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follow us: august 27, 2017 Delhi

City Edition 42 pages O 15.00

Printed at . Che n n a i . Coim b ato r e . Be n g a luru . Hy de r a b a d . M a d u r a i . No i da . V i s a k h a pat n a m . Th i ru va n a n t h a pu r a m . Ko ch i . V i j ayawa da . Ma ng a lu ru . Ti ru c h i r a pa l l i . Ko l k ata . Hu b b a l l i . Mo h a l i . Ma l a p p u r a m . M u m b a i . Ti ru pat i . lu c k now

500 cr. relief for
flood-hit Bihar
HC slams Khattars surrender to vote bank
Prime Minister Narendra
Modi on Saturday conducted Modi PM of country and not his party, says court; Haryana and Punjab officials told to identify assets of Dera Sacha Sauda for attachment
an aerial survey of flood-
affected districts of Bihar and Vikas Vasudeva
announced a package of
500 crore as immediate
relief to the state. He also
A day after deadly violence
claimed 31 lives and left over
Kill him, kill him,
declared that 2 lakh each
would be given to the kin of
those who have died in the
250 injured in Haryana, the
Punjab and Haryana High
Court on Saturday came
screamed Premis
floods, and that a Central down heavily on the Mano- Ashok Kumar
team would soon visit the har Lal Khattar-led BJP gov- SIRSA
affected areas to assess the ernment, calling its inaction On Friday afternoon, it
damage. a political surrender to al- was a near-death
lure vote bank. experience for two
A full Bench of the court, journalists from a private
comprising acting Chief news channel.
Justice S.S. Saron and Rakesh Kumar, 44, a Narrow escape: Rakesh
Justices Avneesh Jhingan and principal correspondent Kumar, right, and
Surya Kant, was hearing a with PTC News, and his Shapinder Singh in
Public Interest Litigation pe- cameraman, Shapinder Sirsa on Saturday. *

tition filed by a Panchkula Singh, 23, were SUSHIL KUMAR VERMA

resident, raising law and or- surrounded by a mob of
der concerns as a large num- around 40 Dera followers behind in the hope of
ber of people had reportedly armed with sticks, iron getting some exclusive
entered the district, despite rods, and other sharp- footage. Little did they
prohibitory orders. edged weapons. While realise that the decision
INSIDE This was political sur-
render to allure vote bank,
Mr. Kumar escaped with
a fractured arm, Mr.
would nearly cost them
their lives. When they
SECTION 1 they [the Dera followers] Singh lost his camera. finally started for the city
were outsiders, you allowed They consider around 4 p.m. (the Dera
5Ws Explainer them to enter and stay, the themselves lucky to have is around 14 km from
A page 12
CCCCCCCCCCCCCC court remarked. survived to tell the tale. Sirsa city), a mob
ColumnWidth surrounded their car
A page 13
Build-up ignored SUNDAY SPECIAL outside Purana Dera,
Asking how the State govern- Taking precautions: Soldiers on full alert amid a curfew near the Dera Sacha Sauda in Sirsa on Saturday. * PTI the smaller and older
Science & Technology
ment had not taken notice of It all happened around Dera about 3 km from the
A page 14
CCCCCCCCCCCCCC the build-up of Dera sup- ence was a matter of the ever, till then, no properties serious cognisance of yester- quantum of sentence against an hour after the CBI main one. Some men in
Being porters in Panchkula, the State, said: The Prime Min- of the Dera Sacha Sauda days violence and said the Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gur- court in Panchkula the mob wanted to
A page 15 court in the backdrop of ister is PM of the country shall be sold, transferred, ali- loss due to the violence is a meet Ram Rahim Singh, who delivered its verdict, search the car to
Mr. Khattars alleged state- and not of particular party... enated or encumbered in loss to the nation and the was convicted for rape on holding Dera Sacha establish their identity.
A page 16
ment on Friday that anti-so- Is Punjab and Haryana not a any manner, said the order. taxpayer. This loss will be Friday. The court notified Sauda chief Gurmeet Even before I could
CCCCCCCCCCCCCC cial elements had created part of India? compensated by those re- the jail as a place of sitting Ram Rahim Singh guilty react, one of them yelled
SECTION 2 the problem remarked: If The court, as an interim Application for damage sponsible for it, said Punjab of the CBI court for the pur- of rape. Fearing a that he had seen me
the Chief Minister was aware measure, directed the The court said the Deputy Advocate-General Atul pose of hearing of quantum backlash, nearly all reporting from outside
A page 5
of the presence of anti-social Deputy Commissioners in Commissioners in Haryana Nanda. of sentence. journalists, who had the Dera. Once they
CCCCCCCCCCCCCC elements, why the govern- Haryana and Punjab to and Punjab shall invite ap- The Dera chief is lodged camped in the media realised we were
Framed ment was not able to prevent identify the assets and prop- plications for claims for Fly CBI judge to jail in Rohtak jail, and the wing of the Dera journalists, they began to
A page 6&7
their entry for the past seven erties of the Dera Sacha damage caused to public and The court also ordered the quantum of sentence will be headquarters, sneaked attack us. They pulled me
days? Sauda and submit a list of private properties, which Haryana administration to announced on Monday. away minutes before the and my cameraman out
Open Page
A page 13
The court, while remark- the same to the court for shall be verified and forwar- make arrangements to take CONTINUED ON A PAGE 10 judgement was of the car, Mr. Kumar
CCCCCCCCCCCCCC ing on the statement of Addi- attachment. ded to the court through the CBI judge Jagdeep Singh and HARYANA BRACES FOR MONDAY; announced. said.
tional Solicitor-General The list should include offices of the Advocate-Gen- two of his staff members to DERA HEAD TREATED LIKE Mr. Kumar and Mr.
Satya Pal Jain (representing assets, incomes, bank ac- erals of Punjab and Haryana. the Rohtak district jail by air OTHER CONVICTS; KHATTAR Singh, however, stayed CONTINUED ON A PAGE 10
the Centre) that Fridays viol- counts and properties. How- The Bench has taken a for pronouncing the WILL STAY, SAYS BJP A PAGE 11

Qureshi held for money-laundering

Special Correspondent Bureau of Investigation. which constitute omission
NEW DELHI The CBI has accused and commission on the part
The Enforcement Director- Qureshi of accepting money of certain public servants
ate (ED) has arrested meat from several people for get- holding high positions in col-
exporter Moin Akhtar Qure- ting them favours from pub- lusion with Qureshi. Huge
shi, a childhood friend of lic servants and politicians amount of illegal money was
former CBI Director A.P. holding key posts in the gov- found to have been trans-
Singh, on money-laundering ernment. acted, said the ED.
charges in a case registered During investigation,
against them by the Central certain facts have emerged CONTINUED ON A PAGE 10 Army jawans take position following a terror attack in
Pulwama on Saturday. NISSAR AHMAD

8 security men killed

in JeM attack in J&K
Forces gun down the three militants
Peerzada Ashiq the police] were killed as
Srinagar one block caught fire in the
Eight security personnel exchange of fire. The
and three militants were trapped security personnel
killed when militants of the could not manage to leave
Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mo- the complex. We tried to
hammad ( JeM) stormed the send fire tenders with lad-
heavily fortified District Po- ders to evacuate them but
lice Lines premises in Pul- the militants fired upon
wama in a pre-dawn attack them too, a police officer
on Saturday. The operation said.
continued till late in the The militants showered
evening. bullets and hurled grenades
The bodies of two milit- as they entered the building.
ants were recovered. The We evacuated 40 to 50
third militant was trapped families from the premises
in another building, said where the gunfight was on,
Jammu and Kashmir DGP said Muhammad Aslam,
S.P. Vaid. Supreintendent of Police,
The militants stormed the Pulwama.
Special Operation Group One policeman was killed
building, housing the police during the evacuation of the
arm that deals with counter- stranded families.
insurgency operations, by Top counter-insurgency
scaling a wall close to orch- officials told The Hindu that
ards at the extreme end of these militants seemed from
the sprawling premises a freshly infiltrated group.
around 3.45 a.m. There were inputs about
Two multi-storey blocks the presence of a new group
were blasted by the security that has infiltrated from the
agencies to flush out the Poonch side. The group
well-trained and highly stayed in Shopians Kee-
motivated militants. There hgam village before heading
was pressure to wind up for Pulwama. These were
[the] operation fast as loc- highly trained militants and
als had started assembling apparently carried weapons
near the site and hurling to fire grenades too, said
stones constantly, but the another police official.
operation lasted the whole JeM spokesman Hasan
day. Two trapped SPOs and Shah said that its men had
one orderly employee [of carried out the attack.



AAP to crack down on surge pricing Kin deny Blue Whale
Transport Minister to preside over meetings to decide on a cap on maximum fare that can be charged
link to teenagers fall
Say he felt dizzy and fell off 4th floor

> consciousness,
After regaining
Hemani Bhandari
Amit Shah event in NEW DELHI
west Delhi cancelled After initial reports regard-
was asking us what
NEW DELHI ing a Class XI student who
BJP president Amit Shahs was found on the street be- happened, how he
event in west Delhi on hind his residential building reached the
Saturday was cancelled in in Ashok Vihar suggested hospital
view of prohibitory orders a suicide attempt, his family Ritu Agarwal
here in the wake of violence has now claimed that he fell Mother of Kush
and arson in neighbouring off the building after feeling
State of Haryana over Dera dizzy. Kush Agarwal (16), a ing the game. What has
chief Guru Ram Rahims student of Montfort School, come to the notice on pre-
conviction in a rape case. Mr. was found on the street after liminary investigation is that
Shah was to deliver an allegedly falling off the he was earlier studying in
address on 'Sabka Saath fourth floor of a building Bal Bharti School and had
Sabka Vikas' at the event in where he resided on the recently moved to Montfort.
Raja Garden. PTI third floor. The incident He wasnt able to cope with
happened around 4:30 p.m. new friends, Deputy Com-
on August 16. missioner of Police (North-
One killed in road West) Milind Mahadeo
accident on expressway Favourite spot Dumbere had said.
GREATER NOIDA He never attempted sui- The mother, however,
One person was killed and cide. He had gone to sit on claimed that the boy doesnt
another injured in a tractor- Taken for a ride: The Transport Department learnt that, despite prohibition, surge pricing was the terrace at his favourite know what happened with
truck collision on the Yamuna prevalent across the Capital. FILE PHOTO: AP *
spot. He felt dizzy and fell, him. After gaining con-
Expressway, the police said said Kushs mother Ritu sciousness, he was asking us
on Saturday. The accident Jatin Anand that surge pricing continued force the ban soon.
New Delhi
Agarwal. The boys fall was what happened; how he
happened near Galgotia to be prevalent across the linked with the infamous reached the hospital, she
University. The truck hit the The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Capital. Stringent conditions Blue Whale Challenge, an said.
tractor and overturned, a government is preparing to Commuters were found We will finalise a cap on online game which has been
police officer said. The truck come down heavily against to have been charged higher the maximum fare that cabs in the news recently for al- Probe still on
driver, Ravi Kumar, died on surge pricing by cab aggreg- fares, a source said, as re- can charge commuters in legedly targeting teenagers The police, however, said
the spot while helper Anuj ators, Transport Minister cently as Friday due to the the coming days, following with 50 challenges, the last that the case is still open
Kumar was critically injured, Kailash Gahlot said. non-availability of public which it will be added to the one being committing sui- and theyre still investigat-
he said. PTI He is scheduled to buses on inter-State routes City Taxi Scheme, 2017 as an cide. His phone was kept ing. We didnt question
preside over several meet- in the wake of law and order integral component and en- on the side, his slippers and counter question the
ings aimed at arriving at a exigencies triggered by the forced strictly, the Trans- were also kept neatly. He family when the incident
AIIMS doctors decry cap on the fare that such conviction of Dera Sacha port Minister added. might have gone upstairs happened and are waiting
governments apathy vehicles would be allowed Sauda leader Gurmeet Ram A source said the govern- while playing the game as for a statement from the boy
NEW DELHI to charge commuters during Rahim Singh by a Panchkula ment was in the process of many kids are these days, after which itll be ascer-
Doctors and students at AIIMS the coming week, said Court. framing stringent conditions ers, the latter, a senior gov- fares that cabs can charge next-door neighbour tained whether it was a sui-
on Saturday strongly deplored sources. The government is very to regulate both the max- ernment official explained, commuters despite demand Sandeep Bhalla had said. cide attempt or an acci-
the apathy shown by clear on its stand on the is- imum and dynamic fares were subject to change from and supply factors in the The police also said that dent, said Mr. Dumbere on
successive governments HC order sue of surge pricing; it is that commercially-re- time to time. coming days to cab operat- they had seized his mobile Saturday. The family said
towards health care delivery Despite a prohibition on banned, will continue to be gistered cabs across various These dynamic prices ors who will present their phone for investigation. So that Kush was recovering
systems in India and pitched surge pricing declared by prohibited in Delhi and we categories would be allowed had, so far, been unregu- own rates to it for considera- far, nothing has come to the well and will be discharged
for a 'Health for All' concept. the government in addition will come down very hard to charge. lated and were now sought tion, said a source. fore to suggest he was play- in another two days.
In a convention held at AIIMS, to orders to this effect from on any operator found to be Underlined by an ap- to be limited. Proposed caps on max-
the participants resolved to the Delhi High Court, the flouting these conditions, proach of incentivising imum chargeable fares are
build a movement to achieve Transport Department, ac- Mr. Gahlot told The Hindu, driver and cab availability Holistic mix expected to be a holistic mix
'Health for All', a concept with
socio-economic, preventive
and curative aspects. PTI
cording to a source, had
been monitoring the situ-
ation only to have learnt
adding that the Transport
Department was planning to
affect a crackdown to rein-
based on demand and sup-
ply factors such as location
and time of day among oth-
The government will
present, what in its view,
should be the maximum
of both these rates across
several cab categories, the
source added.
Vigilant neighbour
shoots robber dead

Art uncaged Foils theft bid at electronics shop

negligence, says forum Staff Reporter
Mr. Jain immediately
alerted a friend, Ashok Ku-
A vigilant neighbour foiled mar, who lives near the
Told to pay complainants 8 lakh an alleged robbery bid at
an electronics shop in
showroom. When Mr. Ku-
mar and his son Devender
Staff Reporter became precarious but north-east Delhis Karawal reached the shop, the rob-
NEW DELHI nobody from the hospital Nagar. The police have bers allegedly started fir-
Admitting a case of medical bothered to attend to her now decided to reward the ing in their direction. Mr.
negligence, a Consumer Dis- while she was struggling for 56-year-old good Kumar went back home
putes Redressal Forum in her life [sic]. samaritan. and brought his licenced
Delhi has ordered Batra Hos- Early on Saturday, three rifle. He shot at the rob-
pital and Medical Centre in Respondents deny armed robbers allegedly bers and one of them was
Tughlakabad to pay the The respondents claimed tried to break into the hit in the head. The other
complainants 8 lakh along the allegations were wrong showroom owned by one two fled immediately, said
with 25,000 as litigation and the deceased was duly Akash Jain. However, due Mr. Singla, adding that the
cost. taken care of after she col- to the security system that police were informed by
One of the complainants lapsed. After going through had recently been installed Mr. Jain.
K. K. Sharma had attributed all relevant documents, the by Mr. Jain, he immedi- The police have pro-
his wifes death in 2008 to court however observed that ately got an alert on his cured CCTV footage of the
medical negligence on the there had indeed been negli- phone that the locks of his incident though the rob-
part of the hospital. gence on the part of the hos- shop were being broken. bers allegedly disconnec-
pital. ted the camera. But be-
Condition deteriorated Referring to discrepancy Sensors installed fore doing the same, their
He had alleged that she col- over the time of death, the They were on the roof of pictures were captured,
lapsed soon after she was consumer forum said, As the shop and wanted to said the DCP.
administered a test and that per the death summary, she enter through a door The deceased has been
there was no assistance from was declared dead at 6 p.m. there. Mr Jain, who had in- identified as Danish, who,
the hospital staff despite her and not at 4.45 p.m. as re- stalled a camera with the police claimed, has a
condition deteriorating. corded in another docu- sensors at all entry points, history of several criminal
The complaint said, ment. It is not palatable to got an alert on his mobile cases, including attempt to
There was gross negligence our mind that she had died phone, said Deputy Com- murder. Efforts are on to
on the part of the opposite twice. It shows the opposite missioner of Police (North- identify the other two
party as after administering parties tried to manipulate East) Ajit Kumar Singla. criminals, he said.
Avant-garde: Visitors at an exhibition showcasing artwork produced by jail inmates individually and in collaboration with eminent
the injection, her condition their medical records... artsits, at Rabindra Bhawan on Saturday. SANDEEP SAXENA *

Court acquits rape accused Cook arrested for Man kills sister-in-law, BJP blames
AAP govt for
Uttam Nagar murder dismembers body
after victim turns hostile waterlogging
Accused was jealous of victim: cops Accused surrenders at Vijay Vihar P.S. Staff Reporter
Woman says friend of accused asked her to lodge fake plaint New Delhi
Staff Reporter started paying more atten- Staff Reporter she had been beheaded, The BJP on Saturday blamed
ment under Section 164 of ation, she has denied the NEW DELHI the AAP government for
Nirnimesh Kumar NEW DELHI tion to Mr. Anaytullah be- both her hands, cut off
New Delhi the Criminal Procedure suggestion that she went to A 25-year-old cook was arres- cause of his talent which A 31-year-old woman, a res- from the wrists, are still persisting issues related to
A Delhi court acquitted a Code. the residence of the accused ted for allegedly killing a fel- made the accused jealous. ident of Budh Vihar, was al- missing, said Deputy Com- waterlogging and deman-
man in a rape case after the However, during the trial, to celebrate new year party low cook on August 24 at an He also claimed that he was legedly murdered by her missioner of Police (Rohini) ded urgent steps for proper
victim told in evidence that she turned hostile, sating or that the accused had eatery in Uttam Nagar where diagnosed with throat can- brother-in-law on Friday Rishi Pal. rehabilitation and mainten-
she had lodged the case at that she had lodged the case committed rape upon her. the two were former col- cer, for which he blamed night in Rohini. The ac- ance of the Capital's sewer-
the instance of one of the at the behest of a friend of Thus, the prosecutrix has leagues. The accused al- Anaytullah because the lat- cused surrendered at Vijay Head, hands thrown off age system.
friends of the accused. the accused. not deposed anything in- legedly told the police he ter allegedly got him ad- Vihar police station on Sat- According to an officer Expressing his deep an-
The victim in her com- There was some alterca- criminating against the ac- was jealous of the victim and dicted to cigarettes and urday evening after which privy to the case, the ac- guish over the sewerage
plaint to the Rajouri Garden tion between her and the ac- cused, Additional Sessions decided to eliminate him. ganja, said Deputy Commis- he was arrested, the police cused told the police that system in Delhi, Leader of
police had alleged that the cused (at the party). An- Judge Shail Jain stated on the The accused, Mustakeem, sioner of Police (South-West) said. he threw her head and the Opposition in the Delhi
accused sexually assaulted other man named Sandip evidence of the victim. a native of Uttar Pradesh, al- Shibesh Singh. wrists into a vehicle passing Vidhan Sabha Vijender
her at his house where she had taken advantage of the In view of the above dis- legedly shot Anaytullah dead Missing complaint the road. Gupta alleged that over 40%
gone to celebrate the New altercation and asked her to cussion, I am of the opinion while he was at work at the Argument at eatery A missing complaint for the During interrogation, of Delhi did not have a
Year party in 2016. He also lodge a false complaint that the prosecution has not eatery. He then fled the spot He told us that he came victim, identified as Rama Shankar told the po- proper sewerage system
threatened her of dire con- against the accused. He also been able to prove its case but was arrested on Friday back from his native village, Kalawati, was lodged at the lice that he doubted that because successive Con-
sequences if she disclosed threatened her that he against the accused beyond with the help of human and Amroha, on August 23 with a Vijay Vihar police station Kalawati, the wife of his gress and AAP governments
the incident to any person, would kill her if she did not reasonable doubt that ac- technical surveillance. country-made pistol, said on Saturday afternoon. younger brother Fugi Lal, had failed to provide even
the complainant said. lodge a complaint against cused Rajesh had committed A lot of his friends and Mr. Singh. However, in the evening, had relationships with basic amenities to the
The victim worked at a him. He accompanied her to rape on the prosecutrix or family members were ques- The next day, he went to her brother-in-law Ram other men. people of Delhi. The panel
jewellery shop at Tilak the police station to lodge that accused had threatened tioned and his suspected the eatery and asked his Shankar called the police He had discussed the constituted by the Chief Sec-
Nagar. The sister of the ac- the complaint, the victim the prosecutrix of dire con- hideouts were raided. He brother-in-law to sack and confessed that he had matter with her in the past retary of Delhi, in its report,
cused had introduced her to said in her evidence. sequences... Hence, accused was finally arrested from an Anaytullah and reinstate him killed Ms. Kalawati as he but she allegedly didnt has blamed the sewerage
him, she said. Rajesh is hereby acquitted of accommodation in to which the latter respon- suspected her of having an mend her ways. To save the system for waterlogging in
No offence the charge for the offences Faridabad where he was hid- ded saying that it would take illicit relationship with family from shame, he de- Delhi. The report states a
False complaint The prosecutrix has not punishable under Section ing, said a senior police a few days. After a few argu- other men. cided to kill her, he told the large number of sewers
After registration of the supported the case of the 376/506 (rape and criminal officer. ments, Mustakeen shot at On his instance, the po- police. open up for discharge of wa-
case, the victim was sent for prosecution. She has de- intimidation respectively) of During questioning, Mus- Anaytullah. He was rushed lice recovered Kalawatis A case under Section 302 ter causing the spread of
medical examination, and posed that the accused has the IPC, the Judge said takeem allegedly told the po- to Mata Chanan Devi Hos- body from the bushes near (punishment for murder) dirt and epidemics due to
later a Metropolitan Magis- not committed any offence while acquitting the lice that the owner of the eat- pital where he was declared Rohini Sector 24. The wo- has been registered and mixing of sewer water with
trate had recorded her state- against her. In cross examin- accused. ery, his brother-in-law, dead, said the DCP. mans body was disfigured; invest rain water, Mr. Gupta said.

Published by N. Ram at Kasturi Buildings, 859 & 860, Anna Salai, Chennai-600002 and Printed by S. Ramanujam at HT Media Ltd. Plot No. 8, Udyog Vihar, Greater Noida Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar, U.P. 201306, on behalf of KASTURI & SONS LTD., Chennai-600002. Editor: Mukund Padmanabhan (Responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act).
Regd. DL(ND)-11/6110/2006-07-08 RNI No. TNENG/2012/49939 ISSN 0971 - 751X Vol. 7 No. 34




Day after raid, AAP hits out

at CBI for targeting Minister
Party challenges agency to produce proof of Jains disproportionate assets
Staff Reporter returns, share holding certi-
NEW DELHI ficates, his nomination pa-
A day after the Central Bur- pers for the 2015 Assembly
eau of Investigation (CBI) polls and documents he sub-
carried out a raid at the res- mitted with a writ petition in
idence of Health and PWD the High Court. He added
Minister Satyendar Jain, the that the CBI team took an
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on inventory of furniture,
Saturday accused the invest- which are all government
igation agency and the property.
Centre of targeting him and
challenged the CBI to release In public domain
any proof of his dispropor- Taking a stand: AAP leaders Ashutosh and Saurabh Bhardwaj All these are already in the
tionate assets as alleged. (right) on Saturday rubbished claims that incriminating public domain. If the CBI has
Mr. Jain has been the sub- documents were found during the CBI raid. FILE PHOTO * found so-called incriminat-
ject of investigations, includ- ing documents, then they
ing raids, preliminary inquir- everyone else was focused alleged disproportionate as- should say what they are,
ies and FIRs, by the CBI, the on the law and order situ- sets so far. During Fridays he said.
Enforcement Directorate ation in Haryana, the CBI raid, he said the CBI found Referring to reports that
and the Income Tax Depart- was looking for ways to tar- 52gm of gold and 50,000 in the CBI had found 1.64
ment over his finances. The get Mr. Jain. cash. crore in disproportionate as-
latest incident came on Fri- Referring to media re- sets that Mr. Jain and his wife
day when the CBI filed an Papers found ports that incriminating accumulated from 2015 till
FIR and conducted a raid at AAP spokesperson and documents were found by 2017, Mr. Bhardwaj said he
Mr. Jains official residence. Greater Kailash MLA Saur- the CBI, Mr. Bhardwaj said challenged the CBI and the
Addressing a press confer- abh Bhardwaj added that the the only documents the Centre to show proof of sale
ence here, AAP leader CBI had not been able to agency took from Mr. Jains of shares or land worth even
Ashutosh said that while produce proof of Mr. Jains home were his income tax 1.

Jain unable to explain

funds, claims agency
Special Correspondent panies during 2015-17, the
New Delhi agency said.
Health Minister Satyendar
Jain was unable to explain Allegations
the funds received by four The CBI has, therefore, re-
shell companies in which gistered a case alleging that
he was a shareholder, said the Minister amassed assets
the CBI. The funds were al- disproportionate to his
legedly received between known sources of income to
2010 and 2016. the extent of 1.62 crore
The CBI has so far ex- between February 14, 2015,
amined Mr. Jain twice and and May 31, 2017.
his wife has been quizzed The four firms -- Akin-
once. The agency has al- chan Developers, Man- 0
DISCLAIMER: Readers are requested to
leged that the two were one- agalyatan Projects, Prayas verify and make appropriate enquiries to
satisfy themselves about the veracity of
third shareholders in the Info Solutions and Indo- an advertisement before responding to
any published in this newspaper. Kasturi
companies in question dur- Metal Impex Pvt. Ltd. -- & Sons Limited, the Publisher & Owner of
this newspaper, does not vouch for the
ing the check period. Dur- which were not into any authenticity of any advertisement or ad-
vertiser or for any of the advertisers
ing interrogation, the Minis- specific business, had products and/or services. In no event can
ter and his wife were not entered into monetary the Owner, Publisher, Printer, Editor, Dir-
ector/s, Employees of this newspaper/
able to explain 1.62 crore, transactions with 30 Kolk- company be held responsible/liable in
any manner whatsoever for any claims
which is about one-third of ata-based shell compan- and/or damages for advertisements in
this newspaper.
funds received by the com- ies.












Protest against mob Dera violence in city: DTC resumes night services
lynching postponed Staff Reporter State, night and the Delhi-
Lahore bus services on Fri-
tions in NCR would remain
suspended till Monday,

10 arrested for arson

New Delhi
While its services to Uttar day in the wake of the viol- when the DTC would take a
Pradesh and Haryana re- ence after self-styled god- decision on resuming the
Event will now be held on Sept 10 mained suspended, the man Gurmeet Ram Rahim Delhi-Lahore bus service.
Delhi Transport Corporation was convicted in a rape case. The official said two buses
Press Trust of India tion 144 in few areas. A new Accused allegedly torched bus in Jyoti Nagar on Friday (DTC) resumed its night ser- were gutted in the violence.
New Delhi date of September 10 has vices from Saturday. Decision awaited Each of these cost between
A protest planned on been announced and more Staff Reporter The public transporter A senior government official 40 lakh and 50 lakh, he
Sunday against lynchings people are invited to join NEW DELHI had suspended its inter- said bus services to destina- added.
and assaults in recent in, a statement read. Ten people were arrested on
months has been postponed The Not In My Name Saturday for allegedly torch-
to September 10 in view of was a country-wide protest ing a bus in north-east Del-
prohibitory orders here. held in June following the his Jyoti Nagar on Friday
Violence spilled over to lynching of 17-year-old Jun- after Dera Sacha Sauda chief
the Capital from Haryana aid on board a Mathura- Gurmeet Ram Rahim was
after self-styled godman bound train. convicted of rape.
Guru Ram Rahims convic- Celebrities, artists, and Deputy Commissioner of
tion in a rape case on Fri- leaders from Congress, JD Police (north-east) Ajit Ku-
day, forcing the Delhi Police (U), AAP and CPI were mar Singla said the accused
to enforce prohibitory or- among those who took part were arrested based on hu-
ders till September 8. in the protest. man and technical inputs. Chock-a-block: A massive traffic jam was witnessed on the
Delhi-Gurugram border on Saturday owing to security checks
Not in my name No to violence CCTV inputs in the wake of the Dera violence. PTI *

The Say no to hatred The silence has been CCTV footage of the miscre-
protest was planned by the broken. A protest initiated ants was circulated on social ence were reported across under control in the city.
campaigners behind the in June 2017 by the #NotIn- media and an appeal was the Capital on Friday in Khy- According to feedback
Not In My Name move- MyName campaign spread made to the public to help ala, Mehrauli, Badarpur, Ja- from the different police dis-
ment. to 26 cities and towns across the police in identifying the hangirpuri, Anand Vihar and tricts, the situation has re-
Various events were India. Thousands of Indians accused, said Mr. Singla, Baadli where buses and turned to normal, he said.
planned across the city as stood up to say no to hatred adding that the accused had trains were set ablaze. The officer added that the
part of the protest. and violence in the name of been booked for attempt to imposition of Section 144 in
The Notinmyname cam- religion and caste. That was murder and under the Pre- Situation under control Delhi would be reviewed in
paign announces postpone- a moment of pause, the vention of Damage to Public Delhi Police Public Relations due course. These orders
ment of all events on August campaigners had said while Property Act. Officer Madhur Verma, how- are meant for miscreants
27 due to imposition of Sec- announcing the protest. Several incidents of viol- ever, said the situation was only, said Mr. Verma.

Sisodia seeks Centres help Prohibitory orders hit

Questions non-adherence of court orders by Khattar govt book fair in Capital
the matter. It should take
> There is a problem
Press Trust of India
with the BJP s responsibility and heads Low footfall recorded on opening day
Deputy Chief Minister Man- should roll if need be, he
ideology. It doesnt
ish Sisodia on Saturday ex- added. Press Trust of India venue without company be-
pressed surprise over the care about taking New Delhi cause her friends could not
non-adherence of court or- proper action in CMs resignation Book lovers might be in for risk travelling all the way
ders by the BJP government anticipation Asked if AAP would demand some disappointment at the from Gurugram.
in Haryana and sought the Mr. Khattars resignation, Delhi Book Fair this year The book fair is going to
Manish Sisodia
Centre's intervention to Deputy CM Mr. Sisodia said the problem that began at Pragati Maidan be a lose-lose situation for
check violence there and in lay in the ideology of BJP, on Saturday, thanks to the both publishers and visitors,
nearby States after convic- recovered from Dera Sacha which was in power in Hary- violence that ensued follow- claimed Saurabh from
tion of Dera Sacha Sauda Sauda. ana, Uttar Pradesh and ing the conviction of Dera Nanda book service.
Chief in a rape case. other States. Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Our weekend business
Our [AAP] stand is that Use of weapons He said the BJPs ideology Ram Rahim Singh. will surely take a hit because
the court orders should be The full Bench of the High had always been to make is- The 23rd edition of the of what played out on the
followed. I am surprised Court had also directed the sues out of non-issues and fair appears to have all the roads of Delhi and Guru-
why it has not been done [by Haryana government to use ignore the actual issues. makings of a failed show gram on Friday, said Mr.
the Khattar government in weapons or force, if re- They dont care about with chirpings of scanty Saurabh
Haryana], he told reporters quired, to tackle the situ- the supply of oxygen. They footfall owing to people Many book stall owners
here. The Punjab and Hary- ation arising out of the CBI dont care about taking avoiding getting caught in at the venue also expressed
ana High Court had on Fri- court verdict. proper action in anticipa- the violence. concern over how things
day said that losses caused Mr. Sisodia said the Cent- tion, he said, adding that would pan out after the
to property due to violence ral government should also merely replacing a Chief In for luck Dera chief's quantum of
and arson by followers of take the responsibility and Minister would not solve the Ruchi, a regular visitor to punishment is announced
Ram Rahim Singh would be ask Ministers to intervene in problem. book fairs, turned up at the on August 28.




Normal life comes to a standstill in Sirsa 5 arrested for
arson in
People face shortage of daily household needs due to curfew-like restrictions Sriganganagar
ess Trust of India
Locals welcome verdict Press Trust of India

Casteist parties in UP not


Surender Kaur has been un-

against the Dera chief The police patrolled the
streets in Rajasthans Srigan-
liking development: Yogi
able to withdraw money ganagar district where miscre-
BALLIA Ashok Kumar
from banks or ATMs to meet word was law of the land in ants torched government
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister SIRSA
her daily household needs the adjoining areas. The buildings and a vehicle on Fri-
Yogi Adityanath on Saturday
for the past two days, while Hoping that the situation locals were harassed and day following the rape convic-
attacked opposition parties
Manjeet Singh has not able would soon return to nor- made to suffer in silence, tion of self-styled godman
claiming that those who had
to get the fuel tank of his mo- mal after violence erupted said Mr. Singh. Gurmeet Ram Rahim.
looted the State in the name
torbike filled at petrol following the verdict Five persons involved in
of casteism were not liking
pumps which have been against Dera chief Gurmeet Scuffles routine arson were arrested on Friday
the States march towards
closed after the authorities Ram Rahim Singh claiming Sandeep, a young man, ad- night. The situation is under
development. The political
clamped strict restrictions in 32 lives and left over a hun- ded that people were not control now but the force is
parties who looted the State
this town. dred injured across Hary- even allowed to park their on alert, ADG Law and Order
for 15 years, criminalised
Normal life in Sirsa, which ana, locals have welcomed vehicles outside the Dera NRK Reddy said. Many follow-
politics and politicised
is the headquarters of Dera the judgment and blamed and it was difficult to travel ers of the Dera chief live in
criminals are not liking the
Sacha Sauda sect, has come the State government for on the road outside the Sriganganagar and Hanu-
States march into a new era
to a standstill after curfew- going soft on the Dera fol- Dera during congregations. mangarh districts in the State.
of development, he said. PTI
like restrictions were im- lowers and not making ad- He said that minor
posed to prevent any unto- A ghost town: Sirsa wore a deserted look on Saturday. *
SUSHIL KUMAR VERMA equate security scuffles between the Dera Additional forces
Man gets 7-year jail for
ward incident after the large- arrangements. followers and the locals The SP, Sriganganagar, Haren-
raping minor girl
scale violence by followers of the brunt as they are run- vegetables and essential the CRPF and the BSF, the were routine. Locals own- dra Kumar said that additional
sect chief Gurmeet Ram ning out of supply of essen- items, we are only providing Rapid Action Force (RAF) More skeletons ing land around the Dera policemen have been de-
A man has been sentenced to
Rahim Singh, who was con- tial items. Also, the hotel accommodation to our and several companies of It is a welcome decision. were also forced to sell ployed in sensitive areas.
seven years in jail by a court
victed by CBI court in a 15- staff are not able to reach guests and not lunch, break- Haryana police have been Except for his followers, the their holdings to them at Meanwhile, the north west-
here for raping a minor girl
year-old rape case on Friday. their workplace due to the fast and dinner since deployed to maintain law Dera does not have much throw away prices, alleged ern railway has cancelled 33
three years ago. Additional
restrictions. Thursday night. and order in Sirsa district. support among the locals. Ramesh Beniwal, an elderly trains including Srigan-
District Judge Lal Bahadur
Milk supply affected For the past two days, I In the violence last night, We suspect more skeletons man. ganagar-Bathinda, Jodhpur-
(2nd) held Pramod Yadav
Milk supply has also been af- am unable to buy essential Schools shut two Dera followers were will stumble out of the cup- The locals added that Abohar among others due to
guilty and also slapped a fine
fected adversely in several items for my household as I Schools, colleges, cinema killed while seven were in- board if the Dera premises they preferred not to the law and order situation in
of 5,000 on him on Friday. PTI
areas as the agitated follow- have run out of money and halls, petrol pumps have jured, authorities said. Out are searched, said protest as they were out- Haryana, according to the
Girl out on field to attend ers set a milk plant on fire, also banks and ATMs are also been shut as a precau- of the seven, the conditions Praveen, 40, a shopkeeper. numbered by his followers. NWR spokesperson.
natures call raped located near the sect closed. Authorities should tionary measure. of three Dera followers are Convicted in a rape case, See what have they done
headquarters. ensure that essential facilit- Authorities imposed said to be critical. Ram Rahim also faces in Panchkula. When even
A 17-year-old girl was After the CBI court in ies are open so that people curfew in areas, which are in Inspector General (Hisar charges of murder in two the administration ap-
allegedly raped in Bela village Punchkula pronounced the wont have to face any prob- the vicinity of the Dera range) A. S. Dillion said that separate cases and the ver- peared helpless before
in the district, the police said Dera Sacha Sauda chief lem, said Kaur, whose headquarters, on Thursday. police have been monitoring dict in the cases is expected them, how can individuals
on Saturday. The girl had guilty in the sexual exploita- house is about four km away People have been asked to the situation in and around soon. take them on, asked
gone out of her house on tion case, followers turned from the Dera headquarters. stay indoors in the wake of Dera headquarters. Ram Singh, 70, said the Suresh Malik.
Friday night to attend violent and set a milk plant Apart from Kaur, Rajesh violent protest by Dera fol- Sirsa SP Ashwin Shenvi Dera followers had un- Locals also blamed the
natures call when she was on fire, the police said, Kumar, who runs a hotel in lowers on Friday evening. said that Army has been leashed a reign of terror in government for going soft
allegedly raped by a resident adding that flames were the vicinity of the sect Two companies of Army called to maintain law and the area and the locals were on the Dera followers ini-
of the same village, they said. doused within a few hours. headquarters, said: As there from Hisar district, ten com- order situation in the too scared to speak against tially and allowing them to
PTI Hotels here too are facing has been a huge shortage of panies of paramilitary forces district. them. The Dera chief s gather at Panchkula.

Nine Dera centres sealed in Kurukshetra

Police seize over 2,500 lathis and other sharp-edged weapons during search operation
Press Trust of India After evicting Dera follow- to these centres has been Singh on Friday. in a 15-year- congregation centres and
Chandigarh ers, a large number of secur- banned, Kurukshetra SP old rape case by a CBI court locked all the nine Naam
The Kurukshetra police on ity personnel have been de- Abhishek Garg said. in Punchkula. Charcha Ghars in Kurksh-
Saturday sealed the nine ployed outside the Dera The police carried out etra, Mr. Garg said.
congregation centres of the Sacha Saudas congregation Widespread violence search operation in the con-
Dera Sacha Sauda in the dis- centres to prevent any unto- The move came after the in- gregation centres during Situation under control
trict, evicting the followers, ward incident. cidents of widespread viol- which they found more than The SP said that the situ-
and seized over 2,500 lathis All the nine Naam ence and arson in Haryana 2,500 lathis and other sharp ation in Kurukshetra was
and other sharp-edged Charcha Ghars (congrega- following the conviction edges weapons from the under control and nobody
weapons during a search tion centres) in the district self-styled godman and sect premises. We have evicted would be allowed to violate
operation there. have been sealed and entry chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim all the followers from the prohibitory orders.

Stranded: Passengers at the Jammu

railway station after several trains were
cancelled on Saturday. PTI *

Passengers stranded
as train, bus services
remain suspended
Press Trust of India
A large number of passengers, includ-
ing pilgrims returning from the Mata
Vaishno Devi shrine, were stranded as
train and bus services remained sus-
pended on the second day on
The authorities decided to suspend
train and inter-State bus services as a
precautionary measure, following viol-
ence in Haryana and Punjab by the
supporters of Dera chief.

Vaishno Devi pilgrims

Among the stranded passengers, there
were pilgrims returning after paying
obeisance at the famous Mata Vaishno
Devi shrine at Katra in the Reasi
The main railway station at Katra
was packed with passengers despite re-
peated announcements by railway au-
thorities about the cancellation of all
trains scheduled from there.
All trains have been cancelled from
here for the second day as a precau-
tionary measure, a railway official
He, however, said a Jammu-bound
train from Delhi has left via Amritsar
on Saturday morning and is expected
to reach here later in the day, if
everything goes well.

Heavy rush
A total of 18 trains -- 12 from Jammu
Tawi railway station and and eight
from Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Railway
station, Katra -- were scheduled for the
day, the official said, adding there was
heavy rush of passengers on the plat-
forms due to cancellation and res-
cheduling of their tickets.
The train service might remain af-
fected tomorrow as well. We are mon-
itoring the situation and a decision on
resumption of the service depends on
the improvement in the situation, the
official said.




Settle disputes amicably Flight makes
Ship rams fishing
Work together for the development of Telugu States, says Venkaiah Naidu landing vessel near Kollam
Staff Reporter Staff Reporter
VELAGAPUDI HYDERABAD Six fishermen thrown off boat
Advising Chief Ministers N. A Bali-bound flight with
Nepal PM visits Tirupati, Chandrababu Naidu and K. 240 passengers aboard Special Correspondent ates from the Neendakara
offers prayers Chandrasekhar Rao to work made an emergency land- KOLLAM harbour.
TIRUMALA together for the develop- ing in the city on Saturday, A motorised traditional fish- The district administra-
Nepalese Prime Minister Sher ment of A.P. and Telangana, after the co-pilot became ing vessel, engaged in fish- tion authorities here have
Bahadur Deuba, who is Vice-President M. Venkaiah unconscious in the cockpit. ing about 40 nautical miles instructed the Joint Opera-
currently on a four-day visit Naidu said the Telugu-speak- The Qatar Airways flight from the Neendakara har- tions Centre for Coastal Se-
to the country, offered ing States would have been QR 964 landed in the city bour here, was rammed by a curity attached to the South-
prayers at the temple of Lord far more developed had bi- just past midnight when ship about 12.30 p.m. on ern Naval Command to
Venkateswara on Saturday. furcation happened during the co-pilot, Andre Dinu, a Saturday. In the impact of detain the ship involved in
He was accompanied by wife the Jai Andhra movement in 35-year-old Romanian na- the crash, all the six fisher- the incident. Fisheries Min-
Dr. Arzu Rana Deuba and a 1972. tional, suffered a suspected men in the vessel were ister J. Mercykutty Amma
high-level delegation. Today, it is my request to heart attack. The plane thrown off. said all efforts will be taken
them to meet and talk fre- was diverted to Hyderabad They were rescued by the to detain the ship.
Senkumar case to come quently to solve the prob- and cleared for emergency crew of a mechanised fish-
up on September 8 lems in an atmosphere of landing. The crew member ing boat Love Maria that was Confusion over name
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM give-and-take so that they Warm reception: Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu, A.P. Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu was immediately rushed to in the vicinity. One of the The vessel had gone for
An anti-corruption court here steal the march on others, and Governor E.S.L. Narasimhan participating in a rally in Amaravati on Saturday. V. RAJU * the Apollo Medical Centre fishermen is reported to be hook and line fishing on Fri-
is scheduled to decide on he said. on the airport premises, serious. They are being day evening and was to re-
September 8 whether former Vice-President at the Secret- justice was meted out to A.P. chayat up to Parliament to and later to the Apollo Hos- brought back to the turn on Monday.
Kerala police chief T.P. Administrative language ariat here on Saturday, Mr. and vowed to do whatever uphold the dignity of the re- pital, an airport spokesper- Neendakara harbour in the The crew in the mechan-
Senkumar had abused his Mr. Naidu suggested to Mr. Naidu said quarrelling over was possible for its develop- spective legislative body and son said. Though he is same mechanised vessel. ised boat jotted down the
power while in service. Chandrababu Naidu to make differences would take the ment, for which there was try to find solutions to prob- stable, doctors have not The ship sailed away. name of the ship and in-
Earlier, the Vigilance and Telugu administrative lan- States nowhere. Both sides tremendous potential as it lems through meaningful de- made a diagnosis. He will Five of the fishermen in formed the Coast Guard.
Anti-Corruption Bureau had guage to promote its learn- should remember that prob- had abundant natural re- bates. be under observation, a the boat are Tamil Nadu nat- But the Coastal Police at
conducted a verification into ing and protection. lems would be as common as sources and an intelligent Earlier, Mr. Venkaiah hospital spokesperson ives and one from Kerala. Neendakara said the Coast
the allegation that Mr. Expressing gratitude for between brothers and a col- human resource. Naidu laid the foundation for said. The owner of the vessel, Guard conveyed a message
Senkumar had interfered in being given the civic recep- lective effort was needed to Mr. Venkaiah Naidu called the construction of 2.25 lakh After unscheduled land- Sahayam, is from Kanyaku- that there was some confu-
the probe of grave crimes to tion by the Andhra Pradesh solve them amicably. upon the elected represent- houses in urban areas by un- ing and delay, the QA flight mari district. His vessel sion over the name of the
protect vested interests. government on becoming He said it was true that in- atives from the village pan- veiling a plaque. took off around 3 a.m. named Arogya Annai oper- ship.

5-year-old dies in Bengaluru, Satellite imagery to the aid of sons of soil

neighbour held for rape Young space entrepreneurs create a map-based digital framework to improve farmers livelihood
Madhumathi D.S. tried out. At the end of the materials; the government
Child was left in care of neighbour while mother went to work BENGALURU 2016 seasons the summer that pays crop insurance
Can a mix of satellite im- kharif and the winter rabi premiums and announces
Special Correspondent ing. With no sign of her Chandana and her male agery, artificial intelligence, they could predict crop MSPs; and the insurance
Bengaluru daughter improving, she friend Mallikarjuna, 30, Internet of things, and big yields that were 85 to 90% agency that must pay the
A five-year-old girl, who was shifted her daughter to the (who sexually assaulted the data analytics come down to accurate. It is an ongoing farmer if his crop fails.
allegedly tortured and raped state-run Rajiv Gandhi Hos- child) on August 17, under earth in the aid of the sons work and this has been now SatSures Google Earth-
for over a month in the pital. She later shifted her to various sections of the of soil? Can it help farmers fine-tuned to 95%. Conven- like navigable online dash-
house of a neighbour, the Vijayashree Hospital. It POCSO act and they have to get bank loans, timely and tional or manual estimates board will be customised
Chandana, while her mother was only then that the child been remanded to judicial correct insurance claims, are said to be less than 80%, and offered to users such as
went for work as a domestic revealed that she had been custody, said a senior police may be even ensure a good they say. district collectors or deputy
help, died of excessive sexually assaulted, said a officer. Once doctors real- price for their crop? commissioners, decision
bleeding early on Saturday senior police officer. ised that it was a case of as- A handful of young space Novel venture: SatSure founders with A.P. IT & Rural Accurate forecast makers, crop insurance
morning. According to the police, sault, they began appropri- entrepreneurs have created Development Minister Nara Lokesh (second from left). How does an accurate fore- companies, banks, and large
On August 13, Chandana Chandana used to punish ate treatment, alerted the a map-based digital frame- cast of crop yields help the single farmers. The dash-
called the mother and told the girl under the pretext of police and filed a medico work over the last 18 months based information with hectares in Andhra Pra- farmer or anyone else? Mr. board, they explain, be-
her the child had taken ill. teaching her how to use the legal case. However, a few to show that they can. ground data, they hope to deshs Srikakulam district. Raju points out that not just comes the decision makers
In her statement to us, the bathroom, and threaten her days later, the child de- Abhishek Raju, director improve the livelihood of They randomly chose differ- the farmer but every stake- tool for interpreting yields
mother said she took her when she cried for her veloped complications and (Asia) of SatSure Ltd., and farmers without directly ent crops grown on farm- holder needs to know in ad- assessed a month ahead of
daughter to Rajarajeshwari mother. The little girl never was transferred to the in- Prateep Basu, its chief oper- working with them. lands measuring 20 to 30 vance the fate of the crop harvest, crop health, acre-
Nagar Hospital where doc- told her mother what was tensive care unit of the St. ating officer, say that by Last year, they began acres each. Different mixes sown: the bank that lends age, and planning the com-
tors diagnosed the girl with going on, said the police. Johns Hospital. She died marrying satellite imagery- their pilot over a total of 250 of fertilizer and water were him money for seeds and modity logistics.
anemia and internal bleed- We arrested both early on Saturday.

Hyderabad Rain plays havoc in


schools resist Floral carpet

vaccination Hyderabad once again
Many cars and vehicles were submerged
Staff Reporter
HYDERABAD Serish Nanisetti
Indias measles and rubella Hyderabad
vaccination programme is Residents of about 40 apart-
facing resistance from two ment complexes and dozens
quarters in Hyderabad of independent houses in
schools in the old city and Deepti Srinagar Colony in
large multi-centre corpor- the western parts of Hydera-
ate schools. bad were marooned in
According to Telan- waist-high water following
ganas health officials, heavy rain on Friday night
around 160 of the citys and early Saturday morning.
3,500 schools are resisting The area recorded 12.4 cm of
the vaccination drive. The rain till 8.30 a.m.
government has rolled out However, there was no
the MR vaccination starting loss of life. Many cars and Poor infrastructure: Residents of Deepti Srinagar Colony
with schools, where over vehicles were submerged wading through water on Saturday. K.V.S. GIRI

60% of the States targeted after water from a sewage

90 lakh children are canal flooded the cellars of ing the water in the cellar complaints as they tried to
available. apartments. reached a height of 13 ft clear a channel to drain the
The resistance from We were doing Ganapati from ground. Across the muddy water.
large schools is being at- puja at about 8.30 p.m., road where the water roared This is the fourth time
tributed to repeat vaccina- when water level started into the houses of people in this area has been flooded,
tion. Many children have rising in the street, we took low lying areas, a similar the residents said.
received the MMR vaccine, out our cars from the cellar story was echoed. The water channel has
available for a long time in and parked them on the Greater Hyderabad Muni- always been narrow. And
private healthcare. The street, said Vishnu Nagesh, cipal Corporation officials, that is the reason for the
schools think repeat vac- Colourful pattern: A giant pookalam arranged with over 1,000 kg of flowers adorning the southern entrance of the Vadakkunatha a resident of Potlapally who reached the spot early flooding, said a GHMC offi-
cination is unnecessary, Temple in Thrissur, Kerala, as part of the Onam festivities. K.K. NAJEEB * Pavitra complex. By morn- morning, were flooded with cial of West Zone.
an official said.
En-masse vaccination is

Ganesh Chaturthi fete Fate of Pattanam hangs in the balance

being implemented as the
country aims to eradicate
measles by 2020.
Myths and canards
floated among some sec-
tions of the society, with a
religious undertone, are
goes green in Ongole Focus now on historically contextualising the findings, says expert
S. Anandan fused to renew the licence
being blamed for reluct- Kochi for continued excavations at
ance of schools in old city People use environment-friendly material to make idols The Kerala Council for His- Pattanam. But when the li-
to come on board. Around torical Research (KCHR), cence was subsequently re-
80 schools in the old city S. Murali which carried out nine sea- newed, Mr. Cherians ser-
and its surrounding areas ONGOLE sons of archaeological excav- vices as director of the KCHR
are opposing the vaccina- Thanks to the relentless ations at Pattanam, north of were terminated by the State
tion drive. campaign launched by civil Ernakulam, exhuming arte- government in November
We have seen the re- society organisations, the facts pointing to the places 2016. This brought the cur-
luctance in hospitals and Ganesh Chaturthi celebra- links with various ancient tains on Pattanam, where
schools in old city. Many tions went green in Ongole civilisations, will now focus Mr. Cherian was leading the
people have been misin- and its surroundings this on contextualising the find- seasonal excavation.
formed about the vaccine. year with many people mak- ings in history. In the meantime, histor-
Though religious and polit- ing a conscious effort to use This will mean that the ex- ian K.N. Panikkars term as
ical leaders were roped in environment-friendly mater- cavations, suspended for chairman of the KCHR
by the health department ial for making Ganesh idols. One with nature: Students display an image of Lord Ganesh by two seasons now, will con- ended and he was replaced
to assuage the concerns, More than 200 students arranging plants obtained from clay balls embedded with tinue to be on hold until a Unearthed treasure: A file picture of tourists visiting the by P.K. Michael Tharakan.
some people continue to of the Swami Sivananda fenugreek seeds. KOMMURI SRINIVAS * proper analytical and com- Muziris museum at Pattanam. Last week, M.S. Jaya, collegi-
remain apprehensive, in- School at Karavadi, near prehensive historical study ate education director, con-
formed Mujtaba Hasan As- here, prepared small images isation G. Veerbhadrachari gigantic Ganesh idol with is done on the archaeolo- oration for throwing up evid- was located here and sulted eminent historians
kari of Helping Hand of Lord Vigneshwara with created a 15-feet-long Sayana 5,000 miniature clay images gical evidence, says histor- ence that suggested the whether the region was an and archaeologists for an
Foundation. fine clay embedded with Gowriputra idol in a reclin- of Lord Lambodara by ar- ian Rajan Gurukkal, chair- places ancient trade links urban centre and not just an- evaluation of the Pattanam
The health officials say seed balls ahead of the fest- ing posture with two tonnes ranging them in a pattern. man of the advisory council with regions spanning south other Roman colony, there findings. Ms. Jaya says the
they will continue making ival. Their joy knew no of sand at Rangrayudu Cher- With sediments collected of the KCHR. of China to the Spanish was no disputing the signific- expert committee will meet,
efforts to get schools on bounds with sprouts emer- uvu. from river Ganga, the Soci- The Pattanam excava- Catalan region, which was ance of the artefacts un- together with Mr. Cherian,
board. Unless all the chil- ging from the clay idols on ety for Awareness and Vision tions, carried out under part of the Roman Empire. earthed from the archaeolo- who has now been engaged
dren are vaccinated in one the Chaturthi day. Giant Vinayaka on Environment made idols KCHR founding director P.J. While historians remained at gical site. as consultant for the Pat-
go, it is not possible to Social activists led by Vo- Devotees at Ranguthota with bamboo sticks, paddy Cherian, had drawn interna- loggerheads over whether In 2015, the Archaeolo- tanam project, to chalk out a
eradicate the virus. lunteer Environment Organ- toiled for 10 days to make a straw and husk. tional attention and collab- the erstwhile port of Muziris gical Survey of India (ASI) re- roadmap.



500 cr. relief for flood-hit Bihar Big accidents down,
PM conducts aerial survey of affected districts; declares 2 lakh for next of kin of those who died
but derailments up
Special Correspondent
Patna Three girls under NDA regime
Prime Minister Narendra
Close shave for Madhu Modi on Saturday conducted drown in U.P. Systemic deficiencies to blame
Koda, family members an aerial survey of flood-af-
JAMSHEDPUR fected districts of Bihar and Press Trust of India Somesh Jha
Former Jharkhand Chief announced a package of Gorakhpur NEW DELHI
Minister Madhu Koda and his 500 crore as immediate re- Three minor girls on Sat- Railway Minister Suresh
family members, wife Geeta lief to the state. He also de- urday died after they Prabhu may have offered to
and eight-year-old daughter, clared that 2 lakh each slipped into flood waters resign over two train acci-
had a close shave on would be given to the kin of when they had gone to re- dents within a span of four
Saturday when the rear tyre those who have died in the lieve themselves in Rana- days, but a closer look at the
of their car burst and the floods, and that a Central par village in the Jhangaha Railways safety record over
vehicle veered off to a team would soon visit the af- area here, police said. the NDAs tenure throws up
roadside field in West fected areas to assess the Their bodies were fished an interesting dichotomy.
Singhbhum, police said. PTI damage. Chief Minister Nit- out by an NDRF team, po- Even as serious train acci- Derailments went up
ish Kumar accompanied Mr. lice said. They were de- dents have declined, the sharply to 78 in 2016-17
Naxal leader surrenders Modi during the survey. clared brought dead by cases of train derailments from 65 in 2015-16.
in Maharashtra doctors at a health centre, grew steadily, highlighting
NAGPUR Maximum damage police said. the Railways systemic counted for around 44% of
A Naxal leader with a reward After the survey he flew deficiencies. the train derailments
of 2.5 lakh on his head over the districts of Purnea, The total number of con- between 2012-13 and 2016-
surrendered before the
Gadchiroli police of
Kishanganj, Katihar and
Araria Mr. Modi held a Landslips in sequential train accidents
has declined from 135 in
17. Other reasons include
failure of wheel and other
meeting with Mr. Kumar, 2014-15 to 107 in 2015-16 and train components that can
Maharashtra on Saturday.
Gomaji, alias Arsu Chaitu Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Zeroing in: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, left, with Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar during northeast 104 in 2016-17. derail a running train.
Jetti, surrendered before the Kumar Modi and top state of- an aerial survey of flood-affected areas on Saturday. PTI * However, this was mainly However, the number of
SP, Gadchiroli, police said. PTI ficials at the Chunapur aero- Press Trust of India on account of fall in acci- cases of defect in engineer-
drome. He was told that the take appropriate action for ject report would be pre- affected 1.67 crore people, Imphal/Aizawl dents at unmanned level ing assets such as tracks and
CM Shivraj Chouhan flood had caused maximum the repair of the damaged pared at the earliest on the with the death toll mounting Incessant rainfall since Fri- crossings the onus of welds is on the rise from
is teacher for a day damage to the Seemanchal roads and other Saptkoshi Dam and Sunkoshi to 418. The state government day night triggered land- which falls mainly on road 22 in 2013-14 to 37 in 2016-17.
BHOPAL (border) areas and the state infrastructure. storage-cum-diversion has opened hundreds of re- slips on Saturday in users who crash with a run- A task force of railway of-
Madhya Pradesh Chief water resource department scheme. Both nations would lief camps and community Mizoram and Manipur. ning train from 50 in 2014- ficers formed after derail-
Minister Shivraj Singh has suffered the maximum Detailed report also work on flood control in kitchens for the flood-hit While NH 39, the lifeline 15 to 29 in 2015-16 and 20 in ment of the Indore-Ra-
Chouhan on Saturday became loss due to breach of em- The PMO statement also re- the border areas which will people. Several teams of the of Mizoram was cut off, at 2016-17. jendranagar Express train
teacher for a day and taught bankments and waterways ferred to Prime Ministers re- benefit the region, the state- National Disaster Response least seven buildings, in- found that rail track fittings,
mathematics at an technical for irrigation. cent talks with his Nepal ment added further. Force, SDRF and the Army cluding a church, collapsed Secure level crossings such as plates, nuts and
institution here as part of a Mr. Modi said that the counterpart Sher Bahadur As many as 21 districts of have been pressed into ser- in Aizawl and nearby vil- This also reflects that the bolts, were missing on a
day-long mass teaching Union Road Transport and Deuba during which it was Bihar have been inundated vice for relief and rescue lages, according to police government has been suc- large scale and only one-
programme. PTI Highways Ministry would decided that a detailed pro- by the flood waters, which operations. officials. cessful in developing secure third of the requirement is
level crossings such as road met every year.
over bridges and road under In a meeting organised of

Immersive experience
2 more Gorakhpur bridges. It has exceeded its
targets for elimination of un-
manned level crossings
chief safety officers of all
zones of the Indian Railways
last year, Railway Board

doctors suspended since 2014-15.

But the worrying trend is
that derailments went up
Member (Traffic)
hammad Jamshed said Rail-
way Minister Suresh Prabhu

Press Trust of India sharply to 78 in 2016-17 from was concerned over the
Gorakhpur 65 in 2015-16 and 63 in 2014- rising trend of accidents.
Two doctors of the BRD 15. Derailment accounted
Medical College Hospital, in- for 75% of the total rail acci- High density
cluding in-charge of the en- dents in 2016-17 compared Another glaring factor high-
cephalitis ward Dr. Kafeel with 60.7% in 2015-16 and lighted in the meeting held
Khan, had been suspended 46.7% in 2014-15. in June 2016 was lack of
in connection with the Till August 20 this finan- traffic block for track main-
death of more than 60 chil- cial year, 23 out of 27 rail ac- tenance on high density net-
dren there earlier this cidents happened only be- works of the Indian
month. cause of train derailments. Railways.
In-charge of the 100-bed The deaths of children at The total number of casu- Around 38% of total 1,200
AES ward Dr. Khan and in- the hospital was allegedly alties in train accidents was railway line sections have
charge of Anaesthesia Dr. due to lack of oxygen suply. at a two-year high of 238 in full capacity utilisation and
Satish had been suspended 2016-17 mainly on account around 16% of the lines run
after the State governments had been suspended follow- of the derailment of the In- on capacity utilisation of
approval, principal of the ing the deaths in the State- dore-Rajendranagar Express more than 150% at present.
medical college Dr. P. K. run hospital due to alleged near Kanpur which was one Such heavy capacity util-
Singh said. lack of oxygen supply. of the worst such train acci- ization poses significant risk
Besides the then prin- dents in over a decade. to railway safety as under-
Criminal action cipal Dr. Rajiv Kumar The share of accidents taking track maintenance or
The probe committee Mishra, three employees due to the failure of railway inspection activities be-
headed by Chief Secretary and a pharmacist had also staff is consistently increas- comes difficult on a daily
Rajive Kumar had recom- been suspended, Dr. Singh ing since 2012-13. In 2016-17, basis, a report by the gov-
mended initiating criminal said. 61.5% of the accidents ernment think-tank NITI
action against the then prin- Earlier this week, an FIR happened due to failure of Aayog on Fund Develop-
cipal of the medical college was filed against nine per- railway staff as against 37.7% ment Framework for
Dr. Satish, Dr. Khan and M/s sons, including Dr. Khan, in 2012-13. Rashtriya Rail Sanraksha
Festive season: Saturday saw the coming together of rain and Ganapati Utsav in Mumbai. Here, devotees visit Girgaon Chowpathy Pushpa Sales Pvt. Ltd. Dr. Mishra, his wife Dr. The primary cause has Kosh (RRSK) noted this
for immersing an idol on the first day of visarjan. ARUNANGSU ROY CHOWDHURY * With this, seven persons Purnima Shukla. been track defects that ac- April.

1 dead in Mumbai Blue Whale

scare: Jaipur
building collapse boy rescued
Incident occurs during its demolition Press Trust of India
Special Correspondent hanmumbai Municipal Cor- A 16-year-old Jaipur boy,
Mumbai poration. who left home as part of
One person died and two the last stage of the notori-
were injured after a portion Police secures site ous Blue Whale game,
of a dilapidated building, Eight fire engines, a rescue was rescued by the city po-
which was being demol- van and a quick response lice from Mumbai.
ished, collapsed in Chan- vehicle, along with several The boy, a class 10 stu-
divali in Mumbai on Sat- ambulances were sent to the dent, left his home on
urday. spot, while the police se- Monday and reached Mum-
According to civic offi- cured the site to prevent in- bai by train the next day.
cials, the building, Krishnan terference by onlookers. He was tracked by the loca-
Business Park, had recently The traffic police too tion of his mobile phone
been vacated as it had been chipped in to ensure there and was rescued from
slated for demolition. Offi- were no traffic jams. Mumbais Churchgate area.
cials said the work was un- Fire officials rescued
der way in the ground plus three labourers and rushed
six storey commercial build- them to a hospital, where
ing. The middle portion of one of them was declared
the building gave way and dead before admission,
labourers who were helping while the other two had
with debris clearing were been admitted with frac-
trapped underneath the tures. We suspect three to
rubble. The fire brigade was four others are still trapped
informed and rescue opera- under the debris and opera-
tions began immediately, tions are under way, said
said an officer with the Bri- the police.






HC slams Khattars
Patna goes green ahead of RJD rally State-level
fee rules for
Bihar capital gears up for partys show of strength; thousands of party workers and leaders arrive CBSE schools
surrender to vote bank Amarnath Tewary been decked up with huge Mamata Banerjee, former Press Trust of India
Patna green marquees and plat- U.P. Chief Minister Akhilesh Gandhinagar
An order issued by the Re- Haryana Government Ahead of the Rashtriya forms. Massive welcome Yadav, Congress leaders Fees charged by schools af-
gistrar of the Punjab and suspended Ashok Kumar, Janata Dals BJP bhagao, Desh arches with the names of vet- Ghulam Nabi Azad and C.P. filiated to the Central
High Court said: Suitable the Deputy Commissioner bachao (oust BJP, save coun- eran socialist leaders such as Joshi, CPI leaders Sudhakar Board of Secondary Educa-
accommodation for court of Police (DCP) of Panch- try) rally scheduled to be Karpoori Thakur have been Reddy and D. Raja, particip- tion (CBSE) should be as
room, etc. in the District kula, and posted Manbir held on Sunday, Patna has put up at the gates. The ating in the rally. per the norms fixed by the
jail, Rohtak at Sunaria shall Singh as the new DCP. turned green with party venue has two stages one Members of the States State government, CBSE
be provided and arrange- Tens of thousands of Dera flags, banners, posters, for the visiting leaders from ruling coalition, the JD(U) chairman R.K. Chaturvedi
ments also be made for the followers went on the ram- hoardings and huge wel- other parties and the other and the BJP, have taken a dig said on Saturday.
lawyers and parties to have page in Panchkula on Friday come arches. for the RJDs 80 MLAs. at the RJD for organising a Our affiliation by-laws
an easy access in court as the news broke that their Hundreds of thousands of rally when the State is fa- say the fee should be com-
room in the district jail. Fur- chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim party workers and district- Hosting the cadre cing flood fury. mensurate with infrastruc-
ther, necessary arrange- Singh had been convicted of level leaders have already All 80 RJD MLAs and other Its the height of insensit- ture and facilities offered
ments for security and safe rape by a CBI special court. trooped into the city . The party leaders have made ivity of RJD chief Lalu Prasad by the school. The
transport by air of the judi- The violence spread to district administration has All decked up: Posters displayed on the eve of Sundays RJD elaborate arrangements to to call a rally when entire quantum of fee should be
cial officer, who has to try other towns in Haryana and made elaborate arrangement rally in Patna. RANJEET KUMAR
* host party cadre and work- north Bihar is reeling under on par with the (respect-
the case in the district jail parts of Punjab as well. Few for the proposed mega rally ers. Huge tents have been severe flood, senior State ive) state governments
and two of staff members, incidents of arson were re- at the iconic Gandhi Maidan ground. In other hoardings shown as Lord Krishna and erected on the lawns of BJP leader and Minister norms, Mr. Chaturvedi
shall also be made. ported in Delhi. here. and banners, other members his brother Tejashwi as Ar- MLAs residences and cooks Nand Kishore Yadav said. said.
The huge billboards and of Mr. Prasads family have jun. From a corner their par- have been hired to feed The district administra- Mr. Chaturvedis state-
posters depicting the RJD been projected as deities and ents Lalu Prasad and Rabri them. Rebel JD(U) leaders tion has made security ar- ment comes even as CBSE
leader and his son and historical figures. In one Devi are seen blessing them. and Rajya Sabha members rangements. Over 20 CCTV schools have moved the
Kill him, kill him, former Deputy Chief Minis-
ter Tejashwi Yadav as
poster, Mr. Prasads eldest
daughter and partys Rajya
Other posters take a dig at
Prime Minster Narendra
Sharad Yadav and Ali Anwar
have arrived in Patna to par-
cameras have been installed
in and around the rally
Gujarat High Court against
the State governments de-

screamed Premis Bahubali have been put up at

prominent thoroughfares
and intersections on the
Sabha member, Misa Bharti,
is shown as legendary war-
rior queen Rani Lakshmi Bai.
Modi, BJP national president
Amit Shah and others for the
demonetisation scam.
ticipate in the RJD rally. The
RJD has also released a list of
21 leaders, including West
venue and 4,000 police per-
sonnel have been deployed,
Senior Superintendent of Po-
cision to regulate fees of all
private schools, including
the CBSE-affiliated
They smashed the win- directions to the bus stand, roads leading to the rally In others, Tej PratapYadav is The Gandhi Maidan has Bengal Chief Minister lice Manu Maharaj said. institutions.
dows and the windscreen, ran into a proverbial Good
badly damaged the vehicle, Samaritan who offered him
and set it on fire, Mr. Ku- refuge in his house. I tried INTERVIEW | TEJASHWI YADAV
mar said. to contact Rakesh after I re-

Opposition will have to set aside its differences

The mob then turned on charged my phone but he
Mr. Kumar, blaming the me- was continuously out of
dia for the situation, and reach.
started raining blows on It was only later that I
him. While some in the mob realised that he had forgot-
shouted, Kill him, kill him, ten his phone in the car, and Former Deputy Chief Minister says our rally is to get the countrys populace behind a unified and tolerant Opposition
an elderly man thrashed it was burnt, along with our
him with a lathi, fracturing clothes, cash, and the cam- Smita Gupta means shes open to unity national party in the Opposi- with facts to prove that I or
his right arm. In the com- era. Around midnight, I got In a telephonic interview, former Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar moves with the Samajwadi tion with a pan-Indian pres- my family had used the op-
motion, Mr. Kumar some- a call from Rakesh, and we and chosen successor to RJD chief Lalu Prasad Tejashwi Yadav Party (SP).Thats a positive ence, Congress can get the portunity provided by the
how managed to extricate could finally reconnect, Mr. speaks about the Opposition rally called by his father in Patna sign. U.P., Bihar and maximum seats and lead the voters for our benefit in
himself and fled towards the Singh said. Despite the har- on Sunday and the possible shape of Opposition politics in the Jharkhand together have 134 Opposition. Who will lead these 20 months?
houses in the nearby Shah- rowing experience on his months ahead. Excerpts: seats of which the BJP holds Congress is for the Congress Nitishji needed a reason
pur Begu village. very first assignment, he 115 seats currently. If the RJD, to decide. to surrender in front of the
was determined to pursue a Whats the aim of Lalu ter, vibrant and united SP, BSP, Congress and BJP to maintain his credibil-
People to the rescue career in journalism, he Prasads August 27 rally? future. Jharkhand Mukti Morcha get Is a United Front-type ity. The BJP was more than
Helped by a kind-hearted added. together, they can win over situation in which H.D. happy to comply. Thus we
man in the mob, the cam- A three-member team of With the BJPs rise, the RSS Sonia Gandhi, Rahul 100 Lok Sabha seats. Deve Gowda became PM had a string of politically in-
eraman also managed to es-
cape. We both ran in differ-
another Hindi news channel
was also stranded inside the
and its sister organisations
have set up systems to act as
Gandhi, Mayawati, and
Sitaram Yechury are
All these parties are based
on similar principles. All of
> We have to ensure a
united Opposition
in 1996, with the Congress
supporting from outside
spired accusations, cases and
raids His present cabinet
ent directions. A few Dera following the verdict a parallel government skipping the rally. Is that a us will have to respect each with an alternative possible in 2019? has 75% tainted ministers.
villagers came to my rescue. and rescued on Saturday without responsibility but setback? other's concerns and set positive narrative
One of them took me to a morning. The trio hid for with immense nuisance aside inter-party rivalry... which can expose Past experience shows this What then was Mr.
bus stand on his cycle, several hours in a room at value. in Delhi, the govern- The Desh Bachao, Bhajpa Some new parties like the PM Modi isnt a good idea its not Kumars real reason for
where I spotted a senior po- one of the hotels inside the ment employs right-wing Bhagao Maharally is an RJD Biju Janata Dal, the Asom good for stability. Its better returning to the BJP, given
lice officer. He then took me Dera. They eventually man- propaganda to hide its fail- rally, not a rally of all Opposi- Gana Parishad and the In- faulty or it cant be replic- to have a United Progressive that he broke his
to a hospital, Mr. Kumar aged to come out after es- ures. Every educational and tion parties. So too much dian National Lok Dal are ated with more principled Alliance-I-type situation in association with the party
said. tablishing contact with the constitutional body is sys- must not be read into the in- coming. and stable partners. ...Even which the Congress was sup- in 2013?
Mr. Singh, while seeking local administration. tematically being infested ability of top leaders of other in the so-called Modi wave, ported by all major regional
with Sangh Parivar members parties (to attend the rally) The grand alliance only 32% of the voters voted parties. There is more to it than
and rightist ideology, to .Those unable to attend governments collapse for the BJP... All we have to meets the eye! There must be

Qureshi arrested for change the minds of the

youth and the ethos of the
nation beyond repair...
have conveyed their per-
sonal reasons ... Soniaji per-
sonally spoke to me on
was not just a setback for
the RJD, but the entire
secular Opposition. Your
ensure is a united Opposition
with an alternative positive
narrative which can expose
Nitish Kumar recently
said: The mandate was
for serving the people of
some skeletons hidden in the
closet of this U-turn special-
ist that he simply sur-

money laundering The Opposition and those

opposing the propaganda-
Thursday; Rahulji has prior
commitments, and we were
comment. PM Modi, who has per-
formed miserably on all
Bihar and not for
enriching one family...
rendered in front of the
might of Narendra Damodar-
driven high-handedness of aware of it. The party will be The mahagatbandhan [grand fronts. das Modi, whom he was ac-
Qureshi extorted crores their kin, it said. the Sangh Parivar are being represented by other lead- alliance] was a perfect model After having ditched the cusing of causing all the
from a Hyderabad business- An analysis of the mes- hounded.... If we stay mute,.. ers. The CPI(M) is not com- to check the Sangh Parivar Will the Congress lead the mandate of the voters ...he hardships in the country not
man for the help provided. sages retrieved from the future generations will never ing, probably because of the and BJP. But if someone, who Opposition and, if so, who had to come up with baseless very long ago. One reason
He was also found involved mobile phones of Qureshi forgive us. Our rally is to get political situation in West was either being blackmailed will head it Sonia allegations to justify his un- could be the threat that the
in hawala transactions and his associates revealed the countrys populace to Bengal. (BSP chief ) May- or had a vested interest, de- Gandhi or Rahul? justifiable action. Levelling murder charges against him
through Delhi-based operat- that hawala operators were rally behind a unified and awatiji is not coming but her cided to part ways ... that accusations is easy, but what would get fast-tracked by the
ors for money transfers to allegedly used to transfer tolerant opposition for a bet- talking about sharing of seats doesn't mean the idea was As the biggest and the only stopped him from coming up BJP.
Dubai and then to Paris, bribe money to different for-
London, the U.S., Hong eign locations, like France
CPI(M) MP DMK team to meet Tamil Nadu Governor
Kong, Italy and Switzerland. and the United Kingdom.
Messages collected from The agency said that from
the Income Tax Department the premises of another
revealed that Qureshi had hawala operator in South takes dig
taken a huge amount of Delhi, huge amounts of un-
money from different per- accounted cash were seized at party Dhinakaran, rebel MLAs may meet President if Governor does not respond to their letter
sons for obtaining undue fa- in the same case.
Special Correspondent
vours. The messages were The ED is also probing Special Correspondent inakaran loyalists would leaving behind their family Pandiarajan a minister when
exchanged between him, the alleged foreign exchange Kolkata meet the President and sub- and people of their constitu- there are so many MLAs who
the accused in other crim- rule violations by Qureshi, Communist Party of India On a day when Tamil Nadu mit a memorandum seeking ency. We are not here to re- had sacrificed for the party?
inal cases, and also the per- whom it has questioned (Marxist) MP Ritabrata Governor Ch. Vidyasagar his intervention. joice but to sacrifice for the It was Chinnamma Sasikala
sons who wanted to seek multiple times in the past. Banerjee, who is at the Rao flew into Chennai, calls We have the support of a growth and welfare of the who protected the party. She
undue favours from the In all, two cases under the centre of a controversy for urging him to initiate ac- large number of MLAs. They party, he said. will be our permanent gen-
other investigating agencies, Prevention of Money Laun- use of expensive accessor- tion to bring the stalemate will be under threat if we an- Meanwhile, two more AI- eral secretary. It is unethical
the ED alleged. This way, dering Act have been re- ies, has taken refuge in the that has gripped the State nounce their names at this ADMK MLAs joined the 18 to remove her from the post.
he obtained huge amount of gistered against him. He is Supreme Courts recent grew shriller. point of time. As of now, we MLAs holed up at the Sun- Instead, the MLAs should de-
money in the name of gov- already being investigated verdict declaring right to While the rebel MLAs un- have 21 MLAs on our side. way Manor Hotel in Puduch- liberate and work together
ernment servants and polit- by the Income Tax Depart- privacy as a fundamental der T.T.V. Dhinakaran said We do not want the incum- erry on Saturday. Vriddach- towards bringing back Am-
ical persons holding public ment under the new Black right. they would meet the Presid- bent Chief Minister to con- alam MLA V.T. Kalaiselvan mas rule, they said.
office. The said public ser- Money (Undisclosed Foreign In a series of social me- ent if the Governor did not tinue, he said. and Aranthangi MLA Rath- They added that nearly
vants illegally got the money Income and Assets) and Im- dia posts recently, Mr. respond to their letter com- M.K. Stalin *

inasabapathy, who checked 122 MLAs stood in solidarity

for themselves or through position of Tax Act. Banerjee indirectly ac- municating withdrawal of Ready to support OPS in on Saturday morning, said in the Assembly to bring Am-
cused the CPI(M) leader- support to Chief Minister Ed- ernor on Sunday morning. However, we are ready to that the Chief Minister has to mas rule back. We were
ship of digging out inform- appadi K. Palaniswami, Addressing the media on extend our support to OPS if answer why he decided to also among the 122. What we

Technical snag forces AI ation about his bank

account without his per-
Leader of the Opposition
and DMK working president
Saturday, AIADMK MLA
Thangatamilselvan said if Mr.
he wants to become the CM,
he said.
merge with the OPS faction
and offered him the post of
have started now is the real
fight for justice. We will not
mission. Is getting hold of M.K. Stalin said his party- Vidyasagar Rao did not re- He added that the MLAs Deputy Chief Minister. stop till we usher in a new
flight to return to Srinagar ones bank statement an at-
tack on his/her privacy&
men would meet the Gov- spond within two days, Dh- had come to Puducherry How can they make K. rule in the State, they said.

(and) denies one of d [the]

India, Qatar discuss citizens welfare

Press Trust of India
Srinagar after developing a technical
snag mid-air.
right 2 [two] personal
liberty guaranteed by d More border
An Air India flight from Srin- Former Chief Minister [the] Constitution, stated
agar was forced to return to Omar Abdullah was also on- Mr. Banerjee in a recent so- standoffs
the airport here on Saturday board the flight. cial media post. 6 lakh Indians work in the Gulf state; plan to expand cooperation in energy, trade
likely: Rawat
Press Trust of India in the region to resolve the
India on Saturday discussed dialogue and well-estab- Pune
On the draw Surendra with Qatar the welfare of its
citizens in the wake of its
lished international prin-
ciples of mutual respect.
China was attempting to
change the status quo on
lingering disputes with Saudi Indias ties with Qatar its border with India and
Arabia, Egypt, the UAE and have intensified in the last incidents such as the ongo-
Bahrain. few years. ing standoff in the Doklam
In wide-ranging talks area are likely to in-
between External Affairs More projects crease, Army Chief Gen-
Minister Sushma Swaraj and Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh eral Bipin Rawat said on
her Qatari counterpart Abdullah bin Nasser bin Saturday.
Sheikh Mohamed bin Ab- Khalifa Al-Thani visited New The recent standoff in
dulrahman Al-Thani, the two Delhi in December during the Doklam plateau by the
sides also discussed ways to which India had expressed Chinese side attempting to
deepen co-operation in en- keenness in investing in hy- change the status quo are
ergy, trade and investment. drocarbon projects in the issues which we need to be
External Affairs Ministry External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj with Ministers of State Gulf nation. wary about, and I think
spokesperson Raveesh Ku- M.J. Akbar and V.K. Singh arrive to meet Qatar Minister Sheikh Prime Minister Narendra such kind of incidents are
mar said bilateral issues, in- Mohammed Bin Abdul Rahman Al-Thani in New Delhi. PTI * Modi and his Qatari counter- likely to increase in the fu-
cluding welfare of the more part had also discussed en- ture, Gen. Rawat said.
than six lakh workers, were were also discussed. Qatar, alleging that it suppor- hancing cooperation in de- Delivering a lecture
discussed. In June, the four Arab na- ted terrorism. fence and security and here, he said pockets of
Official sources said ex- tions had announced cutting Qatar had rejected the agreed on joint action to dispute and contested
panding co-operation in en- diplomatic ties and closing charges. tackle money laundering claims to the territory con-
ergy, trade and investment all connectivity links with India had asked countries and terrorist financing. tinued to exist.



Restoring order: Personnel of the Rapid Action Force walk towards the Dera Sacha Sauda On vigil: Security personnel keeping watch after the verdict At the ready: An Army convoy taking out a flag march to restore confidence among civilians and
Ashram in Sirsa on Saturday. AFP *
on Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh in Sirsa. AKHILESH KUMAR *
to maintain law and order in Panchkula on Saturday. AKHILESH KUMAR *

Haryana braces for Monday, the day of sentencing

Death toll in Fridays violence touches 34 cases have been registered, and 101 companies of paramilitary forces Deputy Advocate-General sacked for
36; police identifying the dead 524 people arrested deployed across the State carrying luggage of Dera chief

Dera head treated

With 36 people killed in the
violence triggered by sup-
porters of the Sirsa-based
Dera Sacha Sauda sect, au-
thorities are now establish-
like other convicts
ing the identity of the dead Ashok Kumar
conducting SIRSA
Rohtak Deputy Commis-
> Situation in the
district under
We have 17 bodies here; sioner Atul Kumar on Sat- control and the Violence unacceptable,
post-mortem examination is urday said that Dera Sacha police is prepared says Venkaiah
being carried out ... We will Sauda (DSS) chief Gurmeet to tackle any VELAGAPUDI
inform the police once it is Ram Rahim Singh was being Condemning the violence
over. They will inform the treated as an ordinary in- that broke out in Punjab and
Atul Kumar
families after identification is mate in Sunaria Jail in Ro- Rohtak Deputy Commissioner Haryana, Vice-President M.
completed, V.K. Bansal, htak, and was being Venkaiah Naidu said such
chief medical officer at the provided the same food that incidents were not acceptable
civil hospital in Panchkula, is provided to other taken seven persons into in a democracy. At a function
told The Hindu. inmates. custody, he added. here on Saturday, Mr. Naidu
The Haryana government With the CBI judge to be As many as 10 companies said the violence was
on Saturday said that no res- flown to Rohtak to pro- of paramilitary forces have unfortunate, and added the
ident of Panchkula, the epi- nounce the quantum of sen- been deployed. manner in which the vested
centre of the violence, had tence in the case, the Mr. Kumar added that 18 interests provoked people in
been reported missing, in- Deputy Commissioner said columns of the Army had the name of religion, caste
jured or killed. been registered against Dera he said. Additional Chief Sec- needed. It has also been de- that the situation in the dis- been requisitioned, and and language was deplorable.
As many as 34 cases have
been registered till now by
followers and investigation
was under way. During the
retary (Home) Ram Niwas
said that the efficient action
cided to extend the ban on
mobile data services in the 340 trains trict was under control and
that the police was prepared
these would soon reach the
district and carry out a flag
the police in the entire epis- operation, the police re- taken by the security forces State till Tuesday (August to tackle any situation. march.
ode and 524 people have covered one AK 47 rifle and to disperse the violent mob 29), he said, adding that 19 affected Making an appeal to the
been arrested. one Mauser rifle from the in about three-and-a-half potential trouble-makers had people to not to enter the Section 144 imposed
Director-General of Police, vehicle of a Dera follower, hours had prevented the been taken into preventive Asian News International district without specific or Apart from this, the District
Haryana, B.S. Sandhu said and two rifles and five pistols situation from worsening. custody and the crackdown New Delhi urgent reasons, Mr. Kumar Administration, Rohtak, has
that while 30 people were were recovered from another Haryana Deputy Advoc- would continue ahead of the Following Fridays said that barricades have imposed Section 144 of the
killed in Panchkula, six caus- vehicle, he said. ate-General Gurdass Singh sentencing. The main lead- violence in Punjab and been set up at several places Code of Criminal Procedure Dera chief loses Z-plus
alities were reported from He said peace was prevail- Salwara was sacked as he ers of Dera Sacha Sauda, who Haryana, 340 train to check every person enter- (CrPC), prohibiting as- security cover
Sirsa. Investigations are un- ing throughout the State and was seen carrying the lug- are likely to instigate follow- services in the two States ing Rohtak and that a Duty sembly of five or more per- Dera Sacha Sauda chief
der way, he said. The pro- all security arrangements gage of the Dera chief while ers, are either being taken were cancelled or Magistrate has also been sons and the carrying of Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singhs
cess of identification [of the had been made for Monday, the latter was taken to into confidence or arrested. terminated before deputed. firearms and other Z-plus security cover was
bodies] has started and so when the quantum of sen- Rohtak. Capt. Singh said the reaching their destinations weapons. withdrawn after his
far, we have identified 13 tence would be decided. curfew had been lifted in on Saturday, the Railways 10 companies deployed The administration has conviction, Haryana Chief
bodies and their families are As many as 101 companies High security in Punjab three districts and relaxed in said. If during the check, any per- also directed the gram pan- Secretary D.S. Dhesi said here
being informed. of paramilitary forces have Punjab Chief Minister Capt. the other areas. He said that Neeraj Sharma, Chief son fails to produce proof of chayats to deploy youth to on Saturday. He denied any
been deployed in the State, Amarinder Singh said the police officers had visited all Public Relation Officer, identity or specify a sound carry out thikri pehra (a vi- special treatment being given
Sedition cases while the Army has been de- State had beefed up security the 98 Naam Sacha Ghars of Northern Railways, said as reason for visiting the dis- gil by the community for to the Dera chief in jail. The
Haryana Chief Secretary D.S. ployed in Panchkula and at vital installations and was the Dera in the State and re- many as 650 trains would trict, then he would be peace) for maintenance of moment he was arrested, his
Dhesi told presspersons that Sirsa. Curfew has been re- ready to enforce curfew in covered lathis, pipes, rods, be affected till Sunday. taken into custody. law and order in their Z plus cover stood
two cases of sedition had laxed in Panchkula and Sirsa, sensitive areas again, if axes and petrol bombs. The police have so far villages. withdrawn, he said. PTI

Army denies plan to Khattar will stay It was not an easy

storm sects building on as CM, says BJP investigation for CBI
Dont politicise violence, says party
Deploys 24 columns in Haryana and Punjab Persistence helped agency crack pall of fear over victims
Nistula Hebbar

Followers start leaving

Special Correspondent NEW DELHI Devesh K. Pandey
NEW DELHI The BJP on Saturday made it New Delhi
The Army deployed 24 clear that the party leader- Corroborative statements of
columns across Haryana and
Punjab by Saturday, even as
it denied any immediate
ship had not summoned
Haryana Chief Minister M.L.
Khattar in the aftermath of
two rape victims and their
relatives, besides adverse lie-
detection test results of
Dera, 2 policemen held
plan to enter the Dera Sacha the violence that broke out three close associates of Gur- Special correspondent Dera had voluntarily left the
Sauda headquarters in Sirsa. in the State. meet Ram Rahim Singh and SIRSA premises and walked away.
About a lakh devotees of It was also made clear other circumstantial evid- Two Punjab Police It has also announced a
Gurmeet Ram Rahim, head that there was no move ence, proved crucial in his personnel have been relaxation of curfew from 6
of the sect and rape convict, afoot to remove Mr. Khattar Manohar Lal Khattar conviction by the Special arrested from the premises a.m. to 11 a.m. on Sunday.
are holed up on the from the post, despite the CBI court in Panchkula, 15 of the Purana Dera (the Two serving Punjab
premises. strong language used by the are in charge of the party af- years after the case was re- older Dera about 3 km from policemen were arrested
A senior Army officer said Punjab and Haryana High fairs in Haryana. Sources gistered. The charge-sheet the main one) and two from the Purana Dera. Two
24 columns had been de- Court over the way the State said Mr. Khattar would not filed in the case reveals that AK-47s, along with small AK 47s and two small
ployed in the two States. administration had handled be summoned to Delhi; nor given the influence wielded weapons, were allegedly weapons were recovered
But the Armys sizeable matters on Friday. was his removal on the by Ram Rahim, it was not an seized from them. from them, Sirsa
deployment is in Panchkula, It is a rumour that the party agenda. easy investigation for the The local administration Superintendent of Police,
where 12 columns are at the party has asked Chief Minis- The high command was CBI. claimed on Saturday Ashwin Shenvi, told The
ready. ter M.L. Khattar to come to in constant touch with the Taking cognisance of an evening that all the Hindu. The death toll has
Panchkula, where the Delhi for any meeting, BJP Chief Minister, and it is to be anonymous letter, alleging followers in the Purana risen to six.
trial court is located, wit- general secretary Anil Jain noted that the Baba [Gur- sexual exploitation of girls DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
nessed massive violence, said. meet Ram Rahim Simgh] by the Dera Sacha Sauda
resulting in the death of at Massive losses: An Army man looks at a charred vehicle The Opposition should reached the court without chief, the Punjab and Hary- while 24 others had left by spoke up. It was in May-July
least 28 people in the pulled by a recovery van in Panchkula. AKHILESH KUMAR * not politicise what any violence being perpet- ana High Court had in May then. The agency contacted 2006 that the CBI managed
township. happened, people who died rated, a source said. 2002 directed the District 130 girls, who declined to co- to convince two victims to
vision, told presspersons, were Dera supporters. The The party has been in- and Sessions Judge (Sirsa) to operate owing to an atmo- share complete information.
Eight columns in Sirsa <
> There is confusion
that the Army is There is some confusion State government had formed that people did not probe. However, the judge sphere of fear and physical, They gave a detailed account
Eight Army columns are de- that the Army is going inside sealed 36 Dera ashrams and come in a group or together found that no one was will- mental and spiritual control of what was happening in-
going inside the
ployed in Sirsa, while two the Dera campus. At the mo- the Sirsa ashram is being va- to Panchkula, but in a ing to speak up. Not ruling of Baba Gurmeet Singh. side the Dera chief s rooms
each are in Mansa and Dera campus ... ment, there is no such plan. cated. scattered way; when Gur- out the possibility, the judge Of the 24 Sadhvis who and what transpired to them
Mukhtsar. there is no such The clarifications came He refused to reveal meet Ram Rahim Singh recommended a central had left the Dera between in August 1999. One of them
Each Army column has a plan after some media reports whether the party had reached the court, the agency investigation and 1997 and 2002, 20 were recorded her statement un-
minimum of 80 troops. Major-General Rajpal Punia about Army entering the taken any call to sack the crowd suddenly swelled. therefore, on the High Court traced. Most of them were der Section 164 of the Cr.PC
The Army officially clari- premises, which further pre- Chief Minister after Fridays The State government directive, the CBI registered married and did not want to in March 2007. As described
fied that it had no immediate fused to disperse despite re- cipitated tension the region. events that led to the death tried to avoid a confronta- the case on December 12, come out with the truth, by the victims, there was an
plan to enter the Dera Sacha peated appeals by the The senior officer said he of 32 people because of po- tion, and as part of this 2002. fearing adverse old and a new Dera complex
Saudas headquarters, a authorities. The Army, the would be going to the sect lice firing. strategy, the Baba was consequences. in the ashram, where Ram
sprawling compound where police and paramilitary headquarters to ask the Dera moved out of Panchkula in a Just two speak out The CBI examined 18 girls Rahim had a separate ac-
tens of thousands of follow- forces have set up barri- management to vacate the Shah meet leaders helicopter. After the verdict, In 2005, the agency man- who had left the ashram, commodation called the
ers of the controversial guru cades at entry points of the premises. Asked if the sect Early on Saturday morning, the administration ensured aged to get a list of residents some of who said the Dera Gufa (cave).
are holed up. sect headquarters. followers will be evacuated however, BJP president Amit that minimum losses took at the dera, revealing that 53 chief, its management and Ram Rahim would al-
The devotees, among Major-General Rajpal from the headquarters, he Shah met Mr. Jain and an- place and tried to protect Sadhvis lived in the girls his followers were very legedly summon the Sad-
them a large number of wo- Punia, General Officer Com- said, We will come back to other general secretary, media and ordinary hostel and 80 in the Dera dangerous people and they hvis into his cave and then
men and children, have re- manding, Hisar- based 33 Di- you. Kailash Vijayvargiya, who people, the source said. Sacha Saudas Sirsa ashram, feared for their lives if they force himself upon them.





Rajiv Kumar has been picked as the ernments senior Ministers and top offi- the Prime Ministers impressive and ing or stagnating. Rural distress is for the next decade. He also has strong
Pp q
Q second Vice-Chairman of the NITI
Aayog, the think tank set up by the Nar-
cials, including Cabinet Secretary P.K.
Sinha and Additional Principal Secret-
sharp focus on economic develop-
ment. I was an optimist in govern-
mounting Such talk projects an image
of a government not empathetic or
views about Indias foreign trade policy
and could push for an overhaul of the
endra Modi government as a substitute ary in the Prime Ministers Office P.K. ment, but didnt let that cloud my aware of peoples real concerns. This export incentives system.
for the Planning Commission. An Ox- Mishra. His word is taken seriously judgement, Mr. Panagariya said after can rebound badly, he wrote in Modi

Rajiv Kumar ford-educated economist with extensive

experience in shaping the contours of
public policy both in and outside the
enough by the government to include
him on the selection panel for high-pro-
file jobs such as chiefs of regulatory
announcing his exit. Mr. Kumar is not
only optimistic, but probably has the
gumption to speak out on issues that
and his Challenges released last year.

What could be his agenda?

Any surprises?
Bureaucrats may need to come up with
better excuses, but Mr. Kumar could

powerful government Mr. Kumar is likely to

take charge of his new role in Septem-
ber, once his predecessor Arvind
bodies. But it is not the proximity, but
the pragmatic policy advice he could
bring to the table that would be critical
others in the government may shy away
from. Take his advice to gov-
ernment spokespersons,
Spurring the formal economy, reviving
private investment and creating jobs is
likely to be the mantra of Mr. Kumar,
bring some relief for citizens as he be-
lieves the government could pare the
high taxes on petroleum products to

planner Panagariya returns to academic pursuits

at Columbia University in New York. He
now serves as Chancellor of the Pune-
for a government that has now lost two
economists of global repute in the past
one year (Raghuram Rajan and Mr.
for instance stop
claiming economic vic-
tory on being the fast-
who feels all other economic prior-
ities must make way for employ-
ment creation. Jobs are critical for
push consumption and investment de-
mand. Last but not in the least interest-
ing, Mr. Kumar is a firm backer for a vol-
based Gokhale Institute of Politics and Panagariya). His diverse experience and est growing economy Mr. Modis politics to meet the untary two-year social service scheme
Economics and a senior fellow at the vast social network within industry and and talk about efforts exploding aspirations of his for the youth to ensure unemployment
Centre for Policy Research in Delhi and the academia should come in handy. to expand employment young supporters and prevent doesnt lead them astray. This would
is also the founding director of Pahle In- Consider this: apart from being a mem- instead. Irrespective of them from spilling out on to the have to be managed by our armed
dia Foundation, a non-profit think tank ber of the National Security Advisory the veracity of statistical streets in support of extremists of forces, as was the case with the National
in the capital. Reporting directly to the Board, he has worked at the Asian De- claimsthe truth is that all shades. Cadet Corps, and have national integra-
Prime Minister, the think tanks Chair- velopment Bank and industry chambers production and Mr. Kumar be- tion as the principal objectives. The ac-
person, Mr. Kumar could wield a power- CII and FICCI, and was once the CEO of employ- lieves higher em- tual deployment can also contribute to
ful influence on the management of the the economic think tank ICRIER. ment in ployment will building some assets in the rural sector
economy and the Centres policy major automatically and address rising rural distress by tak-
priorities. Why him? sectors take the Indian ing up agricultural extension work.
Having met Mr. Modi first when he was are economy close Wait for it.
What does he bring to the job? Chief Minister of Gujarat six years ago, either to double digit
He is more than familiar with the gov- Mr. Kumar is in sync with what he calls declin- growth rates VIKAS DHOOT

aid and welfare. The provision man- So Article 35A was added to the Con- knowledge, introduce a new Article. 21 of the Constitution.
Pp q
Q dates that no act of the legislature com-
ing under it can be challenged for violat-
stitution as a testimony of the special
consideration the Indian government
This question remains open.
A writ petition filed by NGO We the
A second petition filed by Jammu and
Kashmir native Charu Wali Khanna has
ing the Constitution or any other law of accorded to the permanent residents Citizens challenges the validity of both challenged Article 35A for protecting
the land. of Jammu and Kashmir. Article 35A and Article 370. It argues certain provisions of the Jammu and

The lowdown How did it Article 35A was in-

come about? corporated into the
Why does it
The parliamentary
route of lawmaking was
that four representatives from Kashmir
were part of the Constituent Assembly
involved in the drafting of the Constitu-
Kashmir Constitution, which restrict the
basic right to property if a native wo-
man marries a man not holding a per-

on Article 35A Constitution in 1954

by an order of the then President Ra-
jendra Prasad on the advice of the Jawa-
bypassed when the
President incorporated Article 35A into
the Constitution. Article 368 (i) of the
tion and the State of Jammu and Kash-
mir was never accorded any special
status in the Constitution. Article 370
manent resident certificate. Her chil-
dren are denied a permanent resident
certificate, thereby considering them il-
harlal Nehru Cabinet. The controversial Constitution empowers only Parliament was only a temporary provision to legitimate, the petition said.
Constitution (Application to Jammu and to amend the Constitution. So did the help bring normality in Jammu and
Kashmir) Order of 1954 followed the President act outside his jurisdiction? Is Kashmir and strengthen democracy in What next? Attorney-General
1952 Delhi Agreement entered into Article 35A void because the Nehru gov- that State, it contends. The Constitu- K.K. Venugopal has
between Nehru and the then Prime ernment did not place it before Parlia- tion-makers did not intend Article 370 called for a debate in the Supreme
Minister of Jammu and Kashmir Sheikh ment for discussion? A five-judge Bench to be a tool to bring permanent amend- Court on the sensitive subject.
Abdullah, which extended Indian cit- of the Supreme Court in its March 1961 ments, like Article 35A, in the Recently, a Supreme Court Bench,
What is it? Article 35A is a provi- izenship to the State subjects of Jammu judgment in Puranlal Lakhanpal vs. The Constitution. led by Justice Dipak Misra, tagged the
sion incorporated in and Kashmir. President of India discusses the Presid- The petition said Article 35 A is Khanna petition with the We the Cit-
the Constitution giving the Jammu and The Presidential Order was issued ents powers under Article 370 to against the very spirit of oneness of In- izens case, which has been referred to a
Kashmir Legislature a carte blanche to under Article 370 (1) (d) of the Constitu- modify the Constitution. Though the dia as it creates a class within a class three-judge Bench. The court has indic-
decide who all are permanent resid- tion. This provision allows the President court observes that the President may of Indian citizens. Restricting citizens ated that the validity of Articles 35A and
ents of the State and confer on them to make certain exceptions and modi- modify an existing provision in the Con- from other States from getting employ- 370 may ultimately be decided by a
special rights and privileges in public fications to the Constitution for the be- stitution under Article 370, the judg- ment or buying property within Jammu Constitution Bench.
sector jobs, acquisition of property in nefit of State subjects of Jammu and ment is silent as to whether the Presid- and Kashmir is a violation of funda-
the State, scholarships and other public Kashmir. ent can, without the Parliaments mental rights under Articles 14, 19 and KRISHNADAS RAJAGOPAL


Why the agitation? jars and the Patels. The once smitten The Kapus were disappointed with mission though it has been touring the
q * Over a year after a violence-marred
agitation, the farming community of
twice shy Telugu Desam Party govern-
ment and the Andhra Pradesh police
his move. State and taking representations. The
delay appears to have come in handy
Kapus in Andhra Pradesh, constituting did not take any chances and kept him What did Naidu promise? for Mr. Padmanabham and the main Op-
about 20% of the population, has again under house arrest till August 3. * It was in this background that the first position YSRCP to hit out at the govern-

do the Kapus hit the road demanding its inclusion in

notified Backward Classes to be able to
get reservation in government jobs and
What role did Chiranjeevi play?
* The demand for quota for the Kapus
elections after bifurcation of the State
into Telangana and the residual Andhra
Pradesh were held in 2014. In his bid to
ment and get some political mileage.
The YSRCP and the Congress have ex-
tended support to Mr. Padmanabhams

in Andhra educational institutions.

In an attempt to revive the agitation
in support of the long-pending demand,
has been there for more than two dec-
ades now, and from time to time, the is-
sue has been used effectively by ambi-
stage a comeback, after being in the Op-
position for a decade, Telugu Desam
Party chief N. Chandrababu Naidu
movement for reservation. Their fre-
quent consultations led the ruling
Telugu Desam Party to see a conspiracy

want quotas? the communitys leading light, former

Minister Mudragada Padmanabham,
gave a call to his supporters to join him
tious Kapu leaders and political parties
to garner votes from this numerically
strong community.
promised all things to all, from crop
loan waiver for farmers to quotas for the
Kapus within six months of coming to
against the government. In Andhras
political firmament, Mr. Padmanabham
is seen as a maverick who has
in a Chalo Amaravati (the new capital of In 2008, the popular actor-turned- power. Kapus, a sizeable chunk of switched loyalties from one party to an-
Andhra Pradesh) padayatra from his politician K. Chiranjeevi, who belongs whom were voters of the Congress, shif- other, starting with the Janata Party in
residence at Kirlampudi in East Godav- to the Kapu community, formed the ted their loyalties and helped Mr. Naidu 1978 to the Telugu Desam Party and
ari district on July 27. Praja Rajyam. return to power. Three years on, there then to the Congress and even the Bhar-
A similar call by him on January 31, He wanted to make a political im- has been no announcement on the atiya Janata Party. He resigned from the
2016, led to large-scale violence in Tuni, pact, riding on the sentiment that none quota. After last years violence and Mr. Cabinet of N.T. Rama Rao and started
also in East Godavari district, when the from the community could rise to the Padmanabhams fast, the government his own outfit, Praja Rakshana Party,
agitators torched a train and two police level of Chief Minister though the popu- constituted the Manjunatha Commis- but wound it up. He has not been con-
stations, leaving a number of people lation was larger than the Reddys and Chiranjeevi could win just 18 of the 294 sion to look into the demands for quota testing elections since 2014 but sees an
and policemen injured. the Kammas. seats in the 2009 Assembly elections; by the Kapus and other communities. opportunity in the Kapus grouse of be-
In asking people to come to Tuni in The chief ministership had been his party merged with the Congress in ing denied quotas.
thousands and lay siege to the rail track, shared by these two communities for a 2011 and he himself entered the Rajya What about the Manjunatha panel?
he has drawn inspiration from the Guj- major part of the last 60 years. But Mr. Sabha. * There is no word yet from the Com- K. VENKATESHWARLU


Darkness at noon: A total solar eclipse

Pp q
Q united most of America on Monday with
millions gazing at the sky as the sun
vanished behind the moon for the first
time in nearly a century. The total eclipse

could be seen coast to coast across 14
States from Oregon to South Carolina,
with the spectacle lasting two minutes
and 40 seconds at places like Madras,
August 2017 Oregon (in the picture). The U.S. space
agency NASA streamed it live, beaming
stunning pictures, including one of the
sun looking like a "luminous diamond
ring", which appears for an instant before
and after totality. When the moon
blotted out the sun, it became dark and
temperatures dropped. It became a
cultural event too, with people clicking
photos with cellphones and bombarding
social media. As the New York Times said
days before the event, the most
celebrated is the 1919 solar eclipse in
which photographic measurements
verified Einstein's idea that space and
time can bend.... This time, the surest
claim is that the Great American Eclipse
of 2017 will be the most photographed
in history... AFP *


Often in the news for political violence, Rehman belonged to the faction led ies were trying to capture villages in complicated the situation. While Mr. Is-
Pp q
Q Bhangar, a predominantly rural area in
West Bengal's South 24 Parganas dis-
by former Trinamool MLA and strong-
man Arabul Islam.
Bhangar. lam allegedly forced the villagers to sell
their land for the power grid project,
trict, is on the boil again. Villagers are What are the residents saying? opposing groups, led by Trinamool
angry over the alleged forced acquisi- Why is the government in a fix? The residents, however, repeatedly em- MLA and expelled CPI(M) leader Abdur
tion of about 14 acres of land by the The land agitation in Bhangar has put phasised that they were not against the Rezzak Molla and local Trinamool

In Bengal, State government on behalf of the

Power Grid Corporation of India (PG-
PCI) to set up a power grid in the area.
the Trinamool government in a spot as
it has a declared stand against forced
land acquisition.
power grid but that they didn't want it
in such a densely populated area. The
agitators said they were ready to resolve
leader Kaizar Ahmed, fanned the villa-
gers discontent in a bid to stop Mr. Is-
lam from supplying construction mater-

a land What happened?

There had been an undercurrent of ten-
After the Nandigram and Singur land
movements, which Mamata Banerjee
spearheaded and which led to the end
the issue, but that the State government
had not called them for talks. The pro-
cess of acquiring land started about
ial for the project.
Bhangar is a Trinamool stronghold,
and yet the government hasnt been

agitation puts sion since the agitation turned violent in

January, but on July 30, the situation
took a turn for the worse when a local
of 34 years of Left rule in the State, the
Trinamool Congress government clearly
stated that it would play no role in land
three years ago. But things got out of
hand in January when two men were al-
legedly shot dead by the police after the
able to contain the discontent or the vi-
olence. In this backdrop, a relatively un-
known party, the Communist Party of
govt. in a spot Trinamool Congress leader and mem-
ber of the Bhangar II panchayat samity
acquisition, which has been seen as a
major hurdle to industry. The 1955 West
villagers staged a protest demonstration
when a popular local leader Sheikh
India (Marxist-Leninist) Red Star, joined
the fight. Although the party has no or-
Ashikur Rehman was shot dead in a Bengal Land Reforms Act also has a Samsul Haque, who belongs to the Trin- ganisational base in the State, two of its
market area. stringent urban land ceiling (Section 14) amool but supports the agitators, was senior leaders, Alik Chakraborty and
Even as the villagers and Trinamool that prohibits possession of land in ex- arrested. Following the deaths, irate vil- Sarmistha Chowdhury who was arres-
leaders began a blame game over his cess of 24.2 acres. lagers not only blocked roads with tree ted and released on bail, are leading the
death, a section of the locals alleged On June 12, at a government pro- trunks to prevent the police from enter- agitation. According to the villagers,
that the fresh bout of violence was an gramme in Bhangar, Chief Minister dry and there would be infertility ing the area but also attacked the police- peace can be restored at Bhangar if the
outcome of the ruling party leadership's Mamata Banerjee spoke in favour of set- among locals if the grid came up. She men already deployed there. government addresses their concerns
attempt to force Trinamool factions to ting up the power grid and said there sought to differentiate the situation at through talks.
work together without resolving the were no facts to substantiate the claims Bhangar from that of Singur and Nandi- Is there a fight within Trinamool?
land issue. of agitators that crops would become gram and claimed that private compan- Factional feuds in the Trinamool have SOUYMA DAS



Walking down many memory lanes

Cities such as Berlin have valuable lessons on how multiple histories can coexist in a single place
that U-Bahn or S-Bahn station on the radical scientists and the subversive, nomically or in terms of health, we have
metro network, one sees on the walls subterranean strata of artists and bo- also managed to impoverish ourselves
not only advertising imagery but huge hemians who worked here before the in terms of memory: devastating large
black-and-white photographs of what first World War; there was the humili- swathes of our heritage, wiping out the
the area around the station looked like ation of defeat in that first huge conflict topographies that trace how we got
earlier, in the 19th century, in the early and then the great flowering of the arts from the past to where we are now.
years of the 20th century, mid-century, that followed in the 20s and early 30s; Its true there is only so much we can


and more recently. Its startling to see there was the ugly triumphalism of the learn from the wealthy countries. Just as
the huge church youve just walked past Nazi era and its destruction, followed by what has happened to the Indian urban
Ruchir Joshi
looking the same in black and white, ex- the Cold War years and the three dec- landscape is complex, with each major
is a writer, filmmaker and columnist
cept dotted around it are horse-car- ades that have followed. Today, you can metro and smaller town having its own
Spending time in one of northern riages or cars from the 1930s. Chalo, see traces of all these times. struggles between preservation and
Europes big cities can be instructive in you think subconsciously, obviously a real-estate depredation, between the
many ways. Once you get over the ef- church or a monument would be pre- Cookie-cutter homogeneity need to protect heritage and provide
fects of long-lasting wealth on a society, served and kept protected from de- various golden eras that adorn the city Western powers, with West Berlin an What this brings home to an Indian for the needs of a burgeoning popula-
the smooth, extensive transport sys- velopers. But then you see a street- in the shape of the buildings, the outpost surrounded on all sides like an born and bred in our major metros is tion. But in all this, the tendency across
tems, the latest technology in daily use, scape and you recognise quite ordinary squares, or the waterfronts. Berlin has isolated rook on a chessboard. From that we, as a nation and society, have no every political party, municipal regime,
the plethora of goods, the wide choice but beautiful buildings, a corner of a also attracted people over the decades, 1961 the siege effect was intensified by value for anything but our ancient or State and central administration has
of cuisines, the relative safety which wo- park or even a kiosk, and you find your- starting from the latter part of the 19th the huge, ugly wall that sawed the city medieval structures and even that is been to avoid difficult decisions, jettison
men and children enjoy, the palpable self thinking, No, that would not have century, but unlike Paris and Venice it into two with a wide, barren no mans highly tenuous. As for our colonial past, history, and allow the nexus of politi-
good health of most of the people you survived back home; someone would took serious damage in the Second land running through the middle like a the formative years of the Republic, and cians and builders a criminally free
see on the street and so on and so forth, have tampered with it, erased it. World War as the Allied bombers retali- dead river. And yet, all that has been ab- the first layers of our modern cities, we hand. Even as we feel outrage at every
other stuff comes to the fore. Places like Venice or Paris are obvi- ated for the ravages the Nazi air force sorbed as Berlin continues to transform. are happy to throw them into the dust- precious ancient monument the Islamic
ous outliers in a sense. For centuries, had visited on their cities. Unlike any Absorbed, digested, but somehow bin and replace them with cookie-cut- State destroys in West Asia, perhaps one
Change and continuity these cities have ingrained in their DNA other European city, Berlin was cut up not erased. Over the last 150 years and ter, real-estate developer homogeneity. of the lessons we could learn from the
Having been in Berlin for the last few the understanding that their USP is after the war, first into four sectors and more, Berlin has had huge ups and Now, its as if each generation is the first multiple histories that coexist in cities
weeks, Im once again struck by the their glorious past, that they are what then into two. During the Cold War, for downs: the capital of the newly unified one, with nothing having come before like Berlin is that we ourselves must find
continuity the urban landscape has with they are because tourists from all over nearly half a century, the city was made German state was established here; except a fake, twisted notion of an an- feasible and sustainable ways to cease
previous centuries. Standing at this or the world come there to see and admire schizophrenic by the Soviets and the there was the pomp of the Kaisers; the cient culture. Not only are we poor eco- the carpet-bombing of our own history.

Thinking outside the All the books that are

manufacturing box on the shelf
We need to create jobs beyond, not just in, factories Our reading options may not be so innocently collected
will find pretty difficult to deliver on.
In order to be globally competitive,
any large-scale manufacturing in In-
dia or elsewhere is now increasingly
automated, with more robots than
people. Last month, for instance, I vis-
ited Hyundais manufacturing plant

near Chennai. Its new second manu-

Raghavan Srinivasan facturing line produces a car every 72 Mini kapoor
is Editor, The Hindu Business Line seconds but is 95% automated. is Ideas Editor, The Hindu
The only way to stay competitive is
Last week, Arvind Panagariya, the out- greater investment in technology and This week, on Friday, The New York
going vice chairman of NITI Aayog, or- automation. In other words, fewer Times announced the unusual step of
ganised what was perhaps the most in- jobs. What, then, is the solution? yanking a book off the No.1 spot on
novative and inclusive effort yet to one of its bestseller lists, and readjus-
make Prime Minister Narendra Modis jobless growth is real, and as mil- Creating a circular economy ted its Young Adult Hardcover Books

vision of Make in India a reality. Two lions continue to join the workforce Maybe its time to revisit Mahatma list without Lani Sarems Handbook of
hundred of Indias best and brightest every year without finding enough Gandhis idea of a circular economy. Mortals. This followed feedback about
young CEOs apart from a handful of good jobs, jobs or the lack of them Increasingly, the world is coming to an peculiar activity that had catapulted
exceptions, almost all of whom were could become a make-or-break issue at understanding that the manufactur- Sarems debut novel, the first in a
under 50 years of age were invited the next general elections, approach- ing-led take, make, dispose model is planned fantasy series, to the top. The
by the governments think tank to ing with gathering speed. simply unsustainable from both an Guardian reported that upon news of
brainstorm over a day and a half and India is doing fairly well on the economic and ecological point of view. its supposed success, other YA writers the making of a bestseller, How a Book ours that online bookstores know
come up with ideas and solutions for growth front: the overall economy is As the focus necessarily shifts to a had become suspicious about how a Is Born, the stocking choices of indi- when they make recommendations.
making India a manufacturing hub of growing at 7.1%, while the services sec- more circular, take, make, refurbish, book that was out of stock on Amazon vidual stores can influence a books Go to the books recommended for
the world. tor, which accounts for over 53% of the repair, reuse model, the manufactur- and that others had hardly heard of trajectory among the reading public. you at Amazon. Its such a limited
At the end of the Champions of gross value added, is clocking 9% ing sector could look at how it can cre- could be a genuine bestseller. As they His numbers are more specific to the variety that it never really gives us a
Change programme, the CEOs were growth, the highest in the world in the ate jobs around the products it makes, asked around, they found bulk orders U.S. market and are from early in this wide enough range of options even if
expected to come up with short services sector among major econom- rather than find ways to create more at NYT-reporting shops, a list of decade, but the trend is telling: While we keep marking off books we already
presentations covering possible solu- ies, according to the Economic Survey. jobs making those products. Every car stores thats supposed to be confiden- they cannot force anyone to buy a par- own so that the list is not dictated by
tions, cutting across the six core The trouble is, this is not translating Hyundai or Maruti makes creates tially drawn up so that writers and ticular book, the return rate of a good our browsing history and purchases at
themes of the conference: New India into an adequate number of jobs. dozens of jobs down the line from publishers cannot game the lists, and independent bookstore is quite low, the online bookstore alone. There is,
by 2022, Doubling Farmers Incomes, Even Labour Minister Bandaru Dat- drivers to mechanics to spare parts their sleuthing compelled the paper to between 15 and 20 percent. Which of course, also the customers who
creating Cities of Tomorrow, Make in tatreya admitted as much recently. and fuel shops to even car cleaning. A announce that the sales for Handbook means that, on the one hand, the book bought this also bought button, but
India, Reforming the Financial Sector, Speaking at one of the events to mark single mega factory can manufacture for Mortals did not meet our criteria buyers for indie stores are very conser- keep at it, and you may soon enough
and building World-Class three years of the Modi government in all the denim needed for all the jeans for inclusion and that it had been ex- vative, taking two of this, three of that; be caught in a loop that brings you
Infrastructure. May, he said: The current growth is a worn by young people in the world punged from the list. but it also means that statistically back to your original choices.
jobless growth. Many European and but it would still take millions to con- This episode draws attention to how speaking, once a book is in a store, it
The reality of jobless growth Asian countries, including India, are vert cloth to clothes, to sell them, to much of our discovery of new books is has an 80 to 85 per cent chance of be- Those old books
While the themes address the core facing it. Growth is being reported but repair zips and buttons, and eventu- dependent on crafty placement of ing sold. Incidentally, he found that In fact, even keeping books in our lib-
policy thrust areas of the Modi admin- it is not reflecting in employment ally, when they are worn, to recycle titles, if not outright manipulation as Barnes & Noble, the American giant, raries can be susceptible to gaming. In
istration, it was pretty clear which generation. them. in the above case. Getting on the NYT had just one buyer for literary fiction her short book Bookshelf, that is part of
problem the government would really The numbers dont really matter. The Prime Minister is banking on list, for example, creates its own mo- for all its hundreds of stores: On the the Object Lessons series, Lydia Pyne
like to see addressed. Speaking to the The reality is that the number of jobs the manufacturing sector to solve the mentum in increasing sales of the one hand, this makes sense, and is the cites an experiment by writer Phyllis
gathering, both Prime Minister Modi created over 6 lakh according to Dat- jobs problem. The sector can do so, book in the U.S., the bestselling very definition of an advantage of Rose. Rose decided to read all fiction
and Panagariya said pretty much the tatreya and just 1.35 lakh jobs in three but only if it thinks out of the manufac- books are often placed prominently in scale; on the other hand, it seems out- in the LEQ-LES shelf in the New York
same thing: think of ways to create years according to the Centre for turing box. Maybe thats the real chal- bookshops, and offered on discount, landish that the tastes of one person Society Library, and found among
large numbers of productive, well-paid Equity Studiess India Exclusion Re- lenge we should be looking at. It is giving the books on the list a double should have such an effect on what other things that keeping a book in cir-
jobs. port 2016 pale in comparison to time our young CEOs turned their at- advantage at recommending them- tens of thousands of people buy and culation is vital for a library to keep it
The reason why jobs are top of those being added to the workforce. It tention to how the products and ser- selves to buyers. A book thats noticed read. on the shelves. Writes Pyne: In a bit
mind for those who are running the is no wonder that the Prime Minister is vices they deliver can create jobs out- has a better chance of being bought. It may appear that unlike bricks- of brilliantly fabulous ironic snark,
government even Finance Minister constantly urging India Inc. to rise to side the factory and come up with and-mortar stores with their limited Rose observes that a crusade to keep
Arun Jaitley, while releasing the NITI the challenge. innovative solutions and skills pro- Making of a bestseller floor areas, online bookstores with no certain books on their library shelves
Aayogs three-year plan on August 24, The trouble is, that is an ask which grammes to make that happen. India Indeed, the very fact of a book being space constraints would allow us to doesnt necessitate actually reading
chided India Inc. for its reluctance to practically any modern, globally com- may not become the making capital stocked itself determines how well a better crowdsource a list. But al- them, just checking them out of the
invest in labour-intensive sectors is petitive manufacturing industry in of the world but it can become the book does. As Keith Gessen noted in gorithms, of our own individual mak- library. Time to visit the library and
not hard to fathom. The spectre of India or anywhere else in the world remaking and reusing capital. his short but exhaustive inquiry into ing, tie us to the few preferences of borrow old favourites.

The confederacy of conspiracy theorists

Under Trump, white supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, and self-declared neo-Nazis have moved from the margins to the centre
Armed with 19th century social sci- the underlying sense of panic that transcendent power.
ence claims about race, cultural unique- marks white nationalist movements. In Typically, this theatre of suspicion is
ness, biological superiority of the 1964, the political scientist, Richard Hof- played out at the margins, with the
whites, and 21st century technology to stadter, described American politics as centres of power protected by the
spread their word, the neo-Nazis marked by a paranoid style. From praetorian guards of the establishment.
chanted (Jews will not replace us) and anti-Catholic movements in the 19th With Trumps victory, however, a con-
stormed into the national conversation. century, the Red scares of the spiracist and his retinue are now at the
Notwithstanding the irony that many of mid-20th century, to the rise of Barack centre. Predictably, Trumps only re-
Keerthik Sasidharan the 21st century white nationalists (with Obama, shifts in demographics of cul- sponse has been to launch counter-con-
was born in Palakkad and lives in New York ancestries from the Balkans and South- ture and power bases have periodically spiracies in the hope of annulling the ef-
ern Europe) would have had difficulty fuelled mass anxiety and exclusionary fects of the imagined original
Little noticed amidst all the political being identified as white in 19th cen- rhetoric. What follows is an extreme conspiracy. Like some malevolent Quix-

punditry that followed Donald Trumps tury America, the present-day Nazis an- form of suspicion towards any discourse ote, he charges every day up against the
improbable rise to power was the daily nounced their intentions to build an about society that emanates from American media, often accusing them
diet of conspiracy theories that he had apartheid-style ethno-state. Much of elites (universities, media, businesses). of treason for disagreeing with him.
engorged himself on and had thrown this rhetoric is intended as a public This suspicion is operationalised by This, even as he feeds real dragons of
around for his base as red meat. show of commitment for their base. But counter-theories that seek to explain white nationalism with his blather.
for now they did the next best thing: Trumps extraordinary reluctance to monolith of historically experienced less but feed into, what Auden wrote
March of the neo-Nazis they went in front of cameras. They de- condemn these supremacists groups ex- white privileges. Trumps instinctive elsewhere, a climate of opinion. A moral paralysis
Since January 2017, when Trump be- nounced with fervour any and all who cept when he was later forced to read willingness to offer up equivocations for The more opaque a societys institu- The irony, however, is that power in the
came President, many conspiracy the- didnt agree with them as globalists, out a written statement (a hostage fellow reactionary minds is a form of a tions become, the more conspiracy the- abstract the currency in which con-
orists have emerged as amplified voices cosmopolitans, Jew-lovers, and cucks note, as a wag described it). bullys empathy for those losing their ories become a mythology-from-below spiracy theorists transact rarely re-
in the American public arena includ- (cuckolds sexual anxiety about race In parts, Trumps instinctive demur- monopoly of historically accrued power on how those institutions truly operate sembles power in the concrete. A con-
ing white supremacists, the Ku Klux mixing is a persistent theme). ral is understandable. He and these and social capital which is often mis- and who wields the real power. Conspir- spiracist in power is often defeated by
Klan, and self-declared neo-Nazis all Later when asked to comment on groups consume the same media taken for even-handedness. To expect acy theories thus become a form of the mismatch between reality and the
of whom rely on a steady dose of con- (and hopefully condemn) the neo-Nazi sources sources where conspiracy Trump to ask whether monopolies of open-sourced cultural production of claims of his pet ideas. What follows is a
spiracies and enemies to sustain their march, Trump, instead of providing theories grow faster than mushrooms power in society are good in the first communicable paranoia that subgroups moral paralysis and rhetorical glibness.
movements. Nowhere was this seen moral clarity and leadership, went after monsoons to shape the worlds place is, by all accounts, to ask too consume and reinterpret when faced Predictably, after much criticism, when
more vividly than in Charlottesville, Vir- down a rhetorical rabbit hole that was they inhabit. Together, they bathe in a much of him. with their own increasing sense of irrel- asked yet again about the neo-Nazi
ginia, a couple of weeks back when indistinguishable from the kind of wellspring of reactionary anger that All this said, last weeks events in evancy to historical forces at work. To marches and accompanying violence,
American neo-Nazis, their allies, and in- mealy mouthed justifications that self- sees the wreckage of their idealised past Charlottesville arent new in American such a view, as Hofstadter describes, Trumps answers were absurd: he
tellectual godfathers marched openly in respecting adulterers deploy when float by, thanks to the patient chipping history per se. Neither for its organised history [itself ] is a conspiracy, set in blamed the media for being unfair to
a show of force. caught. More telling, however, was away (by law and demographics) of the efforts to intimidate on racial lines nor motion by demonic forces of almost him by reporting his words accurately.




Horned reptiles predate horned The universe linked by
dinosaurs by 100 million years cosmic information
Indian team builds new perspective of the cosmos
The discovery of adult reptile fossil bones without horns indicates sexual dimorphism
Shubashree Desikan
Urine makes nutrition? R. Prasad period, says Prof.
Chemical engineers from Saswati Bandyopadhyay Information is a quant-
Clemson University Scientists at the Kolkata- from the Geological Stud- ity that springs up very
engineered yeast to make based Indian Statistical ies Unit at ISI Kolkata and naturally in the study of
omega-3 fatty acids from Institute have discovered one of the authors of the the universe as it is tied
human urine and exhaled fossil remains of horned paper. up with gravity. For ex-
breath. Omega-3 fatty acids reptiles about 245 mil- The researchers have ample, the information
are vitamins useful to humans. lion years old (early identified more than 300 available to an observer
This is a process that could be Middle Triassic) from the bones. There are nine looking at a black hole
used to recycle food during Satpura Gondwana basin frontal bones with horns from far is limited by
space missions. in Madhya Pradesh. The and two without horns. the event horizon of the
reptile is a new genus We can find at least black hole, beyond
and has been named seven individuals from which even light cannot
Shringasaurus indicus. the collection of bones. escape so the informa- Strange universe: Spiral galaxy NGC 6984 from the
The results were pub- There are at least six tion inside the black Hubble telescope, showing a supernova explosion.
lished in the journal Sci- horned individuals and hole is not available to * REUTERS/NASA
entific Reports. one or two without them. lated, also very import- around it, creating a re-
Shringasaurus belongs horns, she says. Physicists T. Padman- ant, question in cosmo- gion of water, which in
to a group of reptiles (Al- abhan, distinguished logy is regarding the turn expands, reaching
lokotosauria) that ap- Horned beast professor at IUCAA, origin of structures local thermodynamic
peared in the Early or Though no fossils were Pune, and Hamsa Pad- such as galaxies, in the equilibrium At large
Musical whales Middle Triassic and be- recovered with intact manabhan who is a universe. These are be- scales, close to the
Male humpback whales can came completely extinct pair of horns, the re- Tomalla Fellow at Insti- lieved to have origin- boundary of the phases,
make musical sounds to form close to the end of the searchers were able to tute for Astronomy, ated as tiny fluctuations the molecules have not
songs. Recent research has Triassic period (approx- identify the left and right ETH Zurich, have used in the universe just after yet reached equilib-
found that groups of imately 200 million years horns from their anatom- the relation between in- the big bang. Explaining rium, since the chunk
humpbacks can abandon the ago). ical features. Also, the formation and gravity how these fluctuations of ice is being heated up
song they are singing to pick The name Shrin- discovery of adult reptile to build up a new per- were generated and get- from the inside. In-
up tunes used by other gasaurus indicus is de- bones without horns is spective about the cos- ting their size is another credibly enough, this is
groups. They also make new rived from ancient indicative of females and mos. Their approach, big question. similar to how our uni-
songs by joining old and new Sanskrit and Greek roots therefore of sexual di- moreover, explains two The theory de- verse behaves.
tunes. This is like songbirds and refers to the horns Meticulous detail: Saradee Sengupta (left) and Prof. Saswati Bandyopadhyay morphism. Juveniles too fundamental puzzles in veloped by Prof. Pad-
and even humans do. present on its skull reconstructed the horned reptile from the recovered bones. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT * have horns, though smal- cosmology one re- manabhan of IUCAA Replacing Big Bang
(Shringa for horn and ler in size. lated to the early uni- and Dr. Padmanabhan The region with water
sauros for reptile), relatively long neck and discovery of horns over- saurs, says Saradee Sen- Different lines of evid- verse and one to its of ETH Zurich ties to- is analogous to the ob-
while indicus refers to In- small head. The ribs are throws the earlier notion gupta from the Geolo- ence indicate that the present state and, in gether these two con- served universe (de-
dia, the country of also bigger than other that horned species were gical Studies Unit at ISI horns of S. indicus origin- fact, connects the two. cepts, which were scribed by Einstein's
discovery. reptiles of that time. It restricted to dinosaurs of Kolakata and the corres- ated through sexual se- Their theory is just pub- thought to be unrelated theory) and it is sur-
has leaf-shaped teeth the Cretaceous period ponding author of the lection. These horns lished online in the until now, and provides rounded by a pre-geo-
Reconstruction with small cusps, sug- (140 million years ago). paper. Indeed, the horns would not have been ef- journal Physics Letters an explanation based metric phase (analog-
Unlike other Triassic rep- gesting that the reptile In the geological of S. indicus are similar, fective against predators. B. on the flow of informa- ous to ice) which is
tiles (archosauromorphs was herbivorous. The re- deep time, horns were but independently ac- It would have served From the observa- tion in the universe. described by - as yet un-
crocodiles, dinosaurs searchers reconstructed exclusive to the dino- quired, to those of cer- more to attract females tion of distant galaxies, In their work, the au- known - laws of
Carbon desalination and their descendants, the reptile from the re- saurs in the Cretaceous atopsian dinosaurs. or to fight with other it is known that the uni- thors show that the quantum gravity. The
Scientists from Lawrence the birds, and their an- covered bones, based on period. But based on our The horns seen in S. competing males to gain verse is expanding at a maximum amount of Big Bang is replaced by
Livermore laboratories and cestors) that are about which they were able to discovery, we can say indicus are very signific- access to receptive fe- faster rate than it is ex- cosmic information ac- a transition from one
Northeastern University in the 2.5 metres long, the S. in- assess the reptiles length that early reptiles de- ant. Archosauromorphs males as occurs in mul- pected to. This is ex- cessible by an observer phase to another at the
U.S. have found a way to dicus is 3-4 metres in and height. veloped horns more than were not known to have tiple modern animals plained by invoking the in the universe would boundary, he explains
desalinate seawater by length, 1.251.50 metres Most strikingly, it has a 100 million years before horns either during the with behaviours driven presence of dark en- have a finite value only The authors argue
employing carbon nanotube tall at the hip, and has a pair of large horns. The their appearance in dino- Triassic or Jurassic by sexual selection. ergy. But for this to if the universe under- that the total cosmic in-
pores that exude salt from work, the cosmological goes an accelerated ex- formation transferred
seawater. The nanotubes were constant, which is a pansion at late times (as from the early,

A new score in waste management

about 50,000 times thinner term that appears in the we observe today). quantum gravitational
than human hair, with gravitational field equa- Prof. Thanu Padman- phase to the late, clas-
diameters of 0.8 nanometer. tions, has to be very abhan, explains their sical phase must be
small and have a posit- model of cosmogenesis, equal to four times pi.
ive value. Explaining or birth of the cosmos, This allows them to re-
A novel yeast strain was used to ferment the glucose and make ethanol why this constant is re- by the following ana- late the size of the seed
Aswathi Pacha conversion efficiency of 76% quired to have a tiny logy: Think of a large fluctuations to the cos-
and the entire glucose was util- positive value is an im- chunk of ice which con- mological constant,
Scientists from CSIRs National ised by the yeast in just 24 hours portant puzzle in tains a point source of thereby tying together
Institute for Interdisciplinary and converted into alcohol. This cosmology. heat inside it. The heat the early universe with
Science and Technology (CSIR- performance was superior to An apparently unre- source melts the ice the present.
NIIST), Thiruvananthapuram any other organism reported for
have been able to turn waste fermentation of cotton stalk.
Distrustful capuchins
Researchers studying the
capuchin monkeys found they
into wealth. They have pro-
duced ethanol from discarded
cotton-stalks by using a combin-
The final alcohol obtained can
be made to fuel grade bioeth-
anol (>99% purity), after distilla-
Microbiome reacts to stress
develop new behaviours that ation of chemical and biological tion and dehydration using mo- Asian news international
act as tests of friendship. For techniques. India has about 9.4 lecular sieves, which is an snowflake, she said. This is a very im-
instance, one monkey pushed million hectares under cotton existing technology practised in The bacterial communities that live portant facet to consider for man-
its fingers deep into the eye cultivation and every hectare the distilleries. inside everyone are quite similar and aging approaches to personalized
sockets of its friend. generates 2 million tonnes of stable during happy times, but when medicine. Stressors like antibiotics or
Sometimes the behaviour cotton stalk wastes. The results Bioethanol stress enters the equation, those com- diabetes can cause different peoples
spreads. The monkeys also were published in Bioresource Bioethanol has a number of ad- munities can react differently in every microbiomes to react in very different
observed games as ways of Technology. vantages over conventional fuels person, finds a recent study pub- ways.
interacting with their babies. The stalks were first treated Rich source: Cotton stalks are first treated to breakdown the as it comes from a renewable re- lished in Nature Microbiology. Humans and animals are filled with
with an acid, alkali and different complex organic polymers present in it. K. ANANTHAN * source. It is mandatory to blend Researchers from Oregon State symbiotic communities of microor-
enzymes to breakdown the com- 10% ethanol with petrol. Bioeth- University in Corvallis, U.S. suggested ganisms that often fill key roles in nor-
plex organic polymers of the phenolics. These treatments ex- a rotting wild fruit we found in anol presently in use is obtained that this has key implications for a mal physiological function and also
stalk. The agro-residues are pose cellulose, the major com- the Silent Valley National Park in by fermentation of sugar cane more personalised approach to anti- influence susceptibility to disease.
tough in nature and we need ponent made of glucose to the Palakkad, Kerala. In spite of sev- molasses which is a byproduct biotic therapy, management of Predicting how these communities of
chemical pre-treatment to break action of enzymes. eral inhibitors of microbial of sugar production, and has chronic diseases and other aspects of organisms respond to perturbations
down the complex structure of The cellulose was further growth produced during chem- food value. Most of this first gen- medical care. anything that alters the systems
the stalk, explains Meera Chris- treated using enzymes to con- ical treatment, the yeast per- eration ethanol finds its way into Lead author Jesse Zaneveld of the functioning is one essential chal-
topher, research scholar at vert it into glucose. formed better than distillers consumer applications, primar- University of Washington, Bothell, lenge in microbiology.
NIIST and first author of the pa- yeast strains in fermenting the ily as liquor. Converting the collaborated with Vega Thurber and Studies of microbiome dynamics
Myriad microbes per. Fermentation cotton stalk hydrolysate, says agro-residues to ethanol reduces her student, Ryan McMinds, to survey have typically looked for patterns that
Researchers from Stanford The acid helps to remove To convert the glucose into eth- Dr. Rajeev K Sukumaran, Head the food vs fuel competition, the literature on microbial changes shift microbiomes from a healthy
University claim that our body hemicellulose, a polymer of the anol, fermentation using a novel of the Biofuels and Biorefineries explains Meera. caused by perturbation. stable state to one in which the micro-
contains vastly more diverse cell wall and the alkali extracts yeast strain was carried out. Section, at NIIST and the corres- Further studies should be car- When healthy our microbiomes bial communities are out of their nat-
microbes than previously lignin, a binding matrix in the We isolated the yeast-Saccharo- ponding author of the paper. ried out for commercial viability look alike, but when stressed each ural balance, interrupting basic biolo-
thought. About 99% of cell wall, made of complex myces cerevisiae-RRP-03N, from The yeast showed a glucose and large-scale production. one of us has our own microbial gical functions.
non-human DNA fragments
circulating in human blood

More predatory journals get indexed in PubMed

failed to match anything in the
existing genetic databases
indicating that many novel
microbes exist in the human
In just six months since October 2016, the percentage of predatory journals indexed by Pubmed shot up sharply
R. Prasad was shut down in January this PubMeds reach and when cited by
ODD & END year says in an email to The reputable journals will not only
Among other things, the next time Hindu.PubMed should not be gain legitimacy but also severely
Roosting dinosaurs you see a questionable journal used as a whitelist. impact the scientific records, they
For the first time, proudly announcing that it is in- say.
researchers have dexed in Pubmed, chances are The survey results
unearthed fossil remains that the journal is predatory. Now, according to a Correspond- The Bohannon sting
of three young dinosaurs Contrary to the popular notion ence published in The Lancet, two Following the John Bohannon
snuggling together in
that only genuine and distin- surveys carried by researchers sting operation in August 2013
sleep. The configuration
guished journals which take peer- have revealed that predatory when a mundane paper with grave
of the three animals in the
70-million-year-old fossil
reviewing seriously and follow all journals in the field of neuros- errors was sent out to 304 Open-
suggests that they may the norms of scientific publishing cience and neurology outnumber Access publishers, including 167
have huddled together to are indexed in PubMed, many those regularly indexed in the from the Directory of Open Access
hide or perhaps just to predatory journals too are in- main biomedical databases. Journals (DOAJ), 121 from Bealls
sleep. The fossil probably cluded in PubMed. The same In October 2016, the percent- list.
comes from Mongolia and holds true for PubMed Central age of predatory journals in the If the 82% publishers who were
was being illegally too. field of rehabilitation, neuros- in Dr. Bealls list accepted the ques-
exported, where it was According to PubMed, more cience and neurology indexed in tionable paper, nearly 45% of DOAJ
confiscated by Mongolian than 27 million citations for bio- PubMed stood at 12%, 11.4% and publishers too did not reject the
customs agents in 2006, a medical literature from MEDLINE 20.2% respectively. In April 2017, paper.
report in Nature says. and other journals and online in a matter of six months, these Revelation: A journals inclusion in PubMed does not mean it has a stamp of approval from NIH. *
FILE PHOTO The DOAJ has subsequently
Subsequently, it was books are included. And herein figures shot up sharply 237% for tightened its guidelines for inclu-
analysed using lies the problem. Among other rehabilitation, 161% for neuros- about this a year ago: It is mis- evaluating academic perform- boasting is prominently displayed sion. Since March 2014, DOAJ has
geochemical analysis by
journals indexed are thousands of cience, and 247% for neurology. leading that these potentially low- ance, awarding grants and de- on the journals main web page. received about 1,600 applications
paleontologists from
predatory journals, and their quality articles, many of which grees, and assessing job candid- PubMed inclusion is not an from Open-Access publishers in In-
University of Bologna,
Italy, which indicated that
numbers are increasing at an Raise the bar have not undergone rigorous peer ates. achievement that merits boasts, dia as part of this revision process.
the fossil probably comes alarming rate. Considering that PubMed handles review, are featured prominently A journals inclusion in he noted in his post. While only 4% (74) were from
from Bugin Tsav fossil site The PubMed database man- millions of queries daily and in PubMed searches. PubMed does not mean the Echoing what Dr. Beall had writ- genuine publishers and accepted,
in the Gobi desert. The agers have irresponsibly allowed it health researchers worldwide reg- In a blog post Dont use journal has a stamp of approval ten about a year ago that PubMeds 78% were rejected and remaining
animals were identified as to become a repository of cita- ularly turn to it for information, it PubMed as a journal whitelist from NIH [National Institutes of value would decrease as the num- 18% are still being processed. One
a type of oviraptorid tions to predatory journal art- is worrisome that PubMed in- dated October 20th, 2016, Dr, Health]. There is such a low bar- ber of papers from predatory of the main reasons for rejection
dinosaurs with short icles, Jeffrey Beall, Librarian at cludes journals with seriously Beall had written: I recommend rier to inclusion that researchers journals increases, the researchers was the predatory or questionable
faces, long necks and the University of Colorado Denver flawed peer review processes the against using PubMed as a list of are advised to be suspicious of any writing in The Lancet have also nature of the journals.
toothless beaks. and publisher of the famous researchers write in the Corres- quality journals for the purposes journal that boasts about its inclu- cautioned PubMed. Predatory It is now time for PubMed to
Scholarly Open Access blog that pondence. Dr. Beall had warned of finding a journal to publish in, sion in PubMed, especially if the journals would stand to gain from clean up the mess.




In the grip of a fever

Maharashtra and Gujarat are the worst affected States in terms of mortality and cases of swine flu

Despite surveillance, there are chinks A lag in the response?

Jyoti Shelar people still have the poten- others. But the main reason Mahesh Langa government team has also ity rate has also been sub-

n India this year, 41% of tial to spread the disease, is that patients and doctors n India, Gujarat has the visited the State and held stantially reduced to 10%
the total number of H1N1 he says, adding that the often fail to pick it up on second highest number consultations with State gov- from 16.8% in 2009, the
deaths have been repor- challenge becomes greater time, says Mumbai-based of cases of, and mortality ernment officials and Health government submitted to
ted from Maharashtra. Of because of urbanisation and infectious disease specialist rate for, swine flu after Ma- Department personnel and the Bench.
the 1,094 deaths from across overcrowding. Dr. Om Shrivastav. Symp- harashtra. This year, with public health experts on As many as 1,075 beds and
India, as many as 455 have H1N1, an airborne virus, toms such as fever, a runny 316 deaths and 4,013 cases control measures. 200 ventilators have been
been from the western spreads through airborne nose and a sore throat are the killer flu has presented However, despite the provided in isolation wards
State. The State also tops in droplets from a sick persons often ignored and self- itself as the main health prompt actions, public across the State where swine
the number of positive pa- sneeze or cough. Timely treated. By the time pa- challenge. health experts and medical flu patients are being
AROUND THE WORLD tients 4,385 cases this
treatment and immediate
isolation at home is the best
tients see a doctor, two or
three days have been In four cities
practitioners feel that the
measures should have begun
treated, the affidavit says.
More than 2,000 health-
So what makes Maha- way to tackle it, say experts. wasted. For patients with In the last two weeks, it has early this year when there care workers and doctors
Gut bacteria determined rashtra, the epicentre, par- In Maharashtra this year, co-morbid conditions, the left more than 150 dead were signs of flu rearing its are treating patients, while
by diet, says study ticularly vulnerable? State 14.15 lakh people were virus attacks much badly, while more than 2,000 new head in April and May. 17,000 health workers are
A study at the Stanford University health officials point to screened of whom 33,789 he adds. cases have been registered Its a failure of the State engaged in house-to-house
School of Medicine, U.S. which has three main reasons poor patients were given Oseltam- across the State, concen- government and Health De- rapid surveillance, covering
looked at seasonal variations in the hygiene, overcrowding, and ivir, the drug that works Immune response trated in the four main cities partment, which never took three crore people in the
gut-microbial composition, or the presence of a good sur- against H1N1. In July, analysis by the civic of Ahmedabad, Surat, Ra- the disease seriously. Not first phase and two crore in
Getty Images microbiota, of the Hadza one of the veillance system to track Our surveillance system body in Mumbai supported jkot and Vadodara. only this year, since 2009 the second.
worlds few remaining traditional cases. is extremely well developed when the flu came to India,
hunter-gatherer populations has found that they are more due to which all cases are re- Gujarat has been witnessing Governments defence
diverse than thought. They are substantially different from Cover mouth, nose corded thoroughly. A good the highest casualty [rates] You can see the mortality
those in urban-dwelling denizens in industrialised countries. Dr. Satish Pawar, head of the surveillance system is also a and number of cases, a doc- rate is down every year,
The findings, that have been published in the journal Science, Directorate of Health Ser- reflection of the increased tor told The Hindu. which shows [that] the ac-
show that the microbiota vary seasonally and correspond to a vices (DHS), Maharashtra, number of cases that we de- tions by the State are bear-
seasonally fluctuating dietary intake. The study says that says that the disease has also tect, says epidemiologist Many deficiencies ing positive results, Mr.

sweeping changes in the average persons diet, over the past spread rapidly because the Dr. Pradeep Awate. According to another doctor Shankar Chaudhary said,
10,000 years, could be the key driver in the loss of microbial general population fails to who is on a committee set dismissing charges that the
diversity in the typical modern gut. follow proper cough-and- Strain combination link up by the State government, government has failed in
sneeze etiquette. To break Dr. A.C. Dhariwal, director there is a lack of proper tackling the flu.
the chain of transmission, of the National Centre for training and infrastructure In its affidavit, the govern-
Abdominal fat is the one has to follow basic man- Disease Control (NCDC), in government hospitals. ment highlighted the history
possible culprit ners of using a handkerchief agrees with Dr. Awate. An In addition, people are of various viruses emphas-
It has been well established that obesity to cover ones mouth and antigenic shift, a process in not aware of the flu and ising that while in their early
is a contributor to cancer risk, but how it nose while coughing or which two or more strains of dont seek medical help des- stages they had claimed
actually causes cancer is still a question sneezing. If not that, one has a virus combine to form a this trend. It showed that After media criticism and pite experiencing symptoms many lives, the mortality
that hasnt been fully explained. A study to at least cover the mouth new subtype, is observed at the median time between strong rebuke by the Gu- such as fever, cold, body rate had eventually reduced.
by the Michigan State University, U.S. Getty Images/iStockphoto and nose with the hands regular intervals which is the onset of symptoms and jarat High Court in the wake ache and a sore throat. Even swine flu, when it
offers new details showing that a certain and wash them before mainly why there has been a starting a course of Oseltam- of a petition, the State gov- In an affidavit filed before spread first in 2009, had cre-
protein released from fat in the body can cause a non- touching anything any- spurt in cases. ivir was 4-5 days. According ernment has now activated a judicial Bench of Justices ated havoc worldwide and
cancerous cell to turn into a cancerous one. A lower layer of where. But this is rarely fol- We cannot simply look to Dr. Shrivastav, the spurt the health-care machinery M.R. Shah and B.N. Karia claimed more than six lakh
abdominal fat, when compared to fat just under the skin, is the lowed, he says, adding that at the number of deaths. in cases could also be be- to tackle the flu. the government has conten- lives, the government
more likely culprit, releasing even more of this protein and posters on preventive steps One has to look at the cause the effect of vaccina- Chief Minister Vijay ded that the flu is no longer claimed.
encouraging tumour growth. While obesity has been linked to have been put up in all hos- deaths in context with the tion had faded. In 2015, Rupani and Health Minister a pandemic. It adds that it Talking about Spanish flu,
several types of cancers including breast, colon, prostate, pitals and primary health increasing number of when there were more Shankar Chaudhary have has become a seasonal flu Asian flu and Hong Kong flu,
uterine and kidney, merely being overweight, the study authors centres. cases, he says. cases, people got vaccin- visited civil hospitals in and the mortality rate due to the State government said
argue, isnt necessarily the best way to determine risk. H1N1 is now endemic and Even if it is said to be a ated. But the vaccine gives Ahmedabad, Surat, Rajkot H1N1 virus has fallen to 10% that even the World Health
Science Daily a majority of people infec- seasonal flu, the H1N1 virus immunity for about 8-9 and Vadodara to inspect fa- this year against 16.8% in Organisation had, in August
ted show extremely mild or is lethal when compared to months. This could be the cilities set up to handle pa- 2009. 2010, declared swine flu to
Surgery during infancy no symptoms at all. For ex- other seasonal viruses, reason why we did not have tients; all government and At present, influenza be in a post-pandemic phase
could impact white matter ample, if 1,000 people are which explains the high rate many cases in 2016 but are private hospitals have been H1N1 is being treated as a and that it would behave as a
infected with the virus, 950 of mortality. now seeing a rise, he says. stocked with Tamiflu seasonal influenza, meaning seasonal influenza.
General anaesthesia and surgery in
will have mild or no symp- There is no denial that tablets. the H1N1 virus has ceased to
otherwise healthy infants under the
toms. But these 1,000 this virus is deadlier than A three-member Central be a pandemic. The mortal-
age of one could be associated with
decreases in the amount of white
Getty Images/iStockphoto matter in the brain as well as
reductions in the remaining white
matters integrity, according to a study published recently in
the online edition of Anesthesiology. Researchers conducted
Not too young for
structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tests on 34
children between the ages of 12 and 15; they were 17 otherwise
healthy patients who had been administered general
colon cancer
anaesthesia and had surgery in their first year of life, and 17 hen researchers
control subjects who had not had surgery or general
anaesthesia before their first birthday. What they found was this
reported earlier
year that
that the volume and integrity of white matter the tissue that colorectal cancer rates
connects different regions of grey matter from one part of the were rising in adults as
brain to another was on average 1.5 percentage points lower young as in their 20s
in patients who had undergone surgery involving general and 30s, some scient-
anaesthesia as infants. Science Daily roni caryn rabin
ists were sceptical.
The spike in figures,
Determining responses they suggested, might not reflect a real increase in dis-
to flu vaccine ease incidence but earlier detection, which can be a
good thing. Now a sobering new study has found that
Yale experts in the U.S. and their
younger Americans arent just getting cancer diagnoses
partners in a national research
earlier. They are dying of colorectal cancer at slightly
consortium have identified several
higher rates than in previous decades, and no one
genes and gene clusters associated
really knows why.
with the immune response to flu Getty Images/iStockphoto
This is real, said Rebecca L. Siegel, an epidemiolo-
vaccination. The findings point to the
gist with the American Cancer Society and the lead au-
prospect of using genetic profiles to predict individual
thor of the current study, published as a research letter
responses to the flu vaccine. The research has been published in
in JAMA, as well as of the earlier report. Its a small in-
Science Immunology. The researchers and their collaborators
crease, and it is a trend that emerged only in the past
used data collected from more than 500 individuals who
decade, but I dont think its a blip. The burden of dis-
provided blood samples before and after being vaccinated.
ease is shifting to younger people.
They identified several gene signatures, or groups of genes,
The study found that even though the risk of dying
that were associated with a stronger response to the flu
from colon and rectal cancers has been declining in the
vaccine. The response was determined by increases in
population overall, death rates among adults from ages
antibodies that protect against infection. The researchers also
20 to 54 had increased slightly, to 4.3 deaths per
found that while the genes were predictive of a robust vaccine
100,000 people in 2014, up from 3.9 per 100,000 in
response in adults younger than age 35, those same genes did
2004. No one knows what underlying lifestyle, envir-
not improve responses in adults over 60.
onmental or genetic factors may be driving the rise in
Halt degenerative eye
disease with Diet, antibiotics possible factors
a zinc-copper combo Obesity, a diet high in red or processed meats and lack
A supplement that combines of physical activity are among the factors tied to in-
antioxidants with zinc and copper is a creased risk, but new research is looking at other pos-
relatively inexpensive and effective sible causes. One recent study found, for example, that
Getty Images/iStockphoto means of halting the progression of a prolonged use of antibiotics during adulthood was as-
certain type of degenerative eye sociated with a greater risk of developing precancerous
disease, concludes research published online in the British polyps, possibly because antibiotics can alter the
Journal of Ophthalmology. Given the costs and side effects of make-up of the gut microbiome.
the current range of drugs used to treat the wet form of Scientists are also exploring whether the colorectal

A snappy kidney function test

age-related macular degeneration (nAMD), this is a more cancers emerging in younger adults are different from
economical option for those who already have the condition in those seen in older people and whether they can be
one eye, say the researchers. In wet AMD, abnormal blood detected and treated with the same tools. There is
vessels grow underneath the retina. These vessels can leak fluid some evidence that young people are more likely to
and blood, which can damage the macula the part of the Biosensor developed by IIT team detects disorders in a few minutes have precancerous polyps that are harder to see and
remove during a colonoscopy because of their location
retina responsible for central vision. But the drugs (anti-VEGF
or anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapies) currently Bhavya Khullar two tests for accuracy. In measured, which helps to the study, added that the in the colon or because they are flat rather than tubu-
he Indian Institutes of addition, there is the prob- calculate the values of pH biosensor is stable for up to lar, according to Dr. Otis Brawley, who is chief medical
used to wet AMD are expensive and have been linked to a
heightened risk of inflammation of the inside of the eye T Technology, Bombay
and Indore, have jointly de-
lem of contaminating com-
ponents in urine such as
and urea.
It is made using alginate
a month in a refrigerator
and gives results that are
officer for the American Cancer Society.
While some organisations specifically state that
(endophthalmitis) and possibly stroke as well. Eurekalert
veloped a biosensor that calcium, chloride, ascorbic which is safe and non-toxic unaffected by other com- colonoscopy is the preferred screening method, the
makes it possible to detect acid, sodium and po- to handle. It can work in the ponents in urine samples. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force endorses a variety
DEMYSTIFYING SCIENCE kidney disorders in less
than eight minutes.
tassium. ideal pH range of 4-8, and is
able detect even low con-
It will help make a rapid
and accurate point-of-care
of screening tests, including some that are less expens-
ive or non-invasive, though they may not be as effective
The biosensor can accur- How it works centrations of urea up to 50 diagnostic test for kidney in finding and preventing cancers. Stool tests that ex-
What is Plimpton 322? ately measure both the pH The biosensor, developed millimolar, Ms. Chaudhari disorders. amine faecal samples for microscopic amounts of
It is a small tablet that was discovered in the early 1900s in and urea concentration by Rashmi Chaudhari, Ab- told India Science Wire. However, Bansi D. Mal- blood and DNA changes, for example, can indicate the
what is now southern Iraq by archaeologist, academic, diplomat with a single drop of urine. hijeet Joshi, and Rohit Abhijeet Joshi, a coau- hotra, professor, Depart- presence of a tumour or polyp, but such tests need to
and antiquities dealer Edgar Banks, the person on whom the be done more frequently and may have to be followed
The researchers who de- Srivastava, can detect both thor and on the faculty at ment of Biotechnology at
fictional character Indiana Jones was based. It has four columns up with a colonoscopy if the result is positive.
veloped it say that it will and is made by encapsulat- IIT-Indore said, We tested the Delhi Technological
and 15 rows of numbers written on it in the cuneiform script of
help make a point-of-care ing an enzyme urease and a the biosensor on samples of University, who is not con- But Dr. Brawley said there is good scientific data to
the time using a base 60, or sexagesimal, system. While
test to determine whether molecule FITC-dextran in patients suffering from nected to the study, said show that stool sample tests save lives.
traditionally thought to be a teachers tool for checking a
the kidneys are functioning alginate microspheres. The chronic kidney disease pro- that while the biosensor Warning signs of colorectal cancer include rectal
students solution to algebra problems, it is now argued that it
reflects a far more sophisticated approach to computing normally. combination glows in re- cured from KEM Hospital uses fluorescence-based bleeding, bloody stools, unexplained weight loss, fa-
heights and breadths. It describes the shapes of right angled For a kidney function sponse to a chemical reac- and Apex Kidney Care technique to detect urea in tigue and digestive complaints, or persistent changes in
triangles using a novel kind of trigonometry based on ratios, test, doctors need an estim- tion with urea and changes [both] in Mumbai and it urine sample, it is not bathroom behaviour. Anaemia in men is also a warning
and not angles and circles. Therefore, it could have been used ate of pH and urea as most in pH when urine is added. showed an accuracy of user-friendly and as cost-ef- sign and should be explored further, and while many
for surveying fields or making architectural calculations to build kidney disorders result in The fluorescence reduces more than 97%. fective when compared to doctors typically attribute anaemia in a premeno-
palaces, temples or step pyramids. The tablet, which is thought reduced pH and higher con- when the pH is acidic and Rohit Srivastava, pro- other (electrochemical) pausal woman to menstruation, experts say that if a
to have come from the ancient Sumerian city of Larsa, has been centration of urea. Avail- increases when it is al- fessor, Department of Bios- techniques, which are woman is experiencing any other symptoms, doctors
dated to be between 1822 and 1762 BC. It is now in the Rare able methods to detect urea kaline. The changes in ciences and Bioengineer- routinely used for this pur- should assess her for colon cancer. NYT
Book & Manuscript Library at Columbia University in New York. require patients to undergo fluorescence intensity are ing, IIT-Bombay, who led pose. India Science Wire




Fractured realities
A historian argues why in deeply divided India a mere awareness of other languages and religion is not enough

Neera Chandhoke Sadly, this universalism fell prey to

ations do not emerge from the lowly calculations of identity Looking Back: The 1947
the sea like the Goddess politics. Tagores philosophy is Partition of India 70
Aphrodite. The transforma- painted in vivid strokes through- Years On
tion of a plural but fragmented so- out Boses canvas, and he reminds Edited by Rakhshanda
ciety into a nation that demands us repeatedly of Tagores warnings Jalil, Tarun K. Saint and
the right to self-determination, in- against chauvinistic nationalism. Debjani Sengupta
volves interlocking processes that Finally, an important point had Orient Blackswan
logically predate nationalism. Ar- been made by Bose in a speech to 1,095
guably the interrogation of, and The Nation as Mother and the Lok Sabha in December 2015.
Other Visions of Nationhood In what way can we reimagine
engagement with Hinduism by He reminded the House that it is 1947 in 2017? Has the
agents of colonialism, as well as In- Sugata Bose the duty of the majority not to dis- subcontinent worked
dian intellectuals, fostered con- Penguin Random House criminate against the minorities. through its burden of history
sciousness and awareness of the 499 He concludes that we should cul- and recovered from the
collective self. In the main, Indian tivate cultural intimacy, a notion trauma? Are there new routes
nationalism was constructed that the narrative left a small open- taken from Subhas Chandra Boses beyond polarised
around a Hindu identity, and the ing for the poor and obscure to philosophy. perceptions? Focusing on
harnessing of this identity to the enter the story. Indisputably how- Certainly, cultural intimacy or stories of the aged and the
nation-state project, in short a set ever, the worship of the Mother awareness of, and deep appreci- marginalised, this anthology
of processes that were oriented sent frissons of tension among the ation of other cultures, languages, of essays, memoirs, art,
around religious symbols. Muslim community, even if some religion, music, poetry and literat- reportage, drama casts a new
Sugata Bose concentrates in the individuals from the community ure is an essential part of being hu- light on our fractured past to
defining chapter of this volume joined the general acclaim for this man. But we must ultimately rely understand the present.
containing an assortment of essays symbol of India. on political/legal norms that en-
that sit rather uneasily with each sure that people who speak differ-
other on what Bipin Chandra Pal Contested figure Idea of India: We must rely on political and legal norms to ensure that people who speak different languages ent languages, and hold different
called the sacred biography of the Yet the figure of the mother was are treated equal by a democratic state. GETTY IMAGES/ ISTOCK
* visions of the good should be
Mother. The Mother figure in- also deeply contested and subjec- treated as equal by a democratic
spired creativity in Bengali philo- ted to scepticism. When it was sug- the partitioners axe, has been Genius, he said, can unveil the ory. Our intellectuals problemat- state.
sophy, arts, poetry, painting, mu- gested that Bande Mataram should wielded repeatedly by her own soul of India in art, but it is ised colonialism, but they could When it comes to inter-personal
sic, drama and, architecture. be sung in Congress gatherings, ar- sons to dismember the mother fig- through philosophy that we can never problematise Hinduism, relations, a prime civic virtue
Worship of the Mother escalated gues Bose, Nehru pointed out that ure. This is a tragic replay of the methodologically attempt to dis- though they sought strenuously to which Bose seems to have misread Ghosts of the Tsunami:
in the first decade of the 20th cen- the song was likely to irritate mythology of Parshuram. The first cover it. By that time, intellectuals reform it. is that of tolerance. Tolerance or Death and Life in Japans
tury, even as people struggled to Muslims. And Tagore wrote that a essay of the volume carries a had realised that the Indian soul toleration in political theory is not Disaster Zone
deal with the partition of Bengal in song which adored the Mother, powerful message for the was deeply fractured. Within the Chauvinistic nationalism paternalistic, it is based upon the Richard Lloyd Parry
1905. It was only when the Mother was inappropriate for a national Hindutva brigade that openly in- space of Hinduism, it was frac- Sugata Bose deals with some of supreme philosophical value of Jonathan Cape
revealed herself that patriotism organisation which was a meeting tends to imprint the soul of India tured along caste hierarchies. these issues in this volume. He doubt in our own capacity to 1,258
worked and saved a doomed na- place for different religious with supreme indifference to- Within the political community, suggests that the Mahatmas know the truth. We have to be
On March 11, 2011, a massive
tion, wrote Aurobindo. communities. wards religious minorities. the collective self was fractured reason needs to be rescued from conscious of the imperfectability
earthquake sent a 120-foot-
When Bankim Chandra Chatto- In our national quest, Tagore Sugata Boses arguments in re- along religion. Overt Hindu sym- the mystical haze created by latter of our own truth, only then can we
high tsunami smashing into
padhyay authored Bande remarked, we need peace, unity lated essays evokes a sense of a bolism and imaginaries, collapse day cultural critics who fly the respect other cultures as reposit-
northeast Japan. When the
Mataram, continued Aurobindo, it and good sense, not rivalry just be- time when imaginations were fer- of religious ceremonies into polit- banner of indigenous authenticity. ories of the truth, howsoever par- sea retreated, more than
was a sudden moment of awaken- cause one side refuses to yield. A tile but troubling. In 1928, the ical rallies, and hate-filled attacks Also of interest are pieces on Auro- tial those truths may be. To learn 18,000 people had died,
ing from delusions: the mantra symbol that could arouse so much philosopher Krishna Chandra of the aggressive right-wing Hindu bindo, who insisted that despite to respect other ways of life intro- making it Japans greatest
had been given. political passions could also, Bhattacharya (1875-1949) who held faction, aroused a great deal of ap- some dark ages India still lives duces moral restraint on our con- single loss of life since the
Bose details the heavy symbol- writes Bose, be sacrificed by those the King George V Chair at Cal- prehension among Muslims. The with cosmopolitanism. duct, teaches us to be receptive to atomic bombing of Nagasaki.
ism of the mother figure to engage prepared to die and defiled by cutta University (now the B.N Seal community was to, consequently, Bose speaks of the strong strain other versions of the truth, and Among other things, a
with the literature on mimetic and those who were prepared to kill. Chair) focussed on the problem of mobilise itself around Islamic of universalism in Gandhian fosters non-violence. This is the journalist who spent six years
elite nationalism, and suggests In the end, what was at one point recovering Swaraj in ideas. identity and the two-nation the- thought and in Vivekananda. Gandhian way. in the disaster zone, writes
about the village which
suffered the most.

Work in progress Tales of footprints

Trekking across mountains in search of the Snowman
A team of economists and social scientists takes on Thomas Piketty, who insists MURALI N. KRISHNASWAMY local languages that give him
that collective bargaining can reduce inequality generated by capitalism eti: The Ecology of a Mys- insights into the life and great

Shelley Walia
Y tery is the deep story of
Daniel C. Taylor who follows
cultures in the region.
His attempt to unravel the
Republic of Rhetoric:
Free Speech and the
Constitution of India

fter Piketty examines a thesis that the Yeti path. The arc begins secret behind the footprints
there is a fundamental dynamic with his boyhood in the Him- takes an interesting and un- Abhinav Chandrachud
within capitalist economies that alayas. In 1914, Taylors Yeti: The Ecology of a expected turn. Even the king Penguin Random House
will inexorably increase the gap grandparents decide to head Mystery of Nepal, a country whose 599
between wealth from capital and in- to India as medical mission- Daniel C. Taylor mascot is the legend that What is the debate on the
come from work. The debate it exam- aries and drop anchor near Oxford University Press Taylor seeks to demystify right of free speech in India?
ines is whether there are intervention- the India-Nepal border, an 795 queries him on this. Leaning Exploring the legal and
ist political and institutional changes area that has gripped many forward during one of their political history of India from
that can be put in place to avert or min- an imagination as a result of picture of the Yetis footprint high-profile meetings, the the British period to the
imise this gaping inequality. the fabled accounts of hunter in a magazine. The arc of his ruler asks him: Let me be present, an advocate
One argument is that the underbelly turned conservationist and boyhood quest stretches well clear. Are you saying that sci- examines the right to free
of poverty, hunger and social author, Jim Corbett and his into adulthood. Were the ence does not know some- speech, arguing that
apartheid, which are witnessed in the trysts with the tiger. prints by an unknown wild thing that Nepali villagers colonial-era restrictions on
third world, are the results of the cal- In the 1940s Taylors par- man who for more than a know? free speech, like sedition,
lous financial interests of western insti- ents go to India as well to run century had eluded identific- Taylor goes beyond the defamation, contempt of
tutions like the IMF and the World a hospital. His childhood, an ation? Was the creature a Yeti question. To his sur- court and obscenity were
Bank. The new world order is a fiction; envious one, and outlined in known being which pos- prise, his hunt, with some strengthened in independent
financial institutions remain in self- Human capital: Individuals as consumers, as workers, or as employers, have the the chapter My First Yetis, is sessed an unrecognised trait scientific answers it could India.
serving collusion with the powerful na- power to intervene for the cause of equality. GETTY IMAGES/ ISTOCK
* one that blossoms in the of being able to make hu- be a bear acquires a Him-
tions focusing on economic gain mountains and where the le- man-looking prints? Or, was alayan depth, evolving into
through coups and destabilisation of re- deprivation. In such a world of capital- gends of the Himalayas play it a supernatural being? exploring a concept much
gimes around the world. ism, economist Branko Milanovi ar- an influential part in his life. His search to explain the greater than the mystery and
As Zygmunt Bauman would argue, A gues in his paper that the rising in- Soon, tales of footprints turn footprints begins, spread leading him to a more en-
state is social when it promotes the equality in a period of slow growth may legend into serious inquiry across the decades, from riching mission. He leaves
principle of the communally endorsed, necessitate reallocation of capital and as the growing boy is con- 1956 to 2015. Armed with his behind his own imprint by
collective insurance against individual not merely income. vinced that if footprints ex- profound knowledge of the creating two vast national
misfortune and its consequences. ist, then the maker of these Himalayas, the dozens of ex- parks in the region after re-
There is a need to remember that the Act of confrontation footprints must also exist... peditions and gradually ac- cognising that the wilderness The Wisdom of Finance:
status of the citizens lies in their becom- After Piketty: The Agenda for Piketty hits out at the dismantling of as the mysterious creature of companied by his own little is fast disappearing. We Discovering Humanity in
ing not only beneficiaries of state Economics and Inequality public welfare in the name of private the snow, the Yeti. family take him across the have the opportunity to grow the World of Risk and
Edited by Heather Boushey, Bradford Return
policies, but also actors in the onward enterprise and the brutalisation of He never outgrows his fas- vast expanse of the ancient the wild back, he says, for it
Delong and Marshall Steinbaum Mihir Desai
march of collective responsibility and democratic coexistence and ecology cination for the Snowman, mountain chain, in India, is in this wilderness that lies
Harvard University Press Hachette India
shared interests for communal har- that incites a language of resistance. So, which is sparked in his child- Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet. the preservation of the
1,099 599
mony and the end of inequality. There- do we let ourselves be claimed by this hood by his coming across a These find him picking up world.
fore, liberals and progressives must affliction or should we consider our ex- Drawing upon literature, film,
work towards equitable distribution in the next generation thereby having a istence, in the words of philosopher- history and philosophy, a

Wages of war
a world free from hunger and war. Such snowballing effect on existing wealth. critic Giorgio Agamben, a possibility professor explains finances
a possibility depends on countering the History of the last 300 years is witness or a potentiality where the act of con- inner workings. The
corporate ideology of predatory to wealth generated from capital far frontation remains the only human combination of finance and
capitalism. surpassing earnings from work. This force to counter the recklessness of a humanities, for instance,
The book, a collection of essays by comes as a revelation even to econom- dreadful world proliferating with viol- Listening to voices of Russian women who fought in WW II makes for illuminating
eminent economists and social scient- ists like Paul Krugman who admit that ence and inequality? pairings. So, Jane Austen and
ists, is a response to Thomas Pikettys Piketty has enabled them to shift focus This calamity of uninhibited eco- Sudipta Datta fight, and they became si- Anthony Trollope are guides
Capital in the Twenty-First Century from human capital to financial capital, nomics, or the pernicious example of n 2015, the Nobel Prize in lent as fish. to risk management. For
where he had argued that the situation
in the developing world is dismal while
as well as inherited wealth which is the
foremost cause of inequality.
the rise of nationalism in the face of
homeless migrants, is taken up by the
I Literature was awarded to
Svetlana Alexievich for her
One former pilot told Alex-
ievich the three years she
Desai, principles of finance
can explain critical issues of
in the developed world the corporate The amalgamation of democracy and writers in this collection, suggesting a polyphonic writings, a fought in the war she felt she life. For example, he argues
sector is busy manufacturing a zombie the free market economy has moved all counterforce through the celebration of monument to suffering and had ceased to be a woman. that bankruptcy teaches us
culture sold out to consumerism and motivation towards profit. To halt the freedom, social coexistence and the courage in our time. The Be- When after the fall of Berlin, how to react to failure.
compliance. Inequality, in the words of pernicious march of inequality, it is im- transgression of modern day produc- larusian had been recording The Unwomanly Face her future husband proposed
Obama, becomes the defining chal- perative to examine all aspects of our tion that caters to unappeasable con- the oral history of Soviet, of War to her, she was shocked.
lenge of our times. social existence from the concepts of sumer fantasy with profit for the few as post-Soviet individuals for 40 Svetlana Alexievich Now, in the midst of
Oligarchy rules the world; the 1% is public employment to fiscal redistribu- the only motive. years, mostly voices of ordin- Penguin Random House chaos?... Begin by making
all pervasive, whereas the 99% face eco- tion, from taxation of income and The essay by Piketty at the end of the ary people living extraordin- 599 me a woman, she told him.
nomic privations of the foulest kind. wealth transfers to assured returns on book goes on to make a suggestion of ary lives, of those caught in Many others told her that
Piketty in his essay On Oligarchy in public savings. the potential of collective bargaining to the Afghanistan war (Zinky translated into English now. they were eager to get to the
Americas in his recent book Chronicles reduce inequality generated by capital- Boys) for instance or the In it she interviews conduc- front, but were not prepared
of our Times relentlessly critiques the Human interventions ism. Individuals as consumers, as work- Chernobyl disaster (Voices ted in the late 1970s and early for such devastation and bru- Is That Even a Country,
world of corporate greed that has taken According to Piketty, the solution lies in ers, or as employers, have the power to from Chernobyl). 80s hundreds of women tality. Some of those lucky to Sir?: Journeys in
control of not only our lives but spe- a global wealth tax and high rate of in- intervene for the cause of equality. But As she writes in the intro- who participated in World return home alive never felt Northeast India by Train,
Bus and Tractor
cifically our educational institutions. come tax on the rich along with mean- do economic changes depend on stub- duction of her most famous War II. In that telling, a com- young again, though they
Anil Yadav
Underscoring the assault on Public ingful human interventions in social born laws or institutionally approved tome Second-Hand Time, pletely unknown side of his- were still in their 20s. Others
Speaking Tiger
Education, he argues against institu- transformation. procedures? This remains unclear both which was published in Eng- tory is unravelled. About a were grateful their story was
tions of learning that discourage inde- However, there is no assurance that in Capital and this symposium of diver- lish in 2016: It never ceases million Russian women being recorded: Its terrible
pendent thought. the money thus generated will ever gent papers. to amaze me how interesting fought in World War II, tank to remember, but its far
An intrepid journalist with
trickle down to the poor or the middle Piketty is of the opinion that the rel- ordinary, everyday life is. drivers, soldiers, snipers, more terrible to forget. little knowledge of the
Focus on financial capital class. Piketty has enumerated in his evance of social sciences needs to be There are an endless number and Alexievich tracks down Alexievich gives us many Northeast set out to discover
Briefly, Pikettys thesis states that the book certain proposals for the creation underscored so as to come to grips with of human truths. History is many of them and listens to voices, running one after an- the region in 2000. He
widening inequality integral to capital- of a global tax on capital. As it is clear economics as a human science: I only interested in facts; emo- their incredible and moving other, uninterrupted. I encountered, among others,
ism if unbridled, will lead to perpetual from a discerning essay by Elisabeth would like to see Capital as a work-in- tions are excluded in its stories. write not the history of a war, a former general of Phizos
oligarchies across the globe. This Jacobs in After Piketty, there seems to progress of social science rather than a realm of interest. I look at the Her fellow Belarusian and but the history of feelings..., underground army in
widening gulf between the rich and the be no political strategy that has been treatise about history or economics, world as a writer, not strictly mentor, Ales Adamovich, she writes in the introduc- Nagaland who spoke about
poor, explains Piketty, exists because proposed by him that would overcome he maintains. a historian. I am fascinated wrote oral histories of the So- tion, but adding some more the arduous trek to China
financial capital grows at a faster rate economic inequalities. The debate must go on because the by people. viet participation in War, but factual details would have through virgin forests;
than the economy as a whole, and con- Political inequalities understandably creeping social, political and economic This fascination for people his narratives hardly in- helped enormously to appre- former members of the Ulfa,
sequently, those who possess capital breed economic inequalities, and until inequality is a global issue and may resulted in her first book, cluded women. When the ciate this harrowing tale bet- who explained their
are in a position to get richer faster than the political rights of the people are reach a tipping point beyond which we The Unwomanly Face of War, war ended, few were willing ter. Whats missing is a surrender; people who added
those who do not. Owing to low inherit- boosted, there is indeed no viable solu- may envisage a cataclysmic upheaval in which was published in Rus- to acknowledge the fact that thread of context that could to the outsider/insider
ance tax, wealth passes conveniently to tion to the world of poverty and the world order. sian in 1985, and has been women had been sent to tie it all together. debate.



India will look to seal the series
Sri Lanka seeks revival under stand-in skipper Kapugedera
Press Trust of India the lead-up to the second Upul Tharanga has been
Pallekele INDIA IN LANKA ODI, the all-rounder wore a handed a two-match suspen-
India will fancy its chances of light strap on his left knee, sion for slow over-rate for the
No problem with Gabriel wrapping up the five-match properly. Again then, it is a though the team manage- second time since the Cham-
outburst: Stokes series when it locks horns wonder if Kohli will experi- ment assured his full fitness. pions Trophy in June, and he
LEEDS with a beleaguered Sri Lanka ment again. The Indian skip- Later in the game, he pulled will sit out the next two ODIs.
England century-maker Ben in the third One-Day Interna- per might just revert to the up with issues on the same It could be a blessing in
Stokes insisted he had no tional here on Sunday. original batting order and left leg. disguise as the skipper was
problems being on the The visitor has a 2-0 lead close out the series before While it appeared to be a suffering from a poor run of
receiving end of some choice in the series and can wrap up ringing any changes in the calf problem for him, due to form, and the attacking
words from Shannon Gabriel the contest with another win last two ODIs in Colombo. which he left the field on Dinesh Chandimal, included
after the West Indies fast here before leaving for the There is also the toss three occasions, again the in the Lankan squad, is ex-
bowler dismissed him on last-leg of the tour in factor. Kohli won his fifth team management outlined pected to slot into Thar-
Fridays first day of the Colombo. consecutive toss on this tour, it as a cramp issue and not a angas number four spot.
second Test. The big question is if skip- and predictably chose to major worry. Chamara will do the hon-
He was still probably a little per Virat Kohli will continue chase again. Pandyas availability for ours as he was given the re-
bit annoyed at himself for with his bold approach when With Rohit Sharma and the third ODI then remains a sponsibility of being the vice-
dropping me on 98, but it it comes to team strategy, if Shikhar Dhawan putting on a question mark at best. Even captain in the first two
comes with the game. He got not team selection. century stand. It was the if cramped yet fully fit, will matches. There will also be
me out. Its international However, the complica- catalyst for the shuffle in bat- he be risked given the exten- an additional change as
sport, youre all trying to do tion in the 231-run chase in ting-order, as the Indian skip- ded limited-overs schedule Lahiru Thirimanne is expec-
well and emotions can come the second ODI occurred due per probably didnt want a India has until December? ted to open with Niroshan
out. No worries whatsoever, to a shuffle in the batting second game without action Kuldeep Yadav or Shardul Dickwella, after Danushka
said Stokes. AFP order. in the middle for Rahul and Thakur could come into the Gunathilaka injured his
After a great start, Kohli others. reckoning as the fifth bowler, shoulder whilst fielding in Gearing up: Ajinkya Rahane at the nets session on the eve of the third ODI against Sri Lanka. *
sent in K.L. Rahul and Kedar Could this force Kohli to unluckily again for Manish the second ODI.
Jadhav ahead at number rethink his bat-first theory, if Pandey as India will need The teams (from): Axar Patel, Kuldeep Yadav, Lahiru Thirimanna, Angelo Akila Dananjaya, Lakshan
three and four respectively. he manages to win the toss someone to bowl Pandyas 10 India: Virat Kohli (Capt.), Yuzvendra Chahal, Jasprit Bum- Mathews, Niroshan Dickwella Sandakan, Thisara Perera,
The mini-experiment failed yet again? overs. Shikhar Dhawan, Rohit Sharma, rah, Bhuvneshwar Kumar and (wk), Danushka Gunathilaka, Wanindu Hasaranga, Lasith Ma-
spectacularly, mostly be- As concerns changes to There are bound to be fur- KL Rahul, Manish Pandey, Shardul Thakur. Kusal Mendis, Chamara linga, Dushmantha Chameera,
cause they couldnt read the playing combination, ther changes for the Sri Ajinkya Rahane, Kedar Jadhav, Sri Lanka: Chamara Kapugedera Kapugedera, Milinda Siriward- Vishwa Fernando and Upul Thar-
Akila Dananjayas googlies Hardik Pandya is in focus. In Lankan playing XI. MS Dhoni (wk), Hardik Pandya, (Capt.), Dinesh Chandimal, ana, Malinda Pushpakumara, anga.

Zidane not to
add to his squad
Real Madrid coach Zinedine
Still believe we can win: Kapugedera Brathwaite gives Windies hope
Zidane insisted he did not Agence France-Presse
intend to add to his squad in
the final week of the transfer
The stand-in captain says the last game has given Sri Lanka some momentum Leeds
Kraigg Brathwaites defiant
window despite a mounting Press Trust of India in pressure situations came unbeaten century and a fine
defensive crisis ahead of Pallekele in handy as he successfully knock from Shai Hope en-
Sundays clash with Valencia. Sri Lankas stand-in captain anchored a tricky chase, sured the West Indies con-
With the team I have, the Chamara Kapugedera on guiding India to a three- tinued its spirited fightback
squad we have right now, I Saturday said the fighting ef- wicket victory in the second in the second Test against
dont want anyone, said fort in a losing cause in the ODI. England at Headingley on
Zidane on Saturday. We are second ODI against India It was a fine effort by Saturday.
all ready. AFP here has given them the be- Akila Dhanajanya, the The West Indies was 206
lief that they can still win a Lanka stand-in skipper said. for three in reply to Eng-
Amit Phangal game in the ongoing series. One hurdle we have to lands first innings 258, a de-
starts with a win Kapugedera denied that overcome, and things will ficit of just 52 runs, at tea on
the team was low on fall in line. We are disappoin- the second day.
Indias campaign at the World confidence. ted to lose the last game. But Brathwaite was batting on
boxing championships got off Instead, he said Sri Lanka we need to take all the posit- 102 and Shai Hope was un- Fighting knock: Kraigg Brathwaite successfully reviewed two
to a fine start as Asian has finally found some mo- ives from it as well. We dont beaten on 85. Their un- umpiring decisions to notch up a century. AFP *

bronze-medallist Amit mentum in the ongoing want to take any negatives. broken stand was so far
Phangal advanced to the series, even if it is yet to taste We need to take positives. worth 171 runs. home series win over South on the helmet by a bouncer
pre-quarterfinals in the 49kg victory against the Indians. Hopefully the guys will come The fourth-wicket duo Africa. from Ben Stokes. But he
category here on Friday. I dont think we are up and do the job, Unheralded: Akila Dananjaya was responsible for six of Indias had come together with But despite those fine fig- showed no sign of being
Amit defeated Italys Federico struggling. I think there is a Kapugedera added. seven wickets in the second ODI. PTI * West Indies in trouble at 35 ures he was omitted at shaken up. He was, however,
Serra in a split verdict to good atmosphere in the for three after James Ander- Headingley, with England re- dropped on 72 when Mark
make it to the round-of-16. team. The way we played, son had dismissed Kyle calling the fit-again Chris Stoneman, back on his heels

we are having lot of confid-
ence. Everyone is together
and hopefully we can pull
Will continue experimenting Hope, Shais older brother,
on his way to brilliant lunch
figures of three for 10 in 12
Woakes, ostensibly in a bid
to give the Warwickshire all-
rounder game time ahead of
at short leg, couldnt hold on
to a whip off Ali.

Bangladesh vs Australia: off one win. After the last ANI for us, the fielding coach in a one-day game so we overs. the upcoming Ashes tour of SCOREBOARD
1st Test, SS Select 1 (SD & game we believe that we can Kandy said. wanted to give him that But not even Anderson Australia.
England 1st innings: 258.
HD), 9.30 a.m. win. We played really well, Indias fielding coach R. Sridhar said the team opportunity. It was just an could make further inroads But Woakes too often
West Indies 1st innings: K.
Sri Lanka vs India: 3rd ODI, Kapugedera said, on the eve Sridhar on Saturday said would continue to try experiment, he said. as Brathwaite and Hope bat- bowled short and at tea had
Brathwaite batting 102, K.
Sony Six & Sony TEN 3 (SD & of the third ODI here. the team management different players in Meanwhile, Sridhar ted through the second figures of none for 40 in 11
Powell c Cook b Anderson 5, D.
HD), 2.30 p.m. Unheralded mystery spin- would continue to different slots. believes his sides fielding session. overs. Bishoo c Bairstow b Anderson 1,
England vs West Indies: ner Akila Dananjaya (six for experiment in the Akila Dananjaya had significantly improved Their partnership made Brathwaite, who resumed K. Hope c Root b Anderson 3, S.
2nd Test, SS Select 2, 3.30 48 in nine overs) infused life upcoming matches. bowled brilliantly in the in limited-over matches as Englands decision to drop on 13 not out, successfully Hope batting 85; Extras (b-4,
p.m. into the series, which has We want to take last game. We take that compared to Tests. third seamer Toby Roland- reviewed lbw decisions on
Badminton World Champi- lb-4, w-2): 10; Total (for 3 wkts
been panned by all and sun- something into the next forward, and well make Compared to the Test Jones look all the more 35 and 46, after first getting in 67 overs, at tea): 206.
onship: STAR Sports 1 (SD &
HD), 5.30 p.m.
dry for the lopsided contests game and the remaining sure we wont repeat the side, I think our ground curious. an inside edge to Stuart Fall of wickets: 1-11, 2-31, 3-35.
Formula One: Belgium GP, starting with the Test part of the series. I think mistakes. fielding has improved Roland-Jones had taken 14 Broad and being outside off- England bowling: Anderson
SS Select 2 HD, 5.30 p.m. matches to take Sri Lanka the way the last game We wanted to give significantly over the last wickets in three Tests at an stump playing a shot when 18-6-30-3, Broad 14-2-54-0,
Premier League: SS Select 1 tantalisingly close to a shaped up was a other players a hit. Rahul three to four years, he average of under 20 apiece given out to off-spinner Mo- Woakes 11-2-40-0, Stokes 12-
(SD & HD), 6 p.m. & 8.30 victory. wonderful learning curve hadnt batted in the middle said. since making his debut in een Ali. 5-24-0, Moeen 11-1-41-0,
p.m. M.S. Dhonis experience Englands preceding 3-1 On 60, Shai Hope was hit Westley 1-0-9-0.

Sterling to Citys rescue again Hamilton takes pole Bronze for Saina
Scores a 97th-minute winner against Bournemouth BELGIAN GP Okuhara becomes first Japanese
shuttler to reach the final
Agence France-Presse
Francorchamps Agence France Presse
Lewis Hamilton roared to a Glasgow WORLD CSHIPS
record-equalling 68th career Saina Nehwal settled for the
Raheem Sterling scored a pole position on Saturday, bronze as her impressive defending champion Chen
97th-minute winner and was matching Michael Schu- run at the World badminton Long in the semifinals. In a
then sent off as Manchester machers record in qualify- championships came to an surprisingly short match,
City snatched a dramatic 2-1 ing for the Belgian Grand end here on Saturday after a the Danish No. 3 seed beat
victory at Bournemouth in Prix. heart-breaking loss to Rio the Olympic champion 21-9,
the Premier League on The 32-year-old three- Olympics bronze medallist 21-10 in just 39 minutes.
Saturday. time World champion will Nozomi Okuhara of Japan in The results: Men: Semifinals:
Bournemouth took a 13th- start Sundays race, the the womens semifinals. Viktor Axelsen (Swe) bt Chen
minute lead through a re- 200th of his career, from his Saina gave it her all, but Long (Chn) 21-9, 21-10;
markable strike from left- sixth pole this year with Ger- Okuharas never-say-die atti- Quarterfinals: Chen bt Tian
back Charlie Daniels, who Sucker punch: Raheem Sterlings shot took a nick off Andrew manys championship tude helped her outman- Houwei (Chn) 21-12, 21-17.
slammed a half-volley in off Surmans heels that gave Asmir Begovic no chance. leader Sebastian Vettel of oeuvre the Indian in an en- Doubles: Semifinals: Mo-
Edersons crossbar from a *
MIKE HEWITT/GETTY IMAGES Ferrari alongside him in ergy-sapping clash. hammad Ahsan & Rian Agung
position wide on the left. second. After battling for an hour Saputro (Ina) bt Takeshi
But David Silva teed up DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD underside of the bar. Hamiltons lap in 1min and 14 minutes, the world Kamura & Keigo Sonoda (Jap)
The results: Premier League: 21-12, 21-15.
Gabriel Jesus to equalise 42.553sec was the all-time No. 12 managed to eke out a
B It was Sterlings first PL red Women, semifinals: Nozomi
eight minutes later and just Saturday: Bournemouth 1 record fastest at the spectac- come-from-behind 12-21, 21-
card in what was his 162nd Okuhara (Jpn) bt Sania Nehwal
as it looked like victory (Daniels 13) lost to Manchester ular Spa-Francorchamps cir- 17, 21-10 win over the Indian
appearance in the 12-21, 21-17, 21-10; Quarterfi-
would elude City, Sterling City 2 (Jesus 21, Sterling 90+7); cuit in the forests of the Bel- Something special: Lewis Hamilton, who equalled to become the first shuttler
competition nals: Saina bt Kirsty Gilmour
struck deep into stoppage Crystal Palace 0 lost to gian Ardennes, 0.242 Schumachers record 68 poles, received special wishes from from her country to reach
Swansea 2 (Abraham 44, Ayew (Sco) 21-19, 18-21, 21-15.
time with the aid of a big de- seconds quicker than Vettel. the German legends family. AP * the finals of worlds. Doubles: Semifinals: Chen
flection off Andrew Surman. the visitor might have cause 48); Huddersfield 0 drew with Former Ferrari and Mer- Earlier, Saina had made
Southampton 0; Newcastle 3 Qingchen & Jia Yifan (Chn) bt
Sterling, whose late volley to regret its managers de- cedes technical director that. This is one of my fa- team-mate Australian Daniel the semifinals, staving off Masaki Matsumoto & Ayaka
earned City a 1-1 draw with cision. (Joselu 36, Clark 72, Mitrovic Ross Brawn, who guided vourite circuits so to put a Ricciardo. the challenge from local fa-
86) bt West Ham 0; Watford 0 Takahashi (Jap) 21-17, 21-15.
Everton on Monday, celeb- Left-back Benjamin Schumacher to all seven of lap together like that is like a Provisional grid: 1st row: Lewis vourite Kristy Gilmour 21-19, Mixed doubles: Semifinals:
drew with Brighton 0. Hamilton (Mercedes), Se-
rated by throwing himself Mendy was making his City his titles with Benetton (two) dream. 18-21, 21-15 in an hour and 14 Tontowi Ahmed & Liliyana Nat-
Bundesliga: Werder Bremen 0 bastian Vettel (Ferrari); 2nd
into the away section and debut following his 52 mil- and Ferrari (five), hugged To hear that message minutes. sir (Ina) bt Lee Chun Hei Regin-
lost to Bayern Munich 2 (Le- row: Valtteri Bottas (Mer-
was shown a second yellow lion move from Monaco and wandowski 72, 75); Eintracht
Hamilton on the track and which Ross just gave... a big Swedens Viktor Axelsen ald & Chau Hoi Wah (HKg) 21-
card by referee Mike Dean. took time to settle against said he had a special thank you. cedes), Kimi Raikkonen (Fer- gained revenge over Chinas 16, 21-13.
Frankfurt 0 lost to Wolfsburg 1 rari); 3rd row: Max Verstappen
The outcome was harsh Adam Smith, the energetic (Didavi 22); Bayer Leverkusen 2 message. I pray for Michael and
on Bournemouth, which is home right-back. I am here to deliver a his family all the time. (Red Bull), Daniel Ricciardo
(Wendell 33-pen, Bellarabi 49) (Red Bull); 4th row: Nico
still searching for its first The home sides early ef- drew with Hoffenheim 2 special message from the Vettel, who Ferrari said
point of the season. forts were rewarded when Schumacher family who Saturday has signed a three- Hulkenberg (Renault), Sergio
(Kramaric 47, Uth 70); Augs- Perez (Force India); 5th row:
But for City manager Pep Daniels produced a wonder- burg 2 (Finnbogason 1, Cordova want to congratulate you on year contract extension, se-
Esteban Ocon (Force India),
Guardiola, Sterlings strike fully clean strike to beat 89) drew with Borussia equalling Michaels record, cured his front-row spot
Jolyon Palmer (Renault).
will spare him from the kind Ederson. Monchengladbach 2 (Zakaria 8, said Brawn. with a late and dramatic lap
6th row: Fernando Alonso
of inquest about his teams There seemed little Wendt 30); Stuttgart 1 (Bad- He always said records for Ferrari. (McLaren), Romain Grosjean
goal-scoring problems that danger when the stuber 53) bt Mainz 0. are there to be beaten and He leads Hamilton by 14 (Haas); 7th row: Kevin Mag-
he faced after the draw with Bournemouth wing-back Friday: La Liga: Real Sociedad 3 they want to say a special points with nine races re- nussen (Haas), Carlos Sainz Jr.
Everton. moved onto a loose ball (Willian Jose 25, Prieto 34, thanks. maining this year. (Toro Rosso); 8th row: Lance
He sprang a surprise be- wide on the left flank follow- Juanmi 45) bt Villarreal 0; Real Hamilton, who appeared Hamiltons Mercedes Stroll (Williams), Felipe Massa
fore kick-off by dropping ing Vincent Kompanys Betis 2 (Sergio Leon 31, Feddal to be visibly moved with teammate Valtteri Bottas (Williams) after five-place grid
Sergio Aguero to the bench. clearing header. 77) bt Celta Vigo 1 (Gomez 9). emotion, said: First, a big qualified third ahead of penalty; 9th row: Marcus Eric-
A glum-looking Aguero But Daniels met the ball Bundesliga: Cologne 1 shout to the fans here I Finnish compatriot Kimi sson (Sauber), Pascal Wehrlein
took his seat in the dug-out on the half-volley, arrowing (Sorensen 90+7) lost to Ham- cant believe it. A big thank Raikkonen in the second (Sauber); 10th row: Daniil
behind Guardiola and for 15 a sublime shot past the soar- burg 3 (Hahn 28, Wood 34, you to my team. Ferrari, Dutchman Max Kvyat (Toro Rosso), Stoffel Comeback win: Okuharas relentlessness helped her
minutes it looked as though ing Ederson and in off the Holtby 90+10). Ross was a big part of Vestappen and his Red Bull Vandoorne (McLaren). outmanoeuvre Saina in an energy-sapping semifinal. *




Smith confirms Agars Test return Vettel to stay at
Mushfiqur Rahim says Bangladesh has enough resources to win the series Ferrari till 2020
Agence France Presse February-March for four Test
DHAKA matches and despite a 2-1 Rumours were he may join Mercedes
Australia captain Steve Smith loss Smiths men were
Conte eyes upgrade post confirmed Ashton Agar will praised for putting up a good
Agence France-Presse The announcement came
Spa-Francorchamps (Belgium) as little surprise to paddock
troubled spell play his first Test in four show.
LONDON years when the two-Test World championship leader observers, even if the timing
Smith led from the front,
Exasperated by Chelseas series against Bangladesh be- Sebastian Vettel will stay was unexpected.
scoring three centuries to be-
failure to land his top gins here on Sunday. with Ferrari until 2020 after Ferrari usually makes its
come the highest run-getter
transfer targets, Antonio agreeing a three-year con- driver announcements at its
Agar made a sensational in the series with 499 runs at
Conte hopes Sundays clash tract extension, the Italian home Italian Grand Prix at
debut in 2013, scoring 98 in 71.28.
with Everton is the prelude to team announced on Monza, scheduled for next
his maiden innings batting at He said he was surprised weekend.
a last-minute shopping spree Saturday.
No. 11 against England at Not- by the recent comments of
by the Premier League In a statement that ended The three-year extension
tingham. But since then the Bangladesh coach Chandika
champion. For sure, the club weeks of speculation over ties in with Ferraris own
23-year-old has made only Hathurusingha and all-
is trying to strengthen our the future of the four-time contract with Formula One
one further Test appearance, rounder Shakib Al-Hasan,
squad, our team, they are champion German, Ferrari that runs until 2020 when
and has been hungry for a who both expressed hopes
working very hard to do this. said it had extended its the team will seek to negoti-
return to the long format of of winning the series 2-0.
My focus is only on the pitch, technical and racing agree- ate new terms for its parti-
the game. Bangladesh captain Mush-
then there is the club. The ment with driver Sebastian cipation with the sports
club is working hard and we It was not until his im- fiqur Rahim said his team Vettel for the 2018, 2019 and new US owners Liberty Me-
will see what happens at the pressive form in the Sheffield has enough resources to win 2020 racing seasons. dia.
end of the transfer market, Shield this season he the series. Cricket is all It had been widely ru- Vettels original contract
Conte said. claimed 16 wickets and about winning the match, moured that the 30-year-old with Ferrari was scheduled
AFP scored 115 runs in four in- Great challenge: Steve Smith, right, seen with Bangladesh counterpart Mushfiqur Rahim, said Rahim. German was flirting with the to run to the end of this sea-
nings for Western Australia hopes the series will give Australia a reality check after its tour of India. AFP * You all know that we possibility of joining Mer- son, a situation that allowed
Brandon Knight that he caught the eye of the have been very consistent in cedes, a prospect dismissed him to use possible talks
to miss season selectors again. that series. Bangladesh in 11 years. reality check after its tour of the last series as well as in on Friday by his title rival with other teams as leverage
LOS ANGELES He was picked for the two- Agar will partner with off- Australia has not toured India. I think its going to be the last two years in our Lewis Hamilton. in his negotiations to stay.
Phoenix Suns guard Brandon Test tour of Bangladesh spinner Nathan Lyon on a Bangladesh since 2006 and a great series. Its a great home condition. I think
Knight had surgery to repair a ahead of left-arm spinner supposedly spin friendly this series has been long in challenge for my group of everyone is talking about
torn left knee ligament on Steve OKeefe, whose 12- wicket at the Sher-e-Bangla the making. players to see what we have winning the series because
Friday and will miss all of the wicket haul against India National Stadium, where Smith expressed hope learned from India, Smith of that belief, he said.
2017-18 NBA season, Suns earlier this year helped Aus- Australia will make its first that it would be an exciting said. The second Test will be
said. tralia win the first Test of Test appearance against series and give Australia a Australia visited India in held from September 4 to 8.
Confirmation that Knight
would miss the entire season
came on the same day that,
Suns said rookie guard Davon
Vijay Viraaj for Stewards Cup Bagan
Reed underwent meniscus
surgery on his left knee and
HYDERABAD: Vijay Viraaj may 26 to 46 (Cat. III), 2.15: 1. Compos- ern Crown (1) Akshay Kumar 53.5 Gaddam 64, 2. Kolors (1) A.S.
would be sidelined for four to
six months. AFP
score in the Stewards Cup
(1,400m), the main event of the
races to be held here on Sunday
ure (5) Koushik 60, 2. Dolce (4)
Ajeeth Kumar 59.5, 3. Prime Time
and 8. Aston Doulton (6) Rafique
Sk. 53.
Pawar 61.5, 3. Time For Fun (3)
Nakhat Singh 60.5, 4. Alameda Norde
(2) K. Mukesh Kumar 57.5, 4. Raja 1. ARAGONDA PRINCESS, 2. LIKE (10) Md. Ismail 58, 5. Baashagar
(Aug. 27). Hindustani (3) Rafique Sk. 57.5, 5. WISE, 3. SOUTHERN CROWN (12) Ajeeth Kumar 57, 6. King Of
There will be no false rails.
Special Correspondent
Gorgeous Lady (7) Deepak Singh DEMOCRACY PLATE (1,100m), Pop (6) Koushik 57, 7. Mangalyaan


(Div. II), (1,100m), maiden 3-y-o
57, 6. Supurinto (1) Akshay Kumar
56, 7. General Salute (8) Md. Is-
6 5-y-o & over, rated 26 to 46
(Cat. III), 3.45: 1. Princess Baller-
(11) B.R. Kumar 55.5, 8. Thats My
Darling (2) Akshay Kumar 55.5, 9.
Mohun Bagan announced Deal through: Sebastian Vettel, left, seen speaking with team
only (whips are not permitted in mail 55.5, 8. Shakesphere (9) ina (6) Md. Ismail 60, 2. Hunters Net Champ (4) Deep Shanker 55, that it will be extending the principal of the Ferrari Formula One team Maurizio Arrivaben,
this race), (Terms), 1.15 p.m.: 1. Kunal Bunde 55, 9. Symbol Of 10. Ashwa Raftar (5) Shailesh 51.5,
Gold (10) B.R. Kumar 55 and 10.
Pride (8) Md. Sameeruddin 58.5,
11. Green Image (8) A.A. Vikrant contract of its Haitian for- extended his contract till 2020. AFP *

Free Eagle (2) Deep Shanker 56, 2. 3. Rois Cruise (7) Deepak Singh ward Sony Norde for the
Golden Aliza (3) N. Rawal 56, 3. Vijays Empress (6) Kuldeep Singh 58.5, 4. Egyptian Wind (9) 51.5, 12. Vijay Sakhi (9) S.S. Tan-
Trumph Boy (1) Koushik 56, 4. 54.5. Shailesh 57.5, 5. Romantic Fire (2) war 51 and 13. Rubyonrails (13) fourth successive season.
Kunal Bunde 50. Norde will be joining the
Hat-trick by Dicka
Conroy (9) Kunal Bunde 54.5, 5. 1. COMPOSURE, 2. PRIME TIME, 3. G. Naresh 56, 6. Time Is Luck (3)
Earn starting XI spot, Good Strike (8) Ajeeth Kumar GORGEOUS LADY N. Rawal 55, 7. Vijays Delight (10) 1. VIJAY VIRAAJ, 2. ALAMEDA, 3. club practice ahead of the
coach tells Ibrahimovic 54.5, 6. Heaven Can Wait (6) C. KHAMMAM PLATE (Div. II), P. Gaddam 55, 8. Man Of The
Umesh 54.5, 7. Marina Del Rey (4)
Akshay Kumar 54.5, 8. Rose Petal
4 (1,100m), 4-y-o & over, rated
upto 30 (Cat. III), 2.45: 1. New
Series (1) Zulquar Nain 54.5, 9.
Bouncer (5) Kunal Bunde 53 and
TIME FOR FUN I-League in October.
With the All India Foot- Special Correspondent
put Peerless ahead. Sporting
Manchester United manager
Jose Mourinho expects
(5) G. Naresh 54.5 and 9. Tough
Princess (7) B.R. Kumar 54.5.
Comer (3) Nakhat Singh 60.5, 2.
Avenida (8) N. Rawal 60, 3.
10. Moon Walker (4) Akshay Ku-
mar 53. 9 (1,100m), 4-y-o & over, rated
upto 30 (Cat. III), 5.20: 1.
ball Federation allowing an
increased quota of foreign-

Aser Dipanda Dickas hat-

had to wait till the 51st
minute when Jiten Murmu
1. FREE EAGLE, 2. GOOD STRIKE, 3. Pamella (4) Rafique Sk. 58.5, 4. 1. PRINCESS BALLERINA, 2. MOON
Zlatan Ibrahimovic to MARINA DEL REY Novitious (2) K. Mukesh Kumar ers where each club can trick helped Mohammedan found the net with a fine
Dawning Hope (5) A.A. Vikrant 57, WALKER, 3. HUNTERS PRIDE
challenge Romelu Lukaku for 60.5, 2. Racing Ikon (6) C.P. register six foreigners Sporting score five in the header.
5. Aalishaan (9) Akshay Kumar
a starting berth when the
Swedish striker returns to
(Div. I), (1,100m), maiden 3-y-o
only (whips are not permitted in
55.5, 6. Moonflash (6) G. Naresh
54, 7. Chemical Daddy (7) Md.
(1,100m), 4-y-o & over, rated
upto 30 (Cat. III), 4.15: 1. Great
Bopanna 60, 3. Beauty Flash (8)
A.A. Vikrant 58, 4. Awesome
Show (4) Akshay Kumar 56, 5. Di-
Bagans current interna-
tional signings stands at
second half and beat Peer-
less SC 5-2 in a Calcutta Foot-
Dipanda took over from

action. Zlatan knows me. He this race), (Terms), 1.45: 1. After Sameeruddin 53.5, 8. Cashel (1) Glory (1) Gopal Singh 60.5, 2. Se- vine Heights (7) Rafique Sk. 55.5,
Kunal Bunde 52.5 and 9. Oh four. Kamo Stephane Bayi ball Leagues premier divi- there, scoring in the 58th,
Eight (5) Kuldeep Singh 56, 2. farina (5) Md. Ismail 60.5, 3. Nelly 6. Yes Baby (1) Rohit Kumar 54, 7.
knows that I play the players Gaandeevan (8) Aneel 56, 3. Lord Pharaoh (2) A.S. Pawar 51.5. (Ivory Coast), Ansumana sion Group-A match at the 69th and 90th minutes to
(2) Akshay Kumar 59.5, 4. Rohini Old Faithful (3) K. Sai Kiran 53.5,
that I think are the best for Gift (2) Akshay Kumar 56, 4. Can- 1. NEW COMER, 2. AALISHAAN, 3. (3) A.S. Pawar 57.5, 5. My Choice 8. Amaravathi (5) G. Naresh 51.5 Kromah (Liberia) and Vidyasagar Stadium, Barasat complete his hat-trick.
the team. I always did that in non Dear (7) N. Rawal 54.5, 5. DAWNING HOPE (8) G. Naresh 56, 6. Pride And Joy and 9. Beijos (9) N. Rawal 50. Kingsley Eze (Nigeria) are on Saturday. Dipendu Duary chipped
my life, so if he comes here Fabulous Art (4) C. Umesh 54.5, 6. (10) Kunal Bunde 55.5, 7. Golden
the three players drafted in Sporting, which trailed by in with a goal in the 80th
and he proves that he is the
Glorious Grey (3) Deepak Singh
54.5, 7. Kohinoor Lucy (6) Rafique 5 P.M. BOKDAWALA MEMORIAL
CUP (1,200m), 3-y-o & over,
rated 42 to 62 (Cat. II), 3.15: 1. Ar-
Joy (9) Deepak Singh 53.5, 8. Our
Ensign (7) A.A. Vikrant 53, 9. Prin-
3. NOVITIOUS before Norde, who chose a goal in the first half, made minute to complete the tally.
best, he plays. If the other Sk. 54.5, 8. Negress Princess (9) cess (6) Shailesh 51 and 10. Sensa- Bagan over ISL offers as the a spectacular comeback Onyeama Francis pulled one
agonda Princess (4) Gopal Singh Days best: PRINCESS BALLERINA
ones dont give him a chance Ajeeth Kumar 54.5 and 9. Sharp tional Girl (4) A.K. Pawar 51. former offered a bigger after the break scoring five back for Peerless in the 89th
60, 2. Like Wise (5) Nakhat Singh
to prove that, thats life, Eye (1) Hannam 54.5. 1. NELLY, 2. SEFARINA, 3.
60, 3. Movie Moghual (3) A.A. Double: NEW COMER - NELLY purse. in a span of 39 minutes. minute. The win helped
Mourinho said. AFP Vikrant 60, 4. Miracle King (8) East Bengal is a step Sukhvinder Singh opened Sporting tally nine points
A.S. Pawar 58.5, 5. Lavender (7) STEWARDS CUP (1,400m), 3- Jkt (i): 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5; (ii): 5, 6, 7, 8 &

Bajrang loses in 3 ELUSIVE HERO PLATE

(1,200m), 4-y-o & over, rated
C.P. Bopanna 54.5, 6. Royal Dy-
namite (2) Md. Ismail 54, 7. South-
8 y-o & over, rated 74 & above
(Cat. I), 4.45: 1. Vijay Viraaj (7) P.
9; Tr (i): 1, 2 & 3; (ii): 4, 5 & 6; (iii):
7, 8 & 9; Tla: All races.
ahead having already made
five signings.
the scoring with a long-
ranger in the 16th minute to
from three wins and a loss.

Asian champion and former
World bronze medallist
Bajrag Punia lost in the
Kisan enters final Records tumble in Europes transfer frenzy
repechage and crashed out of Sports Bureau Bhubaneswar last month
Agence France-Presse by Neymars departure, Bar- world record fee for a de- time that it is locked in a feud Dembele and his 18-year-old
the 65kg freestyle bronze (80.03m), came up with the Paris celona is expected to make a fender, for full-back Ben- with its regional rivals. France international team-
medal race on the final day of Maharashtras Kisan Tadvi big one in the last round. Ousmane Dembeles transfer
final push to sign Liverpools jamin Mendy and another In the space of August, re- mate Mbappe, clubs are in-
the World wrestling Narsi entered the mens to Barcelona in a deal worth
Brazilian playmaker Philippe 43 million for midfielder cords set last year have been vesting in the future.
championships here on 5000m final at the 29th Narrow miss up to 147 million, making
Coutinho before the transfer Bernardo Silva. The team swept away, with the 89 In the Premier League,
Saturday. Bajrang beat World University Games Meanwhile, Delhis prom- him the worlds second most
window slams shut within also added England interna- million deal that took Paul many managers are con-
German Alexander Semisorov here on Saturday, a day ising Amoj Jacob finished expensive player after Ney-
days. tional defender Kyle Walker Pogba to Manchester United cerned that the spiralling
6-2 before losing to Zurabi when Taipeis Cheng Chao- fifth in the mens 800m heat mar, is the latest dizzying
PSG, determined to for 50 million as part of its in 2016 more than doubled costs for the superstars,
Iabishivili of Georgia 6-5. Tsun broke the Asian mens in 1:51.28s and narrowly move fuelled by television
mount a serious challenge summer spending spree. by PSGs swoop for Neymar coupled with a huge cash in-
Zurabis entry into the final javelin throw record with a missed qualifying for the fi- money and Gulf-based club
gave the Indian a second massive 91.36m. nal while Kachnar Chaud- owners. for the Champions League, is that broke up Barcelonas jection for all the top-flight
also reportedly about to se- Rocking the boat MSN trio of the 25-year-old clubs from a new TV deal,
chance, but he lost his Kisan finished sixth in his hary was a big disappoint- The deal agreed on Friday
repechage bout to Turkeys heat, clocking 14:35.83s, and ment finishing 10th in her to bring 20-year-old French cure the signature of PSG and City and their Gulf- Brazilian, Luis Suarez and Li- are inflating prices for play-
Mustafa Kaya 8-3. Asian made the final as one of the group (20th overall) in the striker Dembele to the Span- Monacos teenage starlet based owners have shaken onel Messi. ers across the board.
bronze medallist Parveen fastest losers. womens shot put qualifica- ish giant from Borussia Kylian Mbappe for another up the established order, Dembeles move for a fee Accountants Deloitte said
Rana (74kg) and Cheng, who like Indias tion round and failed to pro- Dortmund was a direct con- stratospheric fee. said Virgile Caillet, a market- of 105 million with add-ons on Thursday that Premier
Commonwealth Games silver Neeraj Chopra failed to gress further. She has a per- sequence of Neymars shock In England, Manchester ing expert who heads the worth another 42 million, League clubs spending had
medallist Satyawart Kadian qualify for the javelin final at sonal best of 14.50m. 222-million move to Qatar- Citys Emirati owners have French federation of sport following Neymars Barca set a new record for a single
(97kg) lost after winning the recent London World And, in the womens owned Paris Saint-Germain snapped up two of Mbappes and leisure industries. exit, comes as footballers transfer window after reach-
their first round matches. Championships (77.87m) 20km race walk, Priyanka that obliterated the world French title-winning Monaco In the case of PSG, Qatar union FIFPro has blasted ing 1.17 billion and that
India drew a blank in the and was sixth in the Asian was disqualified before the transfer record. teammates. also appears to be seeking to transfer market madness. was with a week of business
event. Championships in halfway stage. To further fill the gap left City paid 52 million, a exert its soft power at a And in splashing out on still to go.

Baskaran aims to keep juniors battle-ready
Ankita & Ce To focus on tightening the phase from junior to senior
triumph Vijay Lokapally
In an effort to pull Indian
senior level and some seni-
ors who may not be suited to
come to terms to the interna-
playing. You learn different
class, culture and language
and begin to appreciate your
hockey out of stagnation, the tional standards. These play- partners. I would look to
administration is looking to ers have to be brought in the keep at least five players
introduce a series of steps, development category. We (from the development
including appointment of a cant lose them, said team) ready to step into the
Development Coach. Baskaran. senior team anytime.
Indias 1980 Olympics I dont believe in this
hockey gold captain V. Bas- Ongoing process term rested. Its stupid.
karan is being entrusted with In Baskarans view, develop- How can you say (off-spin-
the task of streamlining the ment of a player is an ongo- ner) R. Ashwin has been res-
structure of grooming juni- ing process. ted? He is playing in county
ors with an aim to keep them The transformation from V. Baskaran. * FILE PHOTO cricket.
battle-ready. a very good junior to a good Having a development
A Hockey India (HI) senior cant happen task to bring him back to team would keep everyone
source confided that Bas- overnight. You have to con- shape. Not everything can go on the toes in the senior
karan was considered the sider the age factor and the by the coaching book. Cer- team. I would prepare a
ideal man for the job be- performance factor. We have tain aspects of pursuing the player to walk into any slot.
cause of his established skills to see if the junior needs game are in-born. A defender should be ready
to act as a guide and counsel- more time to be acceptable Baskaran, who is on the to play upfront if need be.
Solution to yesterdays Sudoku lor. in the senior category. My panel of a few colleges in As a development coach,
Its a challenging re- role would be to see that the Chennai and Coimbatore as Baskaran would like to make
Winning smiles: Ankita Raina and Gabriela Ce. sponsibility and I am looking results are productive to the a counsellor, emphasised the players more flexible and
SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT forward to contribute my system. that communication is im- innovative.
best, Baskaran told The The need to evaluate and portant. Some players com- We have abundant tal-
Sports Bureau Hindu. analyse a player will make municate superbly and thats ent. Only we should not lose
Artvin (Turkey) $60,000 ITF womens ten- The focus would be on Baskarans job all the more what I look to exploit. To me the players. The develop-
Ankita Raina and her nis tournament here on tightening the phase from ju- important. communication is the key ment team concept would
Brazilian partner Gabriela Saturday. nior to senior, an area where Even Sachin (Tendulkar) and it should not be re- ensure that. I dont believe in
Ce outplayed the fourth- This was Ankitas second most coaches believe players and MS (Dhoni) have talked strained because you just camp attendance. Match
seeded Russo-Bulgarian pair doubles title from three fi- need strict monitoring. of going back to the basics. struggle to express yourself. temperament is more im-
of Yana Sizikova and Elitsa nals over the last three There are juniors who Here too if someone fails in Baskaran believes, You portant, Baskaran
Kostova 6-2, 6-3 to win the weeks. may not be ready for the the senior team it will be my learn from travelling and concluded.



Third Major of year would be surreal

I hope I can keep this level up and then maybe good things can continue, says Federer
derer in the hard-court final
at Montreal this month.
That was the last time Fe-
derer was in action; he
tweaked his back and with-
drew from a tune-up in Ohio
Associated Press the following week.
New York
If his back is problematic
Even Roger Federer finds it at Flushing Meadows, it
all a little surprising. could stand in Federers way.
After going four years Otherwise, he could be the
without collecting a Major last man standing there for
championship, now firmly in the first time since winning
his mid-30s, he heads into his last of five consecutive
Mondays start of the U.S. U.S. Open titles in 2008.
Open with a chance to win That would please Fe-
his third such trophy of 2017. derer, of course. But what he
I mean, I have a hard really derives satisfaction
time thinking I could win from lately is his aggressive
three Slams in one year. It style on court.
just sounds totally surreal to I like the way Im playing.
me, Federer said in an inter- Im going for it. Im not hold-
view with The Associated ing back. Im playing the
Press. But Ill prepare my- kind of tennis I like to play,
self the best way possible, so personally, myself. And Im
that I will have the best not, like, doing everything
chance to really excel there Firm favourite: Roger Federer, seen with his fifth US Open Trophy in 2008, believes his only for success. Im actually
in New York. aggressive approach can fetch him the title again this season. AP * letting it fly off my racket.
Yes, Federer is most cer- And that makes me happy,
tainly back. All the way back. I dont know. Its hard to everything from the outside man Federer sat down with he said.
Hes back in the field at tell. It doesnt really matter again. It gives you a little bit Luthi to discuss preparation People whove been wait-
Flushing Meadows after sit- to me. I would hope that Im of distance, said Severin for the U.S. Open. ing for me to come back
ting out the hard-court tour- a better player today, just Luthi, one of Federers Yes, time marches on, strong, maybe one more
nament a year ago while tak- (by) virtue of time thats coaches. even for Federer, although it time, Ive given them even
ing off the last half of the gone by and Ive had time to In general, I know with doesnt really seem as if more now by winning a
season to let his surgically re- practice and train and all him that if he takes a break thats the case at the mo- couple of Slams this year. So
paired left knee heal. And that stuff, he said with a and if hes fresh, happy to ment. Hes been playing its extremely special times.
hes back in the role of Grand sigh. But better? In a way I play, motivated ... thats one amazing tennis, said 20- Im aware of that. I know its
Slam title favourite after win- would hope so. of his biggest strengths. year-old Alexander Zverev, just only bonus, whatever is
ning the past two Majors he The day before beating considered the sports Next about to come, Federer con-
entered, the Australian Open The payoff? He is 35-3 with Cilic in the final at the All Big Thing. tinued, with a hint of a smile.
in January and Wimbledon five titles this season. England Club to claim his He pretty much won So I hope I can keep this
in July. The long break last year eighth Wimbledon champi- every single big tournament level up and then maybe
Is he playing as well as or really helped him. He (went) onship and 19th at a Major he played this year, added good things can continue.
perhaps better than ever? a little bit away and looked at overall both records for a Zverev, who defeated Fe- Well see.

Patna Pirates too strong for
UWW effects
Tamil Thalaivas
major changes Classy raiders, solid defensive work make the difference
Y.B. Sarangi while 55kg, 59kg, 65kg and
KOLKATA 72kg are the non-Olympic PKL
United World Wrestling weights.
(UWW) has made some sig- Greco Roman went Nandakumar Marar
nificant changes to the through the largest shift in
sport, including the redistri- assignments, adjusting Patna Pirates classy raiders
bution of weight classes and nearly all the weight cat- and solid defensive work
expansion of the competi- egories. proved too strong for Tamil
tion format. Thalaivas to rattle, resulting
The Olympic weights are
The world governing 60kg, 67kg, 77kg, 87kg, 97kg in a 35-24 victory for the
body for the sport has in- and 130kg, while the non- former in ProKabaddi
creased the weight categor- Olympic weights are 55kg, League here on Saturday.
ies from eight to 10 in each 63kg, 72kg and 82kg. Monu Goyat weighed in
of the three styles. with an effective 11 raid
Now junior and under-23
The UWW bureau adop- points, helping his side over-
wrestlers will be able to
ted a moderate approach, come a tentative show by
compete in senior-level
looking to impact as few ex- skipper Pardeep Narwal (six
weight categories. Got him! Vineet Kumar of Thalaivas is pinned down by Pirates
isting weight categories as raid points), with support
In another major change, players on Saturday. AP *

possible. from catcher Jaidip (five).

As per the changes, free- UWW has approved the The runaway win lifted was of a high order as trap on too many occasions.
style will keep all of its cur- two-day competition format Pirates to 27 points after a Pardeep Narwal found to his A time-out taken at 16-23
rent Olympic and non- for the 2018 season, com- fourth win in seven matches dismay and the former led was time for hurried plan-
Olympic weight categories mencing on January 1 next so far in Zone B, within 6-3 at one stage. ning but the three players re-
and will add 79kg and 92kg. year. A two-kg allowance for catching distance of leader Pirates asserted them- maining on court felt the
The freestyle weights for the second day will be gran- UP Yoddas (30 from 11). selves slowly and surely, heat and suffered an all-out.
the Olympics will be 57kg, ted for one year following Thalaivas captain Ajay Thak- wiping out the deficit with
which the allowance will not The result: Patna Pirates 35
65kg, 74kg, 86kg, 97kg and urs 10 points helped him points from raiders and (Pardeep Narwal 6, Monu
125kg while 61kg, 70kg, 79kg be available from January 1, keep his status as one of the catchers to lead 16-9 at the Goyat 11, Jaidip 5) bt Tamil
and 92kg will be non- 2019. stars of the event, winning break. Four points each Thalaivas 24 (Ajay Thakur 10, J.
Olympic weights. The Olympic qualification will need more teammates from captain Pardeep and Darshan 3, Vineet Kumar 3,
Womens wrestling will system was also approved, to chip in. The latter has defender Jaidip took the ini- Amit Hooda 3).
increase the lowest weight with the World champion- won once in seven ties. tiative away from Thalaivas,
from 48kg to 50kg and ships (six), Continental qual- Thalaivas, getting sharper for whom Darshan made his PLAYING TODAY
slightly redistribute several ifiers (eight) and a World with every outing since the mark in catching. Thalaivas DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
weight categories, most by Open (two) adding up to first game rout at the hands needed to come out firing

only one or two kilograms. make the 16 allotments in of Telugu Titans in Hydera- early on resumption to put Bengal Warriors vs Bengaluru
The Olympic weights in each weight. bad, appeared to be slipping the brakes on Pirates run- Bulls, 8 p.m.
ning away with the match, U Mumba vs Dabang Delhi, 9
this style are 50kg, 53kg, Besides, the continental into the groove. The defence
p.m., STAR Sports 2, 2 HD
57kg, 62kg, 68kg and 76kg championships will be held. got the job done, catching but the raiders fell into the DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Joshna claims her 15th National title

Ghosal unstoppable in the mens final, wins his 12th
> Ifew
could have done a
Lakshya said: I played
better today than in the Na-
differently, but I had tional Games final against
Kamesh Srinivasan
Joshna. It is a matter of ex-
GREATER NOIDA to dig quite deep.
perience. This tournament
Joshna Chinappa and Saurav Saurav Ghosal
gives me a lot of confidence
Ghosal emerged champions
rhythm and movement, he for the future, said Lakshya.
yet again, tackling their
said. Of course, winning the The champions took win-
young, energetic opponents
national title is just the start- ners cheques for 1,50,000
with agility and craft of their
ing stage; I am looking for- each.
own in the finals of the HCL
ward to the international The results (finals):
74th National squash cham-
circuit. Men: Saurav Ghosal bt Mahesh
pionship at the Shiv Nadar Mangaonkar 11-6, 11-13, 11-9,
Joshna switched gears
Universitys indoor complex 11-6.
when required against first-
here on Saturday. Women: Joshna Chinappa bt
time finalist Lakshaya Ragav-
Ghosal overcame Mahesh endran, and the 11-6, 8-11, Lakshya Ragavendran 11-6, 8-
Mangaonkar 11-6, 11-13, 11-9, 11-2, 11-4 win fetched the 11, 11-2, 11-4.
11-6 in an entertaining con- former her 15th National Pro coach: Parmeet Singh bt
test that drew repeated title. Parthiban Ayyappan 11-3, 11-3,
rounds of applause from the Lakshya did light up the 11-5.
stands. Veterans: Over-35: Amitpal
proceedings with her power
The strongly built Kohli bt Rahul Pandit 13-11, 4-
play to clinch the second
Mangaonkar had lost to 11, 11-9, 11-5.
game, but that only pro-
Ghosal also in the final at Over-40: Saurabh Nayar bt
A familiar sight: After winning the mens and womens titles voked Joshna to storm right
Jaipur four years ago. Here Amit Chinai 6-11, 11-9, 7-11,
as tipped, Saurav Ghosal and Joshna Chinappa will now focus back and blow her opponent 11-6, 11-4.
he gave himself some on tougher challenges on the international circuit. away in a whirlwind finish. Over-45: Dalip Tripathi bt
chances but repeatedly Definitely, it was the best Ashutosh Padnekar 11-5, 11-4,
found the tin, and dropped the fourth game and needed Ghosal, after bagging his 12th match of the tournament for 11-3.
the last five points in a tricky medical attention. national title. me. She played well. I really Over-50: Aashish Kamat bt Lalit
third game. I am entirely happy win- In terms of quality, I focused on the third and Advani 11-7, 12-10, 11-3.
Thereafter, Ghosal was ning another title, but full think 2012 was my best per- fourth games to be at my Over-55: Arun Rabindranath bt
unstoppable. credit to Mahesh. He played formance. But, I am in the best, said Joshna, who is Oneill Michail Pramanik 11-6,
It did not help Mangaonk- very well. I could have done best physical shape now, and one title away from 11-8, 11-6.
ars cause that he hurt his a few things differently, but I this title would rank along- Bhuvaneshwari Kumaris re- Over-60: Vaman Apte bt Rajiv
right hand knuckles early in had to dig quite deep, said side it. I was happy with my cord of 16 titles. Reddy 11-7, 11-6, 9-11, 11-3.




Neeraj Chopras technique

falling apart: former coach
Garry Calvert suggests a move to Germany to train with the Obergfolls
Stan Rayan
Despite his performance
graph which is a bit of a W,
with heady highs and worry-
ing lows, javelin thrower
Neeraj Chopra is happy with
his season so far.
The under-20 World
champion has been quick to
shrug off the negatives, look-
ing past the disappointment
of failing to qualify for the fi-
nal at the recent World
Championships in London.
This has been a good
year for me. Ive won good
medals at major meets, and
Ive had some very good in-
ternational exposure,
Chopra, the Asian cham-
pion, told The Hindu on
Though the Indoor Asian
Games in Turkmenistan and
the National Open at Chen-
nai are scheduled for
September, the 19-year-old
has virtually decided to close
his season.
Itll be risky to do these
events; I want to focus on
next years Commonwealth
Games (in Australia) and the
Asian Games (Indonesia),
said the youngster, who
suffered a groin injury in
Thursdays Diamond League
meet in Zurich where a re-
spectable 83.80m saw him
finish seventh in a field that
included Olympic and World
But there is a bit of a
worry too.
Garry Calvert, Chopras
former coach who had
helped him to the under-20
Worlds title with a world re-
cord last year, feels the
youngsters technique is fall-
ing apart.
Even his recent groin in-
jury is probably linked to
this problem, the Australian Time for change? Calvert, who coached Chopra to the under-20 record last year, says he was
suggests. shocked with his former wards technique at the London Worlds. AFP *

Chopras technique has

been off for a while now, and too soon. A lesser thrower as soon as possible. that team, said Calvert.
he hasnt been able to make would have thrown 65m, In Germany, he was with They are great people and
it work. And the groin prob- Calvert said. Chopras best in the great Werner Daniels, its a great environment.
lem may be a reflection of London was 82.26m. but that was for a very short Three years ago, Vetter,
bad positioning, said Cal- I left on May 1, so its period. He needs to relocate then 21, realised that his ca-
vert, who is now Chinas Na- three months of trying to and train there. This is reer was not heading any-
tional javelin coach, in a chat self-coach, and advice from where the current World where with a personal best
from Beijing on Saturday. others who have no under- champion Johannes Vetter 79.75m, and moved from
Calvert said he was standing, he added. (94.44m) trains, the coach Dresden to Offenburg, to
shocked with Chopras tech- Chopra, who has the po- said. train under Boris Obergfoll.
nique at the Worlds. tential to win the countrys Werner coached That brought about a
I watched Chopra on first athletics medal at the Christina Obergfoll to the massive change, improving
television, and it was prob- Olympics, was training in 2013 Moscow Worlds gold. his personal best by an in-
ably at its worst. He wasnt Germany for a few days be- Christina and her husband credible 15m!
driving into the throw, and fore the Worlds, and Calvert Boris Obergfoll coach Vetter, It could work wonders for
was opening prematurely... said he should go back there and Daniels is also a part of Chopra too.

Extensive changes proposed

in University-level sports
Panel stresses the need to close gaps that exists in the system
DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ary rank) and two clerks as years justified the need to in-
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM one small part of 15 depart- crease the zonal tourna-
Key recommendations
ments, required to conduct ments to eight.
The eight-member commit- B Creation of a University 57 tournaments without get- Besides, to capitalise on
tee, appointed by the Union Sports Federation as an ting a penny from the parent the glamour element in
Ministry of Sports and Youth apex body body should portray the sports, it would also be ideal
Affairs in March this year B Constitution of National need for a total revamp. if special league tourna-
and headed by Olympian University Sports Steering It is against this back- ments are conducted in the
Labh Singh, has recommen- Committee to oversee ground that the committee high priority disciplines and
ded wholesale changes in issues in the interim appears to have arrived at a selected sports.
the conduct of sports and decision to recommend the
games at the B Athletics, archery, creation of a University Khelo India project
University-level. badminton, boxing, hockey, Sports Federation as a long-
shooting, tennis, The committee has also
Entrusted to prepare a term measure and the imme-
weightlifting and wrestling called for the immediate im-
Comprehensive National diate appointment of a Na-
to be treated as high plementation of the National
University Sports Tourna- tional university sports steer-
priority disciplines University Games under the
ment and Development ing committee until
Khelo India project of the
Framework, the committee B Enhancing cash prizes, measures are taken for the
Union Sports Ministry.
in its report submitted honours, grace marks and constitution of the recom-
earlier this month has sports quota admissions mended federation. In addition, the commit-
among other things mooted DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Likewise, the report says tee has also recommended
the constitution of Univer- that the increased number of increased cash awards
sity Sports Federation of In- today so as to bring it back disciplines in which compet- between the scale of 30
dia, overhaul of the competi- into the National itions are conducted at the lakh and 5,000 across vari-
tion system, pruning of mainstream. University-level currently ous levels while stating that
number of disciplines in the Indias quest for a fair has only left the system com- the awarding of the Maulana
all-India Universities calen- share of medals, therefore, pletely overloaded. Abdul Kalam Trophy should
dar, introduction of special can be achieved only with ef- This number can be ef- henceforth be restricted to
league tournaments, en- forts to effectively tap the tal- fectively pruned from 57 to international competitions
hanced honours, cash ent from among the 3.5 44 with focus on the after getting more views on
awards, scholarships and crore student community Olympic Games, Asian this from an expert group.
grace marks, digitisation of which as of now rests idle, in Games and Commonwealth The committee, also com-
the sports data repository over 800 universities across Games besides those with prising Sagar Preet Hooda, Y.
and the development of the country. enormous popularity. Kishore, Anil Kalkal, T. I.
LNIPE, Gwalior as a mother Making a case for an in- To realise the dream of Manoj, Iqtidar Mohammed
institute for university creased investments in more Olympic medals, the Khan, R.K. Sharma, Kalpana
sports. sports, the report says that committee has also recom- Deb besides the chairman,
The 68-page report, pre- the country should resort to mended that nine disciplines also has touched upon vari-
pared after two workshops smarter and more innovative athletics, archery, badmin- ous other aspects relating to
in Gwalior (on May 8 and 9) strategies where, inter alia, it ton, boxing, hockey, shoot- University-level sports in-
and Bengaluru ( July 6 and 7) can use the massive human ing, tennis, weightlifting and cluding admissions under
and extensive meetings with resources at its disposal and wrestling should be the sports quota, winter
all stake-holders and ac- improved technology. treated as high priority. sports, inclusion of Para-
cessed by The Hindu, has Expressing its dismay over As against the present lympic events in inter-Uni-
quite rightly pointed out the the manner in which sports practice of having tourna- versity tournaments, award-
flaws at various levels in the management is conducted ments across four zones and ing of grace marks besides
current system, while point- currently by the Association at the all-India level, the exploring the possibility of
ing out the necessity to close of Indian Universities (AIU) committee says the prolifera- conducting a National Sports
the critical gaps that exists in and left it to a one-man army tion in number of universit- Lottery to ensure a steady in-
the University sports system (an officer of the Joint Secret- ies in the country over the flow of the required funds.
Sunday, August 27, 2017
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In the subcontinents Most of South Indias early films Are our children to inherit
literature, rain is almost are lost. Now, a workshop looks a world of fanatical
wholly given over to lovers at restoring the moving image intolerance: David Shulman
page 7 page 5 page 2



Understanding inundation
If the Brahmaputra Valley is not flooded annually, there will be no crops, and no Kaziranga National Park either
BY SAMRAT from year to year are the numbers his field, said the floods had killed
of casualties, people affected, the roots of his earlier crop. He

uthorities in Assam are crores given in relief and the was replanting his field with sap-
struggling to respond to names of the main characters in lings he had bought for 20 a kilo.
massive floods which have the recurring tragedy. To cultivate a bigha of land would
affected more than 1.5 mil- This year, the numbers are need around five kilos of saplings.
lion people and forced more than higher than usual. The rains have Ramu lamented the loss of his
200,000 people to seek refuge in been unusually heavy, and the earlier plantation, but said the
relief camps, senior government Brahmaputra has reached close to floods left his lands more fertile.
officials said on Monday. or exceeded its highest recorded
Last Mondays news? No, a Reu- water level in several places. So far, A necessary evil
ters report from 2015. 154 people have died and the toll is If there are no floods there will be
The Brahmaputra river over- still rising. More than 14 lakh no crops, and no Kaziranga Na-
flowed during monsoon rains over people are affected. tional Park either, said Shanti
the past week, flooding more than The damage is not limited to hu- Nath, a farmer from Lokrakharia
2,000 villages and destroying mans alone. At least 225 animals Dohgaon village, which was hit by
homes in the Northeast of the from the Kaziranga National Park floods.
country, officials said. have died in the floods. There was waterlogging for two
Last week? A CNN report in to three days in the higher areas,
The Prime Minister announced
the constitution of a task force to
look into the problem of recurring
floods in Assam and its neighbour-
ing States. The task force will sug-
gest short-term and long-term
measures, sources of funding, and
institutional arrangements to
tackle the problem.

The only things that change from year to year

> are the numbers of casualties, people
affected, crores given in relief and the names
of the main characters in the recurring tragedy
Prime Minister Narendra Modi sons. First, there are reports of wa-
earlier this month? No, former PM terlogging in cities and towns after
Manmohan Singh in 2004. the initial heavy rains. At least one
Every monsoon, for millennia, or two people die of electrocution
Assams plains have seen floods because of cables coming in con-
that is why these riverine plains tact with floodwaters. Then, stor-
are called floodplains in the first ies of floods from rural areas start Ramu lamented the but the waters stayed for as long as
place. The principal river that
flows through these plains is the
to come in. There are photos of
scrawny men and women strug-
> loss of his earlier 12 days in the low-lying areas.
Without floods, we will need
Brahmaputra, after which the val- gling through waist-high water. Re- plantation, but said urea, he said. There should be
ley is named. The river is easily the ports talk of farmers who have lost some flooding, but it is damaging
most significant geographical fea- their crops and families that have the floods left his when it is too much.
ture of the valley, and the region. lost their houses. The death toll Wildlife veterinarian Dr. Panjit
There are at least 21 large rivers mounts.
lands more fertile Basumatary, who works at the
that are its tributaries. Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation
Taken together, this network of Same old, same old The waters had receded from and Conservation near Kaziranga,
rivers extends like arteries from At this point, the allegation of Del- the villages at the edge of Kazir- agrees that the park needs the
the stark Himalayan heights of his neglect towards the Northeast anga when I visited earlier this floods to survive. Kaziranga is
Tibet, across the green hills and generally crops up. A Union Minis- month, soon after the first wave of around 70% wetlands, he says.
valleys of the Northeast and north ter duly arrives. He or she may be floods had submerged around 70% The species here are entirely de-
Bengal, into the plains of followed by the prime minister of of the park. The fields around the pendent on water and wetlands.
Bangladesh down to the Bay of the day. They announce a few parks Kohora range stretched lush Without the annual floods, the
Bengal. In summer, the Himalayan thousand crore rupees for flood re- and green with freshly-planted wetlands would give way to wood-
snows start to melt. Come mon- lief. The flood victims get some ra- paddy. A few patches of dead lands, and those are not suitable
soon, when heavy rains lash the re- tions of rice, dal and salt. In a few brown paddy were the only signs habitats for the rhino, hog deer,
gion, the rivers swell. days or weeks, the waters recede. of flood damage. swamp deer and other species
In recent years, this has been ac- Life goes back to normal. Until the An Adivasi farmer, Ramu, who found in Kaziranga.
companied by a sequence of next flood. Watered out Experts say nobody understands the river holistically. was in the process of shifting
events as predictable as the sea- The only things that change Scenes from this years floods in Assam. AP, Reuters & PTI paddy saplings from a handcart to Continued on Page 2




came to see him, and new fans arrived

with copies of his latest Tamil: A Bio-
I asked about historian A.R. Ven-
katachalapathys criticism of his asser-
tion that a pure, autonomous Tamil
never existed. Shulman, who counts the
academic among his friends, respon-
ded: The notion that there was a pure
60 MINUTES: WITH DAVID SHULMAN Tamil that had no Sanksrit in it is a com-
plete fantasy. There are Prakrit and
Sanskrit words in the earliest Tamil

I cannot
Brahmi inscriptions we have. The
Tolkappiyam is permeated by Sanskrit
the phonological analysis of the
yezhuthhu (alphabet) is taken from
Sanskrit grammarians. The Tamil
Brahmi script has some features pecu-
liar to it, but its deeply interwoven with

the Sanskrit system.

A language and its genius

He then added, I want, and hasten to
say, that everything in life is singular

my life
and unique. Tamil is also unique. But
its not unique because it has nothing to
do with Sanskrit. It is unique because
Tamil has all of this in it and it has its
own genius. Tamil grammarians such as
Sivananamunivar in the 18th century
themselves say that it has iyarkai, iy-
In conversation with one of the As he read from his
worlds foremost experts in <
> translation of
languages, philology, literature Annamayyas poetry,
and cultural history his audience was
enraptured by his
genius and humility

alpu, a particular nature. It is the task of

Tamil grammarians to unravel and re-
view that logic or nature, and this
nature does not depend on separating it
from Sanskrit.
L Shulman learnt Carnatic vocals from
A key member of the joint Israeli-
Pantula Rama Palestinian Taayush grassroots move-
L He is a visiting professor at the ment for non-violence Shulmans
University of Chicago Dark Hope: Working for Peace in Israel
Unassuming Shulman stresses that everything in life is singular and unique. R. Ravindran and Palestine is an account of his years
L A polyglot, Shulman knows 13
of work with Palestinian villages in the
BY LALITHA SRIDHAR foremost authorities on languages, School of Oriental and African Studies, one of gods gifts to him. To say that languages, including Greek, Russian, West Bank the 68-year-old scholar ex-
Arabic and German
philology, literature and cultural history London (SOAS). It was at SOAS that he he has been an influence is ridiculous. presses fears for the future.

m David, he said on that train jour- of South India. Emeritus Professor at met his guru, the renowned Tamilist He has been a revelation. Their part- L Winner of the MacArthur fellowship Taayushs work is concerned with
ney many years ago, when a friend the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, John Ralston Marr. He taught me nership has yielded infinite benefits to protecting the Palestinian civilian popu-
and I shared with him an inad- holder of a clutch of notable awards in- Tamil, of course, but he also gave me Indology, including interpretative re- lation. We have had some success but,
equate dinner of sandwiches and cluding the 2016 Israel Prize, and poly- something else. One could feel a deep search and about a dozen books, includ- tam performances. Apart from contrib- in general, it seems to me that we are at
chocolate. We were on our way to glot author of more acclaimed books emotional attachment for academic ing A Poem at the Right Moment, a trans- uting the Ayodhya Kandam of the the beginning of what seems to be a
Prakriti Foundations Festival of Sacred and academic papers than can be de- things just by his example. I had never lation of catu/ tanippadal verses from Kamba Ramayanams bilingual transla- dark age. Populist and hyper-nationalist
Music in Thiruvaiyaru, and nothing scribed here, he provokes a sense of al- felt that before, Shulman recalled. Telugu, Tamil, and Sanskrit, and a cul- tion for the Murthy Classical Library, regimes are coming into power in many
about our unassuming fellow traveller most embarrassing inadequacy. tural biography of the great Telugu poet Shulman said his top priority at the mo- places, even in America, which was
reading classical Telugu, cramped into After his first visit to South India in An enormous gift in Srinatha: The Poet Who Made Gods ment is to write a book on the struc- once unthinkable. I have nine grand-
the top berth, suggested his prodigious 1972, Shulman came to live in Chennai My wife and I loved Madras from our and Kings. ture, dynamic, meaning and ramifica- children and I worry for them. Are they
distinction. in 1975 for field work, as part of his doc- very first moment here. Marr showed The diversity of Shulmans multi-dis- tions of a long Koodiyattam to inherit a world of fanatical intoler-
Later, under a starlit night in a dilap- toral studies in Tamil and Sanskrit at the me that this love for a people their ciplinary engagements is breathtaking. performance. ance, meanness of the heart and ecolo-
idated mandapam, as he read from his language, food, music, climate and He is a published poet in Hebrew, his Shulman was in Chennai to deliver gical disasters, or a world of rich human
translation of Annamayyas poetry It seems to me that we everything else thats interconnected current leisure reading includes ancient the fourth Whabiz Merchant Memorial values, of people who can be true to
God on the Hill, written with Velcheru
Narayana Rao his audience was en-
> are at the beginning of
is the primary bond. It was an enorm-
ous gift.
Greek and Latin, and he professes a par-
ticular love for Persian verse.
Lecture at Kalakshetra Foundation, and
I had a chance to chat with him before
their better and, I think, real selves?
I asked if his work as an Indologist
raptured in equal parts by his genius what seems to be a Shulman considers the truly ex- For the last 10 years, Shulman and his the event. overlaps with that as an activist.
and humility. traordinary Narayana Raos classical students have returned to Kerala annu- As dusk fell, marigolds were strung Theres a lot of overlap, he smiled. I
David Shulman is one of the worlds dark age sensibility and unconventional mind ally to watch and document Koodiyat- and chairs arranged. Old acquaintances cannot compartmentalise my life.

Understanding inundation
Continued from Page 1 Work is expected to begin this winter. people and communities who have lived
It is likely that the only lasting posit- there for centuries youre trying to
The Kaziranga wetlands are breeding ive effect this will have will be in enrich- bring intervention to an entity you dont
ground for all major fish species in the ing contractors, bureaucrats and politi- even know.
Northeast. They disperse through the cians. The Brahmaputra has one of the Mitul Baruah has long experience of
Brahmaputra to the whole region dur- highest sediment loads in the world: it living with the river. A native of the river
ing floods, Basumatary adds. Fish can- deposits hundreds of millions of tonnes island of Majuli in Assam, he teaches so-
not breed in the rivers fast-flowing cur- of earth each year. Whatever the gov- ciology and anthropology at Ashoka
rents; and blocking their free movement ernment dredges will be filled up by the University in Delhi.
in and out of the wetlands would river in short order. According to Baruah, given the areas
hamper breeding. rainfall, the specific geomorphological
The damage to animal life during Not a synonym for disaster characteristics of the Brahmaputra, soil
floods is mostly manmade, Basumatary What is the economic viability, envir- types on the banks, and so on, there is a
says. It is natural for animals to seek onmental impact, and social acceptabil- natural aspect to the hazards of floods
higher ground during floods, and the ity of such a project, asks Thakkar. and erosion. These natural processes
high ground is right here, adjacent to Have we done any credible scientific, are far worsened and deepened by our
the park. We are sitting in the path of environmental and social impact assess- environmental governance processes,
the animals, he points out. ment, and held public consultations? he says.
Kaziranga is bound by the We have no answers to any of these ba- We need to look at the role of the spe-
Brahmaputra on one side and the Karbi sic questions. cific infrastructure interventions and
Hills on the other. Between the park Thakkar insists dredging wont help at times the lack thereof and the over-
and the hills is a major state highway,
the Assam Trunk Road, which cuts off
animal corridors. The road is flanked by
paddy fields and a number of tea es-
According to Rohini Saikia, Divisional
Forest Officer under whose administrat-
ive area the Kaziranga park falls, the an-
Keeping afloat (clockwise from
nual floods are a necessary evil. The
above) Supplies being distributed by
survival of the fittest is a law of nature,
relief boats; paddy seedlings carefully
Saikia points out, and therefore weak
guarded in enclosures; and a boy rows
and old animals dying of natural causes
out from home on a banana stem raft.
in the wild should not be considered un-
AP, afp, ritu raj konwar
natural. Kaziranga and its animals have
been surviving floods for centuries
the only real cause of concern is anim- This is despite the fact that embank-
als dying because of vehicles. ments have not been particularly effect-
The forest department put in a Her- ive, even in places other than wetlands,
culean effort this season to prevent park and are likely to harm Kazirangas eco- flood management. The impact of the all question of power politics behind the
animals from becoming roadkill, ac- system. The worst flood damages year dredging on the river, environment and governance of the Brahmaputra, or for
cording to environmental activist Rohit after year have occurred either due to people will be severe. Flooding need that matter of any river in the country.
Choudhury, who is from the Bokakhat embankments breaking or dams releas- not be a synonym for disaster, Thakkar We must stop treating rivers like
area near Kaziranga. They also kept ing water without warning. says, and in any case, it is not possible pipes, says Baruah.
track of the movements of every rhino This year, the area around North to flood-proof the entire Brahmaputra The bottom line is possibly this: we
that migrated outside the park to pre- Lakhimpur on the north bank of the basin. What we must do is try and re- need a radical rethinking of the entire
vent poaching. The rhinos were Brahmaputra in upper Assam was the The wetlands are tially flood transfer mechanisms. They duce the damage from floods, he says. flood-control system we have. One that
provided security. We sent teams to
monitor them 24x7, with help from the
worst hit in the first round of flooding.
Locals including the district administra-
> breeding ground for
transfer the floods downstream. No
embankment is breach-proof nor can
Dams, dredging and embankments
are all piecemeal strategies, agrees San-
keeps in mind local socio-environ-
mental features, as well as draws on
local police, Saikia said. Not all anim- tion officials blamed the sudden release all major fish species they flood-proof the area outside of it. joy Hazarika, director, Commonwealth some of the sound sciences now glob-
als, however, can be given this treat- of water from the Ranganadi dam, a Embankments will breach sooner or Human Rights Initiative. He is also the ally available.
ment, and locals admit smaller animals charge denied by the North Eastern in the Northeast later. The older the embankment, the founder of the Centre for North East The business-as-usual attitude wont
such as deer end up as bushmeat when Electric Power Corporation which runs greater its chances of breaching. Studies and Policy Research that, in col- work, says Baruah. I think it comes
they stray near villages outside the park. it. In the second, current, phase of the South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers These structures also cut off rivers laboration with the Assam government, down to the violation of basic human
flooding, 26 embankments have been and People, and an IIT graduate, says from their flood plains, Thakkar points runs a number of boat clinics on the rights. Its as if some lives are just dis-
Banking on failure breached. In one case, in Nagaon dis- dams can moderate floods immediately out, and the fertile silt that they used to Brahmaputra. The clinics have been act- posable.
The government is looking at a number trict, an embankment inspected and de- downstream if operated correctly, but deposit during floods instead gets accu- ive in rescue and relief in upper Assam. The profitable and lucrative cycle of
of solutions to help the animals and hu- clared safe by the Water Resources De- there are numerous examples where mulated in the riverbeds, thus reducing Hazarika laments that nobody un- floods and contracts, of useless or
mans of Kaziranga. These include fly- partment on August 12 failed that very dams have also led to avoidable dis- the carrying capacity of the river. derstands the river. People, he says, downright harmful relief measures, and
overs, so that animal corridors can be night. Senior Assam minister Himanta asters in the downstream areas. This Thats where dredging comes in. The study it in bits and pieces with no hol- gravy from relief must come to an end.
restored on the ground, and sensors to Biswa Sarma has hinted at a Chinese has also been highlighted by a recent government plans to dredge the entire istic understanding. Someone looks at
monitor animal movements. And the hand in the latest flooding, and deman- CAG report, he says. The Ranganadi 891 km stretch of the Brahmaputra in hydrology, someone else looks at envir- After editing newspapers around India,
construction of an embankment, 30 km ded that China share hydrological data dam is known to have created such situ- Assam, from Sadiya to Dhubri, at an es- onment, someone else at culture, or @mrsamratx chucked up the rat race
long, for which 100 crore has been ap- with India. ations, according to him. timated cost of 40,000 crore to in- people, and so on. Everyone has an for more pleasant activities such as
proved. Himanshu Thakkar, coordinator of Embankments, he says, are essen- crease the rivers carrying capacity. idea, but no one consults the local writing books.






Red, black and Krav Maga

Self-defence is only a tool. Lucknows Red Brigade wants to teach girls about consent and equality
BY OMAR RASHID Ready in red Usha Vishwakarma,
leader of Red Brigade,

ick him in the groin! And pull demonstrates self-defence tactics
him by the neck (performs to schoolgirls in Lucknow.
drill), thunders Usha. Rajeev Bhatt
Woah! reacts the audience.
Its very easy, Usha continues, fol- self defence, gender discrimination and
lowing it up with a snare. concepts like good touch and bad
Most attackers who use knives often touch. As part of their activities, they
pull you towards the wall. How will you also reach out to families of rape surviv-
save yourself? What will you do? Even a ors, and help them overcome the
small mistake can prove deadly. She trauma and file a police complaint.
looks at the audience. Punch! shout In 2006, Usha was teaching in a slum
some. Kick, shout others. near Lucknow when a co-worker tried
Scratch his face, Usha counters. to rape her. I was always very sharp
He will have to use his hands to save and alert, but that incident left me
his eyes. She then performs the drill on shocked. People tried to tell me that I
a male volunteer. was in the wrong. I had seen such things
What if he had grabbed me by the on TV. But when it happened to me, I
neck, Usha asks next, and goes on to was in a trauma, she recalls.
demonstrate some Krav Maga, the Is-
raeli self-defence technique. Hit at the Breaking the myth
most vulnerable point. Do it with a The incident proved to be her primary
jhatka ( jerk), she says, and slaps the motivation. Usha undertook martial arts
boy hard on his wrist causing him to training and, already doing social work
lose grip. Smack his wrist, not his from 2005, she intensified her activism
forearm. and collaborated with other abuse sur-
It is mid-morning on a regular work- vivors to raise aware-
ing day at Army Public School in Luc- ness about sexual vi-
knows Cantonment area. Around 200 olence. They star-
students, all girls, have gathered in an ted with nukkad
auditorium in one corner of the cam- natak, workshops
pus. They watch attentively as Usha and protest
Vishwakarma and her team of five vo- marches. Self-defence
lunteers demonstrate self-defence tech- also became an integral
niques. They are dressed in red T-shirts part of their campaign. Ajay
and black trousers red for struggle Patel, co-founder, says the idea
and black as a mark of protest. The col- is to break the myth of the weaker
ours represent the ethos behind Red sex. We teach them to say No.
Brigade, the non-profit organisation Fighting comes later.
that Usha leads. It is more important to increase
confidence, says Usha. We try to
Street warriors bring out their strength; make them
Much like the famed Gulabi Gang that understand they are strong. Fight
took root in the State in the early 2000s back, be alert. Always be
to help victims of domestic violence, vo- prepared reads the
lunteers of Red Brigade, composed al- banner the group has
most entirely of survivors of rape and put up at Army Public
sexual harassment, patrol the streets of School. Over the years,
Lucknow and help young women in dis- Usha has crafted a set of
tress. The group is the subject of a re- about 25 self-defence tech-
cent Al Jazeera documentary that fea- niques she calls nishasthra
tured Usha and other abuse survivors, Stay alert and you save yourself? Usha continues. She you are not con- kala, a combination of self-de-
some as young as 17. The documentary
shows the girls conducting street plays <
> confident always.
asks her team to enact the situation.
Stalkers come prepared. They pick a
fident, even
a pistol
fence moves and improvised stunts.
Red Brigades campaign, however, is
and engaging not just women but also place that is isolated, Usha says. will not not restricted to physical training. Every
men in conversations on consent and
If you are not The audience responds with giggles. help in self session of their 100-day campaign be-
equality. confident, even a You are laughing now, but what will defence, Usha roars. gins with a narration of an inspirational
Today, the team is visiting the school you do should you find yourself in such Since its inception in 2011, story of a woman hero. At Army Public
as part of its 100 schools 100 days cam- pistol will not be a situation, god forbid? Usha asks in a Red Brigade has trained about School, the students are being told the
paign to impart self-defence know how enough to slightly stern voice. . 47,000 girls and women, a vo- story of Urdu writer Rashid Jahan,
and confidence-building training to girl The girls fall silent. Target one of the lunteer says. The organisation whose book Angaaray was banned in
students. protect you stalkers and pick the direction in which has also run several awareness 1932 by fundamentalists as it dealt with
If there is a group attack, how will you can run. Stay alert and confident. If campaigns and workshops on sexual morality.


And they all lived happily ever after

A storytelling programme from Assam that might travel to Glasgow as well

ho doesnt love a good story? It
can transport you to a different
world in moments. Lifes les-
sons, communicated through a Mother: Amma, meri
story, can stay with you for a long time. 30 minutes
Storytelling can also help children learn a By Tarun Jain
different language. A storytelling pro- Set in a village in Haryana, this short film explores
gramme was launched in 2009 in 20 tea gar- the agrarian crisis and the disquieting socio-eco-
dens of Assam by a local NGO, Heritage As- nomic state of contemporary India. Actor Anurag
sam, in association with UNICEF. It now has Arora plays Balram, a villager who has recently lost
the backing of the Centres flagship Sarva his father and is now solely responsible for his
Shiksha Abhiyan. It has helped more than wife, daughter and ailing mother. Balram holds
10,000 children in Assam enhance their great expectations for his daughters marriage al-
reading skills and has been shown to reduce though he is unsure of how to pay for a lavish cere-
the number of dropouts. mony. His life takes a drastic turn when he finds
Lipika Murah, 18, lives with her parents in himself the beneficiary of a certain amount of
a tea garden in Jorhat district of Assam. money. Watch this compelling tale unfolding in a
When she was nine, her teacher conducted small village and touching upon the darkest
storytelling sessions after school hours. This corners of human psyche.
helped her learn Assamese, the language of
teaching used in classroom and in text-
books, but not in her home.
Assamese the State language is not
the medium of communication among tea
garden workers. Constituting 17% of the
States 31.21 million population, tea garden
workers mostly adivasis who migrated
from States like Jharkhand, Odisha and
Andhra Pradesh more than a century ago
have their own social mores and linguistic
culture. So, their children face a communic- Once upon a time Stories have brought the fun back to learning. Unicef
ation barrier in government schools.
The children sat from the programme, now volunteer to tell
First learners
Lipika says, School was a strange world. I
> cross-legged on the stories to school children in the weekend
sessions. I especially love narrating the Journalists on the frontline
did not understand my lessons and was Boga Haati (White Elephant) story, she
nervous about interacting with others be-
classroom floor, wide- smiles, and adds that she dreams of taking
25 minutes
Al Jazeera Selects documentary
cause I didnt know Assamese well. Her eyed and oblivious to the up acting as a profession.
school, right inside a tea garden, had a lot of Across the world, be it in Syria, Sudan or Mexico,
children from the tea workers community
strangers watching Bridging the divide journalists put themselves in dangerous positions
as well as from the nearby villages. The programme has generated interest even to document the violations that ordinary people
Most children from the tea garden com- and storyteller, Binita Rajput, in the middle storytelling programme in 2009. During the outside the country. P.C. Tamuly, who works face. These isolated conflicts take a front seat in
munity are first-generation learners, says of an animated session. The children sat three-day workshop, she, along with other for Heritage Assam, says that a group of re- world politics because of the efforts of journalists.
Tushar Rane, the chief of UNICEF in Assam. cross-legged on the classroom floor, wide- teachers, was given a set of 30 stories to tell searchers from University of Glasgow It is not necessary to carry a gun to fight, a cam-
When you add to this the problem of being eyed and attentive. the children. They were trained in pronun- wanted to learn more about the programme era... is also a weapon. Watch as Ahmed Deeb, one
unfamiliar with the language of instruction, The children understand Assamese ciation and taught some tricks to make from him. The researchers said that in of the few photojournalists left in Syria, docu-
it is no surprise children drop out at the ele- quite well now. This was just an impromptu storytelling interesting through voice their country they face a similar problem: ments the conflict in treacherous conditions. Ob-
mentary level itself. Following its success, session, to break the monotony and bring modulation, poetry, song and dance by a children of immigrants find it difficult to serve politics, corruption and death layer the grue-
the programme was extended to cover chil- back their attention to the lesson, Binita professional dramatist and recitation artiste. cope in school because of the language di- some Mexican drug war captured by journalists of
dren of the Mising tribe in the Majuli island said. Here was one passionate teacher who With time, the long-term effects of the vide. The storytelling initiative gives them a Riodece. Empathise with the citizen journalists
of Jorhat district in 2015. The programme is read the pulse of her students well. Binita is programme became evident. Lipika, for in- chance to integrate such children with soci- caught in the bloodshed between Sudans govern-
now being implemented in 80 schools in 12 from the tea garden community. As such, stance, scored the highest in Assamese in ety, he says. ment and the powerless in the Nuba mountains.
districts of the State, including Goalpara, she too has faced the problem of not know- her Class X board examination and was
Sibsagar and Barpeta. ing Assamese in the classroom. awarded a scholarship for her overall per- The writer is an independent journalist based in A curation of some of the most interesting news
During a visit to the Govindpur lower Braving the challenge, Binita completed formance by the State government. Gujarat. When not researching her stories, she is films and videos from around the world.
primary school, I found the head teacher her graduation and was selected for the Students like Lipika, who have benefited busy spinning tales for her toddler.





The spectacle of urgency

Laura El-Tantawy conjures a stream of images from Tahrir that are still alive, echoing our continuing social predicament
BY RAHAAB ALLANA ical images in a media-dominated world
that almost invariably upholds and val-
Photography is where my vulnerability orises factual representation as the le-
comes across. Tahrir is beyond photo- gitimate expression of truth.
graphy for me. Its a chapter of my life.
Laura El-Tantawy Stories never told
Can her subjective, poetic media docu-

mages from Tahrir Square in Cairo mentation be trusted? Can it function as
were awash on all channels in 2011. a politically viable form of testimony?
As the Levant rose to resistance Can it be included in formal legal pro-
after the self-immolation of Mo- cesses of reparation and justice? Can it
hamed Bouazizi, a fruit vendor in Sidi provide irrefutable evidence of crimes
Bouzid, Tunisia, the entire regions up- against humanity? Can subaltern his-
rising against autocracy and exploitative toriographies be radically told through
neoliberal policies shook the establish- unusual media configurations such as
ment. It seemed as though the people an exhibition?
were finally assuming control and over- The looser the form of the images be-
hauling history. Enflaming the globe came, the more I became comfortable
with countless occupy movements, in- with my surroundings. The more spon-
cluding in struggling Western econom- taneous I could be. Laura El-Tantawy
ies such as Spain and Greece to mention The ethics of discontentment
a few, peaceful marches soon turned shared ideological affinities, strategies
into violent clashes. and tactics resulting from embedded
It is a time of unexpected reversals, constitutional stalemates also reson-
and that is the kaleidoscopic logic of the ate in India and South Asia. We, too,
photographic exhibition, In the Shadow should undertake our own acts of scru-
of the Pyramids by Laura El-Tantawy. tiny and of bearing witness here, at
Shown as an immersive re-construction home.
of events that are tackled on a sublime, We must remember 2011 with refer-
if not dissonant, emotional register ence to our own civil injustices the
channeled through sound bites and im- death penalty for Ajmal Kasab, the ac-
ages, the pulsing documentation of the quittal of over 50 persons in the Godhra
Cairo protests reflects outwards from train arson case, Anna Hazares fasting
where she stands, camera aimed at the for the Jan Lokpal Bill, the terrorist at-
raging, roaring crowd. tacks in Mumbai.
She considers, like many critics, the The present, too, stirs with cause for
Arab Spring a misnomer (a term coined concern an archaic sedition law (124A
by Marc Lynch of Foreign Policy aka anti-national law) that subverts a
magazine in 2011 to pinpoint the begin- range of rights; the continuing savagery
ning of the revolutions), which now of caste discrimination; the violent
ironically signifies the atomisation and struggle for self-rule in Kashmir; and the
failure of civilian insurgency against Naxal guerrilla war. Just across our bor-
despotism. ders, Nepal struggles for constitutional
reform and Myanmars Rohingya
The grain of their skin Muslims are displaced ruthlessly.
Her focus more prominently on indi- Oceanic sway Women of Tahrir from the photo exhibition. Laura El-Tantawy As we celebrate 70 years of inde-
vidual portraits as snapshots of political pendence, many stories are simply
trauma, chaos, urgency and intensity is ing becomes an unforgettable prism of The pulsing the distortions and abuses of power book on the work of 13 photographers never told. And we know too well that
a deliberate act, as they establish a sense
of power and solidarity with other
crisis, defeat, endurance, hope, sorrow,
joy, and other states of emotional
> documentation of the
globally circulating testimonials that
cannot be seized or denied becomes a
from Kashmir edited by Sanjay Kak,
whose images foreground the seen and
covert and subtle atrocity, when not
documented, can be swiftly and effort-
movements across the world. Agency, fi- extremity. Cairo protests reflects multiple utterance of a particular truth. unseen tensions of lives traversing the lessly denied by its perpetrators.
nally in the hands of the governed, and In her body of work, images shot Technology may be used by oppressive surreal threshold of silence, the shad- Hence we must deeply value all con-
with regard to Egypt, to finally achieve over time have been recomposed in sev- outwards from where regimes to pulverise protest, but it can owy truth that is the substrate of the tributions from the new iconography of
the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, head eral formats: In the Shadow of the Pyr- also be eventually used against them continuing disappearances, encounters activism a mode that persistently de-
of state for almost three decades. It is amids (2015), a book; The People (2015),
El-Tantawy stands, through the freely distributed image. As and curfews that mark daily existence in centres hegemonic master-narratives
disturbing that today a strategic rapport a newsletter; and Post-script (2016), an camera aimed at the a photojournalist, El-Tantawy will al- the Valley. and produces fresh visual testimonials
is nourished between pro-Mubarak sup- accordion-style manual. These personal ways be more than an active embodi- Such documentary images have the through the fearless inscription of
porters and the current militarised re- iterations have been combined for this
raging, roaring crowd ment, receptacle, editor and re-anim- essential task of seizing and framing the injustices.
gime under General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. exhibition into a three-way digital pro- ator of visual information and dissident subtle, ambiguous and elusive the ag-
El-Tantawys counter-narrative of the jection, and individual archival prints. after the revolution: how could activ- voices she is an interpreter, an access onised erasures and absences that are The author is Curator, Alkazi Foundation for
Tahrir protest comes through as a com- An iPad displays the frenetic topo- ism, which caused such massive re- point to the other, conjuring a stream of being imprinted on the collective the Arts in New Delhi, and Fellow, Royal
posite of her personal, political and aes- graphy of Tahrir, the voracity of the gional disruption, have been so thor- images from Tahrir that are still live, still memory of people who feel themselves Asiatic Society in London.
thetic relationship with all people, since conflagration, the oceanic sway of the oughly and ruthlessly subjugated in proactive, echoing our continuing social to be under political/ military occupa-
the revolution was a pan-civilian upris- rapt chanting crowd, the stark, mesmer- such a short time? predicament. She is the source of a tion. When such an aesthetic is linked to ON SHOW In the Shadow of the
ing that involved everyone across class, izing portraits of protesters in close-up, When a peoples revolution im- truth about Tahrir, a truth that cannot the question of the photographers in- Pyramids by Laura El-Tantawy,
religion and other affiliations. Her most the grain of their skin, the glow of their plodes, disintegrates or fails through be- be refuted or retracted. tent and function, the question arises as an Art Heritage production,
impressionistic views embrace the spec- tears All the modalities raise the ques- ing crushed by a regime or through in- This trajectory is apparent, for in- to the place and relevance of El- till Sept. 20, 2017, Shridharani Gallery,
tacle of urgency in which the human be- tion that still remains unanswered years ternal fracture, any documentation of stance, in Witness (Yarbaal, 2017), a Tantawys atmospheric, evocative, lyr- Triveni Kala Sangam, New Delhi

Bresson had effectively captured the evis-

FRAMED cerating aftermath of Partition, Nehrus
SCANNER address from Teen Murti, the heaving,
mourning crowds at Gandhis death.

Silence and slow time

Play on The photographers who represented
Prakriti Foundation the early 70s, notably Raghu Rai and Kis-
presents the 11th hore Parekh, had captured the Indira era
edition of The Parks the Bangladesh war, Indias colossal
New Festival, 2017. victory, as well as Indiras deification.
The festival starts this
September in Chennai
Photojournalist S. Paul Both photo editors of leading dailies,
who had fought for column space for
and will travel to five
other cities Chennai,
was the essence of visuals, Rai and Parekh represented a
new generation of muscular, dynamic
Delhi, Kolkata,
Mumbai, Hyderabad
old India lensmanship in the thick of action with
all its human interest.
and Bengaluru. The
Yet, the years of Nehruvian India, with
Parks New Festival is
all about showcasing its childlike slippage into the innocence
the cutting edge in contemporary performing and visual arts, by artists
Gayatri Sinha of the nation, was a harder call. Here
is an art critic and curator who, while
from around the world. This is one of the biggest national festivals of preoccupied with her art website Paul, shooting from the fringes, a lone
contemporary performance arts in India. With the promise of, is also ranger with his lens, had stood, commit-
contemplating a book on the Middle Ages
promoting local and global talent, this years line-up includes ted to this vision. Paul caught children at
performances by artists like Anu Menon, Roopa Mahadevan, Diya play, people in solemn prayer in a sea of

Naidu, Surjit Nongmeikapam and Abhilash Ningappa. The dates for o try to interview S. Paul in the collective worship, the migrant labourers
Chennai are September 1 to September 3; for Delhi, September 5 to early 80s was to face a reluctant infant alone on an acreage of bricks, like
September 7; Kolkata, September 8 to September 10; Mumbai, conversationalist who presented a cruel metaphor for the growing city.
September 12 to September 14; Hyderabad, September 15 to an odd contradiction. As chief Images that constituted not the moment-
September 17; Bengaluru, September 19 to September 21. photographer of The Indian Express, he ous, but time itself, a slow page-turner
was used to the hurry-burry and crush of that constitutes a period of change.
news photography. Yet, when he finally
Mirror, mirror granted an interview, it was in the distant Own truth
reaches of the Delhi zoo. Solitary pleasures One of S. Pauls award- One of Pauls most striking images was of
An expression of vanity, or a symbol Every Sunday, Paul famously aban- the arrival of Indira Gandhis bullet-rid-
winning photographs and (right) Raghu
of self-knowledge and wisdom, doned the world of news to follow his vis- den body at the All India Institute of Med-
mirrors have a prominent presence in
Rai, Pauls younger brother, holding his
ion of a city from the edges, as it slowly photograph. Special arrangement ical Sciences. Typically, Paul does not
various paintings. Muse du Louvre in
cannibalised the fields and forests at its show the horror but captures instead the
Paris presents a group of works from
the 16th century through to current
borders. This was then followed by solit- changes in a new India, he was closer in symmetrical faade of the modernist
times, all of them featuring mirrors, ary drives across the border into Hary- spirit perhaps to T.S. Nagarajan, with building, its balconies crowded with pa-
which is also the name of the show. ana, then dotted with villages, migratory their shared view of the photograph as a tients who have leaned out to witness the
Visitors are invited to observe the birds and vast planted acreage. memoir of the delicacy and fragility of a scene below. He invited the viewer to
paintings and see themselves in Our conversation that day gave me the rapidly changing India. With pride, he read the moment, making the photo-
mirrors, contemplate what they are first hint of a man committed to the peri- spoke of the number of cameras and graph a dialogic process. If what we have
viewing, or what they believe they are phery of engagement, viewing life awards he had won and the enormous today is the boisterously touted new In-
viewing. The mirror is called the through a lens, distantly. As much as coverage he had received worldwide. dia with its noisy energies, then Paul was
perfect imitator, deceiver, revealer, Pauls work threw him into the embrace definitely old India, akin to the black
object of cogitation. The exhibition is on till September 18. of action, even disaster, his own inclina- The first edit and white film, the ghazal, the solitary
tion was to retire into a fragile and re- Between 1997 and 2004, when I curated pleasures of reading.
treating world. Paul spoke briefly about two photography exhibitions in succes- At the heart of such a practice, of
Working models his early beginnings in Haryana and his sion, my visits to the Paul household in- course, lies Pauls refusal refusal to en-
fascination with cinema, buying his first creased. Paul sahibs wife was an unob- gage in the muscular photojournalism of
Science Museum, London, camera, and then inducting younger trusive presence, the household geared younger photographers, refusal to travel,
presents the exhibition brother Raghu Rai into photography. to his work, as he would bring out his inhabiting instead his beloved Delhi and
'Robots'. It explores the 500- Of a generation of news photographers contact sheets. What I realised over sev- its environs with his lens. There was his
year-old story of humanoid
who documented the cataclysmic eral visits was that he was sharing the resistance to the iconic subject, with a so-
robots and the artistic,
core of the photographic process, the cialist commitment to the subaltern, the
scientific and philosophical
quest to understand the split-second shift of frames that determ- rhythmic movement of the turning nuns ordinary.
The era of Nehruvian
meaning of being human. Set ined the final print, offering a young cur- in their white khadi sarees against the While so much photography from the
over five different periods and ator an invaluable lesson in the photo- spiral staircase, suggesting something of subcontinent has expanded on the sub-
locations, the exhibition features a collection of over 100 robots, from
India was a harder graphers first edit. an existential dilemma, created a picture ject of poverty, Paul was careful to confer
a 16th-century mechanical monk to robots from science fiction and call. Here Paul stood, Pauls works were delicate, inspired by of the barest elements that was the es- dignity on his subject. In much the same
modern-day research labs. Twelve of the robots are working models: Cartier-Bressons decisive moment, and sence of S. Paul. spirit, he devoted hours to explain his
you may even get the chance to interact with one. Other highlights a lone ranger with his two pictures titled Jain Nuns were selec- In the early 2000s, an exhibition on work to young photographers and artists.
include an articulate iron manikin from the 1500s and one of the first ted for the exhibition Woman/ Goddess. the nation at National Museum, Middle Over a period of 50 years, he adhered to
walking two-legged robots. The show is on till September 3.
lens, committed to
Three nuns are descending from a spiral Age Spread: India 1947-2004 presented his own truth of the human condition, all
this vision staircase, unsure of where to go next. The another kind of challenge. Cartier- shot in slow time.






Mending the moving image

Nothing remains of the first Tamil silent film or the first
Telugu talkie, and the third edition of the Film Restoration
workshop comes, aptly, to Chennai
Celluloid dreams Restoration work in
progress at Prasad Film Lab in Chennai.

was very impressed and urged us to

conduct the workshop in Chennai to
spread awareness down south, which
collectively represents 60% of Indian
cinema, Dungarpur says.
The workshop will touch upon an-
other critical aspect the preservation
of photographic material. Photographs
and documents are woven into the fab-
ric of a cinematic heritage and research-
ers have to often rely on memorabilia
and other preserved collaterals such as
scripts, music scores, and posters to re-
construct historical events, he says.

Treasure troves
There are millions of photographs and
documents out there in the hands of
private collectors and kabadiwalas who
are ignorant about proper methods of
Most of Balu classrooms across the country to spread storage. For instance, many of the stun-
> Mahendras films are
the word. This year, the Film Preserva- ning images we have used in our promo-

n March 30, 2015, Bardroy Bar- tion and Restoration Workshop, now in tional material for the workshop were
retto walked into the Film Her- its third edition, will be held in Chen- sourced from a private collector called
itage Foundation office with a
gone. Even Mani nais Prasad Film Lab from October 7 to Gnanam who is sitting on a treasure
reel of film wrapped in news- Ratnam does not have 14. trove of photographs and negatives, but
paper. He believed this was the last sur- The workshop is an initiative of the which are stored in abysmal conditions.
viving reel of the first Konkani film any of his original Film Heritage Foundation and the Inter- People like him should be trained so
Mogacho Aunndo directed by Al Jerry camera negatives national Federation of Film Archivesin that they can understand at least the ba-
Braganza. The reel had been given to association with the Martin Scorsese- sics of how their collections can be pre-
him by a journalist who had in turn got backed The Film Foundations World served. The lack of understanding is
it from Braganzas nephew. any of his original camera negatives, Cinema Project, LImmagine Ritrovata, compounded by the expense and effort
He was hoping something could be says Dungarpur. Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sci- associated with full-fledged restoration.
salvaged, but had almost given up, as In a country that produces over ences, and other international institutes So its barely a surprise that India just
the warped and brittle reel of celluloid 2,000 films in 36 languages every year, besides Viacom 18 and the Tata Trusts doesnt have the capacity to launch full-
probably stored in a loft for over 50 preserving cinematic heritage should as cause partners. fledged projects that begin with photo-
years was in very poor condition, not have to be introduced. But that is chemical restoration.
says Shivendra Singh Dungarpur, the case. To create awareness about film Disaster recovery Digitisation and basic digital image
Founder of Film Heritage Foundation. preservation, Dungarpur has embarked This year, the workshop includes ses- and sound clean-up passes off for pre-
Dungarpur was delighted by the dis- to retrieve the soundtrack, which is vir- Keechaka Vadham (1918) or the first on a nationwide exercise that will use sions with disaster recovery expert servation and restoration, and many
covery of what was considered to be a tually destroyed. Tamil talkie Kalidas (1931). The same workshops and sessions with world-ac- Mick Newnham from Australia, who of- members of the industry are happy with
lost film. Mogacho Aunndo was released That the very first Indian talkie Alam goes for the first Telugu talkie Bhakta claimed archivists and experts in film fers practical classes on restoring film, this, as the cost is low and they consider
in 1950 in Mapusa and in a few theatres Ara (1931) and, in fact, more than 98% of Prahlada (1932) and the first Kannada restoration. while Dawn Jaros of the Academy of Mo- the quality good enough for telecast on
in Mumbai. our silent films have been lost speaks talkie Sati Sulochana (1934). Nothing Given the monumental loss of our tion Picture Arts and Sciences and Tina television or the Internet, rues Dungar-
volumes of the approach to film restora- remains of the silent films made in cinematic heritage, it was an issue that Kelly from the Imperial War Museum pur. If we dont preserve, there will be
Last reel tion in India. In the silent era, the South India. Marthanda Varma survived needed to be tackled on a war footing, will provide hands-on training in photo- a day when there wont be anything left
After a rescue operation at the film Madras film industry made 124 silent quite by accident. but I realised that there were no soldiers graphic and paper conservation and re- to restore.
restoration lab LImmagine Ritrovata in films and 38 documentaries, none of Similarly, most of the first talkies in to fight this war, he says. India has no pair. In addition, several scholarships
Bologna, Italy, the last surviving reel of which survive except for Marthanda South Indian languages do not exist any diploma or degree courses in film pre- will be sponsored by actor Kamal The Mumbai-based freelance journalist
Mogacho Aunndo was scanned to 4K res- Varma (1933), the second silent film in more. But we dont have to look so far servation. Dungarpur reached out to ex- Haasan and AVM Studios among others. writes on films, food and everything in
olution two months ago. The team is Malayalam. Also, notably, nothing re- back. Most of Balu Mahendras films are perts in the field from around the world Last year, Kamal Haasan was the between, and her hobbies include breakfast,
now experimenting with a new software mains of the first Tamil silent film gone. Even Mani Ratnam does not have to collaborate in creating travelling chief guest at our Pune workshop. He lunch and dinner.


Have film, will screen A world less forgiving

How indies are fighting to release films any which way Two documentaries depict tradition dogged by modern demands
ings in Mumbai alongside college work- There is 10 minutes of free trial dur- BY KENNITH ROSARIO
shops conducted by Kanade. The show ing which, if you dont like the film and

continues, in the same format, in Delhi, stop it, the money is refunded. The per- wo documentaries, Sanjib
Namrata Joshi Bengaluru and Kolkata and, hopefully, sonally funded start-up has Loreta Gan- Parasars Living the Natural
is Associate Editor-Cinema with with more indie films (independent not dolfi from the University of Cambridge Way and Sanju Surendrans
The Hindu in Mumbai necessarily in their funding as much as helping with international curation. Kapila, which explore two
in the spirit and the aesthetics, they cla- Siddharthan herself travels, reads and vastly different themes environ-

ranti Kanades CRD is one of the rify) in the future. The wishlist of the scours the web as much as she can to mental conservation and Koodiyat-
most eccentric, deliberately fresh-faced youngsters has Payal Sethis keep the standard high. Some on- tam took home top honours at the
random and baffling films one Leeches, John Upchurchs Mango Dreams ground events are in the pipeline: retro- 12th Indian Documentary Producers
has seen of late. One that in and Devashish Makhijas shorts. They spectives of Ulrich Seidl, a selection of Association (IDPA) awards last
tenor swings between the intense and even want to bring back older films Iranian films, and a Cannes collection month.
the flippant. One that talks as much Anup Kurians Manasarovar, Karan from this year and the last. The films, produced by Films Divi-
about the tyranny in a supposedly lib- Gours Kshay, Sabal Singh Shekhawats Its not just finances, but also reach- sion, use an individuals story to por-
eral world of arts as it plays with the lar- Fireflies. ing out to the right audiences that has, tray the struggle for relevance in the
ger notion of the real and the pretend. for long, been the bane of indie film- modern world.
One that tries to break away from linear- Cinema Vandi travels makers. Consequently, such alternative Living the Natural Way won gold in
ity and realism in storytelling even as it
speaks of real issues from Narendra
> through villages and models and experiments emerging in
indie film distribution and monetisation
the Best Non-Fiction Film Over 60
Minutes category and Kapila won the
Dabholkar to the idea of a bahujan ka are worth taking note of. A couple of Best Non-Fiction Film award in the 30
Shivaji, from the fascism of language
towns in Kerala and years ago, Bardroy Barretto made the to 60 minutes category.
and of Bollywood, to the politics of the screens films Konkani film Nachom-ia Kumpasar with In Parasars film, erosion looms
national anthem. contributions from 101 family members large over the Mishing tribe that lives
Its outrageousness, audacity and self- wherever possible and friends. on a small Brahmaputra island. They
conscious referencing from Uday live a few kilometers from Majuli, ar-
Prakash to Foucault via Dravid, Bose, In their third year of college, the Non-conventional guably the largest river island in the
Antonioni and Bergman can leave one three are also interning with companies Instead of taking the multiplex route, he world. Heavy and erratic floods in the
either riveted or piqued but certainly in Bengaluru and Hyderabad while de- decided to personally organise ticketed region chip away not just at the is-
not indifferent. veloping Cinetic on a revenue sharing screenings across venues in Goa. He land, but at the tribes obstinate de-
basis with the viewing platforms and wanted to reach as many viewers as termination to live a life close to
Beyond cinema halls the filmmakers. possible and gain critical mass steadily. nature, away from modernity.
It was this ability to polarise the viewers A few months ago at Cannes, I had The staggered, non-conventional re- Dual lives Kapila mirrors the two sides of the artiste.
and the intriguing trailer itself that led bumped into another bright-eyed lease was not just about screening but For cultures sake
three students of Birla Institute of Tech- youngster, Nivedita Siddharthan, 27, ensuring it stayed in audience minds. The documentary tells the story of The film is neither mentary mirrors the two sides of
nology and Science, Goa Shantanu
Sharma, Ishmin Singh and Clyde Bailey
who, along with Priyadarshi Rishiraj,
30, co-founded Moviesaints, a curated
Sandeep Mohans Shreelancer may
have released commercially last week,
Yadav Payeng, who single-handedly
created a jungle of nearly 500 hec-
> apocalyptic nor
Kapila: a performer of the 2,000-
year-old art form and a modern wo-
to come together to showcase it on al- website for indies from around the but he has been travelling with it, and tares over 35 years and is ceaselessly idyllic, choosing to man. The documentary indulges its
ternative platforms, before it made its world. To view a film, you pay a fee, of with previous films, from city to city, trying to save his creation. On the audience by extending luxurious
way to the screens commercially. And which 60% goes to the filmmaker and across India and the world, screening sidelines is his brother Malbhong Pay- focus on Yadav amounts of time to performances and
Cinetic was born. the rest to the platform. If you like a shows for willing audiences in any space eng, a 75-year-old herder, who insists rehearsals.
After having shown CRD on their own film, you can lend additional support to available, whether office or caf. He on living a semi-nomadic life with his
and Malbhongs
campus recently, they held two screen- the filmmaker. calls his experiment The Great Indian wife and their cattle, in a habitat perseverance Back to reality
Travelling Cinema. thats no longer as accommodating. But then it suddenly yanks its viewers
A couple of years ago, in Kerala, The tribe struggles to preserve its weave a uniformly engaging narrat- out of the anachronistic setting and
Kazhcha Film Forum, a film lovers and culture and language. The enemy ive, the film manages to capture the places them into a more contempor-
filmmakers collective, started Cinema global warming is well known to dilemmas of a man torn between a ary setup, with Kapila talking on the
Vandi (a cinema van equipped with them. The documentary neither ad- world he knows and a modern life he phone or using her laptop.
projection equipment) that is literally all opts an apocalyptic tone nor paints is expected to lead. Much like the art form,
about movies in motion. It travels to vil- an idyllic picture, instead choosing to Surendrans Kapila, which won in Surendrans film too allows details to
lages and towns and screens films focus on Yadav and Malbhongs per- the Best Arts/ Cultural film category emerge. He steps back and lets the art
wherever invited film societies, clubs, severance. Earlier we needed at the 62nd National Film Awards, re- form communicate with the audi-
colleges. Initiatives like 1018mb have money to buy only three things: salt, flects a similar duality through an ab- ence, rendering the camera merely a
been helping organise on-demand oil and kerosene, says Yadav, stand- stract portrait of Koodiyattam expo- tool of documentation. But even so,
screenings of not just indies but popu- ing outside a grocery store. Now he is nent Kapila Venu. Surendran, a he composes artistic frames to focus
lar classics as well. Most significantly, forced to buy food because of an un- graduate of Film and Television Insti- on Kapilas eyes and expressions, and
newer community spaces are emerging, seasonal flood. tute of India, structures the docu- uses the soft golden light of dancing
where intimate group screenings can be Parasar spent four years with the mentary around a day in Kapilas life, flames, percussion music, the thun-
organised. Not that its all rosy yet, but community to fully understand their where she begins at dawn by rehears- dering noise of the Kerala rains, and
where theres a film, there has to be a philosophy and lifestyle. Despite a ing eye-movements with her father. long moments of silence to create a
Reaching out Indies are finding newer avenues. (Above) A still from CRD. way to see it. pedantic tone and not being able to As the day progresses, the docu- sensory experience on the whole.





Sandstone skyscrapers,
concrete mohallas
What architectural heritage was created after 1947?
And what are we doing to conserve it?
next 40 years created some of the finest
works of architecture.
Stein was strongly influenced by ar-
chitects in California, and championed
the regional modern movement that
paid attention to local environments
best exemplified in his design of IIC.
Inspired in 1958 by the then Vice
President S. Radhakrishnan and philan-
thropist John D. Rockefeller IIIs vision
of a dedicated space for the exchange of
ideas, IIC remains an important social
hub for lectures and cultural activities.
Its a no-frills kind of place, says
writer and literary historian Rakh-
shanda Jalil, who worked as assistant
editor for IIC Quarterly and later, while
doing her Ph.D, rented a cubicle in its
library for six months. One associates
it with Nehruvian India. Utilitarian but
with aesthetics.
The building, which adjoins Lodhi
Gardens, uses materials such as local
stones, reinforced concrete frames,
burnt clay and steel jaalis to create har-
mony with the environment around.

Confluence of cultures
For author Nilanjana Roy, IIC brings
memories of stodgy talks, and tea-and-
biscuit conferences, but it was also a
place where I interviewed many
writers, from Agha Shahid Ali to Ma-
hasweta di, when I was starting out as a
Picturesque (Clockwise from above) Crafts Museum, India International Centre and LIC building. V.V. Krishnan & Sandeep Saxena journalist.
She sees IIC and India Habitat Centre
BY SHASHANK BHARGAVA heritage into the public sphere. We are On the list, and marked as a Grade I picturesque, says Menon. Rewal was structure is made of concrete, the exter- as places where the sometimes insular
planning various campaigns, getting in building of national importance, is the influenced by Le Corbusier, but also by ior from stone aggregate, the courtyards world of writers, who work chiefly in

en years ago, when Delhis touch with colleges, schools for photo LIC building designed by Charles Correa Pier Luigi Nervi and Michel Ecochard. from Delhi quartzite, and the pathways English, flows into Delhis Urdu and
iconic Chanakya theatre was competitions, asking people to click and in 1986: at 12 storeys it towers over Luty- The Asian Games Village, initially de- from red sandstone. Hindi heritage.
pulled down, A.G.K. Menon, share pictures of their favourite build- ens Delhi. signed to provide housing for parti- Rewal was the first to draw from In- Not all structures on the list are based
then convenor of the Delhi ings, says Annabel Lopez, a project It was the first building of its kind cipants in the ninth Asian Games held in dian traditions for modern buildings. It on modern architectural merit; cultural
chapter of Indian National Trust for Art consultant with Intach and part of the built in Delhi at that point in time, says 1982, is very modern, but takes its cues was partly because we actually meas- value also figures large. Lopez cites the
and Cultural Heritage (Intach), realised team that helped form the list. The or- Lopez. Correa always tried to use local ured stepwells, and layouts of Fatehpur example of Garden of Five Senses (also
there were two things missing in the ganisation is also looking to start herit- materials, so even in this skyscraper you Sikri and Jaisalmer... This was a major part of the list): It is an open space that
Crafts Museum bears
way we view heritage. One, we mainly
look at architectural heritage as monu-
age walks around these modern
have the use of red sandstone and clad-
ding. The facades thus give it an Indian <
> Correas stamp too. He urban design study.
At the Village, houses consisting of 12-
people are drawn to, though here we
are not really looking at modern archi-
ments, and two, modern architecture is touch, while the iconic metallic pergola 13 units are clustered around squares, tecture, but the fact that it is a post-in-
not protected. Insuring heritage and the use of glass, lend it a Western
designed the open-to- linked by traditional walkways that are dependence icon. The same reasoning
But modern heritage had no defini- The list, which is still under considera- one. sky pathways taking shaded by the projections from the applies to Dilli Haat, also on the list.
tion back then. And so a team led by tion with the Centres Heritage Conser- Crafts Museum, another building on building. The Village qualifies as an As Roy says, Its a real privilege to
Menon and comprising urban planners vation Committee, looks at six criteria: the list, bears Correas stamp too. He a person from village outstanding example and representat- live in a city where the centuries sur-
and designers, conservationist archi- exceptional architectural significance, designed the open-to-sky pathways in to temple to palace ive of a building typology. round you in the most casual way.
tects, historians and trainees, came up representative of a building typology, the heart of the museum with galleries A popular cultural centre also makes Buildings shape us and our cultures,
with a list, a few years ago, of 62 build- representative of a master architect, going off the main street taking a per- it to the list: India International Centre and it would be a shame to lose the
ings, built after independence in Delhi. outstanding ensemble structures, build- son from village to temple to palace. from Rajasthan, particularly Jaisalmer, (IIC) designed by American architect most iconic ones merely because of
Now, propelled by the recent demoli- ings of religious significance, and those Rewals work also features promin- Rewal explains. The low-rise, high-dens- Joseph Allen Stein. In the 50s, Nehru in- short sight.
tion of the Hall of Nations building in associated with the lives of persons of ently on the list. He designed the Asian ity village was designed for community vited Stein to head the Architecture and
Delhis Pragati Madan, designed by ar- great significance. The list includes Games Village. Rewal too borrows from living and draws from the idea of mohal- Planning department of the The Bengal When hes not chasing stories, the writer
chitect Raj Rewal, Intach is trying to temples and museums, institutions, art Indian tradition. Correa was very las. Rewal ensured that the materials College of Engineering and Technology. can be found playing Ultimate Frisbee or
bring the debate surrounding modern galleries and cultural centres. subtle about it but Raj Rewal is more used were local and durable. And so the Later, Stein moved to Delhi and over the endless rounds of Catan.


Letter from a globalised island

On how nature and economy share a common destiny



mitav Ghosh recently reminded
us that globalisation has always
thrived on local singularities
and often destroyed them in
the process. In his article about the
spice trade in the Moluccas archipelago
in Indonesia, he describes how small
isolated places sometimes catalyse
global economic and political interests,
and get severely impacted in return.
The South Korean county of Ulleung,
which comprises 44 islands in the East,
tells a similar story. The main island,
Ulleung-do, is known as much for its
natural beauty as for being a necessary
stopover for South Korean nationalists
on their way to Dokdo, internationally
known as Liancourt Rocks, which is also
claimed by Japan.
The islands are also close to North
Korea, which fishes abundantly in Isolated Dozens of
South Korean waters. Chinese industrial native species of plants
fishing vessels have made their own lee- and fish exist in and
way into South Koreas exclusive eco- around Ulleung-do.
nomic zones (EEZ) in the East Sea.

Murky waters
Territorial claims over Dokdo and the a clean and peaceful environment. Yet, The island has more tunnels than a Swiss likely to come at a huge environmental within the environment at the same
competition between fishermen from
various countries in the region give
both fishing and tourism face huge chal-
lenges. Just like global warming and
> mountain. It also has a monorail, a scenic bridge
and social cost, Lobo says. time. Colonialism, globalisation and na-
tionalism have all had their say only to
Ulleung a disproportionate sense of overfishing threaten the ecology and Rich potential leave behind devastated landscapes.
global importance. Especially since the the economy of the island, speculation
and special promenades made of fake wood One of the most striking aspects of What may be necessary is a new form of
economic value of the water around it is and over-construction may well end up Ghoshs portrait of the Moluccas is the geo-bio-politics that allows the interests
declining as fast as its fish population. threatening the tourism industry that tourists to a special viewpoint, a scenic According to marine ecologist Aaron incredibly dense history it packs in. The of local populations and the protection
The economy of Ulleung-do now re- sparked it in the first place. bridge and special promenades in the Lobo, Ulleung-do is unique in more details of flora and fauna he provides, of natural resources (which like the sea
volves more around tourism and there In an effort to retain an ageing popu- forest that are fully re-constructed with ways than one. Its isolation has resulted combine with the accounts of biograph- knows no political boundaries) to weigh
may be gas resources to fetch in the lation with little economic prospects on fake wood. Hotels have been hastily in species found nowhere else in the ies and events to tell us that even the ti- in against the strategic interests of na-
deep sea as well. Besides the national- this strategic island, the South Korean built along the shore with no considera- world. Its communities have co-evolved niest pieces of territory are rich in po- tion states.
ists who stop over on their way to government has financed large infra- tion for their architecture or the to use these environments, both land tential at every level.
Dokdo, many Korean tourists go there structure projects. The island has more landscape. and sea. Any development plans that But their life cycles are determined The writers are co-founders of,
to experience the stunning beauty of tunnels than a Swiss mountain. It also Dozens of native species of plants ignore these well-evolved links between by the choices they make and their abil- an urban network thats active in Mumbai,
Ulleung. Just like fish, tourists too need has a monorail that brings hordes of and fish exist in and around Ulleung-do. the local ecology and its people are ity to do both, use resources and live Goa and beyond.





And it was
Coming towards
us, too calm to
feel threatening,
it was a force of
nature. We
realised with our

pulse caught in
our throats that
we could point at
it and say: this is
the Monsoon.
AP, K. Murali Kumar
& K.R. Deepak

lining has
a cloud
It is grand, complex, whimsical,
mysterious this intricate system of
wind, pressure, rain and poetry called
the monsoon

BY JUHI SAKLANI fectly apt for Bengal, a rain-crumble in It always rained earlier back home in
which Hilsas breed! Meanwhile, Dehradun. The thought of those moss-

or a change, it was a dark and Navneet promises to bring a special ittr covered walls and sumptuous trees, that
stormy day. But like so many created by the traditional fragrance fat grass and unashamed greenery,
thick, intense monsoon days in makers of Sawai Madhopur which haunted me. I would try to capture
India, it had all the glamour, sen- smells just like sondhi mitti, rain- some of the romance in long-distance
suality and restless excitement of the damped earth. Everyone becomes a bit calls. Describe it to me, Id demand of
night. Going past the woods and the wil- feverish at the mention of damp earth, my mother. She would bring me down
derness, one could imagine Kalidasas an emotion, we all agree, not at all cap- to earth, laughing: Yes, yes, it is very
nayikas tiptoeing to meet their lovers on tured in the word petrichor. beautiful, saawan has come, barkha-ba-
paths revealed by flashes of lightning. Those of us who lived through the haar is here, the house is full of the
Many centuries later, the heroines of 80s get nostalgic remembering the All smell of wet dogs.
Kangra miniature paintings did the India Radio forecast phrase: Garaj ke I could remember that generous cold
same, braving snakes and lurking saath chheente padenge (a translation rain, the water falling, flowing and seep-
dangers for a tryst with something of Light showers with thunder, its ef- ing its way to the dried river bed down
much better than destiny. fect would have been better conveyed the road, to subterranean aquifers, to
We were in the Nimad plains of Mad- as Accompanied by thunderous the soil under the lawn making earth-
hya Pradesh, a vast flat stretch of land- sounds, water will pour from the sky!). worms and snails crawl out, to my fath-
scape, on which small plateaux rose to We remember the progress of the ers shivery skin, to the familys desire
level table-top surfaces. The famous cit- Akaashvani monsoon not through polit- for pakodas and hot tea, to this catch in
adel of Mandu sprawled on one such ically or linguistically determined States my voice.
plateau. If you persisted till its southern but cultural-geographic regions: Vid-
edge the land would abruptly finish, arbha, Marathwada, Konkan, Ray- A wet geography
falling steeply down to the plains below, alseema. The only time the monsoon it- It is now a late, deep midnight as I write
stretching to apparent infinity, thrilling self takes a temporary backseat is when this letter to you, my fellow rain-
to the knowledge of the Narmada flow- Tamils cannot decide whether to render haunted. All day today we looked east-
ing some 30 km below the line of sight. the word for rain as mazhai, or as wards and saw the dark skies with a
Clinging precariously to this edge stood malai for the benefit of northerners! contentment that was rich with anticip-
the palace of Rani Rupamati. A shep- ation. The monsoon brings us not just
herdess from the lands near the Nar- Its always green at home rain, sensual enjoyment, the pleasure of
mada, she had caught the eye of ruler Every few comments someone sighs memories (and the undeniable pleasure
Baz Bahadur who brought her to about how much they miss childhood. of melancholy sighing), but also the ro-
Mandu. It is said that she asked for a is beauty, eroticism, voluptuousness, Words flood in: the back home in Meerut, would describe a Most of us are migrants from small mance of geography.
palace right at the edge of Mandu so she
could gaze at her beloved Narmada.
poetry and a promise of approaching
> drizzle of tip-tipva light drizzle as flour falling through a
fine sieve. My namesake Juhi, the IAS of-
towns to big-city earning fields. In our
hands the rain mutates from Kalidasas
We looked eastwards because we
knew the rain would come to Delhi from
In the subcontinents literature, rain (Banaras), tapur- ficer, determinedly ignores an upcom- erotic weather to a migrants canvas of that direction, after the monsoon
On edge, waiting was almost wholly given over to lovers. ing meeting to give me the words not childhood memories. Someone starts clouds had bounced off the Himalayas
It was a melancholy thought, and we Before the rains began, merchant hus- tupur (Bangla), just in Bangla but also in Punjabi posting old rain songs. Lata in the north-east and started travelling
were sitting at the edge of the plateau, bands of Prakrit poetry returned home (Meenh) and Mizo (the beautiful Ruah- Mangeshkars voice and Salil Choud- along that great orographic barrier.
wishing Rupamati had remained a shep- from their travels to waiting wives. Lov-
chirchri (Konkani) sur). Words break the dams and come harys tune takes over like a moisture- We know this rain would not be
herdess. What we were actually doing ers profited from the inability to ven- and thooral (Tamil) flooding into our consciousness: the laden cloud from the sea, showering be- caused by the western disturbances
was waiting for the Southwest Monsoon ture out. drizzle of tip-tipva (Banaras), tapur- nediction: O Sajna, Barkha Bahaar Aayi. that bring showers to Delhi at other
to hit Mandu. Radha asked Krishna to call her by advent of the burst is an event of imper- tupur (Bangla), chirchri (Konkani) and After I shifted to Delhi from times. It would come borne on the
At this southern edge, in an open pa- knocking on the wall of her hut such ial dimensions), and Goa (Indians ex- thooral (Tamil). Dehradun, every year in May, Id be- Purvai, the easterly wind of Uttar Pra-
vilion of Rupamatis palace, we had that the sound merged with the thunder posing themselves adoringly to the The heaviness of the Hindi chappad- come a tense peacock, yearning and deshs folk songs. That is why we have
placed ourselves firmly in its majestic from the sky. Meghdoots exiled Yaksha rains... called to each other like chil- phaad (roof-tearing) rain, moosa- filling the sky with haunted cries for been looking east.
juggernauty path. We had read that took the cloud into confidence, asking it dren), moved on to Bombay (roiling laadhaar (like the falling of the moosal, rain. Like the Chaatak of the Ma- So, it is now a late, deep midnight as I
Mandu was the most romantic place in to carry his message to his pining wife. waves threw up chimerical spouts of a heavy farmers instrument to grind habharata the pied crested cuckoo, write this letter to you and it is raining.
the monsoon and were keen to see what Is it or is it not/ the cold monsoon/ black foam which kept getting vapor- grains), and the Bangla akash-bhenge which migrates to India seasonally and Even a DDA flats balcony, with its laun-
this meant. Now, three days past the bearing the shape/ of my dark lord, ized by hurricane-force winds), Deeg, (sky-breaking) brishti. is said to be the harbinger of rains I dry stand and wet broom, has to bow to
predicted date, the monsoon was yet to asked saint-poet Nammalvar. and Calcutta (the key to the spell the Words pitter-patter on my roof in too sat with my beak opened incess- the mystical romance of the moment.
arrive but it had become cloudy, dark Tagores rain came to us in so many colours, the moods, the scents, the Meiteilon, Tangkhul, Khasi, Kurukh, antly towards the sky, waiting in earn- And, since midnight makes one un-
and windy. We were hopeful it would ar- forms: in onomatopoeic words (gurgur subtle mysterious light, the poet, the Kashmiri, Kullu-vi and Bodo. Manidipa est expectation of a shower. The only afraid of atishyokti (literary hyperbole),
rive today. meghe), indicating a magical force that heightened expectations, the kind of lists 23 different Bangla phrases to de- reason I wanted a son was so I could this lavishly moisture-laden air ap-
Suddenly, even as we felt the wind created life in stones; or as a chira- beauty that made the heart miss a beat scribe different kinds of rain. Prakash, name him Ashaadh. For the longest proaches, carried by the winds to my
quicken, we saw a presence in the dis- birahini (the heroine forever separated well, that remained the monsoon), the poetry lover, adds the Persian word time my password was Baarish. laptop. It hits the landscape of my de-
tance. It was indescribable. It was gar- in love); as an indefinable restlessness; and romanced it all the way to Cherra- Baraan, while Jacob, his wife of sire and rises. It sees the passion of my
gantuan, all-consuming, heavy, but as a force that seemed to obliterate the punji (That awesome citadel of Chinese ethnicity, sends the Mandarin In our hands, the rain friends and expands joyously, cooling in
afloat. It was a too-dark-to-be-grey, an
autonomous black which improbably
cosmos making us feel a transcendental
ecstasy. Faiz declared: Let there be
Meghalaya cumulus sat over a range of
hills so unimaginably green they
word Yu. <
> mutates from the process. It then pours its heart out
on our windward side. And as you finish
contained softnesses and silvers. It clouds, let there be wine/ After that it seemed radioactive), en route meeting A rain-crumble Kalidasas erotic reading this, it will start raining in you.
spread across the thirsty theatre of doesnt matter what calamity comes. meteorologists, rain-makers and Sreela sends a Bangla poem that invokes
Nimad from side to side, rolling con- Take away my wealth and fame but flooded slum-dwellers. the poetic conceit of Ilshe Guri, (liter- weather to a migrants The Delhi-based writer and photographer
tours and all. And it was coming to- return my childhood monsoon to me, ally, Hilsa fish crumble), very fine rain likes to end her bio-note a bit hopefully
wards us, too calm to feel threatening. It pleaded Sudarshan Faakir in the song It only rains in Kerala associated with the time of the mon-
canvas of childhood with the information that her blog is called
was a force of nature. We realised with immortalised by Jagjit Singh. Gulzar, his Personally, the most intense and heart- soons when Hilsa fish breed. So, per- memories The Laughter Memoirs.
our pulse caught in our throats that we pen forever dipped in moonlight and breaking meteorologist I ever met was
could point at it and say: this is the rain, might call this a bheega-bheega, Francis, our ever-smiling Malayali
Monsoon. seela-seela essay. canteen god at university. Giggly young-
Slowly, the plains below us vanished But he expanded the definition of sters, we would enter his canteen drip-
as it came nearer. We forgot to breathe. monsoon as well as poetry in this three- ping from Delhis intermittent showers,
Strong gusts came in advance of it, rock- line verse from the early 70s: Why is this soaked in the heady new-found freedom
ing us. At some moment, we were all en- newspaper so wet?/ Change the hawker of young adulthood. Fresh from sighting
veloped in not exactly rain but pure from tomorrow!/ Five hundred villages a peacock on a Sintex tank of our hostel
moisture. washed away this year. roof, we would shine at him from amid
We couldnt see each other any more milkshakes and dosas: Its raining.
and dissolved in laughter, relief, pleas- Rain chased Francis would not be impressed. As
ure, exhilaration. The next few days, Grand, complex, whimsical and myster- far as he was concerned, it only rained
like in so much of India, the greens of ious, the intricate system of wind, pres- in Kerala. His smile would now struggle
Mandu started sparkling with innate ra- sure and rain called the monsoon (from with the business of articulation in a
diance. Its waterbodies started brim- the Arabic Mausim) gathers its own painstakingly learned language, his eyes
ming. It rained and rained and rained. local specificity in the Indian subcontin- becoming a faraway landscape. This is
ent. Here, it appears in two branches, not rain. In Kerala, it rains so much the
A love affair from the south west (Arabian Sea) and trees keep dripping water for long after.
In Kalidasas Kumarasambhava, Parvati the south east (Bay of Bengal), and is In Kerala, it keeps raining for half an
has a very different experience of the shaped by a symphony orchestra of hour after it has stopped raining.
first rain. She is meditating to win the phenomena as varied as the heating of
love of Shiva when it happens. The first the Tibetan plateau, trade winds of the Its only words
drop of rain stayed momentarily on her southern hemisphere, and the spinning To get a rain conversation started, I ask
eyelids, dropped on her lips, shattered of the earth. friends on Facebook to tell me the
on her hard breasts and trickled down One of the most fitting acts of wor- words for rain in their languages. The
the triple fold of her stomach, and after ship at the altar of the Indian monsoon response is overwhelming, not just in
a long time disappeared in her navel. was performed by Alexander Frater in the number of words we collect but in
The leisurely enchanting description his book Chasing the Monsoon (1990). the sheer emotional response the query
indicates much of how we in the sub- Frater welcomed the arrival of the generates.
continent relate to the monsoon there Southwest Monsoon in Kovalam (the Salman remembers that his mother,





morning I will be back

Respected Sir/Madam, Urgent official matter it seems. As
if you are Mr. Eureka Forbes himself

ometimes like me, maybe you sitting in the office and making water
A look at some bigly matters have also spoken on the tele- filter with your own hands.
phone to customer service de- Also bloody fool, you were talking
BY BY BERTY ASHLEY across and weigh 10 kg, making it the partment in some bank or wa- to me on the phone just this morning.
largest single flower in the world. It is ter purifier company or mutual fund Suddenly to make plan and all like
criminal Charles Sobhraj underworld this without telling anybody, you are
1 On August 28, 1883, at 10:41 a.m.,
the loudest ever natural explosion
occurred. At 310 dB, it was heard
unique as it is also the only land plant
without a gene for chloroplasts. One
other thing that sets it apart is its
mafia. After listening to the same mu-
sic over and over again for 45 minutes
going to Kodaikanal or doing
5,000 km away. Sailors 60 km away smell, which is meant to attract flies like A.R. Rahman concert, some Sir/ Madam, what to do? So you
from the site had their eardrums punc- for pollination. What smell does it young man or lady will say, No prob- spend another 20 minutes and send
tured and the pressure wave it caused have? (See pic) lem Mr. Mathrubootham, you just the email to Shahul Hameed.
was recorded on barographs all over send an email to my email address Once again you get an email within
and within 24 hours I will send you all two minutes! Oh Shahul Hameed, you
the world. The pressure was so im-
mense it travelled around the globe
three and a half times. What cata-
5 A canoe is defined as a light, nar-
row boat with pointed ends and no
keel, propelled with a paddle or
Flower power Rafflesia, the land plant without a gene for chloroplasts. Reuters the details.
So immediately you think to your-
are the real professional, is what you
are perhaps thinking. Useless. When
strophic event caused this? paddles. In 2008, one particular canoe paradox. What does the plant have 50 self: What a professional and polite you open email it says: Hi! Due to
made it to the Guinness Book of World times more of than us? 10 The Great Stalacpipe Organ
stretches across an area of three person behaving with decency. I will
immediately send them an email to Ha ha ha ha I will
2 Thimmamma Marrimanu is in
Kadiri, Andhra Pradesh. Legend
has it that Thimmamma was the wife
Records with a crew of 118 rowers, two
rhythm men, five helmsmen and 18
singersmeasuring a record 143 feet in 8 The highest mountain in the world
is Mount Everest at 8,848 m. But it
acres, and can be heard throughout
the 64-acre enclosure. The Inventor show that Mr. J. Mathrubootham has
exactly the same level of professional-
> laugh along with her
used a natural formation found
of a Bala Veerayya who died in 1434 length. Part of a sport called Vallam is not the tallest mountain in the hanging from the ceiling area to pro- ism. You get up from your sofa, go to on the outside, but on
and she committed sati. Marrimanu is Kali, what type of boat is this and world! Tallness is measured from base duce the musical notes for the instru- the computer, sit down, open Gmail.
said to have sprung up at that place. It where did it happen? of a mountain to its tip. By that meas- ment. These are struck by rubber mal- com, and spend the full morning the inside I am mixing
is in the Guinness Book of World Re- ure, Mt. Mauna Kea at 10,205m is drafting a detailed email with all the
lets controlled by an organ-styled
relevant information.
cyanide capsule in her
cords for covering an area of 4.7 acres.
What is Thimmamma Marrimanu? 6 The Great Wall of China is huge,
but it cannot be seen from space.
There is, however, a natural structure
much higher. But most of it is under
the Pacific Ocean. The part we see is
only 4,200 m tall but that part is the
keyboard. Given the wonderfully
worded name of this instrument, In between, as usual Mrs. Mathru-
bootham will come and make some
evening Complan
where would you find this huge mu-
unnecessary comments like, Why unforeseen circumstances I went on
3 The largest fish in the world can
grow up to a whopping 45 feet and
which covers 344,400 and pic-
tures have been taken of it from the In-
highest point of which island? sical instrument?
are you writing one full Ponniyin
Selvan to get a new chequebook? or
maternity leave 10 minutes ago. In
case of any emergency
weigh 30 tonnes! As huge as this fish
is, and however villainous its species is
considered to be, this family is actually
ternational Space Station. This huge
system though, is formed by marine
invertebrates that are hardly an inch
9 Covering 70 lakh and
spreading over nine countries, this
ecosystem represents half of the re-
A molecular biologist from Madurai, our
quizmaster enjoys trivia and music, and is
Shall I tell the neighbours that you
are sending this email, and internet
No, it is ok, you carry on. (Ha ha!
Some comedy.)
very gentle and feeds on nothing big- across. What magnificent natural won- maining green cover on Earth. Every working on a rock ballad called Coffee is a will be slow for two or three hours? Sir/ Madam, I never want to com-
ger than plankton. Its misleading der is this? year it absorbs 2.2 billion tonnes of Drink, Kaapi is an Emotion. @bertyashley Ha ha ha ha I will laugh along with mit such a mistake myself. That is
name is just a description of its size carbon dioxide. particular note. her on the outside, but on the inside I why today itself I am informing you
am mixing cyanide capsule in her that Mrs. Mathrubootham and myself
and not its actual biological descrip-
7 Paris japonica is a rare Japanese One in 10 known species in the stalactites which resound at a
tion. Found in Gujarat and Laksh- species of plants which has showy, world lives here. This constitutes the 10. Inside a cave. The formations are evening Complan. are going for one month trip to Kerala
wadeep, it is unfortunately in the En- white, star-like flowers. It is quite val- largest collection of living plants and
9. The Amazon Rainforest Then, continuing with profession- to meet our extended family mem-
8. Hawaii
dangered list due to the impact of ued as an ornamental plant. The plant animal species in the world. Scientists 7. Amount of DNA in the nucleus. alism, you will take a printout, read bers. We will celebrate Onam festival
overfishing and vessel strikes. What is about 70 cm high. But it is the cur- believe that less than 1% of the flower- 6. The great barrier reef in Australia it, mark corrections, rewrite the and also do some sightseeing in Mun-
majestic fish is this? rent record holder for the largest size ing plant species there have been stud- 5. Snake Boat in Kerala email, take one final printout and nar and Kochi and Quilon and all.
of something that is essential to life. ied in detail for their medicinal poten- corpse flower then send the email. Suddenly, During this one month I will not be
without warning, within two minutes able to send you any letters. And if
4. Rotting flesh, hence known as the
The Rafflesia is a genus of parasitic Humans, the most highly evolved spe- tial. With it disappearing so rapidly, 3. Whale Shark
flowering plants which has no cies (or so people like to think) have the continuity of this knowledge for tree) you will get a response from the cus- you send any email, you will not get
stems, leaves or true roots. The only three billion of these entities. This un- the benefit of future generations is un- 2. Its a Banyan tree. (The worlds largest tomer service executive in your email any response.
part of the plant that can be seen out- assuming plant has a whopping 150 der threat. What is this vital resource Indonesia inbox. Kadavule! What a miracle is Kindly convey this message to your
side the host vine is the five-petalled billion of the same! This interesting which we are destroying at a relentless 1. The eruption of the Volcano Krakatoa in this, you will think. readers and ask them to manage
flower which can grow up to three feet phenomenon is known as the C-value and foolish pace?
Answers Sir/ Madam, it is a total fraud. You somehow till October in my absence.
open the email and it will read:
Thank you for your email. But I have Yours in excitement,
gone on family trip to Kodaikanal and J. Mathrubootham
will be back in office only on the 21st
GOREN BRIDGE A-N-A-T-O-M-I-Z-E of December 2045. In case of any ur- Mr. Mathrubootham has threatened to
gent official matter please send email resume his letters from October Editor

Bal mithai gateau

to my colleague Shahul Hameed who

Crocodile coup will assist.

Meringue and
whipped cream for a
light, airy top

Lemon zest is
sprinkled for a burst
of freshness

East-West vulnerable, East deals

Ensconced in a pink
BY BOB JONES clarer rose with the ace and ruffed a cotton candy dome Getty images/ istock
heart in dummy, leaving this position: thats flambed with


Daubs of berry compote Vanilla sponge cake
for a tart contrast for the dessert base

BY RAUL DIAS result of cooking khoya (evaporated

milk cream) with cane sugar, until it

lame it on the food purist in takes on a dark brown caramel-esque
me, but the word fusion has hue. When still warm, the gooey mass
always been a big, bad word is rolled in small white sugar balls,
in my culinary lexicon. Ive not dissimilar to the homeopathic
never seen merit in consciously medicine ones. In his rendition of the
coupling two (or more!) cuisines or dessert, Chef Sidharth Bhardwaj, the
cooking styles and coming up with a resorts executive chef, sends out his
South led dummys nine of clubs third, highly ersatz reflection of its iteration of the bal mithai as a gateau.
and discarded his remaining dia- progenitors. Here, bal mithai is combined with
mond. This lovely end position finds But all that changed one chilly Ut- a vanilla sponge cake, lemon zest,
West skewered in all three suits. tarakhand evening as I sat down for a meringue and whipped cream and
Should he ruff, he is end-played and Euro-Garhwali fusion dinner on the then set in a mould. Once chilled, it is
forced to set up a red winner for de- lawns of the JW Marriott Mussoorie then drizzled with rose syrup and
clarer. A diamond discard lets de- Walnut Grove Resort & Spa. served on a plate thats smeared with
clarer ruff out the king, and a heart While the elaborate meal was a berry compote for a tart contrast.
discard will allow South to cross-ruff procession of dishes like a patty Once ready to serve, it is covered

he opening club lead was won the next three tricks for his contract, made from stinging nettle, locally with a pink, freshly spun cotton
in dummy with the ace to lead losing only the king of spades in the known as bicchu ghas that well-ref- candy dome and flambed table-side,
a heart to the jack and queen. end. erenced this unusual cuisines part- aided by a splash of brandy.
West continued with the 10 of The contract could have been de- nership, it was the dessert served at The melting cotton candy bonnet
clubs, won in dummy with the king. feated had West risen with his king of the very end that made me a convert. reveals the creamy bal mithai gateau
South cashed the ace of trumps and trumps rather than playing the jack. The Bal Mithai Gateau. at its core. And as the saying goes, the
led a club to his queen. He could then have drawn another For the uninitiated like myself, bal rest is (edible) history!
South exited with a low trump to trump. This defensive play has a name mithai is a terrific and calorific fa-
Wests jack and Easts queen. East shif- the Crocodile Coup, where the jaws vourite post-prandial indulgence The Mumbai-based writer is passionate
ted to a diamond. The king of dia- of the croc open wide to swallow part- among the Garhwalis. The brown about food, travel and luxury, not
Across Run away (7)
monds had to lie with West, so de- ners honour. chocolate-like fudge is the laborious necessarily in that order.
1 Move right ahead, providing support for 7 Travel west, climbing about in part of
rider (7) Wales (5)
5 Influence delay in hearing (6) 8 Number with you on beach? (8)
10 Messy plate, smoothed, left out (11) 9 Opera singer in mood, idol pacing rest-
11 Try to win without oxygen (3) lessly (7,7)
12 Limit creep (4) 15 New commercial vehicle restricted by
13 Some scary, misshapen trees (9) freeze beforehand (2,7)
14 Job for five hundred I count involved in 16 Punch from senior hack? (8)
phase of filmmaking (4-10) 18 Demeanour I shall partially sustain (7)
17 Nasty taunt sad people adored (3,2,1,8) 19 User, not first with bad habit in use (7)
20 Heroic expression of doubt about end- 21 Keen on including rook in opening (5)
less danger in pursuit of pleasure (9) 23 Blemish in book collection (4)
22 Daring to ignore bishop, talk wildly (4)
24 Firm time for bed (3)
25 Planned translation of note in Latin Solution No. 2957
26 Work hard in effort to get prize (6)
27 Echo followed by answer in open
gorge (7)

1 Froth from south of France, latest from
Cannes (4)
2 Home team blossoming thoroughly
3 Return again and stagger European
court (2-5)
4 Quiet resolution on certain aims in
sensitive areas (8,6)
6 Common tip with villainy rising?
august 27, 2017 Delhi

Section 2
Trump pardons former What a family should Cancer-specific In Australian jail,
sheriff convicted of do to ensure smooth insurance policies cover inmates and animals
targeting immigrants transfer of assets all stages of disease help each other heal
page 4 page 8 page 9 page 14

Printed at . Che n n a i . Coim b ato r e . Be n g a luru . Hy de r a b a d . M a d u r a i . No i da . V i s a k h a pat n a m . Th i ru va n a n t h a pu r a m . Ko ch i . V i j ayawa da . Ma ng a lu ru . Ti ru c h i r a pa l l i . Ko l k ata . Hu b b a l l i . Mo h a l i . Ma l a p p u r a m . M u m b a i . Ti ru pat i . lu c k now

In Bandipur, the war against Lantana CBI re-registers
A new passive restoration approach and a bug could be the answers to dealing with this invasive plant 10 cases linked
Australia keen on India
becoming a pulse hub
to Srijan scam
NEW DELHI 18 persons arrested, 15 accounts frozen
Australia is learnt to be
exploring ways to help India Devesh K. Pandey
transform into a pulses-
processing hub. The The Central Bureau of In-
Australian government and vestigation has re-registered
companies will hold talks 10 cases in the Srijan scam,
with the Indian government in which hundreds of crores
and companies on the were siphoned off allegedly
sidelines of the Australia by a Bhagalpur-based non-
Business Week in India, governmental organisation
sources close to the in connivance with bank
development told The Hindu. and government officials.
BUSINESS A PAGE 10 Managing threat: Lantana camara grows in between trees at Bandipur National Park. Residents of nearby villages use its wood for making furniture. *
VIDYA VENKAT The cases were earlier
DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD probed by the Economic Of- RJD members stage a
Vidya Venkat ent parts of the country have the surrounding areas with hesha, an ornithologist from Lantana Lace (or the Mex- fences Wing of the Bihar po- protest on the Srijan
R. Krishna Kumar watched helplessly as the in- native species of grass and Kunagahalli village, who vo- ican Bug) has been released lice, which has so far arres- scam issue. RANJEET KUMAR
Time to say goodbye to BANDIPUR/MYSURU

U.S. aid: Shahbaz Sharif vasive plant has spread, and then dug trenches and small lunteers for Junglescapes, in the worst-hit areas like ted 18 persons and frozen 15
Tiny flowers of pink, yellow efforts to contain it have water storage structures to says elephants used to come Hediliaya, Kundkere, Him- accounts to which the funds rocked the Assembly. Mem-
Pakistans Punjab province and purple emerge against gone largely in vain. aid the regeneration of the to his village in search of mavad Gopalaswamy Betta were allegedly diverted. bers of the Opposition
Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif the backdrop of the bright Could a new approach by undergrowth and the forest. food, but with the return of and N. Begur in Bandipur. C. Among those named in parties sought the resigna-
said it was time to say green thickets of shrub in the Junglescapes, a Bengaluru- Such passive restoration native trees, such incidents Jayaram, Additional Prin- the FIRs is Manorama Devi, tion of Chief Minister Nitish
goodbye to U.S. aid after Bandipur National Park on based non-profit organisa- has worked better than dir- have come down. cipal Conservator of Forests then director of Srijan Kumar and Deputy Chief
President Donald Trump Mysore-Ooty Road. But the tion, hold out some hope for ect planting of saplings, ac- (Wildlife), said the forest de- Mahila Vikash Samiti, who Minister Sushil Kumar Modi.
alleged Pakistan received flowering shrub that hosts dealing with the Lantana cording to Mr. Venkatara- A natural antidote partment was intrigued by died earlier this year, be- RJD, Congress and CPI-ML
billions of dollars in aid but them is Lantana camara, menace? Ramesh Venkatara- man, whose organisation The forest department is the large-scale drying up of sides other office-bearers of members staged a walkout.
did not act against terrorist one of the most invasive of man, managing trustee of won an award for its work banking on a bug to deal Lantana in Bandipur some the NGO and bank officials.
havens. plants that has taken over the NGO, says 2,500 acres of from the Society for Ecolo- with the Lantana menace in time ago. It turned out that The cases were transferred Office space for NGO
the countrys forests, driving forestland affected by both Bandipur and Nagar- this was because of Lantana to the CBI on a reference The BJP targeted the RJD, al-
DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD wild animals out for for- Lantana and other invasive SUNDAY SPECIAL hole. Called Teleonemia scru- Lace. from the Bihar government leging that the NGO was
aging. In the Bandipur Na- plants in the hills surround- pulosa, or Lantana Lace, it Some wildlife activists, through the Centre. given office space in a gov-
North Korea fires tional Park, an estimated ing Bandipur has been ecolo- gical Restoration, Washing- has made a comeback and however, strike a note of cau- The police had got a ernment building at
missiles into sea 60% is affected by Lantana, gically restored. ton D.C. The return of nat- has begun eating the tion. Sudheer of Voice for Look-Out Circular issued Bhagalpur on a 30-year
which hinders the growth of The first step is to cut the ural vegetation has been Lantana leaves vigorously. A Wildlife worries about the against the NGOs secretary, lease when Rabri Devi was
North Korea fired several native vegetation that herbi- plant below the root stem to attended by the return of group of entomologists came impact of these bugs on nat- Priya Kumar, the daughter- Chief Minister. While the
rockets into the sea on vores such as deer and ele- ensure it doesnt grow right birds and animals. down to study the Lantana ive plants. What if the bug in-law of the then director lease deed was signed on
Saturday in continuation phants feed on. Further, its back, a method originally re- On an early morning bird- leaves affected by the bug re- mutates and becomes a and her husband. February 25, 2004, it was
of its rapid nuclear and fruit is toxic to animals. commended by scientist ing trip in Chikyelchetti vil- cently and they identified it. greater menace, he asks. The Rashtriya Janata Dal, extended for 50 years the
missile expansion, prompting Native to South America, C.R. Babu and his colleagues lage, near the restored forest Now we are using the bug to But Mr. Jayaram believes earlier this week, deman- same year, it said.
South Korea to press ahead Lantana camara was at the Centre for Environ- hills, there are over 40 spe- carry out biological control such fears are unfounded, ded a Supreme Court-mon- The BJP has also alleged
with military drills involving brought to India by the Brit- mental Management of De- cies of birds, including the of the spread of invasive saying that the bug has been itored CBI probe, soon after that a key player in the
U.S. troops that have ish as ornamental plants, graded Ecosystems. Jacobin cuckoo, Purple- plants, says Ambady used as biological control Mahesh Mandal, an ac- scam, who was absconding
angered Pyongyang. possibly as long as 200 years Using the help of villagers, rumped sunbird and the Madhav, Director of the measure against the invasive cused, died in a hospital at with her husband, was the
ago. Forest officials in differ- Junglescapes then seeded Fantail flycatcher. K.N. Ma- Bandipur National Park. plant all over the world. Bhagalpur. daughter of a Congress


Delhi firm gets

set to prop up
GoT Season 8
Supplies tents, costumes and weapons
for the popular television series

Ride this: A cart that was used in the Season 7 of Game


Nabiha Siddique
for which Rangarsons is
While fans are eagerly
awaiting the finale of Military minutae
Season 7 of Game of We are going to supply
Thrones, which will be out different kinds of carts,
on Monday in India, a fabrics, a broad range of
South Delhi firm has begun military items and
work on the props and metalware for Season 8,
costumes to be used in the Mr. Rana said. He added
next and final season of the that the company gets the
popular television series. order four months prior to
Rangarsons, an export the start of shooting of a
company in Lajpat Nagar in season and has two months
south Delhi, has been to deliver the items.
supplying costumes, jute In previous seasons, the
trimmings for clothing, company made everything
armour, furniture and set from the fringes hanging
decorations like trunks and around Cerseis bed to Khal
pots for GoT since 2011. Drogos Dothraki tents to
Viewers of the current the jute and hemp
season will recognise the trimmings for Jon Snows
carts Rangarsons made in costume. Among the other
one of the most talked- items made were leather
about recent scenes, where panels, waxed canvas
Daenerys Targaryens tents, giant pots and urns,
dragon sets ablaze the lush carpets and curtains,
Lannister army and antique wooden furniture
caravan outside Kings and the iconic richly
Landing. embroidered banners of
Manjyot S. Rana, the the main houses in the
managing director of show.
Rangarsons, told The Hindu Before GoT, the
that the company was company, which was
gearing up for Season 8, started in 1945, has worked
which is likely to premiere on costumes for movies
in 2018. like Gandhi, The Jungle
With the story arcs of Book, Gladiator, Mission
the previous seasons Impossible, Captain
culminating, Season 8 is America, Troy and Prince of
likely to be heavy on war, Persia, among others.





IN BRIEF GJM to join

talks with
Bengal govt.
Special Correspondent
The Gorkha Janmukti
Kochi-bound Air India Morcha (GJM) on Saturday
plane aborts take-off announced its decision to
MUMBAI participate in talks with the
A Kochi-bound Air India West Bengal government
plane, carrying over 150 on the ongoing impasse in
passengers from here, Darjeeling.
aborted take-off at the last A five-member delega-
minute due to a technical tion of the party, led by as-
problem. The service, which sistant general secretary
was scheduled to take off Future tense: A signboard at a private tea estate and, at right, people walking along a road cutting through a tea garden in Darjeeling. *
SUVOJIT BAGCHI & AFP Benoy Tamang, will attend
from the Chhatrapati Shivaji the meeting on August 29.
International Airport at 5.30 In response to an invite

Gorkha stir brews trouble for Darjeeling tea

a.m., was delayed and later extended by the State gov-
operated at 9 a.m. after ernment, the central com-
another aircraft was mittee of the GJM has de-
arranged, an Air India cided to participate in the
spokesperson said. PTI meeting, its general sec-
The unrest in the Hills has prevented the harvesting of the Second Flush, which used to be 25% of the annual production retary Roshan Giri told The
Man sent to seven years Hindu. Earlier this week,
in jail for raping minor Suvojit Bagchi North Bengal or Nilgiri in 2018, the production DTA estimates that there are GJM president Bimal
BAHRAICH Darjeeling mountains in Tamil Nadu, would be affected by 50% as about one lakh garden work- Gurung had written to
A man has been sentenced to Twenty kilometres up from Kerala and Karnataka pro- the entire garden needs to be ers in 87 plantations of Dar- Chief Minister Mamata
seven years in jail by a court Darjeeling, towards Peshak duce much higher volumes, pruned and even in 2019 jeeling, both permanent and Banerjee, indicating the
here for raping a minor girl and little further on to Nam- Darjeelings unique selling there could be a 25% impact temporary, each being paid partys willingness for talks
three years ago. Additional ring, tall weeds are choking point is its quality. It is not of the shutdown on the pro- 132 for a days work. Ac- but listed fresh demands.
district judge Lal Bahadur the tea bushes. The tea gar- the volume but the flavour duction, Mr Basu said. cording to Mr. Rai they are This is the first time
held Pramod Yadav guilty and dens wear an unkempt look, best explained by the French Meanwhile, most workers hit the most every time the since the beginning of the
also imposed a fine of victims of the Gorkha agita- word terroir [the micro en- have left the hills seeking hill is shut indefinitely. agitation in the second
5,000 on him on Friday, tion for a separate vironment in which it grows, work elsewhere as daily I do not think that there week of June that the GJM
government counsel Sant homeland. soil, climate, etc] that is used wage earner. In place of one was ever a discussion on has announced its decision
Pratap Singh said on The 70-day shutdown in in connection with wine that worker we now need three compensation package for to join talks with the State
Saturday. Yadav had raped Darjeeling has severely af- has made the Darjeeling tea as the new growth needs to the workers for the wages government.
the minor, a resident of fected the regions highly a globally recognised brand, be cleared, said Sandeep lost in previous struggles. Ms. Banerjee gave a call
Revalia village under the sought after Second Flush says Binod Mohan, Chairman Mukherjee, the principal ad- The plantation owners have for the meeting after re-
Huzoorpur police station tea. Worse, the continuing of Darjeeling Tea visor to DTA. always maintained that their ceiving a letter from the
area, when she had gone to trouble has raised concerns Association. Seventy five per cent of business is not profitable Gorkha National Liberation
attend to natures call in about a much longer-term The queen of that fla- Darjeeling tea is sold to enough, Mr. Rai says. front (GNLF). Though Ms.
March 2014, he said. PTI impact on the tea industry vour is the Second Flush private buyers and the re- Interestingly, the workers Banerjee had not referred
here. which is harvested towards mainder auctioned, which who are part of the move- to the GJM, she said an in-
Patient allegedly raped The Second Flush tea has the end of May until the together fetch about Rs. 500 ment or agitation are not vite would be extended to
by nurse at U.P. hospital not reached us, but anticip- middle of July. The shutdown crore. This wont happen complaining. We have no all parties in the hills. So
GONDA ating the crisis we stocked up from middle of June has pre- this year when we are wit- problems, replies Shanti far the GNLF, Gorkha Jan-
A 30-year-old patient was for six months, said Dolly vented the full harvesting of nessing such a long shut Rana, a worker in Gielle tea mukti Morcha (GJM), Jan
allegedly raped by a nurse at Roy, of Dollys Tea, the iconic the Second Flush which is down. We did lose 40 days in garden, about 30 kilometer Andolan party ( JAP) and
a government hospital here, boutique tea store of Kolkata. 25% of the annual produc- 1986, but that was not in the east of Darjeeling. Asked if the Gorkha Rastriya Nir-
police said. The woman, But the retailers, especially tion. The ongoing shutdown harvesting season. The cu- the prolonged strike in Dar- man Manch (GRNM) have
admitted to the isolation the smaller ones, are in seri- has also affected the Mon- mulative losses has touched jeeling and Kalimpong has af- received invitation from
ward, was allegedly raped by ous trouble, she points out. soon [30-35% of the pro- the [tea] leaf uniformly, ber, the planter said. 400 crore mark, as per our fected daily wage workers, the State government.
the male nurse on Friday duce], which is harvested till bring it down to a level so the The planter and his initial estimates, adds Mr. she says: We would rather Meanwhile, a low intens-
night, Superintendent of Lower volume September as well as the Au- workers can reach the top of friends in the business are Basu. eat once a day than give up ity blast was reported at
Police Umesh Kumar Singh Darjeeling tea fetches much tumnal crop, which harves- plant to do the plucking and now looking forward to Chief the demands and we need a Kalimpong early on Sat-
said. The woman informed higher rates in global mar- ted in October [15% of the wait for a month. Mean- Minister Mamata Banerjees Workers woes permanent solution to the is- urday. According to police,
the staff nurse of the incident kets, but its volume is small produce], says a veteran while, the hill will slip into meeting with the leaders of Those who finally bear the sue. masked men stopped a
on Saturday morning. The compared to overall produc- planter in Darjeeling. autumn when the growing Gorkha homeland move- brunt of the shutdown are As a local leader of the vehicle carrying food items
accused, Pushkar, who had tion in the country. India The fear is that the losses conditions are not good. So ment in Kolkata on Tuesday, tea plantation workers and GJM, Ms. Rana is clear where and triggered an IED blast
been appointed under produces about 1.2 billion already suffered are likely to we have lost the most finan- August 29. those who reside in the her sympathies lie. But plant- under it.
outsourcing of staff, is at kilogram of tea annually, be compounded in the near cially productive Second Kaushik Basu, the Secret- forest villages, says Roshan ers too favour a solution of a In the past eight days,
large. The woman was sent while Darjeeling, being part future. There will be weeds Flush, the Monsoon crop ary General of DTA, feels it Rai, who works in an NGO lasting nature, rather than be six small intensity blasts
for medical examination. An of the annual produce, pro- that need clearing once the and nearly the entire Au- would take couple of years (DLR Prerna) and has subject to sudden changes. have been reported in the
FIR would be filed on the duces 8.5 million kilogram. gardens open up. Following tumn, assuming that the gar- for the business to normal- worked on issues of fair Darjeeling and Kalimpong
basis of the report, he said. PTI While Assam or Dooars in this, we have to give a cut to dens would open in Septem- ise. We are assuming that trade in tea plantations. The TEA PRICES SURGE A PAGE 11 districts.




N. Korea fires missiles Buckingham

Its time to say goodbye to into sea in latest test attacker had
sword: police
U.S. aid, says Shahbaz Sharif South conducts war games with U.S. Agence France-Presse
Associated Press A man arrested under the
Exaggerated comments being made are tantamount to rubbing salt into wounds SEOUL Terrorism Act after deliber-
North Korea fired several ately driving at police out-
Press Trust of India he was quoted as saying by rockets into the sea on Sat- side Queen Elizabeth IIs
Fugitive Yingluck in Lahore the paper. Pakistani people urday in the continuation of Buckingham Palace resid-
Dubai, aiming for U.K. Pakistans Punjab province craved the opportunity to be its rapid nuclear and missile ence in London had a
BANGKOK Chief Minister Shahbaz treated fairly and honour- expansion, prompting four-foot sword in his
Fugitive former Thai premier Sharif said it was time to say ably and remain committed South Korea to press ahead car, police said on
Yingluck Shinawatra fled to goodbye to U.S. aid after to contributing to the world with military drills involving Saturday.
Dubai and may try to seek President Donald Trump peace and prosperity, said U.S. troops that have Rockets being launched by Upon being challenged
asylum in the U.K., a junta made harsh remarks and Mr. Sharif, a senior leader of angered Pyongyang. Korean People's Army by officers, the 26-year-old
source said on Saturday, after exaggerated statements the ruling Pakistan Muslim The U.S. Pacific Com- personnel during a target attacker reached for what
she ducked a legal ruling, about the financial assist- League-Nawaz. mand revised its initial as- strike exercise. AFP *
we now know to be a four-
wrong-footing the court and ance to Islamabad. sessment that the first and foot sword, which was in
her supporters alike. Ms. Mr. Shahbazs statement Maryams campaign third short-range missiles mm rocket artillery system. the front passenger foot
Yingluck, 50, was due on comes days after President Meanwhile, Maryam Nawaz, failed during flight to say The presidential office in well, the police statement
Friday morning to arrive at Trump alleged that Pakistan the political heir apparent of they flew about 250 km. It Seoul said the U.S. and said.
the Supreme Court. AFP received billions of dollars in the ousted Prime Minister, said the second missile ap- South Korean militaries The man, who re-
aid but did not act against Political dynasty: A file photo of ousted Pakistani PM Nawaz began campaigning for the peared to have blown up im- would proceed with their peatedly shouted Allahu
Erdogan challenged terrorist havens in the Sharif, left, with his brother Shahbaz in Lahore. AP * Lahore National Assembly mediately and that none ongoing war games even akbar (God is the great),
with 'justice' congress country. Mr. Trump lashed seat by-poll, which is being posed threat to the U.S. ter- more thoroughly in re- was incapacitated with CS
ANKARA out at Pakistan, accusing the course regarding the U.S. aid In a statement issued on contested by her ailing ritory of Guam, which the sponse to the launch. spray, it said.
Turkey's main Opposition country of playing a double to Pakistan are tantamount Friday, Mr. Shahbaz said it mother. North had previously The White House said The assailant stopped
leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu, game as it accepted Amer- to rubbing salt into the was time Pakistan closed the Mr. Sharifs wife, Kulsoom warned it would fire mis- President Donald Trump, his car near a police
head of the secular ican aid but gave safe haven wounds of Pakistanis suffer- chapter of the U.S. aid by po- Nawaz, who is under treat- siles toward. who had warned that he vehicle in a restricted area
Republican People's Party, on to insurgents who kill Afghan ing terrorism, poverty and litely saying thank you (for ment for throat cancer in South Koreas presiden- would unleash fire and outside the world famous
Saturday warned President and NATO troops. backwardness, said Mr. the help), the Dawn London, will contest the tial office and military said fury if the North continued palace at around 8:35 p.m.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan that The exaggerated com- Sharif, the younger brother reported. September 17 election for the North Korea fired several its threats, was briefed on local time on Friday, ac-
the whole country had a ments being made in the na- of ousted Prime Minister Thats the only way the National Assembly seat des- projectiles in what was pre- the latest North Korean cording to a Metropolitan
"thirst for justice", opening tional and international dis- Nawaz Sharif. nation can avert such jibes, pite her ailment. sumed as a test of its 300- activity. Police statement.
an unprecedented four-day
meeting protesting alleged
violations under his rule. AFP

Syria Kurds readying first

vote in federal region
Russia seeks to undermine Violence
Man with knife stabs soldier
Syrian Kurdish authorities on
Saturday began laying the U.S. name in South Asia Rakhine in Brussels, shot dead
groundwork for the first local Agence France-Presse Agence France-Presse
elections in the federal Coxs Bazar Brussels
system they are establishing Moscow dubbing Trump policy dead end predictable: official Terrified civilians tried to A man wielding a knife was
in the country's north, an flee remote villages in My- shot dead on Friday after
official said. A co-chair of the Press Trust of India lamic State] in Afghanistan, phasis on force he said. anmars Rakhine State for wounding a soldier in Brus-
federal system's constituent Washington which is a fictitious state- According to the U.S. offi- Bangladesh on Saturday af- sels in an attempted terror-
Assembly, said three rounds Russia is seeking to under- ment, a senior administra- cial, the Russian reaction ternoon, as clashes that ist murder. The incident
of elections would be held mine American reputation tion official told reporters was predictable. have killed scores contin- came as much of Europe is
starting in September. AFP in Afghanistan and South during a conference call. Unfortunately, I think ued between suspected Ro- on high alert following a
Asia region, a senior U.S. of- the Russians have taken a hingya militants and Myan- string of major attacks over
Boko Haram attacks ficial has said after Moscow Emphasis on force very tactical view here, and mar security forces. the past two years most of
Nigerian villages, kills 27 termed President Donald The official, speaking on they are seeking to under- Violence hit through the which have been claimed by,
MAIDUGURI Trumps new strategy for condition of anonymity, was mine our reputation in the region, leaving at least 92 or blamed on, jihadists.
Boko Haram extremists killed Afghanistan as a dead end. responding to questions on region, and so false informa- dead since early Friday and Belgian prosecutors said
at least 27 people by shooting Well, I think that Russias Russian scepticism over Mr. tion about U.S. objectives. forcing thousands of civil- the attacker yelled Allahu ak-
them and slitting their throats reaction is very predictable. Trumps new policy on Afgh- Explaining that the ians Rohingya and ethnic bar (God is the greatest) dur- Crime scene: Police personnel in Brussels where a man with a
as they attacked several Theyve been starting some anistan and South Asia. Afghan and South Asia Rakhine to flee their ing the assault before being knife attacked soldiers and was shot dead on Friday. AFP *

villages in northern Nigerias very unhelpful propaganda Russian Foreign Minister strategy was not a military homes. On Saturday, up to shot by a soldier in the
Borno State in the past week, with regard the U.S. role in Sergei Lavrov had told re- only strategy, the official 2,000 displaced Rohingya centre of city, which has slightly wounded in the at- Bruges, northwest Belgium,
residents said. Boko Haram Afghanistan. Youve prob- porters on Friday in Moscow said this was a strong, diplo- women and children been on high alert since last tack, which Mayor Philippe with federal prosecutors
fighters entered villages in ably seen Russian officials that the new Afghan strategy matic, political element, gathered at the border with years carnage at the airport Close said was perpetrated opening an investigation
the Nganzai area on trying to claim that the U.S. was a dead end. even economic element to Bangladesh but were and on the metro. by a lone individual. Police into attempted terrorist
Wednesday. AP is supporting ISIS [the Is- The strategy puts em- the strategy. denied entry. One of the soldiers was raided the suspects home in murder, a statement said.



Trump pardons former sheriff Harvey lashes Texas

It is the most powerful storm to hit U.S. mainland in 12 years
Joe Arpaio was convicted last month of criminal contempt for illegally targeting Hispanic immigrants
Agence France-Presse
Agence France-Presse According to the White ally profiling Latinos living in Corpus Christi
House, as sheriff Arpaio pro- Arizona based on their per- Powerful wind and heavy
U.S. President Donald tected the public from the ceived immigration status in rain from Hurricane Harvey
Trump on Friday pardoned scourges of crime and illegal violation of a judges lashed the Gulf Coast of
controversial former Arizona immigration, he is a worthy orders. Texas on Saturday, uproot-
sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was candidate for a presidential Mr. Trump has the au- ing trees, tearing off roofs
convicted last month of pardon. thority to make this pardon, and forcing tens of thou-
criminal contempt for illeg- Mr. Trump had hinted but doing so at this time un- sands of residents to flee.
ally targeting Hispanic that a pardon was coming dermines his claim for the Harvey, the most power-
immigrants. during a meandering speech respect of rule of law as Mr. ful storm to hit the U.S.
In his first act of presiden- in Arizona earlier this week, Arpaio has shown no re- mainland in 12 years, roared
tial clemency, Mr. Trump when he suggested Mr. morse for his actions, Mr. ashore late on Friday at the
pardoned the deeply-divisive Arpaio was convicted for McCains statement read. town of Rockport near
85-year-old, who ignored a doing his job and pre- Arizonas other senator, Corpus Christi, a major U.S.
federal court order that he dicted that he is going to be Republican Jeff Flake, wrote oil industry hub as a Cat-
Life threatening: A power generator tips in front of a hospital
stop detaining illegal mi- just fine. on Twitter: Regarding the egory Four hurricane on the
in Corpus Christi as Hurricane Harvey arrives on Friday. AP *

grants. He kept Arizona A friend in need: Donald Trump and Joe Arpaio at a Trump Arpaio pardon, I would have five-level storm scale, pack-
safe! Mr. Trump tweeted, campaign event in Iowa last year. FILE PHOTO *
Shocking decision preferred that the President ing sustained winds of 215 moved inland over south strong wind: the NHC
calling Mr. Arpaio a The announcement still honor the judicial process km per hour. Texas and eventually warned of likely cata-
patriot. House said Mr. Arpaio, who due to be sentenced in Octo- came as a shock for many. and let it take its course. dropped to a still-dangerous strophic and life-threatening
The move earned immedi- made detainees wear pink ber. Mr. Arpaio tweeted that Republican Arizona Sen- Others were more forceful Slowing down Category One storm, with flooding due to the massive
ate scorn from Democrats, underwear and housed them he was incredibly grateful ator John McCain said of- in their denunciations. A few hours later the storm winds of 137 km/h. rainfall forecast and the
some Republicans and rights in tented desert camps, had to Mr. Trump, and suggested ficers of the law should al- Joe Arpaio is a bigot who made a second landfall just Additional weakening is huge storm surge, which
groups, who accused the Re- more than fifty years of ad- his conviction was a polit- ways seek to be beyond targeted the Hispanic com- north of Rockport as a Cat- forecast, and Harvey is likely could reach 13 feet in some
publican billionaire of seek- mirable service to our ical witch hunt by holdovers reproach in their commit- munity for years. He should egory Three hurricane, with to become a tropical storm places.
ing to divide the country, nation. in the Obama justice ment to fairly enforce the have served his time, said winds of 201 km/h , the Na- later today, the NHC said at Harvey is expected to
which is still reeling from his The former sheriff of Mari- department! law. Democratic Congressman tional Hurricane Center 1200 GMT. More damage meander over southeastern
controversial remarks on ra- copa County, who revelled in He also asked supporters And he noted that Mr. Joaquin Castro. The Amer- said. Over the next hours however is expected from Texas through the middle of
cial unrest in Charlottesville. his reputation as Americas to donate to his legal defence Arpaio was found guilty of ican Civil Liberties Union Harvey lost strength as it the heavy rain than from the next week," the NHC said.
In a statement, the White toughest sheriff , had been fund. criminal contempt for illeg- also expressed outrage.

China demands that Internet

Trump signs memo on
military transgender ban
Another aide leaves WH platforms verify users true identity
Gorkas hardline views caused discord in the administration
Democrats slam Presidents decision Asks them to strengthen oversight of published content
Associated Press lined, though he was a
Press Trust of India individuals that was in place WASHINGTON prominent advocate for Mr. Agence France-Presse oversight over all published to post online anonymously.
Washington prior to June 2016. Sebastian Gorka, a national Trump on television news. Beijing information, deleting all il- China already tightly con-
U.S President Donald security aide whose hard- Mr. Gorka declined to dis- China has ordered the coun- legal content while also trols the Internet aggress-
Trump has signed a memo Framework dismantled line views on immigration cuss the reasons he left the trys Internet platforms to alerting authorities to the ively blocking sites of which
ordering the Pentagon to Mr. Trump alleged that his and terrorism caused dis- White House, but pointed verify users true identity be- postings. it disapproves and curbing
ban an Obama-era plan of predecessor Barack Obama cord inside and outside the toward excerpts from his fore letting them post online The new guidelines take politically sensitive online
recruiting transgender indi- dismantled the Defense De- White House, is the latest of- resignation letter that were content, the latest step by effect October 1. commentary, such as on cri-
viduals in the military, a partments established ficial to exit President Don- posted on Friday evening by authorities to tighten poli- ticism of the government.
move Democrats said was framework by permitting ald Trumps administration. The Federalist website. cing of the web. Tightening grip The new regulation was
cruel and meant to hurt transgender individuals to Mr. Gorka told The Asso- Mr. Gorka wrote that the All social networking sites China already had laws re- adopted as part of a cyberse-
and humiliate American serve openly in the military, ciated Press on Friday that individuals who most em- and discussion forums must quiring companies to verify curity law that took effect in
soldiers. authorising the use of its re- he had resigned from his po- bodied and represented the check the real identity of a users identity but it was June, which bans Internet
In a memorandum, Mr. sources to fund sex-reas- sition. A White House offi- Sebastian Gorka policies that will Make their users before they can applied in a fragmented and users from publishing a wide
Trump directed the Secret- signment surgical proced- cial, however, said Mr. America Great Again, have post online content and incomplete way. variety of information.
ary of Defense, Secretary of ures, and permitting Gorka did not resign but no the administration as a been internally countered, comments, under new regu- But forcing online posters That covers anything that
Homeland Security with re- accession of such individu- longer works at the White counterterrorism adviser. systematically removed, or lations published on Friday to identify themselves -- damages national honour,
spect to the U.S. Coast als after July 1, 2017. House. But he operated outside of undermined in recent by the Cyberspace Adminis- which will probably require disturbs economic or social
Guard, to return to the long- Last month, Mr. Trump A former editor for the the National Security Coun- months. Gorkas exit fol- tration of China. scanning a government-is- order or is aimed at over-
standing practice on milit- had announced his decision conservative Breitbart News cil and his exact responsibil- lows the departure of chief The platforms will also sued ID as proof of identity -- throwing the socialist
ary service by transgender in this regard on Twitter. website, Mr. Gorka joined ities were not clearly out- strategist Steve Bannon. have to strengthen their makes it much more difficult system.

U.S. sanctions hit Venezuela

Going for the kill set to stage
Apple apps in Iran war games
Company removes 10 from store Agence France-Presse
Agence France-Presse Those now missing in- Venezuela was scheduled
Tehran clude Amazon-style shop- to kick off two days of milit-
Iranians have been joined ping apps Digikala and ary drills on Saturday in re-
by a Minister in protest after Bamilo, ride-hailing apps sponse to U.S. President
Apple removed popular Snapp and Tap30, discount Donald Trumps threat of
IS threat to Pope is apps from its store, which store Takhfifan and a military action and newly
worrying: Vatican No. 2 the American company says brunch delivery service announced sanctions on
ROME has been done to comply called Delion. the crisis-stricken nation.
Pope Francis top aide said on with U.S. sanctions. We are unable to include Mr. Trump warned on
Saturday that a pro-Islamic Today, respecting con- your app on the App Store, August 11 that the United
State video that targets the sumers rights is a basic a message sent to some of States was mulling a range
Pope is worrying but notes principle which Apple has those companies reportedly of options against
Vatican security is already at not followed, Information said. Under the U.S. sanc- Venezuela, including a
a high level. Secretary of and Communication Tech- tions regulations, the App possible military option if
State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, nology Minister Mohammad Store cannot host, distrib- necessary.
the Holy Sees No. 2 official, Javad Azari Jahromi ute, or do business with His Vice President Mike
told reporters on Saturday tweeted, promising to leg- apps or developers connec- Pence later played down
that a day earlier he had seen ally pursue the case. ted to certain U.S. embar- the threat, insisting that
the video, which indicates the IT should be used for goed countries. Washington was priorit-
Pope is a target. AP making human life better The U.S. lifted some sanc- ising a diplomatic solution
and comfortable not a tool tions on Iran, particularly in and economic sanctions.
France to loan 430 mn for discrimination between the aviation sector, under a National security adviser
to Iraq: Ministry countries," he wrote. 2015 nuclear deal that saw HR McMaster followed suit,
BAGHDAD The hashtag #Sto- Tehran limit its atomic pro- saying no military actions
France is to grant a 430-mn pRemovingIranianApps has gramme. But American indi- are anticipated in the near
loan to Iraq, whose economy been trending on Iranian so- viduals and companies are future.
has been weakened by low oil cial media in the past few still barred from doing any But tension only surged
prices and its fight against days, after Apple removed at business with Iranians be- again when the White
jihadists, a French Foreign least 10 of the countrys cause of much older and Brutal offensive: Smoke rises during clashes between joint troops of the Iraqi Army and Shia Popular Mobilisation Forces, and the House made good on the
Ministry official announced most popular apps from its non-nuclear related the Islamic State in Tal Afar, Iraq, on Saturday. Baghdad said it had driven the jihadists out of 90% of the town and retaken the city sanctions threat on Friday,
on Saturday. Visiting Foreign online store. sanctions. centre. But Iraqi officials often declare areas liberated before the fighting has completely ended. REUTERS * unveiling its first-ever sanc-
Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian tions to target Venezuela as
said in a meeting with Iraqs a whole, rather than just
Abadi that the money would circle.
be released by year end. AFP

Filipino teens burial

Russian tanker completes Arctic passage without icebreakers Trade restrictions
The measures ban trade in
snowballs into protest new bonds issued by the
Rapid changes to the climate have altered the regions ice making the trip possible, says ships owner Sovcomflot Venezuelan government or
A Filipino teenager at the its cash-cow oil company,
centre of the latest outcry RUSSELL GOLDMAN Norway to South Korea on believed the ship could make PDVSA. That could choke
against President Rodrigo August 17 in 19 days, 30% the journey year-round in off access to New York debt
Dutertes bloody crackdown A Russian-owned tanker, less time than the regular the difficult ice conditions. markets and substantially
against illegal drugs was built to traverse the frozen route through the Suez Canal The ship is named for raise the likelihood of
buried on Saturday, with waters of the Arctic, requires, the company said. Christophe de Margerie, Venezuela being forced
mourners turning his funeral completed a journey from former chief executive of the into default.
into a protest against drug Europe to Asia in record Shorter route French energy company Venezuela called the
killings. The 17-year-old time this month, auguring Sailors have for centuries Total who was killed in a measures the worst ag-
student was one of over 80 the future of shipping as sought a navigable plane crash in Moscow in gression yet/ We will pro-
drug and crime suspects who global warming melts sea Northwest Passage: a 2014. tect our people and the
were killed in purported ice. shorter, faster route between people of the republic, the
gunbattles with the police. AP The Christophe de the Atlantic and Pacific Expensive journey Bolivarian Republic of
Margerie, a 984-foot tanker oceans that crosses the The first of a planned fleet of Venezuela, are going to
Qatari ambassador back built specifically for the Arctic. 15 similar tankers, the ship stand up, said Venezuelan
on the job in Iran journey, became the first Historically, thick ice has a reinforced steel hull Foreign Minister Jorge
TEHRAN ship to complete the made the journey that allows it to break ice up Arreaza.
Irans semi-official ISNA news Northern Sea Route without impossible. In the last to 4 feet thick. Mr. Trumps threat of
agency has reported that the the aid of specialised ice- century, specialised ice- Fewer than 500 ships military force has bolstered
Qatari ambassador to Iran is breaking vessels, the ships breaking vessels made the have made the journey since Mr. Maduros oft-repeated
back on the job, ignoring the owner, Sovcomflot, said in a trip plausible, but the route was first claim that Washington is
demands of Arab nations who statement. prohibitively expensive, and completed in 1906. plotting to topple him and
are trying to isolate the Making history: The Christophe de Margerie, an ice-class tanker fitted out to transport liquefied then only during the The route remains wants to grab control of
energy-rich country.Ali Navigational dream natural gas, in the Arctic port of Sabetta, Russia. FILE PHOTO *
summer, when the ice was expensive. A report last year Venezuelas oil the
Hamad Alsulaiti arrived in The journey was the thinnest. by the Copenhagen Business largest proven reserves in
Tehran on Friday and began culmination of a centuries- Russia, whose government Arctics climate. maiden voyage this year. But rapid changes to the School concluded that trans- the world. Mr. Maduro is
working Saturday morning. old navigational dream and has indicated it plans to take This is a big event in the The ship, transporting climate have altered the Arctic shipping would not under international pres-
Qatar pulled its envoy to Iran of a decade-long plan by political and economic opening up of the Arctic, liquefied natural gas, regions ice, and Sovcomflot become economically viable sure over his handling of
in early 2016. AP President Vladimir Putin of advantage of changes to the Mr. Putin said of the tankers completed the trip from said in a statement it before 2040. NYT the crisis.




Its Bannon The bells Amid border U.S.-Pakistan Path to war

unchained vs. that stopped tensions, China alliance at in Africa, via
team Trump tolling oils its strategy a crossroads Germany
Stephen K. Bannon, the Last Monday, several hun- Amid looming crises in its The new Afghan strategy an- While the world is focussing
ideologue who provided a dreds of people gathered neighbourhood, from the nounced by U.S. President on Donald Trumps foreign
theoretical facade to the me- within and outside the walls Korean Peninsula to the Donald Trump, which at- policy plans in Afghanistan
andering rhetoric of Presid- of Parliament to hear Big Doklam Plateau in the Him- tacked Pakistan for provid- and West Asia, the U.S. is
ent Donald Trump, is back Ben, the 13.7-tonne bell that alayas, China has been beef- ing safe havens to terrorists continuing, without much
to the job he does best propaganda. Mr. plays the note E on the hour every day within ing up its strategic petroleum reserve (SPR). and offered India a greater role in Afgh- media scrutiny, its proxy wars in Africa. Re-
Bannon returned to head the right-wing web- the Palace of Westminsters iconic Elizabeth The sight of huge oil tankers offloading in Chi- anistan, has put Islamabad in a tight spot. The cently, it became evident that the U.S. milit-
site Breitbart immediately after his job as chief Tower. The tower must undergo an essential nas giant ports should come as no surprise. political and military leaderships, usually di- arys newest ally in the region could be the
strategist to the President ended on August 18. 29 million restoration work, and in order to Earlier in August, the worlds largest active oil vided on every governing issue, have come on genocidal regime of Omar al-Bashir in Sudan.
Since then, Breitbart has sharpened its cam- protect workers close to it and up the 100- tanker, TI Europe, was spotted at Chinas giant one page to strongly condemn Mr. Trumps This is not surprising. In fact, the U.S. has
paign to charge up its nationalist audience, metre high scaffolding around it from its 118 Ningbo port in the East China Sea. The hu- remarks. Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Ab- already allied with dozens of dictatorial re-
targeting key advisers to the President, includ- decibel bong, the bell and its four accom- mongous vessel can ferry 3 million barrels in a basi called for a joint session of Parliament to gimes and militias on the African continent.
ing his son-in-law Jared Kushner, daughter panying ones will be put out of action for up single shipment. That is nearly equal to the discuss the issue. He also chaired a National All of them are part of the ongoing shadow
Ivanka Trump, Economic Adviser Gary Cohn to four years. Much thought has gone into the total daily production of the oil-rich Kuwait. Security Committee meeting, which rejected war in the region, including regular air strikes
and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster. process, including ensuring that the Great The TI Europe is among the four largest President Trumps Afghan strategy, and stated by drones or conventional jets, and secret op-
Breitbart argues for restrictions on immigra- Clock will always have one visible face during ships in the world, along with TI Africa, TI that Indian policies were inimical to peace in erations of commando units on the ground.
tion and trade, tough policies against radical the entire renovation project, while the bell Asia, and TI Oceania. All these ultra-large the region. The heart of U.S. secret wars in Africa lies
Islam, and a staunch pro-Israel foreign policy would be allowed to operate on certain signi- crude carriers have been built by South In the words of Foreign Minister Khawaja in Stuttgart, Germany, where AFRICOM (the
all elements of Mr. Trumps politics. Mr. ficant dates such as New Years Eve and Re- Koreas Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine En- Asif, the Americans are scapegoating Pakistan United States Africa Command) has been
Bannon has said the advisers around Mr. membrance Sunday. gineering. Incidentally, TI Oceania, which was for their failure in Afghanistan. Opposition based since 2007. The Kelley Barracks in Stut-
Trump are forcing him to be moderate, but he Parliament has a duty of care to those on earlier called Hellespont Fairfax before it was politicians also joined the government in tgart-Moehringen is known as AFRICOMs
will fight them for the President and his site, and our priority is to ensure the safety of purchased and modified by a Belgian owner, slamming the U.S. Imran Khan, leader of the command centre with 1,500 personnel, in-
agenda. those carrying out the work and in the imme- featured in Discovery Channels famous televi- Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf, asked the country to cluding military and U.S. federal civilian em-
The Trump presidency and Mr. Bannons diate vicinity, said the Parliamentary Estate, sion show, Superships. learn from its past mistakes. This should ployees. The Kelley Barracks is a huge build-
absence from the platform when he worked in noting that stopping and starting its operation Ningbo, where TI Europe docked, has been teach Pak once and for all a valuable lesson: ing complex, including a sports centre, a day
the White House eroded the websites appeal simply wasnt possible as it was a lengthy pro- Chinas gateway to the world since the days of never to fight others wars for the lure of dol- nursery, a hotel and a theatre. In 2013, two
in the last six months. Its monthly visitors are cess that took a half day to complete and the Tang dynasty, which flourished between lars. Our economy suffered over $100 billion German media outlets revealed that illegal
down to half of the 24 million it had during would not be a good use of public money. The the seventh and 10th centuries. Then called in losses. In addition, there were intangible drone strikes that were taking place in
the campaign last year. Mr. Bannons return to work includes measures to prevent the clock Mingzhou, it was among Chinas three major costs on our society. Time for Pakistan to say: Somalia were coordinated from Stuttgart and
the site has stirred such interest in the website mechanism from failing, the installation of a ports, the others being Guangzhou and Yang- Never again, he tweeted. that these activities were against German law.
lift and the tackling of decay to the inside and Pakistan fought two wars for the U.S. in
outside of the clock. Afghanistan, both under military regimes. In
> Steve Bannon says the advisers
around Donald Trump are Nevertheless, the move provoked an outcry <
> The possibility of the Doklam
border standoff between the 1980s, during General Muhammad Zia-ul- <
> In 2016, U.S. drones carried out 14
strikes in Somalia, killing up to
from politicians from across the spectrum, at Haqs rule, the military went into covert oper-
forcing him to be moderate, a time when issues around nationalism are
Indian and Chinese troops ations in Afghanistan, along with the CIA, to
292 people, while Libya,
but he will fight them for the particularly strong with Britain preparing to drifting into an open conflict fight the Soviet Red Army. Later, after the another war-torn African
President and his nationalist leave the European Union. One right wing has brought Chinas energy September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the country, was bombed 496
agenda commentator noted that in the four years the security into sharper focus U.S., the Pakistani military joined the war times by the Americans
work was set to take place, Britain could have against the Taliban and al-Qaeda, when Gen-
that there are almost daily stories in other out- got two Brexit deals, while it had managed to zhou. Ningbo was destined to emerge as a eral Pervez Musharraf was the ruler. In return, In the past, civilians have been murdered by
lets about Breitbart. Mr. Trump has cheered liberate Europe in just 11 months during the leading port in the world, when in 2006, it the U.S. flooded Pakistan with billions of dol- such attacks.
the return of Mr. Bannon at the helm of the Second World War. merged with the neighbouring port of the lars in aid. In October 2016, it was reported that
site, tweeting that he will be a tough and Zhoushan. Within six years, it became the AFRICOM was expanding its drone warfare in
smart new voice maybe even better than May steps in worlds largest port in terms cargo tonnage, Jihadist links Africa when military personnel and un-
ever before. Fake News needs the competi- David Davis, the Minister in charge of Brexit upstaging Shanghai for the first time. Today, Pakistans policy towards Afghanistan and In- manned aerial vehicles were transferred to a
tion! wrote the President. who campaigned heavily to leave the the multi-purpose deep water port hosts a dia has historically been dominated by the base in Tunisia. In 2016, U.S. drones carried
Stories appearing on the site last week ri- European Union, described the decision to si- jaw-dropping 191 berths, which include 39 military. After the Soviet troops withdrew out 14 strikes in Somalia, killing up to 292
diculed Mr. Trumps new Afghanistan policy lence the bell for four years as mad. There deep water channels. A separate oil terminal from Afghanistan in 1989, the U.S. lost interest people, including five civilians. Libya, another
as McMasters voice and reported on a Daily is hardly a health and safety argument, he ad- can handle large tankers. Besides, there are in the country. But not Pakistan. Former milit- war-torn African country, was bombed by the
Mail story that claimed Ivanka Trump had en- ded. While one Liberal Democrat MP called dedicated areas that take care of mineral ores ary chief General Aslam Beg and former Inter- U.S. 496 times last year. The U.S. has drone
gineered Mr. Bannons exit from the White for a review of the options (including poten- and liquid chemicals. Service Intelligence chief Hameed Gul came bases in Niger and Djibouti as well, while the
House. The White House issued a clarifica- tially ringing the bell manually), even Prime Dependent on energy imports, Chinas up with a plan to make Afghanistan its proxy American shadow wars are being fought in al-
tion, which was later added to the story, deny- Minister Theresa May waded into the debate quest for building SPR capacity is understand- through jihadist organisations. most 50 African nations.
ing the Mail version. In a sign of the signific- able. Chinese fears, born out of geopolitical Most of these operations are planned in
ance of the Breitbart audience, Chief of Staff of rivalry, are mainly centred on the Malacca and coordinated from Stuttgart, but not many
the National Security Council Keith Kellogg <
> As Elizabeth Tower in the Palace
of Westminster undergoes
Straits the channel linking the Indian Ocean <
> The main goals of Pakistans
Afghan strategy were to build
locals seem to be aware of it. The U.S. sol-
wrote a piece on the site, explaining the new and the Pacific through which vast volumes diers are here for years. It has become some-
Afghan policy and why it does not in any way restoration work, the 13.7- of global trade flow. Nearly 80% of Chinas oil leverage in the country thing normal for us. I think that many people
deviate from the America First policy, on tonne Big Ben bell and its four shipments travel through the Indian Ocean or through militant groups and dont ask themselves what the soldiers do, a
Thursday. White House Press Secretary Sarah accompanying ones will be the Strait of Malacca. Any disruption of the secure its western border local, who lives near the Kelley Barracks, said.
Sanders promptly tweeted the piece. put out of action for 4 years two-way movement of tankers and container from growing Indian influence In total, more than 34,000 U.S. soldiers are
shipping through this channel to Chinese deployed in difference places in Germany.
Stay the course by urging the speaker of the House of Com- ports would be catastrophic. The objective was to secure the western
Today, America has two streams of media nar- mons Commission to look into the issue ur- border from Indian influence. Though Gen. Illegal operations
ratives, both urging Mr. Trump to stay the gently to ensure Britain could continue to Malacca trap Musharraf later joined the American-led war The German government itself doesnt appear
course, though they mean different things. hear Big Ben through those four years. Unsurprisingly, China has pursued the avoid- against the Taliban, the security establish- to be bothered much about AFRICOMs activ-
The mainstream media wants him to act and Yet others urged for those carrying out the ance of what is called the Malacca trap. Its ment did not entirely sever ties with militants ities. When it was revealed that illegal drone
talk presidential, while Breitbart and Fox works to ensure the bell was able to strike on huge West-East pipeline system has been as Pakistans foreign policy doctrine of retain- operations were taking place from German
News prod him to stay his original self. The March 29, 2019, as Britain would exit the EU. drawing Central Asian gas overland to the ing influence in Afghanistan through milit- soil, Berlins reaction was practically non-ex-
President appears to be listening to both last It would be symbolically uplifting for it to shore-based industrial hubs such as Shanghai, ancy never changed. Past American Presid- istent. Not just the AFRICOM in Stuttgart is in-
week, he changed his course every alternate sound out our departure from the EU as a lit- Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Ports such as ents overlooked this double game and volved in these wars but also the Ramstein Air
day, reading out from the teleprompter one erally ringing endorsement of democracy, Gwadar in Pakistan and Kyaukpyu in Myan- maintained a working relationship with the Base in southwestern Germany, which is con-
day, and going hammer and tongs with his pet Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg told the mar have been arguably set up to avoid the military. But the Trump administration ap- sidered the heart of U.S. drone warfare.
issues the next. But Mr. Bannon has an axe to Daily Mail last week. However, many also de- tricky Malacca Straits. pears to be getting tougher, raising questions Since three years, the German Foreign
grind against Fox News, the Rupert Murdoch- plored the emphasis on the issue. There is no definitive word yet on the size over the future of the alliance itself. Ministry is ignoring media reports about the
owned channel that supports Mr. Trump. Mr. Wish those MPs who are causing such a of Chinas strategic energy reserves. A Reuters I dont think this is the end of the road, involvement of the Ramstein Air Base and the
Murdoch had urged the President to fire Mr. fuss were equally vocal about food banks, the report quoting Chinas Commerce Ministry but certainly both countries need to make AFRICOM in extra-judicial killings that are
Bannon, who considers the channel a global- GP (general practice) crisis and harsh cuts (in said that by the middle of 2016, China had sure that how the trust deficit can be re- against international war norms, Andrej
ist enterprise. Mr. Bannon is reportedly toying public expenditure), wrote Labour MP Luke 33.25 million tonnes of crude oil in its SPR in- duced, said Amir Rana, director of the Hunko, a German parliamentarian of the left-
with the idea of a TV channel also. Pollard, while others drew comparisons with ventory. But others, using satellite imagery Pakistan Institute of Peace Studies. The U.S. wing Die Linke party, said in January. U.S.
Mr. Bannon is not merely promoting the the treatment of the horrific events at Grenfell and big data processing, estimate that the needs to give assurance to Pakistan that it will activities at both places Ramstein and Stut-
causes, but also himself in the process. Briet- Tower. Would like to see an infographic for countrys capacity is much larger. The crisis in act against terrorist groups in Afghanistan tgart violate German laws and general hu-
bart is advertising a Bannon fidget spinner the number of MPs who stood outside for Big the Doklam plateau and the possibility of the who plan and attack inside Pakistan, while man rights norms. These drone strikes are
Proudly Made in USA. Leftists need com- Ben versus the number who went to Grenfell, standoff between Indian and Chinese troops Pakistan also needs to allay the U.S. concerns simple murder; assisting and supporting them
fort at times like these. Gift them this pacify- wrote another on Twitter. Greg Jenner, a his- drifting into open conflict has brought Chinas that it will act against the groups on its soil. makes the German government an accom-
ing item that will give them something to do in torian, pointed to the fact that not only was energy security into sharp focus. According to The Americans know that to put pressure plice in murder, Karim Popal, an Afghan-Ger-
between pulling down monuments. Or keep the bell not that old (it dated back to 1859), it some analysts, a China-India conflict could ac- on Pakistan, all they need to do is to take a man lawyer who represents NATO airstrike
one for yourself! it says. In the midst of all had fallen silent on a number of occasions, in- quire a naval dimension, affecting Chinas en- pro-India line. A senior government official victims from Afghanistan, told this writer.
this, a prankster who sent mails to senior cluding throughout the First World War (most ergy supplies. told The Hindu that the greater role the Trump But the German government prefers to stay
Breitbart staffers posing as Mr. Bannon re- recently it was silenced for six weeks for res- China is playing psychological warfare... administration is offering India in South Asia silent. In fact, it was Germanys political elite
ceived scandalous replies immediately, which toration work in 2007). but it should realise that even if it defeated In- could prompt Pakistan to rethink its decades- who offered to host AFRICOM when the U.S.
he promptly passed on to the CNN. In the Whatever happens next, the controversy dia in a war on land, it would be impossible old policy. Yet, Pakistan is left with no choice was looking for a new place while other
mails, editor-in-chief Alex Marlow offers to do has stirred up sufficient interest to potentially for the PLA navy to break Indias maritime but to continue to fight the war in Afgh- European states rejected its request. Berlin
the dirty work for the fake Bannon, and force a rethink. The House of Commons Com- containment, Antony Wong Dong, a Macau- anistan, said the official. If the U.S. is angry, just had one plea when the Americans opened
promises to plot the exit of Ms. Trump from mission said it would reconsider the length of based military expert, was quoted as saying Pakistan has got a new master and financier the gates of their new commando centre to
the White House before the end of the year. time the bells would fall silent. by the South China Morning Post. China. do it quietly.

Varghese K. George works for The Hindu and is Vidya Ram works for The Hindu and is based in Atul Aneja works for The Hindu and is based in MUBASHIR ZAIDI writes for The Hindu and is based Emran Feroz is a freelance journalist based in
based in Washington London Beijing in Karachi Stuttgart





Man by day,
goddess by night
How one Kannur Theyyam practitioner leaves behind
his quotidian existence to assume the form of a goddess
whenever devotees make an offering
Text and images by Thulasi Kakkat

In the twilight hours, when the brooding environs of the sacred

groves at Neeliyar Kottam in Kannur, northern Kerala, grow even
more sombre with the relentless echo of a chenda, the Neeliyar
Bhagavathy Theyyam walks in, towering over the mud path bisect-
ing the place.
The man who has taken on the persona of a benevolent goddess
is Kanol Mangadan Haridasan Peruvannan, a Theyyam practi-
tioner for the past 40 years. Haridasan, now 51, is believed to be
the vehicle through which the goddess showers her blessings on
the devout. Childless couples seek her grace to conceive. Parents
with children of marriageable age go to her for suitable
Lore has it that the mother goddess was a wise, beautiful Dalit
woman named Neeli, who turned into a bloodthirsty demon after
Rooted in the soil: Theyyam practitioner Haridasan Peruvannan at his village of Mangattuparamba in Kannur of Kerala. Man to goddess: Haridasan getting his face painted using organic colours for the ritual performance of Neeliyar Bhagavathi Theyyam. Fitting all elements: Haridasan comes out of the aniyara (green room) to the sacred grove to wear the headgear. a local king betrayed and murdered her. But ever since a man took
her for a compassionate mother, she turned into one. When the
ritualistic Theyyam performance is seasonal elsewhere, the belief
is that the goddess graces the Neeliyar Kottam groves whenever
someone makes an offering, coming alive in flamboyant, large
blood-red clothes, with a 20-ft bamboo-framed headgear.
Unlike other Theyyam performers, Haridasan has not opted for
Back and forth: a mainstream career. The life of this titled Theyyam artiste, a
The Theyyam
performance of member of the Vannan community, straddles the gulf between
the day over, the immortal, when he transforms into the goddess-incarnate,
Haridasan and the mortal, as a subaltern citizen with a less enviable life.
returns to the
aniyara (green
room) to shed his
divine persona
and get back to
being human.

The full
The Theyyam
in full gear.

The big arena :The

Theyyam in the
main ritual area.

Its a slow
Members of the
community help
Haridasan remove
the headgear and
other ornaments.

The sounds change:

Haridasan removes
the chilambu
(anklets) at the
green room.



The Will and Way towards

When a loved one
departs, the bereaved family
needs to sort out financial

matters. Heres a check-list
to ensure a smooth transfer
of assets and liabilities
Meera Siva to ensure that the terms in property in the Will is with the legal heir of the
Nalinakanthi V the Will are legal and en- someone other than the legal tenant.
Dealing with the processes forceable by law. For ex- heir, the lender shall engage Business interests such as
and documentation related ample, one cannot Will an with such a beneficiary, says partnership firm must be
to investments, assets and li- ancestral property to a differ- Anilesh. closed to avoid liabilities to
abilities is not everyones cup ent beneficiary. For unsecured loans such legal heirs. A partnership
of tea. While you can get by An ancestral property is as personal loans and credit firm with two partners is
with jumbled paper-work, something that has been card dues, the recovery de- deemed dissolved on the
dealing with occasional re- passed on for four genera- pends on each banks terms death of one of them and
minders from banks and tions, says Anilesh Tewari, and conditions. In most therefore it is good to engage
other institutions as they Advocate, Allahabad High cases lenders have the right with professionals such as
come, when you are around, Court, also associated with to claim the outstanding loan Company Secretaries to fol-
it can get pretty difficult for These are in- from legal heirs or suc- low due process and not
your survivors if you are the herited under the applic- cessors. Anilesh notes leave any loose ends.
disorganised sort. able laws and this posi- that as the loans are un-
Similarly, for those dealing tion cannot be changed secured, the liability Points to remember
with the loss of a loved one, by a Will as the right to should not be at- A few simple safeguards
financial matters usually take a share in ancestral tached to the per- taken early on can save a lot
a back seat. But there are a or coparcenary sonal assets of the of time and hassle. For one,
few essential procedures that property accrues legal heirs or ex- it is important to have agree-
need to be followed to pre- by birth itself. ecutors of the ments for loans, even to
vent compliance and other After the death Will. friends and family, rather
legal issues from impeding of the estate Statutory liab- than just verbal promise. The
smooth transfer of assets. owner, the Will ilities, such as legal heirs inherit both the
needs to be pro- outstanding in- assets and liabilities, so hav-
A will is a must bated by the come tax, have ing documentation will help
The most important docu- legal heirs. the first charge them in settling and claiming
ment needed to ensure a While authen- on the estate. dues. Likewise, there must
smooth passage of inherit- ticating the The income tax be proper paperwork such as
ance is a Will. A Will needs to Will, the court return of the purchase price, terms and
clearly describe the assets will send no- deceased also agreement, in any asset-re-
and the share of each benefi- tices to other needs to be lated transactions.
ciary. Besides tangible assets, potential filed by the ex- When creating a Will, it is
intangibles such as copyright claimants. ecutor or legal important to let the con-
and trademark as well as A probate is a heir, and the cerned people know about
other intellectual property copy of the Will Permanent Ac- its content. The Will and
rights can also be transferred that is certified count Number of other important documents
through a Will. under the seal of a the deceased must be organised and kept
While many believe that court of a compet- should be returned in an accessible place so that
creating a Will is all that is ent jurisdiction and to the department. the inheritors can access it.
needed, it is very important is conclusive evid- Other taxes like Also, when entering into
to register it. This is required ence of the validity of those on the property agreements, you must make
the Will. are passed on to the sure a nominee is always
If there is no Will, i.e., legal heirs who inherit given. This will avoid a lot of

Digital the person dies intestate,

then the inheritance will be
the property. Likewise,
any business liabilities
hassle as the transfer to the
nominee is quite straightfor-
based on applicable laws. In salaries and tax dues of sole ward.
assets this case, the legal heirs will
have to obtain a Succession
proprietorship should also
be paid by the legal heirs.
When purchasing a home,
it is also prudent to take an
Unlike developed Certificate. The process typ- gen- insurance cover on the life of
countries, India has no ically takes six months to one erally Getting closure the borrower for settling the
law for regulating the year, if it is not contested by issued There may be other loose loan and avoiding unneces-
protection and anyone. There may be long by the heirs to dis- ends to tie up. For example, sary financial burden on the
inheritance of digital delays if it is opposed by Municipal Cor- charge debts is if the deceased person had legal heirs.
assets such as websites someone and litigation poration in urban based on the pro- entered into agreements, Also, it is good to ensure
and digital content. commences. areas or Gram Pan- portion of the assets they would have to be trans- that the beneficiary of the in-
However, the principles chayat in rural areas. All in- inherited by them. Before ferred. Tenancy agreements surance policy and the prop-
of intangible property Key documents stitutions such as banks, mu- this Act came into force, the typically continue even after erty are the same persons
and succession can be The legal heirs need a Death tual funds, brokerages, tion. transferring son had the pious obligation the death of the owner and and have the share in the
applied to digital Certificate to start the pro- insurance providers and Gov- Copies of documents or closing accounts to discharge his fathers whoever inherits the prop- same proportion to avoid un-
assets. Online sites cess of transferring owner- ernment agencies would ask that establish account or as- may seem the main work, debts. erty should honour the equal share of assets and li-
such as Facebook and ship. Also, it is mandatory to for a copy of this. The pro- set ownership should also be there is another side to get- For asset-backed loans agreement. abilities.
Google have their own register death within 21 days, bate or Succession Certificate provided, along with ID and ting closure handling such as home loans, the However, one should con- No matter what the Will
policies on transferring as per the Registration of is another document that other proof for the person in taxes, loans and other lenders first recourse is the sult a local lawyer in this re- says, discharging liabilities
or closing the account Births & Deaths Act, 1969. In will be required to effect as- whose name it needs to be liabilities. co-borrower and then the gard as tenancy laws vary takes precedence over trans-
and the heirs must case of delays, there may be set transfers. These docu- transferred. The obligation to pay off guarantor, if any. Only if from State to State, says ferring assets. For example,
notify and do the additional paperwork and ments must be submitted debt rests on the legal heirs. these do not exist will the Anilesh. If the deceased was money can be given to char-
needful. charges, warns Anilesh. along with the claims form Handling liabilities As per the Hindu Succession lender approach the legal a tenant, the owner can ity only after loans and other
The Death Certificate is provided by the organisa- While claiming assets and Act, 2005, the liability of the heir. If the beneficiary of the enter into a new agreement dues are settled.

Closing accounts with institutions Surrender of PAN, Aadhaar

Meera Siva If the deceased person is a
Nalinakanthi V
Meera Siva taxpayer, it is important to
Nalinakanthi V With identity theft rampant, file the income tax return
As a part of financial closure, various if PAN and Aadhaar are not before cancelling the PAN.
financial accounts with banks, surrendered, it could lead to Also, as per section 159 of
brokerages, mutual fund houses, in- misuse of the numbers. Here the Income Tax Act, 1961
surance must be closed or trans- is how you deal with the pro- (Act), the legal representat-
ferred. This must be done by the co- Ounce of cedural aspects to surren- ive of the deceased person
dering ID cards when shall be liable to pay any

account holder, nominee or legal prevention

heir, as applicable, by submitting rel- someone is no more. sum which the deceased
The procedure would have had to pay for
evant application forms and requis-
ite documents. to follow if Cancelling PAN the period beginning April 1
there is no You must ensure that identi- of the year till the date of the
Bank accounts fication documents such as individuals death.
nominee is PAN (Permanent Account
The procedure for closing the sole

quite tedious Number) are cancelled so Handling Aadhaar

account in the name of the deceased
person and claiming refund of the and requires that there is no misuse of There is no special claim
balance amount is fairly standard- lots of these documents by unscru- form needed to cancel
ised across banks. For instance, if pulous individuals for tax Aadhaar. Deaths may be re-
documents. So,
the nomination has already been re-
it is best to do
evasion purposes. The usage
of PAN card is no longer lim-
> Ifperson
the deceased
is a tax
ported either by the State
Registrar of Births and
gistered with the bank, the nominee
can make a claim for closing the the nominee ited to just your income tax payer, it is Deaths or by a relative.
account. registration return filing. With PAN now important to file the In the case of the latter,
Once the nominee submits the linked to your bank account, income tax return the family member must
right at the every financial transaction produce the death certific-
claim form, the branch will verify before cancelling
time of opening routed through the bank can ate of the deceased and also
the photocopy with the original the PAN
death certificate, nomination num- an account or be traced. establish that he is part of
ber as registered in their core bank- making an Also, PAN is mandatory Officer for that jurisdiction the family through ration
ing system and nomination register. for physical asset purchases providing details such as card or other document that
investment such as jewellery, immov- PAN number, name and date establishes the relationship.
In addition to this, one needs to
provide two witnesses. They may be able property and financial of birth. You need to men- The information on death
a magistrate or Judicial official, a investments such as mutual tion the reason for surren- will be pushed to UIDAIs
Government or bank official or any funds and equity, beyond dering the PAN and attach a database by the registrar,
two persons acceptable to the bank. specified thresholds. copy of the deceaseds death along with the Aadhaar
In case the nominee is a minor, an On the demise of the PAN certificate. The procedure is number. In the database, the
application must be submitted by of the nominee or legal heir and two The procedure is identical to that card holder, the legal heirs the same for Indian resid- record will be flagged as de-
the person appointed to act on be- <
> Itthat
is a good idea to ensure
standing orders for witnesses. of a bank. For joint ownership, the must submit a letter ad-
dressed to the Income Tax
ents, NRIs (Non-Resident In-
dians) and foreign nationals.
ceased and is not deleted or
half of the minor. surviving unit holder must submit
payments from accounts
In case of joint accounts with sur- Check before closing required documents and claim form
vivorship clause, the application you want to change or close It is a good idea to ensure that stand- along with bank account and KYC
must be made by the survivor. The are shifted to another ing orders for payments from ac- details of the new unit holders. For
account will be updated to exclude
the name of the deceased.
For joint account without surviv- held till the maturity period without
counts you want to change or close
are shifted to another account. For
instance, check for services such
sole accounts, the nominee must
submit a letter requesting transmis-
sion of units.
Dealing with special situations
orship clause, the account may need any change by the survivor. The FD as electricity, phone, subscriptions, If there is no nominee, the pro- If the person who is no more was part of a If a Trust was set up, the Will should
to be closed and the balance may be can also be split into multiple certi- housing maintenance, charitable cedure may be simple, for smaller family with special needs children, a few mention the asset distribution and the
paid to both the survivors and the ficates by the legal heir, nominee donations that may have been paid investments a document that es- additional things must be kept in mind. executor of the Will must ensure that the
legal heirs. If there is no Will, banks or representatives without attract- from this account automatically and tablishes the claimants relationship If the deceased was the legal guardian transfer of assets to the Trust is
may consider the option of indem- ing any penalty for premature update these to a new account, to may be sufficient. For larger for a special needs child, the legal completed. If the deceased was one of the
nity. In this case, all the legal heirs withdrawal. avoid payment rejections and fines. amounts, more detailed documenta- guardianship must be reviewed. The next Trustees, a new trustee should be
together should provide proof of If a bank locker was maintained, Likewise, automatic credits tion a notarised copy of the pro- legal guardian is also generally indicated appointed.
their right to the asset and absolve the nominee can access the locker such as bond or post office invest- bated Will or legal heir certificate or when completing the legal guardianship Jitendra says that if the deceased was a
the bank of any future claims on the and remove the contents after ment interest or rentals that come Succession Certificate may be form to continue taking financial care-giver, the child will need time to
asset. providing death certificate and proof into the account also need to be shif- needed. decisions, says Jitendra P.S. Solanki, adjust to the situation. Hence, besides
In case the deceased individuals of identify. ted to another account. The investment limit beyond Founder, JS Financial Advisors. financial matters, there will be logistical
account neither has survivorship If there is no nomination, the which the procedure differs may The next legal guardians name should and emotional hand-holding. It is
clause nor nomination, the settle- legal heirs should establish their Mutual Funds vary across fund houses. For in- be mentioned in the Will. If it is not, an important to ensure that the Will, Trust
ment will be made only to the legal right to the bank. Mutual fund units can be transferred stance, while HDFC Mutual Fund application must be filed with the court and all documents are well-maintained
heirs. An inventory of articles is pre- by the other unit holder, nominee or has 5 lakh as the threshold limit, it for appointing a new legal guardian. and passed on to reliable hands.
Time deposits such as FD can be pared by the bank, in the presence legal heir. is 2 lakh for SBI Mutual Fund.




Fighting cancer with insurance SBI waives processing fee

As part of its festival season offer, State
Bank of India recently announced waiver of
up to 100 per cent of the processing fee on
Cancer-specific policies cover all stages of the disease and are cheaper than critical illness plans certain loans.
This is in addition to the existing waiver on
Rajalakshmi Nirmal processing fee on takeover of home loans
suffered cancer or had any
which have been transferred from other
Increasing lifestyle disorders symptoms of it in the past.
and burgeoning medical ex- Those who had suffered cancer
For car loans, the bank will waive 100 per
penses make a cover for health- four years back might be con-
cent of the processing fee. This will be valid
related issues very essential sidered by insurance compan-
till December 31, 2017. For personal gold
nowadays. This is specifically ies, but individuals who have
loans,50 per cent of the processing fee has
true for diseases such as can- undergone cancer treatment in
been waived till October 31, 2017.
cer. Here, we throw light on the immediate 48 months pre-
cancer-related policies avail- ceding the purchase of the Compulsory delisting
policy, will be not taken in. SPECIFIC

able in the market and what Shares in which trading has remained
can be the best option for you. Some companies straight FEATURES suspended for over a decade will now be
away reject individuals who O Covers all stages of compulsorily delisted by the Bombay Stock
Options available have a family history of cancer, cancer Exchange.
To cover medical costs for can- but some accept them. For in- The BSE will compulsorily delist 200
cer treatment (provided you do stance, PNB Met Lifes Head, O Benefit of premium firms and bar their promoters from the
not suffer from it already), you Products Management, Khalid waiver when cancer markets for 10 years.

can buy a cancer-specific policy Ahmad, says, We do a physical is detected early Among the firms to be delisted are
from a life insurance company; policies as these come from life When it comes to the term of 20/25 per cent is paid out dur- underwriting of the proposals Eupharma Laboratories, Athena Financial
you can also buy a critical ill- insurance companies. Will coverage, in CI plans of general ing the early stage of cancer of individuals who come with a O Premium fixed for at Services, Magnus Rubber Industries,
ness (CI) policy where cancer is these plans pay only on death? insurers, you get a life-long re- and the balance when it family history of cancer. We least 3-5 years
Rajasthan Polyesters, Transpower
one of the 20-plus diseases that Is the term fixed or renewable newability. In cancer policies reaches an advanced stage, says might ask them to undergo a CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Engineering, Dupont Sportswear, Dynavox
will be covered. Mediclaim life-long? Will the premium in- from life insurers, the policy Santosh Agarwal, Head Life medical test and then decide, In parts Industries and GDR Media. All these
policies are another alternative, crease every year or is it fixed? term is fixed. But these plans Insurance, If but we do not reject them companies will be delisted from August 23.
but the premium will be signi- Regulations allow life insur- too now offer a longer term cov- there is death during the term directly. In cancer specific plans,
ficantly higher if you want a ance companies to revise the erage. HDFC Lifes Cancer Care, of the policy after some portion the sum assured is paid 200 note is out
cover for higher sums such as premium on their health which was the first cancer plan of the payout has been made, Best plans in parts about 20/25 The new 200 currency note was
20/25 lakh, which you may in- policies (here cancer products) in the market launched two the balance of the sum assured Among cancer policies issued per cent during the introduced last week by the RBI. With
cur in case of cancer. only in a block of three years. years ago, is the only product will be paid out to the nominee. by life insurers, Max Lifes Can- early stage and the bright yellow being the base colour, the
But most players in the market with a shorter 20-year term In CI plans, however, almost cer Insurance Plan or ICICI Pru balance, when the note denomination has the motif of the
More comprehensive today give a fixed premium for now. Most other cancer-specific all have a 28-day survival Heart/Cancer Protect are the disease progresses Sanchi Stupa on the reverse.
In CI plans, the major short- five years on their cancer policies now give a 40-year period clause. Most insurers best options now. These new notes are expected to be
coming is that they cover can- policy. term till a maximum age of 75 require that the policyholder Both of them are similar on available in select RBI offices and select
cers of only specified severity. This is unlike the CI plans of years. For example, ICICI Pru survives at least 28 days from most parameters. For a 35-year banks initially.
Apollo Munichs Optima Vital general insurers where the Lifes Cancer Protect and Max the time of claim to settle the female, a policy under Max This issue follows the recent notification of
and Max Bupas CritiCare, for premium keeps changing every Lifes Cancer Insurance Plan of- sum insured. In cancer-specific Lifes Cancer Insurance Plan, a new 50 note.
instance, do not pay out if it is year. The other advantage with fer a 40-year term (maturity at plans launched recently, some where the no-claim bonus be- With fluorescent blue as its base colour, the
carcinoma in situ (an early cancer-specific policies over 75 years). In Future Generalis (PNB Met Lifes Mera Heat and nefit (goes up to 150 per cent of new 50 note will bear the picture of the
stage cancer). most CI plans is that they waive Cancer Protect Plan, maturity is Cancer Care is one) do not have sum assured) is in-built in the iconic stone chariot at Hampi, Karnataka,
Many life insurance compan- off premium once cancer is dia- at the age of 80, and anyone the survival clause. In most policy, the premium works out on the reverse. This new 50 note is also
ies offer benefit plans that gnosed in the early stage. In who is 35 years, can get a cover others, the mandatory survival to 11,753 for a 20 lakh policy expected to be issued shortly.
cover only cancer. These are Max Life and ICICI Pru Lifes for a term of 45 years under the period after diagnosis of cancer for a 40-year term. If she The old 50 notes though will continue to
more comprehensive and relat- cancer policies, for instance, plan. is five to seven days. wishes to take ICICI Pru Cancer remain legal tender.
ively cheaper compared to CI premium on the policy is As far as payouts are con- Protect for the same amount Last November, the Modi government had
plans. waived off for the rest of the cerned, in cancer plans of life Who gets rejected? and term, assuming she also announced scrapping of old 500 and
There is, but, a lot of confu- term, if cancer is diagnosed in insurance players, the sum as- You can buy a cancer-specific opts for the no-claim benefit, 1,000 currency notes and brought out
sion around cancer-specific the early stage. sured is paid in parts about policy only if you have not the premium comes to 14,080. new 500 and 2,000 notes.


The risks of copycat investing BANK FD INTEREST RATES (%)

less than Years
1 year 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 5 W.E.F

If you bought a stock just because a big investor did, you could be hit when the stock goes through a bad patch FOREIGN
Citi Bank 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.25 08-17
Aarati Krishnan through thick and thin. This their hand to the markets while DBS Bank 6.10 6.30 6.50 6.70 04-17
Making money from stocks may kind of perseverance requires a theyre in the process of build- Deutsche Bank 6.00 6.90 7.00 7.50 08-17
look easy as pie in a bull mar- lot of conviction about a busi- ing or liquidating a position. On HSBC 6.00 6.50 5.00 5.00 08-17
Scotia Bank 4.00 4.50 4.50 5.00 04-16
ket, but regular investors know ness and your reasons for own- July 21, the stock of debt-laden
StanChart 6.50 6.75 6.50 6.50 08-17
that unearthing winners is far ing a piece of it. If you simply infrastructure player Jaiprakash
from easy. One shortcut that bought a stock because a big in- Associates soared by 17 per cent
has gained ground globally is vestor did, you could experi- after the companys sharehold- Allahabad Bank 6.50 6.60 6.50 6.50 07-17
Andhra Bank 6.25 6.75 6.50 6.25 07-17
copycat investing, also known ence a lot of mental turmoil ing for June 30, revealed a 1.03
Bank of Mah 6.00 6.50 6.25 6.00 01-17
as coat-tailing or side-car when the stock goes through a per cent stake held by Rakesh Fan sites BOB 6.40 6.65 6.50 6.50 08-17
investing. bad patch. Jhunjhunwala. BOI 6.25 6.70 6.50 6.50 08-17
Copycat investors simply SEBIs recent crackdown on The March 31 holding didnt There are many Canara Bank 6.35 6.75 6.30 6.30 08-17
keep a close eye on the invest- shell companies abruptly sus- feature this stake. Many websites dedicated to CBOI 6.50 6.60 6.50 6.50 04-17
ment moves of a renowned pended daily trading in 331 copycat investors hopped on to coat-tailing, such as Corp Bank 6.35 6.60 6.60 6.50 08-17, Dena Bank 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 08-17
market wizard, and faithfully stocks. Among the stocks that the risky infrastructure player, IDBI Bank 6.50 6.75 6.25 6.25 06-17
replicate his or her moves. were hit were Prakash Indus- believing that Jhunjhunwala and
Indian Bank 6.25 6.50 6.25 6.00 02-17
They may get their tipoffs from tries, where Rakesh Jhunjhun- had picked up the stake this IOB 6.25 6.75 6.25 6.00 06-17
quarterly filings of sharehold- wala owned a 1 per cent stake quarter. But it is possible that OBC 6.40 6.60 6.40 6.40 08-17
PNB 6.25 6.60 6.50 6.25 08-17
ing by companies, portfolios of ( June 30 shareholding) and J year, Warren Buffett admitted duds, while missing out on the he held a less than 1 per cent
Punjab & Sind 6.60 6.80 6.80 6.80 07-17
equity funds, bulk deals data or Kumar Infraprojects, where a to making a blooper in buying winners. position earlier, which he only SBI 6.50 6.75 6.25 6.25 07-17
even Twitter handles. clutch of top mutual funds IBM six years ago and said that topped up. Syndicate Bank 6.15 6.50 6.60 6.60 08-17
But if youre a newbie in- owned stakes. Now, when hit he had sold a third of his posi- Half knowledge UCO Bank 6.35 6.65 6.40 6.40 07-17
vestor who thinks that making with this regulatory thunder- tion in the preceding months. The price at which you acquire Stomach for risk Union Bank 6.75 6.75 6.50 6.50 08-17
United Bank 6.00 6.25 6.00 6.00 04-17
big money in the markets is as bolt, a Jhunjhunwala or a HDFC What makes Buffett or a a stock can be a big decider of Many copycat investors are
Vijaya Bank 6.25 6.50 6.50 6.50 01-17
simple as following a Rakesh Mutual Fund may decide to Jhunjhunwala ace investors is returns. Copycat investors who keen to know of penny stocks
Jhunjhunwala fan site, or mim- hold on, because they believe not the fact that they never look to public sources or social picked up by big-name in-
icking the bulk deals of Porinju the company has a fundament- make mistakes, but the fact that media for stock tips from their vestors, which can multiply Axis Bank 6.50 6.75 6.25 6.25 07-17
Bandhan Bank 7.00 7.25 6.90 6.90 06-17
Veliyath, Ramesh Damani or ally sound business that will they own large portfolios where gurus, are likely to get late in- money in months. Now, high Catholic Syrian 6.25 6.50 6.75 6.50 03-17
Mohnish Pabrai, youre quite shake off this crisis. winners far outnumber losers. formation on this. net-worth investors may bet on CUB 7.00 7.10 6.85 6.85 11-16
mistaken. Copycat investing But if youre a copycat in- Copycat investors are often Professional managers who distressed companies or turn- DCB 6.75 7.15 7.20 7.20 07-17
carries risks. vestor who hasnt studied the focused on the latest big bet oversee portfolios will seldom arounds as they follow a risk Dhanlaxmi Bank 6.00 6.75 6.50 6.50 01-17
business, it will be hard not to made by their idol and dont tip off the market to their de- control strategy. They may Federal Bank 6.50 6.70 6.50 7.00 07-17
HDFC Bank 6.25 6.80 6.00 6.00 NA
Not knowing the whys panic. bother to look at their entire cisions before they make them. hedge their bets, or devote a ICICI Bank 6.50 6.75 6.50 6.50 07-17
Often, big money in the stock portfolio. Doing so will move the stock part of their portfolio to risky IDFC Bank 7.00 7.50 7.25 7.20 12-16
market is made not through the Too stock-focussed In mirroring the individual price and undermine returns stocks. But copycat investors IndusInd Bank 6.50 6.85 6.75 6.50 08-17
act of swooping in on the right Even stock market wizards do buys or sells of big investors, for their investors. Even private without such risk control may J & K Bank 6.50 6.75 6.75 6.50 05-17
stock, but by holding on to it make mistakes. In May this they run the risk of picking up investors may not want to tip end up burning their fingers. Karnataka Bank 6.90 6.65 6.50 6.50 07-17
Kotak Bank 6.60 6.60 6.40 6.25 08-17
KVB 6.75 6.75 7.00 7.00 05-17
LVB 6.75 7.00 7.00 7.00 08-17
DUE DILIGENCE RBL Bank 7.10 7.40 7.50 7.35 05-17
SIB 6.00 6.75 6.50 6.50 06-17

Safeguarding your bank locker

TMB 6.75 7.00 6.90 6.90 04-17
TNSC Bank 6.50 6.75 6.50 6.50 01-17
Yes Bank 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 08-17

Data taken from respective bank's website as on 24 Aug 17.

For each year range, maximum offered interest rate is consid-
You can get compensation for loss, if any, by insuring the contents in the locker ered; Interest Rate for deposit amount below Rs 1 Cr. Contrib-
uted by, an online marketplace for compar-
ing financial products.
Meera Siva if that fails, you can file a case valuables insurance cover
A banks safe deposit locker in the consumer court, says P provides comprehensive insur-
may seem the embodiment of Jhansi, an advocate with the ance protection, irrespective of
absolute safety. But what if Madras High Court. whether they are kept in home
items stored in a locker are lost safe or bank locker or being
or damaged? As holding a Take insurance worn, says Parag Ved Execut-
locker costs money and banks A good way to ensure you get ive Vice President, Consumer
may often also request you to compensation for any loss is to Lines, TATA AIG General Insur-
insure the contents in the ance.
open a fixed deposit to get a
locker. The insurance agency The policy protects against SAFETY TIPS

locker, it is important for cus-

tomers to understand what will inspect the contents and ar- any direct physical loss or dam- O Consider insurance
they are getting when renting a rive at a valuation before insur- age, including fire, theft and cover
locker. ing it. If the valuable is lost, you burglary, earthquake, flood and
can make a claim. The policies accidental breakage or damage, O Keep record of items
Banks not liable may typically charge 1-2 per worldwide. stored
When you enter into an agree- cent of the content value;

ment to rent a locker, the rela- charges may be higher if the Precautions O Update your contact
tion is that of a bailer and and you lose your valuables, or Saravanan. cover is more comprehensive When you store documents, details
bailee. The legal parlance they are damaged, you really That said, if you think that covering loss not just at home jewels and other valuables in CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
means that the bailer transfers do not have any recourse with the loss is due to negligence on or in the locker, but any loca- the locker, it is important that Providers
his possession of movable the locker provider. the part of the service provider, tion. Many providers such as you keep a record of the items.
goods, and not the ownership. What if the loss is not due to you can go to court. You must HDFC Ergo, Tata AIG, Oriental The list must be updated, when protected
The locker provider has no a break-in or natural calamity establish that proper precau- Insurance and New India Insur- items are removed or added. Locker providers do
idea of the contents stored or that affected multiple lockers, tions were not taken or there ance offer coverage for jewels. If the locker has not been op- not know the contents
the value of the items. So, but localised to your posses- were slippages in procedure. One reason why you must erational and the bank has clas- stored and, hence, are
locker providers are not held li- sions? You can file a complaint Also, if there was mis-repres- keep the valuables in a locker sified you as a high-risk cat- not liable for loss
able for loss or damage of with the police to investigate. entation of the product or ser- rather than at home is to in- egory customer for some
goods stored, says Saravanan The authorities will go through vice, you can claim damage. crease the chances of getting reason, keep in mind that the
Annadurai, Advocate, Madras the CCTV footages. For example, if the lockers the claims settled. For example, authorities can force open the
High Court and Senior Partner In this case, the locker pro- were promoted as fire or water- most jewellery insurance locker after one year of inactiv-
at Saravanan and Partners. vider has to co-operate in the proof but were damaged due to policies may not cover loss if ity. Hence, it is a good idea to
As per the RBI too, banks are investigation; but if it turns out fire or water, you may seek the house was unoccupied for operate your locker off and on.
in no way liable for the loss of that employees may be in- compensation. You must first 30 days. Such issues typically Also, update your contact de-
contents kept in the locker by volved, there is still no liability try to resolve it through the do not arise with lockers. tails at the branch so that they
the hirer. So, if there is a theft for the losses, opines banking redressal system and, An all-risk jewellery and can reach out to you.




Australia keen on India as pulses hub
Island nations government, firms may aid setting up of processing facilities in the Asian country
ARUN S ies), Southern Cross Agricul- duction of additional quant-
New Delhi tural Exports (which certi- ity of breeder seed of
Australia is learnt to be ex- fies sustainably grown different pulses was under-
ploring ways to help India agricultural produce and taken to attain self-suffi-
transform into a pulses-pro- processing plants) and Spe- ciency in pulses, it stated.
cessing hub. Towards this cial One Grain (a grain mar- According to an April 2016
Enfield starts production objective, the Australian gov- keter major). report by International
at plant near Chennai ernment and that countrys Crops Research Institute for
NEW DELHI agri-business companies will Drought impact the Semi-Arid Tropics, a non-
Royal Enfield, a division of hold talks with the Govern- The Indian agriculture and profit body doing scientific Ray of hope: Higher efficiency and the ability to track the
Eicher Motors, started ment of India and Indian farmers welfare ministry had research for development, suns movement have helped get more power per unit. AP *

commercial production from companies including those informed Parliament in Feb- India is the largest producer
its new manufacturing
facility at Vallam Vadagal
into processing, retail and
imports of pulses, on the
ruary that production of
pulses in the country was af-
(18.2 million tonnes), con-
sumer (more than 22 million Rising solar capability
near Chennai in Tamil Nadu. sidelines of the Australia fected in 2014-15 and 2015-16 tonnes) and importer (3-5
Spread over 50 acres, the
Vallam Vadagal plant will be
Business Week in India
(ABWI), sources close to the
due to drought. It said the
major initiatives undertaken
million tonnes per year) of
pulses. The current initiative
may aid 2022 goal
Royal Enfields third development told The Hindu. Come into my parlour: Australian firms can help India for increasing pulses produc- is an effort to bridge this
manufacturing facility, and The ABWI is slated to be improve productivity, nutritional value and packaging. tion include increased alloc- gap. Indian firms eye tech to counter China
will manufacture Royal held from August 28 to ation of funds from total al- It further said, The target
Enfield motorcycles for India September 1 with an aim to firms can take advantage of, 17,500 members across Aus- location of National Food set for production is 23.5 mil- Lalatendu Mishra ness head, Waree, said.
and international markets, promote Australian capabil- using their expertise in food tralia), Grain Trade Australia Security Mission (NFSM) for lion tonnes by 2020 and 27.5 MUMBAI Now the same amount
Eicher Motors said in a ity and expand Australias grain production and pro- (an organisation aiming to NFSM-Pulses, as well as en- million tonnes by 2025, A growing number of Indian of power can be generated
statement. PTI trade, investment and edu- cessing as well as in methods ensure efficient facilitation suring additional area cover- while the target for average firms working on solar en- from 20% less land. We are
cation relationships. During to improve productivity, nu- of commercial activities age under cultivation of yield has been set at 900 kg ergy are seen enhancing also working to further im-
IISCO facility eyes 10% the event, Australian agri- tritional value and pack- across the grain supply pulses and creation of pulses per hectare (ha) by 2020 and capability to counter rising prove the efficiency of our
of long product market business firms will be given aging. The aim is to also at- chain), GrainCorp Limited seed hubs. 1,000 kg per ha by 2025 imports from China. modules. This will result in
NEW DELHI the latest information re- tract Australian investments (a listed public company The ministry informed against the current average India has set itself a target bringing down the overall
State-owned SAIL said that garding the Indian pulses into India in processing with business in production, Parliament in July that 150 yield of 750 kg per ha. The to generate renewable en- capital cost of energy pro-
its IISCO steel plant in market including the trends these items. storage and processing of pulses seed hubs have been area under pulse crops is tar- ergy of 175 GW by 2022. An- duction, Mr. Doshi said.
Burnpur will help take the in demand. The ABWI is likely to see grain and related commodit- established to produce geted to reach 26 million ha ticipating higher custom, Similarly, Pune-based
PSUs long product market They will also be provided the participation of Grain ies, as well as providing lo- quality seeds of important by 2020 and 27.5 million ha these companies, which Scorpius Trackers has de-
share to 10% from 7% at details of opportunities avail- Growers (a grain farmer rep- gistics, testing and marketing pulse crops, as per a govern- by 2025, against the current manufacture solar modules veloped technology to help
present. SAILISPs (IISCO able in India that Australian resentative organisation with services for these commodit- ment statement. Also, pro- area of 24 million ha. and related equipment, solar modules track the
Steel Plant) new and modern have developed technology movement of the sun,
plant will facilitate SAIL to to maximise energy genera- thereby enabling producers
take its market share in long

Sodexo looks to expand services Tata Motors tion thereby helping meet achieve at least eight hours
products to 10% from the the target with lesser area of output a day, compared
existing 7%, the PSU said in and infrastructure. with four hours earlier.
a statement. Steel Authority eyes options Though firms in the Tata Our technology is com-
of India Ltd (SAIL) further
said it is in the phase of
Immediate focus on moving clients from paper vouchers to digital cards for Nano and Adani groups are lead- pletely Made in India at
ing on this front, smaller our R&D centre in Pune.
reinventing its processes. PTI N. Ravi Kumar Das, VP Marketing of So- ary 2016, introduced cards, companies are excelling Our systems... have been in-
HYDERABAD dexo Benefits and Rewards which like vouchers can be PRESS TRUST OF INDIA through innovation in a bid stalled in Japan, Africa,
More time for blueprint Meal voucher space leader Services India. Unlike the used to pay for food (grocer- KOLKATA to make India self reliant. Middle East and India, ac-
on refining capacity Sodexo plans to expand its meal vouchers, these ser- ies included) and non- alco- Leading automobile manu- cording to Ritech Pothan,
NEW DELHI offerings in the employee be- vices will not have any ac- holic beverages, the instru- facturer Tata Motors is now Rise in efficiency senior vice president, busi-
The Centre has given an nefit arena and also unveil companying tax benefits for ment gained big push with working on alternative Mumbai-based Waaree PV ness development, Scorpius
expert group time till claims management solu- the end users. demonetisation. plans for its small car Nano Technologies, which has a Trackers.
October-end to prepare the tions. The French firm, Besides simplifying things whose sales have fallen 500 MW PV module manu- Over ten years, the num-
blueprint for raising refining which offers a wide range of for the HR fraternity, the No paper vouchers making its production not facturing plant at Surat has ber of Indian companies
capacity by 2040 to match a solutions globally and is cel- proposed solutions, how- The RBI has also directed a viable proposition, an of- developed technology that participating in our exhibi-
more than doubling of oil ebrating 20 years in India, ever, like the new Sodexo that pre-paid meal instru- ficial of the company said. allows modules to generate tion has increased from 32
demand. The 12-member has begun reaching out to meal cards, would be in line ments in paper voucher Asked about the future more power. to 370, said Yogesh Mudres,
working group was prospective customers in the ployee benefit front, the with the governments thrust form should not be accepted of Nano, COO of Tata Mo- Through indigenous MD, UBM India, which or-
constituted on June 10 last country to ascertain their plan is to go for services that on cashless economy. beyond December 31, 2017. tors Satish Borwankar said technological advancement, ganises the annual Renew-
year. It was given three preferences, a senior execut- are an extension of its focus In fact, the immediate fo- The cards are PIN-based and going forward, alternative we have improved the effi- able Energy India Expo.
months time to prepare the ive said. on wellness of employees. cus of Sodexo, which has offer higher levels of security plans for Nano is being ciency of our modules by This is because the num-
roadmap but the deadline Claims management solu- This includes passes for gym 11,000 clients and through and convenience to users, considered. For instance, 3.5% to 4%. Which means..., ber of homegrown compan-
kept extending. Expansions tions such as those related to and creche. them 30 lakh users, is to mi- Mr. Das said. These cards are the electric version of the 1 MW of power can now be ies has spiralled upwards, a
will raise the refining capacity fuel, mobility, medical and Within six months, we grate customers from paper accepted at 45,000 termin- car. The production of generated from 4 acres of natural consequence of the
to about 260 million tonnes LTA payments are under will introduce one more vouchers to digital cards. als across 1,500 cities in the Nano is not a viable pro- land as against 5 acres Governments focus on re-
by 2018. PTI consideration. On the em- solution, said Suvodeep Though Sodexo, in Febru- country. position. he said. earlier, Pujan Doshi, busi- newable energy.

With Nilekanis return, Infosys founders MFIs may be hit by note ban impact
get second chance on succession Net interest margins are likely to decline by about 1% leading to negative returns
Special Correspondent Fresh disbursements slowed ent connect , field discipline coming under strain.
His appointment in place of two co-chairmen streamlines the top ranks KOLKATA
Overall net interest margins
down substantially in the
second half of fiscal 2017
collection frequency , IT sys-
tems and appraisal mechan-
While group guarantee
works well in case of tempor-
Una Galani and pay. Nilekani and family, of microfinance institutions leading to shrinkage of over- isms.., he said. ary cash-flow mismatches, in
MUMBAI who own 2.3% of Infosys, are likely to decline by about all portfolio growth. events of prolonged stress
Infosyss founders are get- avoided publicly picking 1% leading to negative return Based on the present re- Joint liability mechanism situations with large number
ting a second chance to leave sides. Either way, the un- on equity for the sector in covery trends from delin- Flagging an area of concern of borrowers under stress,
behind a company that usual conduct of the 10- the current fiscal, according quent buckets, 70-75 % of the on recoveries, the report the members may not be
wont crash. Nandan member board in the fallout to a ICRA report on the portfolio delinquent [for] said that the joint liability able to honour the group
Nilekani will return as non- revealed it is ripe for a shake- sector. more than 90 days is likely to group mechanism , con- guarantee, the report said
executive chairman of the up. Four members have It said that the growth tra- be written off..., said Rohit sidered to be a mitigant Post-demonetisation, ICRA
$32 billion Indian informa- resigned as part of Nilekanis jectory for NBFCMFIs and Inamdar, group head, finan- against asset quality related visited more than 600 MFI
tion technology firm he arrival. That is a good start. small finance banks (SFBs) cial sector ratings, ICRA. concerns for the sector, centres of 19 MFIs in 8 states
helped found. That is less A next step would be to add changed post demonetisa- The extent of the impact where group members were where field staff highlighted
than ideal given it was sup- to the existing independent tion with portfolio growth will differ across MFIs based willing to repay on each oth- instances of non-paying
posed to have shifted to pro- director positions so that slowing down from 72% in on share of portfolio in im- ers behalf in case of any group members discour-
fessional management. Still, they represent a majority of fiscal 2016 to 29% in 2016-17. pacted geographies, their cli- members default, is now aging paying members.
his appointment in place of Founders all: Nandan Nilekani, left, K. Dinesh, S.D. Shibulal, directors going forward.
two co-chairmen stream- N.S. Raghavan, N.R. Narayana Murthy, S. Gopalakrishnan. PTI *

lines the top ranks and is a Successor pick

fast way to calm investors tomer checks and means In- velop a stronger consulting Of course, the real measure
after its first outside chief ex- dians can securely send capability like U.S. compet- of success will be if Nilekani
ecutive quit. money as simply as an email. itor Accenture. can make himself replace-
After leaving Infosys eight He has become Indias most able by ultimately picking a
years ago, Nilekani oversaw influential voice in the de- COMMENT successor both at the chair-
the rollout of a biometric bate about big data and fin- man and CEO level, who will
identity system, which now ancial technology. He will have less control be able to stay the course,
covers more than 1.1 billion Those impressive creden- over other big external and mark the companys
Indians. That has helped tials mean he should have factors, including the avail- permanent move away from
New Delhi reduce waste in wide support for an over- ability of U.S. worker visas. the grasp of its founding
paying government sub- haul. Operationally, Infosys More urgently, the new shareholders.
sidies. It also forms the back- is not in bad shape, but chairman must draw a line (The author is a Reuters
bone of impressive infra- Nilekani might be able to ac- under concerns raised by Breakingviews columnist. The
structure that enables celerate the companys drive other founder shareholders opinions expressed are her
instant know your cus- to be more innovative or de- relating to past deal making own.)

Gold, silver
fall on weak
Gold witnessed selling
pressure for the week due
to slackened demand from
jewellers stockists and
traders. The yellow-metal
cracked below the
29,000-mark at the do-
mestic bullion market dur-
ing the week, even as the
metal strengthened
Traders said that the
sentiment was subdued
amid easing demand from
local jewellers and retailers
at the current level which
pulled down the gold
Silver also witnessed a
fall on sustained selling by
stockists and investors
coupled with lack of de-
mand from industrial
users. The metal cracked
below the 39,000-mark.



Darjeeling tea prices surge in auctions
Industry fears that 75% of years crop is as good as lost; exporters, packers scramble to protect brands
Indrani Dutta presence in packet tea, has put of about 0.5 million kg.
KOLKATA now tapered off in tandem He said that all promo-
Amid flickering hopes of a with the declining offerings. tional schemes had been
resolution to the impasse in They buy in bulk and small withdrawn to protect the
Darjeeling, tea exporters and offerings do not serve their brand and conserve stocks.
packers are scrambling to purpose, an official said. As a producer, we have our
mop up whatever teas are own source of teas which we
Imported planes should being offered at the tea auc- Adulteration alert are now using in the blends,
have GAGAN from 2019 tions here and prices have Hindustan Unilever, which to protect our brands.
NEW DELHI breached the 1,000 per kg owns the heritage brand Demanding Statehood,
From January 2019, planes mark at three consecutive Lipton, has unveiled a cam- the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha Too hot to handle? Post GST, major buyers have avoided
that are imported should be weekly sales. paign cautioning buyers has enforced a shutdown in auctions, impacting prices and offtake. GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCK

suitably equipped with The industry has been ap- against adulteration, saying Darjeeling since June 15.
indigenous navigation system prehensive that even if the that its Darjeeling tea pack- While there appear to be
GAGAN, according to aviation
regulator DGCA. The GPS-
deadlock, which has ex-
ceeded 60 days, was broken
ets guaranteed 100% Darjeel-
ing teas sourced from certi-
some signs of talks between
the State government and
Prices fall in southern
Aided Geo Augmented
Navigation (GAGAN) system
was officially unveiled in July
and estates were to open by
September, production
would not commence before
Double take: In auctions this month, prices were 1,068-
1,200 a kg, or twice the prices from a year earlier. AFP *
fied gardens.
Ajay Misra, MD, TGB, told
The Hindu that since TGB did
other parties, the GJM has
persisted with its demands.
The Darjeeling Tea Associ-
tea auction centres
2015. The national civil October, when the onset of held this month, prices had 8,400 kg were sold at an av- not have an exclusive Dar- ation has estimated a rev-
aviation policy mandates all winter would limit output. moved in the range of 1,068 erage price of 1,164.5 a kg. jeeling brand, it was not fa- enue loss of 400 crore to Higher crop, GST billing hit realisation
aircraft being registered in About 75% of the years crop to 1,200 per kg which is This was mainly picked up cing any major difficulty due the industry. It also said that
India from January 1, 2019, to is as good as lost, they said. double the prices at the Dar- by 2-3 exporters. According to the choking off of Darjeel- the loss of second flush teas M. Soundariya Preetha not only in a drop in prices
be GAGAN-enabled. PTI Auction prices of this jeeling tea auctions a year to statistics from the Indian ing tea leaf supplies. (season from May to July ) COIMBATORE but also price instability,
prime brew had averaged earlier. Tea Association, in 2016, In- We are bracing for a 65% producing the unique mus- For the last few weeks, the says Thiagaraj Hutchi
EESL to procure smart about 300 per kg between Offerings, however, were dia exported 6 million kg out crop loss, said Arun Narain catel flavour would have a average price realised at the Gowder, president of the
meters for grid projects 2012 and 2016, according to low, falling from 17,000 kg in of production of 8 million kg. Singh, MD and CEO, cascading effect on an in- tea auction centres in Coim- Nilgiris Small Tea Growers
NEW DELHI official statistics. Officials at end-July to 8,700 kg in this Buying by companies Goodricke Group Ltd. A pro- dustry which is tottering un- batore and Coonoor have Association. About 45% of
State-run Energy Efficiency the Calcutta Tea Trading As- weeks sale, according to J. such as Hindustan Unilever ducer and exporter, the der the impact of climate dropped, mainly because of tea produced in south India
Services Limited (EESL) said sociation said that in the Kalyan Sundaram, secretary Ltd. or Tata Global Bever- group has five gardens in change, ageing bushes and issues related to billing un- are from small growers,
it has floated a tender for three rounds of auctions general, CTTA. He said that ages, which have a major Darjeeling with annual out- high production costs. der GST at auction centres numbering more than
procurement of 50 lakh and because of higher crop. 65,000 in the Nilgiris.
smart meters in July, which Sources in the industry Most growers sell to
will be used for smart grid
Small savings said that for the past 10 bought leaf factories, from
projects in Haryana and Uttar
Pradesh. This will help in
reducing AT&C (aggregate
Microsoft eyes late-stage start-ups to get legal
years, buyers and sellers at
Coonoor and Coimbatore
tea auction centres had
where the tea goes to auc-
tion centres. There is usu-
ally just one or two weeks
technical and commercial) been using the sellers bill stock at the warehouses.
losses, power theft and also Ability to bring large customers prompted change in strategy, says India unit safeguard and not the brokers bill sys- Now, some teas from even
monitoring round the clock tem for billing. A seller is the May and June are there.
power supply and 24X7 Peerzada Abrar you put them in front of a Press Trust of India tea producer while a broker Bhojarajan Ramesh
power for all, a Power BENGALURU customer (like a large bank), Mumbai takes custody of the teas Chandar, chairman of the
Ministry statement said. PTI Microsoft is changing its they cant be early stage. The Maharashtra govern- from the producer and Coonoor Tea Trade Associ-
strategy to engage with start- Slowly, we started moving to ment will come up with a hands it over to the buyer ation, said that the two ma-
Nodal agency needed ups in India. The company, late-stage companies, said law to protect small savers after the auction. jor buyers in Coonoor and
to lift services sector which unveiled its acceler- Mr. Girisaballa. who have deposited up to However, after the imple- Coimbatore buy almost 20%
NEW DELHI ator in Bengaluru five years Sanjoe Tom Jose, co- 1 lakh in urban cooperat- mentation of the GST, a of the teas that come to the
The Centre should take ago to support early-stage founder of Talview, a talent ive banks (UCBs), said Co- couple of major buyers have auction. When they keep

various steps, including firms, is now betting big on assessment technology solu- operation minister not been taking part in the away, prices fall. This has
setting up a separate late-stage start-ups. The soft- tions provider, said that the Subhash Deshmukh. Most auctions in these two resulted in the drop in aver-
department to promote ware major is helping these firm joined the Microsoft ac- of the UCBs have small de- centres, objecting to the sys- age price by 30 to 40 a kg.
growth of services sector in companies scale up, win key celerator when it had hit a posit amounts and savers tem of invoices raised in the The market has also been
the country, an Assocham- deals and go global. plateau in the Indian market. are adversely affected name of the sellers. This has on a downward trend since
Resurgent India study said. We realised that our He said that Microsoft in- whenever these banks face had an impact on prices and April as the crop output is

It is the need of the hour strength was there. We troduced the firm to some of financial constraints. offtake in the auctions. on the higher side because
that government should set needed to change the hort to help them boost their $64 million in funding till its largest enterprise custom- Deposits up to 1 lakh of rains. Each auction
up a nodal agency or strategy, said Bala Gir- enterprise readiness and go- date, according to Microsoft. ers in the U.S. including in UCBs will be protected Clarity needed centre used to get approx-
department for smooth isaballa, CEO-in-Residence, to-market activities. These Their company sizes average Bank of America, Starbucks with some legislation. The The Kerala High Court re- imately 15 lakh kg a week.
functioning of service Microsoft Accelerator, India. include Simplilearn, Hotelo- about 80 employees and and specialty beauty chain state government is work- cently ordered an interim The volume is now in the
sector, it said. Besides, gix and Ace Turtle. The aver- clock an average revenue of Sephora. He said that ing on it. We are working stay on brokers bill. The range of 18 lakh kg-20 lakh
government and Reserve Average age of three age age of start-ups of the $2.6 million, said the firm. Talview was able to reach on some mechanism Tea Board should give a kg. Till March, average price
Bank should provide credit Microsoft Accelerator said fresh cohort is more than We have the ability to the final stages of closing a through the Maharashtra clear directive on the issue, realised at the auctions was
facilities to support the that it had selected 14 late- three years and among open them up to Fortune deal with one of the largest Cooperation Development the sources said. more than 100 a kg. It is
sector, it added. PTI stage start-ups in its 11th co- them, have raised close to 1000 companies. But when retail chains in the U.S. Corporation, he said. The issue has resulted about 70 a kg now, he said.

Mandate local sourcing for New solar

power bid
home rooftop solar system norms will
reduce risk
Guarantee obligations cant be fixed if parts require import
TCA Sharad Raghavan NEW DELHI
NEW DELHI The Ministry of New & Re-
To boost use of rooftop solar newable Energy (MNRE)
systems in residences, the has said its guidelines for
government should mandate tariff-based bidding for
domestically-sourced com- procuring solar power will
ponents which could inspire reduce risk, enhance trans-
confidence among potential parency and increase
customers, according to Tata affordability.
Power Solar CEO and exec- The MNRE had issued
utive director Ashish the new guidelines for tar-
Khanna. iff based competitive bid-
The bigger issues facing ding process on August 3.
solar power projects in India Low voltage: Roof size, right of use and costs are all issues in The guidelines have
are getting lost in the overt the residential sector, says Tata Power Solars Khanna. been issued under the pro-
focus on lower tariffs, Mr. visions of Section 63 of the
Khanna told The Hindu, The commercial solar 4.34 had seen their as- Electricity Act, 2003 for
stressing that it was equally rooftop segment is growing. sumptions working out so long term procurement
important to assess the qual- The level that is coming far. However, it was too early from grid-connected Solar
ity of projects and whether from the commercial to tell whether the same PV Power Projects of 5 MW
they were meeting cost and rooftops is lower than the would happen with more re- and above, through com-
longevity assumptions. grid cost of power, so there cent projects bid at lower petitive bidding.
If NTPC, for example, is is a business model. In the tariffs such as 3.15 and New Guidelines for Tar-
developing a project, then residential part, that busi- 2.44. Please don't miss the iff Based Competitive Bid-
there will be more than 200 ness model is not coming. point that the bids were ding Process to reduce
quality engineers working The size of the roof, the roof made on the basis of certain risk, enhance transparency
on it, Mr. Khanna said in an rights, the cost are all issues. assumptions, and assump- and increase affordability
interview. If somebody puts In India, because the resid- tions being assumptions, of Solar Power, the min-
his money on rooftop solar, ential tariffs for power are can go either way, he said. istry said in a statement on
and with most of the com- lower than those for com- Saturday.
ponents coming from out- mercial establishments, Cost absorption Besides, it said, the
side India, the guarantee ob- there is no business incent- Nobody has the margins to move would help protect
ligations are very difficult to ive for installing residential absorb costs if they are too consumer interests
enforce. So the confidence rooftop solar system. much higher than the as- through affordable power.
will not be generated on the The third important issue sumptions made while bid- It will also provide
quality. to be addressed is how to en- ding, Mr. Khanna said. standardisation and uni-
If the rooftop segment courage rooftop solar while It is impossible for a formity in processes and a
was reserved for domestic also helping the power dis- company to absorb an input risk-sharing framework
manufacturing, then the tribution companies, he tax rate of 18% when they between various stake-
customer has a company said. If something (rooftop have assumed 5% at the time holders involved in the
within the country to ad- solar) is taking away the best of bidding. Nobody was sure solar PV power procure-
dress any issues that arise, clients of the discoms, why of the GST rate until the gov- ment, it said.
there is legislation, so that should they promote those ernment notified them, and This will also help re-
company cannot just up and after a certain point, Mr. it's not like they gave a one- duce off-taker risk and en-
vanish, Mr. Khanna added. Khanna wondered. year period where they said courage investments, en-
There is a quality that can that this is what the rate will hance bankability of the
be mandated for products in Big clientele be in one year's time, so Projects and improve prof-
India and in the same pro- If big companies or affluent please do your costing ac- itability for the investors.
cess, you have a sector that residential customers, which cordingly, he pointed out. Some of the salient fea-
is aligning their growth to are the biggest clients of dis- If we go by the number tures of the the new norms
the growth of rooftop solar. coms, begin to install of MW up for bid in January- include generation com-
It is a win-win situation. rooftop solar, then we have July 2017, there are fewer pensation for off-take con-
Another reason for the to give the discoms some- bids this year than the same straints for reducing off-
poor adoption of rooftop thing. If there is no win-win period of last year, he ad- take risks.
solar in India where the in- solution, then there will be a ded. The must-run status for
stalled capacity is so far only problem. The discoms are Most of the projects are solar projects has been
1,247 MW out of a target of not in a position to give up being deferred as far as the stressed upon.
40 GW by 2022 is that the those revenues. bidding timelines are con- Besides, to ensure lower
tariffs in place do not make While the uncertainty cerned. People are awaiting tariffs, minimum PPA
business sense for residen- over the Goods and Services clarity on the GST effect. He (power purchase agree-
tial rooftop solar systems. Tax had dented the bids re- also said that apart from the ment) tenure has been kept
In rooftops, there are ceived for solar projects this tariffs, the developers and at 25 years. Moreover, uni-
commercial rooftops and year, Mr. Khanna said older the government alike must lateral termination or
residential, Mr. Khanna large solar utility projects focus on the larger issues of amendment of PPA is not
explained. bid out at tariffs of 4.63 and the sector. allowed.




No end to British wage crush Yellen sets out her stall
Fed chief bats for tighter regulation as Trump mulls a pick
despite tumbling jobless rate Gina Chon
U.S. Federal Reserve Chair
U.K. real wages suffer biggest decline in G7 since global financial crisis Janet Yellen has set out her
stall for Donald Trump. In
Reuters what may be her last set-
LONDON piece speech at the annual
Philippines will lift Uber Britains economy faces a Jackson Hole central
suspension if fine paid paradox. Unemployment bankers confab, she defen-
MANILA has fallen to its lowest since ded tighter regulation since
The Philippine transport 1975 but no end is in sight to the financial crisis 10 years
regulator said it would lift a the longest squeeze on pay ago and called for continued
one-month suspension on in more than 100 years. U.S. leadership in global for-
Uber Technologies Inc. if it Businesses and trade uni- ums. The president wants to
paid a penalty of 190 million ons think workers are un- unwind the reforms, which
pesos ($3.7 million), a fine likely to see the 3% increase could be a factor as he con- Strong pitch: Janet Yellen has reiterated her support for the
nearly 20 times greater than in average earnings that the siders who should next lead post-crisis Dodd-Frank reforms. NYT *

Uber had offered to pay. The Bank of England predicts for the central bank.
regulator said Uber must also next year, despite record em- The Fed chief reiterated Mr. Trump pledged to do a nomic Council Director Gary
collectively pay its drivers ployment levels and wide- her support for the post- big number on Dodd-Frank Cohn for the top Fed role.
nearly 20 million pesos daily spread reports of shortages crisis Dodd-Frank reforms, and seeks an America first The Financial Times quoted
as financial assistance for the of skilled workers. saying changes such as for- approach to international the former Goldman Sachs
suspension period. Reuters Wage growth has been cing banks to hold more cap- bodies. Mr. Trump also president as saying the ad-
weak in many countries over ital have substantially boos- ordered FSOC to put a hold ministration must do bet-
the past decade, but in Bri- ted resilience without on designating any more ter in condemning neo-
tain the break with what was hurting economic growth. non-banks as systemically Nazis and other racist
the norm before the 2008- She said the creation of the risky. groups remarks that could
09 global financial crisis has Financial Stability Oversight cool Mr. Trumps enthusi-
been particularly acute. Council, made up of the COMMENT asm for Mr. Cohn, at least
Shifting employment pat- heads of Americas watch- temporarily.
terns have weakened work- dogs, marked an important Mr. Trump has however, Ms. Yellen steered clear of
ers ability to demand a step in ensuring risky activit- said he might reappoint Ms. monetary policy comments
greater slice of the pie from ies dont fall through the Yellen when her term as in her speech, instead laying
employers and the size of cracks. She also said U.S. chair expires in February. out a measured, footnoted
that pie is growing more leadership of global efforts The Fed has hiked interest philosophy on regulation.
WD skirts Toshiba chip slowly than before because Hard times: Shifting employment patterns have weakened workers ability to demand a greater to coordinate regulation rates twice this year, but she Thats not Mr. Trumps style
unit management role of a slump in productivity slice of the pie from employers, and the size of the pie is growing more slowly. REUTERS * through the Basel Commit- has been cautious about the and Mr. Cohn is more in fa-
TOKYO growth. tee and the Financial Stabil- central banks path to norm- vour of deregulation but

> Workers
Western Digital Corp., part of do not The number of workers on the table, he said in a ity Board have made the sys- alisation. The Fed first raised he likes her dovish approach
a group offering to buy Wage stagnation redux feel confident on zero-hours contracts, speech in June. tem safer. rates in 2015 after having a on interest rates. The Fed
Toshiba Corp.s memory chip One top BoE official has even which offer no guaranteed Ms. Yellen said its worth near-zero rate policy in chair has given the president
enough to ask for a
unit, is not seeking a questioned whether Britain work and in practice often Turning point? reviewing regulations for place since 2008. It waited plenty to think about.
management role in the
pay rise
is returning to the wage stag- tie them to a single em- It is however possible Bri- example to help smaller another year before increas- (The author is a Reuters
business, people familiar with Kate Bell
nation that dogged the coun- Trades Union Congress
ployer, peaked at 905,000 tains labour market is near- banks lend to small busi- ing rates again in 2016. Breakingviews columnist. The
the matter told Reuters. try for centuries before the late last year. One million ing a turning point, and nesses but any adjust- The president is also con- opinions expressed are her
Toshiba is scrambling to sell 18th century Industrial The 2.7% fall puts Britain part-time workers also want some of the post-crisis ments should be modest. Yet sidering his National Eco- own)
its flash memory unit to cover Revolution. in bottom place among the full-time work. factors bearing down on
losses from its bankrupt U.S. For Larry Joyce, chairman worlds seven largest ad- Workers do not feel con- wages are beginning to ease.
nuclear business, of metal foundry Kimber vanced economies. In fident enough to ask for a The number of workers
Westinghouse. Reuters Mills, keeping a tight grip on Europe only Greece and Por- pay rise, said Kate Bell, a on zero-hour contracts has WEEK AHEAD IN MARKETS
wage costs is essential. tugal have fared worse. senior official at Britains fallen in the past six months,
Four percent annual pay Britains shortfall looks set Trades Union Congress. employers report increased
rises were typical in Britain
before the financial crisis.
Now Joyce tries to raise
to worsen this year because
of the pick-up in inflation
since the Brexit vote. Pay
Bank of England data
show rates of trade union
membership are the lowest
skills shortages and some re-
cruiters are finding they
must offer big pay rises to
Investors seek gems among
wages by no more than the
BoEs inflation target of 2%.
During the worst of the
grew 2.1% in the second
quarter, but inflation was up
since the 1930s, while the
proportion of British work-
ers who are self-employed is
tempt candidates.
The effect of a weaker
pound since the Brexit refer-
unloved U.S. small-cap stocks
crisis, pay was frozen. the highest since records endum in June 2016 and con-
In good years, most staff
can expect a bonus from a
Zero-hours contracts
What makes Britain different
began in the mid-19th
cerns about Britain leaving
the EU make this a particular
Firms more reliant on U.S. policy have declined recently
profit sharing scheme. to Greece and Portugal is It was in this context that issue for sectors such as con- Reuters mood in Washington.
Settlement in Subway But its for one year. So if that, on the surface, its la- the BoEs chief economist, struction that rely on foreign NEW YORK The S&P 600 price/earn-
Footlong thrown out things dip back down again, bour market appears to be Andy Haldane, highlighted workers. U.S. small-cap stocks, ings ratio is currently 19.7
A U.S. federal appeals court you are not saddled with a booming. similarities between the Well advertise for highly sensitive to the fate compared with its long-
threw out a class-action level of wages you cant sus- Unemployment fell to weak response of wages to people and unless we put of President Donald term average of 17.3, while
settlement intended to tain, he explained. 4.4% in the three months to falls in unemployment since these increased rates on the Trumps policy ambitions, the Russell 2000 forward
resolve claims that Subway Weakness in British wages June, its lowest rate since 2013, and a much longer advert, people wont reply, may face more selling pres- P/E is 25.4 compared with
sandwich chain deceived pre-dates last years vote to 1975. period of stagnation said Simon Noakes of Be- sure, leaving small-cap in- its 21.3 historical average.
customers by selling leave the European Union Unlike in the United between 1500 and 1700. spoke Recruitment, who vestors scrambling for qual- As a result, Jefferies
Footlong subs that were but concern about Brexit is States, where unemploy- Prior to the Industrial now offers bricklayers 210 ity names and more equity strategist Steven De-
less than a foot long. The 7th among factors that make ment is similarly low, there Revolution ... most workers pounds ($269) a day, up resilient sectors. Sanctis says, the Russell
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Joyce doubt wages will rise are not large numbers of were self-employed or from 160-170 pounds last Small-caps, which are 2000 could fall 10% or
termed the settlement faster in future. people who have given up worked in small businesses. year. But official data show more reliant on U.S. policy more, bringing it below
utterly worthless. Subway Most British companies looking for a job. There were no unions. wage growth in the construc- and economic conditions where it was before Mr.
has more than 44,000 Trump trouble: Doubts that
take a similar view. The However this masks a big Hours were flexible, depend- tion sector as a whole is than are large multination- Trumps Nov. 8 election as
locations worldwide. Reuters the President can deliver on
Chartered Institute for Per- fall in job security for many ing on what work was slowing, and CIPD analyst als, have fallen recently on valuations are high and
pro-business promises have
sonnel and Development, a Britons, and a weaker bar- needed to collect the crops, Mr. Davies said trends in re- rising doubts that Mr. volatility is on the rise.
spurred losses. AFP *

professional body for human gaining position for others. milk the cows or put bread cruiters day-rates and start- Trump can deliver on pro- The bearishness is send-
resources staff, said 2% is the ing salaries did not give a business promises such as Some strategists are ing investors to seek value
most common annual in- good steer on future moves tax cuts. bearish on the small-cap in specific small-cap sectors
crease in basic pay in the in average wages. sector as a whole, citing a and stocks that still look
private sector. Moreover, faster wage Trail broader market patchier earnings outlook cheap but have strong
In the public sector, pay rises will not be sustainable After outperforming in late than for multinationals as growth prospects. For ex-
rises have been capped at 1% until British productivity 2016 after Mr. Trumps elec- well as doubts about Mr. ample smaller financial and
since 2013 as part of govern- growth improves its dismal tion, the S&P 600 index of Trumps agenda. information technology
ment austerity measures. post-crisis trend. smaller companies has And small-cap indexes, stocks are strong value con-
Employers are not under Output per hour has stag- fallen 1.4% in 2017 while the which are typically more tenders while utilities and
pressure to raise wages, nated since 2008, compared Russell 2000, which in- volatile than the S&P 500, consumer staples stocks are
Semi-automated trucks CIPD labour market analyst with an average of 2% a year cludes smaller firms, is up may face high volatility in out of favour among many
to hit U.K. roads by 2018 Gerwyn Davies said. before the crisis, and is 1.4% versus the S&P 500s coming months as U.S. law- investors.
The result is that after in- closely correlated with wage 9.2% rise. makers debate controver- Given that the economy
Britain will begin trials of flation is taken into account, trends. With Russell 2000 and sial issues such as the debt is better, were more cyc-
semi-automated, wirelessly average pay in Britain last I cant overstate the sig- S&P 600 multiples above ceiling. lical biased. That leads us to
connected truck convoys on year was 2.7% lower than at nificance of this underlying historical averages, small- Smaller companies are companies from technology
public roads by the end of its peak in 2007, according factor behind disappointing cap investors are carefully much more at risk than to industrials, said Michael
2018, in a bid to find more to figures from the Paris- (pay) growth, Mr. Davies picking their steps. the large and more interna- Corbett, chief investment
fuel-efficient ways to based Organisation for Eco- said. Investment is not in- Theres a lot of value in tionally exposed compan- officer at Perritt Capital
transport goods. nomic Co-operation and De- creasing in terms of skills or small-cap land if you can ies, according to Michael Management, who focuses
Development of the velopment (OECD) think capital and machinery. Until look through the rubble, Purves, Chief Global on small-caps. Valuations
technology has already tank. that happens ... employers said St. Denis Villere III, Strategist at Weeden & Co., within staples look expens-
started elsewhere in Europe By contrast, average pay wont be able to afford the portfolio manager at Villere who cited concerns about ive today, whether its food
and the United rose nearly 18% in real terms Time travel: The weak response of wages to falls in 2% plus pay increases that & Co. in New Orleans, LA. the lack of a cohesive or utilities.
States. Reuters between 2000 and 2007. unemployment are similar to the 1500-1700 stagnation. * AFP we all want.


At Fed conference, Trumponomics draws a not so subtle rebuttal

While the ECBs Draghi called for free trade and stronger multilateral institutions, researchers argued that China and Mexico are less to blame for job losses than technology
Reuters economy a decade ago, and President has criticised. policy, but they are con- financial advisor to the chief
JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. economic research arguing A turn towards protec- cerned that new waves of minister of Indias Kerala.
U.S. President Donald that China and Mexico are tionism would pose a serious protectionism or reckless de- But they also agreed that
Trumps name was rarely less to blame for job losses risk for continued productiv- regulation could threaten an Mr. Trumps seemingly sin-
mentioned as top central than forces like technology. ity growth and potential economic system that is cur- gular focus on trade agree-
bankers and economists For some, memories of growth in the global eco- rently stable and that has re- ments wont fix the problem.
spent Friday mulling the fate this experience may be fad- nomy, Mr. Draghi said in a turned to growth across the Renegotiating NAFTA
of the global economy at a ing memories of just how lunch address that included world. and protectionist measures
mountain lodge here. costly the financial crisis was a defense of the World Trade against China will not save
But his presence loomed and of why certain steps Organization, the Group of Nod for workers plight jobs, University of
large at a Federal Reserve were taken, Ms. Yellen said 20 and other global groups In a panel on trade, there Pennsylvania professor Ann
symposium, and even in arguing for only modest he felt should be was more direct skepticism Harrison said, arguing that
without citing the man in the changes to existing strengthened. of Mr. Trumps approach, the decline in manufacturing
White House, the presenta- regulations. The rise of Mr. Trump, the even as economists and cent- jobs was due to labour-saving
tions from Fed chair Janet Ms. Yellen is still in the vote by Britian to leave the ral bankers here agreed they management and
Yellen, European Central running to be reappointed by European Union and the had ignored for too long how technologies.
Bank President Mario Draghi Mr. Trump to a new term. spread of opposition to glob- difficult the adjustment Policy, the economists
and a host of researchers alisation have worried cent- would be for workers. here said, should be aimed at
amounted to a broad rebuttal Risk of protectionism ral bankers and many main- We have lost the rhetoric improving job skills, local
of many of the ideas that car- Mr. Draghi, traveling from stream economists who feel on trade in terms of explain- capital investment and safety
ried Mr. Trump to office. Frankfurt and representing a that the problems associated ing to those who benefit why net programs for displaced
It was a day when the group of U.S. allies that the with globalisation have over- they do, such as cheaper workers, the sort of micro-
presidents calls for financial administration has sparred shadowed the benefits and products, while all of the fo- level efforts that can be hard
deregulation and America with over climate change, morphed into broad opposi- cus has been on those who to organise and finance and
First economic nationalism trade and other issues, gave a tion to it. have lost, said Gita Gop- take time to show results.
were countered by Ms. Yel- broad call for free trade and Remedies for these issues inath, professor of interna- It is so much easier to
lens reminder of how a deep stronger multilateral institu- may be outside the immedi- tional studies and economics bash China, Ms. Harrison Unseen presence: While Trumps name was rarely mentioned at the central bankers retreat,
financial crisis wrecked the tions of the sort that the U.S. ate sphere of monetary at Harvard University and said. remarks by Yellen, left, and Draghi broadly rejected the ideas that helped him win office. REUTERS *




Vivisecting insensitivity World of Chhota Bheem

This TV show for children perpetrates biases, stereotypes
The need to evolve with the other person and feel empathy even without using words Meenakshi A.
ited Kerala on an adventure.
Sumit Paul

hhota Bheem nar- It was interesting to note

couple of years ago, I rates the story of the how linguistic othering was
was an indifferent wit- valorous nine-year- an important way of con-
ness to a couples tiff at old Bheem, a persona structing the identity of
a restaurant in Vellore in loosely based on the Malayalis. In the Hindi ver-
Tamil Nadu. We know of the eponymous character in sion of the episode, the
universal tendency of lovers Hindu mythology known for Malayalis spoke Hindi (the
to fight in public using not- strength. Little Bheem lives language Bheem and his
so-polished language. Here in the fictional city-state of friends speak) with an ac-
they were, accusing each Dholakpur, and in each tele- Bheem has a rival in his cent that sounded odd, and
other of insensitivity and vision episode, when faced village, Kalia. It may not many of them were carica-
other emotional shortcom- with various perils, he pro- come as a surprise that not tures that exclaimed aiyo
ings which suddenly become ceeds to tackle them with only him but most other vil- from time to time, meant to
obvious during a round of the help of his friends lains in the show are dark- evoke mirth. Kalia wants to
name-calling. This made me Chutki, Raju and Jaggu skinned. In an episode emu- learn Kathakali, a perform-
wonder if the young couple Bandar, the monkey. lating Jack and the Beanstalk, ance art form native to Ker-
really understood the mean- Despite the lifeless anima- the giant is dark-skinned and ala, and he is ridiculed.
ing and gamut of tion and dim plotlines, the wears tiger skin. In another episode, Dan-


insensitivity. show currently has at least cing with the Tribes, the im-
Insensitivity is the emo- 40 million viewers, and Ch- Racial prejudice age of the tribal cannot be
tional absence of feelings. In hota Bheem merchandise There is reason to believe more stereotypical, and
one word, its unfeeling and from toothpaste to toys flood this racial prejudice historic- their language is gibberish.
coldness of behaviour shown Indian stores. Though the ally comes from the antag- Bheem and his friends make
and extended towards other producers of the show have onism between the expan- fun of them by attempting to
person/s and things on had extraordinary success, sionist invaders of the imitate them. Bheem also
earth. But wait for it to un- hardly anyone has ventured ancient times who lived in goes to meet the Incas, ali-
fold itself so that you can get beyond the fun and excite- agricultural city-states and ens and many other groups
a comprehensive picture of ment it offers children to the dark-skinned tribes, who in various episodes. But
insensitivity vis-a-vis knowing what we are doing. getarian dish for herself. Or- able while eating with a non- analyse the sexist, racial, lin- were forest-dwellers. Due to every visit is necessarily
sensitivity. Insensitivity is when we har- <
> Sensitivity is when
you can look into der anything non-veget- vegetarian. Her behavioural guistic and other discrimina- this, the rakshasa, or the de- based on some sort of con-
Once the Hindi poet Sum- bour rancour and ill-feeling arian, even alligators meat reply moved me to tears. tion deeply embedded in the mon, in the literature of the flict or antagonism, the mes-
the other persons
itranandan Pant witnessed a while parting with someone [the restaurant indeed This is what we call sensit- show. civilised and settled agri- sage being, what is different
child cry so much he asked we once loved and adored. eyes and read his served crocodile and al- ivity. Despite meeting the au- cultural communities, is is to be fought.
his mother what had Insensitivity is the retention mind... ligator meat] if you feel like thor hardly a couple of Gender bias identified with the tribal
happened to the child. Why and preservation of silly ego T.S. Eliot and dont consider my veget- times, she could read the dis- The gender bias is explicit: forest-dweller; and the giant Way to enmity
was he crying so badly? His that precludes us from feelings and walks over to arian preferences even in the comfiture in his eyes while Chutki has the fairest skin of in the story, a rakshasa. From all this it seems to me
mother told the great poet reaching out to the other him or her in a huff. In short, west, I told her. eating with non-vegetarians. all the characters and has Curiously, even as Bheem that while superficially try-
that the child had seen a person and saying a genuine insensitivity is an inveterate Her reply stayed with me T.S. Eliot said, Sensitivity two pink spots on her saves an elephant from a ing to make other cultures
truck running a cat over and sorry to remove the bad behavioural faux pas. and will remain embossed is when you can look into cheeks. She loves playing cruel hunter and is pro- familiar to viewers, all it
the disembowelled, gory car- blood. Au contraire, sensitivity is on the palimpsest of mind the other persons eyes and with the boys but also is very claimed a hero, in other does is essentialise them and
cass had made it cry hyster- not a quality or trait. Its the till the last day. She said, read his mind without wait- feminine and keeps herself episodes he beats up hy- inculcate an intuitive aggres-
ically. Pant got the practical Behavioural faux pas positive outcome of ones Despite being a non-veget- ing for him to utter those busy with all sorts of arts enas, fights tigers and at- sion or enmity towards
images of two contrasting Insensitivity is the sudden whole persona and contains arian, I cant eat it in your words. and household chores, de- taches fireworks to a lions them. Behind the guise of
emotions at the same place. ruthlessness of a person to- the minutest details and nu- presence because you come Sensitivity is to evolve scribes the official website of tail, simply because the last educational tales about mul-
While the childs grown-up, wards someone whom he/ ances of inherently accumu- to Cape Town once in two with the other person and the show. She never parti- three were threats to his tiple cultures lurks a
mature mother evinced ex- she knew for years. Insensit- lated civilised behaviour in years. I can sacrifice my feel an empathy without cipates when physically friends. This imposition of blatantly sexist, racist and
treme insensitivity in narrat- ivity is not waiting for the public, and even in complete meat for your sake as you words ever interfering in the strenuous fighting or other values of who is good and essentialist show. It claims to
ing this so nonchalantly, re- opportune time to blurt out privacy. visit so rarely. But the most process. But for that, one kinds of movements are in- who is bad on to the animal teach children values and
maining unmoved by the the things one wants to In April 2011, yours truly important point is my tem- needs simultaneous evolu- volved. The sheer violence world no doubt makes the morals, but in truth cultiv-
disturbing spectacle, her speak out. Insensitivity is took a lady professor out for porary ethical sensitivity on tion of mind, heart and soul. displayed by Bheem, mas- little viewers internalise cer- ates biases and perpetrates
childs crying showed a sens- choosing the wrong time to lunch in Cape Town, South this count. I know youve Do we have that or ever querading as teaching the tain erroneous notions. stereotypes. Is this what we
itive heart that moved him to divulge what one thinks or Africa. She was a hardcore never touched meat in your even expect to have, is the villains a lesson, is unnerv- want our children watching,
tears, in a deluge of feels (often negatively) about non-vegetarian. Having entire life and in spite of million dollar question. ing and he is an epitome of On linguistic lines especially in times such as
emotions. a person or situation. Insens- ordered asparagus soup with your vehement insistence, I Ask yourself. the macho male (or as much An episode of particular in- those we are in today?
Insensitivity is something itivity is also when one bread crumbs for myself, I can read into your eyes that of a macho male that a nine- terest to me was one where
we all keep showing, without doesnt care for anothers asked her to order a non-ve- you feel terribly uncomfort- year-old can be). Bheem and his friends vis-

Selfies and the ruling self-obsession The draping rituals

(Mrs) Y.G. Parthasarathy tioned cas-
ually. I thought she was kid-
Where will the narcissistic pursuit of turning the camera on ones own image take this generation?
Matthew Adukanil the open jaws of deadly cro- gery has reduced many to and the communist officials.
N othing is so silly as the
expression of a man
who is being complimen-
ding. I am a strict T-totaller
(one who abstains from
techno gadgets) for the
codiles and venture to have tears and penury. To suppress Christian influ- ted, goes a quote. Ive ob- simple reason that an apple

he typical cultural icon their selfies shot closest to Some have come to grief ence, the government served so many silly faces of a year (versions of the
of this decade is un- the beast. Like Tennysons because of dubious surgical banned the carrying of the VIPs (including mine) on iPhone become obsolete so
doubtedly the selfie. Light Brigade, they crave to procedures, in the process famous portrait of the Black stage as we are smothered quickly) keeps Goddess Ma-
With even selfie expert cell- charge into the jaws of even losing their face in Madonna at the Marian pro- with silken shawls as felicita- halakshmi away.
phones grabbing eyeballs, death most eagerly. Or get- more than one sense. Be- cession. The ecclesiastic had tions amidst applause. The 3 Rs and segregation
the ubiquitous selfie culture ting extremely close to tigers lieved to have undergone nu- the frame of the picture car- The sheepish grin frankly of waste are discussed at
defines todays citizen, from in zoos, they pose at im- merous plastic surgery ses- ried during the event reflects their thoughts on various forums. But I have
presidents and prime minis- possible angles for a shot, sions, singer Michael without the picture and the how to effectively recycle my own dot-com in my
ters to picnickers and plat- and take a fatal fall, unable to Jacksons natural look is faithful flocked to the feast, this nth shawl that falls on mind that has been thinking
form vendors. Taking wing escape Newtons laws of probably known by very few. knowing full well whose por- our shoulder. This sartorial of the shawls and roses that
on the speed-record-smash- gravity. Yet, the call of the trait had been placed there. dilemma ends in the Hob- are mandatory during polit-
ing electronic media, images selfie adventure goes on in- Images of power Some religions also have sons choice of preserving ical, social and cultural
reach any part of the globe exorably like the seducing The visual impact of images their reservations about hav- the shawls in our wardrobe, functions. Maybe a start-up
before you bat an eyelid. voice of the enchantress in is not at all lost on politi- ing images of divinity or protected by moth-balls. or a rose-bank to recycle
The selfie obsession pays Keatss subtly chilling poem cians. Dictators such as saints. Primitive peoples those faded roses from gar-
no homage to conventional La Belle Dame sans Merci. Stalin and Mao in the past, could easily mistake image Two items lands into edible gulkand or
discretion. It becomes an and North Korean President for the reality. Moreover, I have wondered what hap- fragrant perfumes is already
overpowering urge, sending Emulating Narcissus Kim Jong-Un today, have God can never be adequately pens to the scores of shawls under way.
logic and good sense into a If the Greek mythical figure made sure they have their expressed in images. The Old and the ephemeral roses It is taboo to place a gar-
tizzy. Selfie addicts pose be- Narcissus had a camera, he huge portraits prominently Testament forbade the mak- that pile up in the VIPs land of roses that has ad-
fore speeding trains and take would probably have been For him the real world is not times he would have said, I displayed in halls and public ing or worshipping of any drawing rooms! Many who orned a human torso in a
shots from train roofs and the worlds first selfie expert. the one we live in but the click, therefore I exist. places to remind subjects image of Yahweh. Some Prot- ascend the stage in parts of puja room. So, how can the
leave tragic memories on the Falling fatally in love with his world of ideas, and things on The mirror is probably the that everyone is under their estant churches and Muslims India return with two things roses be reused instead of
tracks. Others are thrilled by own reflection in the water, this earth are only poor cop- first artificial device that gaze and power. forbid sacred images. for sure: a glitzy shawl and a being discarded in trash?
defying heights and balance he could not tear himself ies or imitations of the ideal shows our physical image. It On the other hand, dictat- The cultural tension garland.
precariously on cliffs, precip- away from his watery Face- world. And he considered art is the source of self-admira- ors have banned the display between the flash and dis- Even the chauffeur la- Multiple options
ices and edges of sky- book browsing and neg- and poetry imitation of an tion, handsome income for of any portraits they con- play-all and cover and con- ments the ignorance of the Regarding shawls, before
scrapers, often plunging to lected distracting things like imitation and therefore of some and of desperation to sider dangerous to their ca- ceal-all mentality is not educated elite who spend they lose their sheen we can
the gaping depths, camera eating and drinking, shrink- little value. The philosopher the less-well-endowed. As reer. During the communist likely to ease any time soon. money on them. While I was convert them into canopies
and selfie in hand. Many of ing day by day and vanishing Descartes debunked the Hamlet said, God gave them occupation of Poland, when Meanwhile, dare-all, share- sharing my thoughts with for the terrace garden or
those who have tried these from the face of the earth. Maya theory of reality by one face but they make young Pope John Paul II was all and blare-all seems to be my assistant, she innocently transform them into ethnic
fate-defying shots have not The selfie would definitely betting on his thought pro- themselves another to earn the auxiliary Bishop of Cra- ruling credo today. remarked that like the wall-hangings. But a more
lived to see their selfies. Oth- not have found favour with cess: I think, therefore I the compliments of the look- cow, there was a running blouse pieces given along practical thing to do is to
ers are not intimidated by the Greek philosopher Plato. am. If he could live in our ing glass. Today, plastic sur- battle of wits between him with vetthalai pakku that of- make these into a childs
ten come back rightfully to skirt, or frocks. Better still,
the giver, so will the shawls your own tops over suitable
go a full circle. cotton pyjamas, or fancy

The technological ordeal that humankind faces My assistant also men- tops. The choice is yours!

We need to ask ourselves if personal isolation is a natural concomitant of the advancement of tech
highlighting the so-called cial media that we own as a facing social isolation than technology binding our easily accessible and con-
More on the Web
Shreelekha Singh
best of our lives on social me- form of technology has made those who spend a half hour hands, interaction was valu- venient, we have actually

e have so much to dia, and afraid of missing out us so habitual of side-step- a day. This is the dismal real- able. lost the essential bond with Living lessons from the Narmada
thank technology on the distressing advance- ping, of avoiding, the social ity today, and I hold techno- Words werent just words them, the real value or
Some perspectives on the chequered
for today. Life is ment were moving towards, interaction that we cant deal logy responsible for it. but feelings conveyed meaning of each relation.
easier, more convenient and we, all of us, have with, that we are separating In bygone years, when through letters, the wait to And in doing so we have life-story of the amazing struggle
faster than ever before. But wretchedly compromised ourselves from the rest on there were no shackles of meet a loved one wasnt brief made ourselves more discon-
ladies and gentleman, today, the moment were living in. our own. A study by the Uni- but nevertheless blissful, nected than ever before. We
let us open our eyes, ears versity of Pittsburgh repor- public gatherings werent a seem to be replacing all our Hair today, none tomorrow
and minds to consider at Pseudo-progress ted that people spending grand event once in a blue human physical contacts As allegations of a braid-chopping spree
what cost we have brought As the descendants of mod- more than two hours of their moon but routine occur- with intangible, technolo- persist, some thoughts on hirsute pursuits
forth this lifestyle. ern humans, deeply focussed time a day on social me- rences, and man wasnt isol- gical ones. VIVEK K. AGNIHOTRI
Let me begin by making it on capturing the moment in- dia have twice ated but sociable. We have to accept the
clear that I am not under- stead of living it, we have the odds of Today, we have the facil- grim fact that we are living in
mining the role technology reached that fatal stage of ity of sending messages a world of crooked relation- Spitters galore, without a care
has played in transforming our pseudo-progress where in no time, of ships, fake identities and The widespread habit of spitting in public
human life, right from the in- if we look up to face our sur- landing at any forced communications. And places without a care for those around, remains
vention of the wheel in the roundings we will place on earth technology is to be held re- ANUBHOOTI KABRA RATHI
Stone Age to that of the Inter- see nobody within a few sponsible for it.
net in the 20th century. But, but the mali- hours, of With great power comes
dear reader, till when will we cious figure holding a great responsibility and if Contributions to this page may be emailed to to a
remain oblivious to the role of our own public con- technology has made us length of up to 700 words. Please provide the postal address and a brief descrip-
that technology has played in isolation. And I ference powerful, then it has surely tion of the writer. An email id that is provided could be considered for publication.
Certify in writing that it is original material; The Hindu views plagiarism as a serious
combining the antithetical hold technology without having made us irresponsible issue. Also confirm that the submission is exclusive to this page. Taking into ac-
terms: social and isolation? responsible for it. For to face the public, and of liv- enough to create and spread count the volume of material being received, we regret our inability to acknow-
ledge receipt, or to entertain telephonic or other queries on the status of a submis-
Blinded by the dubious ef- the Facebook generation, ing on our own, separated our own isolation, blindly. sion. If a submission is not published within eight weeks, consider it to be out of the
ficiency of the technology isolation has made its way from everybody else. reckoning in most cases owing to dearth of space. The publication of an article is
not to be seen as The Hindu endorsing the viewpoint in any way.
that we own, engrossed in through, very easily. The so- By making everything so




In Australian jail, prisoners and Study linking temperature,
animals help each other heal farm suicides challenged
Researchers say author incorrectly interprets suicide data
Scheme develops life skills in offenders preparing for the outside world
Nano diamonds prevent Special Correspondent They said the paper used
fires in phone batteries Agence France-Presse
To have watched an an- Chennai
> These claims are a
consequence of
State-level data on suicides,
NEW YORK imal rehabilitate from some- Some academics have chal- both urban and rural. How
Researchers have found that Australian prisoners are thing like that, its just an- lenged a recent study that uncritical use of can urban suicides be in-
nanodiamonds tiny caring for animals that have other dynamic, Mr. Mitchell said that temperature dur- data, bad cluded in an analysis of agri-
diamond particles 10,000 been abandoned, attacked says. ing Indias main agricultural- assumptions cultural suicides, they
times smaller than the by predators, hit by cars or Some former offenders growing season has a strong asked.
diameter of a hair can even seized in a drug bust as who have left prison con- positive effect on annual sui- claims to be baseless. The paper ignored the
prevent short-circuits in part of a rehabilitation tinue to work with wildlife, cide rates. These claims are a con- fact that the suicide data,
lithium batteries used in programme. with one teaching people The paper, titled Climate sequence of the uncritical taken from the National
smartphones. A new process Kangaroos, emus, wom- how to handle venomous change and agricultural sui- use of data, bad assump- Crime Records Bureau, had
turns electrolyte solution in bats, snakes and cockatoos snakes. cides in India and authored tions, flawed analysis and separated farmer suicides
batteries into a safeguard are just some of the native Surrounded by about a by Tamma A. Carleton, has unacceptable neglect of the from those of other occupa-
against the chemical process creatures being nursed back dozen squawking white been published in the PNAS existing literature on global tional categories only after
that leads to fires. IANS to health by inmates at a cockatoos known for their journal (Proceedings of the warming and Indian agricul- 1995.
wildlife centre based in the ability to mimic speech National Academy Sciences ture as well as farmer sui- The author did not ana-
John Morony Correctional one inmate said he had dis- of the United States). cides, they said. lyse individual crops but
Complex outside Sydney. Cheery hello: An inmate feeds a cockatoo at the John Morony covered a lot of caring I The study had used State- only considered a few such
Officials say the scheme Correctional Complex Wildlife Centre in Sydney. AFP * didnt know I had working level data from 1967 to 2013 Wrong premise as rice, wheat, sorghum,
helps instil a sense of re- with the animals. to suggest that an increase in The academics noted that sugar, maize and millet.
sponsibility and develops life responsibility for a particu- brought them there. One of Tasked with feeding the temperature by a degree the author incorrectly used Cotton, closely associated
skills for offenders preparing lar enclosure and are expec- the more unlikely cases the nocturnal wildlife, like the Celsius a day can cause 70 suicide data, wrongly identi- with farmer suicides, was a
for the outside world. ted to feed and build shelters centre handled was a python possums and wombats, he suicides. fied extreme temperatures notable omission as are a
Animals show love and for the animals, while being that was seized in a drug added he hopes to continue The evidence, it said, for crop production, took host of other cash crops.
Woman wins $758.7 mn respect unconditionally, taught how to care for their raid, with criminals holding to care for animals after his leads to the conclusion that only kharif as the relevant The author also ignored the
in U.S. jackpot, quits job they dont judge, so over injuries or condition. the reptile as a deterrent. jail term ends. crop damage by extreme agricultural season to con- Rabi season.
NEW YORK time the inmates form rela- Some animals never leave Im going to miss this temperatures leads to eco- sider extreme temperatures, The paper considered
A 53-year-old Massachusetts tionships with the animals, as they would be vulnerable Rehabilitating a snake place, he said. nomic hardship and suicide. and wrongly identified the temperatures above 20 de-
woman who scooped the the wildlife centres senior to predators having become The snake had become Each corner you turn, In a press note, T. Jayara- relevant crops. grees Celsius as extreme
largest single jackpot in U.S. officer Ian Mitchell said. accustomed to the addicted to methamphetam- you are greeted in their man and Kamal Kumar Mur- As a result, the meaning temperatures.
history $758.7 million It is a real positive impact enclosure. ine after absorbing the nar- way. ari of the Tata Institute of of the correlation that the This was flatly contra-
immediately quit her hospital and the animals can actually But most are later re- cotic through its skin and re- The ones that can talk Social Sciences and author claimed to find dicted by what was known
job of 32 years. Mavis sometimes help people leased back into the wild, or quired treatment before it will say hello but the other Madhura Swaminathan of between extreme temperat- of the temperature depend-
Wanczyk said she had played heal. found a home via the animal was released back into the ones that cant talk, they will Indian Statistical Institute ures and suicides was ence of crop production, the
the lottery as a pipe dream, Selected inmates are given rescue organisation that first wild. make a sign to say gday. said they considered these unclear. academics noted.
never believing that it would
one day be possible for her to

On Croatias coast, Uber takes its ride-hailing app to the seas

retire early. AFP

Service aimed at wealthy tourists who want personalised, on-demand service in a short time
Rick Lyman tag: 2,300 Croatian kuna, or late June in the luminous ar- ship figures for UberBOAT, destination and duration are
Split almost 23,625. We didnt chipelago of Croatias tourist- saying only that several up to the client. Mr. Tremac
Checking Google Maps dur- know what we were getting choked islands. hundred people used the said there were usually about
US, Canada to probe ing a sun-baked holiday on ourselves into, really, said Uber has previously run service in its first six weeks. 60 skippers online, waiting
deaths of whales the Dalmatian Coast, K.J. Mr. Gunnarsson, a flight en- boat services around specific Depending on the success in for customers, and that the
PORTLAND Gunnarsson and Eydis Osk, a gineer. events in Miami, Istanbul Croatia, he said, boat service goal was to have boats meet
Marine authorities in the U.S. couple from Iceland, Uber, the embattled global and Cannes, France, but could soon be available in customers within 15 minutes
and Canada have said they happened upon an ad for ride-hailing business whose company officials said the Greece, Spain, Thailand and of all requests.
will marshal resources to try something called UberBOAT. chief executive was forced to Croatia service was the first the Caribbean. Recent figures show Croa-
to find out what is behind a Soon they were enjoying a resign amid allegations of a attempt at a continuing mar- Visitors to the Croatian tia attracting 16 million tour-
string of deaths of private three-hour cruise workplace culture that ine presence. coast can book the boats ists a year.
endangered North Atlantic complete with snacks, drinks fostered discrimination and through the Uber app. There are regular ferry
right whales. The countries and sparkling turquoise sexual harassment, is taking Potential expansion Customers can choose services to the most popular
will collaborate on a report water. to the sea in one of several Davor Tremac, Ubers gen- one-way trips, or opt for an of Croatias 1,200 islands.
that could help craft future The couple enjoyed the experiments with new eral manager for Southeast adventure, which essen- UberBOAT is aimed at people
regulations that protect the jaunt but, back on shore, services. Europe, declined to provide tially means renting a craft who want a more personal- New horizons: Davor Tremac, Ubers general manager for
endangered whales. AP were stunned at the price UberBOAT was begun in specific revenue and rider- and crew for a cruise whose ised, on-demand service. Southeast Europe, and his wife in an UberBOAT. NYT *

New antibody
Going baroque fights cancer
in dogs
Press Trust of India

Scientists have developed

an antibody that signific-
antly suppresses malignant
tumours in dogs.
Researchers from
Hokkaido University in Ja-
pan developed c4G12, a
chimeric anti-PD-L1 anti-
body, that induces im-
mune responses and there-
fore tumour regression in
dogs with malignant
A pilot clinical study was
performed on seven dogs
with oral malignant melan-
oma. One of the dogs
showed obvious tumour re-
gression after 10 weeks of
Time for cosplay: People dress up in fancy costumes for the opening of the Baroque Festival in administration, said the
Gotha, Germany, on Friday. Baroque denotes European style of the 17th and 18th centuries and is study published in the
characterised by ornate detail. AP * journal Scientific Reports.

Syrian dancer uses art for peace

Ahmad Joudeh is travelling all over Europe to raise money for refugees
Nina Siegal in a collaboration with the
Amsterdam singer Sanga.
Last summer in Syria, He performed before
Ahmad Joudeh visited the 14,000 people in the Ziggo
demolished ruins of his fam- Dome in Amsterdam, in a
ily home in the Yarmouk concert to raise money for
refugee camp near Damas- refugees; and he has danced
cus to dance in the place at refugee-related events and
where his relatives had been conferences in Italy, France,
killed. Spain and Norway.
Behind him, separated At 16, totally self-taught,
only by a black curtain, was he auditioned for the main
a group of rebel snipers who Syrian ballet company, En-
occasionally fired off a shot; ana Dance Theater in Dam-
in front, Syrian military per- ascus, and was accepted.
sonnel patrolled the terrain. There he was trained in
A Dutch documentary film- Rebel with a cause: Ahmad Joudeh. * NYT ballet, gymnastics and mod-
maker, Roozbeh Kaboly, was ern dance.
there too, capturing the Kabolys 18-minute docu- next day, Brandsen started a Leaving Syria was wrench-
moment. mentary, also called Dance crowdfunding initiative to ing, Joudeh said, because he
You hear their guns? or Die, was a turning point raise at least 25,000 euros had to leave behind his
Joudeh says in Kabolys film. for Joudeh. It was broadcast to bring Joudeh to Amster- mother, brother and sister.
They told me they will last August on a Dutch show. dam. Within a few months, a Soon after he arrived in
shoot me in my leg just so Ted Brandsen, the managing visa, a residency permit, a Amsterdam, Joudeh got a
that I will lose my life as a director of the Dutch Na- program of study, housing second tattoo: the word
dancer. tional Ballet, saw it and was and a plane ticket were all ar- Free in English on his left
Joudeh, though, remains captivated. ranged. wrist, next to a picture of a
calm and shows the cameras Now, less than a year dove, a symbol of peace.
a tattoo on the back of his Complete focus since arriving in Europe, But when asked if he feels
neck: Dance or Die it He had something in his de- Joudeh has become a creat- free now, he shakes his head.
reads. This is my message, termination; a complete fo- ive spokesman for peace in You think, OK, you reach
he says. Many people are cus, Brandsen said in a re- Syria, using dance as his your freedom but all your
dead here. My uncles are cent interview. I thought: platform. people are not free, he said.
dead here; I will dance for There must be something In July he danced in front Any time that I can see my
their souls. we can do for this guy. The of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, mother I will feel free. NYT

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