseer and Gerheim played as part of the Armed Forces
 Sgt. Barry Batiste-Swift, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii All-Star team that took second place at the ASA National
 Sgt. 1st Class Agustin Mendez, U.S. Army, Korea Championships in Oklahoma City, Okla.
(Head Coach)
Men’s and Women’s Softball Three All-Army Taekwondo athletes achieved national
The All-Army Men’s and Women’s Softball Teams both success at the USA Taekwondo National Championships
took the Silver med- conducted in Austin, Texas. Army World Class Athlete
al as a result of tie- Program athlete 2nd Lt. Steven Ostrander from Fort Car-
breaker situations son, Colo. defended his National title from 2008 and was
at the Armed Forces crowned the National Champion in the Heavyweight Divi-
Softball Champion- sion, defeating his opponent in the finals 14-1. This marks
ship at Naval Air the third time that Ostrander has been national champion
Station, Pensacola, – 2002, 2008, and 2009. Sgt. Louis Davis from Fort Lew-
Fla. The Army men is, Wash. and Sgt. Donovan Rider from
had a 7-2 record and WCAP at Fort Carson, Colo. both took
the women were Silver medals in the Middleweight and
6-3. Four All-Army Featherweight Division, respectively,
men were selected with 3-1 records.
to the All-Tourna-
ment team: Sgt. 1st Triathlon
Class Ralph Hodg- The Men’s and Women’s All-Army
don, Fort Benning, Ga.; Chief Warrant teams both placed second in the Armed
Officer 2 Elmer Mason, Yongsan, Ko- Forces Championship held at Naval Base
rea; Sgt. 1st Class Dexter Avery, Fort Ventura County, Point Mugu, Calif. There
Huachuca, Ariz.; and Sgt. 1st Class was no CISM Championship for the tri-
Clayton Shaw, Fort Campbell, Ky.; Capt. Gabe Beltran, Fort athlon in 2009. However, Lt. Col. Heidi Grimm, now re-
Bliss, Texas; Sgt. 1st Class Michael Dochwat, Fort Camp- tired, Fort Carson, Colo., won first place by nearly a minute
bell, Ky. and Assistant Coach Sgt. 1st Class Scott Feterl, over the next finisher and Staff Sgt. Tina Eakin, Redstone
Fort Bragg, N.C. joined Hodgdon, Mason, and Avery on Arsenal, Ala. finished fifth place overall. For the men, 2nd
the Armed Forces All-Star team that participated in the Lt. Nicholas Vandam, West Point, N.Y. placed third overall.
American Softball Association National Championships in
Oklahoma City, Okla. At that tournament, Sgt. 1st Class Volleyball
Ralph Hodgdon was named The All-Army Men and Women’s volley-
All-American as a utility player, ball teams both took third place in the Armed
and finished the tournament in Forces Championship. 1st Lt. Amanda Psiaki,
a four-way tie for the batting Fort Stewart, Ga. and Capt. Rachel Travis, Fort
title. He batted .800 for that Carson, Colo. were selected for the Women’s All-
tournament. Tournament Team. Sgt. Valiente Henry, Santa
Three All-Army Women Ana, Calif. and Capt. Todd Allison, Fort Carson,
were selected to the All-Tourna- Colo. were selected to the Men’s All-Tournament
ment Team: Staff Sgt. Shannon Team. Both the men’s and women’s team had
Eichenseer, Fort Eustis, Va.; four people named to the Armed Forces Team
Staff Sgt. Kathleen Hedges, Fort which competed in the CISM World Military
Drum, N.Y. and 1st Lt. Lindsey Volleyball Championship held in Rio de Janeiro,
Gerheim, Fort Campbell, Ky. Brazil. The following Soldier-athletes were the

Annual Report  71
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Recreation Command

players selected for the team: lective empowerment. Arts and Crafts program activities
Women: provided deployment stress relief to Family members and
 2nd Lt. Nicole Lopez, Guantanamo Bay, Soldiers returning from deployment. Soldiers from War-
 1st Lt. Amanda Psiaki, Fort Stewart, Ga. rior Transition Units who utilized Arts and Crafts facili-
 Capt. Rachel Travis, Fort Carson, Colo. ties in 2009 showed improvement in their recovery and
 Capt. Lora Burris, Kaiserslautern, Germany rehabilitation process. Soldiers from Warrior Transition
Men: Units at Schofield Barracks had the opportunity to attend
 Sgt. Valiente Henry, Santa Ana, Calif. a seven week session of Art Therapy at Schofield Arts and
 Capt. Todd Allison, Fort Carson, Colo. Crafts Center. A different creative medium was presented
1st Lt. Brent Johnson, Kaiserslautern, Ger- each week focusing on emotions through color, clay, draw-
many ing and painting. After completion of the seven week pro-
 Staff Sgt. John Ribar, Stuttgart, Germany gram, Soldiers have the opportunity to continue with ad-
vanced programs.
Wrestling The Army Arts and Crafts contests (All-Army Pho-
The All-Army Wrestling team won the overall competi- tography and Army Arts and Crafts) are now digital with
tion in the Armed Forces Championship. In the Greco-Ro- both using a dedicated Web site for participants to submit
man and Freestyle categories wrestling, the Army won a contest entries online. Entering online reduces paperwork
total of 11 gold medals and two silver medals in seven dif- and enables a garrison and/or region to easily track en-
ferent weight classes. The Army medalists are: tries and their status. Participants can enter at any time
Freestyle Category (all from Fort Carson, Colo.) or place where Internet access is available. This facilitates
 Spc. Jermain Hodge – Gold participation by deployed Soldiers, as well as Guard and
 Spc. Alfredo Varela -- Silver Reserve Soldiers. After the Department of the Army level
 Staff Sgt. Glenn Garrison -- Gold judging, digital images of the winning entries are posted
 Staff Sgt. Gordon Wood -- Gold on the contest Web site, which gives winners local recogni-
 Staff Sgt. Kevin Ahearn -- Gold tion and stimulates interest in arts and crafts programs.
 Spc. Timothy Taylor -- Gold Photographers submitted more than 3,000 entries by pho-
tographers at the local level of the contest. The 2009 Army
Greco-Roman Category (all from Fort Carson, Colo.) Arts and Crafts Contest DA level had 496 submissions
 Spc. Jermaine Hodge – Gold from deployed Soldiers, as well as Guard and Reserve Sol-
 Spc. Jeremiah Davis – Gold
 Spc. Faruk Sahin – Gold
 Sgt. Jess Hargrave – Silver
 Spc. Aaron Sieracki – Gold
 Sgt. Kevin Ahearn – Gold
 Staff Sgt. Dremiel Byers – Gold

Arts and Crafts

The Arts and Crafts program in FY09 provided Sol-
diers, retirees, DA civilians and Family members a wide
range of skill development activities to promote personal
creativity, cultural awareness and both personal and col-

72  Fiscal Year 2009

Soldier and

Community Recreation

diers and Family members. Contest judges, professionals provement in their recovery and rehabilitation process.
in the arts and crafts fields, commented on the high degree Automotive Skills facilities at Army Garrisons world-
of talent and inspiration in the contest entries. wide are equipped with vehicle lifts and a comprehensive
The FMWRC Arts and Craft Program Manager and one selection of tools and state-of-the-art equipment for self-
newly hired garrison Arts and Crafts Manager attended help vehicle repair. Participants have a clean, safe environ-
the Craft and Hobby Association Trade Show and Con- ment in which to work. Facilities collectively have 1,320
sumer Crafts Show Jul. 27 – Aug. 1, 2009 in Orlando, Fla. indoor work bays and 1,400 outdoor work bays available
Attendees participated in educational workshops and sem- for vehicle repair and maintenance. Basic Tune-Up classes
inars and viewed products and demos at vendor booths. were offered at most facilities along with specialty classes
Managers made contacts for support of Garrison Arts in welding and diagnostics. Most facilities use computer
and Crafts programs, viewed new industry trends and ob- data base reference systems (e.g., ALLDATA and Mitchell
served consumer interests at the first ever CHA Consumer on Demand) which provide patrons quick access to vehicle-
Craft Show. The combined trip report was distributed to specific diagrams and how-to information, as well as trou-
crafts managers and posted on the Army Knowledge On- bleshooting tips for auto repair. Auto Training Instructors
line manager page. assist and instruct less experienced patrons and provide
In response to the FMWR/Child, Youth & School Ser- safety orientation classes on use of equipment. These in-
vices Space Partnership Program now called “VENTURE- structors continue to gain certification through the Nation-
POINT,” Arts and Crafts Managers have partnered with al Institute for Automotive Service Excellence. Certification
CYSS to provide out-of-school program activities for chil- is encouraged to broaden the expertise of the staff and in-
dren and youth. Fort Drum Arts and Crafts held a pottery crease value to Automotive Skills facility patrons. FMWRC
class with the EDGE! Program, two days a week for four provided study guides to auto personnel preparing for ASE
weeks. Children painted ornaments and learned painting certification testing. In addition to self-help auto repair
techniques from a professional instructor. Youth are work- facilities, many Automotive Skills facilities offered spray
ing in the Arts and Craft facilities as teen apprentices in paint booths, car washes, tow services, used car sales, parts
the HIRED! Program, working in paid positions to meet stores, car clubs, car shows, rallies, and youth apprentice-
the employment and career-exploration needs of Army ships in conjunction with school vocational programs.
teens, 15-18 years of age. FMWRC conducted training for Army Auto Skills Man-
agers March 25-28, 2009. For the first time this was in con-
junction with the annual Showpower Transmission and Un-
Automotive Skills dercar Expo. Managers had the opportunity to attend many
interesting management and technical seminars Managers
The Automotive Skills program provides skill develop- received additional instruction on CYSS Partnerships, AKO
ment activities in a recreational setting to the military com- Library Data Bases and Army and Air Force Exchange Ser-
munity. The program provides an opportunity for Soldiers, vices Partnerships. The Expo training kept personnel up-to-
retirees, DA civilians and Family date with current industry trends
members to reduce maintenance and technological changes.
costs through self-help vehicle Supporting Soldier and
repair. This expertise has a direct Family well-being, the Automo-
correlation with military occupa- tive Skills increased program-
tion specialties, adding another ming for Family members and
dimension to mission support. worked with Family Readiness
A significant impact of this pro- Groups to offer organized classes
gram is that Soldiers from War- to spouses.
rior Transition Units who uti- Youth are working in the
lized Automotive Skills facilities Automotive Skills facilities as
in 2009 showed considerable im- teen apprentices in the HIRED!
Photo courtesy of

Annual Report  73
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

Program, working in paid positions to meet the employ- posture by supporting the various pillars of BOSS which
ment and career-exploration needs of Army teens, 15-18 are the very foundation: quality of life; community service;
years of age. and recreation and leisure. Within these three pillars, BOSS
programs Army-wide volunteered 134,960 hours, saving
more than $153 thousand by performing these duties. In
addition, BOSS programs performed 568 community ser-
Better Opportunities for Single vice events and 472 recreation and leisure activities.
Soldiers The BOSS program has been described as: “the Soldier’s
voice;” “the vehicle of choice for obtaining the single Sol-
The Department of the Army Better Opportunities for dier perspective, ideas, or feedback;” “supports the Army
Single Soldiers program continues to play an integral role Family Action Plan;” and “serves as a targeted telescope for
within our Army. This essential program has a presence the Commander.” BOSS is all of these depictions and more.
not only within the single Soldier community, but in the Indicative of recognizing the importance of BOSS, many
single parent and geographical bachelor demographics, as partnerships have been formed, making the Army a safer
well. The mission of BOSS is to enhance the quality of life environment and invoking a sense of harmony. Significant
and morale of single Soldiers, increase retention, sustain collaborations have been established with Department of
readiness and maintain the all-volunteer force supporting the Army G1, I.A.M. STRONG, and the Combat Readiness/
an expeditionary force. The BOSS programs achieve this Safety Center.

2009 Department of the Army BOSS Award Winners

Best Event Best Installation Individual Awards Photo Contest
Feltus Edwards Award for MWR 1st Place:
X-Small X-Small
Excellence Presidio of Monterey, Calif.
1st Place: Schweinfurt, Germany 1st Place: Schinnen, The Netherlands Silvia Joiner: Schweinfurt, Germany 2nd Place: Fort Knox, Ky.
2nd Place: Camp Darby, Italy 2nd Place: West Point, N.Y.
Small Small President of the Year
Sgt. Edmond Perez, Fort Sam
1st Place: Fort Rucker, Ala. 1st Place: Fort Rucker, Ala.
Houston, Texas
2nd Place: Fort Hamilton, N.Y. 2nd Place: Camp Stanley, Korea
Julius Gates Senior Military Advisor
Medium Medium
of the Year
Command Sgt. Maj. Donald R. Felt,
1st Place: Fort Lee,Va. 1st Place: Camp Red Cloud, Korea
Fort Hood, Texas
2nd Place: Camp Red Cloud, Korea 2nd Place:Yongsan, Korea
Large Large
1st Place: Grafenwoehr, Germany 1st Place: Fort Steward, Ga.
2nd Place: Fort Stewart, Ga. 2nd Place: Grafenwoehr, Germany
X-Large X-Large
1st Place: Fort Campbell, Ky. 1st Place: Fort Campbell, Ky.
2nd Place: USAG Hawaii 2nd Place: USAG Hawaii

74  Fiscal Year 2009

Soldier and

Community Recreation

Community Recreation
Community Recreation Centers deliver a full range of
social, educational, cultural and recreational opportunities
to the military community which promotes mental and
physical fitness. Installation Community Recreation Cen-
ters provide a single location or a hub for recreation and
leisure activities that include, but are not limited to: spe-
cial events; meeting rooms; internet cafes; music rooms;
internet on-line gaming (X-Box or Play Station, MPOGS);
flat screen TV/DVD viewing for sports, movies and news,
This year was noteworthy as the Army celebrated the board games; chess; darts; billiards; and a snack bar food
20th Anniversary of the Army BOSS Program. In conjunc- and beverage operation.
tion with the anniversary, BOSS program representatives Partnering with the local economy and other Commu-
made a request for change in the BOSS logo. While the logo nity Recreation Programs enables the Recreation Centers to
that has been utilized for the proceeding 20 years possessed offer diversified recreation programs that meet the needs of
merit in its own right and represented a different time and all community members. Through education and program
generation, Soldiers wanted a new design that shows a de- training, the Installation Recreation Center programmers
piction of a new generation in the Army. On April 7, 2009, initiate and create a variety of programmed events.
the DA BOSS Program solicited Soldiers across the Army In FY09, FMWRC hosted the 2009 All Army Chess
to submit designs that truly portrayed the commitment of Championships. The top 12 Army chess players traveled
today’s single Soldier, while illustrating the strength and from all over the U.S., Europe and Korea to play at Fort
drive to make a difference by the same. A new logo was un- Myer, Va., with the top six players advancing to the Interser-
veiled at the Annual DA BOSS Forum in August 2009. vice Chess Championships, also hosted by the FMWRC, at
At the end of FY08, FMWRC BOSS staff made a formal Fort Benning, Ga. The tournament consisted of six players
request for 49 permanent BOSS President authorizations from each service. The top six players were selected to form
for specific garrison’s Table of Distribution and Allowance. the 2009 U.S. Military Chess Team. These six players par-
In the beginning of FY09, DA G3/5/7 approved 47 require- ticipated in Hammelburg, Germany against 17 other NATO
ments for BOSS Presidents at various garrisons throughout countries. The U.S. Team placed ninth. The tradition of mili-
the Army. tary chess dates back many years. The strategic thinking of
At the end of FY09, the FMWRC BOSS staff authored chess enables the Soldier to hone their military skills while
and administered a survey (to the Senior Enlisted Advisor, working towards a goal, planning a strategy and thinking
MWR Advisor and BOSS President from each garrison) to ahead.
solicit ways to improve existing programs. All indications Completed during FY09 was year two of a three-year
support the necessity of permanent authorizations for contract with Penn State to train garrison recreation pro-
BOSS Presidents on individual Garrison Tables of Distribu- grammers in “Inclusive Recreation for Wounded Warriors.”
tion and Allowance. Equipped with supporting documenta- The course was developed as a result of the long war that
tion and matrices, the FMWRC BOSS staff will prepare a increased the demand for installation Morale Welfare and
second business case requesting the permanency of BOSS Recreation staff to understand how recreation can help
President authorizations at the identified garrisons. wounded troops and their Family members cope following

Annual Report  75
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

long deployments and often lengthy hospital stays. Ap-

propriate inclusive recreation programming is recognized
as beneficial in helping the injured, the spouse, and the
children adjust to and thrive in their new found situation.
The 12 classes through 2011 consist of detailed segments
discussing Traumatic Brain Injury, Limb Amputations,
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Spinal Cord injuries.
The course includes guest Subject Matter Expert speakers,
video examples on each disorder and hands-on equipment
brought in by the speakers for each topic.
A new concept called Warrior Zones is underway with
several focus groups and design charrettes completed. A
Warrior Zone is a Category B high energy entertainment/
recreation venue for Soldiers. Activities include multi-
player computer gaming, on-line gaming, facility Wi-Fi,
movies, sports programming and food and beverage. Char- programs and deployed troops despite a decrease in budgets.
rettes include designs for small, medium and large facili- Soldier initiated Theatre programs (with support from IM-
ties depending on installation Soldier strength. Kick-off COM-E and USAED) in both Turkey and Iraq continued to be
construction meetings convened for Fort Lewis, Wash. and active. The Army Community Theatre Program achieved major
Fort Riley, Kan. and Project Validation Assessments were successes in National competition; the USA Express Program
approved for Fort Bliss, Texas, Baumholder, Germany and was re-activated with an extensive tour; and Operation Ris-
Fort Hood, Texas. ing Star, The Festival of Arts and Recreation Program Events
Competition, U.S. Army Soldier Show and Army Concert Tour
expanded their scope. Building on the popularity of the free
Entertainment concerts presented in FY08, in FY09 FMWRC chose to support
a similar program through the USAED Special Events Program
The U.S. Army Entertainment Division continued to pro- with expansion to OCONUS, resulting in the presentation of
vide a high level of direct support to installation entertainment 11 free indoor events in IMCOM-E in a strategic partnership
with the Navy, and the Region. However, budget shortfalls
necessitated the cancellation of USAED’s BRAVO! Program,
Battle of Bands, and Stars of Tomorrow Programs in FY09,
and the continued suspension.
In FY09, USAED programs maintained a healthy re-
turn on NAF monies spent. Installation income, directly
attributable to USAED programs, achieved a very slight in-
crease of 0.01 percent to $2.92 million. Direct ticket share
income to FMWRC saw a 1.15 percent decrease, counter-
acted by an increase in cash sponsorship of 0.97 percent.
In total USAED Program Activities returned $4.03 million
against a Program operating cost of $3.55 million, ap-
proximately a 9 percent return on direct program invest-
ment. USAED directly supported 804 performances, a 0.9
percent increase in activity (192 at no cost to patrons) of
132 productions during the year entertaining well over

76  Fiscal Year 2009

Soldier and

Community Recreation

450,800 members of the Army Community at an overall over 50 countries.

net cost of $943,449: a divisional average program deliv- Returning Judges, Sergeant Major of the Army (Ret.)
ery cost of $2.09 per patron. Jack Tilley, Debra Byrd of American Idol and Country re-
The Division also provided technical, logistical and per- cording artist Michael Peterson were joined by ‘Idol’ alum-
former support for multiple activities within the Metro- ni, recording star and MTV host Kimberly Caldwell for the
politan District of Washington area, ranging from the 2009 top three Finals show. Other special guest appearances in-
Army Birthday Ball to Pentagon special events. cluded the Washington Wizard Cheerleaders, Sweethearts
Army Entertainment Detachment maintained a 100 for Soldiers, artists from “To the Fallen Records” and 2008
percent fill of the Table of Distribution and Allowances po- ORS winner Joyce Dodson. The 2009 winner, Ms. Lisa
sitions. Soldiers were successfully recruited and attached Pratt, a Family member from Fort Carson, Colo., received
from the Reserve Components. Improvements in opera- the grand prize of an all-expense paid recording package at
tions were instituted by increased training of all Soldiers DMI Music’s Firehouse Recording Studios in Pasadena, Ca-
within their respective programs, and new and expanded lif., to record a three-song CD in February 2010. At a total
recruiting measures have been implemented. cost of just under $200 thousand, of which $68 thousand
The US Army Soldier Show celebrated its 92nd an- was provided by sponsorship, ORS ’09 Finals events cost
niversary since its WWI initiation. With the production the Fund less than $.30 per viewer and provided a unique
of “Lights, Camera, Action,” the Soldier Show staged 113 and enriching experience for the participants.
performances at 52 locations in CONUS, Hawaii and the Army Community Entertainment saw continued Sol-
Republic of Korea. Overall attendance was to more than dier-driven activity in Iraq and an increase in activity at several
100,000 persons. locations. ACE supported 26 full-time theatre programs and
Operation Rising Star enjoyed a highly successful 17 part-time programs worldwide. There was an increase of in-
2009 Season. ORS local competitions were held, August stallations participating in the IMA-Europe “Topper Awards”
- September 2009, at 35 installations worldwide. Each in- and “One Act Play Festival,” and the previously CONUS-based
stallation generated three to eight nights of ORS events “Festival of the Performing Arts” expanded into a worldwide
culminating in the selection of their local winner. Each activity for 2009 (see Competitions Program report below).
participating installation submitted The Army was, once again, well rep-
packets on their winner to USAED, resented on the national stage by
and, on October 16, the ORS Selec- SHAPE Players production of “Hold
tion Team chose 12 Semi-finalists to Me” in the American Association of
compete in the 2009 Operation Ris- Community Theatre National One-
ing Star Live Finals. Act Play Festival, Tacoma, Wash.,
The Semi-finalists then traveled held in June 2009.
to Fort Belvoir, Va. for the live com- The Army Team garnered six
petition held at the Wallace Theatre, Award Nominations and the Out-
Nov. 14-20, 2009. Four full-scale standing Performance by an Actor
television shows were produced, in a Featured Role Award was pre-
rehearsed, taped and broadcast on sented to SHAPE’s David Nixon.
the Pentagon Channel around the The AACT National Awards for 2009
world, as well as web-cast on www. continued to recognize the Army Viewers then had Community Theatre contribution
a two-hour window to vote for their to the National Community Theatre
favorite contestant at each level. movement. The David C. Bryant Out-
Over the course of the week’s four standing Service Award was present-
shows, 196,307 votes were received ed to Dane Winters, Entertainment
and 429,682 unique page views to Director at the Roadside Theatre in
the ORS Web site were logged from Heidelberg. The Distinguished Merit

Annual Report  77
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Recreation Command

Award was given to Bonnie Daniels, who has led Army The- entertained more than 10,000 Soldiers and their Family
atres in Yongsan, Korea; Fort Knox, Ky.; and Vicenza, Italy as members. The program cost $159,700, equating to $15.97
well as directing the Bravo! Army Touring Theatre Company’s per audience participant; however the professional expe-
inaugural production in 2000. USAED’s Irving Berlin Award rience gained by the participating Soldiers, and the out-
for 2009 was presented to SHAPE Army Community Theatre, standing reception for the program at the installation lev-
and the James T. Martin Lifetime Service Award was present- el held the promise that future tours will gain significant
ed to Heidelberg’s Dane Winters. audience momentum.
The Copyrights and Royalties Program for FY09 re- Festival of the Arts & Recreation Program Events
ported 116 produced shows, with 696 performances sched- Competition. In 2009, the program expanded to a world-
uled worldwide. The figures represent a slight increase in wide competitive event, with participation from each Re-
activity over FY08. We had a 35 percent increase over FY08 gion. A total of 29 Garrisons entered 52 events for adju-
in reported paid audience from 56,673 to 76,530, ticket dication by a team of traveling Judges. More than 2,000
sales generated $907,022, a one percent increase from program participants impacted an audience of more than
FY08. For each $1 invested by FMWRC for Royalties, rent- 50,000 with programming in six event categories: Recre-
als and materials, $3.69 was generated in installation in- ation Program events; Youth Theatre; Youth Talent Shows;
come. The involvement of 3,593 cast and crew members, BOSS Variety Shows; Theatre Musicals; and Theatre Plays
representing active duty, Family, community and DoD ci- (non-musical). Joining the Performing Arts basis of the
vilians, represented a 34 percent decrease in active — as Festival were 17 BOSS-sponsored events and 12 Recre-
opposed to audience — participation; however, the re- ation Program Events. First, second and third place awards
duced numbers still provided 222,016 volunteer hours of were given in all six event categories. Also awarded were:
support for the programs. Best of Festival, Garrison: 1st, Fort Gordon, Ga.; 2nd, Fort
The USA EXPRESS Program in 2009 fielded one unit Leonard Wood, Mo.; and 3rd, Fort Campbell, Ky.; Best
of seven military entertainers for an extended tour that Event Scrapbook, winner Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.; and a
included Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Korea, Newcomer Award for the best program from a newly par-
Hawaii, Alaska, Japan and installations in CONUS. USA ticipating Garrison, USAG Camp Zama, Japan. At a bud-
EXPRESS performed at 65 locations. The 2009 UE tour geted cost of $200 thousand, the Festival generated a ma-
jor increase in local garrison programming at
a cost of $3.85 per participant both active and
The Army Concert and Special Events
Program continued to deliver quality enter-
tainment to host garrisons. The USAED Special
Events program produced, promoted, co-pro-
moted, funded and supported 26 major events
in CONUS and OCONUS locations. The Army
Concert Tour produced eight outdoor concerts
and five indoor concerts from May – Decem-
ber 2009, at a cost of $3.54 million. Paid at-
tendance for the tour was 59,250, which gen-
erated $570 thousand in net income for host
garrisons. The USAED Special Events Program
also produced 11 free OCONUS indoor con-
certs from January – September 2009 that
entertained 7,500 Soldiers and Family mem-

78  Fiscal Year 2009

Soldier and

Community Recreation

bers, at a cost of $242.3 thousand. These free shows were a under Joint Basing. Others will follow in 2010 and 2011
result of strategic partnerships with Navy Entertainment, (Fort Sam Houston, Texas and Fort Eustis, Newport News,
and IMCOM-E. The diverse talent line-up included the fol- Va. The loss of those two locations coupled with acquisition
lowing genres: country, classic rock, alternative rock, R&B, of McChord AFB and Pope AFB by the Army under Joint
gospel and hip-hop. Notable performers included: Tim Mc- Basing, is not projected to have a material impact on overall
Graw, Brooks & Dunn, Sugarland, Billy Currington, Lynyrd Leisure Travel earnings.
Skynyrd, Bowling For Soup, Everclear, Hinder, Deitrick and In 2009, cruise revenues paid to ITR Offices were $237.5
Damita Haddon, Trin-I-Tee 5:7, Spensha, Soul Ja Boy, Bow thousand. Although this is a nine percent decline from 2008
Wow and Jasmine Sullivan. revenues, in fact, it represents a net increase of individual
customers served. During the first half of the year, as a re-
sult of the H1N1 flu concerns and the economic crisis, all
Leisure Travel Services/ cruise lines reduced prices substantially ­­— in many cases,
from one-third to one-half. Lower customer costs resulted
Information,Ticket & in comparably reduced commissions.
Reservation Offices In 2009, commissions received from the Armed Forces
Vacation Club totaled $345.1 thousand, which was a 27
In FY09, all but seven Army ITR operations posted posi- percent increase from 2008. Total payments to Army NAFIs
tive Net Income despite significant drops in the volume and since the program began in 2000, now total $2.1 million.
costs of tickets sold. Lower ticket revenues were influenced Involvement by MWR in logistical support for the an-
by free admission and substantially reduced price promo- nual Exodus Travel Movement at installations with Basic
tions at Disney, Universal Studios, Anheuser-Busch and Training and Advanced Individual Training missions con-
other attraction operators. This impact was off-set by a ma- tinued to change. At some locations (Fort Eustis, Fort Jack-
jor rise in lodging sales through the Army’s Military Travel son, Fort Knox, and Fort Lee) the ITR offices are directly
Voucher program. involved with air ticketing. At other sites, MWR appears
Total net income before depreciation in 2009 under Pro- to have much less involvement in support for the Exodus
gram Code KD (ITR) was $1.8 million; NIBD under Program movement, relying instead on Internet and off-post travel
Code LS (Commercial Travel) was $932.2 thousand. UFM agencies to provide support.
payments to NAFIs in 2009 totaled $1.6 million. Earnings In 2010, Army Leisure Travel Services anticipates its
were far better than financial performance in the private/ first significant effort to promote on-line sales. This will
commercial travel sector include contracted
where earnings fell pre- web-based pro-
cipitously in all sectors, grams such as Gov-
throughout the year, as ernment Vacation
reflected by radically low- Rewards, and core
er prices, staff reductions, MWR services such
and closures of many ho- as WebTrac. We ex-
tels and attractions. pect “learning op-
Base Realignment portunities” to oc-
and Closure dates are ap- cur as a by-product
proaching for the ITR Of- of the transition,
fices at Fort McPherson, but hopefully the
Ga. and Fort Monmouth, future will bring
N.J. One office, Fort Sto- enhanced service
ry, Virginia Beach, Va. opportunities for
transferred to the Navy all authorized pa-

Annual Report  79
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

Libraries have reintroduced reading

to a vulnerable age group.
Army MWR Libraries provide Electronic databases pur-
knowledge services and support ex- chased centrally at FMWRC
peditionary forces, military readiness, in FY09 saved the govern-
educational requirements, and leisure ment $6.2 million. These
needs of Soldiers and their Families purchases, combined with
24/7. Their importance is validated titles funded by the Office
in all three major of the Secretary of Defense
Army surveys: Lei- and purchased enterprise-
sure Needs, Sample wide across the four ser-
Survey of Military vices provided over 40 full-
Personnel, and the text online commercial
Army Family Survey. databases including 10,010 magazines and
The 2009 DoD MWR newspapers, 15,000 e-books, and 5,958 audio
Customer Service books. Additional enterprise-wide purchases
Index survey also using OSD supplemental dollars included a
ranked MWR librar- service-wide summer reading program for
ies at the top of the FY10 and an online tutoring service, Tutor.
scale. com. provides one-on-one, real-
Collections em- time, online tutoring services for all grades
phasize military art including junior college level support. Part-
and science includ- nership arrangements with Army Knowledge
ing the Army’s Chief Online, Army OneSource and Military OneSource extended
of Staff Reading List, both professional and off-duty Sol- all databases resources to Army personnel in Iraq, Kuwait,
dier education, military Family specific information, life- Afghanistan, and members of the National Guard and Re-
long learning and recreational use of leisure time. Use of serves and their Families.
current technology facilitates remote access to installation War-time operations in Operation Iraqi Freedom and
libraries, providing virtual library services to expeditionary Operation Enduring Freedom during FY09 were supported
forces and improving morale communications between geo- with 157,047 paperback books and 175,980 Playaways, of
graphically dispersed Family members. Technology has also which the majority were funded with OSD supplemental
improved business based operations in libraries with the dollars. These dollars also supported paperback book and
ability to better assess the quality of collections, to improve audio book purchases for Military OneSource Call Cen-
circulation operations including automated checkouts, and ters. The Call Centers provide supplemental reading/au-
to facilitate personal computer management operations. dio material for remote Families in need of MWR support
Events-type programs highlighted library collections, en- while their spouses were deployed. In addition to support-
abled collaboration between other MWR activities, improved ing Army deployments, war-time operations and the Call
literacy and computer skills, and offered fun and diversion Centers, the Army MWR Library Program manages the
for Soldiers and Families. Professional staffs were available Navy and the Marine Corps Paperback Book Kit Programs
to assist in reference/research and to offer insights into the through support agreements, providing kits for ship and
hidden Web. Additional reference support was available 24/7 shore libraries, and to Marine Corps Security Guards at US
through the Army librarian managed service “Ask a Librar- Embassies. Additionally, the Army supports more than 140
ian” on the Army Knowledge Online portal. Available teen military missions with paperback books and magazines.
corners, which included gaming resources, are popular and The military mission support is directed by Department of

80  Fiscal Year 2009

Soldier and

Community Recreation

awards in FY09 were: small garrison, Garmisch Library, Ger-

many; medium garrison, Bamberg Library, Germany; large
garrison, Schofield Library, Hawaii.
Libraries are annually assessed using Army MWR
Baseline Standards and DoD MWR Core Library Stan-
dards. Both assessments in FY09 highlighted deficiencies
in the areas of staff, training, library collections and tech-
nology. The Program Budget Review 12-17, identified and
validated requirements to correct deficiencies. Funding
will be distributed through the Common Levels of Sup-
port model to meet requirements.

Defense policy. Outdoor Recreation

FMWRC replaced
outmoded software The mission of Outdoor Recreation is to teach outdoor-
managing the web- oriented Lifetime Leisure Skills through programs (e.g., skill
based General Library Information System in September instruction courses, activities, and trips), facilities (e.g., equip-
2009 with a new user-friendly system offering Soldiers the ment checkout centers, parks and picnic areas, campgrounds,
ability to borrow materials downrange and Families more stables, marinas, recreation areas, paintball fields, shooting
options in library account management. Both Soldiers and sports centers, etc.) and services (e.g., equipment maintenance,
Families can set up online library accounts that allows them repair, and sales; trip and activity information referral, etc.).
to request books, place items on hold that are currently ODR operations are the most diverse in military MWR with 16
checked out, view their lending history, create reading lists, separate program areas, primarily designated as Category B op-
write reviews of books they’ve read, and rate books on a one erations but also involving elements of Categories A and C.
to five scale. No additional libraries were brought into GLIS FY09 began with a strong emphasis on the new mission
in FY09 due to the changeover in systems. Approximately priority for ODR, to develop and implement the Warrior
24 MWR libraries remain to be added to the GLIS inventory Adventure Quest program, and ended with a unique and
and will be phased in over the next two to three years. classic outdoor recreation training experience that demon-
A congressionally-funded pilot pediatric literacy pro- strated the princi-
gram, “Reach Out and Read,” was concluded successfully in ples of the ODR and
FY09 with 20 military hospitals and their health profession- WAQ missions.
als promoting literacy in well-child medical appointments. Warrior Adven-
The program will continue with hospital staffs providing ture Quest is a reset
self-sustainment through use of volunteers and donations. training tool de-
Phase one of Joint Basing has affected two Army instal- signed to introduce
lations in FY09, Fort Story, Virginia Beach, Va. and Fort Dix Soldiers to activities
N.J. The Army Library at Fort Story became a Navy asset that serve as alter-
October 1, 2009 and joined Naval Station Norfolk (Little natives to aberrant
Creek) for provision of library services to both Army and behaviors often as-
Navy personnel. Although Fort Dix closed their MWR Li- sociated with ac-
brary several years ago, a Memorandum of Agreement be- cidents involving
tween Fort Dix and McGuire AFB identifies joint support recently re-deployed
for Army and Air Force personnel using the McGuire AFB Soldiers. This reset
Library. These libraries will advertise their program as joint- tool bolsters Soldier
based libraries and equally welcome both services. resiliency and unit
Library Recreation Award winners for the program team cohesion as it

Annual Report  81
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

presents coping out- WAQ activities are conducted for Platoon-level groups
lets to help Soldiers within the first 120 days after return to home station gar-
realize their own new rison. The program began in earnest in late-January 2009.
level of normal and As of Sept. 30, 2009, five garrisons had completed their
“move on” with their WAQ programs, 10 garrisons were actively providing the
lives. The WAQ pro- program, and 18 garrisons were in planning stages prepar-
gram combines exist- ing to implement within the first quarter of FY10. In FY09,
ing high adventure the program served 526 Platoon or 13,490 Soldiers. Those
outdoor recreation participation numbers are expected to quadruple in growth
activities (e.g. rock throughout FY10.
climbing, mountain biking, paintball, scuba, ropes courses, A series of measurements are in place to test effective-
skiing, and others) with a leader-led after action debriefing, ness of the program. WAQ program Soldier participants
or L-LAAD, tool developed by Battlemind. complete pre-event and post-event (scan-able) surveys.
The first quarter of FY09 was spent developing WAQ These are analyzed to measure perception and attitude
program improvements in format, training curriculum, changes regarding unit cohesion, unit leadership, use of
and measurement methodologies, while establishing part- recreation and adventure activities as stress outlets. Results
nerships to help process these strategies. The program revi- of analysis for this short-term data relationship has shown
sions were outlined in the official Execution Order signed significant positive indicators attributed to WAQ program
by Lt. Gen. Wilson, the Assistant Chief of Staff for Instal- participation. Medium-term measurements involve online
lation Management. The WAQ program is now segmented survey of participant Soldiers at both three-months and
into five phases: six-months after completing the program. Results indi-
Phase I cate a lasting impact of the program regarding perception
Leader Training, is for all E-6 and above participants and of importance of the WAQ program and continued use of
teaches them how to facilitate a Battlemind L-LAAD in outdoor recreation and other MWR programs as outlets for
response to a significant event in an operational envi- stress. Long-term measurements concerning potential pro-
ronment. gram impacts on accidents or behavioral incidences will be
Phase II analyzed (comparing WAQ participants to Army norm sta-
Teaches these unit leaders how to utilize the same L-LAAD tistics) beginning the second quarter of FY10. Partnerships
technique when facilitation surrounds an outdoor adven- established with the Combat Readiness & Safety Center,
ture activity. and the Defense Manpower Data Center will help in report-
Phase III ing of this longitudinal data.
Soldier Training, presents to all program Soldier partici- WAQ is the epitome of the Army ODR program mission
pants concepts such as Comprehensive Soldier Fitness,
Combat Operational Stress Control and Post Traumatic
Growth, coping skills, and how it all relates to the WAQ
Phase IV
is the outdoor adventure activity (e.g., rafting) where team
building is combined with challenging activity skills.
Phase V
is the actual facilitation of the L-LAAD by the unit lead-
ers with their unit members to realize connections between
the activity they have just experienced and the challenges
they may be experiencing in their daily lives.

82  Fiscal Year 2009

Soldier and

Community Recreation

and is expected to remain the highest priority for near fu- aquatics programs
ture ODR operations. In support of all aspects of the Out- offer self-directed
door Recreation mission, a unique training opportunity was and instructional
presented to all Army ODR programmers, the 2009 Out- activities which
door Recreation Programmer’s Training. FMWRC program contribute to
staff developed and executed this training in Charlotte, NC. combat readiness,
Participants were introduced to the U.S. National White Wa- general physical
ter Center and Olympic training site, which has the largest fitness and overall
man-made whitewater course in the nation. USNWC also has wellness.
rock climbing, mountain biking, and ropes course facilities. In FY09, Army
All training programmers were committed to participating in Sports Directors
hands-on skill training exercises in each of those mentioned attended the Leadership Training and Athletic Business Con-
disciplines. ODR staff were also introduced to technical and ference in Orlando, Fla. Sports Directors and FMWRC staff
operational aspects of paintball programming and they en- were centrally funded to participate in the training. FMWRC
gaged in hands-on game strategy activities at a nearby world- added two days of Army-specific Sports Directors Leadership
class paintball tournament facility. As a condition of partici- training to the conference. Major topics included: updated
pation in the training sessions, all staff agreed, in writing, information on Army policies and procedures including the
to utilize the skills learned by planning, implementing, and Baseline Standards, Physical Fitness Facilities Design Stan-
evaluating three outdoor recreation program activities in at dards, Common Levels of Support, Aquatic Risk Manage-
least one of the presented disciplines­ — at their garrison ment Overview, Fitness Equipment Bulk Buy Program and
— within the next nine months (by or before June 15, 2010) current Army sports programs. Participants received profes-
and enter all related activity data into the new Recreation sional development training credits toward their Individual
Program Share Web site. Development Plan through the MWR Academy. Participants
Although 2009 proved to be a very active and innova- who attended the Athletic Business Conference could choose
tive year for Army Outdoor Recreation, much remains to be from a variety of tracks that focused on leadership, facility
addressed regarding future operations. WAQ programming management, aquatics, military fitness and sports. Also in-
will soon be activated at many new Army garrison locations. cluded for the par-
WAQ program processes and procedures are expected to so- ticipants was the
lidify while strategies for providing the program to more trade show that
Soldiers including Army Reserve and Army National Guard featured state of
units are in development. Additional Outdoor Recreation the art current
initiatives that need attention include revision of ODR equipment, sup-
baseline standards (including program standard metrics), plies, and archi-
development of ODR facility standards, and standardized tecture. Attend-
position descriptions that will ensure a qualified workforce ing the Athlete
with programming and skill instruction capabilities and Business Con-
utilization of college interns to support and enhance ODR ference enables
programs will be explored. Sports Directors
to keep pace with
the commercial industry of leisure Sports and trends in fit-
Sports, Fitness and Aquatics ness exercise equipment.
The Army Aquatics program includes 60 indoor pools
Sports programs and fitness facilities continue to rank and 100 outdoor pools located at 110 Garrisons worldwide.
number one in importance and use for Soldiers and Fam- The Aquatics program includes swim lessons, aquatic lead-
ily members. Soldier and Unit intramural and varsity sports ership training, competitive swimming and many other fun
continue to enhance Unit pride and camaraderie. Fitness and and therapeutic programs, are equalivent to off-post com-

Annual Report  83
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

merical or public offerings. ily diverting Soldier’s focus from combat situations during
Army Aquatics Category A activities consist of physical deployments.
training, combat survival training, Soldier rehabilitation In 2009, Community Recreation piloted fitness pro-
and other mission-directed programs. Many Army pools grams under OCO funding: Army Fitness Deployed Guides
have added features of the “Aquatic Leisure Pool” concept, and Exercise Bands, Fitness Anywhere Training Resistance
including slides, floats, splash pads and interactive water Exercise Force Systems as well as programs to reduce trau-
play features. Six garrisons feature water parks to enhance ma and enhance fitness and aquatics activities.
recreation for Soldiers and their Family members. FMWRC Sports, Fitness and Aquatics continue to an-
As of June 22, 2009, all Army pools completed the co- swer questions for the field on standards, regulatory guid-
ordinated effort to comply with the safety provisions of the ance, policies and other technical sports, fitness and aquatic
Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety law. The compli- questions.
ance rate for indoor and outdoor pools is 95 and 90 percent,
respectively. The remaining pools are those under renovation
and will meet VGB Act requirements prior to opening. World Class Athlete Program
Sports, Fitness and Aquatics renewed a contract to train
MWR fitness facility operators in basic and advanced fit- The Army World Class Athlete Program had an out-
ness training. Begun in 2004, training has been conducted standing year in FY09.
at 25 Army installations, providing training to 445 MWR
employees. The basic objective of this course is to educate 2010 Winter Olympics
staff on fitness principles, safe use of equipment and proper There were seven Soldiers in the World Class Athlete
spotting techniques. Program who actively competed for spots on the 2010
FMWRC spearheaded the Army MWR bulk buy procure- U.S. Olympic Team in the sports of Biathlon and Bobsled
ment program, a centralized procurement initiative, that during FY09.
provides cardiovascular and strength training fitness equip-
ment at garrison fitness facilities. The program supports the Biathlon
Soldier Family Action Plan by providing predictable levels of Sgt. Jeremy Teela, a member of the U.S. National Team,
service, quality, training, preventive maintenance, and life- continued his quest to make his third Olympic Team while
cycle replacement of fitness equipment competing at the World Cup and World
within IMCOM garrisons. FMWRC lever- Championship level. Teela finished in
aged the Army’s buying power through the third place in the 20K Individual event at
bulk buy program which resulted in a 13- the Whistler World Cup, the same venue
15 percent discount off standard Govern- as the 2010 Winter Olympics. This was
ment Services Administration pricing. To Teela’s first podium finish ever at a world
date, cost avoidance exceed $2.2 million. cup and the first for the United States at
As a result of the Overseas Contin- a world cup competition since 1992. Tee-
gency Operations funding, FMWRC es- la also competed at the Biathlon World
tablished programs and initiatives were Championship in Pyeong Chang, South
developed to meet the needs of deployed Korea.
Soldiers. FMWRC Community Recreation Sgt. Jesse Downs, a member of the
established the Deployment Unit which U.S. National B Team, competed on the
delivers a full range of social, educational, national level at several North American
cultural and recreational programs that Cup competitions. He finished the season
are necessary to maintain physical fitness as the overall point winner in the North
and alleviate combat stress by temporar- American Cup series of races. Downs rep-

84  Fiscal Year 2009

Soldier and

Community Recreation

resented the United Capt. Garrett Hines was assigned to the WCAP in the
States Army at the Ital- summer of 2009. Hines is a former Army Olympian and
ian Military Champion- won a Silver Medal at the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in
ships finishing in ninth Salt Lake City, Utah.
place in the 15K Mass
Start Cross Country Wrestling
event. At the U.S. Na- The Wrestling Team started out FY09 by sending sever-
tional Championships al of their wrestlers to tournaments in Finland and Sweden.
held at Fort Kent, ME, Sgt. 1st Class Dremiel Byers, 2008 Olympian, led the way
he finished third in the with a first place finish at the Haparanda Cup in Sweden
10K Sprint and sixth and Sgt. Aaron Sieracki with a third place finish at the Van-
in the 12.5K Pursuit taa Cup in Finland.
events. The next big competition for the team was the Dave
1st Lt. Jennifer Schultz Memorial Tournament in Colorado Springs, Colo.
Wygant, a member of This tournament brings together some of the best wrestlers
the U.S. National De- from around the world. Sgt. Kevin Ahearn finished in first
velopmental Team, place in the 96Kg weight class, Sgt. 1st Class Dremiel Byers
also competed on the finished first in the 120Kg weight class, Pfc. Jeremiah Davis
national level at several North American Cup competitions. finished second in the 60Kg weight class, and Spc. Justin
She finished the season ranked ninth overall in the North Millard finished third in the 96Kg weight class.
American Cup point standings. At the U.S. National Cham- WCAP Wrestlers were huge contributors to the All-
pionships held at Fort Kent, Maine, she finished eighth in Army Team at the 2009 Armed Forces Wrestling Cham-
the 7.5K Sprint and seventh in the 10K Pursuit events. pionships held at Mountain Home AFB, Idaho. After two
days of Olympic-style wrestling, the Army team won 12
Bobsled Gold and two Silver Medals out of 14 possible medals. The
Sgt. William Tavares, an Assistant Coach for the Men’s WCAP Wrestling Team won the Division 1 Greco-Roman
U.S. National Team, helped lead the U.S. Bobsled Team to Team Title at the U.S. National Championships on April,
one of their most successful seasons ever. The U.S. team 2009, in Las Vegas, Nev., for the second consecutive year.
ended their season by winning Gold in the 4-Man Bobsled Leading the way was Sgt. Kevin Ahearn, Sgt. 1st Class Dre-
World Championship and bronze in the 2-Man Bobsled miel Byers, Spc. Jermaine Hodge, and Spc. Faruk Sahin all
World Championship. Tavares has already been selected finishing first in their respective weight classes.
as an Assistant Coach for the 2010 Men’s Olympic Bob- Also winning medals were Sgt. Aaron Sieracki, finish-
sled Team. ing second and Spc. Justin Millard, finishing third. Sgt. Iris
Sgt. John Napier, a member of the U.S. National Team, Smith finished third in the 72Kg weight class of Women’s
had a very successful first season as a representative of the Freestyle Wrestling. Hoping to build upon their success at
U.S. Army and WCAP. At the 2009 World Championship the National Championships, the team departed for the
held at Lake Placid, N.Y., he finished in 11th place in the 2009 World Team Trials held in Council Bluffs, Iowa on May
4-Man Bobsled event and 17th place in the 2-Man Bobsled 30-31, 2009. Pfc. Jeremiah Davis at 60Kg, Spc. Faruk Sahin
event. Napier was the 2009 America’s Cup Champion in the at 66Kg, and Sgt. 1st Class Dremiel Byers at 120Kg all quali-
2-Man Bobsled event and finished third in the 4-Man Bob- fied to represent the United States at the 2009 Wrestling
sled event. 1st Lt. Christopher Fogt, a member of the U.S. World Championships. Finishing second and just missing
National Team, was assigned to WCAP in the spring of 2009. qualifying was Staff Sgt. Glenn Garrison at 60Kg. Staff Sgt.
Fogt has made an immediate impression by finishing second Shon Lewis, the WCAP Head Wrestling Coach, was named
overall out of 25 competitors at the 2009 U.S. Bobsled Push to the World Championship Coaching Staff upon comple-
Championships. His finish qualified him to compete for the tion of the tournament. The Wrestling World Champion-
U.S at the World Cup competitions held in November 2009. ship was held at Herning, Denmark from Sept. 22-27, 2009.

Annual Report  85
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

Sgt. 1st Class Dremiel Byers won the Silver Medal in the City, Utah from May 4-10, 2009. The three Soldiers who
120Kg weight class losing a close match in the finals to the qualified were 1st Lt. Michael Benedosso (106 lbs), Sgt.
wrestler from Cuba (Olympic Gold Medalist). John Franklin (119 lbs), and Spc. Jeffery Spencer (178 lbs).
Sgt. 1st Class Byers was the only American Greco-Ro- The Soldiers qualified for this tournament by winning the
man wrestler to medal at the World Championships. Spc. Colorado State and the Colorado/New Mexico Regional
Faruk Sahin in the 66Kg weight class was eliminated from Golden Gloves Tournaments. Franklin and Spencer both
the competition with a 1-1 match record. Pfc. Jeremiah Da- advanced to the finals of the National Championship, and
vis in the 60Kg weight class was eliminated from the com- won Silver Medals. Benedosso lost his first match and end-
petition with a 0-1 match record. This tournament conclud- ed the tournament in fifth place. At the 2009 U.S. National
ed one of the most successful seasons ever for the WCAP Championship, held in Denver, Colo. from Jun. 8-13, 2009,
Wrestling program. the boxers did not medal with the highest place finisher be-
ing Benedosso in fourth place in the 106 lbs. weight divi-
Boxing sion. The final competition of the season was a dual meet
The Boxing Team started out FY09 by sending four Sol- in Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 14, 2009 dual meet with hopes of
diers to the Military World Championships in Baku, Azerbai- finishing the season on a high note. Benedosso (106 lbs.)
jan from November 21-30, 2008. Representing the United and Spencer (178 lbs.) won their matches.
States Army and WCAP was Sgt. John Franklin (119 lbs),
Staff Sgt. Joe Guzman (201 lbs), Spc. Nathaniel Hicks (152 Taekwondo
lbs), and Staff Sgt. The Taekwondo team started out FY09 by
Andrew Shepherd competing at the Rocky Mountain Open held in
(201+ lbs). Shep- Colorado Springs, Colo. on December 7, 2009. Sgt.
herd won a Silver William Rider won a bronze medal in the Bantam-
Medal in the 201+ weight Division while Sgt. Brandon Shaffer finished
weight division. fourth in the Welterweight Division. The National
Franklin, Guz- Team Trials were the
man, and Hicks next major event. This
were all eliminat- competition was held
ed after their first in Colorado Springs,
match. Colo., January 11,
The Armed 2009. Rider and Shaffer
Forces Champi- were eliminated from
onships, held at Fort Huachuca, Ariz., from the team trials with a 1-
April 28 –May 1, 2009, was a successful 1 match record and did
tournament for the WCAP boxers. Repre- not qualify for the Na-
senting the All-Army team from WCAP was tional Team. However,
1st Lt. Michael Benedosso (106 lbs), Sgt. the team qualified all
Photo by Tim Hipps
John Franklin (119 lbs), Spc. Connor John- three of its Soldiers for
son (132 lbs), Spc. Dustin Lara (141 lbs), the 2009 U.S. National
Spc. Alexis Ramos (125 lbs), and Spc. Jeffery Spencer (178 Championship, held in Austin, Texas Jul. 3-6, 2009. 1st Lt.
lbs). All WCAP boxers won their respective weight class, Steven Ostrander won his second straight Heavyweight Di-
with the exception being Spc. Dustin Lara who finished in vision National Championship with a 3-0 match record dur-
second place. ing the tournament. Rider won a silver medal in the Feath-
The team qualified three Soldiers to compete at the erweight Division; Shaffer did not place after losing his first
Golden Gloves National Championship held at Salt Lake match.

86  Fiscal Year 2009

Soldier and

Community Recreation

Track and Field Fencing

WCAP had Soldiers competing Spc. Cody Nagengast competed
in several different track and field in the sport of Epee Fencing. He fin-
events. Maj. Daniel Browne, 2004 ished FY09 ranked second overall in
Army Olympian, competed in the the United States and was selected to
Marathon event. Browne started the U.S. National Team. He competed
out the year by representing the in several World Cup and Grand Prix
United States at the International events with his best result coming at
Chiba Ekiden, in Chiba, Japan. the Grand Prix in Berne, Switzerland.
Team USA finished in eighth place He finished in 10th place overall out
out of the 13 countries that com- of 141 competitors. He also compet-
peted in the event. Browne won the ed at the Continental Championship
25K U.S. National Championship, at San Salvador, El Salvador in July
finished fourth in the 15K Nation- 2009. He finished second out of 41
al Championship, and finished in competitors which qualified him to
eighth place at the 7-Mile National compete at the 2009 World Champi-
Championship. Browne represented onship in Antalya, Turkey in October
the United States in the Marathon 2009.
event at the 2009 Track & Field
World Championship held at Berlin, Modern Pentathlon
Germany. He finished in 24th place Spc. Dennis Bowsher competed in
overall with a time of 2:16:49. the sport of Modern Pentathlon. He finished the fiscal year
Sgt. Golden Coachman competed in the 800 Meter ranked third overall in the United States and was selected to
event. Coachman represented the United States Army at the the U.S. National Team. He started out the new fiscal year
World Military Track & Field Championship held at Sofia, with a fourth place finish at the 2008 World Cup Finals held
Bulgaria. He finished in fourth place with a time of 1:48.20. at Lisbon, Portugal, October 3, 2008. He competed at the
He also qualified for the U.S. Outdoor National Champion- U.S. National Championship at Palm Springs, Calif., June 5,
ship held at Eugene, Ore. He ended up 10th place with a time 2009, and finished in first place with a season high score
of 1:48.74. 1st Lt. Nathaniel Garcia competed in the 400 Me- of 5,888 points. He competed at the 2009 World Champi-
ter Hurdle event at the World Military Track & Field Cham- onship held at London, England, August 13, 2009, and fin-
pionship. He finished in third place with a time of 51.82. Sgt. ished in 61st place.
Troy Harrison competed in the Marathon event at the World
Military Track & Field Championship finishing in 13th place Team Handball
in the 10K event with a time of 33:34.99. 2nd Lt. Keith Fine, 2nd Lt. Jonathan Harmeling, and
2nd Lt. John Mickowski competed in the 1,500 Meter 2nd Lt. Paul Key were selected as members of the 2009 U.S.
event at the World Military Track & Field Championship. Team Handball National Team and were assigned to the
He finished in eighth place in the semifinals with a time of World Class Athlete Program.
3:55.32 and did not qualify for the finals. Mickowski also
competed in the Flanders Cup Series of races in Belgium. His Shooting
best time in the 1,500 Meters was 3:43.11. Capt. Matt Pet- Maj. David Johnson was the Head Coach for the U.S.
rocci competed in the 800 Meter event at the World Military National Rifle Team. He led the U.S. Team to one Gold,
Track & Field Championship. He finished in fifth place in the three Silver, and three Bronze Medals at World Cup compe-
semifinals with a time of 1:56.06 and did not qualify for the titions. Lt. Col. Rhonda Bright competed in the Women’s 3-
finals. Petrocci also competed in the Flanders Cup Series of Position and Prone Rifle. She represented the United States
races in Belgium. He set a new personal record in the 800 Army in the 2009 World Military Championship held at Za-
Meters with a time of 1:49.06. greb, Croatia. She finished in 46th place overall in both the

Annual Report  87
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

Women’s 50M 3-Position and 50M Prone events. seas competitions, winning a Gold Medal in the Paralympic
Division at the Grand Prix de France and a Silver Medal at
Paralympic Athletes the Hessenpokal Cup in Bad Orb, Germany.
Sgt. Jerrod Fields competed in the sport of Track & Field Staff Sgt. Steve Bosson competed in the sport of Ar-
in the 100 and 200 Meter Sprint events. He is a member of chery. He was assigned to WCAP in May 2009. He was
the U.S. Paralympic National Team and trains at Chula Vista, selected to represent the United States at the European
Calif. Fields complied best times of 12.08 in the 100 Meter Grand Prix held in England. He finished in 10th place in the
Sprint and 25.56 in the 200 Meter Sprint. Fields won the 100 Paralympic Recurve Division. He also won a Gold Medal in
Meter Sprint event at the 2009 Endeavor Games at Edmond, the Paralympic Division in the Recurve event at both the
Okla. The Endeavor Games are a nationally sponsored and 2009 Endeavor Games and the 2009 U.S. Target National
recognized event that allows many athletes with physical dis- Championship.
abilities to attend clinics and compete in various events.
Staff Sgt. Joshua Olson competed in the sport of Inter- Non-Athletic Achievements/News
national Rifle. He is a member of the U.S. Paralympic Na- The World Class Athlete Program supported a total of 62
tional Team and trains at Fort Benning, Ga. Olson competed Total Army Involvement in Recruiting missions throughout
at the 2009 Rocky Mountain Rifle competition and finished the United States. In addition to the TAIR missions, WCAP
first in the Paralympic Men’s Prone Division with a total Soldiers went on several publicity tours across the nation in
score of 1272.8 points. He also competed at several over- support of spreading the Army message.

88  Fiscal Year 2009

Human Resources

NAF Employee Benefits

NAF Employee Benefits

The Army provides an extensive menu of benefits for the nearly
20,000 eligible NAF employees that deliver MWR programs. FY09
highlights included:

Participation in the NAF Employee Retirement Plan re- the worst drop in the value of their 401(k) Savings accounts
mained at 94 percent of the eligible workforce. This reflects since inception of the Plan. The dramatic drop in the stock
the positive influence of the mandatory participation re- markets have been cause for some concern among partici-
quirement, which was implemented for new hires in FY01. pants, but few have moved their assets from equity funds
More than 99 percent of new hires continued participa- to interest based income funds. Although the current eco-
tion after the mandatory six month participation period. nomic situation has resulted in some increase in loan and
The 2005 Base Realignment and Closure Act continues to hardship withdrawal activity, there has been no decrease
require increased field assistance in the form of Retirement in deferral amounts among participants. The participation
Seminars and Benefits Transition Briefings, as large num- rate remained steady at 70 percent in FY09. These factors
bers of the workforce are impacted by the disruption of base appear to reflect the faith of the workforce in their long
closures, realignment and Joint Basing. This in turn has re- term investment opportunity in the 401(k) Savings Plan.
sulted in a significant policy change which allows former Toward the end of the fiscal year, the equity markets began
Army NAF employees, who are involuntarily transferred to to show signs of recovery, and this appears to be restoring
other Service NAF personnel systems, to remain eligible to confidence in the 401(k) Savings Plan as a vehicle for retire-
continue their participation in the Army NAF Retirement ment income.
Plan. This new NAF-to-NAF Portability of Benefits Policy The self-insured DoD Health Benefit Plan continues to
adds protections for DoD NAF employees as their mobility provide the highest level of health benefits for employees
among components becomes more frequent. and their families at a competitive premium rate. Benefit
During the fiscal year, Fort Story, Va. NAF personnel levels in the DoD HBP continued to improve, meeting the
transferred to the Navy and Fort Dix, N.J. NAF personnel challenge of providing quality, affordable health care to
transferred to the Air Force under Joint Basing. In both cas- Plan participants. Benefits under the Dental Plan were in-
es, 99 percent of the Army NAF employees exercised their creased to include additional preventive care and increased
option to remain in the Army NAF Retirement Plans. Addi- orthodontia benefits. Plan provisions were implemented
tionally, more than 600 employees were provided retirement to encourage use of generic and formulary medications to
benefits, as they separated from Army NAF employment in reduce ever escalating pharmacy claim costs, and coverage
August 2009, as a result of the implementation of the first was added to include Applied Behavioral Analysis to assist
phase of privatization of Army Lodging. Nearly one third of parents of autistic children in meeting the challenges of
those employees were eligible for some type of retirement. providing that type of care. The Joint Service Committee
The 401(k) Savings Plan continues to be a popular Ben- that manages the HBP continued to focus their efforts on
efit Program. The Plan provides individual employees the preventive care and promotion of healthy lifestyles. The
opportunity to achieve their goals for financial security in HBP remained financially strong, and the trend toward sta-
retirement through this tax deferred savings plan. Efforts bility of premium increases, compared to other government
continued to assist employees with their investment deci- and private plans, continued in FY09. Premiums in CY09
sions through briefings and presentations at numerous in- increased only 6.5 percent; compared to a national trend of
stallations. During this fiscal year, participants experienced more than 10 percent. Aetna, the third party administrator

Annual Report  89
Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Command

of the plan, continued to provide excellent service to plan the Benefits Workstation System during the coming year.
participants and was awarded a second 10-year contract This upgrade of the Benefits System will provide greatly en-
after an extensive competitive bidding process. The Aetna hanced capabilities to manage the Benefit Program, provide
Global Benefits program continued to provide exceptional additional capabilities to field Human Resources Offices
service to our OCONUS employees who have special chal- and provide employees with self-service capability for some
lenges obtaining health care in foreign countries. benefit actions.
The NAF Employee Group Life Insurance Plan main- Participation in the NAF Employee Benefit Plans con-
tained its solid financial status and rates were maintained tinued to show strong support among employees, as show
at 14 cents per $1,000 of coverage for employees electing in the chart below.
basic coverage. The cost ratio remained low for the fifth The Benefits Office continued support to installations,
consecutive year, strengthening the claim reserves and sta- with delivery of benefit presentations, retirement semi-
bilizing premiums and benefits. nars, and special presentations on Transition of Benefits
The NAF employee Group Long Term Care Plan contin- for those affected by BRAC, Joint Basing and Privatization
ued its popularity with nearly 6 percent of the eligible em- of Army Lodging. The office provided Benefit Plan Booklets
ployees enrolled. Arrangements were made toward the end and other promotional and informational benefit materials
of the fiscal year to offer a special open enrollment period to installations for distribution to NAF employees, and the
and additional benefit options. During open season, eligi- Benefits web site continues to expanded to provide timely
ble employees would be provided the opportunity to enroll benefits information to the workforce and enhance under-
in the LTC Plan without evidence of insurability. standing of benefit programs.
During FY09, the Army NAF Employee Benefits Program The NAF Employee Benefits Office continued to provide
entered into a Joint Service Contract with USMC, AAFES training support to the Civilian Human Resources Agency
and NEXCOM to offer Flexible Spending Accounts during to improve personnel technician knowledge of benefits
the upcoming open season, starting in CY10. The FSA Plan is program administration and processing requirements.
contracted to Aetna, as the third party administrator. Flex- Employee Benefits On-Line provided direct support to
ible Spending Accounts make it possible for employees to set employees and allows NAF employees the ability to access
aside a portion of their salary on a pre-tax basis to be used for their benefit records and obtain instant benefit summaries
health care expenses, not covered by their medical insurance, or comprehensive benefits statements. The system also al-
and for day care for their children or adult dependents. lows employees to submit a service request directly to their
Additionally, the Benefits Office entered into a contract servicing Human Resource Office to update information in
with SBC Systems to implement the next generation of the database.

Benefit Plan Participation

FY08 Percent FY09 Percent

Eligible Employees 19,662 100 19,826 100

Retirement Plan 17,688 94 18,715 94

401(k) Savings Plan 13,367 71 13,827 70

Health Benefits Plan 10,027 51 10,337 52

Group Life Insurance 10,164 52 10,304 52

90  Fiscal Year 2009

Annual Report  91

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