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1 Calculations
Random Cypher Additional Effect
Cypher 1 538
Level 6 Telekinetic Bloom Cypher 2 470
Level 4 Shape of Fire Cypher 3 20
Level 8 Artifact Translator (Type 1) Cypher 1 Level 4
Encyclopedia of Impossible Things, page 80 *Cyphers with an Asterisk: Core Book, page 312 Cypher 2 Level 1
Cypher 3 Level 5
Roll d6 2
Roll d20 2
Random Recursion Recursion Reference
Roll d100 60
Labyrinth 180, Worlds Numberless and Strange Roll d105 78
Level 2 5
Level 3 2
Level 4 12
Random Creature Native Recursion Native Rules Creature Reference
Level 5 4
Level 2 Maggot Fiend Hell Frozen Over Magic 79, Strange Bestiary Level 6 5
Level 3 Green Homunculus Ardeyn Magic 259, Core Book Level 7 6
Level 4 Catastrophe Cloud Any Mad Science/Standard Recursion Mad Science/Standard 27, Strange Bestiary Translation 64
Level 5 Kray Drone Ardeyn Magic 276, Core Book
Level 6 Marroid Ruk Mad Science 279, Core Book
Level 7 Vengeance-Class Battle Chrysalid Ruk Mad Science 20, Strange Bestiary

Translation Failure
Confused: The difficulty of all Intellect-related tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
1 Abeyance Trap* 1
2 Acrobatic Boost 1
3 Age Taker* 4
4 Ammunition (Armor Phasing) 1 d6 1
5 Ammunition (Inapposite) 1 d20 15
6 Ammunition (Regenerating) 1 d100 75
7 Ammunition (Sentient) 1
8 Ammunition (Tracer) 1
9 Ammunition (Truth) 1
10 Analeptic* 2
11 Analeptic* 2
12 Antidote* 1
13 Aquatic Adapation 1
14 Arm Addition 2
15 Armor Reinforcer* 1 +1 Armor
16 Armor Reinforcer* 1 +1 Armor
17 Armor (Vengeance Enhancer) 1 +1 to Armor; spikes inflict 2 points of damage to all attackers that succeed on melee attacks against user
18 Artifact Enabler 2
19 Artifact Transferer 4
20 Artifact Translator (Type 1) 4
21 Artifact Translator (Type 1) 4
22 Artifact Translator (Type 2) 4
23 Assassin Flyer 3
24 Assistant 1
25 Attractor* 4
26 Battlecry (Berserking) 2
27 Battlecry (Enervating) 2
28 Battlecry (Inspiring) 2
29 Beast Form 1
30 Beast Lure 1
31 Beast Lure 1
32 Blackout* 2
33 Blurred Form 2
34 Body Bastion 2
35 Body Bulwark 1
36 Body Burst (Grave) 3
37 Body Burst (Nova) 3
38 Body Burst (Temporal) 3
39 Body Throwing 2
40 Brain Burgeon 4
41 Brain Burgeon 4
42 Brain Sentinel 0
43 Breaker 3
44 Brute Bloom 2
45 Bubble Cage 1
46 Buoyancy 1
47 Calculator 3
48 Calming Presence 1
49 Camouflage Coating 1
50 Camouflage Screen 0
51 Camouflage Screen 0
52 Chained Trauma 2
53 Charge (Accelerated) 0
54 Charge (Interrupting) 0
55 Charge (Ramming) 3
56 Charming Summons 2
57 Clean and Bright 1
58 Cognizance Booster 2
59 Coin Trick (Mars) 4
60 Coin Trick (Moon) 4
61 Coin Trick (Moon) 4
62 Coin Trick (Sun) 4
63 Coin Trick (Venus) 4
64 Colossus 1
65 Companion Seeds 1
66 Condition Remover* 3 Muscle Cramp
67 Conduit Link (Fire) 0
68 Conduit Link (Lightning) 0
69 Confidence Trick 1
70 Confuser 1
71 Confuser 1
72 Contextualizer* 2
73 Contingent Activator* 2
74 Curative* 2
75 Curative* 2
76 Curse Bringer* 1
77 Cypher Alchemist 3
78 Cypher Codicil (Boost) 0 Might Edge
79 Cypher Codicil (Defense) 0 Might defense
80 Cypher Codicil (Healing) 0
81 Cypher Codicil (Healing) 0
82 Cypher Extender (Area Expander) 0
83 Cypher Extender (Duration Doubler) 0
84 Cypher Extender (Range Elongator) 0
85 Darkness (Eye Eating) 2
86 Darkness (Hungry) 2
87 Darksight* 0
88 Data Ingestor 1
89 Data Specialization (Weapons) 3
90 Data Training (Weapons) 1
91 Data Training (Weapons) 1
92 Death Diguiser 0
93 Death Eye 2
94 Death Module* 0
95 Death's Door Guardian 0
96 Deception Module 2
97 Defense of Friends 1
98 Deflection Guardian 0
99 Dj vu 0
100 Dj vu 0
101 Dessication Inducer 0
102 Destabilizer 0
103 Dextrous Bulwark 1
104 Dimensional Flattener 2
105 Disguise Module* 2
106 Doomsday Device 9
107 Draining Capacitor* 2
108 Dupe 3
109 Earthshaker 0
110 Edge of Celerity 1
111 Edge of Exhilaration 1
112 Effect Resistence* 1
113 Effort Enhancer* 0
114 Effort Enhancer (Combat) 1
115 Electic Summons 2
116 Electric Touch 1
117 Ember Storm 2
118 Encrust 2
119 Endurance Enhancer 0
120 Enduring Shield 4
121 Enduring Shield 4
122 Energy Drain 1
123 Energy Siphon 2
124 Equipment Cache* 1
125 Equipment Stash 2
126 Escape 1
127 Escape (Explosive) 1
128 Escape (Hiding) 1
129 Escape (Luring) 1
130 Escape (Misleading) 1
131 Escape (Misleading) 1
132 Escape Catapult 1
133 Escape Route 2
134 Essense Binding (Allied) 3
135 Essense Binding (Offensive) 3
136 Essense Binding (Soul Fuel) 4
137 Essense Binding (Soul Touch) 0
138 Essense Inhalation (Blasting) 3 Poison
139 Essense Inhalation (Healing) 3
140 Essense Inhalation (Inspiration) 3
141 Essense Inhalation (Inspiration) 3
142 Essense Inhalation (Knowledge) 3
143 Essense Inhalation (Transportation) 3
144 Essense Transfer (Body) 2
145 Essense Transfer (Mind) 2
146 Exotic Blood (Acidic) 0
147 Exotic Blood (Exhilarating) 0
148 Exotic Blood (Healing) 0
149 Exotic Blood (Swiftness) 0
150 Exotic Blood (Tornadic) 0
151 Exotic Blood (Tornadic) 0
152 Exotic Servitor 0
153 Expert Knowledge 1
154 Explosive Spittle 2
155 Explosive Touch 2
156 Extended Awareness 1
157 Extra Punch 1
158 Extra Recovery 1
159 Extra Sense 2
160 Eye Blaster 2 Laser
161 Eye Blaster 2 Laser
162 False Image 2
163 False Image (Assassin) 2
164 Falsifier 1
165 Falsifier (Reverse) 1
166 Far Attack 4
167 Feast 0
168 Feast (Fortifying) 1
169 Fiery Leap 0
170 Fire Form 1
171 Fire Form 1
172 Fission Duplicates 3
173 Flashburst* 2
174 Flashburst (Memory Erasing) 2
175 Flashburst (Mind Numbing) 2
176 Flashburst (Mind Numbing) 2
177 Flashburst (Terrifying) 2
178 Floating Bubble 0
179 Flurry of Punches 3
180 Focus Hook* 2
181 Focus Hook* 2
182 Force Armor Projector* 3
183 Force Screen Projector* 3
184 Frenzy Boost 1
185 Frictionizer 2
186 Frigid Summons 2
187 Fusion Prime 3
188 Gas Ammunition* 2 Mind-numbing gas: living creatures that breathe suffer Intellect damage equal to the cypher level.
189 Gaseous Sneak 0
190 Gaseous Warrior (Acidic) 0
191 Gaseous Warrior (Acidic) 0
192 Gaseous Warrior (Possessing) 0
193 Ghost Defense 1
194 Ghost Offense 1
195 Giant 1
196 Glue* 4
197 Golden Glow 0
198 Gravity Tower 0
199 Gravity Turret 2
200 Gravity Turret 2
201 Grenade* 2 Fire
202 Grenade (Adhering) 3
203 Grenade (Attracting) 3
204 Grenade (Banishing) 3
205 Grenade (Black Hole) 4
206 Grenade (Confounder) 3
207 Grenade (Creature)* 1
208 Grenade (Daylight) 3
209 Grenade (Disintegration) 3
210 Grenade (Expanded Radius) 3
211 Grenade (Expanded Radius) 3
212 Grenade (Expanded Range) 3
213 Grenade (Forgetting) 4
214 Grenade (Gravity Inversion)* 1
215 Grenade (Health) 4
216 Grenade (Ice) 3
217 Grenade (Petrification) 3
218 Grenade (Protein Misfolding) 3
219 Grenade (Recursion)* 4
220 Grenade (Recursion Collapsing)* 2
221 Grenade (Recursion Shifting) 3
222 Grenade (Recursion Shifting) 3
223 Grenade (Restraining) 4
224 Grenade (Shock) 3
225 Grenade (Siphoning) 3
226 Grenade (Stunning) 3
227 Grenade (Telepathic Bond) 4
228 Halo (Mindjamming) 1
229 Halo (Mindreading) 1
230 Halo (Protective) 2
231 Halo (Protective) 2
232 Halo (Targeting) 1
233 Halo (Telekinetic) 1
234 Halo (Transposing) 1
235 Halo (Truthcasting) 1
236 Halo (Weapon) 3
237 Halo (Winged) 1
238 Hand of Immobility 0
239 Harm Buffer 4
240 Hasten Attacks 2
241 Hasten Attacks 2
242 Home Beacon 0
243 Ice Form 1
244 Illusory Scene 1
245 Image Duplicator 3
246 Image Projector 1
247 Immobilizing Grip 3
248 Infiltrator 0
249 Information Lenses* 2
250 Insanitron Lure 2
251 Insanitron Lure 2
252 Insanity Cure 2
253 Insect Eruption 0
254 Insight* 4
255 Insight* 4
256 Instant Projectile Weapon 2 Weapon attack difficulty reduced by one step and it inflicts +2 damage
257 Instant Shield (Blinking) 2
258 Instant Shield (Endurance) 2
259 Instant Shield (Improved) 2
260 Instant Shield (Mind) 2
261 Instant Shield (Mind) 2
262 Instant Shield (Reflective) 2
263 Instant Shield (Traveling) 2
264 Instant Sword 2 Sword attack difficulty reduced by one step and it inflicts +2 damage
265 Instant Vehicle 1 Vehicle accompanies PCs through translation
266 Instant Wall 0 Wall's level is +2 and lasts until destroyed
267 Instant Warrior 0 Warrior has Armor 2; health 25; melee attacks as level 7
268 Instant Weapon Turret 2 Poison
269 Intellect Booster* 2
270 Intellect Limiter 3
271 Intellect Limiter 3
272 Intelligence Enhancement* 0
273 Interface 1
274 Invigorator 1
275 Invigorator 1
276 Iron Punch 2
277 Iron Skin 1
278 Judge 2
279 Juggernaut 4
280 Kill Proofer 4
281 Kill Proofer 4
282 Killer Instinct 0
283 Knowledge Enhancement* 0 Recursion lore (usually specific to one recursion)
284 Life Sense 1
285 Lifeleech Touch 0
286 Lift* 1
287 Liftlock 2
288 Liftlock (Detonating) 2
289 Liftlock (Energized) 2 Poison
290 Liftlock (Persisting) 2
291 Liftlock (Persisting) 2
292 Lightning Seed 4
293 Limb Extension 1
294 Liquid Confidence 2
295 Locator 2
296 Luck Maker 1
297 Magnetic Master* 2
298 Magnetic Radical 4
299 Manipulation Beam* 2
300 Manipulation Beam* 2
301 Mapper* 2
302 Martial Multiplier 2
303 Martial Presence 1
304 Matter Remapper 2
305 Matter Translation Ray* 3
306 Maze Guide 2
307 Meditation Aid* 2
308 Melt All* 3
309 Memory Remover 0
310 Memory Switch* 2
311 Memory Switch* 2
312 Mental Bulwark 1
313 Mental Scrambler* 2 Victims do not recognize anyone they know.
314 Metallic Form 1
315 Metamorphic Cypher 0
316 Mighty 0
317 Mimic 2
318 Mind-Control Implant 4
319 Mind Meld* 1
320 Mind-Restricting Wall* 2
321 Mind Sled 2
322 Mind Sled 2
323 Mind Stabilizer* 0
324 Mindjack 1
325 Mine (Cypher) 2
326 Mine (Damage) 2 Poison
327 Mine (Holding) 2
328 Mineralize 2
329 Mirth 0
330 Mist Producer (Fear) 1
331 Mist Producer (Fear) 1
332 Mist Producer (Joy) 1
333 Mist Producer (Poison) 1
334 Mist Producer (Revulsion) 1
335 Mist Producer (Suggestibility) 1
336 Monoblade* 2
337 Monohorn* 3
338 Morphic Adjustment (Eyes) 2
339 Morphic Adjustment (Kangaroo) 2
340 Morphic Adjustment (Tentacle) 2
341 Morphic Adjustment (Tentacle) 2
342 Mount 1
343 Multiphasic Module* 0
344 Multiplier 0
345 Multiplier (Damage) 0 Poison
346 Muderous Strength 0
347 Neuron Buttress 0
348 Neuron Fort 1
349 Neuron Tower 2
350 Nimble Bloom 2
351 Nimble Bloom 2
352 Null Field* 3 Poison
353 Nullification Ray* 3
354 Nutrition and Hydration* 1
355 Omega Point 4
356 Oracle 4
357 Orbital Armor 0
358 Orbital Defense 2
359 Overload 4
360 Pain Capacitor 0
361 Pain Capacitor 0
362 Pain Invertor 0
363 Path 2
364 Perfect Papers 0
365 Perfect Tool 0
366 Perfection 4
367 Permanent Handle 0
368 Permanent Pocket 0
369 Personal Pocket Dimension 2
370 Personal Pocket Dimension (Confounding) 0
371 Personal Pocket Dimension (Confounding) 0
372 Personal Pocket Dimension (Extra Foci) 0
373 Personal Pocket Dimension (Extra Gate) 2
374 Personal Pocket Dimension (From Fiction) 2
375 Personal Pocket Dimension (From Fiction) 2
376 Personal Pocket Dimension (Imperator) 0
377 Personal Pocket Dimension (Juvenile) 2
378 Personal Pocket Dimension (Pass) 2
379 Personal Pocket Dimension (Young) 2
380 Phantasm 1
381 Phantasm 1
382 Phase Changer* 1
383 Phase Wall* 2
384 Phase Wall* 2
385 Phase Adhesive 1
386 Phasing Wave 2
387 Pheromone Spray 2
388 Plentiful Wallet 0
389 Possession Rod 2
390 Power Source 2
391 Power Source 2
392 Prison 2
393 Probability Alteration 4
394 Projectile Buffer 2
395 Protection From Law 3
396 Protective Film 4
397 Provoking 2
398 Psychic Entanglement 3
399 Psychic Explosion 1
400 Psychic Explosion 1
401 Psychokinetic Adversary 2
402 Purifier 2
403 Quantum Spears 2
404 Quietude 2
405 Radiation Proofer 0
406 Radiation Spike* 4
407 Rapport Enabler 1
408 Ray Emitter* 2 Force
409 Ray Emitter (Command)* 2
410 Ray Emitter (Disintegrator) 3
411 Ray Emitter (Fear)* 2
412 Ray Emitter (Fear)* 2
413 Ray Emitter (Friend Slaying)* 2
414 Ray Emitter (Gravity Multiplier) 2
415 Ray Emitter (Gravity Repulsion) 2
416 Ray Emitter (Kindling) 2
417 Ray Emitter (Mind Disrupting)* 2
418 Ray Emitter (Reaping) 2
419 Ray Emitter (Shrinking) 2
420 Ray Emitter (Unstable Flame) 2
421 Ray Emitter (Unstable Ice) 2
422 Ray Emitter (Unstable Ice) 2
423 Ray Emitter (Withering) 2
424 Reanimator 3
425 Recovery Acceleration 0
426 Recovery Advantage 1
427 Recursion Anchor* 4
428 Recursion Anchor* 4
429 Recursion Code* 4
430 Recursion Control (Damaging) 2
431 Recursion Control (Damaging) 2
432 Recursion Control (Holding) 2
433 Recursion Control (Wayfaring) 2
434 Recursion Lens 0
435 Recursion Projection 4
436 Redactor 3
437 Reflex Enhancer* 0
438 Regenerative Boost 0
439 Relieve Affliction 1
440 Remembering* 1
441 Remembering* 1
442 Remote Control 3
443 Remote Viewer (Space) 2
444 Remote Viewer (Time) 2
445 Repeating Module* 1
446 Repulsive Wave 3
447 Respiratory Attack (Brain Eating) 2
448 Respiratory Attack (Fiery) 2
449 Respiratory Attack (Poisonous) 2
450 Resurrector 4
451 Resurrector 4
452 Revealer 1
453 Revealer (Matter Phasing) 2
454 Revealer (Present Through Past) 2
455 Revealer (Third Eye) 1
456 Rhetoric Enabler 1
457 Rubicon 4
458 Rumor Bringer 0
459 Sapience Inducer 2
460 Scuttling Scorpion (Explosive) 3 Poison
461 Scuttling Scorpion (Explosive) 3 Poison
462 Scuttling Scorpion (Spying) 3
463 Scuttling Scorpion (Transponder) 3
464 Searing Summons 2
465 Shadow Animator (Armor) 2
466 Shadow Animator (Attack) 2
467 Shadow Animator (Reach) 2
468 Shadow Cape (Terrifying) 2
469 Shadow Cape (Traveling) 2
470 Shape of Fire 0
471 Shape of Fire 0
472 Shape of Gravity 4
473 Shape of Ice 0
474 Spake of the Storm 2
475 Share Pain 0
476 Share Sense 0
477 Sheltering Recursion* 3
478 Sheltering Recursion* 3
479 Shield Garment (Athletic) 4
480 Shield Garment (Empathetic) 4
481 Shield Garment (Empathetic) 4
482 Slammer 2 Fire
483 Slave Maker* 2
484 Slayer 4
485 Slaying (Armor Piercer) 4
486 Slaying (Bleeding) 4
487 Slaying (Closing) 4
488 Slaying (Critical Strike) 4
489 Slaying (Disconcerting) 4
490 Slaying (Marking) 4
491 Slaying (Marking) 4
492 Slaying (Shadowclad) 0
493 Sleep Inducer* 0
494 Snapshot 0
495 Sniper Module* 0
496 Soul Sipper 3
497 Sound Encryptor 2
498 Spark Investiture 4
499 Spark Suppression 4
500 Spark Suppression 4
501 Speed Boost* 2
502 Speedburst 3
503 Spirit Question 1
504 Spying Grenade* 2
505 Stalking Target 2
506 Standard of Allied Aid 0
507 Standard of Allied Defense 0
508 Standard of Allied Power 0
509 Standard of Enemy Affliction 0
510 Standard of Enemy Morale 0
511 Standard of Enemy Morale 0
512 Starshine 0
513 Stasis Keeper 0
514 Stillness 1
515 Stim* 0
516 Storm Lure 3
517 Stormcaller 1
518 Strange Ammunition* 2 Deals bonus psychic damage equal to cypher level
519 Strange Apotheosis* 4
520 Strange Melee Enhancer 2 Deals bonus psychic damage equal to cypher level
521 Strange Melee Enhancer 2 Deals bonus psychic damage equal to cypher level
522 Strength Boost* 2
523 Strength Enhancer* 0
524 Stunning Summons 2
525 Stunning Whip 2
526 Stunt 1
527 Summon Ally 4 Witch
528 Supersonic 2
529 Surprise Attack 2
530 Surveillance Set* 2
531 Surveillance Set* 2
532 Survival Carapace 1
533 Swift Shift 4
534 Swift Step 2
535 Sympathetic Imager 2
536 Task Imitator 0
537 Task Valet 0
538 Telekinetic Bloom 2
539 Telepathic Bond* 2
540 Temporary Shield* 0
541 Tissue Regeneration* 4
542 Torture Spike 0
543 Tracker* 0
544 Transfer Affliction 2
545 Translation Remedy* 2
546 Trans-mutation (Armored) 4
547 Trans-mutation (Brawn) 4
548 Trans-mutation (Climbing) 4
549 Trans-mutation (Death) 4
550 Trans-mutation (Density) 4
551 Trans-mutation (Flying) 4
552 Trans-mutation (Swift) 4
553 Trans-mutation (Thinking) 4
554 Trans-mutation (Venomous) 4
555 Trans-mutation (Venomous) 4
556 Transmutation Dust 1
557 Transporter 2
558 Transvolution* 4
559 Trauma Multiplier 2
560 Trick Embedder* 0
561 Trick Embedder* 0
562 Uninterruptible Power Source* 4
563 Uninterruptible Power Source* 4
564 Universal Key 3
565 Universal Lock 3
566 Unrestrained Movement 1
567 Vacuum Adaptation 1
568 Vacuum Protector 0
569 Vanisher* 2
570 Vanisher* 2
571 Vanishing (Daylong) 3
572 Versatile 2
573 Vigor Transition 4
574 Visual Displacement Device* 0
575 Visualizer (Psychometry) 0
576 Visualizer (Scanning) 0
577 Vocal Translator* 0
578 Vocal Translator* 0
579 Water Adapter* 0
580 Water Form 1
581 Water Form 1
582 Water Transformation 2
583 Weapon Enhancer (Disarming) 2
584 Weapon Enhancer (Impairing) 2
585 Weapon Enhancer (Limb Breaking) 2
586 Weapon Enhancer (Returning) 2
587 Weapon Enhancer (Slaying) 2
588 Weapon Enhancer (Stunning) 2
589 Weapon Enhancer (Terrifying) 2
590 Weaponizer 4
591 Weaponizer 4
592 Weaponaut 1
593 Weather Oracle 2
594 Weathermaker 2
595 Wildwalker 1
596 Wildwhisperer 1
597 Wind Aura 1
598 Wings* 2
599 Windtamer 0
600 Zero Gravity 0
1 The Strange 212, Core Book
2 Earth 147, Core Book
3 Ardeyn 160, Core Book
4 Ruk 191, Core Book
5 Atom Nocturne 234, Core Book
6 Cataclyst 238, Core Book
7 Crow Hollow 242, Core book
8 Graveyard of the Machine God 244, Core Book
9 Thunder Plains 246, Core Book
10 Gloaming 249, Core Book
11 Goodland 250, Core Book
12 Pantamal 250, Core Book
13 Singularian 251, Core Book
14 Homebound 251, Core Book
15 Hell Frozen Over 251, Core Book
16 Middlecap 252, Core Book
17 Old Mars 253, Core Book
18 Oz 253, Core Book
19 221B Baker Street 253, Core Book
20 Innsmouth 253, Core Book
21 Wonderland 253, Core Book
22 Eradrake 7, Translation Codex
23 Sengoku 8, Translation Codex
24 Sherwood Forest 8, Translation Codex
25 Hubric 27, Translation Codex
26 Lake Ashlynar 28, Translation Codex
27 Tortuga 28, Translation Codex
28 Nucleus City 47, Translation Codex
29 Piston 48, Translation Codex
30 Unwary Town 48, Translation Codex
31 Peril City 67, Translation Codex
32 Tiny World 68, Translation Codex
33 War Room 68, Translation Codex
34 Atom Knight's Tourney 87, Translation Codex
35 City Lights 88, Translation Codex
36 The Astral 88, Translation Codex
37 Crossroads of Time 107, Translation Codex
38 Cyberspace 108, Translation Codex
39 Tombstone Station 108, Translation Codex
40 Atlantis 38, Worlds Numberless and Strange
41 Camelot Le Morte 46, Worlds Numberless and Strange
42 Eleventh Reich 55, Worlds Numberless and Strange
43 Halloween 64, Worlds Numberless and Strange
44 Mesozoica 72, Worlds Numberless and Strange
45 Microcosmica 78, Worlds Numberless and Strange
46 New Centropolis 85, Worlds Numberless and Strange
47 New York Grey 95, Worlds Numberless and Strange
48 Oceanmist 103, Worlds Numberless and Strange
49 R639 107, Worlds Numberless and Strange
50 Rebel Galaxy 114, Worlds Numberless and Strange
51 Samurai Sky 124, Worlds Numberless and Strange
52 Seishin Shore 131, Worlds Numberless and Strange
53 Starship Heinlein 138, Worlds Numberless and Strange
54 Sword Realms 143, Worlds Numberless and Strange
55 Wuxia City 153, Worlds Numberless and Strange
56 Zed America 161, Worlds Numberless and Strange
57 20K 169, Worlds Numberless and Strange
58 AD 802,701 170, Worlds Numberless and Strange
59 Antikytheracosm 170, Worlds Numberless and Strange
60 Avalon 171, Worlds Numberless and Strange
61 Borderlands of Sol 172, Worlds Numberless and Strange
62 Castle One 172, Worlds Numberless and Strange
63 Cyberscape 173, Worlds Numberless and Strange
64 Cygnus Station 174, Worlds Numberless and Strange
65 Dead Earth 175, Worlds Numberless and Strange
66 Desktop Terrene 175, Worlds Numberless and Strange
67 Entopia 176, Worlds Numberless and Strange
68 Eschatos 176, Worlds Numberless and Strange
69 Flatland 176, Worlds Numberless and Strange
70 Flying Dutchman 177, Worlds Numberless and Strange
71 Frog Lake 177, Worlds Numberless and Strange
72 Gingerbread House 177, Worlds Numberless and Strange
73 Gorilla Planet 178, Worlds Numberless and Strange
74 Gothic Playground 178, Worlds Numberless and Strange
75 Happy Island 179, Worlds Numberless and Strange
76 Kiplingverse 179, Worlds Numberless and Strange
77 Krayol 180, Worlds Numberless and Strange
78 Labyrinth 180, Worlds Numberless and Strange
79 Lost Lands 181, Worlds Numberless and Strange
80 Magician's Sanctum 181, Worlds Numberless and Strange
81 Mandala Zero 182, Worlds Numberless and Strange
82 Manifest Silicon 182, Worlds Numberless and Strange
83 Meintome 182, Worlds Numberless and Strange
84 Moonbase Tranquility 183, Worlds Numberless and Strange
85 Neverland-4 183, Worlds Numberless and Strange
86 New Kingdom 184, Worlds Numberless and Strange
87 Night's Edge 185, Worlds Numberless and Strange
88 Panopticon 185, Worlds Numberless and Strange
89 Paradiso 185, Worlds Numberless and Strange
90 Pellucidar 186, Worlds Numberless and Strange
91 Plague Kingdom 187, Worlds Numberless and Strange
92 Posthuman Apocalypse 187, Worlds Numberless and Strange
93 Qoph 188, Worlds Numberless and Strange
94 Ring 188, Worlds Numberless and Strange
95 Riverside 189, Worlds Numberless and Strange
96 R'lyeh 189, Worlds Numberless and Strange
97 Silverwood 190, Worlds Numberless and Strange
98 Strawberry Fayre 191, Worlds Numberless and Strange
99 Sunspot Meadows 191, Worlds Numberless and Strange
100 Sycorax Island 192, Worlds Numberless and Strange
101 Telluria 192, Worlds Numberless and Strange
102 Theater of War 193, Worlds Numberless and Strange
103 Urban Wizardry 193, Worlds Numberless and Strange
104 War of the Worlds 193, Worlds Numberless and Strange
105 Wrecked Starship 194, Worlds Numberless and Strange
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
1 Lesser Inkling The Strange The Strange 273, Core Book Angiophage Mad Science Ruk 258, Core Book Gnathostome Mad Science Ruk 269, Core Book Red Homunculus Magic Ardeyn 260, Core Book Dlamma Magic Ardeyn 266, Core Book Dragon Magic Ardeyn 267, Core Book
2 Spirit of Wrath Magic Ardeyn 292, Core Book Green Homunculus
Magic Ardeyn 259, Core Book Green One Mad Science Old Mars 271, Core Book Chaosphere Hierarch
The Strange The Strange 262, Core Book Giant Magic Ardeyn 268, Core Book Inkling Snatcher The Strange The Strange 273, Core Book
3 Cog Mite Mad Science/Psionics
Graveyard of the Machine
31, Strange
Cataclyst Roach Mad Science/ Magic
Cataclyst 260, Core Book Kro Courser Magic Crow Hollow 278, Core Book Demon of Lotan Magic Ardeyn 265, Core Book Golem Magic Ardeyn 270, Core Book Jabberwock Magic Wonderland 275, Core Book
4 Droneme Mad Science Any Mad Science45,
Strange Bestiary
Cypher Eater The Strange The Strange 263, Core Book Myriand VolunteerMad Science Ruk 281, Core Book Kray Drone Magic Ardeyn 276, Core Book Hydra Magic Ardeyn 272, Core Book Shoggoth Mad Science/Magic
Innsmouth 289, Core Book
5 Maggot Fiend Magic Hell Frozen Over 79, Strange Bestiary
Kray Scurrier Magic Ardeyn 276, Core Book Umber Judge Magic Ardeyn 285, Core Book Monitor Magic Ardeyn 280, Core Book Marroid Mad Science Ruk 279, Core Book Glass Dragon Magic Ardeyn 212, Worlds Numberless and Strange
6 Nuppeppo Magic/Mad Science
Any Magic/Mad Science
100, Strange
Qephilim Mercenary
Magic Ardeyn 284, Core Book Qinod Tester Mad Science Ruk 286, Core Book Nezerek The Strange The Strange 283, Core Book Myriand Veteran Mad Science Ruk 281, Core Book Vengeance-ClassMad
Chrysalid Ruk 20, Strange Bestiary
7 Prance Mad Science Cataclyst 108, Strange Bestiary
Thonic The Strange The Strange 294, Core Book Sark Magic Ruk 288, Core Book Sirrush Magic Ardeyn 290, Core Book Mist Star Magic Oceanmist 214, Worlds Numberless
and Strange
Magic/Psionics Any Magic/Psionics
Strange Bestiary
8 Umber Wolf Magic Ardeyn 295, Core Book Variokaryon Mad Science Ruk 297, Core Book Spore Worm Mad Science Ruk 293, Core Book Tetsu Magic Seishin Shore 216, Worlds Numberless
Cyber Sorcerer
and Strange
Magic & Mad Science
Any Magic & Mad35,
9 Venom Trooper Mad Science Ruk 300, Core Book Sclerid Patch The Strange The Strange 298, Core Book Utricle Mad Science Ruk 296, Core Book Barrage CrusaderMad Science/Magic
Cataclyst 19, Strange Bestiary
Cyclops Mad Science/Magic
Any Mad Science/Magic
36, Strange
10 Winged Monkey Magic Oz 301, Core Book Sere Spirit Magic Ardeyn 215, Worlds Numberless
Sclerid Executioner
and Strange
The Strange The Strange 299, Core Book Butcher Magic Hell Frozen Over 24, Strange Bestiary
Djinni The Strange/Magic
Any Magic Recursion/The
43, Strange
11 Zombie Sprayer Mad Science/Magic/Psionics
Zed America 217, Worlds Numberless
Magic/Psionics Any Magic/Psionics
Strange Bestiary
Chain Demon Magic Any Hellscape Recursion
211, Worlds Numberless
Challa Host
and Strange
Mad Science Ruk 28, Strange Bestiary
Ignitherm Mad Science Any Mad Science70,
Strange Bestiary
12 Zombie Sprinter Mad Science/Magic/Psionics
Zed America 217, Worlds Numberless
and Strange
CloudMad Science/Standard
Any Mad Science/Standard
27, Strange
Green Pod Standard/Exotic Any Standard/Exotic
Worlds Numberless
Chaos Templar
and Strange
The Strange The Strange 29, Strange Bestiary
Mad Titan Mad Science/Magic/Psionics
Any Mad Science/Magic/Psionics
78, Strange Bestiary
13 Bogeyman Magic Any Magic Recursion
23, Strange Bestiary
Data Sentinel Mad Science Singularitan 37, Strange Bestiary
Zombie Hulk Mad Science/Magic/Psionics
Zed America 218, Worlds Numberless
Chimeraand Strange
Mad Science/Magic
Any Mad Science/Magic
30, Strange
Mechadrone Magic/Mad Science
Cataclyst 82, Strange Bestiary
14 Callum Magic Ardeyn 25, Strange Bestiary
Deep One Mad Science/Magic/Psionics
Innsmouth 39, Strange Bestiary
Aganar Magic Ardeyn 16, Strange Bestiary
Dlamma Rider Magic Ardeyn 44, Strange Bestiary
Mechanomancer Mad Science Any Mad Science83,
Strange Bestiary
15 Deinonychus Standard/Substandard/Mad
Any Standard/Substandard/Mad
40, Strange Bestiary
Recursion Mad Science Ruk 42, Strange Bestiary
Aviator Magic Any Magic Recursion
18, Strange Bestiary
Thorn Elemental Magic Any Magic Recursion
49, Strange Bestiary
Necuratu Magic/Psionics Gloaming 93, Strange Bestiary
16 Enenera Magic Recursions Seeded
Fire Elemental Magic Any Magic Recursion
48, Strange Bestiary
Capricious Caterpiller
Magic Wonderland 26, Strange Bestiary
Fallen Star Magic Ardeyn 53, Strange Bestiary
Rak Magic Oz 112, Strange Bestiary
17 Faerie Magic Any Magic Recursion
52, Strange Bestiary
Ghost Magic/Psionics Any Magic/Psionics
Strange Bestiary
CRAZR Mad Science Graveyard of the Machine
33, Strange
Gamma Spiker Magic/Mad Science
Cataclyst 59, Strange Bestiary
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Any Standard/Substandard/Mad
130, Strange Bestiary
Science Recursion
18 Flathead Magic Oz 54, Strange Bestiary
Grey Mad Science/Psionics
Any Mad Science/Psionics
64, Strange
Crucible Mad Science/Psionics
Any Mad Science/Psionics
34, Strange
Gnock Magic Ardeyn 62, Strange Bestiary
19 Frenetic Hob Magic/Mad Science
Any Magic/Mad Science
56, Strange
Griffin Magic Any Magic Recursion
65, Strange Bestiary
Deathless Charger
Magic Ardeyn 38, Strange Bestiary
Imposter Mad Science Singularitan 71, Strange Bestiary
20 Fusion Hound Magic/Mad Science
Cataclyst 58, Strange Bestiary
Grotesque Magic Hell Frozen Over 67, Strange Bestiary
Dynod Psionics/The Strange
The Strange/Any 46,
Iron Bull Magic Ardeyn 72, Strange Bestiary
21 Mirror Gaunt Magic/Psionics Any Magic/Psionics
Strange Bestiary
Hollow Knight Magic Any Magic Recursion
68, Strange Bestiary
Earth Elemental Magic Any Magic Recursion
48, Strange Bestiary
Nakarand Avatar The Strange The Strange 91, Strange Bestiary
22 Mokuren Psionics Atom Nocturne 86, Strange Bestiary
Killer Robot Mad Science/Standard
Any Mad Science/Standard
74, Strange
Fungalar Mad Science Ruk 57, Strange Bestiary
Ngeshtin Magic Ardeyn 95, Strange Bestiary
23 Nightgaunt Magic/Mad Science
Innsmouth 96, Strange Bestiary
Kro Goon Mad Science/Magic
Kro Hollow 76, Strange Bestiary
Glitch The Strange The Strange 61, Strange Bestiary
Night Worm Magic Ardeyn 98, Strange Bestiary
24 Orc Magic Any Magic Recursion
103, Strange Bestiary
Mad Creation Mad Science Any Mad Science77,
Strange Bestiary
Gorgon Magic Any Magic Recursion
63, Strange Bestiary
Reanimated Mad Science Any Mad Science113,
Strange Bestiary
25 Polymous Mad Science Ruk 106, Strange Bestiary
Murder Magic/Mad Science
Crow Hollow 88, Strange Bestiary
Grim Tailor Magic Middlecap 66, Strange Bestiary
Regoid Mad Science Any Mad Science116,
Strange Bestiary
26 Sapient Tree Magic Oz 117, Strange Bestiary
Nalusa Falaya Magic Thunder Plains 92, Strange Bestiary
ID Thief Psionics/Mad Science
Any Psionics/Mad69,
Smotherer DemonMagic Any Magic Recursion
124, Strange Bestiary
27 Scormel Magic Ardeyn 118, Strange Bestiary
Night Spider Magic Ardeyn 97, Strange Bestiary
Killing White LightMad Science/Standard
Any Mad Science/Standard
75, Strange
Spliced Mad Science Any Mad Science127,
Strange Bestiary
28 Scrap Drone Mad Science/Standard
Any Mad Science/Standard
119, Strange
Octopus Sapien Mad Science/Psionics/Standard
Any Mad Science/Psionics/Standard
101, Strange Bestiary
Recursion Mad Science/TheThe
Strange/Any 84,
Vampire Magic Any Magic Recursion
131, Strange Bestiary
29 Serpent Person Mad Science/Magic
Any Mad Science/Magic
120, Strange
Ogre Magic Any Magic Recursion
102, Strange Bestiary
Mysterion Mad Science/Magic
Any Mad Science/Magic
89, Strange
Voot Magic/Mad Science
Cataclyst 138, Strange Bestiary
30 Skeleton Magic Any Magic Recursion
123, Strange Bestiary
Phantasmic Parasite
Magic/Psionics Any Magic/Psionics
Strange Bestiary
Pterodactyl Standard/Substandard/Mad
Any Standard/Substandard/Mad
110, Strange Bestiary
WarbotRecursion Mad Science Graveyard of the Machine
139, Strange
God Bestiary
31 Spine Tingler Mad Science Any Mad Science126,
Strange Bestiary
Phoenix Magic Ardeyn 105, Strange Bestiary
Recursion Stain Anywhere Anywhere 115, Strange Bestiary
White Ape Magic/Mad Science
Any Magic/Mad Science
142, Strange
32 Transitional Vampire
Magic Any Magic Recursion
132, Strange Bestiary
Psychic RemnantPsionics Any Psionics Recursion
109, Strange Bestiary
Shadow Caster Magic Gloaming 121, Strange Bestiary
Crowned Shambler
Magic/Psionics Any Magic/Psionics
Strange Bestiary
33 Vat Reject Mad Science Ruk 133, Strange Bestiary
Recursion HoundThe Strange The Strange 114, Strange Bestiary
Soul Eater Magic/Psionics Any Magic/Psionics
Strange Bestiary
34 Viroid Mad Science Singularitan 137, Strange Bestiary
Sinistyr Magic Crow Hollow 122, Strange Bestiary
Taranid Magic/Mad Science
Any Magic/Mad Science
129, Strange
35 Zombie Magic/Mad Science/Psionics
Any Magic/Mad Science/Psionics
145, Strange Bestiary
Tagweh Magic Thunder Plains 128, Strange Bestiary
Venopus Psionics/The Strange
The Strange/Any 134,
36 Werewolf Magic/Mad Science
Any Magic/Mad Science
141, Strange
Veridial Magic Ardeyn 135, Strange Bestiary
37 Zombie Reacher Mad Science/Magic/Psionics
Any Mad Science/Magic/Psionics
146, Strange Bestiary
Vertebroid Mad Science Ruk 136, Strange Bestiary
38 Wendigo Magic Thunder Plains 140, Strange Bestiary
39 Witch Magic Magic 143, Strange Bestiary
40 Wrath Lord Magic Ardeyn 144, Strange Bestiary
41 Zombie Night Stormer
Mad Science/Magic/Psionics
Any Mad Science/Magic/Psionics
146, Strange Bestiary
1 Complete Failure: The characters do not translate.
2 Complete Failure: The characters do not translate.
3 Complete Failure: The characters do not translate.
4 Complete Failure: The characters do not translate.
5 Complete Failure: The characters do not translate.
6 Complete Failure: The characters do not translate.
7 Complete Failure: The characters do not translate.
8 Complete Failure: The characters do not translate.
9 Complete Failure: The characters do not translate.
10 Complete Failure: The characters do not translate.
11 Complete Failure: The characters do not translate.
12 Complete Failure: The characters do not translate.
13 Complete Failure: The characters do not translate.
14 Complete Failure: The characters do not translate.
15 Complete Failure: The characters do not translate.
16 Complete Failure: The characters do not translate.
17 Complete Failure: The characters do not translate.
18 Complete Failure: The characters do not translate.
19 Complete Failure: The characters do not translate.
20 Complete Failure: The characters do not translate.
21 Altered Destination: The characters translate to a location they did not plan on, chosen by the GM. This might be a location they have no knowledge of.
22 Altered Destination: The characters translate to a location they did not plan on, chosen by the GM. This might be a location they have no knowledge of.
23 Altered Destination: The characters translate to a location they did not plan on, chosen by the GM. This might be a location they have no knowledge of.
24 Altered Destination: The characters translate to a location they did not plan on, chosen by the GM. This might be a location they have no knowledge of.
25 Altered Destination: The characters translate to a location they did not plan on, chosen by the GM. This might be a location they have no knowledge of.
26 Altered Destination: The characters translate to a location they did not plan on, chosen by the GM. This might be a location they have no knowledge of.
27 Altered Destination: The characters translate to a location they did not plan on, chosen by the GM. This might be a location they have no knowledge of.
28 Altered Destination: The characters translate to a location they did not plan on, chosen by the GM. This might be a location they have no knowledge of.
29 Altered Destination: The characters translate to a location they did not plan on, chosen by the GM. This might be a location they have no knowledge of.
30 Altered Destination: The characters translate to a location they did not plan on, chosen by the GM. This might be a location they have no knowledge of.
31 Altered Destination: The characters translate to a location they did not plan on, chosen by the GM. This might be a location they have no knowledge of.
32 Altered Destination: The characters translate to a location they did not plan on, chosen by the GM. This might be a location they have no knowledge of.
33 Altered Destination: The characters translate to a location they did not plan on, chosen by the GM. This might be a location they have no knowledge of.
34 Altered Destination: The characters translate to a location they did not plan on, chosen by the GM. This might be a location they have no knowledge of.
35 Altered Destination: The characters translate to a location they did not plan on, chosen by the GM. This might be a location they have no knowledge of.
36 Altered Destination: The characters translate to a location they did not plan on, chosen by the GM. This might be a location they have no knowledge of.
37 Altered Destination: The characters translate to a location they did not plan on, chosen by the GM. This might be a location they have no knowledge of.
38 Altered Destination: The characters translate to a location they did not plan on, chosen by the GM. This might be a location they have no knowledge of.
39 Altered Destination: The characters translate to a location they did not plan on, chosen by the GM. This might be a location they have no knowledge of.
40 Altered Destination: The characters translate to a location they did not plan on, chosen by the GM. This might be a location they have no knowledge of.
41 Taxing: Acclimation time is doubled.
42 Taxing: Acclimation time is doubled.
43 Taxing: Acclimation time is doubled.
44 Taxing: Acclimation time is doubled.
45 Taxing: Acclimation time is doubled.
46 Blurred Senses: The difficulty of all perception-related tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
47 Blurred Senses: The difficulty of all perception-related tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
48 Blurred Senses: The difficulty of all perception-related tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
49 Blurred Senses: The difficulty of all perception-related tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
50 Blurred Senses: The difficulty of all perception-related tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
51 Slowed Reactions: The difficulty of all Speed-based tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
52 Slowed Reactions: The difficulty of all Speed-based tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
53 Slowed Reactions: The difficulty of all Speed-based tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
54 Slowed Reactions: The difficulty of all Speed-based tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
55 Slowed Reactions: The difficulty of all Speed-based tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
56 Weak: The difficulty of all Might-related tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
57 Weak: The difficulty of all Might-related tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
58 Weak: The difficulty of all Might-related tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
59 Weak: The difficulty of all Might-related tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
60 Weak: The difficulty of all Might-related tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
61 Confused: The difficulty of all Intellect-related tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
62 Confused: The difficulty of all Intellect-related tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
63 Confused: The difficulty of all Intellect-related tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
64 Confused: The difficulty of all Intellect-related tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
65 Confused: The difficulty of all Intellect-related tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
66 Somewhat out of Sync: The difficulty of all tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
67 Somewhat out of Sync: The difficulty of all tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
68 Somewhat out of Sync: The difficulty of all tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
69 Somewhat out of Sync: The difficulty of all tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
70 Somewhat out of Sync: The difficulty of all tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by one step for one hour after acclimation.
71 Entirely out of Sync: The difficulty of all tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by two steps for one hour after acclimation.
72 Entirely out of Sync: The difficulty of all tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by two steps for one hour after acclimation.
73 Entirely out of Sync: The difficulty of all tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by two steps for one hour after acclimation.
74 Entirely out of Sync: The difficulty of all tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by two steps for one hour after acclimation.
75 Entirely out of Sync: The difficulty of all tasks attempted by translating characters is increased by two steps for one hour after acclimation.
76 Memory Failure: Translating characters lose all memory of anything that happens one hour after arrival. They wake up after that hour and have no idea what happened.
77 Memory Failure: Translating characters lose all memory of anything that happens one hour after arrival. They wake up after that hour and have no idea what happened.
78 Memory Failure: Translating characters lose all memory of anything that happens one hour after arrival. They wake up after that hour and have no idea what happened.
79 Memory Failure: Translating characters lose all memory of anything that happens one hour after arrival. They wake up after that hour and have no idea what happened.
80 Memory Failure: Translating characters lose all memory of anything that happens one hour after arrival. They wake up after that hour and have no idea what happened.
81 Adaptation Failure: The difficulty of all tasks related to translating characters new foci is increased by one step for the duration of their stay in the new recursion.
82 Adaptation Failure: The difficulty of all tasks related to translating characters new foci is increased by one step for the duration of their stay in the new recursion.
83 Adaptation Failure: The difficulty of all tasks related to translating characters new foci is increased by one step for the duration of their stay in the new recursion.
84 Adaptation Failure: The difficulty of all tasks related to translating characters new foci is increased by one step for the duration of their stay in the new recursion.
85 Adaptation Failure: The difficulty of all tasks related to translating characters new foci is increased by one step for the duration of their stay in the new recursion.
86 Greatly Altered Destination: The characters translate to an entirely different recursion than the one they had intended. The location and the situation occurring there is always dangerousfilled with enemies, in an environment hostile to character health, and so on.
87 Greatly Altered Destination: The characters translate to an entirely different recursion than the one they had intended. The location and the situation occurring there is always dangerousfilled with enemies, in an environment hostile to character health, and so on.
88 Greatly Altered Destination: The characters translate to an entirely different recursion than the one they had intended. The location and the situation occurring there is always dangerousfilled with enemies, in an environment hostile to character health, and so on.
89 Greatly Altered Destination: The characters translate to an entirely different recursion than the one they had intended. The location and the situation occurring there is always dangerousfilled with enemies, in an environment hostile to character health, and so on.
90 Greatly Altered Destination: The characters translate to an entirely different recursion than the one they had intended. The location and the situation occurring there is always dangerousfilled with enemies, in an environment hostile to character health, and so on.
91 Interrupted Translation: The characters translate to an entirely different recursion than the one they had intended.
92 Interrupted Translation: The characters translate to an entirely different recursion than the one they had intended.
93 Interrupted Translation: The characters translate to an entirely different recursion than the one they had intended.
94 Interrupted Translation: The characters translate to an entirely different recursion than the one they had intended.
95 Interrupted Translation: The characters translate to an entirely different recursion than the one they had intended.
96 Interrupted Translation: The characters translate to an entirely different recursion than the one they had intended.
97 Interrupted Translation: The characters translate to an entirely different recursion than the one they had intended.
98 Interrupted Translation: The characters translate to an entirely different recursion than the one they had intended.
99 Catastrophic Failure: Roll twice on this table and take both results.
100 Catastrophic Failure: Roll twice on this table and take both results.

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