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Historical Fire Research Paper Assignment

with Rubric
Terminal Objective:
Given a case study, you should be able to analyze and explain building construction as it relates
to firefighter safety, building codes, fire prevention, code inspection, firefighting strategy and
tactics in a research paper with 90% accuracy.
Enabling Objectives:
Evaluate theoretical concepts of how fire impacts major types of building construction
Analyze the hazards and tactical considerations associated with the various types of
building construction
Paper description
We have all heard the adage, those who ignore history, are doomed to repeat it. The
purpose of this assignment is to learn from past fires that devastated the United States prior to
increased building and fire codes, as well as enforcement of them. Using available resources
(internet, trade magazines, books), you are to research a past fire that led to significant changes
in fire safety and building construction regulations. Analyze and interpret the details of the fire
and its circumstances by answering: who (parties involved in the fire and those affected); what
(type of building construction, building occupancy type, etc.); where (city, state, responding fire
department district); when; and why (circumstances of the fire). Then, discuss what changes
came from the fire and how they have improved life safety since the changes have been
implemented (include what regulation agencies and other stakeholders were involved in the
All papers will be double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins
and 2-3 pages in length. Do not add extra line spaces between paragraphs.
Make sure your name appears on all work submitted.
All sources of information, written and electronic, for written reports must be properly
documented and referenced. Failure to document sources could be considered plagiarism.
It is recommended that you utilize the APA style of report formatting to write the paper.
Please reference the Purdue OWL for assistance with APA formatting.
Proofread your reports carefully. Spelling, grammar, and report organization are
important and will be graded.
Electronic submission of reports must be submitted through the Blackboard Assignment
Project Topic:

Yes Yes, but No, but No

Weight Category 5 4 2 1 Criteria
Introduction paragraph
Introduction accurately reflects paper content
Relevant facts and information
Data Presentation support paper. No more than
10% direct quotes.
Students develop and discuss
60% Discussion / Analysis data, facts, and findings to
support main points
Use of subject/course
Use of Terminology terminology correctly
Overall conclusions drawn from
Conclusions discussion and emphasizes main
APA style followed Title page,
Format References,
Margins, Font, Double-spaced
Correct spelling, grammar, and
Spelling/Grammar/Punctuation sentence structure; generally
error free
2-3 sources researched to
Research Quality support the topic and fully
develop points
Meets course/paper objectives,
30% Relevance to Topic shows mastery of subject

Overall content completeness to

Overall Topic Content support the topic


Report Grade: Date:

Developed by: Brandon Hageman

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