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College of Business Administration, Jazan University, Jazan(KSA)

TEACHING PLAN(Spring 2017)

Course Name: Web Applications Development Course Code: MGIS372

Credit Hours Lecture Lab Total

Hours 2 2 4

Track Core Major Elective

Level IV Prerequisite

Course Description:

This course focuses on developing students understanding of the internet concepts, web applications
and development. This course introduces the current standard of HTML and discusses upcoming
versions. Students will learn the basics of CSS for design and layout using both text and multimedia.
Website maintenance cycles and roles used in the cycles will be introduced. By using FTP, students will
create and maintain small web page on a live web server. By using a text based editor, student will learn
to code in an HTML editor rather than just the visual aspect to gain greater control of the code.

Learning Objective:

1. This course aims at enabling students to understand the main issues related to
demonstrate technical skills required of Web Developers through use of W3C standards,
HTML, XHTML, and Style Sheets.

2. Create an Information Architecture document for a web site.

3. Construct a web site that conforms to the web standards of today and includes e-
commerce and web marketing.

4. Display ability to adapt to changing Web development and design skills and solid
understanding of common design trends.
5. Create and maintain responsive websites and employ strategies with user-centered design
methodologies, usability principles, accessibility, web-based information architecture and

Teaching Methodology:
Each week students are required to :

Study the indicated chapters in the textbook.

Complete and submit assignments to be graded.
Attend and participate during class.
Course Format:

All class material, including the syllabus, presentations, assignments, articles, grades, and
announcements, will be posted in Class. You are responsible for all information.


Please read the assigned material prior to class; class discussions will presume a working
knowledge of assigned topics.

Topics Covered:

Tentative the materials actually covered in class and the timetable will adjusted according to the
progress of the class


Week Activity Learning Tools Start Date End

Week 1 Chapter I: Online 5 Feb 2017 9 Feb
Teaching 2017
1. Describe the evolution of the Internet
and the Web
2. Explain the need for web standards
3. Describe Universal Design
4. Identify benefits of accessible web
5. Identify reliable resources of
information on the Web
6. Identify ethical use of the Web

Week 2 7. Describe the purpose of web 12 Feb 2017 16 Feb

browsers and web servers 2017
8. Identify networking protocols
9. Define URIs and domain names
10. Describe HTML, XHTML, and
Describe popular trends in the use of
the Web
Week 3 Chapter II: 19 Feb 2017 23 Feb
1. Describe HTML, XHTML, and 2017
2. Identify the markup language in a
web page document
3. Use the html, head, body, title,
and meta elements to code a
template for a web page

Week 4 4. Configure the body of a web page 26 Feb 2017 2 March

with headings, paragraphs, line 2017
breaks, divs, lists, and
5. Configure text with phrase
6. Configure a web page using new
HTML5 header, nav, main, and
footer elements

Week 5 7. Configure special characters 5 March 9 March

8. Use the anchor element to link 2017 2017
from page to page
9. Create absolute, relative, and e-
mail hyperlinks
10. Code, save, and display a web
page document
11. Test a web page document for
valid syntax
Week 6 Chapter III: 12 March 16
2017 March
1. Describe the evolution of style 2017
sheets from print media to the
2. List advantages of using
Cascading Style Sheets
3. Use color on web pages
4. Create style sheets that configure
common color and text properties

Week 7 5. Apply inline styles 19 March 23

6. Use embedded style sheets 2017 March
7. Use external style sheets 2017
8. Configure element, class, id, and
contextual selectors
9. Utilize the cascade in CSS
Validate CSS
Week 8 MID TERM 26 March 30
2017 March


Week 10 Chapter IV: 9 April 2017 13 April
1. Create a basic table with the table,
table row, table header, and table
cell elements
2. Configure table sections with the
thead, tbody, and tfoot elements

Week 11 3. Increase the accessibility of a 16 April 2017 20 April

table 2017
4. Style an HTML table with CSS
Describe the purpose of CSS
structural pseudo-classes
Week 12 Chapter V: 23 April 2017 27 April
1. Describe common uses of forms
on web pages
2. Create forms on web pages using
the form, input, textarea, and
select elements
3. Create forms that provide
additional accessibility features
using the accesskey and tabindex
4. Associate form controls and
groups using the label, fieldset,
and legend elements
5. Create custom image buttons and
use the button element
6. Use CSS to style a form
Configure new HTML5 form controls
including the email, URL, datalist,
range, spinner, calendar, and color
Week 13 1. controls 30 April 2017 4 May
2. Describe the features and 2017
common uses of server-side
3. Invoke server-side processing to
handle form data
Find free server-side processing
resources on the Web
Week 14 Chapter VI: 7 May 2017 11 May
1. Describe the skills, functions, and
job roles needed for a successful
web project development
2. Utilize the stages in the standard
System Development Life Cycle
3. Identify other common system
development methodologies
4. Apply the System Development
Life Cycle to web development

Week 15 5. Describe the activities in the 14 May 2017 18 May

Conceptualization, Analysis, 2017
Design, Production, Testing,
Launch, Maintenance, and
Evaluation stages of a website
project. Compare the goals of the
website to the results as part of
the Evaluation phase
6. Find the right web host provider
for your website
7. Choose a domain name for your
Week 16 Practical Examination 21 May 2017 25 May
Week 17 Revision
Week 18 Revision
Week 19
B) Student Assessment

Internal Assessment Marks

Quiz/Assignment/Attendance 10
Term Exam I 20
Schedule of Assessment Tasks Term Exam II/Lab Exam 20
for the students.
Total 50
External Assessment
Final Exam 50 Marks
Total 100 Marks

Prepared by Date of submission: 12-02-2017

Name of Faculty: Syed Md. Faisal Ali Signature: ________________________

---------------For Office Use Only---------------

Approved Not Approved Name & Signature of Program

Date of approval:

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