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An Interpretation of Michelangelo's

Creation of Adam
Based on Neuroanatomy
Frank Lynn Meshberger, MD

And God said, Let us make man in our THE BRILLIANT Italian Renaissance The sculpture and painting of Michel
image, after our likeness. . . . artist Michelangelo Buonarroti painted angelo reflect the great knowledge of
So God created man in his own image, magnificent frescoes on the ceiling of anatomy that he acquired by perform
in the image of God created He him.
the Vatican's Sistine Chapel, laboring ing dissections of the human body. His

. .
from 1508 to 1512. Commissioned by experience in dissection is documented
And the Lord God formed man of the Pope Julius II, Michelangelo performed in Lives of the Artists, written by his
dust of the ground, and breathed into this work himself without assistance. contemporary, Georgio Vasari.2 Vasari
his nostrils the breath of life; and man Scholars debate whether he had any says, "For the church of Santo Spirito in
became a living soul. guidance from the Church in the selec Florence Michelangelo made a crucifix
tion ofthe scenes, and what meaning the of wood which was placed above the
And the Lord God planted a garden lunette of the high altar, where it still is.
scenes were to convey. In the fresco
eastward in Eden, and there he put the He made this to please the prior, who
man whom he had formed. traditionally called the Creation of
Adam, but which might be more aptly placed rooms at his disposal where Mi
And out of the ground made the Lord titled the Endowment of Adam, I be chelangelo very often used to flay dead
God to grow every tree that is pleasant to lieve that Michelangelo encoded a spe bodies in order to discover the secrets of
the sight, and good forfood; the tree of cial message. It is a message consistent anatomy. ..."
life also in the midst of the garden, and with thoughts he expressed in his son The Creation of Adam fresco shows
the tree ofknowledge ofgood and evil. nets. Supreme in sculpture and paint Adam and God reaching toward one an
Now the serpent was more subtil than ing, he understood that his skill was in other, arms outstretched, fingers al
his brain and not in his hands. He be most touching. One can imagine the
any beast ofthe field which the Lord God lieved that the "divine part" we "re spark of life jumping from God to Adam
had made. And he said unto the woman, ceive" from God is the "intellect." In the across that synapse between their fin
Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of following sonnet, Michelangelo explains gertips. However, Adam is already
every tree of the garden? And the wom- how he creates sculpture and painting alive, his eyes are open, and he is com
an said unto the serpent, We may eat of
the fruit of the trees of the garden: But
and how, I believe, God himself gave pletely formed; but it is the intent of the
the fruit of the tree which is in the midst
man the gift of intellect1: picture that Adam is to "receive" some
of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall After the divine part has well thing from God. I believe there is a third
conceived "main character" in the fresco that has
not eat ofit, neither shall ye touch it, lest not previously been recognized. I would
Man's face and gesture, soon both
ye die. And the serpent said unto the mind and hand, like to show this by looking at four trac
woman, Ye shall not surely die: For With a cheap model, first, at their ings, Figs 1 through 4, and by reviewing
God doth know that in the day ye eat command, gross neuroanatomy, using works by
thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, Give life to stone, but this is not Frank Netter, MD, illustrator of The
and ye shall be as gods, knowing good achieved CIBA Collection of Medical Illustra
and evil. By skill. In painting, too, this is
Book of Genesis perceived: tions, Volume IThe Nervous System.
Examine Figs 1 and 2 to see if there is
King James Version Only after the intellect has planned
The best and highest, can the ready any similarity between them. Examine
From St John's Medical Center, Anderson, Ind.
hand Figs 3 and 4 and decide if these figures
Take up the brush and try all things are similar or dissimilar. Take enough
Reprint requests to 2101 Jackson St, Anderson, IN
46014(Dr Meshberger) received. time inspecting the figures so that your

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Figure 1. Figure 2.

Figure 3. Figure 4.

Figure 5. Figure 6.

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Figure 7. Figure 8.

Figure 9. Figrelo.

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Figure 11.

Figure 12. Figure 13.

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mind may form its own image of them. bral pedicles. The basilar artery, around the articular process and then
Proceeding to the neuroanatomy, Fig formed by the junction of the two verte makes contact with and proceeds along
5 shows a saggital section of the skull; bral arteries, extends from the inferior the inferior surface of the pons. The
the brain, which lies in the cranium, to the superior border of the pons. Fig back of the angel extending laterally
takes its shape from it. Study the pic ure 10 shows the vertebral artery run below God represents the pons, and the
ture to gain an overall impression of the ning cranial-ward through the foramen angel's hip and leg represent the spinal
shape of the cranium. Figure 6 shows in the transverse processes of the cervi cord. The pituitary stalk and gland are
the left lateral aspect of the brain and cal vertebrae to the inferior surface of depicted by the leg and foot of the angel
illustrates the sulci and gyri that are the skull. The vertebral artery bends that extends below the base of the pic
present in the hemispheres. The fissure abruptly around the articular process of ture. Note that the feet of both God and
of Silvius, or lateral cerebral fissure, the atlas and makes another abrupt Adam have five toes; however, the an
separates the frontal lobe from the tem bend to enter the cranial cavity through gel's leg that represents the pituitary
poral lobe. Figure 1 is a tracing of this the foramen magnum, where it j oins the stalk and gland has a bifid foot. This
illustration. Figure 7 depicts the medial other vertebral artery to form the basi same angel's right leg is flexed at the hip
aspect of the right hemisphere; Fig 8 is a lar artery. and knee; the thigh represents the optic
tracing of the brain and spinal cord por Having studied these images of neu- nerve, the knee the transected optic chi
tion of this illustration. The sulcus cin- roanatomy, proceed to Michelangelo's asm, and the leg the optic tract.
guli separates the gyrus cinguli from the Creation of Adam (Fig 11) and look at The important point, however, is not
superior frontal gyrus and paracentral the image that surrounds God and the to identify minute neuroanatomic struc
gyrus. The parietal lobe is divided into angels. tures in the fresco, but to see that the
the cuneus and lingular gyrus. The pitu This image has the shape of a brain. larger image encompassing God is com
itary gland is seen lying in the pituitary Figure 12 shows that Fig 2 is obtained patible with a brain. Michelangelo por
fossa; the fact that the pituitary is bi- by tracing the outer shell and the sulcus. trays that what God is giving to Adam is
lobed can be seen grossly. The pons, the Figure 13 shows that Fig 4 is a tracing of the intellect, and thus man is able to
bulbous upward extension of the spinal the outer shell and of major lines in the "plan the best and highest" and to "try
cord, is noted. Immediately in front of fresco of God and the angels. Therefore, all things received."
the pituitary gland is the cross section of Figs 1 and 3 are tracings of neuroana-
the optic chiasm. Figure 3 is derived tomy drawn by Frank Netter, and Figs The drawings by Frank Netter, MD (Figs 5,6, 7,
from Fig 8 by removing both the cere 2 and 4 are tracings from the Creation of 9, and 10), were reproduced from The CIBA Collec
tion of Medical Illustrations, Volume 1The Ner
bellum and the midbrain structures in Adam by Michelangelo. vous System, Part I, copyright 1986, with the per
ferior to the gyrus cinguli and rotating The sulcus cinguli extends along the mission of CIBA Pharmaceutical Company.
the spinal cord posteriorly from the hip of the angel in front of God, across References
standard anatomic position. God's shoulders, and down God's left
1. Tusianai J. The Complete Poems ofMichelange-
Figure 9 is the inferior surface of the arm, extending over Eve's forehead. lo. New York, NY: Noonday Press; 1960:146-147.
brain. From the optic chiasm, the optic The flowing green robe at the base rep 2. Vasari G; Bull G, trans. Lives of the Artists.
nerves extend rostrally, and the optic resents the vertebral artery in its up Middlesex, England: Penguin Classics; 1965:332\x=req-\
tracts pass backward across the cere- ward course as it twists and turns 333.

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