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The way the people are will be the way their leader is!

This time, is the time when we are already throwing away our mistakes at other people, whoever
they are. We hate and curse injustice but we are unjust to ourselves and others. We do not like lies
but there are no liars like us. Everytime we only blame the other, be it theft, bribery, intervention.
etc.But did we ever stop to think, what if we were the ones in that status of the other?! That means
that, a human is someone that before he blames the other, he knows himself first. When a human
knows himself, he also knows the Greatest, the most merciful.

The Human, a just worker, a revolting person, or how Paulo Coelho puts all this qualities: The
soldier of light without doubt has to first learn loneliness, for loneliness teaches him the harmony.
Duhettmsohet me zemrimin, sepsezemrimiiamsonvlern e paqes. He has to learn to listen to
silence, so he understands the responsibility of words. He has to learn tiredness, so he knows rest.
He has to learn illness, so he becomes familiar with the blessing of health. Last but not least he has
to learn death, so that the importance of life floats to the surface.

Imam Husein, the eyes of the messenger of Allah, a soldier of light, told us all how he could
revolutionize against injustice, even though he was aware that he would become a martyr for Allah,
but, the most important thing is that he taught humanity the revolution. The Imam, taught humanity
that his proof, was bigger than a battle between the two sides, he taught us value, love, proof, word,
revolution. While today, every place that holds the fragrance of Islam, remembers the 10 th of
Muharem as the day of the revolution against injustice. The Imam didnt lose the war, instead he got
success that still continues to this day, success that became an example for all the righteous believers.

The Sheikh, in the Mosque, in one of his lectures, which had to do with the commentary of
Mesnevi-Sherif, said that Tasawwuf (Sufism) shows on the surface, every single time when the
Islamic world is in the greatest Isolation. You should remember Imam Gazali In all honesty,
when we really look at it, Tasawwuf continues its tradition, the transfer of the past values in the
everyday life of the believers. Tasawwuf teaches man the revolution against his own nafs, against his
self, so he can understand himself.

The Revolution begins from yourself!


Ejmen A.Ismaili

Skopje, 10 Muharrem 1438.

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