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FILE 1 ei 1A . 1 ENGLISHCIUE JHIRDEDITIONSUPPER INTERMEDIATE Pera a yy eal lee (-10 <1) he, his their hers his, me their, Ours your, mine ny her us her his, him 2a Tests a She sentitto me, Thought them for my mother He found them for me, ‘My boyfriend emailed them tome, Iwor't lend it to him. My daughter made it for me. ‘She showed itto me My parents are gertingit for me. Will you read ie to the children? A colleague sold them to me. China is further ease than India She's much friendlier than, tn her sister ie London is much busier than Oxford. . v 2B Expensive phones are not al sore reliable than cheap v v 3 My friends areall excited about ou holiday 4 v ‘Thisis the most tired I've ever 5 fel. friendlier assunny more difficult the most expensive as stressful better narrower as good FILE 2 Do...prefer Ave..-thinking don't need leaves don’thave, doesn't matter is...going,'s going, needs is learning, seems ae...waiting, 'm waiting, ‘re going v Thave to Pm leaving Pm getting rakes Tm staying I'm meeting Twant I'm thinking visit Pm travelling Tmreally looking ‘The children’s school tuiforms are blue and white, Whose party was beter, Chris's | Chris'or Lisa's? 1'm going to my parents for dinner conight Liz's and Tom's parents hhaven't met each other yet. My brothers’ wives are good friends My doctor's advice isto get more exercise James and Sarah's mother is 50 help English File thi ecition Upperdintermediate Entry Checker answer key 10 Boovousune 1 Does this shop sell both ‘men’s and women’s clothing? rm géing to the chemist’s to get my cables. ‘The town’s only baker's is ‘opposite my fat My friend's puppy making her own, the roof of our hotel my own the name ofthe street ‘Mateand Jen's ‘my husband's parents’ son of yours back of he plane friend of mine FILE 3 3A a ‘were driving, jumped didn'ruse eo ve ‘was stil eating, arrived Did you go used to hate used to have stayed was listening, didn't hear was studying didn’t use to have, knew v Where did they go on holiday last week? He grew up in India, but he lives in France now, v Did you go outlast night? v Tnever worked very hard in iy last job. Did you find it hard to geea job after university? v ‘My parents moved to Italy when they retired, © oxsoRo Less pess 2014 3B boy dese FILE 6 a 3. sitdown 6A 2 across Ae 3 onto fork a1 mustn't 4 down aera 2 havero 5 along 7 we 3° don't have to, should 6 into ao 4 mustn't 7 in eae 5 dida'tneed to 8 towards 10° didu'ctive 6 ought ro 9 over 7 needn't 10 under 8 shoulda 11 inside FILE 5 9 doesn’t have ro 2 y 10 don't needro ° 5A b 1 ouster bot have : a 1 three months aa i wales pea 2 ought needs ao 3 she's never been 3) mos 4 oft + heweostetetay 4 shoulda’ 5 ina Saeed 5 needn't shouldn't 6 with ene 6 oughta 7 on ie 7 smusta't 8 fr eae 8 don't 9) for, about een 9° should 10 of, about 0 ye 10 had b 1 did._sear, ve only been 6B FILE 4 2 Did...hear, have...heard, ee Sh a 1 Shecansing A jusesaw n oA 3. Did...see, only watched 2 Twasn’t able to speak, a1 Tmgoing ovis, 7 4 ‘sbroken did” happen Teoulda' speak 2 Vm going co meet fm oe 37 mesrng Has...already started, went 4 Lean'tgo 3 v,tihelp Hae ees 5 eould speak French 4 “Tp 8 have...lived, moved ea 5 Miudy 7 They can'tbe athome - 8 Canyou hel bot ‘ger B sy 2 Write ; ’ a1 K,Nebeen trying wy 3 'mgoing to take 2 C,'sbeen learning 4 Shall..go,'mgoing o buy 3. Bivebeen eating b 1 beingableso 5 shall, "cake 4 Govebocrtnnking 2 could [were ableto § shall.go 5 Fvebeen drinking 3 cant 7 are going vomake | 6 H,"vebeen looking 4 Could Can will...make, ll order, ’m going 7 reborn ising 5. beableto toorder ra 6 wereableto 8 A,"vebeen wearin 8 by 9. Desteen tang 7 beenableto 10 _J, 'vebeen practising ee 4B 9 wvasableto ; Bb 1 Mebeen studying 10 couldn’s weren't ableto ay Td 2° She's leaving Ate 3 Weve been working a 4 they're staying ¢ cea S Itried eee 6 he'straveling ce aaa 7 Tvebeen thinking 7 waildate 8 I've been watching ‘BT itr 9 I've been waiting 9 hell been ws oo 10 Were eating Engh thd eon Upper intermediate ry Cece noes toy ecoworounversrveness2oxs ER FILE 7 x > took ie back picking me up Y send ieback asked fora large coffee v fillicin sec ofFat 8.00 switch it off take after your father pick him up paid me back / paid irback don't get on with them ‘was looking forward to it fallen ouc with her setitup tied them on looking for them Jook after her pur them away 1 go 2 writing 3° spending 4 visit, 10 show 5 cooking, vo make 6 speaking, writing 7 norrouse 8 tobuy 9 imagine, or having 0. dancing 1 working a the bakery 2 snowing today 3 obook the tickets 4° wvisiehim 5 meto enter the competition 6 hergoto the party 7 metotake her to Disney World 8 doing the housework 9 going to Paris next weekend (0 practising che guitar English Fle tied ection Upperintermes 8B Sewrvanee 3 ‘She had a new dress made . yesterday. Has your grandfather ever c hhad his ears vested? Weare having our carpets 6 cleaned next week. You should have your hair cut F more often. ‘They need to have their 8 windows cleaned. 9 Tam going to have my hair 10 dyed. Weare having our invitations ‘made professionally. | We are having our invitations professionally made. 9A ‘They had abeautiful birthday a1 cake made for her. Thad my teeth checked last 2 month, He is having his house a repainted 4 Sample answers He needs to have hs photo 5 taken, ‘They should have cheir car cleaned. 6 She shaving her roof repaired. He ought to have his windows 7 replaced. ‘They had a new house built 8 last year. Heishavinga suit madein 9 Hong Kong. She doesn't want (to have) her hair cut, 10 ‘They might have a new bathroom putin. have been written had been taken [was being taken arebeing built is visited was completed was being used being told tobe closed begiven berold vas opened yesterday ccan be found in the library ‘was given in 1863 (by Martin Luther King, J) ‘must not be used during the going to be invited to her wedding been changed by all his should be taken three timesa day will, .be opened hhad to be cancelled ase night hhad been stolen FILE 9 He said (that) he'd Forgotten where he parked the ca. She said (tha) she couldn't ‘remember her password. My sister said (thar) she ‘would probably be bie late They said (that) they hada't met his new girlfviend yer. She told me (that) the lesson ‘wouldn't be finished before 9.00, They told us (that) they couldn't afford co buy anorher She said (that) she had to be hhome by midnight. He said (that) she didn’t like her new job. They told me (that) they hoped Iwould visirhem one day. She tole me (that) her friends were coming round that night. oxo verry Pres 2024 They cold us nor to forget to bring our cameras, 2. She asked him f/ whether he had had a good fight. a 3. Heasked usif whether we al ‘would watch the match that night. : 4 Shetold metotakea seat. 5 They asked me where had 3 gone to school. 6 Sheasked her how old her ‘ daughter was 7 She asked him to teach her _ some Japanese / if | whether he could teach her some a Japanese. 5 8 Heasked meif) whether | hrad seen the film before. 9. Heeasked him if / whether . he was playing football hat night. 9 10 Shetold me to remember to call her when J arrived. ty bi 9B 2 @ 1 didn’t remember, had been 5 2 hoped, had done 4 3. had read, didn’t want 5 4 told, hadn't visited é 5 went, had bought 7 6 hadn't finished, had to 8 7 said, had known 9 8 had been, discovered 10 9 asked, had heard 10 didn'treceive, had moved 10B b 1 wouldn't have met, hadn't - gone 2 2 would...have done, had A missed : 3, Rad woke up, woods have a 4 hadn't boughe, would have been able 0 7 5 would have got, had called 6 had been offered, would. 8 have taken 3 7 had told, would have made a 8 hadn't forgotten, would have u gone a2 9) would have helped, had asked 3 10 wouldn' have felt, hadn't te stayed fa v7 18 19 20 English File third ection Upper-intermediate Entry Checker answer key FILE 10 b 1 ‘vebeen dancing 2 was paid 3 had remembered 4 have had She was sillsleeping when 5 could afford arrived. 6 don'tneed They were late because they 7 hasbeen ableto ride bicycle had gotlost. 8 ought to apply ‘We don'thave to goto work ihe eee oe comorrov 10 useto play any sports Nobody had been told about hi see the meeting. 12 isvisited Why don’eyou wane 0 g0 13 allowed me to take shopping? 14 don’thave to He shaving diner atthe 15 had already started Weare going to have our ‘windows cleaned, How come she hasn't been to visie you yet? Thaven't been to Australia because [hate long flights. Where has he been living? were, has Did, had, Is, wasn’t hrasn't, don’t Does, doesn’t has, hasn’e Do, don't, haven't have, "re don't, didn't, was Have, don't "vebeen packing didn'c know . thought ‘deold “mgoing are...going todo [ doing | will. .do ‘'m going to teach | reaching / ‘teach fel [’m feeling ‘Whave ae. leaving [do could “vealready made told “re going / were going spending haven't seen have /"Whave leave (© OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2014 =

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