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The relation between

language, culture and

society in interlinguistic
and intercultural

Professor Alejandro Parini

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El equipaje viaja en la bodega

El mdico primero diagnostica si el paciente tiene problemas cardacos. Luego prescribe
la medicacin adecuada. (Luego receta la medicacin adecuada)
Nadie sabe cul va a ser su futuro
Tens problema si te acompao?
La polica encontr el cadver en el bao del tren
Me doy vuelta y tipo "sal de ac"

Luggage travels in the cellar

The doctor first diagnoses if the patient has heart problems. Then prescribe the
right medication. (Then recipe the right medication)
No one knows what his future will be
Do you have problems if I accompany you?
Police found the corpse in the train bathroom
I turn around and type "I left here"

Sugerir un cambio
1.Structural Megasystem

2.Anthropological communitys answer

to its needs

* Culture is what people do.

Interlocking dimensions
Meaning negotiation across languages
and cultures
Translation Process
Considerbuying an appropriate fire
extinguisher for your kitchen.

Carpoollanes are expected to ease

congestion for commuters on LA
1. Formal structural/linguistic aspects
semantic syntagmatic

2. Extralinguistic aspects

a) Social factors that affect language use:

age/ gender / socio-economic level / education

ethnic background
b) Frequency of use

e.g. terminate / enter

c) Connotation & association

e.g. Sleep with

pumpkin puree

d) Technicality and milieu

e.g. Cadaver
They carried out an autopsy on the

* The girls cadaver was found in an

empty room.

* Over my cadaver

e) Collocations

e.g. Goose flesh

blue joke
1) * I am writing to you with the purpose of asking you if it would
be possible for you to send me a copy of your 2009 catalogue.

Could you please send me a copy

of your 2009 catalogue?

2) * Do you have a PROBLEM if I come with you?

Can I come with you?

OK if I come with you?

3)* It is impossible for us to clean the lavatory after each use. YOU think
of the next passenger.

As a courtesy to the next passenger may we suggest that you wipe off the
basin after use.
Intralanguage equivalence
1. To update the address lists may be your primary
2. Your primary concern may be to update the address
3. In view of the fact that the products contained harmful
substances, they were removed from the market.
4. The products were removed from the markets
because they contained harmful substances.
5. This request is made in connection with the
complaints received.
6. This request is related to the complaints received.
Final comments

1. How should language be conceptualised?

2. How is meaning negotiated across cultures?

3. How can translation and foreign language teaching materialise

through the contextualisation of different text types or genres?

4. How can translation and foreign language teaching benefit from an

ethnolinguistic approach to interlingual and intercultural

5. How can we view translators and language teachers as bilingual

and bicultural performers addressing different audiences in different

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