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Room on the Broom

By: Julia Donaldson

Illustrations by:___________________

There once was a witch who had a pet ________. They loved to fly on
her broom.

One day as they were flying, the wind was blowing so hard that the
witch lost her _____________. Thankfully, the ______ helped her
find it. Then he hopped on the broom with the witch and the cat.

A little later, the wind was still blowing and the witch lost
her__________. As they searched down below, a ________ found the

bow and hopped on the broom with the witch, the cat, and the dog .

As they flew on, still the wind was blowing, and the witch lost her
__________. Down to the ground they went to find it. They searched
and they searched but couldnt find it. Then a _________ appeared
holding her wand. Then he hopped on the broom with the witch, the
cat, the dog, and the bird, and they flew off.

As they were flying, suddenly, THE BROOM SNAPPED IN TWO!

The dog, the cat, and the frog fell into a bog. While the witchs half
broomstick flew into a loud cloud.

The appeared a mean ______________. He said Im going to eat

you! The witch tried to get away, but couldnt. Then out of the bog
appeared a terrible beast who yelled That witch belongs to me! The
scared dragon dropped the witch and flew away.

Then down came the bird, the frog, the cat, and the dog. Thank you,
oh thank you! cried the witch. I would have been the dragons dinner if
it werent for all of you!

Then the witch filled up her _________, and said everyone throw
something in. The frog found a ___________, the bird found a
__________, the dog found a ______________, and the cat found a
______________. They threw them all in and the witch muttered a
spell Iggety, ziggety, zaggety, ZOOM!

Then appeared a new _________________. It had seats for the
____________, the ___________, the _________________, a nest
for the ______________, and a pool for the ______________.


They all climbed on, and whoosh! They were gone!


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