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The Computing Centre, Faculty of Engineering IT Course

Report Writing with MS Word 2007 Practical Exercises

Follow the given instructions to create the report available in Sample report you need to create
Lesson in the course page.
You can refer the videos available in the course page. After completing the report upload your

1. Open a New Blank Word Document

Click on Start Button Programs All Programs Microsoft Office Word2007
Click on the Office button at left top and select New. Open a Blank document

2. Setting up the page

Page Setup On the Menu => Size => A4

3. Creating Styles
Style is a defined format which is available for reusing. It gives the consistent appearance for your
document. You can easily update the style.

Type Heading 1 and press enter

Select the text, Heading 1 and use the font options to
format the text to;
Font to Times New Roman
Size to 18
Bold Sect

Right click on MyStyle _Head 1, select style and save selection as New Quick Style
Name your style as Heading1
Create two more new styles with different font sizes for following;
MyStyle _Head 2 for subtitles
MyPara for paragraphs
Press Ctrl + A on the keyboard and delete to all the work you have done so far on this document

4. Creating the Document

Title Page
Type Photosynthesis in the first Page and press enter twice
Apply MyStyle_head1 type to the word you type using the Style pane under the home menu.
(highlight the word to select and select the style name from the pane)
Insert the downloaded picture for the title page.
Leave two blank lines below the picture
Insert a text box (Insert on the menu bar Text Box simple text box)
Type Index Number in it
Format the text in your text box to Times New Roman, 16, Bold, centre align the text.
Resize the text box to appear the text correctly.
Create threemore text boxes with the following text:
Faculty of Engineering,
University of Peradeniya
Date; inset the date using the options on the insert menu (insert => date & Time)
Select all the text boxes at once with the help of the shift key, right click on one of the boarder and use
the options to remove the boarder (line color => no color)
The Computing Centre, Faculty of Engineering IT Course

Select all the text boxes together to align them to the centre of the page (Select the text boxes
=> format => Align)

5. Breaking the sections

Section breaks are necessary when you want to number the document using different numbering
format. Ex: In a report; introduction pages are numbered using roman numbers and the content
pages are numbered using Arabic numbers.
In this report there will be 3 sections.
1- Title Page (no numbering)
2- Table of Contents and Table of Figures (Roman number starting from i)
3- Report contents (Arabic numbers starting from 1)

Click on the last line of the page

Go to Page Layout (menu) Breaks => section break to next page

6. Table of Contents (Page No 2)

Table of contents and table of figures can be generated after completing the content of the report.
(TOC will be generated automatically at the end of this tutorial. Therefore leave the space is
enough in this step)

Go to the second page

Type Table of Contents and press enter twice
Set its style of Table of Contents as MyStyle_Head1
Leave few blank lines and type Table of Figures and press enter.
Move your cursor by pressing the Tab key to the end of the document.
Insert another Section Break to Next Page

7. Creating the first content page (Page No 3)

Go to the Third page
Type Introduction and press enter twice
Select the word you typed and apply your MyStyle_Head1)
(Home(menu) => select MyStyle_Head1 on the Styles pane
Copy and paste the following paragraphs. ( to remove the border either the clear the format or
Go to Format Menu Borders and Shading Set the border to None)

Photosynthesis is a process by which light energy is converted into chemical energy. Understanding energy conversions
is not trivial, and this BioCoach activity is designed to enhance your understanding and retention of the content by
illustrating and animating the fundamental processes involved in Photosynthesis.

This activity consists of a brief overview of photosynthesis using nine interactive animations and a 25-question multiple-
choice quiz. You should work through the animations in sequence, but may access them in random order for review
purposes. The animations review the important characteristics of light energy, quiz your recall of leaf and plant cell
anatomy, demonstrate the general process of photosynthesis, and examine the molecular events that take place in the
chloroplast. You are expected to have covered photosynthesis in class and to be familiar with the basic terminology.

Select the paragraphs and apply MyPara style you created

Go to Insert (menu) Picture From File
Browse the folder which you have downloaded the picture files from FEeLS.
Insert photosynthesis_h1.jpg.

The Computing Centre, Faculty of Engineering IT Course

Adding Captions
Select the picture
Reference (menu) => Insert Caption
Type the caption as Figure 1: Photosynthesis and Respiration of a plant.

Figure 1 : Inserting a Caption for a figure

Place your curser at the end of the caption

Go to Reference (menu) Insert Footnote
Check the bottom of the page for a place activated to type the foot note at the end of page
Type the text as below
The picture was taken from

Go out of the footer by click somewhere on the page

Go to the next page with the help of the enter key

8. Second Content page (Page No 4)

Type An Overview of Photosynthesis and press enter twice
Apply MyStyle_Head1
Copy & paste the following paragraph and apply MyPara style to the paragraph

Photosynthesis converts light energy into the chemical energy of sugars and other organic compounds. This process
consists of a series of chemical reactions that require carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) and store chemical
energy in the form of sugar. Light energy from light drives the reactions. Oxygen (O2 ) is a byproduct of photosynthesis
and is released into the atmosphere.

Type the subheading Chemical Equation and Press enter twice

Apply MyStyle_Head2 to Chemical Equation
Type or copy the following line.

The following equation summarizes photosynthesis:

type the following on two lines below

6 CO2 + 6 H2O 6(CH2O) + 6 O2

Select 2 next to CO and make it a subscript using the font pane

The Computing Centre, Faculty of Engineering IT Course

Repeat the above steps to get H2O, CH2O and O2

Press Enter then set the style to MyPara using Error! Reference source not found..
Type the Following paragraph

Photosynthesis transfers electrons from water to energy-poor CO2 molecules, forming energy-rich
sugar molecules. This electron transfer is an example of an oxidation-reduction process: the water is
oxidized (loses electrons) and the CO2 is reduced (gains electrons). Photosynthesis uses light energy
to drive the electrons from water to their more energetic states in the sugar products, thus converting
solar energy into chemical energy.

Press enter twice to leave two blank lines

Insert a Text box, type Carbone Dioxide
Resize the text box to match to the length of the text inside
Create three more text boxes for Carbohydrate, Water and Oxygen
Insert suitable shapes and clipart to draw the other elements in the diagram below
Insert => shapes =>


Carbon Dioxide



Select all the objects by clicking with the shift key.

Click right mouse button Grouping Group.
Center the drawing on the page horizontally.
Insert the following caption to your figure

Figure 13: Photosynthesis Process

Insert a section break to a new page

The Computing Centre, Faculty of Engineering IT Course

9. Third Content page (Page no 5)

Type An estimate of the photosynthetic production of individual Trees with
Leave two blank lines
Type or copy the following paragraph and apply MyPara style

Mr. AK10 HAGIHARA and KAZUO HOZUMI have done an estimate of the photosynthetic
production of individual trees in a Chamaecyparis obtusa plantation as a research on 1985. Weibull
function was used to model the vertical distribution of leaf area of individual trees in a 25year-old
Chamaecyparis obtusa (Siebold & Zucc.) Endl. plantation. The parameter representing the shape of
the leaf distribution was independent of tree size.

Type Vertical distribution of leaf area of a tree on the next line and MyStyle_Head2
Type or copy the following paragraph and apply MyPara style

To evaluate the photosynthetic production by a crown on the basis of a canopy photosynthetic model,
the vertical distribution of leaf area of the individual trees must be known. We used a Weibull
function (Weibull 1949) to model the vertical distribution of leaf area. The distribution density of leaf
area y(x) as a function of height x above ground takes the form.

Insert mathematical equations

Refer the video tutorial in the Introduction Course page.

Insert the following equation with the help of tools and symbols on the equation

m H x m
( x) u H x exp

10. Reference Page

Insert a page break to get a new document

Type References and apply MyStyle_Head1 Go to Edit menu Clear Format (to Clear
the format)
Leave two blank lines and set the style to MyPara
Type or copy the following line.

Select the number part [(1)] of the line you typed.

Go to Insert Menu Bookmark Type Ref1 as the bookmark name and click Add.

The Computing Centre, Faculty of Engineering IT Course

Figure 2 : Bookmark Window

Type reference 2 and 3 as follows.

(3). http://treephys.oxfordjournals

Insert bookmarks to second and third references

Inserting cross references

The content of the first page was taken from the first reference site. It should be mention at the end
of the last paragraph in the first content page.

Click at the end of the paragraph in the first content page. (3 rd Page)
Go to Insert Menu Reference Cross-reference

Figure 3 : Cross Reference Window

Select Bookmark as reference type

The Computing Centre, Faculty of Engineering IT Course

Figure 4 : Cross Reference ; Bookmark

Select the Ref1 from the Bookmark list

Click Insert button.
Then (1) will be inserted at the end of that paragraph.
Select that number and change its format to Superscript. (Refer Error! Reference source
not found. picture).
Repeat the steps for Ref2 and Ref3
Ref2 : paragraph on the 4 th content page
Ref3 : paragraph on the 5 th content page

11. Numbering the report

Refer the video tutorial in the Introduction Course page.

Go to the second page of the Document.

Insert the page numbers starting form 1 (insert(menu) => page numbers => page number
formats => )

Figure 5 : Page Number Format (Section 3)

Insert page numbers to the other sections of you document

The Computing Centre, Faculty of Engineering IT Course

12. Table of Content and Table of Figure Page

Go to the page with the title table Of content of your Document.
Place the curser two lines below heading
Go to Insert (menu) Reference Table of Contents Insert Table of content

Figure 6 : Table of Contents

Select Table of Contents Tab

Click OK
Go to the page with the title Table of Figures
Go to Insert (menu) Reference Table of Contents Insert Table of content
Select Table of Figures Tab

Figure 7 : Table of Figures

Select the Caption Label as Figure

Click OK.
13. Check you document to see what other changes you can apply to make it
14. Update the Table of contents and table of figures; click the right mouse button Update the

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