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OBSERVAO: Esta avaliao no ser entregue ou colocada a disposio visual do aluno requerente, em
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portanto, firmo a presente:_____________________________________________________________

Placement test for ENGLISH ADVANCED Level


a) White cotton Italian:________________________________________________________________ coat

b) Race German silver:__________________________________________________________________ car
c) Plastic juice yellow:______ ___________________________________________________________ bottle
d)Silk ballet pink French:_______________________________________________________________ dress
e) Science electronic German: __________________________________________________________ _site

2-Fill in these sentences with Make or Do (0,7)

a) The students need to ________________________________ the test today.
b) Please, dont ______________________________________ so much noise.
c) My cousins ________________________________________ a delicious cake yesterday.
d) Can you ___________________________________________ me a favor?
e) Maybe tomorrow Ill _________________________________ the exercises.
f) I have to ___________________ ________________________ money to buy a new car.

3-Mark the correct alternatives. (0,5)

When I was a child I played______ a cowboy. I pretended to be an American actor.
a) as b) of c) like d) how

I dont need to work today. Its my _____.

a) wage b) position c) day off d) over time

We go home late today because we must work____?

a) day off b) on strike c) part time d) over time

The ____ work hard every day.

a) employees b) employ c) employment d) employer

The boss will be _____.

a) on duty b) shift c) promotion d) position

Once upon a time, a businessman named Ray Kroc discovered a restaurant owned by two brothers. The
restaurant served just four things: hamburgers, French fries, milk shakes and coca cola. But it was clean and
inexpensive, and the service was quick. Mr Kroc liked it so much that he paid the brothers so that he could use their
idea and their name: Mc Donald's.

Beef, big business and fast service were the ingredients when Mr Kroc opened his first Mc Donald's in 1955.
Four years later, there were 100 of them. Kroc knew Americans liked success. So he put signs saying how many
millions of Mc Donald's hamburgers people had bought. In just four years, the number was one hundred million.
Now, there are more than 13,000 Mc Donald's restaurants from Dallas to Paris and from Moscow to Beijing.

Anyone who wants to open a Mc Donald's must first work in one for a week. Then, they do a nine-month
training programme, in the restaurants and at "Mc Donald's University" in Chicago. There they learn the Mc Donald's
philosophy: quality control, service, cleanliness and cheap prices. Mc Donald's has strict rules, Hamburgers must be
served before they are ten minutes old, and French fries, seven.

Mc Donald's has never stopped looking for new methods to attract customers, from drive-in windows to
birthday parties. Chicken, fish, salad and, in some places, pizza are now on the menu. Mc Donald's in Holland even
sells a vegetarian burger.
Their international popularity shows they have found the recipe for success.
a) Who was Ray Kroc?
( ) a cook ( ) a businessman ( ) a soldier

b) Why did Kroc give money to the two brothers? Because

( ) they had helped him years before
( ) they were very friendly
( ) he wanted to use their idea and their name.

c) When did Kroc open his first restaurant?

( ) In the 1940s ( ) In the 1950s ( ) In the 1960s

d) Hamburgers are cooked from 7am to 9 am only.

( ) TRUE ( ) FALSE

e) All Mc Donald's restaurants sell the same meals.

( ) TRUE ( ) FALSE

f) What can you find in Holland?

( ) a special hamburger ( )a special drink ( ) a special ice cream

g) The journalist thinks that Mc Donald's restaurants will disappear very soon.
( ) TRUE ( ) FALSE

5 Fill in with Simple Past or Present Perfect tenses (0,8)

a) Peter ________football yesterday. (play)
b) They _________the car. It looks new again. (clean)
c) Last year we ________to Italy. (go)
d) John and Peggy_________ the book. Now they want to watch the film. (read)
e) I _______my friend two days ago. (meet)
f) We ______________another country before. (not visit)
g) She __________a new car in 2011. (buy)
h) I'm sorry, but I __________my homework. (forget)
6 Complete the conversation with Simple Past or Present Continuous.(0,6)
Mother: I want to prepare dinner. (you / wash/already) __________________the dishes?
Daughter: I (wash)______________ the dishes yesterday, but I (have / not)_____________ the time yet to do it
Mother: (you / do / already) _________________your homework?
Daughter: No, I (come / just) _________________home from school.
Mother: You (come) __________________home from school two hours ago!
Daughter: Well, but my friend Lucy (call)______________ when I (arrive)_____________ and I (finish / just)
_______________the phone call.
Mother: (you / see / not) __________________Lucy at school in the morning?
Daughter: Yes, but we (have / not)________________ time to talk then.

7 Underline the correct form of the adjectives: (0,5)

a) You look really (tired/tiring). Why don't you go to bed?

b) Sit down - I've got some very (excited/exciting) news for you.
c) He's got a very (annoyed/annoying) habit of always interrupting people.
d) I'm very (disappointed/disappointing) by your behavior.
e) Kids! You're (disgusted/disgusting)! Don't talk with your mouths full!

8 - Complete the sentences using so or neither using the correct structure. (0,4)
1. I always get up early on weekdays, ____________________ she.
2. She didn't like chicken when she was younger, _________________ interface her brother.
3. She can't speak English perfectly, ______________________ I.
4. She should listen to her mother's advice, _______________________ you.

9 - Choose the best word to complete the sentences. (0,4)

Tom doesn't know what to do? What do you think he ... do?
a) Must b) has to c) have to d) should

What ... to do to make you love me?

a) have I b) must I c) do I have d) I have

If you follow my advice, it ... be easy.

a) has to b) have to c) must d) should

It isn't necessary to dress up tonight. We ... wear suits.

a) musn't b) shouldn't c) don't have to d) doesn't have to

10- Complete with the correct verbal tense. (1,0)

2. When I ____________________________ (arrive) home last night, I discovered that Jane

__________________________ (prepare) a beautiful candlelight dinner. Since I began acting, I
_______________________ (perform) in two plays, a television commercial and a TV drama. However, I
____________________ (speak, never even) publicly before I came to Hollywood in 1985. By the time I
got to the office, the meeting ___________________(begin, already) without me. My boss
______________(be) furious with me and I _________(be) fired. When I _____________ (turn) the radio
on yesterday, I ____________________ (hear) a song that was popular when I was in high school. I
_______________________ (hear, not) the song in years, and it _________________________(bring)
back some great memories on a date.

11- decide if the statements are correct or wrong. Put C for correct and W for incorrect statements. (0,5)
a. ( ) Shes been late lately.

b. ( ) How long you lived here?

c. ( ) She advices me with great advises.

d. ( ) She advises me with great advices.

e. ( ) They had finished when we arived?

* analyze the statements and answer

12- Na pergunta What fish did you see?, podemos afirmar que. (0,4)

a) O correto seria what fish you saw?

b) No h qualquer erro gramatical;

c) Est incorreta, pois o verbo auxiliar did deveria estar no comeo da pergunta.

d) Uma possvel resposta seria I saw two fishes.

* Use the information below to show your writing skills

13- Write an essay, discussing two of the policies in your notes. You should explain which policy would
help reduce congestion most, giving reasons in support of your answer. (0,6)

You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the meeting, but you should use your own
words as far as possible.

12- Complete the e-mail with words from the box. (0,7)

always for lately still recently never ever

Dear Nathan,

How are you? I have ___________ moved to San Diego! Ive lived here ______ two months. Its great! Ive
___________ wanted to live in California but I have _______ had the opportunity. Have you ________ visited
California? I have rented an apartment, but I _________ havent bought any furniture. What have you been up to
__________? Write soon!

Your friend,

13- Look at the information about what these people have (+) or havent done (-). Complete the sentence with
the correct verb from the chart. Use the simple past tense or the present perfect. (0,8)

Name Go to another Meet a famous person Climb a mountain

Tamra + - +
Matt + - +
Bob + + +
Danielle + + -
a- Matt __________________________ to another country in September 2004.
b- Tamra and Matt _______________________ a famous person.
c- Bob _____________________ a mountain last year.
d- Tamra, Matt, Bob and Danielle _______________________ to another country.
e- Matt _________________________ a famous person.
f- Matt ___________________________ a mountain recently.
g- Bob and Danielle ______________________ to another country 2 years ago.
h- Danielle __________________ a mountain yet.

14- Complete each statement or question with should or could and the base form. (0,5)
a- _______________ (he/take) the express. The local arrives too late.
b- They said _______________ (we/have) two aisle seats or an aisle and a window.
c- ______________ (you/get) a round-trip ticket. That way you wont have to wait in line twice.
d- Wich train ______________ (we/take)? We absolutely have to be there on time.
e- ________________ (they/buy) a ticket at the station or on the train. It doesnt matter.

15- Complete each conversation, using too or enough. (0,4)

a- A: How about this? Should we buy it for your mother?
B: No. It isnt ____________ (pretty). I want something nicer.
b- A: Do you think this rug is too small?
B: No, its great. I think its ______________ (big).
c- A: Did you buy a microwave yesterday?
B: I looked at some. But they were _______________ (expensive).
d- A: Would you like more ice in your water?
B: Yes, please. It isnt _____________ (cold).

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