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Hands OnHands Off;

A Practical Reiki I and II


By Anthony Crisafio, RM

2006 Anthony Crisafio, RM

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or

utilized in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical
including photocopying, recording or by any storage or retrieval
system, without permission in writing from the author.

For Permission contact Anthony Crisafio, RM


First Edition (November 2006)

I. Letter to the Students:
Reiki is a spiritual and healing practice that was
discovered in the early 1900s by a monk named Mikao Usui.
He was a once-in-a-generation man who helped usher in a
new technique that is invaluable to the world. Those who
have experienced it first hand know how miraculous it is, and
those who are Practitioners in it, know that it will heal you in
the most complete way possible.
You have just opened yourself to the amazing spiritual
gift of healing. You are truly blessed to have chosen this path
as part of you lifeor I should say to be chosen to be part of
it. It is my belief that the more Reiki Practitioners there are
in the world the more peace and healing there will be.
As we all know, the world is a complicated and
confusing place to live in. If we turn on the television we see
the devastation that is taking place, but the more people that
open themselves up to this healing energy, and allow it to
heal them, the more peaceful and simpler the world will
become. This journey as all journeys do, begin with one
stepThat step was taken when you signed up for this class
and opened this book.
Before we go further, I have two things that you must
do. First, keep an open mind. No matter what happens, be
open to it, otherwise this class and this book will be useless. If
you are not open, then the pathway of Reiki will stop. It is
that simple. We do not become Reiki Practitioners to control
Reiki, but rather to be guided by it. Second, take only what
works for you and regard nothing as dogma. As you read and
learn about and practice Reiki, allow for the possibility that
your views may change.
May your journey of healing be successful and
meaningful for you and all who come to you in need. Light
and Love!
Blessed BeNamaste,

Anthony Crisafio, RM
III. Dedication
I, with much love and gratitude, dedicate this book to
Usui-Sensei, who made all this possible; Dr. Hayashi, who
taught Mrs. Takata Reiki and created the formal teaching
methods and levels we have today; Mrs. Takata, for bringing
Reiki to the West and for training her 22 Reiki Masters who
spread it; and my Reiki Masters Cindi Barton and Bonnie
Hassan, who taught me, healed me, and supported me
through all of this. Blessed beNamasteLight &
LoveThank you AC
I would like to add my additional thanks to Bonnie and
Cindi for their materials that have helped me write this
manual. Bonnie provided much information on the Healing
Crisis and the attunements. I would like to thank all the
Reiki Masters that have researched into the history and
provided the Reiki community with much of the information
from Japan.

Side note: all the views within this manual are strictly those
of the Author, Anthony Crisafio, RM. They are not the views of all
Reiki Masters or the Reiki community as a whole. Please read this
manual with your own common sense and brand of wisdom.

Table of Contents
I. Letter to the Students: 2
III. Dedication 4
IV. Introduction 6
V. What is Reiki? 6
VI. History of Reiki 8
VII. The Reiki Principles 20
VIII. Learning Reiki 26
IX. Reiki Traditions 34
XI. The Hand Positions 42
XII. The Healing Session 56
XIII. Healing Animals, Plants, and Objects 67
XIV. The Reiki Symbols 69
XV. The Healing Space 76
XVI. Ethics 81
XVII. Group Healing
XVIII. The Exchange Issue 86
XIX. Reiki and Spirituality 91
XX. Conclusion 95
XXI. Work Cited and Bibliography 97
Appendix 1 Techniques 102
Appendix 2 The Usui Memorial Stone 109
Appendix 3 Organizations 113
Appendix 4 Usui/Hayashi Manual 116

IV. Introduction
Reiki, (pronounced: Ray-Key), is a Japanese technique
for stress reduction and relaxation that accelerates and assists
the bodys natural ability to heal. It was discovered by a
Buddhist lay-monk, Mikao Usui. Usui-Sensei trained many
people in this healing art as Practitioners and
Masters/Teachers, and his unending compassion allowed him
to heal those within his country and the world as a whole.
Reiki has become synonymous with the practice, but
the word Reiki actually refers to the energy that is used.
Translating it from Japanese to English shows that the word
means Universal Life Energy. It is this energy that Usui-
Sensei discovered and that every Reiki Practitioner channels
for the highest good of others.
Reiki heal on all levels of the human beingthe
mental, emotional, spiritual and physical. It works by calming
the mind and replenishing and strengthening the energy
within the body.
Reiki is a miraculous practice and energy that allows
the Practitioner and Recipient to be connected to the Divine
Source. It is a life long journey of discovery, compassion and
V. What is Reiki?
Before we look at what
Reiki is, we must look at the
kanji1. To the right are two
examples. The first is a
traditional kanji and the second
is a more modern version. They
mean the same thing, but they
look slightly different.
Figure 1 Figure 2
1Kanji is a Japanese writing system that uses pictorial characters based largely on
Chinese ideograms
The first portion (the top symbol) is REI
(pronounced: ray) it means universal or divine. Rei tells us
that this energy is universal and divinely guided. Since this
energy comes from the Divine, it has its own consciousness
and it is omniscient; it goes where it will be needed most and
it heals the cause of the dis-ease.
The second portion (the bottom symbol) is KI
(pronounced: key) it means life energy or force. Ki in
Japanese, Chi in Chinese, Prana in Sanskrit, and life energy are
all the same. Without Ki our bodies would die; when the
amount of Ki is lowered our bodies become susceptible to
It is from this understanding of the kanji and the word
that we come up with the translation Universal Life Energy
(which is the most commonly accepted translation). It is also
from that understanding that we know:
o Reiki is every where and within everything
o Reiki only works for the Recipients highest good
o Reiki can do NO harm
o Reiki will work on what It feels is the most
important dis-ease in the body
o Reiki is spiritually guided energy
o Reiki is a great stress reducer
o Reiki is simple and easy to use
o Reiki is compatible with all religions and
o Reiki is easy to learn and easy to use
o Reiki is a release for energy blocks
o Reiki is SAFE

We also know that:

o Reiki is not a religion
o Reiki is not a belief system
o Reiki is not hypnosis or mind control
o Reiki is not psychic healing
o Reiki is not laying-on-of-hands
The next question that you will be asking is how Reiki
works. I can sum that with a simple three word sentence. No
one knows. Isnt that nice and simple? While no one knows
definitively how Reiki works, there are some that believe that it
works by replenishing lost energy within the bodys energy
centers. Within the body there are seven major energy centers,
which in Indian philosophy are called chakras (In Sanskrit the
word chakra means wheel). Some believe that that when
these centers are filled the body is healthy and can fight off
dis-ease and when they are empty the body is unhealthy
and cannot fight of dis-ease.
There is a wonderful quote from William Lee Rands
manual, Reiki the Healing Touch; First and Second Degree
Manual, which is originally from Mother Theresa that, I think
best exemplifies what Reiki is.
There is a light in this worlda healing spirit much stronger than
any darkness we may encounter. We sometimes lose sight of this
forcewhere there is suffering, too much pain. And suddenly the
spirit will emergethrough lives of ordinary people, and answer in
extraordinary ways. God speaks in the silence of the heart and we
listen. (pg. II-4)

VI. History of Reiki

This is the traditional teaching story that Hawayo
Takata taught to her students. Some of the facts are distorted
and inaccurate, but Mrs. Takata did what she needed to do so
that Reiki would survive the anti-Japanese feelings of World
War Two. It is important to know the factual history and the
teaching stories because they both have had a great impact on
the way that Reiki has been presented to the world and the
Reiki community.
Dr. Mikao Usui was the head of a Doshisha University, which is
the equivalent of a theological seminary in the United States, in
Kyoto, Japan in the mid 1800s. One day some of his students
asked him if he believed in the healing miracles that Jesus
preformed. He said he did. They then asked whether he was able
to demonstrate for them such a healing. He was unable to. He felt
that he should have an answer for them, so he resigned his
position and went on a spiritual search. While on this search he
traveled to the United States to study at the University of Chicago,
where he got a degree in theology, he realized that the answers
he was looking for were not there, and returned to Japan. While in
Japan he began studying Buddhist scriptures and going to
monasteries to try to gain some insight into how Jesus and the
Buddha preformed healing acts. He found, in the original Sanskrit
texts, the symbols and mantras that he was looking for, but he
knew they were not enough. He needed a way to tap into the
power that they held. So he turned to a Buddhist abbot for advice.
The abbot recommended that Dr. Usui go on a fast and meditation
on a holy mountain near Kyoto, Mount Kurama. Once on the
mountain he collected twenty-one small pebbles to mark the
passage of days. For twenty days and twenty nights, he fasted,
meditated, and prayed.
On the twenty-first day he was in a deep meditative state. He saw
a bright, shining light coming towards him. He wanted to get up
and run, but he had set out on this journey and if he was going to
see the light then he was going to see the light. It struck him
between the eyes in his Third Eye Chakra. He found himself in a
higher state of consciousness. In this higher state he saw the
familiar symbols from the Sutras. Simultaneously, the applications
of the symbols and the mantras became clear to him. The next
thing he knew it was broad daylight.
He knew that he had just reached a level of enlightenment and in
his excitement he got up and dusted off the dirt from his clothing.
He realized that a miracle had occurred; he was not tired and
weak after fasting for twenty-one days. This was the First Reiki
Miracle of Dr. Usui. The Second Reiki Miracle was in his
excitement he ran down the mountain and he stubbed his toe. It
was throbbing with pain and bleeding profusely. He stopped and
cupped his hands around his toe, the pain melted away and the
bleeding stopped. Once down the mountain Usui realized he was
extremely hungry. He stopped at an outdoor tea house, the
Japanese equivalent of a fast food restaurant, and ordered a large
meal. While he was waiting the owners daughter came out crying,
her face was swollen and it was wrapped in a cloth. She explained
that she had had a toothache for days, but her family was too poor
to go to a dentist. Usui had her sit in front of him and he placed his
hands on either side of her face, once again the pain melted away,
as did the swelling. This was the Third Reiki Miracle.
The man came out with Usuis breakfast. He knew that Usui had
just come from a period of fasting and knew that the first meal

should be bland. Usui would not listen and ate the meal because
he was starving. He ate the lavish meal and suffered no
indigestion; the Fourth Reiki Miracle.
Once back at the monastery, he was told that the abbot was
suffering from a severe attack of arthritis and could not get out of
bed. He got cleaned up and went to tell the abbot of what had just
happened to him. While they talked, Usui put his hand on the
abbots back and hip, and the pain melted away. The Fifth Reiki

That is the story that Mrs. Takata taught her students

who taught their students who taught their studentsuntil
just recently in the 1990s Reiki Masters, including William
Lee Rand, Walter Lbeck and Frank Arjava Petter, began
serious research into the factual history of Reiki and Usui-
Sensei. The history that they have given is based largely on
one of the most important discoveries in the Reiki community
since Mrs. Takata brought it to the West. This discovery is the
Usui Memorial Stone. It was erected in 1927 by the Usui Reiki
Ryoho Gakkai, the Japanese Reiki group that has existed since
Usui-Senseis time, under the leadership of its second
president Juzaburo Ushida. There is a complete translation of
the inscription located in Appendix 2.
The real story is quite different from what Mrs. Takata
taught, and it all begins in the village of Tanian (what is now
Miyama cho), in the Yamagata County of the Gifu Prefecture,
on August 15, 1865. That was the day that Mikao Usui was
born. He had two brothers, Sanya who became a physician,
and Kuniji who became a police officer, and a sister, Tsuru.
His fathers name was Uzaemon, and his mother came from
the Kawai family. He descended from the Chiba clan and his
family was hatamoto samurai, which was the highest level of
At the age of 12, in 1877, he began to study aiki jutsu
martial arts and gained menkyo kaiden, the highest license of
proficiency, in weaponry and grappling. Not that much is
known about his childhood. He is known to have married
Sadako Suzuki and in 1908 he had a son, Fuji, who became a
teacher at Tokyo University and died on July 10, 1946 at the
age of 39. In 1913, his daughter, Toshiko, was born. She died
September 23, 1935 at the age of 35. He worked for a time as
the private secretary to Shinpei Goto, the mayor of Tokyo. He
was a lay Tendai Buddhist priest, or zaike, his religious name
was Gyoho or Kyoho. This completely debunks Mrs. Takatas
claim that he was Christian.
He began his career as a teacher in 1915, when he
began teaching Usui do, or the way of Usui, and practiced
Usui teate, or Usui hands-on healing. During this time he
taught it as a manner for reaching enlightenment, and it also
taught the Five Precepts. Several years later, in March of 1922,
he is thought to have completed his 21 day meditation on
Mount Kurama. He realized that he had been given the
ability to heal and pass on this gift by accident. He formulated
what became Reiki by combining his realization that he had
been given an empowerment to this healing energy and his
past schooling in Buddhism. He chose not to keep this
technique within his family, but rather decided to teach it to
others, so in April of 1922 he opened a healing clinic in
Harajuku (now Aoyama, Tokyo). It is also believed at this
time that the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (URRG) was founded.
The URRG translates to the Usui Reiki Healing Method
Learning Society; it is still in existence today, though it does
not train foreigners.
In 1923, Usui-Sensei introduced the four Reiki Symbols.
This was a year after Usui-Sensei had is epiphany and
empowerment on Mt. Kurama. In September of that year,
after the Kanto earthquake, he and his students offered
healing to the countless victims. His dojo soon became too
small and in February of 1925 he moved his dojo to a larger
house in Nakano. In May of 1925, Chujiro Hayashi began
training with Usui-Sensei. Mikao Usui died on March 9, 1926
at the age of 61 of a stroke in Fukuyama in Hiroshima. The
Memorial says that he is was 62 when he died, because the
Japanese consider a person one when they are born.
Mikao Usuis 15 Known Reiki Masters:
1. Juzaburo Ushida
Trained Hoich Wanami and Masaki Kondo
2. Sonoo Tsuboi
3. Kanichi Taketomi
Trained Kimiko Koyama and Hiroshi Doi*
4. Masayuki Okada
5. Kozo Ogawa
6. Mariko Suzuki*
7. Yoshiharu Watanabe
8. Chujiro Hayashi
9. Tetsutaro Imaizumi
10. Yori in*
11. Mariko Obaasan*
12. Harue Nagana
13. Toshihiro Eguchi*
14. Imae Mine
15. Kaiji Tomita*
Names with an asterisk (*) have yet to be verified.
The Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkais second president wrote
the Usui Memorial and research suggests that he opened the
URRG not Usui-Sensei. During World War II, the URRG went
underground so not to be detected and disbanded as a peace
movement. After the War, it re-grouped and continued its
practices formally. Many of the techniques used are taught
primarily for spiritual development and enlightenment. The
Gakkai does not have three levels it has six. Novices begin at
level 6 and work their way down to level 1. At each level the
student is given new techniques.
The traditional Japanese Reiki levels are: The
traditional Japanese Reiki levels are: Shoden (the first level and
transmission), Okuden (hidden teaching), and Shinpiden
(mystery teaching).
The URRG is a closed society that consists of 500
members and is based in Japan. It does not have contact with
foreigners and asks all members not to talk about their
training with anyone who is not a member. The group meets
once a week where they chant the Reiki Principles and
practice traditional techniques. A Shinpiden Senseis will give
reiju or the Japanese equivalent to an attunement to each
student present. Much of the information about the Gakkai is
given through Hiroshi Doi, a former member.
List of Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai Presidents (1922
1. Mikao Usui (1865-1926)
2. Juzaburo Ushida (18651935)
3. Kanichi Taketomi (18781960)
4. Yoshiharu Watanabe (?1960)
5. Hoichi Wanami (18831975)
6. Kimiko Koyama (19061999)
7. Masaki Kondo (the current President)
Although Dr. Hayashi only studied with Usui-Sensei
for 10 months, he did achieve Shinpiden. A mistake made by
Mrs. Takata and the Reiki Alliance is that Usui-Sensei named
Dr. Hayashi his successor, the above list of the Presidents of
the URRG shows that he was never one of the groups leaders.
Dr. Hayashi was born in 1879. Prior to meeting Usui-Sensei,
he was a naval commander for the Imperial Navy. He
received training in Western Allopathic and Eastern Chinese
Medicine. In 1925 he received his Reiki training; some sources
say that Dr. Hayashi was also a Methodist Minister, while
other sources say that he was a Soto Zen practitioner who
utilized Shinto practices.
In late 1931, Dr. Hayashi left the Gakkai. He continued
working in Usui-Senseis clinic, which he renamed the Usui
Memorial Clinic. He later changed the name again to Hayashi
Reiki Kenkyu kai, or Hayashi Reiki Research Society. He
continued to work and trained students until his death on
May 10, 1940. It is said that he killed himself rather than serve
in the Japanese Navy during WWII. Of the thirteen Reiki
Masters that he trained, it is widely known and published that
Hawayo Takata, his wife Chie Hayashi, Chiyoko Yamaguchi,
Tatsumi, and Takeuchi were definitively trained to the Master
Hawayo Kawamura (her maiden name) was born
December 24 (Christmas Eve), 1900 in Hanamaulu, Kauai,
Hawaii. In 1917, she married Saichi Takata; together they had
two daughters. Following her husbands death in 1930, and
then her sisters death in 1935, Mrs. Takata went to Japan to
visit and informer her parents of her sisters death. During the
years between 1930 and 1935, she spent many hours working
and it finally took its toll. It was determined while she was in
Japan that she would require an operation.
While on the operation table, she heard a voice that
said that there was another way. When she asked the doctor,
he told her about Dr. Hayashis clinic. For four months she
received treatments, and was completely cured. On December
10, 1935, she took Shoden (Reiki 1) training; she received the
second level in 1937. She spent her time working in the Dr.
Hayashi clinic, and in 1938 she returned to Hawaii.
In February 1938, Dr. Hayashi came and stayed with
Mrs. Takata. At this time she was made a Reiki Master. While
Usui-Sensei and Dr. Hayashi did give manuals, Mrs. Takata
taught Reiki as an oral tradition. She ran many clinics
between 1940 and 1970, during this time she also trained
many students and reached a level of fame. In 1970 she
formally retired from teaching, five years later she began
training Reiki Masters.
Mrs. Hawayo Takatas 22 Reiki Masters in
Chronological Order
0. Kay Yamashita
Took her Master Training sometime before 1976 but
was not considered the first Reiki Master Mrs. Takata
trained. She is deceased. She was Mrs. Takatas sister.

1. Virginia Samdahl
Took Reiki 1 in 1974, Reiki 2 in 1975 and her Master
training in October 1976, she retired in 1989 and died
on March 4, 1994
2. Ethel Lombardi
Took Master training in 1976. In 1983, she stopped
teaching Reiki and created Mari-El
3. John Harvey Gray
Took Reiki 1 on June 12, 1974, and Master training on
October 6, 1976. John Gray has been teaching the
longest of all of the Mrs. Takata Reiki Masters.
4. Dorothy Baba
Took Master training a short time after John Gray
between late 1976 and early 1977, she is deceased
5. Barbara Lincoln McCullough
Took Master training in 1977
6. Harry M. Kuboi
Took Reiki 1 in 1974 and Master training in April
1977; he retired from teaching Reiki on April 4, 2002
7. Reverend Fran Brown
Took Reiki 1 June 3, 1973 from Mrs. Takata, Reiki 2 in
1976 from John H. Gray, she received a Reiki 2
certificate from Mrs. Takata after she help her teach a
Reiki 2 class it is dated January 11, 1979, and Master
training in January 15, 1979
8. Iris Ishikuro
She took her Reiki 1 sometimes between 1966 and
1968, died 1984
9. Phyllis Lei Furumoto
She took Master training in April 1979 and was
attuned to Reiki 1 and 2 at a very young age
10. Barbara Weber Ray, Ph.D.
Took Reiki 1 on August 20, 1978, Reiki 2 on October
2, 1978, and Master training on September 1, 1979

11. Reverend Beth Gray
Took Master training in October 1979 from John H.
Gray, but is a recognized Master of Mrs. Takatas, she
had a paralyzing stroke in 1993 and is unable to teach
12. Bethal Phaigh
Took Reiki 1 on June 16, 1979, Reiki 2 sometime in
between July and September 1979, and Master
training on October 12, 1979, she died on January 3,
13. Barbara Brown
Took Master training on October 12, 1979, she died
April 23, 2000 (Easter Sunday)
14. Wanja Twan
Took Master training on October 12, 1979, she is
15. Ursula Baylow
Took Master training in October 1979, she is deceased
16. Paul Mitchell
Took Reiki 1 in 1978 and Master training in
November 1979 with George Araki
17. George Araki, Ph.D.
Took Master training in November 1979, he does not
teach Reiki and instead spends his time performing
exorcisms and correct the wrong Reiki attunements
that were done using the Hun Yin
18. Shinobu Saito
Took Reiki 1 in 1976, Reiki 2 in 1978, and Master
training in May 1980
19. Patricia Bowling
Took Master training in September 1980, she changed
her name to Patricia Ewing when she got married
20. Mary McFadyen
Took Reiki 2 with John H. Gray and Master training
in September 1980 with Mrs. Takata

21. Rick Bockner
Took Reiki 1 on October 10, 1979, Reiki 2 October 20,
1979, and Master training October 12, 1980
The letter below was sent by Mrs. Takata to all of her
students saying that she is going to retire. In the letter she
names three Reiki Masters whom she wants to carry on her
work. It is important to note that she does not mention
Barbara Weber Ray or Phyllis Lei Furumoto, because they
were not attuned at the time, as her successors. I have
transcribed the letter for clarity.
Seasons Greetings for a Happy Prosperous 1977
I wish to thank you all for the many kindness given me, with
gifts, bouquets, invitations to your lovely homes to share the
feasts you so kindly prepared with Love and Reiki Hands.
It is with gratitude and Aloha to you all, that I write this letter to
say Thank You, to let you know that time has come for me to
retire this year. I have gained many friends and students
during my Reiki Tours, these past years. They were a great
Joy, Inspiring receiving knowledge and Wisdom.
Wishing you the Best of Health, Happiness, to have Security,
and prepare for Longevity, Peace of mind and Success!!!
I remain, most gratefully yours
Rev. Hawayo Takata
I have created 3 Reiki Masters to carry on this noble work.
They are trusting, capable, kind and with humility serve God
and mankind. They are:
Master John Gray, 227 Highland Terrace, Woodside Calif.
94062 phone 415_851_2887 851_7404
Master Virginia Samdahl 419 Wimnemac St Park Forest, Ill.
60466 ph. 312-748 6639
Master Ethel Lombardi 93 Spring Creek Rd. Rt # 5
Lockport Ill ph. 815-83 882
P.S. Thank you for the beautiful letter. Will see you in May.
Here is something interesting. Mrs. Takata signs the
letter: Rev. Hawayo Takata. She was ordained in 1975 by
the Reverend Fran Gray at the Trinity Metaphysical Center in
Redwood City, California. You are welcome to try the contact
information listed in the letter, but it is my belief that in the
last thirty years that information has changed and the listed
information is now no longer correct.

Figure 3
The history of Reiki has undergone many changes and
even more corrections. One of the two most influential groups
is the Reiki Alliance, headed by Phyllis Lei Furumoto. It was
founded in 1983, after the second meeting of Mrs. Takatas
Masters. The first meeting took place in 1982 and was more of
a memorial for their teacher. Both meetings took place in
British Columbia, Canada. This group standardized the
attunement process and the Symbols. The group named Ms
Furumoto Mrs. Takatas successor and the Grandmaster of
Reiki, Ms Furumoto named herself Lineage Bearer of Reiki
and she and Paul Mitchell run the Office of the Grandmaster.
Until 1988, she was the only one within the group that was
permitted to attune Masters, when it was learned that any
Reiki Master could initiate Masters then there was a flood
gate of Reiki Masters being initiated. This accounts for the
numerous new Reiki Masters that there are now.
A second group, splintered from the meeting in 1982,
the Radiance Technique is headed by Dr. Barbara Weber Ray,
who claimed to have been given additional keys to the
Mastery level. Her group has seven levels rather than three,
like that Reiki Alliance. In 1980, she established the American
International Reiki Association. Today, it is called The
Radiance Technique International Association, Inc. (TRTIA).
She maintains that unless you learned Reiki through the
TRTIA, you have learned an incorrect form of Reiki.
Here are some of the things that Mrs. Takata changed:
Usui-Sensei was never a doctor, this mistake likely came from
trying to translate the word sensei into English. Second,
Usui-Sensei never attended the University of Chicago or the
Seminary in Japan; this was confirmed by William Rand when
he contacted the schools, which had never heard of Mikao
Usui. He was a Buddhist monk, so he could not have been a
Christian. Mrs. Takata advertised herself as the only Reiki
Master in the world. This is untrue because the URRG was
still in existence in Japan. This information may have been a
stretch, because she was the only Reiki Master in the West at
the time. The changes made were to save Reiki from being lost

during WWII, and her stories were and are an excellent way
to teach truths about Reiki.

VII. The Reiki Principles

When Usui-Sensei first started out he had not intended
that Reiki be a form of hands-on healing, rather the ability to
heal came as a by-product. His original intent was for Reiki to
be used as a spiritual technique to aid the Seeker/Practitioner
in finding enlightenment. To do this he developed the Five
Reiki Principles. Mrs. Takata taught them as follows:
Just for today, thou shall not anger
Just for today, thou shall not worry
Thou shall be grateful for the many blessings
Earn thy livelihood with honest labor
Honor your parents, teachers, and elders
Be kind to thy neighbors
It is believed by some Reiki scholars that the Five
Principles or Ideals originated with the Meiji Emperor,
because he had a set of principles that are remarkably close to
the original translation. While this information has only
recently come to the light of day, the traditional history that
Mrs. Takata taught had them developing out of the Beggar
Dr. Usui wanted to share his gift with everyone, so he decided
to got to Beggar City and heal the poor. Usui believed that
once they were healed they would be able to go and make a
better life for themselves. Usui dressed as a beggar so he
would be trusted and accepted. For seven years he worked
with the beggars.
One night out he came upon a young who looked familiar.
Usui asked the young man why he looked so familiar. The
young man replied that Dr. Usui had healed him seven years
ago. Usui was astounded that the young man did not start
over so he asked why. The young man said that it was too
much work and discipline, so he quit and went back to the life
of the beggar.
That was the last time that Dr. Usui healed the beggars. He
realized that he had forgotten to teach the beggars to heal
whole self, not just physically, but also mentally, emotionally,
and spiritually. So Usui created the Five Precepts, and began
charging money for healing.
The history that Mrs. Takata taught was full of
proverbs and parables, that effectively showed the heart, but
nor necessarily the facts of Reiki. The Ideals are no exception.
The Ideals, rather than being a dogmatic approach to life, are
simple guidelines for living life to the fullest and being a true
and competent healer.
There are as many translations and variations as there
are Practioner and Master. I have included a few that I have
found online. At the end are my variation on the Principles,
they are different from what was originally written on the
Usui Memorial, but I feel that they truly capture the heart of
what Reiki is and how to live your life. Again as with all other
things in this book, take what works for you and leave the
rest, if you like one of the translations but not the others, use
that because that is what you are meant to work with.
The Ideals as taught by Mrs. Takata
Just for today, thou shall not anger
Just for today, thou shall not worry
Thou shall be grateful for the many blessings
Earn thy livelihood with honest labor
Honor your parents, teachers, and elders
Be kind to thy neighbors
Reiki Principles as taught by Reiki Alliance Masters
Just for today, I will not worry
Just for today, I will not be angry
Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings
Just for today, I will do my work honestly
Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing
Reiki Principles as taught by The Radiance Technique
Just for today, I will let go of anger
Just for today, I will let go of worry
Today, I will count my many blessings
Today, I will do my work honestly
Today, I will be kind to every living creature

Reiki Principles/Precepts as taught by some Independent Reiki
Just for today, do not worry
Just for today, do not anger
Earn your living honestly
Show gratitude to every living thing
Reiki Master Anthony Crisafios Version
Just for today, let go of anger and worry
Just for today, be honest, grateful, and humble
Just for today, bless all living things.
Usui-Sensei had his own translation and even with in
the Japanese lineages there is dissent in the translation. I have
found that the Usui Memorial stone has the ones that are most
likely used with the traditional school of Reiki that Usui-
Sensei established in Japan and that still exists today. While
that translation is very good, there is another one that is
circulating and that can be found on the next page the
Japanese characters that was supposed to have been written
in Usui-Senseis own hand. This one can be considered the
most accurate and it was relayed by Reiki Master William L.
Reiki Ryoho Principles Other translations
(Version of translation from The Center for Reiki Training)
The secret art of inviting happiness
The miraculous medicine of all diseases
Just for today, do not anger
Do not worry and be filled with gratitude
Devote yourself to your work. Be kind to people
Every morning and evening, join your hands in prayer
Pray these words to your heart and chant these words with your mouth
Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind
(Version of translation from Traditional Japanese Reiki School
The Secret Method of Inviting Blessings
The Spiritual Medicine of Many Illnesses
For today only, do not anger, do not worry.
Do your work with appreciation.
Be kind to all people.
In the morning and at night hold your hands in prayer,

meditate on and chant these words.
The Usui Reiki method to change your mind and body for the better.
From Usui-Sensei's memorial
'when it comes to teaching, first let the student understand well the Meiji
Emperor's admonitory, then in the morning and in the evening let them
chant and have in mind the five admonitions which are:
Dont get angry today.
Dont be grievous.
Express your thanks.
Be diligent in your business.
Be kind to others.
Now that we have finished looking at the various
translations and the possible origins of the Ideals it would be
a good idea to take some time and go over them line for line. I
will be using the very standard and basic form as was used by
Mrs. Takata and various Independent Reiki Masters across the
Just for today, do not anger
It is impossible not to get angry, we are only human.
But it is possible to keep your anger in check and watch for
healthy ways of letting it out. When you find yourself getting
angry, take a deep breath, focus on channeling Reiki for the
situation and yourself and count to 10. This will give you the
opportunity to not respond rashly or make comments or
actions that you will later regret. Find productive ways of
venting, write, go for a run, bike ride, or walk, or exercise this
will let you express your angry without hurting anyone,
including yourself.
Just for today, do not worry
When we worry and stress over something, we give it
power over our lives. Letting go of the sorry and stress will
allow you to work on the task in the present moment. Letting
go of worry will allow you to live in the present moment,
something that is highly taught in Buddhism. There is a great
saying that I am changing very slightly so that it is better

applied to Reiki: Let go and let [Reiki] (you have all heard it
before but probably in the form Let go and Let God. I like
that one to, but we are talking about Reiki here so I thought
the change would be acceptable).
Just for today, I will give thanks for my
many blessings
This is a great one. In the busy lives that we all lead it is
sometimes forgotten to take a moment and be thankful for all
that you have. But it is important, as a Reiki Practitioner you
are surrendering yourself to the will of a Higher Power (a
Divine Force) and letting it take over. You have to thankful
for that and know that each day you will encounter miracles
and wonderful things. To help you do this, every time you
hold your hands in Gassho, give thanks. Give thanks for
having all the material things you have, give thanks for all the
people that have come into your life, be thankful for all the
amazing things that Reiki has done for you and for others.
And most of all be thankful for being able to share this gift
with others. At the end of every session you should also give
thanks to anyone who you asked for help during the session.
Just for today, I will do my work honestly
This doesnt only mean be honest in your business
deals, dont cheat yourself. You should honestly approach
Reiki and all things as a way to better yourself and change
your world. You should do not only your school work, or
work work honestly, but also your spiritual work and your
romantic work honestly. Do not try to take a short cut and do
not try to rush things. Enjoy the moment and do not worry
about what will be happening, just be and be honest about

Just for today, I will be kind to every living
This is a great one as well. You are a healer and a
channel for Divine energy; you uphold that all things are
sacred and living. Does it make sense for you to try to destroy
what you are working for? Even if you are only using Reiki
for yourself, arent you living? Arent you sacred? If you
answered YES (and you should have), then you need to be
nice to yourself. I know what you are saying, how can I
possibly be nice and kind to all living things. It is very simple,
focus only on the now, only on this moment, just for today,
and you will be fine.
In my version I changed and condensed some of the
Principles, that does not mean that they are gone just a little
different. The one that does seem to be gone, at least on the
surface, is the last one. I say Just for today, bless all living
things is that really that different from Just for today, I will
be kind to every living thing? Not really. I take every
moment to bless people that I do not like or get along with, I
take a second to ask that the person who cut me off or cussed
me out in the car, be blessed. Every time I think of something
negative, I ask that the person be blessed. It is that simple and
that is how you can be nice to everyone. As your show respect
for others, you will receive respect not only form other people
but also from the Universe and from Spirit.
In Vincent Amadors Reiki 1 Manual in his section on
the Reiki Principles he has the following quote. I have always
found it to ring true no matter the context or the moment that
I read them. He shows that the Principles are an inseparable
part of the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition of Reiki.
The principles embody compassionate living. They embody
the Buddhist principles of Karuna (compassion toward all beings)
and Metta (loving kindness to all). Humility, gratitude, not-anger,
not worry, and kindness. In healing ourselves, living the principles,
we find true mastery.

Figure 4

VIII. Learning Reiki

Reiki is one of, if not the easiest, method of hands-on
and hands-off healing to learn. To become a competent and
powerful healer takes very little time. Reiki is passed from
Master to Student/Practitioner through a method called an
There are several elements that make Reiki a unique
system. As the Reiki Alliance outlines them, there are nine
elements that make up the Reiki System; the International
House of Reiki gives four. The elements that make up Reiki
are: Initiations or Attunements, the Symbols and Mantras, the
Spiritual Lineage, the meditations and techniques, the Reiki
Ideals, and the hands-on healing and the hand positions.
Those are the core elements that make Reiki special, it is a
synthesis of the two groups feelings on the matter.
The Initiations or Attunement process is unique to
Reiki; it is a ritual that is passed from Reiki Master to Reiki
Master, that when preformed, has the power to open the
Student to this system of energy work. The Symbols and
Mantras, while used in other practices, like Japanese
Buddhism, are unique in their uses to Reiki. The student is
opened to their power thru the attunement and the
knowledge of what the Symbol and Mantra are used for
within the system of Reiki.
The Spiritual Lineage is the Reiki Practitioners
connection to Usui-Sensei, it is traced by looking at the Reiki
Practitioners Reiki Master, his Reiki Master, and his Reiki
Masters Reiki Master and so on all the way back to Usui-
Sensei. By meditations and techniques we mean the practices,
such as sending Reiki over a distance, which are used with in
the system. Most of them are unique to this system because
they incorporate another element the Mantras and Symbols.
As we saw before the Reiki Ideals are the moral guidance that
Usui-Sensei gave to all his students and has been carried
down through the ages. The last element, the hand positions
and hands-on healing, are the core of Western Reiki. Reiki is
taught as a form of hands on healing, so the hand positions
and the practice of hands-on healing are central to the
Before I talk about each of the levels and what you can
do at each level, I want to talk about what a Reiki attunement
is. The only definition that I have every found that I liked and
answers what it is can be found in Diane Steins Essential Reiki;
a Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art, I tell them that I
can describe it only as a miracle (pg. 117) and it is the
spiritual experience of a lifetime (pg. 4). Those are the best
definitions that I have every found, and if after you receive
one and can find better words, please tell me.
I will not and cannot tell you the step by step process
of doing an attunement; it is reserved for Reiki Masters. I can
tell you what happens to your body during the attunement.
The Reiki Symbols are placed in the various chakras, and it
opens your body completely to the power of Reiki forever, so
that it can be channeled through the whole body. There is
never anytime in your life that you will be not able to channel
Reiki and there is no way that you can be de-attuned. That

is the bare bones of the attunement process; by no means does
it tell you everythingso sorry.
During an attunement people have experienced many
mystical experiences. Some have had visions or past life
regressions, some see things, or hear things, others can go out
of their bodies. Even if you do not feel anything during your
attunement it will still work and you will still be a
In some cases, some people experience detox
symptoms after their attunement. Some people call this the 21
Day Cleansing Process. The symptoms may manifest as a
cold, headaches, diarrhea, nausea, or anything really. I have
never had any 21 Day Cleansing with any of the attunements.
This post-attunement detox lasts as long as it takes. I
do not believe that there is a uniform post-attunement process
that everyone goes through, but rather that each person
experiences what is right for them. For some it may be
nothing, while for others it can last 100, 200, 300 days. There is
not prescribed time frame, but rather what is right for you.
The attunement and any possible post-attunement
symptoms are experienced for the individual. If you ask ten
practitioners, each will give you a different story about their
attunement. There is also no age requirement. Anyone from a
one day old baby to a one hundred year old can be attuned
and be a healer. The baby will not be able to understand what
exactly it means, but he or she will be able to channel Reiki.
The attunement has the power to change you in
miraculous ways or in small, simple, subtle ways. You may
see lights or visions, go out of body, have past life regressions,
and channel messages. Or you may just be left with a feeling
of calm, peace, contentment, and un-bounding compassion.
As with pretty much everything in Reiki you will receive and
experience what is meant for you. Do not worry if you do not
get the fireworks, you will know that you are a Reiki

practitioner because you will be able to channel Reiki
immediately following your attunement.
Guidelines for Receiving the Reiki Attunement
1. Dress comfortable, have a blanket or sweatshirt near
by if you get cold.
2. Use the bathroom prior to sitting down.
3. Try to spend sometime each day in meditation, as I
will be sending you Reiki every day to help your body
get ready for the attunement. I will also continue to
send for the week following the attunement to help
your body acclimate to the new energy.
4. Some dietary restrictions are strongly recommended:
Refrain from caffeine, carbonated beverages,
alcohol, smoking, and any non-prescription
medications that are not absolutely necessary.
(If you really need your morning coffee or a
cigarette, at least limit your intake to the bare
minimum you can tolerate.)
Also, traditionally, a vegetarian diet is
recommended. At the very least, refrain from
red meat, heavy fats and oils.
5. Remove any jewelry that is constricting (ex.
Necklaces, rings, bracelets, watches, ect.)
6. Dont expect a big show; what you may experience
is different from what others experience, look at the
small subtle changes because that is the truest effect of
the Reiki Attunement.
7. Drink plenty of water both before and after the
attunement. It helps flush anything released from your
system. (Side note, it is also really good for you!)
8. Immediately after receiving your attunement, give
yourself a full hands-on healing session. This will take
some time, so just let it happen. This session will help
you become comfortable with Reiki. It is also
recommended that you give yourself a full session every
day for 21 days to help facilitate the healing process
and remove any toxins from the body.
Many Reiki Masters differ on their views of how long a
Student should wait before taking the next level. Some Reiki
Masters teach all three, Reiki 1, 2 and Master Levels, in one
weekend. Some give Reiki 1 on one day and Reiki 2 the next.
Others will have you wait any where between twenty-one
days to three months between Reiki 1 and Reiki 2, and then
have you wait several years before being allowed to take the
Reiki Master Level.
With the advent of the internet there have been many
Reiki Masters that have been offering online or distance
attunements. The idea of a distance attunement originated out
of an logical extension of the Connection Symbol which is
used to send Reiki over a distance. When you think about the
process it makes sense, and there are many people who have
been attuned using this method.
There are two reasons that this method has become so
popular. The first is that it is more convient for people. Taking
time to go to a class is hard for some and if there is no Reiki
Master near you then it would likely entail some travel to get
the training. The second is money. Most distance attunements
are offered for free or at a very low cost. Both of these can be
powerful motivators. There are many places online and many
Reiki Master across the globe that will happily do a distance
attunement for you, But there are two schools of thought to
look at.
The first is spearheaded by William Lee Rand, one of
the many who claim to have originated this technique. He
says that a distance attunement is okay in certain situations
but according to his clairvoyants and guides there is
something lacking in the attunement. He teaches that the
distance attunement is alright to pass the healing attunement,
but not the attunement needed to give someone the ability to
channel Reiki.
The second school, as outlined by Vincent Amador, is
that distance attunements work just fine. They are a logical
extension of the Connection Symbol, so there should be no
reason why they should not work. He also argues at the
unreliability of clairvoyance and the lack of a method to test
the the strength or completeness of anyone's Reiki. He also
contends that his clairvoyants see no difference between
hands-on and distance attunements.
I have personally been attuned using both methods
and cannot feel any difference between the two. I was first
attuned to the Master level via a distance attunement and
then later attuned in a class. There was no difference between
the two, energetically. I have also done distance attunements
and have found that those who receive the attunements are
just as capable to channel the energy as my hands-on
When I do a distance attunement, it is my feeling that
they student will be able to channel the energy. However, I do
not issue a certificate because it is my feeling that a certificate
means you have taken the training, ie the class and have
gained some level of proficiency over the techniques.
Remember it is the attunement, not the certificate that makes
a Practitioner. The only thing missing is the hands-on training
and practice, but nothing from the attunement. So you can be
attuned at a distance, but you will be lacking the in class
training and practice that comes with it.
My final thoughts on the topic are if you feel the need
to get a distance attunement, find someone who you can
verify is a Reiki Master and has been attuned in the lineage
that you want. Be wary of people offering more than just
Reiki and find someone to give you just Reiki 1 or 2 at a time,
though if you want there are those who do Reiki 1, 2 and
Master all at once. If you do get a distance attunement, find
some venue that will allow you to practice with others and
possibly take a class (maybe at a lower cost) to get the hands
on practice.
Now that we know a little about an attunement and
what might happen during and after the attunement we must
talk about the levels. In traditional Reiki traditions there are
three levels, or degreesReiki Level 1, Reiki Level 2, and
Reiki Master Level. In more modern traditions there is a
fourth, Advanced Reiki Training, which is placed between
Reiki 2 and Reiki Master training.
Reiki Level One
Alternative names: Reiki 1, Reiki I, First Degree Reiki,
Shoden (the Japanese name)
The first level deals primarily with hands-on healing
for yourself and others; the history of Reiki, the Reiki
Principles, the hand positions and it gives you the first
attunement. This is the level where most of the Reiki
Miracles occur. It is the first step on an amazing healing
process that transforms your life. Reiki 1 primarily works on
the physical level, but that is not dogma. With some Reiki
Masters you will receive the Power Symbol, but in Usui Shiki
Ryoho you will not. In traditional groups you will receive
four individual attunements, but in more modern groups
you will only get one. Either way is perfectly fine, and will
attune you to the Reiki energy. It is simple a difference in the
way the Reiki Master teaches his or her classes.
Reiki Level Two
Alternative Names: Reiki 2, Reiki II, Second Degree Reiki,
Okuden (the Japanese name)
The second level opens more doors to you on your
path as a healer. In this level you will receive all three of the
Reiki Symbolsthe Power Symbol, the Harmony
(Mental/Emotional) Symbol, and the Connection (Distance)
Symbol. This level will teach you how to perform a distance
Reiki session, giving you the ability to send Reiki not only
over a distance, but also through time, more on this later. You
will learn how to incorporate the Symbols into hands-on
sessions, and you will get an idea of what is required to be a
professional Reiki practitioner. You will receive a single
second attunement in both traditional and modern groups,
which heals on the mental and emotional levels.
Advanced Reiki Training
Alternative Names; ART, Level IIIA, Master Practitioner
This level was created by Reiki Master William Lee Rand,
founder of The International Center for Reiki Training (see
Appendix 3 for contact information). This level teaches you
primarily Reiki add-ons, or techniques that were not
originally taught by Usui-Sensei, Dr. Hayashi, or Mrs. Takata.
You will be given the Usui Master Symbols, learn how to
create a Reiki crystal grid, and use a technique called Aura
Clearing to remove energy from the aura. This level will give
you another attunement that will attune you to the Master
Symbol, but not allow you to use it to pass on a Reiki
attunement that will create another Reiki Practitioner. This
level has become, for many Independent and Tibetan/Usui
Reiki Masters, a prerequisite to become a Reiki Master.
Reiki Master Level
Alternative Names: Reiki Level IIIB, Reiki III, Reiki Master
Teacher, Shinpiden (the Japanese name)
This level is the last level within traditional Reiki. In
this level you will receive your final Reiki attunement where
you will be attuned to the Usui or Tibetan Master Symbol(s),
and learn how to perform Reiki attunements for all the levels
and for the purpose of healing. In Usui-Sensei, Dr. Hayashi,
and Mrs. Takatas original teachings this level was very
selective, and once you were chosen to take this final step you
had to pay dearly for it, and you had to promise that you
would make Reiki your sole income. This has now changed
and many Reiki Masters are opening the doors, so to speak,
and allowing anyone who wishes to receive their Reiki
Mastership for a much more reasonable fee. (I will talk more
about Reiki and Money in Section 18). This level was taught
over the curse of several days and required an apprenticeship
with the training Reiki Master, where you would co-teach
each class with the senior Reiki Master receiving all the
money. This has also changed, now it will only take a single
day or a weekend to make a competent Reiki Master. It will
take them some time to become proficient in their
memorization skills for how to pass an attunement and to
develop a teaching style, but this is normal with anything that
you learn.
Just because there are three levels does not mean you
have to take them all. It is fine to stop at Reiki 1 or Reiki 2;
there is no change in the quality of the energy or the quantity.
Take as long as you need and go as far as you want Reiki is
about your journey.

IX. Reiki Traditions

Over the last twenty years or so, beginning after Mrs.
Takatas death in 1980, many Reiki Masters have begun
channeling new Reiki traditions or branches. Many make the
claim that their new branch is more powerful or stronger,
has higher vibrations, or is more penetrating to the current
or modern world than the original Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki.
That is not to say that the new branches are wrong, it is just
that they are making an unsubstantial claim about their new
branch. They also add many, many symbols to Reiki.
Each Master includes his or her own religious and
philosophical touches with each branch. There is no way to
include every branch out there. I have included some of the
bigger branches, but a great place to look is on the Yahoo!

Group Attunement Share (see Appendix 2 for contact

Angelic RayKey
Lineage: It is said to have been channeled from the
Archangel Michael
Founder: Reiki Master Sanada
Levels: It is a three level system, with training taking
three days per level. The third level is the Master/Teacher
Symbols: It utilizes the traditional Reiki Symbols and
Mantras, but uses other symbols as needed
Contact Information: Not Known

Blue Star Reiki (Blue Star Celestial Energy)

Lineage: It is said to be channeled from Makuan
Founder: Reiki Master John Williams channeled the
system from his guide, Makuan, in January 1995, and trained
Gary Jirauch in April 1995.
Levels: It is open to only Reiki and Karuana Reiki
Symbols: Not known
Contact Information: Not Known

Gendai Reiki Ho
Lineage: Mikao UsuiKanichi TaketomiKimiko
KoyamaHiroshi Doi (he also trained with Mieko Mitsui,
Hiroshi Ohta, Manaso, Chiyoko Yamaguchi)
Founder: Hiroshi Doi
Levels: Four levels; Shoden, Okuden, shipiden, and gokui
kaiden. Has one reiju performed at each level with an
integrated attunement at the gokui kaiden.
Symbols: It uses the traditional Reiki Symbols
Contact Information:
Based in Japan
Web Page:
Imara Reiki
Lineage: Not Known
Founder: Channeled by Reiki Master Barton Wendell
Levels: One level available to Reiki Masters
Symbols: None
Contact Information:
Reiki Blessings
PO Box 2000, Byron, Ga. 31008, USA
Web Page:

Independent Reiki Masters

This is a generic term that applies to Reiki Masters of
multiple lineages that do not teach just one branch.

Karuna Reiki
Lineage: Mikao Usui Dr. HayashiMrs. Takata
Furumoto Carol Ann FarmerLeah SmithWilliam Lee
Founder: Reiki Master William Lee Rand
Levels: Four levels for Reiki Practitioners or just two
levels for Reiki Masters.
Symbols: 12 non-traditional symbols that originated
with various Reiki Masters.
Contact Information:
The International Center for Reiki Training
2124 Hilltop St., Unit 28, Southfield, Michigan
48034, USA

Karuna Ki Reiki
Founder: Reiki Master Vincent P. Amador
Levels: Three levels for Reiki Practitioners or just one
for Reiki Masters

Symbols: Same symbols as with Karuna Reiki, but with
different meanings and uses
Contact Information:
Web Page:

Lightarian Reiki
Lineage: Channeled from Ascended Master Buddha
Founder: Reiki and Karuna Reiki Master Jean Marie
Levels: Four levels for Reiki or Karuna Reiki Masters;
Reiki Practitioners can receive Lightarian Reiki if they receive
the Lightarian Buddhic Boost attunement
Symbols: None
Contact Information:
Lightarian Institute for Global Human
PO Box 396, Pleasant View, Tn 37146, USA
Web Page:

Lineage: Mikao UsuiChujiro HayashiHawayo
TakataEthel Lombardi
Founder: Reiki Master Ethel Lombardi
Levels: One level with one attunement
Symbols: 3 non-traditional symbols
Contact Information:
Web Page:

Newlife Reiki Seichim

Lineage: Mikao Usui Chujiro Hayashi Hawayo
TakataBarbara Weber RayPatrick ZeiglerPhoenix
SummerfieldMarsha BurackMargot Deepa Slater
Founder: Reiki and Karuna Reiki Master Margot Deepa
Levels: Seven levels
Symbols: 36 non-traditional symbols and about a dozen
Contact Information:
PO Box 148, Pambula, NSW, 2549, Australia
Web Page:

Rainbow Reiki
Founder: Reiki Master Walter Lubeck
Levels: Three levels
Symbols: 1 symbol and 3 Rainbow Reiki mantras in
level one, 3 traditional Symbols in level two, and 1 traditional
Symbol in level three
Contact Information:
Reiki-Do Institute International Reierstr
10A, D-31855, Aerzen, Germany
Web Page:

Raku Kei Reiki

Lineage: Mikao Usui Chujiro Hayashi Hawayo
TakataIris Ishikuro and Arthur Robertson
Founder: Reiki Master Arthur Robertson
Levels: Four levels, Level 1 and 2 taught in one class
with two non-traditional attunements and Level 3 with one
non-traditional attunement and a non-traditional initiation
Symbols: Johre Symbol
Contact Information:
American Reiki Master Association
Omega Dawn Sanctuary of the Healing Arts
Cheri L. Robertson, PO Box 130, Lake City, Fl 32056
0130, USA
Web Page:

Reiki Plus
Lineage: Mikao Usui Chujiro Hayashi Hawayo
TakataPhyllis FurumotoDavid Jarrell, believed the true
initiation came from a Tibetan Master in 1981
Founder: Reiki Master David Jarrell
Levels: Four Practitioner levels and a Master level
Symbols: None
Contact Information:
Reiki Plus Institute
Richelle Jarrell
707 Barcelona Rd, Key Largo, Fl 33037, USA
Web Page:

Seichim (aka Sekham, Seichem, SKHM)

Lineage: Mikao Usui Chujiro Hayashi Hawayo
TakataBarbara Weber RayPatrick Zeigler
Founder: Reiki Master Patrick Zeigler
Levels: Five facets, or levels
Symbols: 4 traditional Symbols, plus non-traditional
symbols in facets four and five
Contact Information: Patrick Zeigler no longer teaches,
but try Attunement Share for any variation on the Seichim
branches. You can also see http://www.
Notes: Seichim is pronounced Saykhm, and
supposedly comes from Ancient Egypt.

Seven Level System

Lineage: Mikao Usui Chujiro Hayashi Hawayo
TakataBarbara Weber RayGary Samer
Founder: Reiki Master Gary Samer
Levels: Seven levels based on the chakra system
Symbols: 4 traditional Symbols, plus several non-
Contact Information: Various Independent Reiki
Masters who broke away from the Radiance Technique

Tara Reiki
Founder: Reiki Master Richard Morningstar
Levels: Five levels. First level is a $99 attunement to all
three levels of Usui Reiki; the remaining four are Tara Reiki
Symbols: None
Contact Information:
World Center for Tara Reiki
PO Box 7300, Ann Arbor, Mi 48107, USA
Web Page: htt://

The Radiance Technique (or Authentic Reiki or

Real Reiki)
Lineage: Mikao Usui Chujiro Hayashi Hawayo
TakataBarbara Weber Ray
Founder: Reiki Master Barbara Weber Ray
Levels: Initially three levels, now there are seven levels,
beginning at level 3, the student can teach all the levels
beneath them
Symbols: The 4 traditional Reiki Symbols, plus non-
traditional symbols
Contact Information:
The Radiance Technique International Association,
Inc. (TRTIA)
PO Box 40570, St. Petersburg, Fl 33743-0570, USA
Web Page:

Tibetan Reiki
This is a generic term that applies to Reiki Masters who
teach Usui/Tibetan Reiki, Tibetan/Usui Reiki or Wei Chi Tibetan

Usui Reiki
This is a generic term that applies to Reiki Masters who
are unsure of their lineage. This an umbrella term that applies
to all types of Reiki because all originated with Usui.

Usui Ryoho Reiki
Lineage: Mikao Usui Kanichi TaketomiKimiko
KoyamaHiroshi Doi
Founder: Reiki Master Hiroshi Doi
Levels: Four levels
Symbols: The 4 traditional Symbols hand copied from a
Reiki Master
Contact Information:
International House of Reiki
Frans and Bronwen Stiene
PO Box 9, Glebe, Sydney, NSW, 2037, Australia
Web Page:
Southwestern Usui Ryoho Reiki Association
PO Box 5162, Lake Montezuma, Arizona 86342-
5162, USA
Web Page:

Usui Shiki Ryoho

Lineage: Mikao Usui Chujiro Hayashi Hawayo
Founder: Hawayo Takata
Levels: Three Levels
Symbols: the 4 traditional Symbols
Contact Information:
The Reiki Alliance
PO Box 41, Cataldo, In 83810, USA
Web Page:
Postbus 75523, 1070 AM Amsterdam, the

Anthony Crisafio, RM
Web Page:

Usui/Tibetan Reiki
Lineage: Mikao Usui Chujiro Hayashi Hawayo
TakataFurumotoCarol Ann FarmerLeah Smith
William Lee Rand (Rand has multiple lineages, they are
available on his web page)
Founder: Reiki Master William Lee Rand
Levels: Four degrees, or levels
Symbols: 4 traditional Symbols, plus 2 non-traditional
initiatory symbols
Contact Information:
The International Center for Reiki Training
2124 Hilltop St., Unit 28, Southfield, Michigan
48034, USA
I have no preference for any of these new branches; I
have found that Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, the tradition/branch
that I practice, has everything that I need for healing. I do,
however, use some nontraditional techniques, which can be
found in Appendix 1.

XI. The Hand Positions

When Usui-Sensei first began to use Reiki on others
and in his first clinics, he did not use a defined and definite
set of hand positions as are used today. He would begin each
treatment by doing a Gassho meditation and then doing Reiji
Ho to tell where he would place his hands after treating the
head. It was his opinion that by treating the head you treated
the whole body. As we will see later, the five head positions

treat more than most of the other parts of the body. The
following are the Five Head Positions that Usui-Sensei used.
These positions were supplied by Bronwen and Frans Stiene
in their book The Reiki Sourcebook (pg. 78-79), the information
was print in the Reiki Ryoho Hikkei and the positions are used
by the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai.

(Position 1) Zento-buForehead top (between the

eyebrow and the line where hair starts to grow)

(Position 2) Sokuto-buBoth sides of your head


(Position 3) Koutou-buMiddle back of your head

and brow

(Position 4) Enzui-buBoth sides of the neck

(Position 5) Toucho-buTop of the head (crown)

(These pictures were taken from the International House of Reikis


When I am doing a short session these are the hand

positions I use because of their simplicity and the many uses
that they have. Suzuki San, one of Usui-Senseis original
Master students, taught these positions to Chris Marsh who
taught them to both of the Stienes.
The hand positions were standardized by Dr. Hayashi
and were popularized by Mrs. Takata. The hand positions are
best for new students because it gives structure to beginners
until they get comfortable with doing Reiki on others. Usui-
Sensei did not use hand positions, opting for a more intuitive
approach to healing. Some Reiki Masters use different layouts
for the hand positions, but as long as they get all of the parts
of the body they will work fine. Even if you do not use all of
the hand positions the energy will go where it is needed, so
do not worry if you forget one position. Just go with the flow.
Reiki Hand Positions for Treating Other and
Head Position #1The Eyes and Forehead
This position is good for treating any condition of the eyes
(near sightedness, far sightedness, glaucoma, cataracts,
detached retina, eyestrain, optic nerves, blurred vision,
pupils, rods and code, ect.), the nose (sinuses, mucus
membranes, phenomenal sensitivity and sexual receptivity
and response, nasal passages, sense of smell in general, ect.),
facial bone and muscle structure (relieves tension in the face
and muscles surrounding and within the eyes, tones and
rejuvenation of the skin, ect.).
It balances the hypothalamus (controls body temperature,
sexual Drive, hunger and thirst), pituitary (regulates activity
in other endocrine glands, controls bone growth, and
pituitary secretion) and pineal glands. Use it for treating
exhaustion, stress, colds and flue, sinus disorders, eye
disorders, allergies with symptoms such as sneezing and eye
irritation, teeth, jaws, headaches, includes migraines, and
problems resulting from strokes.
It clears confusion, assist on in expressing more intellectual
concepts, helps with mental focus, concentration, problem
solving, gives clarity to ones life, insight and the ability to
see on other levels and what is needed. It aids in meditation
and centering, promotes intuition, clairvoyance, and
telepathy, helps reach the truer self. Relaxing the eyes relaxes
the whole body because it. It affects the Third-Eye (6th)
Head Position #2The Temples and Top of the
This position is good for treating the eye muscles and nerves.
It treats inner ear infectionsequilibrium problems, motion
sickness (inner ear and vertigo), the upper and lower portions
of the brain, actually trauma to the brain and head, stuttering,
seizures, auditory nerve, and learning disorders.
It balances the right and left sides of the brain and body and
the pineal and pituitary glands. It helps ease stress and
excessive mental activity and calms the mind, treats eye stem
problems, seizures and shock, hypothalamus and limbic
systems of the brain, endorphin and pain release, helps
learning , study and retention of knowledge and
concentration difficulties and creativity, alleviates colds, and

It balances mental and emotional problems and the right and
left hemispheres of the brain, treats depression, anxiety,
worry, manic-depressive mood swings, memory, promotes
clarity of thought and serenity, retention of information,
mental organization and memory recalls, assist in hand eye
coordination, the ability to think things through, and aid
creativity. It allows us to tap into higher consciousness. It
affects the Crown (7th) Chakra.
Head Position #3The Back of the Head
This position is good for treating the back of the head, brain,
eyes, and nose, thalamus, occipital ridge, coordination, upper
spinal cord and where it joins into the brain stem, problems
resulting from strokes, weight control, aids in waking up and
going to sleep, and physical injuries to the head and brain.
It helps to calm and clarify thinking. Use for calming
powerful emotions such as fear, shock, and for tension, eye
disorders, headaches, cold, asthma, hay fever, and digestive
disorders. Treats the old and reptilian brain, and balances the
left and right sides of the brain. Treats emphysema,
pneumonia, heart and circulatory problems, sleep disorders,
and basic bodily functions, and balances the pituitary and
pineal glands. Eases unexplained fears, shocks, and irritations.
Aids in past life and past Dream recall, and is a very
nurturing position. It promotes a sense of well being and
boosts mental energy and a greater sense of connection
between the spiritual and the body. It clears confusion, assist
on in expressing more intellectual concepts, helps with mental
focus, concentration, problem solving, gives clarity to ones
life, insight and the ability to see on other levels and what is
needed. It aids in meditation and centering, promotes
intuition, clairvoyance, and telepathy, helps reach the truer
self. It affects the Third-Eye (6th) Charka.
It also covers the Alta Major Chakra which is said to be
responsible for implementing creativity and actually

grounding or bringing ideas into physicality. This is a little
known chakra of great importance. It governs the exchange of
energy from the physical to the etheric body and vice versa.
This obviously makes its function of great importance in
healing work. Working in this area during a session improves
and eases the transfer of energy between these two bodies.
Head Position #4The Ears
This position is good for treating the ears (Eustachian tubes,
all acupuncture points in the ear that correspond to the whole
body, inner ear and poor balance, and all hearing difficulties),
the mouth (teeth, toothaches, gums tongue, jaw, TMJ and
tonsils), the upper and sore throat, returns youthful
complexion and tones of the skin, assist with facial hair
growth for men. Use this to treat disturbances of to the sense
of balance, disorders of the outer and inner ear noises and
hissing in the ear, poor hearing, disorders of the nose and
throat, and colds and flu. It eases difficulties relating emotions
verbally, and openness to ideas. This position strengthens the
central connection channel between all major chakras.
Head Position #5The Throat
This position is good for treating all parts of the neck (trachea,
thyroid, parathyroid, and larynx), whiplash, speech and vocal
disorders, for balancing the metabolism, and parathyroid, for
calcium and magnesium assimilation (especially important
for women during and after menopause) glands, vocal cords,
osteoporosis, carotid artery for treating the blood that enters
the brain, hemoglobin and hematocrit, strokes, sore throat,
tonsillitis, and the lymph nodes.
Use it for metabolic disorders, weight problems, heart
palpitations and fibrillations, high or low blood pressure, sore
throat, and inflammation of the tonsils, flu, and hoarseness,
repressed or over-acted aggression. It effects medication
which crosses the blood/brain barrier, and affects balancing
It promotes self-expression, especially important for relieving
anger, hostility, resentment, frustration, inner security, and
rage; brings inner calm, sense of mental well being, and
creativity. It aids in alleviating self-consciousness, anxiety,
and stage freight. It is a major power center for the body,
controls the tone of the voice and the words we speak,
codependency recovery because of power and control issues,
and stabilizes communication. It affects the Throat (5th)
Chakra and the Cervical Vertebrae 1-7.
Front Position #1The Thymus
This position is good for treating the thymus and the immune
system. Use to treat immune system disorders, autoimmune
disorders such as lupus, arthritis, chronic fatigue, Epstein
Barr virus, HIV, AIDS and cancer. It works on the thymus,
which controls production of white blood cells, it assist in
eliminating cysts and tumors, treats bronchial tubes, extreme
upper chest and pectoral muscles, and it assists in activation
of the lymphatic and immune systems. Treats the upper
lungs, asthma, emphysema, pneumonia, lung cancer, heart
and circulation, it helps to relieve coughs and regulate the
menstrual cycle.
Heals emotional heart problems (broken heart, joy, grief,
happiness, ect.), internal growth, compassion, and
unconditional love. This position is used to either give energy
(when used with the Solar Plexus) or assist in sleep (when
used with the Heart). This position heals emotional heart
problems (broken heart, grief, joy, happiness and
unhappiness, ect), it balances and strong feelings, it has a
powerfully comforting effect that promoted going within
yourself and entering and returning to your self.
Front Position #2The Hearts and Lungs
This position is good for treating the middle lungs, heart, and
circulation. Use it for healing the heart or lung disorders,
bronchitis, general weakness, and depression. It works
primarily on the heart and circulatory systems, and the lungs
and respiratory system, and muscular and bone support
structures in the chest. It also works on the liver, hormonal
imbalances, processing medications, headaches,
environmental allergies, jaundice and cholesterol. It increases
the capacity to love on all levels, it balances and reduces
emotions such as anger, resentment, jealousy, and hostility; it
assists in promoting trust and acceptance. It releases
frustration and known fears, and gives one an increased sense
of freedom of choice. On a spiritual level it corresponds with
unconditional love and it is a balance point for other spiritual
energies in the body. It affects the Heart (4th) Chakra.
Front Position #3The Solar Plexus
This position is good for treating the lower lungs and
diaphragm, pancreas, adrenals, digestive problems, the
spleen, liver gallbladder, and conditions related to shock. It is
a blood purifying position, and is important in treating
autoimmune disorders. Use for hemophilia, ulcers, and
constipation. Reduces anger, stress, anxiety, frustration,
hysteria, the need to control others, and promotes strength
and self-confidence. It helps in decision making Assist in
healing depression and clearing confusion. It affects the Solar
Plexus (3rd) Chakra.
Front Position #4The Stomach
This position is good for treating stomach, digestive organs
(large and small intestines), lymphatic system, and intestines.
It treats the colon, intestines, colitis, nutrient absorption, and
constipation. It works on sexual health and balance, anxiety
release, lower emotional fears, self-confidence, and inner
strength. Use it for stomach and intestinal disorders, nausea,
indigestion, bloated feelings, metabolic disorders, and
powerful emotions such as depression, fear, and the removal
of ethical, cultural, and religious basis from conceptual
framework. It affects the Sacral/Hara (2nd) Chakra.

Front Position #5The Root
This position is good for treating the abdominal organs,
intestines, bladder, rectum, gentiles, bladder (including
infections, constipation, and diarrhea), kidneys, spine,
prostate, reproductive organs and menstrual problems,
arthritis, hormonal imbalances, releasing toxins from the
body, and urethra. It is for menstrual and menopausal
disorders, appendix and digestive disorders, cramps, back
pain, ovarian tumors, uterus, bladder and prostate gland
It heals behavioral flexibility and environmental adaptability,
fear of living, the integration of primal urges and thoughts; it
helps with relationships, will to live, survival issues, obesity,
and grounding. It affects the Root (1st) Chakra.
Back Position #1The Shoulders and Upper Back
This position is good for treating the nape of the neck, upper
spine and the shoulder muscles; it treats the trapezoid and
deltoids. Use it for easing tension in the shoulders and the
nape of the neck, neck problems, stress, emotional blocks, and
problems with responsibility. Aids in healing emotional
release, nervous break downs, it brings calmness, serenity,
and balance. This position is also said to treat emotional and
mental conditioning about ones place in society. This position
affects the Thoracic Vertebrae 1-4.
Back Position #2The Shoulder Blades and Heart
This position is good for treating shoulders, heart, lungs,
trapezoids, middle spine, the sympathetic nervous system,
scapula, clavicle, spine, nervous breakdowns and the upper
back. In men this position correlates to pent up anger and
contains plenty of energy. Use it for lung and heart disorders,
coughs, bronchitis, back and shoulder complaints, powerful
emotional upsets and depression. It promotes the capacity for
love, and confidence. It releases anger, heals responsibility
issues, and controls how on interacts with the outside world.
This position affects the back of the back of the Heart (4th)
Chakra and the Thoracic Vertebrae 5-9.
Back Position #3The Lower Ribs and Solar
Plexus Chakra
This position is good for the treatment of the adrenal glands,
kidneys, arthritis, high blood pressure, conditions relating to
shock, spinal nerves, blood sugar and bodily imbalances,
reproductive and spinal problem and nervous system. Use it
for kidney disorders, allergies, detoxification, hay fever, fears,
stress, and back pains. By releasing the middle we let go of
the past, and of stress and pain. It relieves phobias, mood and
energy swings, and tension and relates to the storage of
thoughts and emotions in the unconscious mind. It controls
the spiritual will surrounding the intentional healing of
oneself. This position relates to the back of the Solar Plexus
(3rd) Chakra and the Thoracic Vertebrae 10-12.
Back Position #4The Lower Back and Sacral
This position helps sciatica and lower back pain, strengthens
the lymph nerves, supports creativity and sexuality, and eases
hip problems. It treats the reproductive organs and problems,
spinal nerves, coccyx, intestines, gluteus medius and maxima,
spinal problems, and the bladder. It assists in grounding, a
major storage place for emotions, issues of internal and
external support, and the quantity of sexual energy. It relates
to the back of the Sacral/Hara (2nd) Chakra and the Lumbar
Vertebrae 1-3.
Back Position #5The Butt and Hips
This position is good for treating the intestines, the urogenital
system, and the sciatic nerve. Use it for hemorrhoids,
digestive complaints, intestinal inflammations, bladder
disorders, prostate glands, vaginal disorders, sciatic pain, and

it helps existential fears. It energizes and harmonizes the
nervous system, promoting confidence, and grounding. It
relates to the Root (1st) Chakra and the Lumbar Vertebrae 4-5.
Leg Position #1Knee Hollow
This position is good for treating all parts of the knee joints.
Use it for joint or knee damage, sports injuries, and block
which block the flow from the feet to the lower back. This
position deals emotionally with issues of fear, and the fear of
Leg Position #2Feet and Sole Position
This position is good for treating the foot reflexology zones
for all organs which are located over the whole sole of the
foot. Use it to ground all chakras and regions of the body, and
for fortification of the Root (1st) Chakra. The receiver will
sense a strengthened energy flow from the feet to head, and
the body is experienced as a whole.
Head PositionCap of the Skull
This position is good for treating cerebral fissures, and the
capillary system. Use it for stress, balance disorders,
headaches, and centering. For Multiple Sclerosis (MS), give
regular and intensive treatments with this position. Some say
that this position should not be used because it covers the
Crown (7th) Chakra, which it relates to.
Neck Vertebrae Position
Use this position for whip lash injuries, pain in the bines,
heart, spine, and neck problems. This affects the Throat (5th)
Chakra and the Cervical Vertebrae 1-7.
Breast/Chest Position: Both Sides (Pecs)
This position helps to harmonize the male and female sides
and energies within the body.

Head and Belly Position
This position has a calming and centering effect; it promotes
spiritual equilibrium, and replaces those suffering from stress
and shock. It helps with insomnia and puts the receiver to
sleep. (I personally found that using the Thymus and Heart
Positions work much faster and better).
Hip Joints PositionLeft and Right Hips
This position is good for treating hip joints, varicose veins, leg
pain, and the gall points of the meridian system in the body.
Thighs PositionLeft and Right Inner Thighs
This position is effective for treating the intestines. Emotions
and tensions are released. This is the let-go position for
deep-seated fears.
Spine Positions
Begin at the neck, one hand after the other until the whole
spine has been treated. This position is helpful for treating
back problems, disc wear, and degenerative diseases.
Cervical Spine (relating to the neck)
C1-Food Sensitivity
C5-Sugar Handling
C6- Gastric (see T5)
C7-Hepatic (see T8)
Thoracic Spine (relating to the chest)
T2-Myocardium (see T1)
T3-Lungs and Bronchi
T10-Small Intestines
Lumbar Spine (relating to the loins)
L1-Ileocecal Valve
When using the traditional, or even intuitive, hand
positions many people wonder how long to hold each
position. A good rule of thumb is to spend 3 to 5 minutes per
position, but sometimes you will feel the need to stay longer
or go shorter. My advice is to follow your intuition. You will
also feel a gradual increase, climax, and decrease for each
position. Your hands should rest gently without pressure. The
sensations in your hands will vary from person to person and
session to session, but the common feelings are tingling,
itchy, pain, pulsing, heat, cool, feeling stuck or heavy,
weightlessness, or nothing at all. As you practice more you
will become more familiar with the energy and will develop
your own sense for the hand positions and for what the
energy feels like. Remember that even when you do not feel
anything the energy is still flowing.

Figure 5

XII. The Healing Session
We have just finished looking at the hand positions
and the areas of the body that each one affects. Now lets look
at the healing session. Reiki is extremely easy to use, all you
have to do is set the intention that you are open as a channel
to the energy and utilize the hand positions and Reiki will do
the rest. That is not to say that there are not any guidelines on
how to do a session. In this section we will look at both
hands-on and hands-off sessions and the steps needed to
make them powerful. As with all things in the book, I am
sharing what works for me, you should experiment and find
what works for YOU. If you are having trouble connecting
with the energy at the beginning of the session and this is
especially a good technique for when you first start out, say to
yourself Reiki On to activate the energy and to end the
session say Reiki Off.
Using Reiki for self-healing is one of the greatest gifts
that this practice offers. To do a healing session for yourself
use the same hand positions mentioned in the previous
section and adapt them to yourself. The back positions are
hard for you to reach, so set the intention that while you are
treating your front your back also receives the energy. Self
sessions can be done, like sessions for others, sitting in a chair
or lying down on a Reiki table, couch, bed, the floor, or any
other surface that you might be using. Follow the same
guidelines for self healing sessions as you would for another
As is mentioned before Reiki can be used on others.
Giving another person is a deeply powerful experience, which
gives both the Recipient and Practitioner a full healing
session. Unlike doing Reiki on yourself you must be much
more aware of how the Recipient is feeling. It is advisable that
you do not close your eyes when doing a session for others so
that you will be able to read the nonverbal cues that they are

giving you. You must be conscious of the amount of pressure
that you are using when laying your hands on them. You
should use butterfly lightness in your touch, your hands
should rest comfortable on the skin, but not so hard that they
person is uncomfortable. Work out a way for the Recipient to
tell you if the pressure is too much, this can be done at the
very beginning of the session while you are talking about
might happen during the session.
Guidelines for a Reiki Treatment
1. Wash your hands; prepare the room and set the
atmosphere (soft music, candles, pillows, blankets, ect.) as
a quiet space. Use the restroom (have your client do the
same) and drink some water.
2. Talk to the client about Reiki, explain the process and
hand positions. Ask if touch, in certain areas, is alright.
Have them remove all constricting jewelry (rings,
necklaces, bracelets, ect.) and ask them to loosen any tight
clothing and belt.
3. Explain that the client is able to speak at any time or ask
questions, especially if there is any pain or unusually
strong energy. Tell them that they may experience
previously banished emotions, explain that they should
process them and allow it to be healed.
a. A Reiki session is a safe place to allow emotions to be
processed so you should gently encourage the
Recipient to experience and process whatever comes
4. Opening Mediation and PrayerAsk anyone you want to
be present. Pray that the energy go to the client for the
clients highest good. Draw the Power Symbol and say the
mantra three times on both palms.
a. I personally use all Symbols for each session.
5. Begin the treatment, use either the standard hand
positions or allow your intuition to guide you. The whole
treatment should take about an hour to an hour and a half.

6. End the treatment by sealing the aura with the Power
Symbol and sweep down the aura clear then aura clear it
of any negative energy and settle the aura. Finish the
treatment by allowing the client to rest for awhile. When
they are ready perform grounding.
7. While they are resting, offer a prayer of thanks to all you
invoked and a final blessing, and wash your hands.
8. When the client is ready, give them some water that has
been charged with Reiki and ask them to drink lots of
water throughout the next few days.
9. Ask the client, if they would like to talk about their
experience. Offer them any insights or visions that you
had. Answer any questions that they may have. Explain
that they may experience a healing-crisis and that they
may call you. Never step over your boundary, if you are
not a medical professional do not present yourself as one.
10. Spend sometime to yourself. Allowing yourself to heal is
the best way to heal your clients. Always spend at least 10
minutes for yourself (meditate) between each client.
Now that we have an idea of what to do for each
session, we should mention the frequency of session. For
intense or chronic conditions multiple sessions will be
needed. For acute or less severe conditions, less time is
needed. Ideally, and in the way Mrs. Takata taught, begin
with four sessions over four consecutive days. This allows the
body to acclimate to the energy and the healing process. For
elderly or children clients, start off with short treatments and
gradually increase time. For the elderly, start with 30 minutes;
for children, start with 10 or 20 minutes. For people who are
sensitive to being touched, you can do a session completely
hands-off; see the end of this section for information on doing
a distance treatment.
As we mentioned with the attunement, a client may
experience a healing crisis. Tell them abut it, but mention
that it may not happen. Remind them afterwards to drink lots
of water because Reiki breaks up toxins in the body and water
helps to flush them out. Tell them that they may feel worse in
the days following the treatment, but they should not worry
because it is part of the healing process and they may not
even get any detox symptoms. If it is their first session with
you have them fill out some basic information and release
forms (see the next few pages) and give them some basic
information about Reiki and what might happen after the
session. Tell them that they can call or e-mail you and you
will send them extra energy. Within the next few pages is a
form for the Practitioner to fill out after a session. It gets your
opinions and insights after each session, this is a good way for
you to track progress and see improvements, not only in your
client but also within yourself.
As is said in some of the Reiki manuals the cleansing
process can last for 21 days (this is what is typical), but
there is no real normal when it comes to Reiki. The healing
process will take as long as it needs. I, personally, had no
healing crisis after any of my attunements. I did, however, do
a full treatment for 21 days following my Reiki 1 attunement.

Client Information Form
I understand that Reiki is a stress reduction and relaxation technique. I
acknowledge that sessions administered are only for the purpose of
helping me to relax and to relieve stress. Reiki Practitioners do not
diagnose conditions, nor do they prescribe substances or perform medical
treatment, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical
professional. It is recommended that I see a licensed physician, or licensed
health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment I may
have. I also understand and believe that the body has the ability to heal
itself, and to do so complete relaxation is often beneficial. Long term
imbalances in the body sometimes require multiple treatments to allow the
body to reach the level of relaxation necessary to bring the system back
into balance. I understand and believe that self-improvement requires
commitment on my part, and that I must be willing to change in a positive
way if I am to receive the full benefit of a Reiki treatment. I acknowledge
my commitment to my self-improvement process. I recognize that a Reiki
treatment program must be followed to be truly effective, just as
prescribed medication is only effective if taken as directed. I further
understand that the practitioner does not promise that healing will take
place, and do not expect that healing will take place. I am open to what
ever happens during the sessions.

Signed: ______________________________________
Date: ________________________

Print Name: ________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________
City: _____________________________
State: ____________ Zip: _____________
Phone: _____________________________________________

List treatments or medications client is currently receiving?

(Medication or Treatment Type Dosage or Frequency, When did they start,
Comments and History
(Use the back if more space is needed.)
Client Informed Consent Form
I, ______________________, voluntarily request and consent to
receive Reiki sessions from _______________________.

I understand the information given to me prior to this Reiki session,

and understand that it is my responsibility to pose any questions
that I have before, during, and/or after this Reiki session. I
understand that I can refuse any and all services at any time prior
to or during the Reiki session.

I further understand that this and any subsequent Reiki sessions do

not guarantee any results of healing or effect upon me. I understand
and know that _______________________ does not and will not
diagnose or proscribe any medical treatment.

I understand that _______________________maintains the highest

code of ethics, and that these ethics are available to me.

I _______________________ understand that Reiki sessions

provided by _____________________ are only proposed for my
enhanced relaxation and to aid stress reduction.

I understand that Reiki treatments are not meant to replace medical

treatments or medications, and that it is recommended that I
consult my Primary Care Physician for any conditions that I have. I
am aware that my Reiki Practitioner will not diagnose illness, nor
recommend medical treatments.

Should I experience any discomfort during the session it is my

responsibility to inform _______________________, and tell them of
any physical sensitivities that would impact my Reiki session, so
that the Reiki session can be adjusted to my needs.

Clients signature_______________________________________

Reiki Treatment Documentation Form
Client Name:
Date: ___________________________
Start time: ____________ End time: _____________
Treatment Type: (indicate treatment time for all that apply)
Full Body ___________ Distant Healing _________

Treatment notes: (more notes on back)

Indicate the reason client has come to you and the areas where blockages
and/or releases were felt. Identify blockages in the appropriate energy
body, Physical, Emotional or Mental. Has there been any change in client
condition, medications or dosages, (recommended by doctor) other
treatment programs, or environment, etc. that should be noted?
Practitioner Signature: _________________________________
Date: _______________

Reiki Healing Crisis2
After receiving a Reiki attunement (and sometimes
after receiving a Reiki session), some people report an
increase in the pace of their lives. It seems there are so many
more things to do and many more loose ends than before
receiving Reiki. In addition, some people report more
difficulties with others, and experience negative feelings that
they havent had in a long time, often connected to events that
have happened in the past or with close friends. Some also
report physical distress such as runny nose, colds, diarrhea,
headache, fatigue, etc.
This kind of stress after a Reiki attunement or
treatment is an indication of deeper level healing and is called
the healing crisis. The uncomfortable feelings and
experiences connected to it are actually part of your recovery
process as you move to a more deeply healed state. This
sometimes takes place because of the fact that when people
truly begin to heal; their lives are affected on levels deeper
than the physical symptoms about which they were
concerned. The original problem may have been connected to
many other parts of the persons life. When the original
problem starts to heal, the other parts of the persons life need
to change also. When this happens, a major reorganization
may be required. This can cause a disruption in the flow of
energy in many areas of the persons life and cause other
physical symptoms.
As an example, if you have a money problem, often
what needs to change goes beyond just getting a better job.
There are usually deeper issues involved, such as your
attitude towards your parents, which in turn may be
connected to issues of responsibility, discipline, learning,
handling rejection, etc. When your money problem begins to
heal, all of these other areas may be affected so that all the old

2 This sheet was given to me by Reiki Master Bonnie Hassan.

stored negative feelings you had toward them will be
activated. You can then feel them and release them. All of
your habits of thought, feeling, and action connected to these
things will also need to be reorganized.
A healing crisis does not always take place after a Reiki
attunement or session, but when it does, it is important to
understand what is happening so you can support its
completion. Whenever change takes place, even if it is good, a
period of adjustment is necessary so that the various parts of
your life that were connected to the problem area can get used
to the healthy new conditions. During this period things can
be quite confusing and it may seem as though your life is
getting worse instead of better.
A healing crisis can be likened to getting new furniture
for your home. During the process of removing the old
furniture and bringing in the new, your home will look and
feel disarrayed and uncomfortable. You may find cobwebs
and dirt that you werent aware were there. If people came to
visit not knowing you were getting new furniture, they might
think you were a poor housekeeper. However, after the dirt
has been cleaned up and the new furniture is in place, your
house will look and feel better than ever.
It is the same way with personal healing. Things may
become confusing and uncomfortable before your healing is
complete. However, after things settle down it will be clear
that important improvements have been made. You will feel
much better and your life will be healthier. So be aware, if you
are experiencing any of these uncomfortable things, it is likely
that major healing is taking place and soon your life will be
healthier and filled with greater clarity and joy. Just continue
to nurture yourself, release all negative feelings to the light,
get lots of Reiki, and allow your healing to complete. 3

3 This sheet was given to me by Reiki Master Bonnie Hassan.

Reiki does not have to be done as only a hands-on
practice. In Reiki 2, the Practitioner is given the Connection
Symbol which enables you to send Reiki over a distance.
There are as many different techniques to send distance Reiki
as there are Practitioners in the world. Below I give a simple
and basic method to send Reiki using a proxy, or an object in
place of the person. A proxy can be a teddy bear, a pillow, a
doll, even your knee. If you are using a pillow, the top will
represent the head and the bottom the feet, the front and back
will represent those parts respectively. If you are using your
knee, the right knee symbolizes the front of the body and the
left knee, the back. The knee cap will be the head and the
thigh the body. Using a doll or teddy bear is easiest because
the body parts are there to begin with.
Guidelines for a Distance Reiki Treatment
1. Cleanse the proxy using the Power Symbol and the
cleansing affirmation.
2. Use the Dry Bathing technique (found in Appendix 1) and
the Gassho to set the intention and clear your mind.
Invoke any Divine assistance.
3. Draw the Power Symbol on each hand and all the Symbols
over the body of the proxy and state the mantra three
times for each.
4. Say the persons name and location three times to gain a
better connection, also state when the client should receive
the treatment.
5. Again, Draw the Power Symbol.
6. Begin the session at the head and using all the hand
positions or as many as possible.
7. When you have finished, do an aura sweep and ground
8. Prior to doing this you can beam Reiki to the proxy.
9. Disconnect and seal the process with the Power Symbol.
10. Use the Dry bathing technique or wash you hands, ground
yourself, and thank anyone you invoked.

This is the bare bones of a distance treatment. When I
was taught Reiki 2, my Master told us not to use the Harmony
Symbol when doing a distance treatment, unless we know
there will be a qualified person to help them with any
emotional things that come up. I do not disagree, but will add
that I have received guidance to use the Harmony Symbol,
and have found myself unconsciously activating it while
doing the session. I do not use it all the time, just when I get
the guidance to use it, so, again I will say, follow your
intuition. (If you havent noticed by now that is my favorite
bit of advice, and it has become the clich of this book).
As you are probably wondering, what exactly is
beaming? Well, beaming is a Reiki add-on that was developed
by Reiki Master William Lee Rand. To beam Reiki, hold your
palms at chest level and set the intent that the energy be sent
to the person. It can be used as a complete treatment, because
it sends to the whole body at once, particularly the aura. To
strengthen the beam draw the Connection Symbol in front
of you and activate it with the mantra. This technique is very
effective especially with certain group activities.
Reiki is an amazing technique that can be utilized in
both a hands-on and hands-off setting. To know when to use
hands-on or hands-off you must allow the Recipient to tell
you. In some cases, hands-on Reiki would be inappropriate.
Such cases would include, children with special needs who do
not like to be touched, burn victims, or victims of abuse or
assault, check with the client to see when and where touch is
appropriate. Reiki is an effective practice that works just as
well above the person as it does when laying-on-of-hands is
used; to the energy it makes no difference. Follow your
intuition and allow the energy to guide you (and yes, I do
know that it sounds very New Age-ie). Always ask before
doing hands-on to make sure that it will be alright with the

XIII. Healing Animals, Plants, and Objects
Reiki has countless uses and can be used for anything.
Animals absolutely love Reiki. My one cat will come up to me
and bug me until I start sending Reiki to her. This is strange
because she does not normally like humans. For cats, dogs
and small animals the hand positions follow as such, the
head, the throat, the back, the haunches, the sides of the body,
and if possible the feet. The hand positions correlate to the
same parts of the body as for humans. The organs are closer
together and much smaller, but they do cover the same areas.
I have found that my cat does not like the hand
positions so I generally beam Reiki to her. If your pet or the
animal is too big for hands-on session, send Reiki using the
distance technique or beaming. Follow the same treatment
guidelines for distance treatments for animals as you would a
person, but instead of a teddy bear, try a stuffed animal that is
representative of the animal you are sending to. Obviously, if
you are sending to a bear, it is perfectly acceptable to use a
teddy bear. (Just thought I would clear that up).
Plants soak up Reiki. Hold the seeds or bulbs prior to
planting them and charge them with Reiki. You can use the
Power Symbol to enhance the potency of the session. Reiki
will help the plants grow and flourish. If you already have the
plant in a vase or pot, hold the container in your hands and
send Reiki that way. If you are going to be sending to your
yard at once, beaming works best.
Just as you can send Reiki to plants or you yard, you
can send Reiki to the Earth. This is a great way to send Reiki
to world wide situations like a natural disaster, war,
terrorism, poverty, an epidemic, ect. Take a globe and draw
the Connection Symbol, use the mantra, and set the intent to
send Reiki to the area and the people, place your hands over
the country or countries and send Reiki. Follow the same
guidelines for how long to stay in one position. Another way
to send to global issues is to use a Reiki list or Reiki box. Write
down you intention and send Reiki to it using the Connection
Just as you can send Reiki to animals, plants and
situations you can send Reiki to objects. I have found that my
laptop works better when I place my hands on it and send
Reiki. It runs faster and more reliable than any time before.
You can also use Reiki on any electronic device and it will
increase the effectiveness of it. Sending Reiki to everyday
items increases the amount of energy in your life and is a
great way to enhance everything. Remember in Mrs. Takatas
retirement letter, how she mentioned how the food was
blessed by Reiki hands, well you can bless everything with
your Reiki hands.
Crystals have recently been a favorite when used in
conjunction to Reiki. Quartz crystal especially works well in
storing and transmitting Reiki to people. Prior to charging a
crystal with Reiki, it needs to be cleansed. To cleanse a crystal
you can use sage smoke or a bowl of Reiki charged water. If
you are have Reiki 2, use the Power and Harmony Symbols to
clear the stone. Once you have done that hold the stone in you
hand and charge it with Reiki. If you have Reiki 2, you can
charge the stone with all the Symbols, so that it can be used to
send Reiki via a distance. Check out Appendix 1 for some
more techniques that utilize crystals and Reiki. Reiki charged
crystals can be given to clients so that they will have a
constant field of Reiki around them for 24 hours; send Reiki to
the crystals using the Connection Symbol so that they will
continue to send Reiki to the client. Have them bring it back
for each session and recharge the stone with energy.
The idea to charge stones for constant fields of energy
can also be used with stuffed animals. A great gift for
children, especially those who have specific medical
conditions, nightmares, fears, ect, is a teddy bear that has been
charged with Reiki. Use the Symbols, if you have Reiki 2, and
charge the bears with the intention that the bears continually

hold the energy and pass it onto the child. One of the Reiki
circles that I work with did this for the children affected by
Hurricane Katrina and those with special needs. The simple
gift of a Reiki charged stuffed animal has given wondrous
Reiki is very versatile practice that can be used for
anything under the Sun. No matter what the instance or
circumstance Reiki is always acceptable. Reiki works on
everything. There is never an instance that Reiki is not
acceptable when sent with the person or situations highest
good in mind. If you do not know what their highest good is,
mentally ask that the energy go to the situation, object, plant,
animals, or persons highest good.

XIV. The Reiki Symbols

In the traditional Reiki history, Mrs. Takata told us
that the Symbols were given to Usui-Sensei during his 21 Day
Meditation. Mrs. Takata, further, taught that the Symbols
were sacred and could not be written down.
Usui-Sensei, on the other hand, saw the Symbols as
training wheels for or connectors to specific aspects of the
Reiki energy. He did not view them as sacred or secret. In fact
two of the Symbols, the Harmony and Connection Symbols,
can be seen in plain sight in Japan. The Harmony Symbol can
be seen in Buddhist temples, and it is believed to have been
derived from a Buddhist seed mantra. The Connection
Symbols, itself, is a sentence that is written in kanji.
The Reiki Symbols are the first of the many Reiki add-
ons. To help those who had difficulty connecting with the
energy, Usui-Sensei gave them the Symbols and their
corresponding Mantras. For those who had studied martial
arts he gave just the Mantras. Anyone who had previously
studied meditation or energy work, he gave neither the
Symbols nor Mantras. He wanted all his students, and the

whole Reiki community, to become so advanced that they did
not need to use the Symbols or the Mantras to connect with
the energy forms.
To formulate your own ideas on the sacredness of the
Symbols there are three beliefs on the topic of symbols in
general that you should know. The first view is very similar to
what Mrs. Takata taught; symbols are the actual shape or
form that directly contains the energy itself. That is to say that
the symbol and the energy are one in the same. The second
view is similar to the first; the symbol is empowered by our
belief and intent that it does contain, from this intention and
the repeated use of the symbols, the energy we give it. The
last, which is similar to Usui-Senseis philosophy, is that the
symbol is a button that allows you to connect with the
energy that it symbolizes. This viewpoint is that the symbol
represents, rather than is or has the power.
Within the Reiki community the views on the Symbols
fall on one of the following ideas. Some people, mostly
traditionalists view the Symbols as sacred and secret. They
feel that the Symbols should only be shown to those who have
been attuned to them, and even in this group there are many
differences in the degree of how strongly they believe in this.
Some say that the Symbol will lose its power to be used by
someone who has been shown them prior to their attunement.
Another faction feels the more people that see the Symbols the
more power they will have. They will not go to any extent to
hide the Symbols and will openly and publicly draw the
Symbols or chant the Mantras. This group also seems to
follow Diane Steins views within Reiki, and this is part of the
reason that the Symbols can be seen online and in books.
These are some the beliefs that are out there, there is no
book or person alive that knows all the differing views
because there are as many views as there are people who
practice Reiki.

Having a basic understanding of the thoughts on
symbols and the Reiki Symbols will allow us to understand
the Symbols themselves. To activate the Symbol for whatever
uses you need to either draw it, visualize it complete or you
drawing, or say the mantra while drawing/visualizing it
three times. You can draw the Symbols with your eyes, fire
(middle) fingers, or the palm of your hands.
Bear in mind that the Symbols are only
intended for Reiki 2 Practitioners, and unless you
have been attuned to Reiki 2 the Symbols will
not work for you!!!!

The Power Symbol

The first Symbol is the Power Symbol, or it has been called the
Focus Symbol, the Light Switch, Reiki Symbol 1, or CKR.
Its mantra is Cho Ku Rei which translates roughly to Put all
the power of the Universe here. It is pronounced Ch-K-
The horizontal line represents the Divine Source, from where
Reiki come; the vertical line symbolizes the flow of energy
and the spiral that crosses it seven times represents the seven
chakras. It is used for healing on the physical level.
According to Hiroshi Doi, it is used to empower and increase
the energy and it focuses it onto a specific target. It stabilizes,
fixes, and purifies the energy. He says that it works mainly on
the physical or materialistic level.
It is useful in all healing sessions to boost the amount of
energy you have access to. It focuses where the energy will
go. Using it at the start of your sessions creates a stronger
connection, draw it on your palms and repeat the mantra
three times.
It is used to empower, strengthen, and protect yourself from
negative energy by drawing or visualizing it across the
front of the body, repeat the mantra or an affirmation (Im
protected by Divine Light and Power) three times.
It can be used to bless anything, from food to water to
medication to objects to people to situations to anything else
you can imagine. Do this by drawing it; repeat the mantra or
an affirmation (I bless this ___ with Divine Light and Love.)
three times with the intention that it be filled with Reiki.
Use it to cleanse and clear anything (objects, water, crystals,
ect.) of negative or stale energy and fill it with Reiki. Draw
the Symbol over what you are cleansing, say the affirmation
I cleanse and clear this ____ with Divine Light and Power.
and the mantra three times.
Like it is used to cleanse, clear and bless objects you can use it
to spiritually and energetically cleanse and clear a room. On
each wall, the ceiling, and floor draw the Symbol, each time
you draw it repeat the mantra three times.
At the end of a session it has two uses. To seal and end a
healing session, clear and smooth out the aura, draw it and
repeat I seal this process with Light and Love three times. It
can be used to ground a client, draw it on both feet and
palms, and on the Solar Plexus and Root Chakras.
It can be used to charge and program crystals, first cleanse
and clear them, then draw it over the crystal, say the mantra
three times, finally state your intent (I charge this crystal
It activates and enhances the energy; it stabilizes and fixes the
energy for clearing, cleansing, and recharging, revitalizing,
focusing, and general healing. It can be drawn at the end of a
set of symbols to empower and activate them all.
There really is no limit to how you can use this Symbol. I have
found for really anything that might come up from trying to
find a parking place to sending a prayer to people or
situations. All you need to do is draw it, set your intention
and say the mantra three times.
The Harmony Symbol
The second Symbol is the Harmony Symbol, or it has been
called Reiki Symbol 2, the Mental/Emotional Symbol, the
Balance Symbol or SHK
Its mantra is Sei He Ki which roughly translates to God and
Humanity become one. It is pronounced Sy-Hy-Key.
The left portion represents the Yang and the left side of the
brain (logic, structure, linear thinking, ect.), while the right
portion represents the Yin and the right side of the brain
(fantasy, feelings, intuition, ect.). When used it balances the
left and right sides of the brain for peace and harmony. It
helps with emotional and mental healing. It restores
psychological and emotional balance.
It brings the brain and body together. It helps people bring to
the surface and release the mental/emotional causes of their
According to Doi, it works on improving relationships, heals
bad habits, resolves disorders and karma or trauma with the
gentler energy of love and harmony. He says it works on
restoring emotional and psychical balance.
Ethel Lombardi, one of Takatas 22, gives the following
method for giving a mental/emotional treatment aimed at
removing bad habits. Start off by drawing the Harmony
Symbol over the clients head and repeating the mantra three
times. This is followed by the Power Symbol and the
Practitioner talking, either out loud or silently, to the client
about how he or she no longer needs it, that it is no longer
good for them, ect.
It releases negative consequences (from fears, traumas, rape,
abuse, ect.) so it can be healed; for issues of anger, fear, grief,

resentment, and it enhances self-love and compassion and
develops positive qualities.
It can be used for spiritual protection and healing, draw it
with the Power Symbol then repeat both mantras, or the
protection affirmation, three times for each Symbol.
It promotes harmony and protects against energy in person-
to-person fights. Draw it or visualize it, repeat the mantra
three times so it forms a wall between the two people.
It helps to improve and aid memory. When something is lost,
visualize the Symbol, place your hands on your temples, say
I will find___ in___. Then send Reiki to yourself. (This will
only work if you lost it and subconsciously know where it is,
not if someone else moved or took it.) For learning and test
taking, draw the Symbol over your book, test, notebook, ect,
repeat the mantra three times, send Reiki to it, then study or
take the test.
It helps to heal and balance a relationship with other people
or things (food, liqueur school, ect.), write the name of the
relationship (as an entity) on a piece of paper, draw the
Symbol, and say the mantra and the name of the relationship
three times, then send Reiki to it.
It helps with positive affirmations; there are two ways to do
this. The first write the affirmation on a piece of paper, draw
the Symbol and repeat the mantra three times over the paper
and send Reiki to it. The second way is to place your hands on
your temples visualize the Harmony Symbol and repeat the
mantra and your affirmation three times, and then send Reiki
to your head.
It is useful in releasing unwanted or negative habits or
addictions (biting your nails, smoking, drinking, ect) , write
the name of the habit on a piece of paper, draw the Symbol
and repeat the mantra three times, send Reiki to it (if you
have a Reiki box place it in there).

It can be used in conjunction with the Power Symbol to
cleanse and clear a room, draw the Harmony Symbol in the
corners of the room, both those near the floor and the ceiling
and repeat the cleansing affirmation and the mantras three
times each.
If you are feeling out of balance (or are having a headache),
place your hands on your head, activate the Symbol, and run
If a treatment focuses on emotional healing, seal the session
with this Symbol. It is useful in releasing stress and bringing
about higher spirits. It clears blockages, especially in regards
to emotional blockages.

The Connection Symbol

The third Symbol is the Connection Symbol, or it can be called
the Distance Healing Symbol, the Distance Symbol, the
Bridge, Reiki Symbol 3, or HSZSN.
Its mantra is Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. Which has multiple
meanings one is The Buddha in me connects with the
Buddha in you to promote peace and harmony., No past, no
present, no future. or Correct thought is the essence of
being. It is pronounced Hn-Sh-Zy-Shw-Nn.
It is a Japanese kanji that represents the human body and it
incorporates the seven chakras and five elements.
Doi uses this Symbol to heal beyond time and space. It is
primarily used to send Reiki over a distance from across the
room to across the world and through the veil of time. It can
be used to strengthen beaming, and to send to yourself or
others using the distance Reiki technique.
To send Reiki to future events, write the date, time, and what
the event is and the location, draw the Symbol, say an
affirmation that contains all the information three times or use
the mantra and then send Reiki to it (if you have a Reiki box
put it in there).
To send Reiki to past events, write The cause of if the
specifics are unknown. If you are sending to a specific event
write the date, time, location, ect. draw the Symbol and use an
affirmation that contains all the information or the mantra
three times, Reiki it or place it in your Reiki Box.
It can strengthen the potency of your Reiki box, by drawing
the Symbol and repeating the mantra three times over the
It connects you with a Deity or an ascended person; draw it
over a statue or picture or with an image in your mind, repeat
the mantra three times along with the deitys or persons
name. You can also use the Harmony Symbol with this
It can be used for past-life, karmic, future, mental, situational,
and behavioral pattern healing. It can be used to help
program crystals, especially those used with Reiki Crystal

XV. The Healing Space

As a healer you will be called on to do some form of
healing work whether it is a short session or a full session.
When doing a short treatment, attention to the area around
you is needed but not as much with a full session. If you have
Reiki 2 or higher, you can use the space clearing technique
using the Power and Harmony Symbols before beginning a
fast treatment.
When doing a full treatment the attention to the
physical and energetic state of the area is much more
important. When you first decide on a room to use, be it a
permanent room or a temporary one, you should thoroughly
clean the room. Wash the floor and walls, clean the windows,
dust all the surfaces, and vacuum the floor. You should also
energetically clear the room.

There are several very powerful and effective ways to
do that. My favorite is to use a smudge ritual. To do this, go to
your local New Age store and buy a smudge stick and a
feather wand. Smudging is a powerful ancient cleansing
method that originated with the Native Americans, that uses
several types of herbs. Most commonly using White Broadleaf
Sage, which is good for cleansing and purification; Desert
Sage, which is great for purifying the mind, body, and sprit,
and space clearing; Sweetgrass, which is excellent for clearing
sacred spaces and it is traditionally thought to invite good
spirits. I add Lavender, because it attracts peace and
happiness, and because of its light, aromatic refreshing scent.
To perform a smudge ceremonies that will cleanse your
healing space follow these instructions:
1. Light the end of the smudge stick with a candle and let it
burn until the tip starts to smoke.
2. Smudge yourself and anyone who is with you.
3. Walk around the room wafting the smoke into each corner
using the feather. Call on your guides, and any deities for
their assistance to drive any negative energy from the
room. Then ask them to bring harmony, balance, and Reiki
to the room.
4. Go to the center of the room and stand quietly for a few
moments. Turn to the East of the room and fan the smoke
out into that direction four times, saying: Spirits of the
East, Great Spirit of Air, cleanse and inspire this space.
5. Turn to the South and smudge four times, saying: Spirits
of the South, Great Spirit of Fire, energize and protect this
6. Turn to the West and smudge four times, saying: Spirits
of the West, Great Spirit of Water, bring peace and healing
to this space.
7. Turn to the North and smudge four times, saying: Spirits
of the North, Great Spirits of Earth, ground and fortify this

8. Return to your original position; put your smudge stick
down. Sit down and run Reiki into the room, if you have
the Reiki Symbols place each one on all the walls and the
floor and ceiling.
9. When done, tap the end of the smudge stick on a
nonflammable surface until it goes out. Give thanks to all
those you invoked.
Using a smudge ceremony is an excellent method, but
it is not the only way. Another option that I use is a bowl with
sea salt, which can be purchased at a specialty food store, and
mixing it with pure water (or in other words bottle spring
water, which can be gotten at a vending machine) Mix the
two together and stir it with your hand. Holding your
dominant hand over the water say, I bless and consecrate
this water by the Holy Divine Spirit, so that it may cleanse,
purify, consecrate, and bless all that it touches. May it be filled
with light and love. You can use the Symbols over the water
to further empower it.
Systematically go around the room, sprinkling the
water with your fingers chanting, I cleanse and bless this
room in light and love. When you have done every bit of the
room, on each wall, the ceiling, and floor draw the Symbols.
When done go back to the center of the room and ask that the
Divine bless the space with light and love so that it will be
protected and healing energy be brought to the room.
In the center of the room place your Reiki table. A Reiki
table is very similar to massage table, it should be able to hold
a person. If you plan on being able to move it around, if you
work at your clients homes or you take it with you to
exchanges, it should be light weight. Some practitioners like
to be able to put their legs completely under the table. I
suggest looking at the International Center for Reiki Training
web store or try a search on EBay, they have an excellent

At one Reiki Exchange that I went to, one of the
Practitioners had used a camping cot as a Reiki table. This is a
great idea because it can be moved and set up easily. It is
much lighter and smaller than a full Reiki/massage table, so it
can be stored in an empty closet or somewhere out of sight
when it is not in use. A camping cot is much more cost
efficient because you can purchase them at any camping store,
whereas the Reiki tables sometimes must be special ordered
from online specialty stores. Whether you use a camping cot
or Reiki/massage table it is a good idea to cover the table with
a sheet so that you can wash everything much faster and
easier. Also, it is much more sanitary that using just a table,
which you would have to wash down in between sessions.
Along with the table you should have two pillows, one
that can be placed under the clients legs to give them lower
back support and one for under their head; you will need a
blanket if the client gets cold during the session. It is good to
have them close at hand, so you might went to include a
dresser or trunk that can double as the table for extra
materials like statues, a clock, your radio or CD player,
candles, or anything that you would like. If you are going to
use a trunk and have it double as a table, you will want to
make sure that you can easily get to the contents without
disrupting the entire session.
The lighting in the room should be soft, but not so dark
that you cannot see anything. I have found that if you have
several candles placed around the room you will be able to
see the table and the person on it. When you place the candles
around the room, make sure that they are on fireproof stands
and will not light the room on fire if they get bumped during
the session.
If you are going to use scented candle make sure that
the client does not have any allergies or dislikes for the scents
that you have chosen. I use unscented candles, and I do not
use incense. You do not have to use any scented candles or

incense. You can ask the client to pick a scent or bring
something for you to burn during the session. Some clients
prefer not to have aromas during the session and you should
respect the clients wishes.
Now that you have dealt with lighting and aroma and
the comfort of the client you need to pick some music. Music
helps the client go into an Alpha state and become more open
to the energy. It is also a great way for them to relax and
become comfortable with session. There are many amazing
soundtracks that you can choose from. Llewellyn and Deuter
have some great music. I love to use Pachelbels Canon in D
because so many people find it relaxing and comforting.
Consult the list below for some excellent choices or check
your local New Age store or music store in the New Age
section. Here are some suggestions that I have listened to and
found very good in facilitating a Reiki session.
Deuter: Garden of the Gods
Journey into Light
Nirvana Road
Reiki Hands of Light
Terra Magica
Secret Garden: Earthsongs
American Native Orchestra: Indian Spirit
Llewellyn: Reiki
Reiki Healing Journey volume 1 and 2
Reiki Gold
Aeoliah: Music for Reiki volume 1 and 2
Kevin Kendle: Distant Horizons volume 1 and 2: Music for
Akashara Weave: Cho Ku Rei
Sei He Ki
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
Sambodhi Prem: Reiki Ocean

This list is by no means all inclusive, a great way to get
discount music is to go on to and search for Reiki
music. Have fun when picking your music and have a nice
selection for your client to choose from or to pick from when
you begin a session. If you only find a few songs that you like
from each you can make a mix CD that has all of your
favorites. Have fun while putting everything together for
your sessions.

XVI. Ethics
With Reiki there are really only two hard-fast ethical
rules 1) Only do a session when you have received the
recipients expressed permission and 2) Do not touch any
sensitive areas that the client has requested not to be touched
and never touch a womans breast or a persons genitals.
The first is out of respect for an individuals free will
and their right to refuse treatment. If you give a treatment to
someone who does not want it, chances are the session will
not work. This will cause more problems because the client
will tell other people that Reiki does not work. So it is a good
idea to get permission first.
The second is mainly a legal issue. Not only is it illegal
and unethical to touch any private areas, it might be
uncomfortable to touch any areas the client requests not to be
touched. There are many reasons for them to do this, past
trauma, chronic pain or discomfort, burns, injury, or a dislike
of being touched. The reason is not really important, a
practitioner does not use touch in these circumstances because
the client has asked. Reiki works just as well above the
clothing as it does over distances and through clothing.
While these are the two definite rules of ethics, each
practitioner has some extra concerns that they address. I have
included a copy of my code of ethics to give you an idea.

1. I abide by a vow of confidentiality. All information
discussed within the context of a healing session will be
kept between the client and Practitioner. All information
and records pertaining to any and all clients will be kept
strictly confidential.
2. I will maintain accurate and concise records of all
treatments and information pertaining to the clients
medical and personal history, any prescribed medication
or treatments and any changes, any intuitive feelings that I
have during a class or session, and any other information
that I believe is relevant to a clients needs.
3. I will treat all students and clients with the utmost respect.
I will treat them as I would wish to be treated by a Reiki
4. I will maintain a safe, comfortable, and open environment
for all classes and healing sessions.
5. I will be sensitive to the boundaries that a client or student
sets either before or during a healing session.
6. I will never ask a client or student to disrobe or touch in an
inappropriate manner or in inappropriate locations (ex.
breasts, genitals, ect.). I will use hands-off healing
techniques where necessary or requested.
7. I will maintain a professional appearance and
environment during healing sessions.
8. I will institute a comfortable and open line of
communication with all clients and students, creating an
environment of holistic healing.
9. I will discuss what will happen during a Reiki treatment
before the session will begin and any aftercare
instructions. I will provide all students with a written
outline of what will be covered in a class and what the
student will be able to do upon completion prior to the
10. I will suggest a consultation or referral for clients to
qualified medical professionals (ex. medical doctor,
licensed therapist, ect.) when necessary and appropriate.

11. I will not diagnose any illness nor suggest changes, for
clients or students, to previously established medical
12. I will be respectful of all others views on Reiki and life.
13. I will foster harmonious relations with other Reiki
Practitioners and Masters, and the community.
14. I will work not only in healing others, but also myself, so
to act as a living example of the power of Reiki.
15. I will grant any requests that are brought to me, including
all healing and education requests. If it is not within my
power, refer the seeker to someone who will be able to
assist them.
A client must be able to trust the Practitioner to be
open to the energy. Reiki is channeled by the Practitioner and
this trust is essential. If a client does not trust the Practitioner
then the channel is disrupted, much in the same way an
energy block works. The International Association of Reiki
Professionals (IARP, see Appendix 3 for contact information)
has a set of ethics that each Practitioner is asked to abide by. I
modeled mine after theirs but addressed my own concerns.
When doing a hands-on session the ethics are those
used above. It is that simple, but when you begin to use Reiki
2 techniques, like a distance session, the ethical boundaries
are pushed. A Practitioner is able to send Reiki to someone
who has not necessarily asked or given permission for it.
There are two things you can do at this time. You can either
choose not to send Reiki or you can send Reiki.
If you choose to send Reiki, it is a good idea to ask for
guidance about whether or not you should be sending. I will
utilize a pendulum if I cannot tell if my guidance is correct. If
you are still unsure or do not know if the recipient will accept
the healing energy you can establish a safety person. This is
someone who you know will accept the energy, such as
yourself, the Earth, a friend or family member, or a Divine

force, that will receive the energy if the first recipient chooses
not to receive it.
When sending Reiki, either over a distance or in a
hands-on session, your ethical and moral guides are how you
chose to send or not to send. I have a form, which you have
seen in Section 12 that clearly states my ethics and relieves me
from liability and informs the client of my ethics and what
will happen during a session.
There is no central governing body for Reiki; therefore
there are no written-in-stone ethics guidelines. If you are
looking to join an organization there is the International
Association of Reiki Professionals, the International Center for
Reiki Training and the Reiki Alliance, each of which have
their own ethics guidelines that members are required to
A closing note on ethics, it is advisable to advertise a
Reiki treatment as a Reiki session. When people see the word
treatment they assume that it is going to heal them, but with
Reiki and its unpredictability in a session that is not always
the case. It is should also be noted that you should not
advertise Reiki as a hands-on healing method, but rather a
technique for stress reduction and relaxation that aids and
accelerates the bodys natural ability to heal itself. This should
be done for the same reasons outlined above.

XVII. Group Healing

Reiki is a wonderful practice to be involved in, but for
many Practitioners there is little use of Reiki outside of a
clinical or family practice. Reiki Exchanges are a wonderful
way for new Practitioners to gain experience, network, and
learn new techniques. They are also a wonderful way to
receive a Reiki session from
other people, and get feed back
on how you channel Reiki.

Reiki Exchanges are often informal giving the
Practitioner a chance to relax while doing the sessions. Most
will have groups of four people per table. One person to work
on the head, and acts a time keeper, one on either side of the
body, and one to work on the feet. If there is a person who has
not been attuned to Reiki then they will receive the treatment,
Figure 6 or if the Exchange is only for Practitioners then one of the
four will be on the table.
I have found that if you set the time limit at 15 to 20
minutes per person you will not neglect the energy and
healing, and keep things moving along so that you are not
there all night. Using this method you can have several people
receive full sessions in around 2 hours. Some groups will
make it an all day affair, with food and a discussion. They will
also spend much longer per person. Do what is comfortable
and plausible for the time and number of people.
Another great way to share Reiki with others is to have
Reiki Circles. A Reiki Circle is when a group of Practitioners
get together and beam Reiki to a person or group of people in
the center of the circle. This method is very powerful because
of the number of people channeling Reiki. This method has
been used with much success with children with special needs
(for more information on Reiki circles for children with
special needs see Appendix 3, The Place for Reiki), and
general people who dislike to be touched. Using the Reiki
Circle, have the person or people lie or sit in the center of the
circle, and have the Practitioners sit around them in a circle
beaming the energy to them. With the groups that I have
worked with, spend 15 minutes beaming and you can easily
have 5 sessions in 2 hours, with a small break in betweens
sessions to use the bathroom.
As Reiki gains more popularity and notoriety there are
more opportunities for Reiki Practitioners to chare this gift
with others. Some churches have hosted healing services in
which a group of Reiki Practitioners will perform hands-on

healing sessions for those who are interested. Some hospitals
have also begun offering Reiki Clinics/Shares and sessions to
patients. Doctors have found that it reduces blood pressure,
and accelerates the recovery time with fewer complications.
The Reiki News Magazine had a wonderful article in the
Summer 1993 issue. Here are some of the things that go into
planning a Reiki Exchange, Circle, Share or Healing Service.
Organizing a Reiki healing service in your church is a
task that does take a lot of time but the rewards are well
worth it. After you have organized your first service the ones
that follow will be much easier because you have much of the
needed information. The first thing to do is create a project
outline by sitting down and listing everything that you know
you will need to do and have. List places to advertise the
service so you can get volunteers and participants, suggested
music for during the sessions, hymn selection, and a possible
order for the service. The article, Organizing a Healing Service
in Your Church, offers these guidelines for planning a service.
1. Talk to the ministers to get permission and cooperation.
2. Meet with them to plan the order of service.
3. Make announcements and place notices about the
4. Recruit healers asking for volunteers who practice Reiki
as well as those who practice other Reiki like techniques.
5. Meet with the Music Director to select and arrange
background music as well as solos and congregational
6. Arrange for ushers to guide people to healer s chairs.
7. Decorating the sanctuary, including candles.
8. Meet with the healers as a group immediately preceding
the healing service to review the Order of Service, answer
questions, pick partners and meditate to become centered.
Here is a suggested order for the service; it is the one
that I use:
1. People come in.
2. Opening Meditation (this should be a guided meditation
used to set the mood for the event).
3. Opening Remarks (this should include a little about
Reiki and what to expect for the service and the healing
4. Begin the sessions (they should last about 57 minutes,
with ushers guiding people from where the congregation is
sitting to where the sessions are being done).
5. All volunteers spend 5 minutes beaming Reiki/healing
to the congregation (this should be done once all the sessions
are finished).
6. Closing Circle (this can include sending healing prayers
and energy to all those in need, and giving thanks for the
healing that has taken place).
7. Closing Remarks/Hymn (this can be a time when the
facilitator thanks everyone for coming, and the group comes
together to sing a closing hymn).
These are just suggestions, like everything else in this
book. It is important to work with the pastor to find a good
layout for the service, especially if he or she would like to add
more parts to the service, such as a communion, readings, ect.
Take what you like, and make it your own. Reiki is a
celebration of individuality and uniqueness not conformity. If
we can learn anything from the manner in which Mrs. Takata
taught it is this.

XVIII. The Exchange Issue

For some people Reiki has become more than a practice
for self-healing and treatments for family and friends. It has
been taken on as a method to make money. The number of
Reiki Masters and Practitioners that charge for professional
Reiki treatments is continually growing. In this section I will
not only talk about charging for a session but also what goes
into creating a successful practice.
Look back at the section on the Reiki Ideals and reread
Mrs. Takatas teachings. That story has been used to justify
charging large amounts of money for training. The Reiki
Alliance says that Mrs. Takata said for Reiki 1 training charge
$150, for Reiki 2 training $500 and Reiki Master training $
That was a great deal of money when Mrs. Takata
began teaching and it is still a large amount today. She
charged the large price because she wanted to make sure the
people that took her class would appreciate the training and
the gift.
After her death in 1980, all twenty-two of her Master
students got together to try and collect all of her teachings.
From this meeting, the Reiki Alliance and the controversy
over cost were born. Phyllis Lei Furumoto, Mrs. Takatas
granddaughter and the current Grandmaster of the Reiki
Lineage, and her followers continued to charge the high
prices, while Iris Ishikuro and a few other began charging
much less for Reiki training. It was from two Reiki Masters
that carried on this philosophy that I received my training.
For Reiki 1 I paid $100.00, for Reiki 2 $175.00, and Reiki
Master and ART $825.00.
I agree with Diane Steins beliefs on the cost for
training. Anything, including the cost of a session, which
keeps Reiki or any healing, out of the hands of people who
want or need it is immoral. It is from this idea that I volunteer
sessions, and use bartering as a form of payment. The average
cost of a Reiki session is equal to the cost of a massage, some
Reiki Masters charge more because of the additional systems
and certifications that they have, such as a degree in
psychology. In the end, and after all the debate is over and all
parties are exhausted, the decision to charge and how much to
charge is the prerogative of the Practitioner and Master.
If you are going to use Reiki as a profession there is
greater consideration that needs to go into it. Where will you
do session? Are you going to work out of your home? Get an
office? Go to the client? How much will you charge? Are you
going to be insured? How will you advertise?
These questions need to be answered, before you
begin. Where are you going to do your sessions? If you are
working from your home, it will save on start up costs and is
a great way to start out if you are not going to do many
sessions a day. You will need to set space aside and gather
everything you will need for a session in a room. If you can
dedicate a whole room to doing sessions that is ideal but work
with whatever space is available.
If you are getting an office, that presents a much more
professional appearance. It also has the downside costing
money to rent or purchase. Deciding on a location is also
important. You will want an atmosphere that is professional
and relaxed, so that the client will know that you are serious
about healing, but also be comfortable enough to openly
receive the energy. If you are holding other classes or hosting
exchanges, then maybe a small kitchen unit would be
appropriate. You will know that space as soon as you find it.
Use Reiki to help your find a good place to work.
Advertising is another issue. In Pittsburgh, Point of
Light magazine and Holistic Pittsburgh Online have areas
where you can advertise your services. You can also create
flyers and post them in libraries, supermarkets, bookstores,
new age stores, and other alternative medical facilities, such
as massage parlors, physical therapy, acupressure or
acupuncture stores, ect.. Another way is to have business card
made up. That way you can give them out to anyone who
would like one that way they have your information to
schedule an appointment or learn more.
Having a shirt that has something to do with Reiki is
another way to spark interest. People will want to know about
the shirt and you can explain about Reiki. Give a mini
demonstration and hand them a business card so they can
schedule an appointment. This also works when some
mentions a pain or headache, offer them Reiki. Tell them what
Reiki is, how it works and what you will do. If they are

interested do a mini session, and ask how and what they feel.
If more people are interested then give them mini-sessions.
Make sure you have plenty of business cards to give to
anyone who was interested.
Create a network and partnership with other local
services, have a recommendation policy where you offer a
discounted rate for referrals. You might also schedule a free
session night, where you give mini sessions for free and a
brief overview of what Reiki is and how it works. Invite other
Practitioners to volunteer so that you can give longer sessions
to more people. A small session will work just as good as a
long session, but the longer session has the benefit of letting
the person relax and really experience Reiki. On free nights,
ask other holistic practitioners to come and give
demonstrations or sessions in their healing art.
We unfortunately live in a sue happy society.
Everything is legal, even things that we might not want to be.
Having legal protection for your services is necessary, why do
you think doctors pay malpractice insurance? If you are
wondering what this leads up to, well the International
Association of Reiki Practitioners offer Professional Liability
(alleged malpractice), General Liability (alleged Slip and Fall),
Product Liability (alleged reactions to lotions) and Rental
Damage Liability. The cost for these services, plus a
membership to the organization is only $249.00 (check current
price on their web page, see Section 3). It is a great price for all
of the services offered. Check out their web page for more
Having your own practice is very rewarding; it gives
you the chance to help heal the world around you. The
benefits, not only the financial but also the personal, will be
seen with every client you help. There is no way to put a price
on them. They are truly priceless. Whether your practice is
large or small does not matter. Be a morally upright, ethically
sound, and down to earth person and people will come and

you will be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams. The
numbers are not what matter, but rather how you go about
healing them.

XIX. Reiki and Spirituality

Reiki has the amazing ability to allow the Practioner
become closer to the Divine Force (I will call it Spirit, but it is
any deity). There are a million and one ways to cultivate a
spiritual connection. Reiki helps this because Reiki heals the
spirit. I have included a few techniques that have helped me
develop to become closer to Spirit.
I feel that prayer beads are a great, simple, constant
reminder of the sacredness of Spirit, and can easily be used in
conjunction with Reiki. Here is a Reiki Rosary that is based on
the traditional Catholic or Dominican rosary (five sections of
ten, with four divider beads, and a tag with a cross, and five
1. The Cross (or the symbol)
OmI open my heart and soul to the healing energies of
the Universe.
2. On the First bead (large)
Reiki (Ray-Key)universal life energy.
3. On the Second bead (small).
Blessed are the hands that touch the healing powers of the
4. On the Third bead (small).
Blessed are that speak with compassion and love.
5. On the Fourth bead (small).
Blessed is the heart that s open to the Reiki energy.
6. On the Fifth bead (large).
Reikienlightenment and healing.
7. On the Medal.
Release doubt and fearbe open to the healingrespect the
power of Reiki.
8. First Decade (per bead)
For today, I will let go of anger. Just for today, let go of
worry. Just for today, be honest, grateful, and humble. Just for
today, bless all things.
9. First Divider bead
In healing ourselves, in living the principles; we find true
10. Second Decade
11. Second Divider bead
The intent of Reiki is to bring enlightenment, peaceful
living, kindness towards all, calm in my mind, and calm in my life.
12. Third Decade
13. Third Divider bead
My focus determines reality. Where awareness is, there I
14. Fourth Decade
15. Fourth Divider bead
Reiki is BE-ing the Universal life energy.
16. Fifth Decade
17. Medal
Reiki Ryoho is an original method, based on intuitive power
in the Universe. By this power, body gets healthy, and enhances
happiness of life and peaceful mind.
Quotes from The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr.
Mikao Usui
In my practice I use a traditional Buddhist mala. The
traditional mala has 108 beads. The practice that I use is a
simple recitation of the Reiki Principles along with an
invocation of the Divine, my guides and ancestors, and the
ascended Reiki Masters. I set the intention and then I begin by
reciting the Reiki Symbols mantras (CKR, SHK, and HSZSN).
(Or a simple mantra of my choosing, such as Om Shanti
Shanti Shanti).
I have found that through this practice I can generate
more healing and have brought Reiki into my daily life. Not
only do I use this as a means of relaxation and devotion, I use
it as a method of healing for my self and the World around
me. I create an atmosphere of love, compassion, and healing
that goes with me as I sleep and as I work as a Healer.
Take a deep breath and relaxhold your hands in
Gassho and take another deep breathSay the Reiki
PrinciplesJust for today, I will let go of anger./Just for
today, let go of worry./Just for today, be honest, grateful, and
humble./Just for today, bless all things.Invoke Spirit, your
guides and ancestors, and the ascended Reiki MastersBegin
on the first bead after the guru beadstart
chantingcontinue chanting till you get to the guru
beadturn the prayer beads overrepeat the
chantingWhen you are donePlace your hands in
GasshoSay the Reiki Principles againThank the Divine,
your ancestors and guides, and the ascended Reiki
MastersBow in reverence of the gifts you have just
received. Carry the beads with you and when you get a
chance hold the beads in your hand and send Reiki to them.
While both of these are great ways to cultivate a
spiritual relationship, the foremost way is explained by the
Reiki Ideals. In the morning and at night hold your hands in
prayer, meditate on and chant these words. Each day recite
the Reiki Ideals and offer a little prayer for self-healing and
compassion for others, and in thanks for this amazing gift.
Using the Anglican Rosary, which is comprised of four
groups of seven beads, with a symbol and inventory bead as
the tail, here is a simple prayer set.
Symbol: The Prayer of Saint Francis
Inventory Bead: In Your Name and by Your Mercy I
will heal others.
Week Beads:
1. Guide my hands to bring relief
2. Empower my actions to serve others
3. Glorify my intentions to send healing
4. With compassion I will heal others
5. With reverence I will honour You in them
6. And with humility I will teach them to heal
Cross Bead: In Your Name and by Your Mercy I will
heal others.
Another really great way to strengthen your
connection to Spirit is to regularly do a distance session. Go
about doing a distance Reiki session as if it were a physical
person, but use the deitys name. If you do not have Reiki 2,
simple set the intention to send Reiki to Spirit (or any deity)
and send.
I have found that my life has become much simpler
and much more relaxing since I began using Reiki. I say the
Reiki Principles once a day and every time I begin sending
Reiki as a gentle reminder that I am not in control of what is
going on in life and what will happen during the session. I
simple AM. There is no way to explain it other than to say, try
it and see what happens in your life.
One aspect of Reiki that has been recently popularized
is the idea of Reiki/Spirit guides. Diane Stein and William Lee
Rand have both advertised this idea and it has become quite
popular. It is my belief that the idea of Reiki guide is that they
are a personification of our own inner guidance and intuition.
This idea is reiterated by Vincent Amador. The idea of Reiki
guides is an add-on, and is not needed to effectively practice
Some books say that these guides are ascended Reiki
Masters or Enlightened Beings, others that they are shamanic
spirit guides, and yet some see them as angels. If you are
interested in angels and archangels, a good archangel to call
on during sessions is the Archangel Raphael; he is the
healer. Here are some of his correspondences; his stone is
malachite, his color is green, his cardinal direction is east, and
his elements are water and fire. Call on him to assist you with
a healing session.

XX. Conclusion
In becoming a Reiki Practitioner you have taken on
responsibility for your own health. And if you are planning
on doing healing for others, even if it is only close friends and
family, you have taken on the responsibility as a healer. There
is no greater reward than the healing miracles that will take
place during each session. With this gift you are spreading
around a much need commodity in the world: Loving,
Healing Energy.
There is no advice that I have found that is really
helpful except for what I told you at the beginning of this
book take what suits you and disregard the rest. What I mean
is there are some things that worked for me but might not
work for you, forget about them and create your own path. By
reading this book you are not an expert so take some time,
check out the web pages and the books that I have listed in
the bibliography, and even when you have read every book
and searched every page out there you are still not an expert.
To be an expert and a real Master you must surrender
yourself to this energy and let it guide you. Learn from it and
the sessions and clients that you work with, because it is only
by using Reiki that you will become familiar with it.
If you are reading this in a Reiki 1 or 2 class, take time
to do Reiki on yourself and others. And even if you are long
time veteran, do it anyway. You will never know what will
happen when you set out and do a healing session for
someone, just go with the flow and let your intuition guide
Last and most certainly not least, I want to thank you
for strengthening the worlds connection with Reiki. Please
help those who come to you and continue to learn. There is
nothing the world needs more than dedicated, grateful,
humble healers (and even if you dont feel that you are going
to be able to do that, then do as the Reiki Ideals say: Just for
today and you will do just fine).

Now go out and heal the world one person at a time,
starting with yourself. ~Reiki Master Kiki

"To laugh often and much;

to win the respect of intellectual people
and the affection of children;
to earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends;
to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others;
to leave the world a bit better,
whether by a healthy child,
a garden patch
or a redeemed social condition;
to know even one life has breathed easier
because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

XXI. Work Cited and Bibliography

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Amador, Vincent. Distance Attunements. Reiki Plane and
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Barton, Cindi. Three Rivers Yoga; Reiki Level 1 Workshop Manual.
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Crisafio, Anthony. Question about the Letter from Takata.
E-mail to Lourdes Gray, PhD. 9 October 2006.
Doi, Hiroshi. Modern Reiki Method for Healing. Fraser Journal
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Ellyard, Lawrence. Reiki Healer; A Complete Guide to the Path
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Ellyard, Lawrence. The Ultimate Reiki Guide for Practitioners and

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Honervogt, Tanmaya. The Power of Reiki; An Ancient Hands-on
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Jentoft, Peggy. Usui Reiki (unleashed) A Universal Energy
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Lbeck, Walter and Frank Arjava Petter. ReikiBest Practices;
Wonderful Tools of Healing for The First, Second, and Third
Degree of Reiki. Twin Lakes; Lotus Press, 2003.
Lugenbeel, Barbara D. Virginia Samdahl: Reiki Master Healer.
Norfolk, Va; Grunwald and Radcliff Publishers, 1984.
Martin, Jeffery A. The Complete Guide to Reiki Vol. 1 and 2. 8
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Masayuki, Okada. Memorial of the Benevolence of Usui-
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Kozuki, Jiro. Reiki and All Energy-Therapy Web. Ed. James
Deacon. 2003. 11 March 20006.
Morris, Joyce J. Reiki Hands that Heal. Boston; Weiser Books,
Paul, Nina L. Reiki for Dummies. New Jersey; Wiley
Publishing, Inc. 2006.

Petter, Frank Arjava and Dr. Mikao Usui. The Original Reiki
Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui. Twin Lakes; Lotus Press,
Rand, William Lee. Distance Attunements. International
Center for Reiki Training Online. ND.
tml >.
Rand, William Lee. Solutions to Improve Your Reiki
Practice. International Center for Reiki Training Online. 6
December 2005.
Rand, William Lee. The Original Reiki Ideals. International
Center for Reiki Training Online. 6 December 2005.
Rand, William Lee. Reiki The Healing Touch; First and Second
Degree Manual. Southfield; Vision Publications, 2000.
Shekmaker, Diane Ruth. Reiki and Nutrition for Optimal
Wellness. Reiki News Magazine. Summer 2005: 3034.
Stein, Diane. Essential Reiki; A Complete Guide to an Ancient
Healing Art. California; The Crossing Path, 1995.
Stiene, Bronwen and Frans. The Reiki Sourcebook. New York; O
Books, 2003.
Takata, Hawayo. Excerpts from Takatas Early Dairy. 30
November 2005.
The Reiki Alliance. Nine Elements of Form. 27 September
2006. <>.
Tompkins, John, Jr. Mastering Reiki; A Practicing and Teaching
Primer. St. Paul, Mi; Llewellyn Publications, 2002.

Twan, Wanja and Anneli. Introduction. Morning Star
Productions. 9 October 2006.
Vennells, David V. Reiki Mastery for Second Degree Students and
Masters. New York; O Books, 2004.
Whitbeck, Marvin. Organizing a Healing Service in Your
Church. Reiki News Magazine Online.

Yeh, Stephanie. What is Shamanic Smudging? 26 February 2006.


Picture Index and Citations
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6

Appendix 1 Techniques
Japanese Reiki Techniques

Byosen Reikan HoTechnique for Sensing Imbalances in the

1. Perform a Gassho meditation to center yourself and set
the intent.
2. Move the hand about 2 to 6 inches above the body, pay
attention to any sensations in your hands (heat, cold, tingling,
pull, pain, itching, ect.).
3. When you sense something, place you hand on that part
of the body.
4. Stay there till the sensation has passed.
5. Do a Gassho meditation to give thanks.
This technique can be used prior to starting a Reiki session or
during a session.

Enkaku Chiryo HoTechnique for Remote Healing

(See Section 12, and Distance Healing Techniques)
Traditional Reiki groups do not believe that you send Reiki,
but rather that you become One with the person. It is said that
Usui-Sensei used a photograph with this technique, but a
piece of paper with the name, age, gender, location, and
ailment written on it will work as well.
1. On the back of the photo, or piece of paper, write the
name, age, gender, location, and ailment.
2. Perform a Gassho meditation to center yourself and set
the intent.
3. Hold the photo/paper in your hands and raise your
energy level.
4. Focus on the person that you wish to receive the energy.
5. Visualize or Draw the Connection, Harmony, and
Power Symbols and say the corresponding mantra three
6. Continue to send Reiki, until you feel you should stop.
7. Do a Gassho meditation to give thanks.
Gassho MeditationPalm to Palm Meditation technique
1. Sit and hold you hands palms together.
2. Close your eyes and breathe naturally with your focus
resting on the point between your middle fingers.
3. When the mind begins to wander, gentle bring it back to
that point.
4. Continue the mediation for 20 or 30 minutes.
5. Do a Gassho to give thanks.
Alternatively, prior to starting a Reiki session, holding your
hands in Gassho give thanks for the gift and set the intention
for the session. When you are done, hold your hands in
Gassho to give thanks and seal the session.

Gyoshi HoTechnique for sending Reiki by staring

1. Gaze with soft, defocused eyes and intent at that area of
the body.
2. Visualize the energy moving from your eyes to that
3. Continue until you are ready to finish or move to the
next position.

Jakirir Joka HoTechnique to Energetically Cleanse and

Enhance Inanimate Objects
This technique should never be used on people, plants, or
1. Perform a Gassho meditation to set your intent and clear
your mind.
2. Hold the object in your non-dominant hand.
3. Place your dominant hand over the object about 2 inches
above it.
4. Chop three times in the air above the object. While
doing this hold your breath and focus on the Hara.
5. Hold the object and send Reiki.
6. Again, chop three times above the object to seal in the
7. Do a Gassho meditation to give thanks.

Kenyoku HoDry Bathing Technique

This technique is used before and after a session to clear the
body, heart, and spirit of negative energy.
1. Perform a Gassho meditation to center the mind and set
the intention.
2. a) Place your right hand on the left shoulder, where the
collar and shoulder bones meet.
b) Breathe in and on the exhale, sweep diagonally to the
right hip.
3. a) Place your left hand on the right shoulder.
b) Breathe in and on the exhale, sweep diagonally to the
left hip.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3.
5. a) Place your right hand on your left shoulder.
b) Breathe in and on the exhale; sweep down to your left
6. a) Place your left hand on your right shoulder.
b) Breathe in and on the exhale; sweep down to your left
7. Repeat Steps 5 and 6.
8. Do a Gassho meditation to give thanks.

Koki HoTechnique to Send Reiki with your Breath

1. Perform a Gassho meditation to give thanks and set the
2. Breathe in through your nose, focus on the Hara, feel
your lungs filling up with energy.
3. Blow the energy out through your O shaped mouth to
the area.
4. Do a Gassho meditation to give thanks.

Shuchu ReikiTechnique for Group Healing

This technique is more or less where multiple Reiki
Practitioners work on one person. As usual they begin using
Gassho, then having each Practitioner take one or multiple
positions for a shorter period of time than a normal Reiki
Western Reiki Techniques

The Chakra System

This was never taught by Usui-Sensei, Dr. Hayashi, or
Mrs. Takata, primarily because they were basing their
variations of the Reiki system on Japanese culture. The
Chakra system is Indian in origin. I have listed some
information about each Chakra (Sanskrit: wheel):
The Root Chakra: groundedness, family identity, bonding
The Sacral Chakra: creativity, survival instincts, sexuality
The Solar Plexus Chakra: self-respect, self-esteem, ethics
The Hearth Chakra: love and compassion
The Throat Chakra: choice, faith, personal authority,
The Third-Eye Chakra: wisdom, intellectual skills,
The Crown Chakra: inner divinity, inner guidance,
connection to divinity

Aura Sweep and Aura Smoothing

This technique is used to clear the aura of negative
energies that have become loosened by the Reiki session.
Beginning at the head, forcibly sweep your hands over the
body, like you are pushing something to the floor. Continue
down both sides of the body and make two passes per side.
Once you have done that you need to smooth the aura out.
Smooth the aura with your hands like you are smoothing the
icing on a cake, going from the feet to the crown. At the end
use the Symbols to seal the session. This should be done at the
end of any session, be it hands-on or hands-off.

Beaming is a technique that was developed by William Lee
Rand. It is very simple to use and can be used by any
Practitioner. Hold your hands on level to your chest, with
your palms facing out and your fingers together. Intend that
Reiki flow from your hands and to the person, object or
situation. This is a great technique as it sends to the whole
person at once, healing the whole body rather than a small
part. It is a great way to end the session.

Crystal Healing
Method 1: Crystal Chakra Healinghelps people with low
1. Place one on each of the seven chakras, and in the
palms of both hands, and one in between the feet.
2. Perform one complete session

Method 2: Crystal Gridsending continual energy to

people, places, or events
1. Choose eight similarly sized crystals (quartz), select
one crystal to e the center crystal which should be the
largest (a sphere, or cluster).
2. Cleanse all the crystals used in the sections on Reiki
3. Empower each crystal with the Symbols and the
intention to send Reiki continually.
4. Find a place for the grid where it wont be disturbed.
5. Place the center stone in the center,
6. Choose one stone as the charger stone.
7. Place the remaining six stones in a hexagon (six
pointed star), they should be evenly distributed.
8. Pick up the charger stone, holding it in you dominant
hand. Pointing the stone downward over the center
stone and Draw pie-shaped triangles over each of the
crystals in a counterclockwise shape.
9. Draw a line from the center crystal out to one of the
crystals, then move counterclockwise to the next
crystal, then back to the center, then back to the crystal
you just left, and move counterclockwise to the next

crystal, moving around the grid several times, until
you feel the grid has been fully charged.
10. Every couple of days you can recharge the grid by
repeating Step 9.
11. Place the people, places, or situations in the center of
the grid.

Finishing Treatment (also called Nerve Stroke)

This technique was used by Hawayo Takata at the end of
her treatments. This is to be used at the end of a treatment.
Begin by placing the thumb and forefinger on either side of
the spine beginning at the neck. In one fluid movement,
stroke down the spine to the base of the spine. If the client has
diabetes, reverse the technique going up. Place the hands flat
on the shoulder blades, palms facing down and do a circular
movement in a counter clockwise motion. Place one hand on
the tailbone and one on the back of the neck.

This technique was taught to me by Reiki Master Bonnie
Hassan, she learned it at a Reiki Retreat. It is a very effective
technique that can be used to remove negative energies from
the aura. Have the persons back facing you. Press down on
the head, shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles with firmness
and intent, willing the person to be grounded. When I do this
I chant the Power Mantra. After you have pressed down on
the ankles, touch the floor to remove any energies from
yourself. Sweep from above their head to the ground three
times. Have them so a quarter turn, repeat the sweeping
again. Do this two more times, until the persons back is
facing you once again.

Group Distant Healing

1. Practitioners sit in a circle facing the center.
2. Visualize the Connection, Harmony, and Power
Symbol and use their mantras three times respectively.

3. The name, age, and any other information about the
person should be read aloud.
4. The Practitioners then Beam Reiki to the center of the

Reiki Box
1. Write or draw your intentions you wish to send Reiki
to on a piece of paper.
2. Place the paper in a non-metallic box and send Reiki to
the box everyday by holding it in your hands.
3. Remove the paper once the intention has been

Reiki List
Write down all of the people, places, situations or
intentions with as much known information as you can on a
piece of paper. Draw all the Symbols of over it and set the
intention that each person, place, thing, ect. receives a full
treatment when they are most open to it. Then send Reiki like
you would as if it were the Reiki box. At the end seal the
session with the Power Symbol.

Usui Master Mantra

Can be use before each treatment, distant healing and
attunement to strength the Reiki flow. It's a very powerful
technique and I recommend you to use whenever you can.
It's represent by the words USUI SOMA HUNG (sounds
like oosooee samham hum).
Nota Bene: I found this mantra online in one of the
multitude of Reiki manual web groups that I belong to. I have
used it in my personal practice even though it is not a part of
traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, it is a nice practice.

Scanningsee Byosen Reikan Ho

These are only a few of the many techniques that I have

found to be the most useful for anyone with level 2. If you
would like more techniques check out the book, The Reiki
Sourcebook by Bronwen and Frans Stiene.

Appendix 2 The Usui Memorial Stone


Memorial of the Benevolence of Usui Sensei,
founder of Reiho (Spiritual Method)
English Version, Copyright 2003 James Deacon
Translation (especially for by Jiro Kozuki
It is used with permission.
That which one attains within, as a result of disciplined
study and training, is called Virtue, and that which can be
offered to others by teaching, and methods of salvation is
called Distinguished Service. Only the person of high merit
and great virtue can be called a great foundering teacher.
Sages, philosophers, and brilliant men of old and the founders
of new teachings and new religions were all like that. Usui
Sensei can be counted among them. Usui Sensei developed
the method that would improve mind and body by using the
universal power. Having heard of his reputation, countless
people from all over gathered and asked him to teach them
the great way of the Spiritual Method, and to heal them.
His common name was Mikao and his other name was
Gyoho (Kyoho). He was born in the village of Taniai in the
Yamagata district of Gifu prefecture. His ancestor's name is
Tsunetane Chiba. His father's name was Taneuji, and was
commonly called Uzaemon. His mother's family name was
Sensei was born in the first year of the Keio period, called
Keio Gunnen (1865), on August 15th. He was a talented and
hard working student; his ability was far superior to his
fellows. When he had grown up, he travelled to Europe,
America and China to study. He wanted to be successful in
life, but couldn't achieve it. He worked hard but often he was

unlucky and in need. However he didn't give up and he
disciplined himself to study more and more.
One day he went to Kurama Yama to undergo rigourous
spiritual discipline. On the beginning of the 21st day,
suddenly he felt a large Reiki over his head. He attained an
enlightenment and at that moment he comprehended the
Spiritual Method. When he first used it on himself, it
produced beneficial results immediately. After that, he tried it
on his family. Since it was effective, he decided it was much
better to share it with the public than to keep this knowledge
solely for his own family. He opened a training centre in
Harajuku, Aoyama, Tokyo to teach and practice the Spiritual
Method in April of the 11th year of the Taisho period (1922).
Many people came from far and wide and asked for the
guidance and therapy, and even lined up outside of the

In September of the twelfth year of the Taisho period (1923),

there was a devastating earthquake. Everywhere there were
groans of pain from the injured. Usui Sensei felt pity for the
people, and took the Spiritual Method into the devastated city
and used its healing powers on the survivors, curing and
saving innumerable people.
This is just a broad outline of his relief activities during such
an emergency.
Later on, his training centre became too small. In February
of the 14th year of Taisho (1925 A.D.) he moved to a new
training centre in Nakano, outside Tokyo. Due to his
increased fame he was often invited to many places. Sensei,
accepting the invitations, went to Kure and then to Hiroshima
and Saga, and reached Fukuyama. It was during his stay in
Fukuyama that unexpectedly he became ill and died, aged
62*. It was March 9 of the 15th year of Taisho (1926 A.D.)
[*NOTE: According to the dates given, Usui Sensei would
have actually been 60 at the time of his death. However,

apparently there is an ancient Japanese tradition that a child is
considered to be 'one' at birth, and is seen as being a year
older at each new year, rather than the birthday that falls in
that year?? An alternative explanation for the discrepancy
could have something to do with the fact that, at the time of
Usui Sensei's birth, Japan used a different cylindrical system.
The change over to the 'western' system in 1873 may have led
to mistakes in the recording of exact dates of events in the
immediately preceding years??]
His wife was named Sadako, from the Suzuki family. A
boy and a girl were born. The boy's name was Fuji who
carried on the Usui family after his father's death. Sensei was
mild, gentle and modest by nature and he never behaved
ostentatiously. His was physically big and strong. He always
had a contented smile. However, in the face of adversity, he
sought a solution with determination and patience. He had
many talents and liked to read, and his knowledge of history,
medicine, psychology, divination, incantation, physiognomy
and Buddhist scriptures was great.
On reflection, the Spiritual Method not only cures
diseases, but also balances the spirit and makes the body
healthy using innate healing abilities, and so, helps achieve
So, when it comes to teaching, first let the student
understand the Meiji Emperor's admonitions; and let them
chant the Five Precepts mornings and evenings, and keep
them in mind:
Firstly: Don't get angry today, Secondly: Don't worry
today, Thirdly: Be grateful today, Fourthly: Work diligently
today , Fifthly: Be kind to others today.
These are truly great teachings for cultivation and
discipline in keeping with those great teachings of the ancient
sages and the wisemen. Sensei named these teachings the
Secret Method of Inviting Blessings and the Spiritual
Medicine to cure many diseases. Notice the outstanding
features of the teachings. Furthermore, when it comes to
teaching, it should be as simple as possible and not difficult to
understand. It is important to start from a place close to you.
Another noted feature is that while sitting in silent meditation
with your hands held in prayer and reciting the Five Precepts,
a pure and healthy mind will be cultivated. Its true value is in
daily practice. This is the reason why the Spiritual Method
became so popular.
Recently the state of the world has altered and peoples'
thoughts have changed a great deal. Hopefully, the spread of
this Spiritual Method will be of great help to people who have
a confused mind or who do not have morality. Surely it is not
only of benefit in curing chronic diseases and lingering
The number of students of Sensei's teaching is already
over 2,000. Among them, senior students who remained in
Tokyo are maintaining Sensei's training centre, and others in
different provinces also are trying to spread the Spiritual
Method as much as possible. Although Sensei died, the
Spiritual Method will continue to spread far and wide. Ah,
what a great thing Sensei has done, to have shared this
Spiritual Method with the people out there after having been
enlightened within!
Lately, many students came together and decided to erect
this memorial in the graveyard at Saihoji Temple in the
Toyotama district to honour his benevolence, and to spread
the Spiritual Method to the people in the future. I was asked
to write these words. As I deeply appreciate his work and am
pleased with the very friendly teacher-disciple relationships
among fellow students, I could not refuse the request, and I
wrote this summary in the hope that people will be reminded
to look up to him with reverence.

Composed by: Masayuki Okada, Doctor of Literature -

subordinate 3rd rank, 3rd Order of Merit.
Calligraphy by: Navy Rear Admiral Juzaburo Ushida -
subordinate 4th rank, 3rd Order of Merit, distinguished
service 4th class.
February, the 2nd year of Showa (1927 CE)

Appendix 3 Organizations
The Place for Reiki
Founder/Director: Bonnie J. Hassan, LSW, RMT, RKRM, SSRM
139 Steuden Street, Suite 100
Pittsburgh, Pa 15220
Office Phone: 412.920.2911
The Place for Reiki offers a variety of classes ranging from
Reiki 1 to Reiki Master, learning how to use a pendulum, past
life regression, group healing, and private Reiki sessions. The
Place for Reiki hosts a monthly Reiki Exchange for all
practitioners. Check the web page for more details and dates.
Three Rivers Yoga
Founders/Directors: Cindi and Robert Barton
1022 Fifth Avenue
Coraopolis, Pa 15108
Office Phone: 412.262.5445
Three Rivers Yoga offers not only daily yoga classes but
classes in Hindu practices and Reiki. Three Rivers Yoga offers
all day Reiki Exchanges, check their web page for more details
and dates.
Allegheny General Hospital Integrated
Medicines Department
320 East North Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pa 15212
Phone: 412.359.8951
Volunteer Office: 412. 359.3067
The AGH Integrated Medicines Department brings
complementary and alternative medicine to each patient.
Keystone Reiki
Founder/Director: Nancy R. Murray, Jane D. Critchfield,
Philip Buttenfield, LCSW, JD
935 Savannah Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pa 15221
Phone: 412.727.1731
Keystone Reiki is an alliance of local Reiki Practitioners
that host a monthly Reiki Exchange and Clinic once a month
at the Nuin Center in Highland Park.
International Association of Reiki Professionals
Post Office Box 6182
Nashua, NH 03063-6182
Phone: 603.881.8838
Fax: 603.882.9088
The IARP offers insurance and a global Reiki community
along with various products and seminar opportunities
around the world.
The International Center for Reiki Training
Founder/Director: William Lee Rand
21421 Hilltop Street, Unit #28
Southfield, Michigan 48034
Toll Free: 800.332.8112

Local: 248.948.8112
Fax: 248.948.9534
The ICRT offers Usui Shiki Ryoho, Usui/Tibetan, and
Karuna Reiki training around the world, along with an
accreditation program for Reiki Master/Teachers.
The Distant Healing Network (DHN)
Founder/Director: Elwin Reed
Recruiter: Karen Smith (
The DHN offers free distance Reiki to people around the
world. It is a wonderful opportunity to share Reiki with
people and practice using distance Reiki.
All Reiki Discussion List

Free Reiki Manuals

Reiki Attunement Share

Reiki Healing

Reiki Ideals

Reiki Manual Sharing

Reiki Revolution

Reiki Training List

The Gift of Reiki

A great way to find more organizations is to search on Yahoo!


Appendix 4 Usui/Hayashi Manual

This is the healing guide that was written by Dr.

Hayashi. The hand positions are much more complex in
comparison to the ones that were taught earlier and those
taught by Mrs. Takata. If you choice to use these hand
positions in your healing session, do worry or become
discouraged if you keep the book with you while you do the
session because of the complexity.

Chapter 1
1. Head; Brain Diseases, Headache
1. Front of jaw
2. Temples
3. Back of the head and back of the neck
4. Top of the head
(note) With any disease you can include head treatment as a
part of the disease treatment. In the case of headache, you
should treat very thoroughly the place on the head that is
2. Eyes; All kinds of eye diseases, conjunctivitis, trachoma,
leucoma, nearsightedness, trichiasis, ptosis, cataract,
glaucoma, etc.,
1. Eye balls
2. Inside corners of eyes
3. Outside corners of eyes
4. Back of the head
(note) Even though one eye has a problem, you treat both
eyes. You also treat the kidneys, liver, wombs, and ovaries.
3. Ears; All kinds of ear diseases, tympanitis, external otitis,
ringing ear, hard of hearing, etc.
1. Auditory canal
2. Depression just below the ears
3. High bone behind the ears
4. Back of the head
(note) Even though one ear has a problem you treat both ears.
In the case of diseases which follow colds, such as tympanitis
and parotitis, you must treat bronchi, and hilar lymph. Also
pay attention to the kidneys, wombs, and ovaries.
4. Teeth
1. In the case of a toothache, treat from the outside at
the root of the tooth.
5. Oral Cavity
1. Shut the mouth, and then treat the lips by holding
the palms on them.
(note) cf. Diseases of Digestive Organs
6. Tongue
1. Press on or pinch the diseased part of the tongue.
2. Treat the root of the tongue from outside the mouth.
(note) If you find this technique difficult, then press both
arches of the feet forward.
Chapter 2
Diseases of Digestive Organs
1. Stomatitis
1. Mouth
2. Esophagus
3. Stomach
4. Intestines
5. Liver
2. Thrush
1. Mouth
2. Tongue
3. Esophagus
4. Stomach
5. Intestines
6. Liver
7 Heart
8. Kidneys
(note) To heal the tongue, treat the arches of the feet.
3. Saliva
1. Mouth
2. Root of the tongue
3. Stomach
4. Intestines
5. Head
4. Esophagus Diseases; stricture of the esophagus, dilation of
the esophagus, esophagitis
1. Esophagus
2. Cardia (solar plexus)
3. Stomach
4. Intestines
5. Liver
6. Pancreas
7. Kidneys
8. Blood exchange
(note) In the case of esophagus cancer, the prognosis is most
likely not very good.

5. Stomach Diseases; acute and chronic gastritis, gastric
atony, gastric dilation, gastric ulcer, stomach cancer,
gastroptosis, neurologic stomach ache, neurologic
dyspepsia, gastrospasm
1. Stomach
2. Liver
3. Pancreas
4. Intestines
5. Kidneys
6. Spinal cord
7. Blood exchange
(note) If the condition of the cancer is obvious, the prognosis
is most likely not very good.
6. Intestine Diseases; intestinal catarrh, constipation,
appendicitis, vermiform process, ileus, invagination,
intestinal volvulus, intestinal bleeding, diarrhea
1. Stomach
2. Intestines
3. Liver
4. Pancreas
5. Kidneys
6. Heart
7. Blood exchange
8. Lumbar vertebrae
9. Sacrum
7. Liver Diseases; liver congestion, hyperemia, abscess,
sclerosis, hypertrophy, atrophy, jaundice, gallstone, etc.,
1. Liver
2. Pancreas
3. Stomach
4. Intestines
5. Heart
6. Kidneys
7. Blood exchange

(note) A few days after the treatment, gallstones will break
into pieces by themselves and will be eliminated from the
body. In the case of liver cancer, prognosis is most likely not
very good.
8. Pancreas Diseases; liver cyst, ptosis, hypertrophy, etc.
1. Pancreas
2. Liver
3. Stomach
4. Intestines
5. Heart
6. Kidneys
7. Blood exchange
(note) In the case of pancreas cancer, prognosis is most likely
not very good.
9. Peritoneum Diseases
1. Liver
2. Pancreas
3. Stomach
4. Intestines
5. Peritoneum area
6. Bladder
7. Heart
8. Kidneys
9. Blood exchange
(note) In the case of tuberculous diseases, treat the lung area.
10. Anal Diseases; hemorrhoid, inflammation of anus area,
open sores of anus area, bleeding piles, anal fistula,
prolapse of the anus
1. The affected part of anus
2. Coccyges
3. Stomach
4. Intestines

(note) In the case of anal fistula, do the same treatment as
intestinal and pulmonary tuberculosis.
Chapter 3
Respiratory Diseases
1. Nasal diseases; acute and chronic nasal catarrh,
hypertrophic and atrophic nasal catarrh
1. Nose
2. Throat
3. Bronchi
2. Maxillary Empyema
1. Nose
2. Depression of upper and front jaw
3. Chest
4. Throat
5. Kidneys
6. Stomach
7. Intestines
8. Blood exchange
3. Nosebleed (epistaxis)
1. Nasal bones
2. Back of the head
(note) If menstruation is late and nosebleed occurs, treat the
wombs and ovaries.
4. Sore Throat and Tonsillitis
1. Throat
2. Tonsil
3. Bronchi
4. Kidneys
5. Lungs
6. Stomach
7. Intestines
8. Head

(note) In the case of tonsillitis , treat the kidneys well.
5. Tracheitis and Bronchitis
1. Tracheas and bronchi
2. Lungs
3. Stomach
4. Intestines
5. Heart
6. Kidneys
7. Head
6. Pneumonia; catarrhalcroupous
1. Lungs
2. Bronchi
3. Heart
4. Liver
5. Pancreas
6. Stomach
7. Intestines
8. Kidneys
9. Blood exchange
7. Asthma; chronic and acute asthma
1. Bronchi
2. Lungs
3. Liver
4. Pancreas
5. Diaphragm
6. Stomach
7. Intestines
8. Kidneys
9. Head
10. Nose
11. Heart
(note) In the case of an acute attack, you may let your patient
sit up and treat them in this position.

8. Lung Diseases; pulmonary edema, abscess, pulmonary
tuberculosis, emphysema of lungs
1. Lung area
2. Heart
3. Liver
4. Pancreas
5. Stomach
6. Intestines
7. Bladder
8. Kidneys
9. Spinal cord
10. Head
(note) In the case of women regardless of their age , always
treat the wombs and the ovaries. Doing blood exchange is
effective, but do not do it with very weak and very sick
9. Pleura Diseases; both dry and moist
1. Chest area in general
2. Heart
3. Liver
4. Pancreas
5. Stomach
6. Intestines
7. Kidneys
8. Blood exchange
Chapter 4
Cardiovascular Diseases
1. Heart Diseases; endocarditis, heart valve diseases, various
symptoms of pericardium, various symptoms of the heart
itself, palpitation, angina pectoris, etc.,
1. Heart
2. Liver
3. Stomach
4. Intestines

5. Pancreas
6. Kidneys
7. Spinal cord
8. Blood exchange

2. Arteriosclerosis; aneurysm, cardiac asthma, etc.,

1. Same as treating heart problems
2. Bronchi and chest area
Chapter 5
Urinary Organ Diseases
1. Kidney Diseases; kidney congestion, anemia, atrophy,
sclerosis, hypertrophy, abscess, wandering kidney, pyelitis,
kidney stone, uremia, filariasis
1. Kidneys
2. Liver
3. Pancreas
4. Heart
5. Stomach
6. Intestines
7. Bladder
8. Head
9. Blood exchange
2. Cystitis; urinary retention, uremia, urgency, pain when
1. Kidneys
2. Bladder
3. Urethra
4. Prostate gland
5. Wombs
6. Same as treating kidney diseases
3. Enuresis
1. Bladder
2. Intestines
3. Stomach
4. Kidneys
5. Spinal cord
6. Head
7. Blood exchange

Chapter 6
Neurological Diseases
1. Cerebral anemia, cerebral hyperemia
1. Head
2. Heart
2. Hysteria
1. Wombs
2. Ovaries
3. Stomach
4. Intestines
5. Liver
6. Kidneys
7. Head
8. Eyes
9. Blood exchange
3. Nervous Breakdown, Insomnia
1. Stomach
2. Intestines
3. Liver
4. Pancreas
5. Kidneys
6. Eyes
7. Head
8. Blood exchange
(note) Be careful with maxillary empyema.
4. Meningitis
1. Head, mainly back of the head and back of the neck
(note) Mainly treat the head in order to heal the cause of the
disease, such as the nose, forehead, and inflammation of the
head; also in order to heal remote organs' diseases, such as
gastiritis and pneumonia caused by erysipelas. Same for
tuberculous one
5. Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis
1. Spinal cord
2. Back of the head and back of the neck
3. Heart
4. Stomach
5. Intestines
6. Liver
7. Kidneys
8. Bladder
(note) Mainly treat the spinal cord, back of the head and back
of the neck
6. Myelitis
1. Spinal cord in general
2. Stomach
3. Intestines
4. Liver
5. Bladder
6. Kidneys
7. Head
8. Blood exchange
7. Cerebral Hemorrhage, intracerebral bleeding, cerebral
thrombosis, etc.,
1. Head
2. Heart
3. Kidneys
4. Stomach
5. Intestines
6. Liver
7. Spinal cord
8. Paralyzed area
8. Polio
1. Spinal cord
2. Stomach
3. Intestines
4. Kidneys
5. Sacrum
6. Paralyzed area
7. Head
8. Blood exchange
9. Neuralgia; Palsy, Neural spasticity, Migraine
1. Affected area
2. Liver
3. Pancreas
4. Stomach
5. Intestines
6. Kidneys
7. Head
8. Spinal cord
9. Blood exchange
(note) Pay attention to the womb and ovaries.
10. Beriberi
1. Stomach
2. Intestines
3. Heart
4. Liver
5. Pancreas
6. Kidneys
7. Paralyzed or edematous area
8. Blood exchange
11. Graves' disease
1. Womb
2. Ovaries
3. Stomach
4. Intestines
5. Liver
6. Pancreas
7. Heart
8. Thyroid
9. Eyes
10. Kidneys
11. Spinal cord
12. Blood exchange
12. Epilepsy
1. Liver
2. Pancreas
3. Head
4. Stomach
5. Intestines
6. Kidneys
7. Spinal cord
8. Blood exchange
13. Convulsion
1. Liver
2. Stomach
3. Intestines
4. Kidneys
5. Spinal cord
6. Shoulders
7. Arms
8. Elbow joint area
9. Wrist
10. Head
14. Chorea
1. Liver
2. Stomach
3. Intestines
4. Kidneys
5. Spinal cord
6. Spastic area at the legs and arms
7. Head
8. Blood exchange
15. Sea Sick
1. Stomach
2. Solar plexus
3. Head
16. Food poisoning
1. Stomach
2. Solar plexus
3. Liver
4. Pancreas
5. Intestines
6. Heart
7. Kidneys
8. Head
9. Blood exchange
Chapter 7
Infectious Disease
1. Typhoid; Paratyphy
1. Liver
2. Pancreas (spleen)
3. Stomach
4. Intestines
5. Heart
6. Kidneys
7. Spinal cord
8. Head
2. Dysentery; Cholera, childrens dysentery and others
1. Stomach
2. Intestines

3. Liver
4. Pancreas
5. Kidneys
6. Heart
7. Head
8. Blood exchange
3. Measles
1. Throat
2. Trachea
3. Bronchi
4. Stomach
5. Intestines
6. Heart
7. Kidneys
8. Spinal cord
9. Head
4. Scarlet Fever
1. Throat
2. Chest
3. Kidneys
4. Stomach
5. Intestines
6. Bladder
7. Head
8. Blood exchange
5. Varicella
1. Stomach
2. Intestines
3. Kidneys
4. Blood exchange
5. Affected area
6. Head

6. Influenza
1. Nose
2. Throat
3. Trachea
4. Bronchi
5. Lungs
6. Liver
7. Pancreas
8. Stomach
9. Intestines
10. Kidneys
11. Head
12. Blood exchange
7. Whooping Cough
1. Nose
2. Throat
3. Bronchi
4. Apex of the lungs
5. Stomach
6. Intestines
7. Kidneys
8. Blood exchange
8. Diphtheria
1. Throat
2. Trachea
3. Nose
4. Lungs
5. Heart
6. Liver
7. Stomach
8. Intestines
9. Kidneys
10. Blood exchange

9. Malaria
1. Pancreas (spleen)
2. Liver
3. Heart
4. Stomach
5. Intestines
6. Kidneys
7. Spinal cord
8. Blood exchange
10. Tetanus
1. Jawbone
2. Back of head
3. Throat
4. Lungs
5. Affected area
6. Stomach
7. Intestines
8. Kidneys
9. Spinal cord
(note) In the case of puerperal tetanus, treat the womb. In the
case of primary child, treat the navel.
11. Articular Rheumatism, Muscular Rheumatism
1. Affected area
2. Heart
3. Chest
4. Liver
5. Pancreas
6. Stomach
7. Intestines
8. Kidneys
9. Spinal cord
10. Head

12. Rabies
1. Affected area
2. Heart
3. Liver
4. Kidneys
5. Stomach
6. Intestines
7. Spinal cord
8. Throat
9. Head
10. Blood exchange
Chapter 8
Whole Body Diseases
1. Anemia, Leukemia, Scorbutus
1. Heart
2. Liver
3. Pancreas
4. Stomach
5. Intestines
6. Kidneys
7. Spinal cord
8. Blood exchange
2. Diabetes
1. Liver
2. Pancreas
3. Heart
4. Stomach
5. Intestines
6. Bladder
7. Kidneys
8. Head
9. Spinal cord
10. Blood exchange

3. Dermatological Diseases
1. Stomach
2. Intestines
3. Liver
4. Kidneys
5. Affected area
6. Blood exchange
4. Obesity (Adiposis)
The same as diabetes.
5. Scrofula
1. Affected area
2. Stomach
3. Intestines
4. Liver
5. Heart
6. Chest
7. Kidneys
8. Spinal cord
9. Blood exchange
Chapter 9
Other Diseases
1. Infantile Convulsion
1. Heart
2. Head
3. Stomach
4. Intestines
2. Syphilis in infants
1. Affected area
2. Head
3. Intestines
3. Wrong position of fetus
1. Womb

4. Pregnancy
If you treat the womb continually, the growth of fetus
is healthy.
5. Delivery
1. Sacrum
2. Lumbar spine
(note) If you treat these areas, after twelve labor pains the
baby will be born very easily. If you keep on treating these
areas after the birth of the baby, the afterbirth will be easy as
6. Death of Fetus
1. If you treat the womb, the dead fetus will naturally
come out on the same day or the next day.
7. Cessation of Mother's Milk
If you treat around the breast and mammary gland, the
mother will soon start having milk.
8. Morning Sickness
1. Womb
2. Stomach
3. Solar plexus
4. Intestines
5. Kidneys
6. Head
7. Spinal cord
9. Erysipelas
1. Affected area
2. Stomach
3. Intestines
4. Liver
5. Heart
6. Kidneys
7. Spinal cord
8. Blood exchange
10. HyperhiDr.osis
1. Kidneys
2. Affected area
3. Blood exchange
11. Burn
Put one hand one or two inches away from the affected
area. When the pain is gone, put the hand on this area.

12. Cut by a Sword

Treat as you press the cut with a thumb or a palm to
prevent bleeding.
13. Unconsciousness; by falling, an electric shock. etc.,
1. *Katsu
2. Heart
3. Head
14. Drowning
1. Let the patient throw up water
2. *Katsu
3. Heart
4. Head
15. Menopause, Period Pains
1. Womb
2. Ovaries
3. Cranium
16. Hiccup
1. Diaphragm
2. Liver
3. Pancreas
4. Kidneys
5. Stomach
6. Intestines
7. Spinal cord
8. Head
17. Stuttering
1. Throat
2. Head
3. Singing practice
Practice Song
1. Mukou no Koike ni "Dojo" ga sanbiki nyoro-nyoro
to. (There are three loaches wiggling in the pond over there.)

2. Oya ga Kahyo nara ko ga Kahyo. Ko-Kahyo ni

Mago-Kahyo. (The parent is Kahyo, his child is Kahyo. Son,
Kahyo and grandson, Kahyo.)
(note) Those who can sing songs can be healed.
18. Pain at the tip of fingers
1. Affected area
19. Vomiting
1. Stomach
2. Solar plexus
3. Liver
4. Spinal cord at the back of stomach
5. Head
6. Kidneys
20. Splinter
1. Affected area
(note) When the pain leaves, the splinter comes back. You pull
the splinter out at this moment.
21. Gonorrhea
1. Urethra
2. Hui-Yin
3. Bladder
4. Wombs
(note) If it is orchitis, apply your hand lightly on the testicles.
22. Spasm of Pain, Stomach Cramps
1. Stomach
2. On the back at the stomach
3. Liver
4. Kidneys
5. Intestines
6. Head
23. Hernia
As you touch the affected area lightly, it will contract
by itself. Treat stomach and intestines.
(Translation Footnote)
*Katsu, A technique to revive those who lost consciousness.
Blood Exchange, Ketsueki-Kokan. It is a technique to get rid
of dirty blood, or dirty substances from the body. You stroke
along the back bone of the patient from neck downward. (See
the Finishing Technique in Appendix 1, Western Techniques.)
This new information supplied by Dr. Hayashi can be
used in your individual healing sessions by spending extra
time at the positions that relate to the illness or you can go to
them after the full session is done. An alternate idea is to do
the head positions and then the positions listed in the Dr.
Hayashi manual, in place of the normal hand positions.

About the Author:
Anthony Crisafio, RM is a certified Reiki Master in the
Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition. He took his Reiki 1, Advanced
Reiki Training, and Reiki Master training from Cindi Barton,
Reiki Master Teacher and his Reiki 2 training from Bonnie J.
Hassan, LSW, RMT, RKRM, SSRM. He began practicing Reiki in
2005, when he was sixteen years old. He is the founder and
director of the virtual Reiki Group Anthony's Reiki House.
Aside from is work as a volunteer Reiki Healer and Group
Leader with the Distant Healing Network, he spends his free
time reading, as a Tarot consultant and a volunteer with local
Reiki programs. He plans to go on to obtain a doctorate in
clinical psychology.
He maintains two Reiki lineages. He received his first
Reiki Master's attunement in 2005 via a distance attunement.
His lineage is Mikao Usui, Chujiro Hayashi, Hawayo Takata,
Phyllis Lei Furumoto, Carell Ann Farmer, Leah Smith,
William Lee Rand, Nita Macanu, Nina Butnaru, Cristian
Ionescu. He received his second Reiki Master's attunement in
2006 via a hands-on attunement from Cynthia Barton. This
lineage is Mikao Usui, Chujiro Hayashi, Hawayo Takata,
Phyllis Lei Furumoto, Carell Ann Farmer, Leah Smith,
William Lee Rand, Jan Ennes, Sister Ann Winter, OSU, Sister
Mary Jo Mattes, OSF, Cynthia Barton. (Mr. Rand has multiple
lineages, see his web page


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