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Uson v. Del Rosario Ledesma v. McLachlin

Law in force at time of decedents death determines who FACTS: A has a child B who has a child C. B is indebted
the heirs should be. - Maria Unson was the legal wife of to a stranger, but dies before he pays the same. A then
Faustino Nebrada. Faustino died in 1945 leaving 5 parcels died, leaving C as heir. In As intestate proceedings, the
of land with no other heir except his legal wife. stranger presents his claim for the credit. Question: Is C
- However, it was the common-life, Maria del Rosario who bound to pay for the debt, or will As estate answer, or will
took possession of the lands, depriving Unson the no one be held responsible?
enjoyment and possession of the same. HELD: Neither As estate nor C is liable, for neither
contracted the debt, nor may it be said that C is inheriting
- Thus, the legal wife filed a case for recovery of ownership from B for the truth is, C in the case presented, is
and possession of the said parcels of land against del inheriting only from A. Therefore, the creditor-stranger must
Rosario. shoulder the loss himself.
- Maria de Rosario contended that Unson and Faustino
agreed to separate some time in 1931. Unson was given a Rabadilla v. CA
parcel of land as alimony on the condition that the latter will Under Art. 776, inheritance includes all the property, rights,
renounce her right to inherit any property that may be left by and obligations of a person, not extinguished by his death.
the husband upon his death.
Conformably, whatever rights Dr. Jorge Rabadilla had by
- Whether or not Unson is entitled to recover the parcels of virtue of subject Codicil were transmitted to his forced heirs,
land in question. at the time of his death. And since obligations not
extinguished by death also form part of the estate of the
- The SC held for Maria Unson. decedent, corollarily, the obligations imposed by the Codicil
- The Civil Code provides that the inheritance of a person is on the deceased, Dr. Jorge Rabadilla, were likewise
transmitted to another at the moment of his death. transmitted to his compulsory heirs upon his death.
- Accordingly, the Supreme Court said that the parcels of
land of Faustino passed from the moment of his death to COJA VS CA
his only heir, Maria Unson.
Facts: Luz Aquillo Victor (hereafter Luz) and Feliciano
- The contention that Unson and Faustino agreed that the Aquillo, Jr. (hereafter Feliciano Jr.), both deceased, were
former would NOT inherit anything from the latter cannot the legitimate children of the late spouses Feliciano Aquillo,
be made effectual. Future inheritance cannot be validly
Sr. (hereafter Feliciano Sr.) and Lorenza Mangarin Aquillo
made the subject of any contract nor can it be renounced.
- Del Rosario also argued that her illegitimate children with (hereafter Lorenza). During their marriage, Feliciano Sr.
Faustino have the right to inherit by virtue of the provision and Lorenza acquired a 120-square meter lot located at
of the new Civil Code granting successional rights to Poblacion, Mandaon, Masbate, upon which they built their
illegitimate children. conjugal home. The subject lot was covered by Tax
Declaration issued in the name of Feliciano Sr.
- Said argument is untenable. It is true that the new Civil
Code grants successional rights to illegitimate children and After the death of Lorenza, Feliciano Sr. cohabited with Paz
that this right shall be given retroactive effect even though Lachica and lived at the aforesaid house. However, after
the event which gave rise to said right may have occurred
Lorenzas death, her heirs failed to partition their hereditary
under the former legislation. (Faustino died in 1945, The
NCC took effect in 1950). shares in their inheritance.

- However, according to the NCC, this new right must not On February 27, 1960, while Lorenza was cohabiting with
prejudice or impair any vested or acquired right. Feliciano Sr., Paz Lachica purchased a 192-square meter
- In this case, and as already explained, the right over the lot covered by Tax Declaration No. 02115 from the heirs of
parcels of land vested upon Unson from the moment of Juan Rivas. She later sold 40.10 square meters of the
death of Faustino. Thus, the new right cannot be enforced property to Isabel L. de Real leaving her with only 151.9
w/out prejudice to Unsons vested right over the properties.
square meters.
- Rights over the inheritance of a person are transmitted
upon his death to another.
On July 7, 1965, or two (2) days before he died, Feliciano
- The property belongs to the heirs at the moment of death Sr. married Paz Lachica. After Feliciano Sr. died, his heirs
of the ancestor as completely as if the ancestor had also failed to partition among themselves their hereditary
executed and delivered to them a deed for the same shares in their inheritance.
before his death.
On December 18, 1986, Paz Lachica and herein
petitioners, Spouses Charlito Coja and Annie Mesa Coja,

executed a Deed of Absolute Sale wherein the former sold square meters of the property covered by Tax Declaration
the 336-square meter parcel of land to the latter. Charlito No. 1151, belong to the appellants, being the heirs of the
Coja filed an application for the issuance of title with the late Feliciano Aquillo, Jr. and Luz Aquillo. Considering that
Regional Trial Court Luz, being one of the heirs of Feliciano Paz Lachica owns only 26.6666 square meters of the 120-
Sr., opposed the application for registration. During the square meter property and the remaining 93.3333-square
pendency of the case, Luz died. She was substituted by her meter portion thereof is owned by the respondents, the
spouse, Quinciano Victor, Sr., and her children, Lorna, former could only validly sell the portion which rightfully
Antonio, Quinciano Jr., and Susana, all surnamed Victor. belonged to her. However, considering that Paz Lachica,
the predecessor-in-interest of the Spouses Coja, was a co-
On November 3, 1989, respondents filed an action for owner of the subject 120-square meter property; and
recovery of possession and ownership with damages considering further that partition of the property is wanting,
against the petitioners and Paz Lachica. this Court is precluded from directing the Spouses Coja to
return specific portions of the property to respondents.
COUPLE, THE LATE SPOUSES FELICIANO AQUILLO Facts: On January 3, 1992, Torcuato J. Reyes executed his
AND LORENZA MANGARIN. last will and testament declaring therein in part, to wit:

Ruling: Article 160 of the Civil Code provides: xxx xxx xxx

Article 160. All property of the marriage is presumed to II. I give and bequeath to my wife Asuncion "Oning" R.
belong to the conjugal partnership, unless it be proved that Reyes the following properties to wit:
it pertains exclusively to the husband or to the wife.
a. All my shares of our personal properties consisting
All properties acquired during the marriage are thus among others of jewelries, coins, antiques, statues,
disputably presumed to belong to the conjugal partnership. tablewares, furnitures, fixtures and the building;
As a condition for the operation of above article, in favor of
the conjugal partnership, the party who invokes the b. All my shares consisting of one half (1/2) or 50% of all
presumption must first prove that the property was acquired the real estates I own in common with my brother Jose,
during the marriage. situated in Municipalities of Mambajao, Mahinog,
Guinsiliban, Sagay all in Camigiun; real estates in Lunao,
Under Article 996 of the Civil Code, upon the death of Gingoog, Caamulan, Sugbongcogon, Boloc-Boloc,
Lorenza Mangarin, one-half of said property, or 60 square Kinoguitan, Balingoan, Sta. Ines, Talisay, all in the province
meters, is transmitted to her heirs, namely: Feliciano of Misamis Oriental.
Aquillo, Sr., Feliciano Aquillo, Jr., and Luz Aquillo, at 20
square meters each, while the remaining one-half is Reyes died on May 12, 1992 and on May 21, 1992, private
transmitted to Feliciano Aquillo, Sr. Upon the death of respondent filed a petition for probate of the will. On July
Feliciano Aquillo, Sr., his rights over the property, consisting 21, 1992, the recognized natural children of Torcuato
of the 20 square meter-inheritance from his late wife and Reyes with Estebana Galolo, namely Manuel, Mila, and
his 60 square meter-share in the conjugal partnership, or a Danilo all surnamed Reyes, and the deceased's natural
total of 80 square meters were transmitted to his heirs, children with Celsa Agape, namely Lyn and Marites Agape,
namely: Feliciano Aquillo, Jr., Luz Aquillo, and his widow, filed an opposition with the following allegations: a) that the
Paz Lachica. The surviving spouse is entitled to the same last will and testament of Reyes was not executed and
share as that of the legitimate children, to the portion of attested in accordance with the formalities of law; and b)
one-third each or 26.6666 square meters each x x x. Thus, that Asuncion Reyes Ebarle exerted undue and improper
as a result of the death of Feliciano Aquillo, Sr., a regime of influence upon the testator at the time of the execution of
co-ownership exists among Feliciano, Jr., Luz Aquillo, and the will. The opposition further averred that Reyes was
Paz Lachica, with respect to the undivided 80 square never married to and could never marry Asuncion Reyes,
meters of the property covered by Tax Declaration No. the woman he claimed to be his wife in the will, because the
1151. latter was already married to Lupo Ebarle who was still then
alive and their marriage was never annulled. Thus,
The 120 square meters less the hereditary share of Paz Asuncion can not be a compulsory heir for her open
Lachica which is 26.6666 square meters, or the 93.3333 cohabitation with Reyes was violative of public morals.

Issue: WON the testators invalid marriage which was not RULING: Yes, as an exception. But the general rule is that
expressly provided in the will, will affect the validity of his the court's area of inquiry is limited to the an examination
last will. and resolution of the extrinsic validity of the will. This
general rule is however not inflexible and absolute. Given
Ruling: In the elegant language of Justice Moreland written exceptional circumstances, the probate court is not
decades ago, he powerless to do what the situation constrains it to do and
may pass upon certain provisions of the will. The will itself
said A will is the testator speaking after death. Its
admitted on its face the relationship between the testator
provisions have substantially the same force and effect in
and the petitioner.
the probate court as if the testator stood before the court in
full life making the declarations by word of mouth as they The will was validly executed in accordance with law but the
appear in the will. That was the special purpose of the law court didn't find it to serve a practical purpose to remand the
in the creation of the instrument known as the last will and nullified provision in a separate action for that purpose only
testament. Men wished to speak after they were dead and since in the probate of a will, the court does not ordinarily
the law, by the creation of that instrument, permitted them look into the intrinsic validity of its provisions.
to do so. . . . All doubts must be resolved in favor of the
testator's having meant just what he said. (Santos vs. The devisee is invalid by virtue of Art. 739 which voids a
Manarang, 27 Phil. 209). donation made between persons guilty of
adultery/concubinage at the time of the donations. Under
Testator Torcuato Reyes merely stated in his will that he Art, 1028 it is also prohibited.
was bequeathing some of his personal and real properties
to his wife, Asuncion "Oning" Reyes. There was never an 9. ENRIQUEZ VS ABADIA
open admission of any illicit relationship. The trial court
relied on uncorroborated testimonial evidence that Facts: Andres Enriquez, as one of the legatees in a
Asuncion Reyes was still married to another during the time document purporting to be the last will and testament of
she cohabited with the testator. The testimonies of the Father Sancho Abadia, which was executed on September
witnesses were merely hearsay and even uncertain as to 6, 1923, filed a petition for its probate. Some cousins and
the whereabouts or existence of Lupo Ebarle, the supposed nephews of the deceased, who would inherit his estate if he
husband of Asuncion. left no will, filed opposition. The trial court ruled in favor of
Enriquez, stating that even if the said document is a
8. NEPOMUCENO VS CA holographic will, one which is not permitted by law at the
time it was executed and at the time of the testators death,
Facts: Martin Hugo died on 1974 and he left a will wherein such form of a will is already allowed at the time of the
he instituted Sofia Nepomuceno as the sole and only hearing of the case since the new Civil Code is already
executor. It was also provided therein that he was married enforced, and that to carry out the intention of the testator
to Rufina Gomez with whom he had 3 children. which according to the trial court is the controlling factor
and may override any defect in form. Hence, this petition.
Petitioner (Sofia) filed for the probate of the will but the legal
wife and her children opposed alleging that the will was Issue: Whether the reckoning period in deciding the validity
procured through improper and undue influence and that of the holographic will of Rev. Sanchio, the time of the
there was an admission of concubinage with the petitioner. hearing of the case shall be considered and not the time of
its execution.
The lower court denied the probate on the ground of the
testator's admission of cohabitation, hence making the will Ruling: No. The validity of a will is to be judged not by the
invalid on its face. The Court of Appeals reversed and held law enforce at the time of the testator's death or at the time
that the will is valid except the devise in favor of the the supposed will is presented in court for probate or when
petitioner which is null and void in violation of Art. 739 and the petition is decided by the court but at the time the
1028. instrument was execute, as supported by Art. 795 of the
new Civil Code. One reason in support of the rule is that
Issue: Whether or not the court can pass on the intrinsic
although the will operates upon and after the death of the
validity of a will
testator, the wishes of the testator about the disposition of
his estate among his heirs and among the legatees is given

solemn expression at the time the will is executed, and in the estate of Carlos Jimenez and could not have validly
reality, the legacy or bequest then becomes a completed acquired, nor legally transferred to Edilberto Cagampan that
act. When one executes a will which is invalid for failure to portion of the property subject of this petition.
observe and follow the legal requirements at the time of its
execution then upon his death he should be regarded and AZNAR VS GARCIA
declared as having died intestate, and his heirs will then
inherit by intestate succession, and no subsequent law with
more liberal requirements or which dispenses with such Helen Christensen Garcia filed a petition for review to the
requirements as to execution should be allowed to validate Supreme Court the decision of the lower court in Davao
a defective will and thereby divest the heirs of their vested declaring that Maria Lucy Christensen is the sole heir of
rights in the estate by intestate succession. The general testator Edward Christensen. Facts of the case are as
rule is that the Legislature cannot validate void wills. Hence, follows:
the trial courts decision was reversed.
1. Edward Christensen was born in New York but he
10. JIMENEZ VS FERNANDEZ migrated to California where he resided for a period
of 9 years.
Facts: The land in question (2, 932 sqm) formerly belonged 2. He came to the Philippines where he became a
to Fermin Jimenez. Fermin Jimenez had 2 sons, Carlos and domiciliary until his death.
Fortunato. Fortunato predeceased Fermin leaving behind a 3. In his will, he declared to have only one child
daughter, Sulpicia. After the death of Fermin Jimenez, the (natural daughter) Maria Lucy Christensen as his
only heir
entire parcel of land was registered under Act 496 in the
4. However, he left a sum of money in favor of Helen
name of Carlos Jimenez and Sulpicia Jimenez (uncle and Christensen Garcia, an acknowledged natural child,
niece) in equal shares pro-indiviso. Carlos Jimenez died on though not in any way related to the deceased.
July 9, 1936 and his illegitimate daughter, Melecia 5. Helen claims that under Article 16, paragraph 2 of
Cayabyab, also known as Melecia Jimenez, took the Civil Code, California law should be applied;
possession of the eastern portion of the property consisting that under California law, the matter is referred
of 436 square meters. Melecia Jimenez sold said 436 back to the law of the domicile.
square meter-portion of the property to Edilberto Cagampan
and defendant Teodora Grado executed a contract entitled Whether or not the national law of the deceased should be
"Exchange of Real Properties" whereby the former applied in determining the successional rights of his heirs.
transferred said 436 square meter-portion to the latter, who
has been in occupation since August 1969 -- PET executed HELD:
an affidavit adjudicating unto herself the other half of the
property appertaining to Carlos Jimenez, upon Yes. Article 16 of the Civil Code states that succesional
manifestation that she is the only heir of her deceased rights are determined by the national law of the country
uncle. A TCT was then issued in petitioner's name alone where the deceased is a citizen hence the internal law of
over the entire 2,932 square meter property. PET, joined by California since it was ruled that Edward Christensen is a
her husband, instituted the present action for the recovery citizen of California.
of the eastern portion of the property consisting of 436
Said internal law distinguishes the rule to be applied to
square meters occupied by defendant Teodora Grado and
Californians domiciled in California and for Californians
her son.
domiciled outside of California. For Californians residing in
Issue: WON Melecia Cayabyab had any right over the other jurisdiction, the law of said country must apply.
eastern part of the property she took possession of and Edward Christensen being domiciled in the Philippines, the
later sold. law of his domicile must be followed. The case was
remanded to the lower court for further proceedings the
Ruling: Melecia Jimenez, is not the daughter of Carlos determination of the successional rights under Philippine
Jimenez and therefore, had no right over the property in law only.
question. Respondents failed to present concrete evidence
to prove that Melecia Cayabyab was really the daughter of MICIANO V. BRIMO
Carlos Jimenez. Assuming that Melecia Cayabyab was the - The subject of this case is the partition of the estate of the
late Joseph Brimo.
illegitimate daughter of Carlos Jimenez there can be no
- Miciano, the appointed judicial administrator, filed a
question that Melecia Cayabyab had no right to succeed to partition scheme.

- Andre Brimo, one of Josephs borthers, opposed stating counsel. The divorce was granted and in 1952, the divorce
that the partition was not in accordance with Turkish laws, became final.
Jospeh being a Turkish citizen.
Lorenzo returned to the Philippines. In 1958, Lorenzo
- Andre contends that this was void because the Civil Code
married Alicia Fortuno. They had three children.
states that legal and testamentary successions shall be
governed by the national law of the person whose In 1981, Lorenzo executed his last will and testament where
succession is in question. he left all his estate to Alicia and their children (nothing for
Paula). In 1983, he went to court for the wills probate and
- Andre was excluded from as a legatee because of a to have Alicia as the administratrix of his property. In 1985,
clause in the will where Joseph wished that his property be before the probate proceeding can be terminated, Lorenzo
distributed in accordance with Philippine laws, and any died. Later, Paula filed a petition for letters of administration
legatee who fails to comply with this would be prevented over Lorenzos estate.
from receiving his legacy. The trial court ruled that Lorenzos marriage with Alicia is
void because the divorce he obtained abroad is void. The
- Since the institution of legatees was conditioned upon trial court ratiocinated that Lorenzo is a Filipino hence
Josephs wish, it is claimed that Andre is excluded by divorce is not applicable to him. The Court of Appeals
questioning the validity of applying Philippine laws in the affirmed the trial court.
partition of the estate (which was against his brothers
wish). ISSUES: Whether or not Lorenzos divorce abroad should
be recognized.
WON Andre Brimo can be validly excluded as a legatee. HELD: Yes. It is undisputed by Paula Llorente that Lorenzo
became an American citizen in 1943. Hence, when he
- NO. The condition imposed by the will of the testator is obtained the divorce decree in 1952, he is already an
contrary to law because it ignores the testators national American citizen. Article 15 of the Civil Code provides:
law, when according to the Civil Code, such national law of
the testator is to govern his testamentary dispositions. Laws relating to family rights and duties, or to the status,
condition and legal capacity of persons are binding upon
- As such, the condition is considered unwritten and the citizens of the Philippines, even though living abroad.
institution of legatees in the will is unconditional and Since Lorenzo was no longer a Filipino, Philipine laws
consequently valid and effective even as to Andre. relating to family rights, duties, or status are no longer
applicable to him. Therefore, the divorce decree he
- The remaining clauses of the will are valid despite the obtained abroad must be respected. The rule is: aliens may
nullity of the clause stating that the testators testamentary obtain divorces abroad, provided they are valid according to
dispositions be governed by Philippine laws. their national law.
However, this case was still remanded to the lower court so
- Art. 792, (Old) Civil Code: Impossible conditions and those
as for the latter to determine the effects of the divorce as to
contrary to law or good morals shall be considered as not
the successional rights of Lorenzo and his heirs.
imposed and shall not prejudice the heir or legatee in any
manner whatsoever, even should the testator otherwise Anent the issue on Lorenzos last will and testament, it must
provide. be respected. He is an alien and is not covered by our laws
on succession. However, since the will was submitted to
LLORENTE VS CA our courts for probate, then the case was remanded to the
lower court where the foreign law must be alleged in order
In 1927, Lorenzo Llorente, then a Filipino, was enlisted in to prove the validity of the will.
the U.S. Navy. In 1937, he and Paula Llorente got married
in Camarines Sur. In 1943, Lorenzo became an American
citizen. Nepomuceno v. CA
In 1945, Lorenzo returned to the Philippines for a vacation. FACTS:
He discovered that Paula was already living illicitly with Martin Jugo left a duly executed and notarized Last
Ceferino Llorente (brother of Lorenzo). Ceferino and Paula Will and Testament before he died. Petitioner was named
even had a son. as sole executor. It is clearly stated in the Will that he was
Lorenzo then refused to live with Paula. He also refused to legally married to a certain Rufina Gomez by whom he had
give her monetary support. Eventually, Lorenzo and Paula two legitimate children, but he had been estranged from his
agreed in writing Lorenzo shall not criminally charge Paula lawful wife. In fact, the testator Martin Jugo and the
if the latter agrees to waive all monetary support from petitioner were married despite the subsisting first marriage.
Lorenzo. Later, Lorenzo returned to the United States. The testator devised the free portion of his estate to
petitioner. On August 21, 1974, the petitioner filed a petition
In 1951, Lorenzo filed a divorce proceeding against Paula
for probate. On May 13, 1975, Rufina Gomez and her
in California. Paula was represented by an American
children filed an opposition alleging undue and improper

influence on the part of the petitioner; that at the time of the his sister, Paula (one of the respondents). After discovering
execution of the Will, the testator was already very sick and the registration of the Deed, respondents denied having
that petitioner having admitted her living in concubinage knowledge of its execution and disclaimed having signed
with the testator. the same; nor did they ever waive their rights, shares and
The lower court denied the probate of the Will on interest in the subject parcel of land. According to
the ground that as the testator admitted in his Will to respondents, subject Deed was fraudulently prepared by
cohabiting with the petitioner. Petitioner appealed to CA. On petitioner and that their signatures thereon were forged.
June 2, 1982, the respondent court set aside the decision of They also assert that one Atty. Jose Villena, the Notary
the Court of First Instance of Rizal denying the probate of Public who notarized the said Deed was not even
the will. The respondent court declared the Will to be valid registered in the list of accredited Notaries Public of Pasay
except that the devise in favor of the petitioner is null and City.
void. Thereafter, petitioner executed a Deed of Absolute
Sale selling 240 square meters of the land to his children.
ISSUE: After the property was partitioned, petitioner, his children
W/N the CA acted in excess of its jurisdiction when after and private respondent Paula allegedly executed a Deed of
declaring the last Will and Testament of the deceased Co-owners' Partition dividing the property among
Martin Jugo validly drawn, it went on to pass upon the themselves. This led the respondents to file a Complaint for
intrinsic validity of the testamentary provision. "Annulment of Sale and Damages With Prayer for
Preliminary Injunction/Restraining Order" before the RTC,
HELD: which ruled that private respondents' signatures on the
No. The respondent court acted within its questioned Deed of Extrajudicial Partition and Settlement
jurisdiction when after declaring the Will to be validly drawn, were indeed forged and simulated. The CA affirmed.
it went on to pass upon the intrinsic validity of the Will and Hence, this petition.
declared the devise in favor of the petitioner null and void.
The general rule is that in probate proceedings, the court's ISSUES:
area of inquiry is limited to an examination and resolution of 1. Whether the Deed was forged.
the extrinsic validity of the Will. The rule, however, is not 2. Whether petitioner(s) had become absolute owners of
inflexible and absolute. Given exceptional circumstances, the subject property by virtue of acquisitive prescription.
the probate court is not powerless to do what the situation
constrains it to do and pass upon certain provisions of the RULING:
Will. 1. YES. Petitioner(s) cast doubt on the findings of the
The probate of a will might become an idle lower court as affirmed by the Court of Appeals
ceremony if on its face it appears to be intrinsically void. regarding the existence of forgery. Factual findings of
Where practical considerations demand that the intrinsic the trial court, adopted and confirmed by the Court of
validity of the will be passed upon, even before it is Appeals, are final and conclusive and may not be
probated, the court should meet the issue (Nuguid v. reviewed on appeal. Petitioners' ludicrous claim that
Nuguid) private respondents imputed no deception on his part
The Will is void under Article 739. The following but only forgery of the subject Deed and the simulation
donations shall be void: (1) Those made between persons of their signatures is nothing short of being oxymoronic.
who were guilty of adultery or concubinage at the time of For what is forgery and simulation of signatures if not
the donation; and Article 1028. The prohibitions mentioned arrant deception! The allegation made by petitioner that
in Article 739, concerning donations inter vivos shall apply the execution of a public document ratified before a
to testamentary provisions. notary public cannot be impugned by the mere denial of
There is no question from the records about the the signatory is baseless. It should be noted that there
fact of a prior existing marriage when Martin Jugo executed was a finding that the subject Deed was notarized by
his Will. The very wordings of the Will invalidate the legacy one Atty. Villena who at that time was not
because the testator admitted he was disposing the commissioned as a notary in Pasay City.
properties to a person with whom he had been living in
concubinage. 2. NO. Petitioners cannot justify their ownership and
possession of the subject parcel of land since they
Reyes v. CA could not ave been possessors in good faith of the
281 SCRA 277 | Tan subject parcel of land considering the finding that at the
very inception they forged the Deed of Extrajudicial
FACTS: Partition and Settlement which they claim to be the
This case involves a 383 sq.m. parcel of land basis for their just title. Having forged the Deed and
owned by pettitioners and respondents father. Petitioner simulated the signatures of private respondents,
alleges that a Deed of Exrajudicial Partition (Deed) was petitioners, in fact, are in bad faith. The forged Deed
entered into between him and the respondents. Petitioner containing private respondents' simulated signatures is
managed to register 335 sq.m. of the land under his name; a nullity and cannot serve as a just title. There can be
while 50 sq.m. of the land was registered under the name of no acquisitive prescription considering that the parcel of

land in dispute is titled property, i.e., titled in the name Sept. 13, 1981. The will, executed in the house of retired
of the late Bernardino Reyes, the father of both Judge Limpin, was read to Paciencia twice. After which,
petitioner Florentino and the private respondents. Paciencia expressed in the presence of the instrumental
witnesses that the document is her last will and testament.
Dorotheo v. CA She thereafter affixed her signature at the end of the said
document on page 3 and then on the left margin of pages 1,
FACTS: 2 and 4 thereof.
Private respondents were the legitimate children of
Alejandro Dorotheo and Aniceta Reyes. The latter died in Childless and without any brothers or sisters, Paciencia
1969 without her estate being settled. Alejandro died bequeathed all her properties to respondent Lorenzo Laxa
thereafter. Sometime in 1977, after Alejandro's death, and his wife Corazon Laza and their children Luna and
petitioner, who claims to have taken care of Alejandro Katherine. Lorenzo is Paciencias nephew whom she
before he died, filed a special proceeding for the probate of treated as her own son. Conversely, Lorenzo came to know
the latter's last will and testament. In 1981, the court issued and treated Paciencia as his own mother.
an order admitting Alejandro's will to probate. Private
respondents did not appeal from said order. In 1983, they
filed a "Motion To Declare The Will Intrinsically Void." The Six days after the execution of the Will (Sept. 19, 1981),
trial court granted the motion and issued an order. Paciencia left for USA. There, she resided with Lorenzo and
Petitioner moved for reconsideration arguing that his family until her death on Jan. 4, 1996. In the interim, the
she is entitled to some compensation since she took care of Will remained in the custody of Judge Limpin.
Alejandro prior to his death although she admitted that they
were not married to each other.
More than 4 years after the death of Paciencia or on Apr.
Later on, Judge Zain B. Angas set aside the final
27, 2000, Lorenzo filed a petition with the RTC of Guagua,
and executory Order, as well as the Order directing the
Pampanga for the probate of the Will of Paciencia and for
issuance of the writ of execution, on the ground that the
the issuance of Letters of Administration in his favor.
order was merely "interlocutory", hence not final in
On Jun 23, 2000 one of petitioners, Antonio Baltazar filed
ISSUE: an opposition to Lorenzos petition. Antonio averred that the
May a last will and testament admitted to probate but properties subject of Paciencias Will belong to Nicomeda
declared intrinsically void in an order that has become final Mangalindan, his predecessor-in-interest; hence, Paciencia
and executory still be given effect? had no right to bequeath them to Lorenzo. Also, one of the
petitioners, Rosie Mateo testified that Paciencia is in the
HELD: state of being mangulyan or forgetful making her unfit for
No. A final and executory decision or order can no executing a will and that the execution of the will had been
longer be disturbed or reopened no matter how erroneous it procured by undue and improper pressure and influence.
may be. In setting aside the Order that has attained finality,
the trial court in effect nullified the entry of judgment made
by the Court of Appeals. It is well settled that a lower court Petitioners also opposed the issuance of the Letters of
cannot reverse or set aside decisions or orders of a Administration in Lorenzos favor arguing that Lorenzo was
superior court, for to do so would be to negate the hierarchy disqualified to be appointed as such, he being a citizen and
of courts and nullify the essence of review. It has been resident of the USA. Petitioners prayed that Letters of
ruled that a final judgment on probated will, albeit Administration be instead issued in favor of Antonio.
erroneous, is binding on the whole world.

Dorotheo v. CA RTC denies the petition for probate of the will and
Due execution of a will includes a determination of whether concluded that when Paciencia signed the will, she was no
the testator was of sound and disposing mind at the time longer possessed of the sufficient reason or strength of
of its execution, that he had freely executed the will and mind to have the testamentary capacity. On appeal, CA
was not acting under duress, fraud, menace or undue reversed the decision of the RTC and granted the probate
influence and that the will is genuine and not a forgery, that of the will. The petitioner went up to SC for a petition for
he was of the proper testamentary age and that he is a review on Certiorari.
person not expressly prohibited by law from making a will.
ISSUE: Whether the authenticity and due execution of the
will was sufficiently established to warrant its allowance for
Baltazar vs. Laxa
FACTS: Paciencia was a 78 y/o spinster when she made
her last will and testament in the Pampango dialect on

HELD: Yes. A careful examination of the face of the Will Sioca (43 Phil., 405), the Court noted that among the
shows faithful compliance with the formalities laid down by defects of the will in question was the failure of the
law. The signatures of the testatrix, Paciencia, her attestation clause to state the number of pages contained in
instrumental witnesses and the notary public, are all the will. In ruling that the will could not be admitted to
present and evident on the Will. Further, the attestation probate, the Court said: The purpose of requiring the
clause explicitly states the critical requirement that the number of sheets to be stated in the attestation
testatrix and her instrumental witnesses attested and clause is obvious; the document might easily be so
subscribed to the Will in the presence of the testator and of prepared that the removal of a sheet would completely
one another. In fact, even the petitioners acceded that the change the testamentary dispositions of the will and in the
signature of Paciencia in the Will may be authentic although absence of a statement of the total number of sheets, such
they question of her state of mind when she signed the removal might be effected by taking out the sheet and
same as well as the voluntary nature of said act. changing the numbers at the top of the following sheets or
The burden to prove that Paciencia was of unsound mind at pages. If, on the other hand, the total number of sheets
the time of the execution of the will lies on the shoulders of is stated in the attestation clause the falsification of the
the petitioners. The SC agree with the position of the CA document will involve the inserting of new pages and the
that the state of being forgetful does not necessarily make a forging of the signatures of the testator and witnesses in the
person mentally unsound so as to render him unfit to margin, a matter attended with much greater diffi culty.
execute a Will. Forgetfulness is not equivalent to being of
unsound mind. Besides, Art. 799 of the NCC states: To be The case of Taboada v. Hon. Rosal wherein the Court
of unsound mind, it is not necessary that the testator be in allowed the will to probate despite the fact that the
full possession of all his reasoning faculties, or that his mind attestation clause did not state the number of pages of the
be wholly unbroken, unimpaired, or unshattered by disease, will is not applicable. This is so because although the
injury or other cause. It shall be sufficient if the testator was attestation in the subject Will did not state the number of
able at the time of making the Will to know the nature of the pages used in the will, the same was found in the last part
estate to be disposed of, the proper objects of his bounty, of the body of the Will. The attestation clause must
and the character of the testamentary act. contain a statement of the number of sheets or pages
composing the will and that if this is missing or is omitted, it
will have the effect of invalidating the will if the defi ciency
AZUELA v. COURT OF APPEALS and CASTILLO cannot be supplied, not by evidence aliunde, but by a
consideration or examination of the will itself.
FACTS: On 10 April 1984, petitioner Felix Azuela (son of
the cousin of the decedent) fi led a petition to probate the The purpose of the law in requiring the clause to state the
notarial will of Eugenia E. Igsolo, with the Regional Trial number of pages on which the will is written is to safeguard
Court (RTC) of Manila. The will, consisting of two (2) pages against possible interpolation or omission of one or some of
and written in the vernacular Pilipino, was witnessed by its pages and to prevent any increase or decrease in the
three witnesses who affi xed their signatures on the left- pages. The failure to state the number of pages equates
hand margin of both pages of the will, but not at the bottom with the absence of an averment on the part of the
of the attestation clause. The petition was opposed by instrumental witnesses as to how many pages consisted
Geralda Castillo who represented herself as the attorney-in- the will, the execution of which they had ostensibly just
fact of the 12 legitimate heirs of the decedent. witnessed and subscribed to.

Geralda Castillo claimed that the will is a forgery, and that Re Signature of Witnesses: While the signatures of the
the true purpose of its emergence was so it could be instrumental witnesses appear on the left-hand margin of
utilized as a defense in the case fi led by oppositor against the will, they do not appear at the bottom of the attestation
petitioner for forcible entry and usurpation of real property, clause. Cagro v. Cagro is applicable in this case. While
all centering on petitioners right to occupy the properties of three (3) Justices considered the signature requirement had
the decedent. Oppositor Geralda Castillo also argued that been substantially complied with, a majority of six (6),
the will was not executed and attested to in accordance speaking through Chief Justice Paras, ruled that the
with law. She pointed out that decedents signature did not attestation clause had not been duly signed, rendering
appear on the second page of the will, and the will was the will fatally defective. There is no question that the
not properly acknowledged. signatures of the three witnesses to the will do not appear
at the bottom of the attestation clause, although the page
ISSUE: Was the will fatally defective since the attestation containing the same is signed by the witnesses on the left-
clause did not state the number of pages of the will and that hand margin. The attestation clause is a memorandum of
is was signed by the witnesses on the left margin? the facts attending the execution of the will required by law
to be made by the attesting witnesses, and it must
HELD: Yes, the will is fatally defective. Re Number of necessarily bear their signatures. The string of mortal
Pages: The attestation clause failed to state the number of defects which the will in question suffers from makes the
pages of the will. As held in Uy Coque v. Navas L. probate denial inexorable.

ORTEGA V. VALMONTE proponent of the will only upon a showing of credible

evidence of fraud.
Two years after the arrival of Placido from the Omission of some relatives does not affect the due
United States and at the age of 80 he wed Josefina who execution of a will. Moreover, the conflict between the
was then 28 years old. But in a little more than two years of dates appearing on the will does not invalidate the
wedded bliss, Placido died. Placido executed a notarial last document, because the law does not even require
will and testament written in English and consisting of 2 that a notarial will be executed and acknowledged
pages, and dated 15 June 1983but acknowledged only on on the same occasion. The variance in the dates of
9 August 1983. The allowance to probate of this will was the will as to its supposed execution and attestation
opposed by Leticia, Placidos sister. According to the notary was satisfactorily and persuasively explained by the
public who notarized the testators will, after the testator notary public and instrumental witnesses.
instructed him on the terms and dispositions he wanted on
the will, the notary public told them to come back on 15 JABONETA VS. GUSTILO
August 1983 to give him time to prepare. The testator and
his witnesses returned on the appointed date but the notary In these proceedings, the will of Mario Jaboneta was
public was out of town so they were instructed by his wife to denied probate by the lower court on the ground that
come back on 9 August 1983. The formal execution was Javellana, one of the witnesses, did not attach his
actually on 9 August 1983. He reasoned he no longer signature thereto in the presence of Jena, another of the
changed the typewritten date of 15 June 1983 because he witnesses. It is admitted that after the testator and the
did not like the document to appear dirty. witnesses Jalbuena and Jena had signed the will and all
of the pages thereof, the latter stood up and left the room
Petitioners argument: just as the third witness Javellana was signing the will
1. At the time of the execution of the notarial will Placido and all of the pages thereof. The question now is did
was already 83 years old and was no longer of sound Javellana sign his name in the presence of Jena as
mind. Required by law?
2. Josefina conspired with the notary public and the 3
attesting witnesses in deceiving Placido to sign it. According to the Supreme Court, speaking through
Deception is allegedly reflected in the varying dates of Justice Carson:
the execution and the attestation of the will. We cannot agree with so much of the above fi nding of
the facts as holds that the signature of Javellana was not
ISSUE: signed in the presence of Jena. The fact that Jena was
1. W/N Placido has testamentary capacity at the time he still in the room when he saw Javellana moving his hand
allegedly executed the will. and pen in the act of affi xing his signature to the will,
2. W/N the signature of Placido in the will was procured by taken together with the testimony of the remaining
fraud or trickery. witnesses, which shows that Javellana did in fact there
and then sign his name to the will, convinces us that the
HELD: signature was affi xed in the presence of Jena. The fact
1. YES. Despite his advanced age, he was still able to that he was in the act of leaving, and that his back was
identify accurately the kinds of property he owned, the turned, while a portion of the name of the witness was
extent of his shares in them and even their location. As being written is of no importance. He, with the other
regards the proper objects of his bounty, it was witnesses and the testator, had assembled for the
sufficient that he identified his wife as sole beneficiary. purpose of executing the testament, and were together in
The omission of some relatives from the will did not the same room for that purpose and at the moment
affect its formal validity. There being no showing of when the witness, Javellana signed the document he was
fraud in its execution, intent in its disposition becomes actually and physically present and in such position with
irrelevant. relation to Javellana that he could see everything which
took place by merely casting his eyes in the proper
2. NO. Fraud is a trick, secret devise, false statement, or direction, and without any physical obstruction to prevent
pretense, by which the subject of it is cheated. It may his doing so, therefore, we are of the opinion that the
be of such character that the testator is misled or document was in fact signed before he fi nally left the
deceived as to the nature or contents of the document room. This conclusion is in accordance with American
which he executes, or it may relate to some extrinsic authorities which hold that the true test of presence of the
fact, in consequence of the deception regarding which testator and the witnesses in the execution of a will is not
the testator is led to make a certain will which, but for whether they actually saw each other sign, but whether
fraud, he would not have made. they might have seen each other sign, had they chosen to
The party challenging the will bears the burden of do so, considering their mental and physical condition
proving the existence of fraud at the time of its and position with relation to each other at the moment of
execution. The burden to show otherwise shifts to the inscription of each signature.

CANEDA V. CA - Ordinary or attested wills are governed by Arts. 804 to

809. The will must be acknowledged before a notary public
- On December 5, 1978, Mateo Caballero, a widower by the testator and the attesting witnesses. The attestation
without any children and already in the twilight years of his clause need not be written in a language known to the
life, executed a last will and testament at his residence testator or even to the attesting witnesses.
before 3 witnesses.
- It is a separate memorandum or record of the facts
- He was assisted by his lawyer, Atty. Emilio Lumontad. surrounding the conduct of execution and once signed by
- In the will, it was declared that the testator was leaving by the witnesses it gives affirmation to the fact that
way of legacies and devises his real and personal compliance with the essential formalities required by law
properties to several people all of whom do not appear to has been observed.
be related to the testator.
- The attestation clause, therefore, provides strong legal
- 4 months later, Mateo Caballero himself filed a case guaranties for the due execution of a will and to insure the
seeking the probate of his last will and testament, but authenticity thereof.
numerous postponements pushed back the initial hearing
of the probate court regarding the will. - It is contended by petitioners that the attestation clause in
the will failed to specifically state the fact that the attesting
- On May 29, 1980, the testator passed away before his witnesses witnessed the testator sign the will and all its
petition could finally be heard by the probate court. pages in their presence and that they, the witnesses,
- Thereafter one of the legatees, Benoni Cabrera, sought likewise signed the will and every page thereof in the
his appointment as special administrator of the testators presence of the testator and of each other. And the Court
estate. agrees.

- Thereafter, the petitioners, claiming to be nephews and - The attestation clause does not expressly state therein the
nieces of the testator, instituted a second petition for circumstance that said witnesses subscribed their
intestate proceedings. They also opposed the probate of respective signatures to the will in the presence of the
the testators will and the appointment of a special testator and of each other.
administrator for his estate.
- The phrase, and he has signed the same and every page
- Benoni Cabrera died and was replaced by William thereof, on the space provided for his signature and on the
Cabrera as special administrator and gave an order that the left hand margin, obviously refers to the testator and not
testate proceedings for the probate of the will had to be the instrumental witnesses as it is immediately preceded
heard and resolved first. by the words as his last will and testament.

- In the course of the proceedings, petitioners opposed to - Clearly lacking is the statement that the witnesses signed
the allowance of the testators will on the ground that on the will and every page thereof in the presence of the
the alleged date of its execution, the testator was already testator and of one another. That the absence of the
in poor state of health such that he could not have possibly statement required by law is a fatal defect or imperfection
executed the same. Also the genuineness of the signature which must necessarily result in the disallowance of the will
of the testator is in doubt. that is here sought to be probated.

- On the other hand, one of the attesting witnesses and the - Also, Art. 809 does not apply to the present case because
notary public testified that the testator executed the will in the attestation clause totally omits the fact that the
question in their presence while he was of sound and attesting witnesses signed each and every page of the will
disposing mind and that the testator was in good health in the presence of the testator and of each other. The
and was not unduly influenced in any way in the execution defect in this case is not only with respect to the form or
of his will. the language of the attestation clause. The defects must
be remedied by intrinsic evidence supplied by the will itself
- Probate court then rendered a decision declaring the will which is clearly lacking in this case.
in question as the last will and testament of the late Mateo
Caballero. - Therefore, the probate of the will is set aside and the case
- CA affirmed the probate courts decision stating that it for the intestate proceedings shall be revived.
substantially complies with Article 805. Hence this appeal. - Article 809 cannot be used to cure the defects of the will
when it does not pertain to the form or language of the will.
WON, the attestation clause in the will of the testator is This is because there is not substantial compliance with
fatally defective or can be cured under the art. 809. Article 805.

- No. It does not comply with the provisions of the law.


ECHAVEZ VS DOZEN CONSTRUCTION acknowledged cannot be considered as the third

instrumental witness since he cannot acknowledge before
FACTS himself his having signed the will. To acknowledge before
Vicente Echavez (Vicente) was the absolute owner of the means to avow (Javellana v. Ledesma; Castro v. Castro); to
own as genuine, to assent, to admit; and "before" means in
subject lots donated to petitioner Manuel Echavez (Manuel)
front or preceding in space or ahead of. Consequently, if
through a Deed of Donation Mortis Causa, sans attestation
the third witness were the notary public himself, he would
clause, acknowledged before a notary public. Manuel have to avow assent, or admit his having signed the will in
accepted the donation. Vicente sold the same lots in favor front of himself. This cannot be done because he cannot
of Dozen Construction and Development Corporation split his personality into two so that one will appear before
(Dozen Corporation). Manuel filed a petition to approve the other to acknowledge his participation in the making of
Vicentes donation mortis causa in his favor and an action the will. To permit such a situation to obtain would be
to annul the contracts of sale Vicente executed in favor of sanctioning a sheer absurdity. Furthermore, the function of
Dozen Corporation. a notary public is, among others, to guard against any
illegal or immoral arrangement (Balinon v. De Leon). That
ISSUE Whether or not the donation mortis causa is valid function would defeated if the notary public were one of the
despite the non-conformity with the formalities of a will. attesting instrumental witnesses. It would place him in
inconsistent position and the very purpose of
acknowledgment, which is to minimize fraud, would be
NO. A donation mortis causa must comply with the Admittedly, there are American precedents holding
formalities prescribed by law for the validity of that notary public may, in addition, act as a witness to the
wills, otherwise, the donation is void and would produce no executive of the document he has notarized. There are
effect. Articles 805 and 806 of the Civil Code should have others holding that his signing merely as notary in a will
been applied. Although the witnesses in the present case nonetheless makes him a witness thereon. But these
acknowledged the execution of the Deed of Donation Mortis authorities do not serve the purpose of the law in this
Causa before the notary public, this is not the avowal the jurisdiction or are not decisive of the issue herein because
law requires from the instrumental witnesses to the the notaries public and witnesses referred to in these cases
merely acted as instrumental, subscribing attesting
execution of a decedents will. Hence, the donation is void,
witnesses, and not as acknowledging witnesses. Here, the
while the sale to Dozen Construction is valid.
notary public acted not only as attesting witness but also
acknowledging witness, a situation not envisaged by Article
805-06. Probate of will set aside.
Alvarado v. Gaviola
The CFI of Cebu allowed the probate of Valente Z.
Cruzs last will and testament. His surviving spouse,
Agapita Cruz, opposed the allowance of the will alleging it
was executed through fraud, deceit, misrepresentation and FACTS:
undue influence; that the said instrument was execute On 5 November 1977, 79-year old Brigido Alvarado
without the testator having been fully informed of the executed a notarial will entitled Huling Habilin wherein he
content thereof, particularly as to what properties he was disinherited an illegitimate son, petitioner Cesar Alvarado, and
disposing and that the supposed last will and testament expressly revoked a previously executed holographic will at the
was not executed in accordance with law. Agapita appealed time awaiting probate before the RTC of Laguna.
the allowance of the will by certiorari. According to Bayani Ma. Rino, private respondent, he
was present when the said notarial will was executed, together
ISSUE: with three instrumental witnesses and the notary public, where
W/N the will was executed in accordance with law the testator did not read the will himself, suffering as he did
(particularly Articles 805 and 806 of the NCC, the first from glaucoma.
requiring at least three credible witnesses to attest and Rino, a lawyer, drafted the eight-page document and
subscribe to the will, and the second requiring the testator read the same aloud before the testator, the three instrumental
and the witnesses to acknowledge the will before a notary
witnesses and the notary public, the latter four following the
reading with their own respective copies previously furnished
HELD: them.
NO. Of the three instrumental witnesses to the will, Thereafter, a codicil entitled Kasulatan ng Pagbabago
one of them (Atty. Teves) is at the same time the Notary ng Ilang Pagpapasiya na Nasasaad sa Huling Habilin na May Petsa
Public before whom the will was supposed to have been Nobiembre 5, 1977 ni Brigido Alvarado was executed changing
acknowledged. The notary public before whom the will was

some dispositions in the notarial will to generate cash for the The rationale behind the requirement of reading the
testators eye operation. will to the testator if he is blind or incapable of reading the will
Said codicil was likewise not read by Brigido Alvarado to himself (as when he is illiterate), is to make the provisions
and was read in the same manner as with the previously thereof known to him, so that he may be able to object if they
executed will. are not in accordance with his wishes.
When the notarial will was submitted to the court for Although there should be strict compliance with the
probate, Cesar Alvarado filed his opposition as he said that the substantial requirements of law in order to insure the
will was not executed and attested as required by law; that the authenticity of the will, the formal imperfections should be
testator was insane or mentally incapacitated due to senility and brushed aside when they do not affect its purpose and which,
old age; that the will was executed under duress, or influence of when taken into account, may only defeat the testators will.
fear or threats; that it was procured by undue pressure and
influence on the part of the beneficiary; and that the signature of
the testator was procured by fraud or trick.

W/N notarial will of Brigido Alvarado should be admitted to
probate despite allegations of defects in the execution and
attestation thereof as testator was allegedly blind at the time of
execution and the double-reading requirement under Art. 808 of
the NCC was not complied with.

YES. The spirit behind the law was served though the
letter was not. Although there should be strict compliance with
the substantial requirements of law in order to insure the
authenticity of the will, the formal imperfections should be
brushed aside when they do not affect its purpose and which,
when taken into account, may only defeat the testators will.
Cesar Alvardo was correct in asserting that his father
was not totally blind (of counting fingers at 3 feet) when the will
and codicil were executed, but he can be so considered for
purposes of Art. 808.
That Art. 808 was not followed strictly is beyond cavil.
However, in the case at bar, there was substantial
compliance where the purpose of the law has been satisfied:
that of making the provisions known to the testator who is blind
or incapable of reading the will himself (as when he is illiterate)
and enabling him to object if they do not accord with his wishes.
Rino read the testators will and codicil aloud in the
presence of the testator, his three instrumental witnesses, and
the notary public.
Prior and subsequent thereto, the testator affirmed,
upon being asked, that the contents read corresponded with his
Only then did the signing and acknowledgment take
There is no evidence that the contents of the will and
the codicil were not sufficiently made known and communicated
to the testator.
With four persons, mostly known to the testator,
following the reading word for word with their own copies, it can
be safely concluded that the testator was reasonably assured
that what was read to him were the terms actually appearing on
the typewritten documents.

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