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Abilities Mouse Guard

Raw Abilities Rating Advancement Special Abilities Rating Advancement

P:mmmmmm P:mmmmmmmmm
Mouse Nature F: mmmmm
Resources F: mmmmmmmmm Basic Dice Rules
P:mmmmm P:mmmmmmmmm When testing, roll the number of dice
Will Circles
F: mmmm F: mmmmmmmmm listed with your ability or skill.
P:mmmmm Independent Tests: The player must roll 4s or
Health F: mmmm better (successes) equal to the obstacle.

Versus Tests: The player must generate more
successes than his opponent.
Skill Rating Advancement Skill Rating Advancement I Am Wise: The player may add +1D by
incorporating one of their related Wises.
P:mmmmm P:mmmmm
Fighter F: mmmm Orator F: mmmm Teamwork: Help from another player adds +1D

P:mmmmm Nature Rules
F: mmmm F: mmmm
Mouse Nature can be used for escaping,
P:mmmmm P:mmmmm
Hunter F: mmmm
Persuader F: mmmm
climbing, hiding, and foraging.
Acting with your Nature: Use Nature in place
P:mmmmm P:mmmmm of any relevant skill.
Instructor F: mmmm F: mmmm
Acting against Nature: Use Nature in place of
P:mmmmm P:mmmmm
Pathfinder F: mmmm F: mmmm
any ability or skill, if test is failed, Nature is taxed
by the margin of failure.
P:mmmmm P:mmmmm
Scout F: mmmm F: mmmm Tapping Nature: You may spend a persona point
to add your Nature rank to any roll aside from
P:mmmmm P:mmmmm
Survivalist F: mmmm F: mmmm
Resources and Circles. If outside of your Nature,
the ability is automatically taxed by 1. If the roll
P:mmmmm P:mmmmm is failed, Nature is taxed by margin of failure.
Weather Watcher F: mmmm F: mmmm

P:mmmmm P:mmmmm
Advancement Rules
F: mmmm F: mmmm P= Pass; successful tests. F= Fail; failed tests.
P:mmmmm P:mmmmm Advancement requires: Passed tests equal to the
F: mmmm F: mmmm skill rank and Failed tests equal to one less than
P:mmmmm P:mmmmm
the rank.
F: mmmm F: mmmm
Learning a new skill requires: tests equal to
P:mmmmm P:mmmmm Nature rank.
F: mmmm F: mmmm
Using Traits and Checks
Conditions Traits Earning Checks by Using Traits
Trait Name Trait Level Used For Used Against Against Yourself
Hungry/Thirsty 1:m 2:m 3:m m mmmmmm 1: -1D to any test earns one check for the Players
-1 to disposition to any conflict. Turn.
Angry (Ob 2 Will) 1:m 2:m 3:m m mmmmmm 2: +2D to opponents versus test earns two
-1 to disposition for any conflict checks for the Players Turn.
that uses Will as its base. 1:m 2:m 3:m m mmmmmm 2: Breaking versus test tie in opponents favor
earns two checks for the Platers Turn.
Tired (Ob 3 Health) 1:m 2:m 3:m m mmmmmm
-1 to disposition to any conflict.
1:m 2:m 3:m m mmmmmm Spending Checks in the Players Turn
Injured (Ob 4 Health) 1: One test during Players Turn costs one check.
-1D to skills, Nature, Will and Trait Benefits: Level 1: +1D per session; Level 2: +1D per 2: Recovery during GMs Turn costs two checks.
Health (but not recovery). appropriate roll; Level 3: Reroll failed dice once per session. 3: Elevate trait for remainder of session costs three.
Sick (Ob 4 Will) 2010 Luke Crane and David Petersen. All Rights Reserved.
2/4:It costs two checks to recharge a used level 1
-1D to skills, Nature, Will and Sheet design by Ben Morgan. trait, four checks for level 2.
Health (but not recovery).
Name: Parents:
Relationship Rules
Age: Senior Artisan: Parents: If in your home city, your parents will help
you recover from being hungry, thirsty or tired. They
can also provide supplies or tools where appropriate.
Home: Mentor: Senior: When in Lockhaven, your senior will provide
help and supplies as appropriate to his trade.
Fur Color: Friend: Mentor: If available, Mentors will help only in
times of great danger. They will never do your duty
Guard Rank: Enemy: for you.

Friend: If available, a friend will help with tests in

Cloak Color: which hes skilled.
Enemy: Your enemy will hinder you at every
Belief opportunity.

Rewards Playing a
Belief earns Conflict Goal
Fate a Fate Point

One point alllows you to reroll Goal

any axes ( ) as new dice Accomplishing
a Goal earns a
Persona Point
Conflict Actions
Add one die per point
Instinct Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Playing an
spent or tap Nature Instinct earns m Attack m Attack m Attack
a Fate Point
m Defend m Defend m Defend
m Feint m Feint m Feint
m Maneuver m Maneuver m Maneuver

Starting Current

Draw your mouse.

Gear and Possessions
Gear is limited to what you can carry (as depicted by you on the sketch above). Successes
Possessions are kept in Lockhaven or another location.
Snakes Swords Axe

2010 Luke Crane and David Petersen. All Rights Reserved. Sheet design by Ben Morgan.
Mouse Guard gm sheet
Player Name: Character Name: Missed Session/Prologue:
Parents: Home: Specialty:
Senior Artisan: Mentor: Friend: Enemy:

Player Name: Character Name: Missed Session/Prologue:

Parents: Home: Specialty:
Senior Artisan: Mentor: Friend: Enemy:

Player Name: Character Name: Missed Session/Prologue:

Parents: Home: Specialty:
Senior Artisan: Mentor: Friend: Enemy:

Player Name: Character Name: Missed Session/Prologue:

Parents: Home: Specialty:
Senior Artisan: Mentor: Friend: Enemy:

Player Name: Character Name: Missed Session/Prologue:

Parents: Home: Specialty:
Senior Artisan: Mentor: Friend: Enemy:
2010 Luke Crane and David Petersen. All Rights Reserved. Sheet design by Ben Morgan.
Mission Major Compromise GMs Turn Players may not earn checks on their
Winner lost more than half Disposition. The GM assigns a mission (p66): turn.
Choose obstacles (start with two of four): Use Twists to create cliffhangers.
Lower gets most of their Goal. Via Gwendolyn.
Use checks to (one check per action):
Or loser introduces a Major Twist. Via a message from Lockhaven.
Weather: Or winner is Sick and Tired. Organically from events of last
Recover conditions.
mission. Buy gear with Resources.
Or winner is Sick or Injured, plus other
Wilderness: terms. Find Contacts with Circles.
Players write Goals:
Test Skills to gain future bonuses.
Or winner picks two: Sick, Angry, or Goals should be different. GM notes
Animals: Injured. goals. Start Conflicts (fights, chases,
Mice: Or if a fight, loser is alive but suffers Describe first obstacle:
all conditions and must reduce Circles
and Resources by 1.
Suggest tests to overcome first obstacle. Rewards
PCs may not recover conditions without
Compromise in spending two checks.
Issue rewards based on the following
Tying criteria (p77):
Conflicts Both sides Disposition is reduced to 0. If the PCs fail: Play Belief, Instinct, or Goal = 1 Fate.
The rules for Compromise are described Both sides get their Goals. They succeed, but with a condition. Accomplish Goal = 1 Persona.
on page 115. Or add a twist with a new obstacle. Break Belief = 1 Persona.

Minor Compromise Session Procedure Use Twists to: MVP, Workhorse = 1 Persona.
Challenge Beliefs. Embodiment = 1 Persona.
Winner lost less than half their Declare Weather
Disposition. Consult the weather by season in the
Threaten Goals. Losing a Character
Trigger Instincts. Player loses character if they die, or if
Loser gets a small part of their Goal. Seasons chapter.
Play Goals against Beliefs. Nature hits 0 or 7 (pp78 and 235).
Or winner is Tired or Angry.
Or if a fight, loser dies but gets one
Note New Beliefs, Instincts Play Beliefs against Beliefs. Player makes a new character.
PCs update Beliefs (p29, 42), Instincts Play Goals against Goals. Player gives new character old Fate &
last act.
(p30, 47). Involve Contacts as obstacles. Persona points.
Or if a group fight, one or two of the Player may give unspent checks to
Use Enemies as allies.
losers die, the rest are Injured. Prologue other PCs.
Threaten Parents, Friends, and other
One player gives the prologue (p56).
Compromise His character recovers:
Contacts. Or player takes over as GM.
Winner lost about half their Disposition. If the PCs succeed: Successes
Hungry, and one of either Thirsty, Dice:

Loser gets nothing but winner gets Angry, or Tired. Move on to the next obstacle.
half their Goal. Or 1 point of taxed Nature.
Or loser gets half their Goal. Different PC gives the prologue each time.
Players Turn
Note what details the player remembered. Players have one check each plus any Snakes Swords Axe
Or loser introduces a Minor Twist. checks earned in GMs Turn
Or winner is Thirsty and Angry.
Missing a Session (pp259-261).

6 4 5 7
Or winner is Injured.
The player describes where their PCs may not spend spring summer fall winter
Or winner is Tired, Thirsty or Angry character was (p78). Then he may two checks in a row.
plus other terms. (in this order): PCs may pass
Or if a fight, loser begs for mercy. Recover Hungry and one of either checks to other PCs.
Or if a fight, lower dies but gets a Thirsty, ANgry, or Tired.
Allies helping
major Compromise. Or gain 1 point of taxed Nature players does not
Or if a group fight, one winner dies, Or gain 1 test (pass or fail) for cost a check. mmm mmmm mm mmmmm
the rest are Injured. advancement.

Conflict Goal
Conflict Actions Starting Current
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3 A D F M
m Attack m Attack m Attack A I V I V

m Defend m Defend m Defend D V I V

m Feint m Feint m Feint F I V I

m Maneuver m Maneuver m Maneuver M V V I I

2010 Luke Crane and David Petersen. All Rights Reserved. Sheet design by Ben Morgan.

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