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Uson v. Del Rosario Ledesma v. McLachlin

Law in force at time of decedents death determines who FACTS: A has a child B who has a child C. B is indebted
the heirs should be. - Maria Unson was the legal wife of to a stranger, but dies before he pays the same. A then
Faustino Nebrada. Faustino died in 1945 leaving 5 parcels died, leaving C as heir. In As intestate proceedings, the
of land with no other heir except his legal wife. stranger presents his claim for the credit. Question: Is C
- However, it was the common-life, Maria del Rosario who bound to pay for the debt, or will As estate answer, or will
took possession of the lands, depriving Unson the no one be held responsible?
enjoyment and possession of the same. HELD: Neither As estate nor C is liable, for neither
contracted the debt, nor may it be said that C is inheriting
- Thus, the legal wife filed a case for recovery of ownership from B for the truth is, C in the case presented, is
and possession of the said parcels of land against del inheriting only from A. Therefore, the creditor-stranger must
Rosario. shoulder the loss himself.
- Maria de Rosario contended that Unson and Faustino
agreed to separate some time in 1931. Unson was given a Rabadilla v. CA
parcel of land as alimony on the condition that the latter will Under Art. 776, inheritance includes all the property, rights,
renounce her right to inherit any property that may be left by and obligations of a person, not extinguished by his death.
the husband upon his death.
Conformably, whatever rights Dr. Jorge Rabadilla had by
- Whether or not Unson is entitled to recover the parcels of virtue of subject Codicil were transmitted to his forced heirs,
land in question. at the time of his death. And since obligations not
extinguished by death also form part of the estate of the
- The SC held for Maria Unson. decedent, corollarily, the obligations imposed by the Codicil
- The Civil Code provides that the inheritance of a person is on the deceased, Dr. Jorge Rabadilla, were likewise
transmitted to another at the moment of his death. transmitted to his compulsory heirs upon his death.
- Accordingly, the Supreme Court said that the parcels of
land of Faustino passed from the moment of his death to COJA VS CA
his only heir, Maria Unson.
Facts: Luz Aquillo Victor (hereafter Luz) and Feliciano
- The contention that Unson and Faustino agreed that the Aquillo, Jr. (hereafter Feliciano Jr.), both deceased, were
former would NOT inherit anything from the latter cannot the legitimate children of the late spouses Feliciano Aquillo,
be made effectual. Future inheritance cannot be validly
Sr. (hereafter Feliciano Sr.) and Lorenza Mangarin Aquillo
made the subject of any contract nor can it be renounced.
- Del Rosario also argued that her illegitimate children with (hereafter Lorenza). During their marriage, Feliciano Sr.
Faustino have the right to inherit by virtue of the provision and Lorenza acquired a 120-square meter lot located at
of the new Civil Code granting successional rights to Poblacion, Mandaon, Masbate, upon which they built their
illegitimate children. conjugal home. The subject lot was covered by Tax
Declaration issued in the name of Feliciano Sr.
- Said argument is untenable. It is true that the new Civil
Code grants successional rights to illegitimate children and After the death of Lorenza, Feliciano Sr. cohabited with Paz
that this right shall be given retroactive effect even though Lachica and lived at the aforesaid house. However, after
the event which gave rise to said right may have occurred
Lorenzas death, her heirs failed to partition their hereditary
under the former legislation. (Faustino died in 1945, The
NCC took effect in 1950). shares in their inheritance.

- However, according to the NCC, this new right must not On February 27, 1960, while Lorenza was cohabiting with
prejudice or impair any vested or acquired right. Feliciano Sr., Paz Lachica purchased a 192-square meter
- In this case, and as already explained, the right over the lot covered by Tax Declaration No. 02115 from the heirs of
parcels of land vested upon Unson from the moment of Juan Rivas. She later sold 40.10 square meters of the
death of Faustino. Thus, the new right cannot be enforced property to Isabel L. de Real leaving her with only 151.9
w/out prejudice to Unsons vested right over the properties.
square meters.
- Rights over the inheritance of a person are transmitted
upon his death to another.
On July 7, 1965, or two (2) days before he died, Feliciano
- The property belongs to the heirs at the moment of death Sr. married Paz Lachica. After Feliciano Sr. died, his heirs
of the ancestor as completely as if the ancestor had also failed to partition among themselves their hereditary
executed and delivered to them a deed for the same shares in their inheritance.
before his death.
On December 18, 1986, Paz Lachica and herein
petitioners, Spouses Charlito Coja and Annie Mesa Coja,

executed a Deed of Absolute Sale wherein the former sold square meters of the property covered by Tax Declaration
the 336-square meter parcel of land to the latter. Charlito No. 1151, belong to the appellants, being the heirs of the
Coja filed an application for the issuance of title with the late Feliciano Aquillo, Jr. and Luz Aquillo. Considering that
Regional Trial Court Luz, being one of the heirs of Feliciano Paz Lachica owns only 26.6666 square meters of the 120-
Sr., opposed the application for registration. During the square meter property and the remaining 93.3333-square
pendency of the case, Luz died. She was substituted by her meter portion thereof is owned by the respondents, the
spouse, Quinciano Victor, Sr., and her children, Lorna, former could only validly sell the portion which rightfully
Antonio, Quinciano Jr., and Susana, all surnamed Victor. belonged to her. However, considering that Paz Lachica,
the predecessor-in-interest of the Spouses Coja, was a co-
On November 3, 1989, respondents filed an action for owner of the subject 120-square meter property; and
recovery of possession and ownership with damages considering further that partition of the property is wanting,
against the petitioners and Paz Lachica. this Court is precluded from directing the Spouses Coja to
return specific portions of the property to respondents.
COUPLE, THE LATE SPOUSES FELICIANO AQUILLO Facts: On January 3, 1992, Torcuato J. Reyes executed his
AND LORENZA MANGARIN. last will and testament declaring therein in part, to wit:

Ruling: Article 160 of the Civil Code provides: xxx xxx xxx

Article 160. All property of the marriage is presumed to II. I give and bequeath to my wife Asuncion "Oning" R.
belong to the conjugal partnership, unless it be proved that Reyes the following properties to wit:
it pertains exclusively to the husband or to the wife.
a. All my shares of our personal properties consisting
All properties acquired during the marriage are thus among others of jewelries, coins, antiques, statues,
disputably presumed to belong to the conjugal partnership. tablewares, furnitures, fixtures and the building;
As a condition for the operation of above article, in favor of
the conjugal partnership, the party who invokes the b. All my shares consisting of one half (1/2) or 50% of all
presumption must first prove that the property was acquired the real estates I own in common with my brother Jose,
during the marriage. situated in Municipalities of Mambajao, Mahinog,
Guinsiliban, Sagay all in Camigiun; real estates in Lunao,
Under Article 996 of the Civil Code, upon the death of Gingoog, Caamulan, Sugbongcogon, Boloc-Boloc,
Lorenza Mangarin, one-half of said property, or 60 square Kinoguitan, Balingoan, Sta. Ines, Talisay, all in the province
meters, is transmitted to her heirs, namely: Feliciano of Misamis Oriental.
Aquillo, Sr., Feliciano Aquillo, Jr., and Luz Aquillo, at 20
square meters each, while the remaining one-half is Reyes died on May 12, 1992 and on May 21, 1992, private
transmitted to Feliciano Aquillo, Sr. Upon the death of respondent filed a petition for probate of the will. On July
Feliciano Aquillo, Sr., his rights over the property, consisting 21, 1992, the recognized natural children of Torcuato
of the 20 square meter-inheritance from his late wife and Reyes with Estebana Galolo, namely Manuel, Mila, and
his 60 square meter-share in the conjugal partnership, or a Danilo all surnamed Reyes, and the deceased's natural
total of 80 square meters were transmitted to his heirs, children with Celsa Agape, namely Lyn and Marites Agape,
namely: Feliciano Aquillo, Jr., Luz Aquillo, and his widow, filed an opposition with the following allegations: a) that the
Paz Lachica. The surviving spouse is entitled to the same last will and testament of Reyes was not executed and
share as that of the legitimate children, to the portion of attested in accordance with the formalities of law; and b)
one-third each or 26.6666 square meters each x x x. Thus, that Asuncion Reyes Ebarle exerted undue and improper
as a result of the death of Feliciano Aquillo, Sr., a regime of influence upon the testator at the time of the execution of
co-ownership exists among Feliciano, Jr., Luz Aquillo, and the will. The opposition further averred that Reyes was
Paz Lachica, with respect to the undivided 80 square never married to and could never marry Asuncion Reyes,
meters of the property covered by Tax Declaration No. the woman he claimed to be his wife in the will, because the
1151. latter was already married to Lupo Ebarle who was still then
alive and their marriage was never annulled. Thus,
The 120 square meters less the hereditary share of Paz Asuncion can not be a compulsory heir for her open
Lachica which is 26.6666 square meters, or the 93.3333 cohabitation with Reyes was violative of public morals.

Issue: WON the testators invalid marriage which was not RULING: Yes, as an exception. But the general rule is that
expressly provided in the will, will affect the validity of his the court's area of inquiry is limited to the an examination
last will. and resolution of the extrinsic validity of the will. This
general rule is however not inflexible and absolute. Given
Ruling: In the elegant language of Justice Moreland written exceptional circumstances, the probate court is not
decades ago, he powerless to do what the situation constrains it to do and
may pass upon certain provisions of the will. The will itself
said A will is the testator speaking after death. Its
admitted on its face the relationship between the testator
provisions have substantially the same force and effect in
and the petitioner.
the probate court as if the testator stood before the court in
full life making the declarations by word of mouth as they The will was validly executed in accordance with law but the
appear in the will. That was the special purpose of the law court didn't find it to serve a practical purpose to remand the
in the creation of the instrument known as the last will and nullified provision in a separate action for that purpose only
testament. Men wished to speak after they were dead and since in the probate of a will, the court does not ordinarily
the law, by the creation of that instrument, permitted them look into the intrinsic validity of its provisions.
to do so. . . . All doubts must be resolved in favor of the
testator's having meant just what he said. (Santos vs. The devisee is invalid by virtue of Art. 739 which voids a
Manarang, 27 Phil. 209). donation made between persons guilty of
adultery/concubinage at the time of the donations. Under
Testator Torcuato Reyes merely stated in his will that he Art, 1028 it is also prohibited.
was bequeathing some of his personal and real properties
to his wife, Asuncion "Oning" Reyes. There was never an 9. ENRIQUEZ VS ABADIA
open admission of any illicit relationship. The trial court
relied on uncorroborated testimonial evidence that Facts: Andres Enriquez, as one of the legatees in a
Asuncion Reyes was still married to another during the time document purporting to be the last will and testament of
she cohabited with the testator. The testimonies of the Father Sancho Abadia, which was executed on September
witnesses were merely hearsay and even uncertain as to 6, 1923, filed a petition for its probate. Some cousins and
the whereabouts or existence of Lupo Ebarle, the supposed nephews of the deceased, who would inherit his estate if he
husband of Asuncion. left no will, filed opposition. The trial court ruled in favor of
Enriquez, stating that even if the said document is a
8. NEPOMUCENO VS CA holographic will, one which is not permitted by law at the
time it was executed and at the time of the testators death,
Facts: Martin Hugo died on 1974 and he left a will wherein such form of a will is already allowed at the time of the
he instituted Sofia Nepomuceno as the sole and only hearing of the case since the new Civil Code is already
executor. It was also provided therein that he was married enforced, and that to carry out the intention of the testator
to Rufina Gomez with whom he had 3 children. which according to the trial court is the controlling factor
and may override any defect in form. Hence, this petition.
Petitioner (Sofia) filed for the probate of the will but the legal
wife and her children opposed alleging that the will was Issue: Whether the reckoning period in deciding the validity
procured through improper and undue influence and that of the holographic will of Rev. Sanchio, the time of the
there was an admission of concubinage with the petitioner. hearing of the case shall be considered and not the time of
its execution.
The lower court denied the probate on the ground of the
testator's admission of cohabitation, hence making the will Ruling: No. The validity of a will is to be judged not by the
invalid on its face. The Court of Appeals reversed and held law enforce at the time of the testator's death or at the time
that the will is valid except the devise in favor of the the supposed will is presented in court for probate or when
petitioner which is null and void in violation of Art. 739 and the petition is decided by the court but at the time the
1028. instrument was execute, as supported by Art. 795 of the
new Civil Code. One reason in support of the rule is that
Issue: Whether or not the court can pass on the intrinsic
although the will operates upon and after the death of the
validity of a will
testator, the wishes of the testator about the disposition of
his estate among his heirs and among the legatees is given

solemn expression at the time the will is executed, and in the estate of Carlos Jimenez and could not have validly
reality, the legacy or bequest then becomes a completed acquired, nor legally transferred to Edilberto Cagampan that
act. When one executes a will which is invalid for failure to portion of the property subject of this petition.
observe and follow the legal requirements at the time of its
execution then upon his death he should be regarded and AZNAR VS GARCIA
declared as having died intestate, and his heirs will then
inherit by intestate succession, and no subsequent law with
more liberal requirements or which dispenses with such Helen Christensen Garcia filed a petition for review to the
requirements as to execution should be allowed to validate Supreme Court the decision of the lower court in Davao
a defective will and thereby divest the heirs of their vested declaring that Maria Lucy Christensen is the sole heir of
rights in the estate by intestate succession. The general testator Edward Christensen. Facts of the case are as
rule is that the Legislature cannot validate void wills. Hence, follows:
the trial courts decision was reversed.
1. Edward Christensen was born in New York but he
10. JIMENEZ VS FERNANDEZ migrated to California where he resided for a period
of 9 years.
Facts: The land in question (2, 932 sqm) formerly belonged 2. He came to the Philippines where he became a
to Fermin Jimenez. Fermin Jimenez had 2 sons, Carlos and domiciliary until his death.
Fortunato. Fortunato predeceased Fermin leaving behind a 3. In his will, he declared to have only one child
daughter, Sulpicia. After the death of Fermin Jimenez, the (natural daughter) Maria Lucy Christensen as his
only heir
entire parcel of land was registered under Act 496 in the
4. However, he left a sum of money in favor of Helen
name of Carlos Jimenez and Sulpicia Jimenez (uncle and Christensen Garcia, an acknowledged natural child,
niece) in equal shares pro-indiviso. Carlos Jimenez died on though not in any way related to the deceased.
July 9, 1936 and his illegitimate daughter, Melecia 5. Helen claims that under Article 16, paragraph 2 of
Cayabyab, also known as Melecia Jimenez, took the Civil Code, California law should be applied;
possession of the eastern portion of the property consisting that under California law, the matter is referred
of 436 square meters. Melecia Jimenez sold said 436 back to the law of the domicile.
square meter-portion of the property to Edilberto Cagampan
and defendant Teodora Grado executed a contract entitled Whether or not the national law of the deceased should be
"Exchange of Real Properties" whereby the former applied in determining the successional rights of his heirs.
transferred said 436 square meter-portion to the latter, who
has been in occupation since August 1969 -- PET executed HELD:
an affidavit adjudicating unto herself the other half of the
property appertaining to Carlos Jimenez, upon Yes. Article 16 of the Civil Code states that succesional
manifestation that she is the only heir of her deceased rights are determined by the national law of the country
uncle. A TCT was then issued in petitioner's name alone where the deceased is a citizen hence the internal law of
over the entire 2,932 square meter property. PET, joined by California since it was ruled that Edward Christensen is a
her husband, instituted the present action for the recovery citizen of California.
of the eastern portion of the property consisting of 436
Said internal law distinguishes the rule to be applied to
square meters occupied by defendant Teodora Grado and
Californians domiciled in California and for Californians
her son.
domiciled outside of California. For Californians residing in
Issue: WON Melecia Cayabyab had any right over the other jurisdiction, the law of said country must apply.
eastern part of the property she took possession of and Edward Christensen being domiciled in the Philippines, the
later sold. law of his domicile must be followed. The case was
remanded to the lower court for further proceedings the
Ruling: Melecia Jimenez, is not the daughter of Carlos determination of the successional rights under Philippine
Jimenez and therefore, had no right over the property in law only.
question. Respondents failed to present concrete evidence
to prove that Melecia Cayabyab was really the daughter of MICIANO V. BRIMO
Carlos Jimenez. Assuming that Melecia Cayabyab was the - The subject of this case is the partition of the estate of the
late Joseph Brimo.
illegitimate daughter of Carlos Jimenez there can be no
- Miciano, the appointed judicial administrator, filed a
question that Melecia Cayabyab had no right to succeed to partition scheme.

- Andre Brimo, one of Josephs borthers, opposed stating counsel. The divorce was granted and in 1952, the divorce
that the partition was not in accordance with Turkish laws, became final.
Jospeh being a Turkish citizen.
Lorenzo returned to the Philippines. In 1958, Lorenzo
- Andre contends that this was void because the Civil Code
married Alicia Fortuno. They had three children.
states that legal and testamentary successions shall be
governed by the national law of the person whose In 1981, Lorenzo executed his last will and testament where
succession is in question. he left all his estate to Alicia and their children (nothing for
Paula). In 1983, he went to court for the wills probate and
- Andre was excluded from as a legatee because of a to have Alicia as the administratrix of his property. In 1985,
clause in the will where Joseph wished that his property be before the probate proceeding can be terminated, Lorenzo
distributed in accordance with Philippine laws, and any died. Later, Paula filed a petition for letters of administration
legatee who fails to comply with this would be prevented over Lorenzos estate.
from receiving his legacy. The trial court ruled that Lorenzos marriage with Alicia is
void because the divorce he obtained abroad is void. The
- Since the institution of legatees was conditioned upon trial court ratiocinated that Lorenzo is a Filipino hence
Josephs wish, it is claimed that Andre is excluded by divorce is not applicable to him. The Court of Appeals
questioning the validity of applying Philippine laws in the affirmed the trial court.
partition of the estate (which was against his brothers
wish). ISSUES: Whether or not Lorenzos divorce abroad should
be recognized.
WON Andre Brimo can be validly excluded as a legatee. HELD: Yes. It is undisputed by Paula Llorente that Lorenzo
became an American citizen in 1943. Hence, when he
- NO. The condition imposed by the will of the testator is obtained the divorce decree in 1952, he is already an
contrary to law because it ignores the testators national American citizen. Article 15 of the Civil Code provides:
law, when according to the Civil Code, such national law of
the testator is to govern his testamentary dispositions. Laws relating to family rights and duties, or to the status,
condition and legal capacity of persons are binding upon
- As such, the condition is considered unwritten and the citizens of the Philippines, even though living abroad.
institution of legatees in the will is unconditional and Since Lorenzo was no longer a Filipino, Philipine laws
consequently valid and effective even as to Andre. relating to family rights, duties, or status are no longer
applicable to him. Therefore, the divorce decree he
- The remaining clauses of the will are valid despite the obtained abroad must be respected. The rule is: aliens may
nullity of the clause stating that the testators testamentary obtain divorces abroad, provided they are valid according to
dispositions be governed by Philippine laws. their national law.
However, this case was still remanded to the lower court so
- Art. 792, (Old) Civil Code: Impossible conditions and those
as for the latter to determine the effects of the divorce as to
contrary to law or good morals shall be considered as not
the successional rights of Lorenzo and his heirs.
imposed and shall not prejudice the heir or legatee in any
manner whatsoever, even should the testator otherwise Anent the issue on Lorenzos last will and testament, it must
provide. be respected. He is an alien and is not covered by our laws
on succession. However, since the will was submitted to
LLORENTE VS CA our courts for probate, then the case was remanded to the
lower court where the foreign law must be alleged in order
In 1927, Lorenzo Llorente, then a Filipino, was enlisted in to prove the validity of the will.
the U.S. Navy. In 1937, he and Paula Llorente got married
in Camarines Sur. In 1943, Lorenzo became an American
citizen. Nepomuceno v. CA
In 1945, Lorenzo returned to the Philippines for a vacation. FACTS:
He discovered that Paula was already living illicitly with Martin Jugo left a duly executed and notarized Last
Ceferino Llorente (brother of Lorenzo). Ceferino and Paula Will and Testament before he died. Petitioner was named
even had a son. as sole executor. It is clearly stated in the Will that he was
Lorenzo then refused to live with Paula. He also refused to legally married to a certain Rufina Gomez by whom he had
give her monetary support. Eventually, Lorenzo and Paula two legitimate children, but he had been estranged from his
agreed in writing Lorenzo shall not criminally charge Paula lawful wife. In fact, the testator Martin Jugo and the
if the latter agrees to waive all monetary support from petitioner were married despite the subsisting first marriage.
Lorenzo. Later, Lorenzo returned to the United States. The testator devised the free portion of his estate to
petitioner. On August 21, 1974, the petitioner filed a petition
In 1951, Lorenzo filed a divorce proceeding against Paula
for probate. On May 13, 1975, Rufina Gomez and her
in California. Paula was represented by an American
children filed an opposition alleging undue and improper

influence on the part of the petitioner; that at the time of the his sister, Paula (one of the respondents). After discovering
execution of the Will, the testator was already very sick and the registration of the Deed, respondents denied having
that petitioner having admitted her living in concubinage knowledge of its execution and disclaimed having signed
with the testator. the same; nor did they ever waive their rights, shares and
The lower court denied the probate of the Will on interest in the subject parcel of land. According to
the ground that as the testator admitted in his Will to respondents, subject Deed was fraudulently prepared by
cohabiting with the petitioner. Petitioner appealed to CA. On petitioner and that their signatures thereon were forged.
June 2, 1982, the respondent court set aside the decision of They also assert that one Atty. Jose Villena, the Notary
the Court of First Instance of Rizal denying the probate of Public who notarized the said Deed was not even
the will. The respondent court declared the Will to be valid registered in the list of accredited Notaries Public of Pasay
except that the devise in favor of the petitioner is null and City.
void. Thereafter, petitioner executed a Deed of Absolute
Sale selling 240 square meters of the land to his children.
ISSUE: After the property was partitioned, petitioner, his children
W/N the CA acted in excess of its jurisdiction when after and private respondent Paula allegedly executed a Deed of
declaring the last Will and Testament of the deceased Co-owners' Partition dividing the property among
Martin Jugo validly drawn, it went on to pass upon the themselves. This led the respondents to file a Complaint for
intrinsic validity of the testamentary provision. "Annulment of Sale and Damages With Prayer for
Preliminary Injunction/Restraining Order" before the RTC,
HELD: which ruled that private respondents' signatures on the
No. The respondent court acted within its questioned Deed of Extrajudicial Partition and Settlement
jurisdiction when after declaring the Will to be validly drawn, were indeed forged and simulated. The CA affirmed.
it went on to pass upon the intrinsic validity of the Will and Hence, this petition.
declared the devise in favor of the petitioner null and void.
The general rule is that in probate proceedings, the court's ISSUES:
area of inquiry is limited to an examination and resolution of 1. Whether the Deed was forged.
the extrinsic validity of the Will. The rule, however, is not 2. Whether petitioner(s) had become absolute owners of
inflexible and absolute. Given exceptional circumstances, the subject property by virtue of acquisitive prescription.
the probate court is not powerless to do what the situation
constrains it to do and pass upon certain provisions of the RULING:
Will. 1. YES. Petitioner(s) cast doubt on the findings of the
The probate of a will might become an idle lower court as affirmed by the Court of Appeals
ceremony if on its face it appears to be intrinsically void. regarding the existence of forgery. Factual findings of
Where practical considerations demand that the intrinsic the trial court, adopted and confirmed by the Court of
validity of the will be passed upon, even before it is Appeals, are final and conclusive and may not be
probated, the court should meet the issue (Nuguid v. reviewed on appeal. Petitioners' ludicrous claim that
Nuguid) private respondents imputed no deception on his part
The Will is void under Article 739. The following but only forgery of the subject Deed and the simulation
donations shall be void: (1) Those made between persons of their signatures is nothing short of being oxymoronic.
who were guilty of adultery or concubinage at the time of For what is forgery and simulation of signatures if not
the donation; and Article 1028. The prohibitions mentioned arrant deception! The allegation made by petitioner that
in Article 739, concerning donations inter vivos shall apply the execution of a public document ratified before a
to testamentary provisions. notary public cannot be impugned by the mere denial of
There is no question from the records about the the signatory is baseless. It should be noted that there
fact of a prior existing marriage when Martin Jugo executed was a finding that the subject Deed was notarized by
his Will. The very wordings of the Will invalidate the legacy one Atty. Villena who at that time was not
because the testator admitted he was disposing the commissioned as a notary in Pasay City.
properties to a person with whom he had been living in
concubinage. 2. NO. Petitioners cannot justify their ownership and
possession of the subject parcel of land since they
Reyes v. CA could not ave been possessors in good faith of the
281 SCRA 277 | Tan subject parcel of land considering the finding that at the
very inception they forged the Deed of Extrajudicial
FACTS: Partition and Settlement which they claim to be the
This case involves a 383 sq.m. parcel of land basis for their just title. Having forged the Deed and
owned by pettitioners and respondents father. Petitioner simulated the signatures of private respondents,
alleges that a Deed of Exrajudicial Partition (Deed) was petitioners, in fact, are in bad faith. The forged Deed
entered into between him and the respondents. Petitioner containing private respondents' simulated signatures is
managed to register 335 sq.m. of the land under his name; a nullity and cannot serve as a just title. There can be
while 50 sq.m. of the land was registered under the name of no acquisitive prescription considering that the parcel of

land in dispute is titled property, i.e., titled in the name Sept. 13, 1981. The will, executed in the house of retired
of the late Bernardino Reyes, the father of both Judge Limpin, was read to Paciencia twice. After which,
petitioner Florentino and the private respondents. Paciencia expressed in the presence of the instrumental
witnesses that the document is her last will and testament.
Dorotheo v. CA She thereafter affixed her signature at the end of the said
document on page 3 and then on the left margin of pages 1,
FACTS: 2 and 4 thereof.
Private respondents were the legitimate children of
Alejandro Dorotheo and Aniceta Reyes. The latter died in Childless and without any brothers or sisters, Paciencia
1969 without her estate being settled. Alejandro died bequeathed all her properties to respondent Lorenzo Laxa
thereafter. Sometime in 1977, after Alejandro's death, and his wife Corazon Laza and their children Luna and
petitioner, who claims to have taken care of Alejandro Katherine. Lorenzo is Paciencias nephew whom she
before he died, filed a special proceeding for the probate of treated as her own son. Conversely, Lorenzo came to know
the latter's last will and testament. In 1981, the court issued and treated Paciencia as his own mother.
an order admitting Alejandro's will to probate. Private
respondents did not appeal from said order. In 1983, they
filed a "Motion To Declare The Will Intrinsically Void." The Six days after the execution of the Will (Sept. 19, 1981),
trial court granted the motion and issued an order. Paciencia left for USA. There, she resided with Lorenzo and
Petitioner moved for reconsideration arguing that his family until her death on Jan. 4, 1996. In the interim, the
she is entitled to some compensation since she took care of Will remained in the custody of Judge Limpin.
Alejandro prior to his death although she admitted that they
were not married to each other.
More than 4 years after the death of Paciencia or on Apr.
Later on, Judge Zain B. Angas set aside the final
27, 2000, Lorenzo filed a petition with the RTC of Guagua,
and executory Order, as well as the Order directing the
Pampanga for the probate of the Will of Paciencia and for
issuance of the writ of execution, on the ground that the
the issuance of Letters of Administration in his favor.
order was merely "interlocutory", hence not final in
On Jun 23, 2000 one of petitioners, Antonio Baltazar filed
ISSUE: an opposition to Lorenzos petition. Antonio averred that the
May a last will and testament admitted to probate but properties subject of Paciencias Will belong to Nicomeda
declared intrinsically void in an order that has become final Mangalindan, his predecessor-in-interest; hence, Paciencia
and executory still be given effect? had no right to bequeath them to Lorenzo. Also, one of the
petitioners, Rosie Mateo testified that Paciencia is in the
HELD: state of being mangulyan or forgetful making her unfit for
No. A final and executory decision or order can no executing a will and that the execution of the will had been
longer be disturbed or reopened no matter how erroneous it procured by undue and improper pressure and influence.
may be. In setting aside the Order that has attained finality,
the trial court in effect nullified the entry of judgment made
by the Court of Appeals. It is well settled that a lower court Petitioners also opposed the issuance of the Letters of
cannot reverse or set aside decisions or orders of a Administration in Lorenzos favor arguing that Lorenzo was
superior court, for to do so would be to negate the hierarchy disqualified to be appointed as such, he being a citizen and
of courts and nullify the essence of review. It has been resident of the USA. Petitioners prayed that Letters of
ruled that a final judgment on probated will, albeit Administration be instead issued in favor of Antonio.
erroneous, is binding on the whole world.

Dorotheo v. CA RTC denies the petition for probate of the will and
Due execution of a will includes a determination of whether concluded that when Paciencia signed the will, she was no
the testator was of sound and disposing mind at the time longer possessed of the sufficient reason or strength of
of its execution, that he had freely executed the will and mind to have the testamentary capacity. On appeal, CA
was not acting under duress, fraud, menace or undue reversed the decision of the RTC and granted the probate
influence and that the will is genuine and not a forgery, that of the will. The petitioner went up to SC for a petition for
he was of the proper testamentary age and that he is a review on Certiorari.
person not expressly prohibited by law from making a will.
ISSUE: Whether the authenticity and due execution of the
will was sufficiently established to warrant its allowance for
Baltazar vs. Laxa
FACTS: Paciencia was a 78 y/o spinster when she made
her last will and testament in the Pampango dialect on

HELD: Yes. A careful examination of the face of the Will Sioca (43 Phil., 405), the Court noted that among the
shows faithful compliance with the formalities laid down by defects of the will in question was the failure of the
law. The signatures of the testatrix, Paciencia, her attestation clause to state the number of pages contained in
instrumental witnesses and the notary public, are all the will. In ruling that the will could not be admitted to
present and evident on the Will. Further, the attestation probate, the Court said: The purpose of requiring the
clause explicitly states the critical requirement that the number of sheets to be stated in the attestation
testatrix and her instrumental witnesses attested and clause is obvious; the document might easily be so
subscribed to the Will in the presence of the testator and of prepared that the removal of a sheet would completely
one another. In fact, even the petitioners acceded that the change the testamentary dispositions of the will and in the
signature of Paciencia in the Will may be authentic although absence of a statement of the total number of sheets, such
they question of her state of mind when she signed the removal might be effected by taking out the sheet and
same as well as the voluntary nature of said act. changing the numbers at the top of the following sheets or
The burden to prove that Paciencia was of unsound mind at pages. If, on the other hand, the total number of sheets
the time of the execution of the will lies on the shoulders of is stated in the attestation clause the falsification of the
the petitioners. The SC agree with the position of the CA document will involve the inserting of new pages and the
that the state of being forgetful does not necessarily make a forging of the signatures of the testator and witnesses in the
person mentally unsound so as to render him unfit to margin, a matter attended with much greater diffi culty.
execute a Will. Forgetfulness is not equivalent to being of
unsound mind. Besides, Art. 799 of the NCC states: To be The case of Taboada v. Hon. Rosal wherein the Court
of unsound mind, it is not necessary that the testator be in allowed the will to probate despite the fact that the
full possession of all his reasoning faculties, or that his mind attestation clause did not state the number of pages of the
be wholly unbroken, unimpaired, or unshattered by disease, will is not applicable. This is so because although the
injury or other cause. It shall be sufficient if the testator was attestation in the subject Will did not state the number of
able at the time of making the Will to know the nature of the pages used in the will, the same was found in the last part
estate to be disposed of, the proper objects of his bounty, of the body of the Will. The attestation clause must
and the character of the testamentary act. contain a statement of the number of sheets or pages
composing the will and that if this is missing or is omitted, it
will have the effect of invalidating the will if the defi ciency
AZUELA v. COURT OF APPEALS and CASTILLO cannot be supplied, not by evidence aliunde, but by a
consideration or examination of the will itself.
FACTS: On 10 April 1984, petitioner Felix Azuela (son of
the cousin of the decedent) fi led a petition to probate the The purpose of the law in requiring the clause to state the
notarial will of Eugenia E. Igsolo, with the Regional Trial number of pages on which the will is written is to safeguard
Court (RTC) of Manila. The will, consisting of two (2) pages against possible interpolation or omission of one or some of
and written in the vernacular Pilipino, was witnessed by its pages and to prevent any increase or decrease in the
three witnesses who affi xed their signatures on the left- pages. The failure to state the number of pages equates
hand margin of both pages of the will, but not at the bottom with the absence of an averment on the part of the
of the attestation clause. The petition was opposed by instrumental witnesses as to how many pages consisted
Geralda Castillo who represented herself as the attorney-in- the will, the execution of which they had ostensibly just
fact of the 12 legitimate heirs of the decedent. witnessed and subscribed to.

Geralda Castillo claimed that the will is a forgery, and that Re Signature of Witnesses: While the signatures of the
the true purpose of its emergence was so it could be instrumental witnesses appear on the left-hand margin of
utilized as a defense in the case fi led by oppositor against the will, they do not appear at the bottom of the attestation
petitioner for forcible entry and usurpation of real property, clause. Cagro v. Cagro is applicable in this case. While
all centering on petitioners right to occupy the properties of three (3) Justices considered the signature requirement had
the decedent. Oppositor Geralda Castillo also argued that been substantially complied with, a majority of six (6),
the will was not executed and attested to in accordance speaking through Chief Justice Paras, ruled that the
with law. She pointed out that decedents signature did not attestation clause had not been duly signed, rendering
appear on the second page of the will, and the will was the will fatally defective. There is no question that the
not properly acknowledged. signatures of the three witnesses to the will do not appear
at the bottom of the attestation clause, although the page
ISSUE: Was the will fatally defective since the attestation containing the same is signed by the witnesses on the left-
clause did not state the number of pages of the will and that hand margin. The attestation clause is a memorandum of
is was signed by the witnesses on the left margin? the facts attending the execution of the will required by law
to be made by the attesting witnesses, and it must
HELD: Yes, the will is fatally defective. Re Number of necessarily bear their signatures. The string of mortal
Pages: The attestation clause failed to state the number of defects which the will in question suffers from makes the
pages of the will. As held in Uy Coque v. Navas L. probate denial inexorable.

ORTEGA V. VALMONTE proponent of the will only upon a showing of credible

evidence of fraud.
Two years after the arrival of Placido from the Omission of some relatives does not affect the due
United States and at the age of 80 he wed Josefina who execution of a will. Moreover, the conflict between the
was then 28 years old. But in a little more than two years of dates appearing on the will does not invalidate the
wedded bliss, Placido died. Placido executed a notarial last document, because the law does not even require
will and testament written in English and consisting of 2 that a notarial will be executed and acknowledged
pages, and dated 15 June 1983but acknowledged only on on the same occasion. The variance in the dates of
9 August 1983. The allowance to probate of this will was the will as to its supposed execution and attestation
opposed by Leticia, Placidos sister. According to the notary was satisfactorily and persuasively explained by the
public who notarized the testators will, after the testator notary public and instrumental witnesses.
instructed him on the terms and dispositions he wanted on
the will, the notary public told them to come back on 15 JABONETA VS. GUSTILO
August 1983 to give him time to prepare. The testator and
his witnesses returned on the appointed date but the notary In these proceedings, the will of Mario Jaboneta was
public was out of town so they were instructed by his wife to denied probate by the lower court on the ground that
come back on 9 August 1983. The formal execution was Javellana, one of the witnesses, did not attach his
actually on 9 August 1983. He reasoned he no longer signature thereto in the presence of Jena, another of the
changed the typewritten date of 15 June 1983 because he witnesses. It is admitted that after the testator and the
did not like the document to appear dirty. witnesses Jalbuena and Jena had signed the will and all
of the pages thereof, the latter stood up and left the room
Petitioners argument: just as the third witness Javellana was signing the will
1. At the time of the execution of the notarial will Placido and all of the pages thereof. The question now is did
was already 83 years old and was no longer of sound Javellana sign his name in the presence of Jena as
mind. Required by law?
2. Josefina conspired with the notary public and the 3
attesting witnesses in deceiving Placido to sign it. According to the Supreme Court, speaking through
Deception is allegedly reflected in the varying dates of Justice Carson:
the execution and the attestation of the will. We cannot agree with so much of the above fi nding of
the facts as holds that the signature of Javellana was not
ISSUE: signed in the presence of Jena. The fact that Jena was
1. W/N Placido has testamentary capacity at the time he still in the room when he saw Javellana moving his hand
allegedly executed the will. and pen in the act of affi xing his signature to the will,
2. W/N the signature of Placido in the will was procured by taken together with the testimony of the remaining
fraud or trickery. witnesses, which shows that Javellana did in fact there
and then sign his name to the will, convinces us that the
HELD: signature was affi xed in the presence of Jena. The fact
1. YES. Despite his advanced age, he was still able to that he was in the act of leaving, and that his back was
identify accurately the kinds of property he owned, the turned, while a portion of the name of the witness was
extent of his shares in them and even their location. As being written is of no importance. He, with the other
regards the proper objects of his bounty, it was witnesses and the testator, had assembled for the
sufficient that he identified his wife as sole beneficiary. purpose of executing the testament, and were together in
The omission of some relatives from the will did not the same room for that purpose and at the moment
affect its formal validity. There being no showing of when the witness, Javellana signed the document he was
fraud in its execution, intent in its disposition becomes actually and physically present and in such position with
irrelevant. relation to Javellana that he could see everything which
took place by merely casting his eyes in the proper
2. NO. Fraud is a trick, secret devise, false statement, or direction, and without any physical obstruction to prevent
pretense, by which the subject of it is cheated. It may his doing so, therefore, we are of the opinion that the
be of such character that the testator is misled or document was in fact signed before he fi nally left the
deceived as to the nature or contents of the document room. This conclusion is in accordance with American
which he executes, or it may relate to some extrinsic authorities which hold that the true test of presence of the
fact, in consequence of the deception regarding which testator and the witnesses in the execution of a will is not
the testator is led to make a certain will which, but for whether they actually saw each other sign, but whether
fraud, he would not have made. they might have seen each other sign, had they chosen to
The party challenging the will bears the burden of do so, considering their mental and physical condition
proving the existence of fraud at the time of its and position with relation to each other at the moment of
execution. The burden to show otherwise shifts to the inscription of each signature.

CANEDA V. CA - Ordinary or attested wills are governed by Arts. 804 to

809. The will must be acknowledged before a notary public
- On December 5, 1978, Mateo Caballero, a widower by the testator and the attesting witnesses. The attestation
without any children and already in the twilight years of his clause need not be written in a language known to the
life, executed a last will and testament at his residence testator or even to the attesting witnesses.
before 3 witnesses.
- It is a separate memorandum or record of the facts
- He was assisted by his lawyer, Atty. Emilio Lumontad. surrounding the conduct of execution and once signed by
- In the will, it was declared that the testator was leaving by the witnesses it gives affirmation to the fact that
way of legacies and devises his real and personal compliance with the essential formalities required by law
properties to several people all of whom do not appear to has been observed.
be related to the testator.
- The attestation clause, therefore, provides strong legal
- 4 months later, Mateo Caballero himself filed a case guaranties for the due execution of a will and to insure the
seeking the probate of his last will and testament, but authenticity thereof.
numerous postponements pushed back the initial hearing
of the probate court regarding the will. - It is contended by petitioners that the attestation clause in
the will failed to specifically state the fact that the attesting
- On May 29, 1980, the testator passed away before his witnesses witnessed the testator sign the will and all its
petition could finally be heard by the probate court. pages in their presence and that they, the witnesses,
- Thereafter one of the legatees, Benoni Cabrera, sought likewise signed the will and every page thereof in the
his appointment as special administrator of the testators presence of the testator and of each other. And the Court
estate. agrees.

- Thereafter, the petitioners, claiming to be nephews and - The attestation clause does not expressly state therein the
nieces of the testator, instituted a second petition for circumstance that said witnesses subscribed their
intestate proceedings. They also opposed the probate of respective signatures to the will in the presence of the
the testators will and the appointment of a special testator and of each other.
administrator for his estate.
- The phrase, and he has signed the same and every page
- Benoni Cabrera died and was replaced by William thereof, on the space provided for his signature and on the
Cabrera as special administrator and gave an order that the left hand margin, obviously refers to the testator and not
testate proceedings for the probate of the will had to be the instrumental witnesses as it is immediately preceded
heard and resolved first. by the words as his last will and testament.

- In the course of the proceedings, petitioners opposed to - Clearly lacking is the statement that the witnesses signed
the allowance of the testators will on the ground that on the will and every page thereof in the presence of the
the alleged date of its execution, the testator was already testator and of one another. That the absence of the
in poor state of health such that he could not have possibly statement required by law is a fatal defect or imperfection
executed the same. Also the genuineness of the signature which must necessarily result in the disallowance of the will
of the testator is in doubt. that is here sought to be probated.

- On the other hand, one of the attesting witnesses and the - Also, Art. 809 does not apply to the present case because
notary public testified that the testator executed the will in the attestation clause totally omits the fact that the
question in their presence while he was of sound and attesting witnesses signed each and every page of the will
disposing mind and that the testator was in good health in the presence of the testator and of each other. The
and was not unduly influenced in any way in the execution defect in this case is not only with respect to the form or
of his will. the language of the attestation clause. The defects must
be remedied by intrinsic evidence supplied by the will itself
- Probate court then rendered a decision declaring the will which is clearly lacking in this case.
in question as the last will and testament of the late Mateo
Caballero. - Therefore, the probate of the will is set aside and the case
- CA affirmed the probate courts decision stating that it for the intestate proceedings shall be revived.
substantially complies with Article 805. Hence this appeal. - Article 809 cannot be used to cure the defects of the will
when it does not pertain to the form or language of the will.
WON, the attestation clause in the will of the testator is This is because there is not substantial compliance with
fatally defective or can be cured under the art. 809. Article 805.

- No. It does not comply with the provisions of the law.


ECHAVEZ VS DOZEN CONSTRUCTION acknowledged cannot be considered as the third

instrumental witness since he cannot acknowledge before
FACTS himself his having signed the will. To acknowledge before
Vicente Echavez (Vicente) was the absolute owner of the means to avow (Javellana v. Ledesma; Castro v. Castro); to
own as genuine, to assent, to admit; and "before" means in
subject lots donated to petitioner Manuel Echavez (Manuel)
front or preceding in space or ahead of. Consequently, if
through a Deed of Donation Mortis Causa, sans attestation
the third witness were the notary public himself, he would
clause, acknowledged before a notary public. Manuel have to avow assent, or admit his having signed the will in
accepted the donation. Vicente sold the same lots in favor front of himself. This cannot be done because he cannot
of Dozen Construction and Development Corporation split his personality into two so that one will appear before
(Dozen Corporation). Manuel filed a petition to approve the other to acknowledge his participation in the making of
Vicentes donation mortis causa in his favor and an action the will. To permit such a situation to obtain would be
to annul the contracts of sale Vicente executed in favor of sanctioning a sheer absurdity. Furthermore, the function of
Dozen Corporation. a notary public is, among others, to guard against any
illegal or immoral arrangement (Balinon v. De Leon). That
ISSUE Whether or not the donation mortis causa is valid function would defeated if the notary public were one of the
despite the non-conformity with the formalities of a will. attesting instrumental witnesses. It would place him in
inconsistent position and the very purpose of
acknowledgment, which is to minimize fraud, would be
NO. A donation mortis causa must comply with the Admittedly, there are American precedents holding
formalities prescribed by law for the validity of that notary public may, in addition, act as a witness to the
wills, otherwise, the donation is void and would produce no executive of the document he has notarized. There are
effect. Articles 805 and 806 of the Civil Code should have others holding that his signing merely as notary in a will
been applied. Although the witnesses in the present case nonetheless makes him a witness thereon. But these
acknowledged the execution of the Deed of Donation Mortis authorities do not serve the purpose of the law in this
Causa before the notary public, this is not the avowal the jurisdiction or are not decisive of the issue herein because
law requires from the instrumental witnesses to the the notaries public and witnesses referred to in these cases
merely acted as instrumental, subscribing attesting
execution of a decedents will. Hence, the donation is void,
witnesses, and not as acknowledging witnesses. Here, the
while the sale to Dozen Construction is valid.
notary public acted not only as attesting witness but also
acknowledging witness, a situation not envisaged by Article
805-06. Probate of will set aside.
Alvarado v. Gaviola
The CFI of Cebu allowed the probate of Valente Z.
Cruzs last will and testament. His surviving spouse,
Agapita Cruz, opposed the allowance of the will alleging it
was executed through fraud, deceit, misrepresentation and FACTS:
undue influence; that the said instrument was execute On 5 November 1977, 79-year old Brigido Alvarado
without the testator having been fully informed of the executed a notarial will entitled Huling Habilin wherein he
content thereof, particularly as to what properties he was disinherited an illegitimate son, petitioner Cesar Alvarado, and
disposing and that the supposed last will and testament expressly revoked a previously executed holographic will at the
was not executed in accordance with law. Agapita appealed time awaiting probate before the RTC of Laguna.
the allowance of the will by certiorari. According to Bayani Ma. Rino, private respondent, he
was present when the said notarial will was executed, together
ISSUE: with three instrumental witnesses and the notary public, where
W/N the will was executed in accordance with law the testator did not read the will himself, suffering as he did
(particularly Articles 805 and 806 of the NCC, the first from glaucoma.
requiring at least three credible witnesses to attest and Rino, a lawyer, drafted the eight-page document and
subscribe to the will, and the second requiring the testator read the same aloud before the testator, the three instrumental
and the witnesses to acknowledge the will before a notary
witnesses and the notary public, the latter four following the
reading with their own respective copies previously furnished
HELD: them.
NO. Of the three instrumental witnesses to the will, Thereafter, a codicil entitled Kasulatan ng Pagbabago
one of them (Atty. Teves) is at the same time the Notary ng Ilang Pagpapasiya na Nasasaad sa Huling Habilin na May Petsa
Public before whom the will was supposed to have been Nobiembre 5, 1977 ni Brigido Alvarado was executed changing
acknowledged. The notary public before whom the will was

some dispositions in the notarial will to generate cash for the The rationale behind the requirement of reading the
testators eye operation. will to the testator if he is blind or incapable of reading the will
Said codicil was likewise not read by Brigido Alvarado to himself (as when he is illiterate), is to make the provisions
and was read in the same manner as with the previously thereof known to him, so that he may be able to object if they
executed will. are not in accordance with his wishes.
When the notarial will was submitted to the court for Although there should be strict compliance with the
probate, Cesar Alvarado filed his opposition as he said that the substantial requirements of law in order to insure the
will was not executed and attested as required by law; that the authenticity of the will, the formal imperfections should be
testator was insane or mentally incapacitated due to senility and brushed aside when they do not affect its purpose and which,
old age; that the will was executed under duress, or influence of when taken into account, may only defeat the testators will.
fear or threats; that it was procured by undue pressure and
influence on the part of the beneficiary; and that the signature of DE LA CERNA V. POTOT
the testator was procured by fraud or trick. -
Spouses Bernabe de la Serna and Gervasia Rebaca,
executed a joint last will ad testament where they willed
that their 2 parcels of land be given to Manuela Rebaca,
ISSUE: their niece and that while each of them are living, he/she
W/N notarial will of Brigido Alvarado should be admitted to will continue to enjoy the fruits of the lands mentioned.
probate despite allegations of defects in the execution and -
attestation thereof as testator was allegedly blind at the time of Bernabe died. Gervasia submitted the will for probated.
By order of Oct. 31, 1939, the Court admitted for probate
execution and the double-reading requirement under Art. 808 of the said will but only for the part of Bernabe.
the NCC was not complied with. -
When Gervasia died, another petition for probate was
HELD: instituted by Manuela, but because she and her attorney
YES. The spirit behind the law was served though the failed to appear in court, the petition was dismissed.
letter was not. Although there should be strict compliance with
When the same was heard, the CFI declared the will void
the substantial requirements of law in order to insure the for being executed contrary to the prohibition on joint wills.
authenticity of the will, the formal imperfections should be On appeal, the order was reversed.
brushed aside when they do not affect its purpose and which, Whether or not the will may be probated
when taken into account, may only defeat the testators will. -
Cesar Alvardo was correct in asserting that his father Admittedly the probate of the will in 1939 was erroneous,
however, because it was probated by a court of competent
was not totally blind (of counting fingers at 3 feet) when the will jurisdiction it has conclusive effect and a final judgment
and codicil were executed, but he can be so considered for rendered on a petition for the probate of a will is binding
purposes of Art. 808. upon the whole world. However, this is only with respect to
That Art. 808 was not followed strictly is beyond cavil. the estate of the husband but cannot affect the estate of
However, in the case at bar, there was substantial the wife; considering that a joint will is a separate will of
compliance where the purpose of the law has been satisfied: each testator.
that of making the provisions known to the testator who is blind The joint will being prohibited by law, its validity, in so far
or incapable of reading the will himself (as when he is illiterate) as the estate of the wife is concerned, must be reexamine
and enabling him to object if they do not accord with his wishes. and adjudicated de novo.
Rino read the testators will and codicil aloud in the -
presence of the testator, his three instrumental witnesses, and The undivided interest of the wife should pass upon her
death to her intestate heirs and not to the testamentary
the notary public.
heir. Thus as to the disposition of the wife, the will cannot
Prior and subsequent thereto, the testator affirmed, be given effect.
upon being asked, that the contents read corresponded with his -
instructions. A decree of probate decree is conclusive on the due
Only then did the signing and acknowledgment take execution and the formal validity of the will subject to such
place. probate.
There is no evidence that the contents of the will and
the codicil were not sufficiently made known and communicated -
to the testator. The holographic will of Annie San was submitted for
With four persons, mostly known to the testator, probate.
following the reading word for word with their own copies, it can -
be safely concluded that the testator was reasonably assured Private respondent opposed the petition on the grounds
that: neither the testaments body nor the signature therein
that what was read to him were the terms actually appearing on
was in decedents handwriting; it contained alterations and
the typewritten documents. corrections which were not duly signed by decedent; and,
the will was procured by petitioners through improper

pressure and undue influence. o

- whether the instrument submitted is, indeed, the decedents last
The petition was also contested by Dr. Ajero with respect will and testament;
to the disposition in the will of a house and lot. He claimed o
that said property could not be conveyed by decedent in its whether said will was executed in accordance with the formalities
entirety, as she was not its sole owner. prescribed by law;
- o
However, the trial court still admitted the decedents whether the decedent had the necessary testamentary capacity at
holographic will to probate. the time the will was executed; and
- o
The trial court held that since it must decide only the question of whether the execution of the will and its signing were the voluntary
the identity of the will, its due execution and the testamentary acts of the decedent.
capacity of the testatrix, it finds no reason for the disallowance of -
the will for its failure to comply with the formalities prescribed by The object of the solemnities surrounding the execution of wills is
law nor for lack of testamentary capacity of the testatrix. to close the door against bad faith and fraud; accordingly, laws on
- this subject should be interpreted to attain these primordial ends.
On appeal, the CA reversed said Decision holding that the -
decedent did not comply with Articles 313 and 314 of the In the case of holographic wills, what assures authenticity is the
NCC. It found that certain dispositions in the will were requirement that they be totally authographic or handwritten by the
either unsigned or undated, or signed by not dated. It also testator himself. Failure to strictly observe other formalities will no
found that the erasures, alterations and cancellations result in the disallowance of a holographic will that is
made had not been authenticated by decedent. unquestionable handwritten by
- the testator.
Hence, this appeal.
Whether the CA erred in holding that Articles 813 and 814 of KALAW V. RELOVA
the NCC were not complies with. -
- Natividad Kalaw left a holographic will. It is not contested
YES. The SC reversed the decision of CA. that the will was in her handwriting as certified by the NBI.
- The will however has alterations/insertions. The will
A reading of Article 813 shows that its requirement affects originally named Rosa, the decedents sister as her sole
the validity of the dispositions contained in the holographic heir and administrator, but this was crossed out and
will, but not its probate. If the testator fails to sign and date changed to her brother Gregorio. Such alteration was
some of the dispositions, the result is that these however not authenticated by the full signature of the
dispositions cannot be effectuated. Such failure, however, decedent.
does not render the whole testament void. -
- Hence, the will was denied probate by the trial court
Likewise, a holographic will can still be admitted to probate Whether the will is valid or not.
notwithstanding non-compliance with the provisions of -
Article 814. It is invalid. Ordinarily, when a number of erasures,
- corrections and interlineations made by the testator in a
Unless the authenticated alterations, cancellations or holographic sill have not been noted under his signature,
insertions were made on the date of the holographic will or the will in not thereby invalidated as a whole, but at most
on testators signature, their presence does not invalidate only as respects the particular words erased, corrected or
the will itself. The lack of authentication will only result in interline.
disallowance of such changes. -
- However, in this case, the will in dispute had only one
It is also proper to note that he requirements of substantial provision, which was altered by substituting the
authentication of changes and signing and dating Of ispositions original heir with another, but which alteration did not have
appear in provisions (Article 813 and 814) the signature of the testator, the effect must be that the
entire will is voided for the reason that nothing remains in
separate from that which provides for the necessary the will after that which could remain valid.
conditions for the validity of the holographic will (Article -
810). To state that the will as first written should be given
- efficacy is to disregard the seeming change of mind of the
This separation and distinction adds support to the testatrix. But that change of mind can neither be given
interpretation that only the requirements of Article 810 of effect because she failed to authenticate it in the manner
the NCC and not those found in Articles 813 and 814 required by law by affixing her full signature.
are essential to the probate of a holographic will. -
- When a number of unauthenticated erasures, corrections
Section 9, Rule 76 of the Rules of Court and Article 839 of and interlineations are made by the testator in a
the Civil Code enumerate the grounds for disallowance of holographic will, the same is not thereby invalidated as a
wills. These lists are exclusive; no other grounds can serve whole, but at most only as respects the particular words
to disallow a will. erased, corrected or interlined.
In a petition to admit a holographic will, the only issues to Except however, if after all the alterations were voided, nothing
be resolved are: remains in the will. Comments The holding that the insertion of the
name of Gregorio cannot be given effect for not having been done in

accordance with the requirement of Art814 is beyond question. the public character of the remedy, and clearly excludes the
Why, however, was the cancellation of the original testamentary idea that it may be resorted to for the purpose of enforcing
institution given effect? That cancellation was not done in the
way mandated by the article.
the performance of duties in which the public has no
interest. The writ is a proper recourse for citizens who seek
To say, as the decision does, that to state that the will as first to enforce a public right and to compel the performance of a
written should be given efficacy is to disregard the seeming public duty, most especially when the public right involved
change of mind of the testatrix, is no argument, because it is not is mandated by the Constitution. As the quoted provision
enough that the testator manifest his intent he must manifest in instructs, mandamus will lie if the tribunal, corporation,
a manner required by law.
board, officer, or person unlawfully neglects the
performance of an act which the law enjoins as a duty
resulting from an office, trust or station.
The writ of mandamus, however, will not issue to compel an
Facts: Respondent Nixon Lee filed a petition for mandamus
official to do anything which is not his duty to do or which it
with damages against his mother Uy Kiao Eng, herein
is his duty not to do, or to give to the applicant anything to
petitioner, before the RTC of Manila to compel petitioner to
which he is not entitled by law. Nor will mandamus issue to
produce the holographic will of his father so that probate
enforce a right which is in substantial dispute or as to which
proceedings for the allowance thereof could be instituted.
a substantial doubt exists, although objection raising a mere
Respondent had already requested his mother to settle and
technical question will be disregarded if the right is clear
liquidate the patriarchs estate and to deliver to the legal
and the case is meritorious. As a rule, mandamus will not
heirs their respective inheritance, but petitioner refused to
lie in the absence of any of the following grounds: [a] that
do so without any justifiable reason. Petitioner denied that
the court, officer, board, or person against whom the action
she was in custody of the original holographic will and that
is taken unlawfully neglected the performance of an act
she knew of its whereabouts. The RTC heard the case.
which the law specifically enjoins as a duty resulting from
After the presentation and formal offer of respondents
office, trust, or station; or [b] that such court, officer, board,
evidence, petitioner demurred, contending that her son
or person has unlawfully excluded petitioner/relator from the
failed to prove that she had in her custody the original
use and enjoyment of a right or office to which he is
holographic will. The RTC, at first, denied the demurrer to
entitled. On the part of the relator, it is essential to the
evidence. However, it granted the same on petitioners
issuance of a writ of mandamus that he should have a clear
motion for reconsideration. Respondents motion for
legal right to the thing demanded and it must be the
reconsideration of this latter order was denied. Hence, the
imperative duty of respondent to perform the act required.
petition was dismissed. Aggrieved, respondent sought
review from the appellate court. The CA initially denied the
Recognized further in this jurisdiction is the principle that
appeal for lack of merit. Respondent moved for
mandamus cannot be used to enforce contractual
reconsideration. The appellate court granted the motion, set
obligations. Generally, mandamus will not lie to enforce
aside its earlier ruling, issued the writ, and ordered the
purely private contract rights, and will not lie against an
production of the will and the payment of attorneys fees. It
individual unless some obligation in the nature of a public or
ruled this time that respondent was able to show by
quasi-public duty is imposed. The writ is not appropriate to
testimonial evidence that his mother had in her possession
enforce a private right against an individual.] The writ of
the holographic will. Dissatisfied with this turn of events,
mandamus lies to enforce the execution of an act, when,
petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration. The appellate
otherwise, justice would be obstructed; and, regularly,
court denied this motion. Left with no other recourse,
issues only in cases relating to the public and to the
petitioner brought the matter before this Court, contending
government; hence, it is called a prerogative writ. To
in the main that the petition for mandamus is not the proper
preserve its prerogative character, mandamus is not used
remedy and that the testimonial evidence used by the
for the redress of private wrongs, but only in matters
appellate court as basis for its ruling is inadmissible.
relating to the public.
Issue: Whether or not mandamus is the proper remedy of
the respondent.
Moreover, an important principle followed in the issuance of
the writ is that there should be no plain, speedy and
Held: The Court cannot sustain the CAs issuance of the
adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law other than
the remedy of mandamus being invoked. In other words,
mandamus can be issued only in cases where the usual
Mandamus is a command issuing from a court of law of
modes of procedure and forms of remedy are powerless to
competent jurisdiction, in the name of the state or the
afford relief. Although classified as a legal remedy,
sovereign, directed to some inferior court, tribunal, or board,
mandamus is equitable in its nature and its issuance is
or to some corporation or person requiring the performance
generally controlled by equitable principles. Indeed, the
of a particular duty therein specified, which duty results
grant of the writ of mandamus lies in the sound discretion of
from the official station of the party to whom the writ is
the court.
directed or from operation of law. This definition recognizes

In the instant case, the Court, without unnecessarily appeared in the latters application for pasture permit.
ascertaining whether the obligation involved herethe -
production of the original holographic willis in the nature The fifth, respondent Evangeline Calugay , claimed that she had
of a public or a private duty, rules that the remedy of lived with the deceased since birth where she had
become familiar with her signature and that the one appearing on
mandamus cannot be availed of by respondent Lee the will was genuine.
because there lies another plain, speedy and adequate -
remedy in the ordinary course of law. Let it be noted that Codoy and Ramonals demurrer to evidence was granted by the
respondent has a photocopy of the will and that he seeks lower court. It was reversed on appeal with the Court of Appeals
the production of the original for purposes of probate. The which granted the probate.
Rules of Court, however, does not prevent him from
instituting probate proceedings for the allowance of the will Whether or not Article 811 of the Civil Code, providing that at
whether the same is in his possession or not. least three witnesses explicitly declare the signature in a
contested will as the genuine signature of the testator, is
mandatory or directory.
There being a plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the -
ordinary course of law for the production of the subject will, YES. The word shall connotes a mandatory order, an imperative
the remedy of mandamus cannot be availed of. Suffice it to obligation and is inconsistent with the idea of discretion and that
state that respondent Lee lacks a cause of action in his the presumption is that the word shall, when used in a statute, is
petition. Thus, the Court grants the demurrer. mandatory.
CODOY V. CALUGAY In the case at bar, the goal to be achieved by the law, is to give
- effect to the wishes of the deceased and the evil to be prevented
On 6 April 1990, Evangeline Calugay, Josephine Salcedo is the possibility that unscrupulous individuals who for their benefit
and Eufemia Patigas, devisees and legatees of the holographic will employ means to defeat the wishes of the testator.
will of the deceased Matilde Seo Vda. De Ramonal, filed a -
petition for probate of the said will.- The paramount consideration in the present petition is to
They attested to the genuineness and due execution of the determine the true intent of the deceased.
will on 30 August 1978.
- Whether or not the witnesses sufficiently establish the
Eugenio Ramonal Codoy and Manuel Ramonal filed their authenticity and due execution of the deceaseds holographic
opposition claiming that the will was a forgery and that the will.
same is even illegible. -
- NO. We cannot be certain that the holographic will was in
They raised doubts as regards the repeated appearing on the handwriting of the deceased.
the will after every disposition, calling the same out of the -
ordinary. - The clerk of court was not presented to declare explicitly
If the will was in the handwriting of the deceased, it was that the signature appearing in the holographic will was
improperly procured.- that of the deceased.
Evangeline Calugay, etc. presented 6 witnesses and -
various documentary evidence. The election registrar was not able to produce the voters
- affidavit for verification as it was no longer available.
The first witness was the clerk of court of the probate -
court who produced and identified the records of the case The deceaseds niece saw pre-prepared receipts and
bearing the signature of the deceased. letters of the deceased and did not declare that she saw
- the deceased sign a document or write a note.
The second witness was election registrar who was made to -
produce and identify the voters affidavit, but failed to as the same The will was not found in the personal belongings of the
was already destroyed and no longer available. deceased but was in the possession of the said niece, who
- kept the fact about the will from the children of the
The third, the deceaseds niece , claimed that she had acquired deceased, putting in issue her motive.
familiarity with the deceaseds signature and handwriting as she -
used to accompany her in collecting rentals from her various Evangeline Calugay never declared that she saw the
tenants of commercial buildings and the deceased always issued decreased write a note or sign a document.
receipts. -
- The former lawyer of the deceased expressed doubts as to
The niece also testified that the deceased left a holographic will the authenticity of the signature in the holographic will.
entirely written, dated and signed by said deceased. -
- (As it appears in the foregoing, the three-witness
The fourth witness was a former lawyer for the deceased in the requirement was not complied with.)
intestate proceedings of her late husband, who said that the -
signature on the will was similar to that of the deceased but that A visual examination of the holographic will convinces that
he can not be sure. the strokes are different when compared with other
- documents written by the testator.
The fifth was an employee of the DENR who testified that -
she was familiar with the signature of the deceased which

The records are remanded to allow the oppositors to adduce First, the motion to reopen the proceedings has been filed
evidence in support of their opposition. out of time.
- -
The object of solemnities surrounding the execution of wills Second, it is not proper to make a finding in an intestate
is to close the door against bad faith and fraud, to avoid estate proceeding that the discovered will has been
substitution of wills and testaments and to guaranty their revoked.
truth and authenticity. Therefore, the laws on this subject -
should be interpreted in such a way as to attain these The more appropriate remedy for them is to initiate a
primordial ends. But, on the other hand, also one must not separate proceeding for the probate of the alleged will.
lose sight of the fact that it is not the object of the law to -
restrain and curtail the exercise the right to make a will. In this view, the order in the prior special proceeding is not
- a bar for the filing of a petition for the probate of the will of
However, we cannot eliminate the possibility of a false Adriana Maloto.
document being adjudged as the will of the testator, which -
is why if the holographic will is contested, the law requires It is not proper to make a finding in an intestate proceeding
three witnesses to declare that the will was in the that a discovered will has been revoked. A separate
handwriting of the deceased. petition for probate of the alleged will should be ordered
- filed.
Article 811, paragraph 1. provides: In the probate of a
holographic will, it shall be necessary that at least one MOLO V. MOLO
witness who knows the handwriting and signature of the -
testator explicitly declare that the will and the signature are Mariano Molo died and was survived by his herein
in the handwriting of the testator. If the will is contested, at petitioner wife and his herein oppositors nieces and
least three of such witnesses shall be required. nephews. He left two wills one dated 1918 and the other
- 1939. The 2 will contains a clause which expressly

The word shall connotes a mandatory order, an revokes the former will.
imperative obligation and is inconsistent with the idea of -
discretion and that the presumption is that the word shall, Upon death, his wife filed a petition for probate of the 1939
when used in a statute, is mandatory. will which was later on admitted. However, oppositors
eventually filed a petition which resulted to the denial of
TESTATE ESTATE OF ADRIANA MALOTO V. CA probate of the said will. Petitioner wife then filed a petition
- for probate of the 1918 will, which was likewise denied by
The nieces and nephews of Adriana Maloto, including the oppositors in this case.
Constancio Maloto and Aldina Casiano, thought that the
latter died intestate. Whether or not petitioner voluntarily and deliberately
- frustrated the probate of the 1939 will.
Thus they filed an intestate proceeding for the settlement -
of the decedents estate. SC held that she did not because if it was indeed her
- intention, she could have accomplished her desire by
In the course of the proceeding, the said relatives executed merely suppressing the will or tearing or destroying it, and
an extrajudicial petition of the estate, where they then take steps in leading to the probate of the 1918 will.
adjudicated among themselves the properties in the ratio -
of each. Had the oppositors in this case not filed an opposition and
- had limited their objection to the intrinsic validity of the will,
Three years after, a document was delivered to the same their plan to defeat the will and secure the intestacy of the
court, which was believed to be the last will and testament deceased would have been accomplished.
of Adriana Maloto. -
- If the said will was denied probate, it is due to oppositors
In the said will, Aldina and Constancio have shares that fault and is unfair to impute bad faith to petitioner simply
are bigger, different and more valuable than the one because she exerted effort to protect her own interest and
obtained by them in the extrajudicial partition. There were prevent the intestacy of the deceased.
also other legatees named in the will. WON, notwithstanding the disallowance of the 1939 will, the
- revocatory clause is valid and still nullifies the 1918 will.
Thus, Casiano and Aldina filed a petition for the allowance -
of the will in the Special Proceeding initially filed by them. SC held that the clause is likewise void because:
- -
The CFI denied the motion to reopen the proceedings on The Court held in Samson v. Naval that it cannot produce
the ground that it has been filed out of time. the effect of annulling the previous will since said
Whether or Not the CFI correctly dismissed the petition. revocatory clause is void.
- -
SC held in the affirmative. If it was really the intention of the deceased to revoke the
- first will, with the assumption that he in fact destroyed the
The probate court has no jurisdiction to entertain the original copy of the 1918 will since it cannot be found at
petition for the probate of the alleged will of Adriana Maloto present, he should also destroyed the duplicate copy of the
in the prior Intestate Proceeding. said will which he had given to his wife. But he did not do
- so. Hence, it is possible that because of the long lapse of

21 yrs since the 1 st will was executed, the original will had drawn therefrom, in view of the conflict no less than of diversity of
been misplaced or lost and forgetting there was a copy, he stat-utory provisions obtaining in different jurisdictions. It behooves
deemed it wise to execute another. us, therefore, as the court of last resort, to choose that rule most
- consistent with our statutory law, having in view that needed
Granting that he did destroy the 1 will, the 1918 will can
stability of property rights and the public interest in general.
still be admitted under the principle of dependent relative
revocation, which is predicated on the theory that the
To be sure, we have seriously reflected upon the dangers of eva-
testator did not intend to die intestate.
sion from punishment of culprits deserving of the severity of the
The doctrine of dependent relative revocation is established where law in case where, as here, forgery is discovered after the pro-
the act of destruction is connected with the making of another will bate of the will and the prosecution is had before the prescrip-
so as fairly to raise the inference mthat the testator meant the tion of the offense. By and large, however, the balance seems
revocation of the old to depend upon the efficacy of the new inclined in favor of the view that we have taken. Not only does
disposition intended to e substituted, the revocation will be the law surround the execution of the will with the necessary
conditinal and dependent upon the efficacy of the nw disposition; formalities and require probate to be made after an elaborate
and if, for any reason, the new will intended to be made as a judicial proceeding, but it provides for an adequate remedy to
substitute is inoperative, the revocation fails and the original will any party who might have been adversely affected by the pro-
remains in full force. bate of a forged will, much in the same way as other parties
against whom a judgment is rendered under the same or simi-
Read dependent relative revocation p45 lar circumstances. The aggrieved party may file an application
for relief with the proper court within a reasonable time, but in
MERCADO V. SANTOS no case exceeding six months after said court has rendered the
judgment of probate, on the ground of mistake, inadvertence,
FACTS: 16 months after final judgment on the pro- surprise or excusable neglect. An appeal lies to review the action
bate and approval of a will, the proponent was prosecuted of a court of first instance when that court refuses to grant relief.
After a judgment allowing a will to be probated has become
for allegedly having presented a forged will. He was thus
final and unappealable, and after the period fixed by law has
accused of forgery. May he be convicted, granting that he expired, the law as an expression of the legislative wisdom goes no
really had forged the duly probated will? fur-ther and the case ends there.

HELD: We hold, therefore, that criminal action will not lie in this
No more, since the probate of the will rendered jurisdiction against the forger of a will which had been duly ad-
conclusive its due execution and therefore conclusive as to mitted to probate by a court of competent jurisdiction.
the fact that the will was genuine and not a forgery.
The records show that the petitioner had presented a will Two years after the arrival of Placido from the United
purporting to be the last will and testament of his deceased States and at the age of 80 he wed Josefina who was then 28
wife for probate. The will was admitted to probate without any
years old. But in a little more than two years of wedded bliss,
opposition. Sixteen months after the allowance of the will, a
complaint for forgery of the probated will was instituted by the Placido died. Placido executed a notarial last will and testament
brothers and sisters of the deceased against the petitioner. The written in English and consisting of 2 pages, and dated 15 June
latter moved to dismiss claiming that the will alleged to have 1983but acknowledged only on 9 August 1983. The allowance to
been forged had already been probated and that the order of probate of this will was opposed by Leticia, Placidos sister.
allowance is conclusive as to its due execution. The motion was According to the notary public who notarized the testators will,
overruled. Whereupon the petitioner elevated the case to the after the testator instructed him on the terms and dispositions
Court of Appeals. The Court of Appeals denied the petition. As he wanted on the will, the notary public told them to come back
a result, the case was elevated to the Supreme Court for review on 15 August 1983 to give him time to prepare. The testator and
by certiorari
his witnesses returned on the appointed date but the notary
. The question to be resolved, therefore, is whether or not the probate public was out of town so they were instructed by his wife to
of the will is a bar to the subsequent crimi-nal prosecution of the come back on 9 August 1983. The formal execution was actually
petitioner for the alleged forgery of the said will. After citing the on 9 August 1983. He reasoned he no longer changed the
pertinent provision of the Code of Civil Procedure (all of which are typewritten date of 15 June 1983 because he did not like the
reproduced in the Rules of Court, and now crystallized in the document to appear dirty.
provision of the last paragraph of Art. 838) and examining all of the
authorities and sources of the laws cited, the Supreme Court, Petitioners argument:
speaking through Justice Laurel, held:American and English cases
3. At the time of the execution of the notarial will Placido was
show a conflict of authori-ties on the question as to whether or not
already 83 years old and was no longer of sound mind.
the probate of a will bars criminal prosecution of the alleged forger of
the probated will. We have examined some important cases and have 4. Josefina conspired with the notary public and the 3 attesting
come to the conclusion that no fixed standard may be adopted or witnesses in deceiving Placido to sign it. Deception is

allegedly reflected in the varying dates of the execution and On September 21, 1988, private respondents filed a petition
the attestation of the will. for the settlement of the intestate estate of the late Segundo
Seangio. Petitioners Dy Yieng, Barbara and Virginia, all
ISSUE: surnamed Seangio, opposed the petition claiming among
3. W/N Placido has testamentary capacity at the time he others that Segundo left a holographic will, dated September
allegedly executed the will. 20, 1995, disinheriting one of the private respondents, Alfredo
4. W/N the signature of Placido in the will was procured by Seangio, for cause. Petitioners averred that the intestate
fraud or trickery. proceedings should be automatically suspended and replaced
by the proceedings for the probate of the will. Sometime in
HELD: 1999, a petition for the probate of the holographic will of
3. YES. Despite his advanced age, he was still able to identify Segundo was filed by petitioners before the RTC.
accurately the kinds of property he owned, the extent of his Subsequently, the probate and the intestate cases were
shares in them and even their location. As regards the consolidated. Private respondents moved for the dismissal of
proper objects of his bounty, it was sufficient that he the probate proceedings primarily on the ground that the
identified his wife as sole beneficiary. The omission of some document purporting to be the holographic will of Segundo
relatives from the will did not affect its formal validity. There does not contain any disposition of the estate of the deceased
being no showing of fraud in its execution, intent in its and thus does not meet the definition of a will under Article
disposition becomes irrelevant. 783 of the Civil Code.

4. NO. Fraud is a trick, secret devise, false statement, or According to private respondents, the will only shows an
pretense, by which the subject of it is cheated. It may be of alleged act of disinheritance by the decedent of his eldest son,
such character that the testator is misled or deceived as to Alfredo, and nothing else; that all other compulsory heirs were
the nature or contents of the document which he executes, not named nor instituted as heir, devisee or legatee, hence,
or it may relate to some extrinsic fact, in consequence of the there is preterition which would result to intestacy. Such being
deception regarding which the testator is led to make a the case, private respondents maintained that while
certain will which, but for fraud, he would not have made. procedurally the court is called upon to rule only on the
The party challenging the will bears the burden of extrinsic validity of the will, it is not barred from delving into
proving the existence of fraud at the time of its execution. the intrinsic validity of the same, and ordering the dismissal of
The burden to show otherwise shifts to the proponent of the the petition for probate when on the face of the will it is clear
will only upon a showing of credible evidence of fraud. that it contains no testamentary disposition of the property of
Omission of some relatives does not affect the due the decedent.
execution of a will. Moreover, the conflict between the
dates appearing on the will does not invalidate the On August 10, 1999, the RTC dismissed the petition for
document, because the law does not even require that a probate proceedings stating among others that there was
notarial will be executed and acknowledged on the same preterition. Hence, a petition for certiorariwas filed seeking the
occasion. The variance in the dates of the will as to its nullification of such order.
supposed execution and attestation was satisfactorily and
persuasively explained by the notary public and ISSUE:
instrumental witnesses.
Whether the document was indeed a will. Whether
there was preterition.
ISSUE: For disinheritance to be valid, what does Art. 916 Re the Will: The holographic will does not contain any in-
of the new Civil Code requires? stitution of an heir but simply contains a disinheritance of a
com-pulsory heir. Thus, there is no preterition in the
HELD: decedents will and the holographic will on its face is not
That the same must be effected thru a will wherein the legal intrinsically void. The purported holographic will of Segundo
cause therefor shall be specified. In the case at bar, was dated, signed and written by him in his own handwriting.
Except on the ground of preterition, private respondents did
maltreatment of a parent by a child presents a sufficient
not raise any issue as regards the authenticity of the document.
cause for the disinheritance of the latter
For disinheritance to be valid, Article 916 of the Civil Code
requires that the same must be ef-fected through a will with a
valid cause specified in the will.
FA C T S :
The Court believes that the incidents, taken as a whole, can be
consid-ered a form of maltreatment of Segundo by his son,
Alfredo, and that the matter presents a sufficient cause for the

disinheritance of a child or descendant under Article 919. The (U.S.) citizen, died single and childless. In the last will and
critical issue to be determined is whether the document testament she executed in California, she designated her brother,
Sergio C. Palaganas (Sergio), as the executor of her will for she
executed by Segundo can be considered as a holographic will.
had left properties in the Philippines and in theU.S.
Segundos document, although
it may initially come across as a mere disinheritance On May 19, 2003 respondent Ernesto C. Palaganas
instrument, (Ernesto), another brother of Ruperta, filed with the Regional Trial
conforms to the formalities of a holographic will prescribed by Court (RTC) of Malolos, Bulacan, a petition for the probate of
Article 810. An intent to dispose mortis causa can be clearly Rupertas will and for his appointment as special administrator of
de- her estate.[1] On October 15, 2003, however, petitioners Manuel
Miguel Palaganas (Manuel) and Benjamin Gregorio Palaganas
duced from the terms of the instrument, and while it does not
(Benjamin), nephews of Ruperta, opposed the petition on the
make an affi ground that Rupertas will should not be probated in
rmative disposition of the latters property, the disin- the Philippines but in the U.S.where she executed it. Manuel and
heritance of Alfredo, nonetheless, is an act of disposition in Benjamin added that, assuming Rupertas will could be probated
itself. in the Philippines, it is invalid nonetheless for having been
executed under duress and without the testators full
understanding of the consequences of such act. Ernesto, they
In this regard, the Court is convinced that the document, even
claimed, is also not qualified to act as administrator of the estate.
if captioned as Kasulatan ng Pag-Aalis ng Mana,was intended
by Se-gundo to be his last testamentary act and was executed Meantime, since Rupertas foreign-based siblings,
by him in accordance with law in the form of a holographic Gloria Villaluz and Sergio, were on separate occasions in
will. Unless the will is probated, the disinheritance cannot be the Philippines for a short visit, respondent Ernesto filed a motion
given effect. with the RTC for leave to take their deposition, which it
granted. On April, 13, 2004 the RTC directed the parties to submit
their memorandum on the issue of whether or not
Re Preterition: The Court believes that the compulsory heirs in
Rupertas U.S. will may be probated in and allowed by a court in
the direct line were not preterited in the will. Segundo did not the Philippines.
institute an heir to the exclusion of his other compulsory heirs.
The mere mention of the name of one of the petitioners, On June 17, 2004 the RTC issued an order:[2] (a)
Virginia, in the document did not operate to institute her as the admitting to probate Rupertas last will; (b) appointing respondent
universal heir. Her name was included plainly as a witness to Ernesto as special administrator at the request of Sergio, the U.S.-
the altercation between Segundo and his son, Alfredo. based executor designated in the will; and (c) issuing the Letters
of Special Administration to Ernesto.
Considering that the questioned document is Segundos
Aggrieved by the RTCs order, petitioner nephews
holographic will, and that the law favors testacy over Manuel and Benjamin appealed to the Court of Appeals
intestacy, the probate of the will cannot be dispensed with in (CA),[3] arguing that an unprobated will executed by an American
accordance with Article 838 of the Civil Code. The citizen in the U.S. cannot be probated for the first time in
continuation of the proceedings in the intestate case will work the Philippines.
injustice to petitioners, and will render nugatory the
disinheritance of Alfredo.The Supreme Court set aside the On July 29, 2005 the CA rendered a
decision,[4] affirming the assailed order of the RTC,[5] holding that
Orders of the RTC and directed Respondent judge to reinstate
the RTC properly allowed the probate of the will, subject to
and continue the proceed-ings for the allowance of the respondent Ernestos submission of the authenticated copies of
holographic will of Segundo Sean-gio. The intestate case was the documents specified in the order and his posting of required
suspended until the termination of the aforesaid testate bond. The CA pointed out that Section 2, Rule 76 of the Rules of
proceedings. Court does not require prior probate and allowance of the will in
the country of its execution, before it can be probated in
the Philippines. The present case, said the CA, is different from
reprobate, which refers to a will already probated and allowed
IN RE: IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION TO abroad. Reprobate is governed by different rules or
APPROVE THE WILL OF RUPERTA PALAGANAS WITH procedures. Unsatisfied with the decision, Manuel and Benjamin

This case is about the probate before Philippine court The key issue presented in this case is whether or not
of a will executed abroad by a foreigner although it has not been a will executed by a foreigner abroad may be probated in
probated in its place of execution. the Philippines although it has not been previously probated and
allowed in the country where it was executed.
The Facts and the Case
The Courts Ruling
On November 8, 2001 Ruperta C. Palaganas
(Ruperta), a Filipino who became a naturalized United States

Petitioners Manuel and Benjamin maintain that wills pass either real or personal property unless the will has been
executed by foreigners abroad must first be probated and allowed proved and allowed by the proper court.[8]
in the country of its execution before it can be probated
here. This, they claim, ensures prior compliance with the legal
formalities of the country of its execution. They insist that local
courts can only allow probate of such wills if the proponent proves Notably, the assailed RTC order of June 17, 2004 is
that: (a) the testator has been admitted for probate in such foreign nothing more than an initial ruling that the court can take
country, (b) the will has been admitted to probate there under its cognizance of the petition for probate of Rupertas will and that, in
laws, (c) the probate court has jurisdiction over the proceedings, the meantime, it was designating Ernesto as special administrator
(d) the law on probate procedure in that foreign country and proof of the estate. The parties have yet to present evidence of the due
of compliance with the same, and (e) the legal requirements for execution of the will, i.e. the testators state of mind at the time of
the valid execution of a will. the execution and compliance with the formalities required of wills
by the laws of California. This explains the trial courts directive
But our laws do not prohibit the probate of wills for Ernesto to submit the duly authenticated copy of Rupertas will
executed by foreigners abroad although the same have not as yet and the certified copies of the Laws of Succession and Probate of
been probated and allowed in the countries of their execution. A Will of California.
foreign will can be given legal effects in our jurisdiction. Article
816 of the Civil Code states that the will of an alien who is abroad WHEREFORE, the Court DENIES the petition
produces effect in thePhilippines if made in accordance with the and AFFIRMS the Court of Appeals decision in CA-G.R. CV
formalities prescribed by the law of the place where he resides, or 83564 dated July 29, 2005.
according to the formalities observed in his country.[6]
In this connection, Section 1, Rule 73 of the 1997
Rules of Civil Procedure provides that if the decedent is an CHURCH OF VICTORIA, TARLAC v. BELINA RIGOR,
inhabitant of a foreign country, the RTC of the province where he
has an estate may take cognizance of the settlement of such FA C T S :
estate. Sections 1 and 2 of Rule 76 further state that the executor, Father Rigor died and left a will which was probated
devisee, or legatee named in the will, or any other person in 1935. In his will, he named as devisees his sisters and a
interested in the estate, may, at any time after the death of the cousin. A devise of ricelands was also made in favor of the
testator, petition the court having jurisdiction to have the will
allowed, whether the same be in his possession or not, or is lost or testators nearest male relative who shall take the priesthood,
destroyed. and in the meantime, the ricelands would be administered by
the Catholic Priest of the Roman Catholic Church of Victoria,
Our rules require merely that the petition for the Tarlac. A project of partition providing for the delivery to the
allowance of a will must show, so far as known to the petitioner: devisees of their respective shares of the estate was approved
(a) the jurisdictional facts; (b) the names, ages, and residences of but the devise regarding the ricelands was not implemented as
the heirs, legatees, and devisees of the testator or decedent; (c) no male relative of the testator claimed the same. Several years
the probable value and character of the property of the estate; (d)
the name of the person for whom letters are prayed; and (e) if the after approval of the project of partition, the parish priest of
will has not been delivered to the court, the name of the person Victoria filed a petition in the testate proceedings for delivery
having custody of it. Jurisdictional facts refer to the fact of death of the ricelands to the church as trustee thereof. The heirs of
of the decedent, his residence at the time of his death in the Father Rigor opposed said petition and prayed that the said
province where the probate court is sitting, or if he is an inhabitant bequest be declared inoperative as no nearest male relative of
of a foreign country, the estate he left in such province.[7] The the testator had ever studied for the priesthood.
rules do not require proof that the foreign will has already been
allowed and probated in the country of its execution.
The lower courts order in favor of the Parish Priest of
In insisting that Rupertas will should have been first Victoria was reversed by the Court of Appeals on its ruling
probated and allowed by the court of California, petitioners Manuel that the trust in favor of the nearest male relative could only
and Benjamin obviously have in mind the procedure for exist for 20 years because to enforce it beyond that period
the reprobate of will before admitting it here. But, reprobate or re- would violate the rule against perpetuities, and since no
authentication of a will already probated and allowed in a foreign
legatee claimed the ricelands within 20 years from the death of
country is different from that probate where the will is presented
for the first time before a competent court. Reprobate is the testator, said properties should pass to his legal heirs.
specifically governed by Rule 77 of the Rules of Court. Contrary
to petitioners stance, since this latter rule applies only to ISSUE:
reprobate of a will, it cannot be made to apply to the present What was the intention of the testator regarding the bequest of
case. In reprobate, the local court acknowledges as binding the ricelands to his nearest male relative who will take the
findings of the foreign probate court provided its jurisdiction over
priesthood and how can this intention be ascertained?
the matter can be established.

Besides, petitioners stand is fraught with HELD:

impractically. If the instituted heirs do not have the means to go The will of the testator is the first and principal law
abroad for the probate of the will, it is as good as depriving them in the matter of testaments. When his intention is clearly and
outright of their inheritance, since our law requires that no will shall precisely expressed, any interpretation must be in accord with

the plain and literal meaning of his words, except when it may the will does not expressly disinherits the forced heirs. It
clearly appear that his intention was different from that simply omits their names.
literally expressed. The testators intention is to be ascertained
To consider the institution of an heir to be the same as
from the words of the will, taking into consideration the legacy will defeat the purpose of Art. 854 on total or partial
circumstances under which it was made. nullity.
From the testamentary provisions of Father Rigors will, it Preterition "consists in the omission in the testator's will of
may be deduced that the testator intended to devise the the forced heirs or anyone of them, either because they
are not mentioned therein, or, though mentioned, they are
ricelands to his nearest male relative who would become a
neither instituted as heirs nor are expressly disinherited."
priest, and that the parish priest of Victoria would administer Disinheritance, in turn, "is a testamentary disposition
the ricelands during the interval of time that no nearest male depriving any compulsory heir of his share in the legitime
relative of the testator was studying for the priesthood. What is for a cause authorized by law."
not clear is how long after the testators death would it be -
determined that he had a nephew who would pursue the Preterition under Article 854 of the Civil Code, we repeat,
ecclesiastical vocation. "shall annul the institution of heir". This annulment is
intoto, unless in the will there are, in addition, testamentary
We hold that the said bequest refers to the testators nearest dispositions in the form of devises or legacies. In
male ineffective disinheritance under Article 918 of the same
relative living at the time of his death and not to any indefi Code, such disinheritance shall also "annul the institution
nite of heirs", put only "insofar as it may prejudice the person
time thereafter. In order to be capacitated to inherit, the heir, disinherited", which last phrase was omitted/in the case of
preterition. Better stated yet, in disinheritance the nullity is
devisee or legatee must be living at the moment the succession
limitedto that portion of the estate of which the disinherited
opens. The said testamentary provisions should be sensibly or heirs have been illegally deprived.
reasonably construed. To construe them as referring to the
testators nearest male relative at anytime after his death Adopted kids p59
would render the provisions difficult to apply and create
uncertainty as to the disposition of his estate. Constantino C. ACAIN, petitioner vs.
Inasmuch as the testator was not survived by any nephew G.R. No. 72706, October 27, 1987
who became a priest, the unavoidable conclusion is that the
bequest in question was ineffectual or inoperative. Therefore, FACTS:
the administration of the ricelands by the parish priest of
Victoria, as envisaged in the will, was likewise inoperative. Constantino Acain filed on the Regional Trial Court a petition
for the probate of the will of his late Uncle, Nemesio Acain, on the
NUGUID V. NUGUID premise that the latter died leaving a will in which the former and
- his brothers and sisters were instituted as heirs. After the petition
Rosario Nuguid died, single without descendants but was was set for hearing in the lower court, Virginia Fernandez and
survived by her legitimate parents and 6 legitimate siblings. Rosa Diongson, a legally adopted daughter and the widow of the
- deceased respectively, filed a motion to dismiss on the grounds
One of which was instituted as the universal heir and he that: (1) Constantino Acain has no legal capacity to institute the
filed an action for probate of the decedents will which was proceedings; (2) he is merely a universal heir; and (3) the widow
opposed by her parents on the ground that they were and the adopted daughter have been pretirited. Said motion was
preterited and thus the institution of the universal heir is denied as well as the subsequent motion for reconsideration.
void. Consequently, Fernandez and Diongson filed with the Supreme
Court a petition for certiorari and prohibition with preliminary
Whether or not the will is void. injunction which was subsequently referred to the Intermediate
- Appellate Court. IAC granted Fernandez and Diongsons petition
YES. SC held that it is because: The will completely omits and ordered the trial court to dismiss the petition for probate of the
the parents; thus, depriving them of their legitime. This is a will. Due to the denial of Acains motion for reconsideration, he
clear case of preterition. then filed a petition for review on certiorari before the Supreme
- Court.
Petitioner herein was instituted as the universal heir and no
specific legacies or bequests are provided for; hence, ISSUE:Whether or not Virginia Fernandez and Rosa Diongson
nullity of the will is complete. have been pretirited.
Even if Art. 1854 provides that notwithstanding the RULING:Article 854 of the Civil Code:
annulment, the devises and legacies shall be valid insofar
as they are not officious, the will is inexistent since there Preterition consists in the omission in the testators will of the
was no testamentary disposition separate from the nullified forced heirs or anyone of them either because they are not
institution of the heir. Hence, intestate succession ensues. mentioned therein, or though mentioned, they are neither
- instituted as heirs nor are expressly disinherited. Insofar as the
This is a case of preterition and not disinheritance since widow is concerned, Article 854 may not apply as she does not

ascend or descend from the testator, although she is a -

compulsory heir. However, the same thing cannot be said of the Third, the fact alone that the two deeds were registered only five
legally adopted daughter. Under Article 39 of P.D. No. 603, known (5) years after their execution would not affect their validity or point
as the Child and Youth Welfare Code, adoption gives to the to fraud.
adopted person the same rights and duties as if he were a
legitimate child of the adopter and makes the adopted person a Whether or not there was preterition in the deed of extrajudicial
legal heir of the adopter. It cannot be denied that she was totally settlement with respect to the retardate Delia Viado.
omitted and preterited in the will and that both the adopted child -
and the widow were deprived of at least their legitime. Neither can YES. The exclusion of Delia Viado has the effect of preterition.
it be denied that they were not expressly disinherited. Hence, this -
is a clear case of preterition of the legally adopted child. This kind of preterition, however, in the absence of fraud
and bad faith, does not justify a collateral attack on the new title.
The universal institution of Acain together with his brothers -
and sisters to the entire inheritance of the testator results in totally Article 1104 provides the remedy: where the preterition is not
abrogating the will because the nullification of such institution of attended by bad faith and fraud, the partition shall not be
universal heirs without any other testamentary disposition in the rescinded but the preterited heir shall be paid the value of the
will amounts to a declaration that nothing at all was written. share pertaining to her.
NON V. CA Article 1104 provides: where the preterition is not attended by bad
- faith and fraud, the partition shall not be rescinded but the
Deceased spouses Julian and Virginia Viado ownedseveral preterited heir shall be paid the value of the share pertaining to
properties, among them a house and lot located atIsarog St., La her.
Loma, Quezon City; they had four children.
- Ramirez p69
Leah Viado Jacobs and Nilo Viado both died in 1987, withNilo VDA. DE KILAYKO vs. JUDGE TENGCO
leaving behind his wife, Alicia, and two children, herein
respondents. FACTS:
- In the settlement of the estate of Lizares, a project
The other two siblings, Rebecca Viado-Non and Delia partition was submitted. In accordance with the said project
Viado are the petitioners in this case.
of partition, the heirs executed an agreement of partition
As the two parties lived in the Isarog property, Alicia and and subdivision. Later, a motion was filed to reopen the
her two children demanded Rebecca and Delia to vacate; testate estate proceedings of Lizares.
Rebecca and Delia raised co-ownership as a defense.
Alicia claimed absolute ownership as evinced by a The testate proceedings cannot anymore be reopened
deed ofdonation in which the late Julian Viado donated his because the Lizares sisters recognized the decree of
conjugal share of the property to Alicias deceased partition sanctioned by the probate court and in fact reaped
husband. the fruits thereof. Hence, they are now precluded from
attacking the validity of the partition or any part of it in the
There was also a deed of extrajudicial settlement where
Rebecca Viado-Nonand the late Leah Viado(without guise of a complaint for reconveyance. In testate uccession,
Delia Viados participation) waived their rights and interests there can be no valid partition among the heirs until after
over their share of the property inherited from their mother the will has been probated
- . A project partition is merely a proposal for the distribution
Thus, the property was titled in the name of the heirs of of the hereditary estate which the court may accept or
Nilo Viado. reject. It is the court that makes that distribution of the
- estate and determines the persons entitled thereto. It
An action for partition was brought by Rebecca Viado-Non
cannot be denied that when they moved for the reopening
and Delia Viado in which the court ruled in favor of Alice
and her children.Whether or not the deeds were valid despite of the testate estate proceedings of Maria, the judicial
allegations of fraud, forgery and undue influence. decree of partition and the order of closure of such
- proceedings was already final and executor.
YES, on account of the following:
First, Nieva vs alcala p94
while asserting the employment of fraud, forgery and undue Sumaya vs iac p97
influence in procuring the signatures of the parties to the deeds of
donation and of extrajudicial settlement, Rebecca Viado-Non and
Delia Viado are vague on how and in what manner those
Mendoza v Delos Santos (Succession)
supposed vices occurred.
Second, there no proof shown as to why Julian Viado should be The properties subject in the instant case are three parcels
held incapable of exercising sufficient judgment in ceding his of land located in Sta. Maria, Bulacan are presently in the
rights and interest over the property to Nilo Viado.
name of respondent Julia Delos Santos (respondent). Lot

No. 1646-B, on the other hand, is also in the name of Code

respondent but co- owned by Victoria Pantaleon, who Reserva troncal is a special rule designed primarily to
bought one-half of the property from petitioner Maria assure the return of a reservable property to the third
Mendoza and her siblings. degree relatives belonging to the line from which the
Petitioners are grandchildren of Placido Mendoza (Placido) property originally came, and avoid its being dissipated into
and Dominga Mendoza (Dominga). Petitioners alleged that and by the relatives of the inheriting ascendant.
the properties were part of Placido and Domingas
properties that were subject of an oral partition and
subsequently adjudicated to Exequiel. After Exequiels
death, it passed on to his spouse Leonor and only
daughter, Gregoria. After Leonors death, her share went to
Gregoria. In 1992, Gregoria died intestate and without
issue. They claimed that after Gregorias death,
respondent, who is Leonors sister, adjudicated unto herself
all these properties as the sole surviving heir of Leonor and
Gregoria. Hence, petitioners claim that the properties
should have been reserved by respondent in their behalf
It should be pointed out that the ownership of the properties
and must now revert back to them, applying Article 891 of
should be reckoned only from Exequiels as he is the
the Civil Code on reserva troncal.
ascendant from where the first transmission occurred, or
from whom Gregoria inherited the properties in dispute. The
law does not go farther than such ascendant/brother/sister
(1) RTC: granted their action for Recovery of Possession by
in determining the lineal character of the property. It was
Reserva Troncal, Cancellation of TCT and Reconveyance.
also immaterial for the CA to determine whether Exequiel
(2) CA: reversed and set aside the RTC decision and
predeceased Placido and Dominga or whether Gregoria
dismissed the complaint filed by petitioners. CA also denied
predeceased Exequiel. What is pertinent is that Exequiel
their motion for reconsideration.
owned the properties and he is the ascendant from whom
Issues: the properties in dispute originally came. Gregoria, on the
other hand, is the descendant who received the properties
a. The honorable [ca] grievously erred in holding that the
from Exequiel by gratuitous title.
subject properties are not reservable properties, coming as
Article 891 simply requires that the property should have
they do from the family line of the petitioners mendozas.
been acquired by the descendant or prepositus from an
B. The honorable [ca] grievously erred in holding that the
ascendant by gratuitous or lucrative title. A transmission is
petitioners mendozas do not have a right to the subject
gratuitous or by gratuitous title when the recipient does not
properties by virtue of the law on reserva troncal.
give anything in return.18 At risk of being repetitious, what
was clearly established in this case is that the properties in
dispute were owned by Exequiel (ascendant). After his
The principle of reserva troncal is provided in Article 891 of death, Gregoria (descendant/prepositus) acquired the
the Civil Code: properties as inheritance.
Art. 891. The ascendant who inherits from his descendant Article 891 provides that the person obliged to reserve the
any property which the latter may have acquired by property should be an ascendant (also known as the
gratuitous title from another ascendant, or a brother or reservor/reservista) of the descendant/prepositus. Julia,
sister, is obliged to reserve such property as he may have however, is not Gregorias ascendant; rather, she is
acquired by operation of law for the benefit of relatives who Gregorias collateral relative.
are within the third degree and belong to the line from which
said property came. (Emphasis ours) II. Petitioners cannot be considered reservees/reservatarios
as they are not relatives within the third degree of Gregoria
RULING: from whom the properties came. The person from whom
No, CA is correct. the degree should be reckoned is the
I. Reserva troncal is not applicable. descendant/prepositusthe one at the end of the line from
Julia, who now holds the properties in dispute, is not the which the property came and upon whom the property last
other ascendant within the purview of Article 891 of the Civil revolved by descent. It is Gregoria in this case. Petitioners

are Gregorias fourth degree relatives, being her first 5. Reservista, has the duty to reserve and to annotate the
cousins. First cousins of the prepositus are fourth degree reservable character of the property on the title. In reserva
relatives and are not reservees or reservatarios. troncal, the reservista who inherits from a prepositus,
whether by the latters wish or by operation of law, acquires
They cannot even claim representation of their the inheritance by virtue of a title perfectly transferring
predecessors Antonio and Valentin as Article 891 grants a absolute ownership. All the attributes of ownership belong
personal right of reservation only to the relatives up to the to him exclusively.
third degree from whom the reservable properties came.
The only recognized exemption is in the case of nephews MORENTE V. DE LA SANTA
and nieces of the prepositus, who have the right to
represent their ascendants (fathers and mothers) who are FACTS:
In her will, a wife provided as follows:
the brothers/sisters of the prepositus and relatives within
1. I hereby order that all real estate which may belong to
the third degree. me shall pass to my husband, Gumersindo de la Santa;
2. That my said husband shall not leave my sisters after
OTHER NOTES: my death, and that he shall not marry anyone; should my
1. three (3) lines of transmission in reserva troncal. The first husband have children by anyone, he shall not convey any
transmission is by gratuitous title, whether by inheritance or portion of the property left by me, except the one-third
donation, from an ascendant/brother/sister to a descendant part thereof and the two-thirds remaining shall be and
remain for my brother Vicente or his children should he
called the prepositus. The second transmission is by
have any;
operation of law from the prepositus to the other ascendant
or reservor, also called the reservista. The third and last 3. After my death, I direct my husband to dwell in the
transmission is from the reservista to the reservees or ca-marin in which the bakery is located, which is one of the
reservatarios who must be relatives within the third degree properties belonging to me.
from which the property came.
2. The persons involved in reserva troncal are: Questions:
(a) If the husband marries again, will he forfeit the devise?
(1) The ascendant or brother or sister from whom the
(b) If the husband leaves the sisters of the wife, will he
property was received by the descendant by lucrative or forfeit the devise?
gratuitous title; (c) If the husband does not live in the camarin, will he forfeit
(2) The descendant or prepositus (propositus) who received the devise?
the property; (d) if the husband has childrenby anyone, will he forfeit a
(3) The reservor (reservista), the other ascendant who part of the devise?
obtained the property from the prepositus by operation of
law; and (4) The reservee (reservatario) who is within the (a), (b), and (c)
third degree from the prepositus and who belongs to the No. Reason: The happening of these events should not be
(linea o tronco) from which the property came and for whom considered as the fulfillment of conditions which would
the property should be reserved by the reservor. annul or revoke the devise. They were mere orders
3. Art. 964. A series of degrees forms a line, which may be and there was no condition or statement that if he should
either direct or collateral. A direct line is that constituted by not comply with the wishes of the testatrix he would lose the
devise given him. The condition should have been xpressly
the series of degrees among ascendants and descendants.
provided. It was not.
A collateral line is that constituted by the series of degrees
among persons who are not ascendants and descendants, (d) In this case, he would lose two-thirds of the devise.
but who come from a common ancestor. Reason:
4. Art. 1003. If there are no descendants, ascendants, There was a statement that should he have children by
illegitimate children, or a surviving spouse, the collateral anyone, the forfeiture would take place. Here the condition
relatives shall succeed to the entire estate of the deceased was expressly provided.
in accordance with the following articles. NOBLE v. NOBLE
Art. 1009. Should there be neither brothers nor sisters, nor ISSUE:
children of brothers or sisters, the other collateral relatives What is necessary to establish before an illegitimate not
shall succeed to the estate. natural child can be entitled to successional rights the fact
The latter shall succeed without distinction of lines or of his bare filiation or a filiation acknowledged by the
preference among them by reason of relationship by the putative parent?
whole blood.

There are cogent reasons to require that the (hereafter Paraaque property) using a portion of the
acknowledgement of the putative parent is required to proceeds of sale of the Valenzuela property.
filiation. A mere claim of continuous possession of the Estrellita and her two daughters, Carmela and Jennifer,
status of a child is not sufficient inasmuch as the same is were killed on June 30, 1991, an incident popularly known
only a ground for an action for recognition. as the Vizconde Massacre. The findings of the
nvestigation conducted by the NBI reveal that Estrellita died
Noble v. Noble ahead of her daughters. Accordingly, Carmela, Jennifer and
herein petitioner succeeded Estrellita and, with the
FACTS: subsequent death of Carmela and Jennifer, petitioner was
A person claiming to be an illegitimate child wanted to left as the sole heir of his daughters. Nevertheless,
intervene in the probate proceedings. She alleged that she petitioner entered into an Extra-Judicial Settlement of the
enjoyed the status of a child of the deceased and that Estate of Deceased Estrellita Nicolas-Vizconde With Waiver
she had evidence indicating that the decedent was her of Shares, with Rafael and Salud, Estrellitas parents. The
father. extra-judicial settlement provided for the division of the
Should she be allowed to intervene and thus inherit? properties of Estrellita and her two daughters between
petitioner and spouses Rafael and Salud. The Paraaque
HELD: property and the car were also given to petitioner with
Generally, she should not be allowed. Mere proof Rafael and Salud waiving all their claims, rights, ownership
of filiation is not enough. What is important is and participation as heirs in the said properties.
recognition of that filiation. [NOTE: If the claimant was a
minor at the time of the fathers death, she can ask that she In 1992, Rafael died. To settle Rafaels estate, Teresita
be recognized if she has a ground to compel recognition. instituted an intestate estate proceeding listing as heirs
This move for compulsory recognition must be done within Salud, Ramon, Ricardo, and the wife (Zenaida) and
four years after attaining majority. (See Art. 286, Civil children of Antonio. Teresita sought to be appointed as
Code).] guardian ad litem of Salud, now senile, and Ricardo, her
incompetent brother. Herein private respondent Ramon fi
VIZCONDE VS CA led an opposition praying to be appointed instead as Salud
and Ricardos guardian. Barely three weeks passed,
Collation does not impose any lien on the property Ramon filed another opposition alleging, among others,
or the subject matter of collationable donation. What that Estrellita was given the Valenzuela property by Rafael
is brought to collation is not the property donated which she sold for not less than Six Million Pesos
itself, but rather the value of such property at the (P6,000,000.00) before her gruesome murder. Ramon
time it was donated, the rationale being that the pleaded for the courts intervention to determine the
donation is a real alienation which conveys legality and validity of the intervivos distribution made by
ownership upon its acceptance, hence any increase deceased Rafael to his children, Estrellita included.
in value or any deterioration or loss thereof is for the
account of the heir or donee. [Vizconde v CA] On May 12, 1993, Ramon filed his own petition entitled In
The Matter Of The Guardianship Of Salud G. Nicolas and
Ricardo G. Nicolas and averred that their legitime should
VIZCONDE v. COURT OF APPEALS come from the collation of all the properties distributed to
his children by Rafael during his lifetime. Ramon stated that
FA C T S : herein petitioner is one of Rafaels children by right of
Petitioner Lauro G. Vizconde and his wife Estrellita representation as the widower of deceased legitimate
Nicolas-Vizconde had two children, viz., Carmela and daughter of Estrellita.
Jennifer. Petitioners wife, Estrellita, is one of the fi
ve siblings of spouses Rafael Nicolas and Salud Gonzales- Ramon moved to include petitioner in the intestate estate
Nicolas. The other children of Rafael and Salud are Antonio proceeding and asked that the Paraaque property, as well
Nicolas; Ramon Nicolas; Teresita Nicolas de Leon, and as the car and the balance of the proceeds of the sale of
Ricardo Nicolas, an incompetent. Antonio predeceased his the Valenzuela property, be collated. Such motion was
parents and is now survived by his widow, Zenaida, and granted on the basis that spouses Vizconde were then
their four children. In 1979, Estrellita purchased from Rafael financially incapable of having purchased or acquired for a
a parcel of land (hereafter Valenzuela property) for One valuable consideration the property at Valenzuela from the
Hundred Thirty Five Thousand Pesos (P135,000.00). deceased Rafael Nicolas.To dispute the contention that the
Sometime in 1990, Estrellita sold the Valenzuela property to spouses Vizconde were financially incapable to buy the
Amelia Lim and Maria Natividad Balictar Chiu for Three property from the late Rafael Nicolas, Lauro Vizconde
Million, Four Hundred Five Thousand, Six Hundred Twelve claims that they have been engaged in business venture
Pesos (P3,405,612.00). In June of the same year, Estrellita such as taxi business, canteen concessions and garment
bought from Premier Homes, Inc., a parcel of land with manufacturing.
improvements situated at Vinzon St., BF Homes, araaque

Since no competent evidence was submitted to support Valenzuela property has long been re-turned to the estate
such business undertakings, the court declared that the of Rafael. Therefore, any determination by the probate
transfer of the property at Valenzuela in favor of Estrellita court on the matter serves no valid and binding purpose.
by her father was gratuitous and the Paraaque property is
subject to collation. ARELLANO VS. PASCUAL Digest

The Court of Appeals also ruled against Vizconde stressing FACTS:

that the RTC correctly adjudicated the question on the title
Pascual Jr. died intestate on January 2, 1999 leaving as
of the Valenzuela property as the jurisdiction of the probate
court extends to matters incidental and collateral to the heirs his siblings, namely: petitioner Amelia who is
exercise of its recognized powers in handling the settlement represented by her daughters Agnes and Nona, and
of the estate of the deceased. respondents Francisco and Miguel.

ISSUE: In a petition for Judicial Settlement of Intestate Estate and

Whether the Valenzuela property is subject to Issuance of Letters of Administration, , respondents alleged
collation inasmuch as the Court nullifi
that a parcel of land (donated property) located in Makati, ,
ed the transfer of the
Valenzuela property from Rafael to Estrellita. transferred by the decedent to petitioner, "may be
RULING: considered as an advancelegitime" of petitioner.
No. The attendant facts herein do not make a case
of collation. We fi The probate court provisionally passed upon the validity of
nd that the probate court, as well as respondent the donation then further held that the land in contention is
Court of Appeals, committed reversible errors. subject to collation following Art. 1061 of the New Civil
First: The probate court erred in ordering the inclusion of
Code. On appeal, the CA sustained the probate courts
petitioner in the intestate estate proceeding. Petitioner, a
son-in-law of Rafael, is not one of Rafaels compulsory ruling that the property donated to petitioner is subject to
heirs as provided in Article 887 of the Civil Code. With collation.
respect to Rafaels estate, Vizconde who was not even
shown to be a creditor of Rafael is considered a third Hence, this petition.
person or a stranger.
Second: The probate court went beyond the scope of its
jurisdiction when it proceeded to determine the validity of I. Whether or not the property donated to petitioner is
the sale of the Valenzuela property and ruled that the subject to collation.
transfer of the subject property was gratuitous. The II. Whether or not the property of the estate should have
interpretation of the deed and the true intent of the been ordered equally distributed among the parties.
contracting parties are matters outside the probate courts
jurisdiction. HELD: Petition is GRANTED.
Third: The order of the probate court subjecting the Para-
aque property to collation is premature since there was no CIVIL LAW; SUCCESSION; COLLATION
indi-cation that the legitime of any of Rafaels heirs has
been impaired to warrant collation. Fourth: Even on the First Issue; Collation takes place when there are
assumption that collation is appropriate in this case the compulsory heirs, one of its purposes being to determine
probate court, nonetheless, made a reversible error in the legitime and the free portion.
ordering collation of the Paraaque property. We note
that what was transferred to Estrellita, by way of deed of
The term collation has two distinct concepts: first, it is a
sale, is the Valenzuela property. The obligation to collate is
lodged with Estrellita, the heir, and not to herein petitioner mere mathematical operation by the addition of the value of
who does not have any interest in Rafaels estate. As it donations made by the testator to the value of the
stands, collation of the Paraaque property is improper for, hereditary estate; and second, it is the return to the
to repeat, collation covers only properties gratuitously given hereditary estate of property disposed of by lucrative title by
by the decedent during his lifetime to his compulsory heirs. the testator during his lifetime. The purposes of collation are
Fifth: Finally, it is futile for the probate court to ascertain
to secure equality among the compulsory heirs in so far as
whether or not the Valenzuela property may be brought to
colla-tion. Estrellita, it should be stressed, died ahead of is possible, and to determine the free portion, after finding
Rafael. In fact, it was Rafael who inherited from Estrellita an the legitime, so that inofficious donations may be reduced.
amount more than the value of the Valenzuela property.
Hence, even assuming that the Valenzuela property may be The records do not show that the decedent left any primary,
collated, collation may not be al-lowed as the value of the secondary, or concurring compulsory heirs. He was only

survived by his siblings, who are his collateral relatives and,

therefore, are not entitled to any legitime that part of the I declare that one of my daughters, named Teresa, now
testators property which he cannot dispose of because the deceased, left a legitimate daughter named Rosario
Mediavillo. I also declare that I disinherit my granddaughter,
law has reserved it for compulsory heirs. The decedent not
Rosario, because she was grossly disrespectful to me and
having left any compulsory heir who is entitled to any because on one occasion, when it was I do not remember,
legitime, he was at liberty to donate all his properties, even she raised her hand against me. Therefore, it is my will that
if nothing was left for his siblings-collateral relatives to the said Rosario Mediavillo shall have no share in my
inherit. His donation to petitioner, assuming that it was property.
valid, is deemed as donation made to a "stranger,"
chargeable against the free portion of the estate. There
That the interested party did not commit such an act, and if
being no compulsory heir, however, the donated property is
perhaps she did, it was due to the derangement of her
not subject to collation. mental faculties which occurred a long time ago and from
which she now suffers in periodical attacks.
ESTATE It also appears from the evidence that Teresa (daughter of
Florencio, mother of Rosario) also died. Her son Joaquin
Second Issue; The decedents remaining estate should thus died, unmarried and childless, before the death of the
be partitioned equally among his heirs-siblings-collateral
relatives, herein petitioner and respondents, pursuant to the The lower court found out that the evidence shows that
provisions of the Civil Code (Arts. 1003 & 1004). Rosario became insane in 1895, when she went to Nueva
Caceres to study in college, and it has been proved that it
was previous to this date that she disobeyed her
grandfather and raised her hand against him. But since she
was 14 years old, and shortly afterwards became insane,
CA Decision ordering the collation of the property donated
she was not responsible for her acts and should not have
to Amelia, to the estate of the deceased is SET ASIDE and been disinherited by her grandfather.
the records of the cases is REMANDED to the court of
origin for further proceedings in the case for the purpose of The court therefore decreed that clause 3 of the will is
determining what finally forms part of the estate, and contrary to law and is set aside for being of no force or
thereafter to divide whatever remains of it equally among value whatever.
the parties.
Whether or not the courts, when a parent disinherits his
PECSON V MEDIAVILLO (G.R. NO. 7890) children, may inquire into the cause of the disinheritance
and decide that there was or was not ground for such
Facts: disinheritance.
The last will and testament of Florencio Pecson was
presented to the Court of First Instance of the Province of Held:
Albay for probate. Mr. Tomas Lorayes, an attorney at law, Yes. The Civil Code (Art. 848) provides that disinheritance
opposed the legislation of the will on the ground that it had shall only take place for one of the causes expressly fixed
not been authorized nor signed by the deceased. After by law. Article 849 of the Civil Code provides that the
hearing the respective parties, the Honorable Percy M. Moir disinheritance can only be effected by the testament, in
(judge) found that the will had been signed and executed in which shall be mentioned the legal grounds or causes for
accordance with the provisions of law, and denied the such disinheritance. The right of the courts to inquire into
opposition . the causes and whether there was sufficient cause for the
disinheritance or not, seems to be supported by express
Lorayes, representing Basiliso Mediavillo and Rosario provisions of the Civil Code. Disinheritance made without
Mediavillo, presented a motion averring: statement of the reason, or for a cause the truth of which, if
contradicted, should not be proven shall annul the
designation of heirship, in so far as it prejudices the person
That Rosario is and Joaquin was the grandchild of the disinherited.
testator, Florencio Pecson That Rosario, was disinherited
by Florencio, according to clause 3 of the will, because she In the case, It appears from the record that when Rosario
failed to show him due respect and on a certain occasion Mediavillo was about 14 years of age, she had received
raised her hand against himParagraph 3 of the will some attentions from a young man that she had received
disinherited Rosario Mediavillo states: a letter from him and that her grandfather, Florencio, took
occasion to talk to her about the relations between her and

the said young man. It was upon that occasion when the representation. The relationship created by the adoption is
disobedience and disrespect were shown to her between only the adopting parents and the adopted child
grandfather, and that was the cause for her disinheritance and does not extend to the blood relatives of either party.
by her grandfather. The record shows that after said event,
she lost the use of her mental powers and that she has In sum, we agree with the lower courts that Delia and
never regained them, except for very brief periods, up to the Edmundo as the adopted children and Doribel as the
present time. legitimate daughter of Teodoro Sayson and Isabel Bautista,
are their exclusive heirs and are under no obligation to
The lower court is correct in taking into consideration her share the estate of their parents with the petitioners. The
tender years, that she was probably not responsible for the Court of Appeals was correct, however, in holding that only
disrespect and disobedience shown to her grandfather in Doribel has the right of representation in the inheritance of
the year 1894 or 1895. her grandparents' intestate estate, the other private
respondents being only the adoptive children of the
SAYSON VS SAYSON deceased Teodoro.

FACTS: WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED, and the challenged

Eleno and Rafaela Sayson begot five children, decision of the Court of Appeals is AFFIRMED in toto, with
namely, Mauricio, Rosario, Basilisa, Remedios and costs against the petitioners.
Teodoro. Eleno died on November 10, 1952, and Rafaela
on May 15, 1976. Teodoro, who had married Isabel Zaragosa vs ca p149
Bautista, died on March 23, 1972. His wife died nine years
later, on March 26, 1981. Their properties were left in the Facts: Decedent left parcels of land and 4 children.
possession of Delia, Edmundo, and Doribel, all surnamed Respondent (daughter) filed a complaint against petitioners
Sayson, who claim to be their children. (son with his wife) for the delivery of her inheritance share
consisting of 2 lots. She alleged that their shares were
On April 25, 1983, Mauricio, Rosario, Basilisa, and given to them in advance but because she became
Remedios, together with Juana C. Bautista, Isabel's mother, an American citizen by marriage, no formal deed
filed a complaint for partition and accounting of the intestate ofconveyance was executed in her favor. When the case
estate of Teodoro and Isabel Sayson. It was docketed as went to the CA, the court ruled for respondent, holding that
Civil Case No. 1030 in Branch 13 of the Regional Trial the 2 lots were part of her inheritance.
Court of Albay. The action was resisted by Delia, Edmundo
and Doribel Sayson, who alleged successional rights to the Issue: Whether or not the partition inter vivos of the
disputed estate as the decedents' lawful descendants. decedent is valid
On July 11, 1983, Delia, Edmundo and Doribel filed their
own complaint, this time for the accounting and partition of Held: Yes. SC ruled that Art. 1080 allows partition inter
the intestate estate of Eleno and Rafaela Sayson, against vivos as long as legitimes are not impaired. However, since
the couple's four surviving children. This was docketed as not all the heirs were impleaded in this case,
Civil Case No. 1042 in the Regional Trial Court of Albay, the petition must necessarily fail without prejudice to a new
Branch 12. The complainants asserted the defense they proceeding where all indispensable parties are impleaded
raised in Civil Case No. 1030, to wit, that Delia and to determine whether or not their legitimes wereimpaired.
Edmundo were the adopted children and Doribel was the
legitimate daughter of Teodoro and Isabel. As such, they de Jesus vs. Estate of Juan Dizon
were entitled to inherit Teodoro's share in his parents'
estate by right of representation.
FACTS:Danilo B. de Jesus and Carolina Aves de Jesus got
ISSUE: Is there right of representation?
married in August 1964. It was during this marriage that
Jacqueline A. de Jesus and Jinkie Christie A. de
HELD: Jesus, herein petitioners, were born. In a notarized
Yes. as the legitimate daughter of Teodoro and
document, dated June 7, 1991, Juan G. Dizon
thus the granddaughter of Eleno and Rafaela, Doribel has a
acknowledged Jacqueline and Jinkie de Jesus as being his
right to represent her deceased father in the distribution of
own illegitimate children by Carolina Aves de Jesus. Juan
the intestate estate of her grandparents. Under Article 981,
died intestate in March 1992, leaving behind considerable
she is entitled to the share her father would have directly assets consisting of shares of stock in various corporations
inherited had he survived, which shall be equal to the and some real property. It was on the strength of his
shares of her grandparents' other children. 13
notarized acknowledgement that petitioners filed
But a different conclusion must be reached in the case of
a complaint for Partition with Inventory and Accounting of
Delia and Edmundo, to whom the grandparents were total
the Dizon estate with the RTC.
strangers. While it is true that the adopted child shall be
deemed to be a legitimate child and have the same right as
the latter, these rights do not include the right of

Respondent, the surviving spouse and legitimate children of Arnelito claimed that he is an acknowledged
the decedent, including the corporations of which the illegitimate child6 of Dominador who died on May
deceased was a stockholder, sought the dismissal of the 28, 1987 without any other issue. Claiming to be
case, arguing that the complaint, even while denominated the sole heir of Dominador, he executed an affidavit
as being one for partition, would nevertheless call for adjudicating to himself Lot 7226 and the house built
altering the status of petitioners from being thereon. Out of respect and generosity to Emeterio
the legitimate children of the spouses Danilo and Carolina and NarcisaAdlawan who are the siblings of his
de Jesus to instead be the father, he granted their plea to occupy the subject
illegitimate children of Carolina de Jesus and deceased property provided they would vacate the same
Juan Dizon. should his need for the property arise. Sometime in
January 1999, he verbally requested respondents
ISSUE:Whether or not petitioners are illegitimate children of to vacate the house and lot, but they refused and
decedent Juan Dizon entitled to inherit from him filed instead an action for quieting of title with the
RTC. Finally, upon respondents refusal to heed the
RULING:No. A scrutiny of the records would show that last demand letter to vacate dated August 2, 2000,
petitioner filed the instant case on August 9, 2000.
petitioners were born during the valid marriage of their
parents Danilo and Carolina. The certificates of birth
2. On the other hand, respondents Narcisa and
also identified Danilo de Jesus as their father. There is a
presumption in law that children born in wedlock Emeterio, 70 and 59 years of age,
respectively,denied that they begged Arnelito to
are legitimate. This presumption indeed becomes
allow them to stay on the questioned property and
conclusive in the absence of proof that there is physical
stressed that they have been occupying Lot 7226
impossibility of access between the spouses during the first
and the house standing thereon since birth. They
120 days of the 300 days which immediately precedes the
birth of the child due to (a) the physical incapacity of alleged that Lot7226 was originally registered in the
the husband to have sexual intercourse with his wife; (b) name of their deceased father, Ramon Adlawan
and the ancestral house standing thereon was
the fact the husband and wife are living separately in such a
owned by Ramon and their mother,
way that sexual intercourse is not possible; or (c) serious
OligiaMaacapAdlawan. The spouses had nine
illness of the husband, which absolutely prevents sexual
children including the late Dominador and herein
intercourse. Quite remarkably, upon the expiration of the
periods set forth in Article 170, and in proper cases Article surviving respondents Emeterio and Narcisa.
171,of the Family Code (which took effect on August 3, During the lifetime of their parents and deceased
siblings, all of them lived on the said property.
1988), the action to impugn the legitimacy of a child would
Dominador and his wife, GracianaRamasAdlawan,
no longer be legally feasible and the status conferred by the
who died without issue, also occupied the same.
presumption becomes fixed and unassailable.
PetitionerArnelito, on the other hand, is a stranger
who never had possession of Lot 7226.
In an attempt to establish their illegitimate filiation to the late
Juan, petitioners, in effect, would impugn 3. Sometime in 1961, spouses Ramon and Oligia
their legitimate status as being children of Danilo and needed money to finance the renovation of their
Carolina de Jesus. This step cannot be aptly done because house. Since they were not qualified to obtain a
the law itself establishes the legitimacy of children loan, they transferred ownership of Lot 7226 in the
conceived or born during the marriage of the parents. The name of their son Dominador who was the only one
presumption of legitimacy fixes a civil status for the child in the family who had a college education. By virtue
born in wedlock, and only the father, or of a January 31, 1962 simulated deed of sale, a title
in exceptional instances the latters heirs, can contest in an was issued to Dominador which enabled him to
appropriate action the legitimacy of a child born to his wife. secure a loan with Lot 7226 as collateral.
Thus, it is only when the legitimacy of a child has been Notwithstanding the execution of the simulated
successfully impugned that the paternity of deed, Dominador, then single, never disputed his
the husband can be rejected. parents ownership of the lot. He and his wife,
Graciana, did not disturb respondents possession
CASE TITLE: Adlawan vs. Adlawan, of the property until they died on May 28, 1987 and
May 6, 1997, respectively.
PRINCIPLE: Co-Ownership
FACTS: 4. Respondents also contended that Dominadors
signature at the back of petitioners birth certificate
1. The instant ejectment suit stemmed from the was forged, hence, the latter is not an heir of
parties dispute over Lot 7226 and the house built Dominador and has no right to claim ownership of
thereon, registered in the name of the late Lot 7226.15 They argued that even if petitioner is
DominadorAdlawan and located at Barrio Lipata, indeed Dominadors acknowledged illegitimate son,
Municipality of Minglanilla, Cebu. In his complaint,

his rightto succeed is doubtful because Dominador owners as co-plaintiffs because the suit is presumed to
was survived by his wife, Graciana. have been filed for the benefit of his co-owners;
However, if the suit is for the benefit of the plaintiff
alone who claims to be the sole owner and entitled to
DECISIOPN OF LOWER COURTS the possession of the litigated property, the action
MTC:dismissed the complaint holding that the should be dismissed.Petitioner contends that even
establishment of Petitioner Arnelitoss filiation and the granting that he has co-owners over Lot 7226, he can on
settlement of the estate of Dominador are conditions his own file the instant case pursuant to Article 487 of the
precedent to the accrual of petitioners action for ejectment. Civil Code which provides: ART. 487. Any one of the co-
It added that since Dominador was survived by his wife, owners may bring an action in ejectment. This article covers
Graciana, who died 10 years thereafter, her legal heirs are all kinds of actions for the recovery of possession. Article
also entitled to their share in Lot 7226. 487 includes forcible entry and unlawful detainer
RTC:reversed the decision of the MTC holding that the title (accioninterdictal), recovery of possession
of Dominador over Lot 7226 cannot be collaterally attacked. (accionpubliciana), and recovery of ownership (accion de
It thus ordered respondents to turn over possession of the reivindicacion). A co-owner may bring such an action
controverted lot to petitioner and to pay compensation for without the necessity of joining all the other coowners as
the use and occupation of the premises. co-plaintiffs because the suit is presumed to have been filed
Court of Appeals:set aside the decision of the RTC and to benefit his co-owners. It should be stressed, however,
reinstated the judgment of the MTC. It ratiocinated that that where the suit is for the benefit of the plaintiff alone
petitioner and the heirs of Graciana are co-owners of Lot who claims to be the sole owner and entitled to the
7226. As such, petitioner cannot eject respondents from the possession of the litigated property, the action should be
property via an unlawful detainer suit filed in his own name dismissed. The renowned civilist, Professor Arturo M.
and as the sole owner of the property. Tolentino, explained. . . A co-owner may bring such an
action, without the necessity of joining all the other co-
RATIO DECIDENDI OF SUPREME COURT owners as coplaintiffs, because the suit is deemed to be
instituted for the benefit of all. If the action is for the benefit
Wills and Succession; Illegitimate Children; The death of the plaintiff alone, such that he claims possession for
of the father of an allegedly acknowledged illegitimate himself and not for the coownership, the action will not
son did not make said son the absolute owner of a prosper.
parcel of land owned by the decedent and his legal
wife, and the subsequent death of the latter did not Wills and Succession; Intestate Succession; Escheat;
make said illegitimate son the absolute owner of the lot In default of the heirs of the decedent, the State will
because the share of the deceased wife passed to her inherit the decedents share and will thus be a co-
relatives by consanguinity and not her husbands petitioner entitled to possession and enjoyment of the
illegitimate child with whom she had no blood property.In the same vein, there is no merit in
relations.Petitioner averred that he is an acknowledged petitioners claim that he has the legal personality to file the
illegitimate son and the sole heir of Dominador. He in fact present unlawful detainer suit because the ejectment of
executed an affidavit adjudicating to himself the respondents would benefit not only him but also his alleged
controverted property. In ruling for the petitioner, the RTC co-owners. However, petitioner forgets that he filed the
held that the questioned January 31, 1962 deed of sale instant case to acquire possession of the property and to
validly transferred title to Dominador and that petitioner is recover damages. If granted, he alone will gain possession
his acknowledged illegitimate son who inherited ownership of the lot and benefit from the proceeds of the award of
of the questioned lot. The Court notes, however, that the damages to the exclusion of the heirs of Graciana. Hence,
RTC lost sight of the fact that the theory of succession petitioner cannot successfully capitalize on the alleged
invoked by petitioner would end up proving that he is not benefit to his co-owners. Incidentally, it should be pointed
the sole owner of Lot 7226. This is so because Dominador out that in default of the said heirs of Graciana, whom
was survived not only by petitioner but also by his legal petitioner labeled as fictitious heirs, the State will inherit
wife, Graciana, who died 10 years after the demise of her share and will thus be petitioners co-owner entitled to
Dominador on May 28, 1987. By intestate succession, possession and enjoyment of the property.
Graciana and petitioner became co-owners of Lot 7226.
The death of Graciana on May 6, 1997, did not make ROLANDO SANTOS vs. CONSTANCIA SANTOS ALANA
petitioner the absolute owner of Lot 7226 because the
share of Graciana passed to her relatives by consanguinity
and not to petitioner with whom she had no blood relations.
FACTS: Rolando Santos and Constancia Santos Alana are
The Court of Appeals thus correctly held that petitioner has
half-blood siblings both asserting their claim over a 39-
no authority to institute the instant action as the sole owner
square meter lot in Manila. It was registered in the name of
of Lot 7226.
their father who died intestate in 1986. During his lifetime,
Actions; Parties; Ejectment; Co-Ownership; A co-owner
Gregorio donated the lot to Rolando which the latter
may bring such actions for recovery of possession
accepted. By virtue of the deed of donation annotated on
without the necessity of joining all of the other co-
Gregorio's title, a transfer certificate of title was issued in

Rolando's name. In 1991 Constancia Santos filed with the PIULAPIL VS HEIORS OF BRIONBES
RTC of Manila a complaint for partition and reconveyance
against Rolando alleging that during the lifetime of their FACTS: Petitioners are the heirs of the late Donata Ortiz-Briones.
father, he denied having sold the subject lot to petitioner; Respondents are the heirs of the late Maximino Briones. Maximino
that she learned of the donation in 1978; and that the was married to Donata but their union did not produce any
donation is inofficious as she was deprived of her legitime. children. In 1952, Maximino died, Donata instituted intestate
Rolando countered that respondent's suit is barred by proceedings to settle her husbands estate with the CFI Cebu City.
prescription considering that she is aware of his possession CFI issued a Letters of Administration in favor of Donata who
submitted an inventory of Maximinos properties included the
of the lot as owner for more than ten (10) years; and that disputed land. In same year 1952, CFI issued order awarding
the lot was sold to him by Gregorio. Hence, respondent can ownership to Donata. In 1960, such order was recorded in
no longer claim her legitime. Affirmed on appeal are the Register of Deeds and by virtue thereof, a new TCT was issued in
findings of the trial court which declared as invalid contract her name. In 1977, Donata died. Her niece, Erlinda, one of the
the Deed of Absolute Sale since it was not signed by the Petitioners, instituted with the RTC a Petiton for Administration of
parties nor registered in the Registry of Deeds and the Intestate Estate of Donata. RTC appointed her and her
sustained as valid the deed of donation as it was duly husband Gregorio as Administrators of Donatoas estate. In 1985,
executed by the parties and registered. Silverio, Maximinos nephew, one of the Respondents, filed with
the RTC for Letters of Administration for the Intestate Estate of
ISSUES: (1) Whether or not the donation is inofficious Maximino which initially granted ordering him to collect rentals
from Maximinos properties. But Gregorio filed a motion to set
aside the Order claiming that said properties were already under
(2) Whether or not action of respondent is barred
his and his wifes administration as part of intestate estate of
by prescription Donata. Hence, Silverios Letters of Administration was
subsequently set aside. In 1987, Respondents filed a complaint
RULING: (1) Yes. Pursuant to Article 752 of the Civil Code, with RTC against Petitioners for Annulment/Recovery of
a donation is inofficious if it exceeds this limitation - no possession of real property. In 1992, Respondents amended their
person may give or receive, by way of donation, more complaint alleging that Donata, as Administrarix of Maximinos
than he may give or receive by will. Gregorio could not Estate, through fraud and misrepresentation, in breach of trust,
donate more than he may give by will. At the time of his and without the knowledge of the other heirs, succeeded in
death, he left no property other than the entire lot he registering in her name the real properties belonging to the
donated to petitioner and that the deceased made no Intestate Estate of Maximino. RTC favored Respondents and
reservation for the legitime of respondent, his daughter and Ordered Petitioners to reconvey subject properties and render
Accounting to the former. Petitioners appealed to CA but the CA
compulsory heir. The donation is therefore inofficious as it affirmed the RTC, hence, they petitioned to SC.
impairs respondent's legitime which, under Article 888 of
the Civil Code, consists of one-half (1/2) of the hereditary
ISSUE 1: Whether Respondents have rightful claim to recover
estate of the father and the mother. Since the parents of their share from Maximinos Estate based on the alleged
both parties are already dead, they will inherit the entire lot, misrepresentation of Donata that eventually resulted to her being
each being entitled to one-half (1/2) thereof. registered the disputed estate properties?

(2) No. "Donations, the reduction of which hinges upon the

HELD: No. Because Respondents cause of action had already
allegation of impairment oflegitime (as in this case), are not been prescribed.
controlled by a particular prescriptive period, as held
in Imperial vs. Court of Appeals but by ordinary rules of
Assuming that Donata had employed misrepresentations that
prescription. Under Article 1144 of the Civil Code, actions constitute fraud on her part that resulted to her successful
upon an obligation created by law must be brought within registration of the estate properties under her name, such act
ten years from the time the right of action accrues. Thus, would necessarily result to an imposition of an implied trust upon
the ten-year prescriptive period applies to the obligation to her provided under Art. 1456 of the Civil Code.
reduce inofficious donations, required under Article 771 of
the Civil Code, to the extent that they impair the legitime of There are two kinds of implied trusts. One is the resulting trust and
compulsory heirs. The case of Mateo vs. Lagua, which the other one is the constructive trust. Both are created by
involved the reduction for inofficiousness of a operation of law. But the latter is not created by any words, either
donationpropter nuptias, recognized that the cause of expressly or impliedly, evidencing a direct intention to create a
action to enforce a legitime accrues upon the death of the trust, but only by construction of equity in order to satisfy the
donor-decedent, since it is only then that the net estate may demands of justice, as contradistinguished from the former which
is always presumed to have been contemplated by the parties and
be ascertained and on which basis, the legitimes may be
their intention thereto is traceable in their transaction but not
determined. Since Gregorio died in 1986, respondent had however expressed in any deed or instrument of conveyance and
until 1996 within which to file the action. She filed her suit in may be proven by parole evidence as opposed to that of
1992, well within the prescriptive period. expressed trust (a trust relation created by express of intention of
the parties thereto).

The rule that an action to compel a trustee to convey property

registered in his name in trust for the benefit of the cestui que

trust does not prescribe, only applies to express trust. Basis: the In this case, Respondents discovered Donatas fraudulent acts
possession of the trustee is not adverse. It may also apply to only in 1985, hence, their right to file an action to annul CFIs
resulting trust so long as the trustee has not repudiated the trust. Order issued in 1960 likewise prescribed as they filed their
But with respect to constructive trust, the rule is different, amended complaint for Annulment based on fraud only in 1992, or
prescriptibility applies. 7 years from date of discovery thereof.

While Respondents right to inheritance was transferred or vested ISSUE 5: What is the quantum of evidence required to prove fraud
upon them at the time of Maximinos death, their enforcement of in a case where the principal actors had already been dead?
said right by appropriate legal action may be barred by
prescription of action. HELD: Proof beyond reasonable doubt. Reason: Fraud in breach
of trust is not lightly imputed to the living; for the legal presumption
Art. 1144 of the Civil Code provides that actions must be brought is the other way, as to the dead who are not here to answer for
within ten (10) years from the time the right of action accrues: themselves, it would be the height of injustice and cruelty to
disturb their ashes, and violate the sanctity of the grave, unless
Upon written contract; the evidence of fraud is proof beyond reasonable doubt.
Upon an obligation created by law;
Upon a judgment. ISSUE 6: Can Respondents validly assail the courts decision
vesting title to the disputed property in favor of Donata to be not
binding upon them on the ground that they were not made a party
Since implied trust is an obligation created by law (Art. 1456 CC),
to the proceeding thereon?
then, Respondents had ten (10) years within which to bring an
action for reconveyance of their shares in Maximinos estate.
HELD: No. While it is true that since the CFI was not informed that
Maximino still had surviving siblings and so the court was not able
ISSUE 2: When the ten (10) year period begins?
to order that these siblings be given personal notices of the
intestate proceedings, it should be borne in mind that the
HELD: Reconveyance of real property based on an implied trust settlement of estate, whether testate or intestate, is a
prescribes in ten (10) years from registration and/or issuance of proceeding in rem, and that the publication in the newspapers of
title to the property, not only because Torrens System is a the filing of the application and of the date set for the hearing of
constructive notice to title to the whole world, but also because by the same, in the manner prescribed by law, is a notice to the
registering the disputed properties exclusively in her name, whole world of the existence of the proceedings and of the hearing
Donata in effect had already unequivocally repudiated any other on the date and time indicated in the publication. The publication
claim to the same. requirement of the notice in newspapers is precisely for the
purpose of informing all interested parties in the estate of the
Donata registered and secured TCT over disputed properties in deceased of the existence of the settlement proceedings, most
her name on June 27, 1960, but Respondents filed their complaint especially those who were not named as heirs or creditors in the
Reconveyance and Annulment only on March 3, 1987, or almost petition, regardless of whether such omission was voluntarily or
27 years after the registration of said properties in the name of involuntarily made.
Donata. Hence, there actions had already been prescribed.
Diaz vs iac p126
While the action for partition among co-owners does not prescribe
so long as co-ownership is expressly or impliedly recognized (Art. CACHO v. UDAN
494 CC), but Donata had never recognized respondents as co- FA C T S :Silvina Udan, single, died leaving a purported will
owners or co-heirs either expressly or impliedly, as she asserted naming her illegitimate son, Francisco Udan, and one
to be the sole heir of Maximino necessarily excludes Wenceslao Cacho, as her sole heirs, share and share alike.
Wencesla filed a petition for probate, but this was opposed
by Rustico Udan, legitimate brother of the testatrix. But as
ISSUE 3: What is the effect if Donata has indeed employed fraud Francisco himself filed his own opposition, Rustico withdrew
and misrepresentation in registering the disputed property by
his. During the probate proceedings, Francisco died. After
claiming that she was the sole and the only heir of Maximino when
in truth and in fact, she was not? Franciscos death, John Udan and Rustico Udan, both
legitimate brothers of the testatrix, filed their respective
HELD: Donatas fraud and misrepresentation may render CFIs
oppositions to the probate of the will. The court dismissed
Order in 1960 as voidable, but not void on its face, because, it was these two oppositions for lack of interest in the estate,
rendered by the court in regular exercise of its jurisdiction, hence, and directed the fiscal to study the advisability of filing
it cannot be subject to collateral attack as respondents did in this escheat proceedings.
ISSUE 4: Is the action to Annul CFIs Order based on fraud had Whether or not the oppositor brothers may claim to
also been prescribed? be heirs of their legitimate sister.
HELD: Yes. Action to annul an order or judgment based on fraud No. They were not for at the time of her death,Silvinas
must be brought within four (4) from discovery of fraud. illegitimate son, Francisco, was her intestate heir, to the

exclusion of her brothers. This is clear from Article 988, circumstances give rise to the presumption that a valid
which provides that (i)n the absence of legitimate marriage existed between Guillermo Rustia and Josefa
descendants or ascendants, the illegitimate children shall Delgado. Their cohabitation of more than 50 years cannot
succeed to the entire estate of the deceased, and Article be doubted.
1003 which states that (i)f there are no descendants,
ascendants, illegitimate children, or a surviving spouse, the The Alleged Heirs of Guillermo Rustia Guillermo Rustia and
collateral relatives shall succeed to the entire estate of the Josefa Delgado never had any children but they took into
deceased... These legal provisions decree that collateral their home the youngsters Guillermina Rustia Rustia and
relatives of one who died intestate inherit only in the Nanie Rustia. These children, never legally adopted by the
absence of descendants, ascendants, and illegitimate couple, were what was known in the local dialect as ampun-
children. ampunan. During his life with Josefa, however, Guillermo
Rustia did manage to father an illegitimate child, the
Albeit the brothers and sister can concur with the widow or intervenor-respondent Guillerma Rustia, with one Amparo
widower, they do not concur, but are excluded by the Sagarbarria.
surviving children, legitimate or illegitimate (Article 1003).
To be able to have standing to intervene in a settlement ISSUES:
proceeding, the person must have a pecuniary interest in 1. Who are the lawful heirs of Josefa Delgado?
the distribution of the hereditary estate, either because he is 2. Whether or not the grandnephews and grandnieces
a beneficiary by will or a beneficiary by law, or because he of Josefa Delgado can inherit by right of representation?
has a money claim which shall survive the death of the 3. Who are the lawful heirs of Guillermo Rustia?
testator. In the case at bar, the son died after the mother.
Therefore, between an illegitimate child who has passed RULING:
away and the legitimate brothers or sisters of the deceased, 1. The Lawful Heirs of Josefa Delgado
the illegitimate child is preferred, provided, he dies after the It was found out that Felisa Delgado and Ramon Osorio
death of the testatrix. Because having survived the testatrix, were never married. Hence, all the children born to Felisa
successional rights vested precisely upon the momnt of Delgado out of her relations with Ramon Osorio and Lucio
death. Furthermore, the brothers and sisters cannot inherit Campo, namely, Luis and his half-blood siblings Nazario,
from the deceased child because of the prohibition under Edilberta, Jose, Jacoba, Gorgonio and the decedent
Article 992. Josefa, all surnamed Delgado, were her natural children.
The above-named siblings of Josefa Delgado were related
to her by full-blood, except Luis Delgado, her half-brother.
In the Matter of the Intestate Estates of the Deceased Nonetheless, since they were all illegitimate, they may
Josefa Delgado and Guillermo Delgado, Heirs of Luis inherit from each other. Accordingly, all of them are entitled
DELGADO, petitioners vs. Heirs of Marciana RUSTIA, to inherit from Josefa Delgado.

FACTS: However, the petitioners in this case are already the

Guillermo Rustia and Josefa Delgado died without a will. nephews, nieces, grandnephews and grandnieces of
The claimants of their estates may be divided into two Josefa Delgado. Under Article 972 of the new Civil Code,
groups: (1) the alleged heirs of Josefa Delgado, consisting the right of representation in the collateral line takes place
of her half- and full-blood siblings, nephews and nieces, only in favor of the children of brothers and sisters
and grandnephews and grandnieces, and (2) the alleged (nephews and nieces). Consequently, it cannot be
heirs of Guillermo Rustia, particularly, his sisters, his exercised by grandnephews and grandnieces. Therefore,
nephews and nieces, his illegitimate child, and the de facto the only collateral relatives of Josefa Delgado who are
adopted child (ampun-ampunan) of the decedents. entitled to partake of her intestate estate are her brothers
and sisters, or their children who were still alive at the time
The Alleged Heirs of Josefa Delgado of her death on September 8, 1972. They have a vested
The deceased Josefa Delgado was the daughter of Felisa right to participate in the inheritance. The records not being
Delgado by one Lucio Campo. Aside from Josefa, five clear on this matter, it is now for the trial court to determine
other children were born to the couple, namely, Nazario, who were the surviving brothers and sisters (or their
Edilberta, Jose, Jacoba, and Gorgonio, all surnamed children) of Josefa Delgado at the time of her death.
Delgado. Felisa Delgado was never married to Lucio Together with Guillermo Rustia, they are entitled to inherit
Campo, hence, Josefa and her full-blood siblings were all from Josefa Delgado in accordance with Article 1001 of the
natural children of Felisa Delgado. However, Lucio Campo new Civil Code:
was not the first and only man in Felisa Delgados life.
Before him was Ramon Osorio with whom Felisa had a son, Should brothers and sisters or their children survive with the
Luis Delgado. widow or widower, the latter shall be entitled to one-half of
the inheritance and the brothers and sisters or their children
The Marriage of Guillermo Rustia and Josefa Delgado to the other one-half.
Guillermo Rustia proposed marriage to Josefa Delgado but
whether a marriage in fact took place is disputed. Several 2. The Lawful Heirs of Guillermo Rustia

Guillerma Rustia is an illegitimate child of Guillermo Rustia. Teodorico, the property should be divided into 2 equal
As such, she may be entitled to successional rights only portions: one portion to the surviving spouse and the
upon proof of an admission or recognition of paternity. She other portion to the estate of the deceased spouse. The
failed to present authentic proof of recognition. Together successional right in intestacy of a surviving spouse over
with Guillermina Rustia Rustia, they were held legal the net estate of the deceased, concurring with the
strangers to the deceased spouses and therefore not legitimate brothers and sisters or nephews and nieces
entitled to inherit from them ab intestato. (the latter by right of representation), is of the
inheritance, the brother and sisters or nephews and
Under Article 1002 of the new Civil Code, if there are no nieces, being entitled to the other half. Brothers and
descendants, ascendants, illegitimate children, or surviving sisters exclude nephews and nieces except only in
spouse, the collateral relatives shall succeed to the entire representation by the latter of their parents who
estate of the deceased. Therefore, the lawful heirs of predeceased or are incapacitated to succeed
Guillermo Rustia are the remaining claimants, consisting of
his sisters, nieces and nephews.
Therefore, the intestate estate of Guillermo Rustia shall
inherit half of the intestate estate of Josefa Delgado. The
FACTS:Old Tumpao begot 3 children (respondents) with his
remaining half shall pertain to (a) the full and half-siblings of
first wife. Upon her death, he took himself a second wife but
Josefa Delgado who survived her and (b) the children of without issues. However she had adopted 2 children
any of Josefa Delgados full- or half-siblings who may have
according to the practice of Igorots. On September 4, 1937,
predeceased her, also surviving at the time of her death.
Old Tumpao executed what he called last will and
Josefa Delgados grandnephews and grandnieces are
testament which were read to and thumb mark affixed by all
excluded from her estate. The trial court is hereby ordered
of the beneficiaries who at the time were already occupying
to determine the identities of the relatives of Josefa the portions respectively allotted to them. After the death of
Delgado who are entitled to share in her estate. Old Tumpao, the parties remained to be in possession of
the lots assign to them which was in accordance of the
Guillermo Rustias estate (including its one-half share of
wishes of old Tumpao which was also agreed upon by the
Josefa Delgados estate) shall be inherited by Marciana
parties in a public document.
Rustia vda. de Damian and Hortencia Rustia Cruz (whose
respective shares shall be per capita) and the children of
the late Roman Rustia, Sr. (who survived Guillermo Rustia On November 4, 1960, respondents executed an extra-
and whose respective shares shall be per stirpes). judicial partition in which they divided the property of Old
Considering that Marciana Rustia vda. de Damian and Tumpao among the three of them only. Petitioners sued for
Hortencia Rustia Cruz are now deceased, their respective reconveyance , sustained by trial court but reversed by CA.
shares shall pertain to their estates.
ISSUE:Whether or not the will and testament of Old
Santiillon Miranda p128 Tumpao be duly allowed even without being proved in the
FACTS: RULING:In accordance with the rules of court, no will shall
Teodorico died intestate and was survived by his pass either real or personal property unless it is proved or
wife, Marietta. Teodorico was the 2ndhusband of Marietta allowed in court.
who had been previously married to James, who
disappeared without a trace. Teodorico and Marietta However the document maybe sustained by art 1056 of the
were married without having secured a court declaration Old Civil Code which was the law in force at the time the
that James was presumptively dead. Antonia, surviving document was made. The law says: If the testator should
sister of Teodorico, claiming to be sole surviving heir of make a partition of his properties by an act inter vivors, or
Teodorico, alleged that the marriage between Teodorico by will such partition shall stand in so far as it does not
and Marieta was bigamous and thus, null and void. prejudice the legitime of the forced heirs.
Such partition is not governed by the rules of wills or
The 2ndmarriage, having been contracted during the
donation inter vivos, which is a consequence of its special
regime of the Civil Code, is valid notwithstanding the
nature. Thus, the last will and testament of Old Tumpao is
absence of a judicial declaration of presumptive death of
sustained by the provision of Art 1056, Old Civil Code,
which became a binding law when the beneficiaries, parties
herein, agreed and confirmed with the disposition made by
The conjugal property of Teodorico and Marietta, no
Old Tumpao.
evidence having been adduced to indicate another
property regime between the spouses, pertains to them in
common. Upon the dissolution with the death of JLT AGRO vs. BALANSAG

FACTS:Julian married Antonia and they had 2 children.

After Antonias death, Julian married Milagros and they had
4 children. A compromise agreement was entered wherein
it was to be owned in common by Julian and his 2 children
from the 1st marriage.

The 3 of them executed a Deed of Assignment of Assets

and Liabilities in favor of JLT Agro. A Supplemental Deed
was later executed transferring ownership over the lot in
favor of JLT Agro. Meanwhile, Milagros and her children
took possession over the subject lot. Balansag also bought
the said lot from Milagros.
The appellate court erred in holding that future
legitime can be determined, adjudicated and reserved prior
to the death of Don Julian. At the time of the execution of
the deed of assignment covering the lot in question in favor
of petitioner, Julian remained the owner of the property
since ownership over the subject lot would only pass to his
heirs from the second marriage at the time of his death.
Don Julian did not execute a will since what he resorted
to was a partition inter vivos of his properties, as evidenced
by the court approved Compromise Agreement. It is
premature if not irrelevant to speak of preterition prior to the
death of Don Julian in the absence of a will depriving a
legal heir of his legitime. Besides, there are other properties
which the heirs from the second marriage could inherit from
Don Julian upon his death. Hence, the total omission from
inheritance of Don Julian's heirs from the second
marriage, a requirement for preterition to exist, is hardly
imaginable as it is unfounded

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