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Changes in Career


Prof. Sharad C. Joshi, India

Editor: Maurcio Avila, Brazil

A s a student of Astrology, while

doing the pre mortem of charts
and predicting on a particular
field of life. All the knowledge which I
have acquired through the application
of certain combinations considering the
analysis of the inherent strength of the
charts allied with the study of the time
factor - using dashas/ progressions with
Sharad Joshi has been an old hand in transits evaluation - in which I have
astrology. Since 1981 he is the Honorary found, in my humble experience,
Professor and Research Guide in K.P & working consistently I will share with
Sayan at Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, the readers through this article.
Mumbai. He has been author and guide to Establishing a set of rules which are
nearly 12 books in astrology and some of dependable in practice and
them have been path breaking books. His demonstrating the proper application
book on Primary Direction received with few examples seems the best
methodology to be adopted. Therefore,
appreciation letter from Research Director
this article will follow those parameters.
James Holden of American Federation of
Astrologers, Arizona, USA. He has lectured
in numerous conferences and his articles Basic Rules
Consider the nature of person,
have been published in many reputed
whether native is ambitious, wants
journals of astrology.
stability, is active in a different field,
satisfied, risk taker, speculative, etc.

Consider the house of karma, i.e.

10H. This house is related with
profession, service, business, earnings and activity.

The 7H is related with business and 6H is related with service.

Changes in a career are seen from the 5H [the 12H from the 6H (service) and 8H from
the 10H (profession)] and the 9H (12H from 10H and also a house of Bhagya).

Changes for better prospects

When the time factor (Dasha/ Progressions) activates the 10H, 6H/ 7H with 9H or
5H or both with the 3H, 2H, 6H and the 11H, it indicates changes that bring good
fortune in ones career.

Compulsory changes
When the time factor (Dasha/ Progressions) is activating the 10H, 6H/ 7H with the
9H or the 5H. Or when the 9H/ 5H is activated with the 3H, 8H or 12H then we can
predict a non desired change or a break in career during the time in which the above
combinations of planets are activated.

When the time factor (Dasha/ Progressions) is activating the 10H, 6H/ 7H with the
9H or 5H. Or when the 9H/ 5H is activated with the 3H, 8H, 12H or 2H then the
native will remain continuously on an undesired career in a compulsory situation.

Saturn should influence the 10H or 9H in transit at the time of the event.
Now we will discuss the charts as per the basic rules proposed in this article.

Chart 1.
Planet Occupant Owner Cusp Star Lord Cusp Sub Lord Star Lord Sub Lord

Sun 9 2 -- 10 - 12 Ketu Saturn

Moon 10 1 3 7 - 11 -- Venus Jupiter

Mars 11 5 - 10 -- 6 Rahu Rahu

Mercury 9 3 - 12 1-5 15-8 Mercury Jupiter

Jupiter 8 6-9 -- -- Rahu Venus

Venus 8 4 - 11 2 6 - 10 2-4 Jupiter Mercury

Saturn 11 7-8 9 7 - 11 Rahu Rahu

Rahu 5 5 - 10 4 8 - 12 3-9 Mercury Saturn

Ketu 11 4 - 11 -- -- Mars Saturn

Vimshottari Dasha

M.P S.P S.S.P. Dasha End Date (M/D/Y)


Venus Owner 5/ 19/ 1983

Sun Cusp Star Lord 5/ 18/ 1989

Moon 5/ 19/ 1999

Mars 5/ 18/ 2006

Rahu 5/ 18/ 2024

Jupiter 5/ 18/ 2040

Nature of the person

Cardinal cancer sign is rising in the Ascendant, its lord Moon is in a cardinal and fiery
sign (Aries). Moon is in 10H conjunct the exalted Sun (Status karaka).
Sub lord of Ascendant, 3H and 9H are related to dual sign planet Mercury, being in his
fall sign, indicates that the native is very ambitious, sensitive, aggressive, hasty and
always try to get something more than he has at present due to Mercury and Moon
Sub lord of 10H is exalted Sun is in 9H as a lord of 2H with Ascendant lord Moon.
Sun is in Ketus star in 11H, in the fixed sign of Taurus, whose lord is Venus in 8H as
the lord of 4H and 11H with Jupiter as the lord of 6H and 9H. It indicates that native
will prefer:
1] To join in family business (Sun Karaka of Father, 9H, 2H and 4H indicates family
2] To join service (Suns star lord Ketu represented by Venus conjunct Jupiter as the
lord of 6H and 9H).

When native has cleared his 10th Board exam, his father had asked me which line is
preferable for further study. At that time I had suggested selecting a short term line
related to Drugs and Medicines. 4H sub lord Venus is in 8H with Jupiter as the lord of
6H and 9H. 9H sub lord Rahu is placed in 5H in Scorpio sign; Rahu is in Mercurys
star (karaka for education) in 9H (higher education) as the lord of 3H and 12H.
Native completed his Diploma in Pharmaceutical study in 1996 after his graduation.
Initially, after completing his studies till March 2006, he was with his father business
(left business on personal ground) and joined service in a Pharmaceutical company. In
service since May 2006 till today he has changed jobs 5 times, having worked in
different companies.

Dasha Period
Mars dasha was up to May 2006. Mars is in 11H as the lord of 5H and 10H. For Cancer
Ascendant Mars is Yogakaraka planet. It is conjunct with Saturn as the lord of 7H and
8H. Karaka for family business is aspected by Jupiter from 8H as lord of 6H and 9H.
Mars is in Rahus star and Rahu sub which is posited in 5H.
As given in basic rules: 10H (karma), 11H (fulfillment of desires), 7H (business), 8H
(disturbances), 5H (change in a career), 6H (service) and 9H (change in a career).
Before Mars dasha Moon dasha was on, and Moon is a strong significator of 10H
house with Sun, as discussed above, so he joined family business after his studies. But
as Mars indicates 5H, 9H and 6H he left the family business and joined service.

As discussed in basic rules, Saturns transit influence on 9H or 10H lead to some kind
of change in a career either for positive or negative side.
From 2006 till today (2013), Saturn is transiting from Cancer to Libra. Saturn affects
the 10H or 9H house as follow.
From Cancer sign it aspects 10H sign Aries, which is rising on 10H house. Also, Saturn
aspects Moon which is placed in the 10H (Ascendant Lord) and Sun (Lord of 2H and
karaka for father). As a result he left the family business on dispute ground.
Saturns transits In Leo also affect Jupiter, the lord of 9H.
Saturn transit in Virgo also affects the 9H and the lord of 10H and 5H Mars.
Saturns transit in Libra also affects the 10H, Moon and Sun (Lord of 1H and 2H).
Also transiting Saturn is aspected by radical Jupiter (lord of 9H and 6H) from 8H.
In above discussion all the basic rules for a change in a career as given in the beginning
of this article have been fulfilled.

Chart 2.

Planet Occupant Owner Cusp Star Lord Cusp Sub Lord Star Lord Sub Lord

Sun 9 12 -- 9 Rahu Ketu

Moon 3 11 9 3 Ketu Venus

Mars 67 3-8 15 1-7 Mercury Moon

Mercury 10 1 - 10 3 7 -11 6 - 12 Jupiter Venus

Jupiter 1 4-7 2 6 - 10 -- Mars Saturn

Venus 8 2-9 4 - 8 - 12 -- Moon Moon

Saturn 3 5-6 -- 2 4 8 - 10 Mercury Saturn

Rahu 1 2-9 -- 5 - 11 Mars Venus

Ketu 7 3-8 -- -- Ketu Moon

Vimshottari Dasha

M.P S.P S.S.P. Dasha End Date (M/D/Y)


Ketu Owner 12/ 5/ 1963

Venus Cusp Star Lord 12/ 5/ 1983

Sun 12/ 5/ 1989

Moon 12/ 5/ 1999

Mars 12/ 5/ 2006

Nature of the person

Earthy element, dual sign Virgo is rising with Jupiter in Ascendant. Lord of
Ascendant Mercury is in its own sign in 10H, Mars aspects Ascendant and Ascendant
Moon is in a fiery dual sign and is in aspect with the Ascendant lord and Sun.
1H house sub lord Mars is on 7H cusp in Mercurys star and aspecting Ascendant and
Ascendant lord Mercury, Jupiter is placed in Ascendant and Sun. 3H cusp sub lord is
Moon as discussed above, and it is in the star of Ketu which is also posited in a fiery
sign. Moon is closely conjunct Saturn though in different sign.
9H sub lord is Sun in 9H aspected by the fiery planet Mars, who is conjunct with
Ascendant Lord Mercury. Mercury is in 10H in aspect with Moon who is lord of 11H
in 3H.
All above astrological combinations indicates that the native is very intelligent; having
the habit of doing any work in more than one way. He is ambitious and also cautious
with his dignity and status.

Ascendant Lord is in 10H in Gemini sign; Jupiter (finance karaka) is rising on
Ascendant. Mars from 7H aspects Ascendant and the combination of Ascendant Lord
plus Jupiter indicates that the native will try to earn money through more than one
way. 10H sub lord is Saturn (Lord of 5H and 6H) conjunct Moon (11H Lord). It
indicates that the native will seek a stable career. Saturn is placed in a star of Mercury,
which is a dual planet posited in a dual sign in 10H (Karma). 6H sub lord is Mercury
which, as discussed above, is in Jupiters star (dual planet).
He has started his career as a full time accountant in a company (service) and with
part time Lic Agent (Life insurance agent) as suggested to him.
From 1999 onwards he was asking what else could he do (work) for a long time career,
since he was not satisfied with his service activities. At that time it was suggested him
to be a full time LIC agent. He left the job in May 2001 and started his full time
activity as an agent for LIC. He has not turned back since then and is carrying out his
career as an LIC agent. Not only that, but once he reached the top highest premium
collector on a financial year in his company. Nowadays he is an employer and a person
is working under him as an employee.

Dasha Period
Till 1999 December he was passing through Moon Dasha, which is in conjunction with
Saturn, it indicates that he is more safety cautious as Saturn is also the karaka for
service and the lord of 6H, Saturn is also sub lord of 10H. From 2000 onwards Mars
dasha started, as said above, he is the lord of 8H (Insurance), 7H (business) and his
star lord is Mercury (Agent). Its placed in Moons sub which is lord of 11H
(fulfillment of desires) placed in 3H (Agent) and conjunct Saturn (lord of 5H and 6H),
which is in aspect with Venus (lord of 9H and 2H).
As suggested in basic rules, 7H (business), 5H and 9H (change in a career), 8H (
representing the initial disturbance due to changes and also the nature of source of
income (insurance). Saturn is not only sub lord of 8H but is also a strong significator
of the 10H. The 11H (fulfillment of desires) and all above mentioned houses are related
with Mars Dasha.

In May 2001 when he started his full time career as an LIC agent, at that time Saturn
was in Taurus sign, which is rising on 9H in the natal chart and it was in conjunction
with Venus who is lord of 9H and 2H.
So, in this chart all the basic rules for a change in career are fulfilled as presented

Chart 3.
Planet Occupant Owner Cusp Star Lord Cusp Sub Lord Star Lord Sub Lord

Sun 1 9 5-9 2 Ketu Venus

Moon 4 8 2 8 9 - 11 Saturn Saturn

Mars 4 4 5 - 12 6 - 10 7 Venus Saturn

Mercury 11 7 - (9) 8 - 12 10 Saturn Jupiter

Jupiter 10 - 11 1 (3) 3 - 11 -- Jupiter Venus

Venus 12 6 10 - 11 1 3-4 Ketu Saturn

Saturn 1 2-3 -- -- Ketu Moon

Rahu 9 7 (9) 7 1 5 6 - 12 Mars Rahu

Ketu 3 1 (3) 4 -- Mercury Rahu

Vimshottari Dasha

M.P S.P S.S.P. Dasha End Date (M/D/Y)


Saturn Owner 3/ 3/ 1977

Mercury Cusp Star Lord 3/ 3/ 1994

Ketu 3/ 3/ 2001

Venus 3/ 3/ 2021

Venus/ Rahu 5/ 3/ 2011

Venus/ Jupiter 1/ 1/ 2014

Nature of the person

Sagittarius is the Ascendant (a fiery and dual sign); its lord Jupiter is also on the cusp
of the 11H in Libra (cardinal sign). Ascendant sub lord is Rahu in an earthy sign in the
9H posited in Mars star. Mars is lord of the 4H, 5H and 12H in its own sign Aries. 3H
sub lord Venus is in 12H with Sun and Saturn, Venus is in Ketus star in the 3H. 9H
sub lord Moon is in a intercepted sign in Pisces, being posited in the 3H as the lord of
8H with Ketu. Moon is in Saturns star, which is in 12H as the lord of 2H and 3H with
Sun and Venus. All these factors indicates that the native is ambitious, but due to lack
of concentration and or somewhat carelessness and speculative tendency due to 5H/
8H relationship along with 2H, 6H and 11H. Hunting Moon position also play a main
role here, the native cannot come up in life due to restricted environment or

10H sub lord Mercury is in 11H as lord of 7H and 9H, is placed in Saturns star (karaka
for service). He started his service in a Government financial institute. Saturn is with
Sun (government) and Venus (Lord of 6H and 11H). At the same time he started to
invest in the Share Market (relationship between 5H and 8H, Mercury is also karaka
for speculation). Ascendant sign is of dual nature, its ruler (Jupiter) is in a cardinal
sign and 10H sub lord is Mercury (dual nature) and its star lord (Saturn) is also in a
dual sign. All this indicates more than one sources of income.

Hunting Moon: Conjunction, square or opposition between Moon and Saturn in the Birth chart.
Dasha Period

During Mercury/Venus dasha he started his career (1981) as described above. In 1998
and in 2006 I have warned him that due to health issues (particularly Eyes problem)
he may not be able to continue performing their activities at work, that around 2010/
2011 he may have to leave his job. The native left the job in May 2011 due to eye sight
problem, he cannot see fully as a normal person and both the eyes are afflicted. 2001
onward native is passing through Venus dasha, who is in 12H as lord of 6H and 11H; it
is in Ketus star, which is in 3H in intercepted sign conjunct with Moon (lord of 8H).
Venus is in conjunction with Sun (lord of 9H) and Saturn (lord of 2H and 3H). Dasha
lords are in Saturns sub as previously discussed.
Dasha lord is signifying 6H, 8H, 9H and 12H along with 11H, 2H and 3H. Eyesight is
indicated by Sun, Moon and Venus. They are all are afflicted by Saturn. Venus and
Sun are in conjunction with Saturn in 12H house (defect).
Moon is in Saturns star and square with Sun and Saturn (both are in 12H) thus all the
karakas of eyesight are afflicted in the birth chart. Not only that, but sub lord of 2H
(Sun) and 12H sub lord (Rahu) are also connected with Saturn who is in 12H.
Native was passing through Jupiter sub period in Venus Maha dasha (Venus/
Jupiter), when he left the job because of health issues (eyes problem). Jupiter is the
Ascendant lord on the cusp of 11H in its own star, and placed in the sub of Venus. Sub
period ruler (Jupiter) is in aspect with Mars (lord of 4H, 5H and 12H).

n Vedic astrology its said that, certain sub periods are not giving good results in
certain dashas. Those are as under:

Saturn/ Sun and Sun/ Saturn;

Mars/ Mercury and Mercury/ Mars;
Jupiter/ Venus and Venus/ Jupiter.
So, in this case, I have applied this rule while reading the chart, but not only this rule
since the houses represented by the Maha dasha and sub period planets are also
important for such type of judgment.


uring 2011 Saturn was transiting through Virgo sign, which is intercepted
sign of 9H in the chart. He started his career over the same transit influence,
when Saturn was in Virgo sign in 9H.
Lets review the basic principles for changes in career. Dasha and sub period ruler
connected to 5H or 9H combined with a supportive transit of Saturn through his
influence over 9H or 10H will definitely bring changes in a career for better, or
compulsion to accept the situation, depending on the charts strength.

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