Curriculum Paper

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Julia Landon College Preparatory and Leadership

Development School
Curriculum Paper

Course Title: English Language Arts 3, Advanced and Gifted

Teacher: Ms. Platock; or 346-5650 ext.158

Mission Statement: Our Mission at the Julia Landon College Preparatory and
Leadership Development School is to create college bound students with a deep
appreciation and commitment to public service and a true understanding of their
leadership skills within the global community.

Course Overview: Throughout the year we will be enhancing and developing

critical reading and writing skills that are vital to our students. I will utilize a variety of
texts and assist my students in constructing meaning and interpreting information. In
addition, we will also focus on using the writing process to effectively communicate
ideas through a variety of media. We will explore the nature and power of language that
shapes reactions, perceptions, and beliefs through a variety of units and novel studies.

Tentative Course Outline:

Quarter 1: Unit1—Setting the Stage
Unit 2—Fitting In
Unit 3—Unexpected Consequences
Quarter 2: Unit 4—Finding Courage
Unit 5—Dreams and Ambition
Unit 6—Things of Value
Quarter 3: Unit 7—Risks and Rewards
Unit 8—Taking a Stand
Unit 9—The Blue Print
Quarter 4: Unit 10—Reflections
Unit 11—The Compass
Unit 12—Search and Explore

Required daily homework:

Monday—30 minutes of personal reading time and a journal entry focusing on predicting
(see journaling rubric)
Tuesday—Tween (read 3 articles & write a summary for each article), 30
minutes of personal reading time, and a journal entry focusing on making connections
Wednesday—30 minutes of personal reading time, and a journal entry focusing on
Thursday—30 minutes of Free, print out final screen or save link and email it
to me at, 30 minutes of personal reading time, and a journal
entry focusing on mood and tone.
Saturday—30 minutes of personal reading time (documented on log)
Sunday—30 minutes of personal reading time ( documented on log)

Additional assignments will be assigned throughout the week as we move through the
pacing guide. All assignments will be posted on the board and discussed during the mini
lesson, work period, or closing lesson each day. You are responsible for writing your
assignments in your agenda/planner and knowing the due date for each assignment. I
will do my best to update my blog each Monday but technology does not always
cooperate. Always rely on your notes in your planner to keep you informed.

You will also be required to complete one book talk presentation each quarter on the
independent reading book of your choice.

Student Evaluation: A variety of assessments will be utilized to evaluate each

child’s mastery of the standards. Including, but not limited to, class work, homework,
projects, book talks, mini assessments, FCAT practice material, grammar exercises,
common assignments, quarterly exams, journal writings, FCAT Explorer, Compass
Odyssey, and class participation. I assure you I will do my best to cue into each child’s
individual strengths to measure the mastery of each standard. If you feel that there is
anything I should know about your child that will assist me in creating a deeper
understanding of the specific needs of your child please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Educational Materials: McDougal Littell Literature, Holt Elements of

Language, Interactive Reader and Writer Workbooks, Strategic Reading Workbook, and
Critical Analysis, Florida Times Union, various periodicals, a variety of short stories,
novels, FCAT Explorer, and Compass Odyssey.

Homework/Late Work Policy: Late work will result in a reduction of points.

Each late assignment will be graded on a sliding scale and will not meet the requirements
to earn an A. For each day the assignment is late the grade will be reduced by a letter
grade. After four days the assignment will not be accepted.

Make-up Work Policy: I will support the Duval County Public School Policy
that indicates each child will receive the same number of days to turn in his/her work as
they were absent. For example, if a student is out on Monday and Tuesday (2 days) they
will receive two days to turn in the work. Therefore, all work will be due on Friday
giving them two full days to complete the work (Wednesday and Thursday).

Learning Recovery Policy: Students will be offered learning recovery as

outlined in the Duval County Pupil Progression Plan found on the Duval County Public
Schools web page. All assignments during the process are to be turned in as regularly
scheduled. Please use team time to visit me to obtain your assignments and conference
with me, view the blog when you are absent for any reason, and email me when you have
any specific questions. It is your responsibility to stay informed and keep up with the
work even when you are out due to learning recovery.

Parent/Teacher Conferences: Please contact Ms. Cameron in the guidance

office to schedule a conference. We will meet as a team, which means you will have the
opportunity to meet with all of your child’s core teachers at one meeting.
Tutoring Schedule: At this time I do not have a specific tutoring schedule. Please
contact me as the need for tutoring arises and I will make every effort to assist your child.

Grading Scale: Students will be evaluated in accordance with the standard Duval
County Public School’s grading scale.

Progress Reports: In addition to report cards issued at the end of each quarter,
students will receive progress reports in the middle of each quarter.

Other Information: In order to keep you informed on upcoming events, field

trips, projects, and assignments I will be utilizing a blog. You can access my blog by
logging onto the Duval County Public School’s website at: Once you are there click on “Teacher Blogs” and select
“8th grade Team C ”. My blog is entitled, “Landon’s Literature Invasion”.

I look forward to working with you this year in reaching new levels of academic success,
higher levels of self confidence, and embedding leadership skills that are vital in this
evolving world.

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