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Lecture 2
Signals example
Mathematical representation
Types of Signals
A system can be defined as a physical arrangement that performs
an operation on a signal.
For examples:

Filter: Used to reduce the noise and interference corrupting a desired
information-bearing signal
Modulator: Used to modulate a signal for the purpose of adding
information to a high frequency carrier signal
Converter: Converts from analog-to-digital (A/D) and also digital-to-
analog (D/A)
Signal Processing Signal
When signal is passed through a system then the system is
basically processed.
In other words, the operations which are performed by
system are usually referred to as signal processing.
Processing means operating in some fashion on a signal to
extract some useful information e.g. we use our ears as
input device and then auditory pathways in the brain to
extract the information.
Types of Signal Processing
The signal processing operations involved in many applications like
communication systems, control systems, instrumentation, biomedical signal
processing etc. can be implemented in two different ways

Analog or continuous time method

Digital or discrete time method..
Analog Signal Processing (ASP)
Here, analog signals are processed directly by appropriate
analog systems for the purpose of changing their
characteristics or extracting some desired information.
ASP techniques are sensitive to component tolerance
(Capacitors have high tolerances) which make it extremely
difficult to control the accuracy of the ASP system.
It is difficult to store an analog signal for a long time
without loss of information and it is also not
Reconfiguration of an analog system requires a redesign
of the hardware. It doesnt allow the implementation of
more sophisticated signal processing algorithms.
Sometimes implementation of hardware in ASP system
becomes more costly.
Analog vs. Digital Signal Processing
Analog Digital
Uses analog circuit elements such as The word digital in digital signal processing
resistors, capacitors, transistors, diodes means that the processing is done either
etc. by a digital hardware or by a digital

Based on natural ability of the analog Relies on numerical calculations

system to solve differential equations that
describe a physical system

Most signal processing operations are both time domain and frequency domain
usually carried out in the time domain. applications are employed.

Examples: Filters, Frequency analyzer or Examples: Filtering, Smoothing, Spectrum

modulator Analysis, Digitization, Modulation,
Advantages of DSP over Analog Signal

Digital processing is insensitive to component tolerances, aging,

environmental conditions, electromagnetic interference
DSP Application Areas
DSP Application Areas
DSP Application Areas
Types of Filter
There are two types of filters:
Analog Filter
Digital Filter
Differences between Analog & Digital Filter
Review of Analog Signal
Summary for Fourier Series
Elementary Continuous Time Signals

Energy & Power Signals:

When E = finite and P= 0, Signal is an energy signal.

When P = finite and E = Infinite, Signal is a power
Elementary of Continuous Time Signals
Unit Step :

Unit Pulse/ Rectangular:

Different types of Continuous Time Signals
Signum Function:
Different types of Continuous Time Signals
Unit Impulse:

Unit Ramp:
Different types of Continuous Time Signals
Multichannel Signal:
Signal generation is usually associated with a system that
responds to a stimulus or force. The stimulus in combination with
the system is called a signal source. Example: speech source,
image source, etc.
Signals can be generated by multiple sources or multiple sensors.
Such signals can be represented in vector form.
Example: Let S(t) is a signal, where x = 1,2,3 which indicates that
signals from the x sources/sensors are the function of time and
can be represented as follows,
1 ()
3 = 2 ()
3 ()
This type of signals are called multichannel signals.
Different types of Continuous Time Signals
Multidimensional Signal:
If the signal is a function of a single independent variable, signal is
said to be one-dimensional signal. Similarly, If the signal is a
function of multiple independent variables, signal is said to be
multi-dimensional signal.

Example: A three channel, three dimensional signal can be

represented by the vector,
1 (, , )
, , = 2 (, , )
3 (, , )

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